Present. Ronen. Present. Safai. Present. Sheehy. Absent, tang absent. Yee, absent zeshgs quorum. I am sure that the alarming President Trump federal budget is not a surprise, but nonetheless they remain disturbing in stark contrast to invest in infrastructure, he has proposed the budget of 16. 2, billion reflect as a 13 percent cut, with major impacts to transit, and hitting urban and Rural Community as like, the budget proposes eliminating all future funds for grants that we know as the new starts program when are not a part of the signed full Funding Grant agreements. This will effect several major transit projects that have undergone years of review and development and leverage significant state and local voter approved funds, including cal train, and barts expansion and, vehicles and train and control and other local and regional priorities such as better Market Street and brt improvement and cal train, but the impact would not be limited to the region as jobs that are associated with these projects span across the state and nation, in the hundreds of thousands. I want to thank the representatives from cal train, the Transbay Joint Power Authority and the Planning Department who are here to speak to several of these important projects. I know our federal delegation and local leaders are working with counter parts across the state and country to oppose this budget and to keep the current transportation programs intact, as we debate and fight for our priorities the roads and Transit Systems deteriorate and, congestion mountains, and grapple with the affordability crisis, all that have with the Sea Level Rise at our doorstep that is why as we advocate for our priorities we will do everything that we can to advance, state and local and funding measures to transportation and to thaend, this month, we held the initial, meetings for the launch of the transportation, 2045, task force with the Mayors Office and staff from the cta and the mta. The diverse task force will convene with the local revenue and options for the voters to consider in 2018,vy made it a top priority to insure that Community Voices are deeply engaged in the process from the outset and that we are able to learn from successes and failures of the past. Our over all goal is to present a coordinated proposal that integrates closely with the plan, bridge toll measure three thanks is also targeted for the ballot next year. In the meantime, we keep our fingers crossed that the governor and legislature can reach an agreement for our highways and local roads and Transit System wez need Strong Partnership as cross all levels of government. I want to thank the mat and Planning Department and all of you colleagues for your support for my station bike legislation and that i think we send a strong message that San Francisco urban realm and safety will not be compromised by corporations seeking to privatize the ak sets. Continuing later today i will introduce another resolution with commissioner fewer, calling upon our state legislator to allow local jurisdictions to gather information on the sector known as the Transportation Network companies, the request for data on tnt, trips continue to be denied by the California Public utilities commissions when retains, Sole Authority on these, while dense cities like ours, bear the impacts, the residents of San Francisco know from experience that the streets are congested with tnc vehicles that dont know the network or the local road laws. But we need data to back these experiences. Certainly some aspects are beneficial but as policy makers, i think that we growing concerns for the impact of transit, Bicycle Safety and Disability Access and the impact to 2,000 taxi cabs locked in agreementwise the city, i look forward to explore the appropriate strategy and our staff work on the issues tlut up coming Ability Service and Technology Policy study that is conducted and with that colleagues, icon include my remarks. Madam, executive director . Public comment on item two . Is there any Public Comment on the chairs report . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Item three, executive directors report, this is an information item. Thank you, good morning, chair peskin and commissioners this month, i begin with an up date again, on our state transportation revenue discussions as chair peskin mentioned. The federal out look say bit bleak, although we will note that that is still an opening position and there will still be several months of congressional budget negotiations. Meanwhile the state continues to work on a potential funding package. We know that there have been a lot of discussion thz month among the leadership and the Governors Office on the three containing revenue proposal wez have heard that a deal may be announced at the end of march and we are keeping our fingers crossd on that. There is also immediately following that, regional street sessions that we anticipate will get going as well. At our own local conversation about revenues. Meanwhile the plan bay area, 2040, plan is getting ready for afinal release and adoption. As you will recall, the adopted preferred land use and transportation sdooen scenario was decided in december and there is continuing work on equity and affordability on the housing front, after the adoption, this spring, we anticipate pba 2040, will guide investment and land use decisions over the next four yearsn april and, may, they will hold, county and open houses including having a hearing at our board in april, 24th. And as soon as we have those dates for the open house we will share that on the website oolt open house, seeking public input and to share the up dates on the work from the seg frment San Francisco to san jose, the events will be happening in all three counties with the first meeting on april, 5th from 5 00 to 8 00 p. M. And the public is again, invited to come and learn about the project and the alternatives being considered as well as the Environmental Planning process. The california dmv, last week, released vehicle testing regulations. This has been long anticipated that i think california is the first state to promelgate the detailed testing regulations for atonig atonomous. California has more manufacturers testing the vehicles in any other state and that the new rules are designed to protect the Public Safety proeshgs moet innovation and, layout a path for future testing of driver technology. For those interested, please, visit the dmv, site and they are taking comments but april, 2 4g9. And we wibl developing the comments at sfmta and other agency and hope to bring you an up date to you next month. Turning to local issues. We have also initiated as the chair mentioned the service and technology study, this is a long anticipated piece of sector work that we identified back in the last county wide plan to take stock of the emerging technology and transportation market. To understand the range of service frz traditional, car share and bike Share Service to the Shuttle Service and the Transportation Services as well as technologies around both goods and Passenger Movement on the atonomous side. We want to be able to take stock of what is available today, as well as what is being planned. Look at the Regulatory Environment at the federal and state and local level and provide a policy framework so that the board and the public can consider each of these as they come not as a single opportunity, and set of issues but as a whole and it has a coordinate tded approach across the sector. We want to bring this work back to you in the next few months, in coordination, and as the chair mentioned we are not wait og these policy frame works but we are actually taking action that is consistent with our city goals. The communities of concern in San Francisco, and across the region have been defined several years ago. I want to up date you on good staff work that we are doing with the sfmta to up date the definition of community of here in San Francisco and the region and the state uses these definition to prioritize funding for competitive grant project and for other policy purposes, previously, the mtc analysis captured a set of disadvantaged communities at a larger geography, that the census track and that generally, reflect what had we believed to be the correct, geography, but there are a few that we wanted to take a closer look at. In order to do so, we captured smaller geographic tracks, and focused our analysis on block level dem graphic soez that we will be tiebl have a more fine tuned definition of communities of certain. And so we are using these factor and threshold to up date the definition on a more census block and we will be bringing that to the board in april for your consideration. There are two calls for projects speaking of funding that are out one is the one Bay Area Grant Program and this is, the frantransportation opportun to distribute, 40 million of federal funding over the next five years. We released the framework and you adopted the principals last month and we will