We have analysis and the key moments youve got to see. And the giants move on to face detroit in the world series, but what an explosive way to get there. Oh. Wow [ male announcer ] now scrubbing bubbles has fantastik find out what my darkest in a heavy duty spray that easily cuts through grease secret was, and i was like, im or a foam that lifts and penetrates grime. Never telling. So all you do is wipe. A North Carolina man claims let me at that grease. His chur of imprisoned him for [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles with fantastik. We work hard so you dont have to. In the kitchen. Months because hes gay. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. Plus, today is the day will all the rumors and speculation about a mini ipad turn out to be in the kitchen. True . Mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . During last nights foreign your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee. Policy debate we heard a lot about the economy. President obama and mitt romney affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res . Did agree on some things like the mission that killed osama your ford dealer. Bin laden and sanctions against im beginning to sense a pattern. Buy four select tires, get a 60 rebate. Iran, but there was plenty of use the Ford Service Credit credit card, get 60 more. Thats up to 120. Disagreement. The 1980s are calling for where did you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. Their Foreign Policy back. The coal war has been over for 20 years. A quick strike for president obama over russia to set the tone for the debate. Two candidates determined to leave a lasting impression on voters. I dont see our influence fwroeg around the world. I see our influence receding. But the president hit back accusing romney of changing his positions over and over again. On a whole range of issues why they have a raise your rate cd. Whether its the middle east, tonight our guest, thomas sargent. Whether its afghanistan, whether its iraq, whether its Nobel Laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. Professor sargent, can you tell me now eiran. Youve been all over the map. The president wasnt the only what cd rates will be in two years . One who came ready to fight. No. In those nations and on arabic tv you said americans had been dismissive and derisive, if he cant, no one can. That america had dictated other thats why ally has a raise your rate cd. Nations. Mr. President , america has not ally bank. Dictated to other nations. We have freed other nations from your money needs an ally. Dictators. And a short time earlier he accused mr. Obama of not playing hardball with kcountries like iran and north korea. I think from the very beginning one of the challenges weve had with eiran is they hae looked at this administration and felt that the administration was not as strong as it needed to be. I think they saw weakness where since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, they had expected to find american strength. For his part the president theyve been committed to putting clients first. Echoed his positions from the last debate that romney isnt helping generations through tough times. Telling the truth to voters. Good times. Never taking a bailout. Nothing governor romney just there when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. Said is true starting with this notion of me apologizing. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. This has beenable probably the biggest whopper thats been told during the course of the together for your future. Campaign. Who won last night . A new poll of debate watchers thought president obama won 48 to 46 . Here is what cnns analysts had to say. Its obvious the president came to attack, governor romney came to agree. Some people in washington i dont think it will change state call their neighborhood the trajectory of the race. In the early part of the debate and the last part romney armageddon creek. Take a look. Did well but president obama their houses are collapsing and sliding down this hill. Dominated the middle part and on cities made it very obvious. They dont plan to do anything. We have done a thorough debate points he won. Coming up in ten minutes Jennifer Westhoven will do a fact check for us. Evaluation and there is nothing a lot of claims made by each candidate including some points in that evaluation to point to about the military. Thats in about ten minutes. That system as contribute iing. We have some other head lines for you today. The desperate search for a missing 12yearold girl in new jersey has ended in tragedy. Police found the body of autumn homeowners say the city botched a drainage project that made the ground unstable. Pasquale. Autumn told her dad she was they plan to sue. City Officials Say its a riding her bike to a friends natural event. House but she never made it. Families have had to leave their homes and ten more could be at search crews found her body inside a recycling container. An autopsy scheduled for this morning. Risk. More doctors want with women to wait longer between pap tests according to new recommendationses from gynecologists. The screening for Cervical Cancer used to be done every year but several medical groups have dialed that back recently. Robert champion died last the latest guidelines say women november after being beaten by between 30 and 65 years old fellow band members. Should get a pap test every his parents were disappointed three years and a test for hpv with the sentencing. Even one of the judges took a every five years. The wife of the wisconsin spill in dancing with the stars shooting suspect tried to save last night. Other people before she was killed. Let the baby making begin. One witness said she tried to that was ridiculous oh calm things down when Radcliffe Haughton showed up with a gun but he still killed had her and two other women at the spa where she worked. His father is shocked. As a father, as a christian, she said she was okay after falling off of her judges chair. She was knocked out by the really sexy dance. I can only apologize to all doctors cleared reality star to dance last night after she took those he has hurt. I love my son. A more serious spill. I do not approve of what he did. Looks like shes doing fine to haughton was found dead after me but an ambulance had to be the shooting. Just last week his wife took out called after she hurt her neck a restraining order against him. During rehearsals. A former cia officer could plead guilty to leaking National Secrets to reporters. He has a hearing today. There have been bluery bonn, hes the one on the right there. Heavy industrial and soggy accused of giving reporters the Business Results in the last name of two undercover operatives. Prosecutors say he also lied to three months. A cia review board about info in his book. Underwhelming investors with at first he pled not guilty. Their earnings. Now thats pushing buttons for its not clear which charges he will admit to this morning. People who worry about the world economy. A report in the New York Times that fed chief ben bernanke has the party went on long into told friends he may not want a the night in San Francisco. The giants will now face the third term as the guardian of Detroit Tigers in the world americas economy that he might step down as chairman of the series. Joe is in for carlos this morning. Federal reserve. Hi, good morning, natasha. Hangover city in San Francisco. Some of them are probably still awake watching us. The giants are back, the second now more news with natasha time in three years. Curry. They pulled off an incredible last night the candidates series comeback to get there. Went after your vote with the the cardinals were up three election just two weeks away. Not surprisingly, how to keep games to one in the series. Many thought the giants were finished but they fought back. Americas military strong and they won three straight games by how to pay for it was one of the biggest topics. Basically outscoring st. Louis america remains the one 201 in those games. Last night was a rout. Indispensable nation. The world needs a Strong America 90. So of course they busted out the and it is stronger now than when bubbly and now face the detroit i came into office. Both candidates went out of tigers in the world series. Game one is in San Francisco their way to insist that a tomorrow night. Strong military would always be the giants last won the world a priority. Series two years ago while the but romney questioned the tigers last won the world series president s dedication and said in 1984. Well see some great pitching in voters could trust him as that game one wednesday night. Commander in chief. They look at americas natasha, back to you. Commitments around the world and thanks so much, joe. They see whats happening and one of the judges took a say say okay is america going to spill on dancing with the be strong . Stars last night. The answer is yes. Look. Let the baby making begin. If im president america will be that was ridiculous. Very strong. The candidates disagreed on how to do that and the president said he wasnt shortchanging the troops. Keep in mind that our Carrie Ann Inaba said she was military spending has gone up every single year that i have been in office. Okay after falling off her we spend more on our military judges chair. She was just knocked out by than the next ten countries gilles marinis sexy dance. Combi combined. But romney suggested that the president would slash the president s budget. I will not kus our military doctors cleared Melissa Rycroft. Budget by a trillion dollars. An ambulance was called after she hurt her mek curing rehearsals. Let the baby making begin, and then she falls down. The president said that i know, right. On the dance floor not on the wouldnt happen. Judges chair. Im glad shes all right, they a. Nice little dip in the process. A lot of storms to talk about this morning. We do and the major one is the navy said that he did 313 across the west. Some good video coming in from ships to carry out the mission. California, oregon. It was a stormy monday, no doubt about it. You mentioned the navy. The first big snowstorm dumped a lot of snow in the sierras. That is or are or, pretty tough stuff going on there. At the lower elevation some tough weather around california. Some funnel clouds reported out those are huge Defense Budget there around sacramento, even a cuts that would go into effect few tornado touch downs. And then back up to or are or. If a deal was not reached. Here is what it looks like, the snow coming down. The snow is ending now as it it will in the ski resort area. They had four to five inches of snow in the region. Thought president obama won the snow can continues this morning. From the sierra up through the cascades. Versus 40 for romney. Decent heavy snow out west. Let me show you whats going on. Here is what cnn analysts had to a huge dichotomy. Say. The Tropical Weather down to the its obvious that the south. This right here is tropical president came to attack, storm sandy south of jamaica but the clouds are reaching right in governor romney came to agree. To cuba, the bahamas, southern i dont think the debate is going change a thing about the trajectory of the debate. Parts of florida. In the early part, mitt rain showers right now as far north as the florida straits. Direct landfall jamaica and cuba romney did well and in the over the next couple of days, middle, president obama dominated and i think he won. But it does not appear it will head to the u. S. To the west you go, missouri Jennifer West hoecven is goi stretching to st. Louis. More showers and a weak frontal boundary to illinois. Thats going to be a problem in the air. To talk to us in about ten ill show you what we are calling for if you are traveling minutes. By air, delays. San fran sprcisco low cloud cov. Showers around new york. Police found the body of probably in cleveland, detroit, and chicago, st. Louis, again, autumn pasquale. Showers. Mostly heavy in the morning. And by this afternoon things she told her dad she was riding her bike to her friends house should clear up a bit. We have tropical systems. Number one is what is it . But she never made it. Search crews found her body sandy. We have 19, tropical depression inside a recycling container. Number 19 out there. A busy weather day. An autopsy is scheduled for this natasha, more in a couple morning. More doctors want women to wait longer between pap tests. Minut thats according to a new minutes. Youve got to see the new pictures of minnie mouse. Bob, did you see this . Recommendation. You got to wonder how looking like skinny mouse. You can bet thats causing controversial this is going be. Controversy. Well show you. But the screening for cervical something smells fishy, cancer used to be done every year but several groups have dialed that back recently. Debate Fact Checking. But with copd making it hard to breathe, women between 30 and 65 should i thought those days might be over. Get a pap test every three years so my doctor prescribed symbicort. And a test for hpv every five it helps significantly improve my lung function years. A tiny chunk of a meteorite starting within five minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Hit a house in california. With symbicort, today im breathing better. A woman who lives there heard and that means. Fish on the two inch fragment hit her symbicort is for copd roof during a meteor shower on including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Wednesday. She didnt think much about it it should not be taken more than twice a day. At first but later she read symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, about the shower and found the osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Fragment on saturday. One expert said its worth up to tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. 10,000 but the woman wants to with copd, i thought id miss our family tradition. Donate it to science. A wedding planner won a now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. Legal faceoff. The couple tried to get and that makes a difference in my breathing. Exclusive rights to patnt the today, were ready for whatever swims our way. Ask your doctor about symbicort. I got my first prescription free. Call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, little girls name. Astrazeneca may be able to help. A Business Owner ruled that blue ivy events can keep its name. The power couple can use it for a future line of baby products. What a beautiful name it makes for her. Lets move on to bob. We were watching this storm come asheer. Now its headed through northern part parts a stormy monday. With odor free aspercreme. Powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. So all you notice is relief. Aspercreme. Some of them formed yesterday afternoon. We actually had five tornado reports all around the region. Up to the north it would be farther up the cascades. Also beginning to wind down a little bit. I dont think we will get the severe winter tomorrow but we have the advisories and storm warnings in red. We will look at the tropics. Thank you. Its getting messy now. You saw how the president ial candidates got into it over the navy last night . Some voters are going to say how it went over with them. And the San Francisco giants are headed to the world series. American veterans and the they will play the detroit future of the mill taerp two tigers, game one. Major areas from last nights e we will talk about why the giants are having a magical post season and why they have a debate where a little Fact Checking is in order. Jennifer westhoven is here with what happened and what the truth little mojo coming up. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles is. Good morning. Thanks, natasha. When we watch and listen to these and look at what was said, i always try to look pour for the ones that kind of made you go, what . Is that does that sound just right . And look into those. At one point people raised their eyebrows when mitt romney seemed to be talking about how the military is completely outdated and made it sound like it was crumbling. Our navy is smaller now than military families face, we understand. Any time since 1917. At usaa, we know military life is different. Our air force is older and smaller than anytime since it weve been there. Was founded in 1947. Thats why every bit of Financial Advice we offer so 1917, 1947 . Is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. It makes you feel like, wow, [ laughs ] have we really missed something . Dad dad so thats something that really [ applause ] came up. Also, separately, mitt romney [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. Wants to put 2 trillion more into the military. Usaa brings advice. Call or visit us online. Were ready to help. But one of the things were really looking at is are these things true . Politifacts says the number of ships has been dropping but we missing him was dark grey all alone. Actually have more than we did under the bush be administration, so it may also forgetting him was light have a parallel to years before. Shining on somebody youd never met. It may be true, but i think the but loving him was red. Overall point is that it leaves you with the impression that the military is in bad shape but, of yeah, yeah. Red. Course, we know that with Technology Many times you dont burning red. Need the same exact number of get taylors new album with 6 exclusive songs. Ships because suddenly ships have a lot more capabilities these days. Only at target. So that one got rated as a half true because it seemed to look as though the military was failing when, in fact, many say our military is extremely strong. President obama then, lets go to him, says that more vets, more veterans, are finding jobs. Listen to this one. Veterans unemployment is now lower than the general population. It was higher when i came into office. Is that one true . It is one of these things where you divvy up the statistics. If you are talking about all veterans, technically hes right. But if youre really looking at the veterans right now, these are veterans coming home from it can also lead to serious dental problems. Afghanistan and iraq, their [ male announcer ] act total care dry mouth is alcohol free Unemployment Rate is still higher than the general and has fluoride to strengthen teeth. Population. So if youre going to give ckuds stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. To yourself, you want to make sure youve got something steady to land on here. So that one im going to say you shouldnt be when youre crediting yourself, have some goals, right, not something time for todays salute to the troops. Youre splitting hairs. Join me here. So we gave that a halftruth. Natasha, back to you. I would like to send a salute all right, jen. Thanks. To my daughter, captain heather time for todays salute to the troops. Join me here. I would like to send a salute englehart. Her mother and i are extremely to my daughter, captain heather proud of her for the years she has been putting in to her englehart. Her mother and i are extremely service. We love her and are so proud of proud of her for the years she has been putting into her duty what she does and the dedication and service to her country while in iraq. She gives to everyone around we love her and are so proud of here. You want us to salute someone you love in the military . What she does and the dedication were happy to oblige. She gives to everyone around her. Do you want us to salute someone you love in the military . Were happy to oblige. Go to hlntv. Com robin. Could a womans monthly mood check out this exchange. Swings actually just be a myth . Our navy is smaller now than what some scientists think they any time since 1917. Have figured out. Plus, the president ial candidates dont want to be our air force is older and lying low the night before the smaller than any time since it election. They want to be on monday night football. Was founded in 194747. Rogaine . Well, ill admit it. You mentioned the navy and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. We also have fewer horses and bay onnets because the nature of our military has changed. I was skeptical at first. But after awhile even my girlfriend noticed a difference. Kira, i am wondering what do [ male announcer ] rogaine is proven the voters think about that to help stop hair loss. And for 85 of guys, moment . Everybody is buzzing about it. It regrew hair. Here is my question to you. Save up to 42 now at rogaine. Com. When the the last time we sawhorses and bayonets in action. Exactly. But, you know, it was interesting. It got a lot of reaction at the are you all ready, watch party but a marine tweeted are you ready, get set, right after that happened, it are you ready . Are you all ready, said dont knock them. Are you ready, get set. Woof, woof, woof. We still use bayonets. The holidays are coming. Romney was saying he is not and theyre going to be big. Going to cut the military get an extra 5 off our every day low prices, budget. President obama brought it back and Free Shipping with your redcard. Home to our veterans saying we plus our new holiday price match. Have got to take care of our vets who are coming home with ptsd and traumatic brain injuries. As for the rock the vote watch party, a lot of voters on both sides came out of there undecided. Take a listen. I am researching b ining oba and if it brings the result we all want, i will probably go with obama. But i still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. With excess dollars spent, i still do not see our country in a better state and that frightens me. Are you undecided still . Definitely undecided. So thats where we stand now is that president obama and also mitt romney going to be really keying in on the battleground states and trying to get the undecided voters to come out and vote for them. All right. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Two denver businessmen gave up their suits and ties for a frightening career. Here is a look at the screens at the 13 floor Haunted House in the Small Business success. Im Chris Stafford and were in the business of scaring people. Zom bees everywhere. We actually met working at a Haunted House as teenagers. In 2002 we opened our first Haunted House. It was kind of a hobby. I had my own lighting 18 minutes past the hour. Company. I was in the banking the fda took down its list of industry. 1,200 hospitals that could have in the beginning we did everything from painting, taking drugs linked to the deadly out the trash building. Meningitis outbreak saying the list wasnt accurate and they will repost it again. In 2008 we opened the 13th it included hospitals and floor Haunted House in dr. Clinics that received drugs from the massachusetts pharmacy we own and operate four thats connected to the outbreak. Attractions in three separate the fda says that besides some markets now. This is part of our backstage pain meds, drugs for heart and area. In about 30 minutes to an hour eye surgeries, may be affected. This place will be chaotic. Did you hear the night we have a ton of people here. Actors, makeup. Before the election the i dont think any business is truly recession proof. President and governor romney might face off one more time on but people still want to be monday night football. Joe is in for carlos with more info on that. Entertained. I believe that has helped us. What . This proves how big monday night football really is. Nearly 14 Million People tune in every week to watch the monday night game and, of course, this it game is november 5th, the night before the november 6th election and the sports Business Journal says president obama and mitt romney will have taped interviews run during halftime of the eagles saints game. You know, they might sway a vote or two. The lions took on the bears in monday night football. Second quarter bears fans let out a collective gasp when jay cutler got slammed to the ground by ndamukong suh. He gets crushed. Hes an animal. Cutler bruised his ribs on that play. Only missed one play, though. Matthew stafford was picked off and gets a face full of grass. Thats not the way you want to end the game. The bears beat the lions 137. The bears are now 51. They have something going on in chicago. Natasha, back to you. A little salad in the game. Joe, thank you. The first of a dozen suspects charged in the hazing death of a florida a m drum major will not be going to jail. A florida judge sentenced bryan jones to two years probation and six months community service. Champion died after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual. In court jones apologized to champions parents who said they were disappointed with the sentenci sentencing. President obama and mitt romney came out swinging during last nights debate but some were shocked with how much they agreed on certain points. And Honey Boo Boo got silly with hlns dr. Drew. What happened . [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. Imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. Imagine you, with less pain. Cymbalta can help. Cymbalta is fdaapproved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. One nonnarcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. Tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. People taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. Taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. Severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. Signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. Tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions welcome back. Like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores how about a little politics and to address possible lifethreatening conditions. Sports. Maybe. The night before the election. Talk about your alcohol use, Liver Disease the president and governor and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. Romney may face off at monday dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. Night football. Ask your doctor about cymbalta. Imagine you with less pain. The president and candidates are cymbalta can help. Likely to have a taped interview go to cymbalta. Com run during halftime of the game. To learn about a free trial offer. Of course the election the boring. Boring. Following day, november 6. A good chance to pick up a few [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, extra votes. I went to the citi private pass page last night monday night and decided to be. Not boring. Football, bears fans sigh when thats how i met marilyn. They see that. Jay cutler getting tossed to the giada. Really good. Yes [ jack ]. And alicia. This girl is on fire ground like a sack of potatoes. [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. More concerts. More events. More experiences. Thats how the offense went all [ jack ] hey, whos boring now . Night for detroit. [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. The bears beat the lions 137. