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And the initial application preapplication hearing in october of 2013 so first in objectivity of 2013 as you can see those are the two structures on state street the rear of the property here those were third floor and secondstory not differentiated from each this was an original presentation the preapp meeting computed included the renovated expansion of the court next as you can see in by the variance hearing there was response to the neighborhood concerns a reduction in one of the building down to 2 serious stories the other than was that stories and at commission in 20159 other building was recused in response to concerns the project team heard from the commission and then finally we get to the current proposal the renderings showing two buildings with the presentation of who mature cypresses trees and the project team has come up with an Initiative Plan signed off by and arborist to protects so those with a setbacks 2 it order court that is the home that protects the trees has a 12 foot setback and recused the skoormg as you can see open slide perhaps hard it is a suspected driveway and walkway it is a Initiative Project and it protects the trees and we worked with the oovrt arborist to have a Protection Plan that thank you. Next speaker, please. Comfortable with and hope to preserve those trees thats the structural kind of basis for that plan here this is 22 order court now a 6 foot setback on this property to representative the 12 foot on 24 order court rear and aized footprint and 22 order front no changes the total expansion is only 8 hundred and 24 square feet a might have to provision finally the court is not part of the project no plans whatsoever to expand this beyond the envelope that slide is not updated mr. Tilly chang wants to only probably do minor interior alteration there were elderly tenants living there theyve passed and they not given up possession before you, you soon after he gets position will go and maybe interior modifications not structural not part of this project not able to see inside the house but wanted to represent it to some young people that need Affordable Housing well have have more to say if you have questions moving to outreach there is neighborhood involvement into october 2013 a number of responses for frankly have been concerns weve heard over time and at first, the real focus on views over time reduced 3 stories to 2 to trial to accommodate those concerns as you may know true preservation was a concern weve added there Initiative Work and now a Movement Among neighbors to actually not have development on state street or limit development on state street to what weve seen in recognition to a chius weve done to go out to the neighborhood radius and do a real compass we have a good half of people unavailable on the pie chart 23 percent of people stored or supported the project or neutral or positive not jumping up and down in support at a hearing but 20 percent were neutral and counted 14 percent opposed so we can say safely the neighborhood is split youll hear from a number of people that are opposed but a difference of opinion as a result of the offer outreach in the community over the last few months additional outreach one with the Land Use Commission and the Neighborhood Association one with a representative the Corona Heights and with the discretionary review Applicant Group we provided the commission yesterday as tina mentioned letters of support and a packet available in hardcopy and as tina mentions theyre available and finally id like to talk about where we are now and the most recently question we received in neighborhoods to come up with a project not needing discretionary review that mass both the 24 frontage as opposed to to the street footage and this relates to the conditional use requirements require that the commission find that if it is going to grant approval for greater than 45 percent lot coverage i need the lot infeasible without exceeding 45 percent coverage so tina mentioned one definition of feasible and one a synonyms for being used or dealt with successfully and merry yes, i am weber stare is likeable which people hear infeasible under noting no probability can it happen but the dictionary says it has to be suitable and reasonable that means infeasible is not likely or suitable this is important to keep that frafrmd would the Commission Want to prove brave those under keeping with the citys policies getting into the percent lot coverage it is simply infeasible e feasible to add the unit without studying 55 lot coverage very significant sloping as you can see this is a steeply slope to develop any usually Square Footage theyre lost the Square Footage if up and down state street down to lower levels a lot of Square Footage is lost you end up with a house that takes up more of the lot that repeating really is the prime reason it is infeasible to develop a smaller footprint and in addition the exist singlefamily units coffer the significant Square Footage the lot youre not dealing of dealing dealing with that much Square Footage youll see from this diagram this show you the highlights a large number of multi proopts are rh2 or rh3 developed with dwelling units based on a quick survey is clearly above 55 percent lot coverage there are we didnt have time to identify those but as you can see a large number of these actually are already developed in over percent lots finally another request pie fables to mask two units that is infeasible and we did a whole studies of American People alternative that would do just that it showed from a shadow study an entire study this shadow study is is from 6 50 a. M. Substantial blockage of light and shadowing other than the building on the become left savior shadows up to the Property Line that has few windows for the units theyve developed on this frontage would that cast shadow and eliminate open space on the middle of those lots on both parcels it is infeasible to develop ill be happy to talk about that more later. Okay opening it up for Public Comment. Good evening commissioners im chris parks i would say in the neighborhood for nearly 10 years you must be tired of this project therefore attempted to approve anything youve spend o spent so much time were suffering like you, we have fulltime jobs and other purities but have felt time and energy and thought weve invested over years for decades into care of for the neighborhood that is open space and smallscale and we work hard to see this project was incorporated into the new sgrrment legislation for two develops were written by us are for project in from the property project is approved no point in the sdprrmz so we ask you to project to look at this project under the standards of legislation to save the open space in our neighborhood an august 12th we met what was a fair compromise given the requirements of new legislation the fact the new legislation specific applies to Pipeline Projects and findings of harding park and the simple fact it was a process before the new legislation was written may i have the projector please. Thank you this is just a very simple proposal youll see it here displayed the neighborhood to support this postage the two 0 lots not the other with an one what about code compliant and two units will be allowed on both lots and moma the feasibility eir availability i dont know any neighborhoods that is opposed to adding Square Footage to our neighborhood i the president to add ill apply some additional signatures over 67 signatures garter and also some additional materials to sport what we want to say i expect other speakers to talk about details just to give you within sort option for how that layout this is one with you have two units added to im sorry two units added on both sides it could be done a might want way i ask you to keep in mind if this legislation means anything it cant be approved that make a mockery of new legislation thank you. Next speaker, please. Quart here. Commissioners good evening i live on state street in the neighborhoods for over 3 nature years i wanted to say that to approve today is kwufbs makes the new legislation useful as it was written in parts for in and in whole for projects just like this the section of legislation it applicable to those lots see page four of the interim controls line quote that the Planning Commission in considering a conditional use authorization in a situation where an additional new residential unit is property on to through lot which an existing building on the footage will only grant it is unfeasible to add a unit to the lot the owner states why putting two units is infeasible he states is it so inner feasible it build do units on the