>> the on set of the refurthermore to use of force and wanted to reduce the amount of force you use and the frequency used and number 2 the issue that dwot us here officer involved shootings. reducing officer involved shootings and for people of color. that has been achieved the officer involved shootings reduced deterioratically and think there is work to be done on do this more and so how we have achieved that is couple of things. policy and talked about the order 5.01. up until the reason changes. almost 60% decline in use of force. there is an issue with desparities and receive shootings reduced overnight president of the initiative. the desparity issue is one we are still wing on. it is challenging and they have w to be done. that's y where, lot of when remains to be done with the dash boards. and systems and in addition to the tribing. ef believe they are still improvements to being made there use of force we have turned the concerner on reductions. even with the change in policy this lower the threshold. we expect to see decline over time. we do have we respond better and have better out come. disengaged is in front of the commission and passed by the commission going to meet conifer where we -- used the time and distance to disengij in situations in the past could have been an officer shooting. so those are in accomplice and those things are approximate getting us to where we need to be with reduction of use of force. we have w to do. absolutely. but they have been a significant aim of improve am and the frequency of force and officer involved shootings. we will drive forward on that. and i appreciate that response chief becauses we seeef most of the recommendations are marked complete in bias and use of force. but when we receive our 96 report we still show racial deparities with stats. searches and use of force. and among people of color. and how do we than things are changing? one thing we will highlight is on one of the slides with traffic stop and policy that is passed by commission in meet and conifer now. we don't expect a delay on that. i will be clear. and oo that's going to make a difference. pretext stops the research shows it drives some of when we are talking about here. we do think that will make a difference the city that has empelemented similar policies i don't know anyone.com hencive like we are. down southern california and los angeles they sewn a reduction in the stops and the desparities. we anticipate that i believe that our policy goes further. and now seattle pd i don'ty didn't reduce but it did stop and they had some. i think that policy special part of of what needs to be done and the other thing the training. some of this about addressing and identifying and bias exterioring things it is other thing is understanding deeply understanding this issue and the training we are doing including our civil right's train and racial consilliation series and reverend brown is in the room he helped kick this off part of civil right's struggles to get context when this is about and how police departments including san francisco played a role and what we got here. i will tell that you i have been in all the trainings and we are taking officers and numbers. that is important i don't know anybody is irrelevant understanding why things the way they are. i'm proud of the city for taking it on and those things will make a differenceful the use of change over the last 5 years you will see significant reductions over the next few year in this your. gi will say i don't think we should have change the next few years we had to deal with the desparities for already far too complong got the recommendations years ago. as limp when we say there will not change over night. weed have not asking this to happen typeset is several years. upon understood. when weave talk about pretext stops this is something that supportive of was that driven by the police department or community? we startd that conversation around the same time that we started the racial reconciliation series. part whf we are doing. there is 96us to what we are doing is to have the conversations simultaneously. every session we have ended with a policy discussion. hucan we take when we learn and take this context and work this in policies that impact what we are talking about in termings of changing desparities temperature is not one thing supervisor walton it is many things we need to do. i agree we want it to change today. let's be frank we are talking about hundreds of year what is got us here i not take tell hundreds to change at this time change will be quick are than that. we are talking about a couple year and we will see significant decreases. there it is a lot to unpack. the previous item spoke to some of these issues and unpacking some of where we are. so -- we have to address this. with multiple policy changes of mind set. bias. understanding bias. practices. the deploy am practices. community policing. all these things will add up and make a difference and they will not happen over night this . will be frank they'll not happen over night but will happen. i'm not guess to ask more questions i have a lot tomorrow. about to your points about community police and not beats. which is almost am not existent in a lot of communities and i believe if we are going to have positive police interactions with the commute that is the way to do it. being a part of community on the daily base. not just showing when you want it is time for to stop a crime or time respond to something but spending time and community. and fringe low a majority of the city is neglected. i will talk about that tomorrow. but it is defy nightnit ly not equal the things happen nothing terms of deploy am with the police department in terms of where we ask for resources to go. and i think it it is inexcusable. il make a deeper case tomorrow. if we are trying to address the d. justice reforms it does not happen if we put officers supposed to be supporting communities in areas where crime is not existing in the same way. i just say that i will have more questions different tomorrow. >> thank you. chief the i wanted and may be you are getting here if you are i will stop i want to delve down not in the 245 butt 27 and the 4 this the department identifies the immediate need priorities. which i agree are the 1s that jump out. andmented to visit with you about where they are. in the red they say immediate what does immediate mean? what do you need to implement those? when is the path forward on implementing 4 of 27? i will ask the director mc guire and you know upon this as they come up to the podium. per of the reason we asked the sergeant and officer of hillbert here is am they are doing the work. i will say in 2018 if the command staff said you heard from and the questions this we would get then is -- okay i know the command staff getings it how do we know the people doing work are getting this . in what i will tell you is that when we made our significant gains in implementation it was sergeants and receives this helped degree this and still. this is the reason they are hear to help upon present approximate they will provide more on where we are on those. jury room good evening. san francisco police department. the items you noted as immediate priority alegality of our recommendations and we might have talked about this prior, we have done work on. we have not completed all of the compliance measures that go in making a recommendation compliant of for instance some of the things listed will look at the third item on that first page of the upon 27. and i'm sorry i aged. and it is difficult for mow to read this sfpd needos audit arrest data. we don't have the full peculiarage of looking at good -- solid tracking system. we don't feel we complete third degree recommendation. i'm sour our partners would agree. however we have done work to understand where we are so in those first years, year or 2 of work we did pushed hard on a lot of the immediate recommendations and did some work. measures came after. cal came after and we got a sense of a picture when they expected now we are working through that will in one of the big things we are working through that longer term project is the implementation of the record's management system track rest data well. >> this is a computer issue and this is an appropriate time to ask the questions because as we as supervisor walton said, much of sthf before budget and finance and note that you have a lot of money your budget this you have not spent and don't even seem to be close to spending on computer upon enhancements. so i'm trying to figure out the connection between -- -- to implement this policy finding number 20.2 the one you read in that small font is this, a computer issue and you need computer enhancements and if so, is that in your budget and if so is that part of the unspent money that may be the controller is recommend being this you defer? >> it were is tied in the computer infrastructure. so on slide 14, the project plan 20.1 is the project plan one that group of the 4 are all tide together. they are remember photocopy the infrastructure. that we are talking about. and the board did support that. we started this project out with the upon 5 million dollars guarantee from the u.s. d. justice. which the city money to get it started using that money the board did fund this and we intends to finish this. we do have an rfp in place with the vender and so we are couple years away from completion some of of this is them the systems need improvement we will spends more time on the funds tomorrow. thank you. director. and chief scott. thank you, president. any are questions for members. >> i wanted follow up on the pretext opt confirmation chief, with supervisor walton. and get more clarity when this come up before, this reference to strategies and other strategies to get at the racial desparities that have not gotten better. i think there has been general fwrement and appreciate you acknowledging the pretext policy you know is the one thing that may deliver some meaningful change there. i am concerned when i -- hear and i wanted find out more in terms of timing when you talk about manage we might not see results for years opposed to months or weeks and so i continue is mote and conifer if there are not unanticipated delays what is time frame of when we would examine those to go in affect. and then from there, how long after they go in affect before when you come with your quarter low updates will get in a position to see what impact they are having. >> i believe some of the impact to the policy will be immediate. let me name one the drives we know by data drives. you not registration issue. the policy stands you know thereupon is it is causing this vehicle has -- doesn't have registration. this is a year or more that in most circumstances is will not be aloud. now there are exceptions the policy standses now. if the stop is for another crime or other issue that is not one of the fences that has been deprioritized. that is still written. but in that case, the stop made on something else republican a stop sign and your car is not registered. the data shows a lot of that one issue drives a lot of the disparity or a significant amount of i believe thatful see changes in that issue. immediately and there are others that may be not so much but the other per is the pretext stop policy where officers. it is -- significantly limited when there is a pretextual stop. of murders and kidnapping of a child which are river. but -- if officers have suspicion or probable cause a crime is committed the policy is that i will not use the prone tail lights in the vehicle code to make that stop they rely on the upon reason of suspicion or probable cause. roch system do police work bull be a change in what has been customary the last 3-4 decades. that will be a significant change and -- some of those i think the data will reflect that by use of force we saw reductions the first year. over time that reduction were significant. you look at 2017 by itself. it sdmt do justice of what the next 4 years. you will see some reduction but over time i think tell be significant that is my prediction. why thank you and ballpark buy being unanticipated delays when we export meet and conifer press to conclude? some things we they see more immediate results and others take time. . >> i tell you the trendses are now the meet and conifer press is running about a couple months on most our general orders. the good new system -- part of the reform all of the general orders are revisited every within a 5 year period. this is the reason i'm telling tht volume of general order in this one year exceeded the last 20 years combined. more things will be on the table and we manage the work load with the policy the commission put in place the dead line and time line we expect that things will turn faster than they have than they ever have in terms of getting the dgo's from development stage to implementation. there is a training president the more complicated averages 3 montes and if we have several complicated at one time we space them where we give our officers time to proisz the changes. what we want is a policy change compliance and better policy and out come. there is a process to that. so after the doops from police commission have you mote and conifer period 3 months down from 5 years ago some were taking much longer. and then from there trin and implementation. you are talking about may be am sick months on average. and depending on the policy we may ask for less time to train or more. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey. thank you, president peskin. a quick question on am the we talked about the 10% that are still out there. what has the department done so we don't back slide on 90 percent still in compliance? sustain at is a part of our object itch. in measures require sustain act i will ask director mc guire and sergeant rivera to talk about this what this looks like t. is built in compliance measures. some things we revisit and the other thing because of just the dgo really aggressive revision scheduling. use of force. we have to revisit that that is tier one. dgo. revisit that every year to make adjustment this is is new and the right thing to do but tell lead to sustain abltd to keep our policies irrelevant voluntary and not another 20 or 30 years before we resunrise this policy. policing changes and changing now quick are then and there it has. it is built in the metrics of what we greed to and if you read them in detail they are measures that are baked in this we agreed to. thank you. seeing no other members on the roster we will go to public comment on item 15. thank you, chief unless there is anything you want to add, sir? i will tech that as time for public comment. i don't want to truncate your presentation. if you have more to present i did not in way 19cut you off. i didn't take it that way t. is important to understand some of the what has been accomplished upon even since left time we presented before this board. and i think it was supervisor preston in the past. somebody asked about early innervention system and one thing that -- it needs revamping and we have the vender in accomplice. hopefully next time we talk and give an update; we'll be almost to the finish line on the upon intervention system. we have the vendor, this is significant that is important in terms of get nothing front of issues before they become problems. this policy revision we really will not know until next i don't remember how things are tracking one thing i will say in terms of the evaluation of use of force when we have put in place allowed you to dig into and alis our force including up to officer. involved shoot and make the traying adjustmentless we need to make to make typeset better. and those suggestions lead to the creation of our field training options unit in the last 3 years. it has started a block of training the most sought after blocks of training in the department a critical coordinated response lead to better out come. we are on the body camera and in the numbers andirment to emphasize we -- may be we don't go out and toot our horn enough about when i'm talking about. i think the dpata speaks in terms of it has been significant. understanding we have a long way to go. i want to end with this and pauz positive note and thank you for your time and we look forward to the next update when this come. why thank you and relative it tomorrow and your rfp i think it would be helpful to have whoever is project managing that computer acquisition software present tomorrow. so we can understand what the time frames are and when it is expected to begin and this will be helpful. why thank you, we will, >> thank you, chief. all right. if there are no other res from members go to public comment on item 15. >> okay is there something else you want to say, chief. the director of technology is here if you have questions you can ask them. no , i know mine as well we got all 11 of us here. criminal on up. >> you are that you will is all going to come to a board meeting near you like next week so you are all going to ask the same questions get the b. when this rfp when do you put it out. you gotten responses. >> thank you. president. how much. when will you finish. when you will star it? cording to the numbers from the controller's office you have not spent any of your money yet? >> thank you president peskin i'm will mowsure the chief information for the police department. the rfp has already taken place we did 6 months of contract negotiation and have i contract since december we begin the workshop next month assessment for configuration and the next months ever this we will do a preproduction system. tell be a cloud based technology. >> i was a little bit disappointed when we were talking about the freeze and not getting to know these people that we tried to recruit, if they cleared background was a little bit disappointing. but we have, definitely not made any haste in getting that 4.9 million in salary positioned filled as fast as we could. >> thank you, sir. very much appreciate it, sorry, colleagues. now we'll go to public comment on item number 15, i promise seriously. interest there any members on the public that would like to comment on this item, first speaker please? >> speaker: thank you, gloria district 10, native san francisco born here in 1969, it was very triggering to sit through this hearing, especially pulling weapons of use of force when the san francisco police department pointed their gun at my daughter's head defacto arrested her and come to find out the suspect they were looking for was a male with dread locks. my daughter looks just like me. as a member of the reperations committee, we are struging at this time because we have a policy subcommittee and we discussing reforms that the san francisco pd should be completing. and i, encourage sfpd to partner with the reperations committee and work with us on creating policy that can push the recommendations forward. don't be scared, the public defender's office has, the city assessor has and even the d.a. stated that she supports reporation, thank you supervisor walton, but thank you for your attention on the emphasis that they have not worked on reform on the area that affects us. >> thank you, ms. berry next speaker please. >> speaker: good evening, to teviner. as i heard that young lady speak, i remember in 2016, i was picking up my son from riordan high school, he was only in the 10th grade. as we drove from riordan to mission street, i remember getting pulled over where i lived with 6 police cars, where they got out but my son was asleep because he came from a dance. it was six police cars and they all put guns to my son's head. stating that there was, a cab that was robbed and there was a 6-foot guy with dread locks. and there was another, 5-2 woman that was driving. and they emphasized and kept pointing that gun at my son. my son was sweet. then they nudged him with a gun. my son woke up and his eyes was red and they kept saying that he fit the description of somebody that robbed a cab. and at the end of the day, it was not my son it was a 36--year-old guy that was 6-foot something. and i approached them, i said why were they doing this to my son, you traveled and followed us home and all of them laughed and joked and laughed and joked. and at this time, my father had spent 45 years on the san francisco police department. i reached out for my phone to tell my dad that these police were harassing us on the loud speaker. my father was asking them why they were doing this to his grandson and all they did was laugh and they didn't want to take the phone and listen and drove off. then we get to the day view police station to find out, they would not documented that they made the stop and that they detained us and in held us in front of my house for at least an hour. >> i appreciate your comments. >> speaker: i'm just stating, they're talking about making change. >> i understand. >> speaker: but they're not going to do any change. >> i heard you, your two minutes are up. are there any other members for item number 15? seeing none, are there any members for remote public comment on the item? >> clerk: mr. lam. welcome caller. >> speaker: yeah, my name is green. i am executive director and [audio muffled] i'm a black women with a black son and nephew and black nieces and nephews as well. and i can say firsthand, i truly have had those experience sxz it's sad. this is the reason why the chief, chief scott has been working and working so hard and tirelessly to make the changes that have been trying to be made. i know for firsthand, i'm part of the policy module, i'm part of module for the community part. and i've been doing that for the last six years and really tacking to sfpd from the chief all the way down to the cadets and i still go out there to this day. the meetings were held right inside so that they can hear firsthand from the community. i do know about the shooting, i went with the chief with this trip as well as with the other officers. there are things that are being made in community to make a difference in the police department. and i want to acknowledge that, we were, we were, are we where we should be, no? but the changes are being made and they're being made wholeheartedly. and i can say that without a sliver of a doubt that, these things are being done for the community and mind and thinking outside of the box. so i just wanted to really stay on and acknowledge this to really understand that there is a lot of pain that is going on and this is one of the reasons why this is so important for both community and officers going down south. and retracing the civil rights movement. so i'll stop there and i just want to say thank you. >> clerk: thank you. let's hear from the next caller. >> speaker: hello, can you hear me? >> clerk: hello. >> speaker: i have two minutes, correct? perfect. where is chief scott, i don't see him. perfect, so it's my understanding that that governor newsom signed into law in september of 2021, a d--let me get it, i'm in the dark, a b26 and that was for use of force. that was a assembly bill signed into law through the state of california for use of force and amending section with 7286 so that covers a lot of excessive use of force and that really should be looked at. i didn't see that from the slides tonight but i think that should be looked into. also, the sf sheriff's department, the ccw available, there is no proper cross, there is no need for proper cause to give ccw license, training training so that should work for law abiding citizens, i believe in the gun to protect individuals. so like, the woman in san carlos could have been alive today if she had a gun in her holdster. i know the police department has a great program and then there is first amendment auditors. those are the individuals going around with cameras and they're auditing government buildings and police departments. those should also be acknowledged and simply, they're simply looking at you. and i do want to mention, in terms of your transparency, it's great. i saw a video in november of 2021 about incident of police officer shooting, in i forget, third street, but it was really transparent. keep up the good work. >> thank you, for your comment. mr. lam, let's hear from the next caller. >> no more comments. >> supervisor you would like to make a motion to continue this to october the 3. >> that's correct, president peskin. >> colleagues can we do that without objection. the item is continued. madam clerk, please go to general public comment. thank you to the sfpd for sticking around late. >> clerk: all right, is there anyone in the chamber that would like to address the board during public comment. i don't see anything getting up so we'll head to the remote system. mr. lam, can you speak to see if there are any callers on the queue. >> speaker: hi there, supervisor can i talk? about public comment on anything? okay. >> anything on this agenda. >> speaker: okay, anything. >> if it's okay for you to talk about, we'll let you talk about it. >> speaker: okay, so