Have some residents here from the island as well, who will be speaking at Public Comment. Thank you. Good morning, rachel hyatt, principal Transportation Planner. I have an update on the Transportation Planning for the island, and please do ask me clarifying questions as we go along. The Transportation Planning work for the redevelopment of yerba buena and Treasure Island has been going on for over ten years now. The first Transportation Plan was adopted in 2006 as part of the Development Term sheet between the master developer and set out the needs for Treasure Island and yerba buena and some strategis to meet the Transportation Needs as the island is developed. The Transportation Management act, California State Assembly bill 981 was adopted in 2008, which authorized the program and most recently the Development Agreement adopted in 2011, included the latest version of the Treasure Island transportation Implementation Plan, which echoed the goals and strategies that were authorized in ab 981. We started our work following the development the Treasure IslandMobility Management Agency and we have been working in partnership with them to craft a plan for implementing the strategies that were called for in the Development Agreement and the ceqa work. The key challenges to improving Treasure Island transportation are mainly threefold and these have been recognized since the start of the planning. First is how to minimize new congestion on the bay bridge . When the island grows to 20,000 residents, managing the effective potential new tract on the bridge was seen as a key challenge. Then in addition, how to provide new Transit Services . Serving the island and provide a level of Transit Service that will really provide a feasible option for people to get on and off the island, both to and from San Francisco and the east bay and how to pay for that new transit, particularly the ac and Ferry Service. There needs to be a dedicated, but committed source of operating funds. The original 2006 plan, the 2008 Assembly Bill and the 2011 titip identified these four key goals with corresponding strategis to address those three challenges. The first is the design of the development itself. The vision is for real complete neighborhood on Treasure Island. Right now folks dont have sort of grocery options, for instance, on the island. But to be well, the vision for when Treasure Island is redeveloped is to have all of these services that a San Francisco neighborhood has, and a Street Network that is complete. So complete network of sidewalks. All of the new homes will be 15minute walking distance from a transportation hub, where the regional Transit Services and the localisland serving Shuttle Services will meet. Highquality transit on and off the island. The commitment is to provide new regional Transit Services between San Francisco and the east bay, using ac transit direct between Treasure Island and downtown oakland. A Ferry Service supplementing muni between San Franciscos Ferry Terminal and Treasure Island and transportation service. Minimizing traffic impacts from the development. There is a number of Strategies Incorporated in the plan. There is a parking maximum of 8,000 parking spaces, residential parking spaces. All of the parking will be managed by price. And the costs of parking will be unbundled from the lease or purchase of homes. So people who want to live on the island without owning a car will not have to pay for that cost as part of their renter, or mortgage payments. And finally a congestion toll on and off the island to encourage folks who are driving on and off to do so during offpeak times, and then finally to be an antitransit and finally to provide a Revenue Source, combined with the transit pass purchases and parking fees to fund the Regional Transit operations. This map depicts the transit that services that are planned. The new Transit Service between the east bay and Treasure Island, the Ferry Service between the Ferry Terminal and the island, and new muni service. The level that is called here is really excellentlevel of Transit Service. Its many times more than what Treasure Island is served by today, and it is the level that San Francisco is most transitaccessible neighborhoods enjoy. And so that is the commitment to provide that level of Transit Service to make this system work. Where we have started is by looking at what it would take to enable this program to be successful over the longrun. So as buildout, after all of new residents are on the island, 2030, what sort of policies do we expect that need to be in place to ensure that the program meets its transportation goals and its revenue goals . We need to achieve a 50 transit mode share for trips on and off the island and we need to make sure that the costs are covered, particularly the costs of the new Regional Transit. So with the work that were presenting today is our sense of what it will take to make sure that the program is successful. Then going forward, there is a number of other areas that we need to work on next. They include how the program is phased in . So development will be phased in through at least 2030. How do we approach that . How do we phasein in the various pieces the program, aligning the need for toll revenue and parking revenue with the need for new Transit Service and making sure that is scaled to the new needs of new residents as they come in. Designing other benefits, such as the transit pass. All households in the marketrate units will be required to purchase a transit pass monthly as part of their homeowner dues, as part of think their rent. We can design a number of benefits into that and that is something that we want to work on over the