Bottom line is. From Baltimore's largest radio news team he's got the radio. Overcast 45 degrees here on t.v. . News Radio tonight he will investigators say they think they don't know what caused the explosion in Rock Hill that level a home the governor says he supports building fracking euro with the 1st the latest from b.b.c. News. From the a.b.c. News I'm Chuck secretive in a rare public statement a British government intelligence agency calls this claim cited by White House spokesman Sean Spicer yesterday ridiculous and asks us not to repeat it on Fox News on March 14th judge entered made the following statement quote 3 intelligence sources have informed Fox News the president Obama went outside the chain of command he didn't use the n.s.a. He didn't use the CIA He didn't use the f.b.i. And he didn't use the Department of Justice he is g c h Q What is that it's the initials for the British intelligence buying agency the president was asked about it at a White House news conference today I didn't make an opinion on it that was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on Fox and so you shouldn't be talking to me you should be talking to 5 claim was made by conservative commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano without any proof and when President Trump mentioned it today Fox News immediately declared it has no evidence supporting the volatiles claim f.b.i. Director James Comey will be on Capitol Hill Monday answering questions from members of Congress but Russian hacking of last year's election but many including the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee California Congressman Adam Schiff want testimony on the wiretapping claim whether the director will be willing to speak in a open session about broader questions what kind of counterintelligence investigations may be made not be going on to have to decide how he wants to handle that but I don't think there should be any problem with the director refuting this baseless thank you so. Sure the Justice Department says it will temporarily transfer immigration judges to 6 detention centers mostly near the border with Mexico in an effort to put President Trump's immigration directives into effect Trump administration's challenging a court order blocking the travel ban comedian Artie Lange was arrested recently on drug possession charges outside his New Jersey home officers say they found cocaine heroin and drug paraphernalia both on him and in his car you're listening to a.b.c. News. Radio and that. It is a go to a homeowner to agree with the homes gas lines that's what investigators say cause that gas explosion this morning in Iraq killed a lovable home there the person who lives in that house remains unaccounted for tonight 10 homes and a number of vehicles in that neighborhood were also damaged in the explosion Washington Gas spokesman Brian Edwards says it appears the customer to be legally regular gas lines all to restore service this customer was shut off back in June of 2015 are meter reading devices detected usage starting in December of this year and again in January February and in March Investigators say it does not appear the blast was intentional this afternoon Governor Larry Hogan has settled the debate over whether to ban natural gas fracking in western Maryland Hogan told reporters lawmakers will not approve tougher regulations for fracking So he wants to ban it must take the next step and move from virtually an infraction to actually banning fracking the choice to me is clear either you support a ban on fracking or you are for fracking the House has already passed a fracking ban the Senate has not because the Democratic Committee chairman hearing the bill fear Hogan would veto that ban Well Mayor Pugh is marking her 1st 100 days in office today with a stop of the c 4 show here on w b o where w. Bales Robert Lang says she touched on a number of hot button issues in. Willing to build a city council exhibit is expected to approve Monday to raise the city's minimum wage to $15.00 an hour on the c 4 show Mary Katherine Hughes said she has not made up her mind on whether to sign the bill she notes as a state senator she supported increasing the state's minimum wage including the 2014 law that will boost the state minimum wage to $1010.00 an hour next year you know as I look at it right now Baltimore needs to be in line with the rest of the state but I'm looking at it I will evaluate it the mayor says she has to factor in the impact of the city's economy and to the tax base which now also has to fund extra money to close the city's school deficit and pay for what's required in the Justice Department consent decree for the police Robert Lang Newsradio 10000 police on the Eastern Shore investigating the death of a man who was found dead in a bathroom of the friendly food and gas station in Stevensville a clerk noticed someone had been in the bathroom for an extended amount of time investigators now say the man had been there for 10 hours police say he died of natural causes your pick 3 from the a lottery 238 the pick 48472 traffic and weather is next it's 8 o 4 for the best authentic Italian food a visit ku Vino Trattoria pizza and attack I enjoy incredible sauces mouthwatering gelato and over 100 world class Italian by stopping weekdays from 11 am till 3 pm for the 6 dollar business lunch while you're there ask about their catering menu you'll Love to Vino open 7 days a week in the Donya Village Shopping Center call 418537484 or online activists c u v I o no dot com jelly beans radio. Traffic better God nor bad as the big wealth gap the Bell hit very heavy delays right around 212 x. The cleanup continues right 4 to 16 as the left lane blocked their one point the railways completely shut down better back operation so looks like that's going to be there for quite a while be aware of you heading in that direction looks like bottom washed park but it's also taking some of the dump off traffic from 95. Very heavy delays between there and 32 off and on once you bother you up to speed all the way up to the Beltway looks like Route 29 would be your best bet at this point to say Patrick's Day celebration O'Donnell Square has a Donna street close to both directions 20 Linwood Avenue and tell me straight. Out of a downstairs close pretend with Avenue and little whatever that shouldn't reopen in the early morning hours I'm Barry Rosen w b news radio tend to be a t.v. 11 weather cloudy skies over night a chance for some rain possibly mixed with which snow at times low temperatures in the mid thirty's that mixed bag of rain or snow in the morning tomorrow that's a rain showers in the afternoon high temperatures near 45 another system moves through with some rain or wet snow late Saturday night into Sunday morning Sunday's high 48 idea of ologist Tom pacifier w d i yelled to Brady 010000 overcast 45 degrees here on