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Physicians who are going to drop out of manager. This came from an Advisory Board right. I read the article but you are saying its complexes doesnt say who is currently regulations have not been finalized on this topic. Is that what im hearing you same . There not been finalized any other comments on this item . But can i just ask please im willing to suggest if the board wants an update on macro although with the november form it will be a topic and ill actually talk to him about it but doing an update on what it means okay that thank you that would be useful. Anything else on discussion item 14 . Item 15 yes, Public Comment im heard it wondered. I hold shares in United Health. It had a good performance is weight of their in the fortune 500. I dont see them going bankrupt in any time. So, my concern is because i am in the ppo in United Health and presently satisfied with it, other rates going up . Other premiums going up . Of hope is going up in the future . I think its very important to monitor their performance. They are not a Poor Corporation at all. I dont think we should be paying for their high revenues were anything. I would like you to have the levels of copayments and premiums remain at the present standards and i would like to see this board do Everything Possible to do this. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, we will go to the next item item 15 discussion item opportunity to place items on future agendas. I would just note as i did at a prior meeting, in june, we are planning to have an Educational Forum in november. The november board meeting. Our theres a few items that have come forward but if theres other items that are particularly of interest would ask the commissioners, please forward those to dr. Dodd. So that we can in preparation if we will get to get outside resources or what have you to present the items fully. Anything else on this item . If not, next item item 16 discussion item opportunity for the public to comment on any matters within the boards jurisdiction. Any Public Comment . Owing once, going twice. Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] [gavel] all right welcome everybody. It is our new custom to begin and end each Small Business Commission Meeting with a reminder the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business and San Francisco and the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. The office of Small Business should be your first stop when you have a question about what to do next. This is also the official for him to bring to the Public Record issues you might affect Small Business. So, this is a great place to get those issues on the record and have us address them as well as a commission and is an office of Small Business. So, if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here. Lets get going with item number one betwixt the meeting being called to order at 5 33 pm. And tonights meeting is being televised live in Small Business commission thanks Media Services and sfgov tv sapper televising the Commission Meeting. The meeting can be viewed on sfgov tv channel 78 or live stream by going to sfgov tv. Org. Matters of the public please take this opportunity to silence your phones and other electronic devices. Public comment during the meeting is limited to 3 min. Per speaker unless otherwise established by the presiding officer of the meeting. Speakers are requested not required to state their name. Completion of the speaker card will ensure proper spelling of speakers names in the written record of the meeting. Additionally theres a sign in sheet at the front table for those that like to be added to our mailing list. Item number one call to order and will call. Commissioner adams is adams is absent. Dooley, here. Dwight, here. Ortizcartegena, here. Yeeriley, here. Zouzounis, here. Toursarkissian, here. You have a quorum. Item number two, please item number two, [reading ordinance] discussion and possible action item. We need your microphone. Is that working . Good afternoon commissioners. Were good evening commissioners. Thank you for having me here today to make a very very brief presentation. This legislation is simply an update to our planning code in the south of market and eastern neighborhoods mixed use Zoning Districts to allow arcades to be permitted. It is currently unknown permitted use and the supervisor is pleased to sponsor this legislation from time to time. Our legislation on the books needs to be updated with the time it i think many of you know the history of the police code in 1982 restricting arcades from being cited and being permitted and that was updated in 2014 but legislation initiated by supervisor breed and sponsored by supervisor kim and subsequently, i think we have conformed are zoning codes to allow arcades as a permitted use. This legislation before you is in line with permitting arcades previously in the upper market area and in the haight and so we are just making that consistent with what now exists as permitted arcades and we hope that this will support Small Businesses. This was initiated by a Small Business in our district and that is why we sponsor this legislation today and we will public speakers to that effect. Thank you. Commissioners, any questions . Or comments . What a difference three decades and a few million hundred million cell phones make. All right, great. With no comments by the commissioners will open up for Public Comment. Anyone would like to make Public Comment on this item . Theater good evening commissioners present of the San Francisco counsel this is about time it happened to you think about rest of the city is permitting these gaming arcades throughout the city except south of market when it does it gives a diversity to the stab should i want to have it. I been helping these folks to get this through because they have a restaurant right now that only allows a machines to be in their placement in the ideas not just everyone they sit down and eat, drink, and they have a chance to play these games and these new equipment out there. As we all know everybody has got an iphone and with a do most of the time is playing these games. It brings people into the community and helps the city also from the backspace. I plot jane kim to you and i hope you will vote in favor of it. Thank you commissioners. Thank you, and anyone else of the public would like to comment on this item . Good afternoon. Thank you for hearing us out. I am one of the Business Owners for this place. Im looking to get your support on this good i do want to clarify and say we are a barrestaurant primarily. We do have two other stores sacramento and san diego and the games are an accessory to our use. They allow for entertainment and bailout for big groups coming in mingling together. By no means, a bad thing about our district and there is similar places in San Francisco in the haight. The castro and this all area is also lead on games. Theres Companies Like a lot of Tech Companies and a lot of millennials were attracted to this and its pretty important for us to have this, your support and the successful business as you know is tough to operate in. So if you have any questions, thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public like to comment . We will wait for you, dont worry. Dont break a leg. Hello. My name is kevin mcdowell. Im a native san franciscan. Former bartender and current partner in the 86 company one independent Spirits Company that makes a range of spirits distributed internationally and im also very anxious public speakers i wrote my thoughts down. I had a professional relationship with Eric Lockridge for two years now. First meeting him or hosting in the hometown of san diego. The national bar industry has been growing so quickly that the range of new bars are two of a specific clientele. You got ipods, sport bars, nightclubs, cocktail bars. With the list goes on but my first visit to going up operated in ones home based in san diego one thing that caught my eye was the inclusiveness of what theyre offering for guests of san diego. We had all types of gas from different socioeconomic backgrounds congregating under one roof for one thing just having fun eating food having drinks and playing some games are really reasonable price. I also spent some time in sacramento location, which has been a huge success in offering a whole new range of night like to a developing city and being in San Francisco native and knowing whats been going on in our city i feel like if theres anything thats going to create more diversity in drinking and eating establishments as well as creating this feeling of mutual appreciation for just enjoying being out with friends, i think these guys have it dialed in. Ive seen a lot of bars and restaurants in my neighborhood, and go in if theres anything in this time some what of a division between a lot of people in the bay area come in Something Like coin operated games this could bring people together i think you guys could support these guys it would be a huge benefit not only to them and us as a Part Community but are San Francisco over all. I appreciate you guys let me mumble over here and please, consider our hopes. Thank you. Great. Well done. To all of you who like to speak your, always if you can write it down and read it, that is great because it gets a little nerveracking up there. You dont get graded for reading off your notes. Thats perfectly, fine. Welcome. I own a business in the soma district. For years now. Ive been in the city for 25 years. Four years ago my neighbors were mainly homeless, the Veterans Hospital down the street and [inaudible] on my sidewalk so in the space next door i wonder the neighbors next to me. Every space around where we are hoping for people who want to be good to the neighborhood, invest in the block. I will invest in security guards to keep the outside when needed but i will also promote even my neighbor next door, he has the liquor store. We implemented to be your policies for homeless where he started helping me keeping them away after their . 