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The way news. Is there's growing pressure on Republican senators to call former trump national security advisor John Bolton to testify and the president and preachment trial after Mr Bolton undercut a key defense argument in a book to read if he Washington correspondents are going to Gunny Bolton writes The president told him he wanted to withhold security aid from Ukraine until it helped him investigate Joe Biden the president's denying it nothing was ever said to Congress but Chuck Schumer and Democrats jumped this is stunning saying it's now vital that Bolton and others testify at least 4 other Republicans would need to buck the party leaders and forcing testimony John Bolton's relevance to our decision has come as become increasingly for Mitt Romney and Susan Collins say the Bolton book strengthens the case for testimony but g.o.p. Colleagues like John Barrasso are shrugging it off take a breath let's listen to the president's lawyers Saager Magni Washington and update on the corona virus in the United States Shelley Adler reports there's some promising news from u.s. Health officials about the coronavirus officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they have no evidence that the new virus from China is spreading in the United States and they believe the risk to Americans remains low as of Monday 5 Americans have been diagnosed with the new virus all of whom traveled to Central China health officials add they are investigating who they've been in contact with at least 32 people thought to be possible cases have been ruled out the virus has sickened thousands of people mostly in China and caused dozens of deaths showing ampler Washington u.s. President Trump has offered China any help needed to combat the deadly outbreak of the cover on a virus that has killed so far at least 81 people this is the only news. Turkey has formally called off search and rescue missions Monday following last week's powerful earthquake the total death toll is now estimated to be at $41.00 after 2 more bodies were recovered in the collapsed building and the country's eastern province nearly 4000 people helped by mechanical diggers had been working in freezing temperatures to comb through the debris in the eastern part of the country after the devastating 6.8 magnitude quake that struck Friday officials say 76 buildings were destroyed and hundreds more were damaged fans continue to mourn the death of n.b.a. Great Kobe Bryant a peace officer Wells Gabriel report as one fan Renee sort of I want to put it Today's a day that part of l.a. Died and indeed the scene in the plaza near the Staples Center took on the kind of mournful scene reminiscent of what happened when Michael Jackson died in 2009 people lit candles displayed memorabilia and talked about the shock Julie Sierra had noted for the amount of people there out here it's silent everybody think Retha everybody's morning even so some fans pay tribute to Brian as though they were still inside the Staples Center watching them play. Gabriel the pilot of the helicopter that crashed and killed the basketball superstar apparently climbed to avoid a cloud layer just before slamming into a hillside according to federal officials President Trump seems on bothered that Palestinian leaders are already rejecting a Middle East peace plan to set to be officially unveiled this to say v.o.a. Send the same explains that the president made comments after welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House ahead of that announcement Palestinian leaders have rejected the deal as dead on arrival asked about how Palestinians feel about the deal said this we think we will ultimately have the support of the Palestinians but we're going to see. And if we do it will be a tremendous tribute to everybody and if we don't life goes on in the Palestinian Authority has not had any substantive dealings with the trumpet ministration since it recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2070 Cindy saying the u.n. Use the State Department United States military plane used to help troops communicate and share intelligence on the battlefield has crashed in a Taliban controlled region of Afghanistan according to military officials in a u.s. Air Force Chief of Staff General Dave gold feen said the plane was an 11 equipped with Battlefield airborne communications No I'm Tommy McNeill news. Africa will come today bring up with them from the police of America but take in Washington today is Tuesday January 28th and here are some of this the reason we are covering Nigeria says in the us time a bad time for the good of the country. In future you hear. What I think not thank. You. Doctors Without Borders says 1200000 Nigerians are beyond humanitarian access Liberian president George we had to live with his good message to the national legislature amid a difficult economic times be a face you know contemplates a civil action against President. Government in Tanzania opposition party calls on the World Bank not to resume loans for the government or. The company. Picchu out that the federal. Government to act on that issue to be shouting at it here. Is disposed person for the opposition alliance for change and transparency and Uganda's opposition parties cannot agree on working together head of the 2021 general elections those stories are more coming up on Daybreak Africa. Nigeria is information minister says any u.s. Travel ban would stifle the good of the country and its vulnerable people live Mohammed says Nigeria with the help of the United States government has done very well in driving terrorist groups out of Nigeria mommas comments came as press reports say that trump administration is reviewing a homeland. Security Department recommendation to expand these restrictions to contras like times in the euro trade and so done African countries currently on u.s. Travel ban out of Libya and Somalia Mohammed says Nigeria has received no formal warning from the trauma administration about it pendent travel ban what. We are yet to be