This is v.o.a. News I'm Jim Byrd tell. We begin the race with the race for president Senator Bernie Sanders is the winner of the New Hampshire primary but it's a narrow victory over a relative newcomer Jackie Quinn reports were many Sanders a 78 year old self described democratic socialist edged past former South Bend Mayor people to judge and says he's running an inclusive campaign that attracts younger voters the agenda that speaks to the needs of working people throughout this country 40 years his junior who to judge comes in 2nd to win and to govern we need to bring new voices to work out Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar are also moderate comes in 3rd with disappointing results for Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wasn't on the ballot in New Hampshire but President Trump says that's who he wants to face in November is a lightweight you know to find that out 2 candidates have dropped out and later this month it's on to the caucus in Nevada I Jackie Quinn Chinese health officials report the number of dead from the Corona virus outbreak has risen to more than 1100 a piece Charles Taylor there's more reports on the death toll is up the number of new cases has dropped China says his figures show just over 2000 new cases a 2nd day decline the total number of cases in mainland China now is just over 44000 although many experts believe a large number of others infected have gone on counted official say the figure of nearly 100 pushes the total dead past 1101 repercussion of the virus is that postal service is worldwide seeing delivery affected by the consolation of many flights to China with the u.s. Postal Service saying it's experiencing significant difficulties in getting mail to the China region I'm Charles Let us from Washington you're listening to v.o.a. News. U.s. President Donald Trump is praising u.s. Attorney General William Barr for taking charge of the case against longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone this a day after the prosecutors in the case resigned to McGuire as more Several of the prosecutors are convicted Roger Stone of lying to Congress obstruction of Congress and witness tampering have resigned from the team after the Department of Justice withdrew their sentence recommendation of 7 to 9 years in prison for president trying to close confidant the department insists it would do the recommendation to the judge shortly after it was offered Monday night president slammed the sentence in a tweet early Tuesday morning and later at the White House the recommendation was ridiculous I thought the prosecution was ridiculous also denied having anything to do with the Justice Department's action to McGuire Washington the Sudanese government has agreed to turn over former president Omar al Bashir and 3 others to the international criminal court for trial because she was wanted by the i.c.c. On charges of war crimes crimes against humanity and genocide for his involvement in the war in Darfur Afghan government sources say a u.s. Taliban peace deal could be signed this month if the Taliban significantly reduces violence that is a key step towards an eventual withdrawal of u.s. Troops from Afghanistan after Jesse small at faces 6 new charges in Chicago a piece Mike Ross again has more actor just a small lead is facing new charges of lying to Chicago police early last year a special prosecutor Dan Webb says a grand jury indicted small add on 6 counts of disorderly conduct that was charged with disorderly conduct last February the Cook County state's attorney Kim Fox dropped the charges the following month without explanation told police he was walking home on January 29th 2019 when he was approached by 2 masked men who made racist and homophobic remarks several weeks later authorities alleged small that had paid 2 black friends $3500.00. Dollars to help him stage the attack I Mike Rossi of the defense has rested in the Harvey Weinstein. Rape case if he's Oscar's Wales Gabriel reports Weinstein's decision not to testify leaves a prosecution a lot of prosecution evidence and challenge the defense case mainly relied on 3 witnesses who would cast doubt on accounts of the 2 accusers whose allegations led to the charges against Harvey Weinstein one witness was a former roommate of a woman who says Weinstein raped her she testified the woman gave no indication that she was victimized by Weinstein a friend of the same woman says she met with her soon after the alleged assault and she seemed like quote her every day sell a 3rd witness challenge the claim that she stood by while Weinstein assaulted a woman in a hotel bathroom a witness says she would not have closed the door on anyone Gabriel and from Washington I'm Jim Byrd tell v.o.a. News. The way one of the heads Harry Styles adore you and here is Justin Bieber with the yummy. Looks. It is the weekend in. Its. Ever some that just. Trying to get to. The only one at the it's 5 seconds of summer with the easier we heard ariana grande a no tears left to cry and d.j. Khali with me Ana and Bryson Taylor while my name is Nikki all the pop music v.o.a. Want their hits. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America on Jonathan evidence and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Brian Le and Mario Ritter Jr and Joel Robins later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st here is Brian land. The Philippines has informed the United States that it is ending a security agreement that permits American forces to train in the country a spokesman for Philippine president Rod Rigo do terror said u.s. Officials were informed of the decision on Tuesday the ending of the agreement is set to become official in 180 days unless both sides agree to continue it the 1998 agreement sets rules for u.s. Military forces operating in the Philippines the 2 nations hold many joint military exercises and training activities throughout the year presidential spokesman Salvatore Penhallow told reporters the Philippines was withdrawing from the agreement to permit more independent relations with other countries. Philippine foreign secretary. Said on Twitter that president. Ordered the end of the agreement in a statement the Us embassy in Manila called the move a serious step with significant implications for the u.s. Philippines alliance it said u.s. Officials will carefully consider how best to move forward to advance our shared interests the embassy statement added our 2 countries enjoy a warm relationship deeply rooted in history we remain committed to the friendship between our 2 peoples. Has often criticized the u.s. Security policies while praising those of China and Russia even though the Philippine military enjoys close historic ties with American forces. First warned of ending the deal in 2016 after a u.s. Aid agency put a hold on money for anti-poverty projects in the Philippines he then repeated the threat in a speech last month the speech came after Ronald. The former national police chief who is now a senator said the u.s. Had cancelled his visa but did not tell him why Philippine officials view the cancellation as a punishment for leadership of an anti-drug campaign launched in 2016 the government campaign has killed thousands of mostly poor drug suspects. It has drawn criticism from the United States other Western nations and human rights groups do tear Tade decided to end the security agreement even after military generals and his defense and foreign ministers defended it during a Senate hearing last week during the hearing Luxon warned that cancelling the agreement would harm Philippine security and could increase aggression in the disputed South China Sea a u.s. Military presence in the waterway has been seen as an important balance to China which claims most of the South China Sea as its territory at the hearing Luxon said the agreement clearly provided security and economic benefits to both sides he proposed seeking changes to improve the agreement rather than ending it. Brian land. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians marked 41 years since the Islamic Revolution in the country as tensions with the u.s. And the world remain high Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke in Terre Rons Square Tuesday to denounce the United States he also called on people to vote in upcoming elections. Last month Iran's Guardian Council barred thousands of candidates from running including about 90 current lawmakers Iran considers many people voting in elections a show of confidence in the country's cleric rulers Rouhani told a crowd we should not withdraw from the ballot boxes however a number of recent incidents have added to continued international pressure on the nation of more than 84000000 people Iran remains under international sanctions after the u.s. Withdrew in 2018 from an international agreement meant to limit Iran's nuclear weapons program the administration of u.s. President Donald Trump objected to the deal officials said it did little to prevent Iran from developing nuclear materials or missiles early this year the commander of the revolutionary guards force Qassam Soleimani was killed in a u.s. Strike in Baghdad large gatherings for his funeral however were marred by Iran's shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger jet 176 people were killed the Iranian government then refused for days to admit that it had shot down the plane with missiles. Iran and Ukraine continue to dispute the investigation of the downed airplane in November Iranians blocked to traffic in major cities to protest an increase of 50 percent in government setting gasoline prices the government reacted with a campaign against protesters the human rights group Amnesty International said that more than 300 people were killed in the rest of the government did not release the number of deaths but lawmakers said thousands of people were detained tensions increased again in January after the killing of Soleimani who had been linked to the use of roadside bombs used to attack American soldiers in Iraq the Quds Force that he led is also involved in Middle East conflicts in Syria Yemen and other places the Islamic Revolution in Iran began after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fled the country in January 1979 Islamic cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini then returned from exile in Paris to become the country's leader. In November of that here Iranians angry that the Shah was receiving medical treatment in the us seized the Us embassy and took more than 50 hostages Iran held the hostages for more than one year before releasing them in early 1981 I'm Mario Ritter Jr. Some adults and teachers may think young people want to spend all of their time using social media but a recent survey shows that may not be true it found that students sometimes want to turn off their electronic devices to get away from the pressure to take part in social media or the study researchers led a series of discussions at classes in the United States they asked young people what they thought about social media the survey was a project of Common Sense Media a nonprofit group based in California and a learning games the platform called cahoot 8 out of 10 students said that some people think too much about their social media posts and are always trying to be perfect about a 3rd said it was acceptable to post a version of yourself on social media that's not 100 percent real. The students also talked about that issue of publishing unkind or hateful comments online more than half of those questioned said that social media are tearing us apart more than they are bringing people together with this in mind How can teachers help today we will look at how teachers can support good digital citizenship through safe kind and healthy use of social media Common Sense Media defines digital citizenship as thinking critically behaving safely and participating in responsibility in the digital world teachers can begin by talking with students about how they use social media how does it make them feel do they young people want to change anything about the way they interact with others online teachers should learn what computer application programs their students use most often teachers should then use this information to keep in contact with students and share homework assignments next define the words cyber bullying digital drama and hate speech young people need to recognize the differences among these issues and know how to deal with them Common Sense Media has a free lesson plans for all grade levels on digital citizenship they include videos and other images to explain the ideas at the students' level digital drama is the everyday arguments and small problems that come up between friends or with other people you know online or via text message. Hate Speech means expressing hatred of a particular group of people for younger students this is called being mean teachers should let students know that they are available to help when students face online problems experts say teachers should choose a social media their students often use limit posts or messages to once per class period or to what is necessary to provide information to students Bailey de Plata is an English teacher and lives in New Jersey she told National Public Radio that she did not want to use Facebook to communicate with students because it is too personal although her students have e-mail she found they do not often look at it people at all instead chose the social networking service Twitter to give out homework and reading materials she says Twitter lets her share information quickly and show how to use social media in a professional healthy way Another idea is to get students to ask questions on the shared app as one person's question is probably shared by others teachers have to make sure they do not help one individual without giving the same information to all students experts also say teachers need to set time limits for using social media with students teachers could say they will only answer questions until 9 at night on school nights for example they need to explain that adults too need to unplug sometimes and get away from their phones and computers part of digital citizenship is related to privacy. When sharing something done in class teachers must remember to post pictures of students' work but not of the students themselves this is done to protect the online privacy has students social media electronics and digital resources are an increasingly large part of students' lives experts say that with the guidance of teachers and other adults young people can learn to become good idjit all citizens I'm Jill Robbins. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in Vo way special English in the years after World War One new technologies changed America technology made it possible for millions of people to improve their lives it also brought great changes in American society Harry Monroe and Kay Galanti tell more about the technological and social changes that took place in the United States in the early 1920 s. . Some of the most important changes came as a result of the automobile and the radio automobiles began to be mass produced. They were low enough in cost so many Americans could buy them. Gasoline was low in cost too together these developments put America on the move as never before automobiles made it easy for Americans to travel trucks made it easy for goods to be transported many people and businesses moved out of crowded noisy cities they moved to open areas outside cities suburbs as automobiles helped Americans spread out the radio helped bring them closer together large networks could broadcast the same radio program to many stations at the same time soon Americans everywhere were listening to the same programs they laughed at the same jokes saying the same songs heard the same news another invention that produced big changes in American life was the motion picture. American Inventor Thomas Edison began making short motion pictures at the turn of the century in 1903 a movie called The Great Train Robbery was the 1st to tell a complete story. In 1950 in d.w. Griffith made a long serious movie called Birth of a nation by the early 1920 s. Many American towns had a movie theater most Americans went to see the movies at least once a week the movie industry became a big business people might not know all the names of government over issues but they knew the names of every leading actor and actress movies were fun they provided a change from the day to day troubles of life they also were an important social force young Americans tried to copy what they saw in the movies and they dreamed about faraway places and a different kind of life I young farm boy could imagine himself as romantic hero Douglas Fairbanks or comedian Charlie Chaplin I young city girl could imagine herself as the beautiful and brave Mary Pickford rich families and poor families saw the same movies their children shared the same wish to be like the movie stars in this way the son of a banker and the son of a factory worker had much in common the same was true for people from different parts of the country in the early 1920 s. Americans also began reading the same publications. The publishing industry used some of the same kinds of mass production methods as the automobile industry it began producing magazines in larger amounts it began selling the same magazines all over the country one of the most widely read magazines was the Saturday Evening Post here 19 old to it sold about 300000 copies each week 20 years later it sold more than 2000000 copies each week Americans everywhere shared the same information and advice in such nationwide magazines the information was not always correct the advice was not always good but the effect was similar to that caused by the automobile and radio parts of American society were becoming more alike they were trying to move toward the same kind of life economically and socially. Other industries use the techniques of assembly line production to make their goods to they discovered that producing large numbers of goods reduced the cost of each $11.00 company that expanded in this way was the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company it was called a and p. For short. The a.m.p. Was one of the 1st large American grocery stores to sell all kinds of food it sold milk meat bread canned fruits and vegetables all in the same store shopping at the a and p. Was much faster and easier than going to different stores to get different kinds of food in 1912 a and p. Had 400 stores in the United States about 10 years later it had more than 11000 stores it could buy huge amounts of goods and sell each at a very low price mass production also came to the clothing industry people began wearing clothes made in factories instead of by a family member or local tailor before long the same kinds of clothes could be found everywhere mass production removed some differences that had marked Americans in the past prices dropped so people with little money could still buy nice clothes it became more difficult to look at Americans and know by their clothes if they were rich or poor social changes also resulted from great progress in medical research doctors and scientists reported new developments in the fight against disease this progress gave most Americans a longer life. In 1900 for example the average person in the United States could expect to live 49 years by 1927 the average person could expect to live 59 years life expectancy rates climbed to because doctors and scientists developed effective ways to prevent or treat diseases such as tuberculosis typhoid diphtheria and influenza yellow fever and small pox were no longer a threat one new medicine was insulin it was used to treat diabetes man made version gave diabetics the insulin their bodies did not have it cut the death rate from the disease is from 70 percent to about one percent and doctors and scientists also learned the importance of vitamins to good health now they could cure several diseases caused by a lack of vitamins Americans in the 1920 s. Lived much better than their fathers and mothers a man received more pay than in the past even though he worked fewer hours each day he lived in a better house with new labor saving devices he had a car to drive to work and to take his family on holiday trips. He received a better education than his father he and his family wore better clothes they ate healthier foods the average American in the 1920 s. Had more time for sports and entertainment he enjoyed listening to the radio and watching movies he was more informed about national and world events Life was good for many Americans as World War one ended and the nation entered the 1920 is yet that life was far from perfect many Americans did not have the same chances to improve their lives black Americans continued to suffer from racism society continued to deny them their rights as citizens women did not have equal rights either for example they could not vote it was during this time that the United States as experienced one of its worst incidents of public hatred many people turned to strongly against labor unions and leftists they feared of threat to democracy the federal government took action against what it called political extremists many of the charges were unfair many innocent lives were harmed. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson.

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