That's a place for kids to go and hang out and sometimes kids get into trouble sometimes could see it in a fight. We are seeing a little bit of an increase that this suspect who is a teen is believed to be armed and dangerous 10 former n.f.l. Players are charged today with defrauding the league's health care benefit program including former Ravens linebacker Robert McCune assistant attorney general Brian been challenged he's free on the players have been charged in 2 separate indictments with conspiracy wire fraud and health care fraud for submitting fraudulent claims to the health care plan for expensive medical equipment that was never purchased and never received Natural Resources Police have been targeting hunting violations and steer season started a few weeks ago they view the Ayles and Kramer reports Carroll County woman is now charged with DUI after Natural Resources Police say she hit a deer decoys on Flag Marsh Road last month according to police 46 year old Melinda Platt admitted to drinking several beers police say they were patrolling for illegal spotlighting of deer and using a deer decoys when they say a car turned on its headlights drove off the road onto the field and hit the decoys 55 year old James Platt a passenger in the car is charged with spotlighting dear Police say he had been drinking as well and Cramer w b a l Newsradio 1090 an f.m. Want to 1.5 more than 30 prominent business leaders signed a letter today to show their support for the current commission's recommendation to increase state education funding more of the u.f.c. Morgan show is ahead that's after traffic and weather here and other Uva all news radio 1090 and f.m. Want to 1.5 w b a l News Radio Ted 90 I doubt that one no one fully grasp it. Still watching a high near 50. Newsradio 1090 f.m. But of wanting to join us next Thursday and Friday for any Kids Campaign broadcast from Valleyview farms and Cockeysville You can also make your donation to the kids campaign right now. Com slash kids 6 on Don White b.b.a. All news radio 1090 and f.m. Want to 1.5. Your reps the mortgage w b a l News Radio 1090 s m one a 1.5 and the w b a l mobile app. Fan As I mentioned Michael Vick I start getting text messages from my friend Dave I'm pretty sure to my friend Dave about Michael Vick the famous Eagles quarterback you know said kind of a Cowboys fan but Ok Dave. I get your point but so anyway those talking during the break with with one of my producers. I'm David Crystal about one of my favorite books Harry Potter you know I don't need to say spoiler alert right to anybody but I must tell you about one of the best stories of redemption here Severus Snape remember that in the 1st book everybody hated it actually wasn't until probably the latter was the last book the last few chapters of the last book that everybody hated Severus Snape he was horrible in the movies he was a horrible in the books the way he treated Harry Potter the way he just terrible terrible and then we find out. I'm going to spoil it for you because I know somebody in the audience probably hasn't read it and trust me I'm telling you this is not something I want to spoil for you because his story of redemption is so cool it is so it's just it's such a great book I love the series and yes I did grow up with them so there is that but that's kind of us that's a story that. You don't have to be a Harry Potter fan but just in general the story of redemption where you might have somebody who's on top they're on top of the world and they're doing everything right like every chick flick I've ever seen and then they do something terrible and their world comes crashing down and then they've got to redeem themselves the 2nd half of the movie is all about redemption right they've got to come back they've got to make amends they've got to apologize they've got to grovel and then everyone forgives them right that's usually how the story goes isn't it I mean I know that we're not living in a chick flick but it's generally in life how things go you do something wrong maybe you're not on top of the world but you do something wrong because we're human beings so we do and then you ask for forgiveness and you don't do it again. And some of us hold grudges and some of us don't but the idea that we want to believe is that you can be forgiven for something that you've done even if it's something horrendous and you know what I like it that way however some of us don't think that way and I get it we're human beings. And the same thing is happening with one Michael Vick Oh yes you remember Michael Vick. Well a few years ago actually I suppose long as they've been it's been a while now since he was landed himself in prison for 18 months he was in prison for dogfighting he was part of a dogfighting ring is pretty horrendous I won't even go into the details because what he was accused of doing what he was found guilty of doing in participating in this dogfighting ring was nothing short of her and it was just absolutely terrible so much so that he found himself in prison for federal prison for 18 months but not only that once he was released he actually made a comeback not just in the n.f.l. But personally he actually came back in played with the Eagles for a short time eventually went back and retired with the Falcons but he was suspended by the n.f.l. He filed for bankruptcy but in 2009 he was reinstated and that's when he played with the Eagles and the coach at the time and he worried was the one who was actually tast according to The Washington Post with overseeing is reintroduction and league and he also played for the New York Jets and the Pittsburgh Steelers It was kind of a story of redemption if everyone hated him he