Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20200209 220000

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Delton the death toll from the Corona virus outbreak has surpassed that of the SARS epidemic of 20022003 the this as millions of Chinese prepared it returned to work on Monday Reuters ema Carthy has more on that story. Sorry about that terrified residents of a Northeastern Thai city have been reliving their ordeal after a gunman went on a shopping center shooting spree that left 29 people dead as the gunman rampage through Saturday afternoon shoppers barricaded themselves and toilets are hid under tables. The 16 hour spree ended by in the shooter's death by Thai security forces the prime minister of Thailand addressed the media on his troops use of force the shooter as high shooter appears a Thai soldier appears to have been angered by a land dispute a vigil for the victims was held on Sunday with monks chanting prayers. The movie industry's biggest awards ceremony of the Oscars is coming up the strong contenders to win Best Picture include. South Koreans had social satire parasite Quentin Tarantino's Once upon a time in Hollywood and the World War film 1917 the show will also have live performances by musicians going for best original song including Elton John. Randy Newman Chris the Mets are evil and Billy Eilish secretary of state Mike Pompei was warning American governors from across the country of the risks of doing business with China saying competition with China is happening on a federal state and local level and has consequences for u.s. Foreign policy and national security. You're listening to news. I will caucuses are behind them but Democratic presidential hopefuls head to the state of New Hampshire for Tuesday's primary there on the a.b.c. News show this week Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden admitted the odds there are against him winning the New Hampshire primary because their hometown favorites Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders competing with him in the race Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren said she's not taking campaign donations from billionaires because she doesn't want them to get a bigger voice in our democracy Ukraine's president has asked Pope Francis for help and securing the release of prisoners of war held by Russia and by Russia backed separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine a lot of mayors a Lenski made the request after a meeting with the pontiff at the Vatican on Saturday Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March 24 teen a month later fighting broke out in eastern Ukraine in a conflict that has killed more than 13000 people in displaced more than 1000000 Ireland began counting votes on Sunday in a national election that exit polls indicated would show a historic breakthrough for a left wing nationalist party Sion faint collecting roughly the same percentage of votes as 2 established parties the process now of forming a governing coalition in parliament will be complicated of the 2 leading parties say they won't govern wish and thing and look instead to smaller parties with him to form alliances. Iranian state television reported Sunday that Iran failed in an attempt to launch an Iranian made sofar satellite into the Earth's orbit a spokesman for the Iranian defense ministry space program told state t.v. That the satellite did not reach orbit as planned because it did not reach the necessary speed it is at least the 3rd a failed satellite launched by Iran since the start of the 29th start of 21000 program that Washington claims is helping to run to advance its ballistic missile capabilities and thus its ability to deliver nuclear warheads Iranian officials say the satellites primary mission is collecting imagery to study earthquakes prevent natural disasters and develop agricultural resources. Once again to our top story the death toll on mainland China from the Corona virus outbreak has now reached 811 that surpasses the number of deaths caused by the SARS pandemic of 20022389 people died of the illness on Saturday. And tonight is the Oscars the movie industry's biggest award ceremony in the United States 9 films are in the running for the Academy Awards biggest prize best picture I'm ricin Melson this is the u.n. Needs. But she and her husband can't get off the ship their quarantine this is Monday February 10th and this is v.o.a. Asia m I remember on his watch you did you were part of this program I had how do you do that you joined us on be away Asia face but also ahead the coronavirus has overtaken the SARS outbreak and the number of people it is killed if you go to a restaurant in Malaysia believe years spoke soul and preparation just about complete for tonight's Academy Awards in Hollywood it's all on today's the away Asia. They death toll on mainland China from the Corona virus outbreak reached 811 by late Saturday surpassing the number of deaths caused by the SARS pandemic of 2002 in 2003 according to Chinese officials 89 people died of the illness on Saturday alone according to China's National Health Commission Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS is believed to have killed more than 774 people and sickened nearly 8100 in China and the special administrative region of Hong Kong the commission reported that new infection cases dropped Saturday for the 1st time since February 1st to 2656 brutal of 37000 $198.00 Joseph Heisenberg a professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan told the Reuters News Agency that it was too early to say whether the epidemic was peaking too. The uncertainty in the number of cases he told Reuters even if reported cases might be peaking we don't know what's happening with an reported cases he added This is especially an