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Good morning, and welcome to the monthly meeting of the San Francisco county, transportation authority, im scott weiner, the chair of this authority. And i want to thank sfgtv, specifically leo for broadcasting todays hearing. And mr. Clerk, could you please call the roll . All right, item run, roll call . Avalos. Present. Breed. Absent. Campos absent. Cohen . Present. Ferrill . Absent. Kim. Kim absent. Mar . Here. Mar present. Commissioner pes kin present. Tang. Present. Weiner. Present. Commissioner yee . Present. We have quorum. Thank you very much, and item two. Item two, chairs report. This is an information item. Great, thank you. And colleagues, first on behalf of the transportation authority, i want to start our meeting by conveying our deepist condolences to the family and friends of Heather Miller and cate to v our Community Members who were hit in two separate crashes last week, investigations are ongoing, but we know that both women are riding legally on streets, identified as the injury has high injury corridors, if you drive on golden state park, and on 30th avenue and the other intersection of 7th and howard both crashes involve, the drivers which are speeding and continues to be the number one cause of severe injuries and traffic, fatalities in our city. I know that the vision, zero committee will meet this thursday, and that all of us are determined to address the deep engineering needs that we have across the city and so, our deepest condolences. And i know that driving cultural change and supporting the significant injuring and enforcement needs, that we have, to achieve safer and complete streets are the central component of our proposed fall revenue measure, for transportation. And we will hear more about the proposed Charter Amendment, as well as and homelessness, later during todays meeting. The meeting will also serve as a public hearing for our back up revenue, measure that one half, and transportation sales tax, and similar to the one that is currently administered by the transportation authority. I want to thank the mayor lee, and the commissioners avalos, ferrill and kim who have worked to craft these measure and to our staff who are working together and conducting out reach, as we have been discussing for this time, we are pursuing a transportation revenue measure, in keeping in the 2013, county wide, Transportation Plan and the mayors 2030, plan, led by the mayor himself in 2013, and the huge needs that are locally and regionally, in terms of transportation, and in parallel, the directors who worked to approve a 3. 5, general obligation, bond for the november, balance lot. Ten percent going to efforts such as the need to explore a second, transbay, two. And one item is a bond that cannot fund due to the initiate state elbility laws, and it is not fund the Rolling Stock and so in our local transportation measure, we are including the funding for the bart vehicles because the three counties that form the bart need to Work Together to support the system and the revenue measure, also includes, caltrain, closer to meeting the environmental liveability and Transportation Safety goals. And specific to the bar bond, i want to personally thank, bart for moving forward with a bond, of 3. 5 billion that will actually come close to meeting in the systems needs or the discussions early on of a much smaller bond, that would have been, i think, a ban dad, and i think that bart bond, and combination with our local revenue measure and what other counties are doing, allows us to see, a positive future for transportation in our region, and so i am optimistic. And so colleagues, thank you again, and that concludes my remarks, and this is an information item, if there is any Public Comment on item three . See nung, Public Comment is closed and we will move to item three, the executive directors report. Thank you, chair weiner, and good morning, commissions, executive director, this month the report begins with the summy, together with our partners across the city and the region. And the state has an active Transportation Program to fupd the bicycle and pedestrian projects at the state level and the sfmta and public works, and sf public works has submitted five applications, and including the projects on gene va and jefferson, street and union square and several projects that will encourage safer driving at intersections and create a program for the play streets and stow we will wish them well and hear how San Francisco did in october. And stay tuned for that news. We were not successful for the grant and this was the challenge grant for the u. S. Department of transportation, which we congratulate columbus, ohio for winning s program, and however as one of the finalists for the challenge, we are in the good position to compete, for the funding including the advanced transportation, and Management Program and submitted along with sfmta and we will hear from that, program, in the fall and another program has begun to take shape as the commissioners, weiner and campos will know, from serving on the mtc this has been a topic of discussion over the last few months and we are learning that the obag two, as it is known is most likely going to direct the majority of the funding including in 72 million from the federal fast transportation act to a set of programs including the bay bridge, and transbail, corridor and the con jekz, program called the bay bridge forward and a Housing Incentives Program and this is something that again, not just the mtc commissioners but all of the abag are pushing for ward to continue, to incentivize the Affordable Housing in the region and the third piece of the program will be the county share and programs of the Regional Program including, 4. 2 Million Dollars to San Francisco, to help to bring the county totals program, up to 48 million, and these are funds that currently are programmed for the projects such as mamason avenue, and Second Street, and mansele and the other avenues around downtown and so they are important and the Funding Sources at the regional level and we appreciate them for take the input, and some will be used in the initiative and will benefit the transit capitol programs as well across the bay area. The regional funding podz and programs are quite important in the grant applications reflect the past and planning and pry ortation efforts and so it was a welcome opportunity for us to host the planned bay area open house in San Francisco, and i wanted to thank, commissioner mar for attending that along with many of you all in the public and the agencies from the staff, from the Partner Agencies and including cal trans and cal train, and bart and sfmta and the Planning Department and 62 people took part to understand the land use and the transportation scenarios that are under consideration for the up date. As we head into the fall, the preferred alternative will start to be negotiated across the bay area and we will be working with the leadership on the abag and the mtc boards to represent and to carry our priorities forward to the final preferred alternative. Locally, we note that the sfmta is taking applications for the traffic calming project and programs. These are the requested that are considereded by the board but are first prioritized by the sfmta based on applications, residents, and the 20, residents on the street by august, first, to the sfmta, and the applications, will be and most of the devices, have been installed from the 15 save 16, program except for the cases that will be completed by the end of this year and so we hope to bring the up date to the plans and programs, shortly. And on treasure island, i just wanted to note the out reach, that will continue on the draft, final report, for the program and the policy recommendations and these have been revised in response over the past six months and bringing that forward to the treasure island, development authority, Infrastructure Committee and board, on june, 28th and in addition, it will be having those hearings at the tima and our own treasure island, meet gz next month the additional public calls for suggestions we have issued with sfmta including the hub study and this is the study that is looking at potential options and alternatives to the network that is managed over seen by sfmta as part of the study, sfmta is getting suggestions from the public for hub locations and the folks can contact our staff or sfmta and looking online, and i think that it says that the website. And sfmta. Com and suggestions are being taken from july four and this for more information, we have the staff contacts at the sfmta nooel and rachechlt l. The goo good news that i am sharing with you today, is the i80, westbound on the offramp is on schedule for delivery for this fall. And we are looking at september. Or october. And then in addition, we are further