50 run out. So, good neighbors, always welcome. Ive seen the district change a lot in four years. Ive been a good addition to the neighborhood. I have been along with them as well and we work closely with the community as far as Company Spending time with us before. After work. The neighbors that come with us. Its nice to see that Community Embracing who we have become as well. So, if its for the neighborhood and to keep it closer, in a way, we are all [inaudible] in the city. We do have all these companies coming through our doors a lot and its hard for me to sue say were at capacity and sending our bar neighborhood as well. We want our parks to be good. I want my kids to go and play at these part. I like to see those streets [inaudible] but everything comes with pros and cons as well. I think in this case is a good addition to the neighborhood and i am embracing it and ill be happy to say [inaudible] with my neighbors down the street. Thank you. Any other members of the public like to comment on this item . Event he was is going to comment, feel free to come to the side steve can be ready to come up. My name is Eric Lockridge. I think kevin dowell 30 much nailed the majority of the points but and arcade will bring to a business like us, a bar, restaurant is positivity. Something different to do then going out eating and drinking lane games everyone is having a good time. Its always fun. Thats pretty much i have to say. Thank you. Thank you. Next, please good evening. My name is kevin ortiz. Im the one buyer at the mystic hotel. I dont eric and haas for three years. I met them when i lived in san diego and really loved the establishment that they have created their very unique and they bring a real sense of community of the people that come together. I met most my friends at their bars. And it up discovering a lot of new establishments that i frequented had i not gone to coinop in san diego and their other part which is the lion share, and i cant speak highly enough about what they do and i highly support him. Thank you very much. Next. Hello. Bartender here in San Francisco. Also, i represent how spirits for northern california. Being a san franciscan and San Francisco bartender i host a lot of friends nationally and internationally in this is a concept i been able to see and play in other cities that i like to visit my subject like people to host my friends with Something Like this when i come to visit us here, too. With that consideration, thanks. Outstanding. Thank you. Next. Hello. I am a bay area bartender and manager. Born here but having raised all around the world and with all my travels, the bar industry being my career, i made it a point to explore all different types of establishments, bars, restaurants, and finding different places where people come in and feel and arcade is definitely someplace that brings positive light to the nightlife industry. I think these people brought up on the amazing points that help add to the diversity that makes that will make San Francisco much broader and diverse and a fun place. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Any comments . Commissioner yeeriley yes, this question is for april. It says here in mechanical amusement device shall not include any pain device that is unlawful. Is that the slot machines were talking about . Yes, i believe in the please code there some specific regulations related to business or machines where theres an exchange of money, and so that would be that. Then, when the Business Owner goes and gets the permit they will be informed which are unlikable unlawful, right i believe so. The permit, theres two different permits that i believe there is a permit that is necessary for the Entertainment Commission and one that is needed from is that the police department. Im not actually sure. They would be informed, yes. Thanks. Commissioners, any other questions or comments . Okay. Well this is a discussion and potential action item. Do we have a motion . I move i second to support . Yes motion to support all in favor [chorus of ayes]. That motion is approved unanimously. And victory, wait to go guys. [applause] all right. Awesome. Sincerely, thank you for all of you coming out and doing Public Comment at its gate great for you to come and take the time and do that here i know it can be kind of a pain to make time in your schedule and its happy hour for you guy and that part ended. I dont know what the heck youre doing your could delegate out of your and go to work. Next item please item number three, [reading ordinance] im going to be making the presentation tonight, not richard. So, commissioners, first i want to thank you for asking staff to provide clarification on nonprofits as an inclusion under to whether their inclusion under the term of business for the legacy business registry. I think it is important you ask for clarification because, as you are aware, many in the forprofit and nonprofit sectors in Government Agencies tend to be you and speak of forprofits and nonprofits is to separate and distinct entities. In your packet, staff has done some research and analysis on the legislative history and intent of the board of supervisors, and it clearly outlines and demonstrates that the legislative intent from version number to forward to include nonprofit serving the community are clearly intended to be included as businesses eligible for the mayor or the board of supervisors to nominate. So, again the legislative history and the board of supervisors action clearly demonstrated this intent and i think its important that we do have a public affirmation. So it is clear now and moving forward for all to know who is under that broad definition of the very simple business. I am happy to elaborate and walk you through the legislative history, but im hoping youve taken the time to review it and happy to answer any questions. For the record, this item is scheduled as an action item or agendize is an action item but not required. Possible price and you are not required to take action on this because youre not required but you can take an action to affirm the supervisors legislative intent, but its not necessary to do so as the legislative intent is establishes what the criteria is. Thank you very much. I like to propose we actually do make a positive affirmation and go around and make a motion and vote it. I think that affirmation should be that the definition of business, as is stated in this legislation, refers to both forprofit businesses and nonprofits. Because weve had some of the discussion of this here. I think it merits an affirmation here so that Going Forward theres no question whatsoever that this legislation applies to both. So if someone like to make a motion . When he questions the Public Comment. Any questions or comments commissioners . And aim members of the public like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Now we can do a motion i propose mr. Pres. , nonprofits the definition includes nonprofits and forprofits. Okay. Very well. Second the motion is to affirm the definition of business includes nonprofit and forprofit entities. That is second by commissioner dooley. Tida [call of the roll] [chorus of ayes] that motion passes unanimously 60. One asked them. Great. [applause] we got that essential item out of the way. Import betwixt moving to item 4, [reading ordinance] item number four, [reading ordinance] good evening commissioners. Richard carrillo Legacy Business Program manager. We are is only in the process of developing policies for many aspects of the Legacy Business Program. In developing criteria for disqualification from the Legacy Business Program, we reviewed the existing business Eligibility Criteria from the administrative code. Legacy businesses are businesses have been nominated by the mayor or member of the board of supervisors and that the Small Business commission after i noticed hearing has determined meets each of the following criteria one, the business is operated in San Francisco for 30 years 30 or more years with no break in San Francisco operations exceeding two years. If the business has operated in San Francisco for more than 20 years but less than 30 years, may still satisfy this criterion is a Small Business Commission Finds that the business has significantly contributed to the history toward identity of a particular neighborhood or community and if not included in the registry, the business would face a significant risk of displacement. Number two, the business has contributed to the neighborhoods history and or the identity of a particular neighborhood or community. Three, the business has committed to maintaining the fiscal pictures or traditions that define the business including craft array or art forms. So, using that very simple criteria for qualifications, we proposed three criteria for disqualification from the legacy business registered. Number one, the business as a break in San Francisco operations exceeding two years except in the case of fire, Natural Disaster or other extraordinary circumstances. Number two, the business relocates outside of San Francisco and number three the business no longer commits to maintaining physical features or traditions that define the business including craft, array or arts. That seems pretty straightforward. Commissioners, any questions . Comments . Well then well get some Public Comments. Thank you, rich. Any members of the public like to comment on this particular item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, any comments entity like to make a motion to accept this criterion . I make a motion mr. Pres. For the commission to adopt the standards and criteria for this certification for the legacy business registered. I second graywater commissioner, motion to adopt these disqualifications. Moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes] the motion passes unanimously, 60. One absent. Perfect. Now we are getting to the main event. Thanks, richard. Number five, discussion