proper medical information, it will continue to seek a fair and satisfactory resolution with its patience. jay miller and his clients disagree pri >> we discussed all 100 of these cases. we met for over 20 hours. st. joseph's medical center is not willing to accept its responsibility, and they are not willing to take care of the patients they said they would take care of third >> the letter was sent to most of his clients in 2009 after st. joseph's had cardiologists ecologi who found discrepancies in the patient's medical records . hospital responded by saying, the fact that they sent a letter to certain patients is not proof of liability. they will take responsibility when patients demonstrate in an inappropriate care has cost them an injury. miller says his client just want to get a hospital back to the negotiation table. >> i have been available for negotiations. when st. josephs and dr. mark midei are ready to talk, we are ready to listen. >> he said he could be falling 100 more lawsuits on behalf of other clients. as for dr. mark midei, he left the medical center in the summer of 2009, and this past summer, the maryland board of physicians placed charges against him. >> well, some good news. crime appears to be down in baltimore county. crime that during the first half of the year is at a 35 year low. homicide, burglary, and theft are down. homicide is down 44% compared to last year. they solved 80% of a violent crime cases, including 90% for murder. >> it is always gratified to be able to report a continued trend of decrease in crime, but particularly so in these challenging economic times. credited an effective partnership for yielding those positive results. city police need your help trying to find a missing elderly man t. edward reisinger was wearing a blue jacket, blue pants and black boots. if you have any information, please call. he is the father of the city council vice president. >> jurors spent two full days of deliberating the fate of the men accused of killingke ken harris. >> jurors asked more questions, just as they did yesterday. this time they wanted some evidence. >> you can never predict what a jury is thinking. it could be a question that had been thinking about. it could be something related to the murder. >> the defense is not sure if the jury is getting closer to reaching a verdict, but questions they are asking seem to show they are considering the testimony and evidence presented in the murder and robbery trial. tuesday, they sent to questions to the judge. one juror asked if they could see the cartridge and the bullet. they also requested to see a copy of the transcript. the judge responded that there was no copy prepared at this stage. faugh he told jurors that they could see the 9 millimeter casing and the bullet removed from the body. the former baltimore city councilman was shot in his car as he tried to flee the robbery. >> there is an inference that it might have been the same bullet. >> the purse was stolen during the armed robbery of the new haven and lounge. police testified also the purse -- they also found bandanas containing dna of williams and others. yesterday, jurors asked how many guns were involved. >> my first thought is that it did not give me any clue which way they're going or towards any of the defendant. when taken into consideration with a question from yesterday, maybe they are centering on one person or on conflicting testimony between people. it could be they are trying to look at the casings in the ball at to see if mr. covington's gun had a similar case incurred >> he fired from his .38 at the robbers as they tried to flee. weapons used in the murder were never found. deliberations will continue tomorrow morning. >> and now to politics. for the second time in two weeks, a new poll shows a governor martin o'malley ploy ahead of bob ehrlich per the poll reports -- the polls shows the governor taking 49% to bob ehrlich taking 41% tari. 8% are undecided. 17% of those in the poll say they consider themselves members of the tea party. many feel that the tea party say it is good. u.s.ay it is thabad for the >> the white house held its first summit on community colleges. the future of two-year schools is very much tied to the economy. our education reporter was that today's education summit. >> the white house says it is critical that america turn out more college graduates, especially those in community colleges to help fill very important jobs . dr. jill biden kicked off the summit today. business leaders shared ideas of how to strengthen community college. s. >> in the coming years, jobs requiring at least an associate degree will grow twice as fast as the jobs that do not require college. we will not fill those jobs or keep those jobs on our shores with out community colleges. >> countries around the world are looking at community colleges as a model to increase work force prepared as and college graduation among their own citizens. >> before today's summit, dr. jill biden made the rounds. one of those visits was at anne arundel community colleges. we will have more tonight at 11:00. >> french police conducted two raise a rounding up 12 suspected islamic militants, including three