i just continue okay. i called to ask for fair and justice. i think mom-and-pop landlord also need help from you guys. we working with our money, the money is not coming from the sky. just like all the supervisors, you are sitting here; 8 to 12 hours, it's not easy to earn money just like us. i have two questions, really simple, first of all, can you pay for more? so why can we get why can we not do the direction when we not get the rent? remember, rent is for your wages, can you not get your wages? second of all, can mom-and-pop landlord not to pay the rent for the mortgage. so think about this and pay us fair and justice. when you take this season, go inside it's not only for one side. that's all i want to say thank you so much for the time. >> thank you for your comments this evening. all right, mr. lam, we have 7 listeners and one caller in the queue. we're going to take this caller until the end, if you have not spoken. but if you have, welcome now. welcome to our next caller. >> speaker: hello, so my name is san francisco this is general public comment. so i want today make sure that the city attorney understood the first amendment, it appears, i think it's law or 422 no longer available or no longer put for further comment because it's amended. so i want to make sure that we understand about guns. so guns are available through the sheriff's department, they protect people, law abiding people can apply for ccw. they protect, so i know that guns in a bank and guns in a jewelry store, they're protecting property. however, individuals in st. thomas could have been saved if she had a gun in her holt--holdster. and i want to make sure that the we know the amendment, the first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech, so somebody can be filmed within a public domain area. in city hall, you can get married with cameras down there. and finally, i want to make mention to the empathy for the mental i will. it's far more important rather than a police officer and again with the sex workers and to be human beings rather than sex worker. and sex worker and human being. but show a little 'em fa thee thanks. >> thank you for your comments. ?r. lam, let's hear from your last caller. >> that was the last caller on the queue. >> general public comment is closed. madam clerk can you please read the adoption without committee reference calendar? >> clerk: yes, items -- ~>> 19 through 29. >> clerk: 19 through 29 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee. these items are, the items on first reading if it's a resolution requires unanimous vote other wise on first reading a member may require a resolution to go to committee. >> would any member like a item or items severed in supervisor ronen? >> please add me to cosponsor to 22, 23 and 27. >> so noted superintendent presskin. >> >> noted. >> superintendent wald on. >> 27 and 29. >> all right, seeing no other on the balance of the calendar, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28 and 29, a roll call please. >> clerk: supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor sstefani. >> aye. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >>. >> clerk: dorsey? >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor presston. >> aye. >> -- ~>> supervisor walton. >> thank you so much president preston. colleagues you have all heard the case, the recommendations you've all been commit today this reporation. >> supervisor safai? >> i would like to be added as a cosponsor. >> supervisor ronen. >> same. >> noted. >> on the item the same call and same roll, the resolution adopted. >> this is to urge scott wiener, governor newsom to legalize consensual adult prostitution in the state of california. >> supervisor ronen. >> i'm still working on the language, can we continue. >> without objection the item is continued one week. item 24 please. >> clerk: i'll state that will be to march 21. >> okay, one week. march, 21, correct. item 24. >> clerk: item 24 this is a resolution to urmg the state legislation cal fresh to offset the cal fresh. >> supervisor peskin. >> thank you, and i spoke to this last week. i just wanted to update folks that we had over 100 people out in the steps of city hall in support of this item and i just wanted to give them a quick shout out and thank you to the folks, project open hand, for foodbank, tenderloin, tenderloin and xhien he's rights association among many others and i wanted to update the cosponsor list and thank you for adding yourself on. supervisor chan, supervisor mandelman and safai and dorsey and there is still time for others. >> supervisor stefani? >> all right, add me as a sponsor. >> supervisor melgar. >> noted, well done, supervisor preston, same house, same howl. item 27. >> clerk: this is a resolution supporting california state assembly bill 881 to be the jury california authorized by assembly phil to increase jury diversity in california by eliminating economic hardship barriers with raising juror pay. >> supervisor walton? >> thank you, president peskin. i would like to include california assembly chair regional jones sawyer, california appropriation chair chris hold on, after california speaker anthony rendon for a copy of this resolution. >> motion to amend made by supervisor walton, is there a second? second by supervisor mandelman. we'll take that on the amount, same house same call. madam clerk, do we have anymore business. >> clerk: that does conclude the business for today. >> and i will note that there are no in memoira and we are adjourned. [music] my name is husheem anderson a lieutenant with the san francisco fire department born and raised in san francisco, grew up in western addition. both my parents worked for the city. my dad was a custodian with san francisco school district and mom a muni driver. when i grew up in san francisco i never thought of the fire service as a career. not because i didn't want to be a firefighter, i just didn't know anything about it and it was literally the experience of trying to figure what i was going to do with the next part of my life where i decided to go to city college and take a couple classes. that is when i discovered there was actually a fire science program program emt program and paramedic program. if it wasn't for that opportunity to get the education training and meet several mentors that are some of my grood friends today, i don't think i ever would are have pursued this career. i was interested in becoming a paramedic so i did work experience at the ems division when it was actually in the presidio, completed that program, did my paramedic internship at the same time i volunteered with san francisco fire reserve and able to learn a lot of hands on skills associated with becoming a firefighter. san francisco went through a period of 7 years without hiring, so we hired about a 130 people off of the 2001 test which is the first fire test that and ever sat for, so i took that test, did pretty well on it test, interviewed, didn't do as well as i liked so they hired 130 people off that list and didn't hire again for another 7 years, so here i was training to do a job where i was really excited, but there were no jobs after 911 so things slowed down and once the fire department started hiring again i was in the second class hired full time in 2012. because of the experience i had here at city college, it was always really important for me to be able to give back. so, when i got to the fire department, i didn't have a college degree, and in order to teach at a community college you need a college degree, so quhile i while working as a firefighter i got my degree from saint mary college so i got a bachelor degree. i teach firefighter 1 and 2 curriculum for the program at the college. after i promoted to lieutenant, then i applied to be a instructor down at the training academy because i always loved to teach. my past experience is really helpful in terms of how i'm able to break down information and pass it alodge to brand new firefighters. so, for myself, i didn't know very many people of color who worked in the san francisco fire department. as african american working in this department i always felt a obligation to be that example, to provide a roadmap for folks who look like me, who come from communities that i came from to make sure they have the same opportunities. now as a san francisco firefighter i can tell you if you work hard, you get along with people, you will be welcomed into this department but we can also do a better job of representation. to me as a company officer when i'm on the fire engine or truck it is so helpful to have a rig where members can relate to the public we respond to. to me that cultural diversity of the members on our fire engines, on the ladder trucks is important because if we can do a better job of representing the community that we are serving, i think we do a better job of relating to the community that we are serving, and to me that is something that is really important. please stand by for the san francisco small business commission meeting of march 13, 2023. >> welcome to the small business commission meeting march 13, 20 23. the meeting is called to order in person in city hall in room 408 and broadcast on sf gov tv. viewed on sfgovtv 2 or sf tv.org. there will be a opportunity for general public comment at the end of the meeting and a opportunity for comment on each discussion or action on the agenda. for each item will take public comment in person first and then remotely. the number is 415-655-0001. the access code is 24818143625 fallowed by password, 7221. press pound and pound again to be added to the line. when connected you will be muted and listening mode only. when your item comes up dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you dial star 3 before the public comment is called you will be added to the queue. please mute the device you are listening to the meeting. when it is your time to speak you will be prompted to do so. public comment is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. an alrm will sound once the time is finished. sfgovtv please show the office of small business slide. >> thank you everyone. today we'll begin with the reminder the small business is the forum to voice your opinion and concerns about policies that effect economic vitality of small businesses in san francisco. the office of small business is the best place to get answers about doing business during the local emergency if you need assistance with small business matters particularly at this time, you can find us online or telephone and always service are free of charge. before item 1 is called, i like to start by thanking media service and sfgovtv for coordinating the virtual hearing and helping run the meeting. please call item 1. >> item 1, roll call. commissioner carter, absent. commissioner dickerson. >> present. >> commissioner herbert. >>print. >> commissioner ortiz cartagena is absent. you have a quorum. >> thank you. now, i will read the land acknowledgment. we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. please call item 2. >> item 22 approval of legacy business applications and resolution. this is discussion and action and today presenter is richard kurylo office of small business. >> thank you richard. welcome. >> good afternoon vice president zouzounis, commissioners, city staff, members of the public. i'm richard kurylo legacy business program manager. i would like to acknowledge michele reynolds with the office of small business. sfgovtv, i have a powerpoint presentation. before you today are 7 applications for your consideration for the legacy business registry. each application includes a staff report, draft resolution, application itself, and documents from the planning department. the applications submitted to planning january 18 and heard by the historic preservation commission february 15. item 2a is the blue light. the business is neighborhood food music and sports bar founded in 1978 by legendary rock star bob scags. the blue light is a inviting place for people to gather in san francisco cal hollow neighborhood. popular union street mereyard of shop said cafes and restaurants attract visitors from all over the world. you leave cheerful and happier after eaton good food, enjoy a beer or cocktail, listen to great live music, caught up with old friends and met new people. a real san francisco experience. featured business must maintain remain on the legacy business registry as bar. item 2b is design media. the business is local digital communication agency founded in 1978 that develops