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And a crowded theater friday night. The neighborhood has long been plagued by radicalism and has sent more jihadi fighters to syria and iraq that any other place in europe. During the operation, explosions were heard and dozens of masked and heavily Armed Security officials sealed off the area. But no arrest was made. That same neighborhood is home to the suspected high profile isis member that french authorities have identified as the mastermind of the terrorist attacks. Abdelhamid abaaoud. His whereabouts are also unknown. But it is believed it the terrorist Group Commanders in syria planned and directed the violence. Meanwhile, a mass moment of silence today across europe. In solidarity with the people of paris. And in remembrance of the 129 People Killed by Islamic State militants. The region is trying to figure out what getting back to normal we are scared but we need to be scared but know that we have to fight back and to live the way we live. At the g20 summit in turkey, president obama conceded that the paris terror attacks were quote a terrible and sickening set back, but he defended u. S. Strategy against isis. These are killers. With fantasies of glory. Who are very savvy when it comes to social media. And are able to infiltrate the syrians, but disaffected individuals around the world. And when they activate those individuals, those individuals can do a lot of damage. President obama also said today that it would be a mistake to send Ground Troops into the region and would not work unless the u. S. Was committed to being a permanent thank you, sandra. The french president addressed a special joint session of parliament at the palace of versaille. France is at war. The acts committed in paris, these are acts of war. During the session, all of parliament sang the French National anthem. The president wants to extend the state of emergency for the country for three months to allow police to search and arrest suspects as well as limit public gatherings. And here in the u. S. , the counterterrorism programs, in response to the attacks in paris, authorities are trying to determine how the coordinated attack was able to go undetected by International Intelligence agencies. The chair of the House Homeland Security Committee Says u. S. Agencies are investigating whether the militants used underground cyber forms to communicate. The fact that we didnt have this on the radar screen, it indicates to me that they could have been communicating in what we call dark space, dark platforms, and if you cant see their communications, it is very hard to stop. Homeland Security Officials say there is no specific credible threat against targets in the u. S. At this time. In new york city, Police Commissioner William Bratton says the nypd will send a team to paris later this week, in addition to a detective who is already there. Meanwhile, french People Living here in our area are also honoring the victims. Eyewitness News Reporter darla miles has more from carol gardens. Very sad. Friday night, when we heard the noise, we couldnt believe it. We were in shock. Reporter a french bistro in the heart of carol gardens brooklyn, grieving, thousands of miles away, from paris. Everybody was mourning. We came here. They supported us. But we are mourning. There was no happiness. No joy, that day. And usually, this is a fun place to be. Leslie barnetts bistro is in the heart of where a vigil was held on sunday. In honor of those lost in the paris attacks. It is great, because we saw so many people that we werent expecting, who supported us, and i have to say, it is a great neighborhood. And they are really supportive. It was like a deja vu because of 9 11. But now that the enormity, has set in, it is anger for some that comes along with grief. We are all very sad. And i am angry about this situation. Something repeated all the time. Something has to stop what is happening. It is at the hands of the government and they have to do something about it. Reporter and in this neighborhood, you can see there is really only one degree of separation between brooklyn and what happened in the paris attacks. For example, i spoke with one woman who lost a friend in the attacks in paris, and then just sister, or rather her cuss en is a Health Care Worker there and cousin is a health care those injured. 4 00. Reporting live in carol gardens Eyewitness News. Thank you. A new jersey cafe owner hopes today will be the day she finally hears from her brother who may have been at one of the targeted venues in paris. Marie solar says she hasnt heard from her brother john killed at the concert hall. He does not use social media and does not have a home phone. Traders paused for a moment of silence acknowledging the attacked victims in paris. Trading began as usual at 9 30. The dow is up 78 points. Meanwhile, people around the world continue to show support and solidarity with those in paris and australia. There was a moment of silence at the french embassy, followed by the singing of the French National anthem. Over the weekend, the iconic opera house in sidney was lit in the colors of the french flag. And an image of the french flag was