be bringing back our recommendations to the Authority Board in april. And your april, 26th meeting. For folks who are interested in learning more about this funding opportunity, please visit sfcta. Org obag two. In addition a smaller spot of funds, 725,000 was available through the transportation for clean air fund, call for projects. This is air District Fund that is based on the vehicle registration fees and it is able to Fund Projects that improve the air quality by reducing the vehicle emission and things like the Shuttle Service and bike project and signal, projects and the nonvehicle and the projects that are, the top priority projects again in our evaluation criteria of zero sxshths emissions and the projects like the new bike facilities. And other types of services. The application deadline is pri april 28 and this we are hosting a workshop at ten a. M. At our offices at 1455, Market Street, 22nd floor. Walk to workday, around the corner on april sixth, we are supporting walk sf in the efforts to coordinate the important date of shine a light and raise awareness of all of the benefits of walking through the healthy and sustain able transportation. Turning to property je proje delivery, it is nearing completeing in district ten and thank you for your offices whep that over the years. This project is allocation that has leveraged about 40 million in infrastructure and houses source to create new walk able transit access for sacility to provide the sidewalks and Street Lighting and other improvements for the units of mixed Income Housing at hunters view. And thank you to the departments that are working on that project. The neighborhood transportation improvement program, kobts to make progress and working with commissioner tangs office, and to scope, two new capitol projects on the feasibility of a round about. And in the intersection of sky line boulevard as well as pedestrian and traffic calming improvements to the lower highway and, in addition the final report foz district five, the Western Addition plan and district nine, the interchange and permit study are also being presented to our citizens advisory next week and it will be coming to the board this week, actually tomorrow and it will be coming to the board for approval next month. And finally, we have a great open house, and the dbe, lbe networking opportunity yesterday, attended by 70 folks from the 65 numbers companies, it is the annual meeting to promote awareness, and this time we were able to publicize opportunity wtz ta and our treasure island, Management Agency and the public works and the cal train as well. The event included representative frz many of these agencies sfmta and cal transand the Small Business network, following the presentation there were a lot of folks that were able to meet with property ject staff as well as get together with one another and network. We have sign up sheets available for those who were not able to come meeting and contact us at our website or sfcta. Org doing business with us. Thank you and with that icon include my remarks. Thank you s there any public on the executive directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, could you please read the Consent Agenda . Compriseded of items four to eleven, staff does not plan to present on these items, the member rejet knees ject, any could be removed. Anyone like an item or items severed. Mr. Clerk, could you sever, items nine and eleven and, on the balance of the consent aagain darks a roll call please. All right. Is there any Public Comment on the Consent Agenda . We will hear nine and eleven separate separately. Seeing no Public Comment, on those items Public Comment is closed. And on the balance of the consent a roll call please. Commissioner breed . Aye. Coab sebt sent. Farrell, absent. Fewer. Aye. Kim. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Ronen. Aye. Nsafai, aye. Tang, aye. Consent agenda is approved. Those items are finally approved, item nine . Allocate 34,566,349 in prop k funds, with conditions, for six requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules this is an action item. Good morning commissioners Deputy Director of policy and programming at the transportation authority. There is one item that would i like to call your attention to a change in the funding request between the meeting last week and todays meeting. Subsequent to the meeting on the 14th of march. The sfmta withdrew its prop k application for the design phase funding for our boulevard traffic signal up grades, in order to fund that work with prop a general Obligation Bond funds. That is the up date i have for the board, if there are any questions, i am happy to answer. Are there any questions for miss lafort . Seeing none s there any Public Comment on item nine . Commissioner, fewer . Thank you very much. Chair. Thank you. So after my discussion i think that we so i see that it is at zero percent on the 23rd, and is that still included in the budget . I think that we were after the discussion i was under the impression that we were going to continue those discussions about further development of that project. That got zeroed out at the last meeting and it is so reflected in these documents with the red line. Thank you, i wanted to confirm. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment on item nine. Seeing none. Public comment is closed. We have a different house, could you please, call the roll . All right, item nine, breed. Aye. Cohen. Aye. Fewer. Aye. Kim. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Ronen. Aye. Safai. Aye. Tang. Aye. The item is approved on this final reading. Item eleven, please . Item seven, major capitol projects up date. Central subway, this is an information item. Could we have a presentation from the brief, presentation from the staff . Yes, we do. Good morning my name is lus ia and we are the consultant to the authority. And i would be present thanksgiviing this subject. On the first. What excuse me. We have a little technical problem, here, excuse me for a second. This is the one. Okay. Just sgogoing to move othe m funding for the subway has been allocated basically the only part that remains is the portion of the federal funds. And they rep funding. That most of those are here for the schedule Revenue Service is now forecasted for september 2019. The project is passage in the mid point, and it is the first contracts are complete, and the contract and the assistance and the station contract is 51 percent complete. Here you have something that you can get a sense of the breadth of this project, and a picture from the excavation of the china town station, the mining. The union square, the park decision site and this is this and you can see twot tunnels on the back of the picture. And on brandon station the db has been programmed, they have got, they have contract specific goals to you from 6 to 30 percent, up to now, 180 Million Dollars have been awarded through december, which is 21 percent. And the stations assistant contract has a 20 percent goal. The challenges and opportunities. The ongoing advocacy needed for the remaining fronts, we will understand that the skinny budget includes funding for projects already in the ffga stage, and so, it is looking good from that aspect. But we need some Authority Funding to replace the 75 and a half million in rif funds, and the other opportunity or the challenges that the forecast is now september 2019, as opposed to the december of 2018 as originally planned. If you have any questions, i am happy to answer them, the Program Manager for this project to see it through from mta. Are there any questions from members, seeing none, we will open this up for Public Comment. Mr. Lebron . Thank you, supervisors. And good morning. I have no idea you were going to give this presentation, and i am so happy that you did. But i really want to do right now, is to attract your attention to attachment two on page, 19. Because the information there is actually going to form the conversation that under the item number 14 later. Specifically i would like to you look at line a3, which is the terminal design contract for 8 Million Dollars. And i will repeat that, the time now and the contract for 8 Million Dollars. And also, line b 3, which is construction contract. Or 214 Million Dollars, currently running 6 Million Dollars under budget. And the last thatvy i have on this item today you did this just now and it was brief, i think that it would be really helpful to have probably a spot of the workshop a full presentation on the central subway. Specifically you know, how it was a conceived and how it was fund and how the project is being you know, implemented as we speak and when you do, you will discover that the city, currently has a team that is capable of delivering the dtx on time and, on budget, for a billion and a half, thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Lebron, and i think that was a compliment mr. Funge. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public here on this item . Seeing none, this is an information item, mr. Clerk, could you please read item 12 through 14. Together. All right. Item 12, up date peninsula corridor electrification project update on the railyard alternatives and i280 boulevard Feasibility Study proposed allocation of 4,549,675 in prop k funds, with conditions for the downtown extension preliminary engineering; 915,000, with conditions, for the downtown extension tunneling options engineering study; and appropriation of 200,000 for oversight of the downtown extension, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules. These are all information items. Thank you, mr. Stamos. Colleagues we are joined today by jim heart net from cal train and the cta as well as Michael Burns, the former head of San Francisco mta. And the valley transportation authority, and now working with cal train on electric identification, thank you for being here. Michael, if you could give us an up date on peninsula project. Thank you very much chair peskin. The ceo was unable to attend the meeting today tlchlt is other briefings going on. The memo in your packet provides a summary of the status of the project. I would like to summarize and restate important fact from the memo, february 17th, the electricfiation project met all of the statute or and regulatory requirements for an sfga, and the only thing that shoelding up in sfga, is the signature of the secretary of transportation. In the follow up to that, cal train, ceo and myself and several others, members of the staff have been in dc for the previous two weeks and, we were joined by a private sector representatives and the contractors, and mtc, and sil con Valley Leadership group and others to attend meetings with legislators Committee Staff and, fta staff and to discuss the project and, to present the merits of the project to the decision makers. We also targeted members of Congress Whose districts have jobs that would benefit or would be created as a result of moving for ward with the electricfiation project. Senator hatch . Senator hatch, i met with him, personally. And he was very, productive meeting. In mentioning senator hatch, our vehicle supplier, if the project moves forward, will build a manufacturing facility to build the vehicles. Creating over 550 jobs and 50 Million Dollars private investment in that facility. So we attended i would say almost, 50 meetings, dozens and dozens of meetings. And throughout those meetings, we did not receive one question on the merits of the projector the benefits of the project. Nevertheless, we are facing two significant challenges, the first is despite the evidence that the project has independent utility, despite the fact that electricfiation was proposed, and advanced long before the high speed rail, bond authorization was approved in 2008. Despite the fact that we have a decision that up holds the independence of the call train electric identification project from the high speed rail project. Oppose the grant, and based on their opposition to high speed rail. We actually met with some of the members who have voiced opposition to the grant. They dont have any problem with our project accept that there is a connection for future benefit to high speed rail and that high speed rail is helping to fund the project. The second major chal ij is the one that the chair talked about in his report, and that is that the president in his preliminary or skinny budget last week, recommended the elimination of the capitol Grant Program which would mean no new funding agreements for new start projects small start projects or court capacity projects. This action is drawn a bit of attention from agencies business members and others who are looking to marshall a strategy in an effort to save the program. The i saw a really good quote yesterday. I think that it might have been randy who said it. That one of the things to keep in mind is that this is the sort of the first out lay in a Budget Proposal that we have a long way to go. And it should be considered in the first inning of a baseball game and it is going to occur before the president s budget is finalized, and submitted to congress and then there will be negotiations after, after that happens. We are the only project in the Capitol Investment Grant Program that is ready to go with a signature. So in the face of these challenges, we are continuing to stress the tremendous support and the benefits and the need for the project. We are continuing to work with the department of transportation and the federal transit administration, to conference them to include our project in the president s ultimately proposed fy 18 budget. That is the threshold that the department of transportation has told us that we must meet for a full Funding Grant to get executed. We continue to advocate with our congressional delegation in other elected official and Business Leaders who have jobs in their districts. And benefit from the project. We are also working with our delegation two support continued funding for the project in the 2017 budget which will inform the fy 18 budget. We are currently in the fy 17 budget for 100 Million Dollars. And we have 73 Million Dollars of previously appropriate ated funding eligible the project once an sfga is signed. In addition to these actions, we are exploring other potential Funding Options particularly with this state. One of the issues that was raised by the republican delegation was the use of high speed rail, funds, prop one a funds in our fubding plan. And so we are exploring whether there are opportunities to substitute those funds with other funds. And leaving no stone unturned, we are also working with our financial advisors, and private sector partners to explore other potential Funding Sources in the event that the full Funding Grant agreement is not executed. So in summary, we are continuing our advocacy efforts it is meeting what the president says that he wants, the project will modernize obsolete infrastructure and ready to move into construction and create jobs. As a memo described, we have extended our contracts to june 30th. The president s detailed budget is expected to be issued in mid may. And so we will have a good sense for where we stand probably early may. And we continue to evaluate potential alternatives strategy and work with all of our regional partners. And continue to build support for the project. So, that is where we stand. We are not giving up. We will not give up. Project has too many benefits. And it is needed immediately, to address our capacity issues not to mention for the longer term. And has tremendous, tremendous, support from virtually all aspects of the stake holders that are associated with it. So that concludes my report, mr. Chair. Thank you, mr. Burns. And while we have not yet heard from the department of city planning, with regard to the rail yard alternative, and i280 boulevard, Feasibility Study, what would cal train, what is cal trains comments on the rab study if any . We have been working with the Planning Department staff and the Mayors Office. Coordinating information flow back and forth. We actually have a meeting schedule for some time in the next couple of weeks. Thursday. To get a briefing on the current status. We quite frankly have not had a briefing in some time. So, you know our concern or our issue is that we just need to preserve cal trains operational needs, maintenance needs, and meet the needs of our customers, and also doing so, in doing all of that while we continue to work within our p budget. So, in terms of i dont have anything specific in terms of a comment on the rab stud y but we have been working with the staff. Thank you mr. Burns, and are there questions for Michael Burns from members, seeing none, any comment from cta staff . Seeing none, why dont we open this up to Public Comment, i have got, two speaker cards on, well, actually, you should all do your Public Comment, because we have called items 12, through 14, why dont we do this, hold Public Comment until we hear from miss gege at the Planning Department on the rab study. And mr. Zabony and mr. Cordova with regard to the prop k allocation and so director ram the floor is yours. Big decision for the next 100 years and we have to make it this year. Thank you, thank you for recognizing this is a 100 year decision. John ram with the Planning Department. I think that our powerpoint is up here but maybe not. So, i think that as you pointed out, we are making some very substan hall long term decisions here. And i wanted to kind of give you an up date about where we were. The best way that i know how to describe this work is that between 16th street and downtown, we are slated spend something on the order of 7 to 8 billion dollars in infrastructure over the next ten to 15 years on three Major Projects. The dtx, the high speed rail, and the electricfiation of cal train. And we got involved in this study about a year and a half ago, precisely for the reason of looking comprehensively, at this area. To understand