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For every homeowner. Zbood evening and we begin tonight with two major headlines in the race for president. First, the quickly changing landscape. Moments ago, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announcing he is dropping out of the race. He now exits the race saying this decision was difficult, that he is clearing the field. It comes among a firestorm with another candidate, ben carson, saying when it comes to electing a muslim president in the country, i absolutely would not deal with that. Now, scott walker out of the race. Reporter tonight, scott walkers stunning political freefall coming to an end, his campaign now over, sources saying he just ran out of money. Today, i believe that i am clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field. Reporter walkers working class roots and tough stance on unions made him a republican favorite. Just before entering the race, the governor and his family sitting down with abc news, saying they were ready for the fight. As a family, i think weve been tested. Weve been tested like, i think, nobody else out there. Reporter but in the spotlight, walker withered, fumbling policy questions and failing to catch fire in debates. Now he is out, and tonight, a call for another republican to drop out as well. Dr. Ben carson under fire after this answer to the question of should matter. If it fits within the realm of america and consistent with the constitution, no problem. So do you believe that islam is consistent with the constitution . No, i do not. I would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that. Reporter the only two muslim members of congress slamming carson as out of touch and simply ridiculous. But carson doubling down in an interview with the hill, saying whoever takes the white house should be sworn in on a stack of bibles, not a koran. Today, several rivals, including senator ted cruz and Hillary Clinton pointing to article six of the constitution, which states no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office. Islam a Campaign Flashpoint for days, since this moment at a donald trump town meeting. We have a problem in this country, its called muslims. Reporter trump, refusing to challenge the man. New poll numbers out this evening. Carly fiornni is now leading. We have tried to contact her. And i just spoke with donald trump. He said that anyone should be able to run despite their faith. The poll numbers there shifting as well. After Hillary Clintons poll numbers were sinking, tonight it would appear they are slowly on the rise again. If the Vice President doesnt run, clintons lead jumps eat 15 points. That is the big question tonight. Will joe biden run . The president offering a new hint. Its not quite there yet. And may not get there in time to make it feasible to be able to run and succeed because there are certain windows that will close. But if thats it, thats it. But its not like i can rush it. The Vice President adding this is a family decision. And at least one family member, his wife, dr. Jill biden, says she is 100 on board if he husband decides to run. We turn to pope francis. In less than 24 hours, he will arrive here in the u. S. And the protester getting up to the pope, touching his hand. This evening, we are learning about his meeting with fidel castro. And terry moran on what the holy father gave castro and what castro gave him in return. Reporter there was joy in the streets today. Francis in his open popemobile and they reached for him. Their latin american brother. This is the press box, we have some of the best seats in the house. And beyond us, the tens of thousands out in the sweltering sun. Its been a dramatic couple days, the pope greeting journalists on the papal plane. Towering above it all. And francis everywhere, getting so close to the people here. The jubilant images are just what the swrat can and the cuban government want. And this image too. Francis and fidel castro. The pope and the communist revolutionary, meeting at his home yesterday. Francis even bowing his head. The pope gave castro five books on faith. And castro gave the pope a book on castro, and his views on religion. And not what a regime wants to show. A protester desperate to reach the pope. Pulled away by security officers. The pope called him back. Touches his hand as he listens and watches as the man is ripped ababy security guards and the pope continued on. Smiling. That very unscripted moment is what you get with the pope who likes to be so close to the people. And francis heads to the United States tomorrow, there is a lot of excitement for him and genuine security concerns as well. David . We look forward to joining you in. Dicky . And in the meantime, security is ramped up in the u. S. Across the capital tonight, the area closed. Cecilia vega now with the route the pope will take. Reporter it is down to the finishing touches. A sea of chairs out. The welcome banner up. Just that the holy father is coming to our country is really exciting. Reporter first stop washington. A visit to the white house and a first ever papal address to congress. In new york, a procession through central park, mass at Madison Square garden for 20,000. In philadelphia, pope francis will stand at the same lectern Abraham Lincoln used to deliver the gettysburg address. One of the largest Security Operations in u. S. History. Thousands of cameras and officers on patrol. The pope cruising around in his openair pope mobile. Saint patricks cathedral now glistens. 9,000 organ pipes cleaned, the communion wafers ready, the programs all printed. The goal, nothing short of immaculate. Here at the Largest Catholic Church in the country, it is a mad dash to finish on time, but even with all of this planning you never know what youre going to get with pope francis, david. After all he is the pope of surprises. As we know well. Cecilia, thank you. Now an abc news exclusive tonight. The county clerk over the center of the showdown in kentucky over samesex marriage. Breaking her silence right here. Kim hughes sent to jail for more than five days, saying she was heeding the law of god, not the law of man. Celebrating with her hands in the air as eye of the tiger played in the background. Now they are issuing the licenses without her blessing and without her name. With paula faris. I know its not been easy for your family. You received death threats. A lot of negative emails, a lot of negative fans, critics. Whats hurt you most . What people say about me does not define who i am. That is everyones opinion and thats everybodys right. I have been called hitler. Ive been called a hypocrite. Ive been called a homophobe. I have been called and names in the world. What probably hurts me the worst is when someone tells me that my god does not love me, mrs. Faris, im just a normal person. You can send us your reaction on twitter and facebook. Tomorrow, kim davis oips up to paula faris about her time in jail. We head on to phoenix. A series of shooters along. Tnt, a suspect telling the judge they got the wrong man. And new the evidence, the gun linked to four cases and seven incidents as well. Leaving the community on edge, fearing a shooter may still on the loose. Here is katia whitworth. Reporter tonight, a suspect behind bars, but the fear far from over. Police say 21yearold Leslie Merritt jr. Used a. 9 mm handgun in four of those terrifying highway shootings, but say they are still investigating what happened in the seven other incidents, including the possibility of copycats. Were