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The woman was unconscious. And the hero vet who saved her life. And papal perk. The coffee connoisseur brewing up a special blend of coffee for the popes u. S. Visit. Were testing out the cup of joe created with the popes blessing. And good morning, america. On this september morning, dan harris, as you can see, he is not in today but it is great to have rob marciano by my side. Thanks, paula. Im used to you being here. I know. Its nice to have you here. The only way to get a seat over here is for dan to we dont let him take many days off. It is a morning when Donald Trumps comments or lack thereof are making headlines. The candidate under fire for not correcting a man who called president obama a muslim. Political watchers wondering whether hell address the issue today when he heads to iowa. But first the story breaking ov an arrest has been made in the case that has terrorized motorists for week ss up and down a phoenix freeway and this morning we are getting insight into that alleged shooter by way of his Facebook Page and Neal Karlinsky has more from our l. A. Bureau. Reporter good morning. This is the news people across phoenix had been waiting for. Finally the alleged highway shooter in custody. The question is, could more suspects still be on the loose . This morning, in phoenix the alleged serial highway shooter handcuffed and taken into custody. Police say they made an arrest by linking bullets fired in four of the shootings with a gun allegedly belonging to the suspect. We have made an arrest in the i10 shootings that occurred on august 29, that day and on the morning of august 31. Right now we know that he is related to the first four shootings due to the weapon that he owned being involved in those shootings. Reporter the news breaking tweeted by arizonas governor, we got him. According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety the suspect is 21yearold leslie alan meritt jr. His Facebook Page shows a fascination with guns including videos of merritt firing a rifle. According to a phoenix city councilman, the gun used in those four shootings was recently found at a pawnshops linked to the guns owner. In all 11 confirmed cases mainly up and down arizonas busy i10 freeway terrifying motorists, even forcing school buses to reroute their commutes. Its pretty scary to think that somebody could be shooting and my daughter could be in the car. Reporter but with this suspect linked to just four shootings, the question of whether a copycat or copycats could still be out there remains. Are there others out there . Are there copycats . That is possible. We will continue to investigate. Father overnight came out to say his son is innocent calling the arrest is preposterous. Police say their investigation is only just beginning. Theyre running down search warrants and interviews. Even so a huge sigh of relief for people across phoenix this morning. Paula. Neal, some relief but still a whole lot of concern. To the race for the white house. It is your voice, your vote and most of the gop candidates were in South Carolina last night for a conservative summit with one notable exception. Donald trump, he excused himself at the last minute, so was this move related to the backlash over how he handled a comment from one of his supporters about muslims and president obama . Abcs david wright is here with more. Good morning, david. Good morning, paula. Trump will be back on the campaign trail today in iowa but it will be the first time weve seen him since the controversy erupted over the handling of that question. His opponents in both parties pouncing. I heard donald trump had dropped out. Oh, wait a minute. That was just for today. Has brought trump under fire. We have a problem in this country, its called muslims. We know our current president is one. You know hes not even an american. We need this question. Reporter trump didnt challenge the questioner. He let it slide. We have Training Camps brewing where they want to kill us. Thats my question. When can we get rid of it . At a lot of Different Things and a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. Reporter since then the white house has called him out. His offensive views are part of mr. Trumps base. Reporter so have his fellow candidates. If that person had been at my event, i would have called him out on that and said that has no place in a political discussion. Thats what john mccain did in 2008 when one of his supporters called obama an arab. Hes an arab. He is not no, maam. No . No, maam. Hes a decent family man citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with. Reporter Trumps Campaign now says he struggled to hear the question, but more than half his supporters think obama is muslim, and trump hasnt exactly discouraged that view as he continues to express doubts that the president was born in america. Some republicans are defending trump or at least refusing to denounce him for this. Its not my job. Its not Donald Trumps job to police a question. The questioner can say whatever its a free country. Reporter well, trump has clear he has no time for respect for the president. But the danger of whipping up easily boil over into bigotry and how a candidate handles that is a test of political courage. I was actually at that john mccain event in 2008, and it was a powerful moment. Yeah, and you see from both calling him out on