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Consent calendar and if you object and can be considered separately. Any comments on the consent calendar . Seeing none lets open it up for Public Comment on consent. If you would like to speak on items two and three and seeing none Public Comment is now close the. Can we take a motion on the consent calendar. So moved. We can do that without opposition. Commissioner campos. Aye. Commissioner kim. Aye. Consent calendar is approved. Mr. Clerk can we call the next item. Item 4 is recommended adoption of the proposed fiscal year 20162017 annual budget and work program. This is an action item. Good afternoon commissioners. Cynthia fong director for finance and administration. What i have before you is the fiscal year 20162017 budget for the timma against. This year we continue our work program to advance Treasure Island Implementation Plan and advancing the operations agreement and the system and engineering programs. For expenditures in this budget were looking at a total of approximately 1. 1 million. This is an increase of approximately 13 from last years budget. We were anticipated to spend 28 on personnel and s sfmta staff and wearing timma hat scption we are spending on professional services and consultants in the areas of Planning Engineering design and communications and environmental services. We are spending 3. 8 , the are maintaining of the budget on non personnel costs and operational costs in relation to rent, the commissioner fees, printing, audit and legal sfees as necessary to run the timma agency. In terms of revenues we will expect to receive approximately 1 million from the tida agency and the remaining difference of 81,000 will be funded with prop k funds through an appropriation previously approved and passed in the previous fiscal year. This item has already gone before the sf mtc a budget and a proorded with the budget on the 28th. Staff and i am here to answer any questions that you have on this budget. Seeing no questions from Committee Members ms. Fong thank you so much and well open up for Public Comment on item number 4. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel]. Can we take a motion on this item. Move approval. We have a motion to approve. Roll call please. You can do the same house, same call if you like. Okay. Great. Same house same call. This motion passes. Next item please. Item 5 is recommendation approval of the Treasure Island mobility Management Study toll policy recommendations. Good afternoon arch. I have the recommendations for you today. As you know the Transportation Planning and support of the redeveloped island goes back to 2006 when the first plan was adopted and the goals and strategies set in that 2006 plan are the ones that under lie the recommendations today. They were readopted in 2011 along with the Development Agreement and the ceqa document, and then again have been the support that our agency has provided to tida since then. Since 2011 we have been working in support of tida to take will goals and strategies to implementation and designated with the formal role as the agency at that time and the goals and under lie the work include how to minimize and manage taf congestion and traffic impacts with the development. To manage the traffic and mitigate traffic impacts we node to provide an order of magnitude, new options for travel to and off the island and alternatives to driving and the third challenge is how do we pay for the ongoing operating cost and maintenance costs of the significant new Transit Services, and i would add another goal that really has been the focus of become a lot more prominent based on the outreach and feedback over the year and that is affordability and how do we support housing and affordability for the current and low income and moderate income households on the island . The level of transit is Service Planned and the recommendations will achieve is really a robust level of Transit Service and its the level of service that will make Treasure Island one of the citys most accessible neighborhoods. At the point of build out theres a muni bus from the island every three and a half minutes and Shuttle Service and Ferry Service between downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal and Treasure Island every 20 to 30 minutes. Its a great level of Transit Service that these recommendations will achieve that. Theres also a number of additional amenities that our recommendations will achieve. Its an on island circulator shuttle serving the neighborhoods are Treasure Island that are free of charge, transit pass which is mandatory for the market rate households to purchase and serve as a travel demand measure but also available to below market rate households and amenities that Treasure Island doesnt have today. Theres no car share available on Treasure Island today. Theres no bike share available on Treasure Island today and those are things that we will be providing through this new Transportation System. These are the goals that underlie the plan and walking and biking, high quality transit and a place you could live without a car. Thats is difficult to do today. I mentioned some of the strategies already that will support that and present since the 2006 plan. I want to point out we do have a specific transportation performance measure that we need to meet and 50 at least 50 of the trips on and off the island need to be by transit so our recommendations we believe are part of what it takes to meet that performance measure. Theres also the strategies for managing traffic. Theres the Transit Services side and theres also the minimizing driving side of things, and to support that there are parking rules so theres a the Development