Near Michael Bloomberg on stage with his rivals for the 1st time Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete booted judge entered the debate fresh off of strong performances in Iowa New Hampshire the 1st 2 states to make their selections in the nominating process contest Minnesota Senator Amy Cobra sure is looking to ride momentum from a surprise 3rd place finish in New Hampshire and among the candidates for whom the debate and Saturday's voting are a chance to breakthrough and recapture the support that made them strong contenders in earlier national polls are former Vice President Joe Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren the White House is denying reports that President Trump offered to pardon Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange if he would say Russia had nothing to do with leaking Democratic e-mails in 2016 we get more from a.p. Correspondent Mike Ross at a preliminary hearing in London Wednesday an attorney for Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange read a statement from another lawyer who says that Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher went to see a songe at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in $27.00 team on instructions from President Donald Trump according to the statement from Attorney Jennifer Robinson Rohrabacher relayed that Trump was offering a pardon or some other way out if Assad said Russia had nothing to do with the leaks from the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election White House Spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham says Trump has never spoken to Rohrabacher about a songe a full hearing for a song she is fighting extradition to the u.s. On spying charges is scheduled to begin next week I'm Mike Ross 8 people were killed on Wednesday and 2 shooting incidents in a German city near Frankfurt and special forces were chasing the gunman who fled in a car local media said the gunman had opened fire to a shisha bars and heavily armed police sealed 2 streets in the city this is the only news President Trump has tapped a staunch supporter to serve as acting director of National Intelligence e.p. . Correspondent Jackie Quinn Richard Grinnell's been serving as the u.s. Ambassador to Germany now he'll replace Joseph McGuire who was acting national intelligence director since August the move puts a loyal Trump ally in charge of the nation's 17 spy agencies there are some who are criticizing the announcement they say this sensitive a job should go to someone with deep experience in intelligence and by naming Grinnell as acting director the president is able to sidestep a confirmation hearing in the Senate Jackie Quinn Washington more than 100 Hong Kong residents who were quarantined on the Diamond Princess cruise in Japan for over 2 weeks landed Thursday morning in the Asian financial hub where they will face a further 14 days of Korean teen authority said 55 of the 364 Hong Kong residents on the ship were infected with the coronavirus they will remain in Japan along with 33 other citizens who have been in close contact with them one alert recently says that 2 people have died who were on the ship u.n. Officials express alarm on Wednesday at the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria gear Petersen the u.n. Special envoy for Syria briefed the Security Council Wednesday are along by the rapid deterioration of humanitarian situation in Libya Syria and the tragic suffering of civilians and the u.n. Humanitarian affairs chief Mark Lowcock called on the warring parties to present fact the displaced the filming of women and children living on the scraps of plastic sheeting and in freezing conditions is cruel beyond belief we are still trying to count the number of civilians killed yesterday backed by heavy Russian airstrikes Syrian government forces have for weeks been conducting a crushing military campaign to recapture the Aleppo countryside and parts of neighboring itll a province in northwestern Syria. Mexican law enforcement has arrested dust the suspects in the killing of a 7 year old girl whose murder rocked the capital with protest and the body of a team of Sicilia was discovered over the weekend and not plastic garbage bags sparking outrage over their rolling violence there u.s. Secretary of state Mike pump Ale has condemned China's expulsion of 3 Wall Street Journal reporters after the paper's opinion section published a piece critical of China's handling of the corona virus outbreak and a statement from pale said mature responsible countries understand that a free press publishes facts and expresses opinions I'm Tommy McNeill below in. Good morning Africa welcome to daybreak Africa for the Voice of America but in Washington today is Thursday February 27th here are some of the stories we are covering Italy's government says it is ready for such a this presidential election giving us a ball some local observers from monitoring the polls in the months to. Over the weekend if that independent and. Vote for you but. If you go about why Rice told us myself a public administration has Polonetsky passes to keep the Electoral Reform motions will have an update on Guinea Bissau electoral crisis and Libya's un by the government says it has suspended talks with General. Us forces the shelling attack on a cargo ship in Tripoli Harbor by Libyan forces during Easter a commander General start to stay appears to Adele to set back to the way sponsored talks in Geneva That's correspondent Ed where you radio in Cairo Uganda says