Paying us were missing an opportunity to shine. Spotlights on the city of San Francisco and we talk about worldclass events i believe the San Francisco Ethics Commission is going to shine during this week and i think it is an opportunity to embrace and move forward im say it again, i truly building as someone born and raised in the city of San Francisco were a sports town we love our sports franchises whether the 49ers or the goins were talking about a soccer team or anything coming to the city of San Francisco our residents not burr we love our sports team it is a source of prides for generation in the city of San Francisco and will be gordons and for those who dont believe it from my prospective are from a different planet i want to thank everyone for what we did and all the members of our city departments that are working hard to put on this events i actually agree with some of the comments reason a around a coordinator but i want to take a moment to thank and put my full confidence in martha cohen ive not met a woman with her capacities being on the board of supervisors that simply owns the process and does an amazing job in San Francisco a long time with those in city hall so thank you martha and i look forward to that discussion about moving forward but the city of San Francisco looking forward and gets existed for the super bowl im boomed you our own 49ers will not be on the feed but look forward to celebrating celebrating that with the rest of the city. Supervisor kim would you preferring to file this or to the call of the chair. Supervisor cowen not here but venue to say well file cox well take that without objection. Order madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . No, that concludes our business. Business. Were adjourned working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and worldclass style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. Our 28,000 city and county employees play an Important Role in making San Francisco what it is today. We provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. Welcome to the regular meeting of the for wednesday, january 6, 2016, happy new year id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner hasz commissioner hyland commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda and commissioner pearlman commissioners, the first item on your agenda is general Public Comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes i have no speaker cards does any of the members of the public wish to speak on a nonagenda items general comment is closed that places us under Department Matters directors announcements. Good afternoon, commissioners and happy new year to all of you just one announcement it is note in the written directors report on the housing Bonus Program i think you had a presentation were moving forward with not only the program but a series of Public Meetings and were trying to prepare public hearings in the supervisorial districts in district 2, 7, 3 and one in that order and looking to do one in all district i want to just the you with your tentatively schedule at the Planning Commission to approve or for them to act on the program at the end of january on the 27 yeah 27 and we do anticipate further changes as he go forward a substantial program weve spent a lot of time on and it is part, if you will, the memo of tools in the tool in the toolbox we use to increase the Affordable Housing production, and, secondly, were also the mayor as assembled i think as you may know re150eb8gd r assembled the Housing Task Force in preparation for then prop c that created the Housing Trust fund he harassed asked that task force it reconvened made up of Community Folks and others and the goal of the task force is take a look at the citys Affordable Housing Bonus Program the inclusionary requirements to see if there are other items that should be addressed in that Program Given the current Affordable Housing crisis in the city asked me to chair and committee on the status of projects in the pipeline will be ive convened a subset of that task force to do just that and certainly, if any of you are interested in working other than that or the other working group the other working group will be chaired by olsen lee in the Mayors Office of housing to look at the economics and the actual requirement for the Inclusionary Program claim whether it should be raised if 12 percent and the types of projects and that sort of thim thing well share ill be chairing the aspect of the program 3 deals with the improvements and the procedures within the city so if you have any questions ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Otherwise that that concludes my report. Item 2 review of past events staff report and amazements. Good afternoon, commissioners happy new year tim Frye Department staff a few things to share and first hearing the Health Commission there was an appeal of youre certificate of appropriateness for the van ness brt which youre probably aware of the two main concerns the appellant raised the removal 6 all the trolley poles along the project and then the true tree removal were preparing a brief in conjunction with mta and presenting on your behalf at the board of appeals hearing on the thirteen next wednesday and ill have a full report at our following hearing at the outcome of that that appeal also wanted to let you know with the board of supervisors adopted all the contracts and they were recorded as there were 3 for this past year and recorded with the assessor our so those projects will now or those property will take advantage of a spirited assessment as the upcoming years tax bills 90 excuse me. 90, 92 Second Street the board is the remaining article step outside the box designation at the board of supervisors where we are working with the clerk to have it scheduled at Land Use Committee we think pretty soon but will give you an update once the Land Use Committee has their hearing and one last item is this morning i attend a births conference to identify we communities partner for the old mint there was a pretty large turn out this morning excluding including a q and a and a tour of the building the as you may know if youve familiar with the rfp we looking for a lead Community Partner to identify the mix of uses or single uses within the building to help to support a larger statistic plan to get the building we occupied in the long term so this is really just identifies someone to help to work with the city to facility to realize it is a Community Amenity the closing of the rfp is the first week 40 in february the committee or the panel four reviewing the bids ill certainly keep you updated on the updates sorry one last item two requests separate requests by the Historic Preservation commission to provide regarding rec and Park Properties from one update on the mothers, as you may know the Historic Preservation Commission Committee funded an analysis the new conditions of millions in the mothers building and the windshield condition of the property on the landmark designation im working with rec and park to schedule an informational presentation in front of you hope by february to give you an overview of that report and let rec and park share with you some of their ideas for moving forward in the stabilization of the building and an active use of building, and, secondly, based on Public Comment at previous hearings you have Internal Revenue inquired about the proposals for the palace of fine art and working with rec and park to gather information and lemon elite you know their in the Selection Process four any new proposals for that location that now concludes my comments unless questions. Seeing none, commission moving to president s report and amazements. The only amazement is that we will have the election of officers at the next hearing on january 20th and well do an appointment of committees. We could take that matter under item 5 commissioners questions or comments and item 4 consideration of adoption of draft minutes for december 2, 2015, hearing and the draft minutes for the other i need to make one correction for the december 6th commissioner hasz you were absent well indicate youre absent at that date and any comments commissioner hyland. Yes. On the ar c minutes i was in attendance and present for the 8567 market agenda item i kulsz myself and very good. Duly noted any other comments or revisions does any is there anyone else who wishes to speak on item number ar c or regular hearing seeing and hearing none Public Comment is closed. Do i hear a motion to adopt. Ill move. Thank you, commissioners to adopt the draft minutes hearing as corrected and the draft minutes for hpc regular hearing for december 16, 2015, as corrected and commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman and commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 67 to zero and places you on item 5 commissioners questions or comments commissioner johns. In the Current Issue of the new fillmore the kind of neighborhood newspaper there is an article about japantown