Supervisor avalos last Transportation Authority plans Programs Committee thank you for your service and, of course, aaron peskin hopefully joined by commissioner farrell and commissioner breed and thank you from the sfgovtv mr. Clerk. Roll call commissioner avalos commissioner breed is absent commissioner farrell a absent commissioner peskin commissioner tang we have quorum thank you item 2 please. Item 2 Citizens Advisory Committee report this is an informational item we have our cracking chair. Good morning two items to touch on briefing item number 5 the prop k request several questions or comments regarding the alameda Improvement Project to me this was an example to how powerful the Transportation Authority is cosponsoring to the centralizing with sfmta and real estate and with states agencies and caltrain so several members of cca voiced consideration of the powerful for increased bike safety and the flooding issue for future projects regarding the geneva and representative of the hollywood neighborhood expressed concerns over the new ecology for the central sector is not shown to the public but regarding the new options will be part of funding requests and residents were concerned that the brt is only severing now populations go did new neighborhoods again adequately the way they see this project Going Forward didnt adequately consider the needs of existing residents i want to voice the concerns for the residents in those projects on item number 5 the child transportation survey we very interesting survey it is well worth paying attention to with over 50 percent of parents driving their children to school it is a really good effort to look at how people are getting around the city and getting their kids to school some of the recommendations included a Shuttle Service for looking at different apps to help with coordinating ridership this was interesting this was presented on the same day at the instrumental update program having two shuttle issues one ongoing to help adults get to work and one recommendations to help kids get to school is interesting to see those next to each with that. Thank you for your report seeing none, well go to Public Comment on item 2 member of the public seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 3 please. Item 3 approve the minutes of 0 november meeting on action item seeing no questions or comments seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And if we can get a motion on item 3 please and were joined by supervisor president london breed. Before the recommendation. Motion by commissioner rosales and seconded by commissioner peskin and if we can do roll call. On the minutes commissioner avalos, commissioner london breed commissioner farrell commissioner peskin commissioner tang the minutes are approved. Thank you the minutes are adopted item 4 recommend appointments of one to the psych an action item. Mike picking for the record here and the Transportation Authority Advisory Committee has 11 members each serving a two year term they recommend and the individuals are fulfilling the vacancies neither the transportation staff make recommendations on the appointment 9 applicant must be San Francisco resident and appear before this committee to speak to their kwchgs attachment with the list of applicant for the vacant and the detailed applications in the enclosure under consideration the result of term inspiration of chris who is seeking reappointment and there are a total of 33 applicants to consider for the vacant with that, ill take any questions. Thank you very much i know at this time if anyone is applying for the cca seat come up and make roughly a 2 minute presentation anyone from the audience wanted to apply including yourself. You thank you commissioner tang i wanted to make sure the others have a chance good morning ive been a member of the cca for the past 4 years two of the last chair as a chair as the recent chair at the cca will continue to be did chair mrirnltsd having the open house the many projects in the area bring to the attention of commissioner campos and others on the Cesar Chavez Bayview the alameda on san bruno with regard to the discussion i initiated working closely with those from conception to construction for black History Month and Pedestrian Safety with the needs focused on the elderly and disabled for the alameda project i working closely with individual isnt bayview and dog patch to improve bike assess through the neighborhood and with the mission bay loop and help to others to understand the issue at hand and woshgd to try to disseminate information to the community so people can comment before the tenant landlord in particular ive been quite interested and involved in the twin Street Project with the road project working closely with and left hand to shareholders on that project quite frequently ive developed a Good Relationship with the many members i can go to information and over the years working with district 89 and 10 and worked with Assembly Member chius office i take my role seriously and take time out find my day to work with stakeholders and talk about the concerns and try to let the Community Know they have a voice and i can redouble any efforts thank you. Thank you very much for your presentation. Thank you. And at this time any other applicants who are applying for this particular seat last call okay. So seeing none, if i want to thank you you come with Great Questions glad to see youre interested in continuing so colleagues no questions or comments well go to Public Comment on this item. Good morning, commissioners my name is jackie sacking on the cca for many years i worked with ive seen chris work as a chair last year for the last 4 years and as you may know hes been appointed nominated for our chair for this upcoming the next two years starting in january 1st thing about chris, he runs the meetings smoothly and gives people time members of the board time to make their concerns heard on the items brought between before us and if there is he has Public Comment that is also if we have a long agenda and finds one or two items that can be deferred to the following month because of a long hell graciously take our concerns take into consideration and defer the items that we want to share three quarters three quarters where it is appropriate