not only how these three Major Projects interact, but how they can best serve the future of the city and the region and, just importantly how they best interact with the land use decisions that we need to make in a part of the city that is seeing substantial growth and represents a potential for really serving the city long term. So the study has a very, unfortunate long name, and we should come up with a name, but we have not done that yet, but we will soon try to do that. It does have five components i think that you know we briefed you a few months ago tlshgs is a come poentment of looking to the alternative foz alignment, to reach the transbay transsilt center. There is of course, a potential looking at a loop out of the Transit Center, and the potential of looking at a different configuration, or a rail yard, or a location for the cal train, rail yard, there is the component of looking at two interstate, 280 in this area and, finally looking at all of the land use and related public benefits. And having said that, our goal today, in the next few months and, over the last few months has been on the first component. And which is looking at the alternatives for the alignment, that is our primary focus right now and, it needs to be fox cuffs the citys efforts and we believe that that is and, the reason for these other, and looking at these other component making sure that we are not preincluding possibilities in these areas, but the primary focus of this effort right now, in the near future, is the actual rail alignment. I think that you know that we are looking at three alternatives one is of course, is the existing alignment here as the base line alignment in green and, it uses a street and the sektd and going, fourth and going into the Transit Center. The other, the second alignment, right where we are looking at is closely associated with that. And it is pennsylvania avenue, and shown in yellow, and it ducks down below the grade and, well south of 16th street, and but, follows generally, the alignment, and adjacent to, if you will, the existing cal train alignment. And the third alignment is what we are calling the mission bay alignment, which will vere off the existing trains to catch the third street and go through mission scomba bay and hit, Second Street in the same location as the current base line alignment, those are the three alignments that have been further studied. We had a fourth alignment where the tunnel would extend under the 280, freeway, but that proves to be physically infeasible given the structure of the freeway. We have been working with the group and you can see the members working here and identified here and representing a number of constituencies in this area, it might be appropriate for me to pause here, you did receive comment about lack of notification, or some challenges of not notification, there was technical difficult as parentally with the email addresses but i will say that these meetings are posted on the website and open to the public and make sure to correct those issues but these meet vgz been open to the public and the public has been attending along with the members of the Citizens Working Group which we have found, very beneficial and this is an active engaged group of people and we very much appreciate their work on this. And we wi continue to meet over the coming months. Make sure that you get waddling and awful the members of the cac. Absolutely. And i dont, i still cant figure out why he was not getting the notice but we will make sure that we have the email information correct and make sure that these are posted as well. Thank you. So, the other thing that we have been doingn terms of studying these three alternative and working with the Citizens Working Group, is looking at, or how, or what are the evaluation criteria that we need to judge these three alternatives. We have the break down of the criteria on the much larger spread sheet and, in the nutshell, those areas are the technical feasibility and of course, and meeting the needs of all of the Respective Agency and the mobility for the short term and the long term and the capacity of the system, and the other policy and Affordable Housing goals and vision zero and, the other policies that clearly relate to this part of the city. And the social criteria for example, the need to knit the neighborhoods together, when are they continuing ongoing themes of this work is how to get mission bay and, the hill back reconnected to the city as a whole. And to get, and to deal with the potential barriers that are represented by those tracks and we are looking at schedule and we are looking lastly at cost and on that last point, i want to say, the cost that we are looking at are very broad range of cost, it is not just the cost of each of these three alternatives but a whole range of costs. The land recapture that might be available for looking at different alternative and the land that might be freed up to help to em employ the land, technique and we are looking at a broad range of cost and benefits of each of these alternatives much more than we normally would with a project like this. Because of the nature of the project, and the scope and the magnitude. And so, we are in the thick of developing those costs right now and, those benefitwise our consultants right now. And we hope to have the preliminary answers in the next three to four months. Excuse me. And then, of course, when all that have is done, we will use that criteria to develop the Decision Making tools for you all. For the Mayors Office and for the city as a whole. To understand what the potential cost benefits of these each of these solutions are. And they are not the same costs. Because the actual Construction Costs are going to vary and so we need to understand the potential benefits that will go to the alignments. And we need to understand how we should prioritize the various benefit tlz is some obvious benefits that are not quantifiable, but we should try to capture them as best as we can, it is important to recognize and we believe that given the schedule for the high speed rail for cal trains need and our needs on this project s that the city should make a decision by the end of the year about whether we will pursue on the table. And we believe that it is important that before the end of the year, we as a city family decide which alternative that we would like to pursue fwe do decide to pursue a different alternative there will be further environmental analysis that will have to be done for that chosen alternative and for the engineering work. But we believe that we need to make a decision bit end of the year, whether we will need to move ahead with the different alternative. We have a number of Community Meet thagz we have had in the past. And we have had the sit tens working group that is active and we have additional Community Meetings in the starting in a few months, i think that in june. And ongoing, work as i said, and participation from the Citizens Working Group. And so that we can get to thor and to you and the Decision Making bod yz before the end of the year. Mr. Ram is there any alternative that has been studied relative to the current alignment that could be done without cut and cover . For the San Francisco Planning Department. We have looked at it, but from a perspective of actually engineering something and showing it beyond just a best engineering thought process. The answer is no. Because it is too shallow, it is actually a combination of where the station is located, depth wise as well as the width, so by having three tracks to tunnel, have you to have a certain amount of distance over the ton sxl that means that we had to be much deep sxer then have you to get back up to the Transit Center and so, we could look at that in the future. And im not saying that there is not a possibility, currently we dont see it as a possibility. How many streets would be ripped up for how many years . As part of the conversation that you are going to have with tjpa sxlt money they are looking at, some of that additional work will help nail down the length of time along the street, it is between, second and 7th. Or the limits. And through the environmental process theshgs looked at what the worse Case Scenario is, and i am going to let them talk about that when they are up here. Any comments from cta staff . Why dont we hear from mr. Zabone from the transbay joint powers authority. The allocation, to excuse me. Sorry. We have revised our allocation to i am trying to look it up here. 4 million. Yeah. 675 dollars. Yes. We have two parts, one part will be for four and a half Million Dollars to do the engineering for the common elents, and in the dtx and that is common to all alternatives being under consideration. Mean s the work on the Second Street and the work in the box itself and the pedestrian connector. So that allocation, pertains to the work along this elements that are common, and under consideration. And are we in agreement between miss gege and the cta staff