issue in some of the more rural areas among the new fatalities are a u.s. Citizen and one China the epicenter of the outbreak officials at the American embassy in Beijing said that Saturday the embassy said that the 60 year old American died February 6th a Japanese to this and it's also reported to have died and who on a Birol pneumonia likely caused by the corona virus although that has not been confirmed the World Health Organization director Ted Rose nom de brézé s.s. Said Saturday it would sent an international team and then best the editors to China Monday or Tuesday Ted Rose did not name the team members saying the organization will publicize everything as soon as we're ready they w.h.o. Said Friday it's too early to confirm one Chinese officials believe that the outbreak is about to peak however the w.h.o. Public health specialist Mike Ryan said Saturday the number of new cases in the bay region province of which Rwanda is the capital had stabilized over the past 4 days which may reflect he said the impact of control measures put in place hung conk began in forcing Saturday a 14 day quarantine for arrivals from mainland China Hong Kong after more than 2000 medical workers walked off the job earlier this week on Saturday Japan confirmed 3 new infectious cases aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship Mord off Japan raising the total 26483700 passengers who are confined aboard this ship base a 14 day quarantine 14 days as the virus is incubation period we get more now from below is Marianna Diyala. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 2 of the people who were aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship had traveled to China recently and were displaying the respiratory symptoms the other 2 were members of the same family and are being evaluated as a precaution the c.d.c. Director says the level of coronavirus exposure risk depends on where the passengers have traveled it's complicated because these cruise ships you really dependent on the place of origin of there's been a rise in the number of confirmed the coronavirus cases on another cruise ship docked off Japan where around 3700 people remain confined to their cabins Philip and gay quarter are currently on board the cruise liner we think it'll push reservedly. 14 days it's safe to do 14 days I don't think. To be here for that right to turn our Japanese officials say $61.00 people have now tested positive for the disease on the quarantined ship Meanwhile Americans continue to be evacuated from Move On a total of 800 Americans have been brought out of the city and charted planes the 1st charter flight departed with one on January 28th 2 subsequent flights departed on February 5th yesterday on February 6th 2 additional evacuation flights departed he says distilled Department has helped deliver 800 tons of donated supplies to China and he's ready to do more today at the direction of the secretary of state I'm pleased to announce the United States government is prepared to spend up to $100000000.00 in existing funds to assist China and other impacted countries as well as the World Health Organization to contain and combat the novel coronavirus in Hong Kong a small group gathered to commemorate the death of Dr Li when young ha. His doctor who had warned about the possible spread of a new virus in was on in early December of last year we feel very sad that you don't tell me who is the 1st whistle and 000000 not calling out. Virus. Or he just tried to tell the truth for what the 34 year old often Molly just died on Friday in will Hans central hospital after contracting to a deadly new strain of violence Miami. Says on Friday u.s. President Donald Trump prays Chinese President Xi Jinping separates to combat the coronavirus as she faces mounting domestic criticism following the virus related death of that position who issued the early warning about the outbreak after a Friday phone conversation would she Trump praise China's response and said she was leading what will be a very successful operation we invite you to read more of a top story by following us on Facebook at v.o.a. Asia then the v.o.a. News dot com website. These are among the top headlines you find right now would be only News dot com a tiny soldier who shot dead at least 29 people in the northeastern region of that country Saturday afternoon was killed by security forces Sunday after a 12 hour standoff the u.s. Military in Afghanistan confirm Sunday at least 2 of its soldiers were killed 6 others wounded when I have them partner turned his gun on the u.s. Secretary of state Mike pump a it was warning American governors from across the country of the risks of doing business with China saying competition with China is happening on a federal state and local level and it has consequences for u.s. Foreign policy and national security. Rights groups and researchers have welcomed Thailand's decision to cancel a Beijing back project to dredge and blow open a hole in the dam in the make hunger feel way Asia continues many u.s. Companies are collectively holding their breath wondering if Chinese factories will open Monday China extended the Lunar New Year holiday because of the outbreak of the corona virus highlighting again how China is the world's manufacturing capital Michelle Quinn reports from San Francisco. Michael Brandon relies on a host of factories in China to custom manufacture products such as this pests zapper he is waiting to see the effect the corona virus outbreak has on the many outstanding factory orders he has in China next week factories will be returning and I think that point will know if in fact there's there's a coronavirus issue. One of the factories he works with is outside of behind the city in China that has been on a lockdown for several weeks it makes pet products