men linked to a network that recruited fighters. that comes in the midst of the heightened threat in europe. >> that suspected terror plot in europe is focusing more attention on al qaeda activities a long pakistan's border with afghanistan. pakistani intelligence officials say that the u.s. drone strike on monday killed 11 suspected militants, among them eight germans, who may be linked to al qaeda. >> there is clearly all link. some of the reports have been very clear that multiple sources are finding that a number of european nationals who are motivated in interested in carrying out terrorist attacks have gone to this region to receive training. >> analysts say the u.s. has stepped up drone at tax in the region. launching 21 in september. with major european cities on alert for possible attacks, the state department says it has seen an increase in the number of americans registering their travel plans as recommended by the department. >> we evarts to thousand per day in the immediate aftermath. we have had roughly 8000 per day. it increased fourfold. >> of their is no indication that terrorists have targeted the u.s. or its citizens as part of the threat in europe. >> u.s. officials y they believe the plot was to be carried out by a group of germans and britons with ties to al qaeda. >> i want to clarify -- are the 12 arrests in france linked to the terror plot? >> no. as of right now, there is no indication that there is a link. but police in france are saying that some of the suspects are believed to be linked to groups that provide lodging and estates identification papers of four islamic militants traveling to france. >> thank you. >> stay with us. there is more news ahead, including a visit from a former president. >> you'll find out what president jimmy carter was doing in town a few days after getting out of the hospital. >> at ravens camp. no more time for celebration. they turn their attention to sunday and the denver broncos. >> the chilly weather is hanging around along with the possibility of a little more rain. cloudy skies, a live view -- 56 at the airport. >> did a carter was in baltimore today. they took part in the annual work project for habitat for humanity heard >> it is a week of building houses for habitat for humanity. >> he is the 39th president of the united states. since his days as president, he and his wife had been building houses all over the world. of jeffersonblock street in east baltimore, volunteers were working on a number of homes. and here and what will soon be her room, president jimmy carter and his wife were busy filling up the window. even at 86, the former president is quite a carpenter. >> and almost everywhere you go in the u.s., you can find a place to work on a project. it is always exciting and challenging and unpredictable. at the end, it is really gratifying. >> for her, this is quite an honor. >> this is a phenomenal experience, an opportunity to be a part of something like this with them. >> what does this house mean it to you? >> of foundation, to be a part of a community, a family, and stability for me and my family. >> up until a few months ago, there were only two home owners in this neighborhood. after this project is done, almost the entire block will be occupied. >> they are working to help us to revitalize our community. and we have the president. now, i got to be here. >> for residents -- houses thato see people are actually living in. >> for president and mrs. carter, hoping this project means a lot. >> never in my life dreamed of owning a home. >> we really enjoy it and appreciate the chance to do it. we will see you later. enjoyed talking to you. >> well, sunday marks 10/10/10. to help us capture this date, this sure your pictures at u local. go to and click on u local. >> now your 11 insta-weather- plus forecast. >> another day with temperatures way short of the normal high. 71 is the normal high temperature in october, with temperatures only hitting 60 degrees at the airport and the inner harbor. the low was in the 50's. many of the suburbs and dropped into the 40's. showers or around us -- up in pennsylvania, through ohio, down to southern west virginia. there was a circular pattern to the precipitation. it was a fairly light. greens hows up. that pushes closer to half an inch of rain up there. those showers that were spinning around the edge of us were fairly light. we are watching the back edge of this weather pattern. it looks like it will drift east and bring us a chance of a few more showers tomorrow afternoon. but with the clouds and showers hanging on, temperatures have been quite chilly. oakland is 41 now. pittsburgh at 46. bradford, up 46. charleston, at 53. 