Follow the recommendations i think myself ill say that john Malcolm Hillan and Saudi Arabian and meg lowman. Supervisor yee. One more comment nothing personal but trying to bring is it 100 percent we need to give waivers i mean in regards to like can we find anyone in San Francisco thats a general question and thats always a challenge for me to know whether a person that were going to support with a residential waiver is two questions whether not necessarily in San Francisco can do this year qualified or the person is so qualified deserves a waiver i i want to put that out there i notice that meg needs a waiver i will support that waiver only because we need the exit. Thank you. Ill add to that last point i think that the residents requirement for something particular as our urban tree and Forest Council that is important to have residents interacting with that on the daily basis instance you described mr. Flanagan to have a california scientist with age understanding of eucalyptus what that means in the context of San Francisco right now i think that really important so i support what excuse me supervisor yee said ill probably am supportive of leaving the seat open for mr. Petersen and urge you to folks work with to go out and find some other qualified candidates it adds to the diversity of this council. Urge you not to be someone that need to register to the requirement unless they say bring something unique to the table so can members can we entertain a motion. Would the motion be to move the certain people forward and on the same motion to continue seat number 2. Okay. And also to make sure we get the residency waiver let me do so id like to recommend that we move john john Malcolm Hillan to be appointed to seat one Andrew Sullivan to seat 2 and dan flanagan to seat 4 and meg lowman to seat 5 and Michael Sullivan seat 6 and phillip pierce to seat 7 and to continue seat number 2 and to also 3. He did 12, 4 and 3 is open. And also provide a waiver or set the waiver from a residental waiver for meg lowman. Thank you supervisor yee seeing no objection it is i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Mr. Clerk mr. Clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . There are no more items the last one with a with a positive recommendation. Thank you, colleagues were adjourned call this meeting for Transbay Joint Power Authority board of directors to order. Would you call the roll, please. Gee, present. Kim, here. Reiskin, here. Nuru, present. Sartipi, present. Harper recollect present. Mr. Chairman you have a quorum. Next item. Next item item 3 and 4 chair harper requested to move those items to the end of the regular calendar agenda. If there are no objections, that will be communication and board of directors new and old business. Thank you. With that your next item is executive drether report, item 5. Good morn ing director. January 19 the California Transportation Commission approved the 25 year lease for bus Storage Facility with 85 percent reduction in lease rates for fair market value. We have provided ac transit based on lease terms. Ac transit board is expected to approve the sublease later this month. We also expect to be receive bids on the bus Storage Facility later this mung. We plan to bring the caltrans lease, ac transs and bus contract to the board for approval in march. Follow tupe last month discussion regarding the boards desire to invite the california highspeed rairl rail to join the board. Morales appreciated the invitation and agreed adding added highspeed rail is a benefit now that phase one is complete and [inaudible] cal tran highspeed rail. Given the highspeed Rail Authority is one the largest operators when phase opens and expected to make contributions to funding phase 2 inclusion on the board is a porent step. Morales informed to discuss with the board and get back with next steps. As i reported last months meeting our allocation request was included on thujepda fl the january 4 24 transauthority meeting. The commissioners felt they needed more time to understand and dejust detail thofz re ques so the items was continued to the february 25 commission meeting. We have briefed commissioner fewer on the project and scheduled meetings with commissioners [inaudible] sheehy and [inaudible] before the february meeting to brief. We are doing so with staff so we are doing it together. We hope to invite the new commissioners before the Transit Center february 28. Request of 6. 8 million will allow to move next steps we highlighted including the events and design to 30 percent. Updating Risk Assessment and right of way analysis to minimize impact to the property ies. This will help produce a fair cost estimate for phase two that will [inaudible] experiencing in phase one. On the direction from the board the december meeting i met with director john ram and his team on january 31 to discuss the development ofant grated schedule for phase 2 and citys study go frgward. The existing director, ken rich director och development with economic and Workforce Development and [inaudible] director of transportation [inaudible] joined the meeting. We Exchange Schedule information for our project jz discussed the parameters frl next steps for both the [inaudible] schedules. Based on the discussion it is agreed more time is needed. We exchanged for both projects so will continue discussion and hopefully update the board in the near future. The team also provided director ram and team with update on the progress of the supplemental document study and the [inaudible] report and shared the responses to city comments. Director ram and team are reviewing our responses and will provide with input. They also provided preliminary input we are considering at this time. We continue to advocate the engineering and design work we propose to [inaudible] produce information that is useful for all [inaudible] in consideration and allow the policy makers to make better decision based on that information. We will continue to work on the planning in the Mayors Office to invest studies for successful completion. Joined staff from the Mayors Office of planning on a trip to sacramento to meet with california [inaudible] we presented with state of San Francisco [inaudible] delegation and staff. The purpose of the trip is discuss the potential to reducements or deuce leases for the caltrans own parcel for [inaudible] that we expect to have next to the transit sent squr other parcels located under freeways the city wish tooz turn into parks. Caltrans informed for them to be anal to provide discount leases for areas under freways requires new legislation so will work with them and city folk tooz make that work. With that, that concludes my remarks. Any questions, comments . One question. You made reference to city feedback that you received on supplementing eis draft, is there other feedback that tjpa received and thats i guess of substance and shaping the final . Not that i know of. Not sure if mark did we receive anything . The only feedback we received is from planning. We think we can address it. Thank you. Next item. Item 6 is construction update. Good morning director. Ron [inaudible] will give our monthly construction update. And yet another stormy day. Despite all the rain we had so far we are reporting we are still on schedule. Thankfully to a good part moefs it work is under cover at this point and roof elements work mostly in the rain so it is a good thing. Our graphic here shows that the progress is continuing well. On the roof park the biggest element that is different is we have a lot of mcguire and hester rooftop park elements. Bus deck just all the concrete for the bus deck isle is done and will be done by the end of the month. They have to do a lot of overhead work. When you get to the ground level and the second level, most is like glass is going in and a lot of build out of the rooms, so it is starting to take shape. And below grade these levels focus on getting the important electrical rooms. The west end or upper left area just about whether the rooms are done and will finish up at the east end after those as we progress through. Showing pictures and bullet points in the western zone. Working the skylights. Has all the grass in. The restaurant is starting to take shape, a lot of walls are being poured and mep throughout all levels is progressing and then the concrete masonry unit or a lot of walls for the rooms are just about done. And then our rooms are all getting ready for energy. The last vehicle bike ramperize coming along. In the central zones in the picture that is the biggest change. Trees show aed up. We have 20 of hundreds that will show up but learning turns like Monkey Puzzle and horn beam that are beautiful trees that will all start taking shape as it starlts progressing throughout the year. Also in the central zone mep is the focal point as well. It is really a lot of element and focus is on the electrical and continue to build out the rooms as well. The first street temporary bridge is progressing well and just about up and finished. They will finish most the work this month and progress to beale shortly. In the eastern zone, the like home skylight has the glass in it so thankfully for the storm weez had this week we have glass that is helping tremendously keeping water running or having to deal with drainage issues. Bus deck drive is complete and eastern zone is just as critical and really more taking off the western and central zones have been the focus as we work from west to east. All the cmu walls as well are all must done. The cmu is coming close to completion. The bus ramp, all the concrete is pour frd the viaduct and frame work. They are finishing up the Southern Area near harrison street and also at the Transit Center frame 5 that gap is where most the work happening at this point besides all the clean up as we focus towards the march 30 completion date. Items working on is the railing on the cable stay. Also, the drop in span that is a 50 foot section