this. Both. But ive got to ask you, on the democratic side theres a lot of buzz about joe biden getting in the race. What does it say about the fact we have 20, 21 people running for president in both parties and we still dont feel like we have enough . I know. He needs to make up his mind soon. The first democratic debate is less than a month from now and hes got to get on the scoreboard in at least three national polls. Shouldnt be hard for him but he has to announce in order to do it. I know. The majority of democrats want him to jump in and as you said that first debate around the corner. David, great to have you in the studio. Rob. Paula. Now to a mystery solved. The young girl whose body was harbor and became known to the identified. And her mothers boyfriend has been charged in her murder. Abcs phillip mena is in boston with more on this. Good morning, phillip. Reporter rob, good morning. It was along this boston area shoreline where the toddlers all Summer Police here have been working trying to figure out who that little girl was and what happened to her. Well, this Morning Police say theyre finally getting some answers. The mystery of baby doe captivated millions over the summer. The angelfaced toddler seen in this missing poster Computer Generated as police struggled to identify her. The image shared over 50 million times after her body was discovered wrapped in a blanket in deer island nearly three months ago. We hoped against hope that her death was not a crime. Reporter this Morning Police say theyve identified baby doe. Her name was bella. A break in the case leading to her home in boston and to her mother richelle bond. Happy second birthday, monkey, yay. Reporter bond posting this video of bellas Second Birthday Party onto facebook. Happy second birthday, whoo. Reporter baby bella wouldnt live to celebrate her 30. This child whose very name means beauty was murdered. Reporter police say it was mccarthy, who were responsible for dellas disappearance which was never reported. Previous arrest now charged with murder. Richelle bond charged with accessory to murder after the fact. The couple reportedly telling friends and family that bella had been taken away by the department of children and families when asked where the toddler was. This is the case for too many victims of child abuse whose tiny voices are silenced. Reporter bond has a long history with the dcf. Her parental rights to two other children terminated between 2001 and 2006. She was also investigated twice for allegedly neglecting baby bella before her death. But that most recent dcf investigation involving bella closed two years ago and she remained with her mother. Now, that mother and her boyfriend are facing arraignment here on monday. Rob, paula. Phillip mena in boston, thank you, phillip. We have to do more to protect our littlest ones. The most innocent ones out there. The resemblance in that picture is amazing. And we want to turn to ron with our other stories starting with a wild Police Shootout in georgia. Good morning to you, paula and rob and good morning, rachel. Good morning, everyone. That wild shootout in dekalb, georgia, near atlanta, a running gun battle between officers and two suspects. Watch as dash cam video shows the suspects car crash nothing a gas station, two men from inside that car jumping out. Two Police Officers then catch up with them. You can hear the barrage of gunfire between the officers and the suspects, one officer was a helicopter landed on a highway to take him to the hospital. He was treated and released. Both suspects in this incident were caught and are facing numerous charges sought in connection with a gun running investigation. And kentucky county Clerk Kim Davis may be soon facing new trouble with the law. They say davis alter eded marriage license forms by removing her name and the name of the county from the documents, that could be a violation of a federal judges order that davis not interfere with the issuance of marriage licenses. Of course, she spent five days in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to samesex cups. She said that it would violate her christian beliefs. And history at the pentagon. President obama plans to nominate the first openly gay secretary of the army. Eric fanning, who is one of the defense secretary ash carters closest advisers has been acting Army Secretary since this past june. Fanning would have to be confirmed, of course, by the senate before he becomes the actual Army Secretary. And from the army to the marines where marine corps general Joseph Dunford is recommending that women not be allowed to serve in some marine combat units. Dunford will have a tough time probably convincing the Navy Secretary who he reports to who has said that he does not accept the conclusion of the marine corps study that said that mixed gender military units perform less ably than all male units. And House Republicans voted friday to block all federal financing for planned parenthood for a year. The measure has little chance of becoming law because of and from the president. Some Congress Members or republicans may still try to tie it to the federal budget package as a means of leverage. Funding for the government runs out at this month raising new fears of a possible government shutdown. And take a look at this. A hydroplane going airborne twisting in the air, wow, check diego. The boat was out for the first day of the San