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] and the head football coach. I need your help. He rewarded a couple of his i just served my motherinlaw your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much. I told her it was homemade. Players by pulling a prank on well. Everyone tells a little white lie now and then. Them during a team meeting. But now she wants my recipe two cops come in and basically well. Im not at liberty to give that out, served papers. They think they are in trouble but we do use tender chunks of white meat chicken but instead they learn these in an herb spice broth. Come on thats it . I need the recipe. Contracts are full scholarships. You gotta help me out [ clears his throat ] he punked them. The video was shot during [ softly ] shes right behind me isnt she . Like a ninja preseason but it is hitting the [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. Internet this past week. Great moment for the coach and players. Those guys are big. Thanks so much. Lindsay lohans father says he is convinced shes in a downward spiral of drugs and plenty of sparring in last alcohol. Michael lohan apparently tried nights president ial debate, but to stage an intervention but it there was also agreement. Failed when somebody called the watch. I felt the same as the cops. He says he wants somebody to president did. I want to underscore the same place her under a point the president made. Conservatorship meaning that someone else would take care of the president was right to up her finances. The usage of that technology. There have been times, governor, frankly, during the course of this campaign where it Lindsay Lohan says her dad just sounded like you thought that wants pub liscy. Youd do the same things we did but you would say them louder. Political science professor the agency told the paper Jason Johnson joins us from there is no proof that these high caffeine drinks caused the florida. Good morning. Jason, what did you make of deaths. The fda released the information because the mom of a 14yearold that . Good morning. I thought it was real lly who died of a heart problem sued strange mitt romney spent so much time agreeing with barack the drink company. Obama. It was like a boxer near the end she allegedly drank two cans on of the match, let me hug the guy and run out the round. It was a night in fairly strange two consecutive days. Strategies throughout. Now what do you think was the strongest moment for each the Company Claims the product is safe and did not cause the candidate . I think the strongest moment for mitt romney was early on deaths. When he talked about poverty, when he talked about the importance of fixing the economy, but he did not have a lot of strong moments in this debate. Barack obama had several. When he talked about libya, when he talked about the navy and he talked about horses and b bayonets. I think he had three or four strong moments. I think romney had one strong moment near the beginning. You think president obama won. Thats what a lot of people are saying this morning. Sitting president s usually have the advantage on Foreign Policy, which is what the debate was supposed to be about. Did romney at least make the threshold for looking president ial . You see, this is the thing, and i think this is really important. The only time people talk about who looks president ial is when their candidate lost. Both men looked president ial. Both men are qualified. The reality is, youre not trying to look president ial by the third debate. Youre trying to look like a leader, trying to look like you can handle the issues. In a lot of respects, mitt romney missed a golden opportunity tonight in order to demonstrate himself as having a real grasp on Foreign Policy. Did he look president ial . Of course he did. Barack obama looked president ial. Who looked like a leader and who looked like he won last night was barack obama. Well be talking to you later on this morning as well. Thanks so much. Thank you. A man claims that his church had a brutal response when he said that he was gay. He says a beating was just the beginning. 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[ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. And its not a narcotic. They dont know it yet, but theyre gonna fall in love, you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. Get married, have a couple of kids, all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, [ children laughing ] move to the country, naproxen, and meloxicam and live a long, happy life together have the same cardiovascular warning. Where they almost never fight about money. They all may increase the chance [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. Theyll find some retirement people this chance increases if you have Heart Disease who are paid on salary, not commission. Or risk factors such as high Blood Pressure theyll get straightforward guidance or when nsaids are taken for long periods. And be able to focus on other things, like each other, nsaids, including celebrex, which isnt rocket science. Increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions its just common sense. Or stomach and intestine problems, from td ameritrade. Such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. Patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. Do not take celebrex if youve had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. We are never ever ever getting get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, back together or trouble breathing. Tell your doctor your medical history new music comes out on and find an Arthritis Treatment for you. Tuesday. Today its all about taylor swift red. Visit celebrex. Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. We are never ever ever ever of getting back together. The wife of the wisconsin like ever thats the early hit single we are never ever ever getting back together. Suspect tried to save other fans are loving red. People before she was killed. It went to number one almost immediately. Swift says the songs are this is her. Emotional, personal, and all he still killed her and two over the place. Other women at the. Spa where red is her fourth album and she worked. His father, shock ed. The first one the 22 didnt write all by herself. As a father, as a christian, i a tiny chunk of a meteorite hit a house in california. A woman who lives will there says that she heard the twoinch can only apologize for all the ones he have hurt. Fragment hit her roof during a i love my son. Meteor shower over Northern California on wednesday. She didnt think much about it i do not approve of what he did. At first, but she later read about the shower and found a just last week his wife took fragment on saturday. Out a restraining order against one expert says its worth up to 10,000, but the woman wants to him. Donate it to space to did you watch it . Who do you think won the debate science. Look at that. Hey, it is 29 minutes past last night . The hour. Romney showed the country just im Natasha Curry. What a Community Organizer looks lets get to the headlines were working on for you this morning. Like compared to a real leader. And then the president began what i called an apology tour of romney won no question at all. Going to various nations in the sue see lee writes i have middle east and criticizing america. I think they looked at that and voted for democrats and republicans. But as a middle class woman, i saw weakness. Nothing governor romney just feel romney will return us to said is true. Starting with this notion of me the bush years. Obama has made strides. Let him finish. Apologizing. Tell us what you think. This has been probably the biggest whopper thats been told during the course of this campaign. Wow. Both men came out swinging. Some analysts thought the all right. President came out looking lets get over to bob to check stronger in last nights debate out air travel this morning. But this final showdown might we have a lot of tomorrows. Have helped both candidates. Is it messy . Were probably going to start just two weeks from the election now were still in a neck and seeing the delays over by san neck race. O. J. Simpson wants a new francisco. Let me show you what we have for trial, and theres a chance he could get it. Today. Over an hour. We have rain in place around the bay area. Could see a delay that is over a judge in nevada has reopened an hour. His Armed Robbery and kidnapping case. Then minor delays. Simpson might have to testify to convince the judge he deserves still about a half hour to an another chance. Simpson claims his defense team hour. Most likely detroit and probably blew it back in 2008. Chicago, too. He is serving a 33year mostly morning rain. Sentence. Ellen degeneres got a big we can see some delays stretch award for her punch lines last out to the afternoon as well. Night. She received a mark twain prize a look out at Tropical Storm for humor, but many people at sandy. The ceremony praised her courage coming up in a couple minutes. For coming out as a lesbian 15 bob, thanks. Years ago. Could a womans monthly mood she joked after receiving the swings actually be a myth . Award, its fantastic, but what some scientists think they took you so long . Figured out he is jumping in. Youre safe. Not everyone was glued to their tv last night. Hi, im phil mickelson. Some watched the president ial nearby at an outdoor rock the vote party. Here is a taste of what they had to say. I as a dad, obama has daughters, comes across as a loving father that cares about our future for not only men but women. I think that has come out in all the debates. Romneys experience of creating jobs and well for himself as an individual. Ive been fortunate to win on golfs biggest stages. President obama has not done but when joint pain and stiffness that. Romney has a track record of from Psoriatic Arthritis hit, creating jobs. Even the smallest things became difficult. He knows where to cut expenses, i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. How to put businesses back in i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. Place and how to create jobs. Enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, alternative band neon was a and stop joint damage. Big draw. About 1,000 people were at the because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, mall downtown in boca raton. It may lower your ability to fight infections. The show was broadcast worldwide to xbox users. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, a nurse says the son of the lymphoma, other cancers, late Robert Kennedy twisted her and nervous system and Blood Disorders have occurred. Arm and kicked another nurse at before starting enbrel, a New York Hospital. Your doctor should test you for tuberculosis Douglas Kennedy is on trial for and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Alleged harassment and child dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Endangerment. In january he tried to take his tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, newborn son outside. Have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, a nurse testified that kennedy assaulted them when they tried have been treated for Heart Failure, to stop him. His lawyer says the nurse is or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, confrontational and that kennedy bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Did nothing wrong. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. A North Carolina man is [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine accusing his church of beating and holding him captive because prescribed by rheumatologists. Hes gay. In a Police Complaint Michael Lowry said he was held for four months against his will. He says Church Members near charlotte physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists, and i was out on the floor, held my hands and feet down. Ive witnessed the paddlings. Ive witnessed the people held down. Ive witnessed the loud screaming. Ive witnessed all of it, so i knew michaels story was very credible. Wow. The pastor said all of lowrys allegations are lies. She said lowry came willing hi to stay at the church after his parents threw him out. The County District Attorney Says they are investigating. Time for your morning read, stories that pop out at us from newspapers and online. So is pms just a myth . A review of 47 studies on premenstrual syndrome found the classic mood changes in only 15 of studies while 38 showed no link between mood and a womans cycle. Read more at time. Com or bobs facebook page. If thats a myth, my wife is in trouble. An Italian Court has an entire army baa tall ongot sentenced several people to six years in prison for not warning a huge welcome home. Italians about an earthquake that killed more than 300 people. On cnn. Com one scientist says he the 115th signal baa tall still doesnt understand what hes accused of. And a Luxury Department store, barneys, look at this, is facing criticism for an ad onwelcomed home in huntsville, Campaign Featuring a super skinny minnie mouse. Alabama. Thank you for your service, minnie and daisy duck fantasize guys. Honey boo boos mom, june, about being fashion models. Says she knows she has a hyper you can read about the stores daughter on her hands but thats not normal. Honey boo boo got a little respon response. Back to the pms story, bob, i dont know if we should go silly. Alana is a very hyper active there or not, i think its real. I have no idea. Child. Has she been diagnosed for i just know what im told. Do what youre told. That. No. A normal 7yearold is hyper youre a smart man. Its one big thing all the from time to time. Women are pulling over for us guys, then ill believe it. Its not like out of control. Travel wise today, number teachers have never said one is in the tropics. Maybe this child is add . No. At school she is a very quiet you can see the clouds coming in right through the bahamas just child. She knows when to act crazy and south of miami but the rain is in the florida straits. Goofy. Does she do well let me show you whats going on. Tropical storm sandy. Now this is just edging up to academically . Yeah. The north at three miles an Honey Boo Boo, whose real hour. Talk about a slow moving storm. Name is Alana Thompson said the it is going to go over warmer waters and very little shear. Kids at school treat her differently but her mom says shes just more popular. You can check out more right now it gets in towards cuba tomorrow on hln tv. Com including how she night late and getting into thursday morning and it goes into the bahamas and slowly nearly fell asleep at the middle falls apart. With that trough of low pressure of it. You can see the full interview coming in across the continental tonight on hln. U. S. , that should steer it away from the u. S. Mainland and head on wall streets. Close to bermuda some time late next week so moving slowly. Stocks could go lower. A lot of time to watch it. Investors got bad news about it is something were keeping our eyes on. Spains economy and big the rain in the florida straits Companies Made less money than and the bahamas, dry in miami. Expected during the summer. The wind out of the east could be 25 miles per hour. 30 minutes past the hour. More storms around missouri. That gets into places like illinois and indiana. You can see its trying to get lets get the headlines that were working at this morning into iowa. For you. Wisconsin as well. Heaviest rain we have is just outside of st. Louis. Then the president began what a couple of lightning spots i called an apology tour of there. Real time lightning data coming in. Thats up to chicago by later going various nations and criticizing america. I think they looked at that and today. Watch into the rest of the ohio saw weakness. Valley, too. What does that mean for air nothing governor romney said travel . Youll be surprised. Is just true starting with the notion of me apologizing this were talking about, yeah, hour has been probably the biggest whopper that has been told long delays. San francisco, looking at low clouds and rain. Might find breezy conditions, during the course of the campaign. Some analysts think the rain around new york, cleveland, detroit and chicago, st. Louis president looked stronger in some showers. Now the new york tower cam is this debate but that final show interesting. Were watching the clouds coming in. Rain showers off and on for the down may have helped both candidates. It is still a neck and neck race. O. J. Simpson wants a new afternoon. It should be on the dry side for the morning. There it is. Daytime highs closing in on 70. Trial. A judge in nevada has reopened good morning to you, nyc. Gorgeous this morning. A couple showers through the his Armed Robbery and kidnapping afternoon. Like a post card. Case. Simpson may have to testify to Honey Boo Boos mama says convince the judge that he deserves another chance. He claims his defense team blew she knows she has a hyper daughter on her hands but thats normal. She talked to dr. Drew while it in 1998. Honey boo boo got a little Ellen Degeneres got a huge silly. What do we do with people say its exploiting young girls, award. Many people also praised her encouraging her to be hyper active . Courage for coming out as she is a very hyperactive child. Has she been diagnosed with lesbian 15 years ago. That . No. She joked that its fantastic assessed for that . No. But what took you so long . Ever thought of assessing her . Not everyone was glued to no. A normal 7yearold is hyper from time to time. Their tv last night. Its not overboard to are where i cant control teachers have never said no. Maybe this child has a. D. D. . No 0. In school she is a very quiet even though they are just two weeks away from the election child. She knows when to act crazy and here, still undecided as far as goofy. Does she do well which candidates they are voting academically . Yes. Now Honey Boo Boo also said for. I am researching obama care that kids at school treat her and if it brings the result we differently now that shes on want, i will probably go with tv. Her mom says she is just more obama. But i still think mitt romney is popular. You can check out more of the interview right now on hlntv. Com a serious contender in my including how she almost fell choice. I think the debate was very asleep in the middle of it. And you can also see the full interesting debate on interview tonight at 9 00 p. M. International affairs. Eastern right here on hln. But i still ask myself the major the ipad is getting cut down question with excess dollars to size. Apple l is expected to finally spent, 7, 8 trillion dollars, i unveil the ipad mini. Also, is organic food really still do not see our country in better for your children . A better state and that doctors say maybe not. Frightens me. Are you undecided still . Definitely undecided. With real advice, for real goals. Seems like every debate has a the Us Bank Wealth Management Advisor can help you. Every step of the way. Line that gets people talking. From big steps, to little steps. The latest one . Since 1863 weve helped guide our clients, horses and bayonets. The fda took down its list of so they can take the steps to help grow, preserve, and pass along their wealth. More than 1200 hospitals that could have drugs linked to the so their footsteps can help the next generation find their own path. Deadly meningitis outbreak. It included hospitals and all of us serving you. Us bank clinics that received drugs from the pharmacy connected to the outbreak. Besides some pain meds, drugs for heart and eye surgeries may also be contaminated. Scarry. A North Carolina man is accusing his church of beating and holding him captain because hes gay. Michael lowery said he was held for four months against his well. Church members physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists and i was out on the floor. Who shared the same great love, stargazing. So what better holiday gift for charlotte held my hands and feet down. Than a few million billion stars . I have witnessed the paddl g with his ultrabook™, inspired by intel, featuring intel® core™ processors, paddlings. I have witnessed people held billy captured the entire cosmos in all its glory down. I have witnessed the loud and sent it to her. Screaming and i have witnessed happy holidays charlotte. All of it so i knew his story [ male announcer ] so now the stars could come out whenever charlotte wanted. [ female announcer ] get billys inspiron 14z ultrabook was very credible. All of lowerys allegations for 599. 99 or charlottes xps 12 for 1199. 99. Are said to be lies. Free shipping now at dell. Com. She said lowery came to stay willingly at the church after his parents threw him out. Time for your morning read stories from newspapers and online. Lets go there. A review on pms found the classic mood changes in only 15 of studies while 38 showed no link between mood and a womans cycle. Read more at time. Com. And sentence for not warning italians about an earthquake. One scientist says he doesnt understand what he is accused of. And the Luxury Department store is facing criticism for an ad Campaign Featuring this super skinny mini mouse. They fantasize about being fashion models. You can read about the petition to cancel the promotion and the stores response. Its weird to see mini mouse looking skinny. Im talking about the myth. I think pms is real. I personally wouldnt know but i tweeted my comments. Let me show you whats going on. Look at the clouds south of there. Thats miami and look at the nice circular formation. Thats a Tropical Storm. A lot of political experts agree president obama won last it is going to increase in nights debate on foreign strength. You can see south of jamaica and policy, but republican cuba edging up to the north. Strategists say its because hes already had four years in watch the path. The white house. President obama took the it gets close to jamaica. Opportunity to school mitt romney a bit, and, as i said, could be a category 1 storm by hes been president for four the time it reaches them. Years. Look, four years ago when president obama was running, when candidate obama was running it gains a little strength against john mccain, he was the one who had very little foreign possibly but i dont think its going to have much of an impact. Policy experience. Thats good. Obviously hes learned something in the last four years. Now coming up, well share with you what you had to say about last nights debate. If that becomes a named storm it happening today, apple is would be tony. Expected to announce its mini ipad. The rumors have been flying we do have rain across florida straits. Around for months. Jennifer westhoven is here with more on that. Good morning. Good morning, thanks, heavy downpours. Natas natasha. We made a little thing here so missouri through illinois. You can kind of see. Here is a regular ipad. Its all beneficial. Here is what we think the mini no doubt about it. Ipad, this is going to be the it makes the travel a little size of it. Its quite small, meant to go tougher. Headtohead with the other a little shot around buffalo. Seven inch tablets like the edges through middle parts of kindle fire. Pennsylvania. Also, possibly, this is the that gets into philadelphia and rumor roundup. None of this is official. New york air space. Apple is so secretive. When you get out to the west, its supposed to be very light. Look at the northern parts of that is supposed to be the wow minnesota. Factor that theyre going to more showers right around keep talking about. And if youve managed to touch minnesota. The area of low pressure that the iphone 5, maybe you have came ashore. One i dont but i managed to hold some peoples it is continues to push rain in the lower portions of the incredibly light. Elevations. It looks like they will draw on that, used that technology to make this light mini ipad and addresses a turnoff for people who have the ipad 3, like temperatures today still mild. Myself, because it really its heavier than the ipad 2, for battery life and the retina screen, but its quite heavy sometimes. Low clouds in place. More rain showers in the its not always so easy to take morning. Half hour and hour delays. Around with you. The next part that we really dont know, a lot of that is cleveland, detroit, chicago, and stuff we think we know. St. Louis all due to storms. What will it cost . Theres an ipad that can probably fit right inside a stocking. You know thats a big target. Whats it going to be . The competitors tend to start thank you p. Are you hungry. Around 200. Are you paying more to go apple thinks their products can command more. A lot of the betting would be organic for your children . Maybe 250 to 300, but now some you might be wasting your are saying it may be even more, children. Plus the ipad is getting cut maybe more like 330 starting down to size. Price. Well see. Apple is expected to finally here is a nice piece of news for unveil the ipad mini. [ male announcer ] when a Major Hospital you for lunch today. They are having free pizza coming over at dominos. Each store thats participating in this, theyre only giving away, i think, 100 free slices. For lunch you may get one for fr free. Its only one slice, though. Im a two slicer. I might be more. Three teens order a pricey wanted to provide better Employee Benefits while balancing the companys bottom line, their very first word was. Meal and tries to dine and dash. [ to the tune of lullaby and good night ] aflac aflac others watch in shock. [ male announcer ] find out more at. [ duck ] aflac what would you do . [ male announcer ]. Forbusiness. Com. [ yawning sound ] we set up at the American Dream diner in new york and hire three hungry teens to take a bite out of the restaurants profits. Dude, i dont have any money. These waitresses are actors, but the patrons in the dining room are real and theyre about to witness the old dine and dash firsthand while we watch on our hidden camera. Dont talk to me like im new to this, man. All right. After the teens order and eat their meals, one by one they leave the restaurant without paying the bill. They receive a few raised eyebrows and extended stares but early on they make a clean getaway leaving the waitress to deal with the aftermath. Where did they go . Did they go to the restroom . No, they left. They took off. Youre kidding. But it doesnt end there. We bring in another actor playing the role of the unforgiving restaurant manager who has no sympathy for our stiffed waitress, and thats when things get interesting. What, like a 25 tab here. This is out of your pocket. You cant do that. What do you mean . If you check with new york law, you cant do that. Im an attorney. Its not a good idea. I dont know the state labor laws, but youre paying for this. These two gentlemen and the folks at a neighboring table make an agreement to split the unpaid tab and save our waitress from further distress. Were going to pick up their tab. Its not an issue. So what would you do if the show comes to hln on thursday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Hidden camera show hosted by john quinones, a series of ethical dilemmas that will entertain and make you think what would you do . Its coming up thursday night on hln. Some people think its disrespectful to use a cell phone during church, but one pastor wants members to text, tweet, and take pictures. And the giants fought and clawed a former cia officer could their way into the world series. The incredible comeback that had people partying all night long. Plead guilty to leaking national. Secrets to reporters. For more than 116 years, Ameriprise Financial has worked for their clients futures. Helping millions of americans retire on their terms. Prosecutors say he lied to a cia when they want. Where they want. Doing what they want. Ameriprise. The strength of a leader in retirement planning. The heart of 10,000 advisors working with you onetoone. Its not clear which charges he will admit to this morning. Apple is expected to announce together for your future. Its miniipad today. The rumors have been flying all over the place for months. We have a look at what it might look like. Were going to know in a couple hours. None of what im about to tell you is official. I have been watching the rumors, the speculation. This is the leaks. If this is the size of the regular ipad, then this is supposedly the size of the mini. Its meant to go against the other 7 inches. Yes, its small but possibly very light. That may be what apple is banking on. You may know if you have touched an iphone 5, i dont have one but i have looked. They are almost impossibly light. Once you touch them you say these other ones they are so heavy. Now, price. Thats a big thing in question. The others tend to start. The competitors around 200. But you know that apple thinks that its products command much higher prices. 