export amazed grain to Zimbabwe is a win win situation and an identified Zimbabwean woman has me admitted to a hospital in Harare after showing symptoms of the corona knows there is a more coming up on Daybreak Africa. The government says all is ready for Saturday's presidential election even as it barred some local observers from monitoring the polls Togo's Election Commission said Wednesday that it has counseled the accreditation of the national consultation of civil society of Togo and its 500 observers from monitoring Saturday's vote the commission has also blocked the monitors. The Catholic Church Gilmore by law Togo's Minister for Public Administration says the tool musicians are not neutral president for not simply was seeking another term is being challenged by opposition coalition candidates and from a Prime Minister I by all means call Joe information minister but while Russia says all has been put in place to make such a dizzy lection transparent and peaceful become. The company will be. So we will. Include Election Day. Also very. Simply and all the required by the village. Election. So how do you think oh you know kind of the president for nothing but I usually don't when the you think he's going to be reelected Yeah yeah yeah well you know they got the population. All over the country from the. From the. West and the level of. Commitment. You know down on the 2nd. We hear that the elections commission says that the national consultation of civil society of Togo and also the Catholic Church cannot observe the election is that true I think . Quite. Independently and it. Will be. When you said they are not independent What do you me I think when you take. The. Political debate by giving the impression that the. Defendant. Probably but happily and this is what happened we've. Got to. Go But what about the Togolese diaspora I think we spoke the last time maybe last year that the government was making an Irishman's phone to Billy's diaspora to register and to vote in this election will they be able to vote definitely do it every. One of them have not left. Anyhow we will grow from the situation and see how we can improve. In the next election it seems that the government has made it difficult for the diaspora to have the necessary preparation because what we understand is that the government is demanding a valid to Willy's passport want and a state issue id card and the issue register with the embassy of Togo some of these people being here have less if I sample in the United States for 1520 years and still when they get in their valid passport How do you know that we live if you cannot. Speak out or you don't have the power how can you prove that not live in Tokyo but. In the United States. If you don't have the balls or you don't have people how do you prove that you are in the United Nations . If you don't have a document from the embassy so this is the problem of what I've been talking and them all sitting here and they're preparing themselves. Thank you for. The possibility. This is not the fault of the government but at the point of. Truthfully Anyhow I thought you would drop some level of that yes and are we going to thank you very much again we look forward to speaking with you again probably on Saturday thank you very much thank you Reza Gilbert but while I still go Spanish to full public administration he was speaking with us from the capital loamy Malawi's parliament on Wednesday adopted 2 motions to amend the Electoral Commission Act in the palm entry and presidential election at the moment as part of electoral reforms recommended by the Constitutional Court is Feb 3rd ruling knowledge find the May 200-1000 presidential election results Rafique I jot is that could have done a ton of the Institute for Policy interaction in Malawi the Kharif Bill was the 50 plus one majority stipulation. In addition the amendment of the Electoral Commission bill to change the composition of the electoral commission so that they are no longer pointed by the president but more by the public appointments committee of Parliament so in reality this one's a victory for the civil society groups that have been protesting and then electron reforms yet support is a victory for those groups and it is a victory for the people of Malawi or it is a victory kind of ocracy they really d.p.p. . The Court ruling they have members in parliament I mean did they also vote for this 50 plus one on one no it was quite close I think it was 96 or so and 84 was against. Their will but 30 abstentions what happened in Parliament on Wednesday how much impact would they have on this challenge on this appeal does been launched by the ruling d.p.p. And president it will have a profound impact on the whole truth system in Malawi so whatever happens at the Supreme. Court is not going to change this I think the issue that the Supreme Court is the order for Iraq and reran will take place in roughly about 4 months from now Point months before well so the impact can be quite profound quite soon if the appeal is upheld and the rerun it doesn't take the next election that takes place will be a very very different election in pretty 24 but let's assume that the court order election which is supposed to take place I think is July 2nd is going to go ahead literally some of the political party leaders I had a talk the other day on my program with act to play live and they're talking alliances now how they're not playing well alliances and coalitions are normal feature of multi-party democracy it's not new in Malawi in