went back to when he went to federal prison the details that were coming out you don't have to be an animal lover to understand the details that were coming out about that all that dogfighting ring oh my God they were brutal they were terrible I mean he was ridiculed he was despised for a good reason people were so angry about what he did and then he served his time he served 18 months in federal prison for what he did but not only that as I said he also he had he was suspended by the n.f.l. The n.f.l. Imagine having that kind of talent and then saying you're done you're done and not only that but he filed for bankruptcy so you're done your career is over you don't have any money and you're in federal prison. Congratulations to you but he was able to come back with the oversight of Andy Reid the Eagles head coach and now he has become an activist a. Complete $180.00 he's become a human rights and human animal rights activist and he works closely with the Humane Society of the United States he's done I mean that's the organization going to work with are going to try to try to make amends for a dogfighting ring and here's what he had to say back in 2015 I just try to make it right after going through what I went through after what transpired the best thing to do was to make amends for what I did I can't take it back the only thing I can do is influence the masses of kids from going down the same road I went down that's why I work with the Humane Society and affecting a lot of kids' lives and saving a lot of animals what is the most that he could do is he's saying trying to make sure that no one else does what he did that children growing up that are going on the same path that he went down as a kid don't do the same thing stop it from happening and he said we've had a lot of progress we've been able to change some laws they will change some laws and do some great things that I'm very proud of I never thought I'd be doing that think about the 180 that he has done redemption think about what he has tried to do moving forward so that this does not happen again that not just him but the other people behind him don't do the same thing. And the progress has been such that not just in the n.f.l. But as I said with changing the laws and working with the Humane Society So all in all it's a story of redemption Severus Snape I think my producer said a Darth Vader if you will to look into that one but. You know what he is now being named an honorary captain of the Pro Bowl in late January. And we're all Ok with that right because we have forgiven. Now this is America we do not forget if you want forgiveness I suggest you go to church because the rest of us in social media are forgiving a darn thing as we have seen from the 500000 people that have signed a change dot org petition demanding that Michael Big be Michael Vick be removed as an honorary captain of the Pro Bowl Oh wait a 2nd Ok And not only that but there's another petition that has more than $200000.00 signatures and they're saying the same thing they want him to be removed as an honorary captain of the pro ball then there's a whole nother petition that has another $90000.00 signatures and what they want they want sponsors to back out of the Pro Bowl until they drop Michael Vick Oh wow Wow Ok so just so we're clear I don't care who an honorary captain is of the Pro Bowl a lot of people anymore watch the Pro Bowl a lot of football players don't even watch the Pro Bowl I don't care who they make an honorary captain but what I do care about is this ongoing theme that we have seen in America where you don't get to be forgiven just so you can't you want forgiveness go to church because here in America here in social media we don't play that game we don't do the forgiveness thing and we sure as heck don't forget Well you can go back into your Twitter from a decade ago and find all sorts of things that you said jokingly and get you kicked out of the of the Emmys or the oh the big award show I forget the he was kicked out of a I mean we just we don't care anymore right there is no such thing as forgiveness why why do we do this what more would you like Michael Vick to do just asking you can tax me 410-467-1225 you also give me a call of 410467 w b a l. I don't know where we have gotten in this country that we do not forget what does it mean what else would you like Michael Vick to do besides spending 18 months in a federal prison besides being kicked out of the n.f.l. Filing for bankruptcy and then when he was reinstated back in the n.f.l. Working with the Humane Society working with young people so that they don't make the same mistakes that he did They don't travel down the same path that he did that led him to this horrible behavior the dogfighting ring actually working to change the laws so that animals are safer in this country what do we want to happen for there being the same amount of protesting when he played the Eagles I remember this being the same amount of protesting you know they said when he came back to the n.f.l. I don't get that when you play for the Steelers and play for the Eagles I don't know but now that he's being named an honorary captain for the Pro Bowl now we're really upset why is it that we can't for give him and please don't mistake that please don't mistake this I am not in any way saying that what he did was Ok but I am saying that I'm still one of those people that believes that you can do something horrible and that you can make amends you can do a 180 I got a text message in about. Here's a good one since the n.f.l. Is into redemption why not have o.j. As an honorary captain Oh right God jokes right. First of all o.j. Is not sorry for what he claims he did not