and you know weve approved the district there and i wanted to call everyone elses attention it is interesting and i think that is worst reading but i also wanted to schedule on the agenda maybe foyer sometime later this year id like to address or investigate and address the jan district to see what is working and why it is working and didnt pan out and why not and whats needs more time if were going to use this is a model for other district it would be good to evaluate it go along the line i think it might help us when the same issues come up one of them pointed out in this article that the Younger Generation of Business Owners didnt seem very interested in running businesses in japantown i dont know whether it is anything can be done about that i think we should go over the whole thing and evaluate is it so thank you commissioner hyland. Good idea commissioner johns. I had an announcement on monday, i guess tim frye, shelly and i met with regina shes from the staff person for the Small Business commission and we our commission is going to be hearing next meeting next hearing kind of an update on the cultural the legacy business prop j that just passed so we were meeting how the Small Business commission and the Historic Preservation commission and Work Together and how we fulfill our role well be heeding that next hearing. Thank you. Any other questions or comments . We should attend to the election of officers. That hearing. So its been proposed we have the election of officer at the next hearing january 20th do we need a motion to set that on calendar. Please. Thank you commissioner johns and commissioner johnck on that motion to set the hearing date for election of officers for january 20th, 2016, commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously and we have no items promoted for continuance or items under consent will place us under case 62 larry ken a certificate of appropriateness good afternoon the in a nut shell is for an art sflaugs at 200 larkin street the former library for the city the Asian Art Museum can i have the overhead . Allows civic center was designed to be in corners with the arguable and urban planning the civic center is identified by monumental closed arts around the centralized public scare added to the National Register and latter designated as a landmark District Court in 1994 in article 10 the landmark ordinance identified that buildings within the district as exceptionally significant interiors. City hall, with raiders have lost arc scene. The Public Health department interior was designated with the body snafrnz scene and the former main library the Asian Art Museum protected interiors westbound called audited in section b on a designation for the scene in the photographs the ordinance states the museum shall consultant with the Historic Preservation commission on hpc on any interior altercations to the spaces of the building regardless whether a certificate of appropriateness is required by the civic center go Historic District ordinance e. R. By article 10 the blade that the major requiring the cv a if removing a significant interior this proposal is in the middle it is an introduction of a new element, however, it had been suspend in a manner that is held of historic fabric and has a level of transparency it will not obscure the section youre packets include the installation dining rooms and in summary that was found to meet the secretary of interior so staff recommends approval with one monitoring condition as stated in the staff report the project sponsor has a brief proposal and patrick is here representing the museum im going to turn it over to the project architect alicia skaggs. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is and i that library skaggs i want to take that chance to wish you a happy new year. As stated the project consists of an art installation at the Asian Art Museum located off on second floor. The photos those are historic photos and the foitsdz on the right are the Historic Building these photos should the existing conditions of the downstairs and the further on the right where it will be installed the right where the piece of furniture is located and this is a plan that shows the location of artwork on the second floor. The project consists again of on art installation the art is by an artist from china whose work is consisting of an array of important clinic that hang in the out coffee and superintendant by fishing wire the image on the right is the simulation of the right work that hangs from a imprisoned that is supported from above and located so it is not in contact with the surrounding walls the photos on the left is of the out coffee building the render on the right shows the support of the rods will be located in the ceiling will come through the existing pen tracing for now there is recess lighting the existing structure will be used to support the grid and the artwork the Asian Art Museum has been working with a e the Structural Engineers 0 it doesnt compromises the existing structure of the building this is a dynamicic Cross Section for the existing channels that supports the frame that will in turn support the grid with an 8 inch space between the grid and surrounding walls. The artwork will be lit with the led lighting the led lights on a track fixed to a one and a half by one nature aluminum tubbing the tubbing will be medicare fattens to a custom frame that rests on the ledge the steel frame will not be medicare toishld by relies on felicity to protect the fabric of the building thats it thank you very much thank you commissioners is that the conclusion our presentation yeah. Are there any questions for the presenters seeing none, we will open up for Public Comment i have a speaker card from linda lee. My name is a linda lay a person of the art museum and the person for Asian Society for a support group im speaking in favor by enthusiastically in support of the museums art installation several reasons first of all, the design we saw and the piece of pieces of porcelain that forms english letters and parts of the chinese characters of written words that means toolgz of education this art piece will be in perfect harmony with the indescribed portions paying homage to the history of the building as a former San Francisco main library and secondly, as a retired teacher this project is very close to my heart to teaches the importance of education because it takes education learned people can put those learned letters together in words and sentences and ties the existing traditionalal sincerely erratic art to the contemporary surrounding art but fits perfectly with the brand new bonus of inspiring the next and in addition the installation of this is not permanent it can be moved to another location in the future without damaging the original architecture and finally what a piece of beautiful artwork for the city of San Francisco to hair at local and integral visitors so for all the above mentioned raenlz im strongly in support of Asian Art Museum with the world renowned art and hope the commission passes this without reservation. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak on item number seeing none, and hearing none back to you, commissioners. Commissioner johnck. Im curious ms. Lee did you commission this did the Museum Commission the artwork. The society of the asian art for it is a gift to the museum 50th anniversary of this year. Oh, is that right. I didnt see that okay. Thank you. Is that you commissioner pearlman. Ever hearing im someone different. Commissioner pearlman. I wanted to say i was so impressed i was surprised is it came before the commission it is a minor permit to author the design was so indicative and so brilliant to bring many light fixtures i wanted to enlightenment the team it will be a beautiful piece of art so thank you very much. Do i have commissioner hyland. Thank you, ms. Lee for speaking and giving us context it a worthwhile installation. Ill motion with the conditions condition. Second. Thank you commissioners on that motion then to approve this matter with conditions commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman and dick davis 1st district and commissioner wolfram. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 7 for case no. Pta at 69 mad even lane a priority to alter. Good afternoon and happy new year commissioners with the Department Staff this proposal before you this afternoon for the exterior additions to the facade of an existing building animated even lane constructed in 1920 the exist property is a category 4 contemporary building located within the current market Mason District that concludes the removal of the existing treatments on the ground and second floors and the Regional Housing summit replacement of a new one consisting thoughtful height of the building supported by painted curtain wall hardware with the light color stone surrounding and the ground floor will be delineated with the horizontal material and approximately awe lumped sign to be installed 10 feet above grade about 2 inches thick and bolt to the new stone material that will be comprised of the tenant name and the backed with the acrylic the proposed project was reviewed by the Architecture Review Committee on november 4, 2015, the ar c provided comments and including a go compact of the secretary of interior standards and the article 11 specifically guidance was requested on the overall massing and composition material detailing an oriental sign and its location in this part the ar c recommendation the light stone has been revised to be consistent across the facade, however, the revised plan displayed the stone padding has been reduced additionally the painted metal base at the storefront level is reduced if ten feet to 8 feet recommend the number of joints and overall size of each stone cutting material should not think altered from what was presented to the ar c and future the height of the painted metal base kept at inch height and if such of the requirements be kept as presented and reviewed by the ar c and the that attachment, submitted for review and will evaluation the vertical elements in the painted metal surrounded has been eliminated from the proposal leaving only the horizontal banned from the ground floor and additionally the height of the horizontally element is increased in 7 nature to 9 feet to be adjacent the storefronts on adjacent buildings. As current proposed the horizontally r horizontal element is sobriety from the stone and the Department Recommends the horizontal be in line with the facing to break up the massing and scale a condition of approval has been added as such and the project sponsor has revised the drawings to reflect and incorporate the comments and recommendations bans the review of the revised drawings and the supplements that meets the standards and the article 11 for reasons flu detailed in the draft motion based on those finding the Department Recommends approval with the following conditions that the horizontal element proposed between the ground floor and upper level should be pulled to realign with the storefront and the size and joint shall be kept as originally proposed as presented to the ar c and the height of the base should be kept at step outside the box inches minimum with the ar c and the project sponsor shall continue to work with the Historic Preservation commission on the Building Design final materials and glazing and joint and or attachment details should be subject society instead of approval the architecture agenda shall be approved that concludes my presentation. And staff is available for any questions you may have the project sponsor team is here to give a more detailed any more information on staffs presentati presentation. Heres some new material to add i understand you have a copy that was submitted last to planning . Did everyone receive one well happy new year my goal our goal today was to take off from the material you already have im happy to go back and talk about where we are been and where we are going im happy to do that where we are going to work off of what you already understand in the project from the description and the material that you have for the sake of time address the conditions and one item that we believe was misinterpreted from the ar c im asking a question would you like you go us to springboard from planning or like us to go back and give you the full presentation from the ar c. Most useful do the presentation in terms of the Planning Department recommendation for the approval if youre okay with those conditions we dont need much of a presentation. If you have comments about those or want to add to them then. Thats exactly what were going to address. Can we is this working this other mike okay so the comments that we would like to address and im going to use of us see the material we just passed ousted on the left that is what was submitted what you have and the rendering on the right picks up on a few help us to explain our disagreements or requests for compensations from those comments based on what we made came from the ar c and developed the line further how weve come to what we call the desired facade on the right so on Planning Departments recommendation number one did horizon am element continue the ground floor and the upper level shall be pulled forward to align with the stems when we were discussing that at the ar c we agreed to put the horizon am member in the end had a discussion shall that will flush we doublechecked from the transcripts it would help if there was a distinguishing line it could be a good thing to setback, however, look at it and study and propose Small Business owner something weve setback a little bit to have a distinguishing feature between the stone and that metal header thats our first point in our sense that we agree what come out of the ar c meeting the next point the size number the joints and the surrounded shall be kept as oriental proposed astounded were fine with putting in more joint when we left the meeting we not a lot of features between base and height we start looking at keeping it more sleek because of having smooth stone not having a rustication that is something this is work we went in that direction it is more of a monolithic band around using the historical stone weve come to the point of trying to reduce the joint but were open to adding them in the all the commissioners agree we should do that and item number 3 the height of the metal base shall be kept at minimum we reduced to allow for the header were fine if we need to go that if it is going to satisfy the code were fine but relating that to an element of last meeting and the one item id like to add for discussion is the blade sign itself that what we submitted on the left is actually not what we originally submit to go planning within about towards the end comments very close to the gate when this has obtain it be 0 finalized new comments from planning right before it it had to be copied we were instructed that our go sign more in line with the right is taller was not in line with the planning interpretation from the r o ar c meeting so we were instructed we should to pull this down we went head and did that but did we misunderstood the art meeting that was discussed at the art meeting or not on the right the desired is based on and again weve doublechecked the transcripts we need from the previous design didnt have the 9 foot high header okay. So planning was pushing to hold this down as far as possible for the pedestrian scale but the discussion at the meeting get that horizontal membrane and sign shouldnt be pulled down for the sake consider it being lower but consider how it relates whats the logical position related to the facade so for us on the left what was submitted is for us it is out of balance with the facade it actually takes away from the horizontal line above the industry entry is it so almost touching this is not a very Tall Building were talking about 26 feet to the top this was that was also discussed once you get that horizontal part whats the office space swopping so this is portionly bitter for a smaller sign than before but still relate it to the overall building. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners, any questions. Thank you very much oh, do you have a question commissioner pearlman. No ill talk about it in a minute and well move to Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item number if so please be advised seeing and hearing none Public Comment is closed. And back to you, commissioners. Commissioner pearlman. Ill be John Marshall the person of the day. Yeah. This looks at clean and simple i did you followed a lot of the comments the one thing about the based on the door my understanding is from ada code you have to have a tenant kick on the sunglasses door you might as well kept it at 10 inches youre going to run into this if you go to the building inspection ii agree to make that 10 inches for the reason stated. Were having some weird thing happening and the sign itself you know on one hand whatever works work i have one question not really a question a comment on your sheet after the accident 3. 