i stayed. it was a weird feeling not sing land any more. >> the view from allen's front porch really shows the devastating damage. >> we had planned on staying here. with all the fuel tanks rupturing and the water, it is terrible. >> allen and his wife are staying in. all but came back to monitor the damage to their home. >> i did prepare for it. i got everything out of the basement including the furnace. right now, it is just a waiting game. >> town officials have not been able to quantify the depth of the murky water, but it has already swallowed up cars and backyard swing sets. crews are going out every three hours to monitor the rising water and search for hazardous materials. the number of open floodgates is constantly changing, but town officials say the open its combined with the peaks later tonight to make flat conditions were spurred >> to give you a little bit of a reference, the real storm of record for anybody living memory is hurricane agnes in june of 1972. that was for 38 feet. this flood is a little less than 3 feet less. >> they ordered a mandatory evacuation last night. anybody who decides to stay is doing so at their own risk. >> if we determine it is too risky for our rescuers to go and and try to rescue, we will not put them in harm's way. >> i have mixed emotions. i do not know which way to go. i just want the water to go down and get back to normal. >> we have a few updates to pass along to you guys. right now, there are 39 gates open at the dam. that is down from earlier today when it was 43. i spoke to the emergency management figures and they say the number is not expected to get higher than 44. it is down from yesterday when they were anticipating all 50 gates being opened. the shelter at berryville high school will open tonight. we are told it is at friendly. -- p et friendly. >> raging floodwaters are planned for five deaths. in a year old boy is the latest victim who became stuck in a storm drain. two other people were swept away in the flood waters are still missing. >> flooding has been an issue in baltimore county as well. some northern and western parts were really hit hard. today, residents in eastern baltimore county find themselves fighting floods as well. barry simms as for sx. >> a number of roads were closed this morning. many roads were operational by midday. some still posed problems. >> i have to go down that road. i have to go home. >> water across the road near rocky point park. terry is determined. >> this is pretty dam dramatic. -- this is pretty dramatic. they are leaving their cars there and leaving and getting rights and trucks. >> she is not the only person refusing to let -- tim michael decided to drive across. >> to probably have 200 yards of water. it's maybe a foot deep. want to get beyond it, it is ok the rest of the way up the road. >> heavy rain always causes flooding here. residents say they have no alternative. >> i have been living down here 30 years. this is the worst it has been as far as water control grid there is nothing else to do. i am not where to park here and try to walk on. i go to an 3 miles per hour and i will get there. >> the owner of the silence as he is used to the area flooding. he says this time, water rose 8 feet. >> it used to be scary. we are so used to it we kind of laugh about it. as long as it does not get inside the bar we are ok. we have things that go in front of the door and we still a up 3 >> it is not like i can't get across that. >> she probably would have driven, but she said she had just put her car in the shop. >> county officials said this morning once again, they tell people do not drive or walk through standing water. of course, people in that neighborhood said it was the only way they could get to and from their homes. >> cleanup efforts were also underway in howard county where ellicot city suffered a lot of damage. there is a do concerned about one of the natural byproduct of too much moisture, that being mulled. >> less rain and more cleanup in howard county on friday. randy's home would be considered on higher ground, he noticed a huge sinkhole forming in his crib. >> i am looking down and i can see our ground caving in. >> public works officials have stopped by and assured him the ground is stable. he still worries. >> it has been a horrific experience. my concerns were as the russians continue that the banks would continue to collapse, it is coming in toward the deck area. >> the flood waters have receded. as a can of matching, they have left behind a huge mess. >> there are cleaning everything that. basically, that is all we have done. >> we saw more than we could count. >> we try to clear that basements and yards. i have a huge hole in my driveway. it is a big mess. >> frustrations were growing as neighbors complained the more tourist the areas of main street or at -- or receiving all the attention from county officials and there were left to fend for themselves. >> i was told to have a disaster relief fund. where is that? they cannot even show up and give us a little bit of help. you can see the devastation here. doors blown away by the water. basements, fence, everything. >> county officials insist that they are aware of the problems suffered on the western portion of main street. the are in the process of making arrangements for degree -- debris picked up pre >> mac and dispose of materials with molly resin residue, use a stiff brush on walls and similar services, fell late in the area before and after entering a work area and clean yourself when you are done in great works officials from the executive office say they will also let residents to leave a 210 bags of trash and a couple items on trash day. on recycled, recycles will be of limited. you can log on to our web site, wbaltv.com. >> let's check in with tom. the good news is, perhaps, -- >> less rain? >> it looks like slowly as we work our way through the weekend, more and more will be breaking out. less rain, more son, slowly drying up. we are still experiencing some planning conditions in the area. a flood watch from baltimore, carol, montgomery counties. flood warnings for parts of that area up and hartford and cecil counties. the potential is there for a couple of heavy showers to develop to the afternoon tomorrow. even pockets along the pennsylvania area to pick up rain. let's check doppler radar and see where the rain is falling right now. you can see most of it is a pennsylvania prison north of hagerstown. only a few scattered light showers around the baltimore metro. less rain on radar, more of a chance to dry out. we will see if it holds for the reagans came on sunday. the forecast in just a couple of minutes per >> thank you. maryland -- officials said they have an unconfirmed information on an al qaeda related plot on or around the 10th anniversary of 9/11. >> authorities are chasing down leads and searching for suspects as both cities wrapup security even more. >> all lan security officials say the information