do although he wrote a book about how he would do it if he did do it right there's no sorry there is a risk he spent time in jail not because of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson or . For the other person's name but he did not spend time in jail for murders people he didn't say I'm sorry are you kidding me no he there's no there's he's not high for anything there nothing not even remotely the same thing Michael Vick senses released from prison has done nothing but say I'm sorry for what he did so why what is it I mean are we all that big of fans of the Pro Bowl we're also concerned with who the honorary captain of the Pro Bowl or that we are not going to let this pass and by the way in case you're wondering what an honorary captain of the Pro Bowl does according to The Washington Post they're typically involved in events that lead up to the game and they work with players preparing for it honorary honorary sounds like it's a p.r. Position and just in case you're wondering there are a couple of other co captains and that's true Al Davis they're all green and Bruce Smith. All right and there was this Facebook post according to The Washington Post from a woman named Jonah I'm sorry Joanna I'm sorry and she said this just saw this on Facebook and was absolutely disgusted when is the n.f.l. Going to take any responsibility for the behavior of its current and former players to honor a man who had 0 regard for animals is unacceptable and I would like your help to make sure he's not honored at the 2020 n.f.l. Probabl that's the problem here Joanna if I may this person on Facebook is that perhaps we don't know the full story here because when is the n.f.l. Going to take any responsibility for the behavior of its current and former players you know they kicked him out of the n.f.l. They kicked him out of the n.f.l. Michael Vick he spent 18 months in federal prison this is one of those cases where somebody doesn't get caught or they do get caught in the n.f.l. Just says no I don't see anything let's just no nothing to see here he was in federal prison for 18 months the n.f.l. Didn't simply disregard his behavior and when he did come back the n.f.l. When he was reinstated by the n.f.l. It was only under the watchful eye of Andy Reid the Eagles coach it wasn't like they were they just. Didn't happen everybody come on back know what happened so I'm just curious at what point we're allowed to forgive I'm not saying you have to forget what he did he's not forgetting what he did if he was forgetting what he did he wouldn't be working so hard with the Humane Society he would be working so hard with young people to change their behavior to make sure that they don't go down the same path that he did that would be forgetting just let's just wash our hands of it and I didn't do it you know when you see me I didn't see you that's not what's happening so what is it about Michael Vick or what is it about this story that even given all the things that he has done acknowledging that what he did was horrendous as a 1st step acknowledging what he did was run as I've never heard o.j. Acknowledge that he did something terrible but is even a myth that what about what he dead. This is different so why don't we forgive a thing a coral facets take George in Baltimore County Georgia and. I do and I do want to put a couple words that I don't think I could ever forgive Michael Vick because I just can't get those words out of my mind a little while ago and it's like this grab your don't you're not you're me go Michael Vick is now illegal for a member of the I Do you remember that yes that was quite catchy. Thanks for the call George I do remember that look I in again I'd I want to be clear I am not advocating or Michael Vick as a human being or what he did I don't think he should forget what he did what I'm saying is that he has not forgotten what he did big picture here is do we allow people to make a change do we forgive them when they acknowledge that they have done something horrendous or do we continue to punish them what would have been better if you spent 5 years in federal prison as opposed to 18 months or 10 years in federal prison if you gave every cent that he has ever earned or will ever earn to the Humane Society what at what point do we say Ok Ok you're allowed to rejoin society because that's a problem if that's what that's our standard Oh man there's a whole heck of a lot of us that should be ostracized right now let's take another call let's take dawn in Baltimore done your interview be alle Hi Thanks for taking my call Were you scared part of what I was going to say while I personally have forgiven him for what my forgiveness is what I haven't forgotten and what I will say is that that's great he's trying to I program. Do what he did I don't know if you ever turn because somebody that would do that is so flawed but I think he gave up the right to be on or to be in any type of a leader. Shift position whether it be to just for p.r. Or not and so I think what Michael Vick needs to do is go find a life outside. Of the n.f.l. Work with a humane society but I don't think forgiveness is the problem I think it's that he cannot be seen as a leader he can I can go with that Don I could go with that thanks for the call. And that I could I could understand more. If you acknowledge what Michael Vick did and I'm telling you that if you want to look out for yourself it's pretty horrendous the things that he did to those dogs and the things that he was involved in and I'm not at all advocating that you forget what he did there is no possible way to do that there's no possible way to advocate or forgiving Michael Vick for what he did or for getting