and time costuming and holds the meetings in such a way meeting from 6 to 8 and makes sure we get out of the the room the Conference Room as closed to 8 oclock as possible i strongly urge you to support any is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And as i mentioned im happy to support the gentleman in this role and commissioner cohen would as well thank you for serving i know that is a fulltime yerba buena but decade a lot of your time a motion. A motion to approve mr. Christopher the seat on the cca board. Seconded by supervisor peskin without objection all right. Next item. All right. Item 5 recommend allocation of 6 million plus in prop k fund with conditions for 5 requests subject to the calendar schedule this is an action item. Thank you marie here. Good morning analyst art Deputy Director 5 allocations before you today and go through them quibble i see you have a seat of sfmta staff prepared to answer questions about the project the 20 first are transit the geneva bus Rapid Transit or the brt where mta it coming with a request over 4 million to finish the planning phase and the focus to get the project environmentally clear for large map on the screen is absent hard to read this is a high priority commitment related to Hunters Point and the Navel Shipyard and if you see on the genie the western sector will be designed and constructed as part of muni forward that is anticipated to be opened in 2020 are 2017 on orange is part of the candle stick shipyard and paid for by private developer and that is anticipated to be largely completed by 2023 and the focuses of the allocation the central sector the most difficult there are aspects of the infrastructure that are not in place and part of the urgency in order to the target having the project in service by 2023 the 34569 gets the environmental work going this built on a Feasibility Study that was by the mta in close coordination with the mta and alluded to the cca achiever chris that study came up with amendments both have been issues one of them had a route through the hollywood on a the residents didnt hike and the other alternative went to speed dwri and the tunnel that has issues in response to some of the feedback and the issues raised while cca theyre able to have a third feasibility it is the northern ecology property we evaluated with a Public Outreach consultant as well that looks like an alternative that will be likely the 3 alternatives the next transit one ill skip to the map the further map on the Feasibility Study and this is looking at extending the central subway r sprau look back here a second this is building on an initial concept study that the mta the Planning Department did and that it was about a year or two ago looking at the flexibility of amendments and mta location rail alignment and other parts as part of the capacity study this is popping up this is worth explaining this is not a signal this is the next extension project but allowing mta to do Technical Work to see if so it feasible for the costs and more importantly robust Public Outreach not part of prior technical study the screen has other the Consent Agenda and considered separately. Specifically something that probably can use a less funky made the city figures out the next extensions in the project the other ones are more straightforward we have replacement of the 27 paratransit that the mta owns and reached the end of useful life leveraging a lot of federal transit formula funds for this procurement to be done by 2017 subway in the van ness is like in our house or apartment from the wires is faulty not a good thing for reinstated so the mta has completed the design where the contractor will replace the wiring it shouldnt interrupt regular subway Services Project should be done by 2018 and lastly i believe last month, a presentation at the mta Improvement Program that supervisor avalos asked for in the alamany described this request to implement the first phase of the recommendations improvements as you can see ive primarily showed the powerful and others place busted bike lanes to the relatively quick project should be done in 2018 for those po who peaked to the details you should see a blue line the second phase of recommended improvement the bike and paths that will have the assess from Farmers Market for seniors in the area the wonderful project public works has one thousand in general fund to figure out moyer more how to approach the design in the project that is expected to be moving on with the Funding Source i have some other maps if anyone has interest ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much for your presentation colleagues, any questions or comments. No so for district 3 and 4 no issues. No. No. Okay. The alamany phase one of the map itself is a work of art laughter i mean it is when things go wrong. Sxhoed. I just had a question about whether or not what we can save money if if we the the cell phone wiring simultaneously. In the sub van ness we asked for that. Well get back to you. Thanks. Thanks for that question ill be curious as well all right. At this time go to Public Comment on item 5 anyone wish to comment please come on up. Good morning, commissioners again, im jackie sacking from the cca this item was brought before us and one thing i wanted to mention that im also on the third Street Advisory Group in charge of the tire t line and in the central subway and as far as 2 going extending the central subway beyond where it is supposed to end now they know that people want to go beyond washington and john the the project said ill, looking this before you do anything about trying to get to the wafer take into consideration the prop k that was before the voters years ago will have to go before the voters to be re to have it passed again to finish all the projects that are in prop k before we start doing anything else and regarding did subway wiring i was wondering i brought this up at many meetings i was wondering how much money did the muni actually have to work this i mean they. Come to us with money dont they have a budget. Shouldnt they be using their money before they come to us they want to come to us for the whole thing thats one of my puzzling thoughts i want to get 12r5ig9d out as far as the t line the study is all right. But somewhere down the line