coordinating with cal transand mtc and our local, sfmta and Public Works Agency to deliver a set of temporary improvements at the ybi touch down called this to point. This is the idea of bringing back the bicycle and pedestrian paths, and which extends from the east bay to ybi and touching it down on to the island. To a temporary larger sight to where the amendies and the water facilities and the drinking facilities and the portable rest rooms and bicycle racks and Pedestrian Safety and facilities, that are crosswalks and the like and a parking lot and these are all new, and additions to the plan that which we think will be a wonderful, area, for the community for the public to enjoy. And when we open that together, with mtc and cal transand there will be a poll authority that has already taken the action on their end and our board as well, received an updated information on plans and programs and so again we hope to announce the date too regarding the opening of that eastern bicycle touchdown on to ybi. And moving along, on vision, zero there will be again, as the chair weiner mentioned a vision, zero committee, on thursday at 2 00 p. M. , here in this room at 250. And as well, we will be tracking through that work some of the other pieces of programming, and project deliveries and that is going to help us to advance our vision zero and the goals in the neighborhood transportation improvement program, and the program, for instance, we have worked and nearing in completing of the district ten, in the hair ball, in district six and finishing up the eastbound, biking, on golden gate afternoon and in district two, we are looking at improving in the street and in the western edition, and Transportation Plan in district five and there is an emphasis on safety as well in the number of streets and at the interchange studying in district nine so i am pleased to see all of the collaboration among the various agencies and the public to identify and develop specific projects for the planning work and the capitol work. And top k, funded neighborhood, transportation, improvement program. Another one of these that has been make progress agrees, is the china town, and the complete, street programs and those, i believe are breaking ground in july and so thank you all to the community and in china town and commissioner peskin and your agencies as well for the work at the broad way tunnel and in addition to the slope boulevard, i wanted also to recognize the work on the ever glade and 23rd avenue and the leadership of commissioner, tang and this is the area on the float boulevard that has been in the location of several previous collisions and tragic fatalities and so we are grateful for sf public works and agencies including mta and call transfor bringing those projects in, including becon and several, pedestrian, improvements and out in the medians. And that the agreement will be executed in the fall and so we want to thank commissioner cohen for her assistant and staed fast to the effort and supporting cal tran ourselves and the cities and it has really turned into the agency Wide Organization assessment, to review the five year, envision and goals and the work program road map in how to work internally and externally with the partners and again, to develop, our place of work, and as an excellent place of work for all of our staff, and so i look forward to briefing the board on this work in the fall. And finally, thank you to cjthia and her staff, and the u for helping to produce a joint. Any comments or questions on the executive directors report . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item three. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and this is an information item. Item number four . Item four, approve the minutes of the may, 24th, 2016, meeting this is an action item. Are there any comments, questions, or changes to the minutes . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item four . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And mr. Clerk, could you please call the roll on item four. Avaloes. Aye. Breed, aye. Campos, absent. Cohen. Aye. Far ill. Absent. Kill. I aye. Commissioner tang. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Yee. Aye. Aye. The minutes are approved. Okay. Item five. Approve the revised administrative code, this is an action item. Any questions or comments, colleagues . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item five . Steeg none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, could we take item five same house same call . Without objection . And that will be the order. Item six. Item six, approve the revised rules of order, and the revised debt, equal benefits, fiscal investment and travel, conference training and business, expense, Reimbursement Policies and adopt a title 6 program, this is an action item. Are there any questions or comments on item six in seeing, is there any Public Comment on item six . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, could we take, sit em six, same house and same call, without objection that will be the order. 7, execute annual contract renewals and option foz various annual professional services in the amount nottoexceed, 835,000 and authority the executive director to modify the contract payment terms, and nonmaterial terms and conditions, this is action item. Any questions or comments colleagues on item seven . Could we take same house same call in without order . Item eight. Adopt, the 2018, Action Program any questions, seeing none. Is there thee Public Comment on item eight . Please come forward. I lean, district four resident and former transportation, cac member under moscovich. Based on increasing anger and frustration with muni forward projects, the members of the public are beginning to discuss working to rescind, prop k. And so, at issuing the revenue bonds, also, would the members are the public be willing to support an increase in sales tax . Not to mention this does not even, account for the fact that the sales tax is regressive and impacts the low income, people the most. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on item eight . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, could we take item eight same house same call . Without objection that will be the order. Item 9, program 360,000 in supply mental regional safe routes to school funds to San Francisco department of Public Health sr2 s program and reprogram, 25,251 in one day area grant funds and 548,388 in congestion, Management Agency block grant funds and San Francisco public works Second Street Improvement Project and this is an action item. Colleagues are there any questions or comments on item 9 . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item nine . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, could we take item nine, initiate house and same call without objection that will be the order chl item 10. Allocate, 6 million in prop k funds with conditions and appropriate 75,000 in prop k funds for eight requests. Subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules. Action item. Okay. Colleagues, any questions or comments on item ten . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item ten . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, could we take same house same call without objection, that will be the order. Item eleven. Approve the fiscal year, 16 17, Transportation Fund for clean air programs of projects. This is an action item. Thank you. And colleagues i just want to comment on one of the items within item eleven, and that is specifically funding that we will be providing to implement the gator pass program in San Francisco state we know that bart due to the way that it is funded or unlike muni it does not have the weight of a major city general fund behind it, it has very few ways to raise our revenue, and so unfortunately one of those ways is raising fares and bart is just too expensive. And just particularly for, college students, and we know that many sf state students do not live in San Francisco. And because they simply cannot afford to live here and so the students are commute and freed to rely on bart and bart is too expensive for these students. And so, last year, San Francisco state approached me to help to facilitate the conversations with bart. And also with the metropolitan transportation commission. And to come up with this solution, and for the discounted passes for San Francisco state. And students. And i am going to thank, bart for participating in those discussions, and also, the mtc which played a Critical Role in helping us to get to a solution for a discounted pass, and i was a little more complicated than it first seemed. And i also want to thank the students, at sf state, who really helped to drive the creation of the gator pass, and also, nick, on the bart board of directors and congress, woman, spear and lee for really putting their weight, and guidance behind this so that we could all make this a reality and of course, to thank the students at sf state for voting in a referendum to adopt the gator pass and so that the students will now receive their muni pass, and sf state will purchase and it will pay this student fees, and makes all of the sense in the world and it is going to help our students, get to school, and in a more affordable way. And to be able to stress out less about how they are going to afford their transportation costs and so thank you for everyone involved. And i hope that you will support this allocation, today. And so, colleagues, if there are know other comments or questions, we will move to Public Comment on item eleven is there any Public Comment . Seeing number, Public Comment is closed. Same house same call. Actually the house has changed we have a full compliment, so will you call the roll. Avalos. Aye. Breed. Aye. Campos. Aye. Cohen. Aye. Ferrill aye. Kim. Aye. Mar. Aye. Peskin aye vment tang. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Yee. Aye. Item is approved. Thank you, and item 12. Authorize the executive director to execute with conditions a 7 party suppliment to the 2012, memo of understanding that adopted an early investment strategy, pertaining to the project. This is action item. Any questions or comments about item 12 . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item 12 . Come forward. Hello, kasey with cal tran and i wanted to thank the staff for working closely with us and the other 7 parties to craft this legislation, and we would like to thank supervisor cohen who served on the board and we appreciate her leadership there and the report that she gets from cal tran is doubled in rider ship and the moderation will help the riders from San Francisco all the way down to san jose, so thank you. Thank you, very much. And any additional Public Comment on item 12 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, could we take that same house same call . Without objection that will be the order. Item 13. Development of the potential local, and transportation revenue measure. Plan. And we will open the public hearing to item 13. Thank you. And keep this brief as if given a similar presentation at plans and programs that two of our citizens at vicery, and diddist at the last board member. During his programs, we are still keeping two vehicles to get a transportation measure on the ballot, and the per fered one is the Charter Amendment that will create the budget for the general funds for transportation and hopelessness and the back up measure for the dedicated sales tax, and much like prop k. And as they go through the presentation, i will do it quickly, and emphasize that the core of them and what gets funded is very, very, similar and that has been the intent in working to try to get consensus on one measure, but keeping both pathways open, and there are differences in administration. And how they get approved and one of those is as chair weiner mentioned, to be dedicated transportation, sales tax under the state, public you till utilities code, to hold it before the mtc can adopt our plan. And that is what we are doing today. Right now, mtc is prepared to take an action at their Planning Committee meeting on july the 8th. And then, act on july, 27th on the expenditure plan, and that pathway stays open. And that is very briefly i will talk about why we need the new revenue and what will fund and how the plan will be administered and the up coming engagement opportunities and i will keep this brief, but what i will do is mention some of the feedback that we have received, as out reach has been happening and the changes that are under consideration for the Charter Amendment and that will be in the transportation sales tax and i want to thank, chair weiner and the commissioner, avalos and the staff as well as the mayor office, that have been helping with the out reach, conversations that have been going on, the big question, of course, is why we are considering the new revenue for the transportation, and again, the three main points are need for transportation, exceed the fund and this is not unique to San Francisco or to the bay area or sadly to most of the states in the union. And simply, that the state and the federal government cant bail us out. If you are going to hope that that happens, you are going to sit there and watch your Transportation System deter ate while we wait for the fed government to get us new revenue and so like many otherwise around the bay area, the state and even other parts of the country, we are looking to the locally controlled measures so that we can control what the Transportation System looks like and it also has the side benefit of a few, pots of discretionary money that are around, the San Francisco projects will be competitive and because they are advanced to compete for those funds and when the money does materialize, there will be fixes at the state and federal level and we will have the matching funds to make the local tax dollars stretch father. And so, both this is not new, as i said before, both our county wide, transportation in 2013, and the mayors 2030, report, identified the need for the new funding and both pointed to local revenue measures and what we are doing is continuing the information, and we are successful in getting the first 500 million general Obligation Bond approved by the voters and this is the next step, looking at the sales tax increase. As i mentioned, there are two pathways, under consideration, only, one measure is going to make the 2016, ballot, which will be a very crowded ballot so we know that it is more is not the merrier in this case, but it actually makes things hard tore get things passed. So both measures of this that i have at their heart, six programs or buckets of types of things that can get funded and i will talk about what they are and they both are 25 measures. Roughly, 100 million a year, 0. 5, increase in the sales tax. And highlight some of the differences with the distribution of revenues as you have seen before. And what is in the buckets and highlight briefly and feel free to ask any questions. Sustain the affordability and life line type of programs such as light Night Bus Service and the sfmta has in place, the second category is a state of good repair. The third and fourth are a broader ray. And but first one, is focused on the combination of smaller, type of enhancements and red carpet, and type. And but also, allowing the planning and early Budget Development work on our next generation of bus Rapid Transit or the subway projects or cross over tracks that might allow bart to provide more service, in the sense in the bay area, and the fourth category, is a combination of the Regional Transit and improvements but with a heavy focus on the bart exexpansion vehicles that weiner mentioned in his remarks and that is because we are not able to cover those and they cannot cover those, on the measure in november and it also, sets aside the money to fully electrify the fleet. And right now, the current project only electrifies about 35 percent of the fleet and so it will be running diesel and electric trains for a while. And lastly, the category four allows for our system engine and the ways to use the infrastructure and even better and so looking at things like car pooling from santa clara all the way to San Francisco, and this will pay for the San Francisco portion of that and also, the San Francisco demand and the people to encourage to bike share. And the last two, number five is for the very important vision zero, safety for all modes and focus on the bikes and pedestrians. And lastly street, surface and so this is a compromised measure and as i said we have more needs than we have funding even in this measure and so there are a couple of triggers that are under consideration and that sort of reflects the path that this is a compromise and not everybody is happy and there are more needs and so the first trigger that actually is in the charter, and it is dedicate td sales tax is the event of a bad, economic down turn where the mta might have to make the service cuts, there is the ability for flex, 25 percent of the funds in the second bucket. On the screen, towards the operations. And another trigger that is under consideration, is a trigger that would go into effect in the city proves that you have to have a license fee for street resurfacing. And given the type of fee that that is, it is fairly commonly understood that you need to fund a lot of street resurfaces or a vehicle license fee in order for that to pass, in all of those new revenues get dedicated to the streets we are considering an amendment that will allow the new revenues to be free from the street resurfaces to the other categories up here on the screen. It terms in administration, you can see up here that the righthand column so you through