11 youre detail sheet and top of storefront number 8 it appears that the water of the el nino rains that are going to slope down that sloping portion of youre roof is going to go into the building no coping cat flashing on the stone i dont know if that is a piece missing the water will run into the building. Sure it is a rain screen you have a gutter at the bottom its not been detailed and basking which diverts the water from the top of the stone down to the does it is a funny detail. And again unrelated to the hpc comments so in terms of the horizon always i think it should more of a horizontal more spacing in the stone otherwise, it is very vulnerable exactly thats the original and the cuts in the stone are better scale wise relative to the other building. Thank you commissioner johnck. Yeah. I want to see whats on the board that was a question i had coming back from the later to the former yeah, huh . I agree with the philanthropy of the facade being higher yeah. I think that is perfectly good the way if we can resolve that one at least for the proposal to add more of these joints and thats what you recommended i guess. It feels. Im torn is it so a little bit more classical im a little bit torn i really like the philosophy of the design in terms of our role how it gets e fits into the rest of the street would be the joints theres disagreement with the Historic Preservation commission to add two more joints . Okay. Im torn so ill hear from the rest of you. Commission. Thank you. Ill go down the list number one the stone is 26 high building i like the vertical all of it it definition us a grander scale in a compartmentalize listed area so whats the next item . Metal setback is great the way they asked for the header we talked about the bottom and then the sign i like it higher i think that is more balanced so i actually like their desired proposal currently as it is. Any other comments . Commissioner johnck. Oh, commissioner hyland. So on the sign i think theyve already reduced the height of the sign i personally dont have i guess i prefer it higher i guess the question for staff in conflict that the signage code is that why were not wanting. Commissioners tim Frye Department staff ill jump if you have something to add prior our direction to make the sign lower was based on the overall height and the general a narrow street and most of signage per guidelines weve been improving to make that more pedestrian scaled there are a number of signs that are on upper floors and a number of banners we think there is a conflict with other signs at the general height me might not get the desired viability there are a lot of signs at this location we saw that as an overall benefit to make the sign lower i dont think we feel strongly about that either proposal seems to work i think youre main goal during the ar c do get the sign reduced in overall height which they have done. Do you wish to add something. So im okay with the height the sign being at the higher level based on the conditions. It is actually not the current design is the one on the left so if we want the sign to be higher there is a condition saying the sign could come back higher than it is. Ill support that. On the joints i really dont have a strong opinion but 6 vulnerabilities gives the signage some grournd so in conjunction with that more additional joints will might help. Can i comment on that we may be stuck with a couple joint because of the signage how do we get this to work with the zone were not put a hole in the stone so i appreciate the comment. I have no opinion either way on that the one recommendation of having the metal flush i prefer having it recessed so i would go against staff recommendations. So is there a motion . laughter someone craft the motion. Move to approve with the changed condition they have the option to add more joints it sounds like you may be working on that they have to be even all the way around and the metal surrounds were good with the metal setback. To remove the condition the first condition. Yep or the condition. Not more than it shows. The 10 inch base. The setback of the header. Oh, we remove the condition well approve it as designed. Looks like 3 motions. Okay. Materials and colors were good with. And youll leave the condition around the basin and the signage in height they have the option to go as high as shown in the proposed; right . And then. Yeah. I guess we need to clarify what document the height of the sign if we go with the higher sign can are we referring to in terms of documents. So it would be the latest vision with the higher location with the sign that with the reduced size. Right. Yes on the left just to be clear were removing the condition removing the metal to be flush with the stones surrounded were keeping condition number 2 where the number of joints are increased but that is optional number 3 where the metal bilk head will be kept at 10 inches minimum and number 4 where we talked about the location of the sign it would be the version that was presented to you today with the reduced size. Thats number 4 number 34 well keep the projects. Yeah. Number 5 and the sign. Good with the maker . Second. laughter . Thank you for your time. Shall i call the question. On that motion to approve as amended eliminating the first proposed condition retaining the second giving the sponsor the option to increase as long as theyre of even numbers and retaining the third and fourth condition adding a fifth noting the proposed sign height as being acceptable to the Historic Preservation commission on that motion commissioner hasz commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner hyland and commissioner wolfram so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. There are no further items on your agenda hearing is adjourned [gavel] good morning. Today is tuesday, january 12, 2016. Welcome to the finance committee. My name is john avalos chairman of the finance i forget im doing to my right by commissioner eric mar and by david campos. We will be joined shortly by commissioner melia cohen. Is he actually going to be here . I think well have a motion to excuse her in a moment. The clerk is stephen say most. Could you share with us on office no announcements. Okay. Todays meeting is broadcast today by Jennifer Lopez charles, neck from sf of katie. Thank you for your service. If we could have a motion to excuse commissioner kim. Some of moved and seconded. Moved and seconded. Well take that without objection [gavel]. Well go to our second items. Local [call of the roll] avalos campos cohen. Cohen absent mar speeder a quorum is present. Thats going to second item item to approve the minutes of november 3 approve the minutes of november 3, 2015 meeting. Any changes to the minutes seeing none, will go under Public Comments. The comment is now open on our minutes. We will close of the comment [gavel]. A motion todo we need a motion speaker just woke about on the moment its been its avalos aye campos aye cohen absent mar aye the minutes are approved next item. Item 3 recommended award to a threeyear consultant contract to an amount of 150,000 for the planning and visioning services for the San Francisco longley chance rotation plan program and authorizing the executive director to negotiate contract payments and nonmaterial contact items p2 good morning commissioners. What we have before you today is contact Transportation Authority in partnership with the defendant Planning Department and San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Working with services to support longrange Transportation Planning program. The presentation for you here today like to start off with welcome back before the end and walk you through the procurement process. We have Melissa Espinoza to show you the presentation. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good morning commissioners my name is Melissa Espinoza. Im here to provide you with an overview of the San Francisco longrange Transportation Plan program a multiAgency Collaborative effort to tackle San Franciscos chance rotation challenges now and in the future. A little bit about the program. Several key components from the work were projecting. The first is a Transportation Vision to develop an understanding of the longterm future transit affecting San Francisco look at land use and transportation. We undertaken a series of studies on different transportation modes. Well also look at updating the San Francisco Transportation Plan to look at funding opportunities and strategies and a Funding Program in the next couple years. All this will involve stakeholders, members of the public and so this is why its important to have this multi Agency Collaborative effort underway. A bit about the patient. Its anticipated completion as early as 2017 again looking at overall goals objectives and evaluation framework and looking at existing conditions and needs. The modal studies will be anticipated to be completed through 2017. An update of the San Francisco Transportation Plan is anticipated to be completed in mid2018. This will also include an update of the citys transportation elements. In the future look at an update to the overall general plan is part of that. For the nearterm schedule and budget our agencies are beginning task now. We hope to come before you for a contract consultants and we expect the first initiation of our beach in the spring or summer of this year. Happy to answer any questions thank you. Colleagues, any comments or questions . You can ask questions after the procurement buses. This was an rfp issued by the Department Released on october 22, 2015. We had a preproposal conference and was an overwhelming 27 firms ashley to attend for networking event and to sit in for a briefing on the item. Our goal is 13 . The firm were awarding this to proposed up with a utilization of 35 . The firm includes womenowned firms and asian subcontinental. This item was advertised with six different newspapers, along