and tjpa staff that the Second Street that, i mean, my understanding is that if we did the alternative of a third street line, that given the depth of the station at 120 feet, that it would have to, it would be far below the alignment that you are looking at coming from townsend street and so i want to make sure that everything on the Second Street alignment is actually, on the same plain. In the study we will take all of these items in consideration. So when we areooking at t we will be looking at what we have and what the latest from the rib study has for it and for the pennsylvania avenue. So there is a great difference that needs to be made. Yes, and he is chomping at the bit to give his presentation. So mark what i am going to do is i am going to sit you down for a minute. And we are going to hear from eric, and we will come back to you. And we will go through the nice powerpoint. Commissioner peskin you are asking the hundreds of million of dollars question. You are asking the experts and to take a look and answer that question, in my opinion, it is a bit premature to say right now thanks there is no, and it is going to be underground it is something that has to happen, we have more due till against to do and that is part of,. Do you want to go through your powerpoint. Yes, do i. In five minutes, a number of us have to depart to a press conference with the mayor, i was hoping that wrap this up before eleven, so lets see if we can plow through it. Doesnt seem. Lets plow through it right now. Our request is in three parts. Engineering, tunnel options studding that you are indicating which is right on the money to make sure that we go ahead and take a look at that. And finally the enhanced oversight. And so the request in front of you, for the 4. 5, is the reduced scope of work like mark said and we are focusing on the elements common and we are going to go to the engineering to 30 percent. And for the new elements that are modified in the supply mental eir and the intent is to meet and complete by december, 2017, so that we are working in unison with the city Planning Department and with tjpa in that regard to make sure that we are all on the same schedule. We have special conditions from an oversight protocol that we have talked about before that we have started implementing with the tjpa. That is a picture there, and just so everyone is clear, the area that is in shaded kind of in rose color is the common alignment portion that we want to focus on there. Second, the tunnel option study it is important that we look at the issue, and we are going to focus on three areas, the west side of the terminal where the throat structure and the trains come in and fan out from three to six tracks and also looking at townsend and is it says here from 4th to second and really frts 7th all the way to Second Street and, finally looking at ventation, issue and in the corner of third and also if i correctly, second and har soin, our intent is once the notice is issued to complete this work, within three months, and basically share that information with the world. With the city familiacitily fam critical. And it will inform, the evaluation of the alternatives and rab. So i think that this is very good timing in that regard. The request for 915,000 dollars, and then finally the appropriation for the transportation authority, our intent is to go ahead and use our on call list that was approved last month, bring in the specific telling experts and, review the cost with also, some construction contract type of entities and, make sure that from a rightofway acquisition standpoint is that we look at the impacts there and up date the cost estimate and that is part of the tjpa work and we want to bring in the independent experts to the table from the on set here in that regard. And not be in a mode where we are reacting but part of the development of the solution, par participating workshops and etc. And, provide recommendation and the request there is for an additional 200,000 dollars. Thank you why dont we open this up to Public Comment. I have a number of speaker cards. Brown, jim, bob, ana lern and, james haze and peter f you will like upo t your right and my left. Thank you. You have six minutes and sit down to below two, correct . That is correct. My apologies. No worries and i thandz have you a press conference. I am going to keep it brief, i like cal train and my recommendation is like the tdts we need to rethink this thing and, cancel both contracts and, focus on the procurement and that will carry the passenger level. I think that have you read my letter from march on the dtx, goit nothing polite to say about the base line you cannot do it for being under freet way, because you want for go back and, you have to bae tok to the daily if you want to do that. And then you get the issues and the station location and, then the solution to your questions, supervisor about townsend is to locate the station on the 7th, between 16th and townsend, that will not impact anybody, because you just got the freeway tracks there right now. And then, i am going to wrap a very briefly i am strongly opposed. On the assignment about the central subway and the contract, 7 Million Dollars, i am strongly opposed to any further studies, and you should look on page 123, of your packet. You will find that the design is 200 million. And that is from has to stop and thank you very much thank you, for your emails. Next speaker, please . Hi, im jim, and patrick and company in sn, in reference to cal train it seems to me that we should be rethinking this project a little bit. How about a hybrid engine that is electrical and diesel . And they can be used once the tunnel is built and, they can be in the line and it solves a lot of problems, that does not seem to be an equation, as near as i can see. This is a critical path, in the third and townsend, 10,000 people a day come in there and we have had our Planning Department build all of these highrise buildings downtown but we have not connected the transportation system. And since i was a kid and let me tell you, let the record reflect that was a long time ago. We talk about bart to the airport thanks is natural thanks is like falling off a log, but we cant get the train to downtown where the action is. I just dont understand it, i dont think that this say 100 year decision, if have you heard of the stuff that musk is doing, things are going to charngs a 100 year decision, i cant buy that, on sounds good but not true. I heard the planning decision and there was a value that went, by me quickly. I find that discouraging and very poor city policy to design something where we can get the land and make the most of it later. And therefore, you are always going to go where the best land sources are. And we want the best solution for the product at hand and then the things will fallout where they may. And to go to the other way, and i know that we had a great land acquisition, relative to the transbay thanks was because the freeway was in place, and it went down in front of fertry building and that created all of those things, to go out and plan a project to take the maximum land value, that is just bad policy. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Patrick, next speaker please. And i have one more speaker card from ben summers. Go ahead, sir. Good morning, chair peskin. Vice chair and, commissioners my name is bruce and, i am the chair of the tjfrment pa cac and a member of the rib study and high speed rail, Citizens Working Groups of board member and transportation rep for the south beach, Mission Bay Neighborhood association, my comments are as an individual and Public Transportation advocate. I am in full support of the 5. 