the sharter. And this will run similar to prop k, with the five year process involving the Public Private sponsors and the plans and Program Committee and board. And under the transportation sales tax, the difference there is this body will administer the entire measure, and similar to the charter the way that it is written, is the first second and sixth categories that will be treated similar to the charter and it is the annual lump sum, allocations and again, it will note and, with the exception of the category one and six, and all of them will go through the very public process of figuring out every five years, which projects should get funded in which order and are this he ready and are they the highest priorities for the use of the funds . And with that, i am happy to answer any questions, i would just refer the folks listening to either our website which has td latest for the approval and the Public Engagement activities and i do want to call out on june, 29th at 6 00 p. M. We are having a telephone town hall where you can call in on your cell phone or computer and participate, and we will have a host there to provide nvrgs p snfrgs and answer questions, and director chang and reskin and the website for those watching if you want to register, www. Vekeo. Com sfcta or call the front desk, 5224800. And then, probably the most significant meeting coming up for approval of the Charter Amendment is this week on june, 30th at ten a. M. , the rules committee. Will be having a hearing on the Charter Amendment. I think that that. I will be happy to answer questions. Thank you, any comments or questions . Seeing none, sure. Excuse me, chart, i just wanted to add to the comments that this will be conducted in multiple languages and in spanish, and as requested from the members of the public when they register. Okay, thank you. Is there any Public Comment on item 13 . Please come forward. Good morning, i am jackie, and i am a member of the initiate sen Advisory Committee and i have heard this item and i have, and i am familiar with this item. And we have had meetings on this special meetings on this item, specifical specifically and for your information, i was one of 55 individuals who wrote prop b, back in 1989. That put you where you are sitting now. Also, on the Advisory Committee, and since 97. And i also worked on prop k. And as far as the sales tax, and the sales tax package this concern, i am totally against it for the simple reason, that we have already been taxed, we have already passed two sales tax packages. For the voters. And they keep raising it on the muni service and they keep raising fres and everything, but muni has got a budget and there is work like i said before, they should work with what they have got and as far as prop k is concerned, i know that it is a multi year project, the servicing but the thing is that they should finish out the projects in prop k, before they think of the other sales tax package. As it was, we had to go before in orders, and in order to get the prop k passed halfway before, halfway before, the third prop b and so we could finish the projects that were in prop b and we will send the prop k, and finish the projects in prop k before you do anything else. The people in the city do not know or want another tax hike, they have been taxed enough. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Ileen, 64, and my time on the cac and she is relevant respected and i want to concur can the points that she just made. I am in opposition to the preferred option, to set aside. There are growing, budget deficits attributed to set aside, these deficits were significant, even before the recent, rec and parks, set aside, and this will wreck even more havoc with the budget process, and i am also in opposition to increase, sales tax which is regressive. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment oit em 13, as part of in hearing . Okay. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and this is an information item. Item 14 then we will close the public hearing. Item 14. Introduction of new items. Colleagues, any new item to introduce . Okay. And there any Public Comment on item 14 . Relating to new items being introduced . Please come forward. Last year, last year, the citizen Advisory Committee got a presentation by someone, about the other nine to five, and in other words, extending the bus services to the people that really need it, after midnight. And the commission weiner you were part of it, and you started this, and i have been involved with this, and i think that we should consider what, before they do anything, i would, i have been involved with this operation since october, and so, for months now. And before they give you, give you, get, put out this final report, and tell you what they want to do, i feel that you should look into to see what is going on to make sure that the people that can get home safely rather than having to depend on tech bus to take them home from Fishermans Wharf to get them home after, because the buses are not running, and you should, and you should get the other 9 to 5, and get some of the feedback from the other 9 to 5, and get a presentation on the other 9 to 5, issue before you, and before you let them take any action. And put anything in service. Because that will as it is, they have got you, like h you, and before, and you have got the, and this is the bond issues that were passed by the voters last, and in the last election. And you dont need another sales tax, but look in the other 9 to 5 torqu 5 to help the people th really need it. Next speaker . Ilene and i would like to con cer with what jackie just said. Thank you. Thank you, is there any additional Public Comment on item 14 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is an information item. And item 15. General Public Comment. Yes. Good morning, commissioners h political leaders should have good heart of mercy, and of and like a manager of the people with two justice. And not wish to take oneself to speak out from the standpoint of the personal background, and of 51, or division is the standpoint to be outspoken. Encourage others in achieving, and the improvement of the progressive weakening to see the Better Solutions and the technology of all state of matters and the true, mercy and hairt, and true, for the charity giving could obtain to happiness and probably will have the selfimprovement and would obtain, the true stability and also, itself, discipline and passion for humanity and being the trueself. And with the contemplation and the system and will obtain the true, way, and nv it one of having it, and the pathway on to it from the society, and one can have a quick, personal influence over the others by applying for the studies in the expression of the quick teachings to the people and one can actualize the big objective, and the protection, and with the true, mercy and to one love, one with attend in all matters, thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Of next item. Item 16. Adjournment. We are adjourned. Thank you very much, colleagues clapping. i think we have more companies anywhere in the United States its at the amazing statement were not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. The most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think hes a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think were not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. I thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are Great Stories for on opera. I was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. A friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. Why isnt it are that i have the support now we can do that. I realized that was something that wasnt being done in San Francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in San Francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision thats the final product felt opera. I was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. So much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work theres great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs weve worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. I had a model they have a professionally music yes, maam assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor id be able to work with them and its helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. Thats part of the opera lab i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so thats why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. There were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and its different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and thats part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. So one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. Thats what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know, really great you have to have both some people