either Court Building each lot is 25 feet wide and go steep to build two units we have to ask ourselves whether two units are on loves over three feet i dont think so are all unlevel lots and nonoccur on steep lots i dont think so those feasibility are ridiculous you putting two units is entirely feasible thank you for your time. Good evening my name is mary ann ive lived on this court for over thirty years and practiced law in San Francisco during most of that time quite a bit the case law for the civil courts cases they hinge on whatnot the developers professed scheme makes that developer more money all of the courts have dismissed that standard but rather by give consideration economic and social and he technical metrological whether a pursuant Property Owner will precede with the alternative so here we would ask if you were to disapprove the new building on the court would a resemble prudent owner precedes and a at the front or that owner to see that is infeasible the owner will not precede given the turning of the buildings from one unit to 2 units occurs all the time in San Francisco the objective answer is yes, a reasonable prudent owner will proceeded to turn a current house into two units if so commission disapproved the new building at the rear of the lot on the court at previous speaker noted the lot with the typography didnt prevent the edition the sponsors Rachel Norton that is infeasible to add a second unit because the new proposal casts a shadow or block light into the court is simply not true and laughable the current this on court sits within the side of the building and thirty court so therefore there are currently no entry points for light into those two buildings from the east side of the courts additionally the developer sponsor here as proposed two building one each at the rear the 22 order court and one in the rear of this order court both will cast huge shadows into state street your supporter dont believe what needs to be built is any less than 4 units that is the same amount as the developer were talking about the standard is a alternative that make sense in the context of the neighborhood the same number of Housing Units by the developer but medium size and not oversized thank you. Good evening, commissioners im Joseph Butler i have thirty years of experience as a license architecture designing residential dwellings the neighborhood living in the state Street Project engaged any services to determine the feasibility of having two flats at either 22 or 24 court i made a variety of sketches one was turned into the site on the screen that show us the buildings can accommodate a second unit with minimum shadows cast the standard lot and 65 feet of buildable makes it as 2, 3 bedroom flats i understand the proposal before i for both variance and conditional use involves with only who 22 order court front and wraer and the rear yard behind it facing states street the existing building on 24 court has been left out of the application goous boosts location of the open space and the two monterey on state street as well as the steepness of the site the common sense compromise to have two units at 24 order in the front building without development and rear and two buildings on the 22 order court site as we show you dont have the authority to make the developer produce two units at 24 the front building you certainly have the authority to disapprove the proposed building in its rear yard from the developer then choose to come back with a proposal to turn 22 to two units on two levels over the garage with minimal shoovd we can do see, however, they dont have to more disbrawl is supported by the fact it is feasible to develop two units at the front of 24 order court and this is the key standard to determine this can i it is necessary and desirable for the neighborhood i think that four family sized units has shown in the site plan two 4 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms go to guess the necessary while saving the open space and making the project two combined 55 percent lot converge or coverage is desirable while the lot coverage on the building with on the site with two buildings 55 percent didnt require a variance and together they only come to 54. 9 percent will the coverage feasibility is clear thank you. Good evening, commissioners my name is ricky live at state street and in the neighborhood for 8 years i want is im glad the developers after having to disclose the trees and later at the first hearing the trees were unhealthy now see the light and the trees are healthy and in fact, preserving thats the good news the bad news in anyone knows the proposed house will keep those trees as is are foolingism the project sponsor shows the trees in light shading it was hard to see how much it will block the house if built it is had a as huge window looking at the trees and 0 so close the trees will reflect the light we expect the new owners will trim the trees our efforts to safe the trees will be wasted one of the reasons behind the compromise it will insure the trees theyll on the the continental approval the trees be maintained wurt the proximate of the house and larger windows no reason for the owners to cause trees damage one tree will be added to the 24 court and the developer will get a separate building at the rear it is a winwin for both sides the developer gets his four units and the neighborhood gets to keep to have the rear yard and preserving the open space and maintaining the views for the homeowners and you visitors to enjoy please issue a winwin not another win for that the developers and a loss for the neighborhood thank you for your time and consideration. Good evening, commissioners i live an order street the project sponsor believes that the current proposal came out of the last meekly that commissioner moore and commissioner richards it would be approved had the zoning control that ruling it would be understandable but today such a rule flies in the face of legislation this is not a 3rd but a hearing other than the quite frankly application a conditional use is not required because of size and lot coverage and the feasibility planning are not required for the lot coverage sxooed 45 percent and for the street frontages the finding the sponsor proposes are inaccurate a 25 foot lot as in their which is the standards with the rh two lot it is saying it is infeasible to put lots is two narrow is infeasible so design a car it only has 4 wheels we need to make the project sponsor is live up to the rules it is only subsequent for the neighborhood and the neighbors that working hard weve bent over background to agree to one of the developments for the cu and variance in challenge for the cu or without the cu or variance what we have proposed is more than fair what the sponsor mass present didnt meet the conditional review feasibility and never meet the harding park and circumstances i perp described 4 hundred and 50 flyers and innovate met a simple person that supports this application thank you. Commissioners good evening. Im tom smith i live on museum way this developer began that project by marketplaces the trees on the plan to having them considered this the tree legislation and the attorney declared the trees are uninhabitant and not put the autobiographies because 25 is too narrow the lots two steep he is a pattern of exaggeration and misrepresentation and guess is the sponsor strategy to wear you down and tired of hearing this case and give up regardless of what it development do ask the neighborhood and the variance requirement regardless of the fact that 22 order court bend from a assistance as a asking for a second bit of an and not meeting the zoning legislation the proposal meets the developer halfway and he gets an embarkment of both court facts this is perch giving away the store and prefered two new units neither would have required a conditional use but for the sake are unity ive supportive of the fees and variance please dont disregard the legislation it didnt comply with the legislation and simply wouldnt be fair thank you. Commissioners good afternoon. Im july 4th will be speaking for myself toy the Property Owners proposed project you know about what it is and leaves the smallest building untouched not having a permit application leaving auto the court once the tenants passed away in april seems like a ploy we dont have highpriced lawyers were not entirely stupid we feel the developer is trying to milk the lots and goals to get the 3 units somewhere and come back and say you know 24 court is tiny compared to the building id like to enlarge that and it is please look at that this is the neighbors have offered the project sponsor to develop order court and to