John. Maxim that's making a difference when it matters most. To you I like 82 bouts of everyday use when there's traffic lights insight and analysis fact more I'm going to be a gallon music radio 10000001.5 But how do you. Use the city decided to sit close quarters for d.p.w. Work. From a.b.c. News. I'm sure a precedent doesn't trump the son Donald Jr blasting the New York Times report on his father's tax records he called it ridiculous and selective picture during a Fox News interview this morning a.b.c. Senior White House correspondents a city of a guy with more on what the Times Record seemed to show the president who vowed to pursue no new foreign deals when he took office earned more than $73000000.00 from his overseas business dealings during his 1st 2 years in the White House including from countries with authoritarian leaders like the Philippines and Turkey according to The Times the paper also says that as the president was paying $750.00 in taxes here at home the year he took office here is companies paid more than $300000.00 to countries overseas back in August Dr Anthony found she said the u.s. Needed to get down to about 10000 new covered 1000 cases a day to have some control over the virus now the u.s. Is averaging 40000 cases a day he tells Good Morning America we're not in a good place in regard to what he said back then when you have an increase in cases . We're seeing mostly among young people but then they spread it to people who are older and more vulnerable and that's when you start to see increases and hospitalizations people of one coastal Texas county have been put on notice the water supply may be tainted about 3 weeks ago Brazoria County Texas was made aware of a 6 year old boy who died from exposure to a brain. An eating amoeba has been to a splash pool in the city of Lake Jackson but tests there came back negative now the child is thought to have gotten sick after drinking from the hose at his home and city officials are warning residents you can take a shower but you've obviously got to try that with the water in your nose or is it any type of infection the governor has issued a disaster declaration for the impacted area Jim Ryan a.b.c. News Dallas it looks like the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin hearings on any Barrett's nomination October 12th with the vote expected about 10 days later you're listening to a.b.c. News now I've got to be a l. News update telling you these radio 10 died and f.m. Want to 1.5 is available 24 hour broadcast center Good Monday morning I'm Steve rage over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on un really in violent behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City Mayor Ray Nagin says he's been trying to stop the annual event known as h 2 o. I American state trooper was injured in a scuffle with us us by to one point during the incident that had to be taken to a hospital carried by local police to a patrol car then through the crowd to get to an ambulance who could not get close to the scene a bus struck and killed a man or the penn'orth Metro subway link station was Baltimore on Sunday morning City Police found the Uniden a 5 man in the middle of the street in the 1500 block of West North Avenue a local church bus had struck the man who was walking with a cane across the intersection a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the care Zach to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a $5000.00 bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and Pfister Councilman you see Schleifer in a letter sent to Mayor Young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages and Monday Night Football means Patrick Mahoney of the Kansas City Chiefs are at m. And t. Bank Stadium tonight against the Ravens Lamar Jackson says he's not worried about Holmes have more homes nor go to focus on the food are there for those. Or I'm going to focus on my make my offers you know do our. Difference. In that game can be heard tonight here on w b a l and on w b a l t v 11 last night's winning Maryland lottery numbers picked 3936 pick 49 to 52 bonus match 5 numbers are 715172629 the bonus ball 12 you can watch all of you know when lottery drawing some of the u.p.a. Old t.v. 11 and tune in tonight at 7 56 pm for the debut of the new lottery drawing studio and you can hear live coverage of the 1st presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee you former Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday night at 9 pm right here see you for a w.b. a Odin's radio tending to you know f m one a 1.5. Shilling that got a new radio personalities for a virtual cocktails and conversation of this on Thursday October 8th 6 pm by a Facebook live in d.c. 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Or as John as Wilson lumber is the go to for home building remodeling and a door and window replacement they understand when it comes to new windows the most important feature is trust so go with a name you know Anderson the time proven choice found in more homes than any other window for 20 years running builders have used Anderson windows more than any other brand John as Wilson has a team to help you choose the right product a custom mill shucked a great nearly any design idea and delivery using their. Own fleet of trucks check out their selection at John there's Wilson dot com. W b a l News Radio Ted 90 I doubt that the 1.5 crap they. Crash out of the beltway the outer loop just go before the interchange in 72 involves a vehicle that ran off the road went down the ditch it is the right sidewalk for the moment you know they have the roof on 70 the right side of the block you're surely in order to retrieve the vehicle that run off the road earlier at the Harbor I learned still resonate his judicial philosophy is mine to a judge must apply the law as written judges are not policymakers and they must be resolute and setting aside any policy views they might hold that is a.b. County Barrett at the White House this weekend President drumstick to sit on the Supreme Court which would be a massive power shift in the 9 member justice system we're pleased to be joined now by Carrie Severino she is the president of traditional Crisis Network co-author all the number one best selling book justice on for all the cabin all confirmation and future of the. Court great to have you all morning really appreciate you coming on the show we know as you well documented in your book about justice Cavanaugh about how just crazy that turned out to be me the chaos and the stuff that was thrown out there and just the character assassination and the the turmoil of the country was in for that time I can't possibly see that happening with Amy Coney bear but you know all these things better than I do what do you think the chances of that being at least attempt by the Democrats are this time Kerry. 100 percent. I mean look if the the real thing that drives the intensity during a confirmation process even the character of the nominee him or herself so much I think a lot of people that he was maybe the woman it's a different look we saw what they already did to her during her 1st confirmation process the anti-Catholic attacks and stuff what really drives the intensity of a process like this are the stakes of the seat and the stakes of this seat are really significant because you've got Justice Ginsburg who on one end of the ideological spectrum on the court right or her approach is a philosophy is very different from that of any county sheriff you hurt she is in the mold of Scalia she's a Scalia clerk that was her mentor you know if Scalia 2.0 It could be a very different feel on the court at least jurisprudential we know Scalia and Ginsburg are really good friends I think Barrett follows in that pattern of being just a kind of person who would be easy to get along with as a colleague but you know what they're not going to agree on the jurisprudence and that's what drives the intensity the process that's why the left so outraged that Donald Trump is going to be feeling this the Justice on Trial The Kevin non-confirmation and future of the court the co-author Carrie Severino is on but doesn't carry when it comes to weekly care is the Kevin hearings love your w. Feel when it came to just the I called it a righteous indignation of the Lindsey Graham. When he told the Democrats you will the day you did this I was feeling the when he runs this committee he's not going to allow some of the same things that happen to Kevin what are your thoughts about the girl yeah I think I think the cabinet confirmation really radical I think he saw how great the Democrats behavior and he was someone who for years try to reach an olive branch out Democrats and he as you said he said at the cabin of a ship like I voted for sort of my I voted for cake and wear what do you guys doing like eat they took that olive branch and they just started using it to beat. The Republican nominees with and I think he's not going to want to stand for it you know the good news is because of Cope it actually we're not going to be able to have public speech hearing so you're not going to have the crazy Code Pink protester people if you know every 5 seconds standing up and getting arrested 200000 people having to get arrested for disrupting but we still do have the senators in the committee and we don't last time they tried a lot of shenanigans interruptions to their Spartacus moment like releasing confidential documents all these different stuff to Connally Harris is like trying to play Perry Mason in a but not really succeeding so I hope that Senator Graham those of you getting into I think he's seen before so I'm hopeful that kill be able to keep the committee on task and not trying this in to just call it a cool theater but do you think it's to me it is different than Kavanagh there are a lot of people who hear the stories about Kavanaugh maybe their own title but there was always something there maybe is you know a frat boy did some things whatever that there was there was doubt and a lot of people's mind about that with with with Amy Coney Baron I mean what are they going to get around the fact that she's religious that she believes in God that she has a great family that she's adopted me what could they possibly do and doesn't the Democrats run the risk of alienating supporters and even like swing voters if they go after a woman who they look at women maybe suburban women to look and say you know what she's not that different from me how could they possibly do this. Well you know I I with you I think it would be a bad strategy it's a bad look to go to it be attacking someone has who's as talented and accomplished and just what a great role model Yeah any code there is however you already have listed several areas they have actually attacked her for I mean her face obviously we saw that there 1st here you've got people already trying to say she's some kind of like crazy you know crazy Christian person and what this is years ago a religious test for office under our constitution you can't go after that but it's not stopping them for some reason for doing it you had people suggesting on Twitter people need to dig into the adoption records of her 2 children that she adopted from Haiti the people suggesting she is and get this racist for adopting children. From a country and raising children of a different race that's crazy and then there are people saying oh well mother doesn't how can she have enough time to be doing all these think the Supreme Court like Ok you know Justice Scalia had 9 kids and he managed it let's not be you know it's so bizarre coming from people who want to say they want to live up to Justice Ginsburg's legacy and now they're criticizing a woman for being a or being a working mother it's just it's so bizarre but I think if they are can't help themselves so we are going to see some of that we already have terms of renos Obama's as president of Judicial Crisis Network you know Kerry getting a win well qualified from the American Bar Association used to mean something used to translate what we saw in 90 from the 7 votes whatever it's almost like they don't even matter anymore when you get a well qualified what your thoughts about the. Well look she's someone who clearly is well qualified but I have to say I don't put a ton of stock in even simply because unfortunately over time they have shown themselves for decades now to be biased against conservative nominees and to be guys against women and nominees of color and there they were comparable study showing that so. You know I already rated her for the appellate court position I don't know what the rating could be for Supreme Court but I can't imagine the look if it's anything but well qualified that we know that there. Are coming into play here and it wouldn't unfortunately surprise me from that it's a tradition that is has a great many liberal views as the a.b.a. Does you know watching obviously you're writing this book and researching the book on Kavanagh and you got your the ground was special with a lot of senators in the in the Judiciary Committee and just the vote in general is going to tighten obviously do the Republicans risk losing anyone or do you think that they're galvanized here to get this through. I think we had the votes certainly to move on especially I can't I just look at this nominees are going how do you think you know figure out how to vote against her she is so impressed that she has the people she's worked with over the years on all sides of the aisle who acknowledge she's just like the smartest person in the room every time. And I think it should not be a problem to get this process done quickly and I think there are going to absolutely have the votes to do it Leader McConnell sounds very committed to moving this through expeditiously and look she's someone who was confirmed with a bipartisan majority only a few years ago so the Democrats can claim we don't know anything about 3 yourself . Right there it is this woman is someone you're familiar with they feel like her but that doesn't mean you haven't had time to know who she is finally Carrie Severino it was in the book is Justice on Trial The Kavanagh confirmation and future of the court one of the legacies left over though by what have the judge with Kevin I mean I've never seen I serve in the state Senate not to vote on judges that came through a legislature here in Reno I've never seen a thing like this before one of those of the legacies of this. I'm glad to hear the very legislature isn't as dysfunctional they found it so far there are. At least something right yes. I think some of the things we've learned are expecting anything I mean one of the reasons Cavanaugh was picked is because everyone's like this guy has gone through his record the fight to come 6 times out the recipe I had the best it's there's absolutely nothing he's been through confirmation process isn't a confirmation process is it no one can find anything and you can't you can't prevent some you know charges for being made up at the last minute so people know they have read each being you know this is the gloves are off and the Democrats to set it so that really question is do you take them at their word they said nothing is off the table so Ok you know do we believe them after Cavanagh I think we do I think there's also you know part of the Senate process as you said Lindsey Graham is going to have to really careful he's going to go into these hearings knowing that Democrats are going to try every procedural thing but also every you know route interruption kind of trick in their pocket to do whatever they can to stop and slow down this nomination and I think you also just have to know that there's going to be people you know if you give them confidential documents you might as well just put it get handed over to the New York Times is going to say it's going to give me that there's not there's not a respect for the process so I think some of those things are good going in you know being aware of what we're dealing with so that they can they can you know proceed with caution so gird your loins as Joe Biden was. Exactly a very good Cary Grant Davion thanks for Tommy appreciate it thanks Carrie Severino who wrote the book justice on drug co-author of the cabinet confirmation of the future of the court I said tell you the man you better do better friend carefully because not only could have backfire on you but it's going to possibly backfire on you a month or a couple of days before an election and that's why I thought it was important Brian for Republicans to vote on this before Election Day because doing this before Election Day You really do get the clarity for voters a lot of people have voted. Male Ok but for those voters who haven't voted yet about the direction of things look you can looks like disagree with her on the issues but if you look at good parents record I don't know a lot about her you know until I started reading about her background. Nobody has anything bad to say about yeah I know that's not sure where they're going to go because if they go the Catholic grout if they go with the adoption route if they go I don't know some lecture that she gave like 15 years ago I just she her her personality and her personal story seems untouchable now if there's something somewhere that they can find her on I guess though on earth that but I again I just say good luck now I do want to bring up something worse