formally the people. Who are on the. Are in there back in town who would love to know why or. Not there will you know what I think there are people being affected more in line. In finishing school going here you probably want to watch all the while I'm not there preventing the actual situation. In respect of you've. Also said that and we don't even mention. What people are calling the good of the country and that lords who most wanted to. Know. More than. People. Like many of the countries list under the president travel ban some of these countries in Africa let's say Libya and Somalia the issue of whether their commitment to fighting terrorism I guess that's the concern of the administration said I think that that will fall back on the. Former Lehman deals because you believe them or do you think they're not frankly where we. Think they're inferior are not beyond that when we had gone to go they're gone directly from be undermining our capacity they're not belittling 3 to 4 foreign. Printing of until he. Comes. President Mohamed is one of the few African leaders will visit Washington during president trumps administration you have said that you have not been formally notified and this is still not certain whether a travel ban would be imposed on Nigeria the fact that it's coming up what does that mean people think that President Bush visit there watching down there should be some good relations between the United States and Nigeria. To what to do America will be. Good to. There you know be clear. Cards. Are not. You know surprise. You know. Who are going to support moral. Light Mohammed is Nigeria's information minister he was speaking with us from the capital of the charity group Doctors Without Borders says insecurities caused by the Boko Haram conflict has pulled more than a 1000000 beyond the reach of humanitarian workers least reports for viewing from Geneva Doctors Without Borders known by its French acronym m.s.f. Reports the population of northeast Nigeria is being victimized by all sides in the Boko Haram conflict which has been going on for 11 years the Nigerian military says it has the upper hand over the Islamist insurgents but according to m.s.f. And u.n. Agencies the humanitarian situation is still dire especially in born. All states do is a grievous who headed the agency's mission in Nigeria for the past 2 years says people's movements are limited by the 2 main Boko Haram factions and the government depriving them of their traditional ways of life he says people are subject to attacks adoptions abuse and exploitation women and girls are victims of rape and other forms of sexual assault of you know one of the biggest crises take a simple 1000000 people in need in the system for survival. Of the most basic needs. Food. He says the spike in security humanitarian workers can reach the majority of the people but a good way is tells v.o.a. The Doctors Without Borders and other agencies have no access at all to the 1200000 people living in areas controlled by Boko Haram has 2 main factions of whom one is allied with Islamic state according to recent un figures these Nigerians live in 22 enclaves in Borno State agree it says the Nigerian army does not allow humanitarian agencies to go to these areas because this would be in violation of international counter-terrorism laws the for the. Lows forever. To negotiate with or. Go free. Because the government so too. Is making. It Go he does not these laws are preventing access because negotiating with armed groups is considered a crime Doctors Without Borders is calling on the Nigerian government to allow international humanitarian law to supersede the one on counterterrorism this he says what in the. Humanitarian agencies to get access to the 1200000 Nigerians in desperate need of aid research shrine for v.o.a. News journey the Liberian president George we had delivered his 3rd message to the national legislature on Monday amid difficult economic times as most Its guys here would report from Monrovia Mr we have a good knowledge of the high rate of inflation due to devaluation of the local currency but he also outlined measures to address the crisis it was at 4 pm local time when the idea really need a constitutional mandate to look for the full membership of the legislature and the joint chambers of the Capitol he drew the population to deface petrol of how the government was going to its objective for the next one year he was quick to ally his foremost priority to be later in the 4 prescribe it in development was killing voyage for structure was south of me so we as government Castro and the population's full heart husband their ability of the government to reawaken the economy exchange rates has been high just led to high increased efficiency this president we are mated was a serious impediment for the government during the year 21000 senses of life. In the big sister we visited it is the large amount of. The business is. In the latter part of the year he said a situation where however brought on the control by to see. What can move deface take orders to do seem to feel like it is in use so we say his campaign has kept its promise of not borrowing from the c.b.l. Just by challenging it stays in pay the wages of God The workers during the interview crowded into. This. For cause the civil as the mob or I'm going to reduce inflict. The worst in our records show he said he also announced the withdrawal of the central bank of Liberia from the economic management team which he said is a part of measures to give the c.b.l. An independent is. No longer on. The economic management team. And. This goes all the most. Partisan for. A month of the central bank governor thanks Mr Weir said despite the challenges his Got they will work in making 20 twentieth's assists for year by 2 as support the adequate rate if it is determined that the focus was. Going to reduce inflicts. On our records out of. Liberia had a staggering economy 20 Latey was actually projection the workers were shocked of salaries as the one month without pay even lead to a high school