Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20200108 060000

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Of defenses against the massive Bush buyers rain and cooler temperatures it's giving firefighters time to bolster containment lines clear ground vegetation and conduct controlled burns but the rainfall is not enough to extinguish hundreds of fires still burning Prime Minister Scott Morrison who faced criticism for his response to the fires is committing $1400000000.00 to a newly created Butch by your recovery fund to help residents businesses and farmers rebound the United Nations says conditions are deteriorating that involving rape for millions of civilians trapped in Syria's embattled northwest province of Idlib Lisa slide reports bore be away from Geneva Turkey and other countries have closed their borders with Syria making it virtually impossible for some 3000000 civilians and it lived to escape the violence over the past 8 months the United Nations says more than 700000 people have been forced to flee their homes he says 300000 of them have become displaced since mid December that is when Syrian forces and their Russian allies mounted a fierce onslaught to retake it loop the last territory still under rebel control spokesman for the un office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs u.n. Slayer Kate says at least 1300 civilians were killed by airstrikes and shelling between May and August recess line for v.o.a. News Judy u.s. Government led research has found no strong evidence linking baby powder with ovarian cancer and the largest analysis to look at the question may be correspondent Shelley Adler reports health concerns about talcum powder is have prompted thousands of lawsuits fry women who claim a specialist in the powder cause their cancer the u.s. Lawsuits have targeted leading baby powder maker Johnson and Johnson although several juries have reached multimillion dollar verdicts against the company they have been overturned or are. Being appealed Johnson and Johnson says its powder is routinely tested to ensure that there is no especially the findings recalled reassuring in an editorial published with the study in The Journal of the American Medical Association I'm sure you are Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guardia and at the country's legislative building on Tuesday 2 days after the ruling Socialist Party installed its own parliamentary leadership the move is the latest development in an effort to gain control of bill into a less last democratic institution wanted to who has served as National Assembly president for the past year has tried to oust President Nicolas Maduro during that period but he tells on more news v.o.a. News dot com from here in Washington I'm like you grill below a news. Good of Sirte Tuesday after taking the city from militia forces 3 years ago Uranian in Cairo Egypt a subsidy they are mixed reviews about transitional accomplishments halfway through a 100 day delayed a court has ordered the Liberian government to restore a license of a radio station Guinea-Bissau with a court ruling election challenge and separatists say they will soon declare a lock down in angle from Cameroon ahead of February 9th in the legislative elections that are bringing all of our little into. The old and I like. To play the number look who is their spokesperson for the something Claire Amazonian Republic of common room and a new research shows a vital link with 3 Indigenous people and the conservation of forest landscapes and those the rest plus the special ones this post edition are coming up on Daybreak Africa. Forces loyal to eastern Libyan military commander General Khalifa Haftar have captured the coastal port city of Sirte hometown of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi they follow a raid on the city on Monday the advance of have task forces comes amid talk of a Turkish military intervention at the uranium reports from Cairo. Mom about a. Video showed forces loyal to. While the fresh off guard inspecting captured military vehicles in the coastal city of Sirte Tuesday after taking the city from militia forces loyal to the rival government of internationally recognized prime minister fires also Raj in Tripoli Monday off there's military spokesman Colonel Ahmed almost Mari told journalists that the capture of Sirte took just 3 hours operations chief Khalid told Arab media that a multi-pronged attack encircled the city quickly. Here. I don't want to be. Frogman took a part of Sirte but then moved in to capture the main military base inside the city called Camp Saadi more general men then completed the route of their opponents when they moved into the airport and militia forces surrender. The media also showed video of Hof there is man in the town of Gori on west of Sirte Tuesday inspecting militia tanks they had captured it was not immediately clear how close half theirs men are to the militia stronghold of Misrata but a large be a t.v. Reported the tough there is fighter jets bombed positions held by militia fighters along the coastal highway leading to the city Saudi owned a shark allows a newspaper reported Tuesday that newly elected Algerian president. Told visiting Tripoli based Libyan prime minister fires also Raj that Algeria opposes any outside intervention in Libya but is ready to play a role in mediating an end to the conflict Arab media also reported Tuesday the Tunisia and Saudi Arabia expressed opposition to a possible Turkish military intervention in Libya Egypt is due to host the meeting of foreign minister. Of several North African and European countries Wednesday to discuss the Libyan conflict u.n. Special envoy to the us on salami told journalists Monday that the situation in Libya is bleak and that he opposes foreign intervention in the country and what I ask these countries is very clear. Out of Libya there is enough weapons in Libya they don't need extra weapons there are enough medicine in Libya so sending as is