60 in centreville. overnight around baltimore, it will be 42-49 for the overnight low. the west wind is averaging five miles per hour. the sun will be about to set going down at 6:43 p.m. storm is pushing up towards long island. the upper level low is trailing behind it will take all day tomorrow to cross through our region. then high pressure is able to come in. saturday and sunday are looking gorgeous for outside activity. look for showers to pop up in the afternoon tomorrow. skies will clear tomorrow night. thursday, a lot of sunshine. the winds might be a little breezy thursday, but it should be pleasant. that should take us into the weekend. tomorrow, the last in this pattern of clouds and cooler temperatures and showers. highs of 57-62. winds out of the southwest at 10-50 knots. western maryland feeling chilly, in the mid 40's. around the chesapeake bay, a 30% chance of a shower. less of a chance of rain is you had towards the coast, 20% chance. we are keeping an eye on the tropics. just north of puerto rico. this is trying to organize. there is a chance it will become a tropical depression or a storm stirred the next name on the list is otto. it could become tropical storm otto. cloudy and cool with a few showers tomorrow. partly cloudy around 73 on saturday. great football weather on sunday. >> now 11 sports with jerry sandusky. >> with you from ravens camp, where the focus has shifted from the steelers to the denver broncos. the coach is glad to be back call for only the second home game of the regular season. the second year they will face the broncos at home. momentum means an awful lot. for joe flacco, the ability to have led the ravens against the browns and the steelers means more than just a little. quote had to listen at to whether or not though ravens should bench him, now finds that it fans cannot stop talking about him. there is a reason they call him joe cool. >> you do not think about being on the road or being add home. it will be nice to come home for a few games. to start at 3 and one is a step in the right direction. >> much more ravens the tonight at 10:00 tonight on the john harbaugh 0 show. the coach will talk about sunday's win against the steelers and this coming sunday's showdown with the denver broncos. if you watch tonight, you'll have a chance to win tickets. the orioles settle in into the off-season. one final footnote -- brian roberts, the second baseman, missed the final six games of the regular season. today he revealed why he missed those games. he had a concussion symptoms. he thinks he gave himself a concussion. he thinks it came from hitting himself in the head after striking out in the ninth inning in a game in tampa bay. he said the bat that swung around and hit him in a helmet. he believes that is what led to the concussion. he is not sure, but he thinks. he will continue to have tests to make sure the symptoms clear up. opening day for the orioles is a long way away. after the arrival of but showalter, it looks better than it has in recent years. we will see how the weather looks in the days ahead at when we come back. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. his past attacks have been called deceptive, his new attack, false. harris voted for deregulation increasing our electric bills by 72% it's not surprising, harris always sides with the big guys. he opposes cracking down on wall street and supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. harris even opposed making big insurance cover cancer screenings. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us. >> the elderly father of a baltimore city councilman is missing. we will have details and the latest on the search. stores and restaurants in the inner harbor. what some are doing to return the cities crown jewel to its the cities crown jewel to its original glory. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do. my dad is the supervisor of a train station and my mom's a teacher. my dad's an auto technician. my mom's a receptionist. i'm not sure i would have been able to afford college without the tuition freeze. while tuition in other states is rising out of reach... governor o'malley made the tough choice to freeze tuition. he made my dream of going to college into a reality. i'm the first in my family to go to college. my brother and i never would have been able to afford college. even though times were tough... governor o'malley kept his promise. there's never a doubt... there's never a doubt whose side he's on. martin o'malley... moving maryland forward. >> we will check our forecast. we are hopeful we seeing the rain fade out of the picture. >> we have to go through one more day of the rain and clouds and chilly temperatures. beginning late wednesday night, then thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, nice weather comes in. the highs in the 70's on thursday, friday, and saturday. it looks like fantastic weather for the ravens and the denver broncos play on sunday. it will be worth it. >> we have heard that before. >> will be ok with the weather. the outcome of the game is a different thing. >> just a little chilly. nbc nightly news is next.

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Chesapeake Bay ,Maryland ,United States ,Centreville ,Pennsylvania ,Germany ,Baltimore County ,Afghanistan ,Denver ,Colorado ,Pakistan ,West Virginia ,United Kingdom ,Puerto Rico ,Ohio ,France ,Baltimore ,Marylanders ,Americans ,America ,Britons ,French ,Germans ,Pakistani ,Jill Biden ,Jimmy Carter ,Jay Miller ,Andy Harris ,Al Qaeda ,Brian Roberts ,Jerry Sandusky ,John Harbaugh ,Ken Harris ,Bob Ehrlich ,Edward Reisinger ,Anne Arundel ,

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