woman keeps in her hoose. %-it's friiay, deceeber 24thh happy christmas ve to you.ú motherlmerry chriitmas eve. i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here to let us know how merry department. the question is what about the torm. >> yes. >> ttere may be a little bit of -lurry activity for christmas it's changiig. we see activity for chhisttas day. ú%me of that may be chaage, so that will dd tt the festivities and making it feel moreefestive. down toward tteas oving along the coastline and watching the it's tending to move towwrd tte east, thh computerr odels which willlmean less for us. we will continue to catch hat. nothing more than a few flurries ú% the west. otherrise mainly clear ssies for the rest of us. surrounding arras in the mid-20s to near 30 degrees and it will feel chillier with the winds ttat areestill a factor although they won't be quite as fun today. -ead out and be ppeppred, singl3 %-anotter chiily day and look fr a pretty new year's eve, at 25 degrees may make it feel a little bit chilly,,certainly as you are heading out this evening. let's see what is happening on thh roads is canddce dold with -he look at the roads. ú%ndacee -> reporter: merry christtas to you. the roadwayssthhs christmas eve3 not too many accidents to talkú about. ú% don't have a lot of activity attessex at opewell avenue. watermaan breaks are possible with the ttmperatures. not too much to omplain about 695 at providence road. there. %-acttvity veey light activity. 54 miles ppr hour.e, 11 miiutts, 8-minute drivv frrm 53 up tt 795, ote the vollme is increasing from 795 to 95. a 12 minute clip, 53-mile er hour there. thht's a look at the morning ú%ckkto you.3 connecced to a rrsh oo violence in southeast baltimorr.%police k ttey need to help crack the case. %-southeast wwth that sketch. good morning, megan. repooter: good morning, for a man they bblieveeis responsibbe for this attack. ú%ey believe he is out here somewhere and they're asking for your help. we want you to take a closee look here. black an in hiis20s, average heiiht and weight with a medium3 to dark complex. again olice say he is ú%spoosible for robbing nd north elwood street this pastt3 %-one suspect in each iinident, but this is theeindividual that we have the composite of. he did not acttalone.ú -> reporter: so farrpplice say there have been four viilent street robberiessin this neighborhood in he past two oneeof the latest shootings happened wedneeday nightton -orth lyywood avenue near hopinn that this sketch will ú%catch these ssspects if know ú%ything. you can call 1((55)223-0033 if you want to take a closer look at the suspect, go to ur website, foxbaltimore.com. ú%'re live thhs morning at southeast baltimore, i'm megan ffx 45 early editionn.3 asking for your elp finding a -mpersonated a could be and roped a drive!!!robbed a driverú here is a look at sketch. the victim pulled ooer when hh sawwlights. thht ii when the robber asked forrhis id. the suspect rabbed his wallet and left.3 police are looking for a man mount carmel road..3 t bank at anyone with information is askee to call pollce. no cciminal charges wiil be woman who ggve alcohol to teensú who were later involvee in a fatal crash. driving a pickuu truck hatú he is now serving an 18 month -entence for homiccdd. as for the woman, linda staff will avoid ccarges if she attends a panel hosted by mothers fo against drunk driver. a city pay out. settlement areecominn out. sh!!shapiro was mistake inly arrested for abusing a child. %t looks llke the investigator the city kept the settlement secret. the city says that it was at the question f thh victim, shapiro says that not true. >> there'' a terrible mistake compoundeddby aying that we pootion f the agreeeent is another mistake. -p>> they were tryinn to protect the crim. lots of people want tt put off doing thhirrtaxee, ffr some the irs is giving them a reason iissis delaaing the tax period for thhse who ay high medicalú %-the result of new tax laws3 passed by congress. p>> controversial robo calls made on election day had all eyes onnformer governor bob ú%rlicc. now he is peakiig out denying any involvement..3 >> rellx, the only thinn left is tt watch on t.v. tonight. >> those calls were traced to -ulii tenson. in an interriee with patch..om, not ordee robo cclll from hensen ú% anyone else. a plan to ban smoking in ocean ccty is rejected by the city ccuncil. while councilmemberr said no ttú the ban, they said yes to creating oluntary smoking areas along the beach and boardwalk. thh council also apprrved a rule against smoking in ocean city paaks, which it says will be %-trouble foo what he used s a christmas stoccing stuffer.3ú%oe -tockings that were hanging by tte tree. the discovvry was made durinn a drug raid. the suspect who wass't home at ú%e timm, later turneddhimself in to pooice. there's a raw bandit on the loose in -- a bra baadit on the loose n mmchigan. the thief cleaned out 19 drawers full of bras.3 there were no security cameras inside tteestore. the race to get home or the holidays continues today.3 ú%sterday bwi airport wws buzzing wiih travelersmen!! tra. among themsslf soldiers stepping foot on american sool or thee3 first time in six months. >> we're eager just to get home. i mean he last wwek has seemed like a month. ú% luckily for trraeeers flying yesterday, hhreewere hardly any delayses? the holidays can beetryyng or hill tar!!millitary families wi3 loved nee overseas. reunions. reelly do comm true duringgthe what was the case for one second grader in north carolina. she wrote to santa with hiis3 >> i want my daddy to come beccuue i have not seen my daddy he is the army. %-came through.riss kringle hh gave an uneepected ggveeto his other dauuhtee in kindergarten and another one to his 4th grader. in kansas 144 guard memberss3 returned home after a year n afgaaistan. family memmers waited withú lights, cameras ann balloons. ú% it was a long year. everyone came home safe.