the case right now a map circulating on social media show tough terrorist forces control most of Libya with the exception of a band of coastal territory between Misrata and the capital Tripoli Edward Uranian for v.o.a. News Cairo Cameroon separatists say they will declare sume a complete lockdown throughout regions to prevent the Cameroon government from conduct conduct unscheduled Feb 9th legislative and municipal elections spokesperson Chris on says there will be no movement he and out of English speaking regions during the controversy elections he urged residents to begin stocking up on food water and medicine head of what he calls it no mercy lock down come on room military launched attacks this week in regions ahead of the election the main opposition leader Maurice com told has said his party will boycott the elections crazed new says the separatists will also also determined to prevent the elections from taken place. We are a separate people a separate country from French come alone and that I'm bringing $100.00 thousands of troops into combat zone in the year organize elections will not take place in numbers obviously they can bring India soldiers there were not a bundle people to polling stations we had decimating ably polling stations that were fine in a bus or near a newly election of a share would there into our territory docile addys or our own risks we are very very clear we did not participate in the last presidential elections and this one will not be any different irrespective of how many soldiers they bring into the country the Minister for territory F.A.'s on the opposition political parties are against the boycotting the elections can this election take place if say the opposition party going from Cameroon does not take part any where you know if fraudulent system if fraudulent country if further than government when ministers of their government begin to false elections of one people or false people into the pools a political party that of Modi's come to has already said they are boycotting the elections all the political parties in the choose not to participate all it in they will gloat choose not to participate what will have to force them again they haue the right to do what they want to do but not to force people and not to conduct elections and they tell it for that is called by Sonia that world not to happen it will happen at a shedding of blood that is how far we are prepared to go we shall be declaring a complete lockdown of it and bad going and headed for a very very soon to shabby norm of men out now most men into about the Nia within the periodic of days the election that is to tell you how serious we become when. No longer take instructions from French cameraman How soon before their son look down it will be pretty so pretty so now we're asking the voters talk food stock what the stock train stock medication because it will be enormously lockdown as allows one did a military offensive in preparation for this election take you by surprise No absolutely not we have never taken them and they had the a word they say one thing and it do it all so you imagine that just before Christmas cobia act that the troops be withdrawn from our back into the barracks but then they didn't take our anyone put in thousands of troops they just doubled down on the troops in our communities as we speak 15 trucks a lot of soldiers were sent into the nolens zone Manda yesterday 350 were sent to boy or some are being sent to other places callable he may be a limb but people in other communities and they want the people to believe they are looking for a solution to this crisis well if they are looking for a solution to this conflict let them call out already this real dialogue initiative . Chris On Tuesday Secretary of State full communication of dissent proclaimed interim government of India he was speaking with us from the u.s. City of Houston today is Wednesday January it's and you're listening to daybreak Africa and the Voice of America I'm James Blunt in Washington still to come a special ones this post edition they broke Africa Time 14 minutes past the hour will more than half of the extend the $100.00 day Pre transitional period is gone and parties to the peace agreement have mixed views about what has been achieved so far a government spokesperson says outstanding issues on security arrangements have been implemented but an opposition spokesperson says the party's fall behind schedule on the big issues may young David Mayo reports from Juba South Sudan's information minister and government is full fence and Michael McQuade Ses in the past parties have made progress in implementing pre-planned activity the government can progress . Short of the right to lies agreement or to be implemented. To go no. 100. Know under way more into the training centers those who are going to be trained not not recruits not civilian. And I did military people so the. Pressure of course. They were. Flawed but s.p.l. And I owed if he's focused on my knowledge be that good cause ses he but these are far behind is good on a number of issues that were supposed to have been completed by the end of the fence 50 days of their extended the transitional period to. The. Number of syllables. In. Training side. By. So number of estate and blunder that should be addressed before I let you know the date to be called a part of the activity of the 50 days my now is a citizen fighting between s b l m o is under groove I lead to the government in-joke will inform up and that is take Violet's this is fire and he's likely to affect they've been amended version of security arrangements the national Democratic Movement led by Dr Lama Cohen which is a member of the sounds of battle pollution a lens issued a statement at the end of the 1st 50 days expressing concern about deadlines not to met this Steadman seen by view is ses the government announced the release of $40000000.00 in the fulfillment of $100000000.00 play it made while there you would have moaned