Agreement included a cap on the number of new Parking Spaces built. There is all the parking would be priced and managed according to price and there is the congestion toll that is called for to manage driving and discourage people to drive during off peak times on and off the island and then something that is unique to Treasure Island that goes along with this is connecting those services and those discouragements to be a comprehensive package so Treasure Island would be the recipient of all of the funds connected collected from parking from the transit pass purchases and from the tolls. Those are through ab 981 dedicated to Treasure Island and to funding the ongoing operating services. Thats something unique to Treasure Island and the governance structure i would say is unique, this body, the timma, is responsible for over seeing this program as its built out and delivered and for ensuring the performance goals are met that all of the services are provided and that the traffic is managed. We are very grateful to a bunch of people for supporting us in outreach and linking up with Community Organizations and businesses so that we can reach people. Tidie especially and folks at tida and bob beck and liz are here from tida. Were grateful to those folks here and Sherry Williams from tie die and we did direct mailings to everyone on Treasure Island and right now the residents and businesses is small enough we could reach everybody. The theme that we heard far and away the most is affordability and concerns for current residents of affordability so we have three proposals that are designed to address the concerns. The first one is just our basic need to achieve the level of Transit Service that is called for; that robust level of Transit System disproportionality and low and moderate income households and we need to achieve that and living without a car to actually be a voice, a viable option for the people on the island. Number two an approach to supporting affordability for the low and moderate income households. Currently on Treasure Island and those that will move there in the future. 25 at least of those units will be below market rate and this is a program any household eligible for the units can take average of it. It would be a cavtearia plan and a household of benefits and wanted to benefit them regardless of the primary mode of transportation is and why we have array of options there. The first feature in the program is a toll Credit Program for frequent transit users and this is modeled after a program that exists today in l. A. And atlanta on their toll lanes where they have this exact type of program and frequent transit users get toll credit for that. In the case of l. A. Its ten trips is a toll and that helps support folks who are able to take transit for the commute but theres a drive trip you need to make over the weekend and whatever it is and not transit accessible and this covers the funding for that. There are other benefits we heard interest in be a car or bike share member. There are membership fees associated with that. And thats something that this program could help subsidize. We heard interest in providing the equivalent of a life line fare on those operators that dont offer that today. Muni has a life line option but transit and ferry does not and we could provide that through the program and the financial projections were presenting today incorporating the cost of doing all of the things in the hypothetical, the Sample Program we costed out. The third is in response to concerns we heard from long time residents and by that i mean folks living on the island before the Development Agreement. The concern is for these folks they moved in contrast to future folks so most of the 20,000 or 25,000 people on the island will be there in the future and be receiving information and be aware of what the Transportation System and options and requirements are on the island but folks who have been on the island before the Development Agreement did not make that same choice so what we want to do in recognition of that is provide a limited term round toll equivalent for those households. This is for a household benefit and in recognition that these folks moved there prior to the Development Agreement being adopted so the recommendations that we have for you today they are what we think it will take to achieve the transportation performance goals of the transit mode share and congestion management and the financial goals to cover the costs of all of the transit and the other benefits that i have mentioned. These first two areas which drivers would pay the toll and in which direction. The first area of which drivers would pay the toll we are recommending a change from the past planning work and it suggested that just residents would be the drivers paying and we actually find that the program will work better and not be able to meet its goals unless any driver during the peak period, during the poll periods is paying the toll meaning visitors as well as residents. On and off the island the directions of the toll we dont recommend a change from the planning work. Discounts and exemptions. I mentioned a couple of the discounts already that we recommend. We recommend the discount of the daily round trips for the long time residents and long time households of any income level and also the discount for the frequent transit users as part of the below market rate benefit, the transit affordability program. Another one i should mention is a provision that would credit drivers who are coming from the east bay on to the island for what they have just paid at the bay bridge toll plaza so no paying twice. Exemptions include transit but also slutels, van pools, 7a plus passenger