Recovery of the british economy. What do you think is the, the euro, pound, is it going to work . Give us your estimate on the euro. It is obvious what is going on in brussels and you have bureaucrats telling the uk what to do, will the uk ever join the euro . What is the future of the euro . What we have to be aware of, euro is fundamentally a political project. It is about bringing together and acting as an important signal, European Countries have come together and based on trade. Also based on a lot more. With the european citizenship. That is why we have seen despite all the problems that the euro has faced, crisis with greece. Such determination amongst the european members to make sure it doesnt fall. They realize this is not just an economic failure, it is a this is something people have to be very aware of. European union will fight to try to keep this stable. It has so much wider significance. Like many people, i am actually strongly in favor of the European Union. Passionate believer and i would as a political similarymbol like to see british join. Now is not the time to be having that discussion. We arent going to do that, not see barring any Major Economic crisis in the uk 1020 years. With David Cameron making it clear, wants to set in stone, yes, rest of the European Union is moving and britain shouldnt be prejudice by retaining the pounds. Really, to summarize that is where we stand, you will protect it, britain will protect its place. How do you address the issue of smaller countries like spain and greece and others becoming step children and useful tools for germans . I think i guess we have to blunt about it. You would a admit germany benefits from the euro . If we are to think of this, one of the great advantages, you said at the start, what is the difference between United States, europe, britain . I think the things bear in mind what made the dollar a success in the United States built on true political union. People in the United States have realized there is a fundamental agreement all americans have taken. The economies arent the same across all 50 states. There is no confusion on identity of who we are, what we represent. Currency can phase your problem. Believe European Union cannot just say this is just an nice economic tool. It has to be strengthened by greater political union. In the United States, richer states subsidize the poor states, accept they are subsidizing because this is about the United States. It is about a single country in indevisible. Richer countries will have to accept. There are poorer members, weaker members. Are in europe, baby. Armstrong sarah grant from the joint counsel of welfare continuing with dr. Lindsey, you can tell that is the topic, Richard Burnett. Before we get to asara, how is it that you guys, seems like the british economy was tanking, super inflation, banking out of control, credit ratings, how did you turn it around . I guess by putting controls in place, measures in place, you know, desperately needed. As we have talked about, Banking System out of control. You were able to get your spending out of control . Exactly. Armstrong you were able to cut social program . Yes. A price. There are a lot of programs that have been cut desperately needed by people. I know treading on serious territory here, a lot of people in the United States feel very, very unhappy or very suspicious of what you call socialized health care. For example here in britain, this is truly regarding a True National treasure. We have seen cuts there. We have seen this effect we have seen many people disadvantaged. Government is saying look, we have to cut back on benefits, introducing measures in order to judge this. Rates of suicide amongst those, it is a real problem, social element, too. I think we can understand, look, we do need to make sure we keep it in track. Is going where it is most needed. We have to recognize a lot of austerity comes at a high social price. This is effecting a lot of programs which is important. I am lucky where i live. I have a disabled son. We get fantastic advantages in this country. United states is the place to be with research. To see,e, also, how parents who are facing the same problem in the United States, this is bankrupting them. We dont have that fear. It is about bearing in mind, certain elements in all this austerity, many are paying a high price for. Armstrong sarah, how are these measures impacting immigration challenges in this country . Significantly. Austerity means times are tough you blame the immigrants, it is an easy thing to do. It has made a huge difference in terms of how as a nation, how we talk about immigration, how our politics evolve. It is interesting to hear what we are talking about our wonderful nhs system, others and are working are migrants, they fuel our economy. Migration is vital to this country. We have come out of austerity because of it. Social services depend upon it. Yeyewe do scapegoat them. Armstrong isnt it a fact anyone at the bottom rung of the ladder and those that arrive last bear the brunt more than anyone else . It is not the measures, that is measures are put in place. In many regards, these cuts are necessary. We have had to make difficult choices, they are necessary. That is a separate thing, how we deal with our Economic Situation is completely different. Armstrong how do you balance out the Immigration Crisis with the cuts necessary and uplift them in the process . Main thing is insure we dont con flat the two issues and keep them separate. People who are an asset to this country need to be treated as such, respected and have full respects. Armstrong seems as though you are alleging something else. We just had immigration act passed to create a hostile environment for those illegally in the united kingdom. Twice about coming . Absolutely. We are now going through an