protest as some government agency says it is got class if these new measures laid down by the we have complained we helped place the country's economy under some 40 because they're out of SETI to have transparency and accountability look at their fiscal management. Says guys you. Know it's nature they broke Africa on the Voice of America I'm James but in Washington today is Tuesday January 28th they broke Africa time 17 minutes past the hour the Gumby and press union says it is planning to file a civil action against President Adam about his government to the match. Compensation for the administration's actions this comes after police on Sunday arrested $137.00 protesters including journalists who were covering an anti-government protest in the capital Bangui of the protesters have been demanding for president Baru to step down because they said he read negative on his promise to step down after 3 years in office President borrow has said he will not be forced out of office till the expiration of his 1st full time next year as enshrined in the Constitution Mustafa double is vice president of the Gambian Press Union. We all the press conference this morning to x. Journalists to one different God the government pronouncement that this group is subversive that they must not be or they believe any media interview could disregarded what I need because the order is legal according to the Constitution and the laws of the family to pull also the government to ensure one point all different media houses that way you get close down and 3 for them to also release journalist why you need to be in because of course anybody on the dish in the gun yet can be at a strong suspicion of committing a crime will be all the facts we are happy and sure for no one of the media houses or journalist that will address their government is Monday said by the Constitution to ensure the rule of law and protect the country's territorial integrity so events any thing wrong that could destabilize the country the government has a constitutional mandate to put its foot down to ensure that there is rule of law and law and order and that is why it asked Why are you disagreeing with such an action by the government when he has the constitution on Monday to act so the constitution of this country is very clear on what the role of the media is and of course be sure to read about almost 2 years or Sasquatch for 5 years it's a political question that the bees entirely to political class to sort out well what do we I guess any attempt by the government to shop for us would be a freedom any of them to by the government to address to join at its core merrily giving a platform to any form of group that seized on democracy on the top level this group has been created by the pronouncement of the person himself that it was him for 3 years ago told people he will stop putting it under under Constitution empowers him to do that so what's the next step forward for the governor presume your own. Directive on the press conference what's next I mean we are clear about what action we will take you know a press release you taking a civil action against the government shutting down and media else taking a civil action to ensure that people whose businesses. Get some form of compensation aren't we also making sure that some form of payment or take the government record on the issue of the arrest from our own perspective but of course the lawyers have to determine how this will be done or what is more appropriate under the circumstances I'm not a lawyer when will this begin Well we're talking to our lawyer right now and the lawyers will have to decide when that happens but of course we have a history of that we've taking them they're going to cost Court taking them they're going to Supreme Court so we are a history of that when we decide to take you to court. Most of a double is the president of the Gumby impressed you knew he spoke with Peter Clottey from the capital Joel opposition political parties in Uganda are having a difficult time working together I had of the 2021 general elections members of the forum for Democratic Change f.t.c. Ugandan's largest opposition party say they prefer to work with established parties rather than pressure groups but some analysts want such disunity will weaken the opposition further David Rutledge a report from compact. Spokesperson says but he does need to determine the position of groups in particular. That is the. Way as if we discuss with the parties to discuss who the parties to see this want to. Discuss it. But. Also the political parties we shall make a decision in the future who voted to move into this discussion but doesn't stand to be no one would discuss with you but to establish when is issues to depose government and 1st a shadow government formed by d.c. Fonda and 4 times presidential candidate and attend a kind of his of his day dual singing in his books plus one of the book says most again is difficult to express their support for me and wanting to run for the presidency into that into one she was has been in politics for a long time you obviously have made some enemies you have made some mistakes without a doubt no one is perfect and all of that you obviously have a beetle for you to comb by just I would call it Cafferty so. Via other ways that she's young he's I just and he said I just take. My journey of the people but you refuse and others will not see another leadership something has been bought for 34 yes and my jury GIGO of you can and I way below that a. Political commentator in Uganda says is important to their position. And look together because did not have more resources like the ruling party the national resistance movement in that I am. Open that you get a record. You wonder I would defend your problem. The prick. You work one of. My projects would be better for you. To work you under. Or. Ocean a says that would impact a supported by state history elicit not a person in the UK against the opposition during the $10.00 to $16.00 campaigns the opposition attempted at forming that movement to cleanse