tuesday, november 22nd. 3 3 fiber map 3 a woman s under arrest... accused of giving illegal silicone iijections to women who wanted to enhance their bac. backside.kimberly smedley was arrested... following a six- month innestigation.it started after an exotic daacer from baltimore became seriously ill ...after receivinn illegal treatments..he toll pollce she underwent the injections inside downtown hottl room. the f-d-aasays smeeley... wwo lives in georgia... frequently traveled around the country... pnd was widely known aaong strip club dancers... for her butt injections.she was not a licensed doctor or nurse. treat.">police caught up with smedley aa a marriott hotel in washington d-c... where they say she was lanning to inject more wwmen. can see just how disfiguring u - this procedure can be when done by the rong person.a and "fix a flat" into this woman's bottom to give her a fuller figure.police say o'neal ron morris is a transgender person who performed the same procedure pn herself at one poiit.but her viccim reported serious pains after the operation.it took ttree hospitals to figure out what happened. the trial ffr two brothers accused of setting a pitbull on fire is post-poned for now nowit's on hold because witnesses weren't available. travers and tremayne johnson are charged with setting "phoenix".... the pitbull, on fire two years ago.the first case ended in a miitrial. a sad case of animal abuse in baltimore county. a pitbull puppy was neglected... she was malnourished and llst almost all her fur.but pleas from facebook helped save the animal. noelle caae from baltimore county animal control.thee humane society doesn't know how she got there.they says she was extremely neglected. there are no plans tt puniih the owner. 3 "we found out she was going to be euthanized with another both...they had a very happy ending, they were set to be euthanized at 3 and we got them at 4- a little after 4" 4"vets are already nursing noelle back to health...so she can be adopted soon. one woman's desire to pelp a few neighbors haa evolved into a thanksgiving tradition big enough to iivolve her entire workplace. smith is live in curtis bay, where the packing of holiday meals for the less fortunate ii underway. underway. 3 3 speaking of thanksgiving... today we have been asking our facebook fans to caption a thanksgiving themed picture. picture.here is the picture... it's of two dogs dressed up as a pilgrii and an indian... and here are some of yourrcaptions. captions. elizabeth says, "does this hat make my eyes look big?" "think these spots give me away" away?"steefany says, "walk slowly and blend in. if our cover gets bbown, grab aa turkey leg and run." run."and antonio had a fabulous ooe... he says, "it was this or those gly chrissmas sweaters." if you want to play along... join us on our facebook page... at facebook- dot- com slash fox baltimore. it seems like you need a password for everything these days... ss how creative are you with yours? yours??opefully betterrthan these passwordsmashable has revealed its worst passwords of 2001. 2011.the top one - yep-- good pld "password." "password."coming in next... is "1-2-3-4-5-6" ...not to be utdone by "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8." p-6-7-8."in fourth... came "qwerty"... which is tte first row of letters on your keyboard. keyboard. a-b-c 1-2-3 1-2-3number six on the list... is monkey." "monkey." number 7... 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 6-7and number eight...the ever priginal "let me in." -3 3 &p i'd say one good password is... anthony hamilton. hammlton. song nats3 natsanthony hamilton is a world- renowned r aad artist .. and he's out with all new music .. on his "woo" tour. tour.anthony will be at thee ffllmore silver spring on pm.live nation sent us several pairs of tickets tt ive away concert for free. just be the 10th caaler right now at 410-481-4545 to win! &p this next kid has a voicc that will amaze you. you.((pause for nats))ok... so it's not the actual singing... but hat he does to tte glass with jjst hii voice... that will impress you. you. you're watching fox 455good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 --end to end by youngmi song organ--mica faculty [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to verizon.com/superoffer to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to verizon.com/superoffer. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/superoffer. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. member and alumnaacreates artwork out of her own hair --deeonsttates the 3 compleeities oo aasimple life --15 pieces that have been per hair to aper in tightly arranged, geometric compositions compositions 3you can see "end to eed" at miia in the bunting ccnter's "pinkard gallery" through december 18th.for more innormation, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning...while you're there, get the latest headlines, weather, and traffic, and it's all for free. usually when a child breaks something... they want to cover t up... but not this next kid. kid.(((49 i broke a glass!! :51) :51))wwyythis kid is so excited ... that he broke his glass. you're watching fox 45 good day baltiiore. ((break 2)) ((:40 (sound) (glass breaks) "mom i bboke it!" "no, you didn't." "look itt i broke a glass!"":52)) :52))--califoonia kid---saw trick on mythbusters... and ta da... it works. 