custom tailored programs for public and private sector organizations. fonded in oakland, moved to san francisco in 1985 and located thin mission district. the integrated solutions and emerseive experience captivate and engage audiences and exceed business goals. they are passionate helping clients throughout creative story telling and intelligent platforms rblsh integrated eco systems that are cutting age. brings agility whit and professionalism to the table every day. if you can imagine it, they can build it. the quore feature business must maintain marketing and communication services. item 2c is dragon seed bridle and photography. the business is a special event and custom shop in schinea town founded by tommy and henry (indiscernible) still the owners today. dragon seed bridle and photography specialize in qipao which is a long figure fitting one piece garment with a standing collar developed in the 1920 and developed in shape and design over the year. also a one stop shop for weddings, ceremonies and beauty pageant which includes service for paragraphy, decorations and mc services. the custom dress shop is one of the last of its kind in san francisco helping retain chinese culture and customs. the feature tradition business must maintain is clothing store featuring special occasion attire. item 2d is hing lung company. the business located in china town was established in 1977. hing lung company aka go duck yourself is one of the oldest and most (indiscernible) the chinese characters of hing lung translate to prosterity in english. the core customers are local china town and north beach communities but bbq loveers foodies and blaurgs come all over to try the new generation of cantonese bbq. the two head chefs mastered cantonese bbq and at the top of their game with peer recognitions world wide. many to san francisco make it the first and last desination. must maintain is restaurant featuring asian cuisine. item 2e is love on haight. the business is iconic tie die clothing store fonded in 1992 and located at masonic and haight street. always positively haight street. people think of san francisco they think of pier 39, the golden gate bridge and hippy on the corner of haight and ashbury. offers expensive selection of rainbow clothes and larjest selection of produced tie die in the world with over half the products cut and swone in san francisco. also double as artist collective and community resource supporting 175 artist and leading several non profit initiatives for homeless youth, food drives, community art education classes and reentry opportunities for formally incarcerated people. love on haight is a cornerstone the haight street community, pillar of care and creativity and perfect example of the awesomeness of san francisco. feature tradition must maintain is clothing store featuring tie die. item 2f is mr. bing's cocktail lounge. a bar fonded in 1967 on china town north beach and financial district. mr. bing's cocktail lounge named at its original ouner and founder henry grant who ran the bar in 1967 until retirement in 2017. mr. bing was henry's nickname. the spirit of mr. bing's remains true to origins. the bar remained involved in the local community through support of north beach festival (indiscernible) local artist during the covid-19 pandemic. the business must tain is bar. maintain is bar. item 2g is playmates cooperative preeschool, a safe community to foster creative social physical emotional and cognitive development of their children. fonded in 1950, a non profit organization that is open to diverse community of families from different socio economic levels. with the support of parents and caregivers playmats offers a supportive and creative learning environment and provide a enriching experience for all the children in their care. play mats children and parents alike dig in the dirt, play in the water, plant the seeds, make playdough, touch bugs and dance the mood. the business must main tain is school for precool age children. all 7 businesses met the 7 criteria required for listing legacy business registry and all 7 received positive recommendation from historic preservation commission. legacy business program staff recommend adding business to the registry and drafted 7 resolutions for your consideration. a motion and support of the businesses should be framed as a motion in favor of the resolutions. for the record, design media is the 350 business added to the legacy business registry since the initial group of businesses was first added to the registry august 2016. we have added average of 5.2 applications per month since august 2016. congratulations to design media and all the applicants today. thank you. this concludes our presentation and happy to answer questions. there are business representtivals in the room and possibly online who would like to speak on behalf of the applications during public comment. >> great. thank you for the presentations. commissioners any questions before we open for comments? we will open public comment. anybody in the room who would like to speak? thank you for being here. feel free to line up. welcome. >> hello commissioners. my name is pamela may i'm the owner of design media, and i'm excited to say we have been 38 years in the mission of the 45 years we have been in business. i know you are a mission district business owner. good to meet you today. i like to thank rick and michele being so helpful getting us this opportunity. we are thrilled, we are honored and the cohort we are a part of we are very very happy to be with. everyone who is here. i like to thank kevin on my staff and my sister who is down from seattle, jony to visit. thank you everyone. thank you commissioners and katie, thank you too. >> thank you. anyone else interested in speaking today? great. welcome. >> hello. i'm johnny the owner of the blue light and i'm honored to be here in front of all of you. thank you for listening to our wonderful presentation on our business. that was great. all these businesses behind me, i have known all most all for as long as i have been around and congratulations to all of them. this is phenomenal being associated with all them. we are all know how hard it to run a business. to last 30 years is amazing for everybody behind me as well and especially making it through a pandemic, so double exciting. i was part of the group that bought the blow blue light early 90's grom bob scag and fresh out of college barteneder and we maxed our credit cards and things are going great. still going strong and love to have you come out. invite you to come any time and thank you again. very excited. >> my name is (indiscernible) representing mr. bing's. thank you for the opportunity. i like to thank rich and michele for their hard work preparing the application. supervisor peskin and staff recommend the legacy business and thank you all again very much. it is a honor. thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm summer-executive director of play mate playmates cooperative. i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all his hard work. >> hi. sunshine powers from love on haight polk positively haight street. thank you for having us and the nomination. thank you to all the nominees and the wonderful legacy committee helping us through this process. it is a honor to be representative of the haight ashbury district here in san francisco. as a native san franciscans i first walked into pause tivly haight street in 1992 and got my first tye die shirt. met by first boyfriend and did other things outside the shop with the pay phones and got my first grateful dead cassette tape which was a big deal. the haight ashbury is on the forefront of change in the city and country and it is a honor to be part of keeping that movement going. i hope you all come get rainbows and sparkles and we should definitely all have a party. thank you. [laughter] >> any other commenters in the room? there are no commenters on the line. >> move to-we will-there is no commenters online. public comment is closed. if any commissioners would like to speak. commissioner ortiz cartagena. >> thank you. again, this is our favorite part of being on this commission. rick, thank you for all you do. small businesses, thank you for your time because real business owners know, it isn't easy getting away from the business at 4:30 p.m. so appreciate it. love on haight, i can't have a family member visit frisco without going there. that's always a stop. design media, never been in there but i used to go to a kid dentist around the block and the building always stood out and always wondered what it was when i was a kid so it caught my imagination as a kid. blue light (indiscernible) i will not say, but that was a spot and mr. bing's, you are a satellight mission bar. i dont know what us mission cats were ending up there but we would always go to mr. bing's. i remember the 90 somewhat. so honored and appreciate what you do for the city. you make frisco frisco. without you all, we would be cookie cut so appreciate you all. >> commissioner dickerson. >> yes, yes, yes. wow, what a honor to be here before many of you. my husband has talked about mr. bing's, talked about-i have been in love on haight many times. i wasn't with you when you were doing the thing but probably right next to you. anyway, there are so many businesses here, which it is just a representation of the historic landmarks that you all are creating, the memories in many of your businesses and how inflelsh influential you have been. everyone on the small business commission board are small business owners as well, and so we understand the work. we understand the-all that it took. i was really impressed with design media, for you to have been for so long and how transformative information and technology has transformed over all these years it says a lot about you, and your leadership, so i hats off to you. but allf of these places i always make a point if i haven't been there i'm coming, so just look for me. but i just want to say congratulations to you all. this is our favorite part of our work as small business commission and thank you so much and rick, you are all that and a bag of chips, man. appreciate your work. >> please commissioner herbert. >> i just want to echo what fellow commissioners said. you guys are all so diverse and so unique. i remember design media from the 90's. i dabbles in film stuff, and blue light, i love that you did it with a credit card with all your buddies, you know. it takes gets, it takes grit, and i just want to say thank you for representing san francisco, because we need more long-term businesses. we need more legacy businesses and thank you for being the example for the newcomers. more power to you. thank you. >> i'll just say a couple things. i think this line-up in particular is very special, because all you also support us and i have seen you at our mixers and even at our commission had meetings when you are not on the agenda so i really want to thank our legacy business applicants today for supporting small businesses and office of small business and our commission and creating a mutually beneficial environment for small businesses in san francisco. with that said, we will move and take a motion if we have one on the floor. >> i motion. yes. >> i second. >> motion by commissioner dickerson, seconded by commissioner herbert. commissioner carter is absent. commissioner dickerson. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president huey is absent. president ortiz cartagena. >> yes. >> commissioner zouzounis. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> thank you. [applause] >> you will hang out with richard outside. thank you again for joining us. thank you. and we will slowly move to item 3, please. >> item 3 board of supervisors file 230212 planning building code small business month fee wavers including for awning and instillation. >> thank you for joining us. >>-good afternoon commissioners. this is a little tall for me. i am legislative aid for supervisor engardio sponsoring this legislation. this is a proposed ordinance relating to the small business and building safety month program. this was a program started in 2014, and as part of this program, small business owners were eligible to have certain permit fees waived in connection with replacing their storefront awnings, the signs on the replacement awnings and pedestrian level lighting. the proposed ordinance touches on the planning code and the building code and seeks to do two things. first, we are extending the fee waver to not just replacement awnings but new awning instillations. and second, we are clarifying that these planning and building department fees are keyed to the time the applications are submitted as opposed to the time permits are issued by these departments. there may potentially be amendment language that our office will seek to introduce to insure fire department plan check fees are also waived. if you look on-the intention of this program was to wave all fees related to those activities by small business owners and so i are believe on the sfgov website there is a listing of impacted fees and fire department and dpw fees are meant to be waived as well so looking into whether anything needs to be legislatively to insure there is authority for that. but in the mean time, this ordinance touches on the planning code and the building code and i'm sure you heard the conversation in recent news about a lot of small businesses being cited with notices of violation relating to their awnings and so we are hoping that this will be one way that we can help small business owners come into compliance for those who need to apply for a permit to install new awnings or replace awnings. if they do it in the month of may they should be able to benefit from the fee wavers. and we also are aware that it is middle of march, and so the likelihood of the ordinance passed by may 1 is not high and so anticipating there is a ret row activity clause in the proposed ordinance that allow small business owners to benefit from this if they apply this may. we are leaving it up to the respective departments to come up with a protocol for tracking the applications that do come in and tracking how the payments will be handled. and if there are any questions, i'm happy to answer them. >> commissioners, any questions? i have a quick question. since this is a contradicted time period, how do we-this comes back to our office, but maybe if the supervisor has a particular plan or planning itself has a plan to notify businesses about this amendment? >> well, we will-we are planning to work with the office of small business to notify small business owners that the existing-awning fee waver month benefit will be extended to new instillations. but, yes--we'll notify-not sure-there have been meetings i believe that director tang has conducted with some of the impacted small business owners that have been cited to assure them that things are in the works to help bring relief, so i don't know if this new-this proposed ordinance is mentioned as something that is coming down the pike, but that's the intention behind it. >> great. thank you. >> you're welcome. any other questions? comments? >> i think it is pretty straight forward. >> thank you very much. >> we will open up-sorry, go ahead. public comment. anybody in the room would like to comment on item number 3? seeing none, there are no callers on the line. >> great. commissioners, any comments? public comment is closed. any comments from commissioners before we take a vote? okay. any motions on the floor for this item? >> i move. >> i'll second it. >> motion to recommend this by commissioner ortiz cartagena, seconded by commissioner dickerson. i will read the roll. commissioner carter is absent. commissioner dickerson, yes. commissioner herbert yes. president ortiz cartagena, yes. vice president zouzounis, yes. >> motion passes. >> thank you. sorry director, didn't give you a minute to comment, but if there is any other context we love to hear from you in your report. okay. alright. item number 4. >> item 4 approval of draft meeting minutes. discussion and action. the commission will discuss and possibly take action to approve the draft february 27, 2023 meeting minutes. >> any questions on the minutes? any public comment on this item? number 4, meeting minutes. >> not in the room and none online. >> public comment is closed. anybody want to make a motion on the draft meeting minutes? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> motion by commissioner herbert, seconded by commissioner dickerson. >> (indiscernible) >> commissioner carter is absent. commissioner dickerson, yes. commissioner herbert, yes. president huey is absent. commissioner ortiz cartagena, yes. vice president zouzounis, yes. motion passes. >> okay. item number 5 please. is there anyone in the room for general public comment? any items not on today's agenda? okay. any commenters online? >> there are no commenters online or in the room. >> great. public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item 6, director's report. this is a discussion item. >> thank you director. >> alright. good evening commissioners. for the first update i just wanted to remind folks in case you missed the announcement that happened in february, which is that the mayor has introduced legislation to pause the increase on gross receipts tax, and so this delay or if the ordinance passes, then the gross receipts tax increases would be delayed two years. just a bit of background, when voters approved the switch from payroll tax to gross receipts tax the ballot measure allowed for delay in tax increases for some industries including retail, food services arts maintenance manufacturing and entertain and recreation until 2023 so in 2023 and gone through really difficult times so the legislation aims to support these industries especially those hardest hit by covid-19 so wanted to make sure everyone caught that announcement. secondly, you may have seen that supervisor stefani introduced a resolution regarding employee retention tax edcrt that would be heard at the board of supervisors tomorrow, march 14 and it urges our office to initiate a public education campaign and to raise awareness on availability of the employee retention tax credit. you probably heard our previous commission president sharky laguna talk about this so this is a effort the office will continue to be working on so we are crafting some additional outreach and educational efforts and welcome ideas you have. any of the commissioners how else or if you want to share personal experiences trying to apply for the ertc we love to hear it. but we will try to encourage people to not leave money on the table so i will be channeling our former commission president. next, i know we heard about awnings and so wanted to provide a update that we are continuing to work with the different permitting agencies to find out the most efficient way for businesses that have been hit with complaints and or notice of violations recently so over 200 of them that were sparked by complaints from private individual or individuals, so we just letting you know we'll continue working on that but meanwhile, if permits need to be pulled then at least there is the awning fee waver program that exist every may. and then also wanted to let you know there is the second annual hospitality small business job fair happening wednesday april 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the san francisco ferry building in the front plaza. april 12, wednesday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the ferry building. we had conversations even here where some businesses are having trouble hiring workers and so wanted to make sure you are aware of this opportunity so this is hosted in conjunction with our colleagues at the workforce division at oewd, office of economic workforce development and for employers trying to recruit 5 or more employees, you can participate in this job fair and sign up ahead of time on the workforce link page to register as a business that is looking to hire workers. also, if you are a job seeker you are welcome to come. you can potentially get some interviews done on the spot, and the rsvp link is link.oewd.org/hiringfai r. in case anyone is interested. lastly, sharing that the shared spaces program just wanted to note that to date 3015 applications have been submitted. of those, 2276 were for sidewalks or parking lane so the traditional shared space structures we are thinking about, and then also of that 3015, 589 of those were roadway applications so meaning the slow streets programs, street closure types, and then 146 were for private lots, so some examples of those might be back patios. quite a few businesses are still applying to keep the shared spaces for example dining, eating and drinking you traditionally think of. those are my updates for today and happy to answer any questions that you all have. >> well, i finally-not finally, i guess probably i started in january looking for someone to do my erc, but i have binge book keeping as my accountants and binge tax as my tax prepares and they could not tell me how to get my erc tax credit. i started looking outside of that and took so much time is why i was delayed in filing, because i couldn't find anyone who could do it. then when i did find someone, the first person said, i was like okay, this is great. he was so excited and i said okay, that's great. what do you charge? what is your percent-do you charge a percentage or flat rate. he said 40 percent. so, i can't tell you what i said on the microphone. i know i'm being recorded but i politely backed out and said i need to try somebody else. so, then as i kept looking it kept getting lower, but the only place or the right now what i could find, right now i can't find anyone that do less then 20 percent. granted, but this was the part, it was-this is what is happening now, not sure if you filed or not or anyone is still interested, i'm more then happy-i found a guy who is very reasonable. there are quarters you are losing now that were in delay. now we lost a quarter, so if you are qualified you are now only qualified for 5 quarters as of i believe april. and 4 quarters and 3 quarters. if you haven't done it and need someone, i do have a guy. but i do have a guy if you are interested. i'm sure i'm not the only one who came across the dilemma for someone who can file it. it was a law firm for me that had to do it. i was unaware. now that i'm aware, i'm more then willing to help whom ever needs help, because this was-that was a journey. commissioner ortiz cartagena. >> commissioner dickeren s can i add? small business, be aware because some people getting commission, they set up the paperwork but make it seem like you are still filing so not putting their agency name or their tax code so be careful because if you are paying a percentage, they should be putting their firm's name, not you personally. that is big. i have noticed that and yes the percentage has gone up, but it is money. i helped several businesses and they actually get a check. just-but, i was going to announce one of our sister cbo's in the mission has their second annual event. it is calle venta quatro. it is taking over the space, cleaning, activating the corridor in order for them to keep our cultural district clean and viable and vibrant and helping small businesses and storefronts so everybody is welcome to participate. saturday march 18, 10 a.m. thank you. >> any other questions for our director before we continue with commissioner comments? any other commissioner comments? okay. >> no public comments. >> no public comment. no public comment on item number 6 or 7 and next item, please. >> item- >> item 6. >> any commissioner comments that haven't been made yet? we got mixed up. okay. >> you want mead me to read item 6? >> we closed item 6, correct? >> item 7. >> yes. >> item 7, commissioner discussion and new business. this is discussion item. >> any further announcements from our commission? any public comment on item 7? >> there is none in the room and none online. >> item 7, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item 8, adjournment. sf tv. >> the small business commission official public forum is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that effect the economic vitality of small businesses in san francisco and the office of small business is the best place to get answers about doing business in san francisco during the local emergency. if you need assistance with small business matters, continue to reach out to the office of small business. meeting adjourned. [meeting adjourned] te >> in 1948 swensen's ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve old-fashioned ice cream. >> over 20 years. >> yeah. >> had my own business i was a firefighter and came in- in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s- was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said i'm going to sell the ice cream store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the ice cream store we decided to take that business