next to that they are smalling that. There will beonce that is smalled they can do a lot of final work on frame 4 which is cable stay and cut cap the cable squz do the lift off and make the cable stay in the final configuration. We are doing under ground utilities and drainage and final connections needed to complete that particular part of the project. One item i want to note is we have a upcoming close yrb, beale street. Beale street is different than first and fremont in the sake that beale has ocs lines. When we remove the first and fremont we are able to do that on a stage construction element, but because of the major disruption to ocs we started a process of asking about the removal of the ocs linesx leave them down for a period of time to doall our work and get the ocs lines back up and do everything we possibly need to do in this limits of work area and its working through the process and believe we are moving forward with the march 4 closure. It is close thd month of march. Ocs. The over head lines. They dont have in the least bay. What we have done through various elements of the project, impacting the muni system in piece meal which we if we did how we do first and fremont it would have impacted the muni service over a 7 month period because of the operation. We are onlt going in and out in a 28 day period. Do it in the month of march and get it over with and it is lot less pain and wriping the band aid off faster is less impactful to the system and will be from march 4we have april 1 a 28 day period and developing a hour by hour schedule. Now we have high level and will get to day by day and hour by hour to insure that we beat april 1. We have internal goals to insure we are done by april 1 and there will be no hick ups to insure the lines are back up for muni to be back it normal operation by the end of the month of march. Regarding safety and labor, we got recordable and recording is zero. There was no lost time incident. Yesterday we found out that one of our january 1 days got reclassified as a recordable particularly gentlemen had his thumb identified a continued to hurt and wnt to medical and found out it was fractureed so had to reclassify as of yesterday. He is on modified duty so we will report next there was one recordable in january. We have surpassed 3 million craft hours by far now. We are at 3 million 59 thousand with 104 thousand just january alone. With that, i will turn it over to ron to complete the rest of the presentation. Thank you. Good morning directors. Thank you dennis. It is good to see the progress in the field despite the weather we made a Great Strides particularly seeing trees arrive and believe the bus deck is all but done in terms of concrete and all, so good progress. Moving or focusing on budget overview, our estimated cost of completion is staying steady at 2. 146 billion and our Current Program expenditure has reached 1. 64 roughly about a 26. 3 million uptick over the month. Committed fund had 19 million uptick having the arrival of the city funding and nob nub come in allowed to free up a bunch of ntt so well be minimizing or diminishing the practice of a hand to mouth ongoing work. That brings the budget to 72 percent and contract time at 86 percent. With respect to contingency cost expenditures relatively light month with 2. 3 million overall draw. Something to do with complicationwise [inaudible] and a good measure of it for the buy ouft the gas and emergency raid radio system infrastructure. In forcast we got about 300 k on the horizon, so fairly low on the contingency piece currently. Schedule, blissfully boring t. Is pretty much steady state. Eager to see the lease finally lapd with the bus storage and the bids come in so we can start getting some traction on the bus Storage Facility. And the bus ramp we saw the post substantial completion work at the bus ramp, which is beyond april of this month, has a littleit is reflecting catch up work below the ramp. Street lighting and utilities that we anticipate will be punch list activity but all in all it is pretty much reflecting the last few months of schedule stabilization. In terms of risk, we have moved out of the challenge zone and more of a risk zone as relate toog schedule. We continue to look ahead and treat everything as if its on the critical path. A culture of seeing what as i call it rocks in the road ahead of us to insure we tackle problems before they become insur mountable. Examples of that, dennis mentioned the beale street removal. Some clever resequencing and compression of time there and in fact we were geared to do fremont street ahead of beale and recognized constraints with neighbors activities so leapfrogged over that and also bought us time to remove some of the columns below the bridge prior to disrupting traf recollect. We are always looking for opportunity to readdress our approach in the interest of addressing the issues own the horizon. The last topic as i have been doing the last few months is operational readiness. Still eager to see the arrival of the master lease e. We raffted up the transition planning meetings to weekly basis. As i noted last month, we are still kind of on our trufjectory of ac transit starting opraigdss march 2018. We did meet with muni recently. They reiterated their training timelines of 45 to 60 days, which bumps up close to march as well. I did start getting some dialogue about what i mentioned last month about a measured migration or a soft opening. Starting some discussions around focusing on the weekend routes. Maybe a few weeks ahead of the bulk of it to start teasing out issues with a as i call it a measured migration. I havent moved the needle too far away from march as of yet. Um, and i thought i would start to encourage discussion and thought and maybe future discussion. What does this all mean or where is it taking us . Stepping back and looking at clearly there is need for ramp up with the operational staff as well as the transit staff. I think realistically december well have completion. We will probably get some done prior to that but all intensive purpose i think january and february are the fwo months prior to march to focus on what it looks like, what are the expectations in terms of onboarding the operations as well as what are the opportunities to start celebrating the arrival of the Transit Center. We met with ac transits communication arm as well in terms of talking about what is the Public Relations or the public messaging so people are ready to arrive when we arrive and understand whats coming. You know, i think we need to further discussions around soft opening among the stakeholders. I gonet what the boards vision is, is there a public open house or a art reception . A lot of things have happened usually prior to fully opening, so i encourage some thought from the board on that and maybe in the future have discussion on communication on expectations on what this rollout will like look like in about a year. That was discussed last night at the ac transit board extensively. Their notion and question wasthere is going be a celebration. Do you want it as buses running then and there or later or buss about to run because of this end up being very important in terms of what kind of service we will have given the date the city and think the city is really in the driver seat here determining when will be the big opening and what capability do they want ar transit to be showing at that point. So we start planning because we have to do our driver sign up in march will control a whole lot and if we dont have the celebration just before that, its going to a celebration with full blown service and that may be good. Who knows, but we have to decide. I want to encourage it had discussion because distinction being the odd ball arch tect in the group i recognize transportation is used to cutting the ribbon and having a stack of vehicles flowing, where us folks with buildingstened to slow walk to it, tease out the issues, take moments to celebrate various components of open house and education. I mention once before, i dont know if i have given mark the contacts but the pacific bus History Museum wants to have interesting vehicle thrz and celebration and everything because they got a lot of history of the terminal on wheels, so it is just to add that in there. That will be good. Lots of coordination to be done. That is the intent of the transition planning meetings are to start encouraging that. Any other questions i might address . Just to that last point, i suggest rather than asking us what do we think the opening should look like, i think it is good to get toort with maybe the commune ication staff from the various operator agencies and city to come up with suggestions for heres what it could look like. I think there are people much smarter and expert than i. Well bring in others. I just want to get preliminary feedback from the board what you are expecting . I dont want to be too presumpative. Muni wouldnt be ready to march [inaudible] [multiple speakers at same time] we poured so much money and effort into the facility i feel we should get the benefits as soon as we can. One question on the in terms of your concerns with master lease onboarding impact, what assumptions do you currently have in the schedule in terms of when we would be issuing ntp to run . The last articulation is february or march so we are on the brink. I dont think zee approval item today so it wont be february. We are very close to concluding the negotiation so it could be later this month or march at the latest, but we areilate already. So what is the impact ofthe best we could possibly do is have something for the board to consider at the march meet ing . You may be able to do a special session between now and march. And then there is time after that to ntp so i knress guess my question is that is the best case and you are saying we are already late. What is the impact of if that continues to slide past march into april . I think we have done a good job