leave the rear of 24 court undeveloped he think you see when is which and the rear of 24 court not developed this leaves the cypresses untouched and guarantee tests survival it you approve that youll approve the various applications and allowing the developer and deny the conditional use for the other lot we can address those order court and but an option a 2 unit building weve told the project sponsor well support another alternative we consider to expand the existing building an order court that one, two, two units leaving the rear yard of order court undemonstrated and authorize the conditional use at the rear of 24 court as the project sponsor would last week this will excessive the goal of preserve open space excepts on the court it compromises the interim controls zoning controls please deny the fee and approve within of the alternatives wear proposed thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im david cannon i own the building on state street just a few houses down from the project ive also neighborhood for own or owned this building over 10 years and in the castro over 4 years ive never seen a neighborhood so gal invented over an issue as over this on or about of development on in Corona Heights the last time i came to a meeting in march in the city council chasms over 50 speakers supporting supervisor wieners controls on development in Corona Heights one speaker against it everyone ive never seen to many people get excited over stopping this developer from Going Forward with that project there was a mandate into the city council or the board of supervisors to put this on hold until there was a conference of plan to control this kind of development in our neighborhood now if you go ahead and approve that i mean it is create a cynical attitude towards government in San Francisco no wonder the people are so upset ive never eaten seen not met anyone that supports in project ive owned over 10 buildings since ive lived in San Francisco and magnify of them were on 25 foot lots im a thousand square feet help if this person needs help im i object to help them out ill show them how my house is situations i specialize in small hughs you know what that is San Francisco selfthis developer brought brought a piece of property and cant develop it he should have done his homework. Hi i live on falcon streets speaking on behalf of mire neighborhood and from the president s from the Neighborhood Association. Commissioners the planning and ludicrously the recidivism has reviewed the permit properties on the court the Eureka Valley saw that passed in 2347d given f this project didnt meet the scale and size determined by the zoning controls there are feasible alternatives that respect the zoning controls we ask you deny this request for the conditional use permit commissioners good evening. Im camille we hopefully, youll support over proposal to approve the 22 court conditional use variance with the attached changes and deny the conditional use for order court for a compromise so the materials submitted during the dr for the requesting you we wish to submit the following document and forward them to the board of supervisors with all the materials an appeal to the board be unemployable that concludes portion of our presentation and the moscone on 3 lots characteristic of the neighborhoods and the affordability to the projects like this the developers has refused the lack of variance for the project and the previous variance through order court that causes us you how many surveillance is this property going to get we want to emphasize question of worked with the board of supervisors that makes that clear what kind of developments are property weve prototyped the developer with a compromise that meets him halfway and the modest conditions can accommodate his project thank you. Good evening commissioners i dike i live on state street and my residence is between state and the court ive been in the neighborhood for thirty years i love the neighborhood i love about the neighbors a lot of vegetation and a lot of trees and theres a lot of birds and it is like feeling in a wildlife xichl only many petersburg kins is for the around ive been here since 2 oclock im so tired i didnt royals you must be exhausted im here because i want to support my neighbors. Thank you for letting us speak on my neighbors on behalf of thank you for being here tonight. Is there any additional Public Comment ill tell you what you guys come on up and line up and cue up, however, you want. Nominees a keri i live on the court and lived in San Francisco a a long time for 40 years im not going to say much but and support any neighbors in within of the alternatives proposals that we made to the developer thank you very much. Good evening commissioners my name is gary im the president of the corona and on the Eureka Valley association it is within the boundaries the organization in an email he received from the Zoning Administrator Scott Sanchez that all variances are approved by that commission he said there is an extensive process the sponsors revised their project or dont meet the plans for variance and therefore rejected the inference those requests that come before the commission are by the nature that have that process virtually a done deal and if this is as true as it appears to be is the public feeling duped go the variance request i spoke about supervisor wiener could offered did interim control legislation the purpose of the protective to limit over in this f this neighborhood and is limitations but the interpretation here is the legislation redid i understand in order to over build from the case of 22 to 24 court there is a large continuance of neighbors that have contributed an newcomers amount of time to protect this from polarities the project before you is requesting two surveillance and two conditional use permits ask can you please let us know despite the option by heights neighbors and the erect and the new renter zoning controls that there is some godgiven rights for the developer to receive the gifts those permits will be which numerous option are the alternatives thank you very much. Good evening dear commissioners im sonya at order street i want to state i support the development that follows our interim controls legislation and that addresses our city housing priority that legislation is disprorment Large Development that clashes with the neighborhood character youre looking at the textbook protective ive disappointed did proposed development were not common with the interim controls why would we can exempt from the law im worried about the conditional use authorization would render our interim controls newly especially because the case your hearing it under this legislation what it means for the other loss the conditional use applications are already in the pipeline and those developers are watching the presentation controls please dont reopen the floodgates for over Development Across our neighborhoods he respectfully is you support of the interim controls legislation and deny conditional use thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And commissioner antonini. Thank you. I make many trips on state street and order court because it is a very pleasant street and ongoing that we will eventually hear this again, im confused about the opposition bus order court is a narrow court and you know theyre asking for more density there as opposed to state student the development is much less dense and trees block the views from straight street and those trerz trees radio protected anyway, i dont see the view issue and on this so the other thing is that as far as the size of the unions which have been brought down consistently i have the sequencing the developer gave me they sounds reasonable 24 back and 21 hundred square feet saving the trees and 22 court modified quantity and 22 is 2371 and 24 is would remain in its footprint temple if this passes all attach a notice of restrictions that would you know not allow any expansion of the footprint of that particular residence which is still pretty small and good even with improvements on the interior will remain more affordable i i dont see those also a large homes this is remarkable the neighborhoods felt it is too tall they brought the height down then they were concerned about the trees now theyve saved the trees he know that legislation occurred at the board of supervisors in the interim but i really dont see what is gains by not approving those modestly sized homes on state street which are technically the rear then the large edition to the residents on 22 court so im thinking this is a good project it is everything thats been asked by the neighbors and previous hearings has been granted