Carson backtracks, what hes saying about his own words right now. Rocket man from amazon to outer space, the race to bring tourists to outer space. Jeff Bezos Company doing something its never done before. The rocket man here live this morning with a big announcement. And good morning, america. Okay, who is ready to go to space . Not me. No. Maybe jeff bezos is. That rocket went up. It came down safely and the video is just coming in this morning. Ha could be the future of space travel. Theyre boasting of big windows, room for six astronauts and already starting the process of taking reservations for those window seats. I normally like a window seat. Just not on a rocket. How much for those window seats . A lot. Jeff bezos has a lot. Hes going to be here live later. We begin with that breaking news in the war against isis and a russian warplane has been shot down by turkey near the Syrian Border. America and its allies calling an emergency meeting to deal with it. Terry moran with the latest. Reporter good morning, george. Heres what we know right now. Theres one russian jet down, two pilots missing and turkey and russia are now in a fullblown diplomatic crisis. It happened this morning in the clear skies above the syria turkey border. You can see the stricken russian jet in those pictures plummeting to the ground inside syria. After the impact pilots could be seen just before parachuting out. Turkey says its air force warned those russian pilots repeatedly they were invading turkish airspace but russia says that those pilots in that jet was in syria where its conducting operations all along so its a showdown right now, george. Nato is calling that emergency meeting. Woo he saw those parachutes, terry, but do we know what happened to the piles . Reporter not for sure right now. However, videos are surfacing from syria, one purporting to show a parachute in the trees and one of the russian pilots being taken prisoner. There is another video purporting to show the other russian pilot dead but right now what happened to them still unclear. Okay, terry, thanks very much. George, now to that other breaking story. Five shot at a black lives matter rally in minnesota. Abcs t. J. Holmes is here with the latest. Good morning, t. J. Good morning, robin. Racial tensions were already high in minneapolis after police shot and killed a black man there about a week and a half ago but this morning folks in minneapolis waking up to this headline, Police Seeking three white male suspects in the shooting of five black lives matter protesters. Shortly before 10 45 p. M. , witnesses say a dozen protesters tried to push back three men who turned and opened fire on the crowd. I just arrived and there was a crowd trying to push the white them out of the camp because there were one person was like, theyre reaching for a gun. Im going to need as many as i can. Reporter Police Searching for three white male suspects. We want justice for jamar. Reporter the protest here began a week ago after police shot and killed 24yearold jamar clark. Police in full riot gear. Reporter they claim he fought with them. Some witnesses say he was handcuffed during the shooting. State investigators have announced the officer had no body or dashboard cam but cell phone surveillance and ambulance cameras captured portions of the encounter. Protesters are demanding the release of those videos. All we want justice. Reporter the spokesperson for the local chapter of black lives matter who organized the protest and attended the rally last night. This has been ongoing for tonight with the most violent thing ive ever seen in my life. Now, the family of clark is actually urging the protesters, hey, its not worth your safety of the just stop the protests for now. For their part they say we will not be intimidated and will be thanks. We move on to the global terror threat. Look live at Reagan National airport this morning, security stepped up at airports all across the country after the fbi and Homeland Security warned local Law Enforcement about a parisstyle attack and the state Department Issues an alert to americans traveling overseas. Abcs senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas is tracking the threat. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, george. Hightempo moment when all the terror overseas, today fbi and Homeland Security officials are urging local Law Enforcement across the nation to be prepared on high alert. As shoppers and travelers prepare for the Holiday Season, the new fbi Homeland Security bulletin warns police what they should be most concerned about. Homegrown radicals inspired or directed by syria based operates represent the most likely threat to the homeland. No specific plot has been identified but the bulletin says isis sympathizers to seek to replicate the effects of the paris attacks using similar weapons and tactics although on a smaller scale. This holiday security will be as. A part of the scenery as decoratings. The American Public should expect to see enhanced security around airports, around train stations and mass transit systems, any place where there is large crowds gathered. Reporter shows of force throughout the country, the nypd conducting training for active shooters on the subways. L. A. Police training for a nightmare scenario but the bulletin states detecting homegrown radicals will be difficult because they can act quickly and independently with only tenuous ties to foreign handlers. And the concern is not just for here at home, that new state Department Alert calls on americans overseas to be vigilant as well to pay extra attention while traveling and to avoid Public Places where there are large crowds during this Holiday Season. George, robin. Okay, pierre, a lot of fear out there in there is and now to the new threat overseas and a new scare in paris. A suicide belt found in a trash can and in neighboring belgium, brussels remains at its highest alert level for at least another week. Abcs matt gutman is there with the latest. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, robin. Brussels still very much a city on lockdown. Troops and trucks still in the streets here. That as authorities are telling us theyve learned of new accomplices from the paris attacks still on the loose here. Overnight, french authorities he whack separating several blocks of this paris suburb after a suicide vest found. Bomb squads quickly moving in. People rushed from the area. Investigators say theyre working to confirm whether the explosives match the kind used in the paris attacks. They do know that a cell phone used by salah abdeslam, the sole paris attacker, still on the run pinged on the night of the attacks in the same area. Abc news learning the search for abdeslam is intensifying. Investigators now believe he is being helped by accomplices and is not alone. That as french authorities working to confirm whether the ringleader killed last week in the shootout in paris was seen in a paris subway with an unknown accomplice in the hours after the attacks. Meanwhile, here in brussels, a city on edge. Heavily armed police and soldiers still patrolling the streets. Subways even schools remain closed. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] reporter the belgium Prime Minister saying the country will remain on the highest alert for at least another six days. Concern over a possible imminent threat similar to the paris attacks. That threat sowing so much fear the Prime Minister had to urge people to try to resume their normal lives, that as schools and subways set to open tomorrow, for the first time in five days. Been some time, all right, matt, thank you very much. Again, highest alert for at least another week. Okay, we move on to National Security and terror dominating the campaign trail. Donald trump Standing Firm behind his claims about 9 11 insisting he saw crowds in new jersey celebrating as the towers came down. Fact checkers and some of his gop rivals now challenging trump and abcs tom llamas is in columbus, ohio, with all that. Good morning, tom. Reporter george, good morning to you. Donald trump last night spoke to a massive crowd here in columbus and spoke about 9 11, even at one point saying that he saw people jump from the World Trade Center towers from his apartment in midtown manhattan four miles away. He vividly spoke about what he saw including what he says this morning, donald trump doubling down on his statement that he saw on television muslims in new jersey celebrating the 9 11 attacks. And lo and behold, i start getting phone calls in my office by the hundreds that they were there and they saw this take place. Reporter trump telling a crowd of thousands in ohio that his phone has been ringing off the hook with people who say they saw what he says he saw. I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down and i watched in jersey city, new jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Its not true and theres plenty of fact checks to prove it isnt. Reporter despite fellow candidates like senator marco rubio and new Jersey Governor Chris Christie calling him out. I think if it had happened i would remember it but there could be things i forget too. Trump is Standing Firm reading part of a Washington Post article from september 18th, 2001. A number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgatestyle parties on rooftops. Reporter but the newspaper now claiming the