t.v. Hill it's you know 6 I'm full Jacobo ski on w.b. All news radio turned 90. By about how it can be and w.b. Dot com fallen at 97.9 f.m. And get you be a old news radio 10000 this is the brand calendar show. Our number 2 on this Friday night thank you for being with us and if you're kind of sad today. Beyond. It being a Friday which are probably make you happier than the other days a week particularly here and 8 pm for most of you work days over out you can look forward to the weekend maybe you're having a few it is St Patrick's Day after all but if you're dragging a bit because of what happened yesterday in Maryland I get it and you're saying now what the Orioles don't start for another 2 weeks in 3 days while there is something to root for tonight Team USA plays in the won't Baseball Classic and they'll play again tomorrow evening if they win one of these next 2 games they'll likely move on in the semifinals there is a chance there could be a tie breaking game at that point but more than likely. If they win one of these next 2 games they're going to move on they play Puerto Rico tonight Marcus Stroman on the mound in San Diego to 10 o'clock 1st pitch tomorrow they play as well that will be the long into speedy game a 2nd game against the Dominican Republic and it's kind of a complicated pull system 2 teams make it out of pool play Venezuela a really good team in that pool is already over in 2 so they're obviously in trouble to make and we're all in one now the 11 they won last night and last night it was the many Machado show for the Dominican Republic in a game let's give our budgets a good shot Ok. Benefit Shadow's been doing tournaments. She. Was good. Yeah that was many Machado last night a couple of stellar defensive plays he's been doing all tournaments match best Gourgeon and then the end John Smoltz when Emma b. Network just insane plays by many Machado and not there were complacent as fans but we are spoiled and we watch him very closely since 2012 and I don't know if he'll be around after next season I don't be around this entire season I know this and I'm not even advocating stay or go I've talked about that a lot I'm merely saying we will never see his likes again ever. He is something you have to see to believe at 3rd base as trite as that sounds that is what he is it's almost like an optical illusion last night the 1st play you heard was him charging on a slowly a ground ball to 3rd base he makes that play with these and then that final play threw at me go Cabrera from left field left field and fell ground you just don't see that just an amazing athlete and player And tonight on the mound for Team USA We don't like him much around here but we're ready for him tonight Marcus Stroman. As far as pitch something yeah I'm ready to go I've prepared all leading up to this on the off season so I'm ready to go out there and throw to one of my pitch them and say this is round so I'm going to go 80 pitches out of 4 that takes me. As far as team play against in Puerto Rico they have an unbelievable I know I'm pretty close with some of those guys and or Korea. I'm excited I'm excited I love this moment I love that this year these games has been and I can't wait to face an all star lineup Yeah it's going to be tonight against Puerto Rico and then tomorrow against the Dominican strawman will start tomorrow restarting tonight so play us here one of these 2 games they want all 3 they're moving on to the semifinals they went I think there's a pretty good chance they put that away but. You get a chance to face that in many kids and they can face that or make it 3 times which is kind of interesting and most people think on paper Those are the 2 best teams talent wise the Japan ball club they play really well in this tournament have Korea's played really well in this tournament and the Netherlands are going in the semifinals along with Team Japan so it's narrowed down now to the Netherlands and Japan they did dance the semifinals not sure who they're playing yet and then it will be 2 teams from this pool left and right now it's pretty much down to the u.s. Puerto Rico and then a minute in Republics are 2 of those 3 clubs and I've had a lot of fun watching this and there's just a different feel to these games there's different energy and emotion to it it's not perfect we talked about that a lot the fact their pitch laments the fact that pitchers can throw back to back days the fact that there's just as inherent risk and you know it kind of feels awkward to the clubs last night Miguel Cabrera had to get pulled from his team's game because of a sore back that's of best hitter in baseball who makes $30000000.00 a year and the Detroit Tigers season is riding on his health now obviously he got hurt last night that could happen in the spring in a could have happened in the regular season 1st at bat of the year and it's really different the pitchers but there is an inherent risk that these players are taking Certainly the pitchers to kind of gear up at this stage I know in Asia the spring training start earlier and there are longer it's just a different flow and tempo to it but there's something awkward about it I will give you that but anyone who's completely dismissive of this tournament and the emotion of it has been watching if you're completely just focusing on all that's warts and flaws then you have not been paying attention and although a lot of notable major leaguers like Bryce Harper and Mike Trout and a handful of others Chris Bryant. Sen No Well 1st of all you know people folks in Chris Bryant say no longer respect to Chris Bryant is rare player but player choice is a 3rd base for Team USA I mean knowing our Nanos pretty good and Alex Bregman playing shortstop last night pretty good this would all start team with n.t.p. Is all over the place and future M.V.P.'s all over the place but one thing you'll say is starting pitching wise it's not the best there's no Bumgarner there's no Kershaw Ok I'll grant you that but so far the starting pitching has been great maybe the bullpen could be better for Zach Britain was a part of it a handful of other guys but you cannot question the want to with these players from Team USA just ask Adam Jones who has been the catalyst and star so far with 2 of the biggest blows in this tournament west down to rubble after the. Few arrests I don't. See a time wasted. Because right now for us these time this thing. Is a military city in a sense there's a lot of military people in this right now men and women so this represents the manifest my chest right now not the ball but you know it's a special special feeling of my family and friends here to see this is just the way it was it turned out to be a love again for the people here is that the people I don't watch Yeah and this is the 4th one so they've been able to trace out impacts players in the regular season to kind of gear up at this