Diego Bay fair and it was clocking speeds of 170 miles an hour when a gust of wind came up at the same time and the driver hit a roller from another boat causing that flip you saw there. The driver, the boat driver was hospitalized with back injuries. My back hurts watching it. Rough one, huh. The final story which could be a story that could be the crown jewel of allegedly dumb criminals. Take a look at this. A bonnie and clyde team of suspected thieves caught on security video apparently stealing 80,000 bucks worth of jewelry so as they make their getaway they took the stairs. That did not lead them to outside. So they went and got in an elevator. The elevator got stuck trapping the two inside giving police enough time to come in and nab them. The only jewelry the pair getting away with, a pair of silvercolored handcuffs. Oh. I never tire of dumb criminals, the video. Theres a lot. That file is bulging. Yeah. Oh, my. Ron, thank you. We do want to say welcome to rachel smith. Great to have you here. Always awesome to be with you guys. Yes. And we want to thats it . Thats it. Hi, bye. Shes still waking up. Still on west coast time. I get my coffee in, for sure. We want to move now to a through a quiet town in pennsylvanias pocono mountains. Look at this video. An rv fully engulfed in flames setting fire to everything in its path. This morning we are hearing from the hero who risked his life to save a woman trapped joins us with more. Reporter it is, paula. Imagine smelling and seeing smoke on the road and then realizing its coming from your own vehicle, and then your brakes fail. That is what happened to the couple inside that rv, very lucky to be alive. Overnight new pictures emerge of a horrific scene unfolding as an rv home ignites into a red hot inferno in the middle of traffic in a small pennsylvania town. You can see the rv bursting into flames. Onlookers stunned as the thick black smoke billows high into and we were just driving along, and then all of a sudden smoke started rolling out of the back of the motor home. Reporter as the frightening scene unfolds, Christopher Chmielnicki taking an unbelievable risk after learning a woman was trapped inside he sprung into action. I ran inside, and it was so toxic, i went to my knees, i couldnt see in front of me and finally i felt their leg, the woman was unconscious. So i picked her up and drug her rv and the flames were within about two feet of her inside. Reporter the danger quickly spread. Watch as the suv hitched to the back of the rv breaks off catching fire. Hits another vehicle and nearly slams into the bystander capturing the scene on video. The power lines above igniting and literally snapping from the heat. It looked like a war zone. I had to do what i could. Four vehicles were destroyed in the blaze including the rv which was the couples residence. Could have been so much worse. It could have been. The vet didnt even think twice. Anything . She suffered smoke inhalation of that hero, shes going to be okay. Remarkable especially after seeing that video. Tai, thank you. We want to turn things over to the weather and, rob, you you know no bounds. I wouldnt quite say that but im working double time. We want to share video of south of chicago. Kansas, which good morning, rob. Hello. Meteorologist amy frees. We will have a high of 83 degrees. Temperatures do cool off into the 70s tomorrow. This is the last official weekend of summer. We start fall on wednesday and we will see a transition with the temperatures. Less humid tomorrow and 70s. For monday 74. A stray shower late in the evening. Mostly cloudy on tuesday. 76. 80 on wednesday. And the first few days of fall temperatures summer across the northeast and weve got snow pictures for snow lovers. No. Yes. Come on. Wahwah. You know, winter gets you in the mood for a nice, hot cup of joe. A hot cup of joe . Coffee, piping hot. This is when we call a smooth a segue pope francis is starting his long awaited journey to our side of the world. The departed pope to begin his journey and arrives in havana later today. Hes the third to visit there in the last 17 years, and heres the segue. Once he makes it here hell wake up with a special cup of coffee. A blend being created just for him by a man in kansas city and rachel smith joins us with more on this story. Can taste it already. I know, right. I need some, papal perks, right. One way of putting it. Tracy allyn has been in the Coffee Business for 30 years but the master coffee taster, he recently received a call from the vatican to brew up the Perfect Blend for the pope himself. You could say he perked up for this special task. Ouch. Pope francis is en route to cuba and the u. S. Tuesday and while everyone knows the pontiff is no average joe, he just may need a Little Energy boost and what better way to get him through that sixday grind than with the perfect cup of joe. Thats where master coffee taster tracy allen comes in. Pope francis, aware of allens work asked the founder and president of brewed behavior in kansas city to whip up a special blend. One of the many papal perks so how does one create a cup of coffee for someone who is infallible . Its a little bit overwhelming. Obviously humbling. Reporter like many experts, he did his research and according to the master brewer, the pope is not only a lover of pizza and a wine aficionado, hes also a coffee connoisseur. Allowing allen and his team to brew up the perfect cup. So we got to have a little more fun with it. I took a few more risks and, you know how that can go, and it actually paid off. Reporter with allen, an original member of the u. S. Barista Championship Committee and a java super taster, its safe to say the pope will be highly prepared for his trip to america in the city that never sleeps. And with all that coffee, he probably wont even need to. I have all the faith in the world in my team and in the work thats been done leading up to this, and its so great to be able to reward him with saying, we got this. We got this. Well, pope francis didnt order a pound or two of this special blend, guys. Try 60 pounds. 