abated was only $16000000.00 less than half of that figure announced it also sais the government has shown no compromise on these 2 only over the number of states Ses president suffocate and as Bill and I only don't have much on will resume talks on the number of stay this week to resolve the my telephone number or to try my luck as a material support for us from the crash or not. I'm so 43 bitter bitter from within the next critters prayer words are not come. For us to return poured word expert can become part of the troika which includes the United States United Kingdom and Norway released a joint as did many last week at the end of the 1st 50 days calling on the government to fund the peace process transparently it also in-car us all signatories to the peace deal to demonstrate miserable progress on the issues of his States and Bunder us and on the implementation of what he transitional security outing men's Fulvio in use among young giving my young are in Juba Guinea-Bissau presidential elections were supposed to. Air off of the country after years of political crisis but the main goals Somalis Pira who the election commission. Said last 2 models the sequel in the December 29th polls is challenging the official numbers Pira and his African party for the independence of Guinea and Cape Verde p I g c have appealed to the Supreme Court to allege in front. Of executive secretary for the Guinea Bissau Observatory of democracy and governance tells rakish Trident he expects the appeal to lose and that this will only hinder p.-i gc's ability to work with Ballo in the future. They say that there is nothing there is anything that can be good in jeopardy that do result already put it for the public that give. It to Victor So deadlines and. Blame are cleared. So Jolly which will. All that is the Supreme Court will only confirm the decision of the National Commission no election that. Is the winner and only goes so much prayer is a loser How long does the Supreme Court have to rule or is there a deadline. Of disburses everyone. Is so carry is so this super incurred. By the end of next week so. I'm going to be qualify and I have no doubt that. The position will remain the same that the National Commission for election already saying that there is nothing that can change the results of already. Do you think this challenge by page 2 the result will have an effect on the ability for him Barlow and the pages made to work together in the future. The situation. He already huge in itself. Disturbing all the changes that they could have to work with. Who. Several times put himself available in op and to work with everyone because being president. Meaning that you have to include ever one to develop the Conqueror. Departing We do my duty in the Parliament not absolute to my door do but relative majority he always said that he will know me to be loosing my spread I has Prime Minister but now with all this I don't think that would be possible. As I could have Secretary for the observatory of democracy a governess you're speaking to break a strike from Guinea-Bissau. Is civil law court in Liberia ruled Tuesday they operate in license of punch f.m. T.v. Be restored the government of Liberia in 2018 revoked the station's operating license on grounds that the license was acquired fraudulent lay their station on his own by journalist Patrick Honohan a strong critic of President George Weah government as most as Gazi own reports from Monrovia government lawyers have filed an appeal to the Liberian Supreme Court after a series of complaints to differing him over his groups and diplomatic missions about being denied the right off with the media House journalist Patrick Horne said the wisdom of the cold icy final result he thought 18 counts against the Ministry of Information for withholding his legally acquired registration and frequency of people among which he Agnes prevented him from opening his radio and t.v. Station however the government I'll give you the honest lessons was acquired for the net the what is very good continues the civil law with George p. The when what he said into consideration 6 of the 10000 towns that comes to haunt us why his stock may legally as such the just say the station rise to offer would be restored their petition a little of to get at the growing corporation John Wright $52018.00 and this from this point I'm going to commit to you to show our general 10000 things this course proceeds more deception and misrepresentation on in fact the circumstances in this case and the family granted a beautician a right turn right 12000 eating is bad and beautiful when there is a real visible court that it be just not to discover the truth through judgement as you are by. Right it and it is just going to go through if you nark if you do see it's on target it is probably. Oh so after the judge's ruling government law is led back and so we said we said and now it's an appeal to the Supreme Court of Liberia in June 28th in the government begun a revision of all media operational lesson says an authorization with a harness points at the lessons was revoked on grounds that the station did not meet the accusations dances on the said days following George p. The venue where his ruling on Tuesday this has been long since coming we all know that it was just as a result of pressure to time. And marginalize a shot that led us to where we are today those are the festivities of the past those vestiges of the past where resurrecting we'd like to thank the court for such a ruling for the last 2 years human rights activists have criticised the governor's decision to deny push Ethen and t.v. Station the right to operate and stop on a high I do that he was singled out because he had been critical of President and we are doing a 20 something election is the court ruling came a day after I think government protesters demanded the governor's race to the stations been made to operate media activists or the work was really out of it too for Pres freedom