on. >> and have it in the family i didn't want to sell it. >> to keep it here in san francisco. >> and (unintelligible). >> share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. >> a round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the united states and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last we're proud of that we're still standing and people people are you tell people it's been around in 50 years and don't plan on >> tenderloin is unique neighborhood where geographically place in downtown san francisco and on every street corner have liquor store in the corner it stores pretty much every single block has a liquor store but there are impoverishes grocery stores i'm the co-coordinated of the healthy corner store collaboration close to 35 hundred residents 4 thousand are children the medium is about $23,000 a year so a low income neighborhood many new immigrants and many people on fixed incomes residents have it travel outside of their neighborhood to assess fruits and vegetables it can be come senator for seniors and hard to travel get on a bus to get an apple or a pear or like tomatoes to fit into their meals my my name is ryan the co-coordinate for the tenderloin healthy store he coalition we work in the neighborhood trying to support small businesses and improving access to healthy produce in the tenderloin that is one of the most neighborhoods that didn't have access to a full service grocery store and we california together out of the meeting held in 2012 through the major development center the survey with the corners stores many stores do have access and some are bad quality and an overwhelming support from community members wanting to utilities the service spas we decided to work with the small businesses as their role within the community and bringing more fresh produce produce cerebrothe neighborhood their compassionate about creating a healthy environment when we get into the work they rise up to leadership. >> the different stores and assessment and trying to get them to understand the value of having healthy foods at a reasonable price you can offer people fruits and vegetables and healthy produce they can't afford it not going to be able to allow it so that's why i want to get involved and we just make sure that there are alternatives to people can come into a store and not just see cookies and candies and potting chips and that kind of thing hi, i'm cindy the director of the a preif you believe program it is so important about healthy retail in the low income community is how it brings that health and hope to the communities i worked in the tenderloin for 20 years the difference you walk out the door and there is a bright new list of fresh fruits and vegetables some place you know is safe and welcoming it makes. >> huge difference to the whole environment of the community what so important about retail environments in those neighborhoods it that sense of dignity and community safe way. >> this is why it is important for the neighborhood we have families that needs healthy have a lot of families that live up here most of them fruits and vegetables so that's good as far been doing good. >> now that i had this this is really great for me, i, go and get fresh fruits and vegetables it is healthy being a diabetic you're not supposed to get carbons but getting extra food a all carbons not eating a lot of vegetables was bringing up my whether or not pressure once i got on the program everybody o everything i lost weight and my blood pressure came down helped in so many different ways the most important piece to me when we start seeing the business owners engagement and their participation in the program but how proud to speak that is the most moving piece of this program yes economic and social benefits and so forth but the personal pride business owners talk about in the program is interesting and regarding starting to understand how they're part of the larger fabric of the community and this is just not the corner store they have influence over their community. >> it is an owner of this in the department of interior i see the great impact usually that is like people having especially with a small family think liquor store sells alcohol traditional alcohol but when they see this their vision is changed it is a small grocery store for them so they more options not just beer and wine but healthy options good for the business and good for the community i wish to have more [music] >> san francisco is known as yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california. >> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of financial district. that alone is powerful. [music] >> the meeting will come to order. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the monday, march 13, 2023 meeting of the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisor matt dorsey chair. i'm joined by vice chair walton and member safai. on behalf of my clegs i want to express gratitude to the committee clerk victor young and sfgovtv for staffing the meeting and especially jason. >> mr. clerk do you have announced. >> board and the committee are convening hybrid meetings that allow public comment and remote access via telephone. access is essential and take public comment first at each item on the agendaful those in person will be first and then take those who are on the phone line of the for watching 26, 78, 78 and 99 and sfgov.org the number is strolling on the screen it is 415-655-0001. access code: 2489 884 3434 ## you will hear the discussions and in listening mode only when your item come up and public comment is called. those in person should lineup to speak special thoughed on the phone dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you are on the phone remember to turn down your tv and other listening device. we'll take public comment from those in person first and then to the public comment phone line. alternateively you may submit in writing mail them to the rules clerk at victor. young sfgov.org if you submit it via e mail tell be forwarded to the supervisors include part of the file. you may send written comments u.s. mail to city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california 94102. today i like to note this item 5 the applicant vikrum aiyer with drew his application. you want to share thoughts. everything on the agenda today is related prop c, san francisco voters supported this past election. it was a charter amendment to impart establish a home else oversight commissiontory see hospitallessness and supportive housing and audits of service for people sprngs homelessness by the city career am i want to express gratitude to supervisor safai for his lerredship not just for his tireless work to engage with stake hold and get the amendment on the bell on the but the work this follow exclude we are continuing today to dot work of impelement thanksgiving commission. today we will make initial decisions about those seek to serve on this commission and we will hear from highly qualified candidates we can pick 3 i hope that those who are not selected will continue to pursue public service roleos other hsh oversight bodies or in other ways. woe have talent here that will be a shame to not empower people's time and talent to serve our city. mr. clerk. call item one >> item one an ordinance amending the code it provide that members of the homelessness committee and refuse rate board are eligible for health insurance through the health system. requested the item referred out as a committee report. >> thank you. aside from the appointments i mention third degree is a piece of work to implement pop c. i want to grad tude to supervisor safai and president supervisor peskin. sprier safai, the floor is yours. >> thank you, chair. the item before us is straightforward and routine i know president supervisor peskin is here to ask for a slight amendment to what i will be proposing and which i'm fine watch i wanted to take a moment to acknowledge 2 bodies that will improve delivery of basic service. we know about the corruption and challenges in our refuse rate setting process this has taken place a number of years. i want to thank president supervisor peskin for his leadership on working on this issue and addressing it head on. the voter in john of 22 june of 2022, reformed the refuse rate board to include the officials but rate payer representative appointed by the may. the voters approved prospect c the homeless account at now measure. i said this a lot in the past t. is essential we have independent oversight and audits of departments this spend more than 700 million dollars. and don't always get the result this is we expect. or the voters and citizens of san francisco expect. major's nominees is confirmed and the board appointees will spend hours reviewing information making public policy and decision this is affect the entire side. volunteer commissioners on charter boards get the opportunity to join our city health service system and this measure provide this is in 2 instance. after public comment i ask for support but i than president supervisor peskin is asking for somebody slightly different for the rate board. if that is okay, mr. chair. >> president supervisor peskin. >> thank you, chair dorse and he supervisor safai. chair dorsey, almost everybody on this agenda had to do with the proposition that supervisor safai spearheaded that was on our last ballot except for this little nugget on page 3. line 6. refuse rate board the subject of a different ballot measure. prop f of june of 2022. rejig erred and changed the powers of the refuse rate board. nought first time in 90 years under gooing a different process as related to the residential and commercial refuse rates. and -- the refuse rate board empowder under prop f consists of 3 individuals, 2 of them city officers. one being the general manager of the public utility's commission. the other the city add administrator. the third, used to be a city official. name low the controller who is now staffed to the refuse rate board. and has been replaced with a rate payer representative yet to be designated but will come before this mittee hopeful low next month in april. and in the interest of doing what prop f was designed to do, which is to look out for the san francisco rate payer. i hear by request that we not make this individual eligible for health insurance coverage in the interest of san francisco ratepayers and would request that the refuse rate board be taken out of the scheme where in this one individual receive health benefits from the city and county of san francisco. >> we had conversation there was a slight change of heart otherwise we would have not put this forward i'm fine with making the motion to remove that. and we have done that. we did it with ocii as well did not provide that i make a motion. >> nathat would come with the corresponding changes in the long title at line 4 so the refuse rate board. the code provide that member of the homeless oversight commission are eligible and refuse rate board come out of this line. i don't believe that madam department city attorney other than those 2 changes, had you have never seen before, i'm sure are cranky about. well are no other things that need to change other than you would have to make the corresponding change in the legislative digest under amendments to currently luboy removing the words, and the refuse rate board. >>an pierson, that's right those other only accomplices amendments would need to be made. >> thanks. >> thank you, mr. chair >> peculiar president peskin and supervisor safai. can we take public comment. why members who wish to speak and joining person line up to speak. for those listening remote dial 415-655-0001, access code: 2489 884 3434 ## once connected press star 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted then begin your comments. no parties for public comment, we can move to our remeet line we have 2 callers in line. >> [inaudible] caller we are ready. [inaudible]. [multiple people talking] >> okay. sounded like they were not aware. >> can we move to the next caller? >> can you hear me now? >> please, proceed. >> you can hear me okay. >> we can hear you, proceed. >> daved pilpel, good morning. on item one i support this ordinance, but i think upon given the discussion left couple of weeks about remote public comment and other conversations that i believe have occurred, i think we should have fewer decision making boards and commissions in the city perhaps slightly fewer advisary bodies and consideration of ways to encourage application and participation on the various bodies with increased compensation or technology and other types of assistance. health benefits are nice but only those with time, money or an agenda now serve on the bodies. and not the broad diversity of the city and we should make efforts to change that. plus, we all upon spend too much time in way too many meetings. i hope upon dollar is a discussion on ways to increase the diversity of members serves on various boards and commissions in the staechl thank you. >> thank you. we gallon back and seat other person is on the line for us. >> [speak another language]. does not seem that person they are having public comment than was our last public commenter. >> grit. >> thank you, public comment on this item is closed. >> and supervisor safai like to make the motion. >> first i like to make a motion to sept amendments as proposed. and read in the record by president peskin >> on the motion to amend. vice chair walton. >> aye. >> member safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> now like to make a motion to sends the item to the full board with positive recommendation as amended. as a committee report. >> yes. the motion is to recommend as amended as a committee report. vice chair walton. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> chair dorsey. >> aye. the motion passes without objection. >> thank you, mr. young on a mums vote item one goes to the full board as a report with positive recommendation. items 2-4 together. >> item 2 a motion approving or rejecting the major's nomination for sharkey laguana to homeless oversight commission. item low approving or rejecting appointment of jonathan butt lore to the homeless oversight commission. and item 4 a marrow motion approving/rejecting the mayor's nomination for katie al bright to the homelessness oversight commission. >> great. thank you, mr. clerk, supervisor safai. >> thank you. when we began drafting prop c we began with the previous version from matt hene. we looked at that as a baseline for the conversation. there were conversations about how an upon department that started out at 100 million dollars had grown to over 700 million dollars. people looking for accountability and oversight and direction. that would be given. i think it was pretty obvious and has been obvious that with the amount of resources and money this has been put in this department. people believe and the general public feels that things have not gotten better. but got worse. spurred the conversation around how we bring more ash count at and oversight to the department. we worked with this board, worked with our colleagues. did not feel that the previous version was the right direction because i felt in that ultimately, this is a strong mayor city. buck needs to stop with the mayor's office. ultmitt low. we shift today become to a 4 majority mayoral commission. that is the right way to go. and my clothes agree. we had supervisors preston, supervisor dorsey to supervisor walton. it was unanimous supportful ultimately and butt that on the ballot. at the time the mayor's office was neutral but took input from the mayor's office. one thing they talked about having a seat that spoke to the desires, needs, wants and feelings of small business owners or neighborhood associations. and so that is how we came to that compromise. we felt as 3 approximate still believe that's why we are here today; that board confirmation is important part of the process. the board will decide on not just the mayor's seats but the board confirmed seats. we took the campaign to the seriously. we took it as an opportunity to talk to voters and spread information and get feed badge unfortunately during this time the mayor decided to vigorous low oppose the position and the measure was opposed by 67% of san francisco. more than unanimous. and a very strong mandate for this oversight accountability and good government as it pertains to the commission. we have been impressed by the number of applications we receive. i spoken to personal low and met with every one of the applicants except one. wee were not able to connect, unfortunately. and one person did speak to one of my staff. but i met with every applicant on the mayor's side and on the board side. and so we encouraged them if than i are not chosen for this commission today there are seats on the city our home and seats in the local home will coordinating board and opportunity to engage with us today. and we have a diversity of backgrounds and educational experience, work experience and lived experiences. i think all of that says a lot about the desire to make change in this for this tommic in helping unhoused in our city. i want to make sure who we appoint meet the requirements of the charter and my colleagues feel the same. we'll ask each person to come forward to talk about how they are qualityified for this seat that they would like to assume and why a want to serve on this commission. those other 2 guiding themes of the questions we asked today. i don't know if you have anything tolls say, mr. chair or -- supervisor walton if not we will proceed in order on the agenda. >> thank you, i wanted to say thank you to the mayoral appointees for being here and i like to go in order of the agenda and ask each to come and up speak briefly to qualifications and interests. before sitting down to take questions if my colleagues or i have them. so after that,il invite next person of the after all 3 is spoken we go to public comment. we start with mr. laguana. the floored is yours. thank you. chair dorse. supervisor safai, a little nervous. [laughter] supervisor walton. and chair dorse commendsow pronouncing my last name correctly. thank you all for considering my appointment. and -- it is truly an honor to be here. and address a question my qualifications for this seat. this seat is for somebody who experienced homelessness. i was a foster kid -- and i was raised by 2 dads. i left home at 17. i'm a high school graduate. i had a very loving home. i'm still very close to them. but like a lot of foster kids i did not feel comfortable asking for help after i left home. i followed a girl out to california. i thought things were going to work out. they did not. i kroied all night and i hitched a ride to san francisco. i had 50 dollars in cash. and i guitar. i -- played guitar on the streets and hoped to make enough money to get ahead. turns out this is in the a great way to make money. i slept in buena vista park and struggled to find a way to get that first step up. ultimately somebody else on the street told me you should apply for ga. i wait in the line for hours. got a ga check special used that to make the payment for one week of rent at the civic center hotel on 12 and market. i moved in the hotel, eventual low got a job there as a night clerk. that job was paid more than the job i had selling time life books and over the phone paid 5 dollars an hour. i had about 7 dollars a day give or take. on which to pay for everything else. i would sometimes not get enough hours or i would be sick or harf approximate not have enough money i would sell mrs. ma at haight and stanion. and really -- if somebody without a college degree i did in the know how to get out of this cul-de-sac i was trapped inform i was there for many years. and worked there for 5 years. so -- while working there i saw a lot of in the sro's. one of my jobs was to repair telephones we had a switch board system if you wanted make a call out from your room you called to the operator with me. hopefuly thea the desk and i would patch you in outside the line. likewise if a call came in the phones attracted roaches member this h it clean the dead roaches out of phone approximate repair the wiring. you test the phone and get electricity this was fun. that was -- ham the shaping and condition of this hotel. i then and there is an incredible success story for our city now i'm excited see had it turned into. this was my experience and of course there were many residents there who had a variety of mental health issues, substance abuse issues and you saw people go through various stages, one girl a high school i knew from high school. the last time she was wheeled out on i gurney. i got reash quainted with her 2 years ago. cleaned up. owns a business. show is doing great and has a husband. and it is just -- it makes me hopeful because i have seen people achieve recovery in their lives and continue is public and i continue is something we have to work harder to achieve. so the second question is why do i want to do this. i love this of city. deeply. and feel like i owe a lot. public service star in the 2009 my leg stopped working. i -- became harder to lift up my legs. went to a bunch of doctors and turns out i had a tumor. and it was wiping out the nerve in my body. starting at my legs where most of the nerves are. and the diagnose was tough the dollar said it was terminal and i had a year to live i had a 2 year sxoeld 5 year old boys. i wanted make that 2 years. i did research and worked the problem and i concluded i had a river disease. potential 3 treatable and the doctors were skeptical we have seen one or 2 case in the 30 years i have been here. may be i'm number 3. got myself to the will clinic at this time i needed a walker. i walked 5-10 minutes before i needed to rest. and -- i got the right treatment and 13 years later i'm here in front of you today. 2 things for me came out of that experience. one is when you have a tough problem homeless or business is collapsed or whether you got a terminal diagnose you gotta break it into small pieces and attack each piece and think about it in a call and measured way and look for every little opportunity you can. and i think this problem in particular that bedevilled our city for over 30 yers the only way we will make any progress that we have to look for every upon centimeter of opportunity and seize it that is had progress will look like. slow and incremental. you will get there the second thing as i reflected on my life i realized the money i had was happiest was spent helping others. time i was -- most satisfied with having spent was in service to other people. and so i decided i was going to with what time i had left spend more time helping other people. and that is why i signed myself up for the small business commission. my interview was [inaudible] he said you want to be on the commission. which one i said give me the shiftiest one is. we got small business commission. i said, cool. i did in the know much about small business even though i own a small buildings. tried to attack each problem and locked for opportunity where i found them. last thing i will say my approach another upon at beaut is i learned how to code and wrote the software that runs my business. builted our financial, a counselling and hr systems and managed agree it to an upon decent sized business. we are at a level we have to get audited, required by the lenders. i have experience with audits and experience with phenotypes i created more dash boards i can remember. i know they are somebodying alegality of people are interested in whereby to this issue. i have technical expertise. the last thing, my approach to my previous role on small business commission the same i have to this commission. come ch i i want everyone of you to succeed. i'm here to help make this city better. and even if it means making a little bit better. that's had i want to do. and i know sometimes that entail s. not for everybody to fail. disfunctions are rot in the trauma and anxiety, loneliness and shame. and the anecdotes are community forgiveness and generosity. that is the spirit i will be approaching this position. if approved by the board of supervisors, which i hope will happen. thank you. >> thank you mr. laguana i appreciate the moving words. seeing no comments or -- supervisor walton. thank you, so much for stepping up and wanting to serve. and the question i want top ask i will ask every candidate. you don't have the benefit of hearing the question before but everybody else does. i will ask the same question to everybody. and the real purpose for my sustained point of this commission is irrelevant accountability for the d. correct. you know that the black population is disproportionately represent in the the homeless population in san francisco. district 10 we have the highest number of folks live nothing vehicles. well is a sense of the city the department of homelessness and supportive housing neglecting the southeast sector and in the caring about the issues this exist. my question is