250 and up . Some have said that. Some are saying the economy is better and the price may be 329. We will see. It all happens at 10 00 pacific, 1 00 eastern. Kind of looks like a giant cell phone. Cant wait to see what it looks like allegedly. The president said something last night that had everybody talking. It starts with the letter b. Its not big bird. Eed to compete on the global stage. What we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. By 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough College Graduates to fill them. Thats why at devry university, were teaming up with Companies Like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the knowhow we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure americas ready. Make sure youre ready. At devry. Edu knowhow. Youd understand why i want you so desperately with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. Imagine living your life trying to get joe carter to dance. What makes you beautiful, one direction there, that song you were just hearing. With less chronic low back pain. Imagine you, with less pain. Giving your kids organic cymbalta can help. Foods might make you feel better but it may not make them any cymbalta is fdaapproved healthier. Thats what the American Academy to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. Of pediatrics is saying. One nonnarcotic pill a day, every day, res researchers say they couldnt find any evidence that organic can help reduce this pain. Is better even though its tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, usually more expensive. The report does say more long you have unusual changes in mood or behavior 0term studies are needed to see or thoughts of suicide. Foods that havent been treated antidepressants can increase these with pesticides are healthier. In children, teens, and young adults. Cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. The rain poured down but people taking maois or thioridazine that sure didnt stop the party or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. In San Francisco. The giants are headed back to taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, the world series and, joe, who or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. Is in for carlos, youre back severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. With sports. Signs include abdominal pain are are you sure that wasnt and yellowing skin or eyes. Tell your doctor about all your medicines, beer flying . The champagne celebration. Including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away theres something magical. If you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles im not sure if its enough to beat the Detroit Tigers, or serious allergic skin reactions whatever it is, they have some m like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores mojo heading into the world series. Hunter pence in the second to address possible lifethreatening conditions. Inning drives in a couple runs with this hit. I want you to look closer, the talk about your alcohol use, Liver Disease bat breaks in such a way that it and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. Dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. Hits the ball three separate ask your doctor about cymbalta. Times. Ive never seen Something Like that. Imagine you with less pain. Thats the magic im talking cymbalta can help. Abo go to cymbalta. Com about. Look at the rain. To learn about a free trial offer. It poured last night in San Francisco, but that did not stop the giants from pouring on the runs. Nine runs they scored. I was skeptical at first. 90 was the final. This team came back from a 31 but after awhile even my girlfriend noticed a difference. [ male announcer ] rogaine is proven deficit to win the series. To help stop hair loss. They play detroit in the world and for 85 of guys, series which starts tomorrow. It regrew hair. Now play for the world save up to 42 now at rogaine. Com. Series which starts tomorrow. Robin meade is holding down the fort in the grand slam of golf. Shes in bermuda. Thats why shes not here today. She got to play with pro bubba white. This is robins third time on the golf course, ask you know what . Shes got game. Keep going. Go go wait, wait, wait yes it went in the hole . Its not in the hole, its real close. Oh i thought it was in the hole. Is that the best shot you ever hit . Huhuh. Youre a liar women are the worst liars. Thats all i can say about that. That was the greatest shot ive ever seen, the greatest shot ive ever witnessed, the greatest shot ive ever coached. Both of them are so humble. Robin actually won the closest to the pin competition on that new music comes out on hole, hole 8. Tuesdays and its all about shes having a good time in bermuda. Taylor swifts smash hit album theyre going to have a better time today because the grand called red. Slam of golf sgibegins today. You go talk to your friends you can watch it today at 4 00 talk to my friends talk to me p. M. Eastern. But we are never ever ever she looks like shes had way ever getting back together more lessons. Thanks for showing us that. Thats the early hit single youre not going to believe we are never ever getting back one of the shows a dancing with together. The stars stars got last night. Fans are loving red. The album hit the number one spot on i tunes almost this was a judge. Immediately. The songs are emotional, and in last nights debate, personal and all over the place. Red is her fourth album and the you wont believe how much the first one the 22yearold didnt write all by herself. Candidates agree. Shes 22 already . Rvice to keep those wheels turning. Out of everything said at from Business Loans to cash management, last nights debate, one phrase we want to be your partner moving forward. Captured everyones attention. So switch to regions. Watch. You mentioned the navy and and lets get going. How we have fewer ships than we together. Did in 1916. We also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . Our military has changed. Your ford dealer. Horses and bayonets. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Mario armstrong joins us. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee. What happened online after the president. Affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res . You know what happened. Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Buy four select tires, get a 60 rebate. Twitter had a huge explosion. Use the Ford Service Credit credit card, get 60 more. Thats up to 120. Also images being created. Where did you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. It started off with mr. Dos i dont always fight wars but when i doo i use horses and bayonets. Bows and arrows and cat bullets. Shows up as well. And of course, we see unicorns. Which is famous thing that happens. So the bottom line is this phrase that the president said we also have horses and bayonets. A million tweets went out in the first half an hour. But it trailed off. It must have been monday night football. All three of the president ial debates. Isnt it funny how people can latch on to one phrase. One of the things that people were fixating on is a sweaty lip. It keeps going and going. There was a lot of sweaty lips. I was wondering if somebody was going toss a towel and let them try off. We saw 105,000 tweets per minute just about that one particular statement. My goodness. Thanks for keeping an eye on it. Social temperature of america. You are not going to believe how excited one of the dancing with the stars folks got last night. This was a judge. People like you, things are beginning to get rolling. And regions is here to help. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. And ignition. From Business Loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. Liftoff. Liftoff. Who do you think won the so switch to regions. Debate last night . Were getting to that, coming and lets get going. Together. Up. But right now you saw this rocket taking off here. That was a few minutes ago. We were skipping stones the rocket launch with three and letting go crew members on board, theyre over the river and down the road on their way to the [ female announcer ] at Nature Valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. International space station and will remain at the space station thats why we bring together natural ingredients, until 2013. Like dark chocolate with toasted oats, okay, now this. Were asking who you thought won or sweet golden honey. The debate last night. Perfect combinations of natures delicious ingredients, charmaine says the president turned me cold with snide from Nature Valley. Comments, sarcasm and public i was thinking that i hope this never ends forum bullying tactics. This is not what i want to see from our commander in chief. [ female announcer ] Nature Valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. Kelly writes, obama has made good choices, romney even agreed. Obama won. And, the bears defense did well and so did the obamas last debate. Good luck to the president of the United States. An Arizona Church wants members to text, take pictures and use their cell phone during services . What . The pastor says its a great way for people to share the message and stay connected with friends and loved ones. He says everyone wont like the idea. I recognize that thats a challenge for some people. They think its a break with tradition. We have the best opportunity in the history of the world to communicate our message. What would jesus page on facebook look like . Most members say they like the idea. The man who reportedly went on a shooting spree in a salon probably saved some lives just before she was shot. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart have teamed up to bring you a lowpriced Medicare Prescription Drug plan. With a low National Plan premium. And copays as low as one dollar. Saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy. So youre free to focus on the things that really matter. Call humana at 18008084003. Or go to walmart. Com for details. Olafs pizza palace gets the most rewards of any Small Business credit card pizza [ garth ] olafs Small Business earns 2 cash back on every purchase, every day helium delivery. Put it on my spark card [ pop ] [ garth ] why settle for less . Great businesses deserve the most rewards awesome [ male announcer ] the spark Business Card from capital one. Choose unlimited rewards with 2 cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day giving your kids organic whats in your wallet . Foods might make you feel better but might not make them any healthier. That is what the American Academy of pediatrics is saying. Researchers couldnt find any evidence that organics are better. The report does say more long term studies are needed to see if foods treated with pesticides are harmful. Lets talk sports. The rain was pouring down. The giants are headed back to the world series. Good morning. Tums and aspirin for the second time in three years the giants are going back to the big dance, the world series. There is something magical going on with this team. Take this. Hunter pence. He drives in a couple of runs with this hit. The bat actually breaks in such a way that it hits the ball three separate times. This game, it was wet. It poured in an fran. They came back from a threerun deficit to win the series. They play detroit tomorrow game one in the world series tomorrow. Robin meade is at the grand slam of golf in bermuda. This is robins third time ever on a golf course. Shes got game. Yes. The wife of the wisconsin keep going. Shooting suspect tried to save go. Go. Other people before she was wait, wait, wait killed. One witness says Zina Haughton tried to calm things down when it went in the hole . Radcliffe haughton showed up with a gun on saturday, but he its not in the hole. Still killed her and two other its real close. Women at the spa where she its really close. I thought it was in the hole. Worked. His father is shocked. Was that the best shot you as a father, as a christian, ever hit . Youre a liar. I can only apologize to all the women are the worst liars. Thats all i can say about that. That was the greatest shot i ones that were hurt. I love my son. Have ever seen or witnessed or i do not approve of what he did. Coached. Bubba watson. Haughton was found dead after i love it. The shooting. Robin won the closest to the pen just last week his wife took out a restraining order against him. Competition on that hole. You can watch it on tnt. Happy tuesday good morning to you. Starts at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. Im Natasha Curry in for robin you can see it tomorrow. You can see more of bubba and meade. In the 1980s or now, they robin hlntv. Com. Those lessons came in handy. Asked for their Foreign Policy shes a natural. Back because the cold war has been over for 20 years. She has a better swing than me. It is nice. She looked great. I can give you going after an Arizona Church wants Osama Bin Laden and stopping al members to take pictures and qaeda, but we cant kill our way out of this mess. Also use their cell phones we have analysis and the key during services. Moments you have got to see. The pastor says it is a great way to share the message and also find out what my darkest stay connected. He says everyone wont like that secret was. Idea. I recognize that that is a and i was like, im never challenge for some people. Telling. A North Carolina man claims they think it is not tradition. They have the best opportunity his church imprisoned him for in the history to communicate months because hes gay. Our message. Plus, 450 troops from what would jesus page on alabama finally come home from facebook look like . Afghanistan. Most members say they like its been a really long year for the idea. There are theories on why them, too. Last night the candidates this neighborhood is sliding went after your votes with the down the hill. Election just two weeks away, oh, my goodness. And not surprisingly, how to keep americas military strong if we want to improve our schools. And how to pay for it was one of the biggest topics. What should we invest in . America remains the one maybe New Buildings . What about updated equipment . Indispensable nation, and the they can help, but recent research shows. World needs a Strong America and it is stronger now than when i. Nothing transforms schools like investing came into office. Both candidates went out of in advanced teacher education. Their way to insist that a Strong Military would always be lets build a strong foundation. A priority. But romney questioned the lets invest in our teachers president s dedication to this so they can inspire our students. And said voters could trust him lets solve this. As commander in chief. They look at americas handcarved on the side of a cliff is the guoliang tunnel. Commitments around the world and they see whats happening and they say, well, okay, is america what . youve got to be kidding me. Going to be strong . [ derek ] ive never seen a road like this. And the answer is yes. If im president , america will theres jagged rock all the way around. Be very strong. However, the candidates this is really gonna test the ats on all levels. Disagreed on how to do that in [ derek ] this road is the most uneven surface, tough Economic Times. And the president said he wasnt and it gets very narrow. Magnetic ride control is going to be working hard. Shortchanging the troops. Keep in mind that our the shock absorbers react to the road 1,000 times a second. Military spending has gone up every single year that ive been it keeps you firmly in control. In office. We spend more on our military whoa [ male announcer ] the allnew cadillac ats. Than the next ten countries combined. But romney suggested the president would slash the militarys budget in the next few years. And i will not cut our military budget by a trillion dollars, which is a combination of the budget cuts the president has, as well as the sequestration cuts. That in my view is making our future less certain and less secure. The president said that wouldnt happen. And he suggested his opponent doesnt understand how the military works today. Our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. The navy said they needed 313 ships to carry out their mission. Whoa you know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels. E, were not at 285. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Z you mentioned the navy, for example, and that we have few spiriva helps control my copd symptoms ships since 1917. Governor, we also have fewer by keeping my airways horses and bayonets because the open for 24 hours. Nature of our military has plus, it reduces copd flareups. Spiriva is the only oncedaily chang changed. So who won last night . Inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. 48 thought president obama won Spiriva Handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder versus 40 for romney. Heres what our cnn analyst had does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. To say. Obviously the president came tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, to attack, governor romney came trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. To agree. I dont think this debate is these may worsen with spiriva. Going to change anything about discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. The trajectory about this race. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help early on i thought mitt romney did fairly well, and i if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, think obama did emerge winning. Vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. On debate points, i thought he other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Won. Jennifer west hohoven is goi nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. blowing sound to do a fact check for you. Ask your doctor about spiriva. There were also points about the military that were mentioned. Thats in about ten minutes. But because were morning express, we also have some other headlines for you. The desperate search for a missing 12yearold girl in new jersey has just ended in tragedy. Police found the body of autumn some people in my home state of washington call their neighborhood armageddon creek. Their houses are collapsing and sliding down this hill. P pasqua pasquale. Someone found her body inside a they dont plan to do anything. We have done an evaluation of container. An autopsy is scheduled this our public works system but morning. A doctor wants women to wait there is nothing to point to that system at contributing to longer for pap tests. This problem. The screening for cervical once we end this report we will go shopping. Cancer used to be every year, but theyve dialed that back this is just north of recently. The latest guidelines says women seattle. Homeowners say the city botched between 30 and 65 years old a drainage project and made the should get a pap test every ground unstable. Three families have had to leave three years and a test for hiv their homes and ten more can be every five years. The party went on long into at risk. The first of a dozen suspects charged in a hazing death of a florida a m drum the night in San Francisco. No matter who youre cheering for, sometimes its just fun to major will not be going to jail. See people get excited about a game. That will start your morning a judge sentenced him to two off right. This is the second time in three years the giants are headed back years probation. To the world series. They pulled off what some called robert champion died after being an incredible series comeback to beaten by band members. Get back to the world series. Jones apologized to champions the giants had to come back to a parents who said they were 31 deficit in the world series. Disappointed with the sentencing. One of the judges took a many thought this was the cardinals series, but the giants fought back, won three straight, spill on dancing with the basically outscoring st. Louis stars last night. Let the baby making begin. 201 in those games. Last night they won 90. They got to celebrate that was ridiculous. Afterwards. The giants are heading off to the world series to face the wow. She said she was all right Detroit Tigers. After that fall. Game 1 is tomorrow night in san she fell right off her judges francisco. It will start around 8 00 p. M. Chair. She said she was knocked out by eastern. The giants last won fwo years the sexy dan. Ago. The tigers last won the world series in 1984. Back to you. Some people in Washington State called their neighborhood armageddon creek. Heres why. Their houses are collapsing and sliding down a hill theyve made it very obvious they dont plan to do anything. Weve done a thorough evaluation of our public works system, and there is nothing in that evaluation to point to that system as contributing to this problem. Our next step is once we get this report, well go lawyer shopping. This is in washington just north of seattle. Homeowners said the city bosctcd a city project and made the ground unstable. They plan to sue. The city says its a natural event. Three families have had to leave their homes and ten more could be at risk. Well, listen, watereroding land is a natural event, but how did that water get there is the big question, right . Theres flooding in that area, but i dont know, usually water just trickles in washington. Its not like a downpour like in the south. We have rain in the plains. We also have our first winter storm around areas of washington and california. You just saw the wet infield of that giants game yesterday. That system was all snow in nevada. You can see it piling up on the streets. And then in Northern California theer sa near sacramento, ominous clouds, even reported a tornado. There were five tornadoes around that area. Farther north, the cascades and oregon got slammed with more snow. They got about four to five inches of the natural stuff in oregon. Look at the warm front right here. Its right around missouri stretching into illinois and indiana. The rain is going to be heavy, especially central parts of missouri. Look at the popping thunderstorms in jefferson city. More rain around st. Louis. Thats going to edge in this morning. Air travel delays are a possibility. You can see in the indianapolis radar picture, youre quiet in the city itself, but just to the west, more showers, more storms. None of that is severe, just a lot of heavy rain for the morning rolling to the east. Getting in toward toronto, rochester, edging towards syracuse, too. The rain is heading to the east. If you are planning on traveling today, count on an hour or more delay in San Francisco, more clouds and rain, especially in the morning. Then half hour to hourlong delays. You saw the rain edging to new york state. Could affect that new york air space, so watch for delays there. Same with cleveland, detroit and chicago. St. Louis, more showers. The tropics are not dead yet. Well get a look at some of those systems coming and even tropical depression 19 and Tropical Storm sandy. Well show you that in about half an hour. You said an hour delay in San Francisco . Did i see that right . Yesterday was about 70 minutes. Same thing today. They dont care, any way. Theyre celebrating. Youve got to see pictures of a new minnie mouse looking more like skinny mouse. If you think its causing a controversy, it is. And something smells fishy. Time for some debate backchecking. My life begins today fly by night away from here change my life again fly by night, goodbye my dear my ship isnt coming and i just cant pretend oww [ male announcer ] careful, youre no longer invisible in a midsize sedan. The volkswagen passat. Winner of a motor trend midsize sedan comparison. Thats the power of german engineering. So i brought it to mike at meineke. We gave her car a free road handling check. I like free. Free is good. My money. My choice. My meineke. Time for todays salute to the troops. Join me here. I would like to send a salute to my daughter, captain heather englehartd. Heathers mother and i are extremely proud of her for the years shes been putting in her years of duty and service for her country in iraq. Were so proud of what she does and the dedication she gives to everyone around her. Do you want us to salute someone you love in the military . Were happy to oblige. Just go to hlntv. Com robin. The first of a dozen suspects charged in the hazing death of a florida a m drum major will not be going to jail. A judge sent him to two years of jail and p probation and comm service. There were people disappointed with the sentencing. Two areas from last nights debate where a little facts checking is in order. Jennifer westhoven is here with that. Good morning. Whats that, you say the truth is a rubber band . There was some stretching last night. One of the things we like to do in these fact checks is look for phrases where if you were listening you went, hmm. One of the things that raised some eyebrows, mitt romney seemed to say that barack obama was leading the nation crumbling. Our air force is older and smaller than at any time since it was founded in 1947. All right. I mean, you hear 1917, 1947, youre thinking, world war i . World war ii . The numbers clearly leave an impression that our military is out of date and, you know, rusty. So im going to give that one a misleading, because the big picture here, the big picture is navy ships and air force planes, they are far more powerful than they were. I mean, they have advanced technology, weapons systems, and the u. S. Is unquestionably seen as the u. S. s number one military power. Really both parties have agreed on that, and thats why weve seen the number of ships, for example, going down. We need less because basically they do a lot more. It does buttress romneys wish to give the military a million dollars, which is more than the pentagon has asked for. Technically thats a business misleading, too. President obama was willing to stretch truth as well. Here he is giving himself credit for veterans getting jobs. Is that true . Veterans unemployment is actually not lower in the general population, it was higher when i came into office. Well, technically, if you look at all veterans, that is true. But really, when you think about veterans right now, the veterans who are at issue, who are struggling are the veterans who are coming back from afghanistan and iraq and they are doing worse than the general population. So i really dont think thats one where somebody should be giving themselves credit. Were going to give that one a half truth, maybe even a little bit lower than that. All right. Well, you know the president ial candidates. They want to be out there in the middle of the action, as much on your mind as they can the night before the election. That means they want to be on monday night football. One is for a clean, wedomestic Energy Future that puts us in control. Our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. Though all Energy Development comes with some risk, were committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. Its not a dream. Americas natural gas. Putting us in control of our Energy Future, now. Hey, good morning. Im joe carter. How about a little politicking with your sports . The president and governor romney may face off one more time on monday night football. Nearly 14 Million People tune in to the game each week, so its a great opportunity to sway maybe a vote or two. The sports Business Journal says president obama and governor romney will likely have taped interviews run during half time of the eagles game november 5. The election, of course, november 6. Second quarter bears fans let out a collective gasp and cutler was brought to the ground. He bruised his ribs on the play but he would only miss one play. The browns tried to come back. Matthew stafford was picked off by henry melton. The bears beat the lions 137. Chicago now 51 on the season. The head football coach, umass, his name is charlie molner, he awarded his top players this week by pulling a prank on them. During a meeting, a cop barged in and served two of the players with papers. They thought they were in trouble. But when they opened the papers, they found a contract for a full scholarship. The video was shot during prepr aired this week. The list was not accurate and it will be reposted for the meningitis list. It included pharmacies connected to the outbreak. The fda says besides some pain metd meds, get this, drugs for heart and eye surgeries may also be included. Heres the wakeup club. My name is clair in california and i would like to give a wakeup call to my son ken. Morning, sunshine give a shoutout to robin meade at hln. She cant wait to hear from you. Could monthly morning mood swings actually be a myth . What scientists figured out. President obama and mitt i dont mean romney came out swinging, but many of you were really shocked at how much they agreed on certain points. [ nurse ] im a hospice nurse. Britta olsen is my patient. I spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. One night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, when a person dies, she said, someone must open the window so the soul can depart. I smiled and squeezed her hand. Not tonight, britta. Not tonight. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. Who shared the same great love, stargazing. So what better holiday gift for charlotte than a few million billion stars . With his ultrabook™, inspired by intel, featuring intel® core™ processors, billy captured the entire cosmos in all its glory and sent it to her. Happy holidays charlotte. [ male announcer ] so now the stars could come out whenever charlotte wanted. [ female announcer ] get billys inspiron 14z ultrabook for 599. 99 or charlottes xps 12 for 1199. 99. Free shipping now at dell. Com. The last president ial debate is in the books now, so how did the candidates do . Political science professor Jason Johnson joins us from florida with his scorecard. Good morning, jason. Back again here. Thanks. Here are three questions for you. Who won for stage presence . Who actually answered the questions, and instead of dodging the questions, although we already know about that, and who won on strategy . Im a College Professor so im a tough grader. When it comes to stage presence, the democrats are going to say mitt romney looked condescend g condescending, i thought both candidates did fine. Both seemed to be comfortable with where they were sitting, they kept good eye contact with each other and they kept good eye contact with the moderator. I think stage presence is pretty much a tie. What about answering questions. You thought they all really nailed those . You know, i give them an incomplete on that. I was under the impression this was supposed to be a Foreign Policy debate but everything went back to domestic policy. President obama started saying that was an international policy, and they both kind of didnt answer that question in the debate. Do you think the whole benghazi tragedy issue was on purpose . No, i dont think that was on purpose at all. I think mitt romney missed a chance. He said this was a security issue and president obama took that baton and went down the track before mitt romney even tied his shoes. Strategically for barack obama, he did what he needed to do. He needed to encourage his base. He need to do shed to show he k was going on in the world, and i think it was mitt. He really wasnt attacked on libya, he wasnt really attacked on syria. So president obama gets an a and mitt romney gets a c minus. Holding back a bit was mitt romneys strategy, it seemed. Do you think he came out that way . Thats what you say when you lose. Theres never a benefit to looking like you lose. That was the same thing democrats were saying after the first debate, barack obama was just holding back. For what . This was the third and final te bait. There was no reason for mitt romney to hold back at all. It doesnt make you look president ial, it makes you look insecure, it makes you look unsure. That was not good strategy on his behalf. Jason johnson talking from both sides of the aisle. Well talk to you soon. A man said he got a brutal response when he told his church he was gay. He said a beating was just the beginning. Tomato basil, potato with bacon, 80 different kinds. No wonder were going through this stuff hey, hon, want some soup . You bet [ male announcer ] progresso. You gotta taste this soup. Mile after mile, to and from now there are four for all to use tell the neighbors, friends, everyone the news and lets hum, hum, hum, hum lets hum a prius for everyone theres a bigger one, if you want more space a small one if the citys your place and even one you can plug in so hop on in and give one a spin and lets hum, hum, hum, hum lets hum a prius for everyone a former cia officer could plead guilty to leaking National Secrets to reporters. John kiriakou is having a hearing today. Hes the one on the right there. Hes accused of giving reporters names of two undercover operatives. Hes also guilty of leaking secrets in his book. He has not pleaded guilty. Not sure what charges he will admit to this morning. The American Academy of pediatrics is recommending that those human pyramids should not be more than two levels high, and they say the stunts should be done only on soft surfaces and the cheerleading should be officially designated as a sport. New music comes out on tuesday. Today we have a new one for billy ray cyrus. Change my mind was the new one by billy ray cyrus. He said he was inspired by johnny cash to make the songs and the album. 29 minutes past the hour. Im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. Lets get to the headlines were working on this morning. The president started what i call an apology tour by going to the nations in the middle east and criticized america. I think they looked at that and saw weakness. Nothing governor romney just said is true, starting with this notion of me apologizing. This has been probably the biggest whopper that has been told during the course of this campaign. Both of them came out swinging and some thought the president came out looking stronger in last nights debate, but the final showdown might have helped both candidates. Just two weeks from the election now, were still in a neck and neck race. O. J. Simpson wants a new trial. There is a chance he could get it, too. A judge in nevada has reopened his Armed Robbery and kidnapping case. Simpson might have to testify to convince the judge he deserves another chance. Simpson claims his defense team blew it back in 2008. Hes serving a 33year sentence. Ellen degeneres got a big award for her punch lines last night. She received a mark twain prize for humor. Many people at the ceremony also praised her courage for coming out as a lesbian 13 years ago. In fact, she joked when receiving the award, its fantastic, but what took you so long . Not everyone was glued to their tv last night. Some people watched the president ial debate nearby at an outdoor rock the vote concert, and even though were just two weeks away, there are some people who still havent decided who theyre voting for. I am researching obamacare, and if it brings the results we all want, i probably will go with obama. But i still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. I think the debate was a very interesting debate on international affairs. But i still ask myself the major question. With excess dollars spent, 7, 8 trillion, i still do not see our country in a better state, and that fright eens me. Are you undecided, still . Definitely undecided. The alternative band neon tree performed there last night. About 1,000 people were downtown in the park in boca raton. The show was also broadcast to xbox users. A nurse says the son of the late Robert Kennedy twisted her arm and knocked another nurse at a New York Hospital kicked her into another nurse at the hospital. Douglas kennedy is on trial for alleged harassment and child endangerment. In january he tried to take his newborn son outside. A nurse testified that kennedy assaulted them when they tried to stop him. His lawyer says the nurse is confrontational and that kennedy did nothing wrong. A North Carolina man is accusing his church of beating and holding him captive because hes gay. In a Police Complaint, Michael Lowry said he was held for four months against his will. He says Church Members near charlotte physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists and i was out on the floor, held my hands and feet down. Ive witnessed the paddlings, ive witnessed the being held down, ive witnessed the loud screaming, and i witnessed all of it. So i knew michaels story was very credible. Pastor gejane whaley says hi claims are lies. They are investigating this. An entire Army Battalion got a huge welcome home in afghanistan from afghanistan at once. The 160battalion is based in alabama. They have been facing the forces in kandahar. Aww. I love the reuniting. A couple storm systems were watching across the continent. Number one is in the pacific. Another one getting in the milgd of the country. Illinois and missouri, getting in indiana right now. You see those clouds in the southern parts of florida and cuba . Thats our southern Tropical Storm. Tropical storm sandy just crawling to the north at about 3 miles per hour, gaining a little bit of strength. Its going to go over warmer waters in the caribbean. 40mileperhour winds right now. Not really strong but it should gain some strength in the next couple days. In jamaica, Tropical Storm watch for you. Same with haiti. All the way being a category 1 storm over the next couple days. Then it merges into the bahamas and probably falls apart a little bit. Going off toward the west of here. That should essentially push it away from the u. S. Mainland, but then bermuda late next week, we like to watch it as a Tropical Storm. Look at the rain already near the florida strait. A couple popup showers are possible there as well. Through illinois and indiana, now edging toward ohio. St. Louis, youre kind of dry right now. Youre dry in st. Louis, one patch to the east and one to the west. Its all going to fill in later today. More showers coming in. Indianapolis, you guys are dry, also, but look how close it is to you. Rain and thunderstorms in the morning, and a good shot of rain moving through ohio, buffalo and ontario. There it goes across middle parts of new york. Same with philadelphia. Let me take you south of there, though, towards atlanta. It looks really nice. You want nice conditions for october, there it is. The daytime high, 80 degrees. Look at that sunshine coming up. Its dry. Temperatures were in the 40s early this morning. The dry air, natasha, heats up quickly after it cools down fast. Look at that, isnt it gorgeous . Oh, what a nice day to visit the aquarium in atlanta. Areas in atlanta unaffected but some areas will be. A tiny chunk of a meteorite hit a house in california. A woman who lived there said she heard the twoinch fragment hit her roof during a meteor shower in Northern California on wednesday. Is that something a meteorologist wants to have happen just so you can see it . I dont know. If you get hit by one of those things, its like fate. What can you do . Fortunately, it didnt leave a humongous gash. She didnt say much about it at first but she read later about the shower. She found the fragment, there it is. An expert says its worth up to 10,000. She doesnt want to sell it, she wants to donate it to science. Id sell it, its small. The ipad is getting cut down to size. Apple is expected to finally unveil the ipad mini also. Is organic food really better for your children . Doctors say maybe not. By 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough College Graduates to fill them. Thats why at devry university, were teaming up with Companies Like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the knowhow we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure americas ready. Make sure youre ready. At devry. Edu knowhow. At devry. Edu knowhow. Wooohooo. Hahaahahaha oh. There you go. Wooohooo. Hahaahahaha im gonna stand up to her no youre not. I know. You know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. How happy are they jimmy . Happier than a witch in a broom factory. Get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. A lot of political experts agree that president obama won last nights debate on Foreign Policy. But some say its because hes already had four years in the white house. President obama took the opportunity to school mitt romney a bit. As i said, hes been president for four years. Look, four years ago when candidate obama was running against john mccain, he was one that had very little Foreign Policy experience. Obviously hes learned something in the last four years. Coming up, were going to share some of what you had to say about last nights debate. Stick around for that. Happening today, apple is expected to announce its mini ipad. The Company Still not saying anything about it, but the rumors have been flying around for months. Jennifer westhoven is here and youve got to look at how big or how little it is. Today is the big day. People have been speculating, guessing, rumoring about this thing for what, months now. The mini ipad. This is what he estimate will be the size of the mini ipad according to many of the rumors out there. So small, but also the rumor is that the wow factor is going to be that its very light. And if you think about that iphone size, i dont know if youve held one yet, maybe you even have one, it is extremely light. Thats something that seems to catch peoples attention, and it seems like thats what they want to bring to this mini ipad, especially since the ipad 3 really has been quite clunky for a lot of people. It would go up against the other tablets out there like the kindle fire. Apple always thinks they can charge a little more, so some guesses were between 250 and 300, but now there are also some guesses that maybe apple thinks the economy is coming back or that you are willing to pay more, because one of the rumors is the starting price would be even more, 329. Well see. There is also a lot of talk that there may be a lot of apps on this for education for kids to try and get parents and schools interested in these. You know, we talk so much about kids with big, heavy backpacks with lots of texts. Some of this could save them a lot of weight. You make a great point. Something im really curious when and if it does come out is how big the type is. I wonder if younger people it would be more popular versus the older ipad. The font could be a little larger. You may be able to change it, too. Yeah. All right, jen, thank you. If anybody likes to travel a lot, its a rock star. Alice cooper has been doing it for 45 years. He tells you his travel secrets in this weeks road warriors. Hi there, im alice cooper. Schools out for summer im on the road seven months out of the year. Ive been touring for 45 years. The band started when i was 15. Im 64 now. I like the fact the band travels on the same bus. I only pick guys in the band that i like. Ive always liked the idea of the band staying together made it a tighter band on stage. I dont ever leave home without these. There is no place on earth that doesnt have a golf course. I dont have to work until 9 00 at night. I can go play golf all day. Golf during the day and rock and roll at night . Who has a better schedule than that . In our show if youre in the wrong place at the wrong time, youre going to get stitches. Youll have a toothache, youll have the flu. I dont care how bad youre feeling, when that curtain goes up and youre on stage, you dont feel anything. Maybe rock and roll is just keeping us really young. The giants fought and clawed their way into the world series. The incredible comeback that had people partying all night. This happy couple used capital one venture miles for their destination wedding. Double miles you can actually use. But with those single mile travel cards. [ bridesmaid ] blacked out. But im a bridesmaid. Oh x marks the spot shell never sit. But i bought a dress a toast. To the capital one venture card. Fly any airline, any flight, anytime. Double miles you can actually use. What a coincidence . Whats in your wallet . [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. Oh, thats just my buds. Bacon. My taste buds. [ taste buds ] donuts. How about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal . You think youre going to slip some fiber by us . Okay. Fiber one is gonna make you smile. [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. Okay, time for the morning read of stories that pop out on us in newspapers and on line. Is pms a myth . 38 showed no link between mood and a womans cycle. Read more at time. Com. An Italian Court has sentenced six scientists and a Government Official to six years in prison for not warning italians about an earthquake that killed more than 300 people. On cnn. Com, one scientist says he still doesnt understand what hes accused of. And the Luxury Department store barneys is facing criticism for an ad Campaign Featuring a super skinny minnie mouse. In the promotion, daisy duck and minnie mouse fantasize about being models. They want to cancel the promotion and the stores response. The rain poured down, but that sure didnt stop the partying San Francisco. The giants are headed back to the world series. Joe in for carlos is here with sports. Good morning. Good morning, natasha. Good to be here. Theres something magical going on with the giants team. Im not sure its enough to beat the tigers but its something magical. In the second inning he drives in a couple runs. If you look closer, the bat breaks in such a way that it hits the ball three separate times. Thats the magic im talking about. You know, the weather was terrible outside. It poured, but that did not stop the giants from putting on the runs. They scored nine runs. They won the game 90. They come back from a 31 deficit to go on to the world series. They play detroit in game 1 tomorrow in San Francisco. Robin meade is holding her own in the grand slam of golf in bermuda. Yesterday she got to play with the pro bubba watson. Hes the masters champion. Robin has only been on the course three times in her life. You know what . Three times, shes got game. She actually won the closest to the pin competition by putting it about three feet from the cup. Nice job, robin. Now, the grand slam of golf begins later today. You can watch it on tnt. It starts at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. The lessons paid off. Thats the lesson here. You have to take lessons in golf if you want to be good at it. She sure makes it look easy. Theres one thing that surprised a lot of people at last nights president ial debate, how much the candidates agreed. Plus, heres ryan smith with a preview of tonights Evening Express. Schools on lockdown, police on the lookout. Someone shooting at people randomly in one small town and well take look at the profile of the suspect. Are your kids bankrupt at birth . We have information for parents like how to save your children from Identity Theft and other scams that can ruin their financial history before its even established. Thats on Evening Express tonight, 5 00 to 7 00 eastern. We were skipping stones and letting go [ female announcer ] Nature Valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. Perfect combinations of natures delicious ingredients, from Nature Valley. Nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. But what about your wrinkles . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Why wait if you dont have to. Neutrogena®. Giving your kids organic foods might make you feel better or me better, but they may not make them any healthier. Thats what the American Academy of pediatrics is saying. Researchers save they couldnt find any evidence that organic is better. Even though its usually more expensive. Ugh. The report does say more longterm studies are needed to see if foods that have been treated with pesticides are healthier. Sometimes they say im making them organic, bob. There you go. The nofrills way. Exactly. Air travel a mess this morning . A lot of storms. We have a lot of activity. So far i havent seen weatherrelated delays. Thats good news. You see the map. Things are going to switch around. Good shot of rain moving through the ohio valley. North of the region, into ontario, western parts of p. A. , new york, too. Will affect new york airspace. South of there looks good. Key west, traveling down to florida, we have Tropical Storm sandy. So far, no impacts on the u. S. Mainland. How nice is that . The earth cam coming from key west, mid 80s today. Clouds from the storm, but i dont think well see much rain. What about the delays . We will get those. New york, looking at delays with wind. San francisco, the big one, calling for rain and some wind in the afternoon. An hourplus. Calling for halfhour delays around new york, cleveland, same with detroit and chicago. Again, the same deal. Looking at rain and wind. St. Louis, more showers, more storms especially this morning. What about the radar picture . Well get to that coming up in ten minutes. Natasha . Thank you. I was looking at the shot thinking is it bermuda where robin is . Is she going to say, bob, have you seen my shot . She did awesome. Well show you. Thanks. Lindsay lohans dad says that he is convinced shes in a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol. Michael lohan apparently tried to stage an intervention on friday at her house. But it failed when someone called the cops. He says he wants a judge to place her under a conservatorship meaning someone else would take care of her finances. Lindsay lohans rep says her dad just wants publicity. The wife of a man who went on a she sproooting spree proba saved lives, and then she was shot. Someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. Bring future guy back. Watch him build a tft display like nothing youve ever seen. Get him to explain exactly what that is. The thin film transistor display. [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. Just show it. Customize the dash, give it park assist. The fuel efficiency flower thing. Send future guy home, his work here is done. Destroy time machine. Win some awards, send in brady. Thats how you do it. Easy. I wish my patients could see what i see. That over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. So its even more important to lower their cholesterol, and thats why, when diet and exercise alone arent enough, i prescribe crestor. In a Clinical Trial versus lipitor, crestor got more highrisk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. Like people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor about other medicines youre taking. Call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of rare but serious side effects. Is your cholesterol at goal . Talk to your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Try the 1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. Align. Align naturally helps maintain digestive balance. Ooh, baby, can i do for you today . Try align today. The fda took down its list of more than 1,200 hospitals that could have drugs linked to the dead ly meningitis outbreak. It said the list was not accurate and will repost it. It included hospitals and clinics that received drugs from the massachusetts pharmacy connected to the outbreak. The fda says besides some pain meds, drugs for heart and eye surgeries may also be contaminated. Even one of the judges took a spill on dancing with the stars last night. Let the babymaking begin [ cheers ] that was ridiculous oh whoo are you wow did she dip her head back . Not sure. Carrie ann said she was fine but just knocked out by the sexy dance. Doctors cleared Melissa Rycroft to dance last night after she took a more serious spill. Looking at the outfit. An ambulance was called, though, for her after she hurt her neck during rehearsals. Ooh. Whoa. That was something else. Good morning, im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. I know you havent been in a position to actually execute Foreign Policy, but every time youve offered an opinion youve been wrong. Attacking me is not an agenda. Attacking me is not talking about how were going to deal with the challenges that exist in the middle east. President obama and mitt romney had their third and final showdown before you vote. It got heated. We have analysis and the key moments youve got to see. And the giants move on to face detroit in the world series. What an explosive way to get there. Also, are you paying more to go organic for your children . You might be wasting your money. Thats all were saying for now. Well have more on that. First lets talk politics. Last night we were supposed to hear how the president ial candidates would handle Foreign Policy. But you knew theyd find a way to sneak in their ideas about the economy. Both seemed to agree that america cant lead abroad when its not strong at home. But in order to be able to fulfill our role in the world, america must be strong. America must lead. For that to happen we have to strengthen our economy at home. It there was any takeaway from the debate, this was it both saencandidates say Foreign Policy depends on a stronger economy. After a decade of war, i think we all recognize weve got to do some nation building here at home. Not surprisingly, the candidates disagree on how to do that. Romney was asked whether his budget numbers add up. Were going to cut about 5 of the discretionary budget excluding military. Thats number one. But can you do that without you know, the good news is ill be happy to have you take a look while the president found himself playing defense over budget cuts scheduled to take effect at the end of the year known as a sequester. He blamed congress for the problem. First of all, the sequesters not something that i proposed. Its Something Congress has proposed. It will not happen. Maintaining a Strong Military is one challenge. However, its clear the main mission for both is jobs, jobs, jobs. Ive got a policy for the future. And an agenda for the future. When it comes to our economy at home, i know what it takes to create 12 million new jobs and rise in takehome pay. President obama doesnt think romney can keep that promise, and he claimed that romneys agenda is all about helping the wealthy. Governor romney wants to take us back to those policies. Foreign policy thats wrong and reckless. Economic policies that wont create jobs, wont reduce our deficit, but will make sure that folks at the very top dont have to play by the same rules that you do. Who won last night . A new cnn orc poll of debate watchers showed 48 thought president obama won versus 40 for romney. Heres what cnns analysts had to say. Obama made important points for people in ohio when he said if we listen to you, sir, we would be buying cars from china rather than selling cars to china. Obama had numerous memorial babble lines. Hes definitely improved his game. I thought romney collapsed tonight. There was obviously a clear romney strategy tonight. And that is in a country that thinks were on the wrong track, the majority of people think were headed the wrong way, abroad, at home where we fear an economy decline, we want change. And mitt romney tonight was safe change. Coming up in about ten minutes, were going to take a deeper look at what voters thought of last nights debate and hlns Kyra Phillips was at the debatewatching party. Shell fill us in on what she thought. The desperate search for a missing 12yearold girl in new jersey has ended in tragedy. Police found the body of autumn pasqua pasquale. She told her dad she was riding her bike to a friends house but never made it. Search crews found her body inside a recycling container. An autopsy squuled for this morning. Sad. Scheduled for this morning. Sad. More doctors want women to wait longer between pap tests according to new recommendations from gynecologists. The screening for Cervical Cancer used to be done every year. But several medical groups have dialled that back recently. The latest guidelines say that women between 30 and 65 years old should get a pap test every three years and a test for hpv every five years. [ chanting ] the party went on long into the night in San Francisco. Probably still going on. The giants will now face the Detroit Tigers in the world series. 