allegations were never proven. Even dr. Ben carson who first agreed with trump saying he also saw the video but did you see that happening though on 9 11 . I saw the film of it. In new jersey. Yes. Reporter clarifying overnight i thought we were just talking about the fact that muslims were inappropriately celebrating. I didnt know they had an agenda behind the question. Reporter carson even apologizing after he misspoke about seeing that video, trump then taking a shot at carson releasing this statement. For ben carson to make this statement and then deny it, it could be the pathological disease that is acting up again. George. You cant make this one up. Okay, tom, thanks very much. Lets bring in jon karl and, new polls showing donald trump back on top in iowa. Thats right. This is a if you quinnipiac poll of iowa voters that a month ago had ben carson in the lead. Hes now slipped down to third place. Donald trump is back on top. But the real story of this poll, george, is ted cruz. He is now neck and neck for the lead with trump, cruz has made a huge jump in just the last month from 10 all the way up to 23 . It looks like carsons loss in this poll has been cruzs gain. He does especially well among evangelicals and get high marks on National Security, look, this is just one state but its iowa and it sure is an important one. Its the first one, okay, jon karl, thanks very much. We move from politics now, george, to that young teenage boy who made headlines when he had a clock that he made brought it to school, they thought it was a bomb and now he and his family are asking for millions of dollars in damages and we have more on that story from linzie janis. Reporter hes the texas teen hauled out of school in handcuffs after his teachers mistook his homemade clock for a bomb. 14yearold Ahmed Mohameds arrest triggering allegations of racism and cat pulling him into the national spotlight. An outpouring of support across the country, twitter offering him an internship. Google asking him to their science fair. Mark zuckerberg inviting him to facebook. The young science star riding the wave all the way to the white house accepting an invitation from president obama himself. But overnight lawyers for mohameds family threatening to sue demanding 15 million from the city of irving, texas, and the School District as well as written apologies claiming the teenagers reputation and the Global Community has been permanently scarred. My civil rights were violated. My life is completely different. Reporter accountability those apologies and those retractions, those are incredibly important to this family. Reporter the police and mohameds school have stood by their actions. But for the first time lawyers providing details of their account of the high school freshmans treatment, alleging he was interrogated by seven adults, prevented from calling his parents and forced to sign a statement saying he intended to bring a hoax bomb to school. He is forever associated with bombmaking. Reporter linzie janis, abc news, new york. Amy is now here with the mornings other top stories starting with a legal fight over Syrian Refugees. Thats right, the aclu is suing indianas governor claiming he doesnt have the power to stop Syrian Refugees from settling in his state. Mike pence is one of dozens of governors who suspended resettlement efforts after the paris attacks and the lawsuit claims that violates the constitution. And in texas, four soldiers have been killed after their helicopter similar to this one crashed during a Training Mission at ft. Hood earlier on monday. Two americans were killed in this Helicopter Crash in south korea. Well, police say the man caught on video shooting a Good Samaritan in new orleans has confessed. They say euric cain shot him in the stomach and tried to shoot him in the head but his gun jammed. He tried to help the victim of an apparent kidnapping attempt. His condition is improving. Well, a wild scene in florida. A feeding frenzy off the coast of panama city. As many as 60 sharks were chowing down on some fish there. Some kids were on a raft nearby but they are all okay. And this morning we can show you a world record being set from start to finish, take a look, 14yearold lucas etter of kentucky solved a rubiks cube in 4. 9 seconds. He beat the previous record by a quarter second. That was set back in april, i mean, look at that. I cant even i have my rubiks cube from 1982 and i even if my head could solve it theres no way my hands could solve it that fast. I could rip it apart but not get it back together. As you may know a few days still black friday and we are, unfortunately, used to scenes like this huge crowds trying to get big savings. You may not have to join in the rush to get the best deals. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis has the story. Let the holidays begin. Reporter if you think retailers got to the Holiday Party early check out these shoppers. All ready camping out this morning in bakersfield, california, ahead of the big black friday sales rush. Best time of year to come out and save some money. Reporter this year is there really a reason to trade your turkey for a tent no, say experts. Shop online instead. You dont have to worry about going to the store and finding that elusive tv. You could probably sit at home in your slippers and see exactly the same thing. Youre getting the best bargain in your bag . Adobe crunching numbers on 55 million products at 4500 different retailers typing the best day to shop for every gift. Jewelry, shop thanksgiving day. Electronics, thanksgiving and black friday. For clothes, thanksgiving and the days following cyber monday leading up to christmas and for toys, get clicking, next monday. I need to put this in my wish list. Reporter one of this years key attraction, bundling. Free gift cards with purchases like this 250 gift card at best buy if you purchase the new samsung galley phone, target offering a 100 gift card if you buy an apple watch plus deeply discounted tvs like this 40inch hdtv for 149 at walmart. Now, if you are intent on hitting the stores there is something in it for you. First off, secret sales, all you have to do is ask according to our experts and second of all, lara, there are literally millions of dollars in prizes that retailers like macys and many others are planning on giving out to those people who do show up for the holiday sales rush. All right, rebecca, thank you. Great information considering a new study says that 85 of us will actually buy something tore ourselves while were out gifting for others. One for you, one for me, right . A lot of people starting to travel as well. Ginger, how does it look . This morning in san diego is one spot were watching. The fog is thick. Visibility down to a tenth of a mile at times. You may have a little delay and on the biggest travel day of the year on wednesday, thats one of the spots were looking at, Southern California for a little rain, Salt Lake City is one of the airports where you go rain out late w good morning, im bill evans pence, hudson to morning and the temperature the 34 degrees. Ed is chilly. Its cold they are morning but we are minus that wind we had yesterday. That has calmed down somewhat. 22 poughkeepsie and 28 bridgeport and 26 ship. 47 degrees later this afternoon with sunshine and well with looking at some even warmer weather for travel and 60 on thanksgiving day. Dress warmly. Have a great day. Ty we could have one. Most mild thanksgivings weve had in eight years. Okay. Weve earned it. I love it. Much more ahead this tuesday morning. A parents nightmare. A babysitter behind bars after allegedly kidnapping a toddler leaving her abandoned miles from her home. Fires sparked by candles every year. How to protect your home coming up. This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. There is nowhere id rather be than right here. Where all it takes to become part of the family is to sit down, give thanks, and share a beautiful meal together. Walmart. Batman so why do they call it black friday, anyway . Pony i dont know, but i think they should call it pink friday. Batman oh boy. Pony and we could have glitter anncr black friday starts thursday at 5pm with over 200 doorbusters toysrus. A whole store of. Awwwesome. Get 15 off fisherprice beatbo til midnight, in store only. Feel a cold coming on . New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Sup bud . The best gifts that you want are here. For mom dad and your dear. What about baxter . If thats your dog, then yes him too. Hundreds of gifts all from you. Hes my cat, im a cat person. Black friday starts 6pm thursday there are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. You forgot the milk thats lactaid. Right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Good morning, its 24 on this tuesday, november 24th. Im lori stokes, we have bronze overseas, the associate pressed reporting that one of the russian pilots shot down over turkey is dead according to rebel force who is retrieved his body across the border in syria. His war plane was shot down by turkish fighter jets. Had been searching for the two pilots who appeared to par chute from the plane. The durings say the jet was in their territory. But the russians deny that. The tushings also say that turks also say the russian pilot was warned ten before they opened fire. Two people are dead and several First Responders hurt after a fire at