having proxys at the table to tease through the issues. It is really just diminishing the length of the run way if you will to educatehave them educate themselves, be participant in the commissioning. The last transition meeting i was looking at some plans on kind of when will certain segments of the building be needed or available in terms of diminishing of web core activity to afford a opportunity to bring in master lease with tenant improvement said to get ready for gray hound and amtrak or retail, so there is a lot of those dimensions that when we prefer a longer run way than a shorter. If i can clarify, there is a component of them knowing what the systems in the building we have and how to opwrait the building and that is probably the most pornl component. Turn oen the light jz systems and we are belined there already. There is the improvement said that will take a long time and more we delay the less revenue the sooner we want because [inaudible] take their own path. And there is activating the [inaudible] and activating the tenter center. The most component is know what systems we have and how to operate it and ewoo will screez them hard to get that done and be comfortable doing it in [inaudible] we want them to take over the bimding. Again to the point we spent a lot of money and effort to get the center completed and feel to the benefit the public put to use as soon as we can it is helpful for the board to understand at what point can we not start operations upon completion of the building project because of delay get thg operator on board . Well bring in more information next meeting. Hopefully we will be able to award a contract and show you a schedule. A squej of all the details of different people and when you think some things will happen. Okay. Thank you. Following up own director reiskins comment in your schedule chart here you dont have the master lesee coming on board and one of the concerns that director reiskins comments brought to mind is someone still needs to oversee the master lessee tenant improvement work and by the absence in the chart it implies it isnt you and your team so it has to be somebody. Im glad you brought that up because there was a piece of that i meant to mention while going through the presentation. I expect and have been stepping in where i can to get the process keep going in terms of the transition planjug what have you. We anticipate developing a comparable and did a rough draft of a more granular schedule and overview schedule with respect to standing up to facility. Im still bringing people to the table. I didnt run too fast with too many proxys still needing to put input for what that schedule might look like, but fully expect to begin to articulate that stream of activity in a scheduled slide soon as well. Im hopeful for earlier rather than latter. I think realty is within the first half june to at least roughed out schedule high level schedule on those different components. We started to initiate those, i didnt want to trot it out too premu churly. The other part, if there is a gap between the master lesee and operations, there is a financial component that goes with that. Right. Whether it is no revenue or oversight cost or the longer that gap is, the more cost it is to the organization so that needs to be part of that mix also. I want to add my voice ron as a architect in the room. Im not used to finishs a project completely before someone moves so encourage phased occupancy and working backwards or whatever. It would be very disappointing situationthe hard work of the team to bring this on board, online and meet the schedule and just have empty buses running for three months. There are a lot more moving parts and well enrich the circle of Public Relation folks and different departments because i kind of see the public open house as a education opportunity so people understand what to Transit Center is all about and preplan their move in to the facility in terms of their daily routine or commute and give them a run way as well. Lots to tease out in the next coming year. Thank you. Thank you. Iletm 7 is Citizen Advisory Committee update. Bruce [inaudible] chair unable to be present but he asked the agency to read comments into the record. We have a liaison. Good morning. Bruce had minor foot surgery so hes in recovery and our cac coshare loren post isnt able to attend today as well so give their apologies and asked us to read a statement. As our cac was canceled my comments are brief and limit today two subjects, number one, cac cochair loreen post atrnded a meeting january 19 promect team member jz jeff cukinsky and sam dodge from department of homelessness and supportive housing. We were pleased with the discussion and possibilities identify frd the groups to Work Together to ready the Transit Center and neighborhood frz the opening to support the Homeless Population which will be etrauckted. It would have been advantages to have the discussion earlier. There is a sense of urgency and potential opportunities and next steps were identified. The cac looks forward to the presentation on elementoffs a plan and schedule within the next few mupth said. Iletm tworks we continue to encourage and look forward to seeing a argument between the tjpa project team and San FranciscoPlanning Department on a fully funded roadmap tocomplete the Planning Efforts for phase 2 of the project. The downtown extension. This includes phase 3 of the study, which provides the Decision Maker with a complete analysis and recommendations on preferred alignment for the dt x. Thank you for the opportunity to provide the update and look forward providing update in person next month. Next is public comment. Opportunity for members opthe public to address you with matters not on todays calendar. Patrick. See someone. Good morning jim patrick with patrick and caempt in San Francisco. I argued in front oaf the board quite a wile ago we needed to move briskly with onboarding of the master leeee. We chose not to do that and now i will argue we need to compress that time as much as we can to make this be a successful opening. We have opportunity costs that sit vacant for a period of time. Dont allow that to happen. We got to do what we need to make it happen. Number tworks i was disappointed that we didnt get the funding from the Transportation Authority in San Francisco for the completion of the Environmental Impact report. What a tragedy. This is the same scheduling that is putting the dtx down the line. Well forget about it in 4 years, i dont question that, but these are critical items and need to be funded and moved along and board and other people need to support that and i will hopefully appear before the board and try to support that at the nest next meeting february 28. It is a shame so we need to be more aggressive getting these things done. Thank you. Thank you. That conclude members of the public that wanted to be under that item. Move to consent calendar. Yes. Consent calendar. Matters are listed to be routine. There will be no separate discussion. The matter will be removed and considered separately. We havent received [inaudible] to have items severed. Your items are 9. 1 approvaling the minutes of january 12 meeting and 9. 2, authorize the executive [inaudible] to extend the term of agreement to december 31, 2018. Is there anymove approval . Motion and second without objection the consent calendar is approved. Next item. Moving into your regular calendar. Item 10, presentation by Boston Properties of interest and capabilities with respect to managing the terminal. O cay. I must preface with a disclosure this presentation is a result of my initiative. Our staff has not been involved. The modal chosen by the board and specified in request for proposal is true master lesee which in exchange will bear most of the risk of the expense of operating and maintaining the terminal. Because mow respondent to the rfp would agree to be a true master leeee, we have been forced in a negotiating based on Asset Management model fully bears the liability for operation and maintenance costs. Because under the terminals operating agreement, 60 percent of the near term operating and maintenance loss must be paid by ac transit and 30 percent by the city. This issue is of critical importance to ac transit. If ac transit must hold for example even 3 million back to each year as a reserve to pay its portion of these losses, 36 fewer buses can be allocated to serve the weekly commute to and from the terminal. Probably no entity will agree to be a true master lessee negotiating with a assect manager that does vpt a steak in the neighborhood is to allow profit maximaization by that entity to be the controlling factor. Loss and properties, owner of the Sales Force Tower, and 535 mission, indicated because of their vested interest in the immediate neighborhood, and their existing inhouse expertise in building operations, maintenance, leasing, and dealing with homelessness in the city of San Francisco, their profit is comparatively of little importance to them. For that reason, they are 234r9 interested giving limit jz guarantees the entities we negotiate with are entirely reluctant to do. They like to at least meet once with our staff to see if both our staff and they can very quickly determine if there is a mutual interest in their long term role in that capacity. I see no reason why staff cannot have one such meeting while continuing on the course of present negotiations with the other parties. And i am asking the board to so direct staff prior to the end of this meet ing. Athank you director harper. Im steechb coleven Senior Vice President boston property said in the greater bay area and incharge of praurj opraigdss. Let me preface my comments. Boston Properties Fully understands you are in the middle of procurement process and actival rfp. We understand and respect that process, but as director harper said, my remarks will be along the line what we can do to help you and as a neighbor of the