what he did when I'm asking you is there is there a point is there a point at which we would say Ok you can acknowledge what you did was horrendous You can change your behavior you can work to make sure that you and no one else behind you does what you did but not advocating for them to be a leader Don I can get behind that. Believe the radio 1090 an f.m. One o 1.5 traffic and weather. Traffic remains very busy on the Beltway inner loop though the crash now has cleared 1st the crash in Greece reality was gone then our Charles Street for the entrance ramp that's all cleared as well but this is still a lot of volume for the inner loop starting near Park Avenue in spots through Townsend to about Providence Rhode before it clears out more so this is going to be a long stretch of the lazy the outer loop is quite busy down at Liberty Road through Kate has been the b.w. Parkway has been going to slow down more between Bella's north 32 past Route 104 that even slow out of NASA towards powder mill road so it's all just building up more this report is sponsored by real street you always start your biggest asset was your smile but it's actually your ability to earn a living real street will help you grow that asset and change your future so get a real Street dot com now and put your resume to work that's a real Street dot com Real street and your w b a l t v a lot of weather upper thirty's for the high today with sunny skies above allays but it stays cold tonight lows down to 29 degrees tomorrow will see highs in the mid forty's but even rain leading into a rainy Saturday as well I'm John Walker w.b. a News radio 1090 end f.m. 101.5. But can you be a radio Kids Campaign serving needy children in the Baltimore we should find out how you can make a difference can you be I'll dot com slash kids and keep listening to w.b. Al News Radio $1090.00 and f.m. 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To Debbie be a all radio Kids campaign is underway and your generous donations can make a difference for kids in need throughout the radio listening area the kids campaign is a year round effort and thanks to our listeners like you money raised helps support and sponsor many activities that help boys and girls in the radio listening area is also the reason they were distributed to the Annual. Radio coats for kids project come see us as we celebrate the holidays with our annual value farms broadcast in 1000 on Thursday morning December 19th and all day Friday December 20th support to the kids campaign or to learn more. Go to Debbie b.a. All dot com slash kids you can donate easily using Pay Pal or credit card just go to all dot com slash kids and click donate the Debbie Vale radio Kids campaign has been proudly serving the needs of children in the Baltimore metropolitan area for more than 40 years thank you for your support of the radio Kids Campaign All right so don't preach go on next weekend in Hunt Valley I'm sorry at Valley View farms in Valley So coming up we're going to finish out this discussion because I know there's a lot of you that are on the phone line and they're sending in text messages and we'll continue this discussion but as I will say. I don't I don't want you to think that if any way that I agree with what he has done nor what he did in the past nor will I advocate for forgetting what he did that was horrendous You certainly never forget something like that but as a nation as a free society are you allowed to move past it. I got a new job on the radio to make room for their family 101.5 sunny skies and 37 degrees here on t.v. Hell Good afternoon I'm John White Baltimore County police investigate an early morning Schumi divers search for a person who reportedly went into the water in the inner harbor and almost a dozen former n.f.l. Players including a raven are facing federal fraud charges their stories after a.b.c. News at 230 members of the house to do for your committee are due back in session any moment after a break earlier members are in day 2 of a markup session to fine tune articles of impeachment against the president taking up both articles 1st the abuse of power members of the House Judiciary Committee are debating the 1st article of impeachment abuse of power after Republican Congressman Jim Jordan moved to strike the 1st article altogether he argues call transcript shows no quid pro quo the House Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on finalize articles immediately. After the market session is completed those articles will then be sent to the full House for a vote before Congress goes on recess and as a libertarian a.b.c. News on Capitol Hill if the full House approves that draft a trial would be held in the Republican led Senate g.o.p. Leaders said to be preparing for that likelihood in the beginning of the year Republicans deciding how they will call witnesses with continuing coverage of the articles of impeachment on Michelle Franzen a.b.c. News. The ladies from w b a l u s radio Tendai Biti and f.m. One o 1.5 at 231 Good afternoon I'm Don White's now the latest from the w.b. a 24 hour broadcast on our 10 former n.f.l. Players are charged today with defrauding the league's health care benefit program former Ravens linebacker Robert McCune who played for the birds in 20072008 is among those charged the Justice Department believes a player submitted almost $4000000.00 in false claims Baltimore County Police are investigating an overnight shooting and double Rock Park in Parkville Police say the victim walked into a hospital around 3 15 am divers could not find a person who reportedly went into the water in the inner harbor a bystander reported at around 8 this morning and said It happened near the