the past we had good reason of coalition which was an alliance of the n.c.p. And host of smaller parties so I think all the parties are jockeying for position especially with the 50 plus one stipulation they were big can no longer rely on the relative votes they will need an absolute majority which is 50 plus one so obviously people are marshalling their forces together when the Parliament talked about the composition of the Mali electoral commission what does that do with said the country. I know she has refused to step down protesters have demanded her resignation does she stay on or she will have to step down there will be a new recruit Commission there's no doubt about that thank you very much you're most welcome stay well run think a judge is a sensitive director of the Institute for Policy interaction in my law week speaking with us from the capital Langley You're listening to Deborah got for come on The Voice of America I'm James but in Washington today is Thursday February 20th the break Africa time 15 minutes past the hour. Guinea-Bissau the Supreme Court late last week asked the National Electoral Commission to once again conduct in national a counting of the votes from the December of presidential election I'm a do. This is like it of secretary of the Guinea Bissau Observatory of democracy and governance he tells rakish trying that the commission has already done the national accountant but the losing party d p a g c keeps contesting the results that would the accept you know I ask request that if the West has made and it was that then and then they did it are tensions Shoko investitures President elect Obama has been traveling a lot are these visits official state visits. Are they you know who is paying for them do we know is who are they sanctioned by and it's kind of interesting for our president elect to make so many international visits so quickly that when I never do but the truth he's he's traveling the elected president. I think he's capable of dealing with the costs I'm a huge amount because executive secretary for the Guinea Bissau Observatory of democracy and governance was speaking to reconstruct that from baseball Libya's Tripoli because the u.n. Back to national unity government says it is suspending talks with forces on the the command of General Khalifa Haftar following an attack by his forces on the port of Tripoli on Tuesday which target the ship reportedly carrying weapons from Turkey and when you read the reports for viewing from Cairo. The shelling attack on a cargo ship in Tripoli Harbor by Libyan forces under Eastern commander General after Tuesday appears to have dealt a setback to u.n. Sponsored talks in Geneva after members of the Tripoli based governing council said they would no longer be tough there's rep. Is that it is rival Libyan government's disputed the details of the attack on the Lebanese ship which forces under huffed our claim was carrying weapons from Turkey sources and Tripoli dispute the claim an accused Hof there of killing several civilians in the attack after his forces deny the allegation huffed are met with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Schwager who in Moscow Wednesday to discuss the latest developments in Tripoli after meeting with the top u.s. Diplomat in Libya at Hof there is headquarters in the eastern Libyan town of rash on Tuesday. You don't know how dumb I do but it just made my dad my dad was the speaker of Libya's House of Representatives and he let Sala put forth a 12 point plan to result the Libyan conflict on Wednesday according to Arab media the plan calls for the disarming of militias in the capital Tripoli and authorizes Hof there is forces to carry out the disarming the plan is unlikely to be welcomed by the Tripoli based unity government the United Nations Libya envoys asan celeb mate is calling for a cease fire between the warring parties that will be transformed into a permanent agreement the European Union says that it would be willing to monitor the cease fire an arms embargo on the rival parties the e.u. Offer is unlikely to be accepted by Hof there who says his forces goal is to capture all of Libya including the capital in the corrupt Turkish president Raj of tire bared to one insisted that the e.u. Has no authority to make any decisions regarding Libya and went on to say that Turkey would continue to support the Tripoli based government of Prime Minister Fayyad. The b I r must must really did not enjoy all of that in the letter. He says it will continue. Support the legitimate government in Tripoli against haft are who reclaims is trying to carry out a coup not an Arab one also says that Turkey is gradually strengthening its position in the region alluding to an agreement over maritime borders with the Tripoli government that is disputed by regional states including Greece Egypt and Cyprus Edward you're rainy and for v.o.a. News Cairo Uganda says it sees exporting maize green to Zimbabwe as a win win situation reducing food shortages in its neighbor while benefit then farmers at home bright Ramey Rama Uganda's minister of state for Agriculture says businessman already mobilized in shipments at the request of the Zimbabwe government David Brock Origi reports from Com Palla. Say Zimbabwe contacted Uganda asking for me a place he says the government is mobilizing my tents to organise enough grain to make the request in their comments or is it about least we should do. Among Go ahead of us even if we may know Tavor too much but if we are going to give half of what they need is Ok