i understand the concerns of theyre not being other projects that fill you know both on court and on straight street i dont know how many instance the same might be true of museum in the states thats above States Museum every case names and addresses tobacco look ated i heard with the neighbors and the developer modified it is a great project and acknowledge two floors above state it is exactly like the other smaller unions that are some on states that goop as much as 3, 4, 5 floors but most one or two flairs above state so im supportive of project i on the each time that alternative is reasonable at any rate not before use it adds nor congestion an order court by alexander dont Additional Units or an additional unit and an enlarged unit as opposed do to the two units on that court. Commissioner richards and i guess mr. Butler i have a question for your please arrest you so the revised home you have on 24 court in our proposal is an sxangs of the light house chases the Square Footage there. On the front building on 24 court. Yes. The front building would be 31 hundred and 50 gross secretary skae skate the garage the 22 is one thousand 56 square feet gross 3 bedroom, 2 nature bath and elevators and the one on 26 court is 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half baths and an elevator a lot coverage is 1209 plus 1770 oh, im sorry part of your question. Thats fine you you know it is interesting maybe some feedback from the neighborhood groups it didnt hurt to call out ahead of time the thing i went with the Property Owners team this level of additional review we have with the conditions i read the legislation he was like oh, theres a restriction call infeasible we define infeasible if different ways weve heard different versions of it i see youve shown us something that is feasible and thrown mia bit i never noticed this thing here which is in this picture this kind of. Interests an above pool. I thought that was a structure. Thats correct thats the rear where the new this goes and it will i would say mimic existing conditions arrest; correct and expand if building and this building but thats our proposal the one issue i have to be somewhat fair i the Square Footage 22 hundred square feet than the Property Owners project sponsors i see the conditions and give the project sponsor more Square Footage how much on 24 so they can program the building reasonably the same amount of Square Footage. Thats up the Zoning Administrator it requires the 55 percent from the fronted Property Line to the rear wall of building we didnt want to come in here and present a larger project but if you went to the end of the building adjacent on the court it makes thing more come did you say and i dont know whether the neighbors will accept that. Is the projector architect here maybe we can talk about that. Youve looked theyre your name. Brad taylor. Youve landmarked the proposal for the Building Police vehicle making if bigger and the thresholds not the varnls i want to be in their fair at that time, developer and upgrade or workout how much to get that additional scheming. Part of the series of illustration that have been prepared and the followup tote february generateds both settings theyre part of the shadow settings to position the team to react to the charge of looking at the feasibility building as opposed to coming up with self alternatives coming to that charge we couldnt hold all the required programs a in the space to something that would be that small. Great but would you be willing to take that Building Back a. To take that back it was one of the things we remember looking at all options on the tackle and prepared to look at if there were the case whoo what would the shadow impacts of that and especially adjacent to the project we were looking to abut that building directly with windows looking at ousted that. Can you talk about the shadows impact on the building at 24. The difference weve done a number of those projects in all parts the city with respect to the larger massing building into smaller pieces that are better stitched and the solution i can speak most intellectually weve prepared but we did in the interim between if he february and now and provided the number of the numbers ballads with the matrixes and what that yields and how to solve parking all those things and concerns but that was basically, the classic intuition by breaking down the buildings being a benefit of the better solution frankly by breaking them up even with the smaller building a product of that setback for the protection tree Protection Measures to be put in place that was on the table the very solution we are that considering this abandoned after a number of solution with the shadow studies we took those to the initial meeting about the offline and generally summaries the direction we should continue to pursue with mitigating design tools that for the buildings into the underground and came up with the solution that made the street a better street. Thanks maybe mr. Parks im sorry, i have one other question. So i understand what the neighbors are trying to do in terms of remaining retaining what is interest if you put a house on 24 in the rear what are you losing to a safe the trees you still are going to be losing some Square Footage here of open space but still not contusions enough a real issue with adding a house a. A couple of concerns one it does decrease the overall open space to it exceeds the conditional use criteria and in order to put it there it is on this 7 and a half feet and the structure of the roots go down the hill ive learned from the oovrtd even a proposed memo about preserving those Electronic Devices we have Additional Information that talks about the concern of preserving those trees. You dont have that. Im distracted can you turn that off i met the project sponsor and see the backyard the open space and trees what are you using this backyard for. Yeah, so theres actually a previous hearing a number of months ago we presented several pictures from the neighbors that have sloped hills on state street and actually, their amazingly beautiful they are views and open space and they very much enjoy and appreciate them so but we lose that there and like i said terrorizing a big concern of the loss of trees when other options available. My thinking on this till having come back and read the legislation. The first time to be honest im xriend to grant a fee an 22 and expand the building on 24 and keep the existing pattern and not worrying about whether the trees will die and give the project sponsor the footage thats my thought on this project commissioner hillis. Just a question for mr. Butler did you have elevation to the company did you look at the elevation he wanted to see. Question lived in the expansion of 24 Court Extends the base upwards and an 22 court they could remake the elevation we shaped the top floor the building it will be able to capitalize on the views and often can we have the overhead please jonas and we shape the floor plan with the dining room and another in the living room take advantage of the setback of the order court the view towards the bay would be quite a spectacular living room and the kitchen is behind or at the lightwells and in the back of this plan there was room for a family room and den and with two full battles. I agree with sxhifshgs given the legislation that hats off to the has been passed i think what the neighbors has property is reasonable they can august we shouldnt do what was proposed on dwu court but the compromise works well, it got a large building massing and preserving the trees and get two units on and on on 22 order court you may lose Square Footage but you know thats that happens he agree all support the compromises in the neighborhoods what in their prepping and recommend the proposal 22 court and deny it for 24 court. Ill move that second. Commissioner moore. I said it make a couple of comments to close the circle here when those on this proposal was first in front of of us the height and configuration on those buildings on state street street as completely unacceptable the work commissioner richards and i spent with talking with the project sponsor to find a way to reduce in size of the building that at least in the absence of other considerations create more appropriately sized building in context of that street that is primarily a single story but nothing that was before that in and of itself was not an intent to tease this project for approval because the using the interim controls was never a discussion it was never discussed in the larger context of entire site there was never discussions with the considerations about Square Footage, coverage, etc. Etc. Now