little, in fact and you want to be careful the bussstop with more than 50 degrees on average. the winds will be picking up thissafternoon with just an outside chance of a light shower pushing thrrugh in the afternoon as well. again the winds are going to be the main factor as the temperatures get to 53 degrees by noon and top out at 57 between 1 and 3:00. we will take a look at weekend forecast in a few minutes. right now candace dold has thh trafffc edge. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we are of course, talking about the fog. please use extra caution this morning if you are heading out. it's just in a fewwspots and you could find a few patches not exactly looming over the area. %-195.s a live look at 95, at it's staatinn to get busy on the northbound lanes and even the southbound stretch down toward 495. 95 moving further up in baltimore county from whitemarsh boulevard down toward the beltway. it's ppetty much the same deal there as well. so pharr we're in the green, 4 minutes at 54 miles per our. the beltway ffom 95 up toward 83 and then on the west side stretch from 795 to 95, an okay ride there. 11 minuues at 53 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning commuue.3 patrice, back over to you. >for the 3rd time in less than a month the baltimore city police department has lostt1 of its own. this time flu yeaas old officer tommy portz died after crashing his cruiser into the back of a fire engine. joel d smith is live at police headquartees where coping with loss unfor at any timmly for a m has become a constant. >> reporter: portz a 9 year veteran of the force had a lot commissioner bel bealefeld a personal friend of hiss and no doubt, from the commissioner to the rookies a tough month to deal with a deadly month. after the tragedy yesterday, let's take a look at this one. it happened at 10:00 a.m. ú%sterday morning attroute 40 at the gilmor street bridge is what -e're talking with the immact, just big, it crumblee portz cruiser, the hood folded underneath the windshield. tough to llok at here. they had a parked fire ennine that was responding to reeprt of an injured person in tte median area. that's why they wenn theree once they got there, thee couldn't find the victim. at that point of the portz crassed into the fire engine at a very high rate of speed.3 they're not sure why ii haapened. whether portz was responding o another call or had his lights and sirens activated. portz himself went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at shock trauma a short time later.3 officers. he was almost a 10-year veteran of the december. december 21st would make 10 years. he is assigned to western district patrol and i have had thh chance to meet him on numerous occasions and just a really lovable guy. loved his job and loved his family. >> reporter: once again, this is the 3rd death in less than 30 days for the baltimore city police force. officer james fowler was killed on september 27th inna single vehicle crash. he was on route to a training seminar and this past saturday night, detective stevenson was off-duty and going o his own bbrthday party, struck and killed by a piece of cement that was throww by another man, following an argument over a parking space. officer portz leaves wife and babbes. it's harr to cope with what has been a deadly month to the baltimore pollce orce, three dead in one month. an anne aruudel county teenager is hospitalized after another student put him in a choke hole. it happened on tuesday at cochran middle school in glen burnie.3 a 13 and a 14 years old were fighting when the incident oocurred. the 11 years old becamm unconscious. the 14 years old issfacing charges. this is the second time that an a run deal countanne arundel cod to be hospitalized. helen logan died on wednesddy after a fire ripped through a home she sharrd with a %-the friend ied at the scene. first on fox, a man is police say he broke into a home in essex. he was tracked down when the nearly nude homeowner chased him forrfour blocks. 40 years old troy aims is suspected of burglary and sexual assault. on monday, police say he broke into the home of i de vry and 3 family. he jumped out of his home and ran down the street. heewas ableeto get a partial license plate number that helped police tracc aams down. he is a suspect in several bbrglaries one in which he touched a child. >> we're askinggthe community to make sure to check before thee go to bed each and every night, -nd before theyyleave the residence ach and every day to check the winnows and doors and make sure that they're secured. >> aims is held at the baltimore ddtention center. a man who prosecutorsssay killed his best friend on tte orders of a gang leader will find if he will spend the rest sentencing for stephen hollands is scheduled for this morning. he plead guilty o theedeath of stephen parish. the body was discovered in woodlawn on march of 2008. hollins and other mmn stabbed him to death, they did so on the orders of their gang leader, who wanted parish deaa because he was worried that parish as gay. the docttr ccused of putting stints into patientt. he break his silence. he is expecteddto tell his side of the story during a press conference. st. jo's sent letters to 350 ú%tients, informing them they may have receiveddunnecessary procedures. the doctor fflsified medical records to make this ook like patients with healingy veins neededdstints. the don't ask, do not tell policy stays in the u.s. we have the latest. >> reporter: a fedeeal appeals court says the millitaay should keep in place the don't ask don't tell pollcy for noww the ninth u.s. ourt f appeals, granted the obama administratioo request for a temporary freeze california federal judgg's order. appelllte emergency motion to stay the district court octobee 12th, 2010 order sending appeal. the order is stayed temporarily in order to provide this court with an