before you get that Roe versus Wade I think is where to go to hang a head and the fact that she won't come out and say that's the only thing I can see they're doing to other woman her Let like try to make her not Ok right a woman so to speak all right that's obviously that's one thing to say I mean I'm pretty sure that's one of the major major reasons why conservatives want to on the bench right I mean let's let's not that's what's not sugarcoat it or like deny that that's what's happening but that's one of the things that conservatives have wanted for a very long time to have a Supreme Court that could overrule Roe versus Wade and with the love and more particularly right but I want to go to Carrie's point about you know Democrats have said they can do everything they possibly can and that is they're not going to be able to stop at this time barring something crazy happening but if they do get the power in the White House and the Senate next year they could do a lot of different things and they really could change the court to 12 justices or to 11 justices I mean that is a real possibility if they get rid of the filibuster there's nothing Republicans could do if they have a united front like Republicans almost have a united front this time on a Macone Barrett despite what happened with Merrick Garland like that that is that is fighting fire that is the nuclear fight that we are in right now in this country where. Republicans blocked Merrick Garland from sitting on the bench and they did this because Harry Reid opened the door I basically started the fire by getting rid of the virginal filibuster and that was because they could I mean he had a vote that McConnell had to vote so he could stop but that's that's really what it boiled down to write but I'm not sure McConnell would have done that without Harry Reid getting rid of the filibuster from from the get go and if he did that it would save them accountable to started it so the Democrats can take it and I love it but let's remember though McConnell was blocking judicial appointments of President Obama unprecedented medal Republicans were not justify her re going nuclear option but there was a unprecedented blockage of federal judges by President Obama right Ok And again this is this is the whole power argument and you know how McConnell feels about judges that's this baby that you're very he wants more than anything else so if if the Democrats are willing to put everything on the table including nuclear options which I tend to think that they are then you know keep in mind what could happen next year we could have a massive change in the structure of the federal government of the United States if they want to do that because all they have to do is get rid of the filibuster and they can pass anything on power on a party line vote and they only need 50 votes because the vice president would break it and that includes adding seats to the Senate by bringing in new states whether it's Puerto Rico or Washington d.c. They can expand the House of Delegates I mean that the house and they could expect expand the electoral college by doing that as well I mean there's so many things that they can do it could fundamentally change the structure of our government just get out of the line and the bottom line is what does it take to win it's no longer where I am once again sounds Pollyanna about having the moral high ground of what the issues are is what can I do to win and both sides have been to me setting up these nuclear bombs at each other like that yeah and that's and that's. The part to do with it just winning is most important that I love is that when that justifies the means and the truth be told you never know what you're going to get in the Supreme Court you really don't because I know there are a lot of people who thought that John Roberts was going to be their guy for a very long time chief justice for crying out loud. It didn't work out all that well for conservatives he seems more like a Kennedy vote these days than he and the need to be was mostly a very very conservative and you know he voted majority 10 people believe that he was like always in the middle no about 80 percent time he voted with the group but it was the 20 percent and the huge issues that he voted you didn't know where he was going right so. Chris Serino is coming up at 933 and walk from some of these questions about where we're going and you know what he thinks about Amy considering how this young woman. Was the 1st. Quote it. Was Let me think about that 923. 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Registered Investment Advisory Firm w b l m radio 1090 an f.m. maybe the word but you know it's different states different jurisdictions have different ways of doing things and we are definitely on the on the side of caution in Maryland where there will be no bans in the stands tonight if we know that she makes a problematic here Brian with our look at local Democrats with with Governor Oh good things down there off the hook you have open rebellion local leaders with the governor to say this so they're open they're the robot in Texas you know we had fans in the stands in the Louisiana but when I did will be just 250 people in the stands to watch a supposed to be there live and right you left out 250 excited very loud people I should say fans that are their family but I believe family members Lowell's close oh close friends of the sick and that's what they're going to be so excited as we're going to yell and scream so much yes right against that's a probably a good thing as they will be yelling you know they will be booing nobody no Bronx cheers if something goes wrong up they don't see that Roland before for the rail be you know Chief you don't want that is a was a could have been you know the wood fire coming up next down to the news we have Senator Chris Van Hollen coming up obviously he's got a big vote coming up in the Senate I think we all know where he's going to go and probably already said it was easy vote for Judge Baird person $11.00 about that was questionable look at up on the breaking news coming up after the news right here on w b I on his radio tonight he and f.m. What I want for Bob. Now I'm going to be a alums operate on telling you this radio 10000 and f.m. Want to 1.5 And good morning once again from the whole 24 hour broadcast center and Steve Perry over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on Unruh. Only in violent behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City mayor wrecked me and says he's been trying to stop the annual event known as h 2 o. I m Maryland state trooper was injured in a scuffle with us us by to one point during the incident and had to be taken to a hospital carried by local police to a patrol car then through the crowd to get to an ambulance who could not get close to the scene a bus struck in killed a man or the and North Metro subway line station West Baltimore on Sunday morning City Police found the Uniden a 5 man in the middle of the street in the 1500 block of West North Avenue a local church bus had struck the man who was walking with a cane across the intersection a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the cares act to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a $5000.00 bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and 5th District councilman u.c. Schleifer in a letter sent to Mayor Young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages as the crow virus pandemic continues to shift much of our restaurant dining from eat into take out this week nearly becomes the 1st state in the nation to bend the thing they are foam containers used to carry home everything from crab cakes to talk goes the state law goes into effect October 1st preventing schools restaurants and other food service outlets from using polystyrene containers in sports the Ravens and chiefs are on Monday Night Football from m. And t. Bank Stadium which will welcome 250 immediate family members of the players coaches and staff as a step towards welcoming back fans the move was done with the support of the governor and mayor and help from the Maryland Department of Health they game can be heard here tonight on w b a l and watch it on w b a l t v 11 with the kick off at 815 Steve for a w b a l News Radio 10 to you know if I'm on a 1.5. Listen up Maryland election day is almost here you can vote by o 1.5 We're joined right now Brian by the junior senator from the state of Maryland just a senator and a former state senate colleague of mine United States senator Chris Van Hollen joins us right now good morning sort of the morning Senator I got more see for good to be with you and Ryan with you as well again as I point you all teamed up where we're trying to make that the tag team here Senator let me ask you 1st we want to talk with you about the selection of Judge Amy Callie Barrett to potentially be a member of this paper Supreme Court but you have to ask you about the breaking news for the New York Times in reference to the information of last couple of decades of President Donald Trump's Tech situation particularly when he 2016 in 2000 settlers paid 750 dollars each year in taxes what's your reaction to this for . From The Times. Well it's astounding and now we know why President Trump has worked so hard to. Deny you know the public what other presidential candidates have provided which is tax returns because I'm sure when we all looked at it we said My God this is the guy with you know Trump on top of his buildings and hotels and he's paying $700.00 a year in taxes when the rest of us are you know paying a lot more to support public services I thought it was astounding to do the pick of the Supreme Court is obviously is a massive shift in ideology on the Supreme Court and Amy Kone Barrett I know you voted against her in 2017 to sit her on on the tradition on the bench but this time around it's obviously you know very partisan I mean let's be let's be fair and you're not going to vote for but do you think she is qualified to sit on the on the Supreme Court. And there are 2 issues here one is whether somebody has a legal background is qualified and that sounds but the other question is Where does she fall within sort of the judicial sinking and if you look at her writings and. Case decisions she is far off on the right she's outside the judicial mainstream and when President Trump promised that he was going to appoint nominate somebody to strike down the Affordable Care Act and protections for preexisting conditions and strike down Roe v Wade all the evidence from what she's written and said suggests that he's found that person. In Judge Barrett so. You're right I would I would not oppose I would have I would oppose her on the merits but obviously there's a larger issue here as well which is the precedent McConnell established back in 2016 when he said during a presidential election year we need to let the people decide on the president before the president picks somebody and of course he had one set of rules for President Barack Obama has now a noose set of rules for Donald Trump you know state senator Chris Van Hollen is on board with us and so they've been howling when it comes to just the whole nature of how the Senate operates particularly with judges and Supreme Court judges you know going back to 2013 a majority leader Harry Reid and then of course 2016 which just referenced with Mitch McConnell is there any way to put this Humpty Dumpty back together I mean is this going to be a straight up a I have the majority and that's it or can the Senate try to get back to some norms . Well see for Unfortunately it's very broken right now and so we will have to see as we move forward here but this latest. Court. Moved by McConnell just further shattered what little trust remained I think we've all seen the clips from people like Senator Lindsey Graham right now who is who said repeatedly you know if there was a presidential election year not move forward with you know presidents try nominations just as they blocked President Obama from doing that and you know he said use those words against me and now he's the chairman of that you dish Harry committee in the Senate holding a hearing when they've refused to even hold a hearing for America Garland so I have to say at this point time there is no trust and this latest move this abuse of power by McConnell is just you know taken things to a new low so how far would Democrats be willing to go if they do wind up gaining control of the Senate and the White House because there's been talk about you know getting rid of the filibuster altogether packing the court was that something he would go for because of this move by by the Republicans to push this through well Brian 1st of all I'm focused on still trying to block this nomination I think people forget that we were successful in the end it at stopping. You know the Republicans in the Senate from under you in the Affordable Care Act through legislation that was that dramatic moment on the floor of the Senate back in the summer of 2017 when the Democrats together with 3 or Senate Republicans by one vote stopped McConnell and tromp from gutting overturning the Affordable Care Act So we think there's still an opportunity of people throughout the country rally because of what's at stake and what is at stake there is and emic is access to affordable health care but how could you stop hearing how could you stop it I mean you would have to get Republicans to peel off one or 2 Republicans. Is that the way you stop it. Well yeah at the end of the day yes but the question 1st is whether there's a vote before the November 3rd elections you know we'll use every procedural tool at our disposal to delay this effort but at the end of the day there will be a vote and yes the goal is to pick up another 2 Republican senators to have said that they opposed moving forward on principle the principle that McConnell himself established back in 2016 but we haven't given up on getting 2 more to vote no because the consequences of this decision there is that Supreme Court hearing one week after election day on the future of the Affordable Care Act. As they said to Chris Van Hollen look at the end of the day it really does come down to having majority United States Senate I've been talking with the brand about the fact that 35 Senate seats up and election have you had Democrats been talking about because it's really good opportunity for Democrats to gain some seats focusing on that and there are by being in a position to do some of these things. Well that is big that of course is the name of the game I mean both the presidential elections and the Senate races as you said see for there are lots of Senate races around the country I think the Democrats have a very good shot at winning a majority in the United States Senate and then we'll have to decide how to move forward to your question here and Brian's you know when when Republicans overturn precedent rules. They stablish their own precedents for others reviewing the Senate rules so obviously after the election will fully review this not. Things off the table in terms of moving forward but as you say 1st you know 1st come the elections and so we're very focused on trying to elect Democrats to the Senate from around the country I want to go back to the qualifications you said she's out of the mainstream and I know there are a lot of people because and I think really how is she out of the mainstream Republicans of the same thing about Sonia Sotomayor and even Alina Kagan but what do you see that Amy Kone Barrett has done as a judge or any of her of her time when she was a law professor at Notre Dame that would consider her to be out of the mainstream and not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. Well there are lots of very smart people who are qualified in the sense of credential to be on the court who never the last have outside the mainstream opinions and if you look at her writings for example on the Affordable Care Act as she as sensually taken the position that Justice Roberts was rolling out called the Affordable Care Act. And Senator the there are a lot of people think that was a kind of a made up kind of split the decision from from Justice Roberts I mean how do you with you would think that was a little strange don't you if you look at the Brian so I think it was correct but eventually I think I think the decision was correct by the way I'm going with the write about in fact that's what it whether or not of the tax Well I mean that was strange but this is you also go to go through her decisions issue reproductive choice and you'll find that she has laid the groundwork for overturning precedent in those cases because only the Supreme Court can overturn precedent the lower courts cannot and she makes a big point in her right. Ratings. Point into the fact that an issue that I would argue is well established growth the way decided back in 1973. Would be subject to be overturned that in my view is outside the mainstream we continue to have these justices who as nominees come before the Senate and say they believe in you know story decisive. So many of these sort of types of cases and then reverse themselves and so on these very big issues regarding our rights and freedoms it's just too big a risk when somebody has a written documented record of questioning these kinds of things brainers I mean it's no secret why. The super right conservatives think that she's a pack and there's no secret as to why President trying to say that you want to overturn the Affordable Care Act and throw out a woman's right to choose pick her I mean it's not as if we're making this stuff up it's the very reason Trump is taking her and why she has such support from the folks on the far right well you know just a sort of Christian hell I will watch I think October 12th down the date when hearings begin to see exactly what goes on after that thank you so much for the time thank you Senator good to be with you thanks thank you we'll talk a bit Brian about the Affordable Care Act I want to I want to talk with you was the whole mandate into what tax. Everybody thought that he was down not just but everybody pretzel Yeah but not just about everybody list a 2 for that. Radio 91 a 1.8 president whether. I $95.00 it was pretty practical the local Alamo Bowl and. 