a number of mvp Adult Group Home. Flames broke out around midnight on beck shire road in fair lawn. Two women were killed and to others are in the hospital. One police and firefighter suffered minor injuries. The cause of the blaze is under investigation. Suffolk county police are investigating the crash of two sufficients in smithtown. One vehicle driven by an investigator for the District Attorney hit a second suv on nesconset highway in mount [ no audio ] what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Lets get a check on the commute with heather orourke. Heather in. Lori we were talking about this icing condition on the new york state throughway and boy do we have a huge delay going southbound on the new york state throughway. Getting into the Tappan Zee Bridge. Check out this delay and we also have some pictures from newscopter 7. John del giorno showing us the problems that we have with this icing condition. On the underneath the South Broadway overpass. So the new york state throughway going southbound at the beginning of the Tappan Zee Bridge. We have the icing condition. Theres a water main break on the South Broadway overpass. So we have the right lane closed down as a result. And this is causing a bit of a delay as you head into the Tappan Zee Bridge where the right lane is closed down. In with bill and your accuweather forecast. Well, we have sunshine and its cold. And you know the temperatures are below freezing in the park. Its 34 degrees. But we are looking at temperatures around 32 at sometime and up to the Staten Island and you to the north were in the 20s. 27 degrees there white plains and rockland. A high today around 47 and tomorrow we hit 50 and 60 dig. Hour . Thanksgiving. Lori . It is 7 28. That will do my name is 208 ridge road. And ive. Seen things. Like the sock rampage of 2010. The sleep eating of 2012. And the babysitter makeout of 2014. Gross. But now with nest cam, these guys can check in 24 7. Hey ya little thief did he have thumbs . Okay, now ive seen it all. We welcome you back to gma. Youre looking at a russian warplane shot out of the sky near the Syrian Border this morning. The two pilots ejecting parachuting from the jets. Turkey says it repeated the warned the pilots they were violating turkish airspace. Nato holding an emergency meeting to discuss the incident. Tensions are so high there right now. Also right now police in minnesota hunting for three white men who shot and wounded five people at a black lives matter rally after police shot and killed a 4yearold black man. President obama and french president Francois Hollande meeting at the white house this morning discussing the investigation into the paris attack and ramping up the war against isis. And also this tuesday morning, the new rocket man. Amazon founder jeff bezos making space history, michael is going to have more on that coming up, arent you . Robin, its a big day for bezos. His Company Successfully launching, not only launching but returning a rocket and just joined twitter to celebrate and what hes saying about the rocket launch, the rarest of beasts, a used rocket. Controlled landing not easy but done right can look easy. Bezos is standing by and will join us just ahead. Thats one reason to join twitter. Well begin with those arrests for the killing of the pastors wife in indianapolis. Two men charged with the murder of Amanda Blackburn in a Home Invasion and linsey davis has the latest. Reporter good morning. Indianapolis police have arrested the men they believe are responsible for her murder and based on the probable cause, they say the one who pulled the trigger is just a teenager. These are the men police say are responsible for killing 28yearold Amanda Blackburn, a wife. The charges filed today are the result of significant investigation undertaken by impd and other agencies. Reporter this morning 18 yr8d larry taylor and 21yearold jalen watson are behind bars each facing ten charges including murder, robbery. Police say the two men shot and killed blackburn in her indianapolis home after committing two other burglaries in nearby homes that same morning including stealing a car. According to the prosecutors office, the men entered blackburns home through her unlocked front door two weeks ago after her husband pastor Davey Blackburn had left for the gym. They say watson and a third accomplice drove to an atm and removed 400 out of amandas account while taylor stayed in the house. Police say taylor told his friends he shot amanda when she charged at him. Her 1yearold son was also inside the home during the attack but was unharmed. Police say they dont believe the suspects knew the family before the robbery. Why they targeted that specific neighborhood, i dont know. Reporter the arrests little solace for a grieving community. Amanda was an incredible gift to all of us. Reporter her husband telling abc news, while hes relieved the men were caught, it does not undo the pain. I honestly dont know how to do life without amanda. And thats thats something that every day im having to wake up with that reality and trying to figure that out. Reporter Police Also Arrested a third man who may face charges related to the burglaries. Police actually took taylor and watson into custody last week for separate parole violations then questioned them about this case. At last check the suspects had not yet been appointed attorneys but your heart goes out to the family hear the husband says he doesnt know how to do life thank you. No you to that nightmare for one massachusetts family. Their toddler kidnapped by their former babysitter. Found safe hours later and the woman was in court on monday. Abcs reena ninan has that story. Reporter this morning a babysitter behind bars, former College Student Abigail Hanna seemingly the girl next door appearing stunned in court monday after allegedly abducting 2yearold lyndon albers, a girl she once baby sat. Lyndons parents frantically reported the toddler missing from their home friday morning at 00 a. M. Last seeing her in the middle of the night at 4 15. Hours later, a couple found the toddler miles away from her home abandoned on the side of a road showing signs of physical abuse. She was shivering, shaking. She looked like she might have been in a little bit of shock. Reporter police say they questioned hanna immediately after lyndon disappeared charging her with kidnapping, two counts of assault and battery and breaking and entering. In court monday a psychologist saying since her arrest the 21yearold has been suffering from hallucinations. She has a history of multiple suicide attempts. She also has a history of multiple memory lapses. Reporter she pleaded not guilty this morning being held without bail. A judge sending her for a 21day evaluation. Little comfort for lyndons family saying we have suffered a horrific ordeal. We are grateful to have our daughter back. For Good Morning America, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Good thing the little girl is okay. Coming up, gma on the lookout. Candles can cause catastrophic fire, a single one sparking in blaze just last week. Alex perez with more on that, alex. Reporter good morning. Fires are started by candles can destroy your homes in minutes. This morning we have a special demonstration and show you just demonstration and show you just starting black friday. The pandora holiday charm gift set is waiting for you. Only at jared. With 12 holidaythemed pandora charms and clips, featuring the jared exclusive prancing reindeer charm. And a very special limited edition charm. All in this beautiful pandora keepsake box. And, right now, youll save 220 on this amazing jared exclusive. For that one, special pandora gift. There is only one, special place to go. Jared. Sup bud . The best gifts that you want are here. For mom dad and your dear. What about baxter . If thats your dog, then yes him too. Hundreds of gifts all from you. Hes my cat, im a cat person. Black friday starts 6pm thursday and all day online at walmart. Helicopter Engine roars pc does whaaat . music begins. The song, danger zone by Kenny Loggins plays from the pc pc does what . hey, guy pc does what . shhhh pc does what no pc has done before. Does yours . Discover card. Hi so it says here i can redeem my cashback bonus for cash. Do i need to have a certain amount . Nope, you can redeem your cashback for any amount, any time. Thats great. Yeah, you can use it for a statement credit or even get the cash. Nice. I could use that extra cash for a lastminute gift. One less thing hanging over your head, right . Tell me about it. Gary, you got to go. Whos gary . A mistake from last year coming back around again. Too much egg nog yes laaaaa. At discover we treat you like youd treat you. Redeem your cashback for any amount, any time. Get it at discover. Com. Bzzz. Hey bumble bee o busy bee. O busy bee. This year lets keep your sanity. Come to the store or go online. For all your gifts, youll be just fine. Aw, youre sweet. Black friday starts 6pm thursday and all day online at walmart. Coming up on 7 40 with gma of fires caused by candles. Experts say were at a peak time of year for those potentially catastrophic accidents. The numbers soaring during the Holiday Season as you can imagine. 