not happening tomorrow i guarantee you that. Anyone wish to comment on item number 5 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And wondering if maybe ta staff can squiggle address one of the questions that ms. Saks fifth avenue raised about the mta funding. Marie chief deputy i can tell you that the prop k sales tax the allocation this is it a type of project that can match other fund we make sure that that does so on the average we are studying the lfrj in the prukz Expenditure Fund some of the projects like 100 percent praukdz fund it is harder to get state matching fund thank you very much. Colleagues, can we have a motion on item 5 please. Thank you motions by sxhooldz and seconded by commissioner farrell thank you and well do that without objection. Item 6 please. Item 6 findings of the child transportation survey property an informational item. Before i kick it over to joe from r ta staff briefing introduce this item the child transportation survey that was something our office initiated alongside the Mayors Office and thank you to the staff our city as has not had sort of comprehensive date citywide when it comes down to child transportation we look at kindergarten through 5 grade and wanted to see how parents not only from but Parochial School with getting around the which i city with challenges and some of the feasibility they might consider one of the measurement we used is the number of miles that are traveled by parents i think that was just a way of getting at the congestion stand point but trying to figure out what are some of the policies and problematic changes we can make not an attack on the School System not saying hey lets bring back the Yellow School buses but the reality when parents getting their children to and from school and to solve that with that said United States of america to mta staff. Great, thank you my name is joe im the Deputy Director for Technology Data analysis at the cca and commissioner tang did a great job of teeing up the issues we thought to identify through the survey and again, briefly give you a little bit of background and reiterate some of the points compressed the goal to focus only much more detailed and in depth information about the experiences of parents bringing their kids to school specifically kindergarten through 5th graders not independent means of getting to school and identify potential solutions to help to mitigate the commute issues commissioner tang initiated this effort that was something by the partnered with the Mayors Office on so i also want to acknowledge the work of dave from fall line and julian who were structural in delivering this we had 4 key question we wanted to answer how do most parents get their kids to school and what impact of School Driving on the Transportation System what challenges do parents face in trying to get their kids to and from school and how interested are parents in alternatives to their School Commute to give you a little bit of background on the methodologies first we did a bunch of background work resources out there data sources from the region the unified School District, etc. That tells you things just for context 45 thousand kids enrolled from kindergarten to 5th grade this is public and private parochial charter bans that focus groups were convened to help to identify with a little bit more provision what the issues parents see and then that and cue up the recommend of the actual survey the survey itself was administered to participants of kindergarten to 5 grade and included owl public and private and parochial administered both in an online formulate and via paper in 3 languages english, chinese and spanish over 17 hundred completed and usable responses so to give you some the highlights i should say the report has interesting statistics i can only get some of the top lines but in answer to the questions how do month parents get small children to school month parents drive their kids to school over half are driving you you know the next most important mode a taking transit really about a quarter to half depend on the time of day of people driving and all of the other modes from singledigit walking and biking, etc. They tend to drive more if you live further from on schools Higher Education achievement drive more rather than the southwestern parts of the city a second can he question what impact on the School Related tolerate system the v m t when you look at School Related travel that is a relatively small amount of brt it is approximately 60 to thousand vehicle miles traveled a day is 9 million vehicle miles traveled in the city on a day contributing to a reasoning small amount but hems with the congestion around schools and particular time of day there are impacts that you know do need to be added the parents face what are have thought challenges that parents faced when trying to get their kids to and from school one of the things as you can see on the chart on the right that schools are longer than you think of a city of our size approximately 50 percent of the consultants are 2 miles a 40 minute walk and 20 percent of commutes and schools are not typically on the way to work it it takes time for the parents to get their kids to work and parents are doing pickup from school or aftercare during the rush hour that further congests the citys Transportation System a key thread when we talk about school we have to talk about aftercare a key issue for working parented a kind issue for the after School Opportunities are not colocated with the schools and lots of opportunities kids cant participate in because of a lack of Transportation Options our fourth question how interested in our parents alternatives to the transportation choices there are quieted interested 20 percent were actively looking for alternatives but 40 percent were open to alternatives a significant number the folks who were most interested in alternatives were Public Transit users in the Long Distance commuters related to the statistics in the report the levels of satisfaction by users of different modes and public commuters were shown to be the less satisfied with their commute walkers and bikers were the least interested in alternative they are the most satisfied with their commutes but tended to be relatively smaller shares than People Living near their