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Of the woodburning stove watch this can help you convert to gas so you can enjoy a mess free fires all winter long watches fireplace and patio you can relax it's from Watson's the Maryland lottery works and you listen to the daily dreams on w.p.m. T.v. Every b.l. News Radio take 90 and one on 1.5. Before and Bryony and Baltimore's live in local morning show w v a all news radio 1090 f.m. 101.5 w.p.a. Oh mobile. All right have at me. Head Oh my God it's not it's not it's not just you Brian it's those that was saying that all Justice Roberts Chief Justice Roberts did was appeal to you know the try to keep things the status quo when he ruled Brian on the fact that Congress has the power to tax every gauntlets what the Obama folks called it it's a tax that's accurate what he was doing was throwing it back to Congress they don't bring us this argument this is an argument for you all to vote on whether or not you want a tax are not the issue of putting money that you must pay into it Congress has the power to do that right you are forced out of the Affordable Care Act to get insurance the government was actually mandating that you buy something which was how were they doing it they would taxing you doing it by the 1st time the history of the country they were forcing you to do something I agree with them Ok so this was a fee and he tried to split the difference on the other tax it's a difference when he claimed it was a tax he was the Congress no one nobody ever called it a tax bill right Roberts so that didn't matter what they called for this my whole point is is that that decision was controversial and to say because Amy Carney Bryant thought that it was wrong is not out of the mange to work with you without you without That's my whole point was to Senator Van Hollen there were Democrats. If you thought it was a crazy decision they had no idea where this was because they weren't looking at it as linear as I am Brando some others I'm looking at the decision that Justice Roberts raised that Congress can tax you're bringing in of course demanded dental it but the whole thing of whether that's in devote all of Congress to do it is they can text and that's what the ruling went to right but it was never called a tax and it was always a financial penalty call it it's the power you can call it donuts if you want to whatever takes money from the citizen but Congress has the power to do it but I don't have to pay the tax if I get the insurance that's where it was that's where the whole legal aspect comes from but again I don't want I don't need to rehash that my point to Senator Van Hollen was is that if you think that is outside the mainstream that i'm so the one that's running not that's great which is but she's not the main stream I do agree with him though he's right it is about abortion and clearly the Democrats need to talk about that because that's what it's all all about and the whole thing that the Supreme Court you can't overturn a pass decision that it's all it's not all the time but it does happens all the time so I mean to say that that can't be done is it's silly because the Supreme Court has to do that sometimes and we had a big overturn Brown versus the Board of Education programs I'm going to miss unanimous so to me would you be arguing against that I mean I understand abortion is a hot button issue I get that right but saying that you have to rule with what the previous Supreme Court said doesn't make you outside of the mainstream you know you're right about that I'm just saying that when it comes to your other question whether or not you want the qualifications as opposed to just the ology that's what we've going to skew it's all idiology of course has always been a mixture of what the person is qualified judicially which she is and then you mix in you know kind of where they fall on the scale it logically but now it's all. It's no longer qualifications Yeah right and unfortunately God's going to be the way it is for for here on out and you can you can bet that you know Republicans will try to stop any kind of democratic points addressed us up there and the same is going to be true on the other side around now he didn't answer my question about you know what's going to happen if this just if he does go through and would you be willing to pack the court because it's the lack of answer Towse you know the focus is on now trying to stop as many that possibly can and as I said last week the only way they can really stop this it's not going to be digging up dirt or finding something crazy on a Macone because I don't think there's anything on on her that they can do that on and they are pumping would have come up at of that last vote 2070 they're playing with fire if they go after her because she seems to be just a wonderful human right put it but the side your differences if you don't like her or her judicial philosophy she's a good person but if they can convince 2 Republicans to go the other way then I don't think that from happening and that's where the yes I think that's where the action is going to lead so you have this Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and the only reason it do it is they claim it's because of what happened in 2016 they have this has nothing to do with Judge Barrett's opinions or anything else so it's just based on the what they did in 2016 I don't think anybody else is going to say that right yeah I don't think so either but I think that's the message that the real message is about abortion now they could talk about affordable care act all they want right it sounds a little bit more palatable but it is this is about abortion a lot to do about abortion and it does put the numbers in favor of it but it doesn't mean it's going to happen and even if it does happen it also doesn't mean that abortion would be illegal across the nation I mean people forget about that as well well Bill is that there's an election coming up and if this vote goes through like you know I think it will which is that Judge Baird will be a Supreme Court justice people will have the opportunity to weigh in on November 3rd. 955. W. 101.5 traffic and weather. Heading for the Curtis pretty girls been out of the traffic has now been stopped for nobody movie so the ladies. Moving to getting On these radios at 90 and every one of them. Attention s.s.i. And other federal benefit recipients if you did not file a tax return last year and have children under 17 you must act now to get the $500.00 economic impact payment per child this year you must provide your child information by September 30th go to i.r.s. And use the non filer tool by September 30th that's. This message produced at u.s. Taxpayer expense employers expect from Chesapeake employer's insurance for their Dot com. You can't predict the long term power outage but you can certainly prepare for one to Delanie power systems phone line of color commercial and industrial emergency generators can help your business prepare for that unfortunate event and never miss a beat to delegate power systems his color is commercial and industrial distributor and service provider of the year and their professional and friend histories is why in the Atlantic regions leading businesses developers and property managers insist 1.5 that tell you. To expect long lines at early voting Ocean City the site of over 100 arrests this week to city council hefty bonuses for d.p.w. Workers a.b.c. News. From a.b.c. News. And Sherry Preston more pressure on President Trump to release his tax returns the New York Times reporting that he paid just $750.00 in federal income taxes the year he won the White House and another 758 the year later a.b.c. Senior White House correspondent to so you've got the president repeating the claim that he cannot release his taxes because he's still under audit even though his own i.r.s. Commissioner has said an audit would not prevent him from doing that the i.r.s. Does not treat me well they treat me very very badly a.b.c. News has not independently reviewed the more than 2 decades of documents obtained by The Times but the investigation paints the picture of a businessman whose empire is seriously struggling the president's son Don Jr telling Fox News today that the report is ridiculous and a selective picture of the president's taxes the tax question will almost certainly come up during the Cleveland debate on Tuesday President Trump and Joe Biden preparing for tomorrow night's debate the 1st head to. Had match up Joe Biden has taken time off from the campaign trail to prepare he's been debating for 50 years he knows how to do it the way he likes President Trump he's got a different approach he says he takes questions all the time he hasn't been doing much preparing to see senior national correspondent Terry Moran record high temperatures and dry gusty winds forcing more people out of their homes in the West A.B.C.'s Anna Whitworth is a Napa County fast moving wildfires taking aim at the heart of California wine country lanes 43 you can hear them 50. Firefighters now we've seen it all out battle against the Flames multiple structures reduced to ash. Brush and a hospital Dr Anthony Fauci telling Good Morning America he's concerned heading into the fall because kopek numbers are up in 33 states so we want to do everything we possibly can to avoid an absolute shutdown in other words get the cases of the control by the commonsense types of things that we've been talking about all along those public health measures that we can do that if you're listening to a.b.c. News. I'm going to be a news update on telling you these radio and f.m. Want to 1.5 good morning once again from the 24 hour broadcast center and steal from the commitment 2020 desk was a month and a week until Election Day early voting doesn't start in Maryland until the next month but if what happens here is the same this what's happening in Virginia you should prepare for a long wait at the polls in Virginia early voting started on September 18th elections officials in Northern Virginia said they were really not expecting much in the way of turnout so they've been shocked by the crowds showing up day after day to stand in socially distanced lines waiting to cast their ballots one elections official calls it a massive turnout and says it's much higher than they've seen in any previous election Bill Vanko to be a all news radio to 90 and if they want to want to point 5 over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on unrelated but I would. Behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City Mayor Rick me and says he's been trying to stop the annual event known as h 2 o. I American state trooper was injured in a scuffle with a suspect at one point during the incident and had to be taken to a hospital carried by local police to a patrol car then through the crowd to get to an ambulance who could not get close to the scene a bus struck and killed a man of the penn'orth Metro subway line station in West Baltimore on Sunday morning City Police found the unit on a 5 man in the middle of the street in the 1500 block of West North Avenue a local church bus had struck the man who was walking with a cane across the intersection a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the care Zach to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a 5000 dollars bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and 5th District councilman your life or in a letter sent to marry young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages the Ravens and chiefs are on Monday Night Football from him and t. Bank Stadium which will welcome 250 immediate family members of the players coaches and staff as a 1st step towards welcoming back fans coach John Harbaugh and other players and coaches are really happy about 34 to have their families be able to come to the games to play big deal we're very thankful to the organization for setting up and then to go over Hogan for making it happen it's very important to our families in their pursuit of that game can be heard right here in w b a l n seen on w b a l t v 11 by the way just ahead of kick off the Maryland lottery debuts its brand new set so turn to t.v. 11 at 7 56 pm to get your 1st look and Europe see Morgan is just ahead of traffic and weather here on w b a l hiring can be challenging but zip recruiter makes it fast and easy to talk to Monica Stark's who needed to hire for a pivotal role that her company g.s. 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Headed put the Curtis tree cross band the album comes to a standstill and root can head the shutdown occurred as creek so clear what the issue is but nobody is moving on a westbound over the side of the beltway the out of the creek inner loop at Holland's ferry broken down vehicle left side westbound span of the Bay Bridge Be careful somebody has just broken down about it span on the westbound span of the right lane is blocked because the Bay Bridge westbound span is a 2 way boat but only the centerline open westbound on the Bay Bridge stay with the center lane only I'm just rushed over d.p.a. All news radio 1090 in f.m. One a $1.00 need to replace your heating and cooling system the g.e. Home can help save up to $3500.00 with special finance options available including deferred payments visit b.g. Home Doc home is not the same company's b.g. Regulated utility 817302 be a t.v. 11 whether it still needs to David Hartley's hobbies die a stray showers can pass through afternoon temperatures in the low eighty's a stray shower possible tonight with lows in the mid sixty's rain developing tomorrow especially later in the day for could be heavy throughout Tuesday night tomorrow into the 1st seventy's. Getting into Wednesday with highs in the upper sixty's and you're all of just. You know. 60 reasons. Why 67 of your fair skies Annapolis and 66 degrees here on t.v. He'll be a oldies radio has live coverage of the 1st presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden Tuesday night you can watch it on t.v. So you were a w.p.a. Owns radio 1090 and f.m. What a 1.5. W.p.m. News Radio 1090 f.m. Want to 125 and the w.p.a. Oh mobile. Ok morning everyone and welcome to the show 1st of all I want to say to my neighbors Alex and Didi. Not sure if they're going to be allowed over my house again after that Seattle Cowboys game I'm just kidding it was fun but it was terrible and of course we have the Ravens playing tonight so good luck to them but let's get into some of the really big news over the weekend and that is President Trump's taxes. Well I feel like this has been a very long time coming since. His money and the billions that he supposedly has made in all of his businesses he says he made that a big forefront of the of him as a candidate for president this is a this is a long time coming let's be honest for a long time there's been this push to get the president's taxes but. Here's the thing we got to think about this clearly right because I know this is going to sound like a defense of don't trump and it's not but I am going to lay out for you why I think that this may not be as big a deal as the New York Times or maybe some of President Trump's. I don't want to call enemies or folks that don't like him that's why I don't think it's going to be as big of a blow to Donald Trump's candidacy as p. . Expect to get this is not a defense of the president but we're going to kind of take out some of motion and look at this a little bit a logically you know if you're kind of new to what's going on the New York Times published a report yesterday a very long report about President Trump's long concealed tax returns and what they actually show about the president so 1st and foremost I think what they're trying to get at and what they've been trying to get out over the last several years is that he's not really as rich as he says he is bottom line and the taxes kind of show that they show that he very precarious financial situation they show that there is a ton of debt that is coming due and then of course there are some branches off of that well if you get a ton of debt then that means as president he is you know count in a compromise position or he could be in a compromised position. Mall humans cause argument that well you know what maybe he's going to make questionable decisions as the president of the country not because of any reason that might benefit the country but reasons that might benefit him financially that if he's able to do to strike a deal with say some foreign governments who can in turn