da a coalition of middle position groups and to come. With fronting so candids and this building in for the news. This is unique umbrella Uganda Tanzania opposition alliance for change and transparency also unless Act 1000 Lendl is calling on the World Bank not to resume loans earmarked for the government because of human rights abuses in the East African country the party's spokesman. Says the band directors should seek a commitment from the Times and the government that the rights of citizens protect the supporters of the rule in part to say the acquisitions of rights abuses are false and regrettable they accuse Act and its legal Cobb way of trying to undermine the government's efforts to boost in living standards act spokesperson tells viewers Peter Clottey that the Wallbank she would draw its opponents due to evidence of human rights abuses in Tanzania what has to be clearly understood is that maybe the our part in our little progress is little pause to force by the government to to improve education in a country or 2 on Sunday and that campaigning is to ensure that President Michael and government to task on the issues appreciating education to prevent your. Ranting human rights in Tanzania and you know this insanity you want to put it would be free to we are not satisfied with the proposal put forward by the government to create separate. Pregnant girls but you have to think because they are likely to bring. One commodity in that system of pitch then we. Do you think loon if approved on Tuesday by the board of the bank would embolden the. Government we know that the men need the lawn so this is their right to catch their eyes because we are exceptions. To the government not to. Take advantage of the government. Rule of the government and the Human Rights Act the. Concerns are pouring to the east here so we hope that all the characters of the world can do that because the government. Now is your party saying that the World Bank Schumi the protection of human rights or the respect of human rights and one of the preconditions before releasing the monies of funds to they are going to have medical. Records 'd not support to provide long on the government to total attendance but some people some people are accusing your party of trying to undermine the government efforts to fund education for the people of Tanzania and what you are doing is not perturbed it we remember the as with you all the land are not all the fault of the government to him though under protection. We believe that by pressurising that the land. To improve the level of education because you cannot. Question that you are the empire you leave behind it more than 5000 children who are not allowed to continue with. Because yes. Others I believe is the spokesperson for the opposition alliance for change and transparency in Tanzania he was speaking with us Peter Clottey briefly before we leave you a summary of Africa news Nigeria's information minister says any u.s. Travel ban will strive for the good of Nigeria and its vulnerable people like Mohammed says Nigeria with the help of the United States government has done very well in driving terrorist groups out of Nigeria Mohammed's comments came as press reports say the administration is reviewing a Homeland Security Department recommendation to expand visa restrictions to countries like Tanzania Eritrea Nigeria and Sudan African countries currently on u.s. Travel ban on Libya and Somalia Mohammed says Nigeria received no formal warning from the tribe administration about a pending travel ban. Liberian President George we are deliver his 3rd message to the national legislature Monday amid difficult economic times Mr we acknowledged the high rate of inflation due to devaluation of the local currency but he also I would lie measures to address the crisis and the Gambian Press Union says it is planning to file civil action against President of the my battles government to demand compensation for the administration's actions against the press that's it for this Tuesday January 20th edition of daybreak Africa I'll be out of the neighbor got back team in Washington wishing you a very good day. With your ears on music. Your connection to the. Inviting you to join. Him Sunday at 1520. 1. That's music. Old songs you know and love. To. Meet artists listen to Africa's superstars and rising star in exclusive club interviews Radio 4 on my You Tube channel search for heaven at this time in. L.a. Only the. Africa. Today China's new coronavirus has claimed more lives in China as the global effort to continue to contain the outbreak schools in China and Hong Kong have been delayed to try and contain the virus or China's exclusion zone of cities on lockdown continue to widen Reuters Jayson albino starts off with the death toll from China's new coronavirus continue to rise Monday as the global efforts to contain the rapid outbreak double down the number of confirmed cases in China is in the thousands u.s. Officials reported multiple cases on Sunday and it's already spread to other countries including Thailand Australia and France more than 10 cities in who Bay have already been shut down who Bay is the province in which will han the city where the outbreak began is located and neighboring provinces are anticipating the exclusion list will only widen. China said it would extend a weeklong Lunar New Year holiday in a bid to slow the spread of the virus state media reported that Beijing will also delay the reopening of schools and universities after the holiday Hong Kong announced a similar plan with schools to remain closed until February 17th Hong Kong. So said it would ban entry to travelers who have visited who Bay in the last 14 days the government's plan for a quarantine zone were stalled after protesters torched a newly built residential building that authorities plan to use as a quarantine facility. Our message is very simple don't make this a state into a corner area as there are lots of residents here it's that simple airports around the world are ramping up screening measures of Chinese passengers