11 of candle fires begin with decorations. Abcs alex perez is at Underwriters Laboratories there in chicago. Good morning, alex. Reporter hey, good morning, robin. Thats right. We are in a laboratory and wearing protective gear just to standing by with us. Remember that chair and that blanket, its just been a little more than four minutes and take a look. It went up completely in flames. Oh, my god. Reporter in chicago flames and smoke engulfing the 50th floor of the hancock tower. Were getting reports of an officer down on the 50th floor. Reporter a Police Officer hospitalized for smoke inhalation from a fireball created by a candle in a residents apartment. According to the chicago fire department, just as in seattle firefighters battling this fire started by an unattended candle on a houseboat. Watch this cell phone video showing the dock going up in flames. Candle fires are very dangerous. Any time they get close to normal household objects like bedding, furniture, curtains, the fire is going to ignite and spread very quickly. Reporter nationwide more than 9,000 home fires are started by candles every year resulting in on average 86 deaths and 374 million in direct property damages. This video made by Underwriters Laboratories shows how a fire started by a candle quickly spreads to the curtains then engulfs the entire room in flames all in less than ten minutes. Ul showed abcs matt gutman just how fast another fire, this time started by a blanket tossed onto a candle can spread. All right. Were breathing smoke. Reporter the fire fueled by a room filled with petroleumbased products like the cushion stuffing and wide screen tv which ul says can burn up to six types faster than natural materials and every Second Counts because uls Research Shows you have just three minutes to get out. So what can you and your family do to stay safe . Most candle fires happen because people put them too close to normal household items. Reporter experts say keep them a foot away from other objects. Keep loose clothing and hair away and never leave a burning candle unattended. And luckily our firefighter brian is standing by here. Hell be able to put this fire out literally in just a couple of seconds but you can imagine if this was your home with all those Synthetic Materials we have, how quickly things will go up in flames. The number one thing they say to remember never leave a candle un unattended. Back to you guys. Alex, thank you very much. We were just talking amongst ourselves saying that sometimes you just so easy to do. So easy to do. So fast. We saw that with alex. Coming up, amazon founder jeff bezos conquering New Territory in outer space. Michael is going to have that for us. Michael. Yes, Bezos Company successfully launching a rocket and not only did they launch it but brought it back from space safely softing landing it on the ground. Im wondering does this open up space tourism. If so i call the window shoot. Bez bezs is join us live next on gma. Every day for ten days, expect new deals with historic low prices across target and target. Com. Hey ginger yes, ken . Great forecast are Coffee Makers on sale . Yes yes they will be. Ginger what about cameras . Oh yeah, yeah. Cameras ginger how about Christmas Lights . Yeah lights, cameras, its all in on the action. I sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my family . My lil buddy . And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. Then my doctor told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Johnsons believes that bath time is more than cleansing. Your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. Enhance the experience. So why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more . There will be a moment, when all the wonder, excitement, and joy of christmas will be contained not on the stage, but in that little face, in the seat to your right. That can only happen. Here. The radio city christmasspectacular presented by chase. You bring the family, we bring the joy. Visit radiocitychristmas. Com all right, welcome back to gma. We are with back now with billionaire jeff bezos going from amazon to changing space travel forever. His company just successfully launched and returned a rocket and he joins us live from texas. Good morning, jeff, how are you . Good morning. Its great to be here. Thank you. Well, congratulations. You just made space history and tell us about the successful rocket launch that you had. Well, you know, youve seen a lot of rockets lift off, but youve never seen one land and so right behind me is the first fully reusable rocket and we just flew it into space and brought it back and landed it at the launch site. This is a big game changer because it totally changes the economics of space travel. When you throw a rocket away, an expendable rocket, you use it once and throw away all that expensive space hardware. It would be like taking getting in your 747, flying across the country and then throwing it away. Just using it one time. Imagine how expensive traveling would be. 747. Yeah, yeah, you know, i usually keep my 747 for as long as i can keep it but so your website you definitely want to reuse those. And your website actually teased some information about a window seat and space travel. Is that something that you could possibly be planning . Yes, so were right now were you know, we just flew this vehicle successfully. Were going to this is the beginning of a long and very were going to fly the vehicle, many, many times and then when were completely confident in it well start using it to take people up into space. That should take another couple of years. Wow. Now, do you want to go to space one day . Its one thing to launch the rocket successfully have it land and space travel absolutely. You know it. Absolutely. Ive wanted to do that since i was a 5yearold boy. Its a passion. Its deep in my heart. And what else . Is there anything else about this launch that really may by the way, you guys are invited if you want to come. Whoa. Well go up. How many takers on that offer . Ill do it. You going to go. Good for you. Im a coach guy myself. I get window seat. Why wouldnt you i at first i was thinking, no, but youre right, jeff. Its a great adventure and youll grand canyon. Well, i tell you what, hey, jeff, jeff, thank you, congratulations and it really is amazing to take a rocket up and bring it back down. Good for you. Offer. Gma is going to do the show from space. How about that . Robin is going to do the show from space . Dont forget to wear your well be back. I am your father. No, no, no i am your father. Campbells star wars soups. Thats gotta be the worst vader ever. Made for real, real life. Innovative sonicare technology with up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. Bzzz. Hey bumble bee o busy bee. O busy bee. This year lets keep your sanity. Come to the store or go online. For all your gifts, youll be just fine. Aw, youre sweet. Black friday starts 6pm thursday and all day online at walmart. Need to make thanksgiving magic. microwave ding chex party mix. Its what thanksgiving is made of. Hey marc. How you feeling . Dont ask. This is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. I never thought this would happen to me. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Im going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. Its pretty close to my eye. I dont know how you do it. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kay jewelers brings you. The newest c chocolate. Levian chocolate diamonds. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles, with Dazzling Designs that shes sure to love. At kay, the number one jewelry store. In america. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. Every kiss begins with kay. Back here on gma it hasnt snowed in the northeast but were making it. Look. Mild by the weekend but get a good start. Feels like the winter from the gulf coast to the southeast. Temperatures below freezing with frost and freeze advisories. Good morning, its 7 56 on this tuesday, november 24th. Im lori stokes, we have new video just into the eyewitness newsroom of a fire that left two women dead at an Adult Group Home in new jersey. Two other women are in the hospital suffering if smoke inhalation. The flames broke out on beck shire road in the fair lawn section in fair lawn. Just after midnight. Now one Police Officer and one firefighter suffered minor injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Also repairs continue for the water main break and broken valve problems. That have flooded streets in hoboken. A boil water advisory is i effect and the problems are continue expected to continue past thanksgiving. Its 7 56. The morning commute heather orourke. Good morning lori a web cam and i want show you how badly the new york state throughway is still backed up on the southbound side. You can see traffic is completely jammed. Lets go over to the maps while i explain to you whats happening here. New york state throughway southbound at the beginning of the Tappan Zee Bridge span. Its an icing condition and at this point the new york state throughway is completely dozed down closed down. The water main break on the South Broadway overpass is leaking water onto the throughway. We have the icing condition and right now theyre out this trying to there trying to sand that down can take care of that. Street cleaning rules are in effect. Lori over to you. All right heather thanks so much and bill evans has your accuweather forecast. Well, as you can see weve got lots of sunshine and with some clouds mixed in. And were going to have a pretty good day today. Its right around 37 degrees now. Thats going to be your 8 00 temperature. You can see the clock tower says 34 there in brooklyn. There are some spots where its still at freezing and below. Staten island 32 and 25 poughkeepsie and 27 white plains. Along the throughway its frozen there but it will warm up today into the upper 40s. Well have a mix of sun and clouds throughout much of the day. Sunshine on thanksgiving and a great thanksgiving and even on friday, lori . All right thank you bill. That will do it for us, coming up a shocking disever coy for discovery for one 8yearold in utah. