you let your daughter work for john leopold?" referring to a lawsuit. the back of them may other details some of the lawsuit. joanna conti did not get and chance to question him about the allegations appeared >> i asked why so many women complain about his treatment, and he did not answer the question. he has never denied the allegations. >> we try to get his reaction. he referred us to the answer he gave us earlier in the day. >> we have it for a record. i stick to the positives. >> here is the third candidate from the green party. >> it is a desperate move on her part because she did not have issues to run them. in most polls, joanna conti is far behind john leopold. some might say this is dirty politics. >> this is an important issue. >> a lot of times, it's something negative is going on, people call for the person even more. >> people have a habit of trying to find fault with people, and using it as a way of getting another office, or whatever. i am still for john leopold. >> joanna conti says she thinks voters care about the allegations just as much as they care about the economy. >> as a part of our commitment 2010 night coverage, we sent surveys to the major maryland candidates, and compiled responses into a complete can edit profile list. it is all on our web site under the politics section. that race has largely been overshadowed by the slots battle. , november 2, voters will decide whether the slot casino will open at the anne arundel mills mall. >> early voting is underway for the first time in a general election. we caught up with governor martin o'malley. we were out and about as early voting kicked into high gear. the governor was not the only one taking advantage. >> the students from george washington elementary are helping to announced the opening of the early voting polls. when the doors opened, there was a line. >> i came out today because it is my duty to vote. >> it will be open from 10:00 until 8:00 through october 28. if you are registered to vote, you can visit any loading station in your jurisdiction. baltimore has five. >> i find it convenient. in case it rains next tuesday, or lines are long, i will have got that out of the way. >> congressman elijah cummings and mayor stephanie rawlings- blake were among the first to cast their ballots. >> it has always disturbs me how people can have a voting booth within the eighth block of their house, but failed to cast that vote when so many have died for that right. >> baltimore's mayor is reminded people to vote. >> the eight ballot questions will feature funding for school construction, if community and economic development, and support for local attractions. >> the matter who you vote for, you have seven days to cast your ballot accurate >> get out there and vote. >> to find a room polling place near you, or if permission of the candidates, this is -- visit >> our coverage continues online at any time with a wealth of resources you will need. it is all our mind tech -- it is all our mind at >> guilty is the verdict for dennis tetso, who was convicted of murdering his wife. lowell melser has more. >> i do not know what i have to say except justice. >> cathy gardner delivers an emotional replied in front of the circuit court after dennis tetso is found guilty of second- degree murder. >> we have not given up. we appreciate everything the detective has done -- the state attorney's office, the jury, the judge, and even you media who has helped us keep the story of their over the years. it is justice for her. that is all i can say. >> after more than a week of testimony and jury deliberations, the jury handed down the decision of around 2:00 on saturday. on friday. those who tried the case say it was blown up wide open. >> he worked hard, and took hits in the courtroom, but this is a validation of what a find an honorable man he is. >> tracey tetso have been missing since march 5, 2005. the key piece of evidence was the remote key to her vehicle. evidence showed there was only one, and dennis tetso actually gave it to police, and they believe he used it in this surveillance video. >> to see the lights flash on and off, and knowing the person had it in their hand, that sealed it for me, and brought a lot of the other pieces together. >> the defense put the only witness, and dennis tetso, on the stand, who told the jury he never laid a hand on his wife. they also try to discredit the detective. they believed it was not first degree murder. >> i believe the jury waited through all of the evidence, and found there was no evidence of premeditation. for malice and second degree murder, we disagree. >> as for family and friends? did you ever think this would come? >> honestly, i did not. i have been praying day and night. >> family members say they will not be able to put this behind them until the body is found. dennis tetso has been taken into custody. he is being held at the detention center. a hearing is scheduled for november 23. it faces a maximum of 30 years in prison. his attorneys as he will appeal. >> the family of a fallen fire cadet will receive survivor benefits. the benefits had been a point of contention. the cadet was killed during a live bird training exercise in february, 2003. vesture, the family was denied -- last year, the family was denied survival benefits. >> it is 50 degrees. still ahead, dr. kim hammond joins us. >> new laws designed to protect families from deceptive practices are about to go into effect. >> we have warmer temperatures in the seven-day forecast, [ male announcer ] build your better breakfast at subway with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast. >> now, your insta-weather-plus forecast with meteorologist tony pann. >> it was called earlier, with temperatures dipping into the 30's. it is warming up now. it