stage in March and then to ramp back down rejoin your teams in Arizona or in Florida and then to gear back up for opening day but it is just different product than the main then a regular season major league game obviously is a much different tempo and feel than a exhibition game in Florida or Arizona but I think it's fun and the patriotism you know no one should apologize for it is patriotism and. To Raul and Jim Leland the other night the skipper for Team USA high praise for Adam Jones and his team. Joins you know really go to school and we cash in on a big one you know by world champion obviously so you know it was a great game you know I know that's easy for us to say we won the game but it was it was a great game and I thought a pitcher did a tremendous job I thought I started with 2 shiling you can ask for anything more he was absolutely terrific. You know threw away a bone or we want to give up anything but. You know I thought our pitching did a terrific job. That's Jim Leyland by the way the team for Puerto Rico no pushover they have Francisco Lin door the great young shortstop for Cleveland Carlos Correia the great shortstop 3rd baseman for Houston Carlos Beltran Jose Molina the great catcher Javi by is the 2nd baseman for the Cubs and this will not be easy tonight for Team USA when they face off at 10 o'clock in San Diego but I am enjoying this and again like another thing is Jim Leland feels the need to kind of play everybody out of respect for the players and out of respect for their team so they don't go 2 weeks without gaining game and they're really not prepared for the regular season so there's no perfect time to put this thing we debated out before it started but to deny its relevancy and its passion and its authentic enthusiasm would be silly and I want to know if anyone's been watching this tournament I've been getting a lot of joy out of it when it's been on you know I haven't carved out. Every part of my day for a book when it's been on and I've only gone on my way to watch Team USA in the Dominican when you get a chance see many do that stuff and enjoy some other a good baseball mean that the baseball or Plame. In some of these Asian countries it's different it's a different brand of baseball but man fundamentally sound and in their they really prepared for these tournaments in the teams that obviously play more internationally the team they're going to be better suited for this team USA in the Dominican they're up and down All-Stars in the major leagues but not necessarily a team built to win games in every sense of it guys who do different things you know this is more like home run hitters up and down but for 10467 w b i l 410467 w b i l email me Brett at w b a l dot com and find us on Twitter aberrate Hollander if you want to weigh in on the World Baseball Classic and if you're enjoying it or not if you think it's silly or stupid and that's fine as well and also we didn't get all of our calls on the Maryland men's basketball team and their season coming to an end your thoughts on that and Mark Turgeon in the up and down nature of that sees him it's all still to come when we come back here on w.p.a. Oh believe Sanford trusted and depended was an earlier disable in the left lane to live for and drive time traffic record 6 times in our weekday afternoons during tell you believe those lanes now have been reopened expect more from God you'd be a pretty. W b a l t v a live in these a.b.c. World News Tonight with David here tonight starting it's presented by life bridge health the future of health care is here on the d.l. News Radio 1090 and the Double the b.l.s. . Long before Johnny Unitas led the former Colts to our Super Bowl 5 victory and before Jonathan Ogden was drafted as the 1st Baltimore Ravens Baltimore families have relied on the Evans family to help them during some of their most important family moments this is Charlie Evans now. My staff and I had Evan's penal chapel and cremation services provide the finest facilities staff and compassion for you during a difficult time in your life for more information visit us online at Evan's funeral chapel dot com I invite your confidence is your favorite Ravens players of Baltimore Ravens detached presented by Miller late June 1st through 30 Ocean City Maryland weekend it is available in the Clarion resort below 10 feel special Reagan's speech best headquarters visit Baltimore Ravens' dot com slash speech back for more Mars to remodel or here how many times have you wanted to sit on your deck and found it to be too hot too buggy or it was raining imagine converting that seldom used back into a new living space by letting me turn it into a spacious screened enclosure or sun room you'll have an entire new room to enjoy and you won't have to move to another house to get it you can entertain at dinner or watch t.v. Or read we even keep a small section of your deck for grilling or sunny folks most of my customers tell me the same thing about their enclosures they only regret that they waited so long to get it believe me it will become the favorite room in your home so call me today at 413562525 minute fight me over so I can get them and show you how affordable what really is all visit you myself and I'm on time every time I'm even include my super secret solar screening for free it's a $1500.00 value and don't forget we also do side in Windows too so this at my website at Marist remodeler dot com and look at our enclosures not the 3 things you need to know until you p.l.z. News Radio can the governor has settled the debate over whether to ban fracking here in Maryland you know supports a ban on homeowner tampering with the homes gas lines cause the house to explode this morning in Rockville we're told and it's a pay raise after all the Walt Disney Company has agreed to pay $3500000.00 in back wages for the workers for violating minimum wage and overtime rules these stories and more on w b l News Radio 10. If I had that I wouldn't be a l. S. And w. B. a L. Dot com funny 97.9 f.m. 82 and get Would you be a.o.l. News Radio 10 Nike This is the brand turned your show. This story today got a lot of publicity not a good day for c.b.s. Sports despite once again being the home of March Madness and the n.c. Double a tournament but a lot of issues yesterday on their Web site March man has created a lot of c.b.s. Hatred just before the 1st game tipped off yesterday with the term and New York Post writes thousands of fans who wait until the final minutes to fill out their brackets on c.b.s. Sports dot com were denied their picks and it wasn't just their picks for me term and starting game Notre Dame versus Princeton but for all of their picks in 4 brackets the c.b.s. C.b.s. Site crashed around 11 am Eastern time and stayed down for about 2 hours according to down detector a service that tracks digital outages concerning a tip off of the 1st game was