though its effectiveness has been questioned by health officials some foreign governments are working to evacuate their citizens from all Han France said its evacuees will spend 14 days in quarantine to stop the possible spread of the virus also on Sunday Chinese officials confirm that the ability of the new virus to spread is getting stronger and that infections could continue to rise no deaths have been reported outside of China from the virus so far that was Reuters reporter Jason albino Chinese Premier League Achang visited the city of who Han on Monday to meet with health officials and examine their response to the outbreak will stock markets plunged on Monday as investors fear the economic impact from the coronavirus the latest figures reported by Chinese media include almost 4200 cases and over 100 deaths in all cases have been reported in Australia Canada France Hong Kong Japan Macau Malaysia Nepal Portugal Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand and the United States as well as Vietnam Meanwhile the u.s. State Department has updated travel advisory to China to level 3 advising citizens to reconsider to travel China due to the noble coronavirus now to dive deeper into the topic I spoke earlier to Dr Jose Vasquez division chief and professor of medicine and Infectious Diseases at Augusta university I began our conversation by asking him the large number of cases each year of influenza and ammonia. That affect each person around the globe wiser so much concern about the coronavirus I think the important difference is the fact that it's a new or what's called a novel virus right from the prior respiratory viruses that we've had nobody has heard about it and because nobody's heard about it and it's coming from another country especially in the United States I think we are you know a little uptight I guess you could say are anxious about this disease the other thing that makes it a little scary to the population is the fact that we don't know anything about it we don't know how it spreads we don't know how contagious it is another words is that a couple of days where you maybe have no symptoms and then all of a sudden you have favor in a cough and then you're infectious or have you been infectious since you've been so it's really the unknown I think that's the big fear I saw some reports of the debate Joe is really putting the emphasis on health care workers health care facilities to really make sure that their screening procedures are really tight and stringent when you're dealing with people coming from on or who may have been exposed what kinds of things do people need to keep in mind so that's a good question so in the health care facilities we have been prepared for what we call emerging infections or emerging diseases way back since the SARS the initial SARS was back in 2000 to 2003 right so what we do is our 1st question that we have when somebody comes in with a fever and cough is have you traveled anywhere has that person traveled anywhere within the past $2.00 to $4.00 weeks if they have it in those people will immediately be put into place mask on and then they will go into isolation and so we get it right away in the emergency room or the walk in clinic or the walk in doctor's office so we really jump on it quickly to prevent that spread is a mask good enough that's a good everybody asked me. That so I'd like to because it's a big question right I mean whether whether we mean whether whether it's it's SARS or the corona virus that we're talking about now are the things the 1st thing is going to put on a mask but there are certain masts that are better at filtering out particular matter than others there is one school of thought that it does help there's another school of thought that it doesn't really help I think I tend to be somewhere in between so what happens with most mask is after you've been a wearing it for an hour or 2 because of the humidity and your breath the mask gets wet right as long as the mask gets wet it doesn't work all right one last question your physician your doctor you're the head of the Infectious Disease Program at Augusta university What is something that you're looking at in terms of the reporting in the information coming out from health care professionals who have firsthand experience with this that we as as laypeople people who are just reading the news may not be keenly aware of well I think I think the important part of this is how is it can to become contagious right that's the key because that can go from a few people to a couple of 1000000 so what we do know is and what should it be recommended is anybody who feel sick who has symptoms of a respiratory tract infection should be staying home right expensively if they've come from Asia that was Dr Jose Vasquez at Augusta University speaking to me from Georgia. An American military aircraft crashed in eastern Afghanistan Monday is no indication so far that it has been brought down by enemy fire according to the u.s. Military spokesman u.s. Forces in Afghanistan said Bombardier 11 a crash in the. Best occasion of its causes was. Monday's plane crash is not expected to derail u.s. Taliban peace talks if it turns out to. Officials in trouble leaders say that an escalation in fighting between the Saudi led military coalition and rebel Yemen has killed and wounded hundreds of people over the past week u.s. Backed Arab coalition battling to restore Yemen's internationally recognized government stepped up airstrikes on rebel targets northeast of the capital Sana following among. The shelled government held areas as a spike in violence across stalemated front lines threatens to exacerbate 5 year conflict and complicate indirect peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The United Nations revealed on Monday chilling new details about an airstrike that smashed into a migrant intentions center in Libya killing at least 50 individuals to July attacks sparked international condemnation and accusations of war crimes the 13 page report says the conduct of compound officials at the time