dont like it and some people do were concerned about that. Its about thirty something out there thats risky. You know, disliked by someone torn apart and thats the whole point of what were drying to do you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. The tuesday, june 21, 2016, meeting of San Francisco Entertainment Commission my name is bryant tan the chair and president of the commission a few housekeeping items please turn off your pageants and electronics two if youre a member of the public i dont see any but if you want to comedy we have agenda and speaker cards and thank you to sfgovtv and Media Services for airing this meeting live go ahead with the call the roll. Commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner caminong commissioner perez president tan we have quorum commissioner frost ask excused this evening and we have some expectation of commissioner thomas showing up all right. First order ever business Public Comment any Public Comment on item of the agenda that actually something that is not on the agendas but pertains to the business of Entertainment Commission seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item two approval of the minutes i move to continue the minutes of may 3rd and the minutes of may 17th doss of lack of quorum do vote on the amendments. Second. There is a motion that has been seconded any discussion about continuing that lets vote on it. Commissioner lee. Commissioner joseph commissioner caminong commissioner perez and president tan i those minutes are intended lets take a motion. He move to approve the minutes all right. A motion is there a second second. Any changes or edits or things we need to modify Public Comment on the minutes all right. On the motion to june 7th same house, same call . That item passes move on to item 3 which is a report from the director and our staff. Good evening commissioners not a lot to tell you about tonight i wanted to mention that we got a date settled settled for the summit which will be october 3rd in the afternoon probably we typically go one to 4 a lengthy as day but at the barrett auditorium wiener considering a way to do more sort of rapid fire kind of presentation instead of maybe longer in depth kind of scenario, if i have anything that might work well objective put things and something im working on with a Conference Call with a bunch of u. S. Cities in active Shooter Training and it is sounding scary but something in new york and recently 2, 3, 4 seattle with artist in theatres and different types of venues you think that sfpd will join me in a Conference Call friday morning and put it together so that people actually know you know what capable of assisting and what they might do themselves more to come breakdown in your calendar october 3rdrd. Super excited to tell you that we finally hired made an offer and accepted on the Departments Division so a guy named bill rice from San Francisco super qualified and start date soon hit the ground running were in the middle of festival season so we have a lot the low 0 do. Can i just say that myself and ben have an opportunity to meet dillon and toured the museum the music museum. We toured the music wing of the museum we were in chicago for rh i a couple years ago hes pretty colonel. Okay there you go i want to update the commission as we typical do on corrective action and not many corrective action done with respect to place of entertainment holders but unfortunately last week, i think it was last week i cant remember we the sfpd and the Entertainment Commission sort of together sat down with the end up and i issued a directors order based on some violence that happened inside and the results was basically a volunteer closure of 18 days theyve been in the midst of serving we were clear with them the gravity of the situation needed substantial changes and old them in the directors order and putdown up the surveillance cameras and a making sure in their security plans were revised were still waiting but that had to take place before pride weekend were we understood this is a financial burden and something that their employees have to bear but the consequences of having the kind of violence happen inside is it so the most serious matter they were understanding and they didnt have any problems with our requests i know that inspector lieutenant is here and on a site visit so if any questions hes over there we felt like that with what happened and why and were going to keep our fingers crossed that pride when they reopen will go well Going Forward and survive this it is a big deal thats all i want to say about that andpector pauley is out today but burk it is here. When will they reopen. I think hold on we did this directors order so they would the volunteery closure was on june 6th. So this friday sounds right we counted ought to be mindful of important weekends obviously them and the city and they were of the mind they could get the changes required done in time. Okay. I think imgiven what happened in orlando and other concerns about security i was completely shocked to see the headlines that people are shot and killed at one of our clubs. That happened before. Right. And there was no indication because really had has nothing to do with with in is more Gang Violence related but regardless for me not important it is important that the breach occurred having that breach occurred and make sure this didnt happen the story of what happened and choose gun didnt matter to me. Right and no excuse for a gun inside and for security that lacked laxed you even your customers are two wealthy to be searched maybe not own a club user your customers should go to another club it is unconscionable. The situation they felt people were not important to pat down. They have protocols but a breach more than one entry and exit and we feel like maybe their communication or cell phones are great in some ways and dangerous in others and people indoors communicating with people outside someone drew the security out the door and we again made some droifshgz order about putting that very loud alarm in addition we never leave a door urban manned regardless of wla whether interests a ruckus and not leave the door unmanned but have some mechanism if it gets taken over by someone else you are aware that was the case and is consequences of someone got in there and used it there hadnt been much going on with the security just in a normal pointing people left it unattended. No excuse. Yeah. No excuse. So i feel San Francisco has been very safe we have had an excellent record and somewhat dismayed how it started. Well will you inform us of what youve learned about active shooters. Yes. Awesome thanks. Good evening, commissioners a few notes for you this week. We had an event at at t park this weekends a private event first one since i guess the past 6 months a quieter event and quieter we did get one complainant 311 and with at t park are waiting for a full report two complaints via the hotline and so all in all a different somewhere than the last events there i was there towards the end of the events that was very different they shut down the pa it was operational definitely not as loud as other times i was halfway down lot a and started to trail off that was different than before a couple other visits over the past couple of weeks i picked up on monroe and broadway. Unit above broadway and have established ambient reading as well as what the that sounds like during events at morrow and following up with the complainant to discuss those measurements and i think this wraps up my investigation at monroe a couple one offices permits we issued one at the festival and one at food parks over the past weekends both were in compliance as far as mobility conditions and both ended prior to the end of the permit and did not start until the start of the program. So all and all there was one additional visit i a was paved off from jordan to myself the square bar kitchen i made a visit to the complainants residence and the establishment itself and confirmed that two out of 4 speakers were removed from the bar and i think that is going to take some monitoring at levels of their system to make sure as opposed to adjusting volume on the fly things changed inside the bar some limits to insure that people know where to set them and leave them i think this should be resolved shortly. The only thing other than that i have reached out a place called a slogan Fourth Street got a complaint 311 that turned into a night club i left a message for the owner ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. About my report. If we could get into the numbers can we get a report card. The damn thing is free you get a hair cut. Any questions or comments for our inspector . All right. Public comment on director or inspector report seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Move on to item number 4 discussion and