3 3 3 3 3 3 ww are following breakinn news out of nnrtheast baltimore pthis mornnnggfirrfighters are on the scene of a ffre on harford road near east norttern parkkaa. Were heering that several people were we have a crew on the way to the sceee aad will bring ou 3 moreeinformation as soon as it 3 a deadly storm system pounds several states. States. It downed rees ann powerlines and daaaged reports on the daagerous torms storrs 3 this tornadoowas caught on camerr neer interstaae 755in 3 one mannwass illed wwen a tree feel on his home. Truck driver traais richhadson saw the twisterrcoming ut he couldnt get away. T sucked my truck in llke aavacuum then it spit me pouttagaan. Ilda jacksonnand her family rode out the 3 they lost theer home bbt homes goneeand i never expected to see anything like pphis. He oonado heavily daaaged a maaufacturrng plant 3 workers took ccvee aan survived. Employeeesat aalocal bankktook shelter in a vaull. 3 fifteen seconds ann yoo coold feel the pressure ii your ars change liie riding in an airplane. Thh torm system pestroyed homes in nashville. One man was killeddthereewhen in mississippi, aawoman 3 with saaing her life when a massiie ttre feel on her homm. Ssadowwof a doobb in my ind, thhttthe orr woke me p aad pet up because i had no 3 sooner got up nd ot outtof 3 the house. Today,residents will be dealing with the cold, wiidy nd harsh realities. Picckng up the piecee of the ppowerfullstormm. Im ed payne reporting p3 the deaths weeneeday marked thh irst fattlittee frro a that is a new recorddfor mmst consecuuiveedays withouttsuch a attlity, 3 baltimore experienccd some seeerr weather of its oww. The region was ndee a watch arrived. So id the hhavy raiis. It came down i bucketss. Assyou cann ee in this video seet ii by a viewer from allstonn t was the pamm scene aroundd heecity as ptorm drains trained to keep up witt the powerful stoom. P3 in alabama. A gunman issstill hooed up ii hisshooe. With a ppive yeer oll hhstaag. Hostaae. Police say they are negotiating wiih 65 year ld, retiied ruck driver. Jjmmy lee ykes. Theyre ttlking to him through aa vc piie that extends utside hh bunkkr. 3prescription eds have een seet through the ipe ecauue the child has asperger psyndrome. Aa ell as 3 crayons and ooks. Dykess ii pccused of boardinn a sshool bus neaa his home on tuessay. Killinggthe us driier. Then kidnapping the ccild. Uthorities say thhy been harmed. 3 chaages in conneetion with a peaddl shoooing at a towwonn apartment complex. 3 policeearreettd kennntt johhson nd deente rooinsonn paccused f killlng 277yearold pttthe fairways apartmmnt complexxon lachlan circle. Officer ssy the men wenn there to buu maarjuuna. But didnt haveeenough money. Theyy aalegedly got into aaffght nd psoo the viccim. 3 pthe Anne Arundel County cooncil is taking stepssto try and rreove ountt executtve johh leopolddfrom office. 33 poficc. Members called an 3 introduue a biil that would declare te countt exxcuuive office vvcaatt. Eopold wass3 puspended aftee being county of misconducc in office. 3 p3 i know a lot of peoppe in executivveleopoldd. And es, hes liee and done these errible things. 3 things. Councillmembers sayy theyll debate and vote n the 3 serving as tte aating county execuuivv. 3 a wittess for the rosscution 3 claims to hhve gotten aacall pffommmichael johhnonn. Aaking phhlicia barnes. Johnson is 3 accused of illing thhe 166yeeaold two yearr aao pbbltimore. Yesterday. James mccay testified that johnssn admitted toostrangling the teen when he wouldd sttp pssaulted her. Mcray also advvce. On how o geetrid of ppth body. Governor Martin Omalley is calling oo on laamaakrs. To boost funding for transportation. Transpootation. The news ccme thuussay. Duuing is statee 3 ggvvrnor offered no specific plannto boost revenueelike raasing the gas tax. But in shooting. He governor is urginggllwmaaerssto baa the sale of militarystyle assault pweapons. 3 governor who can ee the picttrrs of oung faces and honestly say we are doing ennugh. Enough. Heegovvrnor is alss 3 urgiin lawmakers to repeal marylandds death penalty. 3 3 repuulican huuk hagel ill beetesttffinn later this morning as the enate armed pservices committte holds a defense sscretary. The pnebrassa will face crittis in hisspartt who haae challengedd pran anddnucleaa eepons. If conffrmed. Hagel would be pserre aa defense secrettry. President barack obama tapped phagel to succeed leon ppnetta. Pthe Us Postal Service iss stamp. Hoooring johnny cash. Sleeee. Its based off aaphoto 3 takennof caah inn1963. When 3 eleased later thhi yyaa. And is expected to be a big psller. 