at 12 15 pm the timing could not have been worse for the 11th hour bracket makers and just in time tweakers me frustration of being bracket blocks set Twitter a fire with post so you can imagine very aggressive and angry towards c.b.s. C.b.s. Didn't exactly man up writes York Post but said quote service is down due to overwhelming demand the excuse clang like a missed free throw to many on the outside looking in quote someone didn't get the memo there would be a spike in traffic today said Dan a tech or commentator. At another last minute or not I shouldn't have to worry about a website not functioning in the 21st century century c.b.s. Sports being caught flat footed struck many as a derelict given the American Gaming Association predicted Tuesday that fans would complete get this $70000000.00 brackets this year more it said then the number of ballots cast in the November election data tech or calculated at c.b.s. Sports complaints spiked to over 2000 every 15 minutes around noon on Thursday from a base nearly 00 an hour before and an hour after the site's crash the personal file get this maybe even Spears to c.b.s. The stock which fell 1.3 percent on Thursday to close at $67.03 a share that's amazing 410467 w.b. 0410.67 w b a l Female me breaded w b o dot com and find us on Twitter after Helder going back to the Turks and certainly a rough one last night Mark Turgeon chooses to look on the bright side the experience that our freshman had this year is amazing. You know what they were able to do I mean really you know say it was mellow Steen because it was but these cats these 3 guys what I mean what they had on their plate and we're going to step back in about a week and be like wow that was incredible what these guys just did and right now it's hard because we didn't finish the season the way we wanted to do. But we just we didn't have an innocent anymore and maybe it was just said to play so many minutes and didn't have the experience around him to help him but those guys were terrific and really proud of them and a great years and $24.00 wins and playing the minutes they played was pretty special. You know all that is true again I think if you look and just play the expectations game and you do it honestly with yourself so not how you felt on January 15th or February 1st or February 15th but actually say what were my thoughts before they tipped off in their 1st game I think against American University and they were down late in that game and nearly lost a Tashan at home and you go through all those kind of ugly games in the preseason if you're honest with yourself and you said that team could possibly win 12 Big 10 games be a 3 scene the Big 10 tournament you'd have signed up for that in blood there was no chance that was a possibility if you're honest with yourself now will make you feel better about the performance yesterday which I will say was not great against listening to terminate team it's a team from what the Big East you have to be realistic about this the difference these days between a 6 and 11 is negligible and to spread was 2 points to give you some idea Marilyn favored I don't think anyone thought Marilyn was a walk in there yesterday implode Xavier so forgive me for not buying that line in in this tournament alone it's mostly chalk this year so far a thing goes we know that it's a crapshoot really good teams get eliminated all the time early in this tournament now typically with all the madness in craziness of it all typically their best 4 teams get to the end of this thing or maybe for your best 8 or 10 teams get to the end of this thing and very very common that the best 2 or so teams are playing at the end so yes the good teams and the average teams again there are plenty of those considering that there are $68.00 teams that in this tournament that's what allows you have so much craziness it's a parody that's involved so. Yeah good teams lose all the time early in this terminal and go back to more courage original point which is basically his team is fresh when they run out of gas and I think that's probably a simple way of looking at it. There's some other things to it maybe teams kind of figure out a way to match up with them maybe teams kind of figure out a way to stop those freshman and it's obviously a flawed team it was a different team after Michael Chertoff he got hurt and Checco place in the season doesn't get hurt it does this team ever fall apart I'm not sure maybe they get worse but i've that much worse maybe they're capable of winning a few more games down the stretch and then doing better by a game or 2 in both of the tournaments the Big 10 instead of delays but Mark Turgeon says it's not for lack of effort the thing I was proud about this team is we just kept fighting in and on our way for about a month. Really since Checco went down we have been the same team and but we kept battling Yeah that is true they do play hard from coming up we have a history lesson on St Patrick's Day and also we'll talk look crossed a big weekend in town that's coming up as we continue here on w.p.a. . If you still not refinance your mortgage will soon you may be kicking yourself in the head. Financial interest rates have gone up recently and will continue to rise but they're still at historical lows so don't delay Bledisloe your monthly payment consolidated 1st and 2nd half brother dead or drop into a 15 year loan with no closing cost that's right nothing's rolled in your loan will pay if your appraisal title underwriting settlement fee everything do not miss out on this historic opportunity whether to purchase or refinance you'll pay no closing costs you won't spend a dime think about it all it takes a 5 minute phone call to find out how we can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year in by the way Westland financial now is proud offer reverse mortgages for clients over 62 so call us at 884553669 it's the biggest no brainer in history mankind call us at 84553669 that's 884553669 Well the financial we're going to Operation b.p. One financial analyst number 304 not alone to plot equals we wonder why are we here co owner of one donation ever hear the saying good things come to those who wait while I'm starting a new saying those who we end up paying too much for new windows spring is right around the corner and it seems that he kicks in so when the demand for new windows don't wait until it's too late break down willing to give it to anyone who buys Windows this month through free Windows for every 2 you buy That's right 5 for good for free by 6 get 6 free there's no limit plus buy a house of windows and I'll even throw in free mini blinds for each window purchase some cash in on this offer today and save thousands go with the company that has installed over 350000 windows in more than 65000 homes and was just recently rings the 6th largest home remodeler in the nation by