4 Million Dollar prop k funds requested today by the tjpa and the cta. As you heard the work includes funding for the Design Elements of the dtx will be use inned any of athlete alignments considered in the reb study and for the review of the alignment to minimize the cut and cover and, minimizing in the cut and cover, is critical, and as this construction method will bring the neighborhood, including muni to a stand still w this said, we are all concerned about what we heard on the uncertainty created by washington, delaying or eliminating the 647 million of federal funding identified for cal train electricfiation, and in addition we are concerned with the operating deficit for running the Transit Center and based on this, we might say what is the sense of urgency to authorize the funding now, should we wait and, these are real concerns, however and, i know that i am preaching to the choir as a region and i state, our economic engine and jobs and quality of life are pending on the structure. And we need to find a way to get it built and without it we will experience grid lock, have confidence in the elected leaders. In agencies responsible for the bay area fund and we will figure a way to get this done. And find the funding for the extension. In the meantime, we need a 30 percent design in the study completed as soon as possible. As the stake holders, include thanksgiving commission, so they have the necessary information to make the decision on the dtx alignments. Once the decision is made we, will have cleared on the next steps and path forward. Thank you. Next speaker, mr. Haws. Im jim hawand i am delighted to be here because for the first time i am not here to complain. What you have before you is an acknowledgment that that the existing tjpa, plan, for the dtx is out loaded, and the Planning Department as you have heard has been working on making something plan which will be workable in the future. I am here to support the new budget, and that has been proposed. And i particularly like the 200,000 of us being setside by your staff, to over see and to coordinate things, because as you are well aware, this is a very complicated project that involves a variety of agencies, some not everyone is on the same page and not everyone gets along with each other. And so it is very important that we, sort of get this together. And this is a major step forward in the goal is to have within a year a plan for bringing the train downtown which everyone can buy into. Now having said that, we are all aware of the funding problem. Analyst vz suggested that although, the president may be populous and most of the congress and the good deal of the people in the administration, are hard right people who are involved with the heritage foundation, and the reason the foundation who are opposed to the transit across the board. Well that is a per poster yus notion because it effects all towns and cities and that will ee vain shally go atwlashgs is no reason why we should not continue to work on our plan to have it done so that we can work within what comes forward. Thank you. Good morning, my name is bob and i am the chair of save, muni. We fully support cal train and we courage the continued growth and we hope that it grows by double, and triple and quad dru ple, electricfiation seems to have the plan that has the most support at the current time. We urge cal train to look at just in the unlikely circumstance to look at the locomotives as a mean of getting cal train downtown to the transbay center. That said, i want to express support for the prop k allegation, for the Transbay Authority to continue the engineering stud yz, i think that this is important to not let this lag, and to continue with these Common Elements as been described by mark and others. Finally the stud y this is the biggest that is purpose traitd on San Francisco in a long time. Only, supported because you have gotten over a million and a half dollars, of the log rolling from mtc and i am sure that the good citizens of freemont, and santa rosa, who have unwhitingly contributed to this pathetic study i am sure that you do not have much to explain about it when a connected sabal puts forth their plans for some toll roads out in the suburbs, finally, i compare this reb study to the year, 1520, when the king of spain, commissioned a study to discover what was the world was actually flat and compared to the alternative and it is about as meaningful. Thank you. Next speaker please . Good morning, board members. Adena leven and i am a member of the Community Working group on the rab and representing friends of cal train which is a nonprofit with 6,000 participants from here in San Francisco, to san jose and beyond, as well as the friends of dtx. And here to support the fund and move this forward. I am glad to hear in the presentation, regarding cal train with the effort to work on plan a to get this project fund and moving forward as the most shovel ready project in the country. As well as looking into the planned b glad to want to select a preferred alternative and converge the plans by the end of the year to move forward. Even though the weather is chilly in dc as know that it is a good idea to have td plans in hand when funding frees up, so please, do move forward, one of the things that i am spired by here in california, is hearing leaders i urge you to move forward. Next speak frer district three. Hi, how are you . I am here representing four or five people, because they are in meeting and, all of another wonderful things that keep the economy humming. So i want to read a quote from a couple of emails that we have been exchanging from the San Francisco residents. She says that i feel strongly about this as anyone who rides, cal train, and isnt going to a giants game. In is an opportunity for all of you to have a big impact on individuals lives. And those of us who need to get to work on a daily basis would tremendously appreciate it and it is something that we are watching. So, thank you. Thank you. Mr. Strauss . I am here to support the allocation of the 4. 5 Million Dollars plus to keep this project moving forward and, the downtown extension and is the highest rail capitol priority after the central subway, and i am encouraged that we are not only pursuing as we must, plan a, as it has been called, but also, our investigating a plan b and plan c because of this is essential that we keep this project moving for ward. We are invested in the Sales Force Tower and the rail terminal, and underneath it already. And the projects supported by this 5. 4, Million Dollars, are consistent with all of those and i urge you to keep us moving forward, aggressively, on these elements and on this over all project. Thank you. I want to say that i strongly support this allegation, i think that the tjpa staff could use more than this, but this is a good start. A word about grab. I used to run stud yz like this when i was at p engineering and i can tell you that if i had been 36 months into a study, with no numbers, they would have fired me, and they would have been right. It is disgraceful that we dont have anything to look at, other than planning concept after all of this time, on sektd street, i am glad that hear that the rab staff has it straight and, there was a time not too long ago when they were saying that they were going to tunnel everything, and the tgpa was doing a cut and cover. And now it is necessary to cut and cover, the north end because of the track way widen to 165 feet. And you cannot tunnel a thing that is 70 feet underground and 165 feet wide and so that is why the north end is cut and cover. And then you have all tunnel and this is Second Street, and all tunnel until you get right down close to the existing station. And that is, there is the tunnel has to come up very close. To grade, only about 25 or 30 feet below grade. You cant tunnel 25 or 30 feet over or under grade. A little bit on this allocation and, this as you have heard, some of that could wait until high speed rail is closer, the tunnel plug at the south end was accommodation to the ideas of the rab study, that is 100 Million Dollars that could be cut out and replaced with a knock out panel. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public here on items 12 through 12 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Any comments from members, seeing none, mr. Clerk, could you please have a roll call on item 14. Information item. Oh, you are correct. And with that would you move to item 15, please. Item 15, is introduction of new items. And together with commissioner fewer, i am introducing the resolution urging the state legislature to amend the california vehicle and Public Utilities codes to enable the local california jurisdictions to access trip data and to permit and conduct, the tnz. As warranted to insure, the safety and access and manage congestion, thank you commissioner fewer. And is there any general Public Comment . Thank you, again. And very briefly, it is a follow up to a comment that you made earlier on, about the tac, getting involved in the discussion. I want to bring to your attention that item number 14, is on two more evenings, and constant. And calendar and it is unacceptable and, there has to be a full presentation from the tjpa to the cac, explaining what we are doing for the robust discussion to inform you when this comes back to you for approval tushgs very much. I concur, mr. Yep . inaudible ability of the five religion buddhism, christianity and islam. Holiness of all principal inaudible the President National lead sxerz all inaudible for inaudible spirit inaudible true principal inaudible role model. inaudibl inaudible product as long wait to open up the generations of the foundation, inaudible civil justice, and the true principal can put an end to the tragedy and make way for the social prosperity inaudible thank you. Are there any other members of the public for general Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And there is no more business before us, so we are adjourned. Okay wednesday, march 20, 2016, everybody morning welcome to the admission giants sweep yeah. clapping. that is the third neighborhood that weve come in and done this program were a doing 6 along missions and van ness we do extensive a cleaning and outreach and the cans which ill talk about