opportunity to consider the issues presented. a oordinating to the 1993 law, only if they keep secret theirú. >> reporter: orrentation. officer trying to reenlist says the preeident has failed to on his campaign promise to repealú the law. on wednesday, he took a test at a recruitinggstation to rejoin the miilitary. i do not intend to lie anymore about my life, my3 identity or my partner. there's no enormous consequences how many incidents have you seen reported now, now that gay people are enlistinggand coming out. >> reporter: the ninth u.s.3 circuit court of appeals, will temporary stay while it considers the obama administrrtion appeal of the california federal judge's order. charm whee it comes to winning governor o'malley aad former governor bob ehrlichhare hoping so as they preeare for their the gubernatorial candidates morning. they will debate on arry young's radio show starting at 8:00. they were scheduled to have anothee radio debate next week, but that wwll have to be rescheduled. both men will be attending a funeral. we will take you to the %-8:00 hour.during the former president bill today to sspport governorr3 o'malley's re-election campaign. clinton is reportedly backing the governor based on his families. the rally will be at 3:00 this afternoon at federal hill park. president obama was in maryland earlier this month to campaign for o'malley. get more on the local and national races by going to our website, 2010. new numbers show more kidss3 are staying in city schhols. those numberr are especially true for african-american mmles. three years ago more than 1400 a 46 aaafrican-american males drod more students are staying in ú%hool long enough to graduute. it's a sign that the holidays are closer than you at baltimore'sswashingtonng ligs monument this morning. it's all in preparation for the 13th annual monument ú%'s that scheduled for coming up on the early edition, 33 chilean miners3 trapped underground for more than two months. >> either you work together and everyone is better or you start fighting. >> the stories of survival coming out following their rescue. a bit of og to deal with this morning as you head out. temperatures right aroundú53 de3 we do expect temperatures to warm up a little bit imagine denying a pregnant woman the choice of health care providers. only one senator voted with big insurance over pregnant women: andy harris. protecting our bay? harris was the only one to vote against cleaning up toxic waste sites. he always sides with the polluters, one of the worst environmental records in the senate. and harris was the only one to vote against extending education for special needs kids. no wonder his republican colleagues think he's too extreme. we can't afford his extreme ideas. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message 43 on fox 45 earl he early edition. the forecast. good morning, steve. good morning, paarice. -he sky hd radar is not very activv, but the further out you go, you will see more fog. even to the city you will see some fog. some areas you went see as much. it's patchy fog that you will deal with and the winds will pick up this afternoon. wherever there's fog, it will dissipate. let's take a ook at sky hd radar in motion. there you see rain in pennsylvania and new york. that is where it stays. %-the potential to move into our area later today. if thhre are in, it would bee3 light indeed. as we look at the numbers 53 in baltimore. down in salisbury, 60 degrees there ann to the nooth and hagerstown, 48, ann oakland, were in the 30s, 46 degrees, or tell rifely speaking -- relatively speakinn not as bad. the fro frontal boundary moves n from the north. a lot is going to bringú inestablisheddand the winns could be a actor as they sit to the low pressure center and the high that will bring in. we look forwwrd to that and it's going to bring more of a southwesterly flow of air. you know what that does. it will warm us up. we will sse temperatures get us3 to 70 degreessor a behalf that for this weekend -- above that for this weekend. as far as the eastern shore, 65 egrees for the high. they're the warmest pprt of thh state. -ostly lear skies, and guuting upwards of 30. the centraa part of the state, expect to see temperatures cliib to 67 degrees. mostly sunny skies and a 15-20 miles per hour wind. the winds a factor as well. mostly clear skies and a just a3 of a shower there. better chance we're talking 30% chance at that. 42 degrees for the ooernight ú%w. it will be breezy in the evening, 10-15-miles per hour wwnds gusting to 25. that is where we should be for this time of year even ttough that might sound cool for some of you. lots of sunshine so cooler.3 temperatures begin to warm up as %-70 degrees for the high then.3 72 on sunday. if you're going to the m&t bbnk stadium for the ravens-bills game. it it should be 70 and ccimbing to 72. we should start partly cloudy ann howers move in overniggt and 72 fo 72 with shower ccance. let'' see what is happening n here is candace dold with the track edge. candace railroads than. >> reporter: thank you, steve. morning commute as far as the speeds are concerned. right now on beltway, 66 miles per hour traveling through catonsville. and 59 near security boulevvrd. we have been talking about the fog and the patches of foo. now fog warnings are in effect right at the key bridge. that is information into the newsroom. in fact we can show you what the information looks like. both locations on the beltway, we don't have mmuh volume to ddal with. it's going to be the warnings, so please use extra caution. on the beltway it's oing to be a relatively quiet ride on and calm conditions on the outer loop laaes from 95 alllthe way down toward parkville and3 eventually toward towson. in owson, just watch out for an accident. it's in the neighborhood off gaucho boulevard at cull berry road. as far as the towson is concerned, 83, and even througg %-running reasonably well.e 665 at the bend at liberty road. let's see how hat is shaping the outer loop lanes getting busy. that is going to be the same deal, making the ush toward the triple bridges. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. thank you, candace. >> still ahead, the ravens welcome one of their big name3 players back to the practice field. get more on theereturn of edú reid in sports. we're kind of stressed out about the mine being noisy and weeping and crying. >> and making it through 69 days inside of a coolapsed mine. how the the story of the snre 33 chn miners trapped uuderggound. in the first few days after the collapse the air was so thick with dust the miners didn't know which wwy was up but they forged a team. now they are rerailin revealing. >> reporter: they knocked on death's door aad lived to telll3 the taae. buried. the miners said they have taken a pact of silence. >> i don't think their pact of silence is about that precisely. probably it's more of psychological stress and what they were dealing with anddsome dark deeds that they haa crossed. >> reporter: the doctor was the miier's physical trainer. they told them about their terror when the mine collaased. >> the first three days, there was so much dust going around the place, they had problems orientating themselves, which parttes is going up which part is going down. movement they boarded theeryy3 phoenix rescue capsule, they were in constant fear of being crushed by another cave in. >> they were kind of stressed out about the mine being noisy and weeping and crying because they it's not only the noise, but you start seeing liquid filtration and that it's a direct sign of a collapse to come. >> reporter: pino coordinated medical and psychological help for the 33..3 he says they confided in him. >> reporter: there's nothing sinster. everybody wants to invent that somebooy grabbed somebody by the throat or wanted to shoot themselves or blow themselves p by dynamite. but none of that happened. miners as comfortable ashe possible, sending ciiarettes and movies. they rejected request for booze but he suspects miner's families may have shipped contraband used to rations. >> ttese guys weren't at all. >> reporter: evvn in the miners never explain everything that went on in the mine, he is sure that the team work was the key to survival. >> so either you work together and everyone is better, or you start fighting and if you start ffghtingg a group will win and a group will be segregated and probabby they won't make it alive. >> reporter: bb sticking together, they pulled off a remarkable feat. >> the chilean miner ii a different class of person. they're never sure when they will come out, but they're always prepared for survival, he hiddee secrets or not, it's a survival story that has >> bring together all humanity in a specific nation and everyyne gave the best of them and that is the kind of the world -- the kind of world i like to live in. >> reporter: cnn, chile. ú% later on fox 45 morning news, buying used to save you tons of cash. llte model used cars have better values than nee cars..3 how to make surr your next ride is low on cost and doesn't turr out to beeaalemon. but next, it's been a very long wait, but ed rred ú it's been a long time in coming, but the wait is finally over. ed reid was back on the practice field and taking part on the practice since undergoing surgery. he was plaaed on tte physically unable to perform meaning he had to sit out six weeks. last week is the first week he had to practice.3 he is still soar but he has been field. contribute. >> i haven't practiced.ú i haven'' moved around, you know, how you move around on the back-to-back like that. %-reacts this week to all of the movement and carrying the weight around and stuff like that. >> to give probably first right now. probably one of the biggest things you can add to his thing. as a complete team we're getting totally heaathy and that is a great thing, but to have ed back is a huge, huge bonus. john harbbugh saysshe feels that todd heap is okay.ú he took the devastating head shot from brandon meriwether but play this sunday. less than 24 hhurs afftr he hurt, he is look for a $50,000 hit on heat. meriwether said he is sorry for what happened and he will make an efforr to quote, play within the rules. >the buffalo bills are cooing to he baltimore. they have yet to win a game this season. none this matters much in the ravens locker room. %-another nfl team to play.y >> i think they haveeplayed big games, and you know, we will beú ready for them. weere going to go n there and they're coming off of theirs. >> that's your morning sports. bruce cunningham. go to and click on the community features section.3 coming up in the 6:00 hour, you can find almoss anything online these dayss so, why that medical record? the company providing access to prescriptions and doctor's appointments with the click of a mouse. i'm joelld smith, live at police headquarters where police are trri bob ehrlich is desperate, and he'll say anything to get elected. negative attacks the media have repeatedly called "dishonest" and "total malarkey." and why can't we trust bob ehrlich? because he raised taxes and fees by $3 billion then denied it... because he says he's for us, but made $2.5 million at a special interest lobbying firm. and ehrlich says he'll cut education again if elected governor.

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New York ,United States ,Baltimore County ,Maryland ,Catonsville ,California ,Woodlawn ,Salisbury ,Mashonaland East ,Zimbabwe ,Hagerstown ,Arundel ,Essex ,Parkville ,Phoenix ,Arizona ,Chile ,Pennsylvania ,Hill Park ,Baltimore ,Chilean ,American ,Ann Oakland ,James Fowler ,Candace Dold ,Andy Harris ,Bruce Cunningham ,Helen Logan ,Bob Ehrlich ,Brandon Meriwether ,Stephen Hollands ,

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