we're lucky at this point we don't have a current order with up each year u.s. Companies expect Chinese factories a slowdown around the Lunar New Year holiday but because of the coronavirus the Chinese government extended the holiday affecting many factories the South Korea automaker 100 I temporarily suspended production because of a short supply of parts made in China pharmaceutical auto electronics and retail could be most hit highlighting a harsh reality there are not a lot of alternatives for u.s. Companies that rely on Chinese manufacturing what impacts China impacts the Bay Area and so whatever is economically or culturally or from a health perspective impact on China or never really and economically impact the Bay Area James Bolton is the director of operations at Pablo designs a lady and design company in San Francisco most of its products are manufactured in China this Sunday night as Chinese workers are supposed to be back at work Bolton plans to be on line I will probably be we chatting with all of my contacts on China and try to understand the real impact of the shutdown as well as the official one of the shutdowns as China grapples with the coronavirus experts say it's unclear. How much the virus will disrupt the global supply chain shall Clint be away News San Francisco. Happening now in Asia hundreds of 1000000 mind nationalist rallied in that country's commercial capital Sunday in a show of support for the military that amid tensions between the civilian government and the army the head of all but actions expected later this year stay up to date would be a way you're listening to be away Asia. A smoking ban in all malaysian eateries is sparking controversy particularly now that it's being enforced the ban officially began a year ago but violators started getting penalized only recently they put a bomb has more at his open air food court each worried thermal why enjoys time with her family she says now that the new smoking ban is being enforced the atmosphere. All right so you say it's not how deep was my the idea being a year ago a new law was implemented that prohibits smoking in all eateries nationwide at the time smoking was already banned in air conditioned restaurants but the new law also banned smoking within 3 meters of any table or chair at all indoor and outdoor eateries after one year phase impaired authorities are no longer just warning violators since January they've issued more than 5000 tickets with fines ranging from the cloven of $35.00 to $85.00 the National Cancer Society of Malaysia fully supports the law as well as the enforcement all but. $20000.00 people die of smoking related illnesses each year in Malaysia smoking as well as passive smoking which is 2nd smug causes 50 kinds of cancer heart diseases and it was diabetes as well this mental illness is the new law directly effects Malaysia's popular semi enclosed food courts but some of these eateries complain the new law has cut business by 20 percent and want open air food courts to be allowed to have a smoking area every week. Because they have a small small beings on board of the median of this Mocha Henry want does not smoke but still thinks the law has gone too far here but you just don't get all the smoke I mean you get like the hell so I do it is we bending people Ok Stephen Long sat in a food court table wouldn't let cigarette until other customers objected there's a lot of people complaining about secondhand smoke but I have a friends a ladies who wish to India. And they have a. In the hilling 2nd hand smoke for 50 years maybe 60 years is still alive for nonce my kids who are exposed to 2nd hand smoke in homes as well as offices. Thing. Kristoff smoking related diseases like 20 to 30 percent. Here. And may be your choice just like but it's not someone else's choice to be exposed to secondhand smoke with enforcement of the new law it's a debate that the smoke free air advocates appear to be waiting. For v.o.a. News Kuala Lumpur Malaysia coming your way preparations for the Sunday night Academy Award show you're listening to v.o.a. Asia. Away Asia is on Twitter followers to v.o.a. Asia for developing stories in Asia perhaps close to you Twitter feed also has updates on programmes you can hear and see with links to easily find them with v.o.a. Asia also follow radio programme host peel away Stephenson and the away moment v.o.a. Asia Twitter were always online for you. This news alert from v.o.a. Indian held Kashmir was hit by a general strike Sunday called by the separatist jungle Kashmir Liberation Front to mark the anniversary of the death of a Kashmir a man who was executed for his part of an attack on India's parliament in 2001. You're listening to the away Asian. In or weary Afghanistan there is youthful exuberance on one of the country's many Snowy Mountains snowboarders say they're part of a generation eager to move on from violence and conflict be always a Russia buddy as more. Young people on a snowy mountain on the outskirts of Kabul look to change perceptions about Afghanistan as though boarding a. Yes no warning is the new face of Afghanistan and we established it to show this new face to the world so they can see that a country where there is fighting and ethnic problems is not only all about war. Afghan mujahideen once used this hillside on Coreg mountain to rain down artillery and rockets on Kabul during the country's civil war in the 1990 s. Now it's a place of laughter a top 60 centimeters of snow one that inspires thoughts and dreams of the future. In this new generation of Afghanistan that you see has a different vision for this country they want development we are optimistic that when the Taliban come they should come with a vision for a more progressive Afghanistan. Not everyone shares that optimism. If the Taliban come back