in a minute and also enforcement and so right now we have an enforcement as part of team and their all out doing outreach along this corridor as everybodys responsibilities and answering the questions and handing out a little newspaper with all the information in it as well but i really want to talk about yes, we can yes, we can is a Pilot Project that were swedish up we started taking cans off the street we were told that keeps the streets clean we have cans on every corner and pilot that and measure that and see how it works at this time though i want to introduce our mayor former public works director mayor ed lee. clapping. all right. Thank you eric. clapping. good morning, everybody. You know originally when i heard the phrase yes, we can i thought dpw was trying to cure cancer you know the men and women are dedicated dedicated to keeping our streets clean thank you finally and our Police Department, who is here as well keeping everybody safe and thing ecology and, of course, thank supervisor Hillary Ronen who right off the bat wants here streets clean that is worthy doing together so im really glad to be be her along phillip is about to explain our miracle mile along mission something we love in the Mission District we want to keep clean keeping the city clean cant be the responsibility of our Police Department public works only about while they pick up the trash and dont a job it really is again keeping the streets clean and not trashing that it that in the first place so they come up and coin the phrase yes, we can with the emphasis on can to add 38 more trash cans along Mission Street supervisor i know you will appreciate that but more importantly it is about the education we need to do because why does trash lets itself on the street it didnt it is human beings that are leaving the trashes on the streets we should prevent that from happening thats why dpw wants me as the mayor and recotton as our 235ishd contractor and people in the neighborhood with architect and designers designing better streets request the supervisors to wshthd to educate the public lets leave the trash in the cans in the on the streets lets respect our neighborhood line the missions and the miracle mile coordinator and our businesses lets respect each other by putting trash where that belongs that is what yes, we can does and also the existing part the giants want to keep our streets clean thats why they entered into the program called the giants sweep and started their season i hope they sweep everybody in the baseball field but you hunter who is our, of course, our proin leading the effort on the giants sweep and larry is joining the department of public works to make sure we educate our kids our businesses and adults and to keep the trash in the cans that sweep everything clean and citywide effort while were piloting the program the supervisors will love pilots in the mission will turn cleaner streets into everybodys responsibility thats why i love this organization when i was there 0 as spent hours picking up trash, of course, we wanted is better world by people doing what they should be doing with their own trash not on the responsibility to keep things clean but obviously issues individual responsibility so what we should be teaching our kids and adults and people on the streets 0 people 0 or are shopping and buying things put your trash in the cans and be responsible be respected full of everybody using our streets that is how our public works wanted us to on behalf of so, yes we can the giant sweep educate ourselves and the public but be exciting about the streets we should respect everyone use of our streets and not trash them to the disreplacement of Everything Else we have kicking off as a reminder it is going to a beautiful sum that is spring we want to walk down the beautiful corridors and enjoy everything we want on our streets but not enjoy trash on the streets thank you dpw for leading the way clapping. thank you supervisor ronen sophomore being a great leader right off the bat and cleaning up the neighborhood before doing all the politics that supervisors much. clapping. laughter thank you, mayor ive had the pleasure of knowing supervisor ronen so for a number of years which she was she was an aide for supervisor campos she cares deeply been the community and about the commercial corridors and she kind of helped this idea i want to take the time to say thanks for the idea but supervisor Hillary Ronen please come up and say and a few words. Good afternoon a gorgeous day to launch this in the mission i want to thank the mayor and phil and mohammed and the team for picking up the next area of our city to get a clean we need but talk about yes, we can the Pilot Project im excited about i dont know about you when im walking where i need to go i find myself holdings my apple courses for blue cross and being frustrated there was not a trash can so one of my first meetings are Mohammed Nuru and dpw i said can we get trash cans an Mission Street i said are you sure you want to do that the reason they were taken out bus trash cans is a magnet for dumping and additional trash i said well, thats already in the mission so we we try the trash cans that means if i have a trash can and education our community hopefully, people low throw the trash in the cans and well have a beautiful neighborhood you all deserve in the mission i want to thank Mohammed Nuru for the sketching for working with me and have this Pilot Project and use the mission as a beginning i didnt pig to see if the trash cans are making our neighborhoods cleaner so were going to try in the mission but as the mayor said we need everybodys help to use the trash cans with appropriately and when the acronym courses we have a place and thank you recoming down the pike and we can have even more incredible neighborhoods and hopefully a attract people thank you very much and looking forward to the pilot being a success we can take it to other parts of our city thank you very much. clapping. thank you, supervisor in other words, to try a keep the city clean doing pilots and trying Different Things that always a part of what public works does were hoping people will keep their fingers crossed and mission will be an example for the rest of the city at this time i want to bring up the accident of the admissions phil was responsible for the miracle mile while i he was the superintendent of street and Environmental Services that was the cleanest block on mission come up. clapping. friends thank you ever so much with the miracle maker and chief and the best mayor of the city and county of San Francisco how about a round of applause for mayor ed lee and now we have a Mission District supervisor ronen and a hand for her, please. clapping. so you see a beautiful asphalt Mission Street here it used to look like did moon ed lee said well go and change that and give us brand new asphalt thats why that looks like it does today, the Transit Association said well speed up up the lines in the city of San Francisco on 14 and mission that is absolutely environmental those are miracles and miracles are the only place in the bay area youre standing between two bart stations and neighborhood no neighborhood in the entire bay area that can be or is that this is a special place when real estate was free it was at one time the missionaries where it now the city of San Francisco they went where were standing youre in a special place we need to keep to special i want to say a clean ship is a happy ship well do it together thank you so much. clapping. i want to take the time to acknowledge Hunters Point families who were standing across the street in an hour youll see a pit stop for approximately year their joining us that morning all right. And. clapping. we partner what a lot one the closet it partners a theyll be dumping those garbage can and recotton ill ask to you as a a couple of words. Thank you, larry i wasnt expecting that recotton partners with the city family here if any of you have not found one and you want to keep it incredible get here at 3 30 and 4 00 a. M. Our trash trucks are emptying and by 5 00 a. M. Mission street looks incredible that happens every morning of week with that thats enough said thank you, everybody. clapping. okay. That concludes the press conference well do an installation of the cans this is the last of the 38 the rest have been insulate and thanks everybody for coming good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We are going to get started. I want to call the meeting to order and i want to welcome you back. This is a regularly scheduled meetingwelcome to the regular scheduled meeting of the San Francisco retirement board i am a leah cohen chairman of the body and please, join me by rising and placing your right hand over your heart and joining me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] thank you. Mr. Claire, good afternoon to you. Please, call the roll call cohen here, [inaudible] the order of which they were handed to me the order in which im going to