next few years. Working with bay bridge toll policy and i will talk about that in the presentation, another next step making sure that the bay bridge policy and Treasure Island policy are compatible. We have been doing outreach. We did one round of outreach last fall, mainly using a survey to try to get the word out about who we are, and let people know that we are here and raise awareness of the project. We reached about 15 of the residents, pretty good Response Rate for outreach survey. We are really in[tkebts ]ed to indebted to some of the Housing Partners on Treasure Island, who helped to offer and distribute the survey for us. It is still online, if folks watching are interested in taking it at timma. Org. Some of the things that we have learned from that that there is a great deal of interest in improved transit, particularly east bay transit and ferry transit. At the same time, there is concern and frustrations with traffic issues. So there is a much higher rate of auto ownership on Treasure Island and yerba buena today than in San Francisco on average; which reflects the fact that in part that its hard to live on Treasure Island today without a car. Its not a complete neighborhood. There is not a highlevel of Transit Service. Frustrations or concerns around driving include congestion, costs of owning and maintaining a car, and finding parking. On the question well, so something that we observed there is that higherrate of auto ownership on Treasure Island. And folks on Treasure Island today spend higher share of their income on transportation than the average san franciscan. And we do think those two things are related; the higher auto ownership and the higher spending, or expenses on transportation. We do know that in california, lowincome households, who rely on driving are autodependent end up spending a lot more of their income on transportation than households that are able to use transit as their primary mode of transportation. We see one of the best, most effective ways to support a ffordability on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island is to support the ability for households to choose not to own a car, to carshed a second car or use carshare for their vehicle access. That would be a change from how it is today, there is no carsharing on Treasure Island today. This table shows the policies that we think are what it will take to make the Program Successful over the longrun. And what we recommend is a toll program that has a broadbase, but low tolllevel. We expect that before Ferry Service begins, there will be a period of time as development is being phasedin, where there is not a demand for ferry. And so the need for revenue is to support the onisland, the Shuttle Services, and the ac transit, the east bay service. At that point, the level of revenue that we would need is about a 3 peakperiod toll and something lower offpeak such as 1 each direction. We recommend that this toll be in place when there is a core during transit core hours of operation. When there is a transit option available. We want to credit folks driving from the east bay on to Treasure Island for what they have already paid at the bay bridge toll plaza and those drivers would not pay twice. Shuttles, transit, vanpools would be exempt. And we also recommend a Discount Program for lowincome households on the island. We want to craft or we sought out to craft a program that we could extend to all households in the lowmarket rate units or who qualify for belowmarket rate units and this would support travelers who are lowincome regardless of what mode they are taking. These graphs illustrate the tolllevel. In this case the tolllevel that we think we will need in the early years of the program, before Ferry Service begins. The blue line shows congestionlevels on the bay bridge during week days. The orange bar shows tolllevel that we think will raise sufficient revenue, and also encourage folks to drive during offpeak periods. When Ferry Service begins, there is still a lot of work that we are doing with the ferry operators and potential ferry providers to rightsize the Ferry Service. But our best estimate at this time of what it will take is about a 5 peak period toll and something lower offpeak. Some of the toll policies more closely related to meeting that 50 transit modeshare requirement over the longrun. For instance, our recommendation that there be a broadbase period to the toll, but lower tolllevel helps achieve that, especially linking the need for the revenue the temporal need for the revenue for the period that transit options are available. And also recommending no exemptions, for instance, for cleaner vehicles. Other parts of this policy are more closely related to raising enough revenue to pay for the Transit Services. Something i want to point out is recommendation for how the board could adjust the tolllevel annually in realtime based on changing needs. We would recommend a tolllevel adjustment policy, actually mirrored on mtas policy for adjusting munis fares so a function of inflation, but also transit costs. Let me talk a little bit more about our proposal around transportation affordability. We have looked at a couple of options. One option we considered and analyzed is the idea of a toll discount. This would be, for instance, for example, a 50 discount on the toll. We could extend this discount to households that qualify for muni lifeline pass, about 16 , 15 of the likely population of Treasure Island. Were not able to find a discount that particular approach to a discount would not be feasible for all of the households in the belowmarket rate units, which will ultimately be about a quarter of the population on Treasure