5 00 a. M. , i would think its about time to wrap it up a little. Joe, good morning. I guess it depends on who youre partying with. This is the second time in three years that the giants have headed back to the world series. Yeah, maybe folks are still shaking from the one a couple of years ago. They pulled after an inincredible comeback to get to the world series. The st. Louis cardinals up 31 in the series. Many thought that San Francisco was finished, but they fought back, won three straight games by outscoring st. Louis 201 in those games. Last night they won 90. Of course they got the chance to spray each other with stinging champagne. Love that. Goodness. Fun to watch. Go ahead. Now the giants are going to play the Detroit Tigers. Game one of the world series is tomorrow night. Its in San Francisco. The last time the giants won the world series two years ago, the last time the tigers won the world series is in 1984. Im waiting to see what happens. We all are. Thanks. Some people that Washington State call their neighborhood armegeddon creek. Heres why take a look. Their houses are collapsing and sliding down this hill. Made it very obvious they dont plan to do anything. Weve done a thorough evaluation of our public works system, and theres nothing in that evaluation to point to that system as contributing to this problem. Once we have this report, well go lawyer shopping. This is in everett, washington, north of seattle. Homeowners say the city botched a drainage project and made the ground unstable. They plan to sue. City Officials Say its a natural event. Three families have had to leave their homes, and ten more could be at risk. Bobs keeping an eye on a storm moving in from the west. Whats the latest on that . It seems theyre all over the place this morning. Yeah. Did you see the rain showers ahead across all of San Francisco last night . Game seven, nlcs yes, fields were wet. Theyre still playing. Goodness. Terrible. They had to get it in. Now its because of a storm system that rolled. In let me show other video coming in. It was raining around the bay area. In the Higher Elevations, sierranevada, all snow above 4,000 feet. Good stuff coming in. First major winter storm up there. In the lower elevations, we had severe thunderstorms, cold core funnels, tornadoes reported all around middle parts and northern parts of california. Five reports of a touchdown. This was near yuba city. You see it there. And then up north farther through the cascades into oregon, more snow falling down in resorts. About four to five inches of snow fell there. That is good, too. Whats going on now . A little change. Watching most of the energy coming ashore now. Thats broken up, fractured, more comes in tomorrow afternoon. You see the cold front stretching across the rockies with rain around the coastline. Snow falling in the upper elevations. That means we have winter storm warnings in red, Winter Weather advisories in blue. Snow coming down for the morning. Should expire later this afternoon. To the east we go. High pressure around charlotte in toward charleston, that means a nice morning for you. On the back side you see memphis more cloud cover, then heavy downpours coming in especially northern parts of missouri into illinois. Also notice the rain showers here. Thats in the florida straits. Heres key west, you see cuba there. That is from Tropical Storm sandy. Now its not going to make a u. S. Landfall, but winds will pick up around miami. Tropical storm watch for jamaica into haiti. Thats probably going to come ashore by tomorrow evening maybe as a hurricane near jamaica. Ill show you that coming up in a halfhour. Up to the north farther, theres the heaviest rain edging toward st. Louis. Ahead of a warm front. Warm air try to get into indiana, you see the indiana area getting heavy rain and a nice shot also moving away from detroit right through toronto and the areas like buffalo, rochester, syracuse. Ultimately through pittsburgh, more showers edging toward philly and new york, too. That means well see air travel delays. What about the major ones . If you are flying, heres what it looks like. San francisco yesterday, a 70minute delay. Today, about the same thing. Low clouds and rain. Watching for halfhour delays around new york, cleveland, detroit, chicago, midway, ohare, going to see short delays. Same with st. Louis, rain mainly in the morning. Yeah, a lot of activity. Ill show you the tracks, not just sandy but tropical depression 19. The tropics, theyre not dead yet. Well get to that coming up in a halfhour. Thank you. Some doctors want cheerleading to be officially considered a sport. They say its the only way to make it safe. Plus, the president ial candidates got into it over Osama Bin Laden. Now some voters will say how it went over with them. Went over with them. My wife the dentist allows only one mouthwash in our home. [ male announcer ] act for kids, with maximum fluoride for up to 40 fewer cavities act. Stronger teeth and better checkups in every bottle. For up to 40 fewer cavities why theyre always there to talk. I love you, james. Dont you love me . Im a robot. I know. I know youre a robot but theres more in you than just circuits and wires uhhh. cries a machine cant give you what a person can. Thats why ally has knowledgeable people there for you, night and day. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Time for todays salute to the troops. Join me here. I would like to send a salute to my daughter, captain heather eng englehart. Heathers mother and i are extremely proud of her for the years that shes been putting into her duty and service to our country while in iraq. We love her and are so proud of what she does. And the dedication she gives to everyone around her. Do you want us to salute someone that you love in the military . Were happy to ablige. Go to hln. Com robin. The wife of the wisconsin shooting suspect tried to save other people before she was killed. One witness said Xena Haughton tried to calm things down when Radcliffe Haughton showed up with a gun sunday. He killed her and two other women at the spa where she worked. His father is shocked. As a father, as a christian, i can only apologize to all that all the ones that he have hurt. I love my son. I do not approve of what he did. Hautdon was found dead after haughton was found dead after the shooting. Last week his wife took out a restraining order against him. Last night mitt romney seemed ready to take on president obama about the Osama Bin Laden raid. The president had a comeback, too. Watch. I congratulate him on taking out Osama Bin Laden and going after the leadership in al qaeda. But we cant kill our way out of this mess. When youre a candidate in 2008, as i was, and i said if i got bin laden in our sights i would take that shot, you said we shouldnt move heaven and earth to get one man. And you said we should ask pakistan for permission. Now hlns Kyra Phillips went to an outdoor rock the vote watch party in florida. Kyra, im wondering how the bin laden exchanges went over with voters in utah that you talked to. Reporter that moment went over very well no matter what side you were on. Definitely taking down Osama Bin Laden was great for this country and the morale of this country. When it dime issues of Foreign Policy it came to issues of Foreign Policy, romney went after obama, trying to portray him as weak and not handling issues in the middle east and the arab spring with a lot of consistency, talking about his first year in office, that he was just on an apology tour to all the muslim countries. Obama, though, firing back all night saying, look, romney, when it comes to issues of Foreign Policy, you have no clarity, and youre all over the map. Well, as for folks there at the mtv rock the Party Viewing event, they had all kinds of opinions. Take a listen. As a dad, i mean, obama has daughters, comes across as a loving father that cares about our future for not only men but women. I think thats come out in all the debates. Romneys experience of creating jobs and wealth for himself as an individual. As our president denied hes not done that. He knows where to cut expenses, how to put businesses back in place and how to create jobs. Reporter and natasha, as expected this was all supposed to be focused on Foreign Policy, but of course we saw this pivot moment in both romney and president obama getting into it about the economy, about jobs, about education. And Bob Schieffer with cbs news, the moderator, had to pull back try and pull them back and say lets get back to Foreign Policy here. So that is in the end what folks still really wanted to hear is what are you going to do about the economy and how are you going to bring jobs back to all of us here. Natasha . Yeah. Definitely got feisty. Kyra phillips in florida. Thank you very much. Okay, could a womans monthly mood swings actually be a myth . What some scientists think that theyve figured out. Plus, the president ial candidates do not want to be lying low the night before the election. Theyment to want to be on mond football . All Energy Development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural Gas Producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. Across america, these technologies protect air by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions. Protect water through conservation and selfcontained recycling systems. And protect land by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. Americas natural gas. Domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives. Thats smarter power today. Annes tablet called my phone. Annes tablet was chatting with a tablet in sydney. A desktop in zurich. And a telepresence room in brazil. The secure cloud helped us get some numbers from my assistants pc in new york. And before i reached the top, the Board Meeting became a congrats we sold the company party. Wait til my wifes phone hears about this. [ cellphone vibrating ] [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, working together has never worked so well. A former cia officer could plead guilty to leaking National Secrets to reporters. John kariakow is having a hearing, on the right there, accused of giving reporters the names of two undercover operatives. Prosecutors say he also lied to a cia review board about info. In his book. At first he pleaded not guilty. Its not clear whether charges which charges he will admit to this morning. Honey boo boos mama, june, says she knows shes got a hyper kiddo on her hands, but thats normal. She talked to dr. Drew while Honey Boo Boo got a little silly. What do we do with people who say its exploiting a young girl, encouraging her to be hyperactive or you know, alana is a very hyperactive child. Has she been diagnosed or assessed for that . No. Of have you thought about assessing her for that . No. A normal 7yearold is hyper from time to time. Its not overboard to where i cant control teachers have never said before this happened like, this child may have no, no. The at school shes a quiet child. She knows when to act crazy and goofy. And does she do does she do well academically . Yeah. Wow. Honey boo boo, Alana Thompson, said that kids at school treat her differently now that shes on tv. Her mom says shes just more popular. I dont know. Is it the gogo juice i hear about . I havent watched the show. Asking joe carter. Check out more of the interview with Honey Boo Boo right now on hlntv. Com including how she almost fell asleep in the middle of it. What . See the full interview tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on hln. My dvr is set. Your first time watching, too. Right . Did you hear that the night before the election the president and governor romney might face off one more time . We thought it was just happening here. For monday night football . Joes in for football . No. This is smart. He saw this four years ago, mccain and obama. Exactly. This is an opportunity for them to basically get in front of 14 Million People and sort of put that last one pitchout there to sway own or two voters or more for that matter. The sports Business Journal says that president obama and governor romney will likely have taped interviews that are going to run during halftime of the eaglessaints game november 5. The election is november 6. Last night, the lions took on the bears in monday night football. In the second quarter, the bears fans out in chicago let out a collective gasp when cutler got tossed to the ground. Cutler bruised his ribs on the play. He would only miss one play. The lions were down 130 late. They tried to come back. Matthew stafford here gets intercepted by melton. Stafford gets tossed to the ground and gets a face mask full of grass. Thats how the night went for the offense. It was terrible. The bears beat up the lions 137. Chicago is 51 on the season. The head football coach at umass, charlie maller i er moln prank on players. During a team meeting, two campus cops come in, serve these two players with papers. Now everybody in the room thought these two guys were in trouble. Everybody. Except for the coach, of course. Thats when they learned the parents were in fact full scholarships. [ cheers ] i love it. Yeah. Like here you go, congratulations. You both got punkd. Now the video of shot during preseason. Its hitting the internet this past week. Its cool. Great way to show camaraderie. Those are guys you want to give good news because theyre pretty good. Do you know what i mean . Thank you very much. Youve got to see these pictures of minnie mouse looking more like skinny mouse. You can bet its causing controversy. And somethings smelling fishy. It took years to build this business. The moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis started getting in the way, that was it. It was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. This time, he prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. In Clinical Trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Make the most of every moment. Ask your dermatologist about humira, today. Clearer skin is possible. Both president obama and governor romney made claims about their past successes at last nights debate. Were wondering how true were they . Jennifer westhovens here to tell us. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks. Some of the spots where we went hmm whrp they were talking about the other guys record and also sometimes when they were taking credit for something. First heres president obama claiming that america is selling a lot more to china on his watch. U. S. Exports have doubled since i came into office, to china. Except they havent. America is selling a lot more to china, absolutely. Thats the good news for the country. But not nearly double. I looked this morning at the official numbers from the census, exports, that are from the United States to china went from 69 billion to 103 billion on his watch. 2008 to 2011. Now okay, thats up 50 , and its great. But its not double. So maybe that was just a mistake. But either way, doesnt pass our smell test if its an accident or not because its a number. We gave that one a fishy. The trend is good for the country, but hmm. Here is romney on his own record at the olympics. I went to the olympics. It was out of balance. We got it on balance and made a success there. Gave himself a gold medal there. You hear the word balance. It makes it sound like, hey, we balanced our budget. But theres something crucial left out and especially crucial if youre a republican and you like budget balancing. He did that by getting millions of dollars worth, maybe even more than a billion dollars worth of taxpayer money. So is that really the same as balanced . It is truish, though, because he did do it. But i think it leaves out something very importance to a lot of people who really want to support him in that claim. Anyway, there was truthstretching on both sides as we saw all night and have been telling you all morning. Not over yet. Well see what they say at monday night football if that happens. Thank you very much. Catastrophic injuries among cheerleaders are climbing. That has some doctors demanding more safety rules. The American Academy of pediatrics is recommending that those human pyramids they build, those tall ones, shouldnt be more than two levels high. And they say that the stunts should be done only on soft surfaces. And cheer doileading should be officially designated a sport. If the food youre feeding your kids is organic, it has to be healthier, right . Hold on. The cheaper stuff might be as good. So now i can be in the scene. Advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. 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Vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. If you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. Tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. Vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. Common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. Ive worked hard to get to where i am. And ive got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. So take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to vesicare. Com for a free trial offer. New music out on tuesdays. Its about taylor swifts smash hit album red. We are never ever ever getting back together you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me thats the early hit single we are never ever getting back together. Fans are loving red. The album hit the number one spot on itunes almost immediately. Swift says the songs are emotional, personal, and all over the place. Red is her fourth album and the first the 22yearold didnt write all by herself. Hit song. It is 8 30 a. M. Eastern. 5 30 on the west coast. Im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. Lets get to the headlines theyre working on this morning. Then the president began what i called an apology tour. Going to various nations in the middle east and criticizing america. I think they looked at that and saw weakness. Nothing governor romney said is true. Starting with this notion of me apologizing. This has been probably the biggest whopper thats been told during the course of this campaign. Some analysts thoughts that the president came out looking stronger in last nights debate. This final showdown might have helped both candidates. Just two weeks from the election were still in a neckinneck race here. Jump won a new trial, and theres o. J. Simpson won a new trial, and theres a chance he could get it. A judge reopened his Armed Robbery and kidnapping case. Simpson might have to testify to convince the judge he deserves another chance. Simpson claims that his defense team blew it back in 2008. Hes serving a 33year sentence. The giants didnt just win their way into the world series. They steamed into it like a bulldozer. Now they face the Detroit Tigers tomorrow at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. San francisco hosts the first two games at home. A lot of political experts agree that president obama won last nights debate on Foreign Policy. But republican strategist anna navarro says its because hes already had four years in the white house. President obama took the opportunity to school mitt romney a bit. And as i said, you know, hes been president for four years. Look, four years ago when president obama was running, when candidate obama was running against john mccain, he was the one that had little Foreign Policy experience. Obviously hes learned something in the last four years. Who do you think won the debate last night, huh . Martin says none of the issues brought up will be mentioned again, but the zirnngs will be all over twitter until election day which is sad if you think about it. Our president is going to be reelected because he says witty things that belong on a tshirt. Sherry says i think they both still have some explaining to do. Obama did not elaborate on his plan for the future. Romney did, but i still have questions. And eugene says president obama schooled mitt romney in Foreign Affairs and won the final debate. So i know you have an opinion. Tell us what you think, tweet us at morningexp or link to the facebook and email page, too. New this morning, a new crew is heading to the International Space station. Lift off, lift off of kevin ford and the twoday to the International Space station. They blasted off this morning. An american astronaut and two russian cosmonauts on board this. They will be at the space station until march. Cool to watch. The first of a dozen suspects charged in the hazing death of a florida a m drum major will not be going to jail. A judge sentenced brian jones to two years probation and six months community service. Robert champion died last november after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual. In court, jones apologized to champions parents and said they were disappointed with the sentencing. Giving your kids organic foods might make you feel better, but they may not make the kids any healthier. Thats what the American Academy of pediatrics is saying. Researchers say that they could not find any evidence that organic food is better even thoughs usually more expensive. The report does say more longterm studies are needed to see if foods that havent been treated with pesticides are healthier. An entire Army Battalion got a huge welcome home from afghanistan. Look. Dismissed [ cheers ] the 115th signal battalion was deployed for a year. Look at that. Theyve been supporting the air National Security forces in kandahar. A big thank you to them. My goodness, for their service and sacrifice. You know, got kids at home. We appreciate them. Bob, hows the forecast looking for today . Nasty, right . It is messy in a lot of spots. Especially around the midwest now. The west coast, too. If i want to show whats going on. Winter weather in the west, Tropical Weather across the south and east. You see the clouds near miami. Thats a blow from Tropical Storm sandy. Let me show you the details on this. Numbers coming in. Were looking at about 45 mileperhour windstorm this morning. It should continue to gain strength. Right now its drifting to the north northeast at roughly three miles per hour. 45 mileperhour winds. It is south of jamaica. Jamaica, Tropical Storm watch. Same with haiti and the whole thing should continue to pull itself together, gradually shifting up toward the north. Getting close cuba and jamaica tomorrow. An 80 mileperhour storm and heading to the bahamas and falling apart. Edging away from the u. S. Mainland. Bermuda might have to watch for this Tropical Storm next week. It is moving slowly. Also tropical depression number 19, 35 mileperhour winds. Could be our next named storm. Were up to the ts if that happens. It would be tony. This hits close to the azors but not until late in the period. Across the u. S. , rain in the florida straits, thats sandys rain. Around cuba and the bahamas. Get away from there, the heaviest rain for the mainland is around st. Louis. You see it out of missouri stretching into indiana, getting through ohio into ontario. More showers around pennsylvania and new york, now edging toward new york airspace. More rain around minneapolis. Some of thats been on the heavy side. You get to the west farther, the rain continues in areas by california, oregon, and Washington State. Talking about snow in the Higher Elevations. Winter storm warnings are also out there. Well show you those in a little bit. Check this out, could a womans monthly mood swings actually be just a myth . What some scientists think they figured out. Plus, the ipad getting cut down to size. Apple expected to finally unveil the ipad mini. But because of Business People like you, things are beginning to get rolling. And regions is here to help. Making it easier with the expertise and service to keep those wheels turning. From Business Loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. So switch to regions. And lets get going. Together. Find out what my darkest secret was. And i was like, im never telling. Time for your morning read, sthieread, kwt k read, stories that pop out from newspapers and on line. Is pms a myth . A review and studies on premenstrual syndrome show that classic mood changes only affected 38 of studies. Others showed no relation. An Italian Court sentenced six scientists and a Government Official to six years in prison for not warning italians about an earthquake that killed more than 300 people. As seen on adotcom, one scientist says he still doesnt understand what hes accused of. And Luxury Department store barneys is facing criticism for a Campaign Featuring a super skinny minutey minnie mouse. She and daisy fantasize it being skinny models. Good morning. Happening today at 1 00 east coast time, 10 00 west coast time, apple is likely to be showing off that mini ipad. Im Jennifer Westhoven. So could that be one of the hot things for the holidays . Heres your rumor roundup. Apple hasnt told us any official details. But weve been reading every little leak out this. This is a regular ipad now. The ipad three. This is supposed to be the size of the mini. So small, also possibly very light. That lightness may be the wow factor. This is expected to mention the expected dimensions. The lightness may draw on the strength of the iphone 5. If touched one or have one, i dont, theyre very light. And the heaviness has been a turnoff to the ipad 3. How much is it going to cost . Well, its competing with the likes of the kindle fire. A lot of the ones out there now cost about 200. Some of the guessing has been 250plus. Some of the latest guesses are that apple may be betting that the economy is doing well enough that you and consumers are doing well enough that its going to price it even higher at 329. Another big focus is another big vurm that it may have a heavy