Transit Center. A little about Boston Properties, we are rel Estate Investment trust. Little over 47 million square feet managed and owned and 164 office properties. I have folks here i want to briefly introduce which is our Service Delivery team that director harper referenced. First of all, just order, if you can stand up, this is john loftus is no stranger to city hall. Prior to Boston Properties served with station for 30 years with Police Department retiring as deputy chief. Next is Kevin Fitzpatrick who is our expert in Regional Property manenment. Next is aaronmic numarrow who does the retail leases for the region and then helen is our director of marketing. A year ago helen looked very stressed and that is because helen was work wg the super bowl city and she is much happier working on the Sales Force Tower project and thank goodness the super bowl was a Great Success but thank god it is over for us. Boston properties watched with great interest the progression of the transitsent squr as director harper says we have a vested interest in the success of that center not only from a local community standpoint about the fact we have significant investments adjacent to the property. Sales force tower the largest of the investments but also the property at 535 mission street. We also have a easement agreement with you and a Security Agreement with you that ties Sales Force Tower to it Transit Center qu have been working on these issues really since early 2012. We have been hopeful a world class operator will emerge for the management. Somebody that maintains the center like boston property. We look at our tenants not as customers but guest. We believe that and live it every day and feel it is very important that the Transit Center and park maintained with that type of mindset. Boston properties has a long history maintaining high profile public spaces. If you have been to boston the Prudential Center and town sent squr dc and probably the most iconic building in new york, that the gm building where we have the flag ship apple store occupying space in that building. We utilize as folks that i introduced amoment ago a cod rea of inhouse expertise, so security, marketing, leasing, development, construction services. We got probably the expert on facility engineering in the market. We do this in a seamless active expeditious nation. Aerfblg we do we feel we do with quality but get things done quuckly. We also do it in San Francisco with union labor and have a excellent relationship with all the unions, trade and Service Unions in San Francisco. So, as i mentioned from the outset, we are hopeful that a Owner Operator manager with capabilities similar to ours would be involved in operating and managing the Transit Center. We feel that there is no better opilator than Boston Properties given our proximity ohad project and what we can bring to the table. Again, we fully recognize that you are growing through a active rfp process with a master lesee component and read all it documents and we understand that and we respect that. We only ask that you consider sitting down with us and examining what we can do and bring to the table to do that would be to cancel the rfp. That is bhaut we request and we would respectfully request that we open a dialogue on next step and what we can do for the Transit Center. Thank you for listening today. Thank you. Next item . Any questions . Any comments . Seeing none next item. Item 11. Authorize a site lice agreement with Concourse Communications group, subsidty to boinging wireless for 20 year term with upfront payments toteying 1 millions additional payments tolet aelg 2. 5 million and up to 25 percent of Gross Revenue or 125,000 whatever is greater. Good morning, sarah [inaudible] this is a a ward of a contract and have to say it is a strange but not unpleasant experience to be standing before you asking not for approval to spend or borrow but to award a contract that will bring in revenue to tjpa and provide a service to the public. So, the distrebted Antenna System insures there is cellular coverage in the Transit Center and while there are a few diagrams slides and technical slides i wont pretend to explain the technical aspects of the contract to you. My understanding is this will insure people are not walking through the Transit Center saying can you hear me now. When i conclude my prezen tailgz we have prebs from the design time that can address that. We are recommending a ward to boingo wireless and will market to the major Wireless Service providers and under the 20 year term of the agreement keep the system updated as Technology Changes and improves. Well provide Operational Revenue to the tjpa. These are the diagrammatic slides i mentioned. Again, if you have questions we have member thofz Technical Team here but you can see the coverage areas within the Transit Center. Full coverage on all levels and then the agreement would allow for when phase two operations begin for expansion of the system to make sure the train passengers have service as well. To summarize the procurement we put out a rfp last summer. We received 9 proposals, interviewed 7 firms and narrow down to 3 firms for further discussions with and then based primarily on the financial offers because all the firms are able to provide the services, base ond the financial terms we did narrow the negotiation down to boingo wireless. The proposal from each team are summarized in the staff report as well as here but i like to go into boingowhat is called for in the agreement. There would be 500 thousand paid within 10 days o. Execution, another 500 thousand within 45 day squz 30 days of finding agreement with the first carrier or 270 days of execution paid another 2. 5 million 2. 5 million. By the ochbd the year we put that into Operational Reserve and that is available to help cover operations moving forward. Then they will continue to market the system to carriers and within 30 days of the second area signing would be another 3 quarters of a million payment and half Million Dollar payment when the third carrier sign squz those are garen teed payment and there are folks from boingos team and believe there is strong interest from the carriers providing coverage in the center so dont think they or tjpa will be anywhere near 5 year tooz get 3 or 4 carriers to sign but if something happens and not signed within 5 years the payments are garen teed and receive the 1. 25 million at the 5 year mark. If a 4th carrier signs another 5 year mark. If a 4th carrier signs another half Million Dollar payment so the garen teed payments are 3 and a half million 4 million potential total and addition they collect revenue from the providers that they sign agreements with and well get a 25 percent share of Gross Revenues or 125,000 minimum annual guarantee if the revenues are below 125,000. With that, we have members from boingo here and member thofz design team here and i can answer any questions. Just clarify one thing, infrastructure would be paid by boingo, not us . We are not paying for infrastructure . My question to uis this any of this income calculated as part of the revenue for operating or this is all new . This is new. Included in my numbers last month. Last month you have this . Yeah. Okay. Two questions, one, is this wifi or just cellular . Just cellular, not wifi. And then i guess a question, i think what are we doing about wifi . The greater demand for wifi and when phase 2 st. Complete does the mag increase . We have not had specific discussions about the mag in phase 2. The agreement of phase 2 that open certainly does something that we can look and address. The wifi question i will ask a member of the can zine team to come up. Dave. The overall system thats being discussed here is primarily introduce yourself. David [inaudible] Engineering Design firm associate would the phase 1. 5 Technology Deployment for the overall systems mpt the cellular reinforcement is part of the 1. 5 technology implementation. Under the base contract thats recently been procured under the previous trade package which is aural awarded and wifi deployment is a system owned qu operated by the master lesee. This system is primarily for cellular reinforcement but it also encompasses the master lessee radio from a operational perspective and accounts for the future rail component as well. It is not just the cellular aspect there are other things embeded ipthe boingo responsibility said. The wifi is owned by tjpa. Owned and operated by tjpa. Whatdize that mean the wifi network is part of our correction contract and owned and operated by us. Tjpa is installing the wifi system . Yes. Part of the construction contract. 1. 