Island. We wouldnt be able to achieve the modeshare target, or the revenue demands. We wouldnt be able to afford the level of Transit Service under that scenario. Something that we recommends an alternative, is a multimodal or transit Discount Program; that we would recommend extend to any household in the belowmarket rate units. The kinds of benefits that we would offer in this type of program include transitpass benefits, not just for well, providing a transit pass for the households in belowmarket rate units. The households in marketrate units will be required to purchase a monthly transit pass, but something that we want to make sure that we do is households in below market rate units have access to a monthly pass, as well as equivalent of lifeline fares on operators who dont currently offer that, ac transit and wheata. We would recommend a program where for transit trips taken by these households, toll credit as crew. This is models on a program that exists in los angeles. Their rewards program on l. A. Metros express lanes and the way this would work is like a sandwich card, essentially. For each trip taken on transit, credits towards a toll payment accrue. Other benefits we heard are interesting are bike share and we heard interest in the ability to use bikeshare on the island and we are committed to providing bikeshare on the island. Reducing some barriers to use of transportation technology, such as for folks who dont have a credit card, or who dont have a bank account and providing that account and even starting off folks accounts with a starting balance and discounts on things like carshare. Which will be a new service on the island as it develops and we would like to help increase access to. We do recommend the multi modal discount approach. It would provide incentives that are aligned with the overall goals of the transportation program, and would help support the meeting of that transit goal, the mode share goal. And the vision for Treasure Island as one of San Franciscos transitaccessible neighborhoods. We also do think its truly the most effective way to support affordability. That the burden of owning and operating, maintaining a vehicle is a true cost burden on lowincome households and to be able to achieve context where folks can choose to shed one or more of their cars. Its really an effective way to reduce the need for transportation spending. Ultimately we project that with a transit discount approach, households will end up spending less on transportation, even then with a toll discount approach. Its because of those costs associated with owning and operating a car. This picture shows the financial overall profile of the program at buildout year. So in 2030, this is what we project would be the financial profile of the program. About a 55 million annual cost, and this is the cost associated with providing that very high, and very significantlevel of Transit Service. The transit costs, the Regional Transit operating is the revenue need for the program. That is the cost. And then the main Revenue Source is from the toll. There are two other Revenue Sources or at least two. The transit pass purchases and parking fees. And we also expect to be able to obtain grantfunding, which will help offset the costs of the capital costs of the program. This picture focuses on the operating costs. Were doing outreach now this summer and will continue outreach through the rest of the summer, through september. We have done some focus groups with different folks on the island. So that some of the Housing Providers, organized focus groups for us. We had one with businesses on the island. The Housing Providers have been very helpful in linking us up with opportunities such as tabling the food pantry that is there. We plan to go back and have another Community Meeting in addition, to the one we participated in in july. This summer, with additional outreach in spanish and chinese and more business outreach. Based on the feedback that be get from outreach and your feedback today, we want to consider refinements to this proposal, and bring back a next iteration of the program this fall. Ultimately the schedule that were working with is to have the Program Operational when the first units are available for occupancy in 2019. So working back from that, were hoping to have some more clarity on the policy parameters of the program. So we can start designing it and working with bata and clipper to set up the systems to enable the transit pass and any sort of Discount Program, develop agreements and have be able to start raising revenue and providing all of that new service in 2019. Thank you, and i look forward to your feedback and questions. Any questions from commissioners . I just want to appreciate all of the work and thought that went in this. I think one of the most exciting things is that this is in many ways a laboratory for us to really try out and think about a lot of different Creative Ideas around congestion management, which is, i think, increasing on the minds of many san franciscans, notice not just those on Treasure Island and i also appreciate all of the different ideas and thoughts that went into particularly for our existing lowincome, and middleincome residents on Treasure Island. Ensuring that we arent impinging on their current incomes in order to get on and off the island. Because currently there arent very many ways. Its really muni or car. Those are really the two ways to get on and off the island. Its great to see how high muni usage is amongst residents. We have a lot more that we can do there and certainly im excited about the ferry. Many of these other options, along with bikeshare and carshare. I know there are a