Hardware, it is awesome. Here is the cool thing about it, we recognize we have the stadium with lombardi in it. It signifies this, it is the people strophe. It is because of how baltimore has opened up their hearts to us as players and organizations we celebrated with you. I am so looking forward to the super bowl celebration and that trophy coming back home here to the fans of baltimore. This is about you. It is about the fans. It has always been about the fans. When they say the team, they do not just mean the coach and players. This is an organization where team extends to the entire community. It extends to you because it started with you. 17 years ago right here in the inner harbor is where ravens fans named at this team. Theyre called the ravens because that is the name you chose. Right here 17 years ago. So it is altogether fitting that this is the spot the ravens will leave from four superable super bowl xlvii. Isnt it think this team has one more problem to deal with . That is all they have done all year long. What did they say around the country . He is out for the season. Guess they were wrong. What about when ray lewis went down with a tricep injury . What did they say around the country . Guess he is done for the season. Guess they were wrong. What did they say now is the ravens get set for super bowl are thed the 49ers favorite . Guess the ravens will not win it. Guess they are wrong. Ray lewisd to end th career. I wonder what theyre doing with that billboard now . When you talk about the highlights of this season, how about beating tom brady not once but twice . How about beating Peyton Manning and tom brady backto back . Here is a traffic update. The ravens are making progress. They are moving through the traffic. They might be slow, the moving of the right direction. It will be here in a couple of minutes. Lets get the crowd ready. Baltimore ravens cheerleaders lets kick them fired up. Get them fired up. Jerry sandusky doing a great job firing up all the ravens fans that have been waiting for the team. As you heard him say, the buses almost here with the team. They will be piling into my left to tremendous applause i am quite sure. Several of the players i am quite sure will be on stage to speak, including ray lewis. Everyone wants to hear from ray lewis. The coach, and maybe the general manager. This will be one of rocking place 10 minutes from now when the ravens bus rolled up. Lets listen in again. Can you hear me . Give us a sense of how big the crowd is. When did folks start writing . We know we saw few really early this morning. It is hard to tell because of the level i am at. I am looking at both the billion spirited you have people on both decks of the line all the way down to the back of each pavilion deck. You have people lined all the way down to the end on the ground level. You have the promise not area completely filled with fans as well. , not area completely filled with fans as well. Omenade. If i had to guess, i would say 30005000 based on previous fourth of july celebrations and things like that. Theyre very well could be more. I should mention the bus is still on the way. Some of these people i can see them looking out their windows. They still have time to get down here. The ravens i understand will have to leave the area at 12 55 so they can make it to the airport to catch the bus to get on to new orleans. Good deal. I am always so taken by the spirit when it comes to the ravens and the fans in their town. There is nothing like it, and this captures it beautifully. 12 years ago when we celebrated winning super bowl celebrated the super bowl you have some Old Baltimore colts fans who did not want to quite except the team. 12 years later this is all about purple fashion. This is ravens nation. Theres no holding back as far as celebrating this team. Of course we have a team of reporters are ready in new orleans waiting for the ravens to get there. We will track their moves throughout the week. Any idea what their schedule is like . Not really. Most of the sports teams obviously will be going. And i believe there are couple of others from the sports desk that are going. They will be wellrepresented. There were some Baltimore Ravens fans that are related to new orleans. There were lots study and live their that were Baltimore Ravens fans. She showed us her press credential have purple beads has purple beads. I know purple and the gold our callers for mardi gras, but we will take anything we can get. Absolutely. We can see the cheerleaders revving up the crowd as we write the arrivals of their as we await the arrival of the ravens. The remarkable story line for all of us who enjoy this year. The brothers meeting in the super bowl, and ray lewis retirement. Thinking back to the denver game in new england patriot games, it has been an incredible ride. Weatherwise, some folks have been standing out here as long as fourfive hours waiting for the team to show up. It is cold. No one is feeling any pain from the cold because were all excited about having the opportunity to send the ravens off in style. Going back to jerry now. The buses have almost arrived. The denver game at gerry brought me back from the abyss. I am sitting there and all excited. Jerry. Justin tuckers kick goes through the uprights. I am assuming that jerry will do his signature. He forgot. The only time i have ever forgotten i was so excited. Am tryingng to to mouth to him. Lets all quick say it with one another so we can all feel does not forget in new orleans. On account of three. One, two, three. On the count of three. That is what were want to do in new orleans. He will not forget. We will not let you. Here is the magic of it, less than two minutes left. Hope is dwindling. Aldus said you remember what rate was has taught us for 17 years, and that is it there is time up on the clock, there is hope left in your body. We did not give up on each other in this town, do we . We let each other up. That is to we are. As the team gets ready to arrive, here is something i want you to do because you might need to do this during the game. Connect with the person next to you. Forget the connection going here in baltimore. This is a championship town. This is a chip and chip team in championship season. In just a moment john hardball will leave his players up to the stage. Then he will leave them on to new orleans. And to face his brother, jim, and the San Francisco forty niners. This, by the way is not kane and abel. Those were brothers that did not know how to get along. If you want to know, he has no allegiance to the fortyniners, but jim knows how special the Baltimore Ravens are because he played for the ravens. By the way, we talk about really was, did you know the first sack he ever had in his life was to was that guy . Jim. Hopefully he will get another one on the sidelines this week. But not on gym. Jim. No accidents. No accident the ravens have made it to the super bowl. He was when to go on at last ride. He said at that moment that room was more than 50 men all united in the knowledge that they were going to the super bowl. That is where theyre going at the end of the send off. Theyre going to the super bowl. For the second time