so they engage him in his book and within the framework of commision we have a brain in the companies they have really been a conducted this is a different thing we are doing so we did you do you know we. Were the doing what from that Zimbabweans faced from prolonged drought raising inflation the edges to Ses countries in sub-Saharan Africa including Zimbabwe sas Today did an article Republic of the Congo and its interest head region all need immediate attention Zimbabwe in particular faces overheating with their faces raising foot a degree Celsius making it impossible for food production according to if the report released earlier this year or so quickly the report details at least 7700000 people or of the country's population will fail. The security at the peak of the links isn't there because it comes at a tame that Uganda is cooperation with the invading look. But officials have stayed at affected the rest of the harvests. They move will highly benefit. By about where to buy your maize from Uganda is here is it and here we do business . As a business so even in the city of maize to Zimbabwe good people going to see them is to do anywhere is a good and easy of all quantities easier. Whatever quantities we can raise whatever quantities of from us can you get it if it can be sold of good news for you good afternoon to the head of the in Food and Agriculture Organization in Uganda to stand in the right the election we need to promote the more this commercialization among ourselves and as you know this is the food of ask it of this region and the potential is there are the sources are 1st the water is here so this creates morning says center for farmers to to do more of the cranes expected start being transported to Zimbabwe by road in the coming days for the news I am a gloomy deficit income Palace Uganda and only then the 527 year old Zimbabwean woman who works in one city in China has been admitted to an infectious hospital in Harare for monitoring after showing symptoms of the corona virus Robert City Council Director of Health Services Dr Prosper says the woman was part of a group of people who arrive 10 Zimbabwe today it's a goal from China where at least 2000 people have died and more than 74 farmers they have infected by the disease Dr Charles e. Says technical team is suspected to deliberate on the status of the woman today Thursday while also making. Follow up on some of the people who were on the same flight with a lady we need to gauge invade the airports from the ports there be observing. Good temperature and I'm sure that sometimes a day needs information of incest a good case because we did the 3 of travel. Between country France was not pleasing to me since you made that claim cherry to gap between us to get to. Convince people. On the right of. Us with their assurance chance to go to Germany normal seem to use this trip through just as no danger of it for the. It's strange that. You seem to be that. Serious command you. Don't still give them today when. You need to. Be reported. Case we need to. Continue to assess what the kids see. That. The need to do full color number so what does that mean I will keep big their ha ha that's right now no reason for us to keep a end but. We have to go hungry big Wall Street is. Here to look at all the developments from the time since you can. Spend you know the last thing you know when you come up with the Commission tomorrow morning so again not yet say that you're going to release the patient Oddly he. Expects. The commission in the morning it should be. I think you'll be out. You know the Malaysians will be. Dr prosper chancy is the Harare city council health director he was speaking to will get to be a viewing Zimbabwe service briefly before we leave you a summary of Africa news at least 10 Somali government soldiers and 16 militants were killed Wednesday when Islamist group al-Shabaab attacked 2 military bases in Somalia's lower region the 1st attack started when the militants used an explosive laden vehicle driven by a suicide bomber to target a military base run by a local militia allied with the Somali federal government according to multiple reliable sources in the town at least 10 militants and 6 fighters belonging to the pro-government militia what killed during the battle the cabinet of South Sudan's president Salva Kiir has endorsed his decision to return the country to a system of 10 states with the addition of 3 administrators areas ahead of Saturday's deadline to form a transitional government care bowed to pressure from opposition parties last weekend and scrapped a 32 state system that he established unilaterally during this South Sudan's civil war and Italy's government says all is ready for Saturday's presidential election even as they involve some local observers from monitoring the polls Togo's Election Commission said Wednesday that it has counseled the accreditation of the national consultation of civil society of Togo and its 500 observers from monitoring Saturday's vote and that's it for this Thursday February 25th edition of daybreak Africa on b. Of the daybreak Africa crew and James Butty in Washington wishing you a very good day. Hello everyone the best of it is still yet to be heard Don't forget to tune in on their state every day 24 billboard best songs of 2019 you'll get to hear your favorite artist Billy. Jones struggle. To live only on my 2nd marriage. This is should post of play talk Africa on the next straight talk Africa Education has always formed bridges between the u.s. And Africa a number