with urban planning websites and distributed to all small disadvantage and local businesses that we have identified through the sf database. This item has not gone before the cac because it was no meeting in december but we have a meeting in december 2. In terms of budget, or plan to pay for this project with accommodation of city funds, federal spe funds and proposition k funds. We can answer any questions you get with that were more than happy to answer questions. Okay. I dont think we have any questions. Go to Public Comments. The comment is now open on this item. We can close Public Comments. [gavel] rollcall vote. Next item please speak to item 4 min. Approval of the 22nd state and federal legislative program. An action item. Good morning. Amber with Transportation Authority. The item before you today is simply as every year our state and federal legislative program. This is a program that general policybased guidance that we also bring the matrix use to you every month on the specific bills that this program really informs the positions that we take in our overall advocacy at the state and federal level. With respect to the state mark watts is good give you a little more information about what we anticipate happening in 2016. But the big effort is around raise new revenues for transportation. Will definitely anticipating in support of raising revenues, but also to ensure transit and transportation get their fair share of revenues moving forward. There is also policy initiatives. Will be pursuing at the state level. Probably most significantly, supporting sfmtas effort to get authorization for automated enforcement. Basically, cameras see enforcement in support of a vision zero effort. Russell going to be working with the other congestion agencies on reform and update of legislation governing the Congestion Management Program which is one of the key functions of the Transportation Authority. With respect to highspeed rail, of course, we are going to support the project to move forward but also make sure its in support of caltrans Modernization Program and that the project definition continue to include the extension awfully to the transbay terminal. At the federal level its a big surprise in december was that they actually passed a federal transportation bill a multieuro bill i think the last 10 years thats been our biggest advocacy point at the federal level. So, we are going to continue to work the program is fully funded with giving us an opportunity to focus on advancing San Franciscos ironies at the federal level in particularly with respect to the new start small start and court catastrophe program. We want to make sure that central subway, currently in the pipeline continue to move forward as well as line up the next round of projects to get into the pipeline including the downtown extension and. Michelle is going to give you a little more detail on the transportation bill in the next item. At the federal level, were also going to be looking for new Funding Sources as part of policy initiatives. So, explain road uses them of carbon fees, looking for those things to move forward as well as looking for more federal support and for 04 vision zero. Some project delivery is another thing we consistently had in our agenda in order to get projects faster and cheaper. One of our, probably our second Big Initiative this year is worth hoping to have you sponsored legislation to give the Transportation Authority authorization to pursue construction manager general contractor projects methodology for phase 2 of the project. This is something moving forward very quickly on with the help of mark watts. With that, we are seeking a recordation to approve the Lunch Program and ill be happy to answer any questions you have. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Thank you. We can go to Public Comment on this item. Was there another part of a presentation . Public comment is now open. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] s this item passes next item imbibed state and federal legislative update. This is an information item. Good morning commissioners. I was can cover briefly two of the most recent transportation Funding Proposals that have emerged in the last week or so. Just as a reminder, special session for transportation has carried over. The Conference Committee that was formed is still in condition to move forward if theres a will. This discussions between the two cochairmen esther gomez on the Assembly Side and [inaudible] whether they want to rely on newly introduced bills move it back into the Conference Setting and use the parliamentary maneuvers available under special session and thats openended. In the meantime, the governor last week introduced his budget to the legislature and to california and contained in there was a transportation funding plan. Basically, it was very similar to what he had allowed to be released by the secretary of transportation at the end of last summer with some modest changes. Essentially, just as a reminder and is an update, he is lookinghis program depends largely on a new registration fee. They called the road charge but it will be assessed on every vehicle, including hybrids and electric across the board same level of 65 per vehicle. The reason about 2 billion. Another element of the proposal, which we find is now migrated to a couple other proposals, is reestablishing the old tax swap annual board of equalization excise tax setting a forget getting rid of that just reestablishing the tax at . 18, which would be an increase or restoration of 6. 5 cents to where it was more than a year ago. That is expected to raise 500 million and very importantly, for cmas in other industries around the state, it would have the effect of replenishing the step funds without this action looks like we will not have much capacity to program against in the next step cycle. In addition the governor proposes . 11 per gallon increase in the diesel tax, and adjust that for english. That raises about a half billion dollars, and he includesthat is probably what most significant changesa 500 million increase in and trade dedicated to transit capital purposes, which is i think significant indication on the governors parts that he wants to get this enclosure on a funding package. The final piece of the funding is 100 million in expected efficiency, that is caltrans get the governor proposes to dedicate that to funding atp programs that are now funded through other sources including federal funds. So its the augmentation of elite out 75 , augmentation to the atp program in the state. In addition, there is several delivery streamlining opportunities in the bill. One is the extent of Public Private partnership for 10 years and in addition he would grant to caltrans and additional six projects to be delivered under the cmg see construction manager general contractor authority. How can probably has that but they use all the authority that they were granted and this would expand it. It doesnt roll over and at any regional entities to use so that will be a source of discussion during the budget process, as is measured moves forward. Then, thursday of last week the chairman of the Transportation Committee Assembly Member fraser, Cost Accounting county introduced an major new ale. Notably, it was not a special session look at the regular session bill. So not sure how that is going to be integrated as we move forward. His measure raises ongoing amount of about 7 billion a year in contrast to the governors 3. 5, and is largely dependent upon fuel taxes. For example, the gas tax would be increased by 22. 5 cents per gallon. Under his proposal and he indexed on everything your cycle. A portion of that would be used to stabilize the stipulation as a indicated that the governor is proposing to do. In addition, that 3. 3 billiondollar raised by the gas tax would be split 5050 between state and local entities, cities and counties for road repair purposes. A small amount, i forget the percentage right now, ive just been reading the doganis set aside to encourage stakeholder partnerships through selfhelp we wards. The diesel tax under mr. Frasers proposal would be increased by . 30 per gallon and dedicated to trade corridor improvements throughout the state. This is analogous to what was in proposition 1b from 2006 where trade investments were funded through state resources. Mr. Fraser also includes a 30 registration fee, and those a be dedicated to road maintenance and the state on a 5050 basis as well. So, by and large, we have gone from a governors program to about 3. 