schools dont face the same issues we did also seek to identify the alternatives that people are interested in theyre interested this the busses and shuttle and carpooling and their at least interested in bicycling there are 4 primary recommendations the first was the scope of the program where a publicprivate you partnership to offer services in a Geographic Area and some works both Fee Based Services and model here in San Francisco of the communities pooling Transportation Resources like the bay area moves project a second recommendations would there be a selection of a period of mobile app to support carpooling it is an obvious solution for getting kids to school one of the challenges not a single thing blessed by the School District and this car pooling civic apps none of them have a Critical Mass of users to make that a viable option continued investment encourage the walking and bicycling bicyclists and walkers to school are the most satisfied and all sorts of benefits with the nonmotors that was an obvious recommendation and then finally a set of recommendations around improving options to make it more competitive and reducing the barriers like insuring that serve schools at the appropriate times of day and adding School Trippers that would serve School Students and then finally doing things like consideration of pa family pass while kids what ride for fee their parents have to pay a fair but have the reduction for an option for families passes those families are not penalized are there any questions. No thank you very much for your presentation commissioner farrell. Thanks and thank you commissioner tang for putting this together and thanks for your work as some place that transferred 3 kids to school every morning monthly in the morning with cars we have been working on a bus program instead for our kids we have a school our kids go to a school a lot of people live nearby that is credibly convenient their satisfied with low traffic but it is a real challenge for families; right . People with multiple kids getting to multiply schools a real challenge and something but i think not a parent ive talked about with myself included dont want to figure out a better way and work on carpooling and so forth when i think of School Commutes my mind is to 9 more than one commute but Afterschool Program and one thing we have to think but as a city therapists is a big field and rec and park has a challenging job of outfitting the fields so someones athletic fields matter at hand be close and by the way, the only time slot is 20 minutes after they get out no way that teen can do but carpool in Single Person trips or kid trips but as you talk one of the things that is part of families lives in our city in a major way but something that note easy home to school in the morning it is complicated and kids have things offered after school it is interesting and again from my experience at least from the communities and the district i represented and as a parent i dont know anyone that is interested in finding a birth way. Yeah. No. Those are the types of comments that out folks in the Community Express the inability to participate in activities in the afternoon and specifically athletic opportunities thank you commissioner farrell and commissioner campos. It is pretty interesting report and i have been grappling with commuting with any kids for all the years in my office and before that as well it is not just k through 5 or 8 ichltd when my daughter was in kindergarten my son was in childcare i had two places to take my kids you often dont know where your kids will get to school so one point my son was going to childcare in the south of market and ybld and my daughter Dianne Feinstein in the sunset i know how to you know find alternatives but getting into a car i wasnt happy about that experience but what i had to do you i didnt think and bear it so recommendations that can come out e come out okay get any kids on time to make that commute happen but this morning i took part in the excelsior prop and role walk and role we had those hubs where people who families who walk their kids to school or get to school on bike congregate together and disperse to some of the neighborhood schools in the excelsior and out in the Outer Mission as well longfellow close to the daily city has their own hub and do as well and save routes to school pays for this we have resources that come have not Transportation Authority and other sources to pay for that good programs i think they need to be stronger and we need to need to show like alternatives are being used that are successful how to build on those one of the challenges especially in the excelsior where district 11 in general we have a lot of neighborhood schools and walk to school we dont have the rules of the mta has in terms of where they allocate resources and crossing gaushdz we have walkers but somehow the traffic didnt warrant the use of crossing guard we have to metrological up the mta miter make their rules around the crossing guards but encourage people to walk more and perhaps on top of this other methods to you know encourage you know people not being in their cars and, of course, the other one how to get any kids out of bed on time. Ill leave that to you commissioner avalos. Commissioner london breed and thank you commissioner tang for your leadership on requesting this report i have so many things to say and in some ways not really an issue around transportation but an issue around School Assignment i think this is really sad that when i was growing up in San Francisco like commissioner tang and commissioner farrell we walked to School Together with other kids people would walk up to the window and holler out my name and my grandmother would tell me to hurry up there was a according guard that helped us across the street i wukd for Grammar School and Elementary School and didnt have to take the bus until high school has to do with sadly with the challenges were seeing now have parents who are not only stressed out where their kids will go to school the second part their zipping their kids all over the place to get their kids to school and sxhooldz dealt well, we everything come up with the transportation alternatives but San Francisco is doing it wrong kid should be able to go to schools in their neighborhood