Transcripts For WBAL Today 20110617

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number in just a little while. meantime, i'm ann curry along with lester holt and we're joined by tamron hall. al is still in charleston, west virginia. he's been hard at work giving away a lot of money, a million dollars worth of donations to a local charity there, part of his five-city, $9 million lend a hand tour. and he's not done yet. we will be checking in with him in just a moment. plus, father's day is coming up this sunday. we're all thinking about our dads. in honor of that special day, natalie, al, and savannah share the fonde esest memories of the fathers. >> i think father's day to you. >> thank you. >> we also have our weekly real estate reality check. just how much house can you get from coast to coast, for $300,000? we'll find out. also, though, before we get to any of that, get to the news of the morning. we have savannah in fortunately this morning. hey. >> good morning. in the news this morning a man whose behavior was described as suspicious was detained fortress passing in arlington national cemetery over the night. police said the man was uncooperative during questioning so they searched for his car and found it parked near the pentagon. a bomb disposal unit was called out to examine the car while police searched the area. former congressman anthony weiner says he will work on healing his marriage now that he's stepped down over a sexting scandal. nbc's luke russert has the story. >> reporter: as former representative anthony weiner and his wife left their apartment wednesday they were brooe breathing a sigh of relief. >> today i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> reporter: his wife was not by his side when he apologized again. >> i make this apology to my neighbors and my constituents but i make it particularly to my wife huma. why don't you let me do the answers and you do the questions. >> reporter: at first he lied about sending a lewd photograph over twitter. then he apologized for misleading the public but continued to insist he would not resign. but as more women came forward with details about their explicit online relationships with weiner, the pressure mounted from party leaders for him to step down. even president obama told ann -- >> i can tell you that if it was me, i would resign. >> reporter: by wednesday, weiner made the decision it was time to go and informed nancy pelosi. on thursday before a chaotic crowd of journalists e constituents, and hecklers, he made public -- >> i hope to continue to work that the citizens of my district elected me to do. unfortunately the distraction that i have created have made that impossible. >> reporter: the majority wanted him to stay, but reaction was mixed. >> he shouldn't have had to resign. >> it's time. >> hopefully find somebody else to replace him. >> that was nbc's luke russert reporting. new challenges in the western part of the country as intense heat and high winds are whipping up a blaze along the new mexico border with colorado. meantime, in arizona, crews have contained 33% of the largest fire in state history. but forecasted high winds this weekend threaten to undo their progre progress. angelina jolie arrived at turkey's border this morning to meet with syrian refugees who have fled the ongoing violence in their country. she's visiting a camp where many syrians have taxictaken shelters left scores of civilians dead. finally, when two young photographers find themselves stranded in a dallas airport over the night, their flights canceled, they decided, well, to make their own entertainment. this video is just a brief summary of what they did to keep themselves occupied that night as they trolled the virtually abandoned terminal. it's now four minutes past the hour. back to al in charleston, west virginia, with a check of the weather. al, good morning. >> good morning. we're going to thank more friends of ours, brick street insurance, activate water, penske trucks rental. they've been with us from the beginning. our friends at sara lee, my buddy, john harris out there, breakfast, lunch, and dinner products. paula dean furniture by universal furniture. rostton and company. the folks at glidden, nice paint. johnson outdoors. old town canoe, key yocean kaya. we've got linda fisher here from malt o meal, corporate communications manager. what do you have? >> good morning. we're so happy to be part of the lend a hand program this year. and throughout the week we have donated 500,000 servings of our better oats, instant oatmeal. that's 100,000 servings to the covenant house today. in honor of the important work you do in your community we have an extra surprise for you today, melissa. it's a check for $25,000. >> wow! man. that is literally a big check. >> that's a big check. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, linda. >> how does this help you with your mission? >> wow. this is like winning a non-profit lottery, really. i can't even thank you enough. >> linda, thank you. >> we've got more. we've got ogood buddy, smithfied director communications joined by al davis. i keep saying this wrong. al vincent. and dennis, al, we want to thank you guys. appreciate it. >> hi. >> this week we've been able to put together over 00,000 servings of protein. and today, here's your 100,000. >> that's wonderful. >> spiral hams for everybody, that you need to give them to. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. >> and give a hug to my man al vincent. >> you get a hug, too. thank you. thank you. >> it's been a great week. we've enjoyed traveling across the country. >> al got me some peanuts. fantastic peanuts in >> thunderstorms last night, and there is a chance that a couple of those could redevelop today. 40% chance. 40% chance. that's your latest weather. joining us also, eric schwartz, vp at henkel. you have something fantastic for covenant house. >> we're thrilled to be donating, purex detergent, dial soap, combat, rite guard, fresh showers and clean laundry for a long, long time at the drop-in centers. >> eric, thank you so very, very much. now back to new york and the ladies. >> al, thank you very much. happy father's day today. there will be a lot of toasts and breakfast in bed if you're lucky for dad this weekend and some will be sharing memories with dad. >> natalie, al and i all sat down to talk about our dads and what their love means to us. ♪ >> my dad was career military. he served for, i think, 24 years. he was always every two or three years, we were relocated, moved around a lot. and my dad was away a lot. but whenever he came home, it was always, you knew dad was home. the king of the household, here's dad. we were always on our best behavior. as a military father he was strict. especially as a hispanic military father, very strict. but my father loves having a good time. still to this day, there's no one who loves a roller coaster more, and he loves the thrill of adventure and travel. i remember growing up as a kid we decided we were moving to panama from new jersey. and my dad is like, let's drive there. he really wanted us to open our eyes to, you know, to all that was out there and the possibilities. 14 years ago my father had a stroke at 51. he nearly died. and it was three months before my wedding. at that time they weren't sure he was going to be able to walk me down the aisle. he showed the strength. he kept saying every day. i'm going to be there. i'm going to walk you down the aisle. needless to say it made for a very emotional wedding. but i'm so lucky and blessed that god spared him on that day. you know, he's been able to see his grandkids. 14 years later he's in perfect health, and you would never know. that's whaexactly who my dad is he's is survivor and someone who says, i'm going to take that knock and i'm going to come back better and stronger. >> my dad was in the mining business. and one thing that i always remember and kind of laugh about is he would go away on business trips. i knew that other friends i had would have dads that would go on business trips and come back and bring some kind of toy from the toy store. my dad always brought us rocks and would explain the geology of, you know, this particular stone or whatever. and i remember at the time thinking, i would probably rather have a packaged toy. it was just an example of the way my dad was always trying to teach us. and he always pushed us to be our best. he believed in us, and he had high expectations for us. when i was 16 years old my dad had a heart attack and passed away. i was just ending my junior year of high school. and my whole world changed. i just kind of look at that as the key moment in my life. there was oh when we had my dadd then everything that happened afterwards. i think when you lose someone really young, it just kind of gives you a different view of the world. i really, you know, i still feel the pain. i still remember that pain. he put a lot of love into our family. ♪ he is still missed just as much as the day we lost him. i would love to tell my father happy father's day. i would want him to know that we're all okay and his kids still love him and still miss him. >> my father was a bus driver, and he would take me on the bus with him when i was off from school and i would go to the depositi depot and hang out. it was fun. i mean, he was a very sharp dresser. he had great speaking voice. he had a great smile. and he was a great dad in that he was very openly affectionate, big hugger, kisser. he loved everybody. everybody loved him. he was a younger dad, unlike me, as an older dad, you know, he, you know, when i was, you know, a teenager, he was in his 40s. i've got siblings who are adopted, siblings who are biological. i can say with all honesty that he and my mother both treated each one of us the same. there was no differentiation, and we were raised, this is your sister, this is your brother. i always kind of scratched my head when i hear people say, this is my stepdaughter or this is my adopted son. you know, this was my -- this is my son, this is my daughter, this is my grandson, this is my granddaughter. that was who he was. i guess my only regret, he really wanted a roker grandson, and he missed nicky's birth by a few months. i would say the thing that i would pass on to other dads that i think i inherently learned from my father was that you cannot hug and kiss your children enough. i just melt when my boy says, i love you, daddy, gives me this big kiss, you you know. you can't put a price on that. you know, for your child to know that they are loved and that it's both emotional and physical is, i think, a great gift. >> we don't have a dry eye here, al roker joins us again from charleston, west virginia. we should mention, too, tamron's dad was a military man himself. you just lost him. >> passed away about three years ago. he was in the army for 31 years. like al said, he was my stepfather but he's the only dad i've ever known. we never said step dad. i was his girl. he said of all the kids i was the one