provide income for his businesses and thereby providing income for him then all right it's kind of like you know if any of body has ever gotten a security clearance you maybe worked for the federal government you had to go through a secret security clearance the big reason they ask you about your finances is to know whether or not you're in a position where you could be compromised do you owe someone a ton of money and therefore you might be in a position to say except bribes or accept deals that would take you out of your personal trouble but by their by compromising the country so that's I think part of the big issue here so we're going to get to that 1st one the whole idea that he's not is rich as he seems what is this is just a personal vendetta against the president probably some but think about who the. Space is a lot of. A lot of articles or a lot of time has been spent wondering why people who are not wealthy people who are not billionaires why so many of those people support Donald Trump right and the idea that he's made this image of himself almost like a wrestler you know where it's just it's larger than life and it's just it's just so much there's so much there and if you can shatter that if you kind of like to have you know you can shatter that say to people but it's not real that maybe people will be less excited by that didn't happen with how many of you actually think it's real and will not bursting anybody's bubble but it hasn't really diminished the popularity of even when people know that it's not necessarily real so I get the feeling that 1st point I think the I don't think the New York Times and I don't think the people who wanted to burst out particular bubble are going to be able to do it with this report and the reason for that is think about this think about why people who are not super wealthy would still support Donald Trump and let's assume that he really is worth all the money that he is that he says he is that he really is a billionaire that he really has this he's swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck why would people ordinary people who are just living paycheck to paycheck why would they still support Trump That's a question that liberals have yet to figure out and I think it's both complicated and it's simple and I think the one of the biggest reasons that we don't really talk about is it was kind of given to us by representative of seeing Alexandria Ok so you're Cortez to shortly shortly after this this was published a o c tweeted this in 20162017 thousands of dollars a year in taxes as a bartender Trump paid $750.00 he critique contributed a less to funding our communities and waitresses and an. Documented immigrants she then said Donald Trump has never cared for our country more than he cares for himself a walking scam so why am I this revelation that the president only paid $750.00 in personal income taxes the in income taxes the year that he was elected why might that ring hollow even regarding even though some of what is the thing is true she probably did pay more in taxes but why do you think that might ring hollow a walking scam is what she called him you know why because there is a bigger walking scam out there that more people recognize that more people have lived with and that more people have hated for a long time and that the federal government a walking scam so you wonder why somebody like Donald Trump may not lose a large part of his base and I think that's because if you put that up against the other walking scam how many people think that there is waste in the federal government how many people think there is of waste in state and local governments every time you and I talk about schools when we talk about funding for our schools when we talk about the current bill and how much money that's going to cost $4000000000.00 annually after the 1st giant installment What is it do you think that so many people are against it it's because of waste we know this we've recognized this and we've lived with this for a very long time in our federal government we know that our country waste that our government wastes a ton of money as a matter of fact so Rand Paul has put together for what he calls it but it's a good he's got this project where he is an oversight report where he basically calls out the federal government the waste report is what he calls it where he basically calls out the federal government and all the things that they're wasting money and in 2019 in his summer dition of what's called the waste report he. Talked about 10 outlandish examples where the government wasted about. 1000000000 dollars in federal funds you don't have to read this document to recognize I think a lot of people do know that the federal government wastes money why do you think that it became a very us versus them mentality one Donald Trump became a candidate in 2016 it wasn't necessarily because people could relate to Donald Trump it was because they could relate I think to his distaste for the federal government and I think that's where the New York Times and a lot of liberals are going to get this wrong I think this is where they're going to fall short of the expectations that they were hoping for because I think that they have thought for a while and I do think that there are some people who truly do like Donald Trump as he is and that is all you but I think that they've gotten this calculus wrong from the beginning it's not necessarily again as they said that people relate to Donald Trump but it's rather that they will relate to his distaste for the federal government and that's something that hasn't been shattered by this so let me go back to. Tweak here and you can tax me 410-467-9225 you can also gave me a call for 10467. 0 and I got this text. I completely get the issues with the president's taxes and I'm going to avoid weighing in on that what I like to know is why there's never an emphasis on the people in Congress who are directly involved with taxing our citizens and now they get to be so wealthy in office see this tax is exactly what I'm telling you it's not that people can relate to Donald Trump who here has an entire tower named after them in Manhattan who here flies on private jets and marries models and does all kinds of outlandish crazy things that Donald Trump does nobody there's none of us that can relate to him as a person but can you relate to his distaste his distrust his calling of the federal government absolutely just like this text or did I want to read it to you again I completely get the issues with the president's taxes and I'm going to avoid weighing in on that what I like to know is why there is never an emphasis on the people in Congress who are directly involved with taxing our citizens and how they get to be so wealthy while in office every time we discuss these kinds of issues that always comes up because people want to know what is like what is a Bernie Sanders over here lecturing people about poverty and about you paying your fair share and socialism and all of this Meanwhile he's living in 2 houses and he's got a book deal worth millions of dollars you're still going to lecture me or how about every other politician and by the way their salaries are public they're public public you know so you can go on to Google what a senator makes or what a representative makes and you know what $176000.00 a year does that add up to millions of dollars and one term well especially for representatives you get represented It's been there for 2 years and yet or maybe even say several terms Ok so maybe you made a $1000000.00 at the end of it Oh but how did you walk away not just a one time millionaire but millions of dollars and these are the things that have left Americans scratching their heads for. Oh a long time and so when the New York Times or when any of these organizations or these levels kind of publish these things thinking that Oh see now we're going to get Trump's space because now they're going to realize that he's not is rich as he is that it's not going to matter as much to people why because as I said they see it as the I think it the nail on the head whether she realizes it or not a walking scam except to most Americans who do they think of what they think of a walking scam the federal government and politicians and that's why I don't think this is going to have as big of effect on Trump space but also think about this woman reading her Twitter tweet again in 2016 and 17 I paid thousands of dollars a year in taxes as a bartender truck paid $750.00 he contributed less to funding our communities and then waitresses and undocumented immigrants. Actually represented that's not necessarily true what is the federal government provided jobs for waitresses and even documented immigrants think about this and this goes to the difference between the kind of the liberal mentality and the conservative mentality right so there's tends to be the most liberals this idea that in order to provide for people it 1st has to go through the federal government and the federal government will then give out the money in the areas where it's best suited but that assumes one thing they're doing 2 things actually that the federal government is not going to waste that money and we already know that's not true but also that the federal government knows best and that is also not true instead what you have is kind of this other conservative mentality that says we as individuals can see where the greatest needs are in our communities and we can provide for this we can help with that but also this idea as you said he contributed less to funding our communities than waitresses an undocumented immigrant Well what is funding mean to her. It seems to be directly funding like you give me your money as the federal government and we will figure out where it needs to go that is why this entire argument is going to fail because people have disagreed with that fundamental philosophy long before they ever heard of Donald Trump long before that that has been a critical argument of libertarians of fiscal conservative Republicans for centuries really because the idea that the federal government can collect your money and they know best this has been a disaster for a long time so here's the other thing by the way I am a former bartender and a former waitress and I can tell you that if I didn't have to pay those taxes I wouldn't have done it I'm telling you the truth no one. I mean by that few people like paying taxes I don't actually know one single person who enjoys paying their taxes Oh here's how much I made a year but here's how much I actually took home and I really enjoyed that no not at all and we know this because at the end of the year when you do your taxes even Turbo Tax those do a whole I guess the tax cut was changed now but there's this whole item is ation category where you could itemize your expenses as an individual your daycare you know interest that were paid on student loans all these sorts of things if you didn't want to take those tax breaks guess what you don't have to they're not going to force you to do it but most of us do because we like reducing our taxes because we don't want to pay any more than we absolutely are legally obligated to do so and even then there are a lot of people who choose not to do it so this idea that she paid more in taxes as a bartender in a waitress I get that I did as well apparently than the president did but if you had the option would you do it and here's the thing why is it that he has the option and this is where I think. You know there's going to try to be this. Division between the president and his base Well why did he get to write off so much of his tax bill why did he get to write so much of it off and you didn't well this again is where she gets things wrong we're going to be joined by Brian. Of the financial hour here on the. Coming a call coming in the 11 o'clock hour and he's going to explain some of the more nuanced pieces of this but the bottom line is this the federal government is knows I think that they can't provide everything for everyone and so they also look to people who create jobs I know this sounds like an endorsement of the president it's not I'm explaining to you how this works in general take the trip take down from about a 2nd so the federal government knows that there is also a way for them to make money and that is if there are more jobs if there are more jobs in this country then people have money that they're working and then the government can tax that and everything moves smoother right the economy moves along and so when it comes to people who or businesses or organizations that are creating jobs they tend to incentivize the creation of jobs as opposed to taxes I'll explain more of that in a minute and I want to get your thoughts on whether or not the revelation that Donald Trump may not be as wealthy as he says he is and paid very little to fuel taxes in several years that he was president does it bother you want to get your thoughts on that. To believe the news radio 1090 n f m one a 1.5 traffic and weather cools heading toward the Bay Bridge incident on the West outspanned has now been cleared westbound span is due to a vote because of work so we have a total of killing that westbound and 3 in the east down direction down bridge the right things on this last they're going to truck should headed toward the Key Bridge traffic is pretty heavy in each direction we don't have a right lane works both ways if the Key Bridge on the outer loop occurs Creek delays or using the traffic is moving once again but now there is a left lane works out on the outer loop at Curtis Creek 70 westbound the exit ramp to 30 Q affected by an earlier rollover crash the traffic does get by w b a l t v 11 weather partly cloudy warm humid isolated like a showers possible this afternoon and again this evening highs in the low eighty's in a low tonight upper sixty's right now we've got clouds with the sun peeking through it's of dives it is 73 on t.v. Till the winds west at 3 objects step g.p.a. On Newsradio to 91.5 w. D.l. Dot com your source for news updates all day last listen to Delhi of the a.o.l. Radio where ever you are and the latest from your favorite personalities working for you 247. Come down new t.v. And see pod cast to your house bringing you real world information about a leading health care x. Rated say g d n c on the issues you care about and go to the podcast section of. Town or wherever you download your favorite pod cast for to your house. Yes Which way do I go with my 4 a one k. Which way well you want to keep heading towards retirement so I take the 401 k. From your last job all the way to the tax deferred Sorry for going after but watch out for the 10 percent tally now to head you'll see all kinds of investment choices and then turn in. The fixed annuity market wait until the straight the variable annuity company stock sorry for hanging back to the new and old for linking intersection I think. 