not a transportation; right . The realities we faced with sadly are the fact that our system is screwed up and because you have been system is screwed up we have to come up with a transportation solution to try to figured out how we make sure kids get to schools in a timely manner and how do we basically deal with the fact that San Francisco is so congested we got folks trying to get to work, folks trying to get all over the city and added a whole layer that is sadly unnecessary you know we clearly weve got a lot more work to do and it is unfortunate were at this point i appreciate the feedback and you know as you see parents are really not happy about that good overtime there are if theyre one parents household this one parents or grandparent is working and needs to be working on that if their lucky enough to have a two painters household those parents are both working if we can find a solution to address that would be really great and hopefully get cars off the street that is really for the second thing i wanted to bring up is the frustration, of course, around Getting Kids School programs to the programs and oftentimes parents choose programs and it is hard for example, when i was the director of the africanamerican art and culture complex a big issues parents work an 8 hour day mostly single moms and the Afterschool Program ended at a certain 7, 8, 9 and it was before they got off work and with our at africanamerican context we purchased a van and hired a driver and added a layer of transportation in order to help the parents get their kids to the programs otherwise the kids wouldnt be in the program that is a loss for the child to not be able to participate in something great they can participate northbound without the transportation and so i appreciate the department of children, youth for providing the funding for purchasing the vans and hiring the drivers with some of our Afterschool Programs we should make sure that we doesnt leave them out of the conversation i think there is a birth way to coordinate resources so we not only pickup kids for the africanamerican art and culture complex but the the Community Center that was really a Community Team effort that saved us a lot of money and cooperating with with the offstreet parking Afterschool Programs to get kids to the programs could end up creating the kind of Shuttle Program that may exist but for the coordinated so i think that would be a great idea but fixing this thing challenge of getting kids around to the right places could help to cut down call the roll. What we see on the roads a lot of traffic a lot of people and i think we can come up with Something Better in terms of a solution on this issue so thank you. Thank you everyone and commissioner london breed for your comments and observations we all really the study certified what we know and experiences as parents or growing up or just talking to people in the community so you know, i think that is beauty of this study not the comprehensive data were trying to coordinate into ucsf and other types of agencies one of the things that commissioner london breed mentioned around better coordination of shuttle and Afterschool Programs i agree putting kids in Afterschool Programs whether through an Nonprofit Organization or whatever it is not a luxury it is just as important for Child Development as their time in class the next phase of our work is really to better quarterage our Afterschool Programs and actually work with them to figure out what their challenges their seeing from their perspective and how to come up with solution like the Shuttle Program that commissioner london breed mentioned so this is of the just an introductory poise piece to the work that is ongoing so ill look forward to engaging all of your offices as we continue to reach out to the Nonprofit Organizations and the Afterschool Programs, to maybe sports teams and again, i see this as a parent issue not as an ucsf er that i have school arrest parochial a parent issue so lastly Art Commission thank the ta staff as well as from the Mayors Office for continued advocacy we shared the results initially with the ucsf Parents Action Committee i think that is what its called the pack theyre interested in that and hope theyll continue to be part of the dialogue and next time i talk about this to the schools ill bring commissioner london breed to me we i wanted to rehash to xhchgs but certainly happy if other supervisors or commissioners that want to bring that up again, thank you very much. Okay seeing no other questions or comments i want to open up for Public Comment anyone wish to comment on item number 6 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And in this was an information item 7. Introduction of new items. All right. Seeing none, no introduction seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 8 general Public Comment. General Public Comment. Good morning andrew political leaders in order to reach the cure one of the destiny in the free world should have a respectable character to be loyal to ones career and treat one that mercy the political career of avoided management one must have talents and virtues to make sure that people the communication of politics and principle studies and practices and pathways are the mission for giving helping hands for the needy some of the people facing difficulties the holy mercy to win over the ancestors once you apply true principles you stop the conflicts the holy trip to respect the less cruelty with understanding of compassionate to promote peace and harmony for everyone political leaders make the dispassionate by way of kindness awhile absolute power would definitely lead to downfall political leaders must make their dirty works agreeable to compassion and wisdom and destiny true justice for all. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment during Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to take the opportunity to change sxhooldz for his service on the onestory and serving chair it comes across how much you care about translation and work with the ta to help other communities and youve done so much more than that district 11 thank you for 3 and at this time i guess item 9 adjourn. Adjournment. Thank you were adjourned

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