3 rry lewis is peaking out. On cameea. About allegations from n injuuy. Injury. When sports llustraaed fiist reporred that lewis used deer aatler extraat to recover from a torn tricp. He brrsheddoff tte accusations. P but te ravens rgee lewis to givveaa trongerrdenial if askeddby the media. And on wednesday. He dii. 3 i think it robably onn of the ost embbrrassinn things thhttwe cann o on thii type of into oorrworld. Our world is a very scret society, nd ww tryyto prrtect our worlddas lee owwrds come in and do things like thaa. That. Deee antler extraat. Contains a substance thatts been banned by the nfl. A trip to the supprrowll. Isle. For one bbltimore county couple. 3 pdaisy nd im will from aanouncement. Donations have 3 bben pouring in. Many balttmore businesses say. Phey areeeaagr to hare purple pride with the love irds. 3 at moment here omes the phe waakk out jim ttinn the ravens and our mmrriagg ttgether could oo bb a better thing for us jim so weee gonnaagett mrried and watch a poottall game gamm the couple plans to get married on bourbon ssreet innnew ooleans his eekend. 3 we havve oo overrd on our website. Ll the way leeding uupto super bool sunday. Head to Fox Baltimore dot com aad click on the the toppof tte screen. Youll sseeintervvews wwth the plaaers. Stories on the ravees super owl run. And links to othhr ssuerrbowl relateddsites. You ccn also harbaugh to fiin a page dedicated toosuper bowl 47. Ii phas all the informatioo leading upptt this ssnnaays game. Nd acts on ll 46 by goinn to Fox Baltimore dot coo. Some cooples take a yyaa or were doinn it n just one week. Its ouu weddinn in a week conteett. Aad you can enter to in an alll expenses paid wedding. On us. Us. To enttr. Tell us in hhndred wwrds or less why you shoold win. Send your eetry too33 wedding in a week. 2000 3 balttmore. 212111. 3 3 orrloggonno ffxbaltimore dot commto enter. Be sure o read the official rules nd 3 entry itssall brouggt to you by the baattmmreebbidal showw center februury nddand rd. 3 poming up on the early peddtioo. Seeruity illlbe a stepp new orleaas is taaing to p break 3 pp3 traffic reporter ad libs map 83 map greenspring map libbrty map 3 3 3 3 3 still to come. Nnw orleanss super bowl sunday. Sunday. 3 anninside 3 uper bowl ans will start arriving in thh city 3 as rob masson explains. Hundreds of staaee,local, and federal fficers will tart into motion tonight. 3 p if youve been neaa the ppuperdome in the last week, itssclearrthat things, are i had to come up here, but the exerriss is fine. Urrouud thh entire uiiding,evvryone homellnd ecurity director is moniioringgevent. This is my throogh sscurity plans, and ccallengiig ourselves pthe departmeet security is urginggeveryone to get on sunday. Gaaes opennat 1 pm psunday. Theer see omethinn, saa something if you see anything suspicious, youu8007, enforcement officee. There thhs is what the nopd Orleans Police coosidered the lead security agency. Workiing 12 huu shifts are now being deployed, shifts areenow beingg 3 deployed, and theres pllnty of outside help. Serpas sayss weve got about 300 xtra law and im thankful to them pptemseeles. A quarter of my pmanpower, for louisiana toobbe has tt be successful. The plan has incooveniences. 3 buttffw are complainiig. It pust a ittle longgway to walk, butti lovvedoing i. Pfrench qqarter serpas says is verloaded. Masson says out goiig poydras has een 3 mooing fine aal week, nbound, shut down, but city Officials Say it was serpas says took a day orrtwo for people tt well. Been scanning everything commng into the zone will be n dome n game you theees no safer place to be than theecity of new iisspeople who live new easy, but they can come and njoy he fun. Ts the pofffcials say, theyre eadyy from the super dome, rob masson, fox newws pp3 p3 fox news. Domee rob masson, dome, rob massonn fox news. Straight aheed. A newwstudy says teeprotections against credit card fraud is stilllon guard. The tips credit. P3 break 3 p 3 accordiig to aanew study. The odds of finding a ffaaulent hhrge on your relatively slim. S karin 3 caiia explains. Thats pbecause of prooeetiins by yyur card issuee, and some simple prrtections you can do on your own. 3 pa recent study y card phubdotcom found hat tth tansactionn impacted by fraud and safeguards by card issuerss pairll stronggsttil, ccnsumers protect hier plastic pransactiins. We reeently did a stuuy eealuatinggcards and how much fraud prroection thee prepaid cards. And we found pou that rreit protection whee ittcomes to fraud. Card hub found zeeo liability guarrnteessfor credit cardd pmastercard, issover and pmerican express. Onnumers 3 ddnt register to qualify for thooe protections, to report psussicioos. Tthts why itss pmportaat to keepptabs on statement annther tip, fiil n the bbaaks on receipts, like 3 yoore nnt eaaing anything. Easily be filled in by fraudsters. Watch, iim kkrrn caifa. P3 caifa. Watth, im karinn 3 caifa. 3 coming up. Womaa unleaahes her fury on a police vehicle. Vehicle. The drastic measures he took. 3 to et outtof the ccuiser. 3