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Sell Your Home is a huge deal choosing the wrong agent could cost you big time but if I told you that you can have the very best real estate team in our area helping you sell faster and for more money how about safety in selling no one is better prepared to help you sell your home safely and hassle free from start to finish the video studio with Remax community he's Maryland's real estate authority I should know I've been talking about video for years now listen he has over $12000.00 buyers looking for homes right now but he sells twice as fast and on average net says sellers $15000.00 more money when compared to the average agent Vinnie is so confident he will sell your home if he can't sell it at a price you agree to he will buy it him self it is guaranteed in writing Listen Brian even I'm here and obdurately recommend you call video today of 41079316164107931616 or you can go to his website Vinnie has the buyers dot com That's Vinnie has the buyers dot com and start packing you would see more games double the p.l.o. Music radio 1090 on f.m. One o 1.5. X. Contemplate thousands of people that pay taxes for the. I wait to see you say that because you also play a lot bartenders and even documented immigrant family to come up but I want to ask you ask you coming out does this change your mind about voting for president. Now I don't see a Elmer's optic on telling you would be a yellow radio 10000 and f.m. Want to 1.5 And good morning once again from the beginning 24 hour broadcast center on Steve over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on un really in violent behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City Mayor Ray Nagin says he's been trying to stop the annual event known as h 2 o. I American state trooper was injured and hospitalized after a scuffle with a suspect at one point during those arrests a bus struck and killed a man or the penn'orth Metro subway link station in West Baltimore on Sunday morning City Police found the Uniden of 5 man in the middle of the street in the 1500 block of West North Avenue a local church bus had struck the man who was walking with a cane across the intersection a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the cares act to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a $5000.00 bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and 5th District councilman u.c. Schleifer in a letter sent to marry young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages as the crow virus pandemic continues to shift much of our restaurant dining from eatin to take out this week Maryland becomes the 1st state in the nation to ban the familiar foam containers used to carry home everything from crab cakes to talk owes the state law goes into effect October 1st for hitting schools restaurants and other food service outlets from using polystyrene containers from the a.b.c. News desk Google has announced it will block election ads that mention the candidate's possible outcome or the election itself for at least a week after polls close on November 3rd to limit this information about the outcome of the vote that ban includes You Tube In sports the Ravens and chiefs are on Monday night for. Ball from empty Bank Stadium which will welcome 250 immediate family members of the players coaches and staff as a step towards welcoming back fans the move was done with the support of the governor and mayor and help from the Maryland Department of Health they gave can be heard here tonight of w b a l and watch it on w b a l t v 11 with the kick off at $815.00 still you for a w.b. a Old news radio tending to you know if I'm on a 1.5 high schools a formative time in a young man's life Hi it's Brian Kronberg I was fortunate enough to attend Calvert Hall and I'm here with Dan Mulford The school's director of admissions to discuss how Calvert Hall could be a great option for your so thanks for having me Brian Dan everyone's comfort level is different during covert How's the Calvert Hall admissions team responding to this our new initiative the carnal campus experience allows a student and 2 guests to explore a hybrid model as well as tour our $32.00 acre campus perspective students also have the option to be a cardinal for a class where they can sit in during one of our virtual classes Additionally we are offering one on one virtual meetings with our nation's team and current middle schoolers is there another way for families to see the campus there is we have created a $360.00 degree virtual guided tour featuring our faculty and students How can students and their families learn more about these opportunities 8th graders and their families can learn more at Calvert Hall dot com slash virtual admissions Thanks Stan alarm or visit Calvert Hall dot com slash virtual emissions see 14 in the film together we do mornings 530 to 10 am expecting more until the news radio 100-0101 point 9 in the double the p.l.o. Mobile and. Oh man try to get there all of your text messages here and I don't see that this is really changing anybody's my way or the other. Which is why I find this whole thing they are interesting and yes of course there are still people who are convinced that we're going to excuse everything. I told you at the beginning this is going to sound like a defense for. Trump for those of you who don't like him and that's fine I'm particularly care for the guy myself but it's not a defense of Don Trump you have to be able to look at this from a 360 point of view climb the ladder and then look down and see what you're looking at what so many people are missing here I think in our text messages particularly those who are convinced that I'm somehow a closet Trump. Is that you've got of the able to look at the facts you've got to be able to zoom out and say. What is really going on here and is actually going to change anything for the 2020 election I want to get your thoughts on this particularly if this has or has not changed your mentality on Donald Trump you can text me 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call 410467. I got this text just because you read it in the liberal New York Times does that mean it's true the report is not substantiated if the president is in debt why did he refuse to take more than a dollar annual salary as president so I'm going to answer that last question 1st because it's complicated situation but tax law because tax law is complicated this is also why I think that it's not going to have the effect that The New York Times is hoping that this is going to have or that some of our more liberal friends would hope that it would have and that's because I said tax law is complicated and so when you get into the different facets of why somebody would be able to write off everything from $70000.00 haircuts to airplanes and things like that it gets a little bit complicated and we're going to be joined by Brian as I said in the 11 o'clock hour to kind of walk through some of those complications and how the reality is that our federal government picks winners and losers they do so because they're trying to hedge their bets on the one hand you have the general taxpaying population that is you and me all right we are not to be able to hire the same kind of accountants that have read every aspect of the tax code and can kind of make everything seem as if we. Can. Move things around and I don't mean it in a legal way I mean in a very very legal way the tax code is complicated it's a law and you have people who know it and understand it know every bit about it right and so they can go in and they can look at your situation and say here's how we're going to minimize your tax bill legally and that is by you know making some things investments making some things or or some of the things that you do. Make them able to be written off and so a lot of these big organizations in these big companies do have the money and the resources to employ those kinds of people but also at the same time they're gauged in different things. Than you and I we are the tax paying base and then there is the tax or the money making industries the businesses that create jobs so if the federal government is hedging their bets $1.00 they want to get money from taxpayers but also they want more taxpayers to be created then they're going to create incentives to allow companies to make more taxpayers basically they're doing another word for taxpayers. Employees Ok employees if you can provide the federal government with more employees to be able to tax then they're probably going to catch on back for that and that's how a lot of this works but. Text messages but also to that 1st part they got this information from not just reporting but rather the president's tax return so I would argue that it probably is a lot more substantiated Although when you're dealing with numbers you can also you can always move things or I guess certain things more heavily than others and yeah I think that's where the New York Times story isn't going to get maybe the traction that they expected from Trump's supporters but again I'm getting your thoughts on this does it make a difference to you when you go to vote in just the next 1st some of you may be able to vote by mail very shortly but is it going to make a difference for you as to who you vote for you can text me 410-467-9225 or you can give me a call 410467 w.p.a. I don't think that it is I don't think that it's going to move the needle for most people one way or the other and again because I don't think that even for a lot of president the hardcore tax hard core base I think this is where the New York Times and a lot of liberals get it wrong it's not necessarily that a lot of his base can relate to Donald Trump himself how many of you can afford a $70000.00 haircut or several Not many of us there's not that you can relate to him directly but rather that you can relate to his taste and distrust for the federal government that's one that all the people are always you know I actually do i can't stand the federal government I don't trust them one bit at all or the state government or the county government or any local government for that matter and that's why I think this is going to more flat then liberals are hoping for let's take a call fast. And Beller. You know what are your thoughts. I don't have one comment to make. It doesn't change how I'm going to. Coalesce our. Donald Trump doesn't fire his. Ears people who do it or area full of fears earning a lot and soft and warm the only thing I wanted to say Thank All right thank you and I didn't think it was going to change that many people's minds either and I'm I'm looking through some of your text messages including this one I think is interesting from Katie and parked right down Trump is in the w.b. Hall of Fame I'm not joking it's part of the Wrestle Mania bent several years ago in New Jersey property hosted Wrestle Mania 4 and 5 I did not know that interesting or this one. Donald Trump does not make his money an income he makes in capital gains and profit and loss and I do this and I do the same as much as I can to keep my taxes down which are higher on regular income if I could only pay $750.00 a year in personal income tax I would. And that's the thing I think that they're missing the fact that if a lot of us could pay less in taxes we would do so that's just bottom line or even this text you're of c a l c is a liar bartender site 90 percent of what they make I know for a fact I spent 20 years behind the bar. And yeah I can tell you that there is a lot of underreporting that goes on in waiting in waitstaff and bartending or this text your why vote for Trump look at what it's like with one party rule in Maryland public safety and education failures and in our current one is a money grab Indigenous Peoples Day on and on it goes and that comes to us from Jack in Baltimore you know that signifies Well I told you in the beginning it's not that people can relate to dollar Trump himself maybe some of you can't but I think it's a majority that people can relate to his distrust of the government this story does not change that now there is of course the concern that because of the president's leverage businesses that he does have a lot of debt he has a ton of debt much of which will be coming due very shortly so he's got to be able to find a way to pay for that does that make the president a national security threat does it make him a concern for national security or possibly it was the whole deal with the Amal humans cause and which Maryland was even a part of that one of those lawsuits saying that look the trump the president owes so much money yes he makes money but he also owes a ton of money and when you're as diversified as the President is where you've got businesses and companies and all sorts of things that were going to very precarious position right imagine walking a tight tight rope with all of those. Plates and you know trying to balance everything it's kind of like that you have to make sure that you know to a certain extent that maybe you're not at least you're breaking even or that you're bringing in enough money to be able to pay those debts as they come to you and when you're as diversified as the president is and particularly after a pandemic like this hits and so much of your business is predicated on leisure and travel and those sorts of things well that's taking a significant hit and so the concern is that because he owes so much money that it would be easy for a foreign entity or a foreign government to come in and say you know maybe be nice to Russia and we'll I don't know somehow spend tons of money in your businesses and give you money doubt that's the concern and I don't disregard that concern I think that is quite valid and if the if the New York Times or if any of these liberal publications chose to go that route I think the president would have a much more difficult time with that because that's a legal argument. But that's not where they're going their argument so far is c. Is not as rich as he told you he is and look isn't it unfair that he paid less taxes than you an ordinary person but that doesn't seem to be having the effect that they were hoping it would why I want to get your thoughts on that coming up next here on. Baltimore radio c 4 and trying naman to gather every morning 53010 am traffic and weather more extreme more from well News Radio 9 f.m. One of 1.5 and that would you tell me. To believe Radio 90 and f.m. Want to $1.00 traffic and whether. Inner and outer loop along the right side of the road later is their work on the outer loop at Curtis Creek a lot of flight delays there have now eased up traffic at the Bay Bridge still pretty heavy coming off the Eastern Shore beginning every day westbound span to wait mode. That's because there's eastbound work today yes down Bay Bridge you lose the right side is very little eastbound delay getting to the area right now. Whether partly cloudy was a human isolated late day and evening showers today in the low eighty's lows in the upper sixty's clouds and currently 69 downtown 68 and Apple's I'm Jim step u.p.a. All news radio 1090 an f.m. On a 1.5 What would you like to accomplish with your wealth Hi I'm Jonathan Murray financial advisor at u.b.s. In hunt for answers to some of life's important questions contact the Murray Group at u.b.s. Today u.b.s. Financial services member Finra sick as a little blue pill let you down our expert medical staff at my men's Clinic dot com can and will help if you're suffering from a day we can fix it even if you have tried by a good other drugs and they've failed you we will help studies have shown that we offer the most effective non-surgical treatments for you day even if you have other medical conditions there generally no problem we know that hearing we can try again next weekend is tough when what you want to years while we have my men's Clinic dot com have helped thousands of men just like you thousands more nationally we can make one simple guarantee and we do see our licensed medical staff if we can show you a positive result storing that 1st appointment that appointment is free guys let's get a while back in the bedroom book at my men's Clinic dot com Again that's my men's Clinic dot com or call 410-401-8184 want to go for a run 8180 again guys 410418180 my men's Clinic dot com Ok most people don't even like reading the fine print let alone try to understand it but when it comes to Medicare knowing the details is vital to 101.5. Attention s.s.i. And other federal benefit recipients if you did not file a tax return last year and have children under 17 you must act now to get the $500.00 economic impact payment per child this year you must provide your child information by September 30th go to i.r.s. And use the non filer tool by September 30th that I am of this message produced at u.s. Taxpayer expense they aren't just houses they're much more than shiny cars and please don't call them objects AAA we recognize your most valuable assets are more than just their 1st cars fueled by sweat dream homes built by double shifts so why are we spending 15 minutes or less protecting a AAA we believe your hard work and dreams deserve more than a price tag to our AAA agency listen learn to look beyond the laughter of your new car AAA insurance for auto and life go to AAA dot com slash insurance to find an agent. Now a coronavirus status report. News Radio 90 f.m. 101.5. 