still working on this and i still think there are things to answer. Reporter meanwhile merritt jr. , potentially facing 28 felony charges, defiant at his arraignment. All i have to say is that im the wrong guy. I tried telling the detectives that. Reporter the father of two whose facebook postings frequently showed guns claiming he pawned his gun before the shootings. My guns been in pawn shop for the last two months. I havent even had access to a weapon. Reporter but authorities tonight disagreeing and saying they know the date that he pawned the gun. We have the probable cause to believe this is the right guy. Reporter merritt jr. s next Court Appearance is scheduled for friday, but investigators still not giving the allclear. In fact, many bus drivers still being ordered to avoid these freeways. David . Thank you. A former erer executive in a peanut company, accused of knowing the danger and hiding it, oshderring that tainted Peanut Butter be mailed any way. Saying, quote, just ship it. Reporter Stewart Parnell is a former c. E. O now facing years, after he knowing i had shipped Peanut Butter from this plant, contaminated with salmon nell la. Creating bogus test results, with parnell himself emailing staffers at his georgia plant to just ship it. I cannot afford to lose another customer. I just ate the Peanut Butter crackers. Reporter jake hurley was only 3 when he got sick. He and his dad came to court arguing for the maximum penalty. I think a life sentence is appropriate for stuart parnell. Telling us he is a good man who never intended to hurt anyone. Reporter david, one of the things peter hurley wants is for congress to give the f. D. A. More money to inspect Food Processing plants. He says that would help stop tainted products from ever reaching store shelves. David. Now to a dramatic day in court. The mysterious death of baby doe. After a sketch, her identity now revealed. And the dramatic moments in a courtroom playing out. Here is linsey davis. Reporter today the months of anguish elicited by this photo turned to anger as baby bellas mother and her mothers boyfriend appeared in court. You rot in hell. Reporter 35yearold Michael Mccarthy charged with bellas murder, and her mother rachelle bond charged as an accessory, accused of helping him to cover it up. It was a friend of mccarthy who went to police after talking with bond. Ms. Bond broke down crying and said, i will never see my daughter again. He asked her, what do you mean by that . Michael mccarthy killed her. Reporter bond told police one night in may bella was unruly, and mccarthy said he would go calm her down. When it became quiet she went to check on them. She found mr. Mccarthy standing over bella, he said, she was a demon and it was her time to die. Reporter police found books involving demons and death inside the home. Today in court, bellas biological father wiping away tears. Mccarthy is being held without bail. Bond is being held on one Million Dollars cash bond. Both are scheduled to appear back in court next month. Now to economy now and volkswagen. Confessing to usesing a scam to rig a test in half a million cars. Several models. Tonight, the scandal sending now facing a possible 18 billion fine and perhaps criminal charges. There is still more ahead on world news this sunday. The warning now tonight after this massive explosion. Several people burn md. Three point tips for every homeowner coming up. And iphones and ipads. S doens of apps that can steal your personal information. And man of us watching last night, john hamm climbing on the stage, breaking the streak. And viola davis here, we remember what she said about the woman she made proud. What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. Prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. Common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. Get this one done. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13 today. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. Cmon lets sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . all no. Thats why im reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. wolves howling when heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. Next tonight, the invisible danger hiding in homes across the country. The house in texas blown apart by a massive explosion. At least people hurt. Yet again, the question, was ryan owens on the scene tonight. We heard the explosion and felt it. Reporter one home obliterated and nine homes damaged with debris. Here is what the home looked like before the blast at 8 00 this morning. Tonight, theres just nothing left. Three people were injured. The two who lived in the house, severely burned. Nothing short of a miracle. Last month, dozens of guests at this hotel in seattle barely escaped when an explosion ripped off the side sof a building. Safety experts say theres not much you can do but rush out of the building if you smell natural gas. They do warn you not to the turn on the lights and only call the authorities once youre a safe distance away. Neighbors say they did call the gas company over the weekend. But investigators are trying to find the exact cause. A fire chief says a natural gas leak is the chief suspect. David. When we come back, the lifesaving drug that once cost 13. 50 now costing 750. The out rage tonight. And apple, a hack attack involving iphones and ipads. 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Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So talk to your doctor, and for details, visit jardiance. Com. To the index of other news tonight. Apple pulling more than three dozen apps to the itunes store after that hack with hack ware. Able to access icloud pass woerds and open up websites. We have more on our website. Outrage over a stunning price hike for a life saving drug. Infection, now with a 5,000 increase over night. Bringing securityny. And red cars thought to bring drivers higher tickets and insurance. And a new study shows drivers of the red cars pay the same insurance as the rest of us. And a science at uc berkeley says they have created an invisibility cloak, making things invisible. They say its tiny. They hope for more. When when come back, the history making moment, millions watching. 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Viola davis. How to get away with murder. Reporter viola davis the first black actress ever to win the emmy for best actress in a drama. The star of how to get away with murder teaching us how to make history. And let me tell you something the only think separating women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an emmy for roles that are simply not there. Reporter and we remember our moment with her, the nerves before her hit show even began, in the school where she began. As a student, 1993. 1993. Reporter sometimes seven days a week. Remember these lockers. Lots of tears at these lockers. Reporter born in st. Matthew south carolina, one of six, in a oneroom house. My grandmother delivered me 1965. Because the midwife was late. Reporter her grandmother moselle would watch that little girl graduate from college. And she whispered, im so proud, granddaughter. Reporter i delivered you, she said. Yeah. Reporter and the moment the students at jewel where stunned when their role mod l walked in. Reporter viola davis, giving them advice and high fives. Those students cheering for her last night. Thank you for taking us across that line. [ applause ] thrashers for watching. Hope to see you right back here

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