of the deadly attack may have contributed to the high death toll and documented numerous violations of international law warring Libyan militias and urged further investigation to ensure accountability. As u.s. President Donald Trump Senate impeachment trial continues it's been jolted by new claims that undercut a key defense argument a.p. Washington correspondent Saager McGann a has mall. More on today's presentation by the White House but the president and his lawyer say he did not tie withholding military aid to Ukraine to his demand for investigating Joe Biden but former trump national security advisor John Bolton alleges in a forthcoming book that's exactly what the president did as they resumed their case the president's lawyers did not directly address Bolton's revelations but Jay Sekulow says there's no proof the president did not a single witness testify that the president himself said that there was any connection top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer says they're out there we want all we want Mulvaney upping pressure on Republicans to allow witness testimony for g.o.p. Senators would have to sign on and 2 are now publicly indicating they are onboard Mitt Romney and Susan Collins like war. Impeachment is how former independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation of President Clinton led to the house impeaching Clinton he's now on President Trump's legal team and says there's nothing more divison for the nation those of us who lives for the Clinton impeachment understand Starr told the Senate impeachment requires 2 things an actual crime and a genuine national consensus that the president must go away he says neither exists in this case and after just one presidential impeachment in the nation's 1st 200 years Congress is now too quick to act we're living in one I think an apple a be described as the age of impeachment one Democratic senator calls that absurd and quite rich coming from Ken Starr Saager Magni Washington now for analysis of those arguments and more our earlier spoke with Joel Richard Paul professor at the University of California Hastings College of the law. For. Many Republicans now. That they need to call other witnesses even if they have no intention of voting to remove the president from office they may still feel I think that if they fail to call those witnesses and if more evidence continues to come out in the press any way that they're going to look like they have it on their chops and there may be political consequences for them if they fail to sell the other way in which effects the sense I think more immediately if this it appears in the case of John Bolton that he has submitted the manuscript involved to the White House that they are you and I have to believe that Mr cyclone e knows that he must seen this manuscript in advance and he handed the for some weeks and if he knew what John Bolton said in that text. He could not in good conscience end up and make the argument he has now made before the Senate which is that Mr Trump never condition a business discipline and has made a false statement to the Senate in this trial before the chief justice the United States Supreme Court he may have some ethical problems and he actually should probably recuse himself from further development in the trial he's also in a position now where you've got presents the office of the president not the president himself and now there's a conflict between the interests of the office of the presidency and the president if Mr Bolton's allegations are true the president's team concludes its presentation on Tuesday and then it opens up the floor to questions to both sides if you were a senator sitting as a member of the jury in this impeachment trial what kind of questions would you want to ask I think what I would want to know about as earnings is what they knew opt out John Bolton's claim and when they bill it. I would want to know what the truth is that thing you know that is not being made available to Senate and in this representations that they may have said it but I really think the interesting question of an evidentiary point of view which. I don't think anyone is exploiting at this point is how this whole transaction was financed Where did the money come from that financed alleged Parnassus and Rudy Giuliani and others in all of their travels and all of their engagements there is this continuing story about large transfers of money between. Parness and Mr Giuliani that money must have come from somewhere and I think we would want to know where it came from because the implication is that the money may have come from across and there would be an outside influence I'll lecture and correct. You know on the election that violation of finance laws also further story as to which whole narrative Ukraine and Russia. Respond here in the 26 election. To us whether that narrative. Well that was Professor Joe Richard Paul from the u.c. Hastings College of the law speaking to me from California and you're listening to v.o.a. News. This is the Internet. Astronomers have found a number of exoplanets Cruise orbits are in what is called the habitable zone a planetary systems habitable or Goldilocks zone is an orbital region around a star where it's not too hot or too cold and any orbiting planets could have liquid water on its surface something that's essential to support life a new study from Rice University in Houston Texas suggests simply residing in a star's habitable zone it may not be enough to determine the planet's actual habitability the planet star also needs to be on its best behavior according to the study a number of Earth like planets from orbiting in the habitable zone also circle too close to their stars to escape the a thanks of the stars a strong magnetic fields and associated radiation to the study authors are building a computer model to help determine how a star's atmosphere and magnetic fields affect the planets and in time of the bull's eye I'm viewing lays Rick Banta Layo. We'll ways international edition continues I'm Steve Miller with