projected on egypts Great Pyramid with the words solidarity with france. It was shown alongside the flags of lebanon and russia, and two countries also impacted by terror attacks. And treve fountain in rome was among the fountains that went dark after the attack, the lights went out at the iconic fountain and the space needle in seattle was among the American Land marks paying tribute to the victims. A giant french flag was raised on saturday atop the tower. So many tributes. Stay with Eyewitness News and abc news, as we monitor the developments in paris and the response here in america. We will also keep you posted on our web site, abc 7ny along with our twitter and facebook pages. New developments, in the murder of a barber in manhattan. The man now under arrest, and what we have learned about a possible motive. A firefighter badly burned, gets a Second Chance under going a face transplant surgery right here in new york city. His remarkable story, coming up. Im meteorologist bill evans in the weather center. Check out these temperatures at noon. Is it november . Or is it Early September . We are looking at 64 degrees in parts of the area. And 66 around new brunswick. And 65 to paramus and 67 at newark. It is going to be a warm afternoon. We got a west wind. It is going to be really nice. But cooler air is on the way. Rain is on the way, too. We will talk about that, next, in your accuweather sevenday forecast. So dont go away. Im chris bosh. When i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, theres limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions. Dont get me started on that. I didnt have to. We started on xarelto. Nice pass. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. You know xarelto is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto. Was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto. There has been an arrest in the death of a 26yearold man in manhattan. Police say 59yearold danela laura stabbed Michael Hernandez in the chest as he was leaving 207th street in inwood last night. Investigators say laura and hernandez had an ongoing dispute with each other. Police are investigating a hate crime after three jewish men were hit with eggs in brooklyn. The Surveillance Video shows the suspects on the sidewalk in burough park. Police say the men attacked at least three people friday night throwing eggs at them and yelling antisemitic slurs. The victims say the suspects sped off in a silver bmw. A pit bull attacked and critically wounded a man in jersey city. Police say they found 36year old Antonio Garcia covered in blood when they arrived at his south street apartment around midnight. Garcias friend who was also bitten says the dog got out of its cage and began attacking. Garcia is at Jersey Center Medical Center receiving treatments for his wounds to his hands and stomach. The mysterious death of a 7 yearold girl who vanished while attending a High School Football game is under investigation in kentucky. Police say the girl who has not been identified was at the game near Bowling Green with her mother when show just a massive search was undertaken. The girls lifeless body found in a creek about a half hour later. We will be doing an examination to determine the manner and the cause of the death. At this particular time, the investigation is being handled by the detectives at our post. And it is being handled as a homicide. So far, police have not made any arrests. Five men from yemen held for more than 13 years, at guantanamo, in cuba, without being charged with a crime, have been freed. The passenger says the men are being allowed to resettle in the United Arab Emirates because they no longer pose a threat. One of the men was described as a possible body guard to al qaeda leader osama bin laden. The others were considered low level fighters. A rare sight, a tornado touches down in a very unexpected place. We will show you where. And a man claims he got through Airport Security, with a loaded gun. It is raising new questions about tsa screenings. And lets take a live picture outside. Beautiful blue skies. We are in the 60s right now. Meteorologist bill erance is up if youre approaching 65, nows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. You see, medicare doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. They are cleaning up across central california, after a area. The twister damaged homes and cars, in communities east of San Francisco yesterday. And trees were uprooted, and the Violent Storm caught many residents offguard. Some big chunks of metal in the air caught my attention. There were tarps and pieces of metal sighting, and big bouncy balls, like kids toy, flying around, in the funnel. Fortunately, no injuries though. And you think california, and you think earthquakes and mud slides, and you think droughts, and what about a tornado added to the mix now . It is scary stuff when it happens. That is one of the most unusual places to have one and when you see it in the distance, it looks like some spinning debris in the distance. But it is metal and pipes and all those kinds of things. Scary. Tornadoes can happen anywhere on earth. We have none of that headed our way. We had some very quiet trendful weather. A look outside, a look at the camera in brooklyn, over to the east side, wall street, Bowling Green, and all of this looks really good here as we are looking at boats headed up under the Brooklyn Bridge. It looks like a small coast guard cutter headed out. Blue skies. Gorgeous weather. Here at noontime, it is really pretty. And it is actually pretty quiet. And pretty warm. 63 degrees. The normal afternoon High Temperature this time of the year is 52. The humidity is dry. The pressure is hanging around, right around 30. 