possible action regarding recently amendments to Police Code Section 1050 want 5 ill pass it on to my colleague thank you so there was a cumulative legislation that was passed months and months ago it was a bunch clean up 1060 and one of the things we did i think you recall and i think can you all find it is sort of exempted out 1065 and the yellow section in the last page substitution that relates to the 9 month period weve struggled with in the past with respect to accomplishing everything you need to have a final grant of permit 1060 was amended to basically allow a set of additional months Going Forward and one of the things in the language here is that the commission may designate to the power to extend the deadline according to subsection h im asking the commission to discuss and then possibly move is that extension of authority to staff you know in a formal way we can go ahead and do pretty much what we were doing prior to this change weve called it clean up anyway you need to formally adopt this and thats have a communication about that. All right. Commissioners seems straightforward you, you guys want to discuss this you. Its a good idea in planning the cases so im many in support of extension for the full 24 months up to. Up to; right . Up to. Commissioner thomas. Have we had many people and applicants in this position. I mean do you guys know the number weve had. How many people extend i mean, i dont know i want to give this guess and probably in the order of 20; right . 20 percent or so typically, well run into some kind of snag on a bureaucratic level and many cases like building an electrical or plumbing issue sort of things im kind of who knows so maggie inherited and cammy inherited it,too the straddlers are taking a long time you know quite well on marin street still not accomplished i dont know when matt its been at least december the pearl remember that one i think that is maybe enough and yeah ross are not because of operator who is not accomplishing those are people on them to be making the best effort to finish what needs to get finished in many cases the inspector is gone and now a new one and cant source the materials a number of stories and you know rearing projects it takes time so typically we dont want to come to you that early but when we know there is it is a delay so people that dont have the issue but sometimes you know for for better or worse they want to get a continual grant a signal to move on spending the money on construction or renovation or even the transfer of ownership so this stuff happens in a different timeframe for everybody and sometimes there is a holed up and sometimes people end up in court you know you never know. So getting the ability to extend the continental didnt mean in their operating a grant theyre waiting to achieve the final permit. Just to tell you the Planning Department might have a long a wait they dont come to us the Planning Department and everything under the Building Department like we have a lot of finals that are required in order to get a final permit and also materials to us in case you havent noticed an explosion of construction in San Francisco and everything from drywall and especially the drywall that had been soundproofing our place and technical is not an easy thing soundproofing used to be easy to get it was sub flooring but not easy to get. Another example paradis loans down to the studs so this is again what im asking for in the language of the code that says showing the cause as the abilities to make that judgment call with the blessing. A question from the months to 2 years. Potentially the way it reads it sort of you know little by little by little this could be that long like can you get an extension. You can. So it is 18 months to 2 years. After the two years having the ability to do it in 12 months. If this is what it says okay. Maximums 3 years. Its taken 3 years. Educate the commission if someone has a piece of property and trying to build a club and taken 3 years because not to operate and earn money and spend money or wait way wait the materials and inspection is just costing them a future theyre not open. Might as well give it up. It depends on how tenacious and how much money like you. laughter . All right. I have a process question i think the codes clean up happened at the supervisors level do we have the ability to change this section of code assuming yes so im not asking you to change the section of code im asking to play out the last couple of sentences that says that the commission may spectacle all the directors in whatever manner the power to extend the 9 months deadline i need you to make a formal action to approve or. A to authorize staff. The use our discretion. That helps me think of a motion. Any other during the course from commissioners are questions any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed commissioners. I want to make a motion. Great. This body does designate to the director to extend the 9 month deadline. So you moved to give our director the power to extend the deadline. You bet. Great a second. Second and its been moved and seconded anything else. A question after the first extension you give them 9 more months. We can do anyway and thank you. You want the director to make the third extension. I want her it make all the extensions she wants weve conditioned the grant this is to finalize why bring that back to the commission to do what. Whats the holdup. So recommend a better contraction i mean seriously. Is there a problem or something we dont know about i dont think that will be that. Not in our department weve conditionally granted the Building Department or the Fire Department has a holed up we have no power to do anything. It it would be nice four future business. I will entertain a friendly amendment that if someone comes back with an extension more than the second 9 months that the director reports to the commission on that fact. Is that okay. Thats good. All right. That motion is clear okay. So this is a motion that didnt have a second yet. Oh, commissioner caminong you second that. Okay. Great. On the motion as amended commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner thomas president tan that item passes looks forward to not hearing that many updates from project moving on to item 5 Police Department questions or comments oh, lieutenant is coming up great. Right. Good evening president tan commissioner joseph and commissioners lieutenants with the San Francisco Police Department i want to briefly circle back this is a critical takeaway the executive director talked about the zero tolerance for breach as pointed out i think from the other components that need to get out to the Security Industry it they have to have a contingency plan with preparation to participate what historically we have not seen in clubs that specific event was well organized and involved any individuals and they came to distract the security and did it successfully that substantial allowed the reach and the subsequence incident that followed i think we need to look at security for intellectually i do want to say the group tends stepped i applaud Deputy Director jocelyn kane we moved swiveling everything we we are getting will prevent in the future a breach audible noise to alert security the takeaway securities needs to be smarter and not easily distracted if they are and pulled from their post it is as simple as security pulled from in their post a bartender or any other staff manager needs to slide into that slot and it should happen smoothly and quickly and then lastly i know executive director speaking about active shooters i want to brought to your attention this is an area the department is in very good shape twice weve conducted active Shooter Training as you recall we took over the schlage lot and did a School Simulation i was telling me the executive director earlier today we used what is semi ammunition shooting live rounds the bullets are supposed is to be nonlethal and they are but they can pierce your skin i got cut it brings a real sense it is not a mock somewhere quickly with the theme of today is which is very different than in the past is in a situation like this what were training our officers to do so long as on scene someone takes charge and they make just i entry and the next time in passports times i should say what there was a lot of strategy well in the meanwhile a lot of can age on the inside now stop the threat were doing the training in a way the officers dont know to know each but were all taught to do it the same way it is intuitive and pretty effectual but you know the obvious realty excuse me the obvious realty it puts our officers in an immediate threat were training our officers unlike others staff were con fronting the threat with the goal of stopping it nfl in the past it is deny at the extension of active members of the departments such as ours anyway wanted to