0 Mobile at the latest numbers from the Maryland department of health issue 10 am on this Monday show an additional $477.00 cases there are no total of just under $124000.00 cases statewide total hospitalizations decreased by 13 with $82.00 now intensive care almost $18000.00 tests said with testing volume no almost $2.00 and the positivity rate down to ticket 2.58 percent that is a 7 day rolling average there were 3 additional confirmed coronavirus deaths with that total just over $3797.00 w.p.a. 0 Newsradio $1090.00 and f.m. $11.00 for the latest coronavirus updates to get more online and to be. On the freedom to u.b.a. All radio at them with w b a l t v 11 you see a more game until he's ready to make someone a 1.5 in the double to. Do as it is very interesting this text of course you don't care why does he lie about it he's a fake con man a liar of the highest degree couldn't get one penny from a us bank total threat to our national security is totally profiting from his position it is a matter to trump supporters like the ones that call you because they are. Promises that's all they care about keeping blacks and browns away that's ridiculous to consider especially since of Hispanic I just this doesn't make sense but the sex continues no other human being could survive one percent trumps behavior and crimes well that might be true but you gotta ask yourself why and then I get this text from falling right after that one you're see I'm not voting for the man I'm voting for the more conservative of the choices and oh yes against the press Hollywood and leftist organizations also people can have all the money in the world still want more plus the power it gives them a comes to us from sharing. It's amazing to me when these text messages coming back to back like this and the one they just show I think that's a very different position as to where many people are the 1st text is a personal text messages it's about Donald Trump the man the 2nd text is explain to you why so many of Donald Trump's of orders don't care who he is as a person because so many of the people who voted and you got to be clear there are the supporters who actually do like him the hard core much smaller group of people who actually like yes but then I think there's a larger group like Cher who just said it I'm not voting for the man I'm voting for the more conservative the choices and oh yes against the press Hollywood and leftist organizations you know why because Donald Trump for all his fault is a very good storyteller and the story that he's told is not don't focus on him the person but focus on the anti-government anti-corruption entice one and that's why whole of these attacks they go to him as a person thing to bounce off because it for a lot of people it was never about Donald Trump It was never about relating to him as a person it was about relating to the distrust of government and that's a common thread among a lot of people who voted for him and Mabel for him again even though I never liked the guy and until the media gets that I don't think they will this is going to be the same story over and over again and take a couple calls from fast let's take Aaron in price on Erin you're on w.b. Ale What are your thoughts on the morning I'm just curious about her. I mean look at the. Group most. Commercial real estate speculators Ok I mean to me that's a perfect example and using his position to better himself and any so as opposed to say this is where you and they believe. Finally I don't understand why he could hold on to a blind trust what most presidents would. Really I just don't I really don't yeah I mean it's interesting about that and thanks for the color and thanks for listening I see I don't think that it was supposed to the last part of relying on his integrity I don't know that that was ever. Just for me personally was never a question I wouldn't call him. I certainly wouldn't call him a saint never to me is is erroneous and I think it would be a bad description of him but also when it comes to the tax on this is why we're going to have. Coming up at the 11 o'clock hour because I want to lay out for you the how how wrong representative a as he's text is in terms of making it about $750.00 and who provided more for general for the general public so even going back to that tax or the tax law that was passed under Trump's leadership and he does certainly for things like a payroll tax holiday or this tax bill that does benefit those who are making more money in the short run but the argument that is that in a long run by allowing them to take these deductions by allowing businesses to take risks by investing their profits into making more businesses Well yeah makes them a lot more money and they get to pay a lot less taxes but then finish the Senate what else does it do when they reinvest that into other businesses or they get to hire more people for the federal government this is a win win because not only are they getting to tax you and me but as a result of allowing these companies to take risks and build more companies and have more investments guess what they do they also generate more jobs which for the federal government is a good thing because now they have even more taxpayers taxpayers have to have jobs in order to pay taxes as part of the deal so I wouldn't be I would think that the federal government is being super benevolent on this issue regardless of whether Trump is in office is just how the government operates. Take another call let's take in Baltimore Mike you're on. Thank you for taking my call. I don't blame the show off prison term for digging through. The tax code I bring my life her party to the Dugway. I pay a lot of times for sure of a lot of my friends I know how much is I pay there will be a lot you know. Yeah well you have time for is using his lawyers to take full advantage or one of the wiser politicians are giving us the same way I do. I don't blame I blame. All of the people that we all know and we talk about every day that created another livable city and got him on an email line with all the high touches. So why should I learn better than that I voted for him for the 1st time I never vote for the incumbents. And I love the pope level one of the 1st I never called the 2nd time and I don't blame all of it but. One of the owners of the Petros blame the people that put it there for us to use and I think that that's where and thanks for the call and thanks for listening Mike but just because a time I think that's where a lot of people are we're going to continue this conversation coming up next week to satisfy Geico next time. Co-star Kansas City Monday night at 7.7. Radio 10 after 101.5 m. At w. W. T o 1090 and f.m. 101.5 traffic and weather. Things to settle down the interstates we've had as of work set up now on the bay breach on the eastbound span in the right lane 2 way traffic on the westbound span which is slowed because we had somebody stuck in the roadway and 2 way traffic pattern out on the bridge that's now here at the Key Bridge the right lane is blocked each way by mid-day working on the out of the Kurdish Creek traffic is running a bit better on the out of the bow use the left side heading over toward Curtis creek south route to look for work today at the South River in the right lane I don't really want 48. A road in Westminster a right wing work so. You love weather partly cloudy want to give it isolated. Showers low eighty's both in the upper sixty's right now but it's pounds but the sun is peeking through at times it is currently $68.00 degrees b w y n $69.00 on t.v. Hill I'm generous the news radio 1090 f.m. On a 1.5 What if you could build a 6 figure retirement income in just 5 payments you heard that right in just 5 payments you could set up a 6 figure retirement cash flow for as long as you live a best selling author right kitchen with wealth going to Wall Street and right now there's a retirement crisis in America because the pension system of old has been raided and destroyed and Social Security is already running out of money but most Americans are shocked to find out they would need to save over $2.00 and a half $1000000.00 to $100000.00 income in retirement a new approach is required to solve this crisis that's why this revolutionary new 5 payment retirement program was released allowing everyday Americans to use bank money to create a retirement cashflow without relying on Social Security or pensions even people who are on track have shifted money to this new strategy because it accelerates the amount they will have a retirement or Callao them to stop working years sooner so if you're over 50 years old and want to build a bigger better retirement in just 5 payments call 805709898 now to see if you qualify plus as a free bonus you'll get the 6 figure retirement acceleration guide in video call 805709898 that's 1805709898105709898. News Radio 10 and f.m. One o $1.00 also what that level of Bechtel would be. Kims taxes were an unbelievably tangled mess I had almost 10 years of trouble with the i.r.s. Trying to get my taxes taken care of the i.r.s. Offered no help it was horrifying the i.r.s. Just wouldn't work with me Kim finally called in the big guns on Optima got involved and I mean they really got involved tax relief the leading tax resolution firm is a plus rated by the Better Business Bureau and they've resolved over a half a $1000000000.00 for their clients they took care of me while. No one else ever did no more phone calls no more stress and when it was all over to look at the final verdict I fell to my knees when I opened that letter and read what I read oh my god it was unbelievable I knew I had a new beginning to what Tim did call up to know for a free consultation it's like having 2 lives the one before Octomom tax and the one after call 8035284803528480352840 . Relief. Testimonial for the actual class or research is applied for complete details we set off about Actually Dr Richard Seymour again w b o music radio 1090 on f.m. One o 1.5. So a lot of people are weighing in on this and you can text me or 67 and you can also give me a call it 10467 w b a l l we're going to weigh in we're going to continue this conversation coming up next right is it going to be joined by Ryan for her at the findings of the hour here on Debbie. That one has to understand is it that somebody that has millions and millions potentially billions of dollars they could get away with the $750.00 tax bill well let's talk about it is it legal doesn't seem to be and what did it all be beneficial to the government to allow this kind of thing well I'll explain coming up next summer lay out the view I want to. Salute every day News Web air traffic plus insight and analysis expect more from w.p.a. Al music radio 10 night f.m. Want to $1.00. Thank you Steve we're expecting long lines of early voting systems Ocean City the site of over 100 arrests this week and then to city council hefty bonuses for d.v. W. Workers knowledge the scene of. From a.b.c. News. And Sherri Preston President Trump insists the new. Times report detailing nearly 2 decades of tax filings as fake news but he says he cannot release his returns because he's under audit with more on what the report shows Here's A.B.C.'s Karen traverse over several decades President cultivated an image of a self-made billionaire a successful businessman and a branding and marketing genius but the New York Times reports the president's empire is struggling in 2018 Mr Trump claimed in public filings he made nearly $435000000.00 But The Times says his private tax records actually report $47400000.00 in losses President Trump The Times says he's facing personal debt totaling $420000000.00 and most of his businesses including his golf courses and d.c. Hotel reported losing tens of millions of dollars parent drivers a.b.c. News Washington stop infectious disease expert Dr Anthony found she tells Good Morning America he is concerned the u.s. Isn't ready to head into the winter months with the coronavirus cases on the rise in more than 30 states in fact he says in his words the u.s. Is not in a good place right now a baseline of 40000 cases per day is not where you want to be today the president will deliver what the White House is calling an update on the nation's coronavirus testing strategy that and the issue of tax is expected to be topics of tomorrow night's 1st presidential debate in Cleveland New wildfires cars and large scale evacuations in California's wine country north of San Francisco there's A.B.C.'s Alex Stone overnight Santa Rosa getting hit hard again flames in neighborhoods and mass evacuations are in place there were reports of people trapped Santa Rosa was devastated by fire and 2017 numerous wildfires are burning in Sonoma and Napa counties right now but flames are moving quickly and wind into the city of Santa Rosa local mayor Greg Fisher is now lifted the curfew that's been in place in the city since September 23rd You're listening to a.b.c. News. Got a news update I'm telling you these radio 10000 and f.m. Want to 1.5. Right to be yelled 24 hour broadcast center Good Monday morning I'm Steve Ray from the commitment 2020 desk with a month and a week until Election Day early voting doesn't start in Maryland until next month but if what happens here is the same as what's happening in Virginia you should prepare for a long wait at the polls in Virginia early voting started on September 18th elections officials in Northern Virginia said they were really not expecting much in the way of turnout so they've been shocked by the crowds showing up day after day to stand in socially distanced lines waiting to cast their ballots one elections official calls it a massive turnout and says it's much higher than they've seen in any previous election Bill thank you b.a. All news radio to 90 and f.m. Want to 1.5 over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on un really and violent behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City Mayor Ray Nagin says he's been trying to stop the annual event known as h 2 o. I American state trooper was injured and hospitalized after a scuffle with a suspect at one point during those arrests a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the care is a to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a $5000.00 bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and 5th District councilman Yes he Schleifer in a letter sent to marry young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages and Monday Night Football means Patrick My home's in the Kansas City Chiefs are at m. And t. Bank Stadium tonight against the Ravens that game can be heard tonight here on w b a l and on w b a l t v 11 and things are starting to heat up ahead of the 145th running of the Preakness this Saturday w b a l Scott White cough is a Pimlico the practice players are starting to arrive here at chemical both horses and jockeys his team is the 1st horse to step on these historic grounds at the big race for trainer Jose D'Angelo Danding in from Monmouth Park in New Jersey it is many many look for him he's very easy. On the tragedy he may need to change the last month. And the 1st jockey is here Hall of Famer John Bull ask who writes Kentucky Derby winner authentic is here now to go. Morgan just ahead of traffic and weather here at. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company presents. Tend. To only move keep when we've got to build our insurance to let more people know that river to mutual customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you . 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Savings very not all patients eligible for savings ask for Mr details w b a l his radio Ted 9101.0 traffic a bit day work at the Bay Bridge eastbound span the right lane is shut down 2 way traffic on the westbound span of $95.00 at the tide express there is work south of the right lane northbound in the left lane currently no delays on 95 either way between Cecil and Hartford counties on the Beltway to keep bridge right lane work each way no delay there on the out of the Curtis Creek today you lose a lot so. This traffic of b.g. Home for stuff u.b.a. Always radio to 90 and f.m. On a 1.5 needed new water heater today the g.e. Home makes it easy with same day installation available including evenings and weekends saved today with up front prices. By phone in minutes 88 b. G.e. Home home something companies b.g. Regulated utility 02673978 l t v 11 led their mix of clouds and sun today feeling humid with temperatures in the low a stray showers possible today for tonight with lows in the mid sixty's over tonight tomorrow rain developing especially later in the day with highs in the mid to upper seventy's rain could be heavy on Tuesday night going into Wednesday morning Wednesday in the upper sixty's and your knowledge just on every day on his radio you know. Right now 72 degrees mostly club the skies of b.w. Was 71 in Annapolis and 70 degrees in the inner harbor w.p.a. Oldies radio has live coverage of the 1st presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden Tuesday night you can watch it on t.v. So you were a w.p.a. Old news radio 1090 and f.m. What a 1.5 This hour on w d l he's brought to you by Hollywood Casino carrying those you are 247 entertainment destination. Regina w. D.l. News Radio 1090 f.m. 10125 and the w d l mobile. Well the New York Times is reporting that President Trump the year that he was elected to office only paid 750 dollars 750 dollars in income tax but that's strange Well it's going to change anybody's mind that's part of the question but I think one of the bigger issues before we start deciding whether or not this should change your mind is how did this happen so joining us now is Brian Kroeber who hosts the fight. Here on Saturday mornings from 10 am to 11 am And Brian thanks for joining me can you kind of explain to us 1st how that happens. I'm not a morning I'm not the greatest on. On an individual or a businesses tax situation but you know if you look at the if you look at the big technology companies most of them are reinvesting you know all of their money in fact most most of the big technology companies aren't paying dividends they're reinvesting that money back into the business and as an expense what's happening is the return that they're getting the cash flow that those technology companies are getting in as being the gated by the expense of new facilities new hires. New 3 new research and development and that's probably why the big technology companies have negated out most of those profits even though the stocks have been wildly successful as a group and I would imagine if the report is true I would imagine that the the building of I guess the the Trump empire hotels and cetera is probably negating out the profits that have occurred so I mean it's it's a use of the tax system and the government sometimes favors a certain activity over over other activities and right now would imagine that you know President Trump and Vice President Biden would if you know the next 4 years they would want to lift up the manufacturing facility the manufacturing sector and as such they would probably reward more research and development and more automation and more more more hires and that would allow those companies to maybe watch that against other profit so for the profits that they're making during the time period so I if it's true and present Trump or his organization then pay taxes he's probably negating that against the future expenses. So Brian why would the government allow these kinds of deductions with the purpose of it well I mean if you're just if you're if you're trying to reward certain behavior again rightly or wrongly the government has been in the business of picking winners and losers but if if you're going to say no. Or what you do we're going to tax your money especially an environment like this business owners like me you know what I don't want to build that 2nd manufacturing facility because