60 pounds. 60 pounds. He loves his coffee. He loves his joe. Allen says he heard the pope is pretty excited about the final product and he may even be blending more than the original order that was placed, and, guys, we have some right here, so would you care to taste it out. It smells holy. Has this been blessed . Not yet maybe. Maybe so. Okay, that is a good cup of joe. All i know i got schooled by the producers this morning. Theres vodka in mine. Thats by design. Oh, bless. Does it taste special . You know, for a town known for its barbecue now theyre known for their coffee. I love it. We got schooled. Hes a Coffee Master and a taster. Theres a blender, brewer, barista. Technical. Coffee connoisseurs. Delicious. Thank you for bringing drinks. Theyre always welcome here. Especially coffee. And while theyre drinking coffee, coming up on gma, the atlanta parents whose sons were charged with viciously attacking them, they speak out for the First Time Since their sons arrest. We forgive our sons. We love them unconditionally. Well have more on their message to their kids. Plus, the fixer is in. The dress dilemma giving a young gma viewer fits and how the abc news fixer solved her problem. Thats beautiful. And no license to fly. Why you might soon need a passport even for domestic flights if youre from certain states. Well have the details coming up. Good morning america is brought to you by bushs beans. Make your chili better with bushs chili beans. Tonight white chicken chili night start with bushs white chili beans, simmered in our flavorful chili sauce. Then add rotisserie chicken. Punch it up with a little heat. Its easy to make the perfect pot of chili every time. Make your chili better with bushs white chili beans. For this and more great chili recipes, visit bushbeans. Com. How much money do you think we saved today . A lot. Come in today for great deals like 10 off vinyl siding and asphalt shingles when installed through lowes. Americans. 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up to. 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from. Food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. Many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope. Doesnt work on wrinkles. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. Vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir. As my diabetes changed, it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir. Vo levemir is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir helps lower your a1c. Levemir lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus , which lasts 28 days. Levemir comes in flextouch , the latest in insulin Pen Technology from novo nordisk. Levemir is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Todays the day to ask about levemir flextouch. Covered by most Health Insurance and medicare plans. I never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. Whats going on . Toasters broken. Something smells delicious. Eggo leggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. Its sweet, its savory, its in your microwave. Leggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot. Give a shot. Program has helped provide seven million vaccines. Make your flu shot make a world of difference. And coming up on and coming up on Good Morning America, the parents whose sons are accused of viciously attacking them in their upscale home speaking out for the first time. Keep it right here. Good morning. Its 8 27 on this saturday, september 19. I am rob nelson topping headlines at this hour. A major subway disruption happening right now. The popular and highly used 7 train is suspected all weekend long. S ses pension started at 11 30 last night and will go to 5 a. M. Monday. There is construction going on up and down the line. Riders meanwhile can take the 2, 3, or a and c trains as well as shuttle buss. Preparations are underway for the pope to visit new york city, including a Security Check by homeland securitys secretary jeh johnson, who previously visited philadelphia and went over the planning details in that city. And today he will visit st. Pat ricks cathedral and the u. N. To look over security in place ahead of pope franci visit. Through the city you will see some no parking signs and selling 18 homes . Easy. Building them all in four and a half months . Now that was a leap. I was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. And i knew i could rely on American Express to help me buy those building materials. There are always going to be unknowns. You just have to be ready for them. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Traveling through seas of oats and berries peaches, pumpkin seeds, and cherries i say to the bowl are you trying to temp me . The bowl says come on down to the land of plenti. Yoplait plenti, with oats, flax, and pumpkin seeds. Never seen anything like this. Look at the sky. Its absolutely its like a sign of god. Its like the lord is going to come through those clouds. Its like the apocalypse. A specktacle in the sky bringing people to a standstill in costa rico. Clouds with the colors of the rainbow inside. I have a scientist next to me who is going to correct me, right . You want to speak of the type of cloud . Yes. Well, technically its a pyleous cloud which is latin for something. Okay. But basically the suns light being diffracted when they go through super cooled droplets and typically in the tropics. Costa rica. Its not the end of the world. Were still here or at least everybody else went and were okay. I love sitting next to you. Also coming up on gma, a case for the abc news fixer. The dress that did not arrive on time and a teens fight to get her money back. Plus, what you need to know about ordering online. Im looking forward to that advice. Dress advice. But first the parents whose sons allegedly tried to kill them speaking out for the first time this morning since that brutal attack. Right there. Yvonne and Zachary Irwin saying forgiveness in their hearts even as they recover from the brutal attacks and Mara Schiavocampo is here. Reporter good morning, paula. Those parents still have not even fully healed still bearing the wounds and say they love and forgive their sons and asking the world to do the same. This as the two brothers face very serious charges. Those were not our boys that did that to us. We did not raise our boys that way. Reporter this morning a message of forgiveness from these parents after surviving an unthinkable assault. But we forgive our sons, we love them unconditionally and we had to make sure they understand that. Reporter yvonne and zachary irv ervi nchlt ervin speaking publicly for the first time after their two sons allegedly tried to kill them earlier this month. Please send someone to my house. My children are trying to kill me. Reporter yvonne ervin calling 911. Her desperate call after her sons, 17yearold cameron and 22yearold christopher supposedly attacked her and her husband zachary. The two young men now behind bars without bond. Theyre trying to strangle us and shoot us and they put xanax in our food. Reporter police arriving at the scene moments later, investigators reporting the brothers tried to drug their parents and blow up their home in this affluent atlanta area suburb. Both parents surviving with severe injuries. A Police Report saying cameron upset after the attempt telling the officers, i tried to kill my parents. Who does that . Consequences for what they did. They understand that, but were just praying that the world forgives them in the same way that we forgive them. Reporter now the marks from yvonnes bruises still present on her face telling our affiliate wsb that despite the near deadly consequences, she, zachary and their two sons are doing better. Were healing both mentally and physically. Its all for the glory of god. Now, those brothers have been charged with aggravated assault with a Deadly Weapon and arson in the first degree and new documents obtained by our affiliate say one of the brothers said he had been planning the attack since he was 11 years old. Unconditional love, the parents may forgive but definitely facing real consequences from the law. And facing charges as an adult. You have pictures of snow. So if we dont want to look at snow we can close our eyes. Come on, get into it now. Changing of the seasons, a beautiful time of year. This is near the Canadian Border so not quite everywhere. Meteorologist amy frees here live in the accuweather center. A high of 83. A little muggy. Summerlike. Tomorrow we have a cold front coming through, 79. Less humid. A stray shower sunday night. 76 this Weather Report brought to you by macys. He had to do a 4. 40 to get from the weather wall to here and knocked a trash can along the way. Ole miss is playing alabama tonight at 9 00. Way to go. All right. Lets send things back to ron for another look at our top stories. Good morning, ron. Good morning again to you, paula and rob and the tennessee titan. We begin in arizona where police have made an arrest in a string of highway shootings, 21yearold leslie alan merritt jr. Was taken into custody overnight. Police say bullets in four of the shootings were linked back to merritt in four of the cases. Volkswagen ordered to repair nearly half a million automobiles. Volkswagen which owned audi deliberately used software to throw off emission tests showing vehicles met clean air standards. The german automaker faces billions of dollars possibly in fines. And new travel rules affecting millions of americans starting next year. Sometime next year residents of new york state, louisiana, minnesota and New Hampshire will no longer be able to be allowed onto domestic flights using standard drivers licenses as identification alone. Travelers from those states and also the American Samoa must show enhanced licenses or carry a second form of i. D. In case youre in pango pango. And finally clemson coach dabo sweeney is good at two things, winning 30, clemson and dancing. The nae nae. On top of a wild game against louisville thursday night. The top tiger was caught on camera busting moves in the locker room afterward looking like he can whip but can he nae nae . Hes nae naeing and hes doing the stank leg too. If they go 40 maybe well 11th ranked clemson. I want to see you do the starve stanky leg. If i go undefeated, i will. You always go undefeated. Well see at the end of the season. Coming up on Good Morning America, the dress that wasnt a success. The abc news mixer sews up after the school dance outfit that arrived way after the party and advice for ordering online. Wait, guys. Right there . Yep. Look closely. You do not want to miss this. His acting debut ahead in pop news. Hes got it going on. 