and only Liberia's Supreme Court to issue his opinion on the keys as soon as possible was his guys to the or in news Monrovia. team as he sat. Then came the moment everyone was waiting for the honest was for the calf president. To perform African player of the year to those on the 19th side you money. The 27 year old Senegalese strike I was up against his Liverpool team mate one that sell out the Gyptian one the wards the last 2 yes' or no Gerrard Riyad Murray as of much the City Side of money enjoyed his turn in Yan with Liverpool winning the Champions League unified Super Cup and Fifa Club World Cup as well as missing out on the Premier League. Title by just a single point he also finished joint 2nd in the African top scorers least the city go with Britain and the final but old Geria whole lot of the evening was the special award given to the Lalli a former to go keeper who was injured in a terrorist to talk on the team's boss in 2013 people died to be Lally survived after bullets damaged his spine abdomen into standing and bladder but has overcome all those challenge to contribute he's to do growth of football and that's a big African sport I am something. A Buju Nigeria it's back to you James in Washington thank you so I'm saying we look forward to report again on Thursday briefly before we leave you a summary of Africa news forces loyal to eastern Libyan military commander General Khalifa Haftar have captured the coastal port city of Sirte hometown of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi this follow it writ on the city on Monday the advance of have task forces comes amid talk of a Turkish military intervention Cameroon separatists say they will declare song a complete lockdown for the angle of from regions to prevent the Cameron government from conducting scheduled February 9th legislative and municipal elections spokesperson press are no says there will be no movement in and out of English speaking regions during the controversy over elections he urged residents to begin stocking up on food water and medicine ahead of what he calls it no mercy a lot of Cameroon military launched attacks this week in Angola from regions ahead of the election may opposition leader Maurice com toll has said his party will boycott the elections and that is it for this Wednesday January of daybreak Africa on behalf of the daybreak Africa crew producer Nicole that for people to. As well as Post editor something along with all of our engineers the Washington wishing you a very good day. The 62nd annual Grammy award show is coming up to celebrate order crossings will play songs from the winners of the 2100 American Music Awards to refresh on some of last year's best tracks. Tune in to hear counter favorite artists like Alice Malone b.t.s. And Taylor Swift January 23rd the Voice of America. This is the post that was played for. The Voice of America straight talk Africa puts you in touch with newsmakers and the experts they talk about the most important social and political issues that affect you. Tune in when is the day that. The right here. Africa. Contests for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations have turned into contentious fights for delegates to both parties national conventions where the candidates for November's national election will be picked billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump is the Republican frontrunner but he said Monday that party officials have created a crooked system to keep him from winning a 1st ballot victory at the party's July convention in Cleveland Ohio while Trump has won the most state by state nominating contests he is well short of a majority of convention delegates needed to claim the nomination trumps our was aimed at Weekend Voting in the western state of Colorado where his chief rival Texas Senator Ted Cruz collected all 34 of that state's national convention delegates at a political meeting confined to party activists and not voting open to the general public as another States at the moment trump a brash one time television reality show host has 775 of the 1237 national convention delegates he needs to claim the Republican nomination that's compared to 5. 145 for Cruise and 171 for Florida Senator Marco Rubio who has dropped out of the race another 143 for governor John k. Sic urged by supporters not wanting Truong to be the party's nominee in the general election u.s. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday said he would not run for the White House development view a senior national correspondent Jim alone discussed with International Edition host Michael Lipman I think for some time now Paul Ryan's name continually came up as a possible alternative should the Republican convention in July become deadlocked and I think what Ryan has said is it's becoming a distraction for him I mean he is the speaker of the house he has a congressional agenda to kind of lead and put forward and try to implement and it was becoming clear that even on a recent trip to Israel he was overseas and he said the interest in the u.s. Presidential election was really something for him and they were asking him constantly if he was in fact willing to be a candidate and I think he reached the point where he had to say which is what he said today on out you know he thinks anyone who is chosen ultimately even if it's not Donald Trump or Ted Cruz but whomever the Republicans eventually pick should have decided to run for president it shouldn't be someone who did not run for president and why do you think Paul Ryan faced these kinds of endless questions well you know it's a it's kind of part of the narrative that's put forward especially by the anti Trump forces in the Republican Party that if they can deny trunk the necessary delegates on the 1st ballot the $1237.00 then maybe more than one ballot they'll be multiple ballots and the longer that goes. No one from the current crop of contenders that's Trump Ted. Cruz and John Casey maybe could emerge so perhaps