5 contract deployed the active network components. This will allow Cellular Services on the bottom levels as well . Yes. Potentially in the train box . That is correct. I have a question how it will work. So i know how boingo works in a airport which is kind of remote as compared to downtown San Francisco just in terms of area. So, if im coming in on a bus from the east bay and on a bus and i pull to our bus deck and using verizon or at t or any of the usual biggies from my phone call, and i get on to the bus deck of the terminal, now what will verizon or at t have to have done withwill are i have to deal with boingo or will i have depend on verizon or at t cut a deal with boingo to continue my phone call . You have to be dependent on a deal between the wireless carrier and boingo and as those deals are signed, thats the revenue share portion that goes back to the overall project. As mentioned by sarah, there is extreme interest associate would the carriers participating in this project. There are several Business Models you deploy from a cellular perspectives. Some are associated with tjpa owning and operating similar to wifi. There are other Business Model wheres the carrier can install that equipment and own and operate that equipment themselves and in this model you have a third party who is a neutral host that will engage with the carriers to install their equipment and boingo pits in the infrastructure and operate and maintain that equipment. The bus deck is underneath the park. I presume on the park anybody in the park if they have verizon or at t they probably have coverage . Due to increased capacity of south 67 a of market area, the overall carriers are also look frg additional infrastructure to support the over monopoly all growth of the city and their networks cannot accommodate the current gloget let alone once the majority of the buildings under construction now are fully occupied by their tenants, so i would envision as we work through the engineering shop draw jgz overall design that solicit to the carriers because at t and verizon will review and comment and design team and outcome of that will be coverage throughout. I dont know how it fits inour buses are going to have what i call wifi on them. Phone calls i always presume if you had a carrier you can make a phone call on the bus, but if someone is making a phone call on a bus or phone call on a bus through whatever we got, i dont knowi guess there is phone over internet but when comes to portable woy that isnt applied. I dont want a break. So eve n a break saying you have to deal with this polk around and sign up with here or switch carriers and that shouldabout shouldnt have to happen. When you are at the airport and launch a page squou see the boingo complimentary internet, that wim not happen hence the reason we felt best interest of tjpa to own and operate the wifi system themselves and then the cellular aspect will be completely seamless. If you are on the phone talking on the bridge coming to the city you get on to the bridge and get on the bus deck there is seamless coverage throughout. Okay. No more questions. Alright. Motion for approval and second. To address you on item, director gee, aye. Kim, aye. Reiskin, aye. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. Item 11 is approved. Item 12 is authorizing the executive drether to execute amendment to the professional Service Agreement withu Rs Corporation to accommodate interest. I like to bifurcate as to the amount required for them to continuing and finishing up and the amount for getting into dtx so we could do that. To havebecause my position is i dont want to have the tjpa project the image that the dtx is already been toll held and put their foot in the door and the chances of somebody coming in because that is a big thing that i think should be isolated and should go out on a rfp and we should do the whole thing on dtx and specialize on what we need from the company from who ever helps on dtx so why i want to bifurcate it. People can vote the way they want. But my vote on the dtx will be no, lets go on a r frkts p and do that rather than have them start dtx engineering now particularly given where we with the city and county of San Francisco where we are supposed to be in a Holding Pattern that we can use this to go out for a rfp and do it right instead of giving this image of a continuation that we dont need. Y if i can make a comment. That isnt the image we want to project. What we need is a transition period. This is for project control, not for design. So and we need a transition period between the existing team and dtx team and this allows us to do that is give the transition period and will look for a new rfp for project management and control. At this stage what is there in project management and control with respect to rks detx because we are not in the design phase . We need the money to do the 30 percent. Unless we get the money to do the 30 percent . Yes. The report we are not committing really but why are we bothering . We want enough money in the contract to be able to go with the study. Be able to our estimate of construction estimates and so forth when the 30 percent comes in. After that we go after the rfp for project measure and control when we decide what the next steps are. Dont want 2 teams together, one for the remainder of the dtx and phase 1 and after that we do go out for project measure and control team. The same people are doing [inaudible] work. Dennis tur sean and will go through my presentation and to your point, chair harper, i have separated it into phase 1 and 2 element and that is for this situationism in 2014 we did selectu rs to a formal procedure to get them on board as our Program Management program, Program Control consultant rchlt they proposed a fee of 38 2014 we did selectu rs to a formal procedure to get them on board as our Program Management program, Program Control consultant rchlt they proposed a fee of 38 million and cut to basically what fsh the absolute necessary. It agreed at 21. 7 million duration with 4 year Duration Contract which basically puts through june 2018. Also negotiated is reduction in fee similar to the turner dropping from 9 to 7 percent. So, after that negotiation now we got to this point in time and very close to near the completion and much clearer picture where we are at. There are a couple elements that we are part of this request. The prose polls are and purpose is in three buckets. Two are phase one and separated out the phase 2 element of this clearly. Phase one is when we negotiate td we only held to 3 and a half years of those 4 years back in 2014. It was fair amount of unknowns at that point and felt why should we negotiate more than necessary back in 2014. Steel hadnt started yet so why we held the 21. 7 million and negotiated amount only for the first 3 and a landfall of the 4 years. Now, where we are in space and time today we do request that the original scope be extended for remaining 6 months and that is trending at what we need them for their day to day original scope is 2. 1 million of the request. Another element is other phase 1 scope necessary and essential to deliver the program and can go through the details of that quickly on the next slide. The fird third bucket is phase 2 element which is identified as mark said as consistent with board direction in june 2016. Phase 1, so the phase 1 additional scope beyond the original scope extension of 6 months as ark logical and qaqc, it, dealing with procurement process, the project and master lesee start up and scope transfer of the last item is specific to the it system procurement under the shop that was under web corp previously and took that back from them. You took back theright from web corp. My question is if you add those up it is 3. 2 million. Correct you are saying additional activities are only 2 million. Which of these things put on hold. The 3 million there are credit so all we need is additional 2 million because there are other items in the orig fll scope that showed a credit. We saved items. The net is applied to this and why the ask is solid 2 million. What is the additional Security Consulting . The additional securityly had to do with the rpa dealing with rfp and manage with con ops and design guidance criterias utilize the pmpc staff for their program and then the safety and Security Management plan. Safety and security safety plan needed to be developed and where the staff helped coordinated and bringing to what was needed. Does that answer there was 2014, 2015 timeline and they helped with the managing the concept of operations. We hired [inaudible] to produce the report but [inaudible] experts help manage that effort. We also updated the [inaudible] as we went to construction we encountered some conflicts in construction and needed to make adjustments and we went back and we find [inaudible] requirements so money well spent. I thought the ark logical was the most interesting, are we still digging . [inaudible] it started with the human remainfound back when that was beyond so additional work at the bus ramp and bus storage that will start next week. We have to dig for the bus Storage Facility we expect something . Well, we anticipate the areas in the bus storage are limited because a significant portion sthof work was already done 10 plus years ago but there are items that this project will touch that were not touched in previous activities. They wont be the archeologist or the diggers . They have archeologist on staff . Let me explain. We have the project machbjure and control as a contract and if we need subcontractors they do it so if they dontthey have a large team with other firms so archeology will be done by somebody else. They will pay for the archeology . Yes. And even the cost estimate update. Some is other firms under them. They are part of a team, we just use themit isnt just one company, it is a team. Im sorry, i couldnt understand your response to director nurus question on there risk and vulnerability consultant, so who is that going to and what is that covering . That money went to you said went to that sound like past tense. Some took place in 20s 14 kwr 15. It was a line item weep went over. We had it in budget and [inaudible] in the overall budget. You are asking to approve the overage . The effort that went over and above what we expected. We saved some items i dont feel comfortable with that line item and cant support that today without more information. I guess the board approved a contract withto do several items who . Project manageru rs to do several items for us. Who did the risk and vulnerability consulting . U rs. Their team. And they wnt ovabout half a million . For what we [inaudible] their efforts when we developed the budget i dopet feel comfort supporting that until i gelt more information. Just so i can understand because i didnt get from the staff report that this was a reto active approval, so and maybe it is not. Is the authority that the board gave director and approving the contract, did that give you as the director the ability to move money between line items or are we actually approving ret roactively over expenditures in line items . I have to say i think the contract you approvaled a contract with a total over all budget not specific line items so as time has gone on and services are required as noted there are credits, i caept speak to what the credits are but where money wasnt needed money was moved to the Services LikeSecurity Consultant that was needed but the board hadnt previously approved a specific budget. For work to continue budget augmentation is needed because of the additional 2 million net and so thats what we request approval for today. Increase to the contract for work moving forward because of overages in certain line items ovthe past couple years. The 4. 