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Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Maxx your thing at t. J. Maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. Make each day a little better. Shop t. J. Maxx. And maxx life on your laptop doing a little shopping, of course, Online Shopping is all the rage. But what happens if you fall in love with that special out fit, place an order, and it doesnt arrive in time for that special night you. You sound like youre speaking from experience. Very much so. One student tried to return it and had trouble and turned to our fixer, stephanie zimmerman. Reporter its a favorite topic for many hollywood you look stunning. Its breathtaking. Reporter the anxiety before the big school dance, not just for the right date, but for the right dress. Minneapolis thought she had found this formal gown on a website her friends recommended. I went online, found a dress abbie called Customer Service and was told it was in stock and would arrive on time. I waited and i waited and i never got it. Reporter luckily, abbie found another dress at the last minute and had a great time at the dance but that dress that she had ordered online, it and it didnt even fit. I thought that i was never going to be able to return the dress or Even Exchange it. Reporter abbie asked the company for a refund but says she got the runaround, first being told the dress was custommade, and she could money back. Then she says the company stopped returning her calls. I was never going to get my money back, and my mom was telling me about this fixer, and so i thought, well, lets give it a shot and see if itll work. Reporter our abc news fixer contacted the ceo of fame and partners where the dress was ordered. A few hours later the company told our fixer abbie would get a full refund, the ceo blaming a crush of orders for the confusion and thanked us for bringing it to her attention. Thank you, abc news fixer, its fixed. Its great to hear that, and our abc news fixer Stefanie Zimmerman joining us. We all shop online. Some more than others. How do we protect ourselves . Look at the returns policy before you make the purchase because returns are generally a privilege. Theyre not a right and stores can set whatever policies they want. They can offer a full refund. They can offer just store credit or they might not offer any returns at all. I think its a good reminder that it is a privilege, not a right. I think a lot of us have it the other way. Any other advice . Well, really the screen shot is your friend. You should screen shot everything. The page where they have the item that you ordered and your order confirmation and even the return policy in case those pages disappear later on. That way youll have the documentation in case theres a problem later. Great to have documentation and investigation. Anything for your investigation. She sounds like an investigative journalist right there, stephanie. If you have a Consumer Problem for the abc news fixer, you can find her at abcnews. Com fixer. She has already recovered 1. 7 million for frustrated consumers. Stephanie, thanks for joining us. Maybe she will fix your problem right here on gma. Now, these are Consumer Problems. No other problems, lets just clarify. But she does investigate. She does. And she fixes. Sounds like an investigative journalist. Go, steph. Coming up, why this queen song was just crowned king, well explain it in pop news. Why they call me mr. Mr. Fahrenheit ng 1 cash back everywhere, every time. 2 back at the grocery store. And 3 back on gas. Vince of the flying branzinos got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card, because he may earn his living jumping through hoops, but hed rather not earn cash back that way. Thats the spectacle of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Brandon thinks hellmanns is heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Johnsons believes that bath time is more than cleansing. Your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. 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Call or go online today, hurry this offer ends september 19th. Exciting, rachel smith in for sara. Brace yourself, rob. We got a nice variety of stuff on this morning. Im braced. Im braced. First up, its a little hot. The royals were the star attendees at the rugbys world cup ceremony in england this friday. The duke and duchess looking very animated in the crowd, but the show was stolen by everyones favorite ginger prince, prince harry, of course. But he was making his acting debut in a video that ran during the ceremony playing a gardner who has doubts about the popularity of rugby. Check it out. Whats he doing . Dont worry, johnny. Thatll never take off. Isnt that genius . I mean, its kind of genius. Someone call the academy because that is the finest fake shoveling i have ever seen. He wasnt