then the convention would look to an alternative a dark horse as it were this is something that happened in our past by the way it's not without precedent but not in the recent past but I think Ryan realized it was a total distraction for him from the agenda he wants to promote and I guess he wants everyone to move on from and from that idea well in terms of moving on we've got a big primary in New York states and exactly a week from today what are the candidates doing to try to get an edge there you know they're hitting various parts of the state where they think they have the best chance to secure votes and in the end win delegates certainly the 2 home field contenders and by that I mean Republican Donald Trump who's from Manhattan and of course Hillary Clinton who represented New York in the Senate. By the latest polls are doing well both have double digit leads right now it's looking pretty solid for them on the other hand Bernie Sanders has a home field linked to New York he was brought up in Brooklyn but but Sanders again faces the same issue where you have a large diverse state like New York with plenty of minority groups and voters who are key in the Democratic race and Clinton seems to be doing very well with those groups especially African-American and women over say the age of 45 these are her areas where she's very strong so the latest polls show that both Trump and Clinton may be poised to make a comeback because they've had some recent setbacks. That I guess would reset the race a bit too are the presumptive front runners Trump and Clinton as we look toward the party conventions I thank you very much for that round up from Jim Malone and v.o.a. As national correspondent great to talk here Same here thank you Michael Well turning to social media international editions g.r.b. Least top spy Studio 22 to let us in on the conversation via the Internet Hello Jay . Hi Jim what's the trending hash tag on Twitter at this hour apart from sports and entertainment has to equal pay day is the number one globally trendy hash tag the as to his name they raising awareness of the discrepancy in pay between men and women right now tell us a couple of the tweets sure they're both from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren she's in Twitter at center warrant and tweeted this I cannot believe we are still standing here debating whether women should get fired for asking what the guy down the hall makes her next tweet is has to equal pay day isn't a national day of celebration it's a national day of embarrassment although both of these tweets got almost 2000 likes each some people reply the salary and pay decision should be made by managers and not influenced by government officials Equal Pay Day has been something that has been recognized for about 20 years now so right this is been going on for some time what are some of the other trending stories high level u.s. Official House speaker Paul Ryan is also the trending topic at this hour he has to concentrate or one for his role as a speaker of the house as speaker Ryan and another one at Peter Ryan for a more personal use he sent out a tweet about not running for a presidential nomination he shared a link to his statement through the latter what does that say and what's the reaction like it's a long winded statement but basically he wrote he believes that if you want to be the nominee you should have actually ran for it one person who is a trump supporter judging wired Twitter handle applauded Ryan's decision as being thoughtful Another person wrote him a not be a Paul Ryan they try to put in but they do have dirty tricks up their sleeve now I'm assuming that person is probably referring to the Republican National Committee last been at least Amazon c.e.o. Jeff Bezos is also trending that's because more than $13000.00 Amazon customers signed up. Titian to ask Bezos to stop selling Donald Trump's line of men's wear tan Thanks for the analysis g. You may follow her on Twitter at g. Abby Lee I post there as well at v.o.a. Stevenson and our international edition stream can be found at Via way underscore i.e. The Afghan Taliban has announced the start of its annual warm weather fighting season the group vowed to carry out large scale attacks against government strongholds through suicide bombings as well as attacks on NATO troops still deployed in Afghanistan International Edition host Sarah Williams speaks about this with Ben Barrie a retired British brigadier and the senior fellow for land warfare at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. It would be in accordance with their previous behavior because winter is now turning into spring enough in Afghanistan on their wolves certainly in the later part of last year there was less of a reduction of Taliban activity done previously maybe they were seeking to press their advantage with the Afghan forces and to say that their new leader and so was seeking to establish for Seattle the full Yeah I know this comes just in recent days over last weekend us our Terror State John Kerry was in Afghanistan and the Taliban you know set off an attack which he did not affect him but they said they said that that was in response to his visit yes they would do would not I mean I don't think we should read anything special into that they made a point of you know naming this after the late Malar Maher Omar is there any special significance in that or is this just to to honor him I don't know I think it yeah I think it's you know there are plenty of examples of. Naming offensives off to famous victories of famous leaders I mean it may be an attempt. To gain to reinforce his legitimacy because you could all use his legitimacy was not when it was revealed last year that Mulroney modern fun being dead for 2 years as far as you know I mean as far as outsiders with now it has most Monsoor been able to consolidate his leadership of the Taliban I don't think there's little doubt that he has he has done and indeed you know the full of