and action item. [reading ordinance] great. In the future we will be considering these and just kind of doing them as a group, but today, since this is the first cohort what nominees we are delighted to welcome them here to give a little presentation on their behalf. [applause] its a glorious past moment. Before we proceed, though, the procedural suggest if anybody here has a any exception they were like called out or we would just proceed with the entire group and unwise for presentations by each of the group. To any of the commissioners have any exceptions they like to call out . No. Okay, great. I think we can then proceed. Good evening commissioners richard carrillo. Legacy Business Program manager. Just to go over the legislation again quickly. The administrative code finds a legacy business as a business nominated a member of the board of supervisors or the mayor and Small Business commission after a noticed hearing determines meets the following criteria. Criteria one, which ive read in item number four, so i would just read the first sentence. The business has operated in San Francisco for 30 years 30 or more years with no break in San Francisco operation exceeding two years. I note there is one of the applicants hear that is between 20 and 30 or so please keep that in mind. Which is the rest of the text in this number one. Criteria number two, the business has contributed to the neighborhoods history and identity of a particular neighborhood or community. Criteria number three, the business is committed to maintaining the physical features or traditions that define the business including including craft are your art forms. If the all Business Commission makes all three findings that it shall include the business in the registry as a legacy business. The nonbusinesses that are applicants here today are to jacks knicks place sql. 4b toy boat desert cafe, 4c specs 12 Adler Museum Cafe, 4d eyes muralist association incorporated. , 4e pacific cafe. 4f lone star saloon. 4g gilmans kitchens and baths. For h Community Boards. For letter i Creative Design and metalworks. Criteria one have the applicant operated in San Francisco for 30 or more years with no break in San Francisco operations exceeding two years. Determination is, yes with a note lone star saloon has operated in San Francisco for more than 20 years but less than 30 years has significantly contributed to the history or identity of a particular neighborhood or community and if not included in the registry faces a significant risk of displacement. Criteria to have the applicants contributed to the neighborhood history and the density of particular neighborhood or community. If the determination is yes on applicants were recommended by the store preservation commission. Criteria number three are the applicants committed to maintain the physical features or traditions as upon as businesses including craft, array or art forms and eight the determination is yes. Staff recommendation is that staff recommends Small Business commission include all nine businesses with an agenda items 5afive i as legacy businesses. There are nine draft resolutions for consideration by the Small Business commission it one for each of the legacy business registry applicants. Lastly, theres a correction on one. The nominator for toy boat dessert cafe with supervisor eric mar and accidentally put supervisor london breed. That was my mistake. My apologies. That needs to be corrected in the final motion by the commission. Okay. All answer any questions. Thank. Also worth noting each of these nominees has been referred to us affirmatively by the Historic Preservation commission so is been through that Commission Already as well. So, commissioners any questions . So, why dont we proceed with some presentations. Now, realizing this is a huge pr opportunity for each of you come or go hold you all twisted 5 min. Limit. We dont anyone grandstanding here. We actually have a timer. Youll hear a little gone with 30 seconds to go. I will extend my cook. You can see it here i have it and it takes you to the side of the stage at exactly 5 min. In all seriousness, please be mindful of that limit that we like to get through all of you. Its going to take about 45 min. 9x5 and so lets move through it and the timer is to remind you to hurry up. If you again have written your comments wyomings lead them. Because you want to get into the record and thats the best way to do it. I know you can get tongue tied when you get up to that podium there. All right, well i want to call i think you have an order you like to call them . Yes. Q there and ordered list. The water will follow the order listed in the agenda. So, i will call up each speaker i guess. First, to jacks knicks place seafood. Great. Welcome. Before i get started i have some letters of support from our lord haight Merchants Association i like to pass out. Also dont be notice none of you have been contested. Theres a high likelihood going to be agreed. Probably not supposed to say that. Good evening. My name is nikki huber and him the secondgeneration owner of to jacks knicks place located at 401 haight st. And at such an honor to be standing before you and id like to take the time to think the Small Business commission, the board of supervisors in San Francisco heritage for all your effort you put forth to protect San Franciscos iconic legacy business. I also want to say to my fellow legacy Business Owners that its been a privilege to be a part of this journey with you. To be able to hear your stories about how your business is added to the wonderful tapestry of the city, each memory fueled within a measurable amount of passion has been a source of inspiration and a feeling of solidarity i have for each and every one of you. So i just appreciate being on this journey with you. Last but not least i want to say thank you to my parents, my husband my children are being exactly who you are. You all have supported me throughout this journey. I been on. You have provided an Unshakable Foundation for all of us to stand on and i am so grateful for all that you have selflessly separate. For love culture and commitment and a commitment to be wonderful human beings. Ever since i can remember i heard our customers say to jacks is a cornerstone of the lower haight. Some refer to as an institution. An institution that has witnessed and operated to economic recessions the elimination of disco, the birth of hiphop, the introduction of crack cocaine, the war on drugs, gang wars, words with the police, wars with Foreign Countries the attempted assassination of a president , the first black president and now possibly the first woman president. We have lived through and continue to operate two heartbreaking deaths of parents, grandparents come ons, and uncles brothers and sister. To jacks has stood tall at the statue of liberty keeping our doors in our hearts open to our tired, our poor, are huddled masses yearning to breathe free from a society that oftentimes cast them aside making them feel less. We have employees that unemployable. Treated the untreatable with compassion and empathy and respect and respected that disrespectful. Our open mic night of giving a voice to so many whose voices are drowned out daily by the deafening sounds of inequality, brutality and death good young black men and women have always had a voice into jacks and all people of all ages from all economic and racial backgrounds are finding their voices with us. I know that with all i am my family has been able to run their business for 30 years before passing it on to me 10 years ago because the values that are then passed down to our families for generations. Holding our truths to be self evident that hard work pays off. Being honest pays off. Treating people the way you want to be treated pays off and having the courage of your convictions pays off. To reembrace the fact we are descendents of slaves and we survived were the worst forms of the kidney humanity and cruelty and are here today to rely on the same strength our ancestors had using it to empower us to keep contributing to the enlightenment of humanity in our daily work of letting people know th important and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. For me, the true beauty of our legacy is in that. Our survival and our ability to thrive is based on being good people and having good people around us. Its based on my parents being committed to each other and making their marriage last to be able to pass it down to their only child. Its our landlord being honorable enough to recognize that we are a family in pursuit of happiness in achieving the American Dream good as our loyal customers will embrace this, family and allowed us the privilege of cooking for them generation after generation. The beauty is in the blood come at the sweat, tears and the commitment of so many different people coming together and believing in what my family created. The beauty is that it represents courage, faith, and hope that when you are committed every day to being the highest expression of your self your efforts will be rewarded. Thank you. That was great, thank you. [applause]. We might be moving from sfgov tv to abc or nbc. Lets keep it up. Were going to give shark tank a run for its money. Next presentation, toy boat dessert cafe. Mr. Pres. , should we add this to the application . I dont know if i can match that. Toy boat, toy boat. I know you been practicing that for years. Welcome. Thank you. This is my wife roberta. I hope you balding to toy boat. I been there for 34 years. I wrote down a few words just so i dont stumble. Why i think im a great legacy business. Because im an anchor to the community because they bring integrity to the community because im a connection to the community to all the schools would use institutions all the kids. I have kids working for me who came in and had their first Ice Cream Cone road are worse butterscotch the first time. Im a true mom and pop business. I dont sit home every day and call in and say whats going on the