5 billion. A senator bill is rewriting his bill. We will see it later this week. It was around 4 billion, but its expected to go north of five in total. With a lot more emphasis on transit that has been seen on the past. Then that mr. Frasers proposal raises about 7 billion ongoing. There was a focus in addition to maintenance and repair, of another focus on trade corridor. So, standing here looking forward, neck steps would be senator bill. The revised bill, which is being presented with discussed with his caucus today. Will be unveiled sometime in the coming days. Oddly the Commerce Committee will get back together and look at some matrix or solutions that they could try to generate support from all four caucuses. We, hopefully, will have a good discussion with the governor on a final package coming out of the legislature in february or march. So thats how looks at this point in time. Cedric thank you. I know this is late breaking news. Thank you. I would appreciate if you had either the something in writing you could share with us that we can look at and over to when youre telling us. Just a followup question when you presented, we are just interested in more funds overall going towards transit pedestrian and bike rather than highways. Thats a new trend were trying to promote and make sure the city is also doing well. The legislation you mentioned, is that the trends were seen how this legislation is crafted and structured . I think partially. Not only to the degree you would prefer that i think at base, theres an attempt to catch up on deferred maintenance on the roadway system. In addition, supplementing it with more transit and active transportation programs. So, i would say in each of the cases, im not sure how to estimate the amount, but the underpinning is for roadway repair as opposed to new roadway construction kit and then later on top of that is an ever each cycle, each iteration of the bill introduction more money for transit and in this case is more money for active transportation. I think its going in the right direction. I dont think anybody will abandon the deferred Maintenance Issue at this point in time. Thank you. Colleagues, and you have comments or questions . Okay we can go onto Public Comment. Thank you. Anyway like to come and we do a little additional update on the fastback at the federal level. The first time in over 10 years we have a longterm transportation bill at the federal level. 305 billion bill for five years of projects. We anticipate that this will bring approximately 30 million additional to the bay area over what had previously expected in the prior transportation bill. Also, in December Congress passed the omnibus tax extenders bill. Which prominently extends the transit commuter benefits to bring it to parity with the parking commuter benefits. So that raises it from 130 a month to 250 and 255 next year. This bill also included 500 million for the tiger Grant Program which is been beneficial to San Francisco in the past. Again will continue to work with partners to ensure that San Francisco primary projects get funded. Thank you. Thank you very much. We have already open public, so anyone in the public would like to comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] mr. Clark could you call our next item. Item 6, introduction of new items. This is an information item colleagues, and a new items to introduce . Public comment on new items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] next item item 7 of the common general Public Comments. [inaudible]. Thank you. I like sisterhood as well as page resume and brother. Since there are no other members of the Public Commenting will close public almonds. [gavel]. Next item, please speak up and make adjournment lleagues, we are adjourned. The tangle. [gavel] welcome to the Small Business commission meeting. It is monday, january 11 and the start time is 5 30 pm. Unlike remember to remind all attorneys to turn off all cell phones and pagers. We dont have ages but cell phones. And i also want to thank the staff that is that of tv for recording tonight. Before we get started, the Small Business commission would like to remind our viewing audience that the office of Small Business is your Central Place to start your business and seek assistance. We have referrals towe have referrals in terms of business resources. Your licensing and permitting. Its the place for you to start, and the most important thing to know is we have the expertise relationships with the city family and the office of Small Business is the assistant center is a free service or every new and existing business. So, our website is sf ob. Org. Thats sf osb. Org San Francisco office of Small Business without mr. Pres. Id like to call the meeting to order. [gavel] all right. So, i will take local. [calling names] commissioner adams, here. Commissioner dwight, here. Toursarkissian, here. Riley, here. Commissioner ortiz is absent. Excused absence. So mr. Pres. You have a quorum. All right. So we are here for the First Episode of the 2016 Small Business commission. Before we start by the rare piece of memorabilia and of the Planning Commissions gavel. You think i could get some money for it . Anyway, welcome to the meeting tonight. As regina said, the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco. She will be talking about any new Business Owners to stop first at the office of Small Business so they can find out what they need to do and where they need to go to make sure they cross all the ts and dot all their eyes. Without further ado, lets open for Public Comment. So, we have Public Comment for anything that is not on tonights agenda. Things that are on tonights agenda illegal, and for each of those separately did anyone from the general public have anything that would like to comment on any thing not on tonights agenda. Yes . Come on up. Welcome. My name is eileenmy resident of the parkside district. Im here to urge the commission to contact the Plane Department and the Mayors Office of housing to schedule an informational presentation on proposed federal housing density Bonus Programs. These programs would increase height and bulk in many of the citys zoning districts. The programs are for demolition only. The districts which would see much of the impact are in the commercial district. The Mayors Office of housing stated this would result in the displacement of some neighborhood businesses. The Mayors Office of housing has also stated it has developed a Relocation Assistance program for these Small Businesses. I would urge the commission to hear firsthand with the impacts to Small Businesses would be. Ive committed a list of youtube links to Community Presentations by the Planning Commission, the Planning Department and Mayors Office of housing. Your secretary has that. These would have the final hearing on january 28. Each program should then be heard at the board of supervisors. Thank you. Thank you very much for that. Anyone else from the public have anything they would like to talk about before we get into the planned session . Seeing none, bubble, disclose. Oh, come on up. Public comment is not close. Public comment is close. Onto item number three. So pres. Dwight, our presenter is currently still in land use. So what id like to propose is that we hear item number five, which is the presentation and discussion update on the Transbay Transit Center program and then as soon as our presenter is here will return back to item number three. Sounds good so we are on item number five which is presentation and discussion update on the Transbay Transit Center program the spe program. We had a presentation by Andy Phillips of the contracts compliance manager of the tj pa and Paul Prendergast was the spe program manager. When your packet is a Powerpoint Presentation for you to follow along. Welcome, eddie. Thank you. Good evening commissioners. I like to say that in 2009 at the . Board staff developed and adopted Small Business enterprise program. It is a policy to ensure that sp have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in tj pa contracts. Under the tj pa program did tj pa places forcible spe goals on contracts as appropriate. Spe goals are mandatory and binding and meeting those goals were demonstrating a goodfaith effort to do so is a condition of contract award. The tj pa accepts certifications from the following programs to participate at the spe program. This navigation from the sid of Covenant Department of gen. Services Procurement Division from the office of Small Business and disabled veterans cities and counties of San Francisco women on business are survived by the Contract Monitoring Division by the office of city administrator and any state unified Certification Program including the california unified Certification Program, which is the federal program for disadvantaged business program. I will turn it over. Hello commissioners. All tonight asked here. Thank you very much. The translate Transit Center is over 1 billion in value and therefore are the challenges for Small Businesses in participating a program in that size is that many times they get squeezed out in a competitive process. So what i want to go to hear today is tell you how to translate is actually addressed some of those issues and how we become a role model for other projects both in San Francisco and california and across the nation. Bolcom i turn on the microphone 40. Thank you very much. First and foremost with any of the project of this size it takes