mirkarimi. matt, i know that you're here today, and i want to thank you for your counsel and for being present and for being supportive of me today. [applause] nauert it is time -- now it is time to step up. it is might turn out to represent. it is an enormous challenge and responsibility, and i realize that. but one that i embrace, and i will work my hardest to, you know, to really meet with everyone, to understand what the concerns are. you know, it will be a lot of work, and we will hit the ground running, probably in about five minutes. [laughter] anyway, i did want to acknowledge my background. appointments usually do not happen to people like me. i grew up working class, poor. i grew up in the farm labor camp in a town called firebomb, you know, the central valley. with a stainless steel spoon in my mouth, i guess, and a tortilla, in my case. my parents cannot avoid -- afford to send this to fancy schools, so the script of what they could and sentenced to a catholic school. do not be shocked for those of you know me, but i spent eight years learning etiquette and all those things, praying every day and taking it catechism, all that. they sacrificed a lot for me and my sister, and we promised to stay true to ourselves and our passions. i am going to take my parents' advice to heart in my work at the board. in moving the city forward. i agree with an approach that focuses less on a site issues and more on bringing people together to address the problems that we face. because there are simply too many conflicts and issues, including the creation of good paying jobs, which i think should be one of the top priorities, and i am sure it is a concern to many of the constituents in district 5. strategies to deal with changes in redevelopment and its impact to our city. improvements to public safety in district 5, and the exploration for obtaining more affordable middle, lower, income housing. these are the basic kinds of issues i want to tackle. with all of your help, i believe we can make the kinds of lasting impacts that will improve the daily life for all of us here in san francisco. finally, i want to conclude with a pledge to the residence in d- 5. i know you did not elect me, but i promise you i will work hard to earn your respect and trust. i am prepared to go that extra mile on your behalf to improve the neighborhood for everyone. the rich and the poor alike. again, i want to thank all of you, all of my friends here and new friends and people that i obviously, you know, will spend time with learning more and more about the issues that, you know, you are concerned about. i just want to thank you for coming out and sharing this very special moment with me. so thank you. [applause] >> everybody, congratulate christina olague. thank you very much. we're going right to work. thank you. >> you probably think you know all about the exploratorium. but have you ever been after dark? did you know there was a monthly party called after dark? science mixes with culture and adults mix with other adults. no kids allowed. every week there is a different theme. to tell us about the themes is melissa alexander. tell us about some of the previous themes we have had. >> we have had sex ploration, sugar, red, blue. many things. >> what is the theme tonight? >> rock, paper, scissors. we are having a tournament tonight, but we have also used as a jumping off point to explore lots of different ideas. you can find out about rock, paper, scissors as a game as a reproductive strategy. you can interact with a piece of art created by lucky dragon. you can get your hair cut from a cool place called the public barber's salon. they use scissors only. you can find out about local geology, too. >> that sounds like fun. let's check it out. >> this is the most common rock on the surface of the earth. interesting thing is, most of this rock is covered over by the ocean. >> error congested a cool presentation on plate tectonics. tell us about what we just saw. >> we wrapped up a section of a lesson on a plate tectonics, here at the exploratory and -- exploritorium. >> are you excited to see people here having fun and learning about science? >> the people that come here are some selected to begin with, they actually enjoy science. i teach teachers to have fun with their kids. the general public is a great audience, too. they're interested in science. >> we have a blast every time. they have different names. >> they have a bar and a cafe. everything i need. we are excited for the speaker. >> it is nice to be in the exploratorium when there are not a lot of kids around. >> before tonight, i never knew there were major league rules to rock, paper, scissors. i am getting ready to enter into a competition. sarah's here to give me some tips. what do i need to do to win it? >> this is a game of chance, to a degree. one of the best ways to bring it home is a degree of intimidation, maybe some eye contact, maybe some muscle. it is a no contact sport. sheer i contact is a good way to maybe intimidate to see if you can set them off, see if they throw something they did not mean to. >> i am going to see what happens. >> i got kicked out in the first round. [applause] >> given up for sunni. the rock, paper, scissors champion. >> what are you going to do now? >> i have been having so much fun. i got my tattoo. before we go, i want to thank melissa alexander for having us here tonight. how did you know san francisco needed a night