20. And so really, that is moderate High Pressure that is over us. And another reinforcing shot of High Pressure, it is coming in this evening and bringing some cooler weather our way. We will be watching that High Temperature today, as it probably gets 13, 14 degrees warmer than our normal, which is 54. And the sunset later on today at 4 37. A gorgeous sunset. And here is what you can expect, temperatures are going to tumble tonight. And tomorrow is a cool day. As the thermometer and the temperatures, well, they will fight to get to 50. Cloud up on wednesday. And a nice weekend coming up. And then thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, should be nice weather. And 64 at riverdale. White stone, ridgewood, cambria heights. The numbers are way warm. We should be at a degrees. And a in the five buroughs, and 40 north and west. Look how much warmer, 40 to 45, up to the north and west. We are in the low 60s. Really warm ahead of the cold front. So that is what is warming us up. The front itself is way off, i shouldnt say way off to the north but the front is really here, just to the north of kingston. You only see it by just a little bit of some cloud cover. And this is cooler air that will come down out of canada and a bubble of high, and give us a couple of nice days before you see all of this rain back in the midwest, from minneapolis saint paul, to the Northern Plains and mid Mississippi Valley and down to the ohio valley. That spreads eastward and comes to us on thursday. So our future cast, is going to show just that little line of clouds sagging to the south. By midnight. And thats the cooler air filtering in tonight. Which will give us 30s in the suburbs, and low 40s around the city. And then here comes the rain that we are talking about. For thursday. 7 00, it gets cloudy. And the rain will come in toward the end of the morning commute. The timing could change just a little bit. But the front moves, north south across us, today, it makes for cool weather tomorrow. And then eventually, the mild weather will make a comeback that is off to the south and west, and bubble of high, it leaves this high to our west, it will come in and warm us up back into the upper as for wednesday and then the front gets here, the temperatures warm into the 60s. And just before this front gets here, on thursday, with the rain. And so tomorrow, it is much cooler. 52 degrees. We are going to be at 67 today. Cooler tomorrow. As the high bubble goes eastward, we will warm up to 58, with a few clouds late in the day tomorrow. And then here comes all of the mish mash for thursday. Area. Pleasant this afternoon. We are at 67. Tonight, partly cloudy, and 42. And tomorrow, much cooler, and we do have sunshine, and the temperatures are 15 degrees cooler, and 52 for tomorrow. Thursday. And that rain could be heavy. We could have an inch or two of rain on thursday and some spots even a little more than that. Wind swept rain and it looks like it gets out of here by thursday night and that sets our weekend up to be rather nice, with 52 on saturday. And we are looking at about 54 on sunday. So we are looking at some beautiful weather for the weekend. Muchneeded rain coming on thursday. Today, it is wonderful outside. Yes. Dont mind it a bit. Thank you, bill. A flight scare. We will tell you what got passengers pulled from a flight to boston. The most expensive face transplant ever performed. See the firefighter who is getting a Second Chance with the help of surgeons right h if you look closely, you can see the exact second, when curiosity becomes wonder, when winter becomes christmas, and joy becomes a tradition. A moment that can only happen. The radio city christmasspectacular presented by chase. You bring the family, we bring the joy. Visit radiocitychristmas. Com er a security scare rattled nerves for passengers on a plight to boston. An American Airlines flight was evacuated on the ground at Reagan National airport. In washington, d. C. With the crew expressing concerns about two passengers. Crew members thought the travelers were acting suspicious before the plane took off. Police and canine units swept the aircraft and no threat was found. The two passengers were questioned by police and released. Well, the Supreme Court has rejected an antiabortion groups bid to force disclosure of planned parenthoods confidential records. The case involves some records in new hampshire. Jugsjustices allowed some there is a 1 Million Contract awarded to planned parenthood in 2011. Hotel behemoth Marriott International could become longer as it bought rival chain starwood in a 12 billion deal. The deal would bring starwood and sheraton and westen and more together with fairfield inn, and two dozen brands. If the deal goes through, marriott would have 5500 properties and more than 1. 