of African leaders were educated in America the education bond between the u.s. And the continent on the next straight talk Africa tune into one of the day that they do in the federal u.c.c. Right here. Africa. Hello there today is Thursday February 20th this is below is international edition and Lori London in Washington coming up a presidential debate before the next state votes as the candidates go after the former mayor of New York has been surging in the polls. Always work. Churches a special group of Republicans a lot of close friends associates to be sentenced in federal court as many speculate the president will deliver us with a pardon Also ahead questions surrounding a prominent lawyer wand and gospel singers death it's all on today's international edition. The Democratic presidential candidates have been gathering in Nevada for the 9th debate in the race to be the party's nominee to deny u.s. President Donald Trump a 2nd term when Americans vote in November general election for months Senator Bernie Sanders and former South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete booted judge entered the race of the debate fresh off strong performances in Iowa and New Hampshire the 1st 2 states to make their selections in the nominating contest Mike Bloomberg presidential campaign has made a big gamble and it is being tested in Las Vegas where he makes his debate debut a.p. Washington correspondent Saager Madani reports Mike Bloomberg will make his Democratic presidential debate debut tonight at a loss of a guess but it's a big night for the other candidates as well Saint Anselm College is Chris Gayle Geary says while Bloomberg will be the focus of Bernie Sanders needs to avoid missteps after essentially winning Iowa and taking New Hampshire and not give people reasons not to vote for 2 others will try to keep up momentum keep good and getting a mix which are really need to at the very least avoid mistakes he says the pressures on the 2 who had. And done as well as expected so far police have both woring and Joe Biden I don't know if he's still a viable candidate actually went about the nation Tufts University is Jeffrey Berry wonders if Biden's done with the more wounded Saugor Magni Washington. Here's some other stories we're following in v.o.a. News dot com The latest on the people quarantined on the large for a ship in Japan a just been released from the fires the Pentagon's top policy official as an impeachment fallout continues police report several people that shot to death in a German city and a new report finds children's highest risks are from climate change and commercial marketing find expanded coverage of the stories in more News dot com and on our v.o.a. Mobile app this is international edition. President Donald Trump's long time advisor Roger Stone who since his arrest in 2900 repeatedly tested the patience of the federal judge providing out of the trial later today District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson will sentence stone about her own Republican operative whose friendship with Trump dates back decades to 12 member jury in November found stone guilty on all 7 counts of lying to Congress obstruction and witness tampering the judge Tuesday rejected Stone's bid to delay the sentencing the high profile case has taken an important additional importance since Trump last week blasted federal prosecutors who won Stone's conviction as corrupt after they recommended to the judge a presence on talents of 7 to 9 years Attorney General William Barr intervened and the Justice Department withdrew the recommendation as excessive with all 4 prosecutors then quitting the case Meanwhile the. House is also denying reports that President Trump offered to pardon Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange if he would say Russia had nothing to do with leaking Democratic e-mails in 2016 Mike Ross has that at a preliminary hearing in London Wednesday an attorney for wakey Leaks founder Julian Assange read a statement from another lawyer who says that Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher went to see a songe at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 27 team on instructions from President Donald Trump according to the statement from Attorney Jennifer Robinson Rohrabacher relayed that Trump was offering a pardon or some other way out if a songe said Russia had nothing to do with the leaks from the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election White House Spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham says Trump has never spoken to war Bachar about a songe a full hearing for a son she was fighting extradition to the u.s. On spying charges is scheduled to begin next week I'm like Rossiya. Well joining us now is Robert diet's professor of policy and Governmental Affairs at George Mason University thank you for being with us to unpack all of this so 1st off let's start with Roger Stone do you think the president is going to immediately pardon his longtime associate I think the president has put the judge in a very difficult plight place and if I were Mr Stone's lawyers I'd be really really concerned because if she caves to what look like the president's wishes she'll be regarded as somebody who's caving in to the president on the other hand she might well have an inclination to go on to have given a lighter sentence in the prosecutor's an issue recommended So he's put her in a terrible bind my instinct is that she's going to go with a point of stiff sentence somewhere between the very