the temporary full of Couldn't last full you know it would have been a great boost to his leadership and very senior fellow for land warfare at the International Institute for Strategic Studies this is feel way. More on the stories you heard on our radio programs visit our Web site at. Ford related stories videos and more from our team of course or take the news which . By downloading. A video a program that Elaine Hughes tackling. Climate change. News happens around the clock and v.o.a. Brings you the latest at the top of each hour this is Joe Palca victor be hate France Salon's out tune in for a summary of the news. Hour around the clock on the Voice of America hourly newscasts on the radio and on the Internet at v.o.a. News dot com. A leader in news coverage for over 70 years. This is via ways international edition u.s. Secretary of defense Ash Carter told a New Delhi news conference on Tuesday that Washington and India have agreed in principle to share military logistics but that a formal agreement has still not to be finalised. Today we agreed in principle to share and exchange logistics as already been noted which will allow us to even more most of the sharing comes in the form of basic technology and some larger items such as the way aircraft are handled on carrier ships traveling with Secretary Carter v.o.a. Pentagon correspondent Carla Babbitt New Delhi tells us the cooperation also strengthens military capabilities amid growing potential threats India has a case to say any anything too negative about any of its neighbors because it doesn't want to called controversy but I was speaking to senior in the defense officials on background who were telling me that yes China is concerned one of them even said that the biggest threats were China and Pakistan that he neighbors which is something you don't hear too often from Indian officials in public you hear that in private they try not to build on the record about that that the actions of the South China Sea have been very concerning to everyone in the region and it feels pretty confident with its relationship to all of its neighbors and even to China they do a lot of joint exercises in the South China Sea with China but they also want to make sure that that relationship with the United States is strengthened that was something that was pointed out several times during the session between the key defense ministers talking about how these agreements in technology that are coming between the United States and India those agreements are something that no other allies in the u.s. Have they're very unique to India secretary Carter even saying that some of our closest allies like the 90 Kenya didn't even hear quite all of the same agreements so there's a lot to come the way a Pentagon correspondent Carla bad from New Delhi as the 3rd Asian ministerial conference on Tiger Conservation got underway this week in New Delhi The global Tiger forum and the World Wildlife Fund announced the world's tiger population appears to have increased since 2010 to nearly 3900. As of 2014 that's compared to his fee was 3206 years ago it appears to be the 1st reversal of declining numbers since an estimated 100000 tigers roamed habitats worldwide there and grow over national species manager for the w w f n Australia tells Rio is Victor Beatty via Skype the increasing number of tigers known in the world as a result of a couple of developments it is a reflection of a comprehensive taking place in number of the target range states particularly places like India. Russia. So it we're getting a really good understanding of exactly how many talk is out in those countries but my love oversaw us it's also a function of some of the fantastic ground that is what is taking place a great example of that is the work that's going on in the poll which is it was the Arabs 00 king of tautness actually demonstrates the commitment of the Nepalese government and the Nepalese people to protect us so how serious is the poaching issue regarding Tigers this really story as far as talk because I think I was approaching these is one of those issues and there's 2 problems with talking is then taken from the wall and that body setting up a traditional medicine in markets throughout. It is still a problem and it is still occurring at the end of the she's a habitat loss I would say in places like Somalia and Indonesia areas of talk habitat being lost to. Tysons and and. Then when he had that situation way that it was lost or is fragmented it means most people coming in contact with Talk is no regularly and that might be talking is entering villages and taking last hour and those villages have a you know you'll go to your or your car is a very important resource when that. There's retaliation on the plus side you have a country like Cambodia that would like to reintroduce Tigers that's right to say. As it is now. Functionally States in Cambodia but they can't Cambodian government is very keen to reach this and that's a great. Well this report comes out and coincides with the 3rd Asian ministerial on Tiger Conservation in India but what do you expect to accomplish there is to say what is that countries that have committed to take and other actions conservation you think it means and follows through but really I don't believe down on the commitments dollars walking around so I said to do things in an age of ensure that talk about relations I say you know growing and we're moving towards a target of doubling talking licens in the wild by 2022 Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio as part of the conservation effort he issued a statement calling Tigers some of the most vital and beloved animals on earth and he said he's proud of the collective efforts to make progress toward increasing the tiger population but acknowledge that much more work needs to be done computers are increasingly helping the u.s. Federal Bureau of Investigation solve crimes by matching suspect photos against what it says is the largest biometric