>> this is holly lee knox. there are some proud pet owners in san francisco and they have brought all their pets here to strut their stuff. >> it's an annual event that we've had. this is our 18th year. we bring in rescue groupers, vendors, supporters, lots and lots of animals. it's a proud day for us and for the animals of san francisco. >> the costume contest is really fun. people get really creative. it's a really fun event. people go all out, create costumes, buy costumes, whatever it is. but there's some really fun ones. >> we're just celebrating the pets and just their companionship and how they are invaluable. so everybody's having fun. >> we're the city's open door shelter. that means we take in every animal that comes through our door regardless of age, condition, species, everything in the city comes through us that is in need. >> animal care control, it is such an important agency and is very understaffed, has very few resources. but we make animals don't have a home, that we get them a home and that we don't put the animals to sleep, that we're able to adopt them out. >> we have a huge number of volunteers who come in and they will walk our dogs, socialize our animals, play with cats, play with them, bring them to adoption events today. >> i volunteer with the animal control center and i do that every week. >> we're in an organization called friends of a.c.c. with that organization, you can donate money if you don't have time. if you do have time, you can come down to the shelter and volunteer to actually have one-on-one time with the animals. if you're like me and you don't have time to give to an animal, if you actually have one of your own, you can get your fix on the weekends, come in and pet them and love them and it's great. >> this has been pet pride 2011 brought to you by san francisco animal care and control. to find out more, visit them on the web at sfgov i would like to start with an opening prayer. please stand if you are able. remove your hats. creator grandfather, we come this day and we are humble two- leggeds. we give thanks to you on this wonderful day. give thanks to be able to gather and honor our own, remember our veterans, those that have passed on, those that are still serving abroad, our men and women in uniform. a moment of silence for corporal ware, my cousin. we know that no war is a good war. as native people, we have always supported our troops, creator. we know that to be true. bring them home safely and we pray for their families. their loved ones. we pray for everyone here in attendance, safe travel. we asked for blessings upon the food, the hand that created the food which we are about to partake. remember our young ones, our young ones not yet born. we give thanks and praise to their families. we remember our four-legged, the fish. we remember our elders, our young ones this day, and i believe we say these things in your name. [singing] thank you. >> once again, thank you for coming up to the seventh annual american indian heritage celebration at city hall. this event is hosted by native american aids project, a french ship house association of native americans, neighborhood office of services, san francisco native american health center, east bay native american health center, it indian health center of santa clarita valley, and kqed. at this time, i would like to introduce the president of kqed, john boland. [applause] >> thank you. kqed is pleased to join with the wonderful organization that are all just listed in sponsoring tonight's celebration of american indian heritage month. as you know, kqed celebrates throughout the year all of the heritage months that