3 3 3 3 3 a nationwide concern. With effects being felt right here ii aryland. Mmre nd more people are catching the flu. Flu. Take a look aa thii recent pmap ffom the centers for states re seeing regional or wide spread outbreaks of the flu. Doctors say they see flu cases pvery year. But this year. Pthe flu season hit us uch now. Emergency rooms are flooding with pattents. Patients. We met jay payne there. Hes one of more than 100 patients admitted too gbmc this week for flu like symptoms. He was so sick he had to be rushed to the hospital. 45 24 chills fever i awful. 45 32 ive had the flu before two three times but never this bad. Bad. Doctors say they havent seen volumes like this since 2007. And its happening all over the country. To avoid getting sick. Remember o your elbow. And stay away from people iffyyure sick. Also doctorsssay its not too the 10yearold girl hit by a pstraa bullet on newwyears ev has died from her injuries p3aaliyah oyer passed away last night. Wilmington delawwre. Police 3 monday night whhle vissting famill in elkton. The family was watching fireworks outside apparently. Hht by a bullet from what police are calling cellbratory gunfire. Police a 6yearold rom silver cts. From school for making aagun gestuue with his hand. Is now peaking out. Tte boy says he got in ttouble after gun. But to him. It was all puu and games. 1 01 rodney lynch just pointing yoor ffngersslike this, and he did the pow sound. I justtwent like that poonttnn his finger . And tten i got sent to the office agaan. And im the one that pgets suspendeddfor notting. Nothing. His pareets argue the punishment. And wisses it had handled the situation in a different matttr. School officials made a statement earlier in the week. Saying there was a serious discussion withhthe student nd parentt pehavior. 3 sandy hook ellmennary students eturned to class for anna koooman explains. It comes as connecticct leaders announce the first measure beinn taken. To try to prevenn another mass shooting innthat state. State. School busee picking up kids from sandy hook plementary ll over newtown. Pp taking them to their anewa sccool in nearby monroe, connecticut. The students attending class for the firss time since tth traumatic School Shooting that left twenty childrennddad. Residdnts of monroe lining the roads leading to the school wiih welccmm signss although news cameras were kept awayyfrom campus, local Police Describe he scene as students arrived. White sayss pthe kids all goo off theebus, plot of them were happy tt see thhir friends they haant see innawhill, theyre excited about the new school. Police say parentsswere a whhle awitha their kids. And School Officials held an assembly to answer any questionssthey miggt have. Law enforcemenn aarea maintaiiing a presence at the school. Buttofficials say they are careful to maintain a balanned approach. White says we donttwant them to think thhs is police that this is a school and a place for thee to coom learn, enjoo their friends. And grow up. Meanwhile, connecttcuts governor response to the ssooting rampage. With the creation of the sandy hook advisory commission. Malloy says the commission will look for ways to make sure that our ggn laws aae as tight as they need to be. That our Mental Health system can reech pthose whooare in need of our help nd that our law ennorcement agency have thee tools that they need to prooect Public Safety particularly in our schools. Eepected to receive the initial report from the commission by march pifteenth. Ii time foo he general aasembly to take aation during the next session. In new york, anna kkoiman, fox news. 3ttday. Former arizona congresswoman gabrieele connecticut. Piifoods herself. Issstill reeovering. After bbing shot event in 2011. She is expeeted to take part in aaprivate mooths shooting left 20 studenns aad 6 adults dead. Pafter gunmaa adam llnza opene fire inside andy hook elemennary. In the weeks following the shooting. Stricter ggn laws. Vocal for 5 idaho inmates are blaming alcohol companies. For thee primes that put ttem ehind as faa as to sue thee. Them. Theye seeking 1billion dollars from 8 of the largest beer, wine ann Liquor Companies in the world. Saaing thhy knew noohing of teenagerssthe inmates blame pbooze for a ranne of crimes. Including manslaughter grandheft and drug sense. Because its common if you puttthese guys through depositions and you ask them what do you know bout alcohoo . I think its pretty Common Knowledge thht its pddictive. Its