number of concerns from residents that are already there right now and have been offered housing through what was previously the Redevelopment Area plan. You know, have had conversations with the Transportation Authority, in terms of what are some ways of them being grandfathered in the program . And others . And i know they will come and speak in Public Comment regarding that. But i do think there are a lot of really great menus of options that were looking at and im really excited about seeing some of these actually occur. The one question that i had and it doesnt have to be addressed today. I think my thinking of the toll policy was going to be more of a fiveday a week program and seeing its sevendays a week. Im curious whether certainly for special events, i think it makes sense, when there are festivals and 4th of july and its actually very hard to get on and off the island on those day and its mainly tour ists coming in. Are there ways to make weekends more flexibility . So if there isnt a lot of on and off, there wont be tolling going on saturday and sunday . Yes. The reason that we recommended some portion of the weekend is because we do see congestion on the weekends certainly on the bridge so we started off with a recommendation that there be a toll in place when there is congestion on the bridge. And then to help sort of reduce the overalllevel of the toll by spreading the base of the toll. We subsequently recommend that during the week the toll be in place when transit has its core hours of operation. Right. Would i would recommend that the hours of operation of the toll be different on the weekends than during the week, because the travel patterns are different and transit levels are different and there are different periods of congestion. So perhaps what we come back with is the principle of toll hours of operation being distinguished during the week, and the weekends. So they would be different. And that they would be based on congestionlevel and transit availability, and need to be refined to be very closely linked to those two. When you say sorry, congest on the bridge, are you saying general congestion on the bridge or actual cars going on and off from Treasure Island to the bridge . Because i think it would be unfair to penalize the residents because of the east bay traffic to San Francisco, versus Treasure Island residents getting on the bridge. It should be linked to congestlevels on the bridge itself and not for instance at the toll plaza. So you are saying you are going to put a toll on Treasure Island residents leaving their home on the weekends to come into the city that they are part of, because a lot of east bay residents or other folks are on the bay bridge already . It would also and then the weekends it would likely be visitors coming to Treasure Island, driving to Treasure Island. I think that is problematic. I understand if it was a sensitivity for who was going on and off the ramps, you know . The on and offramps, on and off Treasure Island, but i dont think it should be based on the number of people on the bay bridge period. Okay well give this some more thought. Yes. I also think does it mean there will always be a cost to get on and off the bridge seven days a week . So even at its lowest point, maybe 1 and highest point 5. Is there ever going to be a anytime there is no cost at all because there is very little traffic . Yes, overnight, during the evenings, there would not be a toll. I would not support that. I could not support that. Im sorry, well have time for Public Comment. So there will be a time for members of the public. I cannot support a toll from 6 00 a. M. To 10 00 p. M. I think that is crazy, im sorry. I think that its okay during rush hour to encourage people to drive at different times. And certainly when we are seeing a lot of traffic on and off the ramps on Treasure Island. But there has to be time periods when there isnt congestion that we arent charging our own residents to get to the city that they are a part of. I think its really, really problematic. I do want to encourage of course, people to bike and take ferry, but were not imposing that same kind of impossession imposition on residents in our city. So i think we need to rethink that. Thank you. Commissioner wiener. Thank you. First of all, in terms of covering costs because the tolling was a pretty key component of the approval of the Treasure Island project when the board of supervisors approved it. And so of course we can always talk about some of the sort of precise details of the tolling and we want to be fair and equitable to everyone, but i think we also need to make sure that we are not deviating from some of the numbers that were underlying the approval of the project and the tolling was a part of that. So if were going to be exploring different options i think that has to be part of the conversation. There are tradeoffs to everything. I guess my question is in terms of the costs that are going to be incurred, how does the tolling link up with that . Because if you end up having shortfalls, then it has to be covered from somewhere. And so im curious to know i know there was a slide on that, but if you could in plain english talk about that, i would appreciate that. Sure. The purpose of having the toll is to raise the revenue for the Regional Transit operations. So one first obvious place is to look whether the level of Transit Service called for is needed or desired . Then there is grant sources will help us with capital costs, and we do expect and intend to obtain grantfunding for capital costs, but its really having a permanent, committed source of operating funding that is our challenge. For what . For the transit, operating