call the public common cards. If you do not hear your name being called please, at the end of the list feel free to walk up to the podium and speak into the microphone once we have satisfied the speaker cards. You will not hear any kind of indicator, chime or buzzer when you have 30 seconds remaining. Instead what you will hear is our clerk, norm nickens, he will say, 30 seconds the means you have 30 seconds to wrap up your call. Excuse me not your call but your comment. Again you of two minutes. All right. Welcome and the first person. [calling Public Comment cards. ] lets get started. Welcome. The floor is yours. Thank you. Thank you pres. And thank you board members. I remember i was here several years ago. I was an ace member. Maybe you folks still remember ace . That im coming here again i tell you what were talking about the same things. The folks in the Standing Rock used to be, last century, they got arrested for not staying in residential [inaudible] now, they have bbb because they stay on the reservation. We are talking about displacement. Several years ago i was here talking to the folks here. The bank [inaudible] lived in San Francisco and the bay area. We are talking the same thing. Again. Im not sure you folks remember we actually shut this down and out meeting when we were here because you folks cannot deal with what we were about to tell you. So, please, this time do not shut us down and listen to us. People are suffering because somebody called it this fancy word of [inaudible] as a member of a San Francisco citizen, as you all folks went in, theres a fiduciary duty to [inaudible] the folks especially not under the name of government. Especially, not under the name of using government funds. Thank you very much. For not shutting me down. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards. ] hello. Thank you. Im here in support of the resolution at the board of supervisors passed from all related companies. I guess just the po i would make as a citizen is related to the fiduciary responsibility i think [inaudible] are declining in terms of return on investment and i think changing of investments into Renewable Energies would actually be more beneficial to the retirement board. So it wouldnt even be just a moral responsibility. It would make sense for investments. I think its an easy discussion and im here to support it. Thank you. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards. ] members of the board, thank you for hearing us today. I am a 35yearold resident of San Francisco, 35 year resident of San Francisco. In a retiree member of local 1021. For the past 11 years from the city and county of San Francisco. I am grateful in this day and age of growing widespread Financial Insecurity our city is seen fit to send me a check each month. However, retiree is not the only hat i wear. Im also here today as a concerned citizen of the world. I try to take seriously my responsibilities as a steward, not only myself and my family, but also of the planets. I urge you, too, to remember your role as protector of the security of retirees today and of generations to come. Including current and active city workers like my son and ems worker with the San Francisco fire department. Im here today speaking also for future retirees who count on you to keep the longterm future of the planet in mine. Im not of native ancestry but because of the leadership that Indigenous People are taking in the struggle i have learned we all share this responsibility. To be protectors of clean water, clean air and the earth itself. I urge you in your work here to be not only smart but also wise to renumber the wisdom of reciprocity and to think ahead for seven generations as many traditions teach. Im here with others to ask what speed sfers is asking [inaudible] for climate change. What have you done to follow up on promises that youve made to withdraw investments from fossil fuel industries and the Financial Institutions which finance them . Why, when i search for the current status of sfers fossil fueled investment that i find nothing online but a promised timeline made by you two years ago for complete divestment of fossil fuels . Is there a timeline . How are we doing . Thank you [calling Public Comment cards. ] hello. I am a 23 year Service Employee union member and retiree and i want to thank you, first of all, for sending me the check every month, and keeping us as wellfunded and as fully invested as you guys have been doing. Its been a really good job. I also want to say that i find that promise that was made four years ago to divest from coal, and the current request that divest from oil extracted energies, is a really strong secure request. California has done really well in alternating sales to the extracted and jersey injuries injuries industries and i encourage you to meet have the committee that working on divestment, meet because i understand they have not met since last september. So i really want to encourage you to divest from all of the earth extracted industries and to seriously consider the fact that its a security risk. Its a risk to our safety, to water, to the climate, and to the we are poisoning our water. Time is running out so im okay when he said the urgency is now. Thats how i feel. So in a Capitalistic Society i feel government corporations dont really view us as people or human means. They view us as consumers when the most effective ways if you really want to resist trauma and do all these things is just divest. So do the right thing. Fix this now because i walked the streets every day in sf and i feel ashamed. Thats my comment. [calling Public Comment cards. ] isabella . Hello. My name is isabella i think im northern Cheyenne River rock and muscogee creek. I want to first acknowledge the ilona peopleland that we are standing here on this territory right now. I just want to be in solidarity with our water protectors and everyone that are standing to divest from the Dakota Access pipeline and other fossil fuel infrastructures. Im only 23 or years old and this is an Important Movement that we need to all be part of. I helped organize an action, i believe in november, on november 30. We were able to divest over three and the thousand or Million Dollars within four hours. How come its taking you over four years to do so . So i really want to reiterate what everyone is saying, that we need to push through with this. You guys have the power to do so and its my future generation, its my future that is at risk because of this. I live in richmond next to the refinery in a 2012 it exploded. I dont know what to do when that happens. Whats going to happen with the water is contaminated . When our air is contaminated . More contaminated than it is now. Please, take that stand and listen to all of us. Clearly, as this message its no joke. This is real life and please, do this for the future generations for nonhuman relatives to make sure we can continue to have clean air clean water and clean soil. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards. ] good morning im recently coming from whats called the dan rock reservation and we took a treaty stand protesting the pipeline thats proposed to go through our treaty territory. Now, i know youre unfamiliar with treaties. We are the only tribe that had our treaty ratified by congress. So its the duty and obligation of the us [inaudible] which they are not doing, but my purpose behind being here is to urge you to divest this oil pipeline is coming through not just our treaty territory but alongside the Missouri River and its brakes its when it breaks but itll affect the second largest water supply in United States and is water supply feeds the greenbelt which [inaudible] so its not only the Missouri River thats at risk. The aquifer and like i said, this is a worldwide issue. Its happening right now. With these pipelines coming through our treaty territory. We all need water to live. Our children, the future generations, San Francisco has always been known to be at the forefront of change and positive programs. Recycling, clean air, alternative energy sources. So i like to urge you to divest as our future generations are at stacked steak at steak if we will allow these Oil Refineries were Oil Corporations engage in Risky Business that one danger our future then something is wrong. B thank you very much. [calling Public Comment cards. ] thank you very much. [calling Public Comment cards. ] my name is jackie. I am Cheyenne River. These are the two tribes in the plains. We live along the missouri could we depend on its for our ceremonies, for our wellbeing to feed ourselves, what charles was referring to was the fort laramie treaty that the great sioux nation comprised of seven tribes made an agreement with us congress back in the 19th century. Its important because as he was saying, this is the only treaty that recognized a nation to nation relationship. When we talk about these pipelines were not just talking about e

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