snowboarding becomes impossible Taliban are not sports friendly people they want neither peace nor sports if they return we won't be able to snowboard. Political concerns aside young people here live in the moment practicing a sport that brings them joy. When I see people traced for the sport that boys and girls feeling and falling down again and again and still keep playing on it I really believe it has a bright future and we can make something out of it. Kabul is one of only 2 areas in Afghanistan with enough security to offer winter sports fighting throughout the country between the Taliban and us Afghan allies rages on while the United States and Taliban negotiate to sign a peace agreement. A roster of Assadi v.o.a. News Washington. This news break down below in each of the Philippines confirmed on Sunday that African swine peeper infections that spread in the south of the country which accounts for nearly a 3rd of the nation's $12800000.00 pig herd additional cases of also been identified in some northern provinces according to the Department of bank recalled to visit b. Only Asia on youtube Instagram and Twitter the 92nd the cademy awards ceremony takes place in Los Angeles Sunday in the city is just finishing up the last minute preparations for the event and Jay Leno back to Saturday and has the story it's narrated by Anna Rice. People Greg Donovan the bus into Hollywood chairs and people give me pieces of the carpet every year everyone has traveled to Los Angeles from long shot it's been who dream to see Hollywood games. I want to see there's at least one on this piece that's a McDonald's kills caught up a lot of tourists say their money is on the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to get the best picture because it is about old Hollywood and the tragedies it has seen an addition to the. Glamorous and well to say come on if you truly got it right Frank even before you tell him I don't write you news. We're more on this is still a commitment. Many consider the smartphone a technological wonder with that you can communicate with family and friends as well as listen to music check the weather or latest news and with the built in g.p.s. Keep yourself from getting lost what many would consider a good smartphone feature is a way forward to help keep yourself healthy from most smartphone manufacturers are concerned with regulatory issues a feature like this would bring scientists at the University of Cincinnati have developed a smartphone app on the medical system that would be able to monitor and detect and number of health conditions the scientists say that with just a single drop of blood or saliva on a custom mat chip the device can bag notion factious diseases back out with other health conditions after gathering diagnostic data at the device and then out of medically transmits the information to a doctor I know be always like panting whale. Lead us into rain our top story the death toll on mainland China from the Corona virus outbreak reached 811 late Saturday it has probably been added to today as well being Sunday still in the United States it's a past the number of deaths caused by the stars pad that the size pandemic of 20022003 according to Chinese officials we also have word that North Korea's medical system for coping with contagious diseases like the corona virus is prioritize to protect the elites in the regime in Pyongyang and is an equipped to treat its local citizens that according to a former North Korean medical doctor Choi judging who in a North Korean defector who is now a research professor at Korea University's Public Policy Research Institute in Seoul said North Korea is making a big fuss about the virus because its medical care system is unfit to take necessary measures to contain it Joyce said instructions for taking a stand at Terri and the quarantine measures from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are handed down to local leaders but he said there are problems implementing them at the provincial level because rudimentary medical facilities are ill equipped and the medical infrastructure is focusing on p. On young. Join host Larry London very high on the border crossing the only worldwide music request. Every weekday at 1500 universal. Tuning in for the think you did and mazing are to win prizes and get the latest news it's clues to celebrity in . Your quest to face. A merry month to Twitter border crossings or Instagram at border crossings. Or call 202612077 have your favorite music leads to the entire world. Don't miss border crossing every weekday at 1500 universal only on The Voice of America. As we continue our coverage of the corona virus that started in 100 China had a little bit more information about the city of Hama and that is where I'm outside doing who was then 72 years old swam in the Yangtze River in 1966 in a display of way what he said was bigger as hell just before the onset of the Cultural Revolution gusto Ignacio a rather I had read that has lived in one second tier mega-state e of 11000000 people in central China for 3 years now compared to his hometown of Concepcion Chile one he says is too humid and he copes with one's harsh winters by traveling outside of China Ignacio who's $34.00 is a Ph d. Student of international relations at Central China normal university one of hands $83.00 institutions of higher education that total puts woman in 2nd place after Beijing which has 94 according to officials now. Ber's there are at least half a 1000000 students and. You've been listening to v.o.a. Asia you can get our program on i Tunes and Sound Cloud download our podcast Take be away Asia with you there's at our b.o.i. News dot com program page seals on You Tube follow us on Beale way to Twitter to let us hear from you a b.o.h. a Facebook and our e-mail of b.o.h. At the a you at the away News dot com Thanks to our director Tracy Carter our engineer Tony Pollock or managing editor Diane Gallo and our team of Jim Stevenson Keith Lane and Doug brain are I'm Ira Mehlman washy didn't have a great day. Welcome to learning English daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Pete Musto and I'm Dorothy kindy this program is aimed at learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear stories from Kelly Gene Kelly John Russell Bob Doty surely Griffith and Larry West but 1st this report. When it comes to higher education in the United States one of the biggest issues of discussion and concern in recent years has been cost. Data from the u.s. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics suggests the average cost of college doubled between 19892016 the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis reports that average yearly earnings only rose about 8 percent in that time James qual is the director of the Institute for College Access and Success he told v.o.a. That one of the main reasons for the cost increase is reduced government support for colleges and universities This in turn has led schools to raise their prices earlier this year the Center for the Study of education policy at Illinois State University published a report on state spending on higher education the report found a 5 percent overall increase in proposed spending throughout the country that is the highest increase in 8 years of growth but argues this is still nowhere near the level it was 30 years ago or where it needs to be now he notes that a lot of students still depend to help pay for their education to date about 10 percent of student borrowers are in default in other words they are failing to make the necessary payments towards their debt. As a result it makes going to college riskier than it should be Qualls said We know that can be the best investment you make over the course of your life but because of the cost of college too often students aren't able to complete college and they're left with debt they can't afford to repay other groups and experts suggest the situation is not as severe as it may seem the College Board is a not for profit organization that works to expand higher education in the United States last year it published a look at changes in the average costs to attend American colleges and universities over the past 10 years it reported that up until 2013 year Li average cost increases of 5 percent were common but that is no longer the case the point is that in recent years 2 wishing increases have slowed down considerably as the economy recovered from the 2008 recession noted Jerome white he is the director of media relations for the College Board and last November Georgetown University's Center on Education and the workforce published a study on return on investment in American higher education. It compared to how much money students spent on their education at 4500 different institutions to how much money they earned later in life students who attended private colleges and universities made an average of about 70 $3000.00 more over 40 years than those who attended public schools that was the case even after the cost of their education was subtracted from their career long earnings Although while the immediate costs to attend a private u.s. University might be higher the increased cost might be worth it notes Martin Vander worth He is associate director of the Georgetown Center he says one reason these schools have better return on investment is their reputation many employers see well known highly selective institutions as offering the highest quality education available this may not necessarily be true all the time but it can make graduates of such schools seem more desirable in addition professional connections between former students and recent graduates are often especially strong at private schools this means graduates of such schools who enter the labor market may have more support during their job search the selectiveness that makes these schools so well known and well respected however creates its own form of inequality Fandor work says. These colleges pay off well if you can afford to go there and if you can get in but the fact is the vast majority of people can't do either they can't get in and they can't afford to pay for it he said some of the most costly private colleges in the us do offer financial aid or reduced to wishing based on a student's level of need but Fandor worth argues these schools still mainly serve wealthy white students more than they do any other group of people I'm Dorothy Gandhi and I'm Pete Musto. Now it's time for word send their stories our weekly program about common everyday expressions in American English this month a lot of Americans are talking about pairs or doubles words relating to the number 2 that is because February 14th is Valentine's Day It is a celebration of romantic love usually between 2 people but being part of a couple is not as common as it used to be more than one in 4 Americans lives alone. The number of unmarried adults around the world is also higher than it has ever been says social scientist Bella. And so today we are going to honor the word single if someone is single she or he is not involved in a serious romantic relationship with someone else the word single can suggest a feeling of fun one image of a single person is of a carefree man or woman who has many friends and is happy to be independent the findings of research are ballad to Paolo support this idea she finds that in general singles in the us socialize with friends and neighbors take classes and do volunteer work more than married couples but perhaps you are single and you are not so happy maybe you would like to meet someone someone else who is not in a