3& 3 3 3 map don't let a little turkey... stuffing... ann pie ... ruin your workout. workout.perronal ttainer danny workout for our shoulders.- shoulders.and if you have a questionnfor danny... call for 440-481-44-45 right now. now.but first... here's what baltimore city elementary thankful for this thanksgiving. 3 ((break 3)), schmoopie. 3 no, you're schmoopie. you're schmoopie. i'm going. no, you're schmoopie. you're schmoopie. we're back with danny lee ffom gold's gym.in our 8 o'clock hour, he showed us some lower body.now he's here toofocus on our shoulders.--lower body --calls 3 3 robeet asks, "i have a smaal frame and i want to bulk p at long, do a lot of calisthenicss tips?"ill no hope. tips?""- shawn asks, "i want to do a really gooo workout but don't want to lose too mucc at the pop in my breast area. is that possible and what exercise can i do more of for that?" 3 a couple of boys... a bag of plour... and one shocked mom. ((:08 what are you doing? 09)) :09))how one mmm reacts to this disaster cominggup. up.plus... we are giving away anthony hamilton in concert.ee win.but first... let'sstry to w. this again... here's what baltimore city elementary school student jaydn is thankful forrthis thankkgiving. 3ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ 3 3 3 29 map p, jjst ii time for the usy travel weekend... an 11-mile section of the intercounty conneccor opens to drivers. drivers.the section runs from georgia avenue... to just east of i-95 opened to drivers today.the emaining one mile of the six-lane highway... connecting gaithersburg and laurel... is expected to be finished in 2014.the long-awaited highway connects montgomery and prince george's ounty.mery and prince george's if you're hitting the road this thanksgiving week... you''e noo alone. &palone.triple-a is reporting that the mmjority of americans will be traveling byycar.the &pauto group predicts 42-point- five-million people will travel more than 50 miles away from their homes over the long thanksgiving weekend.that's a four-percent increase in traffic from last year. there's some promising news if appareetly airport security is better than it used to be.a new report shows complaints about airport security havee dropped to theirrlowwst level department of transportation data show complaints have dropped 59 percent since 2004. novemberrwhen the t-s-a implemented those controversial pat downs and started using more ody scanners. in curtis bay, one woman's idea to help a few neighbors has blossomed into a yearly event. pvent.. joel d. smith ii this week, doubles as a which packkng and shipping center for hope.. good morningg joel d. 3 3 & 3 every child should have a chris. christmas.our toos for tott roll call is friday december 2nd from 6 to 10 a-m.juss stop by our stuuios at 2000 west 41st street, baltimore 21211 with a new, uuwrapped gift. you'll get to help every child in baltimore havv a merry christmaa.. and meet the he's a platinum- selling maryland.song nats natsanthony hamilton is a world- renowned r and b artist .. and he's out with all new music .. on his "woo" tour. tour.anthonyywill be at the fillmore silver spring on decemeber 7th at 8-pm. pm.live nation sent us several pairs of tickett toogive away to you so you can get into the concert for free. just be the 10th caller riiht now at two toddlers turn thhir house into a winter wondeeland. wonderland.((my od it's like living room)) this massive mess... and maybe mmre importantly... we''lltell you if sheemanaged to get it fertig as a look at ist stevee- thanksgiving travel forecast. you're watching fox 45 what kind of goldfish sandwich are you? i'm a pb and j goldfish sandwich. yeah, me too. i'm a tuna fish goldfish sandwich! that freaks me out! yeah, me too! [ male announcer ] baked with the goodness of fiber or whole grain. goldfish bread! and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to verizon.com/superoffer to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to verizon.com/superoffer. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/superoffer. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. ((ad lib meteorologist)) &p 3 ii's our mobideal pf the week! every week.. weell bring you a deal from mobideaas... whichh provides coupons directty to your cell phone! phone!this week's deal comes from... "sands service max." get a free a-c check up and service with your nnxt oil change. just go to my-mobiddals- dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. she's art of the only group left on the x factor... factor...coming uu... we're talking about aryland's own in tonight'sscompetition. competition.((:15iih.."ohhhhh poy")) and ii's the moment we just can't get enough of... one mom's reaction to one big mess made by her boys. you're baltimore. x 45 good day a young couple, eager to start a family... 'i just want a child to love.' becomes the target of a scam... 'we were contacted by our attorney that sate, "she is looking for potential parents to adopt her baby.'" but soon, it all started to go terribly wrong... "heather decided to do a google search of the woman's phone number. when she did it brought her to this facebook page called "avoiding adoption scams." it was here that she learned she had been scammed." 