focus on education to try and get parents and schools interested in purchasing one of these for kids. Maybe it could do a lot to save them from carrying around that heavy backpack. You may be able to get a slice of free pizza at dominos. Some of the participating stores are giving away a free slice. They have a new pan pizza. You can limit yourself to just one piece, you can get out scotfree and have a free lunch. Between noon and 2 00 today. A San Francisco giants San Francisco giants clubbed their way up and to the world series. An incredible comeback where people were partying all night on this one. And a couple of theories on why this neighborhood is slip sliding away, down a hill. This is the car that loves to have fun its got something for everyone the car of the future many have said cause at the pump its miles ahead lets hum, hum, hum, hum lets hum a prius for everyone the perfect match, electric and gas mile after mile its tank could last we made three more for all to use big, small, and plug in, its yours to choose and lets hum, hum, hum, hum, lets hum a prius for everyone annes tablet called my phone. Annes tablet was chatting with a tablet in sydney. A desktop in zurich. And a telepresence room in brazil. The secure cloud helped us get some numbers from my assistants pc in new york. And before i reached the top, the Board Meeting became a congrats we sold the company party. Wait til my wifes phone hears about this. [ cellphone vibrating ] [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, working together has never worked so well. Welcome back. Im joe carter. The rain poured down in San Francisco, but that did not stop the party. The giants are headed back to the world series. You know theres something magical going on with the team. Hunter pence, in the second inning, hits the ball, drives in a couple of runs. Look closer. The breaks in such a way the bat breaks the ball in such a way that it hits it three times. Never seen anything like that. Thats the magic im talking about. It poured during the game in San Francisco, but that did not stop the giants from pouring on the runs. They won 90 which means theyve come back to make 31 deficit to win the series which means theyre moving on to play in the world series against detroit. It starts tomorrow, game one. Robin meade is holding her own in the grand slam of golf in bermuda. Yesterday she got to play in the proam with master champion bubba watson. This is robins third time ever on the golf course. And you know what, shes got game. Ooh. Yes keep going. Go. Go. Ah [ laughter ] waited, wait wait [ applause ] really . Near the hole yes [ cheers ] not in the hole, real close. Oh really close. I thought it was in the hole. No, no. Is that the best shot you ever hit . Huhuh. [ laughter ] youre lying. Women are the worst liars. [ laughter ] thats all i can say about that. That was the greatest shot ive ever seen. The greatest shot ive ever witnessed. Greatest shot ive ever coached. Thats saying a lot. Cool. Robin won the closest to the pin competition on that hole. I think shes on the 19th hole as they call it now, enjoying her time in bermuda. The grand slam of golf begins later today. You can watch it on tnt starting at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. You can watch more of robin and bubba at hlntv. Com. How about that, jen . Look at our girl. I know. Right . Those lessons shes been taking for the last few weeks really are paying off. The 19th hole. Theres a lot of us going cant we go and produce for you . Take us to bermuda. Thanks. Three teenagers order a pricey meal at a restaurant, eat it, then slip out without paying. An angry manager blasted the waitress. Now theyre actors but not the shocked diners in the restaurant who were looking on. What would you do . We set up at the American Dream diner in orangeburg, new york, and hired three hungry teens to take a bite out of the restaurants profits. Dude, i dont have any money. These waitresses are actors, but the patrons of the dining room are real. And theyre about to witness the old dine and dash firsthand while we watch on our hidden cameras. Dont talk to me like im new to this, man. All right. After the teens order and eat their meals, one by one, they leave the restaurant without paying the bill. They receive a few raised eyebrows and extended stares, but early on, they make a clean getaway. Leaving the waitress to deal with the aftermath. Did they where did they go . Did they go to the restroom . No, they left. They took off. Youre kidding. It doesnt end there. We bring in another actor playing the role of the unforgiving restaurant manager who has no sympathy for what our stiffed waitress went through. And thats when things get interesting. What, this like a 25 tab here. This is out of your pocket. I dont think you can do that. What do you mean . If you check new york code, i dont think you can do that. Youre an attorney . I wouldnt do that listen, i dont know what the state labor law is but youre going to be paying for this. When our actors leave the scene, these gentlemen and the folks at a neighboring table make an agreement to split the unpaid tab and save our waitress from further distress. Were going to pick up their tab. Well split it split it between the two of us. We all know whats right and wrong. I mean, thats wrong what they did. I mean, so you got to Say Something about it. You got to feel for that waitress. I loved that they stepped in to help her. What would you do . What would you do if that happened to you . The show is coming to hln thursday nights at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Its a hidden camera show hosted by abc news john quinones. Makes you think, what would you do if you were in that situation. Thursday night, 9 00 p. M. Here on hln. So we took a camera and a microphone to a viewing party for the president ial debate last night. We heard some pretty strong stuff out there. Rogaine . Well, ill admit it. I was skeptical at first. But after awhile even my girlfriend noticed a difference. [ male announcer ] rogaine is proven to help stop hair loss. And for 85 of guys, it regrew hair. Save up to 42 now at rogaine. Com. Now. It regrew hair. Good morning, everybody, im meteorology bob van dillon. Let me show you the map behind me, we have a good shot of rain across the bay area. Snow in the mountains but most of it thinning out. Were still going to see some delays. Let me take you to kiawah island, south of charleston, two of three of my favorite things, golf and surfing. Throw a brewery in the background. I was going to say, what about beer . Exactly right. Gorgeous day and temperatures in the mid 80s and looking nice. San francisco, calling for an hour delay, low clouds in the morning. Half hour to hour long delays in new york and detroit and chicago and st. Louis again, more showers with short delays. There you go, well look at the radar picture plus a look at the tropics in the next hour. Not everyone was glued to their tv. Some people watched the president ial debate nearby at an outdoor rock the vote. Four years ago, Vice President biden said himself that obama would be tried by the arab countries and terrorists across the world. And its evident that hes been pushed to the limit. Hes done a lot of talking but yet to do anything with iran, except talk and not put his policies in place. Im from israel so i do value israels security of course, but i dont think that war is always the first thing to go to. I think weve seen that mistake already a few times. So i just prefer obama. I think hes more level headed. Alternative band neon trees performed last night. 1,000 people were at the park downtown in boca raton and it was broadcast to xbox users. A North Carolina man is accusing his church of beating and holding him captive because hes gay. In a Police Complaint michael plaury said he was held for four months against his will and says Church Members near charlotte physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists and i was out on the floor, held my hands and feet down. Ive witnessed the paddlings and the people held down. Ive witnessed the loud screaming and witnessed all of it. I knew michaels story was very credible. Pastor says all of his allegations are lies and said lawry came willing to the truth because his parents threw him out. One of the dancing with the stars folks last night, not a dancer, this was a judge are you . Wow. We were skipping stones and letting go [ female announcer ] Nature Valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. Perfect combinations of natures delicious ingredients, from Nature Valley. Nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. On gasoline. I am probably going to the gas station about once a month. Last time i was at a gas station was about. I would say. Two months ago. I very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. I go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and its not just these owners giving the volt high praise. Volt received the j. D. Power and associates appeal award two years in a row. Some people in Washington State called their neighborhood arm ged on creek. The houses are collapsing and sliding down this hill. They made it obvious they dont plan to do anything. Weve done a thorough investigation of our public works and theres nothing in the evaluation to point to the system as contributing to the problem. The next step, once we get this report, well go lawyer shopping. This is just north of seat e seattle. Homeowners say a drainage project was botched and they plan to sue. City Officials Say its a natural event. Three families have had to leave their homes and ten more could be at risk. The first of a dozen suspects charged in the hazing death of a florida drum major will not be going to jail. A florida judge sentenced brian jones to two years probation and six Years Community service. Robert champion died last november after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual. In court jones apologized to champions parents who said they were disappointed with the sentencing. Even one of the judges took a spill on dancing with the stars last night. Let the baby making begin that was ridiculous oh are you wow. Not sure she tossed her head back herself or from falling. She said she was okay after falling off her judges chair but she was just knocked out by marinis sexy dance. Doctors cleared rycroft after she hurt her neck during rehearsals. She looks great, bob. Lets move on. Good morning to you, it is tuesday. Im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. So glad you could join us this morning. Heres whats going on. I know you havent been in a position to actually execute Foreign Policy, but every time youve offered an opinion, youve been wrong. Attacking me is not an agenda. Attacking me is not talking about how were going to deal with challenges that exist in the middle east. President obama and mitt romney had their third and final showdown before you vote. We have the key moments you have got to see. Find out what my darkest secret was. And i was like, im never telling. This North Carolina man claims his church imprisoned him for months because hes gay. Plus, could i a womans mood swings just be a myth. Were talking about pms, some scientists think theyve figured it out. Last night the candidates went after your vote with the election two weeks away, not surprisingly, how to keep americas military strong and how to pay for it was one of the biggest topics. America remains the one indispensable nation and the world needs a Strong America and it is stronger now than when i came into office. Both candidates went out of their way to insist a Strong Military would always be a priority. But romney questioned the president s dedication to this and said voters trust him as commander in chief. They look at americas commitments around the world and see whats happening and say, is america going to be strong . The answer is yes, if im president america will be very strong. However, the candidates disagreed on how to do that in tough Economic Times and the president said he wasnt shortchanging the troops. Keep in mind that our military spending has gone up every single year that ive been in office. We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined. But romney suggested the president would slash the militarys budget in the next few years. I will not cut our military budget by a trillion dollars, which is the combination of the budget cuts the president has as well as a sequestration cuts and that is making our future less certain and less secure. The president said that wouldnt happen and suggested his opponents doesnt understand how the military works today. Our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. They said they needed 313 ships to carry out the mission, were under 285. You mentioned the navy, for example and fewer ships than 1916, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of the our military has changed. You heard romney mention sequesteration cuts. So now that its over, who won last night . A new cnn orc poll showed 48 thought president obama won versus 40 for romney. Heres what cnn analysts had to say. Its obvious the president came to attack governor romney came to disagree. I dont think its going to change a thing about the trajectory of the i think president obama dominated the middle of the debate and on debate points i thnk he won. Jennifer westhoven will do a fact check, including points about the military. Because we are morning express we have the other headlines for you. The desperate search for a missing 12yearold in new jersey has ended in tragedy. She was last seen on saturday. Autumn told her dad she was riding her bike to a friend as house but never made it. Search crews found her body inside a recycling container an autopsy is scheduled for this morning. More doctors want women to wait longer between pap tests. Got to wonder how controversial this is going to be like the mammogram story was. The screening for Cervical Cancer used to be done every year. Several groups dialed that back recently. The latest guidelines women between 30 and 65 years old should get a pap test every three years and test for hpv every five years. A tiny chunk of a meteorite, it hit a house in california right there they say. A woman who lives there says that she heard the twoinch fragment hit her roof during a meteor shower and didnt think much about it at first. Later she found fragment on saturday. One expert said it is worth up to 10,000 but the woman wants to donate it to science. A wedding planner won a legal faceoff with beyonce and jayz. They tried to get exclusive rights to patent her little girls name. Blue ivy. A boston Business Owner fought back saying shes been using the name for three years. The Patent Office ruled that they can use it for a future line of baby products. Look at the head of hair, beautiful. What a beautiful name it makes for her. Con grats to them again. Lets move on, bob, youre keeping an eye on a big storm moving in from the west. This came ashore yesterday. It was the first major winter storm of the season and now headed through northern parts of california but yesterday it blasted across the coast line. Let me show you new video from yesterday all around the region. It was a stormy monday, no doubt about it. The first shower right here, the big snow coming around sierra nevada. They saw at least a foot of snow in this spots. Lower elevations, severe thunderstorms were a possibility and some formed near sacramento and yuba city, we had five tornado reports. In oregon, look at the snow here, 4 to 5 inches of snow in the Higher Elevations and beginning to wind down a little bit. The storm is fracturing off a little bit and you can see the way it looks on the map. Most of the action is around seattle through portland but that will continue to slide east. There it is on the radar picture but the severe thunderstorm warnings, dont think were going to get them today, but we have the Winter Weather advisories and winter storm warnings in red. Well look at that area and look at the tropics coming up in a little bit. All right, bob, thank you. Its getting messy now. You saw how the president ial candidates got into it over the navy. Some voters will say how it went over with them. And the San Francisco giants are heading to the world searry, they are going to play the Detroit Tigers. Coming up well talk about why these giants are having a magical postseason and why they got a little mojo heading into it. [ male announcer ] break the grip of back or arthritis pain with odor free aspercreme. Powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. So all you notice is relief. Aspercreme. Military families face, we understand. At usaa, we know military life is different. Weve been there. Thats why every bit of Financial Advice we offer is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad dad [ applause ] [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. Usaa brings advice. Call or visit us online. Were ready to help. Time for todays salute to the troops. I would like to send a salute to my daughter, captain heather englehart, heathers mother and i are extremely proud for the years shes putting into her duty and service to our countries while in iraq. Were so proud of what she does and the dedication she gives to everyone around her. Do you want us to salute to somebody you love . Go to hlntv. Com robin. One of the most talked about moments from last nights final debate involved horses and bayonets, check out this exchange. Our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. Our air force is older and smaller than any time since it was founded in 1947. You mentioned the navy, for example and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. Kira phillips went to an outdoor rock the vote. What did they think of that moment . Everybody is buzzing about it. Reporter when is the last time we saw horses and bayonets in action. Im trying to think of the old westerns i watched with my grandfathers. The movies, exactly. Reporter exactly, but it was interesting, it got a lot of reaction at the watch party but a marine actually tweeted after that happened, came out on twitter, dont knock them, we still use bayonets but the point being made is that romney is not going to cut the military budget. As for president obama he brought it back home to veterans saying weve got to take care of vets coming home with ptsd and traumatic brain injuries. As for the rock the vote watch party, a lot of voters yes on both sides came out of there though undecided. Take a listen. I am researching obama care and if it brings the result we all want, i probably will go with obama. But i still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. With access dollars spent, 7 trillion, 8 trillion, i dont see our country in a better state and that frightens me. Are you indecided still . Definitely undecided. Reporter so natasha, has where we stand there. President obama and mitt romney going to be keying in on battleground states and trying to get the undecided voters to come out and vote for them. Thanks so much, appreciate it. Two denver businessmen gave up their suits and ties for a frightening career. Heres a look at the screams of the 13th floor Haunted House in this Small Business success. [ screaming ] im Chris Stafford. And im Warren Conard and were in the business of scaring people. We met working at the Haunted House as teenagers. In 2002, we opened our first Haunted House. At the time it was kind of a hobby. I had my own lighting company. I was in the banking industry, eventually just grew legs and took off a life of its own. In the beginning we did everything from painting, taking out the trash, building. In 2008 we opened the 13th floor Haunted House in denver when we started to bring on people fulltime. We own and operate four attractions in three separate markets. This is part of the back stage area, 30 minutes to an hour this place will be chaotic. We have a ton of people getting sound, light, fog, actors, makeup. I dont think any business is truly recession proof. But people want to be entertained and only come once a year. I describe it as a pin ball machine, so much moving parts and everything has to look perfectly to put on a good show. Oh, my god i ran into the wall. With the spark cash card from capital one, svens Home Security gets the most rewards of any Small Business credit card how does this thing work . Oh, i like it [ garth ] svens Small Business earns 2 cash back on every purchase, every day woohoo so thats ten security gators, right . Put them on my spark card why settle for less . Testing hot tar. Great businesses deserve the most rewards [ male announcer ] the spark Business Card from capital one. Choose unlimited rewards with 2 cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day whats in your wallet . Heres your invoice. Welcome back, im joe carter. How about a political politics in sports. The ready athe president and go romney may square off during football. And the sports Business Journal says the president ial candidates are likely to have a taped interview run during halftime of the game on november 5th. The election the following day, november 6th. Good chance to pick up a few extra votes. Last night, monday night football between bears and lions, bears fans collectively sigh when they see that. Jay cull igan sacked like a pound of potatoes. Getting a face mask full of grass. The bears beat the lions, 137. The head football coach at umass awarded his players by pull ag prank on them during a team meeting two cops come in and serve two players papers. Instead they learn the papers were contracts for full scholarships, great cool move. Punked the kids. He punked them. It was shot during preseason but just hitting the internet this past week. We thought we would share it with you. Gate moment for the coach and players. Hes lucky its good news because those guys are big. Lindsay lohans father says he is convinced shes in a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol. Michael lohan tried to stage an intervention friday at her house but it failed when somebody called the cops. He says he wants a judge to place her under a conservatorship meaning that somebody else would take care of her finances. Her rep says her dad just wants publicity. The fda is checking to see if theres any connection between five deaths and the Monster Energy drink. Thats according to the New York Times. The agency told the paper theres no proof that the high caffeine drinks caused the death. The fda released the info because the mom of a 14yearold sued the drink maker. The drink company has says its product is safe and did not cause the girls death and hasnt seen reported related to any other deaths. Both president obama and governor romney made claims about their past successes at last nights debate. How true were they . Jennifer westhoven is here. You know we look for areas that just seem like the truth is being stretched. Heres president obama saying america is selling more to china on his watch. U. S. Exports have doubled since i came into office too china. Doubled only if you really find the way to slice and dice the statistics. Overall america is selling more to china. Thats good for the country but not nearly double. Heres the official numbers. Exports to china from the year he came in, 2008, 69 billion. And then 103 billion in 2011. Thats up even 50 you could say but its certainly not double, maybe it was just a mistake but certainly not true. Up next, mitt romney championing his own record on the olympics. I went to the olympics, it was out of balance and we got it on balance and made a success there. You hear the word balance in Something Like that and i think you would tend to say he balanced the budget on that but he left out something that is crucial to many people who are republicans to tea partyers, did that by getting millions, more than a billion dollar worth of taxpayer money to balance that. That one were going to call truish, he did balance it but with an awful lot of taxpayer money. Natasha, back to you. Thanks so much. You have got to see new pictures of mini mouse looking like skinny mouse. You can bet they are causing controversy. A man claims his church had a brutal response when he said he was gay. He says a beating was just the beginning. Uch lately. But things are starting to turn around because of Business People like you. And regions is here to help. With the experience and service to keep things rolling. From Business Loans to cash management, we want to be your partner moving forward. So switch to regions. And lets get going. Together. Sfx horn. Ding. Ding. How long have i had my Car Insurance . I dont know. Eight, ten years. I couldnt tell ya but things were a lot less expensive back then. If youre 50 or over you should take a new look at your Auto Insurance. You may be overpaying. Actually that makes a lot of sense. Old policy. Old rates. And thanks to your experience behind the wheel, you might save 350 by switching to the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford. 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Its unbelievable if youre 50 or over call now to request your free quote. Im gonna call. Im calling. Im calling. Im calling. Call today and make the switch to the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford. Why wait . The wife of the wisconsin shooting suspect tried to save other people before she was killed. One witness says she tried to calm things down when hougton showed up with a gun. He still killed her and other people where she worked. His father shocked. As a father, as a christian, i can only apologize to all that all of the ones that he have hurt. I love my son. I do not approve of what he did. Haughton was found dead after the shooting. Last week his wife took out a restraining order against him. Did you watch it . Who do you think won the debate last night . Justin says romney showed the country what a Community Organizer looks like kmcomparedo a real leader. Susie lee writes, i voted both dems and republicans but as a middle class woman sliding down the economic scale, i feel romney will return us to the bush years. Obama has made strides, let him finish. Tweet us and get to the lengths to her facebook and email page there. Lets get over to Bob Van Dillen to check out air travel. Is it messy . Were going to start seeing delays over an hour in areas, San Francisco, yesterday about 70 minute delay. Let me show you we have over an hour again, rain in place around the bay area. Could see a delay over an hour there. Then minor delays but still a half hour to hour for areas like new york, most likely detroit and probably chicago too. All low clouds and rain coming in. And st. Louis mostly morning rain but delays could stretch to the afternoon as well. Well look at the radar picture and Tropical Storm sandy heading towards jamaica in a couple of minutes. Could a womans monthly mood swings just be a myth . Some scientists think they figured it out. Hes jumping in. Safe. Theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. Together for your future. Together for your future. Hahahaha hooohooo, hahaha this is awesome folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. Id say happier than a slinky on an escalator. Get happy. Get geico. Melons oh yeah well that was uncalled for. Folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. How happy, ronny . Happier than gallagher at a farmers market. Get happy. Get geico. Mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . Your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee. Affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res . Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Buy four select tires, get a 60 rebate. Use the Ford Service Credit credit card, get 60 more. Thats up to 120. Where did you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. Nyquil stuffy just reading whatyour label. Ing . Wait you relieve nasal congestion . Tylenol sure. Dont you . Tylenol another bottle hmmm. No. Nyquil stuffy dude anncr vo tylenol cold multisymptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. Nyquil cold flu doesnt. An entire Army Battalion got a huge welcome home from afghanistan. Dismissed. 115th signal battalion is based in huntsville. And 450 men and women have been deployed for a year and been supporting the interNational Security forces in kandahar. Thank you for your service, guys. Honey boo boos mom june says she knows she has a hyper daughter on her hands but thats normal. She talked to hlns dr. Drew while Honey Boo Boo got a little silly. What do we say to people who say its exploiting young girmz. She is a hyper active child. Has she been diagnosed . No. Ever thought of assessing her nor that . A normal 7yearold is hyper from time to time, its not overboard to where i can control. Teachers have never said before this happened, maybe this child is add. No, at school shes a very quiet child and knows when to act crazy and goofy does she do well academically. Yeah. Honey boo boo also said that kids at school treat her differently now that shes on tv. But her mom says shes just more popular. By the way, you you can check out more of the interview with Honey Boo Boo right now including how she nearly fell asleep during the middle of it. Right here on hln. Stocks could get ugly this morning. Investors got bad news about spains economy and big Companies Like dupont made less money than expected during the summer. 30 minutes past the hour. Natasha curry in for robin meade. Lets get right to the headlines were working on this morning for you. Then the president began what i called an apology tour of going to various nations in the middle east and krit sidesicrii america. Nothing governor romney just said is true, starting with this notion of me apologizing. This has been probably the biggest whopper thats been told during the course of this campaign. Some analysts thought the president came out looking stronger in last nights debate but this final showdown might have helped both candidates. Two weeks from the election, we are still in a neck in neck race. O. J. Simpson wants a new trial and theres a chance he could get one. A judge in nevada opened his kidnapping case. Simpson may have to testify to tell the judge he deserves another chance. He says his defense team pblew t in 2008. Hes serving a 32 years sentence. Ellen degeneres received a mark twain price for humor but many praised her courage for coming out as lesbian 15 years ago and joked after receiving the award, its fantastic but what took you so long. Not everyone was glueded to their tv last night. Some people watched the president ial debate nearby it at outdoor rock the vote concert. Even though they are two weeks from the election, we found people who still have not decided when candidate they are voting for. I am researching obama care and if it brings the result we all want, i probably will go with obama. But i still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. I think that the debate was very interesting debate on international affairs. But i still ask myself the major question, with excess dollars spent, 7 trillion, 8 trillion, i still do not see our country in a better state and that frightens me. Are you undecided still . Did he have in any eveefinit every die bait has the one liner to get people talking. The latest one, horses and bayonets. The fda took down the list of more than 1200 hospitals that could have drugs linked to the deadly meningitis outbreak. It said the list quaz not accurate and will be reposted. It included hospitals and clinics that received drugs from the massachusetts pharmacy connected to the outbreak. The fda says besides pain meds, drugs for heart and sigh surgeries may also be c contaminat contaminated. A North Carolina man is akutsing his church much beating and holding him captive because hes gay. Michael lawry says Church Members near charlotte physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists and i was out on the floor, held my hands and feet down. Ive witnessed the paddles and the people held down. Ive witnessed the loud screaming and ive witnessed all of it. I knew michaels story was credible. Pastor says that all of lawrys allegations are lies. Said he came will willingly to the church after his parents threw him out. The District Attorney is investigating. Time for your morning read. Lets go there. Is pms just a myth. A review on 47 studies found the classic mood changes in only 15 of studies, while 38 showed no link between mood and a womans cycle. Read more at time. Com. Italian court has said six scientists and Government Officials to six years in prison nor not warning italians about an earthquake that killed people. One scientist still doesnt understand what hes accused of. The Luxury Department stofr barneys is featuring criticism for an ad Campaign Featuring this skinny super minnie mouse. She fan at a size about being fashion models. You can read about the stores response. Myth . Its weird to see minnie mouse im talking about the myth. I think pms is real. I personally i wouldnt know but tweeted my comments. Im sure you did. High pressure dominates the eastern seaboard. Look at the nice circumstance lag fornlation, thats a Tropical Storm, brandnew. This is sandy and winds at 45 miles per hour. However, it is going to increase in strength unfortunately. Heres what it looks like. You can see south of jamaica and cuba and edging north at 3 miles per hour. It gets close to jamaica but could gain strength and be a category one. Then it heads towards cuba and bahamas and falls apart and gains strength possibly before it hits the bermuda area but i dont think its going to have much of an impact on you. Landfall, dont think thats going to happen. As for tropical depression 19, if that becomes a named storm, which it probably will, it would be tony, were up to the ts. Hurricane season lasts until november 30th. Let me show you whats going on across the mainland. Up the line further, heavy downpours from missouri into illinois into indiana. Look at that big surge of rain, its all beneficial, no doubt about it but it makes it tough to travel on the roads and then another shot around buffalo and rochester through syracuse, edging through middle parts of pennsylvania and maryland too getting into philadelphia and new york air space here shortly. Probably get some delays. Back to the west, rain around northern parts of minnesota through wisconsin, more showers around north dakota and south dakota too and that fractured area that came across continues to produce rain in the lower part of the elevations and valleys but know in the mountains. In were traveling here in detroit, clouds in place most of the morning. Heavy rain will come back into play later today. That means Airline Travel delays as a possibility. Temperatures today are still mild, 70 degrees. San francisco, number one, youve seen it for the last couple of days, low clouds in place and rain. Watch for more rain showers for the morning. An hour plus. Half hour to hour delays in new york. Most likely cleveland, detroit, chicago and st. Louis all due to storms. If you watch the game yesterday, you saw the rain around that gain. More showers and rain at sfo, thats what were worried about. Thank you, bob. Are you hungry . Are you paying more to go organic for your children . You might be wasting your money. Plus, the ipad is getting cut down to size. Apple is expected to finally unveil the ipad mini. A former cia officer could plead guilty to leaking National Secrets to reporters. The one on the right there is accused of giving reporters the names of two undercover operatives. And prosecutors say he also lied to a cia review board about info in his book. At first he pleaded not guilty. Its not clear which charges he will admit to this morning. Apple is expected to announce its mini ipad today, finally. The company isnt saying anything about it though but the rumors have been flying all over the place for months now and Jennifer Westhoven is here with a look at what it might look like sort of. Well know in a couple of hours so none of what im about to tell you is official. Ive been watching carefully, the rumors and speculation, some of it is leaked. If this is the size of the regular ipad, then this is supposedly the size of the mini ipad. Now, its meant to go against the other 7 inches like the Amazon Kindle fire. Yes, its small but also possibly very light. That may be what apple is banking on for the wow factor. If youve touched an iphone 5, i dont have one but looked at one. They are almost impossibly light. That may be something they go for. Once you touch them, you say these other ones are so heavy. Now, price, thats a big thing thats in question. The others tend to start, the competitors around 200. But you know that apple thinks that its products command higher price, 250 and p, some have said that. Some are banking apple is thinking the economy is better, bu and the price may be 350. Kind of looks like a giant cell phone. Cant wait to see what it looks like. Thank you. Catastrophic injuries among cheerleaders are climbing now. That has some doctors demanding more safety rules. They are recommending that the human pyramids shouldnt be more than two levels high and stunts should be done on soft surfaces and cheerleading should be designated as a sport. Heres a hint, it starts with the letter b, its not big bird. [ woman ] dear chex cereal, ive never written a fan letter before, but youve done what i thought was impossible you made goodforyou, glutenfree cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. Cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. When my husband rob found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. The only problem is, with so many great flavors youre making it very hard to choose. So thanks. From your fans, the mcgregor family. cause we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex . Connect with us on facebook. Who shared the same great love, stargazing. So what better holiday gift for charlotte than a few million billion stars . With his ultrabook™, inspired by intel, featuring intel® core™ processors, billy captured the entire cosmos in all its glory and sent it to her. Happy holidays charlotte. [ male announcer ] so now the stars could come out whenever charlotte wanted. [ female announcer ] get billys inspiron 14z ultrabook for 599. 99 or charlottes xps 12 for 1199. 99. Free shipping now at dell. Com. New music comes out on tuesdays and its all about taylor swifts smash hit album called red. Snooet snoest. That is the early hit single, we are never ever getting back together. Fans are loving red. It hit the number one spot on i tunes almost immediately. She says the songs are emotional and personal and all over the place. Red is her fourth album and the first one the 22yearold didnt write all by herself. Shes 22 already . Out of everything said at last nights debate, one phrase really captured peoples attention. Watch. You mentioned the navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. Mario armstrong joins us. Mario what happened online after the president said those words . You know what happened. People started to build websites and facebook pages a s and twi had a huge explosion. We have some images right now, starting off with mr. Dos equiis. I dont always fight wars but when i do i use horses and bayonets and president obama is featured in the next image about bows and arrows and catapults. Then star wars shows up with mitt romney and the president there in that photo as well. Then of course, we see unicorns, which is a famous thing that happens on item tumbler. A lot of people were tweeting about this phrase the president said. A million tweets went out in the first half hour but then it trailed off. So it must have been maybe monday night football or people were getting bored or maybe the playoff games for baseball started to take over. This is the weakest element of tweets weve seen out of all three. Isnt it fun anyhow people latch on to one phrase. One of the things people were fo focusing on was sweaty lips. I was wondering was somebody going to toss a towel and let them dry off or something. This never happened but twitter continued to see a lot more tweet. When the president made the statement, we saw 105,000 tweets a minute about that one particular statement. Mario armstrong, thanks for keeping an eye on it for us. Social temperature of america. You are not going to believe how excited one of the dancing with the stars folks got last night. Were not talking about a dancer though here. This was a judge. [ woman ] its 32 minutes to go time, and the candidates speech is in pieces all over the district. The writers desktop and the coordinators phone are working on a joke with local color. The secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategists tablet. And while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center. Working together has never worked so well. Delicious. But say i press a few out flat. Add some beef sloppy joe sauce. And cheese fold it all up and boom i just made an unbeatable unsloppy Joe Pillsbury grands biscuits. Let the making begin. Thats been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design . A toaster strudel. Pillsbury toaster strudel. So delicious. So fun. Giving your kids organic foods might make you feel better, but they may not make them any healthier. Im like, man thats what the American Academy of pediatrics is saying. Researchers say they couldnt find any evidence that organic is better, even though its usually more expensive. The report does say more longterm studies are needed to see if foods treated with pesticides are more harmful. All right. Lets talk sports. Did you see it the rain poured down. That didnt stop the party in San Francisco. The giants are headed back to the world series. And joes in for carlos, back with sports. Good morning. Yes, tums and aspirin are being divvied out in San Francisco. For the second time in three years, the giants are going back to the big dance. The world series. You know, theres something magical going on with this team. Take this, for example. Hunter pence, drives in a couple of runs. Look closer the bat actually fwlaex such a way that it hits the ball three separate times. Thats the magic im talking about. This game was wet. It poured in San Francisco. That did not stop the giants from scoring nine runs. They came back to win the series. They play detroit game one of the world series tomorrow. Robin meade she is at the grand slam of golf in bermuda. Lucky. Yesterday she got to play the proam with master champion bubba watson. This is robins third time ever on a golf course. You know what, shes got game. Ooh. Yes keep going. Go, go [ laughter ] wait, wait, wait [ applause ] it went in the hole . Yeah no its not in the hole, its real close. Aw oh i thought it was in the hole no, no. Is that the best shot you ever hit . Huhuh. Youre a liar. Women are the worst liars. Thats all i can say. That was the greatest shot ive ever seen. The greatest shot ive ever witnessed. Greatest shot ive ever coached. Bubba watson. Love it. Robin actually won the closest to the pin competition on that hole. Hole eight, as a matter of fact. The grand slam of golf begins later today. Watch it on tnt starting at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. You can also see it tomorrow. Wednesday, starts at 4 00 p. M. See more of bubba and robin, hlntv. Com. Boy, those lessons came in handy. Shes a natural. Like you edited it in a better swing than me. I hate to admit that. Looked great. An Arizona Church wants members to text, take pictures, and also use their cell phones during services. The pastor says its a great way for people toshi share the mess and stay connected with friends and loved ones. He says everyone wont like that idea. I recognize that thats a challenge for some people. They think its a break with tradition. Have the best opportunity in the history of the world to communicate our message. What would jesus page on facebook look like . Most like the idea. There are a few theories on why this neighborhood is slip sliding all the way down the hill. My goodness , toasted oats. Perfect combinations of natures delicious ingredients, from Nature Valley. Nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. To provide a Better Benefits package. Oahhh [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at. [ duck ] aflac [ male announcer ]. Forbusiness. Com. Ha ha you know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels. E, copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. Plus, it reduces copd flareups. Spiriva is the only oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. blowing sound ask your doctor about spiriva. I was trying to figure out how i could get rid of 99 of the lead i can pick up, and then. [ click ] it just clicked. Get it . It clicked. Like the thing. Your water should be pur. Email marketing from Constant Contact reaches people in a place theyre checking every day their inbox. And it gives you the tools to create custom emails that drive business. Its just one of the ways Constant Contact can help you grow your Small Business. Sign up for your free trial today at constantcontact. Com try. Some people in Washington State call their neighborhood armegeddon creek. Heres why take a look. Their houses are collapsing and sliding down this hill. Made it obvious they dont noon do anything. Weve done dont noon do anything. Weve done a thorough look through the public works system. Theres nothing to point to that system as contributing to this problem. Our next step is once we get this report, well go lawyer shopping. This is in everett, washington, north of seattle. Homeowners say the city botched a drainage project and made the ground unstable. They plan to sue. City Officials Say its a natural event. Three families have had to leave their homes, and ten more could be at risk. The first of a dozen suspects charged in the hazing death of a florida a m drum major will not be going to jail. A judge sentenced brian jones to two years probation and six months community service. Robert champion died last november after being beaten by fellow band members during a hazing ritual. In court jones apologized to champions parents who said they were disappointed with the sentencing. Even one of the judges took a spill on dancing with the stars last night. Let the baby making begin [ cheers ] that was ridiculous how about oh whoa [ laughter ] are you wow not sure if he tossed her head back herself or from falling. Ca carrie ann said she was knocked out by the sexes dance. Doctors cleared reality star Melissa Rycroft after she took a more serious spill. Looks fine to me. An ambulance had to be called after she hurt her neck during rehearsals. Where is her outfit . I dont know. She looks great, bob. Anyway, lets move on. Well say good morning to you, it is tuesday, im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. So glad you could joining us this morning. Heres whats going on i know you havent been in a position to actually execute Foreign Policy, but every time youve offered an opinion, youve been wrong. Attacking me is not an agenda. Attacking me is not talking about how were going to deal with the challenges that exist in the middle east. President obama and middle mitt have their third and final showdown before you vote. We have analysis and a key moment you have got to see. And find out what my darkest secret was. I was like, im never telling. This North Carolina man claims his church imprisoned him for months because hes gay. Plus, could a womans monthly mood swings actually be a myth . Were talking about pms. What some scientists think theyve figured out. Last night the candidates went after your vote with the election just two weeks away. Not surprisingly, how to keep americas military strong and how to pay for it was one of the biggest topics. America remains the one indispensable nation. And the world needs a Strong America, and it is stronger now than when i came into office. Both candidates went out of their way to insist that a Strong Military would always be a priority. But romney questioned the president s dedication to this and said voters could trust him as commander in chief. They look at americas commitments around the world and see whats happening and say, well, okay, is america going to be strong. The answer is, yes. If im president , america will be very strong. However, the candidates disagreed on how to do that in tough Economic Times. And the president said he wasnt shortchanging the troops. Now keep in mind that our military spending has gone up every single year that ive been in office. We spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined. Romney suggested the president would slash the militarys budget in the next few years. And i will not cut our military budget by a trillion dollars which is a combination of the budget cuts that the president has as well as the sequestration cuts. In my view, that is making our future less certain and less secure. The president said that wouldnt happen. And he suggested his opponent doesnt understand how the military works today. Our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. The navy said they needed 313 ships to carry out their mission. Were now down to 285. You mentioned the navy for example. We have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our militarys changed. Now you heard romney mention sequestration cuts. Those are huge Defense Budget cuts that would go into effect if a deal is not reached about cutting the federal debt. So now that its over, who won last night . A new cnn orc poll of debate watchers showed 48 thought president obama won versus 40 for romney. Heres what cnn analysts had to say its obvious that the president came to attack, governor romney came to agree. I dont think it will change the trajectory of the race. In the early part and last part of the debate, mitt romney did well. But president obama dominated the middle of the debate. I think he did emerge on debate points, i think he won. Coming up in ten minutes, Jennifer Westhoven will do a fact check for us. A lot of claims made by each candidate including points about the military that we mentioned. Thats in about ten minutes. But because we are morning express we have todays other headlines for you. The desperate search for a missing 12yearold girl in new jersey has ended in tragedy. Police found the body of autumn pasquale yesterday. She was last seen on saturday. Autumn told her dad she was riding her bike to a friends but never made it. Search crews found the body inside a recycling container. An autopsy is scheduled for this morning. More doctors want women to wait longer between pap tests. Thats according to a new recommendation from gynecologists. Got to wonder how controversial this is going to be, right . The screening for Cervical Cancer used to be every year, but several medical groups have dialed that back. The latest guideline says women between 30 and 65 should get a pap test every three years and a test for hpv every five years. A tiny chunk of a meteorite. It hit a house in california right there they say. A woman who lives there says that she heard the twoinch fragment hit her roof during a meteor shower over Northern California on wednesday. She didnt think much about it at first but later read about the shower and found a fragment on saturday. One expert says its worth up to 10,000. The woman wants to donate it to science. Hmm. A wedding planner won a legal faceoff with beyonce and jayz. The couple tried to get exclusive rights to patent oh their little girls name, blue ivy. Shes so beautiful. But a boston Business Owner fought back saying that shes been using the name for three years. The u. S. Patent office ruled that blue ivy events can keep its name. The power couple can also use it for a future line of baby products. Couldnt we staib stare at that picture forever . I want to kiss her cheeks, bob. Look at that head of hair, beautiful. What a beautiful name for her. Lets move on to bob. Keeping an eye on a storm in the west. Were watching this thing. Came ashore really yesterday. It was the first major winter storm of the season. Now headed through northern parts of california, but yesterday, it blasted across the coastline. Let me show you new video were getting from yesterday all around the region now. It was a stormy monday, no debt about it. The first shower here, you see the big snows coming around sierranevada. Above 4,000 feet of elevation, they saw at least a foot of snow in spots. Thats the way it looks there. In the lower elevations, severe thunderstorms a possibility. Some of them formed yesterday afternoon near sacramento in yuba city. We had five tornado reports all around that region. Up to the north farther, up to the cascades into oregon, theyre going snow here, about four to five inches of snow in the Higher Elevations there. Also, beginning to wind down. The storm itself fracturing off a bit. You see the way it looks on the map. Most of the action seattle through portland. Thats going to continue to slide toward the east. We have the rain in the valleys, snow on the mountain tops for the morning. There it is on the radar. Severe thunderstorm warnings, dont think well get them today. We still have the Winter Weather advisories and winter storm warnings mainly in red. Well look at that area and look at the tropics. Thats coming up in a little bit. All right. Thank you. Getting messy now. So you saw how the president ial candidates got into it over the navy last night. Whoo now voters are going to say how it went over with them. And the San Francisco giants are headed to the world series. Theyre going to play the tigers tomorrow night. Game one. Coming up, well talk about why these giants are having a magical post season and why they got a little mojo heading into it. Time for todays salute to the troops. Join me here. I would like to send a salute to my daughter, captain heather eng englehart. Heathers mothers and i are extremely proud of her for the years she has been putting into her duty and service to our country while in iraq. We love her and are so proud of what she does and the dedication she gives to everyone around her. If you want us to salute someone that you love, were happy to oblige go. To hlntv. Com robin. One of the most talked about moments from last nights final debate involved horses and bayonets. Yep. Check out this exchange. Our navy is smaller than any time since 1917. Our air force is older and smaller than any time since it was founded in 1947. You mentioned the navy, for example. And we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the more of our militarys changed. Hlns Kyra Phillips went to an outdoor rock the vote watch party. Im wondering what do the voters you talked to think about that moment . Everybodys buzz being it. Heres my question to you whens the last time we saw horses and bayonets in action. Im trying to think of the old westerns i used to watch with my grandfather. Same with you . Exactly. But you know, it was interesting. Yeah, it got a lot of reaction at the watch party. A marine tweeted right after that happened, it came out on twitter, he said, hey, dont know em, we still use