good evening, mayor, supervisors, and all our representatives from our city departments. i am from self help for the elderly. we have been serving close to about 35,000 seniors in the bay area. we started right here in district 3 on washington street at old chinatown lane. i think we started with the very basic program, serving 50 elderly in 1966. and now we serve close to about 1500 seniors every day between our congregant new site, four in district 3, and funding supported by the department of aging and adults with disabilities. we thank them for always thinking about supporting the most vulnerable in our community. i think tonight we have invited seniors from lady shaw, also in district 3, which is affordable 202 housing. average age of residents are 87 years old. the reason why they live too long age and longevity in a healthy lifestyle is because we have nutritious meals served in a dining room and social workers at lady shop. 20 years ago and they built this affordable housing, we got major support from the mayor's office of housing to complete the hud 202 project. ever since we build it, our seniors have settled down. even when they got hyper pressure and health problems before, they now become volunteers at the senior center, serving other seniors. because we have provided them safe, viable, and affordable housing. some, mayor, if you ask us what is the top priority for our seniors, it has always been affordable housing. every project in town, when they started to have open recruitment for the residence, i tell you, there will be 5000 elderly lining up on is a very, very precious units. when lady shaw opened 20 years ago, the waiting list was almost 4,000. nobody could ever move in because there's hardly any turnover. finally, after 20 years, when we exhausted the waiting list, we opened it up last year just to put their name on the waiting list, and another 2300 elderly came in. the applications all qualified. and now i think that in our lifetime, we will not see lady shaw open again for open recruitment. that is the critical need for affordable housing. supervisor chiu, you are a good friend of ours, but when you ask me to talk a little bit about senior needs, i think that ever since the mayor has called these town hall meetings with our district supervisors, our seniors from every program have come and attended the meeting. i want to think adrienne and her staff for always taking time to translate for our seniors, making them feel welcome and feel that they could participate in these hearings. they have always told our supervisors and mayor and department heads that every city's greatness is measured by how you take care of the elderly and how you take care of your children. those two populations are the most vulnerable of all the populations. in san francisco, we just looked at the 2010 census figures. 13.6 of san franciscans are over 65 years old. in number is astounding. almost 109,000 people. 65 +. and if we add 75 +, it is even more. so we know that this population needs a lot of resources from our budget every year. and, mayor, you listen to us last year when we forgot -- one we fought for the adult day health care, and you came in and supported us. now the state has come in to support this population. we hope that you will at least look at, for five years, a lot of the nonprofits supporting the senior population, our budget has been flat or decrease by almost 20% to 30%. so we ask you to take a look at what it costs to really take care of the elderly population. we need nutritious meals. we need case management, affordable housing, and we also need recreation from mr philip ginsburg's department. so we partner with a lot of departments to help deliver these services. we hope that even as your budget is a very, very tight that you cannot look to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, annie. whoa, you had a lot of statistics. good stuff. the next speaker from district 3 is janet. >> get the evening. it was really an honor to be invited to speak to you this evening, and i am just really grateful for that. my name is janet, a small business owner here in north beach. i just completed a four-year term on the small business commission. and in the 30 plus years that i have run the small business in north beach, i have been right in the middle of the broadway- columbus corridor. and i have to say that the public safety issues are around that corridor, they cycle. you know, they cycle. they get better, we work, we work, things get better, but then something might happen in the economy. something might happen just in the world. and the situation out here deteriorates. unfortunately, over the past, i would say year, a year-and-a- half, it seems like the resources in the police department have been stretched incredibly thin. for different reasons, i know, but something really has to be done to look at the allocation of resources. i do not know if it is looking at the entire budget, but we really have to look at our police department. it is efficiency. the academy class is coming in. new people coming up. it is affecting the entire city. distich -- to district 3 has so much activity. polk street. not just columbus-broadway. a grand avenue. fisherman's wharf. it is really a large district. when we need resources here, it stretches resources from the entire city. so i would really like a good look at the police resources right now. we talk about family fight -- a family flight in the health of the city. not being able to work safely through my neighborhood, the mission, or my work neighborhood, district 3, i mean, we really need to take a long comprehensive look at violence and public safety. i would like to ask for that. the other thing i would like to talk about -- i would like to actually take this opportunity to thank the public health department. when i came to san francisco 30 years a card, my first health care plan axes was right in this building. before i had health insurance, it was a sliding scale, completely affordable for a student cartel waitress, completely affordable. when i had health insurance, they took health insurance, but it was right here. it was accessible, affordable, and it was quality care. the public health department is the largest general fund department. so i would ask for some real thought about the public health clinics and innovation in your delivery, because we may not have more money, but we may have better options for delivery. so i would really prioritize and see the overall work in the public health department, because it does -- no, it addresses issues of violence, drug addiction, of abuse, drug abuse, family issues, and all so it cuts across the age groups. from the very young to the very old. so i would like to see that. and i would also like to just take a brief moment to remember that we had a homeless person who died on the street here in district 3, and he did not die of exposure. it would have been bad enough that he died of exposure, but he was actually assault that left to die on broadway. so i just want to remember him for a minute, and i want to say that the work you do, it really is a very, very important. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, janet people -- janet. and our last speaker from district 3 is don trenor. >> thank you, schettino. -- tina. dawn from the middle polk association, divided between central and northern stations. mostly in district 3, but a little bit of our western border is in district two. we have had continuous, continuous, continuous problems with prostitution. it has never been successfully addressed. it is a crime that deteriorates and eats away at a neighborhood. there seems just to be no answers within san francisco. why is it that san francisco invites the prostitutes to come in from stockton, from the east bay, from the north bay, from the south bay? why is it so much easier for them to do business here and come in and market themselves here in our neighborhoods? in addition to this evening crime that we have suffered, evening and morning crime that we have suffered with prostitution, homelessness is on a huge, huge rise. we were hoping that it would be addressed, but the flagrant abuses are mind-boggling. most mornings, afternoons, and evenings along polk street from california to clay, you can see a minimum of four people sitting or outright sleeping face down on the street. the rentable wheelchair in front of walgreen's between sacramento and california is a great example of this issue. there is a wheelchair that seems to be printed. the first gentlemen the comes on in the morning, after he stows the malt liquors in a row in the screen news stand, he gets up and finishes his ship, walks away seemingly quite easily, and the next renter of the wheelchair comes in and he begs and does whatever, and this goes on and on. the police are called, apparently from the district attorney's office, that these people are off limits to the sfpd because they are in a wheelchair, and there's nothing that we can do, even though this is so flagrant. so we have the prostitution's stuff going on in the evening. we have the homelessness going on in the daytime. we hoped that our very active neighborhood court would be able to do some been to address these issues. especially when neighborhood court, the polk street neighborhood court was charged with handling of that -- all the prostitution cases within san francisco, in addition to our regular cases. unfortunately, as an example, last tuesday in our regular monthly neighborhood court session, we had a full slate of panelists, a full slate of observers. we had two cases scheduled for all of the prostitution in san francisco and our homelessness and other issues on polk street. two cases scheduled and nobody showed up. this is a court that was a very, very active for a very long time. so it seems to be a very promising solution is turning out to be nothing. the neighborhoods are wanting to be involved. we're wanting to be out there and working with the police, with the district attorney's office, with dpw. wanting to be there. but we're not getting what we need to make these solutions a reality. it is getting to be very, very difficult to stay involved. we want to stay involved, mr. mayor, but we're not getting what we need from the city. please help us. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, dawn. well, it really seems like safety, prostitution, health care, transportation, homelessness, senior affordable housing, restorative justice, aggressive panhandling -- i mean, they are all things that happen in the community. the community is trying to embrace them, and it is really in every neighborhood. and all of these things -- i mean, it is huge, but you're getting input, that is for sure. and what we're going to move on to -- i mean, i think it really wraps it up, perhaps shrinking funds and so many needs -- i just think promoting and inclusive budget process like this is so, so fair. and there should be no and, like janet said, die on good friday morning because he was beaten to death, and it was not in the newspapers. and it does happen three days ago. he is one of our citizens. he is one of our neighbors. it is is sad story, but it is a reality. we, as citizens, cannot depend on, i do not think of a city hall. i think we are here to meet you, to meet halfway. with that, we're going to move on to the two minutes. i am going to take questions, and you can either spend two minutes speaking or you can have a minute to speak and address a comment to anyone up here. so now is your time. i have four questions -- packets of four. thank you, whoever is doing this for me. four questions. do i know which of district this is from? when you come up, if you can mention your district, that would be great. the first one up is kirk larsen. >> thank you, mayor, supervisors, and elected officials for coming out here. i am a resident of district two. i also work for a dish, delivering innovation in support of housing. we manage six buildings of supportive housing for homeless individuals through the department of public health's direct access to housing program. and to take the supervisors and mayor's comments earlier to heart and think about priorities and investment, i am here to ask that the city consider very carefully making a historic and significant step backwards from investment in a supportive housing, which is a proven solution to homelessness, a solution that this city pioneered and has made progress on for many years. right now there are 109 units at two of the buildings that we manage better proposed to be cut, and those are going to be taking 109 units of supportive housing off the market. so that is an investment that the city has already made for many years, the buildings have been going on for 10 to 15 years. all those investments and renovations and making the buildings nice for the tenants are going to be lost. and i believe it will cost the city more to leave 109 people who would otherwise be housed next year on the streets. our tenants are not going to be -- they are going to be transferred, but they will be transferred into units that could be used for people that are on the streets now and costing the city tries as much as with the would cost if they were in the proven solution that we have pioneered in san francisco of permanent supportive housing. i would ask that