funding for the ferry and the ac Transit Service. Right. And so if there isnt if we reduce toll revenue, then where does that money come from for that to make sure that we have strong Ferry Service, that were paying for ac Transit Service and so forth . Where does the money come from . We need to identify another funding source. So it comes from other transit projects or vision zero . It would be Transportation Authority funding . Where would the money come from if we had a shortfall because of a reduction in tolls . Good morning, executive director. Excuse me, commissioner wiener, we would have to analyze the options. To reduce the level of Transit Service. We could look at generating more funds from the other two major sources, which would be parking or perhaps other private sources, but for example, at this point on slide 25, the toll revenues are the majority of the lions share of the funding for the operation. At that point we just have to make a decision about whether we would be able to offer the level of service or lean on other services, whether parking fees, user fees or transit pass purchases. And were talking about what is it 8,000 Housing Units being built . Correct, 20,000 residents eventually. Another option would be that costs of services could go down over time and that allows to us monitor and rightsize the service. And remind me how many Housing Unitss are currently on Treasure Island today . About 2,000. So from 2,000 to 8,000. Correct. And so i think that [ inaudible ] excuse me, its 2,000 residents . So about a thousand units. About 700. The director of tihda is here. Going from 700 Housing Unitss to 8,000 and i want to make sure that were not making longterm decisions for 8,000 based on 700 residents today. Its one thing if we want to give special consideration to existing residents which i think is a conversation worth having, people who have lived on the island and have set up their lives in a certain way. And so sort of approach to providing support for those residents as we transition. But to Start Talking about significant toll changes on which this plan was based for the future 20,000 residents of this island, who when moving on to the island will now what the rules are, unlike the current residents who moved on under a different regime. I would have a potential issue with that. The last thing we want to do is take money that would be used to ensure the ferry i said this when we approved Treasure Island that we need a blood oath that the ferry system would be consistently good and reliable and to me, even though a lot of people will take buses the ferry will be the most efficient and easiest way for people to get into the city. And so i just want to be very careful and not be i dont want to dismiss i guess i have a different perspective than commissioner kim on that. You know, i know there is a pretty significant range of onpeak and offpeak pricing. The other piece of this is that he isly especially talking about 20,000 residents and the more those residents who have cars and driving regularly, that puts a lot of cars on to the bay bridge. And that is pressure and congestion on the bay bridge, and i know that were in discussions with the mtc and we dont necessarily have agreement. The mtc want a cut of the tolls because were using the mtcs bridge. Its not unreasonable that they would ask for a portion of that. I think that they would like our tolls to be higher than they are from the conversations that i have heard. Because they view it as its going to start putting a lot more cars on to the bay bridge. So i want to make sure as were making decisions and modeling around the tolls that were taking the bigpicture into account. That, to me, is very, very important. Thank you. I do want to while im here at the mic to recognize our partners, bob beck is the director of tihda and we appreciate his longstanding leadership and partnership on the project and mtc and bata and caltrans with the bay bridge and the future ramp operations and the metering. We really have been working very well and continue to collaborate with muni and the parking and transit start with ac transit. Thank you. Commissioner christensen . I think my colleagues covered most of my questions. I just wondered a small thing. To what extent is nonresidential traffic being considered . Entertainment . Hotels . Restaurants . Gatherings of any kind . I know in district 3 transit is planned 95, mondayfriday basis, but we have Fishermans Wharf and is it possible to predict at this stage what the other uses might be and what they might require . We know what some of the uses will be. And there are planned to be uses on the island that will generate recreational visitor trips, hotel, Convention Centers and there will be destinations on the island like an urban garden and bikeways on the island that we do think will generate a lot of visitor interest and visitor trips. We do need to have the Transit Services that support the visitor trips, as well as the residential trips. We expect resident trips will be the majority of travel. But we do also expect visitor tripmaking. And especially to take advantage of the bike paths, and open space that will be there. The tihda Board Members have given us feedback that certainly supporting the ability for folks to take their bikes on the ferry over from San Francisco to the island, to enjoy the open space is something that we should consider and account for, plan for. At this time, why dont we open up Public Comment. Good morning, becky, current resident and i have to say that the plan came from a long way from where it started. Originally it was just going to be the residents that had to pay the pricing and