about a terrorist plot was so detailed it cannot be ignored. bridges and tunnels and washington and new york city clerk >> that information that we have received says that it could be a car vehicle, explosives. it could be a suicide bomber type situation. >> authorities are searching for three suspects included one american citizen. washington, d.c. police will be working 12 hour shifts the route the weekend. additional officers and canine units of been dispatched to the transit system. but we refuse to be intimidated, but that does not mean we are stupid. >> thousands of extra police officers will be deployed to form a security zone around ground zero. surveillance cameras, of vehicle checkpoints, and beefed up patrols and bridges and tunnels are also being used to look for suspicious activity. >> they must be pretty convinced this is a real opera does not mean will be intercepted. >> the president has no plans to cancel his schedule visits on sunday. >> , and security secretary says in light of this threat, americans should be vigilant. there is no need to cancel plans or changer de libertine. -- with new york and washington d.c. on high alert, they address first response was at the university of maryland this morning. the governor says the state has taken several steps to increase security like identify infrastructure that could be targetted by terrorists as well as increase communication and drills. because of the latest threat the governor says the state is taking some additional precautions. >> pushing out some of the very helpful information we received from homeland security. it is what we call a trip are questions that need to be disseminated to say, hotel security, and also other employees. >> ordinary citizens but skeptical about the role of preventing attacks, but like the vendor reported seeing something suspicious during the failed times square bombing, average citizens can thwart tragedy. just a reminder, tonight 11 news remembers the 16 maryland citizens lost their lives and the brave men and women who died fighting wars that followed. september 11: 10 years later. that airs tonight on wbal tv 11. >> we will take you to the team's first for any part of the season. >> all in good fun, but after the game coming up in sports, it looked at the baltimore ravens >> after wes of rain, it looks like everybody is ready for a diversion. there is plenty of anticipation of a big rivalry game approaching. baltimore rate and fans showed up all of the region for the purpose first purple friday. there were lots of smiles, picture-taking, and plenty of purple. >> now, your 11 weather and stuck weather forecasts. >> to unleash it all on the steelers' come sunday if we can keep the ran away, that would help. right now the trend is good. it is moving up into western parts of pennsylvania. i have not had nearly as much rain that way. around hagar's town, just -- around hagar's phil, just over 4 inches. working their way out of hartford and cecil counties into southern pennsylvania, as far as baltimore a drive other pattern. parts of the weekend will feature dry weather. it gives them a 8.5 inches so far for the week from this storm system. elizabethtown in lancaster county over 15 inches of rain and recorded this week. at the airport, not as much right to adjust to the west. now tom baltimore, an inch of rain today. normal high is 81 degrees. we are almost there. flood watches remain in effect around baltimore. some mornings for small streams and creeks around charles county, st. mary's county, and did lead advisors. the western may have some coastal flood advisories. -- the western date may have some coastal flood advisories. a thunderstorm could produce a heavy downpour, but it will be scattered and we will get some sunshine between both saturday and sunday. temperature was a are holding around 80 in eastern maryland. a slight chance for a shower to pop up overnight. this low pressure has reform, he are sandwiched in between to tropical systems as lee continues to weaken, we will see less activity around here. insta-weather futurecast shows the main band of rain tomorrow up to the north and west. on sunday a few showers cannot be ruled out around here, you can see at 1:00 in the afternoon and this computer model is producing some nice weather. that may help out in downtown baltimore on sunday. scattered showers into early next week. tomorrow, 79 to 84. at risk about a 20% chance. light winds of the bakery and western maryland, rain showers will be numerous and a little heavier. the eastern shore locations get some more sunshine. that gets the temperature up in the low 80s. we have the thunderstorm like on there, but there is only 20% chance. most of the weekend will be dry. at kickoff, mostly cloudy with a little sun. warm and muggy with a 20% chance of isolated shower. not bad for football this time of year. maria is a tropical storm have to watch and the same thing with nate. they will move with the coast of mexico. it is forecast to get stronger and work its way up through the bahamas and become a hurricane as it makes its approach to the south atlantic coast. right now you computer models to the turn following in the path of katia . if that happens it will stay well off the coast. sunshine and clouds mixed tomorrow. a chance for a shower and a few locations on sunday. partly cloudy on monday and tuesday. >> could evening. the ravens offer up their final injury report heading into sunday. spain -- ben grubbs but the list for the first time. listed as probable, and sure he will play. a light mood as the baltimore ravens to the field today. they swapped jerseys as they finish their final preparations. polkas for the game comes at offensive line. the position switches, a gigantic on know. andre gerrad will be ready to play. john expense today why he can get up to speed and time. >> he knows the offense fairly well. the good thing about guys who play, they can apply. all they have to do is translated. a young guy or rookie has to learn it all for the first time, they are learning how to speak. he is learning how to translate. guys help him with that. he will be able to play for us on sunday. >> the ravens will not take the field sunday with their offensive line coach. todd washington will coach the goal line during the suspension. st. and packers combined for 76 points. ironically, it was a defensive play that solidified the packers' victory. the goal line stand and denied parking grim to keep the game alive. this was a clinic on how to play quarterback. it was a result he thoroughly enjoyed considering how much grief he endured about the packers not using the off-season workouts. >> that was a good start for us. i just have to ask myself, what would have happened if we had had off-season workouts? could we have started hitting faster and scored more points? what's he was 545. i guess they were ready. please stay ready. -- please stay with 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