just over a month to go before Israel's next election both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and chief rival Benny Gantz held separate meetings with u.s. President Donald Trump in Washington on Monday on the table as Trump so called Deal of the century which will reportedly give Israel control over large parts of the West Bank some in Israel say Mr Trump is trying to influence the election when the Gradstein reports for v.o.a. From Jerusalem President Donald Trump has been working on his Israeli Palestinian peace deal for almost as long as he has been in office but it is only now just ahead of Israel's 3rd round of elections on March 2nd that he is releasing the details of the plan Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the plan is a great opportunity for Israel and the sun I want to. The prime minister also said he is leaving for Washington with a great sense of responsibility and that he hoped he and President would make history Natanya whose rival Benny guns wrangled a private meeting with Trump hoping to show that he is a serious contender for prime minister but the focus in Israel has now shifted from corruption allegations against Natanya who to the political and diplomatic spear where he excels details of the plan have not been released but Israeli press reports say it gives Israel control over chunks of the West Bank including the Jordan Valley which runs along the border between the West Bank and Jordan most Yadlin former head of military intelligence says the plan is a dream from Israel's point of view impossible. Yadlin said that this plan offers parameters that are much better for Israel and include total control over the Jordan Valley control over the airspace in the West Bank and again militarized Palestinian state. Palestinians who have cut off all ties with the trumpet ministration have responded angrily to the reported details Palestinian prime minister Mohammad steadiest said Trump is interfering in Israel's election and that of the UK do I know how the. Diocese in the news is meant to say they found something to be determined by news and made time Yahoo from going to jail some Israeli analysts agree that Trump is trying to get Natanya who his friend to win the election Mark sellers the chairman of Republicans overseas Israel a political group for Republicans who live outside the United States Zell tells Israel radio it could mean that the results of this election will give Israelis what they wanted all along a partnership between the tenure who and guns so I think the president may well be trying to do something that's connected to the peace plan but somewhat apart from it and that is to help Israel on the principle protagonists in the battle for the Israeli government don't you know and guns to somehow overcome their difficulties and come together and form a unity government so that we can get on with the business of conducting foreign policy and defense here in the Middle East Israel said the prior elections have failed to produce a government and that the deal of the century could change that Linda Gradstein Jerusalem January 31st is this coming Friday not only is it the end of the month but it's a day that brags that officially takes place all the world has been occupied with news of the corona virus outbreak in China and it spread around the world or what's been happening in the United States with President Trump's impeachment trial a major economic and political story has seemingly fallen off many of people's radars but Britain's exit imminent I spoke earlier with London based reporter Henri Ridgwell to find out how people are preparing for breaks in at week's end. Well as you say they were been so many other things in the news lately the coronavirus the impeachment here in the United Kingdom as well a lot of focus on the role families troubles as well it's almost as if bricks it day has come up with a bit of a surprise and it's out of the week there is a party and in central London by the backers a vote leave a celebration they wanted to get the bells of Big Ben charming but that's undergoing renovation of the moment so they can't so there will be some events to mark bricks if they they have minted a new 50 pence coin with the words peace prosperity and friendship to all nations to mark the moment the government itself and Prime Minister Boris Johnson are treading carefully on this because I think they still recognize that the country is divided on this at least half of the country is not celebrating on the 31st of January they don't want breaks it to go ahead and the country remains bitterly divided so there will be some celebrations there will be some angsty among a lot of remain as well and it remains to be seen what happens on the 1st of February and where the government goes from here you mentioned thanks by remain ors and possibly some other people who did not want to leave the European Union but hey there's a lead in months of deal making time remaining to solidify all the nuances of the divorce deal but until then things to argy remain the same so why why are people experiencing. On the surface of things it doesn't look like much will change on February the 1st I think there's 2 reasons The 1st is the direction of travel of the government and of Boris Johnson and the rhetoric that is coming out of Number 10 Downing Street he as I've said is insisting Boris Johnson is insisting that he is not going to extend that transition period there is an option to an extended by another 2. You years he has put into lure that he will not extend it and if you look at all past trade deals that the European Union has done the most recent being with Canada and Japan they have taken several years to negotiate and several years to ratify and to cram all of that into the space of a few months given that probably every single national parliament in the European Union will have to ratify it you would think that raises the chances of the again of us going back to what we were talking about in the fall of last year of there being a big cliff edge and all that