executive leadership and i want to get my hat to maria kaplan executive director of the tj pa. Shes actually led a Robust Program of lay down through the Construction Management and all the different large contractors who are working on this project about how bored Small Business participation is. This is the only project in the United States that pres. Obama cabinet members actually visited the project because you want to know what was working here and how can they take these practices to other projects across the country. Again, Small Business on the project this size generally gets squeezed out but as any mention, we have three different pools we can pull from to survive Small Businesses. Local, statewide, and national. We also include minority and Women Owned Businesses. The very heavy emphasis for our project you were also very strongly encourage the participation of disabled veteran business it did in fact, the most wonderful examples of this; and bill builders which is okayed in Hunters Point here in San Francisco. There contract on translate now exceeds 25 million in value. Based physically started translate having 13 employees now have 87 employees. Those are local employees from the San Francisco night county bay area. So and bill builders is an example of how this project is truly walking the walk and talking the talk building meaningful jobs that sustainable sustainability. Because this project is large many times Small Businesses get divided into Networking Events and offenses but literally, we are doing with a lot of people from one project your time with those decisionmakers are really limited. A lot of times Small Businesses dont know exactly what the key points to hit our. We are seeking off of this wonderful unique online tool called the expression of interest. So i is a small contractor i could sit back in my office and fill out the specific form online that gives all my key Contact Information but also gives me a chance to talk about the projects ive worked on, different contracts of work done that were unique in nature only employees insurance bonding, when im finished filling out this online form i get to press submit. This data goes directly to the large contractors were making the decisions on teambuilding and so forth. Theyre actually using technology to help build relationships with Small Businesses. Another thing weve done which is been helping a lot of fun businesses will come with a brochure and we took this to the next level. When she called the company line card and actually are Program Takes control of our aspects of theit doesnt cost Small Business to produce this. We have to come up with that template is with all the information they populate it with. Our team works with them to use their logo and color scheme to make this branded towards their company and we take care of all the graphic design. So the Small Business is not get frustrated with having to do all the Different Things to grade these two which helped some talk that the key relevant information. We were both 72 chambers of commerce throughout San Francisco in the nine county bay area. This is of course because of the fact a lot of Small Businesses want to receive the information directly from their chambers. So this is a smattering of a different organizations we work with. We also work with the unions because a lot of the unions a Small Business members as well. We actually worked with unions and Small Business organizations across the board to get the word out about Contract Opportunities. A couple Different Things with done specifically. We believe in the protege approach. We worked with a womens construction owners and executive organizations to grade a mentor footage a program to really help work with for a full year Women Owned Business specifically helping officer vie as well as going out Contract Opportunities help with the backend accounting and that sort of thing. Weve done work with the africanamerican chamber of commerce. San francisco. The Asian American community has been active in the next one is interesting because this is the first time a public works project ever did and i weeps to the og bt Business Community. It took until 2014 for a public works process that said we want to work with the lgbt Business Community and we put that together. So thank you to this office which helped be a partner in that event. Very forward thinking and all other things are happening across the country. Its important with a population of the size we actually track the commitments and promises made. We have a 17 participation goal for the construction of the transbay price. That means that . 17 on every single dollar goes to Small Business and matches for the construction part. I want to invite any backup to talk specifically about the dollars that are going to Small Business on this project thus far. Thank you, paul. So, to date, the project has awarded over 329 million to Small Businesses and this life is used for both of our sp presentations and the v is a subset of the spe. That shows you what is going to Small Business. To date, more than 160 million has been paid out to Small Businesses. This shows you for the professional services side, paul spoke in detail about the conception portion of the project and hes been ry helpful in getting participation construction portion. Prior to construction happening and once construction is finished, we still professional services. Currently, we have 54 times on the project and of those 54 primes, 13 of them are spe firms. When we go down to the subs, there are over 100 subs working with those primes and more than 60 of those are spe firms. Then when we go over to the construction portion, we have just about 40 primes on the project right now. 13 of those primes are actually Small Business primes and one of the prime examples was and bill builders has paul mentioned. When we did down in the lower tier we have almost 300 subs working on the project and of those, over 158 of them are Small Business enterprises. With that, we like to thank you again for allowing us to give you this presentation. If you have any questions will provide you with any answers. Commissioners, any questions. Thank you. Out of the 320 million Small Business, how many are San Francisco business . I would have to go back and look it up. I did not bring that specific number. We are federalized project we keep it as an overall global number but it is something we do keep. I can go back and look at that more discreetly to give you an answer. Thank you. I two more questions about the company line card and the expression of interest. These are very interesting tools, indeed. Explain to us so that we understand it better, how is that channeled . House that exposed . Is a online . Kind of the process if you could . Sure. The line card with a wonderful company, the officer vie and she also is Traffic Control business. It is based in bayview Hunters Point. She is a business and San Francisco and one in richmond get we work with the lineup and her company to go out all the different key data points about her business which were important to people looking to make a decision. So we got all the information from her business. And we got for local colors, or brand or Company Brand get we put it together we worked with her and that was two years ago. She actually has a hard copy of that. We keep a hard copy on file as well. So when yolanda has updates to her company when she brings on new contracts and brings on new employees, new insurance, new capacity, she can call us and we can simply very easily update her line card. We center back a pdf version version electronically transferred. We actually go as far as recommending a certain kind of paper stock because we know when youre dealing with marketing its all about that first impression. So will work with all these Companies Give recommendations to put their best foot forward. With yolanda within upping her line card for the past two years for both companies. Ironworks also. Enormously successful on translating another project it even though she got her line card to us but she gets these that line card for other work. Plus thats Good Government in action get using resources for one project so she can actually grow her business that way. Now, in regards to the expression of interest which the electronic mechanism that information, which is sometimes confidential, because sometimes people dont want their bonding capacity and so forth public. So that information is back to us electronically operated into a spreadsheet and shared only with those contractors who have been preapproved to bid on a project. This project that she died she spent a lot of time prequalifying the larger contractors made it very clear on a contract by contract basis, each of the context had a different participation level, which is based on elevators this not a whole lot of work for Small Business. Interiors theres a lot of work for Small Businesses. So, basically when they submit their information to us its kept confidential but its only used