Today by what i have heard and my hats off to you for all the good work youre doing. So i do advocacy and part of that is kind of reaching out to people and bringing the message of social Emotional Learning not just to schools because educators kind of get it. Its not a stretch when we talk to them why its important to get it, but we want to take the message outside of the school into the media, into the communities, into families so that people kind of understand this process of another way of learning and becoming an educated person. A couple of other things i do i work with anne on the board and with the foundation. That has been exciting. I do advising for sesame street. If you have small children the next seafn sesame street you will see some of the favorite characters and breathing and learning problem solving models and were very excited [inaudible] and theyre focusing on self regulation and other skills and specific focus and exciting working with them the past year and a half or so so i want people to have a look here, and what i would like to do is tie some of the things together that you have been hearing about today and in terms of bullying prevention, other prevention work going on in your state and in terms of promoting positive behaviors with youth, and so sometimes you hear social Emotional Learning, but what is it really . Okay. So i have borrowed this model from kazel and its the clghtive for social Emotional Learning and headquartered in chicago and this is their model that i find interesting and look at the different domains and the areas that comprise social Emotional Learning, and you will see that couple of them, self awareness and self management are things about yourself. This is knowledge about yourself. This is when we teach children we teach children to recognize their emotions, recognize what things trigger strong emotions and give a name to different emotions and one important thing if you work with children or even with adults strong emotions can be very confusing for people, so people have the intense emotions and for kids not literate to name their emotions it comes out angry, right and what might that be . It could be frustration. It could be embarrassment. It could be any number of different really strong emotions, and if they dont know how to put words to that, they dont know how to begin to solve the problems or ask for help and this is at the very fundamental level which we teach very, very young children. They have the do domains and compassion and we heard bullying is a problem with relationships and a lot of researchers talk about it like this as well. This is where we learn about having positive relationships that make a difference between peer to peer in the schools that make a difference between adults and the children in the schools and for people not just in school but i am sure all of you can look up here and in each of the domains think of something in all of them in the last 24 hours that you had to use, that you had to activate in relationships with the coworkers or spouses and these are different life skills and there is the area of responsible Decision Making and comes into play when you have to figure out what to do when you have a problem, so you can probably just look at that and oh yes, i see where the connections would be and i would like to kind of point out because we are talking about bullying today one of the things i love i dont know if rosylyn is still in the room but she talked about a specific example. This is an example of what a teacher should be able to do if she sees something in the hallway and described this whole process and when i was listening to that i was thinking oh my gosh in every category that person would have to be very socially emotionally competent. You need the awareness to know something is going on. You need that empathy to compel you do something about t you need the management skills to approach that situation calmly and not be over reactive. You need to have your own skills and make the right decisions that will work in that moment, so i was glad that she gave that example and i am able to show you how having these skills are very important, and i would also like to say a lot of you have seen the bullying film and saw a lot of adults who clearly needed more training in their social emotional competencies and if we think about it think about i dont want to assign blame to administrators or to parents who we all know are often just doing the best they can with the kind of experiences they have grownup with, the training they had and the skills they are, but imagine the scene with the administrator how that might of different if she had social Emotional Learning since preschool . Or with alex and the conference conversationing with different and all through school and you have relationships based on this model so im just putting that out there today and we will be talking more about it and i hope people have time for questions to just further this conversation. These wonderful people up here on the panel have done a fabulous job at getting the word out and doing something. Were putting out the awareness of what Everybody Needs to have and i would like to offer ideas for solutions. Mia one of the things i learned this year and seemed like a major epiphany and working with various people and we were the Curriculum Working Group for the berkmens Center Launch of lady gagas foundation and as we were having the conversation called it dawned on me oh my gosh the lions share of bullying prevention is social Emotional Learning and i confirmed this with ph. Ds and i am not. Im a johnalists and i went to my sources and i keep collaborating this and i keep finding that answer and i see people nodding their heads out here if we could get social literacy training into every school in the country we would put an unprecedented debt into this problem. It would really be remarkable and what i am hearing you say this is really also confirming the whole Community School roof rick was talking about this morning and not just about teaching kids. I want to say two things based on what you said. I have a another slide after this and little graphic about so there has been quite a bit of emerging research on programs in schools and the benefits that you get from it, so the kind of positive behaviors that you see increasing. The negative behaviors you see decreasing, so one of the things i really want to point out is you just dont think i have to do something about bullying. Its do social Emotional Learning. If youre doing that you should expect academic outcomes up to what they say and 11 percentile points is what they found in the research. You should see a decrease in other kinds of negative behaviors besides aggression but emotional distress, school drop out. You should see increase in school et cetera cannedness and we sudden an important factor. And Student Engagement in the class classrooms. Exactly and there are multiple benefits to doing this program and i want to say because this is important