board to my ipod and watch my register. I go to work every single day. Why . I love it. I love working with the community. I love San Francisco. Obviously im not from here in case you did not notice that in your form 80 38 years, 39 years. Its a great city. Whats happening to it that Small Businesses are disappearing. Its becoming we have to prevent it from becoming a big strip mall. Thats whats great about this legacy business idea. Its the first move to try to keep small mom and pop businesses here. So i applaud you all for doing that. I like that people have not beenthere was a woman, bernies, who moved down the blockage was very elderly than she used to come in every day even if her after she had operations and struggling to win she got ill, i, my staff we would bring her lunch. We would bring her dinner. If she did not come in for lunch or dinner we said lets whats going on and we would go to the house. Eventually she ended up in the hospital but she had no link to the community. Toy boat him and his many like this, has been that link for lots of different people. A lot of little kids who come in and just love it. They just love it. If you have any questions . You must have a question. No, i moved. Fantastic. Ive enjoyed every moment of its. Like my predecessor, ive had the landlords whove always renewed my lease is. Thats one of the biggest issues in this peer hopefully that keeps up. And this legacy business will make that more possible. So i could keep going to work every day and get a free cup of coffee. There you go. What happened to the horse in front of your store . In front of the store . Its in the store. Its been there for 34 years. Butterscotch. Adults can go on its. I used to take my nephew. He is 21 now but he has been there. Now he can say i wrote on butterscotch. Yes. I have great employees. Employees are not great once i heard them its my goal to make them great. Some kids just they dont have it but if you give them the right encouragement and you treat them right and you brainwash them, then go be great. You tell them they are good and ill be good. Its because were used to being told a lot often you are not good. When you tell them they are good, they are good. Anyway, i can exit. Thats great. Thank you very much. [applause] next up next is entered next presenter, specs 12 outlook using cafe. The cover images Michael Graham was an artist as well, and we have the [inaudible] of my father Richard Simmons specs coming up next sunday. So its really lovely its happening right now. The artist as a bartender at your place . He is a artist at our place. All kinds of people. Hes come up with a new engine ive taught this because i was asked to focus more on the continuity and its going to continue looking. So, the first page of the [inaudible] the walls on spec. My dad started it in 1960. We all helped him. Its full of 1 million tchotchkes. A lot of San Francisco historical memorabilia california Second World War spanish civil war posters indians have you a lot of very funny things because hes a real character. Thats my dad years ago bartending. Jackie who is with us where union bartender bartenders stay with us forever. Jackie came in at 24 and shes 30. Shes been with us for 14 years. Then, her partner used to be one of our bartenders was a sculptor and made a fullsize [inaudible] with my dad. Theres a poem because we cant get away from poets at our part. Anyway, in the month of august 2016 as we prepare for the Birthday Party this weekend my daughter [inaudible] coowners of specs with my father richard are completely committed to retaining all the quality physical characteristics so and spirit of our part. The goal of it over north Beach Institution to receive legacy business registry. The walls of our bar are covered with San Francisco historical memo to flags with countries. We start out with working class bars merge and rains would bring in subject was west coast art of jazz musicians of course poets picking up the museum like nature of establishing. All these are neglected by my father brought in by guest who understand the curatorial spirit of my dad. We will bridge archives as possession. Our bar has a timeless quality coveted by regulars and travelers because of the comforting ingenuity and spirit and the objects covering our walls. Which i been [inaudible] people come back and say years ago nothing has changed. Some new items will appear from time to time but these essential nature remains the same and will continue to into the future. We hold the Anniversary Party each year in april speeding the community that sustains us and each other. Wheels large birthday parties as well. We are continuing our legacy of hosting poetry readings. A lot of the city light readings come to our place after. The screens both parties memorials, and even a baby shower for one of her couples at the bar. In fact, our Community Hub home away from home for somebody over the decades and now for the influx of new Young Workers the neighborhood both from the tech field the new young poetic characters reading the same philosophers cadillac and all that Business People arrived to our city and discover the soul and spirit of our bar. With original brick walls from the building was rebuilt after San Franciscos great earthquake. The building originates in 1855 but was rebuilt after 1906 we have photographs of the earthquake and fire on the walls as well because my father is deeply immersed in San Francisco in california history. Classes are brought in on run the bases [inaudible] not trendy neohistory. Although they also have their place in a changing neighborhood [inaudible]. We keep the same drinks weve always had. We teach Young Workers and tourist weathers genuine hub what is it we dont have wifi or television and never have. Except the date the man landed on the moon. Because my father wanted people to talk to each other which is what a pub is really about and that will never change up my daughter and i are both committed to that get my taught my daughter is 23 good she was in new york shes a young singer but shes [inaudible] i was raisedis that it 32nd were please to meet up with a first group of San Francisco businesses and nodded by aaron peskin and i want to say that given we were nominated for this week and half ago we signed a 10 year lease with our landlord would never had tenure leases before. It was because the lawyer wanted to negotiation. Awesome. Thank you very much. [applause] who is next next up is perceived that eyes muralist association incorporated. Thank you. Thank you very much for inviting us to do this presentation. Ive written something for you good my name is susan cervantes. I feel like i ameyes founder and director ofeyes promised 40 years. I founded it with my husband louise who passed away 10 years ago and its been sort of a Family Affair but with many many other artists and people in the neighborhood with us who wanted to continue to do mural arts. We were established in 1977 good Work Community nonprofit arts organization. We produce Public Community murals truly unique collaboration process that expresses the Diverse Voices and visions of the many communities that we serve. Eyes continues to rent our Regional Heritage studio since 1980. That serves our children, youth and bureau arts programs which was recently saved from the threat of eviction and displacement with us for Many Community partners who invested in the purchase of the building. So we are really really happy about that. This will continue to serve our children and youth in a safe and comfortable face for them. Eyes also owns and operates are 24th st. Mural arts in District Centers since 1998. We actually were evicted from our one half of our center in the park and at that time and we are fortunate to be able to get this other site. Because we were not going to be able to continue to function without another space at that time. So, legacy status would secure our heritage studio and owned cultural space for future generations to come. Eyes has created over 500 Collaborative Community murrells throughout the San Francisco bay area and over a dozen internationally. Eyes has served over 15,000 students and local artists througheyes mural arts and education program. Eyes has conducted over 6840 mural walking towards, 114,000 tour participants including students residents and visitors. Eyes has hosted 20 urban youth Arts Festival and 17 San Francisco bay area mural awareness festivals. Eyes has celebrated and participated in 16 day of the dead events, 20 carnivals and recently, dances with murals in partnership with the theater. Eyes has offered handson arts activities and live mural painting for dozens of Community Events and all around the bay area. Eyes has recruited over 2000 support of members and individual donors. As a nominated legacy business we are proud to be a part of the Cultural Heritage of San Francisco and the latino cultural district to continue to create retain and preserve community culture. Thank you for your nomination and consideration. 