1 million rooms around the world. Jessy Tyler Ferguson heading back to broadway for not just one role but 40. He can handle it. He was signed up for the one man comedy. It is called fully committed. Ferguson will play an aspiring actor and reservations clerk at an upscale new york city restaurant and play his because, coworkers and throw any more characters, in it, they. Would it they would. The show opens in april. He will have our attention, thats for sure. Much more news ahead in the next half hour, the latest on the attacks in paris plus the governors across the countries who say they wont let Syrian Refugees in their state. The groundbreaking moment at nyu. Doctors achieving an incredible face transplant and surgery, one that has got everyone talking. Especially since it involves one of our own firefighters. Eyewitness news is coming right back. Its the holidays. Which means a house full of people who all want to get online. So its the perfect time for verizon fios. It has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. With speeds from 50 to 500 megs. And right now, youll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone and with a 2 year agreement, well give you all the premium movie channels for a year. Plus, 400 dollars back. So go online or call now. Get out of the past. Get fios. Our top story this afternoon, the attacks in paris, moments of silence, being held across the world for the victims of fridays deadly attacks. Here in our area, there is a growing memorial outside the french consulate on the upper east ide. And just a few minutes ago, the eiffel tower turned on its lights for the First Time Since the attacks, and here is another live look at the landmark lit up, blue, white and red. And there is an International Man hunt for authorities believe is connected to the attacks. We will have another report minutes. Hello again am im david navarro. A Ground Breaking surgery right here in new york city. Nyu announced it completed a face transplant for a volunteer firefighter. The First Responder suspendered horrific burns on his face in 2001. Eyewitness News Reporter mallory huff is live outside nyu Medical Center in manhattan with this story. Mallory . Reporter shirley, and david, really this surgery took a group of over 100 people 26 hours to complete. And now, a volunteer firefighter has a new face. The surgery took place here, at nyus own Medical Center. As you can see, the incredible transformation is just miraculous. This is being considered the most extensive face transplant to date worldwide. The team. The procurement of the face took approximately 12 hours. The preparation of patricks face took approximately eight hours. The face was brought from the donor room, to the recipient room. This was a well synchronized executed procedure, one that we had rehearsed so many times. And we are now learning that this transplant cost between 800,000 and a million dollars. It was paid for by Medical Center grant money. Live at myu Medical Center Eyewitness News. Thank you, mallory. Emergency crews have found the body at the scene of a house fire on long island. The fire started around 2 00 this morning at a home in medford in suffolk county. When firefighters arrived at the house on maple street, smoke was billowing into the air, as you can see. At this point, investigators are not sure how the victim died. At least three people are under arrest, in jersey city, accused of tampering with evidence at a murder scene. Police say a man was shot and killed inside a deli on ocean avenue on sunday. According to police, a mini market owner, the coowner and an employee, tried to hide anything connected to the alleged illegal gambling operation inside the business. And investigators believe the victims body was also moved. No one has been arrested for this killing. Now to the continuing coverage of the attacks in paris. And this afternoon, touching all of our lives, the memorial of the 9 11, we will take you back to paris at 6 30. A live look as people are still gathering there to remember the victims. Right now, an International Man hunt under way for one of the escaped people that they have been searching for, in the terror attacks. This morning, authorities thought they had him cornered but it appears he is still on the run. Abcs aaron kiturski is in paris with the later. Reporter on a day the entire continent stopped to mourn the victims of the attacks three days ago the president of france told parliament today, this country is at war. In solidarity with a city that grieves, all of europe paused today, to stand for a minute with the people of paris. Mourners broke out in applause here at the plaza. And at the sorebon, the crowd sang the French National anthem. Ongoing commemorations, as the city of lights tries to restore its shine. People are back at work. Taking subways and buses again. But caulk turned into chaos coffee calm turned into chaos over the weekend when the sound of fireworks sent hundreds of mourners at a makeshift memorial running. Some falling in the