3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 leavee. And never come back. Thats what some studdnts at a ptrade school in baltimore. Were ttld yesterday. The american career institue clooed its doors. To aal three of its campuses in live n south baltimooe withha story you saw first on fox. 3 3 good morning guysright now. The parking ot is empty here at aci. Students weee pescorted out of the buiiding in the iddle of ccass ppolice. They stood utside. Confused. Wondering if theii hard work. And their thousand of dollars in tuitionn money. Were all a waste. Aci. Has thheeecampuses in 3 maryland. In baltimore, wheaton anddcolumbba. Studentss. Cooe to learn anyyhing from dentallassisting to digital media. Some were ponly two dys away from graduating before they were kicked out yesterday anddgiven a letter from aci eeplaaning the chool had to close all of couldnt get additional ccrdit frrm school lenders. Crew the studdnts, we bbsiccllyyhave o money ffr yall orrfutureteachers crying students crying, theyy stoppedd orking a lott f school 3 e talked ith some employees 3yesterday. Ttey say. They were told they will no longer be getting paid. 3 and oww. Some of them ssy they plan to sse. Im megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 a man is hurt after a late night hooting inneast altimore. Baltimore. It happened around 1130 last night on cecil avenue near east north avenue. The Fire Department confirms a medic was sent to a house for reports of a man suffering from a gunshot wound. The 3 victim went to johnn hopkins. 3 tteres no word on hii condition at this time. 3 state police say wo highway workers were killedd 3 phen a car hit them in a work pzone in north east. A. Wednesday on pulaski highway. Troopers say a car entered a work zzne markkdd with orange traffic cones, and struck the two workers. Fortytwoyearold luis tadeo of owie and 41yearold Victor Jackson of washington were pronounced dead at he scene. Police say the driver was not hurt and are not releasing the drivers name until they investiggte further. 3 a Howard County dootor accussd offremoving the wrong ovarr during surgery says shh didnt pdo anything wrong. But thats not what a formerrpatient is sayiig. Nadege neim says when her obsteerician told her she should have surgery. She 3 doctor wwssgiving. Hat is until she learned the wrong ovary had been removed. 3 following he surgery whhn oor 3 client asked dr mouneke what happened the deesaid the 3 roved the ovary and never specifiee she had actually removed one of rims right ovary opposee tooher left p3 the doctors attorney mainnains his client haddher patients bbst interest at heart when she removed the ovary. But the ovary she remooed was also wollen. 3 the preliminnry hearing f 3james hhlmes has come tt an end. The judge presiding over the case will now 3 determine if there is enough evidenceeto send holmms to trial. Laaren green has more. More. 3 wednesdaa marked the last day of james holmes preetrial hearings. Prosecutoos have laid out theii argument, suggesting the accusee colorado movie shooter acted with deliberation and 3 cell phooe images that holmes took of himself just hourr before the moove theater attack were displayed in court. 3 shows homes grinning aa the camera with the muzzle of a glock pistol belowwhis face. Another features him sticking his tongue out whhlee on eitherrside of his head are curls of red hair protruding up to looo like hornss a number of victims and surviiing family embers were present in the courtroom. Caren teves says the cell phone photos tooay were extremely disturbing. They pshooter. From where i was sitting, i could see his face, i could see his eyee, i ouldd see his expression. He was delighted to sse himself on the screen. Holles call any witnesses and are expected to present an insanity defense. If the case gges to trial and pes found not guilly by likely be sent to the state pmenttl hospital, not prison. That ccnario, not 3 Yousef Gharbi sayss clearly pe s mentally disturbed, he shot up a whole movve tteater, do i think hes insane aad pneed to go o a criiinally insane home, no. Tom teves says hes nottcrazy one bit, hes very very cold, hes very very calculated. anchor tag 3 noo deeide if the case goessto trial. Ttat decisioo 3 should ooe o later than friday. In new york, lauren green, fox nnws. 3 jerry andusky is expected to appear in court today. Toddy. The hearing will determine whether hhs lawyers had enough time to prepaae for 3 trial. The former penn state 3 assistant football coaac was convicteddon sevvral child molestation charges. Maay sanduskys arrest. To hii sentencing was a ffst process. And by commarisionn. The perjury case against penn state officials tim curley and gary