80. Thank you, susan. Very nice. [applause] next presenter, pacific cafe. Hello and good evening commissioners. And fellow applicants. Im specially honored to be here today, especially after hearing the company that we are with. My name is frank gundry. Im here on behalf of our business the pacific cafe. We are located at 7000 ci boulevard on the corner of 34th and the Outer Richmond long San Franciscos 49 mile scenic ride. We just celebrated our 42nd year in business on july 4 of this year. Ive been working for the cafe at this location since march 1 1975. Up until this year i used to tell our customers that i still work for the man who hired me over 40 years ago. Tom hopper. Now i am proud to say im one of his partners along with ross warren, who is here with me today. Pacific cafe is a neighborhood restaurant serving simply prepared fish, fresh and local seafood dinners. We operate in a building that withstood the 06 earthquake building 1898. Though our warm and cozy cafe seats just over 50 patrons, we have served over 2 million delicious dinners from our small but bustling kitchen. Todays menu feature some of the same choices as our original menu from 1974 including grilled salmon, fried oysters, filet of sole newburgh, and panfried abalone. The reason i mention this is because many of our customers remark to us that its so nice to have a great place to eat that does not change. We are all aware of how much the city of San Francisco is changing and its comforting to know that at the pacific cafe we are able to continue to make our customers welcome and happy after four decades. We are lucky and proud to have the best staff in the business. Their enthusiastic, dedicated to maintaining our tradition of quality and service. The majority of our staff have been employed at the cafe for more than 20 years. Barry stratton, 41 years. Arseniothree years. Rats o, 3 jim 25 years. Hose eight i lost 25. Maureen fitzsimmons 24 years and elaine call, 20 years. Many have raised children and put them through school while working at long and hard hours at our cafe. Its a pleasure for us as well as our customers to know and see familiar faces to hear stories of our collective families, which child got married, which grandchild just graduated from college, whose parents have recently retired and are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. His grandparents and longtime customer just passed away. At the pacific cafe, we are blended family serving three and even four generations of customers. The pacific cafe proudly supports our community and neighborhood to its donations to options and event. Whether its a School Raffle or Neighborhood Service program we cheerfully contribute when asked. As an example, for many years weve supported a ra first step home a local rehabilitation organization. Here is a recent note from one of its Board Members and our customers surely cameron. My husband and i havent customers at the pacific cafe for over 30 years. During that time not only is the food and service and excellent. They have also contribute generously to alcoholic Rehabilitation Association a Nonprofit Organization dedicated to assisting all collects and recovery which is been in existence for over 61 years at 1035 haight should get sincerely surely and Elliott Campbell are. People often remark, wow, we have not been here for 25 years and its still the same. They mean it as a compliment. Its followed by, we are so happy to be back and we are so glad you are still here. This is our intention. To continue to serve our customers and neighbors old and new with the same highquality seafood and service as we have been doing since we first opened our doors in 1974. As our original late great server, dan hansen, used to say, it will be our great pleasure. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you very much. [applause] after that we might have to start the legacy employee registry. [laughing] thats good. I especially like seeing the menus from then and now. Next presenter, lone star saloon. Good evening. I just want to say how great it is to finally be here. Seems like its been a long road. Yes, i am thrilled absolutely thrilled. Good evening my name is tony b i coowner the lone star saloon on harrison street. 135 harrison street and south of market. Ive spoken at great length through this process about our founding and history and past but now id like to speak about the lone star today because i believe that the Legacy Business Program isnt just about San Francisco of the past. Its very much about the San Francisco today. And what we want this great city to look like in the future. The lone star is a small neighborhood bar with a rich story past. We have a small group of loyal employees. One of my employees, bruce is been behind the bar for 15 years. Some very loyal regular customers who actually surprised me by showing up here today. Awesome. Its all on behalf of them i stand here today to speak about the Legacy Business Program. We share our lives at the lone spirit we hunt together for birthdays as alterations could be thanks giving dinner together. We host weddings and we host memorial services. We come together to mourn our friends and customers are passed through the years. We hold fundraisers for causes important to our friends and neighbors. Sometimes, we just sit and drink beer and pass baton. I also often say you can travel the world at the barstool at the loans do we host visitors all over the world every day. We are a beacon and we offer the sense of community of prolonging the compassion and acceptance that San Francisco has beenhas long been known for and of those qualities that brought a lot of us here to the city to begin with. At the lone start you could catch a glimpse of the past and you can spend time in the city that does not exist anymore. But at the end of the day we are a business not a museum. We pay our rent. We pay our employees and our taxes and we give back to the community. We are a vibrant, viable Small Business but businesses like mine are often not given a chance to compete in the new San Francisco. That is what makes the Legacy Business Program so important. In the past few years weve seen some close calls in my neighborhood the equal the start they both came close to being lost forever because of skyrocketing rents. The lone starr is currently in negotiations for a new lease. The funds provided by the Legacy Business Program could not come at a better time. The money is nice and helpful but its the recognition that appeal to me the most. To be told we see you, we hear you and you are important. That is what being a legacy business means to me. So, thank you for considering the lone star for legacy business status and i also want to thank supervisor campos for writing the legislation and jane kim for nominating us in being a champion of Small Businesses and her aide Barbara Lopez for helping me to negotiate my way through city hall and to be standing here today. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] next presentation, gilmans kitchens and baths. I knew my glasses to read my notes. Even then i can view my own writing. My name is Larry Lowenthal and my son Justin Lowenthal and am the owner of humans kitchens and baths for 33 years. The business has been around since 1954. I cant write all the great things all these people have said. Its just fantastic it makes me feel good. So, thank you to everybody here. The building i been in the last 25 years was sold last year. Resulting in about 50 rent increase. When we read about the Legacy Program we were excited because wow, theyre trying to force us out of San Francisco. Mc san franciscans voted for it the supervisors who brought it up, and everybody was work for it, it really made me feel good because i been in San Francisco for quite a few years. It also resulted in the building sold they huge property tax increase is of the funds provided by the Legacy Program are going to help out and help me stay in San Francisco. Its really what i wanted to do good i was looking elsewhere but i really wanted to stay here. I was born and raised in San Francisco. I really want to thank everybody involved a special especially supervisor campos wrote the legislation and nominated us. We are the only brickandmortar business and San Francisco. People can come in and get doors and screens custommade and thats how we started weve added kitchens and Bathroom Remodeling good over 45 of our business comes from just around our store. Potrero hill. We are committed to keeping this format. We have a couple other stores and other cities but the screens and keeping it in San Francisco because is how we started. We really appreciate it. My son justin is going to take over and thank you very much again. Thank you. Good evening. Im a presentation for you to see. A couple points and give emphasis to what my dad was telling you already. Thank you, dad. So i want to tell you but about the business to continue to get humans kitchens and baths and screens. A brief history. Originally opened in 1954 as a hardware store. Dick gilman at the same honor in the 70s transition his Business Model to become a screen window and screen door business which we continue today. Then in 1983 my dad took over and purchased the business from dick gilman and maintain the screen business but also brought in his expertise in remodeling field and started sewing cabinets and we just evolves over 30 years to start offering Contracting Services all kinds of different things. So, i just want to show this evolution over the last 60 years. Some things have changed over these. You said you are interested in the managed. These are business cards from maybe 30 years. Yes, about 30 years. A couple main changes but we still maintain very similar features. The old building this is not what we moved into. This is not sure exactly sure how old this picture is, but its and 7080 your range. It was a paint store. Our old building. This is where we are at today. Got a fresh coat of paint finally to bring to bring some more like to bayshore boulevard. So what makes it so special spirit makes humans so special and why would the Community Want to support the company . We are family owned business. Employees become part of this community. Because were the Small Business well for personal touch that bigbox stores like lowes and home depot cannot match. Our stateoftheart showrooms stay tuned to the spirit of modernization in this rapidly changing culture. We evolved and were staying relevant and were stained with culture did well define it and change it we stay relevant. We create beauty of places where people spend their most intimate and define management with eight work, relax and cleanse. Well said. Gilman staff and service have received numerous awards and recognitions for excellent design quality Exceptional Customer Service and astute business practices. We are vital part of this Community Networking and support hundreds of local businesses. We stay true to our roots. 