Remodeling Magazine So what are you waiting for get 2 free Windows for every 2 you buy plus for your mini blinds when the House of Windows this offer is only good through the end of the month so call $8690.00 nation or visit window Nation dot com today. Not Monday morning on radio 1090 will drill down on the president's proposed budget including the cuts to public television and radio the Sweet 16 will be set to out highlights from the Big Dance Joe Di Genova a former u.s. Attorney will be here to talk with him about the f.b.i. Directors big testimony coming up Monday of one of the House Intelligence Committee and its National Proposal Day but we'll talk with a woman from Baltimore says she's not playing the game they know coming up Monday morning. Is now a week ago Monday through Friday now more of them. On the radio and. Coming up next hour a history of St Patrick's Day and we'll talk some across next for Terry from inside look across all the big games in town this week and that's coming up next here on w.p.a. On News Radio 10. Also Morse largest radio news to. Be a radio. Overcast 45 degrees here on t.v. Hill Good evening I'm. News Radio 1090 we now know what caused a huge blast through Rock Hill that's a nice size one person unaccounted for the governor of puts an end to the fracking debate here in Maryland and j.c. Penney closing 140 stores nationwide will tell you of any of our in fact that. Maybe she confirms that Justice Department officials went to Capitol Hill today to respond to questions about possible surveillance during last year's election they briefed heads and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees with classified documents for them to review in a secure setting this is the White House reached out to British officials saying that the claim made by a Fox News commentator of President Obama asking a British spy agency to do surveillance of Trump Tower will not be repeated Fox News has knocked down that claim President Trump did the same in a news. Conference today saying that it was he was just citing the claim by the commentator I didn't make an opinion on it that was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on Fox and so you shouldn't be talking to me you should be talking to Fox as Republicans try to make changes to their health care reform proposal to please more conservative members Republican lawmakers are facing more townhomes with constituents speaking out against repealing Obamacare Chuck sieverts an a.b.c. News. Radio. It's a 32 a homeowner to agree with the homes gas lines cause that house to explode this morning of Rock Hill that from investigators tonight the house was leveled the one person who lives of the house still remains unaccounted for tonight when Gary County Fire Chief Scott Goldstone here in this neighborhood there were a total of 10 houses and 9 vehicles damaged by this blast one of those houses as reported earlier has been declared uninhabitable by every county permanent services agents for the remaining houses have various degrees of damage and vary from blast to minor structural issues Washington gas as it appears the customer how do you legally regular gas lines to restore service this afternoon Governor Larry Hogan has settled the debate here in Maryland over whether to ban natural gas fracking in western Maryland Hogan telling reporters lawmakers will not approve tougher regulations for fracking So he wants to ban it he must take the next step and move from virtually an infraction to actually banning fracking the choice to me is clear either you support a ban on fracking or you were for fracking the House has already passed a fracking ban the Senate has not because the Democratic Committee Chairwoman hearing the bill feared would veto the measure in Annapolis Robert Lang Newsradio $10000.00 the j.c. Penney at least it is one of $140.00 stores across the country that. Close in an effort they say to sustain profits in an era of increased competition from online retailers approximately 5000 positions will be affected by the store closures across the u.s. Your evening pick 3 from the Maryland lottery 951 the pick 48334 it's 834 I'm still Jacobo ski on w b l News Radio 1090. Sleep is not a 4 letter word I'm really good with math I mean it's the opposite it's good you want it you need it you crave it Studies show you get more of it with a comfortable mattress briny and I'm not sure what you like imagines maybe it's hard soft e.d.m. King Queen double pillow top something else I don't know but I do know you're going to find it at Mattress Firm and I promise you're going to get a great price because Mattress Firm has a once in a lifetime opportunity right now they're clearing out the hands of thousands of famous name brand floor models making room for the next generation and you can walk into a Mattress Firm store today and get 70 percent off 70 they've got $2000.00 all floor models that's a ridiculous amount but the savings only last as long as the mattresses are there when somebody buys one those matches are not coming back so find your mattress hug your mattress love your mattress take your mattress home take some money home as well with the savings are going to get it got the best name brands the best prices matches for save money sleep happy new employees are prone to workplace accidents c.e.i. w C. Dot com double the b.l. News Radio 19 traffic this drug work is brought to by the Ad Council 95 northbound is a move off the Capital Beltway had very heavy delays right around the i.c.c. Accident cleanup continues right before 216 has left lane black so very solid layers moved through there looks like Route 29 is your best bet moving north at this point you still have every delays moving off the Capitol Beltway on the bottom washed Parkway off and on between there and Route 32 but once you buy there you are up to speed all the way up to the Beltway in the city St Patrick's Day celebration in old Dallas where has a Donna street close to both directions tween one avenue and Potomac St That's to reopen right around 7 o'clock in the morning but if you knew the exact moment of the earthquake would hit of course you don't but should you be ready anyway go to ready dot gov slash communicator make your mercy plan today don't wait communicate brought to you by Fema ready and the council are very mils of news radio 1970 a.o.l. T.v. Imagine that they're about these guys overnight a chance for some rain possibly mixed with wet snow at times low temperatures in the mid thirty's that's mixed bag of rain or snow in the morning tomorrow and some rain showers in the afternoon high temperatures near 45 other system moves through with some rain or wet snow late Saturday night into Sunday morning Sunday high quality 8 idea of ologist Tom pacifier w.b. I yelled Newsradio 10000. He's not calling you on telling the radio can not be and that got me out. On a Friday night