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Airport security crackdown. Millions of people about to head home for the holiday. A strong show of force at the airports. More security, more screenings, longer lines right now. How did this 8yearold girl end up with a lump in her chest . A team of doctors now treating her rare form of Breast Cancer. Little chrissy now on the road to recovery. Were going to fight it as a family. Dr. Ashton is here with the latest. And its time for the final showdown. Here we go, one, two, one, two, three. Bindi versus the backstreet boy. Could she win it all tonight . This entire experience has changed my life. So thank you so much. Or could an American Hero waltz off with a mirrorball trophy . Were counting down to our huge ballroom bash. Former dancing star Candace Cameron bure is here live as we say good morning, america oh, look. Good morning, america. Jennifer hudson with that a little furry one with her. She is here performing the color purple in previews right now she and Cynthia Erivo will be here. Not the only one. I have little gracie. Little rottweiler lab. Georges new bundle of joy. They are so good. So sweet. So docile. Who is over in the puppy penney is miking over there . Michael and ginger, you guys got a couple, as well. These guys have been airlifted from overcrowded shelters, not michael and ginger, the puppies and well tell you how to adopt one just in time for thanksgiving. Or maybe not just one. Gave it to robin. Thanksgiving approaches, what blessings these are. A man who is going above and beyond for his Community Taking care of them with pizza and postit notes. Got a huge thank you and a big destroy, thank you for the kisses. You want to go home and join lucas . Remember when we had lucas, how many adogs happened that day. Thats right. Thats why were doing it again. Animal league america is doing an amazing black friday event. Well get into that coming up in pup news. We want a lot to happen but first amy with the morning rundown. Good morning. We begin with some breaking news. A potential diplomatic crisis in the war against isis. Turkey saying it shot down a russian fighter jet near the Syrian Border. This video showing the burning plane plunging to the ground crashing behind a hill. Two crew members apparently well, this morning, brussels is still on lockdown for a fourth day as the search continues for the socalled paris attacker. Schools closed so is the subway. Authorities have found an explosive belt in a paris suburb. No indication yet whether the explosives are the same as those used in the paris attacks. And police are also searching for a man seen on the subway with the suspected paris mastermind on the same day at attacks. Homeland security issued new warnings at home calling on all americans to be on guard just as millions of us prepare to travel for thanksgiving. Abcs david kerley has the very latest at Reagan National airport. Reporter good morning. These are two different alerts. The first from the state department. It is a Worldwide Travel alert for americans heading overseas. It is not country specific. It is not region specific but the warning is that americans stay away from crowds when they are overseas and if they are near Public Transportation sites that they be vigilant. Now, the second alert came out overnight. It is from the fbi and the department of Homeland Security. Its a warning to Police Departments to be on the lookout for a paris copycatstyle attack. The fbi is most worried about selfradicalized individuals here in the united states. Already Police Departments that guard airports have added canine units, more personnel in uniform rather with weapons, as we all, amy, get ready to travel. This in the next day, today and tomorrow, some of the busiest days we have all year. Take plenty of time before heading to the airport. David kerley, thank you. A tense situation in minneapolis as Police Search for three shooting suspects. Three white men opened fire wounding five protesters. Those protesters had been demanding justice for the death of jamar clark shot by police. Meanwhile, a chicago Police Officer is expected to be charged today in connection with the shooting of a black teen last year. Laquon mcdone nalgd was shot 16 tomorrow. Well, a School Bus Driver in houston is being hailed a hero fire. They had just evacuated when the bus then exploded into flames. The driver known as mr. Sams said he heard a pop under the bus and thankfully he pulled over right away and got everyone out. And finally, the latest storm. You may have seen it before. Take a look. Its because its become a favorite apparently of tv meteorologists. Spotted on countless weather anchors after one of them shared it on facebook. Apparently it has a flattering shape and comes in solid colors and its just been something that all the women have liked and the best part, its 23 bucks so, ginger, where is yours. They dont come in maternity. So they dont have my size but you know im in that female meteorologist Facebook Group and this thing has been building where they are sharing the same dresses and put together that little the idea 23 buck, yeah. 23 bucks. The dress is yours in a few months. Would you like a puppy . I would love a puppy or two. Yours are all intertwined. We got do you see this. Theyre ready for a little nap. Do you see this . Sorry. I think michael has one too. Yeah. Yes, i do. George, im over here loving this puppy. Look at this. Now heres a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu. A medical mystery. How did this 8yearold girl end up with Breast Cancer . And the big finale of dancing with the stars tonight, bindi irwin versus a backstreet boy and that American Hero. Who will come out on top . Plus, Super Shopping secrets for the holidays. What you need to know about those storewide discounts, all that and Candace Cameron bure is here coming up live on gma in times square. Bow both have a puppy. Dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. Starting thursday, apparel will cool down to 40 off. [ both ] 40 [ quickly ] the news is good [ quickly ] sports win [ whispers ] lets go shopping doors open thursday, 6pm at target. Only at kohls only once a year get 15 kohls cash for every 50 spent earn it on everything including our biggest brands right now online and in store its just part of the best black friday ever at kohls stores open thursday at 6pm dont miss it there are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Sup bud . The best gifts that you want are here. For mom dad and your dear. What about baxter . If thats your dog, then yes him too. Hundreds of gifts all from you. Hes my cat, im a cat person. Black friday starts 6pm thursday and all day online at walmart. This thursday, hdtv prices will drop to record lows. Ken, how are you getting ready for this deal . With subtle hints. Barbie, i want an hdtv. Doors open thursday 6 pm at target. I dont know what more you could ask for next on gma. Jennifer hudson here performing live and its a puppy party here. Take a look at all these dogs looking for a loving home for thanksgiving. Were going to tell you how you can adopt one coming up if you can pull these out of our arms. I think Jennifer Wants one. Is that . Its you its me . Alright emma, i know its not your favorite but its time for your medicine, okay . You ready . One, two, three. [ both ] emma, emma bobemma bananafanafofemma feefifofemma emma very good sweety, how do you feel . Good. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, welcome back. We have a story that surprised Breast Cancer. Chrissy has a very rare form of the disease and dr. Jennifer ashton has her story. Shes an enthusiastic artist. And a loving little sister. Hi. Reporter now 8yearold Christie Turner is fighting a devastating disease normally only faced by adults. I was kind of scared to kind of figure out what it was. Reporter in october chrissy came to her parents with a lump in her chest. After a series of tests doctors diagnosed a rare form of Breast Cancer called secretory carcinoma, the findings, a huge blow to the whole family. I was in shock. No child should ever have to go through cancer. And then it hits your family. It hits your little one. Im sorry. Its devastating. Its been really hard emotionally, mentally everyone has been broken down. Accounts for less than 0. 