lake street to the and an around the county executive Stuart Pittman told a crowd Wednesday night in his 1st State of the county address Hill include funding in the 2021 budget for body Ward cameras for police officers on Wall Street at this hour the Dow is up 244 points the s. And p. 500 up 14 points and the Nasdaq is up 55 points get more news and listen live at the free w.p.a. All app at 232 and on white w.p.a. All news radio 1090 and f.m. Want to 1.5. Let the plumber we know when you have an issue you can afford to wait no one understands as more than our plumbers to speak most customers love us because when they call and someone answers the phone and it's a real person I have multiple customers say I called you guys this morning you were able to get out today and that's just awesome I want promise of same day service 7 days a week isn't just an option it's who we are. Under listen this afternoon starting at 3 now Miller as you read Seymour again feel News Radio 1090 s m one a 1.5 and that will be. The Patriots' tight inventive and Watson tweeted this Michael Vick has paid his debt the names on this petition are unaware or more more likely unconcerned with justice and truth and I think what Benjamin Watson is saying there is he's talking about the work that Michael Vick has done since he was released from prison into him when he was reinstated by the n.f.l. In 2009 and he then went on to work as an animal rights activist with human humane society of the u.s. He's also worked with children and as he said in 2015 I just try to make it right after going through what I went through after what transpired the best thing to do it to make amends for what I did I can't take it back the only thing I can do is influence the masses of trick of kids from going down the same road I went down that's why I work with the Humane Society in affecting a lot of kids' lives and saving a lot of animals he also said we've had a lot of progress we've been able to change some laws and do some great things that I'm very proud of I never thought I'd be doing that probably didn't think he would be doing that while he was in the middle of a. I mean I can't even describe what he did to those animals cruelty doesn't even begin to describe I think what he did to those animals his ability and yes I do understand for those of you who are angry and trust me I've been there I was there couldn't even don't even want to hear some of the stories about what he was doing and what he was involved in doing to these animals it was nothing short of pure evil if you consider room and watch these things happen to another living creature it's absolutely horrendous and so he served time for 18 years and sense that 18 years with me 18 months 18 months is a 40 and slip 18 months in federal prison for what he did for what and he did he deserve more possibly possibly somebody who has that kind of mentality that can sit in a room while these things are going on and in. Engage in them himself is not right to say the very least there's something not right about this person and yet after he was released from prison we let him come back to the n.f.l. Remember we let him play for the Eagles we let him play for the Steelers the ultimate retired with the with the Falcons and has gone on to work with the Humane Society and try to make sure that no one else repeats his behavior and now that he's been named as an honorary captain to the probable there and there are about 500000 people that have signed a petition urging his removal as an honorary captain and other 200002 another petition with another 200000 signatures who are urging the same thing and another petition with 90000 signatures that are urging sponsors to back out of the Pro Bowl until Michael Vick drops out. And as I read to you a number of his former team are former n.f.l. Teammates have reached out as well saying that. He did his time he did what we asked him to do and not only did he come back you know it's not like he just came back and hid under a rock but worked to make sure that this does not happen again N.B.C.'s Peter King said this to the n.f.l. Stand firm and do not remove Vick You can question his seriousness about it all but since stepping out of Leavenworth in 2009 he's lived in an eventful and repentant life off the field he served his time he coped with financial and career ruin and he's tried to rehab his life which is what you do in a free society when you've done something agree just really wrong Vick is a great example of reforming oneself from something stupid and hurtful being reimbursed by the n.f.l. Is a good thing I'm a dog lover of the 1st degree and I'm 100 percent behind Vick I'm not going to go that far I'm not saying that he is I'm not even saying that what he did was stupid and hurtful there are probably stronger words that I would use for what Michael Vick did but this wasn't a football Morning in America column so maybe he wanted to use stronger language and simply click that there is that I'll give him the benefit of the doubt there. But not 100 percent behind Michael Vick I'm sorry I can't agree with Peter King on that in I'd say I'm a solid I don't own a gun want to give it a percentage but it's more than 50 percent let's just say that right then I do believe that even someone who has done something horrendous can be forgiven now part of that depends on what you do afterwards of course how you make amends if you are truly sorry for what you did and how you work to make things to make sure that that does not happen again but right now in our society I'm not sure that we're even to that point and I want to get your thoughts on this let's take Christie and Gainesville Christiane. Hi Thanks for taking