1 we ask for we havent spent that money. Creth. We are asking for that money to do the what we need to do moving for ward. Within the ovall budget the board approved there were line items that savings and [inaudible] i thought that was within myyeah to be able to manage the day to day operations. I guess i need to understand this better. So, i agree that within the 4 corners of the agreed contractim open to flexibility moving money back and forth but now you ask to increase the contract because of the overages so you maxed out the contract . And asking for additional funding . The contract isnt maxed out yet, but to continue work until june 30, 2018 the increase is required so you are asking to increase the contract . Correct, not sulely due oo overages though. Im not sure if this is clear. We tried to explain this in the staff report, but at the time the amount was negotiated, we were very aggressive negotiating and it was a significantly lower amount that had been proposed, but because we didnt know how long servicess would be needed until, the contract wasthe term went to june 30, 2018, the contract was sized through june 30, 2017 budget wise. Now, the construction schedule is clear and we are on schedule thankfully. We do need the services through close out of the construction contract so to june 30, 2018. Part the increase is making sure there is funding for that extra year that wasnt included in the original amount. I think that is a problem. I dont have a issue with money getting moved within a contract, but if you are moving it around to such a extent you run out of money before what the board approved timeline is, then i dont feel comfortable supporting this additional funding. I think that you have to stay within your means within the time line you expect so if you know the contract isnt running out for a year you have to come to the board then. You are over spending i understand within the budgetary constraint but spending down the money very quickly and early and asking the board to supplement at the end so dont feel comfortable with that decision making. One thing i like to clarify, when we executed the contract [inaudible]u rs, the timeline was 4 years but we funded it for 3 and a half years because of the time completion of the building was august 2017. Not december 2017. So, at the time when i negotiated the contract and did not know past in the 2018 timeframe what efforts we needed from them, so yid did not fund work beyond december 2017 for that work. Now that we know what we need, we want to add that teerflt the contract. That effort was never includedthat work wasnt included in the original contract. Any scope changes . 2. 2 million is for serbs between december 2017 and june 2018 for closing out the construction contract. That was never part of the contract executed in 2014. The funding. So, if we dont give them the 2. 1 million they will pack up and 11 december 2017 and have nobody from project Management Help closing out the construction contract and maybe ron can elaborate more on that. Sure. There is a lot of history and why we had historic background introduced, but if i can step back and give context to the nature of this contract was a overall budget pretty much time and material, having knowledgeed team at the ready to respond to things that happen out in the field so we can be agile much like surprising with arch logical or surprises or rethinking with the rav. It worked in that context of having a Knowledgeable Team readily available to respond to realtime needs and circumstances, so i think that worked out well and as these contracts occurred periodly we have to reforecast knowing what we know now and that is this moment in timet. U rs will hold the masterer contract but not sure we will use all the money . The current modeling oror forecast needs adjustment. This is a extension ofwe only have 3 engineerfelt i dont think thats the problem. I dont think anyone is questioning the need for the pmpc service. We are very much a outsoersed operation. I think maybe the concern and what i didntmaybe i missed but didnt see in the staff report is how much of this budget augment ation is because spending at a higher rate anticipated which is director kims concern versus we need to keep them up i running for 6 more months to clous out the contract and thought i understood it was a compation of both but i dont think we have visibility fl to that distinction and think there is concern over the former. If the burn rate was higher than anticipated, we fund it, but i think probably everyone understands we need to have them on board at some capacity through close out and even close out and june 2018 seems ambitious so not sure that seems like we will be back. It may benefit from if the current funding and contract is good to the end of the year it may benefit from more time so we can better understand this. The staff report says one extension is 2. 1 million so take us from december of this year into june 20s 18. Thats the extension amount. The 2 million for additional activities that have taken place are going to take place and that is the archeology, the additional efforts we did with security and there are other things. The additional effort chs 3 million but we saved in some Million Dollar so the difference is 2 million and various line items, some over and some under. Just to respond to director reiskins question, we are always gauging what the trend is. There are highs and lows. I might suggest and there is concern with the board that perhaps we provide a little more rel time forecasting information and we are always watching this. Horse race on whether one line item is running long or short and periodically doing an adjustment and that is what this is. I might suggest from here to the end that we maybe drill down a little bit more periodically to inform you as to what the trending is happening. The direct question is, we are watching a number of line items that were coming in with surplus and some trending otherwise and it is a question of when do you raise your hand and say it looks like it is going long or going short. I might suggest that as a balancing act. I do want to highlight that when i develop the budget, i accounted for the money and put the money in the program reserves, so by using that money, we are not change thg estimate of completion. We still have the numbers that [inaudible] total exposure, so that does not change at all. I just did want nt want to augment the budget because at the time still didnt know the efforts we needed so set aside 4. 4 million and we are asking for today is 4. 1 million. There will be 800 thousand in savings. I have some of the same concerns. It looks very much like they were close when they said it is 38 million to get us to the end of the road and we for some reason were such brilliant negotiates we said it was 21 million. I remember what the budget was like in july 2014 and it was extremely fragile and sure there was a lot of concern to stay within a very old budget that we had when we knew that the budget was so old and cant issue a contract not in accord nss so it does have that flavor of catch up to it and like the risk and vulnerability consulting supervisor kim brought up, we are at a stage that was completed 2 or 3 or 4 years ago that cost 1 hell of a lot of money, now has to be additional work on that. This is just stuff that you know, there is a smell factor to this that is just hard to kind of get fl into. I understand that is a big driver. I i dont know what to do with it but think the questions are valid in terms of this extending these additional lines. Extending the contract, extending the contract, i they think thats 2 million 1 is fine, but maybe we need to get as you say additional stuff and next month come back and say here is the really have to do on the e risk and Vulnerability Assessment and this is additional and not pay back for i think you are right. Most of that is behind us. One of the blow out line items as opposed to one of the line items managed to a lower number. If i could add to the strategy of funding 3 and a half years instead of 4. I find myself when i have time and material contracts trying to meter that as well and there is a sense of money is on the table they burn it all. Something to say about active Management Strategy to meter out some of the availability, so we could try to manage to the lower number, which i believe is probably what was going on at that time. As the high jz lows shook out, managing to the lower number didnt seem to be achieve able and there is a lot of drivers and the rva is one big glaring piece of what drove that. When you negotiate a 4 Year Contract on work to be done it is very hard to nail down every line item correctly so you will always have variationssome take more effort and some less effort statedment you always hope to land with a even number at the end. In this particular case our [inaudible] is like 600,000. 400 thousand is [inaudible] so the net of the overerages and the credits is positive or negative . 2 million negative. So i think the concern wasnt about getting every line item exactly right, i think the overerage on the rva feels like salt in the wound. That work that we are paying for feels in ret row spect cost 60 million of additional Construction Cost which the board was very frustrated about. 