high recommendation of the initial d.o.j. Recommendation and above the later recommendation with respect to a pardon the president's pardon power is viewed has generally been viewed as absolute and there's never been any particular reason to test that but I think it's a mistake to think that pardons are cost free you take a risk with your supporters and of course you also pay a price from people that study the presidency and I don't think that the vanity of our president would like being viewed as sort of the lowest of the low in terms of being a you know handing out pardons and supporting those that that have been his buds so certainly it's possible he may he may pardon him but I I'm not so sure that's going to work quite that way what do you thing you don't you don't believe the president will pardon Roger sounded on your side at least not now he definitely seems to enjoy pardoning and it's not as though as you mentioned you know he doesn't seem to be pardoning people that of come remorseful right for any of the things they were convicted of there right basically talking about the injustices they were all there I mean you notice. Actually all of them are people who are who are convicted of crimes involving corruption and that's of course precisely what the Trump himself was accused of the in the impeachment proceedings people talk about the former Illinois governor all these people are people that were people of not great reputation but people of money and that really in many respects sort of describes our president well it's interesting that you said the impeachment because there was this whole issue of a quid pro quo the president you know offering time with him with him in the White House and young you Ukraine if they cooperated in investigating potential rival Joe Biden Yes And we're hearing from the attorney of Wiki Leaks founder Julian a song yet still faces an extradition hearing as well according to this attorney a well known lawmaker told the songs that if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee e-mails at the heart of the Russian vest a Geisha and that the that he would get a pardon by the dropping ministration how damning Could this be for the president that's a very hard question to answer given the fact that I kind of assume that the accusations that the president faced you know 9 months ago were pretty damning to me I would take those as a really serious accusation but as you know Mr Trump has been able to flirt with disaster from almost the start of his administration would just constant to approve a quid pro quo as well a potentially thing I'll do you do this for you if you do this for us. That is a that to the best of my knowledge has never been adjudicated that is you you do whatever you want to do or whatever I may ask you to do and if you get caught and or convicted I'll pardon you I think the answer is yes it would constitute such a crime but it's never been tested because again the Pres. Pardoning power is generally viewed of absolute or close absolute right Robert dieties a professor of policy and Governmental Affairs at George Mason University thank you for being with us well a big security conference in Munich this week had European leaders coming up with a new name for their concerns West lessness Joining us now to talk more about this is Paris based journalist Catherine field Catherine what exactly do they mean and why are they expressing concern there is growing a lot about the u.s. Commitment to Europe and so the Beyond that the very essence if you like the transatlantic alliance itself you know whether it's in private or whether it's in speeches you know hearing European leaders being can know what they think is the American disengagement not just from Europe but from the wode generally and from your role in the world and so does notion of what listeners is why I am getting countries particularly here in New York to stop thinking about you know where everyone goes from here where did these. Very traditional tie these alliances when should they be going to now now it looks as though Europe will have to defend itself it may well have to create some kind of security architecture for itself and perhaps even it's time to stop talking to rush through again and make this good news so good and where did this time come from all the time came from it because there are so many so-called liberal democracies that seem to be under strain at the moment and not Johnston You know I think for it felt that there's a move away from this liberal democracy but also countries within Europe for example. And instances as well in Poland and some of the democratic foundations being. That particular when it comes to Supreme Court and when you know . Other countries it just seems that the. Moment that this Great Western idea of the free market economy all the structures in place for it to be just really under so much strain at the moment I understand your President Emanuel Chronos speaking out especially to try to sort of bring European leaders together on the us and indeed and then you know my own really does feel that there's this or you could tell widespread feeling of uneasiness and restlessness in the face of all that a lot of these uncertainties and a lot of these are coming from for example Syria and Russia and his idea is that Europe must create its own security architecture it has to come together and be able to act can be prepared to become sober and more autonomous and to be capable of taking care of its own security and defense and that really is