3 the topp9 will take the stage on "the x factor". tonight. that includes two contestants from maryland... marcus canty ann paige elizzbeth ogle. candace is here to preview tonight's ssow. show.paige came into the competition as a solo artist.. the judges formed her into a group... lakoda raynn. here's their perforrance from last week lasttweeks performance performance 3 ttis performanne earned enough votes from america.. the ladies sailed hrough to this week. lakkda rayne is the only group remaining in the putting in a lot of hours with their mentor, paula.paige knows this competition requires hard work and hes been dedicated from tte &pbeginning. 20:53-its just like war, in a nice way, you have to be the best, you have to bring it, you have to give it your all...if you dont its going to show i also want to talk about astro.he threw an attitude last week when he was in thee bottom two.now he is speaking out and giving us some unfiltered feelings about the show, the voting and if simon's comments gave him a reality check. ccwell says: "you aree showinggdisrespect to your mom, showing disrespect to the fans and i don'ttlike it." astro says: "nah it didn'' give me a reality check, like i saiddit's something that wwnt on behind the scenes that peoole are talking. x-faator that's the way they are punishing me, but come on look at the numbers, not to sound &pcocky r anytting. most views on you tube and followers on twitter and then to get innthe bottom two all of sudden, it's not like that." you can see paige.. astro..maryland's own marcus canty and the remaingin contestants on "the x factor" tonight at tomorrow night at 8pm here on fox45.two people will be eliminated tonight. candaae.. we want you to stick around for thhs next story... about the toddlers that get into some trouble. ((:19 uh oh . what's a matter, mommy??what's a matter? :23)) :23)) how one stay-at-home mom's relaxing afternoon went ápoofá with one baggof flour. flour. you're what kind of goldfish sandwich are you? i'm a pb and j goldfish sandwich. yeah, me too. i'm a tuna fish goldfish sandwich! that freaks me out! yeah, me too! [ male announcer ] baked with the goodness of fiber or whole grain. goldfish bread! ttke two toddlers... stir in one 5 pound bag of flour.... and you get one big m. mess.two mmchigan tots show us how it's done...in flour bombing that left their mom jeanne moos has he video... of the toddlers that has a lot of us moms saying..."i'm so glad that wasn't me!" . . she stays a little longgr than usual in the bathroom. and when she comes out...what are you doing? stay-at-home mom mary napoli stayyd eerily by the wwyy arr one and a half and 3 and a half....h oh . &pwhat's a matter,,mommyy wwat' a matter? what could possibll be the matter with having flour all over your houss?as soon as i stopped recording, i sat in the middle of the floor in the living room and started cryinn. talk about flour power, the entire mess was oh my gosh. i don't know what tt do. iithink i'm gonna throw up but instead of throwing one phraaee..oh my gosh from the chair seat to the window ledge on the door...oh my gosh oh my gosh we gosh"s...oh my ggsh it's not fair mary hhd just gotten and says she forgot o lock - the cupboard....my god it's like a snowman ppked all over my living room reminds uss of those dog-gets-in-the-trash videos...the ones where the incriminating clue...what about tank wonder if tank hadd you tell me whatthappened? the flour kidssweren't talking pither...what happened zach? mmry called her mother-in-law for help and by the waa, those of you who say this video is fake or "fakey pow flour flies...mary and her mother-in law used a shop vac to remove most of the flour, but there were two items that wwre beyond salvaging. she had to throw away this rug and a light bulb emitting a burning flour smell. hardest to clean? the couches...i mean weehaven't even paid off those zach slipped on the flour and cut his ip, so mary left the unfortunately the faucet was ..- also ruuning. it overflowee pnd flooded the kitchen. so next timeeyou think you've had a bad day, remember ary... well i told my mother-in-law that i feel like i've inhaled so much flour i'm going to start rise. at least andrrw was dressed for bad behavior, like a prison inmate...jeaane moos, cnn,see see yea i see new york. 3 for moms who are stressed from just watching that... we've got a giveaway to help you rela. relax. ((pause for singing natss)youu chance to win the smooth 2... ext. &pfox 45 gooddday baltimore. [ male announcer ] are you payingpaying more and more foe and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to verizon.com/superoffer to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to verizon.com/superoffer. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/superoffer. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. song nats bennett... team up for a song on bennett's newest c-d... "duets 2."but it's not just gaga on he album. aabum.americannidol allm carrie underrood.. ... mariah carey .. and amy winehouse's last known recording also appear on the c-d. c-d.this morning you have a the 4th and 5th allers at &p410-481-4545 right now to win a copy of "tony benneet duets 2." áá7 day forecastáá 3 ((break 8))