vehicles, some of the housing and Service Providers are the island today operate van Pool Services for clientses to get to programming on and off island. Theyre are exempt. We just as a side note partnered with tie die and tcdi to fut funding for these programs. In any case theyre exempt and when the bicycle pedestrian path touch down is completed bicyclists and pedestrians are exempt also. Can i ask a question . What about carpools . Yeah, carpools, were not recommending a discount or exemption for two, three passenger cal pools. We project there is a very disproportionate share of vehicle trips on and off the island made by two, three person carpools and for the congestion management purpose as well as well, mainly for the congestion management purpose and the 50 mode share. Its something we should monitor as the island develops and as we observe travel patterns and see what the rates are carpool formation are. Okay thank you. What i am showing now are two aspects of the policy were not recommending or action or adoption of policy today and the reason that we dont is because based on your feedback and feedback of this body, tida board and outreach we need to do more work and this is on the question how much is the toll level and when is it in operation . And the feedback we heard is that we should look for additional sources of operating funding that can supplement the toll and help make sure that that toll level and hours of operation are minimum as possible to achieve the outcomes that we need. Theres the congestion management goal that we need to meet but as long as were meeting that you know the more we can find other Revenue Sources to supplement the fees from the parking and the transit pass purchases and transit box recovery and the toll the better so were going to keep doing that work and we will need to come back. We project right now that the whole system we services to start in 2019 so we need to come back to this body about a year before the start of services with policies in this regard, and we will need to work with you during that interim period on this additional work on the operating funding. This is a snapshot of the financial profile of the program looking at build out year which was at that time of this projected 2030. It might be a couple of years out from that but in any case a snapshot of the projected cost and revenues of the Program Based on what we know is committed right now and the three main Revenue Sources from parking, transit pass purchases and fare box and the toll and you could see that the way based on what is committed now a lot of revenue is coming from that toll and hence the feedback to look at can we diversify this either further . And there are you know, sources we can in partnership with well, with our partners look towards to supplement that. This is a high level overview of the implementation time frame. Again we want services to be begin when the first new homes are available for occupancy on Treasure Island, right now mid mid2019 so leading up to there is System Engineering work and civil design work to do. A lot of work is developing the programs and benefits so developing the transit pass. How much will the value of that be . What benefits will it include . We are envisioning something more than a muni fast pass because theres ac transit and we have a ferry also operating and we want the pass to shall this ordinance be. The transit for toll credit for frequent transit use developing that and getting those two systems to talk to each other, and our Agency Partnerships developing finalizing Service Plans with ac transit and weta leading up to 2019. Thank you very much for all your feedback in past and i am happy to answer your questions. [inaudible] off mic . Just a quick question. How much youths live on the island and in terms of school age . Do you know how many commute in and out of the island and how do they get to school . Right. I know there is about 600 households on the island now and the share of people who are youth i dont know. I dont know whether liz knows that. [inaudible] off mic . I mean can you get that from the School District . We can. They should know how many student residents of the island there are, what schools they go to. Yes. I assume they get to school by Public Transit or who knows. So theres a mix of things and i invite liz if you have Additional Information on this please come up and add on to what i say but we heard this during outreach that kids need to take muni to their schools and to do that they are taking the 25 to the transbay terminal and transfer to the other route that will get them to wherever the school is, and there are some i hear some things about other like sort of Shuttle Bus Services sfuc provides the Yellow School bus for a selection of public Elementary Schools like Betsy Carmichael i believe and john wai in redding but i dont have the full list but they provide limited Elementary School service but once youre in middle school and high school you need to take the 25 and transfer. I would like to know if you can tell me how many are due the muni program . Okay. I will find out, yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you commissioner campos. I know that you have made my ive made my comments earlier in meetings and from the board and i appreciate the work done thus far and i am excited about us being able to pilot a mobility Management System at all, and i just want to say i strongly believe in having one for the entire city as we continue to grow in density we need to think about mobility management for the entire city here in San Francisco. I have expressed some of the concerns about just isolating one neighborhood that is a part of our city on Treasure