I'm not so sure the economy's going to be good but you can push them over the edge by saying you build that 2nd manufacturing facility will allow you to take those expenses maybe over the next 5 years and negate that against profits and all of a sudden you know they some of those businesses are made maybe many of those businesses will be willing to say I'm going to look through through the pandemic I'm going to build that 2nd facility I'm going to take the risk because you know what it least in the short run I know I'm going to say from paying taxes so I get to the government I go rightly or wrongly whether you believe they should or shouldn't be is in the business of trying to promote certain behavior and sometimes picking winners over losers one sector versus another sector and that's the reason why a business owner might you know go ahead and do that and why the government probably is in the business of you know again picking winners and losers. So Brian My guess is Brian Kroger has a high hopes for the financial power here on w b a l The New York Times also making a big deal about how the president is responsible for loans and other debts of about $421000000.00 Most of the coming due within the next 4 years according to The New York Times reporting should this be a concern to individuals. Well I mean again you know you would you would say is the president is the concern for voters feel like if this is all true do you like the the you know how President Trump is potentially running his organization on the on the flip side a lot of times you'll go into debt especially with low interest rates to build the hotel to make money to employ people to see an opportunity and you'll use that interest cost from the debt even though it's relatively low to offset against profits that your cash flow that you're bringing in so I mean again the the tax code is a very complicated structure I think we need to simplify it but as it stands now it's probably going to get even more complicated going forward and I don't think you can look through that and make it easy decisions a lot of hospitality businesses will take on a lot of debt so that's not abnormal and when you look at it from a country standpoint the entitlement spending so scary Medicare Medicaid are going to drown us out at some point in the future is just a question of do interest rates ever rise and make us you know kind of deal with that in the future but but but both parties are to blame for that no one really talks about the debt debt levels other than a few a few senators from time to time so again I don't think you make too much of this because it is systemic in the hospitality business that you will see a lot of debt with with the hospitality industry. From where you just answered my last question so it's. Normal for this particular time that interest in the industry and it sounds like. If you're saying this is not uncommon for this kind of a particular industry not abnormal at all on the flip side you would say that. It conservative players in the hospitality industry probably made a lot less money for the past 102030 years didn't grow as much didn't build their brand name as much Having said that if they're still in business and they were able to eke out a profit all those years there they're weathering the pandemic much better because they don't have to service you know their debt nearly as much because most of us are probably not staying in hotel rooms or traveling like we used to so you know it's a catch 22 no different than the direction of the country everything's Ok right now not great from a debt stamp everything's Ok right now but if interest rates start to rise then you're going to crowd out all types of programs so again short term interest rates are low you'll see a lot of risk taking that's part of the problem of the Federal Reserve keeping short term rates low and throwing money at problems you'll see a lot of risk taking We haven't seen crazy risk taking relative to say in 1999 but having said that risk taking nonetheless because interest rates are so low and I think sometimes you're going to see you're going to see some industries and companies not weather that too well I just hope it's not our country you know as we as we come into the last latter part of this decade into the 2000 and thirty's. Well Brian thank you so much for joining us and thanks for explaining all of that Ok Thank you Richard. All right well folks if you found that to be a little bit complicated it's because it is it's because the tax code is Brian worker who you just heard from there he's the host of The Financial hour here on Saturday mornings from 10 am to 11 am make sure you listen and he's a wealth of information no pun intended but he was laying out for us this is a complicated business which is why I think the New York Times reporting on President Trump's. Alleged tax returns and saying that he only paid 750 dollars 2016 the year that he was elected president only $750.00 in personal income tax for a lot of people it's going to just sit there if you were already in like the president probably is not going to help his case with you as much if you are already planning to vote for the president for whatever reason I don't know that it's going to hurt that much either again because I don't think a lot of people in the New York Times and a lot of our liberal friends have yet to figure out that I think the relationship isn't how much people relate to Donald Trump or rather how much they relate with the distrust for government and this doesn't change all that but also bigger picture the reason I told you in the beginning you got to be able to zoom out a little bit it's because if you focus simply on Donald Trump as for example representative of c. Has chosen to do you miss understanding the bigger problem here or the bigger issue maybe it's not a problem but it's how our tax code works yes it should be simplified because the very fact that most of us see this and we can't understand how it is that somebody that makes a millions and millions of dollars would only have a $750.00 personal income tax bill is a symptom of how complicated our tax code really is we should be able to look at that and say Ok why why is it that he would only have a $750.00 income tax bill is it because he is a crook is it because he is manipulative or is it because. They used the very rules that the federal government allows this is one of the things that I found really astounding there were several years ago when the folks in Congress it's pretty astounding they had several of the big money makers and they had to think it was Amazon and I want to say they had Apple as well and several of the big money technology players and they were grilling them how was it that you pay no taxes and you realize Congress you wrote the rules and now you're mad at the people for using the very rules that you wrote you know what you could do rewrite the rules or fix them if you don't like them which is why I find it astounding when I see people like Representative of c. Or senator. Senator Bernie Sanders that are Elizabeth Warren and you can go through and read their tweets Oh they are so mad how could this happen this is so unfair literally you're the ones who wrote the tax code or the people who are in charge or if you want to change it it's your job so you're mad that people are using the rules that you allow them to use and they like to call them loopholes right oh there are these tax loopholes well gee if only you were a senator with you already and the ability to vote on these and to change these you know loopholes there are mistakes that you made folks in Congress and now you're made you're mad that other people have are taking advantage of the mistakes that you made and you have to change them they haven't changed them they're not closing these loopholes they're not fixing anything instead they're just complaining that people are using a rulebook they put out there it's absurd you can text me 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call 841-0467 w b a l And like the text I would vote for a sack of rotten potatoes before I would vote for President Trump but I have qualms about the New York Times publishing what must have been leaked documents is that illegal it would seem to feed his. Supporters of world view of a deep state trying to oust him it also speaks of the exaggerating the Democrats have about the weakness of their candidate makes them seem a bit desperate All that being said I will still vote for Biden I doubt this will change anybody's vote comes to us from Karen in Baltimore and this ex did fire his accounts for not getting him a refund was the thing he did get a refund several years ago to the tune of about $76000000.00 I believe $72000000.00 and they're currently still in litigation and because the government doesn't really like that they gave out that kind of a refund. But as I said you can text me 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call at 10467 this case is also very interesting why are we pretending Trump didn't just sign and you tax law so much cognitive dissonance going on right now the man is gaming the system and the excuse is the tax law is bad well 1st of all the tax laws that have allowed President Trump and particularly the one that allowed him to only pay 750 dollars and 2016 was there well before he was elected that's part of the big issue right 2016 he didn't sign the tax bill that tax law that was already in place. So I think Congress has had this quote unquote problem of their own making for decades now now he did sign a new tax law shortly after he was elected but let's not forget let's go back to a little bit of Schoolhouse Rock and remember that he signs a law that is passed by Congress and so back to my problem with Congress those folks that somehow can't figure out how to do their job and then get mad when other people either do it for them or fill in the holes that they left behind and so again to the textor I get what you're saying the tax law that President Trump signed into in fact seems to be self-serving also was passed by Congress he just signed it but the one that allowed him to only pay $7.00. $150.00 and personal income tax. Was already on the books he didn't create that one that was already in existence. You can text me 410-467-9225 he also give me a call for 10467 w b a l. A day from Annapolis the tax code is written by rich lawyers for rich people. Or this tax I think this one's interesting Trump is broke I think that in the short that's probably going to sink as you can put what the New York Times is trying to say Trump is broke that's what they were I think ultimately trying to get out for a lot of people and I don't know that it's necessarily going to make the the difference that they hoped that it would and the reason for that is because again I don't think a lot of people were voting for Donald Trump and I don't mean his hard core base there are a lot of people were not voting for him because they can relate to Him Who here has ever gotten a 70000 dollar haircut earlier has their own personal jet or has married 3 different models it's just not most people cannot relate to him but they can relate to how he talks about the government or how that distrust that's what he I think a lot of people can relate to and it's amazing to me because as we've been having this conversation kind of text messages about her when about wasteful spending here in Maryland about Governor O'Malley How do you think that all 3 of those topics get thrown into a conversation about Donald Trump and taxes you know why because it's what I was tell you is that it's the relationship between Trump and the people but the distrust that trump exemplifies for many people helps to magnify that the relationship and as long as the New York Times and as long as liberals continue to hammer this personality issue a lot of people don't like him they never did they didn't like him in 2016 and they still voted for him so your tactic of saying well he's broke he doesn't have that much money. Is he still you know flinging things at the Federal Government is he still talking about corruption Well if he isn't for a lot of people the relationship that caused them to vote for him in 2016 has been broken whether he is broken him self or not some of your calls in just a moment you can text me 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call 410467. Also this text as well I could care less what Trump pays in taxes he hasn't taken a salary for a few years either as president donating what he has paid for my understanding if you pay 750 dollars I would be surprised taxes can be written off by corresponding losses also people the people shift income around constantly to take losses and reduce their tax burden they also employ a very good accountant whose job it is to minimize taxes paid. Big deal happens all the time yeah that's why I think a lot of people are just not going to be as impressed about this revelation from the New York Times but if you are I want to hear from you you can give me a call 410467. When this story is constantly changing and new details are always coming in and there's no better time than now to be connected to w b o t v o of a news to sundown our teams are gathering the latest information to keep you prepared informed safe ready with breaking news ready with the day's important developments ready with reliable facts paired with the power of in d.c. News this is the place to stay connected to the new Vo t.v. 11 News local late breaking the believe the radio 1090 an f.m. Want to 1.5 traffic and weather. Traffic on the Beltway runs pretty well despite the fact that there's midday work on the out of the Curtis creek in the left lane on the Beltway both ways the key bridges on the right side on 95 each way at the tidings bridge there's work southbound you lose the right lane northbound the left lane and traveling over on $95.00 northbound after $150.00 to a left bank works out again today at the Bay Bridge 2 way traffic on the westbound span that's because there's a work on the eastbound span in the right lane but a sluggish each way the Bay Bridge but currently the delays are not going to caution that much time t.v. 11 other partly cloudy warm and humid isolated late day and evening showers in the low eighty's lows tonight upper sixty's this track before brought you by p.g. Home right now we've got mostly cloudy skies and decent peaks sun here and there it is 76 downtown 76 sun t.v. Here are general steps to be a all news radio 1090 f.m. 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You read Seymour again double the p.l.o. Music radio 1090 on f.m. One o 1.5. Both the down and out we know why no President Trump has worked so hard to. Deny you know the public out what other presidential candidates have provided which is his tax returns because I'm sure when we all looked at it we'd get that my God this is the guy with you know pump on top of his buildings and hotels with his pay $750.00 a year in taxes. Well the rest of us are. Paying a lot more to support public services I thought it was. Well Senator Van Hollen that it was astounding My question is did you find it to be out as downie Well let's talk about that coming up next and you can text me 10467925 you can also give me a call 410467. Now I'm going to be a.o.l. News update telling you it was radio 10000 and f.m. Want to 1.5 in good morning once again from the w.p.a. Held 24 hour broadcast center and Steve Perry over the weekend in Ocean City more than 100 people were arrested in a police crackdown on un really in violent behavior during an unauthorized car rally Ocean City Mayor Ray Nagin says he's been trying to stop the end of all of that known as h 2 o. I American state trooper was injured and hospitalized after a scuffle with the suspect at one point during those arrests a bus struck and killed a man or the penn'orth Metro subway link station West Baltimore on Sunday morning City Police found the unidentified man in the middle of the street in the 1500 block of West North Avenue a local church bus had struck the man who was walking with a cane across the intersection a controversial plan to use monies granted to the city under the cares act to give d.p.w. Trash collectors a $5000.00 bonus is being proposed by 1st District councilman c. Cohen and 5th District councilman u.c. Schleifer in a letter sent to Mayor Young they also proposed a $4.00 an hour raise citing low morale and possible worker shortages as the crowed of Ari's pandemic continues to shift much of our restaurant dining from eatin to take out this week nearly becomes the 1st state in the nation to ban the familiar phone containers used to carry home everything from crab cakes to talk goes the state law goes into effect October 1st for hitting schools restaurants and other food service outlets from using polystyrene containers from the a.b.c. News desk Google has announced it will block election ads that mention the candidate's possible outcome. Or the election itself for at least a week after polls close on November 3rd to limit this information about the outcome of the vote that then includes You Tube In sports the Ravens and chiefs are on Monday Night Football from empty Bank Stadium which will welcome 250 immediate family members of the players coaches and staff as a step towards welcoming back fans the move was done with the support of the governor and mayor and help from the Maryland Department of Health they gain can be heard here tonight on w b l and watch it on w b a l t v 11 with the kick off at 815 stay for a w.p.a. Old news radio tending to you know if I'm on a 1.5 everyone knows even good people fall on hard times your credit cards get maxed out and you get behind on your taxes unfortunately the i.r.s. Is not as understanding and they won't stop until they collect they have the power to take your paycheck freeze your bank accounts even your home or business could be at risk it simply not worth it to take on the i.r.s. By yourself you need to call the experts at optimum tax relief when you call be sure to ask about the fresh start initiative it's a special i.r.s. Debt assistance program that could save you thousands even tens of thousands if you qualified Optima will immediately provide you with it came a professional who will fight to protect you from the i.r.s. Ensuring you get the best possible outcome the Better Business Bureau has awarded them an a plus rating and you will too so put the hard times behind you and call optimal today for a free consultation call 8035284803528480352842 mechanics or leave. 