in franchise history, there are many nfl teams who have never even gone to the super bowl. The ravens and their 17th season are going back to no. 2. Ray lewis, the only member still active, still on the ravens, the only member from the 1996 nfl draft still playing is going back for no. 2. No. 2 as in 52. Another guy that is going back to was in that locker room last week that provided a lot of inspiration for this Football Team is a guy who made the first tackle against the new york giants in the super bowl. O. J. The bus is coming down the street. [applause] jim nance has done the masters. He has done all the big events. That was the most inspirational locker room he had ever seen in his whole career. He finished off with saying god is good. God was good to the ravens. That was the afc championship, and only locker room that could be louder and carter is the victorious locker room at the super bowl. I see the flashing lights. The Police Escort has pulled in. That means the buses cannot be far behind. This is a journey that began on the hottest days of december and training camp. When john was searching for what he considers 53 by event. Six months ago. Six months later. The mighty men are going to new orleans. They are taking you the final mile on the road to the super bowl. All right, the bus has just pulled up. These folks are waiting with anticipation. As the coaches get it off right now. Coch gets off right now. Here comes the head coach. President dick taft. Executive Vice President kevin burns. Give them a cheer. There he is john harball. The ravens players making their way down. No. 81 in the house. How about i will lock you out no. 31 bernard calllpollard . Right behind that with the cap on. How about mr. Big play special is, number 82 . With the glasses looking all academic, antowne bolden. Kerry williams. One of the great special teamers in the nfl and terrific linebacker, too. He made one of the great in the playoffs a few years ago. Jimmy smith in the super bowl. 27, hey diddle diddle, ray rice of the middle. How about number five, joe flacco . No. 88. The guy that helped with the whole, no. 44. Of the juggernaut. Going home. How fast are you . How about 20. He is come back to be a member of the super bowl team. An amazing stat of coaches. And the two gentlemen who accord unaided it all, often supported nader, jim caldwell offensive coordinator, jim caldwell. He will leave the ravens and sacks this year and will leave the ravens, paul kruger. How about just and dr. Pepper justin dr. Pepper tucker . And bernard pierce. Ravens top draft pick, kourtney upshaw. The guy who inflicted the passed last week . Pass last week . Ladies and gentlemen, your super bowl bound Baltimore Ravens. [applause] at this time, i would like to ask the mayor of our great city, mayor Stephanie Rollins blake and the governor of our great state, gov. Martin omalley to come to the podium. Hello, baltimore. It is so wonderful to be here with our governor and other elected officials who are here. Could we get a big hand for our Council President , jack young . Councilmember bill cole. Council member nick moseley. Thank you very much. This year our team is on a magical ride, are we . Arent we . I am so proud to be here, and i want to thank each and everyone of you for coming out. Crazy. All right, we have to keep going. All right, all right. Right before i bring on the coach, i want to say one thing, they said we could not beat the team from indianapolis, we proved them wrong. They said we could not beat the broncos, and i am still waiting for the mayor to pay up into his stance. They said we could not beat the patriots, and we taught them a Little Something last sunday. You know what i say, let them keep underestimating our ravens, because that is when we shined the best. I want to thank the governor for being here, and we would like to bring up the coach that is going to bring us the super bowl. All right, ok when i say baltimore, use a ravens. Baltimore. Lets go win the super bowl for baltimore. We know we have to get to new orleans, so we cannot let all the players talk, but if there is one voice, if there is one heart, if there is one heartbeat of baltimore, i think you know who it is. Say hello to number 52, ray lewis. [cheers and applause] baltimore, baltimore, baltimore. There is no ravens without you guys. We did this in 2000, and were not going to new orleans for nothing else but that to bring another ring back to baltimore where it belongs. We love you, we love you. Were want to give you everything we got. Baltimore, we love you. Ray lewis. Began his First Press Conference as the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens five years ago with three words. He said we are about three things, a team, team, and team. Say hello to the coach of your team, john harbaugh. [applause] all right. How about this . No better team than baltimore right here today. Thank you for coming out. This is awesome. We have the best bands in the world. A wall of purple. Cannot wait to see all the fans in new orleans. We cannot wait to see you in the superdome. We will do this when we come out of there. We want to hear you loud. All the fans that are not going to baltimore, youre going to be gone, because you will be in our hearts. We will take you down there and our hearts. You will be in the superdome with us, i promise you. It will be a glorious day in new orleans a week from sunday. Cannot wait to see you. Listen up, we need your support. We are going to hit to the airport and head to new orleans. Team gets together. We hold our heads in the middle and get a break. We are going to take the team right down off the stage, right through the middle of the courtyard right there. We need everyone to grab the hand and put your hand of these guys shoulders all the way out to the edge of the crowd. Lets move right there right through the middle. Talk about an opportunity to get up close and personal with the ravens players before they get back on the bus. This is a golden opportunity. A great opportunity for the fans. Yes, sir, baltimore. We got two tickets to paradise [laughter] here we go, everybody. Touch somebody. That somebody. Touch. We want it loud and proud. We want them to hear it around the world. Were headed to new orleans. Baltimore on three. One, two, three. Baltimore. Ravens fans, thank you for coming out for todays sendoff. Time to head new orleans to head to new orleans. Baltimore ravens, see you in new orleans. There you have it, the official sendoff of your Baltimore Ravens as they head to new orleans for superable 47. Super bown xvlii. Inner harbor and the official kickoff and send off of your Baltimore Ravens. Have a great afternoon, everyone. Thank you. Thank you for capturing the enthusiasm down there at the inner harbor as fans continue to wave goodbye to their team. They are in route to the super bowl. We know what that means. We know that means a win come sunday as we continue to celebrate along with the ravens. We will be here for more. Stay with us as we watched the ravens say goodbye. We will be back in a moment with a check of the forecast. Stay with us as we watched the raid and say goodbye. Watch the ravens say goodbye