is 47 degrees at the airport. the southwest wind should and at least 20 degrees. right now, temperatures are generally in the mid 40's. the average temperature is 64. we should make it near 70. it will get warmer than that through the weekend. we are picking up some cloud cover. this indicates warmer air working in. our surface winds have shifted. a couple of sprinkles are in northern pennsylvania. that will stay north. there is a system in the midwest. little pieces of energy will come through starting monday, and lasted through the end of the week. we have some rain in the forecast. the short term will be nice. we should stay dry today and tomorrow. i will show you the seven-day forecast in just a second. this is a tropical storm richard. it is just off the coast of honduras. if it is expected to travel into the southern part of the gulf of mexico. it is possible there could be a tropical storm or hurricane in the gulf of mexico. if you have travel plans, keep that in mind. mostly sunny today. we will make it into the upper 60's, to around 70. partly cloudy tonight, not as cold as last night. the seven-day forecast -- we will hit 72 tomorrow, with just a few clouds. a nice day for the baltimore ravens game. monday, through thursday, we will put a 40% chance of showers in the forecast. the temperatures are a good 10 degrees above average. friday, we will get closer to normal, upper 50's. >> we should take a walk later. nelaws go into effect to fight debt relief that is deceptive. >> also, tell it recipes in the -- to allocate recipes in the kitchen. >> and, we have a movie reviews still ahead. >> also, dr. kim hammond is here to answer your pet questions. you can e-mail then ed petque >> it is not a cut 16th trick is 50 degrees. debt collection -- it is a multi billion dollar industry, and consumers have complained they have become far too aggressive. >> their nightmare began when a landscaper did a lousy job and would not come back to fix it. before long, they heard from a debt collector, claiming they owed almost $15,000, much more than the project was supposed to cost care >> we did not allow the debt collector money care >> data became -- the calls became aggressive, even threatening to follow the couple. >> we will get an idea of who you guys are associated with. >> i was pretty scared to find out how far they would go. >> i felt threatened. >> they fought back, still in the debt collector. the case is pending. the federal trade commission says complaints in the last three years have jumped from 91,000 in 2007, to 120,000 last year. >> more collectors are engaging in more aggressive tactics. in some cases, they get consumers to pay it even if they do not owe it. >> there are a few bad actors. >> this is the president of the collecting industry trade group who argues it is difficult to talk to consumers. he says collectors reach only about 1% of consumers called on a daily basis. >> i believe there is an increase in the invasion on the part of consumers that do not want to deal with bad debt. >> a lot of people turn to bat collecting agencies when they are in financial trouble. next week, laws go into effect, and the better business bureau is here to tell us more. >> that is one extreme. the other extreme is the problems that consumers have gotten themselves into that is called debt relief, a debt settlement, and that negotiation. >> tell us about debt relief. >> when consumers are in the $20,000, or $30,000 debt problem, they are seeking relief. these are companies that have done a couple of things. they advertise they will save 50% off your credit card. they make incredible promises. most importantly, these companies have charged up front fees that are incredible. some consumers report paid $3,000 or $4,000 before they ever start paying toward a settlement for their debt. >> let's talk about what people can do. >> the federal trade commission says they have to stop paying up-front fees. you only want to do business with a company that is not charging up-front fees. if you want to check out the businesses. see what the complaint pattern has been. you do not want to do business based on false promises. you want to start with a credit counseling agency, someone that can walk you through and see what solutions you might have. debt settlement, that negotiation, it is a last resort. >> you state research. >> absolutely. >> do you think a law that goes on the books will help? >> they will help for the businesses that want to stay in this business and do good for consumers. for the businesses that do not care about ripping off consumers, they will not. this is where we will sort through, and find the good guys. >> there is some recourse if people entering into one of these debt collection agencies, and they're not following through. >> these regulations are driven by the ftc. it is the first time the industry has heavy-hitting regulation. if you find a problem in a new contract, violations of any regulations, you want to report to the ftc and the better business bureau. >> there is a lot more disclosure. >> absolutely. they need to tell you about the terms and conditions. this industry, or this solution, it takes all long time. you need to know that. >> they cannot charge an up- front fees. >> right. you want to do your homework and find out about the company. most importantly, have full disclosure, and know what you are getting into. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you can reach the better business bureau. do not go away. dr. kim hammond answers your pet questions when we come back. first, events going on around town. public safety is a governor's most important job. that's why governor martin o'malley has instituted new dna and fingerprinting technology that's reducing violent crime... new, stronger domestic violence and abuse legislation... and o'malley passed new laws to better track and convict sexual predators, with even longer prison sentences. as a father of four, i know there's always more that we must do to protect our children and make maryland an even safer place to raise our families. >> live from television hill in baltimore, wbaltv 11 news continues. >> welcome back. it is time for our pet secondment. joining us again is the man, the myth, the legend, dr. kim hammond. >> this is a beautiful labrador and it is labrador whether parent -- weather. >> i have a question, does it give below freezing before that takes start jumping up? >> they hard in compost piles. the answer is, it is difficult. there are in the press. >> even though we have a frost -- >> they will be on and off all winter. the chances are that are not biting in the winter. >> could you recommend another flea and tick product? >> i am a big fan of a product ickled vectra and a tci collar. >> you have a lot of stuff on the web site about that? >> we do. >> go to their website. >> the vet is recommended long- term antibiotic treatment for the cat. is this safe? >> inflammatory bowel disease is what they are talking about, i assume. the problem is, what was the diagnosis? was it terrible? that is important in determining the medicines. if to answer your question about tolerance to medicine, there is a little bit of flexibility. the problem with the disease is that it is multi-sectoral. once you figure out the causes, you treat individual causes. >> how can you tell if your pet has worms? is there a home test before taking it to the veterinarian? >> first of all, you can see some of the worms. once a year, you should check a stool sample with your that area. sometimes, you can catch the worms. >> of good reason to check. we are out of time. thank you to check him. the temperatures are in the upper 40's. statehood. we're back in a few minutes. >> live, local, latebreaking -- this is wbal-11 news saturday morning in hd. >> welcome back. >> let's take a look outside. it was so cold, and all i can think about is what is to come. >> it is a sign that winter is coming. if it is the first frost of the season. it is not unusual. if it was a cold start. we were in the 30's. it is warming up quickly. that will be the trend today and tomorrow. it is 48 in westminster. if we will make it into the upper 60's. not bad. it will turn out to be a nice day. it will get even warmer the next couple of days. we will check the seven-day forecast in a couple of minutes. for now, back to the news desk. >> in this morning's education alert, more than 10,000 maryland school-aged children have no place to call home. >> thousands show up on it, and many classmates are trying to solve the problem. tim tooten has the story. >> this is what you will see it year round at the maryland food bank if. last year, officials gave out more than 8 million pounds of food, mostly to people living in poverty. >> can detect that box? >> some of the food is coming from south river high school. it is a program called harvest for the hungry. >> there are a lot of people that we do not know about it showing us how much we care is really good for them. >> it has become a statewide contest of sorts. >> it makes me really grateful that i am not the only one that cares. our school is not the only one. it is a county-wide, state-wide, nation-wide thing. >> what students collect here, eventually makes its way to the food bank warehouse. >> as a result of all of the children dead do not have enough food to eat -- that do not have enough food to eat, we have a ramp up our program. >> it is not just a project for the students, but a key part of what they're learning. >> " we wrote it into the curriculum. -- we wrote it into the curriculum. we are teaching students lessons on a hunger. >> last year, students and employees collected more than 150,000 pounds of food. it is a number they hope to top this year. >> this year, more than 500 maryland public schools are taking part in the harvest for hungry -- for the hundred campaign. >> hypertension is related to a little-known disease. >> also, the new movie "conviction." >> the ultimate tell it spread is coming up. >> it was cold this morning, but there is a nice warm up in a seven-day forecast woman 1 sync: i knew what bob ehrlich did as governor. man 1 sync: raised my property taxes 60 percent. woman 2 sync: let utilities hike our rates 72 percent. woman 1 sync: but i didn't know what he's done since he got fired as governor. man 2: ehrlich's raked in millions. man 3: he worked for a wall street bank that took 10 billion dollars from the bailout. woman 3: 10 billion of our money. woman 4: our money. woman 5 sync: and he worked for another bank that collapsed. man 4: costing tax payers 17 million. anncr: tell bob ehrlich big banks don't need help. middle class marylanders do. imagine denying a pregnant woman the choice of health care providers. only one senator voted with big insurance over pregnant women: andy harris. protecting our bay? harris was the only one to vote against cleaning up toxic waste sites. he always sides with the polluters, one of the worst environmental records in the senate. and harris was the only one to vote against extending education for special needs kids. no wonder his republican colleagues think he's too extreme. we can't afford his extreme ideas. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message >> now, your insta-weather-plus forecast with a neurologist tony pann. >> welcome back. it is a beautiful start for us. it was a little cold earlier. we had some frost. it is warming up. 47 degrees at the airport. that will be the trend. by the afternoon hours, temperatures will wind up above the average. the average height is 64. we should be in the 70 per hotel the next few days -- 70's in the next few days. we are picking up some cloud cover in our nw. it indicates warm air working in. we do not expect precipitation. there is rain and snow in new england. a little piece of energy from this storm system is going to travel and might give us a chance for rain. in the short-term, we have a big area of high pressure blocking that. we should have a nice weekend. as the high most of of the coast, but temperatures will warm up. we will make it into the upper 60's. i will surely the seven-day forecast in just a second. first, it is still tropical season, and this is tropical storm richard. it is just a few miles off of the coast of honduras. it is expected to travel across the yucatan peninsula and into the gulf of mexico by the middle or the end of next week. if you have travel plans, keep that in mind. mostly sunny skies at home. it will be a nice one. the high temperatures will be in the upper 60's. the sunset is at 70 minutes after 6:00. it is not as cold after -- tonight. the seven-deck -- the seven-day forecast, a nice day tomorrow. if you are going to the game tomorrow, it will be a good one. a little rain at the beginning of next week. it will not read each of those days. it will be in the seven people .ell -- 70's temperatures will drop off on friday. let's send it over to the news desk. >> you have probably heard about the adrenal gland, but you have probably not heard of conn's disease. that is one or both of the adrenal glands go crazy. it's tough to diagnose. >> several years ago, carroll was surprised to learn she had high blood pressure at the age of 39. it had always been low. >> the doctor asked if i was stressed. it did not seem normal. i went on the medication. >> them, chronic migraine headaches started, the retaining of water, dehydration, and her potassium levels dropped to dangerous levels. a cat scan found a tumor on her left adrenal glands. >> just here is the adrenal gland, which normally, you would not be able to see. the radiologist today complicated test which confirmed she had conn's disease. >> what i have to do is sample of blood coming from the adrenal gland, and see if there is a difference. >> using tiny, flexible catheters, the doctor found the left leg and was the secreting abnormally high levels of a hormone. the left was normal. the adrenal gland was removed. cause disease can be dangerous. >> people can die. the good thing is that it is one of the few cases of a hyper tension that can be served with a relatively easy surgery. >> she came off the medication. >> within three weeks, i had spurts of energy. my blood pressure dropped within four these tariffs -- four days. it was amazing. >> the doctor joins us with more information. >> it is all rare disorder. it is a cause of hypertension that is treatable. i think that is important. when you go to your doctor, and you have your blood pressure checked, said they will be checking for other things, running blood test. they might find you have a low potassium level. that is dangerous. it is important for your heart. -- there paestum is low flag should be raised. >> is this also all misdiagnosed, and whose radar screen should it be on? >> it should be on the primary care doctors and the patience. in carol's case, she did a lot of research on her own. she did not get the answers she wanted. she went to other doctors. she eventually ended up with the doctor who had experience with conn's disease. >> given the plethora of information that is out there, i am sure your patience will call you and said i ride, i saw, i think, i have, which is dangerous, but is also critical for people who are advocating for themselves. >> it is absolutely. you would be surprised the number of patients that are not really interested in their own health. they just stayed fixed me. you have to ask the right questions. it gets us thinking as well. in carol's case, when she came with me to this question which it came to me with this question, -- came to me with this question, you work through the problem. in this case, it was 100 of land that was abnormal. it was a simple procedure -- adrenal glands that was abnormal. it was a simple procedure. because of that surgery, she has warned that works perfectly normal, and is now off all medications. it takes perseverance and those questions part >> i am glad to hear that. you often wonder how much research you should do without making yourself crazy, but it helps to be prepared. >> it does. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> if you have any other questions, where would like a referral, you can call 1-800- mercy. you can't eat all your questions -- you can e-mail your questions. >> are the new movie is worth the price of admission? first, a look at the winning lottery numbers. (sfx: coach's whistle) "the car coach" lauren fix. >> your local auto service plus has projected what your car needs this time of year. lights!!! roll the film. sfx: film projector [announcer >> it's time to take advantage of our fall and winter maintenance specials. our certified technicians will get your car ready for the months ahead. and, you could save up to $65 dollars in additional rebates. only from auto service plus. service you can trust. >> wait 'til you see the sequel. >> all right, that as of last year's surprise hit. just like last year, paranormal activity two has very few details. that is just one of the movie's opening. >> it looks like they spent a lot of money to make it seem like they spent a little. the first one was very scary. i did not see this one, but i hear it is scary. i will avoid it. >> let's get to movies that you are able to see. >> "hereafter" the new movie from clint eastwood. this is sort of a meditation. you feel like you will