50 years later. Awesome. Thank you very much. [applause] im glad that was his last five. Nicely done, thank goodness up next presentation, Community Boards. If you have a powerpoint, and you can just ask in the microphone these show the powerpoint does sfgov tv actually controls the. View signal to me i can do it there it is. Thank you. Good evening commission. My name is camilla laird, president of the board of directors that Community Boards. Manage boards as a nonprofit celebrating four years this year from 19762016 and we offer conflict resolution services. Weve operate in San Francisco for the last 40 years. Began in meditation valley and outside all the neighborhoods in San Francisco. Community boards is the oldest and longest running public conflict Resolution Center in the united states. To date over the last 40 years, weve assisted over 52,000 san franciscan stores all conflicts peacefully and respectfully. Weve trained over 18,000 san franciscans a volunteer conflict mediators and youll hear from donald one of our trainers but weve mediated over 9700 disputes in San Francisco for residents, nonprofits, and Small Business. So, we offer affordable and accessible conflict resolution services. Rks opening fee is only 40 dont turn anyway for lack of funds to ever truly very low cost of Mediation Services for anybody who resides in San Francisco. Our mission at Community Boards is to empower communities and individuals with a strong skills and resources needed to express resolve conflicts peacefully and appropriately further culture and environment. So Community Boards in action, what does that look like . Citywide intermediate Program Assists over 1800 san franciscan residents. We handle mediations in a few different areas. One is quality of life and that includes noise complaints, parking complaints, issue around pets, trees, views, trash things like that anything inside your own home were doing with your neighbors were cohousing situation and then relationships. Were often helping people in family relationships, who made relationships neighbor relationships coworkers etc. We also handle mediations that you with context and that could be landlordtenant contracts customervendor contracts, small claims, and more. So, in general, Community Boards offers Mediation Services that help reduce anxiety and stress for residents. We find this program really helps the Overall Mental Health and physical health are San Francisco residents specifically, those people might be able to resolve their disputes in other ways that might cost more money. We are really helping low income residents primarily. Now donald will come up and speak about our traditions and services. Good evening again. Thank you so much for inviting us to be here tonight. Im so delighted to be able to speak on behalf of Community Boards. I got a chocolate about Community Boards as a living legacy. Our tradition and services have to do with making sure that anyone that would like to resolve or come to agreement related to a conflict has the opportunity to be able to do that. We offer services in spanish mandarin and cantonese as well as english. Sure you realize this but maybe some of you dont get San Francisco is incredibly Diverse Community right . I was supposed to be a joke. It is. We take that into account and in doing so we make sure our services are culturally appropriate for the participants. We have a mediator poll of over 450 mediators ranging the full range of diverse city in terms of core identities and cultures and communities equally represented. Across the board. This is also a Proactive Community doping prosecute when we look at peace building we think hes building as every decision that we make every day that we are either making a choice to build peace where we are making a choice towards violence. In that respect, these services can actually save lives that firefighters run towards the pipe. Our mighty gators run into the heat of the heard the anger the conflict and the difficulty and we help participants find choices, nonviolent choices to be able to live in safe communities that Work Together with one another i the distinct pleasure of speaking to the founder of Community Boards back in december of 2011. He passed away the following month so i talked to him in december and he passed away in january. That was my one and only conversation with him was so powerful. He said, that his vision was for one day there to be no need to have an organization like Community Boards. Look around your we are not at that day. We have notthis much work to do and this is not done to lose an Incredible Service like with Community Boards is able to do. Thank you so much. We appreciate your consideration. Thank you so much. Awesome. Thank you. [applause] number nine thank you. The last presentation is matter rainy Creative Design and metal work. Great to come before this commission again. Creative design, our doors were open in the fall of 1940. We are in our 68 continuous year of operation. My father opened it in upper grant avenue and we been in upper grant avenue ever since. We now stand three generations. We do custom metal work which includes everything from wedding rings to sculpture. My father who opened the store celebrated as one of the messengers of modernism. Along with out sander calder, sam cramer, and other luminaries out of the midcentury modernist or not. Currently we stand three generations my daughter works with me. Lucky enough now to go from father to son to daughter. She is actually started a School Called metalworks sf back in 2014. Last couple of months we had over 30 High School Students come in and make rings and use tools that have been taken out of a lot of our high schools. And have that experience in college at school to college prep. If you want to take the program into the Public Schools and start bringing some Public School kids in. The legacy status for our business will allow us to do that kind of thing. In terms of other Community Contributions, my father and mother along with a handful of other artists and merchants and residents organizations like the newly formed Telegraph Hill dwellers, back in 1954 had this crazy idea that they should take over a street get rid of all the cars got blocked it off, and put heart into the street with artist. They succeeded in doing it. It became the upper grant ave. , street fair which is a progenerator of any streetscape event in the united states. There were many pavilion art fairs and festivals. There were many park festivals. But there never had been a street fair. The real secret San Francisco generated that on upper grant avenue. Currently, we actually combined witheyes on the facade in front of bernal library. I hope you all got a chance to go past that beautiful installation. We did a public art installation a few years ago. We also worked with youth with c from environment full justice, their marquee at haran had part. Out in hunters point. Those are a few of the activities weve done in terms of our community. There is a Powerpoint Presentation with some amazing pictures of our work and Community Contributions we have made that will be up on the Small Business Commission Website probably tomorrow. Next week. Its too long to present here today because its 8 min. Its a beautiful and i incurred you to go and see it. I would like to leave you with the words from this very commission. That honor my business, thank you, back in 2009. In parts, invented the groundbreaking artistic vision of this family now in its Third Generation of family artists is a landmark Small Business for both north beach and San Francisco. Among their many gifts to the vitality of art scene the family founded along with a small group of shop orders and orders the upper grant ave. , street fair which is the very first fine arts and crafts open street fair in the united states. City and county of San Francisco art lovers and craftspeople throughout the world look forward to many more generations of the family continuing their unique contribution to the art world and the character of our city. We look forward to doing that with your help again today. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] commissioners, any comments before we open up to Public Comment . It seems odd but nowhere to take Public Comment. Any members of the public like to comment on this item . Come up to theline up on the side if youre going to do so good evening commissioners. Im here today representing david campos in district 9 office. We are just very excited at tonight to be witnessing this vital next up in the implementation process of the legacy business registry. These legislations authored by supervisor david campos and unanimously passed at the board of supervisors and reaffirmed by voters passing proposition j with a 60 approval rate. Tonight we have the opportunity to honor and support a strong group of forprofit and nonprofit businesses by granting him legacy business status in San Francisco. So, thank you commissioners for your effort in protecting that adverse legacy of our city and thank you so much to all the applicants who are here. Thank you very much. [applause] we have speaker card so called in order of the speaker cards. Also, please remember Public Comment is limited to 3 min. 2 min. , sorry. Youll hear that same gong at 30 seconds we dont mean to be rude but we will yank your microphone at 2 min. If any was like to spell out a speaker card or on the side of the microphone and this will help us state your name correctly for the record. I guess its actually dropped the microphone these days. I want to tell you this is the best Commission Hearing ive ever been to. Its the first time ill ever leave city hall feeling really good. [laughing] i can to support Mickey Cooper 42 jacks. She meets all the criteria 115 . Shes offered her space to myself and my friend to start a nonprofit poetry event there where we work with everyone in the neighborhood two, express themselves good is the last saturday of every month. She has been a support to me. I come in there i need someone to speak to she is