Island. Although i do appreciate what has been said about new residents who have an understanding of the cost of transit before they decide to move on the island so i appreciate that were considerations made to existing residents and particular low income households on the island and you know finally i did ask for the agency to at least consider hours where there arent tolling for the residents. I certainly believe it makes sense in peak hours and by 2019 it maybe most of the day so i am glad were exploring it and i feel while i have some concerns what is put forward i feel like theres been a lot of thoughtfulness and a commitment to listen to any of these issues that i have and residents have brought up so i feel a lot of comfort moving forward and i think we will be able to incorporate a lot of feedback into the final outcome of 2019 and i really appreciate the thought that went into the work. Its exciting to reimagine this neighborhood with ferry e expanded bus services and bike and bus share and other scpfers theyre necessary and we can really build with a future of a neighborhood on Treasure Island so thank you for all of the work. Director chang. Thank you chair kim, commissioners. I wanted to echo the thanks to the agencies and rachel and you are and guidance and support and to be responsive and to the community and carry through on the promises to look for diversification for operations and non tolled windows and finding solutions there. Its really exciting to work on a project like this. I look forward to not only continued local support but hopefully Regional Support. This project has performed very well, a tom performer for two rounds of the bay area work and as we move into the final stages of bay area 2040 update and hope it receives the Regional Support at mtc and the air district and programs that we might apply to and mtc and the air district or cap and trade and this is for all areas and social and environmental and were hoping to enjoy that support from the region Going Forward and at the state level as well. Thank you director. So at this time seeing no further comments from the Committee Members we will open it up for Public Comment on this item. If you would like to speak on item 5 please do come up. Seeing no public it is now closed. [gavel] thank you again for the presentation. Mr. Clerk can we call the next item. Do we have to vote on that . Im sorry. Thank you. Thank you commissioner. Yes. We do have to make approval recommend approval of item number 5. I make a motion to move this item forward with a positive recommendation. And we can do that same house, same call. Thank you commissioner. Mr. Clerk next item. Item 6 is update on the Yerba Buena Island east side ramps project and its an information item. Mr. Dennis. Good afternoon chair kim and commissioner campos. My name is dale dennis and the authoritys project manager for the ybi ramps project. This afternoon i hope to provide you a status update on the ramps project itself along with a couple of additional transportation elements on that portion of the island. The ybi theres a lot of work going on the island and not only the ramps but obviously with all the Development Going on. The current ramps project is approximately 90 constructed, and this is a current view of the status of the construction. We are moving forward on schedule and on budget. The contract was awarded in december 2013. Again about 90 complete, and president capital phase of the project is 68 million and the goal is 12. 5 for dbe and were meeting that goal and with the progress we experienced to date the new ramps are scheduled to open in september of this year. Some of the upcoming milestones to complete the ramps this month theyre completing the bridge barrier rails. Next month in august were moving forward with the north gate mc clawla reconstruction with completing the seismic bridge deck joints and moving forward in september we will start and complete the traffic electrical signing and striping and that will allows us to open the ramps and at that point and we will have other work but its scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. The next slide shows some interesting facts and figures. Just showing the magnitude and complexity of the project, but theres been 12500 cubic yards of structure concrete and over 1400 truck loads and five millions of pounds of steel and 7miles of piles and more than 185tons of structural steel so its a very complicated project and its interesting to see what it takes to build these projects of this nature. This slide gives you a nice aerial view of the ramps from the tunnel above 80 so you can really good a good perspective as to the configuration and the geometrics of the ramp. As i mentioned theres a couple other transportation elements that we are moving forward with working with all of our partners, working with caltrans, the bay area toll authority, tida, their developer, the local city agencies mta and dpw along with the coast guard and one of the elements is vista point. Caltrans is in the process of wrapping up the construction of the pedestrian bicycle path on the bay bridge and one of the things with all the construction that is going on the island over the next couple of years we are working with our partners to create a vista point so bicyclists and pedestrians arriving at the island will have some place to go until shft other some of the pedestrian paths are constructed in the future. If you look at the exhibit all of the orange up to the orange on the exhibit is what cal trans is constructing and on the left side of the exhibit and then to the right with all the green, yellow and the blue, those are facilities that are being constructed as part of vista point. Those