fake shoveling. That was a real shovel. He was putting everything into that shoveling. Can you hear him at the awards ceremony. Id like to thank my mom, the queen thats his grandmother. Grandmother. Yes, excuse me there. I would like to thank the shovel. Yes, my costar. Great pops. The rugby player that ran by me. Oh, yeah. Come on. Overalls for looking so good o. Ill stop gushing. Lets move on. After a highly publicized breakup, arguably one of the biggest ever of one of couples, they reunited for a power lunch. Kermit and miss piggy. Kermit wanted to keep things professional and miss piggy had another plan causing a major scene when modern familys julie bowen sent over a bottle of champagne. Check out the drama, guys. Im sorry. Oh, come off it, blondie. I know what youre trying to do. Youre clearly trying to i have no idea what youre talking about. Why on earth would i want to to eliminate the competition. To eliminate the competition. Do not mess with the pig, okay. It was all in the name of tomorrow nights emmys ceremony with the muppets teaming up with audi and some of the hottest omnis to celebrate the prime time emmys. Would love to see them reconcile. Bury the hatchet. New proof that San Francisco is, indeed, the most expensive city in the country. Check out these photos of this woodsiding shack making the now. Look closely, guys. That house was built in 1906. House . It is a tiny twobed, one bath abode being described as a distinguished home in need of work. All right, how much . The price tag for this fixerupper, it is 350,000. And a fixerupper. I think youd have to level it actually. Maybe, but, you know, 1906. Its Still Standing . Thats right. Solidly built. Hopefully the new owner likes to watch hgtv. Right . Yeah. And finally we might have been this song might have been written 37 years ago, but theres no stopping queens hit song dont stop me now just been revealed as the best feel good song of the last five decades, guys. A scientist in the netherlands developed a formula that really has that feelgood quality, what it consists of. High tempo and positive lyrics. And freddie singing. I mean that doesnt hurt. Dont stop him now. Other ones on the list, dancing queen, uptown girl. Have to for a second because we have to take a commercial break. That was fun. Sweet. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right how much money do you think we saved today . A lot. Come in today for great deals like 10 off vinyl siding and asphalt shingles when installed through lowes. Theres got to be a way to redeem our hotel points. I just want to take a vacation. This seems crazy. Tell us something we dont know, captain obvious. Ok. With hotels. Com, when you collect 10 nights you get one free. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower . Dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. Just one shower gives you softer, smoother skin. My skin is really silky smooth. Dove body wash. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower. Theres a bazillion waysto top your kids rice krispies. Whats yours . A dash of fruit in their favorite color. A bunch of pineapple cause hey its summer bananas and berries cause the letter b rocks. A little bit of yogurt . Sure why not . The fun never stops how will your kids top their snap, crackle and pop . Today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. When a twinge of back pain surprises him. Morning starts in high spirits but theres a growing pain in his lower back. As lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. But after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. Just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. Today, jason chose aleve. Aleve, all day strong. Good morning america is brought to you by Good Morning America is brought to you by aleve. All day strong, all day long. With 12hour strength. Youre coming back tomorrow. Ron. Maybe. Okay. So, three yeses and a maybe tomorrow. Nonprofits ghi and hip, now called emblemhealth, have been connecting my family with a world Class Network of doctors for over 50 years. Whos caring for you . Good morning. Just before 9 a. M. And it is all about baseball. The crucial is subway series showdown has got its second wind and the fans are all in. Eyewitness news live at citi field. Why, also developing in arizona, a suspect arrested after a string of highway shootings on a phoenix interstate. So is the terror over . Thats what police are asking. Also, a major subway disruption today. The popular 1 train is suspended all weekend long. What you need to know to get around. Good morning once again. There. Around. But it does not matter. It is saturday, september 19. A beautiful ta ahead of us. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks for being here. Summer still hanging on. Waning days. Still summerlike, warm and sunny out there. Soak up every second. Enjoy it, indeed. Loving it. Center. Good morning to the both of you this saturday. Off to a mighty fine start. So the last official weekend of summer, and it looks like it will live up to its reputation. Very nice outside this morning as far as temperatures go. Pretty easy to take. There is a little humidity in the atmosphere. The only computation is some visibility only complication is some visibility issues. We have seen improvements over midtown, Lower Manhattan as far as the sky really starting to

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