that much is much to my surprise the project comes back as two cruz together with additional variances and i see the approval into the variance that is where i go forward b will support what commissioner johncks as well as commissioner hillis just summarized and where 22 order street indeed goes to the cu and 24 does what it does with or without a variance im not sure i take a position the reason the density of into projects together by far exceeds what is necessary and desirable because as we know by now we can expand 24 order court as mr. Butler present i dont see any need to occupy the real of the lot in other words, to have an rh2 compliant situation so im in support of what was discussed as far and you have a question commissioner antonini. Sorry well, im not supporting that this is a good compromises but explicit need to be a compromise the cu is a higher bar but you know we talk about in fill housing all the time in San Francisco and state street is a beautiful street but many lots that could use singlefamily homes and provides housing for people to live in San Francisco and 24 is just exactly like 22 in fact, 24 is smaller than 22 it is very much in keeping with the street and as far as the open space i know that some people terrace their lots up to museums but they own those lots other than the terraceing from the back it, it is much more appropriate to use it for housing given that im glad were getting half of the project thats how we do it proof half of the housing thats my position. Commissioner Hillis Family for clarification the motion is approve 22 court and it will be a motion and attempt for 24. Very good and Zoning Administrator sanchez. On skrafshgs for another path for the record but. I want to make within quick comment those are stealing heavy units and exactly the complains and concerns we hear every, with, from the pass through and on and on and everybody else in the city we dont have other tools then what were doing we are approving something but we are indeed great deal accepting supervisor wieners hope for the interim controls to shape this into a more mshl project. I supports the alternative sports by the commission i want to seek one possible alternative for the 24 come back with a intent not kwufbs from the project sponsor wants to keep that conditional use authorization a continuance indefinite they will come back and rise the project maternity need a conditional use or variance but give time for them and if they could also withdraw are. The conditional use are calendar it up but 80 up to the project sponsor along the lines of what the neighbors proposed. Commissioner johnson and project sponsor did you want to Say Something and then. Yes. Thank you. Well appreciate from the commission were not tonight to grant the fee to indefinite continue that and think through the possibility and come back to the commission or the Zoning Administrator or neither have all the options on the table well appreciate that real quick i was going to ask it was mined if you have an intent to deny they came back with a project if we deny the conditional review theyll come back. Exactly that at the come back something that is different they can reapply that is definitely an option i mean in the vevent a motion to deny youll have to consider that denial it is sounds like the project sponsor is willing to look at the alternatives and from the Commission Wants to take an action you you know now or at the next hearing. Im vaccine continuing commissioner hillis original motion unless he wants to change that we have the intent of denial and the project sponsor sounds like were in the same place and they can come back and no love loss in terms of be able to consider the terms. Commissioner hillis. Just a clarification to the cu theyll need due to the interim controls and kind of the level of expansion they may have for 24. Yeah. Come back with something that didnt trigger the conditional use and the conditional use will not be riders. If they came back with a larger prestige like the compromise needing a conditional review commissioner johnson asked to good work and is that a significant enough change. Theyll go through the process if you deny it youll do you want the motion your denying because it is at the rear the lot to address over concerns you can hear that within a year but they need if we dont didnt think but continue. It is a matter of the application and having to we file the operation for the use it is up to you guys and im fine to have a continuance clearly saying they dont want the project on states. Commissioner johnson said maybe not at the next hearing but time to you come back with alternatives to demonstrate. Thank you. Ill keep the same motion and schedule the next one for if three or four weeks out and from the project sponsor wants to came back or we can deny or whatever. Just contrary to separate motions fierce a motion to approve the conditional use on 22 court and a motion intent to deny in the future for 24. I believe this is those are the motions yes. Yes. We need a date. Yes. So the motion of intent to deny i would suggest bringing back on november 19th. Okay. Commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve the conditional use authorization for 22 court on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero Zoning Administrator, what say you . On the variance, close the public hearing and inclined that granted the variance for the 24 court and deny. Dwu. Sorry 22. 22. Approving the conditional review. Can i go first on the variances laughter were taking ultimatum of them up in ordering arrest on the variance, close the public hearing and and grant the request. A motion that is second with an intent to disapprove the conditional use authorization. 22 and continue the matter to november 19th commissioner johns no commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore marry no commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 6 to one is with commissioner antonini voting against Zoning Administrator, what say you . On the variance, close the public hearing and to decline the rear yard and take the matter in add investment. Thank you commissioners that places you under our discretionary review calendar item number 202014 at golf street a discretionary review. Thank you. Good evening commissioner president fong and members of the commission and i need to make a statement prosecute we start sorrow commissioner im to have to ask for recall ill a member of the an electric protect who own an Office Building on 2827 franklin street within 5 hundred feet of 80 this project. Motion to recuse second on that motion to recuse commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes youre hereby recus recused. All right thanks good evening the director the current planning a request for confession the project on golf street wetsdz between filbert if the marina neighborhood with an rh3 it consists ever of a one story with at roof deck and in fill of a lightwell against the neighbors blind wall and a within story vehicular the dr requester who is the Property Owner to the fte north is concerned about the vertical edition to requirement the lightwell consistent point lightwell policy as well as the residential guidelines pages 16 and 17 the Department Recommends you approve that and this that concludes my presentation. Thank you. Dr requester. Dr requester. Are you the project sponsor then you own the property. I own the property. The dr requesters go first. Im the dr requester. Oh, okay. Yeah. Sorry. I own the property and we are uncertain as to which shes absence upset. The original thing we make is not the use of lightwell but also the skylight go skylights involved it is cupped and before he comes and takes a look even it is the impact over the light on the skylight and also on the light way so thats it and the other reason we want to explain for which looking at the first one which one because on they show you one then and then to use it presents the third one so we dont know which one is worth paw this is very important to if it is the one that he has the sloept roof because the painted wall thats one thing but if he presented what he presented to us first that is really a very high impact on the building. So it is a simple question for her we want to find out which one to us approved which of them was approved and also the last short walk it is a wide wall affiliated the wall. It helps the revenues but at least she didnt know in the future if somebody goes there in the block. Who do i turn to say this is not part of the agreement so first of all, which did they present which was approved at this point i dont know. Okay. And and also the last thing the architect did a study