will include hydration station, restrooms, bike racks, bunches and additional parking area and in order to construct this were using quarters nine from the coast guard so the coast guard have been cooperative in assisting with the improvements. The funding has been identified a combination of funds from bata and the authority with c co with the current ramps project so estimated at 2 million currently and were shooting to open vista point this fall as well and hopefully tie it with the hoping official opening of the bike pedestrian facility. This is a view of what the bicyclists or people arriving at the site would actually see looking back at the bay bridge so its a pretty striking view. The other element that were working with our partners on is the alignment of the south gate road. Its a local roadway system connecting the east side, eastbound ramps and the westbound ramps making it a full interchange. As we have been working with our partners and engineers over the last months its recognized that the current line for south gate in the configuration on this exhibit has a number of deficiencies operationally and just in conflict with the bike vista point we were just talking about, but with this configuration were looking at there could be potential q spill backs on to 80 from the off ramp. The bike ped will have a conflict there between the vehicular traffic and vehicle and peds. There is no Public Parking currently planned and again the south gate hillcrest intersection would be a l so f at this point and beyond that as the geometrics laid out there are truck deficiencies that wouldnt allow full access for trucks so we have been working with our partners and the next exhibit shows the realigned south gate road which addresses all of these deficiencies. You will see the alignment of south gate instead of being on the north side of the hillcrest you will see it sweeps down to the south side of quarters eight under the eastbound off ramp and sweeps under the bridge to go ahead and tie into mc clawla where the ramps project is. With this configuration and you can see on the top side on the orange you will see the connections for the bike peds where they can have access to the vista point as well as to the left theres a 16foot bike ped path that then sweeps down under the bridge to tie into mc clowla as well. The benefits of this proposed realignment of south gate again it reduces the cuing on to 80 and safety improvement, eliminates the bike ped conflict, establish the parking area around quarters eight. It results in significant intersection lo s improvement operationally and again it accommodates the truck turning movements which is critical because this is the primary ramps used when we start working on the west side bridges. Were currently working forward with an Implementation Plan with our partners. Caltrans has already issued a deductive change order to not construct south gate in the previously planned area, and so we are now working with caltrans and bata and the other group to come up with a plan for the south gate realignment and hoping to accomplish in the next two, three months. With that i will see if you have any questions. Thank you mr. Dennis and i dont see any questions. Thank you so much for the presentation and it is really exciting to see this come in completion and on time and budget and excited about the bike pathway and rest stop. I think thats a great addition for the item and those cycling on the bay bridge. Thank you. I will simply know i know the executive director will keep me posted as i sit on the mtc bata in terms of funding and whatever we can do to supportive of the project please let us know. Thank you. Thank you commissioner. At this time we will open it up for Public Comment on item number 6. If any members of the public would like to see. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel]. This item is an informational item and so mr. Clerk can you please call the next item. Item 7 introduction of new items. And i dont believe we have any introduction of new items. Do we take Public Comment on this item . Its not necessary. Okay thank you. Moving on to item 8. Item 8 general Public Comment. Good afternoon. Andrew chinatown [inaudible] officer. [inaudible] cycles and actualization of learning of the hallway the cultivation of the holy way of establishing of the holy way [inaudible] another way is to show loyalty, parental love in their spirit and also uplift from the holy cycles and heaven and [inaudible] holy path way may not be able to escape from this [inaudible] cycles of downfall. Political leaders engage fully [inaudible] compensation of [inaudible] and may not be able to [inaudible] fully for learning, cultivation and establishment and take on the holy way. Only way of loyalty parental love humanity and justice one may be able to [inaudible] of soil of holiness. This is the absolute principle of this. That everyone should put to good consideration. One must work on [inaudible] having a heart [inaudible] in practice of contemplation and mercy. Take a save [inaudible] career to perfect ones family and society in terms of thank you. Thank you very much. Is there any other members of the public that would like to speak in general Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] mr. Clerk are any other items today . Item 9 adjournment. Meeting adjourned. Thank you very much for attending. [gavel] okay welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors budget finance subcommittee for wednesday, july 20, 2016, my name is mark farrell ill be chairing the committee and joined by supervisor yee and by the supervisor tang. Thank you clerk linda wong and mark

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