my call of course so if you are willing to let Michael Vick back in the on a so why not Ray write. RINGBACK One woman she later married. And who has worked for domestic violence. I don't know Kristie I think that's a that's a good question though thanks for the call Christy and look. I don't know I don't know about Ray Rice I yeah I don't know I don't know but it's funny what we choose to forgive and what we ignore in this country isn't there something that we're ready to forgive and then some things that we are simply not in the question is why I got this text every once in a while I wonder about Michael Vick because I'm an animal lover and was upset when he was hired but I then heard what he was doing and then I thought about being brought up in an atmosphere where you were taught this is the norm it's really sad what does a kid do this is in northeast Baltimore writing in and I think that's part of what Michael Vick was saying in that statement there that he's working to make sure that other kids that went on the same path that he did where they thought this was not only that this was acceptable behavior which is horrendous in and of itself but working to make sure that kids that are in those same environments understand that this is not acceptable behavior rather this is absolutely cruel and reprehensible behavior and working to make sure that that doesn't happen you know I'm being honest myself I'm an animal lover I have a dog I've had dogs all my life I treat them like my babies. I've never gone to a neighborhood or to an area where children might be growing up thinking that this is acceptable behavior in tried to change that mentality I've never done that and he that's what he's doing to make sure that this does not happen again do you believe in 100 percent Are you 100 percent behind him like N.B.C.'s Peter King I'm not I'm telling you right now I'm not because I'm human and like many of you I'm still angry with what he did but do we forgive him does that mean you have to forget what he did but do we forgive him what else does he have to do in order to earn that forgiveness not forgetting but forgiveness. There's a couple of other text messages that I want to read to you. Let me see here another thought oh he's me how do you agree we can be forgiven and not forget he is being a positive and he's being positive and continue to work on his recovery thinks Barb you can text me by the way 410-467-9225 you can also give me a call of 10467 w b l Let's take Tony in Baltimore Tony you're on the veil. See how you are doing well what are your thoughts. So let me start off by Stan I am an animal lover I have had dogs all my life and trust me when I say my wife stays mad at me because I treat my dog a lot better than other people haven't said that I absolutely agree with the statement that she read by Mr King I'm behind it 100 percent and I mean the problem we have is that we want to measure what we've produced and then on top of that we want to measure what the punishment is going to be and that's never ever insisted we should let great rights back in the league they punished him they sanctioned him Michael Vick spent almost 2 years in prison and since then nobody can say anything bad about this man you know we've got to start looking at how to forgive and what to get in this is about and we start saying Ok You know what you paid the price we've purchased you but you you're not going to be restored that that will never be consistent it will 'd not be fair a man paid his price by all measures anyone you speak to he is a model citizen any doing the right thing and we've got to get past this whole thing about holding a grudge over somebody for the rush to like you cannot heal a society like that you know and again thanks for thanks for the call Tony and I got this text in from Dave in p.a. They couldn't be sorry or do anything with the Humane Society if he wasn't caught he's sorry he got caught he shouldn't be in the spotlight another reason I'm done with the n.f.l. I don't disagree with you that he wouldn't be sorry or be doing thing if he hadn't gotten caught that was the catalyst for any change in behavior just like I think anybody else who is up to no good whatever that is and once you get caught that usually is the catalyst for you changing your behavior but if you do change your behavior and your intent you're sincere in that change too we accept that or as a last caller was saying what do we do. Continue to punish you and what amount of punishment is enough for some of us we'd say there is no amount of punishment that's enough what he did was absolutely cruel there's no other word is evil and I agree with you I agree with you on that I'm not disagreeing with you on that and I'm not even with Peter King of n.b.c. Who is saying that he's 100 percent with Michael Vick and that he has redeemed himself would not assign that number to the redemption but I do believe that at some point if a person is sincere in what they have done then maybe just maybe we give them an opportunity to be forgiven. To believe b.d.l. Music radio 1090 and f.m. 11.5 traffic and weather. Travel is getting a little worse on I 95 between White Marsh and the mountain road heading up to Harper County northbound especially is struggling for the works on in the mid day that is blocking the right lane and as we head up this way into Harper County southbound is one of the slow as well for the same stretch of you be aware of the ways in both directions the bow is still top of the top sun in or looked always begin your right return road all the way through town into Perry Parkway the earlier incidents are all gone but the outer loop felt quite busy from 705 down through caters Ville it's a lot of early volume down 95 between that was north but it's busy offer to 16 into Route 100 the beat of a few park we will see similar similar delays mostly on the northbound ride your w b a l t v 11 weather upper thirty's for the high with sunny skies today will see lows down to 29 tonight the state school tomorrow highs in the mid forty's with the evening rain into a rain here Saturday this report is sponsored by b.g. 