as we think about all of our priorities and where we want to invest, that you carefully consider this a very specific proposal that has been made and that we continue to make in this city and investment in the proven solutions to ending homelessness through supportive housing. thank you. >> ok. i am going to ask you to come up in groups of four. in this case, just three. jan bloom, john from district two. and terrance from district 3. >> did the evening. my name is jan, president of district 3. i have a question for you. we have heard about how many needs we have and how little money we have and how much less money we will have in two years, maybe even four years. i would like to challenge you to began an open discussion on how we can increase revenues for the city. this is a subject that does not come up. it is a difficult subject. no one likes it, but we needed the money. thank you. [applause] d!?g:::::::รท7&>> i am terence f. i would like to know when the willie brown model will be installed on polk street, north of broadway? >> the question, could you repeat the question? >> i would like to know when the willie brown model of newspaper racks are going to be installed on polk street, north of california? >> what is it? >> fancy new newspaper racks, the green ones. >> i think mayor lee and i share the desire of many neighborhoods to get more of these racks. i would like to turn it over to mohammed nuru from dpw over whether you know the timing for this section of polk street? >> thank you, good evening. as you know, we just finished installing all the racks in the downtown area. that was an agreement. gradually, we are working out agreements with the various neighborhoods. i cannot give a definite time, but i would say in the next three months or so we should have those up. [applause] >> is john here? i will give you the question. why are you putting through only 10 lateral police officers and 50 entry-level officers this fiscal year? 50 lateral officers better on the list would be more cost- effective. this is a question regarding public safety. and i think it goes to you, chief suhr. >> so the reason only one class is because the fiscal year ends on june 30, so that is the quickest we can get a class in. the reason that it is 10 and 50 is that was the makeup of what was left off the last collateral was, coupled with the officers off of the new list. a list that still has about 1500 people being backgrounded for entry into hopefully will be more than one class next fiscal year. >> thank you. can i have the next four people come up, please? maylene wong, ferrardo ramos, larry jon, and winnie. >> good evening, everyone. i am from self help for the elderly. first of all, thank you, mr. mayor, supervisor farrell, and supervisor david chiu for providing this opportunity to hear our voice. sekula, thank you to the mayor's office and the board of supervisors for your profound division and wise decision to provide funding to workforce development in the high tech field, health care field, and youth programs. but, please, do not forget to provide funding to workforce development in some very basic vocational skills. skills training, such as housekeeping, gardening, a culinary, and other hospitality programs for those very limited english proficiency immigrants. please do not forget to provide funding to vocational skill training to seniors who are the most reliable work force in this society. let's work together to help those limited-english proficiency new immigrants live a happy and healthy life in america. let's work together to help seniors retain their dignity in this community. let's work together to make this community a better place to live. thank you for your consternation. most important, thank you for your actions. [applause] >> good evening, everyone. i am the client service director at the san francisco aids foundation. i am concerned about the proposed budget cuts for subsidized hiv housing. there is a proposal to cut $300,000 for hiv housing. and that will impact four different programs, primarily the program run by the san francisco aids foundation. we subsidized housing for up to 400 clients to live with very low income, getting -- for them, it means a 5% increase to their portion of the rent. that'll be $23 to $105 each person. for us, this cut will mean a lot. movies, a nice dinner. for our clients, it means three days for groceries. that does not include the cuts they're getting through ssi, increases of medication costs, and other expenses that they have. please, reconsider. do not implement the proposed budget cut for this hiv housing. thank you. [applause] >> good evening, mayor, supervisors,farrell, and this ty officials. it is an honor to be able to stand here and speak on behalf of the chinatown link care center. it is operated in partnership with charity and cultural services. a nonprofit agency with over 35 years of experience delivering for programs for people with limited english proficiency. i am here because not all of our job seekers could be here today to speak about their needs. we have been operational since july of 2010. since then we have seen thousands of people come into our center because they need help. they need to put food on the table and pay rent, and take care of their children. as a resident of san francisco and a person who lives and works here, and who grew up here, we believe that job training for the needs of the residents here are key and critical. i would like to share some basic statistics with you about the federal funding that has been decreasing over the last few years at millions every year, a loss of over 20%. job training and placement programs need to be passed in every community, especially for the hardest to place. the majority of our clients do not have high-school diplomas. they are immigrants that do not speak english fluently. without these programs there is very little chance that our clients will get jobs, despite the improving economy. i urge the mayor and district supervisors to pay more attention to population needs for job readiness programs and to call upon all city officials and departments to work with the mayor and the board of supervisors to address this crisis of a lack of federal funds for our workforce programs and development in san francisco. thank you for your time and consideration. [applause] >> hello, distinguished guests. in the former president of the board of this telegraph hill neighborhood center. i am thrilled by this meeting and am delighted to welcome you here. our streets need to be shared between cars, pedestrians, and increasingly bicycles. we are hearing and seeing more and more complex between and among those users. i have no