confusion. Others taking cover in this coffee shop. Many parissians are still shaken by fridays attacks, as stories of survival emerge like this pregnant woman hanging outside the window of the theater crying for help. She and her unborn baby are unharmed. And this couple, just eight rows from the stage when the shots rang out friday night at the rock concert it was a horrible silence. Like the sound of i didnt hear anything else. Witnesses at the theater says the bombers urged one another to create maximum carnage. There were 19 different nationalities among the victims. And in their memory, the eiffel tower is going to light up tonight in the red, blue and white of the french flag, plus the motto, tossed but not sunk. Abc news, paris. We have shown images from around the world of people, in other countries, showing solidarity to the victims in france. Rangers game, the French National anthem was played. And there was also a moment of silence in the garden. Governors from multiple states are blocking Syrian Refugees from entering their states. The governors of alabama, texas, louisiana, indiana packers quarterback, aaron rogers is speaking out about an offensive comment he heard during a moment of silence during the game in green bay. I must admit that i was very disappointed with whoever the fan was who made a comment that i thought was really appropriate during the moment of silence. It is that kind of prejudicial ideology that i think puts us in the position that we are in today as a world. Rogers did not discuss the specifics of the comment or the fan who made the remarks. Now to this story, governors from multiple states are blocking Syrian Refugees from entering their states. The governors of alabama, texas, louisiana, indiana, michigan, and arkansas, have announced they oppose any federal effort to relocate states. President obama still plans to allow 10,000 Syrian Refugees into the u. S. Next year. Well, despite wanting to do the right thing, facebook is taking some flack for activating a safety check feature after the paris attacks. More than 4 million facebook users in the area used it to notify their friends that they were safe. Critics have asked why facebook didnt activate the feature after thursdays deadly bombing in beirut, lebanon. The Ceo Mark Zuckerberg says until saturday, the safety check was only used for natural disasters and he says now it will be used after some human disasters as well. Stay with Eyewitness News for developments on the attacks in paris and the latest in the investigation. You can also find information any time, at abc 7ny. We will have live reports from paris, starting on Eyewitness News first at 4 00. And we want to turn now to meteorologist bill evans with the after school abc forecast. We have sunshine, and it is absolutely gorgeous. As we look right here, through the ghost busters lens here, at the bay, 63 degrees. It will crank on up to the mid 60s. To probably 67 this afternoon. And with clear to partly cloudy skies, diving into the 50s tonight. Cooler air pours in. After school, it is absolutely gorgeous. Great for after school practice, games, all that kind of stuff, and really nice stuff. Get outside kids and enjoy. Because cooler weather and eventually some rain are on the we will talk about that next in the accuweather forecast. David, shirley, back to you. All right, bill, thanks a lot. Thank you, bill. Legalizing the use of marijuana in new jersey. Coming up, Eyewitness News what is happening today that could have lawmakers moving forward with that idea. Plus, a man claims he got through security at the nations Busiest Airport with a loaded gun. Questions im chris bosh. When i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, theres limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions. Dont get me started on that. I didnt have to. We started on xarelto. Nice pass. Safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. You know xarelto is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto. Was the right move for us. Caring about the things that make each of our clients unique. Thats what makes Riverspring Health unique. We expect to learn more about the takedown of a massive heroin distribution ring on long island. Police are expected to announce the arrest of several people including father and son Richard Bruno senior and jr. Are among eight people arrested, the son is charged with leading a crew of dealers who sold heroin and cocaine in the hamptons held on 1. 