thank you so much for being with us and let's get a little cross run down during the height of March Madness so I'm not quite term in time in across you can probably tell that with the weather outside but we're getting there and Terry for ferments out across joins us right now Terry how are you and great Brett really enjoying yet enjoying the hopes but Tamar's of the game across I'll be calling need loyal and maybe game at the really athletic complex and explain to me disloyal and look like they were on the upswing. And then they go to Durham North Carolina and they get a handed to them last Saturday by the Blue Devils it was really reminiscent of the last loyal experience at home against the Blue Devils in the regular season last year a combination of a do Gone fans that couldn't miss and got really really hot and a loyal audience that couldn't really do anything couldn't really respond now and that but to make matters worse lingering goalie issues for the greyhounds as they replace Jake it's over with gramophone neither guy played very well as a team combined for single digit saves while letting up 15 goals and here they are in a position where interestingly there are 3 in 3 that the thing about low season so far however is that 2 of those losses are one goal losses to Virginia and John top which appear to be very good and so now they're 2 goals away from the in 5 and one and they're coming off of a bad loss again but you expect that team to rebound right they're going to rally picture I've got the mentality of a Final 4 team that being said now they're 3 in 3 they're you know facing another in conference opponent who's really struggling as well and it's like our both these teams got both of them have their backs against us I mean you know it's tough I will say that it looks like there's some work to be done it in you know that everything complex so yeah my sense of it is Loyola might be a mediocre team and I think they're better than that but I'm just saying they might be but as far as moving on here it may not matter it looks like a down year for the Patriot League unless I'm just totally And that's really no I think you're right right now I would say that the consensus is loyal is in the same mix as an undefeated Boston University I think at this point in their 4th season planes are still crossed it's still a little bit of an unknown because they collapsed on the stretch left year after being beaten to losing their last 5 games and missing the Patriot League tournament and then army is the only other team that I think folks consider to be in that same threshold the Black Knight had a win over Syracuse but they've looked a little bit sluggish and some other performances as well so yeah I mean I would say the top of the Patriot League is in you know making any great shakes and when you move down the letter from there it doesn't get any more impressive into that middle tier and got. A disappointing season for coach Ricky Sol after making to the quarter finals of the n.c. Double a tournament last year things have fallen off a team struggling right now 2 and 5 a long goal loss to laughing who will just pounded earlier in the season and on stage during die time here in March for the midshipmen but certainly a critical point their season and this is a team that struggled with injuries maybe worse than anybody else in all of division one across prior to the year they lost a series of midfielder who is kind of their most prominent initiator authentically and then more recently we've learned that starting to Fenton junior Hiram Carter is done for the year their most physical often to play or Jack read as missed time over the last several weeks due to a foot injury and then there are a couple other pieces as well that have been struggling with injuries this is a team that last season it felt like a lot of things came together for them including getting off the bubble of the into the tournaments they parlay it's a 1st round victory into a quarter final appearance against Brown nay play one of the most memorable games despite falling by a goal to a team that end up being a final 4 part it's been in the brown bears this year it just hasn't gone that way and this is surprising in the sense that they competed against John Hopkins in their you know in our home what and then they only lost maybe to Maryland 15 to 12 so you know they went toe to toe with one of the best teams in the country week later. At this point I feel like their season is hinge ing on the Israeli automatic qualifier Luckily for them 6 teams qualify for the page really tournaments and so you know they still have a little bit insulation between where they are right now wanted to win the league and where they could possibly end up by missing that is really turning out altogether I would not say for that reason that the soil again a must win but there are reasons that it is including the fact that they just need to get one under the belt in order to build confidence We're talking with Terry Floyd from inside of a cross go to the Blue Jays kind of an odd scenario they have to move their game this Saturday that was supposed to be played in Syracuse New York to Homewood because of the end to the late tournaments women's tournament being played in upstate New York this weekend so the Jays now hosting the orange men how are the Jays hanging in right now while they're on a 2 game losing streak after getting pummeled by Princeton Friday afternoon 2 weeks ago and then really getting dominated the faceoff out last weekend and so this is a Syracuse team that comes to town at the right moment for John Hawkins there's a real significant concern is that they thought that once again for the Blue Jays 100 Moreland has been injured he's a part of the 3 man unit that takes the drugs for Johns Hopkins and really what it comes down to is that Williams is one of the best faceoff guys in the country so they would have been a troubled regardless of their running out there but given the possession disadvantage the last couple years it's going to be a little bit concerning however compared to being in the dome you know the Hopkins team that beat their case at home in overtime last year and so now they can hope that they can reap redo that effort get a nice win or their belt and get their season back on track and then the Terrapins they keep chugging along they have Villanova in College Park tomorrow Maryland coming off of some extended rest after they made the trip to Albany last week for a game that ended up being cancelled due to inclement weather rescheduled for mid April it was an opportunity to take out another dice opponent get it that's our taste of the one goal was to Notre Dame and happen to win. To go out of their mouth as it is they've obviously been on the on the shelf for what will be 14 days and they've got an opportunity to take out of the allowed at the last