of light and it did impact and shows it impacts the light the Natural Light on the building which you know everyone comes in and says it is a beautiful building with Natural Light to if i wanted to sell the building that will impact the value of property also to the respecter that are presently in there it is a definite impact to me my mother owned that building ive been there all my life in the neighborhood excepts for that north beach i care about the property very, very much even though im not in that flat im over there all the time you can ask any it is really an impact and he really felt that i had a chance of im not asking to stop the project at all im just asking for consideration to my Natural Light in the building. Okay. You have 30 seconds left we cant have a dialogue but hear from the project sponsor next. Please let us know who thinks o which ones hes present. Thank you. Okay pie speakers in support of the dr requester not seeing any, project sponsor you have 5 minutes. It is right there great on the rail yeah. Good evening, commissioners thanks for steck is it out so late it was a late night thank you for asking our case is there a way it turn this on. Its on. Im sorry the earth for the project at 2847 golf street a little bit of a description a second floor flat building and creating a 4 hundred roof deck that wraps up around a penthouse that has a sitting area and the penthouse is situated where it is because sorry we have a stair our new stair in the penthouse is stacking vefrlg over the existing stairs and as a result we have a firewall that is right up on the Property Line and the building is were only riders to have on egress so were eliminate the other stair the dr requester lives across the street this is here property on 28 grovel and hear skylights shes concerned been and her lightwell weve properly address the lightwell by the matching the setback here and then those are the two skylights shes concerned the application our project dribble impacts the Natural Light to the back hall and closet those are the closets and the innovate the lightwell will not effect the light in the stair entrance or hall only the closest ive met about her on several occasions in an attempt to come to a resolution her Major Concerns were about the impact to the skylights despite the fact that the skylights are protected by the guidelines the intent to address her concerns the preference we shift the entire building away from the skylights by but ear requested modification will shifted that out of vertical alignments that becomes our plan that makes it it undoable we deemed 0 through a shadow study that the modification she is requesting in her application on the bottom is virtually no change over our proposal shes asking to shift the wall 3 feet away no changes in the shadowing it does nothing weve explored options to make modifications to the wall most of those were rejected and assist her in enlarge the skylight recovering some of the lightwell as part of proposal she agrees with me that direct sunset is not desirable in a clooft we talked about eliminating the skylight i think so now the shadowing of the skylight and the closest is not her concern be a capture of points bathrooms have no Natural Light requirement the bathroom has a window and skylights are not protected by planning code are guidelines and 5 feet within the Property Line are not required without a firewall and ive gotten to know barbara we acknowledge our project maybe an inconvenience were sorry but this is not what the dr process that for identify been or ive in been in the flat and not seen an impact to the living space and no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances associated with our project we are sorry for the invention but not making the modifications shes requesting but willing, however, to make some of the other modifications put on the table and thats changing the open railing to a solid railing and, sir unfortunately your time is up. If you want to submit those changes ear offering do you have those in writing. I dont but ill put them in writing. Youll are rebuttal in a second. Shall i go through them now. They have rebuttal and i have to 2 minute rebuttal. We should ask if there are any apologizes any Public Comment or other speakers in port of burn so, now your turn you have two minutes. Can you speak into the microphone please. We have to take the big graph in about it was happening to change the skylight in terms of to make it a skylight large one over there and it was the other one and this pulls some light on the closet so the light some light inside and we said we do not this is not the truth she said the last minute he tell her whether you agree which she gets so frustrated not only we find out information not the truth to my letter something. It was in violation of the code by doing that enlarging what would have been a violation. When the lawyer brought it to me theres a new mention so how can he come up and say first yes. You are we sure. Everything we wanted to see. We agents with the. She said he bring to us. Thats what the picture showed of course, we come with the blue print the last one he showed was this one. Thats why i say which one to us which one. Thank you, sir, your time is up the commissions may have some questions for you later. Project sponsor you have a 2 minute rebuttal. Okay. So as far as administrations were willing to make we so we agreed to sxhang chapping the open railing to a solid railing as requested and paint the north facing firewall a high reflective white paint to increase the directly effected lighting and made voluntary clanks to the firewall to reduce the mass so theres areas subtract from the top and a change to the basic we realize it is inconvenient and sorry but i think what that comes down to say really the light that provided for the skylight for the bathroom we dont feel that grounds for a dr and were sorry about that but thats you are position. Thank you. The public hearing is closed opening up to commissioner moore. The difficulty the drawings that were submitted to what i had in any passage e package didnt make the story understandable but in the presentation it was 3 dimension makes the project less severe than what you see it just in plan in flat forms id like to remind thats part of the package but having said that, my concerns about the projects are greatly alleviated . The most important light for getting dressed in the morning and using the bathroom and while the sun is overhead during the south light that is basically compared to make that room dark besides the fact ive not had skylights i need to be honest but the project is what it is but as far as an expansion of the building is indeed i assume code compliant and for that reason he do personally not see new possibility to take dr excepts support the changes that have been offered rewarding the painting and treatment of the firewall and thats all so i make 80 a motion to not take dr and accept the changes between the negotiation between the dr requester and the applicant. Second. There is a motion and a second to not take doctor and approve the project with the proposed administrations that were agreed to the one the two parties as of today. Commissioner hillis commissioner johnsons commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on Public Comment there are no speaker cards any general Public Comment this evening not seeing any, general Public Comment is closed. And were adjourned well, he wanted to welcome everybody to it gorgeous day at contemporary hundred and 65 people registered to attend this conference mayor we couldnt be more existed that is beyond our expectation but as you may know dreamforcwe is for the just about having a good time and innovation but giving back thats one the salesforce core values and thats why we invited you as the superintendent of sexual Richard Carranza welcome to, here we have our 1 millbrook drive so, yeah exciting so we have obligate our school house to keep everybodys on the eye bone the ball k through 12 not only in San Francisco needs our attendance and the people that make the difference which if come to the k through 12 education are the people attends dreamforcwe that is, of course, all those great embarrassing insures and innovators and companies and we that to inspire them to remember to go and work in the k through 12 system were, of course, doing f that in San Francisco we want to tutor giving but e us the inspiration that work in our Elementary School and hopefully e heroism into our high schools. Thank you mayor and mr. Superintendent for being here and being our inspiration to remember the kids and why were here at dreamforcwe to give back mark thank you. Good morning, everybody. 