for right and the last time my father saw me on television i was filling in on the "today" show, he was in the hospital. so this show means a lot to me for many reasons but it was the last time my dad saw me. i wish him a happy father's day. they hear us and they're so proud of their girls. >> we hope so. >> we know. >> al, when you described your dad, somebody everybody loved. sounds like you, al. sounds like a chip off the old block. >> yes. >> well, you know what, he still reverberates in our lives so much. my sisters and my brother, we all talk about him like he's still here. he is still here. i look at my sonic i can a nick looks like him. we found out we were pregnant with nicky a few weeks after he passed away. my mother always felt he made a deal with god to bring us a son. who is to say he didn't. >> absolutely. savannah, i love you were saying that your dad would bring gifts to you guys. instead of toys you would get rocks. >> he always wanted to teach us something. i'm thankful to this show to get to tell my dad happy father's day and to get to talk about him. i know we all love to tell people about these people that we love so much. so we'll be back. e announcer ] some are quieter than others. being the squeaky wheel is just not their style. you'll find them with their heads down, working their butts off. ♪ occasionally, they look up from their work, look behind them, see the pack in the distance, then put their heads back down and begin working again. the new chrysler town & country. quietly, convincingly the best-selling minivan in america. [ male announcer ] for the most slam-dunk whites, it only takes three-quarters cup of clorox bleach. in the game. [ cheers and applause ] britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." ♪ ala kazaam! can't wait to make dad's day magical? hurry in to sears to find great savings on gifts dad will love... plus, when you spend $50 or more on men's apparel, only sears will give you a bonus $25 award card. sears. new newtons fruit thins. real blueberries and blueberry brown sugar... crispy whole grain. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. newtons fruit thins, the difference between my pale dry skin and glowing moisturized skin? jergens natural glow daily moisturizer. it gives you natural looking color, guaranteed. jergens is the difference between landing and making an arrival. jergens. the beautiful difference. i'm gonna need my biggest player. a change in the lineup? [ female announcer ] one bottle of ultra dawn has the grease-cleaning power of two of this competing brand. [ sponge ] way to go, kid. [ female announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. this morning on "today's" real estate, how much house can your money buy? from utah to south carolina, we have homes currently on the market for under $300,000. barbara corcoran is our real estate contributocontributor. i bet your getting morehouse if your money these days. >> a lot more house for your money. >> let's start with boise. i love this way this house looks. it's cute. it's a cottage. >> it's like a fairy tale cottage. boise is the state capital. it's on the river. look at the front of the house. storybook cottage. i love that cht cherry front don the house. inside is a sunny dining area, living area that's light and contemporary with blond floors. i just think it's meticulous in every way. there's a dining area that opens straight out into the kitchen. it's totally updated by removing one wall between the kitchen and the dining area. i think it's such a big improvement on this house. great lesson for a lot of people wanting to sell. there is a giant three-car garage. how do you get a three-car garage looking like that for $215,000? not only does it hold a car but canoe and kayak. >> organized as well. >> meticulous. out back, lovely little covered porch. >> let's move on to one impartial to for obvious reasons. a house savannah, georgia. >> beautiful name. why not buy this house just for the name. it's a real southern belle home with beautiful railings and a big wrap around porch. look at that house. it's a sweet pie of a house. who wouldn't want to live there. you feel like you're going to be happy forevermore. it has a pristine entry hall. it has a dog there that doesn't come with the house, by the way. hardwood floors with inlays and leaded glass windows. what a meticulous entry foyer. i love it. living room has wood floors, tall ceiling and original fireplace. simple and almost catty cornered. perfect little room in my book. the kitchen has a lovely set of glass doors that you can't quite see on the back. dining room, pardon me. it's huge. almost seems like you could get a whole dining room set-up. i can't talk today. what is going on here? let me take a breath. there's the kitchen. what's wrong with that kitchen is it's tiny but what's particularly wrong with it is the cabinets should be painted white. >> let's do our last two. let's go to johns island, south carolina. 15 minutes from charleston. >> okey-dokey. this is famous for the angel oak tree, 14 00-year-old oak and draws lots of visitors to this island. when you have a look at this house, it looks like a mini old southern plantation. inside, hardwood floors, nine-foot ceilings. the living room is filled with light. that kitchen that you see off to the right, you're doing to get another shot of it here, is gray and white with lots of cabinet space. very simply done. outside in the backyard there's a double decker deck with a patio. and an eerie, eerie view of the marshlands. i don't know if you have a look at this view, unusual. come on. there it is. who would want to look at that? lots of people. you pay extra for that in this part of country. >> from eerie to lake erie. this is a big house. >> this is a big house. big old gray house with five bedrooms and 2700 square feet. >> all right. it looks like a good one. check our website for that. barbara corcoran, thank you. if you want to know more about the houses you can go to meanwhile, coming up, more music from kenny chesney. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] sun damage is on the rise. now use the best suncare recommended most by dermatologists. neutrogena®, with technologies like helioplex... it provides the highest average spf and unsurpassed uva protection. get the best. neutrogena®. and unsurpassed uva protection. soeh, thirty days. max. we'll see about that. [ female announcer ] glade® lasting impressions: two complementary fragrances alternate to keep things fresh. and not just for thirty days. our longest-lasting plugins air freshener lasts for sixty. well that lasted longer than i thought. i knew it would. [ female announcer ] get freshness that won't fade away for sixty days with plugins lasting impressions. now glade scented oil fits air wick® warmers, too. so you can choose your favorite glade fragrances. s.c. johnson, a family company. come on dad! [ female announcer ] it's for celebrating all our dads are. our fellow explorers... can i touch him? yeah. ow! [ female announcer ] ...personal doctors... and that's why we wear shoes. [ female announcer ] ...d our oldest, closest buds. ♪ father's day is for us to say, "i'm so glad you're mine." come here... oh. happy father's day, daddy. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid. she took mommy's temptations... ♪ she's polishing coal. ♪ new temptations, it's the first jell-o that's just for adults. ♪ parentheses have a place. but not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. still to come on "today," al wraps up his record-breaking lend a hand tour, delivering more than $9 million in donations to five deserving charities. plus, great toys that will keep kids playing all summer long. and that is a feat in itself. rsery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia soft! hard! 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a good toy. >> exactly. mean why, i didn't know that was for children segment. i was there the last half hour. >> jenna was in that tunnel. >> i don't know what the big deal is. >> speaking of jenna, lester and jenna is here coming up on "weekend today." >> casey anthony case, the defense is mounting their case. is casey going to take the stand? also, father's day, and the fast lane i spent time with nascar legend richard petty and his son kyle. both have racing in their blood. they talk about their special bond on and off the track. plus, idol chatter about j.lo. jenner lopez is the smash hit as judge but is the superstar ready to leave the show in we're going to tell you what she said that's got a lot of people talking. and then, we're keeping it all in the family with the duggers. the parents of 19 have just welcomed their second grandchild. we're going to sigh hi to the entire dugger clan. all that and more coming up this weekend on today. they will be here. >> big father's day nl in the dugger family, literally. lester and jenna, thank you. let's go back to al in charleston, west virginia, this morning on the final day of his record-breaking lend a hand tour. good to see you there, al. >> guys, thank you so much. yes, that's right. $9 million in the last five days. $1.3 million, a little bit more than that, here for covenant house of west virginia. melissa doty, the director and joining us is joseph bloomingfeld, he is sharing in the final donation. we want -- you've got a great donation. >> thank you, al. we're excited to support a great donation. we're one of america's leading companies, educate 6 million children a year and we share your view of creating positive change for education. we have $100,000 worth of education materials and books and training and cash and workbooks and it's our pleasure -- >> $10,000. joseph, that's fantastic. >> thank you so much. >> melissa, what has this day meant for covenant house? >> this day has been a real game changer for us. and basically what it's going to allow us to do is serve more families in need. we can't wait to get to work and get all this stuff out to the people who need it. >> it was our honor and our pleasure to do this for you guys because it's such a great chairfy. >> tremendous. thank you. >> thank you, joseph. >> our pleasure to >> we are starting out dry, but there could be a few showers or thunderstorms during the day. this is not a washout situation. of course, we're in west virginia. some would say the fiddling champion of the world. jay crack has been entertaining our crowd. jay, would you like to fiddle us off? >> yes. >> you going to play? >> yes. the "polka river blues." >> go ahead, hit it, jake. i've got to get out of the way. he's going to be move that arm a bit. sorry. he needs room to start fiddling. and one, and a two, and -- ♪ >> you know we want to make sure you find out more about all the great charities. go to we were honored to help bring $9 million plus to all these great folks. and we want to also let you know the nice people who helped us out here, promotional considerations, so watch your screen while i tell you about the folks who made this all possible back at the "today" show. first and foremost, jim bell, john nash, jackie olensky. molly palmer, sarah clagett, steve usher, steve ash-har, the ashman, gill, michelle leoni, grace, harley, and a privilege for the last week to give this all away to great charities. back to you guys. we'll do it again next year. >> all right. al, way to get played out there. congratulations. more than $9 million to five great charities. see you monday. great work. >> fantastic. good stuff in west virginia. up next, how to keep your active tots busy and give them a workout this summer. >> wow. >> they look good. but first, these messages. - excuse me, which sock is whiter? 