by the prequalified business. Its worked out pretty cool so its more than she should contact you . Yes. We are for the most part through the bio process. Was contracts have been left. We may need to were three contracts that we come up in the next six months. So when we were in height above contacting last year there was a place on the website that you could actually go and download the expression of Interest Form so that all that information could be sent to paul and be able to get it out to the prequalified bidders. Willis and courage of our prebid conference is to involve letting the prequalified bidders know how committed we were to Small Businesses and letting him know all the resources that we were helping to provide to them to bring Small Businesses to purses based on the contracts as well. The tango dont forget the information about the local businesses just for matter of note, the overall for Small Business definition using the california state definition is 100 employees or less. At this point in certification is at 20 million for contracts. Were working with a lot of businesses were really generally on the 25 or less. Thats a sweet spot for working with contractors. Commissioners, any of the questions . I just want to say great job. This is awesome. I love the fact reach out to the Lgbt Community and Women Owned Businesses. This is actually like setting an example for the rest of the nation. I like the fact its under 25 employees that are benefiting on this. This is awesome. So good job. We do the commission has been really coupled. Regina has sent out a lot of information about the program over the years of the commission has been with us right here at the forefront so thank you biju thank you. Commissioners any other questions or comments . We have any members from the public would want to comment on this item . Seeing none, lets move on. Can we do three or four were moveon to number six . So, supervisor wiener will be here in just a moment. Perhaps lets take a moment to i forgot to do this to welcome our new commissioner commissioner miriam zouzounis. And will under commissioner comments provide you with an opportunity to do an introduction about yourself. So, we shall move on to item number three. Welcome supervisor wiener. Item number three is a discussion on possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on file number 151179. This is the health code banning the sale of Tobacco Products to persons age 1820. This is an ordinance amending the health code to prohibit tobacco retailers from selling Tobacco Products, including smokeless tobacco Electronic Cigarettes to persons 18, 19, and 20. Today, we have supervisor wiener who is here to present and members of the department of Public Health and for any questions you might have for the department. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you. Think you for giving me the opportunity to present on this legislation today. Its important Public Health legislation. The legislation before you would increase the legal age to 21 emma in terms of selling tobacco. It would prohibit the sale of tobacco to anyone under 21. It does not prohibit possession. The were some people let concerns about the opportunity for the police to contact young people but its limited to the sale by a retailer. I want to thank supervisors Mar Cohen Farrell for the early cosponsorship of the lives ocean as well as the american heart association, american cancer association, and the San Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition for their early and strong support. Consistent with San Francisco policies, this legislation would treat tobacco and laconic cigarette secrets equivalently. Mar had author that position which passed unanimously. Tobacco, as i know you know leads is the leading cause of preventable deaths killing nearly 500,000 people each year. Costing the United States as much as 170 billion annually in health care expenditures. According to a ucsf study the cost of smoking in San Francisco alone amounts to nearly 400 million in direct and Indirect Health care cost. When it comes to youth and adolescence, it is estimated up to one third of High School Students nationally consumed Tobacco Products and in San Francisco among 11th graders 7. 3 smoke cigarettes, cigars were smokeless tobacco. An additional 6 use Electronic Cigarettes. 95 of smokers start smoking before the age of 21, so if we reduce smoking below 21 we will have an impact well beyond the age of 21. People who start smoking as teens are more likely to become lifelong smokers than those who start smoking in their 20s. I School Students who smoke are three times more likely to consume alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana and 20 times more likely to use drugs. High School Students smoke were more likely to drop out and more likely to experience teen pregnancies. The nicotine and tobacco are merely changes the brain of children and adolescents who use it. According to a federal study by the institute of medicine, if we were to increase the smoking age from 18 to 21 across the country within 25 drop in youth smoking. 12 drop in overall smoking. The 12 drop in premature death, excuse me premature birth and see a 16 drop in things which we know kills too many infants. Nationally, 80 jurisdictions have artie increased the smoking , tobacco purchase age from 18, 221 including new york city and most recently the state of hawaii. Oakley Santa Clara County acetate ordinance. The Tobacco Industry bully them into withdrawing the ordinance by driving an expensive lawsuit that smalltown. Berkeley is also considering a similar ordinance. A bill to raise the tobacco purchase age to 21 died in California Legislature after intense lobbying i the Tobacco Industry. So, from eight perspective this ordinance does not change the existing framework it is already illegal to sell to some of someone under 18 inches changes the age from 18 to my tutorial get our goal is to make sure compliance with the law is as simple as possible and consistent with the way things are already handled today. Merchants are used to carding people for the sale of tobacco and that wont change. Itll just be a different age. So, with that, we do have folks from department of Public Health here to present im happy to answer any questions you may have of me as the author. Commissioners . Im just curious instead of the way its written, 1819, 20 can we just say under 21 . You are referring specifically in terms of the title. We can consider that. Im not sure i dont recall if there was a reason that we did that or is that the City Attorney did that were happy to go back and take a look you i think would be more clear. Thank you. It may be the reason may be, that under the age of 18 is already a state Law Violation, so perhaps we dont want to turn selling to someone who is 15 into a local violation. Sorry a state Law Violation since we are locally only covering 18, 19, 20 i suspect that was the reason. When i tried to sweep in everything under 21 but will double check that. Thank you. I just wanted to ask him. Going through the City Attorney so how are we looking for it being enforced with the Tobacco Industry going nuts on your . Thats a good question, commissioner. The party received a letter from the Tobacco Industry. I know i was before you with the soda industry but the soda industry has nothing on the Tobacco Industry with decades of experience bullying different governments into not regulating were protecting their Public Health. We sit here nationally also. This is part of their Business Model. St. We know its a product that has absolute no benefits and kills hundreds of thousands of people every year in this country alone, and they know, they see the writing on the wall in terms of the growing awareness, the horrible impacts of their product, and so part of their Business Model is bowling governments into not doing anything about it. So, yes, they will sue us when we pass this. We think the law is very defensible. Though artie was preempted by California Law that local jurisdictions cannot go beyond the age that the state has set. We disagree. We think its very defensible and frankly, we at San Francisco unlike healdsburg we have not only the lease of resources in our City Attorneys office to defend ordinance we also won the best municipal law, the best Municipal Office and the contradictorily, weaver responsible the progressive San Francisco to take on these fights so that the healdsburgs of the world are able to do with a need to do. Thank you. Great. Yes . Area. Thank you, supervisor. A question regarding the violation and the punitive elements of this legislation. Are they listed the same as the recently amended of code article 19 h by the first violation am a second violation ministry penalties could today hold the same . Yes, exactly the same. We thought it was very important to make everything as consistent as possible. So its not make things overly complicated thank you. Anyone else

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