give you that update and the incident we are speaking it was a good wake up call but shows the citys commitment to zero tolerance o tolerance we met with them immediately and steps up to the plateed and studied the business for 4 working weeks a significant hit arguably close to a total annual income and the executive director said were sensitive to employees theyre impacted but on the other hand, it needed to be a serious wake up and ill wrap up i met with the owners a little awhile go ago and did a walk through theyve doing everything weve asked from them and a bit of a bonus for people to like to enjoy the place were getting a remodel because trufl the place never shut they didnt have time to get a good cleaning and updating and all that have. Didnt go into the bathrooms but the space looks at good. I have a question so you have an active shooter situation and the police finally get notified it take time for the police to come and do their thing what is there some protocol that is directed to the management and the employees of the night club maybe the patrons but modern than hit a panic button. Similar i mean, the Vice President of ive had communications offline and basic things the ability to safely and quickly raise up the lighting youll be surprised in some of clubs ive been in over the years and ultimately the place is sutd shut down are we waited while the place closes turn up the light a 2, 3, 4 thousand square feet and one hundred light bulb we need to come up similarly to what we did with your Good Neighbor policy and your security plan models was we have to starts looking at now okay you know what is your critical plan and what are basic features that youll have mechanical like lighting and you suggested in the past every disc jockey a dated term. They dont say disk york but to popin a play to redirect the energy in case were getting the people out quickly overseeing kind of things those are whys that the executive directors and i have been talking about for your summit that is would be appropriate place i think to get that kind of information out and in a formalized way. This is a question for staff is there a way to message anything about security at this point just a permit holder outside of come october thirds you know, i feel like there might be tips or measures that kind of the best practices and security. So again, were going to do a call to get a sense of how much information and how much is appropriate and move it around on friday and then we can see if there is a little bit of something sensible to get out i dont want to i mind want to do this smart and in concert with pd so everyone gets the same information and then sure i mean, if we can get something done sooner the ideas for them to finish the summit. The thank thing about panic b but the they have the ones you squeeze together you have to intellectually do it to sound the alarm and the Police Respond immediately so having panic buttons about you itville and especially, if you have it in multiple places if the cashier didnt see it the barnyard or some of the dj see it and the bullets are good if you have an alarm system the company may give you one it is a cheap way to be safe but also Training Staff to hit the floor and hide or i dont know have bottles behind the bar do something to protect yourselves or take out the shooter it is important to establish protocols for what bar staff can do to stay alive for themselves and patrons id like to us to think about that. You know i think that like so many projects weve taken on in the past we conveniently phrase best practices were talking about critical and practices we have a lot of good dos and fridays Conference Call will be the first step hearing what others people are doing i agree with the executive director and yourselves the key to come up with a product that everyone is comfortable with and message it consistently one thing i was encouraged we try not i know that every industry saying their needs are special but looking it from the departments point of view i will want to make sure that if were going to do Something Different for entertainment and genuine need id like to think that a critical instance in a perfect scenario proevenl probably never it is we they they have basic elements and not train the departments with all nuances we miss the mark it is critical that with the right people at the table and have the discussion. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Any Public Comment on the Police Comments seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Move on to item 6 Residential Development review consent calendar four projects on here. Yeah. Just as a review and you know sort of a little bit of inconsistent we had trouble with the quorum back the projects that have come to hearings and then recommendations need to be september sent to planning and the Building Department they come to you as sort of you know a listing for your review not role for deduction but one content item to be voted on together all right. Is there a motion. I move to approve the content agenda as it stands. Do i hear a sec. Second. Great Public Comment not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Call the questions commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner thomas and president tan. That item passes consent calendar passes can i make a request to include just a little bit more information i think just the cover sheets in your packet the next time all around for the content items the listing is fine we want to get the practice that is having the cover sheet yeah thank you. All right. Moving on to item 7 i see 8 on the agendas is actually 7 hearing and possible action under the jurisdiction of Entertainment Commission only one tonight so our only permit application for place of entertainment on utah street a change in ownership from the previous owner and they have already gotten a temporary permits if mission station as well as the executive director so there is no lapse in entertainment for the permits and currently they have the similar model for entertainment on djs and they plan to have live music and also are planning to add 20 thousands of sounds like installation to the ceiling as well as adrc sounds like curtains on the soundproofing this is not in a residential area if i neighborhoods in the area and i did receive a total of of 7 letters in support for those from the owners he have nots received any option mission station approved the application with the attached continents on the last page im happy to read those of you like and the applicants is here theyll come up and talk about that. Take into consideration a quick overall we plan on doing in terms of taking over mighty the application is simple mighty is a wonderful venue it can be International Recognized in the music world we plan to create a beautiful new planned space and a need for a present location in San Francisco operations and Security Operations will be mirrored on what we do with monarch with a season manage and managing partners on premise and we make sure of that in order to provide a safe and entertaining environment for the patrons security will be provided by jury box Security Protection weve used them theyve established the Security Company our plans for entertainment will be similar to the plan with the Monarch House music your crowd is older in the 20 to 35 in the programming will reflect that sorry. Theyre to the youth tab. laughter . I know we also plan to do some live bands from jazz to rock picture Neighborhood Outreach businesses along impeding and 15 street and San Bernardino were contacted and aware of the space known as money two letters from businesses across the street longevities residents of neighborhoods and 40 snatches from the building neighborhood and others neighbors from the south of utah we tried to open up to the businesses and fortunately to our delight the sent time was welcoming to the idea of our establishment ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioner joseph. So you are not keeping any doorsteps. Johnson is not assimilating that and one still remained on with johnson the reason we didnt stay that way mighty stated on and going with a contracting service. But not try to transition. We offered the ability for them to join Johnson Security and one accident actually but that they needed guard cards, etc. Im concerned eve people losing jobs and then under your your door policies bed checks is that what youre going to do bag checks. I think per the discussion we had previously our security in addition to whether it is bag or pat downs or pats in the front and making sure we have enough security guards to make sure the stairs and doors are covered after orlando theres been for me personally head of the security and i had a conversation what can and should be aware of and pride it is more sensitive is an ongoing communication we see a daily conversation