3 he was given two tickets to last weekend's playoff game here in baltimore... but before he got to use them... phe mayor'ssoffice took the city councilan's tickets back. now... some are questioning whether politics played a role. role.megan gilliland is live from m and t bank stadium with more on what's really behind this ticket tiff. tiff.good morning patrice, there's word that mayor stephanie rawlings-blake took back two skybox tickets to attend last weekend playoff game against houston... that she had given to city council president jack young. happened... shortly after young publicly called for an end to the baltimore grand prix.the two have been in dispute over the race recently.right now, it owes about 12 million dollars to the city, state and various vendors. 20:45:45"i already made my statment about the grand prix there's more important things to deal with in this city than to be focusing on the grand pri" prix."we called the mayor'' office to see if there was a connection between the race and the ticket take back... but we never got a for young... he tried to downplay it all after yesterdays city's board of estimates meeting.he did find a way to get to last weeks sold out game though.he was able to get box seats from ray lewis.young now says, he will be paying ray back. he says he wants to follow the ethics law the city council aaporved a few months ago that bans from m and t bank stadium, megan gilliland fox45 morning news. in harford county...a man faces charges... after authorities say he opened fire... in a fit of "road rage."it happeneddyesterday afternoon, around 4 o'clock, on eye -95 , near mountain road.police say nicholas hider fired shots at another driver... but no one was hurt. troopers eventually found hider in hisshome.he faces assault and wreckless endangerment charges. a baltimore county man is charged with a hit and run that sent a state trooper to the hosptal.30 year old matthew wood turned himself in, wednesday morning.the crash happened around one o'clock sunday on this part of eye-83, near ruxton road.the trooper was hit while giving a ticket to another driver.wood faces several charges including leaving the scene of suffered minor injuries. police need your help finding the person who abandoned a weekend.the baby girl was the - found sunday night, near the steps of this home in the northeast part of the city.she was taken to the hospital where she died after being outside in the freezing cold without clothes or a diaper. right now.... authorities don't have any clues in the case and are searching for answers. there's a push for tougher d-u-i laws from one family.. after a little girl is seriously hurt in a car crash. crash. 18-month-old ava delricco is in the hospital in baltimore.. after a car crash in ocean city nearly killed her anddher mother. police have driving while impaired in connection to the collision. investigators say he was high on p-c-p when it happened last month. now ava's family wants stricter d-u-i laws.. as legal analysts weigh in. (crawford) "the problem with the drug laws as relateddto alcohol laws, they're commingle.. but they definitely lag behind in my opinion as far as the state trooper and the officer's ability to detect whether or not someone is under the influe" &pinfluence."through a website ava's family has gathered nearly 9-thousand signatures in a petition asking state lawmakers to take action. kacynski goes to trial in march. a gaithersburg woman is dead after anne arundel county police say she drove the wrong way on route three in crofton. officers say 35 year old angela biggins was driving north in the southbound lanes tuesday night... when she hit aaother car.the driver in that car was not hurt.why biggins was driving the wrong way... is still under investigation. a georgia mother faces child cruelty charges after she took her 10 year old son to get a tattoo. (("my son came to me and said, 'mom, i want to get a tattoo with malik on it, rest in peace.' what do i say to a child that wants to remember his brother?")) brother?"))chuntera napier says her son asked to get a tattoo in memory of his 12 year old brother... who was hit and killed by a caa two years ago.naaier already has tattoos in memory of her son... so she took her 10 year old to get his own.but in georgia... it is illegal for pnyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo. (("we hope that they caa find something that can sustain them through that loss, but this is not the way, it is illegal and it's something that we were bound by the law to investigate and to prosecute) prosecute."))police are also investigating the tattoo artist. no more surprises when checking in at the airport.a new rule from the department of transportation goes into protects passengers from buying tickets.. then dealing with hidden of the new rulls requires airlines to include all mandatory taxes and fees in advertised fares.bag fees and other optional charges don't have to be rolled into the price, but they need to be better disclosed.passengers will also have 24 hours to hold reservations and the ticket price can't be increased after purchase. retired space shuttle atlantis will soon have a permanent home at florida's kennedy space center visitor complex. workers broke ground on the 65- thousand-square-foot exhibit wednesday.visitors will get to interact with flight simulators and navigate through a model of the international space station. nasa expects the flight center to open sometime next year. sometimes it's hard to tell who's more excited for the ravens game this weekend... the fans, or the stores selling that purple pride day and night. joel d. smith is live in owings mills where t shirts are just the beginning. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 it's time to do some trash talking.our sister station w-g-m-e in portland, maine... has the audacity to think the patriots will beat the ravens. so you want to get back at them... here what you do.go to facebook dot com... slash w- g-m-e 13... to let those mainers know... what's coming on sunday. coming up on the early edition... the baltimore ravens playoff means cash flow to our economy... :11:10) ", 50, 60, 70, 80, 92, 92....." 92....." but find out why winning the superbowl... may not help us that much. much.much. much.not help us that superbowl... may winning the but find out why 70, 80, 92, " 92....." but find out why winning the superbowl... may not help us that much. much. 3 much.not help us that superbowl... may winning the but find out why but find out why winning the superbowl... may not help us that much. much. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter 3 3 3 ad libs))((traffic reporter 3 ((traffic reporter map fiber map 3 3 3 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 3 3 3 3 the holidays are over... summer is still months away.. wouldn't it be nice to sneak away for a quick vacation? vacation? we say "go vacation"! we are giving away a trip for two to anywhere southwest airlines flies.. courtesy of namco bandai games. watch fox45 morning news for each day's codeword. enter the correct codeword on our facebook page. each day... we'll draw a name. that person gets a "go vacation" game for the wii.. and will be entered for the grand prize drawing. stay tuned for today's code word. coming up... printing t-shirts... and making money. money. (11:38) "today, as you can see around the shop, we're running our presses again..." again..."baltimore's play- off... pay-off ...ann why the superbowl may not help our eco. economy.and later in sports... the ravens and patriots will play for the a-f-c championship on sunday...and while the pats are favored... find out how they feel about going up against the purple and black. ((bump out)) 3 3 the ravens may be one win way from the superbowl... but already the team's had a super impact on the economy.each year, the team pumps millions into maryland's revenue stream... but what can the state expecttif the ravens earn super bowl fame? fame? in our cover story, jeff abell examines the potential pay off from the play offs..... offs..... (18:00) (wide shot/printing press) at nightmare graphics in columbia..... its the slow season.... (11:11) "january's typically always been a slow month...." that suddenly became fast again.... (11:38) "today, as you can see around the shop, we're running our presses again..." the presses are now running 24- 7...thanks to the baltimore ravens....who are one playoff game away from the super bowl. (11:30) (sam andelman) "it gives us an opportunity to bring back any laid off employees, get them back in the workforce. get them working again. get all our production equipment running...." (quick printer nats) every t-shirt made..... (1:56:40) "can i help anybody here...?" is a t-shirt sold..... (2:11:10) ", 50, 60, 70, 80, 92, 92....." whereever there's purple and black.....there's a merchandiser who's seeing green.... (1:52:55) (dan mcclure) "they say we're in a reeession but not here in baltimore. they're buying anything purple and black...." (2:23:18) (counts money) "20, 40, 60, 80, 100...." (2:23:29) "i love them ....go ravens....yeah!" economists believe sunday's home playoff game....had a 20- million dollar impact on maryland. ((3:58:10) (tom rhodes) "people are going to restaurants and bars and having parties with friends...." (abell stand-up airspeed) "so if the ravens go all the way to the super bowl just what kind of economic impact will it have on the city and the state....? at least some research suggests, it may not be that super....." (super bowl game nats) after studying 30-years of cities with super boww sports teams....a team of umbc economists concluded that the super bowl provides "no benefit" to the city with the losing team. but to the city with the winning team.....economists found per capita income about one-percent. (printing presses nats) economists suspect a super bowl championship boosts morale and productivity for those who work in the winning city. and more work often equals more pay. (13:57:30) (economnist) "when people are happy about their city. they're more willing to spend..... (2:14:20) "credit card please...." for now.....its a city thats spending...... and waiting on the final score. (2:11:45) "thank you thank you very much..." jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. coming up next in sports. sports. his team goes up against the mighty ravens on sunday.but find out if tom brady... will be on the field... with his teammates. ((break 3)) so i do qualify for that deduction. thanks, man! that's what i'm here for. ( palms slap ) man: do your simple return with the turbotax federal free edition, and now, get our free, one-on-one, expert tax advice, live by phone or chat. get the federal free edition, at çia÷ bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning &p3 3sports. sports. 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... the latest on the search for ssrvivors of that ill-fated italian cruiser... that hit a reef.why chances of finding people alive ... are dwindling..and the accidental reason the captain... ended up in a lifeboat.

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