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[ male announcer ] four out of five agree it tastes as good as fresh butter with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all. that sounded like the chocobeast. he likes to sink his fangs into people who steal chocolate mousse temptations. aaah! [ all scream ] nice job, chocobeast! [ male announcer ] decadent chocolate mousse temptations. it's jell-o for adults. we get double miles on every purchase, so me and the boys earned a trip to dc twice as fast! oh hi! we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast... one more chariot please. ...we can bring the whole gang! i cannot tell a lie. he did it. right... it's hard to beat double miles! read my lips -- no new axes! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one, and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? so, you're a democrat right? what's in your wallet? [ man ] ♪ trouble ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪ ♪ trouble been doggin' my soul ♪ since the day i was born ♪ worry ♪ oh, worry, worry worry, worry ♪ [ announcer ] when it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance. travelers. take the scary out of life. a dog, well, a dog is family. and when it comes to your family's health, you want the best. now you can have it without paying the most. new petarmor plus flea and tick protection. it has the same active ingredients as frontline plus, so it's just as effective against fleas and ticks, but costs about half as much. sure our dogs may be called pets, but we all know they're family. new petarmor plus. same protection as frontline at about half the cost. only at walmart and sam's club. this morning on "today's" family, toys that can keep them active. boy, do i have some with me today. what was a favorite for a toddler at age 2 may not be right now now that he's 3 or 4 years old on the go like these ladies and gentlemen. stephanie from has toys that give them a great workout. we have to get this party started. >> we have a lot of active play here. >> all age groups. >> it's important for kids in terms of building their big muscles, coordination, ability to work as a group. >> and working off the energy. let's be honest. so we start off with something that's really popular. >> right. fans of this caterpillar will recognize the motif on the tunnel and the tent from pacific play things. they were all in here a second ago. >> do you want to go in here? >> no. you want to mess with that. >> that's okay. they love the fact that it's open on the top so you can see. >> want to go with me? no, okay. anybody want to go in? >> there we go. >> the other way. okay. so this is really cool for obvious reasons. let me step over here. >> the nice thing about this is it can be put awaway. you can do indoor and outdoor. >> next thing. this is super cute. >> what i love about this grill cafe from step 2 is it's decidedly gender free and lightweight. so you can take it outside when the family is grilling. the kids can be busy playing on your side. >> should you worry about the smaller pieces? >> yes. everything is age range 3 and up. there's a lot of play food in this that i wouldn't recommend for younger kids. they can pretend to make their own food. >> this is cool looking. >> this is the pee wee bike. >> it's a bike? >> yeah, it's a ride-on toy for older toddlers. jake is on his. it's sturdy. most of the ride-on toys don't steer which is ridiculous but jake can go anywhere on this. >> he is doing great on this bike. >> take your kids to try them on because long legs, short legs, you want to make sure that it fits your child. >> i love this bike. next is -- >> classic toy. >> classic toy. we all had rings toes when we were kids. this is a new one called twist and turn. >> save this for me? >> you can give it away. this different in that the posts actually move and they play music. you can configure it any which way you want. >> it's easy to assemble. we're going to play a game of ring toss. ladies, are you ready? you bring it because i'm going to beat you. >> not competitive at all. >> no. michael jordan used to beat his kids playing basketball. here you go. you get the first shot because you're young and beautiful. >> tamron, go for it. >> it's a foul. a foul. >> way to go. >> i cheated. >> you cheated. >> i did. i'm sorry. what do we have here? >> this is from diggen. this is simple. it pops up. 23 you're going to the beach or going to the park, it's a great choice. one more time. >> i'll try it again. >> this is cool. it's easy. i'm terrible at this. >> you have to practice. >> i like that. it's easy to pack which makes it fantastic. >> this is a pinball -- pinball -- bowling set from step 2 that i love because the pieces have a very wide base. >> great. >> older toddlers and preschoolers can actually place them themselves. they stack up. some of the