2015 dreamforcwe in San Francisco well mark thank you for just starting this company here years ago growing it and making that successful and youre right hundred and 65 thousand people i felt that, too blocks away i want to sass say welcome as to the customers and Business Partners this is a wonderful time in the city not because dreamforcwe is here with a cruise ship liner people are living in and filling up the hotels it is a time we can clear have examples hour how successful businesses benefit everybody in our city this is a job that i enjoy doing that Richard Carranza our superintendent. I. Do solemnly swear. Doing whether we work with the Business Partners epa mark and benioff looeldz with salesforce with our corporate character that is so important to emphasis the companies coming here today have an opportunities to exhibit character to take into account what the commitment to social values and ultimately it is a part of what we do is weve got to create the talent for those companies for future generations salesforce noted here for 5 years but 20 years richard and i got together wed love you to recruit from the people that live and grew up in San Francisco this is Little School house is is got wonderful kids from jildz that want to work for salesforce they love to be part of a 111 and part of the fact that dreamforce has has a theme for giving back starts within an understanding where tlaernts a derived it is education, education within the house education in the schools, education in the community it begins with some basically things like read thats why mark im here with my 3 books any daughter said youre giving away my books yeah, you read them 10 minds i want this threatened to be transferred to the talent those kids are about to have and be supported by upstairs companies walk salesforce im so enthusiastically but with we are doing with you and the other companies with the circulation of Tech Companies through sf city that are encircling the schools and making sure our principals and teachers are is the resources and is volunteers have the books have everything they need to be successful it is already making a difference mark with Salesforce Foundations investment in the middle schools and the Stem Education weave already seen some increases in the performance of our kids this is the third year im so happy that the millions of dollars were pitting in are not just financial contributions by making a difference in their making a defensive in the enthusiasm of the teachers and the resources they have and the principals and Holding Everyone on the campus affordable to the success of our children thats why a school house in the middle of hundred and 65 Person Company conference in the middle of the San Francisco thats exactly a kind of relationship we want with every single business in the city so im proud of dreamforce and proud of the employees that work there that are part of the 11 culture im proud of everybody that spends that additional time to think about what success medians for others that are in need not just themselves this is why we have a shared prosperity in San Francisco ive got on obligation to build and rehab enough housing for everyone that want to be here including the teachers ill work hard but ill tell you you said something earlier he think mark you and lynn inspires us to give more this is an exciting times lets continue a collaboration pea make the link more and more before all the things we do successfully to help those at the heart of that i said earlier it is education this is where the sams i Salesforce Foundation has made to their contributions on a day to day basis i have the privilege of working with a superintendent who also has that as his goal and making the relationship with the city with an the success in the Education System our superintendent Richard Carranza. Thank you clapping. thank you mr. Mayor and mr. Benioff mark thank you all for being here in front of of the light go school thousand what do you think isnt that gorgeous more than anything i want to thank you, mr. Mayor for our words we live by the fact you cant have a worldclass city without a worldclass Education System it didnt reside in one seblth of the community you have to are the Philanthropic Community and the private Business Community and obviously you have to are on the other hand, it elected still officials on the same page im proud to have our board of education this is here with us to say were all rolling in the same direction and as evidence of that justices three years ago when we started the partnership you wouldnt have heard in the middle schools anything like a maker space or Design Thinking or Computer Science and programming now new middle grade or middle schools in San Francisco youll find maker spaces and kids programming youll find pre k kindergarten is the Students Learning the fundamental of convert science we recognize in the 21st century a language we need to have this would not to have happened without the investment in the partnerships are salesforce im so proud that is more than just stuff it is more than Just Technology it is more than a investment and resources those are important but the 111 model salesforce volunteers and employees that come into our schools and sit sibdz side by side shoulder to shoulder with the students the students have a sense of empowerment maybe i could do this kind of work and not thought about stem field the young girls that didnt think that that all of a sudden see other women in stem i can do that San Francisco is the mesopotamia in the world everything stems is from what happens in San Francisco is many make sense mr. Benioff your planting seeds our students will be your future employees everyone here at salesforce director Barbara Garcia it an appropriate title youre helping our students to be part of the dream of stem and innovation the draechl open in a deft way the corner of that all it the strong literacy students need to read and write and do margret and the one million drive will trofrp our pre k to rich libraries of books that students want to read and stack and learn and go to the next level this is an dribbling i incredibly important investments coupled with the investment in the middle grades so for us this is a symbolic day a the bernie were over threequarters of what to the goal 0 so ill say like jerry louis but we can do it we want books in the schools and want to thank all the participants at dreamforce for mcthat happen and burglary benioff and mrs. Benioff but other folks wherever susan it shes guarding the school house i love it we want to thank you for your partnership a model for the nation everyone from that is here from director Barbara Garcia across the world take that back and talk about how it is possible to have those 3 kinds of the public and private and elected to come together e together and rally around the Public Education on behalf of the 48 thousand students in the Unified School District well take a million books and put them to good use lets have a great director Barbara Garcia and thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Mayor and mr. Superintendent and salesforce is deeply committed in the San Francisco Unified School District the first thing i want to thank both of you here no San Francisco our superintendent implicit report to the mayor our school board and you guys dont have to Work Together ensue you do it is because you Work Together so well and have an incredible partnership that is what inspires us and so were noting now in year 3 of a 10 year commitment for more than bone madam clerk, are there any announcements . I hundred Million Dollars to be dedicated to the Unified School District i hope that goes 10 and 20 and thirty years the salesforce through the money the technology is important but i guess im proud of, of course, your employees who are dedicating what will be hundreds of thousands of hours to do the taken care of and the tutoring to augment youre amazing teachers and principals in the schools so thank you for giving us that opportunity without you two working together we couldnt do with what we are doing were quick to gratitude and happy to be here i think we should put the books into the school house what had you say . All right. Thank you very much, everybody welcome to dreamforce and were looking forward to a great week and see you at the keynote othetherher s hello, i am with the recreation and parks department. We are featuring the romantic park location in your backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in santa and cisco with someone special. San francisco with someone special. Our first look out is here at buena vista park, a favorite