15 of Breast Cancers and is the rarest form of the disease. Dr. Brian booker is part of the team treating her. Reporter chrissy had to undergo a simple mastectomy to represent it from coming back. Reporter theyre no stranger to cancer. Mom a Cervical Cancer survivor and dad was diagnosed with nonhodgkins limbymphoma in 2008. Chrissys cancer is a shock. Were going to fight it for a family and be there for you no matter what. Reporter yet chrissy still remains positive. I hope that i fight it off. And dr. Ashton joins us now. Chrissy is clearly a fighter, thank goodness this is treatable. Yeah, and its incredibly rare, george. Thats the take home message. Theyre isolated reports in the literature. Youngest patient with this just 3 years old, the oldest, 87. So we cant emphasize it enough, very rare but its going to frighten a lot of parents. What thud they Pay Attention to. When you talk about Breast Development in a young girl there are a couple of things the parents should know about. Any dramatic changes in the breast or Breast Development before the age of 8. The key thing is change in one breast versus the other. That would be a concerning sign but, remember, there are other things that affect the breast that arent cancer, trauma, infection, benign cristysts. Breast ultrasound and generally a referral to a breast specialist but those are the overall warnings. Very, very rare. Its incredibly rare. We send her our best. Jen ashton, thanks very much. Over to michael. All right, thanks, george. Part one of the epic dancing with the stars twonight finale kicked off with a big bang last night. Last night the remaining four couples put it all on the line hoping to take home that mirrorball but only three remain. Here we go, one, two, one, two, three. Reporter the final four, showing off their fantastic freestyles monday night. Reporter but it was bindi irwin versus the backstreet boy. Hey. Reporter tied at the top of the leaderboard that had everyone talking. Reporter nick carters larger than life freestyle. The most incredible freaking awesome backstreet boy. Reporter and bindi irwin with a showstopping quick step. You my dear are the energizer bunny. Reporter her freestyle dance bringing the audience to tears with an emotional tribute to her dad. You touched everybodys soul. This entire experience has changed my life so thank you, thank you so much. Reporter our cameras behind the scenes exclusively ahead of tonights big finale. Were going to fight. For me, you know, its always been about my partners. Reporter in the end, the ballroom journey coming to a close for carlos penavega, now the stakes higher than ever. Will the mirrorball go to alek, bindi irwin or nick . We asked our audience online which dancing with the stars celebrity do you want to win the mirrorball trophy . 70 are rooting for bindi and derek and now we are joined by dancing with the stars season 18 finalist and cohost of the view Candace Cameron bure. And we saw what the audience, they think they want bindi irwin to win. Do you have anyone you want to win . Im on the audiences side. Bindi just she grabbed my heart this year and i think shes definitely the frontrunner. I think she has it in the bag. I i think america loves her and pulled on everyones heart strings and saw her journey and shes like the nicest person in the world. And you know like a showstopping moment because she didnt know the picture of her dad was going to show up. What did you think about that . I thought that was really sweet. I saw her get so emotional. Sometimes when youre in the audience it can be overwhelming but there was something more to it than that and realizing after that it was because she didnt know that picture was going to go up. It just made sense and you felt it even more. And the judges called aaleks freestyle a dance for the ands . Were you surprised by the freestyle. Yeah well, i was surprised he was even in the finals. I was so excited. I didnt think he would get to the finals. He was kind of in my mind the meat of my season like yes. I think hes done an amazing job and i was im so happy that he made it and i definitely think his freestyle was one that ill remember forever. No one has done it like an Army Obstacle course. Nick brought back a little bit of the Backstreet Boys. Big Backstreet Boys fan. Me too. What did you think about his. Listen, the guy knows how to move. I think he was great. I want a little bit more from routine but, you know, bindi, she stole my heart. And carlos made it a Family Affair affair, brought out his wife, something weve never seen before. And paula deen and a couple of the other contestants from the show that season and that, i think, is the heart of carlos. I loved what he did and he killed his routine, as well. He did such a good job and i love the connection that he had with his wife and he said even their relationship grew on the show because you can see because of the competition and could end strife or a bigger connection. Im sure if there was strife at home he wouldnt have it on the show. Part two of the dancing finale tons and all the finalists are here tomorrow for tomorrows ballroom bash. Dancing with the stars will return for its 22nd season next year on monday, march 21st. Dont miss candace on the hallmark channels movie a christmas detour. Make sure you watch that. Back to you, robin. Thank you, michael. I have a dance partner right here, jet you know its been 40 years since rocky won the oscar for best picture. Now sylvester stone is getting back in the ring, generating oscar buzz again in one of the biggest movies of this fall, this time around, you know what, jet, hes a trainer. Hes helping a young boxer prepare for the biggest fight of his life in creed. Because i said to myself, if i break im hurt, whatever i aint going to fix it. Why bother. Im just some bum living in your career, theres nothing. Youre a good kid. A good fighter. But you got your whole future ahead of you. Mine mine, its back there like all them guys on that wall. In the back. In the past. Yeah, still got it. Still got it. I loved all the rocky s and this one too. Watched it the other night creed and seems like the Natural Evolution for rocky. Because of this journey that rocky takes, it was presented by a man in his late 20s or 27 years old, who just became fixated on extending the story but also bringing in a new character, creed who can speak to whats happening today more like the millennials whereas rocky was the voice of the 70s and 80s, this fellow is speaking about the problems and issues that face younger people today. And so lets bring people up to speed, creed, of course is the son of apollo creed who is my friend, mentor and the fellow who changed my life so he became kind of an idolized object to me. I said ive always revered him then he died because of me in rocky i 4 so i live in this regret and a son appears just at a particular time when rocky has yeah. Tell us about what it was like working with this young man. Does he have it. Yeah, he does have it and thats why i think hes going to go on and be a force in this industry because people are interested in watching him. I want to show a picture of you with the greatest of all time, muhammad ali. Of course. And youve always said theres just something what is it about boxing and something that you were drawn to with that. Two things i think, speed and fighting. In other words, racing, were always racing against time in one sense or another and i think when you see it portrayed metaphorically or symbolically and see a fighter like ali or someone you embrace the whole because its more than just a fight. Its touching you on a level that you may not even be aware of subconsciously. Thats a wonderful thing. Your beautiful family. Oh, my god. And your daughter modeling. I know youre proud of all your children. I am. And every one has a special ability and sofia is in usc. And sistine trying to make her own name. Much like this guy was trying to make his own name. Well, you deserve every blessing coming your way. Thank you so much. Always great to be here, seriously. You know what, he was here yesterday, sly and he took a picture with the crew always doing this thing, you know, do the rocky thing, took picture after picture after picture. One of the great guys and, creed, you saw it too. Michael b. Jordan, also, a great, great guy. Just so personalable and the movie is awesome. Me too. You can wait until tomorrow because creed opens in theaters tomorrow. Yeah. Oh, lara, can you please bring puppies every day . This makes all the difference in the world. Lets get to pop. As you may have noticed pop news has gone to the dogs so we are joined by ten of our closest canine companions from the north Shore Animal League america and these guys have plenty to be thankful for. This week theyre all part of a huge black friday adoption event. Rosie tombolo is here. She helped robins partner amber find her little lucas a few weeks ago and wants to make more love connections right now. This is a huge operation. You guys flew to shelters and puppy mills all over the country. Most recently we did a rescue with california in california. We rescued 100 small breeds and they will be up for the black friday special. We have a special going on from 9 00 to 1 00 at our Port Washington campus and it will be free adoptions for approved adopters. Thats amazing. So the bargains arent just in the stores, everybody. Yeah, but i got to tell you, lucas is perfect. Hes doing so well and much like these puppies here. Theyre just so well adjusted. Very chill. Theyre well taken care of. This little guy is like a bean bag. He melted on to my nap and hes asleep right now. Cant thank you enough. The work you do aremarkable. These are with dogs all over the country as we said. I rescued a dog from you guys, little cocoa from a puppy mill so keep up the great work and, everybody, you can get