serious romantic relationship right now either your in luck you can go to a singles party a singles club or a singles dance singles events are designed to introduce solo adults to each other and who knows you might see someone there who looks very interesting and appealing to you you ignore the rest of the crowd and single out this one person as someone you want to get to know. You take quick decisive action in a single stroke you put down your glass cross the room and introduce yourself luckily the person is as wonderful as you had imagined you exchange stories you discuss politics and religion the 2 of you agree on everything you are of a single mind then suddenly a loud sound fills the room it's a fire alarm the guests walk through the door in an orderly way one behind the other they leave the building single file you now find yourself outside with your new love interest the 2 of you watch as firefighters investigate the building there does not seem to be a real emergency but the firefighters must look in all the rooms they have to search every single one for signs of fire slowly the other singles begin to leave you are not ready to say goodbye to the person who is pulling at your heart but you also feel uneasy about suggesting you meet again soon the person waves and turns to go your stomach jumps your heart beats faster you open your mouth to ask for a telephone number but then you stop what if you are rejected or what if you are not rejected you might fall in love and become part of a couple you could lose your alone time your freedom your dream to travel the world by yourself you take a deep breath and remind yourself that every journey begins with a single step. On your way home you call your favorite restaurant and tell the person who answers you are planning to eat dinner there on Valentine's Day table for 2 the person on the phone asked no you answer happily I am dining alone and that's words and there are stories I'm Kelly Gene Kelly. A large and unusual tropical fruit is becoming more popular in the United States. The jackfruit is native to India the big spiky fruit grows in parts of Asia South America and the Caribbean it can weigh from 6 to around 30 kilograms often used as a meat substitute jackfruit has a lot of vitamins and minerals it's neutral flavor works with all kinds of seasonings now with many Americans looking for a plant based alternatives to meet Jack fruit is becoming more popular this popularity has been growing for several years noted Robert Schuller He is head of marketing at Melissa's produce a specialty produce company based in Los Angeles California it was about 5 years ago that the fruit really started to take off he told reporters from The Associated Press. Vegetarians and vegans found out how this fruit could be used as a meat substitute for pulled pork sandwiches and as a taco meat Schuler's said Melissa's sales have increased sharply the company went from selling a few containers of jackfruit each week to thousands of cases weekly in many places around the country jackfruit is appearing not only at vegan and vegetarian restaurants but other places as well tomatillo for example a Mexican restaurant in Dobbs Ferry New York has a case a Dia and a taco made with jackfruit in Chicago a lulu brew pub serves vegans to Cillian jackfruit flatbread on a menu that also has pork belly Angela means owner of the Wiig in jackfruit cafe in Los Angeles California says people are choosing of Eagan diet for many reasons these reasons include environmental health and moral concerns we need to meet because of the texture and the spices jackfruit is a great substitute means said we put it in tacos and we make sandwiches like a barbecue cold pork jackfruit café also serves fish Patty made of jack fruit and seaweed. I'm John Russell. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in video a special English. In 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month a truce took effect between the allies and Germany but not until 7 months later was a treaty signed to officially end what was known as The Great War and The War To End All Wars surely Griffith and Larry West continued the story of the peace conference following World War One American President Woodrow Wilson was one of the chief negotiators at the conference in Paris throughout the early months of 1919 he struggled hard for a treaty that would result in peace with justice for all sides Wilson demanded a treaty that provided for a new international organization he called it the League of Nations to Wilson the league was more important than any other part of the treaty not all Americans who shared Wilson's opinion many feared the league would take away the power of the American government to declare war and make treaties they also agreed with the leaders of the other allied nations establishing the league was less important than punishing the defeated anime. They other major allied leaders at the Peace Conference were Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Britain premier Clemen soul of France and Premier of Victoria all or 2 all of Italy Lloyd George Clement saw and awful understood how much Wilson wanted the League of Nations they used this knowledge to win Wilson's approval for other parts of the peace treaty Wilson will soon learn that to get the league he had to compromise on many issues for example he had to accept British and French demands to make Germany pay all war damages the payments added up to more than $300000000.00 Wilson also had to accept the Allied takeover of Germany's colonies some of Wilson's compromises it violated his belief in self determination this was the right of all people to decide for themselves who would govern them one compromise for example gave to Japan Germany's colonial rights in the Shan Tung area of China