5 million bail. And the father is accused of stashing some of the drugs at his home in farmingville. Lawmakers in new jersey will discuss legalizing Recreational Use of marijuana in the state. A Senate Judiciary committee will hear from clergy and Health Enforcement officials and one of several hearings. Marijuana has been legalized for all uses in colorado, washington, oregon, and alaska. It is legalized for medical use in 20 other states, including new jersey. A man from georgia says he accidentally got his handgun through Airport Security undetected. Blake alford said he didnt know he had left a loaded gun in his backpack when he flew from atlanta to chicago. He says he went through the normal procedures of tsa security without experiencing any issues. He discovered the gun in his backpack later. After he was in chicago. I just want to do the right thing. I dont want to get in trouble. I didnt want to get anybody in trouble. Alfred put the gun with the bullets packed separately in his checked bag when he flew back to atlanta and once home he decided to tell his story and what happened to him is a cautionary tale that the tags to be more careful. An unexpected site roaming the streets of philadelphia, due expect to see this. You dont expect to see this. Zebras on the loose. They escaped from a circus and ran around for ang hour before caught. No one was hurt. They seem to be fire. Circus Officials Say they dont know how the see brass escapedden of the Postal Service says the Fiscal Year Ended with another staggering loss, 5 billion loss, with a b, which is a slight improvement over last year, and revenues were up and it made an operating profit of 1. 2 billion, but the losses due to the volume of mail continuing to drop. And the high cost of Retiree Health care obligations. A Massachusetts Woman has prevailed, in her fight to wear a koll der on her head collander on her head in the drivers license photo. She is a member of the church of the flying spaghetti monster. I kid you. No the the department of Motor Vehicle i kid you not. Vehicles said no. And they are discriminating, and you havent heard of them, there are so many religions, how will you know of them . The registry reversed itself before the appeal and she got the collander on her head. Clearly making a point here. Tongue firmly in cheek with that picture. Yes. The buffalo billing part of a recordsetting moment just ahead. Why last mons game in london could change the way we watch future nfl games. And the new effort to a look at come seek the royal caribbean. Youd be surprised how easy it is to get a good lowcost health plan choose yours today, you might even get help paying for it go to nystateofhealth. Ny. Gov its here, the first gummy multivitamin. From centrum. A complete, and tasty way to support. Your energy. Immunity. And metabolism like never before. Centrum multigummies. See gummies in a whole new light. If you could see your cough, its just a cough. Youd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. New robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, new robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Because its never just a cough. W police want your help finding a pair of manhattan robbers who have been beating up their victims. Take a look at these pictures. Police say these two guys attacked four people, in and around gramercy. All of the robberies happened during a nine hour period on november 67. They got away with cash, credit cards and cell phones. Okay. New york state lawmakers will look attests to boost tourism at state parks and other recreational programs is paying off. The state assemblebly committee holding a hearing in the city to assess the results of campaigns like i love new york and committed to historic sites, and more than 320 million was allocated to the state office of parks and recreation preservation in this years budget. A company hoping to make high rise. It is planning to make a 12 Story Building out of wood. Wood. The architects in portland, oregon, will use cross laminated timber which is stronger and lighter than regular timber. The developer says high rise wood buildings are popular in switzerland and some parts of england and canada. And i will huff, and i will puff. It will not go down. [ laughter ] not that house. I hope not. I have seen those. They are absolutely gorgeous. Yes. Did you see one here . We have everything here. In yes. [ laughter ] foot apartment, right . It is doable. Lear we go. We will take a look here we go. We will take a look outside. Sunshine this noon hour. Under the Brooklyn Bridge here, degrees. Humidity is 38 . This is some spring stuff here. I mean we are talking about, like late make and early june, with the west wind at 7 and unfortunately it is only one day for the warm air enthusiasts and people who like it above normal for the fall. And yesterdays high was 58. This is your kind of stuff, and today we will get to 67 for the high. And the weather is so nice, north port, and massapequa, people are taking the day off. 64 belmar. And look at newark, already 67 degrees. We might get to 70 at newark for this afternoon. It is always a warm spot. We got winds there out of the west at 12. And 7 around the park. And 14 mileanhour wind at white plains. And 12 at newburgh. And 5 at monticello. The wind will go northwest. And the front that is here to the north, right there, you can see a little line of it by the cloud cover, that will sag on southward, across the area tonight. And tomorrow. And we will still have a little bit of that High Pressure ridge left. And then this rain will get to us on thursday. And then behind that, will be more seasonable temperatures for the weekend. And our future cast, shows that line of clouds sagging across new jersey. And by midnight, thats the cooler air that comes in that tomorrow. Wednesday is a cloudy day and by thursday, 8 00 a. M. , the computer is showing the rain