bayonets. The point being made was that romney was saying he is not going to cut the military budget. As for president obama, he brought it back home to our veterans saying weve got to take care of vets coming home with ptsd and traumatic brain injuries. As for the rock the vote watch party, a lot of voters, yes, on both sides came out of there undecided. Take a listen. I am researching obama care. If it brings the results we all want, i will probably go with obama. I still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. With excess dollars spent, 7 trillion, 8 trillion, i still do not see our country in a better state. That frightens me. Are you undecided . Undecided. Reporter thats where we stand now. President obama and also mitt romney going to be really keying in on those battleground states and trying to get those undecided voters to come out to the polls and vote for them. All right. Kyra phillip in south florida, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Two denver businessmen gave up their suits and ties for a frightening career. Heres a look at the screams of the 13floor Haunted House and this Small Business success. [ screams ] im Chris Stafford. Im warren connor. Were in the business of scaring people. [ screams ] we actually met working at a Haunted House as teenagers. In 2002, we opened our first Haunted House. At the time it was kind of a hobby. I had my own company, a wedding company. I was in the banking industry. Eventually grew legs and took on a life of its own. In the beginning, we did everything from painting, taking out the trash, building. Well in 2008, we opened our Haunted House in denver and started bringing on people full time to work with us. We own and operate four attractions in three separate markets now. This is part of our backstage area. In 30 minutes to an hour, this place will be chaotic. I have the spider room weve got a ton of people getting everything together, sound, light, fog, actors, makeup. I dont think any business is truly recessionproof. But people still want to be entertained. They only come once a year. So i believe thats helped us. I would describe it as a pinball machine with so many moving parts. Everything has to work perfect three put on a good show. Oh, my god americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. Together for your future. Welcome back. Im joe carter. How about a little politics and sports, huh . Maybe. The night before the election, the president and governor romney may face off on monday night football. Great place to do it. Nearly 14 Million People watched the game every week. The sports Business Journal says the president ial candidates are likely to have a taped interview run during halftime of the game on november 5. Of course the election the following day, november 6. Good chance to pick up a few extra votes maybe. Last night, monday night football between bears and lions. Bears fans collectively sigh when they see that. Cutler getting tossed to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Toward the end of the game, Matthew Stafford trying to rally a comeback. They were down 130. Instead gets a face mask full of grass. Thats how the offense went all night for detroit. The bear beat the lions 137. And the head football coach at umass, charlie molner, rewarded players by playing a prank during a team meeting. Two cops come in, save players with papers. Everyone in the room thinks theyre busted. Think theyre in trouble. Instead they learn the papers were contracts for full scholarships. Great, cool move. Punkd the kids. [ applause ] punkd them. It was hitting the internet this past week. Thought wed share it with you. Great moment for the coaches and players. Luck at thes good news. Those guys are big. Lindsay lohans father says he is convinced shes in a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol. Michael lohan apparently tried to stage an intervention friday at her house. It failed when somebody called the cops. He says he wants a judge to place her under a conservatorship, meaning that someone else would take care of her finances. Lindsay lohans rep says that her dad just wants publicity. The fda is looking into a connection between five deaths and the Monster Energy drink. They say theres no proof the highcaffeine drinks caused the deaths. The mom of a 14yearold who died of a heart problem sued the drink company last week. The girl allegedly drank two cans on two consecutive days. The drink company has said that its product is safe and did not cause the girls deaths. It says it hasnt seen reports related to any other deaths. Both president obama and governor romney made claims about their past successes at the debate. How true were they . Jennifer westhovens here. Doing in some Fact Checking for us. You know we look for areas where it seemed like the truth of being stretched a little bit. Heres president obama saying americas selling a lot more to china his watch. U. S. Exports have doubled since i came into office, to china. Doubled . Only if you really find the way to slice and dice the statistics. Overall, america is selling a lot more to china. Thats good for the country. But its not nearly double. Heres the official numbers from the census exports to china from the year he came in, 2008, 69 billion. Then 103 billion in 2011. Thats up even 50 you could say, but certainly not double. Maybe it was just a mistake, but certainly not true. Now, up next, mitt romney championing his own record on the olympics. I went to the olympics. It was out of balance. We got it on balance and made a success there. Okay. You hear the word balance in Something Like that and i think you would tend to say, oh, he balanced the budget on that. He left out something that is crucial to many people who are republicans and, you know, tea partiers he did that by getting millions, maybe even more than a billion dollars worth of taxpayer money to balance that. So that one were going to call truish. He did balance it, but with an awful lot of taxpayer money. Back to you. All right. Thank you very much. You have got to see have you seen the new pictures of minnie mouse looking more like skinny mouse . You can bet theyre causing controversy. Also, how a man claims his church had a brutal response when he said he was gay. He says a beating was just the beginning. s amazing. Lots of unexplored surfaces and tough, greasy messes to clean. Oh. Wow [ male announcer ] now scrubbing bubbles has fantastik in a heavy duty spray that easily cuts through grease or a foam that lifts and penetrates grime. So all you do is wipe. Let me at that grease. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles with fantastik. We work hard so you dont have to. In the kitchen. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. On gasoline. I am probably going to the gas station about once a month. Last time i was at a gas station was about. I would say. Two months ago. I very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. I go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and its not just these owners giving the volt high praise. Volt received the j. D. Power and associates appeal award two years in a row. Appeal award two years in a row. Why they have a raise your rate cd. Tonight our guest, thomas sargent. Nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. Professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years . No. If he cant, no one can. Thats why ally has a raise your rate cd. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. The wife of the wisconsin shooting suspect tried to save other people before she was killed. One witness says Zena Haughton tried to calm things down when Radcliffe Haughton showed up with a gun. This is her. He still killed her and two other women at the spa where she worked. His father, shocked. As a father, as a christian, i can only apologize to all the ones that he have hurt. I love my son, i do not approve of what he did. Haughton was found dead after the shooting. Last week his wife took out a restraining order against him. Did you watch it . Who do you think won the debate last night . Justin says romney showed the country just what a Community Organizer looks like compared to a real leader. Romney won, no question at all. Susie lee writes i have voted for both democrats and republicans. As a former middleclass woman, no slidi now sliding down the economic scale, i feel romney will return us to the bush years. Obama has made strides, let him finish. The us what you think at morningexp or go to hlntv. Com robin and get links there. Lets get to bob to check out air travel this morning. A lot of storms. Is it messy yet . Well probably see delays, over an hour in areas like San Francisco. Yesterday, a 70minutes delay. Today, over an hour. Rain in place around the bay area. A delay over an hour there. Thats a major one. Minor delays. Still a halfhour to an hour for areas like new york, most likely detroit, probably chicago, too. All the low clouds and rain coming in. St. Louis, mostly morning rain. We could see delays stretching to the afternoon, as well. Well look at the radar picture and a look at Tropical Storm sandy, headed toward gentlemjam. Could a womans month lly md swings just be a myth . Bob . What some scientists think theyve figured out. Hes jumping in. Safe. Hi, im phil mickelson. Ive been fortunate to win on golfs biggest stages. But when joint pain and stiffness from Psoriatic Arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. I finally understood what serious joint pain is like. I talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. Enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. Because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and Blood Disorders have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for Heart Failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Id stay clear of that cleaner, too, if i were made of wood and granite. Why dont you try pledge . Pledge multisurface. [ man ] its formulas safe on all kinds of stuff, like this. And this. And this. So furniture has nothing to fear. Good boy. Pledge multisurface. No worries. Just clean. [ female announcer ] s. C. Johnson, a family company. No worries. Just clean. Mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . Your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford deer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee. Affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res . Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Buy four select tires, get a 60 rebate. Use the Ford Service Credit credit card, get 60 more. Thats up to 120. Where did you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. An entire Army Battalion got a huge welcome home from afghanistan. Dismissed. [ cheering [ the 115 signal battalion is based in huntsville, alabama. The 450 men and women in the unit have been deployed for a year. Theyve been supporting the interNational Security forces in kandahar. Aw. Thank you for your service, guys. Honey boo boos mom, june, says that she knows she has a hyper daughter on her hands, but thats normal. She talked to hlns dr. Drew while Honey Boo Boo got a little bit silly. What do we do with people who say if its exploiting a young girl, encouraging her to be perhaps hyperactive you know, alana is a very hyperactive child. Has he been diagnosed for that, assessed for that . Noempt. You ever thought about assessing her for that . No, a normal 7yearold is hyper from time to time. Its not overboard to where i cant control. The teachers have never said before this happened, hey, this child may have add no. In school shes a quiet child. She knows when to act crazy and goofy. And does she do does she do well academically . Yeah. Honey boo boo, whose real name is Alana Thompson, said that kids at school treat her differently now that shes on tv. Her mom says shes justice more popular. By the way, check out more of the interview with Honey Boo Boo right now on hlntv. Com, including how she nearly fell asleep in the middle of it. Okay, see the full interview tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on hln. On wall street, stocks, they could get pretty ugly this morning. All morning, in fact. Investors got some bad news about spains economy and some big Companies Like dupont made less money than expected during the summer. 30 minutes past the hour. Im Natasha Curry in for robin meade. Lets get to the headlines that were working on this morning for you. Then the president began what i called an apology tour. Going to various nations and criticizing america. I think they saw weakness. Nothing governor romney just said is true. Starting with this notion of me apologizing. This has been probably the biggest whopper thats been told during the course of this campaign. Some analysts thoughts that the president came out looking stronger in last nights debate. But this final showdown might have helped both candidates. Just two weeks from the election, we are still in a neckinneck race. O. J. Simpson wants a new trial. And theres a chance he could get one. A judge in nevada has reopened his Armed Robbery and kidnapping case. Simpson might have to testify to convince the judge that he deserves another chance. Simpson claims his defense team brew that in 2008. He is serving a blew it in 2008. He is serving a 33year sentence. Ellen degeneres got a big award, the mark twain prize for humor. Many at the ceremony praised her courage for coming out as lesbian 15 years ago. She joked after receiving the award, its fantastic, but what took you so long . Not everyone was glued to the tv last night. Some people watched the debate nearby at an outdoor rock concert, the rock the vote concert. Even though theyre just were two weeks away from the election, we found people who still have not decided which candidate they are voting for. I am researching obama care. And if it brings the result we all want, i will probably go with obama. I still think mitt romney is a serious contender in my choice. I think that they the debate was an interesting debate on international affairs. But i i still ask myself the major question with excess dollars spent, 7 trillion, 8 trillion, i still do not see our country in a better state. That frightens me. Reporter are you undecided still . Definitely undecided. It seems like every debate has that one liner that gets people talking, right . The latest one horses and bayonets, and it lit up the web. Well check that out in about 15 minutes. The fda took down its list of more than 1,200 hospitals that could have drugs linked to the deadly meningitis outbreak. It said the list is not accurate and will be reposted. It included hospitals and clinics that received drugs from the massachusetts pharmacy connected to the outbreak. The fda says besides pain meds, drugs for eye and heart surgeries may be contaminated. Scary. A North Carolina man is accusing his church of beating and holding his captive because hes gay. In a Police Complaint, Michael Laurie said he was said for four months against his will. He says Church Members near charlotte physically and emotionally abused him. They hit my head with fists, and i was out on the floor, held my hands and feet down. Ive witnessed the paddlings. Ive witnessed the people held down. Ive witnessed the loud screaming. And ive witnessed all of it. So i knew michaels story was credible. The pastor sed aaid all of t allegations are lies. She said he came willingly after his parents threw him out. The District Attorney is investigating. Time for your morning read, stories that jump out from newspapers and on line. Is pms a myth . A review of 47 studies on premenstrual syndrome found the classic mood changes in only 15 of studies. 38 showed no link between mood and a womans cycle. Read more at time. Com. That pics hilarious. An Italian Court said that six scientists and a Government Official will spend six years in prison for not warning italians about an earthquake that killed 300 people. One scientist says he still doesnt understand what hes accused of. The Luxury Department store barneys is facing criticism for an ad Campaign Featuring this super skinny minnie mouse. You see it . In the promotion, minnie and daisy duck fantasize about being fashion models on yahoo . Read about the petition for barneys to cancel the promotion and the stores response. Myth, huh . I know. Weird to see, though, minnie mouse looking skinny im talking about the other the myth the myth of pms, lob . I think its real. My two cents. Personally, i wouldnt know it. I tweeted my comments. Im sure but. High pressure dominates the eastern seaboard. The clouds to the south, thats miami. Look at the nice circular formation. Thats a new Tropical Storm that formed yesterday. Let me show the details. This is sandy. Winds at 145 miles per hour. It is going increase in strength unfortunately. Heres what it looks like. You see is south of jamaica, south of cuba. Edging to the north at three miles per hour. Watch the path. It gets close to jamaica but will gain strength. Could be a category 1 storm by the time reaches them by tomorrow afternoon. Then it heads in toward cuba. Through the bahamas and falls apart and gains strength possibly before it hits the bermuda area. I dont think it will have much impact on you. Thats good. U. S. Landfall, dont think thats going to hatch as for tropical depression number 19, we have that out there also. If that becomes a named storm, which it probably will, it would be tony. Were up to the ts. Remember the Hurricane Season lasts until november 30. Across the u. S. Mainland, we have rain across the florida straits, not quite toward the keys. You might see breakaway showers later today. Up farther, heavy downpours myse missouri across illinois to indiana. The rain is beneficial, but it makes it tough to travel on the roads. Watch for that for the morning. Another shot buffalo, rochester through syracuse through the middle parts of pennsylvania. Trailing toward maryland, too, then philadelphia and new york airspace shortly. Probably get delays. Get back to the west. Look at the rain around northern minnesota through wisconsin. More showers right around north dakota, south dakota, too. The fractured area that came ashore yesterday around Northern California continues to produce rain in the lower part of the elevations of the valleys. Snow in the mountains. Were watching for that. Let me take you to detroit. Traveling here, the clouds have been in place for most of the morning. Heavy rains going to come into play later today. That means some air travel delays as a possibility. Temperatures today mild, about 70 degrees. What about the air travel problems . Well have them San Francisco number one. Youve seen the last couple of days. Low clouds, rain. Watch for more rain showers for the morning. An hourplus. A halfhour to hour delay in new york, most likely cleveland, detroit, chicago, and st. Louis all big storms. If you watched the game seven yesterday you saw the rain around that game. More showers at sfo. Thats what were worried about. There you go. More details in a halfhour. Are you hungry . Are you paying more to go organic for your children . You might be wasting your money. Plus, the ipad is getting cuts down cut down to size. Apple unveiling the ipad mini. [ rosa ] im rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. When the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week. Im like. Yeah, ok. Little did i know that one week later i wasnt smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of depression or other Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. If you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. It helps to have people around you. They say, youre much bigger than this. And you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. A former cia officer could plead guilty to leak National Secrets to reporters. John kuriakou is accused of giving reporters the names twop undercover operatives. Prosecutors say he lied to a cia review board about info. In his book. At first he pleaded not guilty. Its not clear which charges he will admit to this morning. Apple is expected to announce its mini ipad today finally. The company isnt saying anything about it, though. But the rumors have been flying all over for months now. Jennifer westhoven with more on what it might look like sort of. Well know in a couple of hours. None of this is official. Weve heard rumors, leaks, this is if this is the size of the regular, this is the size of the mini ipad. Its meant to go against the other seven inches like the Amazon Kindle fire an example. Yes, its small, but also possibly very light. That may be what apple is banking on for the wow factor. You may know if you touched an iphone 5, they are almost impossible light. That may be something they go for. Once you touch them you saw you say, those are so light. Competitors start around 200. You know that ale thinks that its product command much higher prices. 250 and up. Some have said that. Now some of the betting is that apple is thinking the economys better, may see 329. Well see at 10 00 pacific, 1 00 eastern. Catastrophic injuries among cheerleaders are climbing now. They have some doctors demanding more safety rules. The American Academy of pediatrics is recommending the human pyramids shouldnt be more than two levels high. They say stunts should only be done on soft surfaces, and cheerleading officially designated as a sport. The president said something that had everybody talking. Heres a hint. It starts with the letter b its not big bird. In america tg out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. What we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. By 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough College Graduates to fill them. Thats why at devry university, were teaming up with Companies Like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the knowhow we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure americas ready. Make sure youre ready. At devry. Edu knowhow. Youre ready for whatever life could bring. Did he catch the early flight home . Will he surprise the kids . [ gasps ] [ knock on door ] well see. But with glades motionactivated sense spray that offers a hint of hawaiian breeze. Can i open the door . Your home is always ready for any surprise. Glade. Open up and invite life in. Automatically fill your home with a welcoming fragrance, like hawaiian breeze. Sc johnson. A family company. A kraft homestyle mac cheese bowl. Its yours for a mere 30 minutes of a pg13 movie. [ alien noises ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni cheese. You know you love it. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni cheese. When you take a closer look. At the best schools in the world. You see they all have something very interesting in common. They have teachers. With a deeper knowledge of their subjects. As a result, their students achieve at a higher level. Lets develop more stars in education. Lets invest in our teachers. So they can inspire our students. Lets solve this. Mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, whos having a big tire event . Your ford dealer. Who has 11 major brands to choose from . Your ford dealer. Whos offering a rebate . Your ford dealer. Who has the low price tire guarantee. Affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res . Your ford dealer. Im beginning to sense a pattern. Buy four select tires, get a 60 rebate. Use the Ford Service Credit credit card, get 60 more. Thats up to 120. Where did you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. But icy hot lets me power past it. [ male announcer ] icy hot no mess rollon. Icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. [ shaq ] icy hot. Power past pain. New music comes out on tuesdays, its all about taylor swifts smash hit album called red. Getting back together you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me but we are never ever ever getting back together thats the early hit single, we are never ever getting back together. Fans are loving red. The album hit the numberone spot on itunes almost immediately. She says the numbers are emotional and personal and all over the place. Red is the fourth album and the first the 22yearold didnt write all by herself. 22 already . Out of everything said at last nights debate, one phrase really captured peoples attention. Watch. You mentioned the navy for example. And that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our militarys changed. Horses and bayonets. Hln digital lifestyles expert, mario armstrong, joins us. Okay, what happened on line after the president said those three words, horses and bayonets . You know what happened. I know. People started building web sites, facebook pages, and twitter had a huge explosion. But also images after images started being created, natasha. We have some of those images now. Starting off with mr. Dos eqs, his image says i dont always fight wars, but when i do i use horses and bayonets. It goes on and on. President obama also featured in the next image that we have about bows and arrows and catapults. Goodness. Star wars shows up, as well, with mitt romney and the president there in that photo, as well. Then of course we see unicorns which is a famous thing that happens on tumbler a lot. The bottom line is a lot of people were tweeting over this phrase that the president said, we also have fewer horses and bayonets. Look, natasha, a million tweets went out in the first halfhour. Then it trailed off. So it must have maybe monday night football or people were getting bored or maybe the playoff games for the baseball started taking over. But this is the weakest amount of tweets weve seen out of all three of the president ial debates. Isnt it funny how people can latch on to one phrase and keep going. The funny things that we think about. I know one of the things that people were fixating on was a sweaty lip. Keeps going and going. I was wondering at some point was somebody going to toss a towel in to the two gentlemen and let them dry off. That never happened. What did happen was twitter continued to continue to see a lot more tweets. When this incident happened, when the president had made the statement, we saw 105,000 tweets per minute just about that one particular statement. Goodness. Mario armstrong, thanks for keeping an eye on it for us. The social temperature of america, i tell you. I know. Thanks. Hot in florida. You are not going to believe how excited one of the dancing with the stars folks got last night. Were talking about a dancer here, though. This was a judge. Giving your kids organic foods migtd make you feel better but it might not make them any healthier. Researchers say they couldnt find any evidence that organic is better even though its usually more expensive. More long term studies are needed to determine if foods treated with pesticides are more harmful. Lets talk sports. The rain just poured down but that didnt stop the party in San Francisco. The giants are headed back to the world series. Tums and aspirin are on hand for San Francisco. There is something magical going on. Hunter pence. He drops in a couple runs. It actually breaks in such a way that it hits the ball three separate times. Thats the magic im talking about. It poured but that did not stop the giants from stopping nine runs. They came back to win the series. Yesterday she got play the pro am. This is robins third time ever in a golf course and shes got game. Yes. Keep going. Go. Go. Right. Right. Right. Yes. Its not in the hole. Its real close. Youre a lier. Bubba watson. The closest to thcompeition

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