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This text messages might just about sum it all up Michael Vick can be forgiven we do not have to honor him in the spotlight is what most people are saying when she left her name texters I think that's probably the most accurate point and I can get behind that as long as I as long as I think for me and understand that a person like Michael Vick who did something absolutely horrendous can serve his time I guess that society or that justice that the courts feel is appropriate for what he has done and then be as actions afterwards to try to ensure that nobody else does what he did especially young people growing up thinking that that is appropriate I can certainly acknowledge that I can certainly acknowledge that we don't have to honor him in the spotlight as this texter is saying and if that's the case then I agree with you move him as a Pro Bowl honorary captain you don't have to put him in the spotlight I think that if putting him in the spotlight means that we are. I guess honoring his behavior or honoring him some way or forgetting forgetting what he did then I'm with you I don't think that we should do that. But I just want to be clear on that and I'm joined now by Dan Joseph who is filling in for Brett Hollander today from saying all 5 right I am very excited about this and I'm very excited because you know the Ravens tonight are playing my New York Jets and the New York Jets are absolutely going to get destroyed we're talking about football let's talk about Lamar Jackson is going to break the record I think I mean if you can't break the record against the Jets who can you break it against for rushing for a quarterback and whose record is that Michael Michael Vick So I think interesting we're talking about is the I'm done with this whole subject while we're at it. Yeah I mean I think that look I think there you got to separate honoring him for who he is and honoring him for football if you want to put him in the Hall of Fame that's one thing that's honoring him for the way he played football and he almost certainly deserves that nobody can take that away from but making him an honorary captain seems like you're doing more than that it seems like you're honoring him for behavior seems like you're honoring him as a person and I don't think you can do that I honestly think that doing what he did to dogs and what he allowed his family and friends to do dogs that requires a sociopathic kind of attitude and a sociopathic kind of mindset I specially think since this is this me the e.s.p.n. Is the caring the Pro Bowl it is Disney venture I don't think this is the kind of person Disney wants to be associated with I would not allow him to be the Pro Bowl kept and I don't forgive him for that you do you you know Dan Jones why they picked him. In particular no I don't I be curious to know why they picked him in the 1st place is not why any stretch the imagination would not have been on my Top 100 list of people to pick but you know it's kind of a it's such a touchy such a strange topic because I think people want to know when you talk about somebody like Michael Vick are you for giving him for what he did are you forgetting what he did which is absolutely 100 percent not the case for you Don't forget I think that's what exactly what it should be right and I just am making him an honorary can't you know he didn't get a chance at the end of his career and I could not bring myself to cheer for me do something good on the field I could not bring myself to do that that's how angry I was about this and I'm you know I love animals I try whenever I can to help animals and I don't own a dog myself but if I did I you know I just think what would I do have somebody did this to my act how would I react to that and not well I would be pretty angry and I just I don't think Michael Michael Vick deserves to be in the spotlight deserves to be celebrated that's what they're doing they're celebrating him here they're celebrating an individual who's done horrendous horrendous things so I guess that's that's ultimately the question dangerous if. You can do something regardless of what you do afterwards to make amends that was so horrendous that your time to ever be honored for anything is done for certain things yeah I think you can you you forfeit the spotlight for certain things I mean would you put Would you let Michael Vick host Saturday Night Live Now. You know I don't know I don't think you could just base that you know people are going to start saying they that's really in the mainstream I mean nobody really watches the Pro Bowl right but you put it in the mainstream like something like Saturday Night Live people are going to go crazy because so you can have a guy like that hosting Saturday Night Live think about what you did and you should bring attention to the things that he did I'm going to read on my show we're going to read a little bit about exactly what he did to these dogs trying not to upset anybody but people need to understand how this all went down and what exactly the things he was doing or were subhuman I mean they were good they were just that atrocious so it's hard for me to get over that it really is a case could go oh no no no and I think that that's