everything. So they have moved from that and we do appreciate that, but as supervisor kim said, when there is only a small percentage of time that we wont have to pay to get on and off the island, its very frustrating. One of the things that the current residents have said that they would like to be grandfathered in. That came up at our last Community Meeting which was the biggest attended Community Meeting in a long time because it was around the transit and congestion pricing. So there is concern by the current residents that were going to be the ones that have to pay for everything. As supervisor wiener said, a lot of us have been out there for a long time and lived one way. And why should we be the ones that have to pay for everything . Like this weekend, there is a major event, the gaelic Football National thing and something next door was saying this is a perfect time when they should be paying for some of the transportation stuff. So they have moved from just residents paying for it, but the only problem also is that they are only looking at lowincome people getting a break. There are some households that wont be lowincome, that are lowincome. I mean, i live in a household where three people are all retired. But were in a marketrate unit. So somehow that has to be looked at also. I look forward to keep working they have heard it from me and it was nice that they heard it from other residents finally, too. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public . Seeing no further oh, if you would like to speak, please just stand up and line up. Im going to try to speak quickly because i usually get cut off at 2 minutes. Good morning commissioners and thank you for hearing my comments. My name is jeff klein, 16year resident on Treasure Island. This toll proposal to looked at the Treasure Island transportation Implementation Plan and i must voice strong objection to the authoritarian and punitive approach of the entire Transportation DemandProgram Proposed in the titip. Most of us because its based on market scarcity mechanisms, whether that sarsity is preexisting or create order imposed by tiida, timma or the project. This approach seems to be all stick and no carrot and may be a better fit for singapore than San Francisco. It will effect in create an exclusive, electronically gatedcommunity to serve as proof of concept for a distopain future and one that continually transferles on our constitutional rights. Im opposed to the tolling proposal because its not equitable in regards to equal treatment or accountability. The Program Raises serious privacy concerns that could delay implementation with expensive litigation. The privacy related issues have yet to be addressed. According to ceqa findings, california Environment Quality act findings in the Environmental Impact report in 2011, even if the entire package of proposed Transportation Impact mitigation measures were implemented and you didnt approve it, by the way. It will not reduce congestion to tolerable levels. Those are the ceqa findings. Its wrong to limit public use of public good s such as roads and bridges. For example, the toll is unduly punitive for existing tiresidents, and according to the timma survey, they have shifted to 60 riding muni. While the toll proposal epts lower household rates for hypothetical population of tiresidents in aggregate, it ignores the fact for the numerous lowincome residents who need to drive, actual transportation expenses will rise sharply and will continue to rise creating a disproportionate economic hardship. I have two more pages i cut it down to two pages. I have a 7page letter. You will get it. What i would suggest that you give us a copy of that and all the members will have it. I will be consulting with privacy legal experts and constitutional law experts as well on this issue thank you. Thank you. So you can either email that to us or give us the hard copy. Is there any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [ gavel ]. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item no. 3. Item 3, introduction of new items, this is an information item. Are there any new items for commissioners to introduce . Seeing none, can we move on to item no. 4. Item 4, Public Comment. So item no. 4 is general Public Comment. If you would like to speak, please do come up. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [ gavel ] well reopen Public Comment. There is really no order. Just come on up. We only have two minutes . Yes. My name is bety mackey and im a resident of Yerba Buena Island. The timma current plan for charging tolls to the residents is an extremely burdensome well, its a big burden to all of the residents there. And its unfair because we were not made aware as a community of the survey that was released in the fall of 2014. When i found out about it in 2015 and was in contact with rachel hyatt at timma, she generously offered to open the survey up to yb residents. This is another typical example of how my community is left out of all of the decisionmaking that goes on with any of the future planning with yb and ti. So i want to make you aware our community is a generous mix of people. We have guys out there who drive work vans and they are in those vans alone and their job is installing Home Security and other types of systems. They work super early in the morning to very late at night and often cannot make these meetings, even when they are held in the evening. So the interest in skipping us in the vary were never served. Plus we have large families with children that go to multiple school and need cars to take them here. I myself work from home and although i love taking muni and public transportation, its not always an option. If i have is to see a client in the south bay or sacramento, why should i be burdened with having to pay a toll to leaving home . So im asking you to please consider that the survey was incomplete, and that its going to be a heavy burden on the middleclass group, who if they continue to live out here, we have been consistently overlooked. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other members . May i . Its a different option. That is fine. This is general Public Comment. Right. Well, just want to say the last point i wanted to make on congestion toll, its economically perverse. You asked about pricing. If its successful this reducing driving on the bay bridge by residents, then revenue will go down. Since the toll is based on nixed or actually increasing revenue goal, the toll must go up. Worsening the disproportionate impact on residents. The estimates of the program and net overhead revenue will optimist and will be the First Federal highway administrationapproved congestion pricing project that generates surplus revenue without first adding more capacity. The original 2011 tiida plan was to provide residents to use ramps from 69 a. M. , 4 7 p. M. , six days a week, 30 toll hours a week to create a disincentives for residents to use their cars for commute trips. Now the resident toll proposal is expanded from 710 a. M. And 1 12 toll hours a week and reducing driving for commute trips, since currently proposed hours of tolling are increased by 373 and all the extra hours of tolls are during noncommute periods. This seems to be the plan to punish those work and workingclass drivers and disincentive or barrier to continue living on Treasure Island. It yielded a net social benefit of minus 11 million. If it meets the optimistic projects, only 10 of the budget will be generated. The experience with pricing projects have shown that most of the reductions in congestion and pollution tend to disappear after a few years and in the long run the laudable goal of reducing Greenhouse Gas may amount to only green washing for illconceived generating scheme. Thank you, mr. Klein. Is there any other members of the public that would like to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Mr. Clerk, any other items . Item 5 is adjournment. Meeting adjourned, thank you everyone the aging and Adult Service commission, could we have the roll call. President james. Present. Commissioner seriina. Here. Loo. Here. Commissioner sims. Here. And note that executive director anne hinton is present. Thank you, could we have approval of the august 5, 2015 agenda . So moved. Second. Been moved and second that we approve the agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it, so the motion is carried. Could we have approval of the august 5 Consent Agenda. Could i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Moved and seconded that we approve the Consent Agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. I need a motion to approve the june 24, 2015 meeting minutes, any corrections . Motion to approve. Second. Its been moved and second that we approve the minutes of june 24, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. Item 5, general Public Comment. We have three in the general Public Comment any general Public Comment at this time . Hearing none, we will move the agenda. We have the employee of the month, and recognize lisa leui. From the office of adult protective services. Come forth. [applause] so sorry, so lisa, you are being honored today from your colleagues in adult protective services. But the truth is that i had the privilege of working with lisa on the fifth floor sharing space with adriana, and making sure that the folks that came through the door were welcomed. But in addition to this, this is what i remember, lisa would come to me and she would say, is there anything i can do for you. Are you sure there isnt something i can do for you. You know, i actually like the fax machine because i can make it work. And i would head to the fax and no, i can do that for you. It was extended yourself to me, who is busy but not as busy as some other people in this room. To make sure that i had the tools and the things that i needed to make that particular day to go as well as it could go. In addition to that, and i think what everyone knows and it was written by the aps staff as well, you always have a great smile on your face. We always have a team shirt, i dont know, who are those teams . I dont know if i recognize this one today. But always keeping us on our toes what is going on, what is important in the world. Making the office and the people around her, providing support and just sharing, i think, your wonderful personality with us, which i think is pretty terrific. I want to thank you, and the folks from the Adult Services want to thank you. I suspect that if anyone that walked through on the fifth floor, would want to thank you as well. Here we go. There you go, unless the flowers are me, i am thinking they are for her, and you all should bring those flowers up here now. [applause] a fifth floor colleague. And they will get a picture; right . [applause] at this time we will have the directors report. Good morning. Is this on . Its on okay. All right. So you know it feels like its a long time since we have been together. And since i last saw you, i got an invitation from the white house to go to the white house conference on aging. So my report today is going to be about the conference itself. First of all, i want to say it was, bridgette can attest to this, one Late Afternoon an invitation from the white house, and i had no sense this would happen. It was a welcome surprise and i was totally excited about t