to pike county and pennsylvania and into the catskills by 8 00 on thursday. We are look at the temperature, getting into the good old mid 60s this afternoon. And normal high is 54. And we see that temperature diving down tonight and tomorrow, and much cooler and at 52 degrees. The high kind of hangs right there, and we will see some clouds kind of swirling around the backside of that, but wednesday, it will be warming up. 58 degrees. And here comes the rain, with this low. The low will put a massive amount of snow in the rockies. It will cut up through lake michigan, superior, into canada and swing the front through here thursday afternoon and could give us an inch or maybe two of rain on thursday. We have plenty of sunshine and pleasant weather for the afternoon. With 67. And tonight, it is partly cloudy, and then a low of 42. 3eu 32 in the suburbs. And we are right around 52. And it is 54 the normal high. So that is pretty close to normal for this time of year. Then we get to 58 on wednesday. And clouds increase. And then we have rain thursday. And then friday, clouds decrease. With a lie of 58 and sunshine. Fright afternoon. Getting into the weekend. Saturday, 52. And 40. They got a little Football Game point. Right there at the wonderful west point. They take on the black knights. They take on the Scarlet Knights. Saturday. Black knights and Scarlet Knights on saturday. Good weather for that. Thank you, bill. Important news for the owners of the kia soul. A steering problem has recalled a quarter until cars. Kia says the steering could road. It affects models this year and last year. Kia says it has not had any reports of injuries. Yahoos recent live screening of the game played in london set a new record, between the jaguars and Buffalo Bills on october 25, scored more than a Million Viewers the Largest Online live sporting event but it is a long. Because analysts believe the experiment could set off an unparalleled skirmish for sports streaming rights. This they just put their toe in the water on this issue. And look what happened. People love it online. A lot more to come. Absolutely. Well, well be right back, but first, a look at what is coming up next on the chew. Hey, guys, took we are dime. Pie. With the star of how to get away with murder and karla is making an indulgent turkey day dish and i have a five in five table in attention Medicare Beneficiaries living in these. New york city and new jersey area counties. Now is the time to review your current medicare coverage. Whatever your Health Coverage needs, call now and let unitedhealthcare help find a plan that could give you the benefits and stability youre looking for. Like an aarp medicarecomplete plan, insured through unitedhealthcare. It can combine medicare parts a and b. Which is your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more. All in one simple plan for a 0 dollar monthly premium. If you live in these new york city these Medicare Advantage plans offer you. Visits to your primary care doctor for a low copay. Theres more. You can get routine vision, hearing and foot care coverage. Hearing aids as low as 390 each, saving you thousands. 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Jury selection begins in the trial of a former political power broker in albany. Dean skillos faces federal extortion and bribery charges. The long island republican and state Senate Majority leader, until he was raefed in may. He is charged in a plot that earned his son adam more than 300,000, adams trial began two weeks ago. Security fears led to a Plane Evacuation in washington, d. C. Passengers lined up to pick up their luggage after American Airlines flight 2124 landed in boston. The crew thought two people were behaving suspiciously in dc, and they were questioned and released. All 115 people were removed from the plane in washington, aircraft. Out there today. Yes. And recapping the latest on the paris terror attacks the president of france says he is presenting a bill that will extend the state of emergency there for three months. And just a short time ago the eiffel tower turned on its lights for the First Time Since the attack. A live look at the landmark, lit up in blue, white and red. And there continues to be an International Man hunt for one of men authorities believe is connected to the attacks. President obama says the world stands united with france. We have seen outrageous attacks by isil in beirut, last month in ankara, routinely in iraq. Here at the g20, our nations have sent an unmistakable message, that we are united against this threat. We will update you throughout the afternoon, on air and online. And that will do it for this addition of Eyewitness News. Im david ma na var row. Make sure for the girl scout meeting. For the soccer team. For the girl scout meeting. How many meetings are you having . at stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. My stop shop. Sometimes, we all need a little help. Today, you helped her plant a garden, and you want to be there to help her with all her tomorrows. If youre trying to quit smoking, you may need a little help. Medications to help you stop smoking. 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