360 million tfs a it was a lot of money. But the concern isnt over on some under on some you cant predict that perfectly. The concern is if there was a net overage and we are coming in towards the end 3 years into a contract to adjust for it, thats i think the concern you are hearing. It is not we need a little more to keep them going for another 6 months which i cant imagine 6 months is enough so may want to revisit that too but it is the former concern i think is what is giving folks pause. I justthe overerage isnt spent. That money has not been spent. But it is the projection of the overage . Yes. I want to make sure because i understand director kims concern that you over spend qu come to me. I get that. It is just thethat money you may as well have spent it if you spent all the money within the contract and come and say there is nuthding less and only way to extent is give more money. You put us in a bad position where we have to give you more money because we know we need to extend the contract so that is what im unhappy about. I know you havent incident overage but you clearly spent all the money very quickly and that should have come to the board sooner. I think this whole thing gets back to the frustration of having to go hat and hand to the city and county for 300 million some time ago when we just could have gibbon the lot more for warning. Was it things like that this that contributed to that and enabled that and made those numbersthey worked then, but then we had to pay the price and it was a embarrassing price to pay, have to go to had sate qu say we didntthis is especially and embarrassing because these people are budget consultants to too. That is the frustration. I dont know what to do about it but it just it is a little bit i appreciate the fact that they worked longer and harder back then for less money than maybe they would have liked but thats they started with us in 2004. They had a very good long innings with us, so just say that now we should just make up for that. So, i dont knowthe extension is fine and ill drop my objection on phase 2 activities but i think maybe say the additional activities should come back with details exactly where we are going and get specificity on that. I dont know, that st. Is just my suggestion. I think coming back may be the right thing to do. We agree with it but think we need tothe way it has come is not the way it should have come to us. Is that second orim just talking 2 million additional 1234 yes, 2 2 million any objection doing that . Essentially 2. 1 million for extension and 1. 3 million for phase 2 activities but with hold the 2 now and come back in a month with more detailed information on what justifies the additional activities. Fair enough and well bring very detailed spreadsheets what and when we went over each one. That alright . If i may add to your comment. A forcast of consulting needs are for the rest the program. You think what it will be spent on based on trend. I think it may be wise to look at that projection of june in terms of close out too and maybe recalibrate on that one. Director reiskin pointed out the bus Storage Facility shows july completion so just doesnt quite line up. And i trust that you understand most of that is dialed in but i think dont want to sell too short too soon. Given that i think it might be simp ll to just continue the entire item because we wont negotiate two separate steps and extension so it may be make sense. And to the chairs initial comments on the phase 2, the other benefit of pushing the whole item out is get better clarity on what the funding picture looks from a Transportation Authority commission. It may make sense to authorize only a segment of that because if to the extent the concern is there are different alignments and dont want to respond a bunch of money on alignment that we wont choos but there is work common it may make sense to advance the work on common wurks. It doesnt seem there is urgency to the item and suggest pushing the whole thing off. You accept the amendment . That is just a continuation. Just a clarification to mark, i believe the meeting is on the 28, is there enoughdo you need services to get to the 28th meeting or okay with that . Do you needthere is a presentation to be made and the consultant says im out of fee and wont make a presentation and that dozen help us either. [inaudible] they do assist in it background on phase 2 work but the phase 2 portion of the contract actually is one area of the contract that is okay for now and dont see a issue pushing out a month. Thank you for the clarification. Alright. Thats just a continuation and dont have to take a vote on that so that will be next month. You take votes on continuation . Okay. Take a vote on continuation. Motion to continue and second. Motion to continuewanting to comment on the item on that motion to continue the item to next month gee, aye. Kim, aye. Ciscon, aye. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. 5 aye and item 12 is post pones to next mujt. Item 3, authorize the executive drether to execute with carpi and clay for two years and compensation of 320,000. Directors, scott [inaudible] good morningism as you recall november we brought forward option to extend the existing federal contracts. That meeting was a couple days f afterthe election so uncertainty about the transition and decision was made to do a 3 mupth extension going to january 31. In the interim we decided rathing than seek the additional 9 month option that now is the right time to put out a rfp and make sure we have the strongest possible team in dc for the current political environment and particularly make sure we have the Strongest Team for the federal funding and financing programs that will be essential for phase 2. These are programs we talked about in update tooz the boards. Things like new starts. As you know the dtx identified as a regional priority for the new starts plan. There is commitment to seek 2. These are programs we talked about in update tooz the boards. Things like new starts. As you know the dtx identified as a regional priority for the new starts plan. There is commitment to seek a billion dollars from the federal government. We also have fundsing like the tax increment that flows to the future so the ti go tooz 20 20. If we get passenger fustillty charges that will be collected when the dtx begins operation so flow out to the afuture so a challenge is capture the funds and bring forward so we will look for the most favorable financing possible to do that and believe that will be through one of two federal programs. One istypia which are familiar with because we have a phase 1 tiffia loan and transportation infrastructure innovation and finance program. And then the other is a program called riff, the Railroad Rehabilitation and improvement financing program. This is a program that we have targeting for a long time. The dtx is available and finance rare infrastructure. A big part of the work in dc over the past many year is making change tooz the program to make it more favorable to phase 2 to make sure the dtx is eligibility to have the spaungest chance and at the point to submit a application and move forward with getting a riff loan. So, we want to make sure that we got a team in dc that has the strongest possible speerns experience with those three programs and in particular another challenge that we see is Northern California we have a heavily Democratic Congressional delegation and with the roont election and new administration the new congress is republican majority so need a team with bipartisan reach so we put out a rfp in december and got 4 responses and had a review review and three moved forward to interview jz at the end of the interview process there was 1 team that scored well above the other squz related to the magnitude of their experience in those three programs that will be essential for funding and financing phase 2. They were the only team with all three of those programs with riff in particular, the team we are recommending has negotiated and executed 4 riff agreements. They also participated as a independent financial reviewer for the federal department of transportation on three additional riff loans because they are recognized as having substantial experience with the riff program. So, on the measures associated with those funding streams slsh for phase 2, they really stood out. This team also has strong experience with tiffia and new starts. One team work would app tuon Advocacy Coalition to coauthor a hand book to help the constituents navigate the new starts pipeline. In all three programs they brought really strong and uniquely strong experience. We also have members from the team who worked for dem ocratic member jz republic members of congress. So, the team we are recommending from carpi and clay similar to the approach with state advocacy that come observe you in november. We had twoe contract jz consolidate into one contract and so cut the cost Going Forward to half relative to what we have before. I have jewelry [inaudible] from carpi and clay and happy to squr any questions you may have. Could you state what the contract was prior when this came to us in november . The contract amount, i couldnt remember . The contract amount was recommendation was for 1 year option to extend, so was monthly retainer of 750 and there was a 2500 twavl allowance. We modified that to cover 3 months so it was modified for 3 times 12, 750. The retainer is 12, 500 and one of the ingathize that we talked about is having more regular hopefully quarterly updates from the dc team coming before the board sofe worked in a travel allowance that would allow to reimburse if we decide to go forward with those visits. So the travel portion has been reduced but the monthly retainer has gone up . The opposite. The monthly retainer went down in the current extension which is 12, 75 0 so it is 12, 500 for the first 2 years and one option to extend and will go up 250 a year eech of the 4 years. We increase the travel budget to allow for regular visits from the dc team to update the board. That is reimburseable so all discretion how much was the total recommended amount in nrfb and how much now for one year . If we moved forward with two contracts like we had previously the sabeingsover the 2 years is 312,000. The 3 month weez extended from november to january is 3850 but just for 3 months this is a two Year Contract so 300 thousand 12 months row tainer and 20 thousand travel allowance for 2 years. You mean 300 thousand of 2 years of retainer . 