immigration bill going through parliament to increase that hostile environment. Armstrong you think their goal is to create a hostile environment . Absolutely. Our home secretary on record saying it for illegal migrants. However as we have shown organization has done a lot of rk on measuring the legislation, impact isnt all migrant, even those legitimately here, black ethnic minority background, you are impacted negativity. Armstrong you are saying it is sinister . Wasnt well thought out. I am hearing it, there are two sides to every story. From my perfective, i believe and demonstrated that where the economy does need to help support where we havent gotten labor in the uk. There is a real mix going back to what we talked about about before, migrant side, highly educated, engineers, doctors solicitors, this isnt the stereo typical migrant everybody would think about that can give value. Illegal migrants and more from my perspective, it is about the measures iran protecting the people i represent that are in the front line of migrants that are aggressive that want to use illegally. That is not right. For me, we need to make sure we have the appropriate measures to support making sure that doesnt happen. Armstrong we are going to conversation, things are not what they always are perceived as being. Back. Armstrong it is electrifying in the studio, we have sarah grant, dr. James lindsey, specialist of European Studies at the London School of economics, last and not least, Richard Burnett director of the holice association. You wanted to add before the break. We have to be clear about migration, if you look at the way it is developed in this country, you have a group who just dont like having nonwhite if we are going to be really honest, they realized they couldnt open up the debate. Lets say it is about polls and slow backs. It has been hijacked in the immediate yoo. We vast majority integrate very, very well indeed. It is incredible to see. We have all these migrant the danger, we are losing all of this and with the Eu Referendum coming, immigration front and center of that debate. This is going to become a very, very nasty element of the wider discussion with the European Union. Armstrong how can you say the uk has a bias against people who are brown skin when youou look at the people of the uk, the sacrifices they make, welcoming extending their homes, community, to make sure people have a better way of life. I dont say that about british people at all. I am one of those. We have a culture of welcoming people, fair play of tolerance. What we are talking about are several complicated issues all converging together. We have a political agenda that we have seen it over the last five years we are putting in place policies to reduce numbers. That doesnt work. Net migration has increased. That doesnt work. That is demand and supply and free movement. We are an interconnected global world. As a result we have policies in place that have been impacting several cities and british citizens that doesnt earn 18,600 pounds cannot bring non eu husband or wife to live in the uk. Armstrong is that unreasonable . No. You wouldnt want to be a burden of the state. That. This is not about not being a burden to the state. This is about earning a threshold almost half our country do not earn, 18,600 pounds in the uk is not a salary 47 of this country cannot afford to bring foreign spouse into the country. Would you want to choose exile or living with your spouse . We have to be careful how we package what we are doing, rhetoric, our policies and what is the impact on the British Values we advocate . We believe in welcoming people. We have a humanitarian crisis. Armstrong we are here to learn, hopefully when we come well see, well be back. No matter what we talk about, we always end up fighting. Fighting is the only way i can get what i want. I do my best to be a good parent but all i get is a total lack of respect. Respect . . . No one respects me always fighting. Total lack of respect. We need help. Narrator help is just a phone call away at the Boys Town National hotline. Call the armstrong we have a deep connection, richard, this is an education. Final thoughts . I think it has been an education for me listening to e statistics we talked about about today. Highly complicated problem. This is not a problem that is going to go away. It is not a problem fixed eitherly. Ether. I think the United States needs to lookk at europe,his is about building a political project of unity, of peace, working together. I think we have a lot to learn also u. S. Take a look and look at us as the jurorniors. We have a humanitarian crises unfolding. Every country, uk, u. S. And rest of europe have a part to play. We cannot simply turn our back on it. Syrian refugees are on europes doorstep. U. S. Is in the same step as the uk. We cannot forget humanity. Armstrong progress has been made . Absolutely. We should be setting the tone for the uk and u. S. We are not doing that right now. Armstrong i would like to thank all of our guests for their extraordinary contribution to the education of not only america, people all around the news and my executive producer and care that made it possible and scott news, thank you on behalf of armstrong williams, good day, everybody. Captioning company] what do your fake fashions say about you . That fake bracelet. That fake scarf. That fake purse. They say. Im a phony. They also say. I support child labor. They say. I give money to the gangs and criminal organizations behind the operation. And what about you . Those fake sneakers . That fake watch . They say. Im a phony. And that fake cologne . It could contain harmful chemicals. So it could say. Im going to make myself sick. And the counterfeit medicine you bought online for your dad . It could say. 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