year had one of the most prolific offices in all of college across but it's been struggling this year and they got to the weather gentlemen and and and company can take care of business on national t.v. Cash in they've had an interesting she's in they're coming off of a loss to Ohio State they're off this week and they'll play a great Denver team during the week a team that they upset last year but the Tigers and coach Sean Matalin having a pretty good year right now they graduated so much defensively all 3 close defense and in their goalie I think the idea was it was going to be a work in progress at this point fair to say given losses the oil and as you mentioned Ohio state that's been the case but they've gotten a huge lift from 2 transfers of the face off back Alex would all be transferred from my point that they marry as an apple at the law and Connor Harriman transferred balance at school in Kentucky and they've been pretty good facing off despite having a rough day against the Buckeyes on Wednesday but yet they will have another stiff test and try to win them possession against Denver when they come to town a week from Saturday and they bring with them one of the nation's best faceoff specialist in trouble back east and n.b.c. They've gone off the schneid under 1st your head coach Ryan Miranda rights Stonybrook tomorrow nationally right now Terry who's the best team or 2 in your mind as we speak who well it's tough because there are a lot of teams that are off the great undefeated start and rockers come to mind Hofstra as well we already talked about be there a couple other squads that I think are in the mix I think Notre Dame and Denver All right along there with Maryland they form a tramp or at the top so those you know those 2 those 2 groups you've got the undefeated who might have some more to prove and then on the other hand you've got the established powers that all have a loss under their belt so far you know picking one of that group of 7 is kind of where you're going to think the best. You know the country is right now and as soon as this basketball tournament comes to an end the focus collegially for many of a shift to a cross and that will take center stage at least here on the East Coast and Terry for from inside across all over it Terry are you going to the game are you watching all your games from your your headquarters yeah I will be down here in Iowa h.q. And all the scoreboard updating and all of our pre-game in the show line and that it brought back out our watches on our Twitter broadcast tomorrow the Patriot League network a loyal and Navya 1 o'clock it really should be a good one Terry for you thank you so much Absolutely thanks for having Brett and we're coming back with more next year on w.b. . Play Vince make early moves in free agency new safety Tony Jefferson this organization fist newer new running back to any would hand so excited to be a part of the Raven culture piece he's w b a l News Radio 1090 your Ravens flagship it's a great time to be a small business owner. 2 Politico man Horton foundation is hosting its annual fundraiser on March 31st at Martin's East this Mardi Gras themed event runs from 7 pm till 11 and includes great food auction items end of the lunch open bar single tickets are 60 dollars proceeds benefit Johns Hopkins pediatric oncology patients and the believe in tomorrow foundation for tickets and more information visit n.v.h. Fund dot org. And so no more questions out of me all. I'm like Ok as an actor sometimes I play a character that's in there with addiction but that addiction ends with the word cut every. Where to tell you about a harsh reality that is having a devastating effect on our nation and in Maryland I'm Larry Hogan governor of Maryland opioid and heroin addiction affects Marylanders of all ages and demographics and in particular you this addiction is destroying families and lives the governor I urge you to speak with your kids about the importance of this issue please go to m.d. Destination recovery dot org or call 180-422-0009 Find out more information about treatment resources no walks and how to respond to an overdose speak with your children forced to like and like acting like doesn't have 2nd takes. The Maryland lottery watch for daily drawings on the b.l.t. The cue the winning numbers all day every day on. The 3 things you need to know until you p.l.d. News Radio can the governor has said of the debate over whether to ban fracking here in Maryland you know supports a ban a homeowner tampering with the homes gas lines cause the house to explode this morning in Rockville we're told and it's a pay raise after all the Walt Disney Company has agreed to pay $3800000.00 in back wages for the workers for violating the minimum wage and overtime rules for all these stories and more on w.l. Newsradio $109.00. Pm news now with Ryan the case at 5 am now more of the Hollanders b.l. Music radio 10 and that can be a. Quick look at so immense You don't like tournaments scores for games going on right now before we get to the history of St Patrick's Day can just as you might expect in a one seed versus 16 seed game against u.c. Davis 9554 hawks a good one right now 10 minutes to go in the 2nd half Dayton and Wichita State Wichita State up 4140 in a matchup of a tense heat and I 7 seed Duke is up 18 on Troy with 1155 to go in the 2nd half Cincinnati's 11 on can just state that a 60 verse 11 seed 3928 That's at half time and a great one earlier Michigan beat Oklahoma State 92 to 91 that's probably the game of the day if not the game of the 1st round one mild upset 11 seed Rhode Island beat 60 Crighton or as a Crane crane. Interesting it's potato potato 60 s and 8472 final you are I is moving on in that one and then there's a nice night camp starting around 920 tonight but yeah you know I'm not going to say Number 11 u.s. C being a Pac 12 school beating number 6 s.m.u. Some gigantic upset just isn't been a lot of trucks so far in this tournament kind of funny and to be on studio I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth and I'm enough of a betting standpoint I mean that from just an enjoyment standpoint but still another 5 or so games to go in this 1st round any chance of something big happening north Kentucky beating inductee I doubt it Marquette being South Carolina that would really be an upset Kent State being u.c.l.a. Would ruin a lot of brackets now would ruin a lot of records but I would anticipate that one but you never know it is March madness after all for 10467 w b i l 410467 w.b. Oh that's a contact number and it is St Patrick's Day and I was thinking. The origins of St Patrick's Day and difference from Ireland to America but I was using the Google machine today and I found as they're kind of would say and I found this from the History Channel's website and I was actually talking my brother who is as some of you know because