something that we have not heard from the Syrians when European leaders for a long time the idea that Europe takes control of its own destiny it no longer rely upon America for its leadership and when you know could about you look at the complaint about the lack of traditional American leadership you're hearing a lot and also you're hearing about the possibility that domo Trump will get a 2nd and the possibility of not is that you want to in the 1st America pulled off of the Paris climate agreement to put out Iranian nuclear deal if there is a 2nd. Don't know try presidency then there is the possibility that you may even pull out of NATO. NATO had so much disregard for the very essence of the NATO alliance selfhood called into question how they talk about waiting are they watching the presidential campaigns going on here in the United States. Is there talk of sort of waiting to see what happens before they do make any moves or are they preemptively already discussing what they will though they're already discussing what they do and one of the big issues. Don't forget is what America is going to do and the saw how when you look at. Me and Molly these areas which really talks about your rights to your problems well they're already on the telephone making me think well people in the State Department the Defense Department saying the Americans have to stay there that got to stay and help and so that you would be seeing them reacting to help but there is just this idea is realized that Donald Trump gets a 2nd and really needs to start thinking about whether or not America will be a reliable ally for the next 4 years beyond that or at that is Paris based journalist Catherine Field thank you so much. As the death toll from the novel coronavirus topped 2000 people Tuesday all but 6 of them in mainland China according to the World Health Organization it now says Beijing is taking the right strategic and tactical approaches to effect to curb the spread of covert 1000 epidemic they always Julie Todd reports speaking in a press. Michael j. Ryan executive director of health emergencies program praised China's efforts in giving critical care to patients often for a sustained period of time. People are. Critical Care. Quarantine measures in place travel. Said China's measures have proven effective and buying more time and. Limiting the overall global spread of the epidemic said Sylvie Briana Rachael's director of global infectious hazard preparedness but it is ation us showing that. Those measure on movement restriction of delayed. Dissemination of the outbreak of 2 or 3 days was in China and she weeks outside China sue based on the said then it shows that zoos measure if well implemented could have an impact on the propagation of the outbreak at the same time China's success and restricting people's movement reflects the government's ability to impose extreme measures by taking very directed measures to ensure the people returning to the city are observed are monitored how you can argue. Whether those measures are excessive or whether there are restrictions on people but there's a lot at stake here in terms of public health and in terms of where not only the public health of China but also of all people in the world. Professor I mean Marty said no other country could have done more to contain the outbreak when China has enough partly because of a lack of individual wife and family very authoritarian in China and it can impose much more. And can control its people more effectively resigning is not something I generally like but l. Great like she did her slow down the outward and I don't know considering how clearly needs this bars is that had China not done what you did there were down in that way and service of that goal the w.h.o. Is calling on all countries to accelerate research into the disease and share more information on cases with the organization Julie Tabeau the way News Washington. F.b.i. Director Christopher a recently called violent extremism motivated by race or ethnicity as a top level priority on the same footing as ISIS and these extremist groups are using ISIS tactics to recruit new members often young impressionable alley unaided teenagers according to a former member of a hate group male are saying God has the story Christian preacher Leni is an expert on hate in 1907 I was recruited into America's 1st neo Nazi skinhead group for Giuliani's testimony to Congress in 2019 was just the latest step in his transformation that began as a discontented teenager from a loving and hard working immigrant family and wrote so I went searching for a sense of identity community and purpose sort of on the fringes having been bullied for most of those 14 years and on those friends as I found a narrative a man walked up to me in an alley when I was 14 years old and I was smoking a joint and he pulled a joint from my mouth and he looked me in the eyes and he said that's what the Communists and the Jews want you to do to keep you docile and I have to be honest at 14 I didn't know what a communist was or even if I'd met a Jewish person or even what the word meant but it was the 1st time in my life that I felt that someone had actually seen me that had included me he stayed with the movement for 8 years I started a record store in 1905 to sell racist music that I was importing and making as well but at the record store I was also selling different kinds of music things like punk rock music and hip hop and heavy metal and and I started to meet people who were black and who were Jewish and who were