important to bring out because there are that happened almost a decade a little over a decade ago and so I think a lot of people have forgotten you know I'm in a sense glad that you're going to be doing that because I still can't bring myself to talk about what he did I have had dogs all my life you know we currently have a my in my family has a German Shepherd 2 Yeah I look we've had nothing but your men shepherds for our entire family and our families you know I mean especially my youngest are 6 very high and they love kids they love children they're always together you know and like you said if you start going through what this man did to these animals I still can't bring myself to even do it after the 1st Her friend is time that I heard what he had done and yet that's why you know I wanted to bring this topic out because I think it's important for us to kind of to talk about it right to recognize that while he did serve his time and I agree that he served his time I am glad for the things that he has done to try to redeem himself that doesn't necessarily mean that we honor him right so why started off this segment wondering why we were why there were so many people who were adamant about him being removed as an honorary captain and that I understand but the point about what point we let him back in society because we're fine doing it as long as he's going touchdowns right yeah. Fine let him back in society as long as you're scoring touchdowns but if we're going to honor you well that's a whole different story that says a lot about us as a society you know he would never actually punished and actually never served any time for what he did to the animals he only served time for gambling and racketeering that's what he served time for they never actually punished him for the horrible things he was doing I think it also goes back to the art of that I think is evidence I'm going to end it right I'll write what you actually can bring out sure and I think it's just it's just so sad I think look if he wants to the other thing about Vick was you know he we did this and he made a big thing about how and now I'm pro animal and I think he got a dog and I think you and I just seem so I think it's so phony to me and it's I don't know we're going to talk about it on my show coming up for Bret Hollander All right thank you Dan Joseph can you be any news now with Brian Neiman weekday mornings 5 to 9 Brian May be with you on this Tuesday marks back to more from w.b. And news radio 10000 and now available in Greater Baltimore on f.m. One o 1.5. Believe b.l. Moves radio 1090 and f.m. One of the 1.5 traffic and weather. Traffic data sponsored by discover it's a pretty tough rider on the Beltway for the top side both ways out of Pi so really slow down where the inner loop is heavy all the way through towns and into pairing Parkway a few earlier crashes added to this and the outer loop is linear risers to row down in through Kate's Ville and towards Frederick road so this is all connected and looking busy 5 north of y. Marsh both ways slowed down from it they work signs that are just clearing now so that is a big concern especially northbound heading past mountain road on the north on a rock want to hear something amazing discover matches all the cashback you earn at the end of your 1st year automatically with no limit to how much they'll match millions of people a year are getting their cash back matched discover cashback match what are you waiting for learn more and discover dot com slash cashback match and your w.b. a T.v. 11 weather is cooler today highs in the upper thirty's with sunny skies above down to 29 for the low tonight. Or a little bit milder with highs or 44 degrees evening rain into a rainy Saturday though Walker double Hubie a news radio 1090 and f.m. 101.5 m. 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News. Michele Francis House Judiciary members back. In session this hour debating 2 articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of Congress the Committee set to take up a vote on that draft later today a full vote on the House would still be needed before it moves to trial in the Senate while President Trump has publicly pushed for a robust impeachment trial in the Senate including live witnesses some of the president's top aides are now warming up to the idea of a shorter trial with some here at the White House advocating for calling no witnesses at all top Republicans on the Hill have indicated there is little appetite for a drawn out trial so the thinking now among some top administration aides is that it's better to get it over with quickly and move past impeachment altogether the White House declined to say of the president's thinking has changed Karen Travers a.b.c. News the White House the deadly attack in Jersey City New Jersey now being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism the state's attorney general says they have evidence confirming 2 suspects were interested in the black Hebrew Israelites group and quote held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people as well as hatred of law enforcement f.b.i. Special Agent in Charge Gregory Erie today I will be continuing to investigate this is a domestic terrorism incident with a hate crime bias slant to it 6 people were killed in that shootout including both suspects 3 civilians and one police officer the risky rescue effort to recover bodies near the side of the deadly volcano that erupted days ago on White Island has begun A.B.C.'s Marcus Moore is near the scene in New Zealand on the ground the situation still highly volatile scientists estimating a 40 to 60 percent chance of another eruption families of the missing are desperate .