you've listened to show for a while is a historian he's a p.h.d. . And he teaches American history but he knows a lot of people and when he comes on to talk about if it's his field I like to have mater for it something that's in his you know kind of his purview as far as you know eased taking a lot of classes over the years and has a pretty general knowledge of American history and different eras his main focus is the 1903 in America but he also knows a lot of people who are historians and professors and he sometimes leaves me the right direction and I ask him too late today to find me someone but I want History Channel's website and they have this St Patrick's Day is celebrated annually on March 17th anniversary of his death in the 5th century the Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a 1000 years on St Patrick's Day which falls during the Christian season of Lent Irish families were traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate the afternoon going back to St Patrick he lived in the 5th century and he's a patron saint and national apostle of Ireland born in Roman Britain he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of 16 he later scaped overturn Ireland and was credited with bringing Christianity to its people in the centuries following Patrick's death believed to have been on March 17th 461 the mythology surrounding his life became ever worn grained in Irish culture now. Since around the 9th or 10th century people in Ireland have been observing the Roman Catholic feast day of St Patrick on March 17th Interestingly though the 1st parade held to honor St Patrick's Day took place in the United States and at that a mark 17762 Ayers soldiers surging serving in the English military marched through New York City along with their music the parade helped the soldiers reconnect with their Irish roots as well as with fellow Irishmen serving in the English army more than now 100 and have let But it's more than this this is from History Channel's website History dot com More than 100 St Patrick's Day parades are held across the United States New York City and Boston are home to the 2 largest celebrations although I thought your cod a gigantic one too I'm sure they're probably 3rd on the list and then the growth of the celebration over the next 35 years Irish patriotism among American immigrants flourished prompting the rise of the so-called Irish Aid Societies like friendly sons of St Patrick and ones like that in 1948 several New York Irish Aid Societies decided tonight their parades to form one oficial New York City St Patrick's Day parade today to praise the world's last oldest civilian parade and the largest in the United States with over 100 $50000.00 participants each year nearly $3000000.00 people wine the 1.5 mile parade route to watch the perception which takes more than 5 hours Boston Chicago Philadelphia and Savannah also celebrate the day with parades involving. 10 to 20000 participants pretty interesting well history for you yeah just drops in history on you know if you enjoyed it or not just getting drunk or getting drunk with the meaning behind it right I mean Mission much more fulfilling 410467 w.b. 041-0467 w.b.i. Email me Brett at w b o dot com bias on Twitter and part hone are we going to some other news from the world of sports when we come back here on w.p.a. 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You can want to read on your phone you can want buried in her brain you can everybody can read the way they want to read using this program for more information about the national library service for the blind and physically handicapped Library of Congress visit and. Slash that all may read the Marylanders for energy democracy and affordability are hosting their annual summit Friday March 24th at St John's College in Annapolis this event brings together energy advocates policymakers and experts from across Maryland to discuss opportunities and strategies for promoting clean and renewable energy registration is free and includes lunch for more details and to register Fiza w w w m d Energy dot com That's w w w dot n.d. Energy for all dot com. For show at 9 am followed by the carrot country by 1 pm week. Colander shall be a great and. As I mentioned earlier this hour I'm calling me loyal a Navy lacrosse game tomorrow at the really athletic complex should be a good one big game for both teams that game you can find the patron league network and also on Twitter tomorrow so look for that if you're looking at check that out and some other good games in town Hopkins is home again Syracuse and the Turks are home in College Park tomorrow to take on Villanova as are some good games to choose from every night if the weather cooperated a little bit there calling for a little bit of a warm up but still a chance this weekend on a few occasions of a win or a mix and it's just like let's get on with this thing already opening days 2 weeks from Monday and all about you but I'm ready to feel like spring again and we were so spoiled early and now it's pretty brutal although I would say it wasn't so bad but it's been really bad all week as I'm just the perceptive Taishan to me it's a temperature. I'm ready for the hope and optimism that is the spring time it is alluding us right now Orioles played the pirates today where it is spring break into Florida and they won the game 8 to 6 in the game Tray man seen here yet another spring homerun he's hitting about 350 this spring joy record other hit with an r.b.i. He's hitting 367 this spring so all good news there Trumbo and Davis did not play in this one they played in a b game I'm back against misstating Donnie Hart one any one hit no runs to strike out Zach Burton made his 2nd outing this spring time one inning no which one walk and a strike out so it looks like he is very much on track today and there you know what some talk today in reading some of the reports from the local media there that a Christian woman is feeling better and they're not ready to say when you're pitching if we get back on a mound I still think you're thinking. You know if he's pitching by Preakness it's a success at this point although I think there is some optimism maybe will be more like May 1st but Rocco Bako wrote that Tillman is going to find out when he's cleared to resume ears shoulder exercises and finally get back on a mound Tillman said his shoulder felt much better before he received a quarter's injection but he added to the advice of the medical staff it's kind of felt like everyone was recommending it even the 2 or 3 days before the injection I felt much much better so we'll see how that goes with Chris children obviously the biggest enters the spring time for Baltimore Coming up we'll talk some turps next. Season he's w.p.s. Radio 10 times the Baltimore chance of rain or light snowfall.

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