China protested the decision it asked that control of Shan tongues be returned to the Chinese government but President Wilson needed Japan's support for the League of Nations so he accepted Japan's demand for control of Shan tongue. There were other violations of the policy of self-determination these affected the people and land along the borders of several European nations for example 3000000 Germans were made citizens of the new nation of Czechoslovakia millions of other Germans were forced into the newly formed nation of Poland and Italy received territory that had belonged to us triac today most history experts agree Woodrow Wilson was correct in opposing these decisions they say Germany's loss of territory and citizens caused deep bitterness and the betterness helped lead to the rise of fascist dictator adult Hitler in the 1930 s. In East Asia jump unease control over parts of China created serious tensions both decisions helped plant the seeds for the bloody harvest of World War 220 years later but allied leaders at the Paris Peace Conference were not looking far into the future as one person said at the time they divided Europe like people cutting up a steep path I after months of negotiations the peace treaty was completed the allies gave it to a German delegation on May 7th 1919 the head of the delegation objected immediately he said the treaty was unfair. He urged his government not to sign it at 1st Germany did not sign the leader of the government refused and resigned in protest but a new government was formed and its leaders signed the document at a ceremony at the palace in vs I outside Paris finally World War one was officially over President Woodrow Wilson returned to the United States after the treaty signing ceremony he was not completely satisfied with the treaty yet he believed it was still valuable because it is stumbling The League of Nations Wilson's battle for the league was only half over when the treaty was signed in Europe he had to win approval from the United States Senate that half of the battle would not be easy part of the problem was political Well son was a member of the Democratic Party the Senate was controlled by the Republican Party also Wilson had refused to name any important Republicans to his negotiating team at the Peace Conference part of the problem was personal a number of senators disliked Wilson one was Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge lodge was the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he told a friend he never expected to hate anyone as much as he hated Wilson. Wilson spoke low for the Senate just 2 days after he returned from Europe he urged it to approve the peace treaty Wilson said the United power of free nations must put a stop to aggression and the world must be given peace shall we and any other free people refuse to accept this great duty dare we reject it and break the heart of the world we cannot turn back America shell showed the way the light streams up on the path ahead and nowhere else the Senate Foreign Relations Committee began hearings on the treaty it hurt a number of people who opposed the League of Nations they said the league would destroy their freedom and independence of the United States the Committee completed its hearings and prepared a report for the full Senate there were reports said the United States should reject the treaty unless changes were made the committee proposed almost 40 changes the committee's report was a blow to President Wilson both politically and personally he had worked extremely hard to win Europe support for the idea of a League of Nations great crowds in Paris had cheered him and his idea now the Senate of his own country was about to reject it. Wilson decided he must take his case out of the hands of the people's representatives he would take the case directly to the people themselves he would build public support for the treaty if enough citizens supported it he believed the Senate could not reject it President Wilson planned a speaking trip all across the country his family and his doctor urged him not to go they said he was still weak from a recent sickness but Wilson refused the advice he said the treaty was more important to him than his own life the president left Washington in early September he traveled in a special train in city after city he made speeches and rode in parades he shook thousands of hands at times he suffered from a painful headache but there was no time to rest everywhere Wilson stopped he urged the people to support the League of Nations it was he said the only hope for peace in Boulder Colorado 10000 people waited to hear him by then Wilson was extremely weak he had to be helped up the steps of the building where he was to speak he made the speech he said he was working to honor the men who had died in the war he said he was working for the children of the world Wilson put all his heart and energy into his speeches. And as his family and doctor had warned the pressure was too great while in Wichita Kansas the pain in his head became terrible he could not speak clearly his face seemed frozen a blood vessel had broken in his brain Wilson had suffered a stroke the president was forced to return to Washington his condition got worse every day soon he was unable to move Woodrow Wilson would spend the rest of his presidency as a terribly sick man he continued to hold on to his dreams of a League of Nations but his dreams now filled a broken body. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English through stories from around the world I'm Pete Musto and I'm Dorothy Gandy. This is the news I'm arisen melt and the death toll from the Corona virus outbreak has surpassed that of the SARS epidemic according to data from China.

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