for you and all of the Research People left in the room that we do know from the research its not the social Emotional Learning for effective bullying prevention programs. There are other elements of staff training and educating students about what to do in a bullying case and our program we teach kids the 3rs. Recognize, report and refuse bullying and we talk about the power that the bystanders have and the things they can do to make a difference and at a whole school level training adults and i want to put this out here and this is something that we know is very important. So alixis we heard a number of times today is takes a village and not just about programs in schools and not just about schools and families, but what is out there in the air, and mia has worked with sesame workshop. You target a slightly older age group. Talk to us about your piece of the puzzle. I am happy to. Could i have the next slide . Thats not mine. And thats not mine. It doesnt look like Cartoon Network. Maslows hierarchy. Sorry. Back up. A big logo slide. And were supposed to be about the technology. Imagine a big stop bullying speak up logo on the slide behind me. Say that again. Stop bullying, speak up is the name of the campaign and a nice transition. My complements to everyone in the room. If i have learned everything in the last four years while researching bullying prevention and for our age group and the kids in the second through seventh grade its that not only does it take a village but a village of people who are willing to partner and collaborate with each other and speak not only to adults about this issue but speak to children and i think its an interesting transition from mias work to mine. Still not mine. It is but and the role we play at Cartoon Network and thousands of kids at home everyday and the role we play is taking that information, translating it and content on the line and when kids come independently to our screens to play games and watch television and do a variety of things we have information for them on information they care deeply part. In 2008 as research we do we asked new questions. What are the issues in your life that make you nervous . Scare you . You want help with . And of those issues what do you think you could change if you had help or advice . To the first question remember this is 2008. Top of the list my parents are out of work. Followed by i know there are wars on. Are they coming to my town and remember my audience is six to 11 and the world extends a little bit further the fingertips but not future. Global i hate getting picked last in gym and a big issue and skew to the boys and one of my favorites i am starting to sweat and smell a let. Is that Global Warming and yes thank you. Bullying was on the list. It was about seventh or eighth down but when they answered the next question, what do you think you could change if somebody could give you some help . The recession and the war, even the sweating fell down the list and what really popped was bullying and our numbers matched the National Data 85 of the kids we talked to said it wasnt so much theyre getting picked on, but i know im supposed to do something. I want to do something when i see my friends get picked on and i dont know what to do. Show me what to do and with that direction from our audience and a plea for politicallal useful advice that has grown to a Global Partnership and stop bullying, speak up. There is a reel they would like to show that comes before this. Can we hit that one . Could you define that. Sorry. Give you overview of the campaign. How are you all doing . [inaudible] what would happen if everyone took the pledge to stop bullying . Welcome everyone. This is Anderson Cooper special. Bullying stops here. At one time how many kids were bullying you . 40. 40 kids. You could identify 40 kids. And joined up with facebook and explain the app. Its a Great Program and kids and adults can take a pledge and stop bullying so we can all make a difference. Were going to lead the way but were challenging every governor in every state to do their part and for every citizen to step up. Stop bullying. Speak up. Stop bullying. Speak up. Stop bullying. Speak up. Stop the video. [applause] so we have the honor of working with a Stellar Group of advisers from the academic side, from Community Based organizations, amazing partners across the time warner family of brands and my partner at facebook and as bullying is unfortunately a global problem were beginning to expand our u. S. Reach. This past spring we launched in south america and in brazil. All of our materials for the educators and the Community Based organizations in the room, all of the Education Rights have been cleared. Everything on the website and long form and print material, everything can be downloadd and its yours and free. Use it for workshops. Use it for curriculum. Use it as ways to start an assembly. Can you trust the material. We have worked with them. The government has been a phenomenal partner for us. That the agencies the fact that you have hhs and ed and justice working together and collaborating its been one of the most generous partnerships in my 30 years in the business that i have ever seen and i spent a good time in public broadcasting and partnered with the department of ed for years and i have to say this project of all the projects and nobody says no. Everybody stands up and says how can i help . There is also on our website a halfhour documentary and proud to say it was introduced by president obama. It was on Cartoon Network in career and yours for the download and i would like to show you one of the shorts that speaks specifically to what kids ask for which is show me what to do. In the Television Business we thought we knew what and kids ask that and we have the Cartoon Network and have the characters. We will do great animated shorts. We did pilots and tested them. Kids watched them and i will never forget this as to say youre tall but youre not that smart and said slowly youre talking to someone who is not clear those are cartoons. Theyre not real. They wanted to real people and celebrities said they would love to participate. Again we took celebrity spots out and kids said first of all theyre grownups and not that interesting and second of all theyre celebrities and we have a cartoon dude what happened and those that missed it its a junior myth busters and they set up situations. We will set up a scwaigz. Lets see if we can float a voak beatle and that is the stock and trade. When they say its set up a bullying situation kids know them for setting up a situation and getting out of it so if we could run the spot. Dude, what happens if one of us was a bully. We decided to do a bully situation and what was the best thing to do it. I played the bully and hate today. It felt awful. I was the one getting bully and didnt like that either. And i was watching and the best thing to get an adult. Together we can make a difference. Stop bullying. Speak up. To the website and find out more. Thank