there were things that were brought up this evening i think we can push the buttons and in a straightforward way of protection one of the other items that the lieutenant mentioned was lighting and i ronnie in monarchy the ability to flip two switches it is nice to hear the things in place moving towards what is probably a new recognition of what security practices should be but rest assure were talking about with the Security Team and look forward to a deduction with sfpd and the Entertainment Commission and there is additional best practices and want to know about them and i will say that practice them but understand what we can do whether it is just to be proactive but the circumstances that arose to training our staff. Great to that end ill recuse myself to vote. Thank you commissioner joseph. Can you can you talk a little bit about the improvements youre making there is additional soundproofing are you doing other things to the actual space and primarily cosmetic the great thing why were excited one of the reasons it has great incentives you go into clubs that is just a wreck and have to start from scratch mighty has been operating incredibly well from manchester it makes it easy for the owners to transition we will want to establish a new brands and fortunately, i think well do that with cosmetic. Are you planning are strictly in house promotion. Primarily. Well work with some promoters but pro tempores weve worked with for the last 5 years and established a relationship at monarchy and known the entertainment industry. I think know that a lot of people use the mighty for if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems it will be available for that. Absolutely absolutely well work with a number of people that worked with mitigate yet and this weekends coming up with the pride with that said it is going took available so far if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems or working with the promoters but fundamentally the important thing well always be there and on the floor never giving up any managerial abilities thats 100 percent. I get it commissioners other questions commissioner lee. The same Security Team as monoarches the same company. Monarchies has their challenges. As a venue done a good job with the local neighborhood trying to make sure the partners are safe and it is a different over at mighty but still you know we want to be proactive because cars get broken into and people leave the club so at monarchy we do our best to take care of the patrons inside and outside i spoke with the folks from the alu and conditions of the licenses to be proactive if we see something happened with criminal activity or they might be break into cars. Tow so tomorrow youll, joining the rest of club owners. One of our other partners will be there and representing monarchy at the station. Have you seen the police conditions im assuming having Video Surveillance and report for thirty days. Yes. Okay. Commissioners other questions if not didnt seem like it any Public Comment on this item . Permit application. All right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners anyone want to make a motion. Id like to make a motion we approve both of the requests with the police conditions. Great there is a motion to approve both the place of entertainment and the extends hours. I second that. Great all right. Move forward by commissioner thomas and seconded by commissioner lee lets take a vote. Commissioner lee commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner thomas and president tan. Congratulations that item passes move on to item number 9 excuse me if i might interrupt through the chair it seems with the arrive of commissioner thomas you might be able to actually take action on may 3rd minutes. Oh. There was a motion to continue to you can move to approve based on her arrive we had a backlog of minutes getting continued and then at some point never approved and theyll end up on the commissioners website as drafts regardless we have to be public but id like to have you guys approve them while you still here and yes great idea would a Commission Like to move we reconsider the minutes from i forgot which date may thirds. Like to make a motion on the may thirds meeting. All right. There is a motion and a second. Public comment nope all right. Commissioner lee commissioner joseph commissioner caminong commissioner perez commissioner thomas president tan. That item passes the minutes pass for may 3rd one type of point of information that would be good to explore if the actual members of that meeting have to be presented in order for the minutes to pass ive i mean, if theres a minimum quorum. A quorum. Yeah. Yeah. A quorum four people can move anything. Or 4 people presents. Thats what were trying to clarify. Ill ask the City Attorney whether there is a distinction it is nice to have people listed reviewing them obviously for correct information but i will see burglary in fact, your process up to this point is necessary. Great, thank you for doing that. All right. Move on to commissioners questions or comments any additional comments or thoughts if commissioner. For those of you who dont know following any Facebook Page im stands with the events we cant say let bullies make us afraid i encourage everyone to go to pride and go this weekends and support everything dont be afraid i do know some contingency pulled out of San Francisco pride parade condition sisters in new york begged to enter so id like San Francisco to stand strong and come out this weekend and do be afraid. Youre here and director kane a hotline for a we know didnt mean to United States you on the spots given the heightened securities the police have an informant tip line for any member of the public you feel there is superb activities we dont want to make people appear people paranoid but could that way. Lieutenants and following with our theme of what you were talking about obviously were asking people to think safety if you see something Say Something we have our 911311 and nonemergency and 415 5754444 again 415 5754444 thank you great, thank you. Yeah. We want to commend reiterate commissioner josephs comments what happened in orlandos was more than tragic i think causing us to think about what are safe spaces not just for poor people but everybody that has to go out on friday or saturday night i hope people come out and celebrate we have a lot to celebrate and a lot to remember so look forward to seeing people in the streets any other comments commissioner perez. Yeah. So many of you guys know last april the board of supervisors amazing approved a filipino cultural district and i believe that our commission is constituent as a mandate to create the Strategy Plan actually a Community Meeting 5 30 so 7 30 at the consulate i want to invite the staff to have a representative presents. Great. Thank you. Commissioner lee. So is ongoing process where everyone can be safe i want to talk about the club owners are getting together with the captain to discuss the flts for safety this weekend so those club owners out there watching be there and show up and you know so we can have all the folks this weekend. All right. Any Public Comment on our comments seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Our last item on the agendas is new business requests for future agendas items any thoughts on that we are not having a meeting on july 5th so just mark your calendars we will be meeting on the 19 the agenda about go out but one of the items on that for two items one to elect a new president and another item is reconsider parts of bylaws for any item of president to 3 years but not repeat more than 3 years im planning to have a discussion with each commissioner individually about that to get our thoughts ill be happy to serve as your president but ill be happy to make a Space Available for another person should you want to have me the president s this is my third term thats where the abusing will have to change looking for a meanwhile any other things commissioner thomas. Ask commissioner lee to give you a report of the station put that on the agendas maybe. Sure good to hear with the club owners are thinking and well, probably way after pride but usually. Staff. Jocelyn ill give my gut. Put that on the agendas to discuss that. Yeah. That would be great. All right. Public comment on all of that seeing none, Public Comment is closed. The meeting is adjourned at 637 00 p. M. Good afternoon id like to call the San Francisco board of education it is 1 308 p. M. Roll call. Commissioner courtney commissioner caen commissioner moran and will we have quorum next item. Item 3 approval of the minutes of may 24, 2016, a motion to approval of the minutes. So moved second any questions or comments any Public Comment on item the minutes hearing none the minutes pass item 4 general public

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