like tonight? >> thank you for coming. everybody loves the exploratorium. we are reluctant to push the kids out of the way in the day, so i knew we needed to create one evening a month just for the rest of us to have a good time, the adults. >> absolutely. where can we find out what is coming up after dark? >> that is easy, exploratorium .edu/afterdark. >> thank you. thanks for watching >> i am very pleased to welcome our newest board member. he will be introduced in just a moment. we have one seat on the board that is currently vacant. the board made hold a meeting when there is a vacancy. the board may overrule an action by the department by a vote of three members. go for votes are not required. -- four votes are not required. i am the executive director. we are also joined by representatives of some of the department's who have matters before the board. joseph duffey is the senior building inspector. he is representing the department of building inspection. carlos short is representing the bureau of urban forestry, and john fong thiis representing a district mapping. if you would please go over the guidelines and conduct the swearing in process. >> the board request that you turn off all cellphone and pagers so they will not disturb the proceedings. please carry out conversations in the hallway. appellants, permit holders, and department representatives each have seven minutes to present their cases and three minutes for rebuttals. people must include their comments within that time. members of the public who are not affiliated with the party have up to three minutes each to address the board and no rebuttal. members of the public who wish to speak on an item are at but not required to submit a speaker cards to board the -- are asked but not required to submit a speaker cards. speaker cards and pans are available to the left of the podium. there are survey forms to the left of the podium. if you have questions about requesting a rehearing or hearing schedules, please speak to the board staff during a break or after the meeting or call the board office in the morning. this meeting is to broadcast live on sentences go government to television, -- san francisco government television. these are available for purchase. we will conduct our swearing in process. if you intend to testify and wish to have the committee give your testimony wait, please stand, raise your right hand, and say, i do. any member of the public ney speak -- may speak pursuant to the ordinance. do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth. >> we have two housekeeping items. the parties have jointly requested this be continued on august 15. they are continuing to undergo efforts to resolve the matter of side of the board. good we do need a motion to move this matter. >> so moved. >> is there any public comment on this item? if you could call our role. >> we have a motion to continue item seven on august 15. [calling votes] the vote is 4-0. this is continued on august 15. >> the other item has to do with item #8 from on a withdrawal came in before the board meeting, so about will not be heard this evening. we are moving on to item number one, public comment. for anyone wishing to speak on an item that is not on the calendar year ago -- on the calendar. >> i want to apologize for being late. >> i will take this moment to exercise a distinct honor to introduce our newest commissioner. he was appointed five miserably. he has had a wide ranging service to the city -- he was appointed by mr. lee. he is currently part of the cultural center located on the waterfront. prior to this, he served as a public director to the -- as deputy director to the department of economic and work- force development, where he oversaw a acquisition and development of treasure island as well as creating a strategy for development of octavia boulevard. additionally, he served in senior management positions with the assessor's office and the mayor's office. he holds a master's degree in public policy from the university of chicago, and he lives in nova with his wife and three kids, and we welcome him to our born during your -- to our board. good >> is there any public comment on this item and? seeing none, we will move to item three, which is the adoption of minutes. before you are the minutes of january 18, 2012. >> i see so comments, so i move that we adopt a comments five written during your >> any comments? simenon, if you can call the roll please. >> -- seeing none, if you can call the roll please. [calling votes] >> the vote is 4-to zero, those votes are adopted. >> we will call item no. 4. gothe subject is that commonweah avenue, and it is appealing of permit to remove and replace one treat your ego -- one tree. we will start with the appellant, or the appellants agent year ago -- the appellants agent. >> i am married to linda. i am here to talk about the two trees in front of the house. it was approved for removal of the country. the other is not approved, and we are protesting but it was not approved for removal. our reasons are threefold in. one is safety. the tree does helene 20 degrees towards our neighbor's driveway. good and -- it doesn't mean -- it does lean

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Central Valley ,California ,United States ,Chicago ,Illinois ,San Francisco ,John Fong ,Joseph Duffey ,Matt Gonzales ,Ross Mirkarimi ,Melissa Alexander ,

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