%that i. and now we'reehome wiih the >> repprter:: in iowa a soldier surprised his wife by earlierrome several weeks -hile the family gatheeed to -or him. >> i saidd ho is this guy? husband. >> reporter: heir reunion a presset that will be tough to top. johh smiley will have tt return in about two eeks forú -is wifeeis ii theearmy but is currently taking a leave to raise their daughter while he is in afganistan. go to foxbaltimooe.com/holiday, therr you can watch the holiday for ll to ee. christmas taken to the extreme. this santt was not on. %>> how mmny santa clluss igurines you will fiid in her noo much changessyet. another cold breezy day. making the winds not quite as will show a little bit of that blue moviig towarddus.ú that represents a little snow moving towwrd christmas daa. what about thheamount. we will talk next about fox 5 early edition. 3 seeinn a couple of flurries, %he rest of us, we keep an eyeú ú%at is makkng its way over he mountains, we think and bringing uu light flurries orrmaybe tomorrrw urrng christmas affernoon and nto the evening hours, but ww'rr alsookeeping -ur eye on someehing else,,which of course, you know what i'm %-as you look at the future scan model, noticc the bluu area -oving in you on direetion. there could be light flurries through the afternoon evening3 ttmorroo but then i was also indicating there's something else moving. it's down to the south and weet and you can ee t ver the panhandle of texas is wheee the low pressure center is, and there is where this is going to be originallnateing tte possibblity of some snow. we're talking about the %-model indicating that it comes up the eastern seaboard and it3 brings us ssinificant now as it circulates in ome moisture and %rings snow ffr us. is beginning to look more likely and that is with the low preesure center moving off to the east. ú%re computer models tending or trenninn in thatt irection and maybe the southeasttgets the besttchance of seeing a little offssooe. other than that, here ii what we got for the forecast, flurries tomorrow, a higg oo 36 for thh chrisstas day. otherwise we're back to the is will feel like, 18 ink what %-temppeatures climb o 37 for e high. the winds will playy role, 15520-miles per hour gusting to 30. morr clouds moving in, mostly cloody before there's a little bit of thattdisturbaace, that shore showwr chance. 37 for tte high today then maybe ú% iisay a few flurries and nothing major. %-and monday 34 for thursday.y, here is candace dold with the check on the traffic edge. candace. christmas eveemorning, ww do not -ave tto uch to complain about %-on 99, traveling through whitemarsh, 4 miles per hour, 52 miles per hour near 295 and 57 on the jff. there's an accident in anne find that crash oo oak wood road let's take a look at 97, traveling at route 100, here it is, that traffic is flowing ffeely,,southbound and norttbound lanns oward the beltway..3 as for 95, the same deal. airport at 195. %ou cannsee again, just a few so far in excellent ssape. that is theesame deal on the beltway, we're in the ggeenú moving hrough catonsville. let's take a live llok farther up at liberty road..3 outer loop laaes we are starting to see a few cars to trickle in. breeze in booh directions..3 that's a look aa thh orninn ú%avels. back over to you. if you're ddiving to grandma's house this christmas, you mmy notice oo're payingú more at the pumpp how high ricee have reached. we like his when the children come in and they ee us, theeexpressions on heer face, they can't believe it. people can break.eord not many one woman hasa claus figurines 3 there's a house i!in!! in ú%uisville, where the saying santa i wtching takes a >> reporter: this hhuue in louisville looks unassuming until you step inside and find from every shelf..3 -7 ♪ ♪ a hollow ollyychristmas. >> repoottr: ho knee this jolly patron oo presents came in mann different sizee..33 santas with glasses and greens and bluus. >> jingge bells.jingle bells.3 bowl full of jelll. you could say the woman behind, avoid hhr face. -p>> my name is mary christine. >> reporter: like merry christmas. >> yes ann i got that a whole lot hen i was growing up. %-collectton of kriss kringles started 35 years ago with one llttle santa from her mother-in-law. >> reporter: today the santas %-ffom her walls and even from r sweater. >> i think more santa claus is more christmas. what i like is hen the children commein and they sse it. the exxpession on theirrface, they can't believe it. of a santa that didn't mmke it into her shopping cart. >> when was the last time you booggt a santa. >> yes. >> reporterr ddes she remember who gaveeher that saata. years ago. -> rrporter:: and knows where ú%ey will go when she is gone. yoo you willeddout your santas. >> yes to my aughtee. i say when i get to ,000 i will may quit, and iidon't know if i will or not. ♪ one horse open sleighh coming up an arrest is mmde in the attempped murder of a co3 pipennstate student. [ male aouncer ] this is the evo 4g. this is android, which powers the evo. this is something nice someone said about the evo. so is this. ♪ and this. and all this. and this is something really, really nice that someone said about the evo. well, we thought it was nice. this is the htc evo 4g. with speech disabilities, deaf, hard-of-hearing and people only from sprint, the now network. access www.sprintrelay.com. this is the htc evo 4g. with speech disabilities, deaf, hard-of-hearing and people finannial melt down, people aring more and spending more. person ii innomm gaaiing in november.ú nee home sslessrising,,jumpinn by more than 55 last monthh but prices falling byymore than 2.5% compaaed to last november. oil now abovv $$1 a barrel. thaa is sendinn gasoline prices higher. ú%%-into christmas.llon headed the do waal streettthe dow gaining 14 points. and they are calling cts, fixin3 passenner airbags to fail.3 gm is dealing with other cars%to llck up. coming up baltimore police are ppaing out after a mistake thats was covered up. what deeails are now emerging. >> reporter: rash f violence in southeast baltimore. i'm megan gilliland, steps that will draw them closer to ann3 arrest. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. =ó ú% welcome back to fox 45 earry editioo. you're taking a live look here on thh other side of the country. this is the san rancisco bayy3 area, but they're waiting for chrrstmas here, too. look at the that building there all ddne in reddand greenn