sympathy or a coovicted Child Predator is nextto zero. But some at hand. 3 amendola says i know that many eople ,3 think that jerry sannusky is guilty as hell. Thats not the issue. The issue is, and has always been, jerry sandusky,like you and me ad everyone else, is entitled to have ample ttme to properly preparr his defense. Hes always mainnained his innoccncee innocence. The defense wiil spend a couple of hours presenting witnesses to make its cass. 3 a symbolic bloo to major leaguu baseball. The president of the National Baseball hall of faam announccd therr will be no thirtyseven players were eligible on the 2013 ballot. But none received enough votes. It is the several players with links to 3 use. Including alltime homerun champ barry onds and seventime cyyoung winner poger clemens. 3 commng up on the early edition. He president s plaa to educe theedebt. Debt. Its math its arthimetic. Arthimeeic. Why relying oo the rich may nootadd up. 3 break 1 3 ,3 police in norfolk, virginia were flooded with calls this week. About aababy lion on 3 checced it out. They being spotted around town. Was far from it. It. Meet charles the monnrch. A llbradoodle. His owner,daniel, says his pets 3 hair cct is not a practtcal joke. Es actually cut to look like the mascct for old university. Daniel says. This ,3 isnt ffrst time his pooch has been mistaken for a lion. All theebig cats wwrr accounttd for. 3 2shot toss to 3 weather 3 ad lib 3 pmeteorologist 3 3 traffic reporter ad libs map greennpriig iierty 3 40 map 3 3 3 3 3 coming up. Thh ravens are hungry for a second chance. After losing tt the broncos in decembbr. December. How the revenge factor could imppct saturdays game. 33 raising taxes on te rich. To reduue the debt. How thh pumbers work ouu. 3 break 2 3 3 we have traaeled beyond he 3 over our nationaa debt is far from over. Since the election. The focus has been po getting more rrvenue from the wealthy. N this mornnngs pover storr. Jeff barnd tries to to see how far ttat woull takeeus. Us. P3 pasking our wwalthhest pcitizens to pay theii fair share. Share. Cittzens to ay wealthiest asking our 3 3 sking our wealthiest citizens to pay thhir fair sharr. Share. It wassfamiliar refrain during the presiddntial campaign and many voters seemed to agree. Agree. I think we all need to do our fair share. Share. And after hhs re election the president pushed the issue again. In the fiscal cliff egotiations. Agreement futher reduces the deficits byyraissng 622 from the wealthiest households in america. America. The compromise increassd the inccme tax rate to early 40 percent for those individuals making more than 400thousand dollars. But the deal didnt really put a dent in the National Debt so 3 increases ahead. Ut ssme ecomomisss say therr just arrnt eeough very rich peoppe to keep the government going very long. Long. If you took not only the tax creases that president obama wants but it you every single penny and dollar thatt 3 they made over a course of a 3 year youd only ankroll the months that hardly seems like a meaning full solution. Right and that assumes that people would still ork and stil invest. Invest. So we decided to see how something even more prastic wouud work. What about taking 100 percent of in one year. Were talking about taking aboutt100 percent of their entire fortunes. We went to the Forbes Magazine liit of 100 richest americaas. Pnd we added up the entire buffet and the next 98 people 3 on the super wealthy list. It came outtto a huge number. ,. Just over one trillion dollarssso hat if 3 money . With the current rate 3 of ffderal spending we found thaa a trrllion dollarr would only wwpe out the ffderal deficit for one yyar. That would till leave the ccuntty with a nationaa debt of more ttan 16 trillion dollars and climbing. And it would also leavee100 former 3 peeny to theii nameettere pdoesnt seem to be ann chance that our xperiment would ever beeooe reality but it does show theee are limits to what someecall soaking the rich. And the president s own wwrdss may have summed up our cuureet fiscal dilemmm. Dilemma. Its math its arthimetic. And ittout spending cuts or getting revenue another way its a numbers problem with a very elusive solution. 3 republican in congress say there shouldnt be any more talk of taa increases in the pupcoming debt ceiling 3 say therrs room tt get 3 3 comiig up in our 6 ooclock hour. A moose running thattwas caught on camera. 3 the ttrpsslooking for their 14th in in a row. The secondhaaf slump that led to tteir defeat. 3 reek 3 3 3 coming up in our 6 oclock phour. Allegations of pbuse. At a maryyand daycare. Daycare. The unlicensed operation. Reportedly being run out of a prince geerge county home. ccccpnpn 3 3 meg adlibs