database in the world the technology however does not make everyone feel safer as we're now joined by International Business Times senior writer Eric Markowitz. I wanted to build out metrics database for a very long time up until recently really in the last decade or so that it's kind of been impossible now that there are so many avenues to collect spatial information really just through pictures it's basically created a database not just mug shots but pictures to. In overseas and Afghanistan any time a person applies for. Another country that picture is taken and housed in this solidity and this particular facility you think is in West Virginia is this database essentially for people from overseas who are coming to the United States or does it also a include u.s. Citizens maybe some clues u.s. Citizens so that's not really if you have ever been convicted of a crime we're going to arrest you and you're much shot taken so you know I had access to that photo more recently has started to contract with individual states to get access to their d.m.v. Photos so when you apply for a driver's license and you go to the d.m.v. And they take your picture you may not have realized that you were eventually confronting to the f.b.i. Using your picture and when it searches for criminals how does the f.b.i. Do this when they're investigating into a case are they looking at perhaps photos from surveillance cameras that sort of thing and trying to match it up against this database Exactly so what the u.s. Theaters can do is they can even take a picture off from Facebook if they think that this is a suspect kind of crime they can take that picture and they can send it to the state a base and that database will search against all of the other x. Years that are in the pool then it's right now around 500000000 photos that exist in this particular database how accurate is the facial recognition technology at this point and the reality is is that it's not actually all that accurate the f.b.i. Goes to great lengths to assure people that there won't be any mistakes and no one will get arrested because of the mistaken identity but the reality is is that there is about a 20 percent error rate and so it's a situation that I think well unfortunately confronts pretty often which is a half technology that might be able to help. In this case to help in terms of fighting criminal but it can also potentially lead to a very dark reality which is they may be going after the wrong person some people may end up getting hassled by police if they happen to look like someone so the technology works but it's certainly not particularly accurate at this point and it's one of the programs that cost the f.b.i. a $1000000000.00 It's got a little bit more they contracted with Lockheed Martin to build it and I think the question that I think is a good question that many people make is Ok we spend this money on a technology that theoretically makes us safer but the f.b.i. Has not really offered to any statistics on how successful program has been and so there's definitely some critics who say this is a very expensive program no doubt raises concerns about privacy and who had access to these pictures and the f.b.i. Can't really prove that it's been particularly successful so why are we paying for it and I think that's an interesting point and something that that should be talked about when we're talking about just a short commission but any wide scale technology program that's implemented and used by police officers and f.b.i. Agents International Business Times senior writer Eric Markowitz whose story you can find online the f.b.i. Now has the largest biometric database in the world will it lead to more surveillance Eric thanks so much for joining us today thank you very much for having me you're listening to international edition this way. This is via ways international edition fans of the h.b.o. Drama Game of Thrones got a taste of the new season one episode one of season 6 premiered in Los Angeles and as international editions David Bird reports fans can look for the leading women to play major roles and this coming season. Should be. A. Great. Creature. If you've been watching Game of Thrones let's answer the 1st question 1st yes Johns No the bastard son of Ned Stark the Lord Commander of the Knights watch is dead at least that's what John Bradley who plays John's best friend Sam Well tartly said at the premiere of season 6 at the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles he is really sad sadly he's already dead and I know that they will find the halls or believe. But you know I think that I think that it's a game frustration now to find the people no offense other people ask the question but think it shows you can see the kind of public imagination with and people love the characters as they don't want to believe it is true fans of Thrones will know that shocking death is nothing new to these characters think of Ned Stark at the end of season one or the Red Wedding or a. Prince Ober and when he fought Gregor the mountain clip again but John Bradley says even though John Snow is Dead fans will be satisfied with the way this story plays out but the good thing about getting the show on is a pretty soon all those prices are going to be you know I think people are going to be satisfied but they're not going to say that I'm going to suggest to the other I think is going to tie up in a way there's not a to play on in terms of pace stylistically very satisfying for everybody Sophie Turner who plays Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones says that fans can look for the women of the fantasy drama to take more leading roles I mean this is a big season for. Women and as a basis for all the characters but this is really you know the women of the season it's exciting. To come to you in season 6 will also see Sarah see Lannister the one time queen of the realm struggle with the death of her daughter Marcella and the consequences of her rage if you