information on these dogs and so many more north Shore Animal League america, black friday adoptathon. I love youre jumping in on the whole holiday thing. Once again so. To be thankful for. A closeup on georges friend. Rocking the turtleneck. These two are roommates. Switched sweaters. So we should say equal time. Cats too, right . Yes, feline, of course. Dogs, cat, puppies, kittens. So, listen, really want to continue the theme of pup news as we if these arent enough about a pooch that plays the pawano. This is some of the magic the dog provides. This guys name according to youtube is Johann Sebastian bark. And. Hes reading the music too. Making sure. On the other hand not everybody is as refined as johan. Just watch. A little broccoli. He knows he should eat his greens. However theres the talking dog. That is a burping dog. When do you get it right . Well be right back. Good morning, its 8 27 this tuesday, no 24th. Im november 24th. Im ken rosato. Russian president putin is blasting turkey calling the decision to shoot down a russian war plane quote a stab in the back. Putin offered his condolences on the death pilot whose body was reportedly found by rebels and turkey says it warned that pilot several times before shooting down the russian jet. As it flew into turkish air space near the Syrian Border. We have new video just into the eyewitness newsroom of the fire that left two women dead at an Adult Group Home in new jersey. Two other women are in the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. The flames broke out on beckshire road in fair lawn this happening just after midnight. One Police Officer and one firefighter suffered minor injuries and the cause of the fire now under investigation. We come back we check the commute with heather. Ken suddenly things got a little busy. On the cross bronx expressway westbound near the major deegan you have an accident and this problem here on the new york state thruway was southbound at the beginning of the span for the Tappan Zee Bridge. It was an icing condition. A water main break was leaking water onto the roadway and they have since sanded that icing condition. Subway service is running on or close to schedule. And so thats some good news for those who use the subway but we still have this problem in clifton. This is 21 the common ramp to route 3 going eastbound overturned tractortrailer. Still being taken care of. We have alternate side of the Street Parking rules in effect. Ken wac to you. All right back to you. All right heather thank you. Meteorologist bill evans with the accuweather forecast. We have cloudy skies and some breaks of sun and we have some chilly temperatures here, 37 our temperature and were going to be looking at breaks of sunshine and a cool day today but the winds have died down and kind of turned around from the southwest. So well warm up today to about 47. Yesterdays high was 44. So were gradually warming up and were at 52 tomorrow and great day for travel. Thanksgiving, 50degree temperature at 9 00 in the morning for parade time. 60 by afternoon and 64 on friday. There is a shot at some showers and a little cooler weather coming for the weekend. Otherwise really nice on into friday. Have a great day and dress warmly. Ken . All right sir thank you and thats the news for now. Live with kelly and michael coming up at 9 00 a. M. In the meantime i want to see you mile hello to everyone out there in times square. Welcome back to gma. So much coming up this half hour including another big thank you and surprise for a man who has given so much back to his community. Inspiring others to do the same. I lets not wait. We are saying thank you, america, this week, of thanksgiving recognizing those who are giving back making a true difference. This week remember yesterday we thanked that High School Football coach . Hes teaching students some valuable lessons. Disney world. Theyre also excited about the scholarship and going to disney world. Now this morning we say thank you to a pizza store owner who is proving that philadelphia really is the city of brotherly love. Welcome to rosas fresh pizza. Serving up some of the best 1 slices in all of philly. It doesnt take long to realize the secret ingredient isnt in the sauce. Thousands of handwritten messages of hope and heres why. My name is mason wartman. Im the owner of rosas fresh pizza. One day a customer came in to prepurchase a slice of pizza for someone in need and we could give one away. Since then we covered our walls with postit notes. The simple idea an overwhelming hit. Each note something the 27yearold never dreamed of when he left his job on wall street just two years ago. His favorite notes not ones for free pie, but ones of gratitude. Because of you i ate off this plate. It is the only thing i ate all day. They get to come in here, sit down relax and go back out and try to build their life back up. Great to provide that. Perhaps even more special customers once down on their luck now returning to pay it forward themselves. Hey. Whats going on, man. Like 38yearold eddie dunn. How you been . Pretty good. Pretty good. A lot better. A lot better. Good. Reporter just a year ago eddie was at rock bottom. This is where i slept at night. Reporter often asking for change right across the treat from rosas. Rosas offered the opportunity to have a meal where i wouldnt be able to. Whenever people were kind to me like mason, i felt human. One support someone else too. One support someone else. The feeling of giving back to others is indescribable. Its indescribable. A sense of it masons mother who the shop is named after couldnt agree with more. Hes a good kid. Each little thing that you do can have a tremendous impact and a huge ripple effect. Makes me excited for the future. [ applause ] mason is here with us. Wonderful. Oh, your mom was so proud and we are too. Such a beautiful idea. How many slices how many do you think that youve done with this. Yeah, we keep track daily and given away 45,900 slices in about a year, year and a half. 45 thousand,900. Feed like 100 people a day. Helps a lot of people. Thats incredible. Means a lot to people. You know, we get a lot of weve started to get we get a bunch of different people all the time in and we started to get a lot of young people in too. Its always really its really great to help someone thats trying to make their way in life, you know, im a pretty young guy when i started rosas i was young and its great to, you know, some of them go to college and they just need to know that somebody cares about them. Well, we are truly moved and so all of us here at gma, we decided to be a part of it. Come on, guys. Bring it in. So this is what youll be bringing back all these folks, with these messages and we know that thats great and we hope that it inspires people but its about the dough. Were not talking about pizza so so open this. Oh, wow. And can i get this pizza box 500 from our wonderful staff here. Thats awesome. Thank you. We all want to give more and you said you can go online to do that. Rosas fresh pizza. Com and donate, buy some of our apparel and we sell winter apparel where we donate similar item to a person in need so a great idea. Its not all. Wait, wait, wait. Let me explain it. Listen, theres an app called retail me not. Theyre giving you 2,000 for your pizza store. Pore mouths fed an i wish we could give you more. This is so kind of you. Thank you so much. Wow. Sorry, i hit you in the face. I dont think he minds. Mason, great having you here. Wait, theres more. Theres more. Bring in a pizza box. More pizza. More pizza. Not that hungry. Now, open this pizza and see what kind of pizza it is. Look at the pizza. That looks good. Its a hawaiian pizza. Now why are we showing you a hawaiian pizza because disney is sending you and three of your guests for five days to alani Disney Resort and spa in hawaii. That, look, thats where youre going. Its one of our newest resorts. Its in hawaii and so three of your guests, youre going. Thats wow, thank you. Im speechless. Thank you. Thats really kind. Cant thank you enough. Can i have some of this . What is the secret do you have a secret in your sauce . Well, its Pretty Simple really. Its whole tomatoes, thats the secret. We use whole tomatoes and butter also. Oh. Everything is better with butter. Thats true. Thats like a secret ingredient too. Whatever youre cooking if you add butter its suss a little bit thats what my grandmother always said. Mason, thank you. Thank you, mason for your story. Amy. All right. I get to talk with my mouth full now. Now woo get to weather. Lets do it. Not hawaiian weather, though. Ive got some oh, no. We do have it. Thanksgiving, all kinds of ideas to cut your Holiday Cooking time with our friends at Good Housekeeping heres sara haines with the holiday hacks. Inside Good Housekeeping test kitchen sherry has a hack or two to rock my thanksgiving dinner. First, if youre like me, you just might be missing a few turkey day essentials. Why do you need a rack . Dont have this 14 to 16pound behemoth sliding around. Reporter no rack . No problem. Carrots and celery sticks are your friends. Place them in the pan and set your turkey on top of them. Done and done. Thought only does it become your defacto rack but will flavor the drippings. Super cool. Next, dont spend the entire day in the kitchen. Prepare your sides ahead of time. You can do half the work, most of the work ahead of time. Peel