with couples and dog walkers. Both have a significant force. A refreshing retreat from urban life. The romantic past that meander up and down the park under pines and eucalyptus. Hang out in this environment and you might see butterflies it, fennel, and then the lines. Dandelions. Is ada accessible. Public transit is plentiful. We have conquered the steps, we have watched the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view. This is a place to take someone special on a romantic stroll and enjoyed a beautiful look out. Welcome to Corona Heights located in the heart of this district. It offers a view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. It is one of the best kept secrets in the city. It is hardly ever crowded. On any given day, you will run into a few locals. , bought a 37 bus to get there without any parking worries. For legged friends can run freely. There is also a patch of grass for the small box. It is a great place. It is a wonderful place to have these kinds of parks. That dog owners appreciate it. Take time to notice of the wildfires that are on the grassland and keep your head out on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. Be sure to take your camera and be prepared to take a view of the city will not forget. It has a beautiful red rock formations. You could watch the sunrise over the bay. This is another one of our great lookouts. We are at mount davidson. 928 feet. This is the place for you to bring someone special. To not forget that dogs and enjoy all of the pathways and greenery that surrounds you. It provides a peaceful oasis of open space and great hiking trails. The spectacular view offers a Perfect Place to watch the sunrise or sunset with someone you love. It is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. Come up here and listen to nature, i get some fresh air. That view is fantastic. Where sturdy shoes. Hikers get the feeling of being in a rain forest. Mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and the bustle of the city. Take the 36 bus and it will drop you at the entrance. It is quite a hike to the top but the view is worth every step. This is the place to bring that someone special. Golden gate parks largest body of water is an enchanting place. Is a popular spot for paddling around in boats, which can be rented. Created in 1893, it was designed for these your boating for leisure boating. It is named for the wild strawberries that once flourished. There is also a waterfall, two bridges, and trails the climb to the summit, the highest point at more than four hundred feet. You can catch glimpses of the western side of the city that make this hilltop a romantic look out. For public transit, i take the n train. The lad the ad lake is ada accessible. Watch many ducks, swans, and siegels. Seagulls. It is a great place to stroll and sail away. Many couples come here to take a ride around a lake, going under the bridges, passing the chinese pavilion and the waterfall. For a quiet getaway, making for a memorable and magical experience. Located on 19th avenue, this growth is the place to where youre hiking boots, bring the family and the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The park is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for a dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy the history. The diversity of nature that exists in such an urban city, concrete streets, cars, we have this oasis of the natural environment. It reminds us of what the history was. There is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available on the 28 bus to get you very easily. The part is ada park is ada accessible. It is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll around the lake and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is a place to find and appreciate what you a wonderful breath of fresh air. Come and experience in this park and enjoy the people, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved ones. In the middle of pacific heights, on top of these hills, it offers a great square, a peaceful beauty, large trees and grass and greenery. It features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. There are plenty of areas for football and picnics. It is very much a couples park. There are many activities you can experience together. Stroll on the pathways, bring your dog, or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all that it has to offer together. Many couples find this is a perfect park to throw down a blanket and soak up the sun. It is a majestic place that you can share with someone you chairs. Lafayette park is also easily accessed from the 47, 49, and 90 buses. It is ada accessible. We are here at the historic palace of fine art in the marina district. Originally built for the 1950s exposition, the palace is situated on San Franciscos number waterfront. It is ada accessible and is reached by the 28, 30, and 91 bus lines. Set against the reflecting waters of the lagoon and eucalyptus trees, the palace is one of San Francisco post most San Franciscos most romantic spots to relax with that special someone while listening to the water and gazing at the swans. A beautiful to view from many locations along the mattoon, an ideal place to all lagoon, an ideal place to walk with a loved one. Reservations for weddings are available at sfrecpark. Org. Discarding contains plants referred to by William Shakespeares plays and poems. Welcome to the Shakespeare Garden here in the famous golden gate park. Located near the museum and the California Academy of sciences, the garden was designed by the California Spring blossom and wildfilower association. Here is a truly enchanting and tranquil garden along a path behind a charming gate. This garden is the spot to woo your date. Stroll around and appreciate its unique setting. The gorgeous brick walkway and a brick wall, the stone benches, the rustic sundial. Chaired the part share the bards word hundred famous verses from a shakespearean plays. This is a gem to share with someone special. Pack a picnic, find a bench, and enjoy the sunshine, and let the whimsical words of William Shakespeare and floats you and your loved one away. This is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. Take a bus and have no parking worries. Shakespeares garden is ada accessible. Located at the bottom of this hill, it is a secret garden with an infinite in captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, it makes the top of our list for most intimate pyknic setting. Avoid all taurus cars and hassles by taking a cable car. Or the 30, 45, or 91 bus. The garden was designed by Thomas Church in 1957. Grow old with me, the best is yet to be is inscribed on a sundial. It is anchored by twin white gazebos and flowers that bloom yearround. This is the place to tell someone special or the place to declare the commitment you two share. Weddings and the event reservations are available for this adorable hidden gem. We know there are many other romantic parks in San Francisco. We hope you have enjoyed this torre of lookouts, picnics, and strolls that are available every day. Until next time, do not forget to get out and play. For more information about reserving one of these romantic locations or any other location, call 8315500. This number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair buildings. Or for any athletic field, call 8315510. You can write us at or walk in and say hello. And of course you can find more information moresfrecpark. Org. As we bring events in the city, and know that we have partnerships throughout the communities, i think, there is a lot more confidence about what were doing and its exhibited by the people who tap into our sf72. Org. You remember that . [laughter ] , as well as the very enthusiastic support we have for our nert program. And for the ongoing resiliency programs that a number of people have had, and to our resiliency officer, who is helping dem and city administrator think through things around the corner that we need to Pay Attention to. There are a couple of things that i also want to do. Let me say thank you to all of you who have also helped in the lake county sonoma, napa and butte areas in their disaster and maybe a quick moment in our own minds and hearts about the lost lives there. I think its appreciated. And i also want to give particular thank you to our fire department, and our firefighters, who over the past week have not only gone up there in as many volunteer hours as possible, with equipment, hopefully we never have to use down here and hopefully, we keep our fires down, but in response to that tremendous disaster that you you already know

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