there to give me direction and i didnt expect to come here and be for everybody here. I didnt know what i was coming to buteyes im also very close to relations. They did a mural for me in front of my space that i dont take too much time. I just want to celebrate mickeys legacy Business Registration and i hope that i actually hope she and everybody gets their okay [calling Public Comment cards] thank you to all the legacy candidates. I grew up in the south bay and lived in San Francisco for decades that into almost every single one of the businesses and theyre all amazement i am blown away and honored to be part of this moment in time for San Francisco history. Im here on behalf of Community Boards, where i worked as a staff member and now Vice President of the board of directors for Community Boards. I partaken of their training and also was a volunteer Neighborhood Court adjudicator through the das office also trained by Community Boards. Ive also worked on criminal Justice Reform and Consumer Protection as a litigator. I am blown away by what Community Boards offers to the diversity in our city and the availability learning how to communicate face to face, to be seen, to be heard, and to be empowered to resolve much as the conflicts they bring to mediation but any issue arises thereafter in their life because they been empowered with tools to communicate. That is a art form that is often lost in our Digital Technology world when people cross the street on their cell phones they look at you and give you a dirty look when you must hit them in your card because theyve ran the red i call that [inaudible] and that happens all over the place. The mediation we learn to understand one another. Ive seen Community Boards bring together people from all sorts of racist, social economic areas, gender, the whole kit and caboodle and people resolve their conflicts and they do it themselves. So, we talk about people talking to each other, being seen and been heard. We hope that Community Boards can continue on in this measure is whether one of the only organizations that allows this for our San Francisco residents. Thank you so much. Thank you. [applause] next speaker im also speaking in favor of Community Boards. I want to thank the staff and Board Members and other nominees. I agree with a previous speaker. This is the best city hall here. You dont usually hear that and Public Comment. Consider yourself lucky at Charlie Spiegel next open my 30th year living in San Francisco which practically makes me to start. Professionally i mediate divorces outside of court and when thats not enough challenged aires and 19yearold daughter in San Francisco now going to college. Yes. I want to justify can only say one thing it five time for that i wanted to about one mediation i did as a volunteer which was a neighbor dispute the people above, people below renters in a building. The people above were a family the people below were family with children in strollers in the lobby of the building. People above were gay male couple with shall we say later hours that they invited friends over and made noise and have fun. This was a dispute they came to the panel of three volunteer mediators. Im going openly gay man. All these people call this their home. And we started to refer to both the family with children and the family of gay men without children as families we were not getting and there. We started to respect people with those words, the situation changed and they made an agreement to stop calling the police and to try to coexist it thats the kind of thing that Community Boards has done. In education Community Boards at the assistant attorney general for Community Policing and Community Engagement speak in front of 200 people in between ferguson and the next dreadful matter. Thats the kind of thing Community Boards does good i want to thank you for your time and great city hall hearing. Awesome. Thank you very much. [applause] [calling Public Comment cards] thanks for the opportunity to appear on behalf of Community Boards. I am a fourthgeneration san franciscan. Born and raised lived here all my life. So i think i know a little bit about the city. I have been fairly recently connected with Community Boards could ive taken their Behavior Training and serve as a mediator and observed the organization and it occurred to me what is a Community Boards represents or has that reflects the dna of San Francisco . The real heart and soul of the city . I thought about 34 concepts, 34 qualities that Community Boards has that seems to me just so central and so fundamental to the San Francisco. One of those, for example, his creativity and innovation. We all treasure that about this city is to create a place as we heard tonight from so many other people. Its an innovative place and thats exactly what Community Boards as a creative and innovative organization. Youve heard about that. Of course, San Francisco is a Diverse Society we know that a Diverse Community and Community Boards itself is the same. So we are part of that is as a part of that dna. San francisco is futuristic. We pride ourselves on looking towards the future and thats exactly what Community Boards is like as well. Finally, San Francisco we pride ourselves on the open and welcoming and friendly and youve heard about committed to boards being the same. So, i hope that you will support us as being part of San Francisco as with so many of the organizations that youve heard. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] [calling Public Comment cards] im here is where my wife at to jacks. Vicki cooper good i just want to say thank you all for recognizing these businesses, all of them, because what you are doing is you are providing affirmation of peoples hopes, dreams, livelihoods, family, i mean people been in business for over 20 years were talking 30 years here. Thats family. You have employees that have been in these businesses for long period of time. That is family. What youre doing is you are promoting family here and i just want to say that im not from vinton i am from oakland wouldve been in the data area mike i got married to this wonderful woman and moved to San Francisco but when i first moved out here the bridge is a long way to travel when you broken oakland could you dont go back and forth right when i came out here and started talking to people or when i go back to oakland and talked to people i met in college, i mentioned to jacks good i never heard of two jacks in oakland but everybody else knew what to jacks was. Their restaurant or businesses in oakland people not heard about to jacks is one of those businesses that everybody has heard of were somebody assertive. You go over to the bay area as well as businesses and i truly makes it a legacy of the family that is created, the employees that are there for the children that have grown up with two jacks and the things they do to support the community it would talk about community theres a lot of things you dont see behind the scenes. They support the neighborhood. They support the individuals in those neighborhoods because i didnt know when nothing one off it was 30 seconds. I see it now. [laughing] they truly support the community. Its not just a business. Its family. The neighborhood is family the employees are a family. We are a family. We appreciate that. Thanks. Awesome. Thank you. [applause] [calling Public Comment cards] good evening commissioners and applicants that are here for this. I just want to say that, and behalf of the lone star saloon. When i first came here in 2003 alone start created a safe space for me to come out and be myself. I was playing College Rugby could i do not have that opportunity to come out to my teammates but i found a family with the lone star saloon. As you can see, we have some of the most diverse lgbt representation within the community we have enriched by doing a lot of fun raisers for the Emergency Fund in Breast Cancer Emergency Fund throughout the years there. Its just become a special place an environment for me. As you can see, what happens in orlando and were still discriminated against for being lgbt and even during the aids epidemic, a lot of individuals went to the lone star when i lost friends and even to this day, when people lose friends, we all come as a community there. We grieve so, thank you so much for your time. Thank you very much. [applause] do we have anyone else would like to make Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. So i want to thank all of the nominees for making this the most entertaining and inspiring Small Business Commission Meeting ever. I have not been to all them. Im going to say that. [applause]. Im absolutely thrilled to see some fantastic businesses and organizations i know quite well already. Im also thrilled to meet some wonderful businesses and organizations im only just now learning about i look forward to learning more about your organizations. So thank you all very much. I appreciate everyone coming out tonight. Again, i know its a track to get here but hopefully you enjoyed yourselves as well. Commissioners, any comments . Commissioner dooley spew i just want to say what a pleasure it is to be here tonight to see legacy business rolling out and first group of you guys that just shows what amazing diversity of businesses we have here. You guys are the ones that are really the heart and soul of San Francisco. I know how hard it is to maintain Small Businesses in this town. Theres a lot going against you and i just want to say for our commission, we are here to do whatever we can to make sure businesses like your own into work and thrive. [applause] commissioner ortizcartegena i come into i agree with everybody. This is been the best Commission Hearing abbot. Ive got to take a tour without leaving the seat of all the different businesses in different neighborhoods. I want to take the time to illustrate the collective group of people that came to present in businesses came to present because this is who we advocate for. We will not be pushed out. This