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Now and for want to know 79316164 want to go 793-1616 or you can go to his website Vinnie has the buyers dot com That's very has the buyers dot com It's the mortgage timeline at w b l dot com and the d.b.l. Mobile app. Now that was a very interesting statement by Senator Van Hollen who was on with c 4 Brian Eamon this morning let's hear again what he had to say about President Trump says $750.00 tax debt well it's astounding and now we know why President Trump has work so hard to. Deny you know the public what other presidential candidates have provided which is tax returns because I'm sure when we all looked at it we said My God this is the guy with you know Trump on top of his buildings and hotels and his pain $750.00 a year in taxes when the rest of us are you know pain a lot more to support public services I thought it was. Yes. What is this us about it was Senator Van Hollen again who was on with c 4 and Brian Neiman this morning and he's talking about Donald Trump's the revelations as laid out by the New York Times that don't trump only paid to $750.00 in personal income taxes in the years 2016 and 2017 but. I mean this is most of us felt this way most of us pay more taxes I get the feeling that that's not necessarily accurate when it comes to my personal finances or your personal finances and those of the good senator so I think that's part of the distinction here I think that they've made several miscalculations and here one of them is that people actually want to pay more in taxes that's not the case number one which is why I think you see a lot of people with this number $750.00 and yes you see the people like Representative a.f.c. And and Hall and they are just genuinely outraged by this also I wonder if they've ever in their entire lives ever taken a deduction on their tax bill My guess is probably my guess is that they're accountant or whoever it is that does their taxes or even if representative a o.c. Did her own h. And r block or whatever before she became a representative My guess is that they probably didn't turn down any deductions most of us have not so matter of fact always looking for more deductions the most adoption that we possibly can get on our tax bill so that's the 1st thing don't assume that people actually want to pay more in taxes so again that goes back to this us versus them and it's not Donald Trump us I don't particularly care for the guy but rather it's this relationship that people feel for somebody who also has a bigger distrust of the federal government and that's why I think throughout this entire show we've been talking about this for about an hour and a half now I still get text messages from people who are bringing current and are bringing up O'Malley Why is that what does that have anything to do with this conversation it's because. It goes to the bigger picture of government waste and the fact that most of us don't want to spend more in taxes we don't want to pay more in taxes $1.00 because it's our money and we feel that we are entitled to our own money but also because the government likes to waste our money and so as. Hall was saying there that you know President Trump hasn't paid x. Amount in taxes and you know it goes towards providing social services well back up that's I think one of the big issues that we've been missing here you still know that most people are willing to pay taxes to provide for social services except that the government is really bad state local and federal governments tend to be really bad about managing that money well instead they tend to be really great at what misusing money does that come as a surprise to anyone it certainly doesn't come as a price to Senator Rand Paul who for several years now has been putting out this report of all the ways that the federal government has wasted taxpayer money for example last year did you know that our government paid $10000000.00 to supporting green growth in Peru they fixed vehicles in New York City that were falsely claimed by the superstorm Sandy Sandy damage to the tune of $5000000.00 also randomly increase the capacity of the Pakistani film industry by a $100000.00 investment think about that and it goes on and on and on and this is year after year and so this idea that people are I think that the general public would be mad that somebody found a way to pay less taxes and they did so legally by rules that are allowed by the federal government in the tax code. I don't know you're mad at I mean it doesn't seem to me that they're hitting their mark. But also here's the other picture is it maybe you are in that camp where you know you hear this somebody think this is astounding This is this is wrong all right fine I'll accept that but is it the tax code that bothers people because it helps Donald Trump or because it doesn't help Americans he does there are completely different ideas is is the tax code broken for example because it helps Trump or because it doesn't help Americans as a for a lot of people I think they're not necessarily thinking the tax code is broken because it helps Americans but because it helps Donald Trump and that's where I think you're going to lose a lot of people. Are on earlier in the financial hour to kind of lay this out for us as to how is it that somebody who makes millions and millions of dollars who has financial industries and companies and businesses all over the world how is it that he can get away with a $750.00 personal income tax well going to tell you it's the rules but is that simply there to benefit all tromped or is it there to benefit Americans and I get that's why I had program because I want to talk a little bit about how this actually was the scheme here could be that the federal government is just corrupt sure but also the federal government has an incentive in having more taxpayers more taxpayers how does that happen if you have less jobs well what oftentimes happens in special with these big developers is that they they have a real estate holding or they have a company right kind of Donald Trump and Trump Tower they make a certain amount of profit you can either get taxed on that profit or you can take that profit and you can reinvest it into a nother building or another company or whatever it is that you're doing and then you can reduce your tax burden that way because you've reinvested it when I was in law school I consider doing intellectual property. And as a form as my focus in tax. Law one of the interesting things about intellectual property there's a whole taxation a whole different branch of taxation of intellectual property because so much of that goes into research and development research and development reinvestment basically how does this help the federal government helps the federal government because as Brian was telling us earlier if you have company x. And company x. Has just built this real estate development right as those explaining and they have a certain amount of money that they've made this year well the federal government can tax them on that money or they can you know incentivize the developer to make another building or another company and invest that money into this other company or how does that help the federal government getting taxes no but their company is going to hire workers and they're going to buy equipment and they're going to provide jobs and providing jobs does what creates a larger tax base for the federal government so I'm asking again is it is the tax code broken because it helps Donald Trump or because it doesn't help Americans well that forces you to wonder does it actually help Americans do some of these practices like the research and development or the reinvestment does that help Americans in general well kind of sounds like it and if Senator Van Hollen and if Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren don't think so then why don't they change it and I don't want to hear anything about well you know the Senate is Republican controlled at the moment hasn't always been that way wasn't that way when Donald Trump ran for office and was able to claim only was able to pay only $750.00 in federal taxes income taxes only get your thoughts on this you can text me for 10467. Can also give me a call 410-467-9220. But 2020 Preakness Stakes at Pimlico Coast time at 5 42 pm on Saturday watch the race on w.b. A.o.l. T.v. 11 and here are my company's current 98 Rock listen for updates all week on w b a l News Radio 10 f.m. Want to 1.5 and the w b i l mobile app w b l News Radio 1090 n.m. Want to 1.5 traffic and weather heading for the Bay Bridge expect to find road work so traffic it could be traffic over on the westbound span and easy get delayed quest to get in your route 8 eastbound it is the right lane it was bought by the work heading for Curtis Creek on the beltway the 1st work on the out of the clock equal back side and both ways of the Key Bridge the right lane is going to be blocked by a day work today along the $95.00 corridor each way to try to bridge construction setups up out of the right lane northbound on one side of the roadway blocking going north that busted down looks pretty good right now for brokered by d.c. Home w.p.a. On t.v. 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I think this text message is very telling I care about a tax return when my 1st grader can go back to school and see a spread Yeah I think that's why this latest bombshell ation to the New York Times about President trying to taxes is really going to fall on deaf ears if the. We're going to make a solid argument that I think most people could reasonably latch on to it would be the argument that perhaps the governor the president is compromised because of his large debt accumulation if you were going to make an argument that I think would raise people's eyebrows that's the one that he owes so much money and he's so diversified that it would be easy this is kind of the Emoluments Clause argument that it would be easy for him to be compromised by a foreign government who offered I don't know to provide him with a loan or maybe invest in some of his businesses and thereby get him out of that debt that I think would be the bigger picture but that's not where the New York Times is going instead they're big issue seems to be saying he's not as rich as he said he was. Completely missed about all right let's take a coral fast let's take and don't talk only what are your thoughts on this Europe saying well I was once in a sort of Texas and I don't want to say if you think kind of quickly in something like relates to but a little different there I agree with you mostly want to get all that it doesn't get and the proof of that was when the Congress changed the interest home interest and stopped about just look at how many Republicans and Democrats lost their jobs that's not a good idea to make people pay more tax but the other thing I want to say. 2 reasons here me one time I wrote a few stores. Recently about the i.r.s. They have not the i.r.s. Has not leaked anyone's tax returns of anybody in modern history they are very responsible they know they're responsible and I think they have looked at the f.b.i. Destroyed they don't want to be in the same place and so my thing is I'm saying this and the York Times said Ok The New York Times it's another bombshell which bombshell in 4 years as been true which bombshell has been true I don't believe and I don't believe that the taxes are anything I don't believe anyone in the throw out there and I'll let you listen to it and you know I know the discussion about taxes is interesting but I don't believe you know if it's about billions of dollars of that hundreds of millions of dollars and you pay 750 dollars one year for one year and so I don't believe it I don't believe the IRA's do that and I believe that's the only way to get it I don't believe and besides it's anonymous again I Anonymous and they bought not to get more information on that part but thanks for the context for listening and I look I I get a lot of people saying you know that this is the New York Times and this is inaccurate reporting but I'm tell you that take it out of the realm of on time for a 2nd it's not that wild of an idea and I think that's where the New York Times is focusing on it's not that wild of an idea that somebody with even a diversification or even the real estate holdings of President Trump would have such a low tax bill think about Amazon right Amazon is one of the has been criticized heavily as one of the. Biggest players in this having to pay very little to no taxes in many circumstances aren't several years so you've seen. If you can still or I believe he's a tax expert at the Urban Institute he is he also served as the Treasury Department official under President Ronald Reagan and he said he wasn't surprised that it turned out the price that Trump had paid almost no federal income tax according to me said most. Commercial real estate developers deduct large interest payments on their debts from taxable income thereby lowering their tax bills typically they also avoid capital gains tax by plowing profits from the sale of one building into the pit into the purchase of another that's the investment part of this. He also went on to say most tax experts expected you would find very little in the way of tax payments by President Trump That's why I'm saying I don't think this is quite the revelation of the New York Times is hinting on I would be surprised if someone like Donald Trump actually paid more in taxes given not Donald Trump his personality or his penchant for getting around certain things but given that the tax code allows it that's the bonds have code allows that there's no allegation that what he has done is illegal there's no allegation that what he has done has broken any law but rather it's very much within what is allowed and I think from that's why I think the New York Times is trying to to make this argument about c Don't you don't argue disgusted by what he's done and hoping that that in turn will change your mind about voting for him if you were choosing to do so or I guess solidify if you were not going to vote for him in the 1st place that that's what you should be doing but I think because they mis understand why certain people voted for that for Donald Trump in the 1st place they're not going to they're not going to have their mark on this are going to completely missed their mark and the fact that it still doesn't it still doesn't dawn on some of these little purple publications I just I don't think that it ever will at this point you can text me 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call of 410467 w b 80. Also. This text Trump is compromised by his large debt literally as the New York Times wanted to make any kind of a point that went in it but that's not where their focus is and that's why I think they're going to completely miss the mark on this issue. Because here's your home for Baltimore football play by play hockey one part by the G.'s you hold their teams plus inside in perspective expect more from God You da Al News Radio and I am one of the 1.5 and the w.b. a Mobile I. Believe the radio 1090 an f.m. One a 1.5 traffic and weather no major accidents on the interstates right now there's a lot of the day construction of most of it focused on bridges on the beltway the key bridges lose the right side each way the out of the Kurdish Creek the left lane works on no delay at any of those 3 work areas $95.00 of the tidings bridge there's work northbound in the left lane southbound the right side and on a 5 north there 152 a doubt that the falls that stretch a left lane works on there are delays at the Bay Bridge westbound coming off Can Island beginning near route a head of view the works out on the Bay Bridge because the 2 way traffic pattern of the West have been span because of the delays the work however is eastbound in the right lane w b o t v 11 weather partly cloudy warm and humid today isolated late day showers possible highs in the low eighty's Fourchon night it is going to be mostly cloudy isolated showers and lows in the upper sixty's brought you by c.v.s. 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Company Barrett to replace gives Burke on the Supreme Court Sen Van Holland was on with Brian even if the fore.