2 years, 24 mujts. Still not clear to meyou say there is a savings in the contract versus what you had previously proposed so what is the save lgz . With our previous contracts prior to november we had two contracts how much did they total . 612,000. That isnt including the travel so 612,000 versus 300 thousand and understand. Move approval. I appreciate the went back and resolicited because the world is a little changed november 8 and think it was a wise move to solicit in the new environment so i support the contract and think it will very much be needed. I omhave a problem with what in the world are they going to do for the next 3 or 4 months. Every i seethe guy from washington came to ac transit. I much prefer written stuff. I dont find it very helpful when they stand in frontf ous qu tell us what is going on in washington dc. I have no back fp ground and that is when thingerize sane. Given where things are if i were these folks i would just pocket the 12 kthe first 3 months and say as soon as i find someone to talk to i will talk to them but that will be swept away and rfr is had gone. I emphasize the new administration and congress including both sides of the isle talked about putting together a infrastructure package with under way in dc snow and part of our goal over the next 3 months is to make sure that whatever is proposed is as favorable as possible to phase 2, so for example making sure multimodal projects are eligibility and favored to the maximum extent and projects like ours that have a unique amount of non pral funding to make sure that is favored. The president s talked about infrastructure package that folkishes on financing ask haveic private sector investment. All the fiscal year 2017 is already not awarded but itemized for fta i fra. And you are talking about the appropriate aigdss process but the negotiations for fiscal year 2018 appropriations are starting now. Those hearings start in the next few months. The other thing is as soon as we have our supplemental hopefully approved that is like a starting gun firing because it allows us to submit our application to enter the new start pipeline and allows to move forward with the riff apperation and hope that will be done in the next 3 months. Dont hold your breath. Alright. Ill go along with it. It just seems we put a lot of trust here and a lot of money into lobbyist and lawyers and consultant and sometimes when they go into a situation that is the way washington is for the next few months you just wonder what is the hurry but ill vote for it i guess. Maybe hear from the firm real quick. Sure. Good morning, a pressure to be here. Juraly mu nerve partner with carpi and clay. I was born and raised in Northern California, parents from San Francisco so this has always been more than a contract to me, this is a great effort to work on, so thank you for letting me a part of it. Your are right there is a lot of uncertainly in washington but the formuless othe plans are on going and on going at a very rapid pace. Already just three weeks into the the new administration we have seen the president issue a executive order on high pry orty projects to streamline the permitting kw regulatory side of projects but it is also indicative how he may try to move big infrastructure projeblths flward so focus on environmental quality, which is a agency not used in the capacity in the last 8 years so something we need to have conversations cex once a new director is identified. More porent leif we have a opportunity to identify you as a high priority project that can enhance our capability moving forward. I also like to add in the new administration scaert chow is in place at the department of transportation. She was one of the very first nominees to move forward so beelding her team. There will be a lot of new people to meet but suspect they are people we already know, people who worked for senator inhauf on Environment Public Works Committee and need to reintroduce the project to them to advocate for high priority projects and understand the parameters of what you accomplish here. Looking back at the yearly review i believe in january and had the new chart of 41 states where you pulled in your manufacturing and parts, that is significant to what we have Going Forward in washington dc now. That chart dislaid the value the region the project will accomplish on a dlailly basis but the value the nation. Aerfblg we hear about the administration talks about the manufacturing and you are the only project that can show a direct tie to manufacturing and transit in the country so that is very very good starting point that we can go into specific offices and say we created x amount of jobs in kentucky and ohio and really tie st. Back in and that is something that will resinate a lot. I agree that what will happen in the next three months but we are having hearings, house transportation and infrastructure held one last week and Senate Environment and publuck works held one yesterday so how to formulate a infrastructure package and component is a part of that is happening right now and we do not want to miss that opportunity. Thank you. Can you give a month warning before you come out so we can okay it in the previous month and say have them spend their travel allowance . Absolutely. Thats all reimburseable. Only at your direction. We had a motion and second. No members want to address you on the item . Gee, aye. Kim, aye. Reiskin,i rir. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. 5 aye and item 13 is approved. Next item. Item 14, election of chair and vice chair pursuant to tjpa joint powers agreement. Which you want to do first . Go in order. Nominate director nuru is chair. Second. Any other nominations . Call the roll. Nomination for chair tjpa first and second of nuru as chair and no members want to comment on the ititem. Gee, aye. Kim, aye. Reiskin, aye. Nuru, aye. Chair harper, aye. That is 5 ayes and our new chair. Vice chair. I like to nominate director gee. Second. With first and second. Any other nominations . You bow i didnt call you to ask. I didnt want to hear no. First and second nominating director gee as vice chair no members wanting to comment on the item and no other nominations. Gee, yes. Kim, aye. Reiskin, aye. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. 5 ayes and director gee is vice chair. With that i want to say thank you very much for the honor being chair for the last 2 years. I have gotten into it as you can tell. I believe in very active chairmanship and really as i said when i took over the job the idea is to find out what it fs we need today know and hope and havent disappointed you and that is a task of the chair and sometimes that involves digging. That isnt always appreciated but i think it is the job, so i appreciate your tolerance of the occasional disruption caused by the digging. Moving on to the next item we had earlier your cur curance moved item 3, communication. Any communications . No. I was going tomy communication is the reason i like it at the end is because i just noticed we never used it but the other bodies i sat on them douous them and they are at the end and one thing i use them for when citizens come before to be heard on items not on the agenda mostlyit is discouraged all the around to get into any kind of stuff with who ever speaks because you dont know where it goes, right . But, on the other bodies i sat on, what happens when it is at the end is the people that are talked to can say okay on that i like staff to do this or that i would like this and it is more encouraging and you get to think about it the whole meeting. You get to think what that person said and what it is that you might want to do and cant do that right away. That is just one thing i use it for at the end of the meetingthere are other things i think that occur throughout a meeting and the bigger perspective i think is something that you get to maybe by inund of the meeting sometimes that you may want to comment on and so thats why i like it at the end. I wont be the chair so it can be where ever the chair wantsment. It is up here because that is how San Francisco works it and that st. Is the way it is. Okay. Seeing no others item 4 new or old business. Seeing none, you are now scheduled to go into closed session and havent received a indication the member of the public wishes to address you on any items. [returning from closed session]. Board of directors meeting of february 9 is back in open session. Item 17, conference with Real Property nogessation regarding the transbay Transit Center negotiating partners tgpa, hrna advisors shepherd mull end, crushman kwr wake field under negotiation for master please of transbay Transit Centerment nothing to report. Item 18, conference with Legal Council existing litigation, three matters. Name of case, ang versus mu lynneium partners bora lee him versus transbay joint powers. Pamela burterly versus sean jeffries. Nothing to report. Item 19, conference with Legal Council anticipated litigation significant exposure tolit igation per sunt to paragraph 2 of subdivision d of section 549 nive 6. 9 for potentialications there is nothing to report. That concludes our business for today. Adjourn the meeting. [meeting adjourned] the regular meeting for wednesday, february, 15th, 2017, i would like to remind the members of the p you believe that we do not tolerate any disruption and please silence your mobile devices and when speaking before the commission, state your name for the record. I would like to take the roll at this time. First on the agenda, it is general public mm