think about looking. At him because he's so sweet. Lena Headey who plays seriously Lannister says the show's writers have given the cast plenty to work with him to see him as he's kind of big in name in this broken. I'm not sure of who she is when she. Said the news of. This proposition to succumb to so much happening is mean the beginning even though we thought we saw in it I mean in cancer may find place in the world as we see Aemilia Clark who plays the mother of Dragons Den era star Gary and was last seen being taken away by her one time people the death Rocky Clark says that fans can look for Danny to emerge stronger in season 6 as well as is he. Resigns an athlete she always like you never need to really worry about she's got a pint size on the prize and she's taking a turn for the for the bad ass this season Game of Thrones season 6 premieres on h.b.o. April 24th in Washington I'm David Bird. You've Next an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government u.s. Secretary of State John Kerry recently co-chaired the 3rd meeting of the u.s. Afghan bilateral commission in Kabul with Afghan foreign ministers who had been Rabbani at the center of the u.s. Afghan relationship he said is a shared commitment to peace based on security from violent extremism coupled with a desire to promote prosperity and social progress in every province across Afghanistan both sides discuss the goal of launching peace talks with the Taliban Secretary Kerry expressed u.s. Support for an Afghan own Afghan led peace and reconciliation process and called on the Taliban to enter into talks that would provide equal rights and protections for all Afghans and bring an end to the violence and suffering that the people of the. Gana Stan have endured for so many years meanwhile the u.s. Remains committed to the mission to train advise and assist the Afghan security forces as they combat the insurgency and protect the Afghan people the u.s. Recognizes Afghanistan cannot secure a prosperous future without continued support from friends and allies NATO will discuss providing additional assistance at its security summit in July and the international community will me in Brussels to review development aid in October democracy requires credible institutions that Secretary Kerry ever quires a willingness by people from different political and ethnic and geographic factions to be able to come together and work for a common good adding It's not just up to the leaders it's up to the citizens to help shape their communities and their country that and not more war and not more terror is the surest way to bring about stability and prosperity to Afghanistan u.s. And Afghan leaders also reviewed the process of implementing the $800000000.00 new development partnership this initiatives that Secretary Kerry will promote stability and accountability by linking funds to specific reforms that promote the rule of law and courage private sector growth and enhance women's rights one of the great accomplishments of Afghanistan in these years has been the opening of opportunities for women today there are millions of children in school and fully a 3rd of them are girls that is an enormous step forward for the future of Afghanistan we know that Afghans are going to continue to work to achieve further progress that's something the United States has confidence in we also know that the world stands with Afghanistan in this effort and no country more so than the United States of America. Was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government. This is. U.s. Troops in Iraq and in apparent retaliation for the u.s. Killing its top commander Middle East experts warn that the region could be heading towards a new wave of violence marked by a looming breakout of violence from Iran and its proxies against the u.s. And its allies but you a senior White House Correspondent Steve Hartman reports on the latest developments including President Trump's tweet Tuesday night that all is well after Iran's missile attack yes it could also weigh indicate that the president does not intend to turn tensions up another notch a notch and back away from the cost of war the messages we've seen from the Iranians to sleeping including the former foreign minister are that Iran does not want war there also indications from the Iranian military that as long as the United States now does not attack Iran that this is this is it that there will not be war but if there is a military response by the United States on targets. Inside Iran that would lead to a further round of retaliation by Iran striking out a u.s. Ally including Israel President Trump says he will make a statement on Wednesday morning here in Washington Iranian state media reported Tuesday a stampede at the funeral of the top military commander consummates all the money killed at least 32 people and injured 198 others the state media reports that the borough was postponed bombing that stampede for more news we invite you to join us at our website below News dot com of the be away mobile app from here in Washington this is below a news a Ukrainian commercial jet crash shortly after taking off from an airport and Iran's capital on Wednesday killing everyone on board around the state media quoted emergency officials and the head of Iran's Red Crescent saying there were no survivors authorities are investigating what caused the plane to go down South Korean president Mujahideen said Tuesday there is desperate need for practical ways to improve ties with North Korea adding that he was ready to meet with the reclusive leader the young Yang repeatedly if necessary Michel and if the reports the annual address to say there's a quote death but need for improving ties with North Korea said he was glad for the lack of progress in negotiations. The talks focused in a time of deadlock and u.s. North Korea talks and where were even concerned about a step backward in Enter Korean relate.

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