you. All that material and 30, and 60 and 90 second version are on the website. I am happy to answer questions and thank you very much for your time. [applause] so alice, do you tell them in the materials what to do, how to speak up . We do. That is thanks again to the advisors and worked with stephanie who is one of the folks instrumental in crafting the stop bullying. Goff program and at the time we started it was the only program i could find with Longitudinal Research that demonstrated efficacy and we offer kids tactics they could use and one is who is the trusted adult . One is im not im preaching to the choir here. One is when the bullying is over and go up to the kids targetd and say nice jacket. You dont have to say sit with me at lunch but do some gesture and if you can say im sorry that happened to you and if you are comfortable enough during the bullying and say this is not what we do here and take the target and walk away with them and we crafted the program with those in schools and we were gratified. To a point that cape up earlier and research this spring and the thing that hit me and we launched in 2010 so were going on the third school year with this material and i had this horrible feeling that we might start sounding the way i sound to my children when i ask them to take the laundry upstairs. I know they hear me and nothing happens. Maybe they dont hear you. White noise. But what we heard from kids when we asked if theyre hearing the messages about bullying prevention . Yes were hearing the messages and to your point anne we think theyre Getting Better and are they hearing enough . Unanimous is dont stop saying it. We will craft them with other live action shows on Cartoon Network, courage up the creative and work with facebook and others and as a company and Cartoon Network and my partners at time warner this is a longterm commitment across multiple brands and excited to be working with folks. Thank you. Dave she is big media. Your social media. Youre different. Big, small. I dont know. Big, bigger. Yeah. Shes tall. Im short. Lets not go there. The first thing i wanted to say this is an awesome day. I havent seen this until now coming together of Law Enforcement, educators and industry and a variety of other folks and nonprofits organizations and really understand the issue and dive into it. Its been awesome and a ton of learning has gone into this. Alice is amazing. Everything that happened with time warner and got together a year ago and partnered up on this and wouldnt it be great if we got two major media organizations together, one traditional media which has a a lot of strength in eaching people via tv and one reaching people socially and if you could gather these together imagine what we can do . And so i think you called sizzle real. It was a sizzling experience to be in a high school in hare land and felt like a football pep rally but it was about bullying and they all took the pledge to stop it when they see it and amazing experience and tip of the hat to time warner to really understanding the issue and putting the weight of the media empire behind it to reach people, and second of all understanding how you sort there is the bully and there is the person being bullied but what if we got the 99 of other people inspired to take action . What kind of culture can we create . And that is the vant age point that facebook comes at it with. So i wanted to share [inaudible] no. Theres a slide before this. Okay. This is one slide. It says we have 950 Million People on the flat form. Thats a lot of people. And for the most part people are good. Sometimes people are not good. We have ways people r people can report content to us that is inappropriate, but we have since invested a lot of time and energy on things like social resolutions. How do you create a culture where people can report problems to each other . Which i will talk about in a second, so cue up the next slide. Dave, can i interrupt for a second . One of the things that i noticed they think is really important for people in the school space and probably Law Enforcement to remember is that social media platforms whatever it is and you name it what . A million apps for the mobile platform alone. Those are not the context of bullying. School life, school, peer life, peer relations. Thats the concept of bullying whether its bullying or Cyber Bullying and this blame the new thing thats come along because we dont fully understand it because we kind of dont like it, or its a waste of time for kids and all of those things are understandable and we blame what we dont understand, but kids love the media and its time to start the understanding and understanding that these media are totally blended into their lives. Its not an alternate reality or something separate or add on that the school and the School Context is what were really talking about here and that is 90 of their waking hours. Thats their social life. And one of the reasons that a lot of researchers and nonprofits dont like the term cyber bull and its about the technology but not the behavior itself. We dont actually use the world Cyber Bullying. We talk about the behavior and there is tons of research were doing in how people are behaving on our platform and the tools we can give them to resolve their issues and either through themselves and trusted audiences, et cetera, or turn to us and we dont use the term Cyber Bullying and we dont think about its the technology. Its about the behavior itself and i know there is ongoing debate with that and Cyber Bullying captures peoples attentions and everything i have learned from anne and the Nonprofit Community and the academic folks who have researched this when you use a term like Cyber Bullying you are diminishing the behavior and placing it on the technology. Personally i hate it. It suggests robots and not humans at all. Lets think about humanity, not technology. So i want to show you a couple of things and show you my version of a sizzle reel which is not sizzle and i am also mindful its 4 00 oclock on a friday so we are the last people between you and weekend, so let me say a couple of things. One is we built our platform with this thing called real name culture and peoples actions are their identityity and we think when you do that people [inaudible] for the most part, people behave well because their actions are tied to themselves and their identity, and weve believed in this really firmly and its the core of the kids safety effort which is the thing that i worked on. That doesnt mean that everybody is good, and everybody behavesl but if we feel like real identity or real name identity is one of the things that causes people to behave nicely and we actually have seen data that when you take facebook and you take comments and import it to other sielts because its facebook the amount of trooling go down and the amount of real and authentic comments go up and its awesome and where we start from. The second thing i was going

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