gay for the 1st time really and have a meaningful interaction with them so over you know the course of having their record store I started to really challenge the demonization that was happening in my head with Humanisation and it was those people that I'm so grateful for. Because they knew who I was and yet they still chose to challenge me with compassion and it was the compassion that I received from them at a time when I really I least deserve that was the most powerful transformative moment for me pitcher Leni has written several books about his journey and founded an organization called free radicals to give young people better options than the pull of extremism what I'm seeing with white nationalism today is very similar to what I saw me early days of let's say al-Qaeda or ISIS the propaganda tactics are the same recruitment is very similar the use of high quality you know marketing videos showing kind of this this hope of glory if you join the fight picture Leni says he's trying to be the person he wishes would have approached him when he was just 14 years old so many years ago Miller Sega the only news Washington you know listening to international edition we will be back in a moment. Are you suffering. With. The African continent. 100. I guarantee. One thing about. Talking about sharing stories of development. Around the world and. That in. And change the world is. With me. And. Feeling voices. International Edition continues some of them negative effects of life lived online become more and more apparent there are now digital wellness groups forming to promote ways to maintain healthy lifestyles Deanna Mitchell reports. Many people spend much of their waking hours looking at screens and that has spawned a growing health sector called Digital wellness it live in this age of the attention economy and this notion of there starts that our attention is the most precious resource for sure the social worker and the c.e.o. Of the digital wellness collective a trade association dedicated to finding the best use of technology for mental emotional and physical health for her sure the fighting in screen time is personal struggling with a stutter as a child she replied An eye contact to let people know she's trying to communicate a massive shift and eye contact and presence as mobile phones and as texting became more prevalent and I made it my personal and professional mission to really see why this was happening and how we could take back our presence one organization in the collective America offline offers a device free camping experience for teenagers was started by a youth basketball coach frustrated with what he saw as a lack of team unity due to screen time with life spent online is generating new maladies one of them is known a phobia which is the fear of being without one's phone you can get tech night from holding beheaded a 45 degree angle and email apnea happens when holding your breath while reading you know Else mean high is based on superficial clicks of likes that are constantly changing then it's can be very detrimental it's enough to make one want to do a good. Still detox some are trying looking at my phone Well I was nursing my new baby and then looking at my baby and thinking why am I looking at my phone it was really it that day I decided to use my phone a lot laughed her sure said going completely offline is unrealistic for most people she hopes to help people find the optimal use of tact for their well being. For viewing news Tina Mitchell Scott's Valley California. This is any minute. Medical professionals have long recommended a healthy diet exercise and medication to patients who have high risk factors for maladies like heart disease diabetes or stroke a new study from researchers at the University of California San Diego and the song constitute for Biological Studies provides evidence that a form of sporadic fasting called time restricted eating helped improve the health of volunteer participants who had some of those risk factors before with time restricted eating program you read your entire daily intake of food over only a certain number of hours each day and fasting from the manger of the day the researchers found that when their study volunteers limited their eating to 10 hours or less each day over a 12 week period they lost weight reduced abdominal fat motor their blood pressure and cholesterol and were able to maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels I am you always right pencil a 0. 00 in experience losing his father during the 1994 genocide and found it because Ito Mohai go around ation to use art as a healing he was one of the several artists who helped composer Wanda's national anthem but he ran into problems with authorities after recording a song in 2014 titled The meaning of death which was interpreted as criticizing the government wandering Rolonda and president also Kwame and questioning the government's version of genocide behind go was arrested days after the song was released and later convicted of conspiracy to commit murder city in a terrorist attack and conspiracy against the government he remained in prison until 29 when he was released along with many other prisoners by a presidential pardon according to the government this time Heigl's arrestable trying to cross the border to day where he intended to join or not stray missed group of his friends dispute the account saying the singer named meaning the country simply to return to Belgium where he once lived.

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