some certainty coming but Boris Johnson moreover has made it very clear that he does not want a close relationship with the European Union go forward so all those who. Proposed it or were supporters of e.u. Membership and wanted to remain close I think they know now that Boris Johnson having won the 80 seat majority in parliament their hopes of staying close to the European Union of retaining those rights to live and work and travel around the continent are pretty much dashed and they are going to have to live with whatever this new government negotiates and I think the 2nd aspect of this is really something to do with identity and this goes deep down into the divisions in the country the heart of the country really no embrace the European identity or at least enjoyed or appreciated the perceived benefits of European Union membership the other half see much better future outside of the European Union and that really is what is coming down to now is a question of identity that was reporter Henry Woodrow speaking to me from London who was on Monday 75 years ago Soviet Union soldiers liberated the Auschwitz death camp in Poland where over a 1000000 people mostly Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis ever since hallmark. Survivors their descendants and supporters have reminded the world to never forget the horrors of the Holocaust and the evil humans everywhere are capable of the ways Adam Phillips has this report of how one Jewish family whose matriarch survived Auschwitz keeps the memory of the Holocaust alive so does Robin now $64.00 was born 10 years after his mother Livia and her 2 sisters were freed from Auschwitz and began the long trek that eventually led them to the state of Israel but Dr X.'s his parents' memories of the whole acoss were a constant underline presence in their otherwise happy home they told us about the label about clothing you know they were youngsters my mom was a teenager and all of a sudden she found herself in a couple cut so she couldn't move and she saw that she will wake up and it will be over but it was. Al a city and German shepherd dogs and the s.s. Shouting the scene must some look like insane and then having them all the tools and then the you move all of humanity and then the clothing that they have to take off my mom explained. You know to us in detail how how shameful they all were you know that the Germans were laughing and kicking and and couldn't think. At terrible experiences one could ever have run fixes the experience still haunts his mother at night even at the age of $93.00 still he has never viewed his mother as a victim I always saw his will and could never understand how she could smile I should believe the family and have a good humor and live long and very fulfilling life with this hanging. Over the head knowing that when night comes it always takes a back to Auschwitz and then the next morning she is just full and happy the reality is about this came driving when he and his wife and children and other relatives traveled with his mom to the camp which is now a museum that's when he got the idea to get his own Ted to bearing the number thank him to his mother's arms it was a way to honor her and her fading generation and to offer a visible reminder of the Holocaust to others my mom may she be well is just 93 and that generation is dwindling so as so many so I had many people stop me and ask me what what is the number you would think in this day and age people would know about the holocaust but I explained to them why I have the number you know I'm talking to people about the events that happened not only to my mom but to a whole lot of Jews from all over Europe Roddick's son Amir is one of several family members who followed his father's example abuses his dad too has often given him strength during hard times you know a lot of times like life gets you down whether financially whether emotionally and and like sometimes you know I really do want to give up and I don't want to continue my stuff and so when I when I think of like I want my grandma to run through and then what I personally go through nothing really in my feet that I have to dig no problem seems to tops you know you've never seen anything in your life that compared to really bring things to a place where I'm so grateful to be alive and how lucky I am to exist well the world remembers Auschwitz on this day over there who of exists his mother lives it every day for him it's a time to work. If the truth of the Holocaust has prompted humans to be kinder and more tolerant and understanding of each other Ravech admits to being both slightly optimistic and deeply skeptical added Phillips v.o.a. News New York while the Grammys are being handed out inside the Staples Center in Los Angeles California Sunday night fans are paying tribute to Kobe Bryant outside a.p. Entertainment correspondent Oscar Wilde's Gabriel share some of those fans thoughts as one fan Renee sort of I want to put it Today's a day that part of the l.a. Dion and indeed the scene in the plaza near the Staples Center took on the kind of mournful scene reminiscent of what happened when Michael Jackson died in 2009 people that candles displayed memorabilia and talked about the shock Julie Sierra had noted for the amount of people there out here it's silent everybody thinking everybody's morning even so some fans pay tribute to Brian as though they were still inside the Staples Center watching him play. Gabriel and that's going to have for us today you've been listening to international edition of The Voice of America on behalf of our director Tracy Carter an engineer Jimmy Cook thank you very much for starting your day with us give us our Web site for in-depth coverage of world events and news 24 hours a day you can also find archive copies of the show on the program page under the live radio tab until next time I'm Steve Miller in Washington have a great day. This is the only news I'm telling. You is President Trump dismissing a claim from his former national.

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