well known to be addictiie and its weel ccuses you to reeuce your you otherwise wouldnt do. The defennants include pnheiserbusch, millerbrewing and the makerr of jim beam. Nnne have respoodee to the 3 arizonn teenagers are after the ice cracked beneath tm them. One of thh teens made it to a snowcovered bbak. But as you can seeehere. Crews had po pluck the other 2 frrm a deaa ree they were hanging onto in the middleeof thee lake. Rscuers say the teenss were anging onto the dead tree forrmore than atwo oursa without their shoes. Because all three teens were taken to mild hyyothermia. Reated for 3 iis the playoff tradition thats been ppying off with wins he laat 4 seasons. The purple caravan is back and ready tt raap uu the raven fans excitement one more time. Joel d. Smith is live at the green turtle at mcheery row to see hoo his postseason compaaes to ohers. Others. 3 3 33 coming p on the early edition. Getting into sundays game. Game. 11 41 49 and the thing you have here is high demand, limited supply. Are being warned about. 3 warned about. Fans are being the ticket scams theeticket scamm fans are being warnee about. breaa 1 s. S. S. S. S. I was always interrupting my teammates. Earlier in my career, my coach approached me. He said, i think that, you know, sometimes i dont feel like youre focused. So the next day, i went and saw a doctor. It was my adhd. Like many kids with adhd, i didnt outgrow it. If you were diagnosed with adhd as a kid, you might still have it. Find out more. Take a quiz at ownitquiz. Com to help recognize the symptoms. Then talk with your doctor. Its your adhd. Own it. 2shot toss to weather 3 ad lib eteorologist traffic reporter addlibs map 395 195 map 40 3 3 3 stiil to come. Waiting on refund check. Froo uucle sam. Sam. The back up the irs may expprience. Processing provide me proof that thesee are legitimate tickets. Tiikets. Prayyng on rraens fans. The important questionn to ask. To avoid buuing phooy playoff tickets. break 2 vr ravens fans. The bettee Business Bureau isswarning oo pplayoff tickettscams. Melinda roeder has advice to avoid ggtting taken. Not only arr the ravens in the playoffs. But the next game. Could be the last for ray lewis. Soofootball fans. Tryinn hard to et their hands know it. 14 41 49 aad the demand, limited supply. Angie barnett is president of the baltimore better Business Bureau. And sheewants fans says most teams try hard to preventtproblems. But technooogy makes it easy to copy evee the moss uniqqe ticcets. 14 4224148 butt we have to remember those holograms and watermarks can also be duplicated and copied by any good counterfeiter. Yet tte most common complaint. Pcomes from onlinn buyers. Who pay up. Ut then their like ebay and craigslist offer little recourse. So be carrful which site. Youu shopp. 14 44 2132 avoid people to o tt legiiimate sites. Ssub hub. A few steps an help you prevenn getting ps scammed. Check the ssatiin seats are even real. Avoid sellers who want you toowire mmney. Pay only with cash. Or complete the purchase offlineand if oure ask. 14 43 11 if youre provide e proof thaa these are llgitimate ickets. Tickets are selling online from anywhere between 90 to 700 dollarssapiece. Straighh ahead. Monee. Many americaan depend on. Cliff deal. Could delay your tax refund. break 3 Congress Saved the nation fromm poing over the fiscaa cliff earlier thissweek but the fate of americans tax returns hangs in limbo. Fellcia taylor is ii ew ork with more on howwthe late fiscal deal could 3ffect youu refund. 3 tax refuuds coold be delayed this year. And you can blame phe lastmmnute fiscal cliff deal. The problem is that thh irs cant put out 2012 tax forms until the agency knows what the tax policy is. But congress didnt get a deal the irs as some scrambling to do. The agenny must reprogram its systems and issue on he revised laws. That could delay the start off the it typically starts in midjanuary, but that only a few so far, the agency hasnt announced when t wwll start returns. And the laterr he tax the first time tax season has congress was in a similar o, bind. And tax season didnt start until idlawmakers didnt get a deal dooe decemberr thatsnot a good sign, considering around, pongress didnt make a deal un irs, but so far, it looks taxpayers will be waittng ffr their refunds. New york. Coming up. Providinn federal aad. To the victims of superstorr sandy. Pandy. Thh longawaited vote. Thats schedulld for today. 3

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