faces -- they have some of the faces look like mr. bill from "saturday night live." >> i like this because it's entertain for all ages. cool. >> girls, this is the dance with me game. we love this because the girls are going to practice their ballet. you can see that, guys? >> let's say it, girls. >> very good. >> and what else? >> your fourth position. >> show me. what is it? >> like this. >> okay. ballerinas in training love this game. it's active and gets them up and going, which is great. >> you guys strike a pose nicely. okay. anthen? >> these are two games from piper games. speed slider which the girls have over there. it's kind of like a combination of hot potato and bop-it. it's gentle. >> what does it do? >> electronic passing it back and forth. it calls out numbers or colors. >> you can work on your agility. it's not mean. a lot of electronic games are. this is balance bender. low tech and easy to practice your balancing. >> perfect. guys, thank you so much. you were great. i loved it. you brought it. thank you. high five. thank you, stephanie. i've never been around this many children in my life. >> welcome to my world. >> i'm having hot flashes. up next, though, one more song from country hit singer kenny chesney. eh, thirty days. max. we'll see about that. 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[ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. meet beth, nursery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia light every day. so delicious activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia ♪ >> narrator: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> we are kind of kicking up our heels this morning to kenny chesney's music as he took to the stage in our summer concert series. >> now here's one of the big hits from his latest album, it's called "hemingway's whiskey" called "somewhere with you." ♪ ♪ if you're going out with someone new ♪ ♪ i'm going out with someone too ♪ ♪ i won't feel sorry for me ♪ i'm getting drunk but i'd much rather be somewhere with you ♪ ♪ laughing loud on a carnival ride ♪ ♪ driving around on a saturday night ♪ ♪ you made fun of me singing my song ♪ ♪ got a hotel room just to turn you on ♪ ♪ you said pick me up a at 3:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ you're fighting me with your mom again ♪ ♪ and i'd go i'd go i'd go somewhere with you ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ i won't sit outside your house and wait for the lights to go out ♪ ♪ call up an ex to rescue me ♪ climb in their bed when i'd much rather sleep ♪ ♪ somewhere with you like we did on the beach last summer ♪ ♪ when the rain came down and we took cover ♪ ♪ down in your car out by the pier ♪ ♪ you laid me down whispered in my ear ♪ ♪ i hate my life ♪ hold on to me ♪ if you ever decide to leave then i'll go i'll go i'll go ♪ ♪ i can go out every night of the week ♪ ♪ can go home with anybody i meet ♪ ♪ but it's just a temporary high because when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ i'm somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ if you see me out on the town ♪ ♪ and it looks like i'm burning it down ♪ ♪ you won't ask ♪ and i won't say ♪ but in my heart i'm always somewhere with you ♪ ♪ laughing loud on a carnival ride ♪ ♪ driving around on a saturday night ♪ ♪ you made fun of me for singing my song ♪ ♪ got a hotel room just to turn you on ♪ ♪ you said pick me up at 3:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ you're fighting with your mom again ♪ ♪ and i'd go i'll go i'll go ♪ i can go out every night of the week ♪ ♪ can go home with anybody i meet ♪ ♪ but it's just a temporary high ♪ ♪ because when i close my eyes i'm somewhere with you ♪ ♪ somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ i'm somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ i'm somewhere with you >> thank you so much for letting us be somewhere with you, everybody. we love you. >> we'll be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] however they come into the world, pampers believes every baby should be swaddled in the comfort and security of our softest diaper ever. ♪ pampers swaddlers. our softest protection for every little miracle. still to come this friday on "today," punk size property ji, we all fell in love with her. she's beautiful. little jackie evancho talks to kathie lee and hoda. >> it's real. she's adorable. she sounds great. two lucky ladies plucked from the ground for ambush makeovers. we'll see their trans formation. ♪ [ male announcer ] the davis twins... ...are alike in nearly every way... ...right down to brushing their teeth. so how did only one get gingivitis? well, one in two people do. so i told karen about new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. looks like the twins are even again. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is a wbal-tv 11 news update. >> storm system produced a little scattered rain last night. still sees some storm activity today. temperatures on the mild side. mid-eighties over the weekend. thunderstorm chance will continue right through the weekend. weekend. it will be scattered i look great in my wedding dress with the help of your amazing light soups. you know they're the only ones endorsed by weight watchers. they taste so good. now we're adding even bigger pieces of white meat chicken. oh, so when's the big day? oh, we got married years ago. but the point is, i fit in it! are you wearing it... right now? yes! well, good for you. 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