is what makes San Francisco attractive. This legislation is here to preserve you and thank you for taking the time. We will not go we will not fade we will not leave San Francisco quietly. Thank you. [applause] this is an action im sure we vote these businesses meet, fully the eligible criteria as legacy business. I propose that we vote that all my businesses meet fully these criteria. Second . Second. Just a matter of technicality because unlike this is the first time where within the item like this where we of draft resolution so we do need to have you specifically adopt the resolution as drafted and i think i can read into the record yes. So, one at the time . No. You read the last i recommend approval of vote resolution 22 jacks makes play seafood to twinkle dessert cafe, 12 Adler Museum Cafe eyes muralist Association Pacific cafe, lone star saloon humans kitchens and baths, Community Boards and Creative Design and metalworks. So that the motion is to have these businesses recognized as legacy businesses in the city and county of San Francisco and part of the register. We just need to make one last edit to that. Also acknowledge changing the nomination for toy boat from supervisor breed to supervisor mar. Okay. You have a motion chart read the motion back . No. Ill defer to the director whether thats necessary not. Necessary . Note . I dont think. To a second for the motions. Yes i second all those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes]. No one is oppose. You are all approved. [applause] we will have a photograph. We are still live so mind your manners. One more were not take an official break were just have a photograph and move on with our business. Down motion passes 60, one absent great. If we could get the now the legacy business registry this photograph is for the website. So straighten out your color. Will take two photographs of the actual owners of the businesses and then one with the owners and the commission. So, owners of first. [pause for photograph] [pause for photograph. ] [applause] we are going to continue the meeting. Okay, we need to i guess to our business here so we can go out to dinner at some of your great restaurants. Commissioners, that to your seats. Julie make sure the documents go into the record . I will turn these over to the Commission Secretary for the record. All right. So, so we can continue conversations outside. Sorry to rush you out but we need to continue on with the meeting. If you could keep your conversations down. Moving to item 6, six items six, please item number six approval of regular Meeting Minutes. Action item. One item to amend. We do mission i like to start including the motion to adjourn and the details surrounding that. In each of the Meeting Minutes. Ive not been doing that but i would like to do that so im going to amend that and the minutes before you today. Sounds reasonable ocean . Not yet we need Public Comment. Commissioners any comments on this item . No. Any Public Comment on item number six . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion . Moved and seconded. Commissioners, all those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes] that motion passes unanimously, 601 absent. Item number seven. General Public Comment. Any members of the public live like to oppose any matters within our jurisdiction . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right item number eight, directors report. Commissioners, my directors report is going to be very brief tonight but just want to let you know that we do have a number of ballot measures moving forward onto the ballot by the mayor i mean, by the mayor and board of supervisors. Just want to remind you moving into election season be mindful of that. That there is one particular ballot measure that was move forward by the board of supervisors as a Charter Initiative to create a commission to oversee the Mayors Office of housing and the office of economic and workforce development. So, that does have some overlay with us, some overlay with us since the commission, since the office of Small Business under the broader budget of oewd. I will be able to speak to it in a very sort of factual manner moving forward, but not as a qualitative measure. If you have questions, email me and ill be happy to provide you with information. The second thing i want to just note, i really want to thank alex fong whos been here but hes done an amazing job and really helping us pull together our legislative work and research and really help us with the minutes and im feeling very extraordinarily fortunate for his choice to do is eight internship and really made a difference for us. Then, as we move forward with the legacy business registry we are obligated to provide for you and the public the packets and the applications and as you can see, this is verythis is a lot of maturity we do not need to make sure we are printed copies for the public should they walk in and not have had an opportunity to review it online. So come i figure 1 point commissioner ortizcartegena, you sort of suggested im asked to we get ipads. So, i would like to have a conversation with each of you because as we haveif for able to get the ipads, then you would be able to have access to these documents and to the applications to review on the ipad, but we wont have to print out so much material. So, just the request give it some thought and will have some discussion am sorry theres the proposition that can commissioners without ipads of your yes. I would expect the commissioners to have reviewed it on their own because is distributed in advance. Yes but we do need to have it as part of your pocket because its part of the agenda it was a paper at the very least yes. Thats a legal requirement that we have it in our documentation . Its to ensure if theres anything that you need to reference and review, you have it at your disposal. I think theres a single ipad that would be fine. Again, i want to stress that this requires our preparation in advance. So we are prepared to make a determination when we arrived, not that we are making our evaluation based on presentations that we see here. Okay . So i think we had a single ipad if we need to refer to something we can pass it amongst ourselves or see it that would be fine but i do think its necessary to all of us to have ipads president , for me im not much does a new book cost a viewing device. Im sorry but i am with you. I dont need the paper reference. So other commissions and meet board meetings we all have tablets. They cost 50 now or something . Okay. I just want to bring it to your attention that something will be looking into. I just want make sure you have all the documents in case you want to refer to it. Of course, we absolutely are obligated to make sure that you do have any Staff Reports and resolutions. Okay with that im just going to conclude my report and give it more extensive report at the next meeting. Okay. Any questions for me . Commissioners, any questions . I read the Meeting Minutes. Talk about the survey for the, what is it the super bowl l. The survey. What is the status now . The status of that is im sorry, we are delayed in getting the survey out and the students were done with the minutes will then issue the survey. Okay. Any other questions commissioner . Sorry my thing is not working again. I dont know the proper format but i want to fall upon request made from a public hearing last meeting. Oh yes, we were able to provide the request with a copy of the minutes. Okay. Thank you. Are we up to date with our Meeting Minutes . We are workingwe are meeting our schedule be committed to you. Bywe still have 2015 Meeting Minutes that still need to be completed. I will provide actually all have for sin you what Meeting Minutes we have completed and provide you with an updated list what still to be done. I have a question. The different presentations we are offering and a lot of people came to me and said was a wonderful idea. I we going to continue wheres that going to be something that we and act include in our agenda in the future . Which presentations. On taxes guiding businesses. So are we going to be fitting periodically presentations, i thought it would be a good idea to consider that in the coming order lets consider maybe we can consider and bring to the meeting next time some proposals for some informational sessions. Yes. Great idea. Thank you. Any other comments on the directors report . All right. Will open us up to Public Comment. Any member so the public want to comment on directors report, item number eight . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I think we can move onto item number nine item number nine, commissioners reports. I dont have anything to report myself. Any other commissioners . Okay. Do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on item number nine, commissioners reports . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. On item number nine item number 10, please item number 10, new Business Commissioners, any new items to suggest . No. Any members of the public like to comment on new business . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Now if we could show our slide. Sfgov tv as is our new tradition, we begin and end each meeting with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business and San Francisco the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. The office of Small Business should be your first that we have a question about what to do next. So if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you. Our last item is number 11, a german motion . Moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes] the meeting is adjourned at 7 25 pm. Awesome. [gavel] [adjournment] [gavel] item number one call to order. Dunlop mazzola richardson samaha supervisor kim you do have a quorum. Thank you for coming today. To the tida board meeting. We just met with the first item which is general Public Comment item number two general Public Comments

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