potatoes for mashed poe tate toys hours ahead of time and leave them in a mixture of lemon and water in a salad spinner and even do it with apples for your apple pie and speaking of pie, make baking a piece of cake with this nifty trick. No Food Processor to make pie dough . Just grate the butter on the grater, really easy. Finally my favorite, forgot to chill the wine . Put a handle of salt in a bucket of water and ice, youll be chilling with your wine in a fraction of the time. The salt actually allows the water and ice to be colder than just ice and water alone. Reporter for Good Morning America, sara haines, abc news, new york. Pizza for thanksgiving. That makes it reel easy. We have more tips other than haveing pizza for thanksgiving so go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo lets now go outside to ginger. Ink goer. Save me a our sponsor Johnson Johnson is kicking off the season giving of giving, the season of giving. You know that right here in times square and emma roberts is here to tell us about their donate a photo app. Its a free app and basically it is helping raise funds and awareness for four amazing charities and all you have to do is upload a photo and you share it on social media and its helping support girl o perform, operation smile, save the children and uso. And also during the Holiday Season its like how many are we taking and now we can give back. It doesnt matter what the photo is. 1 is donated for every single photo. Emma, thank you for being here. Coming up we have Holiday Shopping secrets and what you need to know about those storewide discounts. Stay with us. Gmas countdown to thanksgiving brought to you by walmart. Go time for gmas Super Shopping secrets Holiday Edition and a warning about those storewide discounts prompting to save you so much money. Abcs becky worley has it. What do deal hunters love . Whole store discounts. If it says 20 off, 50 off the whole store, youre like, whoa, i guess i could find something i will like in there. Reporter but one problem often that 20 off has a lot of exclusions, no discounts on some of the things you want most. This 20 off coupon from bed, bath beyond excludes 83 brands including many big ticket items. I wanted to use my coupon to get this hot little toy for my son but it was excluded. I paid full price. This kohls offer excludes over 180 brands, levis, nike and lots of different electronic brands. This Dicks Sporting Goods has 110 brand exclusions. The thing is if you look at the fine print frequently youll see a lot of things are excluded, designer name, beauty, electronic, fine jewelry. It pays to read the fine print. Reporter we reached out to the retailers, Bed Bath Beyond declined to comment while kohls and Dicks Sporting Goods did not respond. All right, so becky worley what is a shopper to do. Feels like a game show and kind of is. Behind door number one, how do get those discounts. Avoid overspending with an app. Specifically a bar code scanner. You scan the product in the store. Its 48 there but we found it for 29 online. Ask the manager. Will you price match that and theyll do it, they will. Most times they will. Whats the app that has that. Red laser or theres a ton google okay, stand tass tick. Behind door number two, carol merrill, check the manufactureary site. In the store these were 100 and couldnt use my coupon, the manufacturers website 40 off. Theres a battle going on there. Really about doing your homework. And then you willultimately your best piece of advice. Door number three, make your own discounts. Get these gift cards at a discount. You can buy 100 gift card for thats like 20 off. Gift card granny, even ebay. Com they have those gift cards on sale. We have information on our website. More information for you all to save money this Holiday Season. Thank you, becky. Pleasure. Coming up right now actually a sneak peek of the new trailer for barbershop 3 and none other than ice cube with the intro. Good morning, america. Ice cube here. Give you a first look at barbershop, the next cut in theaters april 15th. Now check this out. This is only on gma. Guess whos back . Whats up homey black folks. Who wants gangsta grub . She says fleek. Theres a whole dictionary. A library down the street. You wont see fleek. He funny. He make me laugh. Streets is crazy. I got robbed the other day. I got robbed twice and got beat by the second robber for she wasnt playing. Turn that up. Its going to be some of my best work. Wont be turned back by his momma no more. [panting] meet one today. Starting thursday, apparel will cool down to 40 off. [ both ] 40 [ quickly ] the news is good [ quickly ] sports win [ whispers ] lets go shopping doors open thursday, 6pm at target. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. This thursday, hdtv prices will drop to record lows. Ken, how are you getting ready for this deal . With subtle hints. Barbie, i want an hdtv. Doors open thursday 6 pm at target. We are excited. Jennifer hudson is setting her sights on broad way in the revival of the color purple and join ss us with her costar Cynthia Erivo. Cynthia, jennifer, good to have thank you. Youve done it all. Youve done it all. Jennifer, you have performed packed stadiums in front of president s and dignitaries. Whats it like to be on broadway . Well, its a beautiful experience. Im having such an amazing time. I feel like im in Theater School right now. Learning as much as i can and blessed to work with all these people. And youre blessed to work with this one right here, cynthia, lets see, when you were in london with the play, celie, rave reviews. What does it mean bringing this to broadway . It really is a dream come true really. I never expected that little play that we did in london would transfer here to this gorgeous place that we call new york. You have such a gorgeous accent. I love that too. That was a little unexpected. I like that. What is really cool, the movie, the ellis walker novel talking 30 years ago but both of you, the issues are still relevant today what were facing, jennifer. That is so true but i think thats why a movie like the color purple can transition to a play and still be here today. Because its reality. Its whats real and thats timeless. I know you bring it every time, cynthia. I try to. You really, really do. The color purple is currently in previews on broadway. Opening night is december 10th. We cant wait for that but we now, jennifer hudson, Cynthia Erivo with the title song. Thank you, ladies. Dear god dear stars dear tree s dear skies dear people dear everything dear god god is inside me and everyone else that was or ever will be i came into this world with god and when i finally looked inside i found it just as close as my breath is to me like a blade of grass like a honeybee like the color purple where do it come from now my eyes are open look what god has done it take a grain of love grain of love to make a mighty tree mighty even the smallest voice the smallest voice can make a harmony like a drop of water like a drop of water keep the river high keep the river high there are miracles for you and i for you and i like a blade of corn like a honeybee like a waterfall all a part of me theres something for like like the color purple the flowers where do it come from i dont think us feel old at all i think this is the youngest us ever felt Good Morning America is brought to you by mazda. Driving matters. The color purple Opening Night december 10th. Can we go . Can we all go . Adopt dogs. Good morning, its 8 56 this tuesday, november 24th. Im ken rosato. And topping headlines at this hour, the man accused of killing an nypd detective heads back to court today. First degree murder charges against Tyrone Howard set to be unsealed at his the 30yearold is a accused of shooting detective randolph holder last month in east harlem. Police say the gun used in the shooting was later found in the east river. It had been stolen from south carolina. Police want your help in catching a man a pair of men i should say what threatened who threatened a bronx store worker at gunpoint. The moments were caught on camera last thursday in norwood. The worker opening an at t store was shoved inside. Police say the suspects duct taped him to a chair and grabbed more than three dozen iphones and then took the workers personal cell phone. Detectives say they drove off in a jeep suv. Its 8 57. Heather. Hi ken, this picture im act washington bridge. You can see that you are bumper level. Lower level doing much better. Inbound upper level george accident. Its 45 minutes getting into the tolls the lincoln is 30. The holland is a five minute delay. We have alternate side of the Street Parking rules in effect. Ken back to you. Thank you heather, meteorologist bill evans with the accuweather forecast. Well, were looking at sunshine and breaking through a cloudy sky and your temperature here coming up on 9 00 is going to be 38 degrees. Well warm on up today a little bit warmer than yesterday. Were at 41 at Cambria Heights but its still 30 poughkeepsie and 28 sussex and 35 bridgeport. Slow simply warming up today to a high around 47 degrees between 2 00 and 5 00. Tomorrow, is a great travel day. Wherever you ever traveling its going to be you are going to be traveling its going to be great weather. Tranquil and 60 on thanksgiving ken . Thank you bill and thats live with dell now

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