have a strong reaction. what i did not expect to feel was "that was pretty good." you did not expect that at the end of the movie. it follows three characters. one is the matt damon character, who is a psychic, who wishes he did not have these abilities. everyone wants him to get in touch with dead relatives. one character is a french news reporter that was actually in the sewer money -- tsunami, and dived briefly. the other character is a touching come up working-class london boy whose twin died. if there is some good stuff in this movie. matt damon is always reliable. the stories come together in the end. there is something that restraint and polite about this movie. if you are going to do all will be about the afterlife, you should feel passionate about it. it is a little on the long side. it feels like it could have been added. two 0.5 stars. >> the one that has done a lot of talk -- "conviction. >> it is is based on a true story, and a tough cookie against the system type of movie. hillary swank is so good. her brother goes to jail for a grisly murder she convinces -- she is convinced he did not commit. if she decides to get her ged, inco to college, a bill to law school, and defend him. it is amazing. the system starts to beat the man down. you see subtle changes. you are rooting for these characters as you are watching the film. it is amazing that it is based on a true story. at some point, she finds out about dna. this is the 1980's. she realizes this is the way to get her brother out. scott i will give this film -- i will get this film a guarantee that are rarely get. everyone who sees this will like it. three big stars. look for oscar nominations. >> i heard it took nine years to get the green light to make this movie. >> it is crazy. >> into life, but that actually dies. the sister says she could get one person to change her life -- >> they do not mention that she- it is it that he dies six months after he gets out of jail. >> thank you. the baltimore ravens take on the buffalo bills tomorrow at 70 big stadium. we will get a headstart on the tailgate next. women are charged 40% more for the same health insurance as men. domestic violence is treated as a pre-existing condition in eight states. women are abused by their husbands and then by their insurance companies. and last year they tried to end our coverage for mammograms and other preventive services. well i'm proud to say i got the law changed. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know that being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. come on in, and i'll give you a free quote. quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> welcome back. he is an author, and he is helping us get ready for tomorrow's big game. he joins us for some fast recipes. >> thank you. >> you have been hard at work. >> i think i said, want to do some tell date -- tailgating, they want to have a lot of stuff, but they want to make it easy. >> lisa saw you over here. what do you have? >> we will start with a classic dish, it pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw on top. it works easily when you can use the pulled pork that is already slow-cooked. it is a fantastic-tasting product. if it is pretty much like making it yourself. this way, you can spend time making your of coleslaw. you have all of this ready for your guys. you can pre-make these. >> this is painfully easy. >> it is. this is done. >> that was so fast. >> they have different flavors. it is a great product. them, we will move onto guacamole. here is some of the title. i used the classic potato masher. we have some garlic, and green chili, and a little lime juice. that is what you always need. i will do some short cuts and add some salsa. >> because the lime juice to prevent it from turning brown? >> yes, it does. that is ready to go with some tips. -- chips. we have these little pepperoni and bytes. >> this is the man is and -- and pesto. a lot of people, hungry. oftentimes, the main course is not ready. people want to have beers right away. this allows them to do that. it is all ready for them. you pop them right in the oven. the last track -- trick is to get a platter. you can set it out. everyone is happy. you want to get people fed and happy. >> thank you. we have great weather for the game. >> 72 degrees at the end of october. that is good stuff. >> thank you for coming come about. thank you for watching, everybody. we will see you tomorrow morning, at 5:00 a.m.. >> follow breaking news and weather any time at and stay connected with us on facebook and twitter. >> this is a wbal tv allow an editorial -- 11 editorial. >> he was a walking, talking, smiling billboard for the african american newspapers. he spent 50 years of his life at the paper that his grandfather founded. he was a graduate of temple university. he had newspaper ink in his blood. he joined the business after graduation and started his professional career as office manager at a washington paper. he was comfortable, with everyone from the delivery boy to the editors. he was recognized for his commitment to the community. he took great pride keeping readers abreast of local and national news. even in retirement tell he was a fixture at local events. his legacy as a consummate journalist, photographer and publisher will live on. public safety is a governor's most important job. that's why governor martin o'malley has instituted new dna and fingerprinting technology that's reducing violent crime... new, stronger domestic violence and abuse legislation... and o'malley passed new laws to better track and convict sexual predators, with even longer prison sentences. as a father of four, i know there's always more that we must do to protect our children and make maryland an even safer place to raise our families.