knowing the numbers in terms of people living in vehicles and the disproportionate represent know centation of black folks in the homeless system. homelessness has gone down in district 10 a lot of residents feel. what can the commission do to hold the department accountable to addressing the concerns in the areas to come up with improved out come. we know hacording to the last point time count 38% of the people surveyed were after can american. we know that as a population of san francisco african americans institute 6% this is roughly plus/minus 6 and a half, 6 and i quarter % multiplied over represented. so clearly, we need to invest resources and making sure this we address just as a -- fundamental position of justice and equity we have to do manage that will make material difference in this. i think the challenges are -- there are a multitude of factors this lead for member to become homeless. lost a job. a health event. kicked out of their home. mental health issues and substance abuse,. one of the top line problem in talking about this, there is no silver bullet. you can't say that one thing is going to solve all of the problems. i think this as you the way to address had is in each and every address to each and every one of the factors. you have to keep in mind this there is a population in san francisco that is wild low over represented. in the population of homeless people we have. and so if we want it address that open representation we have to have that in the forefront of our minds. at each and upper turn and each policy proposal and each contract that come before us. and we have to look at it through that lens. we talked in city hall about looking at things through an equity lens on small business commission we said you have to do it. on every agenda item has to be i consideration. has to be something we talk about. i'm not as much of an expert as the other appointees here in the space i can't honestly give you a specific policy proposal that will make a huge dramatic difference but hai can tell you is this when i was on the small business commission anybody this was on that commission will tell you we have to focus on d6 and on d10. we have to focus on district number excelsior i was more worry body bayview and the excelsior because they threat left behind in mall business when can we do to get more aid and resources there? how do we make surety employee retention tax credit is getting out to that community? the other upon community is well resourced that community it is not. so allir can tell you is that it is top of minds for me. it is something i pay attention to and somethingil whether or not i'm on this commission or not. it is important to me. it is where many of my friends be and a community i care dope low about. >> thank you. >> thank you. supervisor safai yoochl thank you. similar to supervisor walton i will ask similar questions to peopleful i would say because we have a language agenda try to truncate what you are saying. >> and again not a criticism. we had good conversations i want to highlight that when we spoke i was impressed by how data has helped you in the not only in your personal endeavour for your own personal -- health issue but in your small business. and -- all the work that you have done on the small business commission. one thing they believe that will help in the account at and oversight of this department is how we electric at data. that does in the mean take away the human element knowing we are dealing with live human beings experiencing the most traumatic things anyone could responsibles. when i think of this department and i think of 800 units vacant. in supportive housing. when i think of we only do a point in time count every 2 years. when i think of how many of the things you talk to one provider they mitake 2 weeks after a refer feral from the coordinated entry system it house someone and talk to another provider and how the department is measuring and over seeing the provider may take 4-5 montes to house somebody. that's what i money and i say dataasm and so for me it is important you electric at things through that lens. i want to give you a moment to talk about data driven solutions >> thank you, supervisor. so there are 2 things we to keep in minds at the same time of one that is noted does not improve. there are inclination to measure as much as we can. of but the other thing we need to remember there is more to measure then and there we can injest in our brains. so, if is critical what we concentrate resources on measuring the right things. and in some case we may be measuring too much am collecting too much data and getting overwhelmed. and other can ises we are not collecting the one baptist data that really makes a difference in out come i know we all care about. when i think about the department and the service providers there is a constellation of data can be overwhelming and heard to understand when the rep with the numbers is. when i run my business after 20 years, i collect all data at the start. more things then and there you could imagine than i could imagine. at this point i reduced it dun to 2 data points i know the revenue per unit and machine no the ash counts i will tell you how the business is doing. we have to simplify and focus on the data points that actually matter. and socialize that among policy makers so we are all thinking and measuring the same thing and looking at the same things. certainly when we think about coordinatedent row months is unacceptable. it is unacceptable. especially when will there are vacancies it should be hours. so -- that's clearly something this i think the commission should folk nus on quickly. i think that the data side is something that should be a core focus of the commission and perhaps forming i data committee specific low to figure out how to injest that data and turn it to something people can understand. >> thank you. thank you are mr. laguana. now i have no questions but sit down and i will follow up with doctor butler >> good morning. the chair dorsey and vice chair walton and supervisor safai. the mayor has nominated me for seat 2 position of the committee and the commission, rather. and i feel that i questions of law foil for this role for the number of reasons. first i serve as the executive director for the san francisco african-american faith based cord nigz and board member for san franciscoin are faith council and first voip for the national association for the advancement of colored people of san francisco and the health committee chair. all of these public service roles i have provided service it homeless people that experience homeless whether feeding through the coalition since the pandemic 2016, prior to the pandemic. we have been feeding seniors and importance. experienced homelessness and the san francisco inner faith council has nom natd mow to lead the homelessness initiatives and speaking with the director and others to see way in which the faith community can be a part of the solution. and as an advocate benefitted nacp spot on the front lines in addressing for people that experience homelessness. roles qualify me to serve. in addition to this i am a researcher. a medical sociologist in community medicine at ucsl. life's work to study social health and how they impact us. and one of those areas [inaudible] is house and homeless knowledge. i understand the research, data hadrives the detriments of health. long-term and one of those detriments are housing. and in addition to that, i'm qualified because of the board of spierzs in 2018, voted mow to be on the committee for the [inaudible]. and as a part of that i served as the chair for the did thea and [inaudible]. committee. which was initiated to bring scholars and researchers and scientists together it make sure when we recommended to the marinade be data driven. i have experience in that and understanding importance of that. i also serve on the community input committee. not just the data in numbers but collecting qualitative dataasm people's lived experience, people's passion about want to address the health issues in the community. and so i listened to men community members around what is needed ensure ha -- that -- especially black and brown communities are not son assuming sugar drinks. you may know there has been an article out in a report that suggests that the consumption of sugar drinks dropped thirty-four percent and i'm excited because there hen a drop comper seed to san hose whoa does not have this. they don't have this initiative. it dropped moong amongst black and brown individuals. i'm excited have served on this committee and served as the cochair as well. i understand what is means to start with no history. it was [inaudible] committee. we took risks, chances but we have levels of success i think we should be proud of as san franciscans. i think all of those areas questions of law foil me for this role. reason why i want to be in this position is because i'm a black man. and because there are only 4% less than 4% we are not including those families that live together. 4% of population is black. 40% are homeless. and i think that you know -- that is something i wake up every morning trying to figure out hai can do. when role i can play to ensure that black folks in the city can be whole. and have the best of opportunity to live that holistic life. so e i ask this you would consider mow for this nomination. i gave you my qualifications and life's work of committing myself to the betterment of all san franciscans but especially those are the margins which are african-americans in the city >> thank you doctor butler and your wellingness to serve. supervisor walton >>. thank you you touched on this disproportionality of black folks that are homeless in san francisco upon, so same question. in terms of serving on this commission, what do you think the commission can do to hold the department accountant to address these concern specials disparities? >> thank you, supervisor walton. one thing they have been advocating for is allow father communities to a part of solution n. black community the faith community is the bed rock of the black community. as director for the african-american faith based cod aligz most churches are in the bivow. we have been trying it figure out ways we can play a part of the solution and leading some program this is should be implemented. i think having an approach if there are from our % of blacks experiencing homelessness there should be more xhoo community and faith based organizations that lead some of this work. the other thing is, those program this is dress this issue if they are not performing well, i think the data and evidence will show this. and that's where i can provide my expertise to make sure we evaluate the programs serving the community to make sure they are effective. if not then find way so we can as we all want to decrease this number especially in d 10. thank you, chair. you started to address asked the similar question. i wanted ask you to take a step back and think about for a moment of the population that are homeless in san francisco ton that 38-40% african-american that to me, and we say this but it is shocking. shocking to think that with a small population in our city, 4 or 5% you noted. to think that then threat-40% of homeless population is african-american. that is truly shocking you talk about bringing in the faith community and the bed rock of the african-american communityism absolutely agree with that step. but and then you started to talk about the data how do you think then data you know knowing that point, knowing that there has been something missing but millions of dollars have been given out to dress this issue and we have the striking, shocking statistic how can we adjust and better serve that population. the whole population but this in particular you highlighted the drop in consumption of sugar beverages. phenomenonal. how can we make a similar impact i'm not asking to you wave a magic wand. i'm curious on the data in that point it feeds in the 2 questions. >> certainly, i think first, be truthful about the dataasm although we know this threat-40% of san franciscans are homeless, that does not accounts for those families that are multiple families living in the same household. that number actually is not the trough number. if you think about it. the only way to then and there is to be in the community, understanding the different communities. per of that data we talk about and in line with the work this i do is understanding the quality of that data. and this is where the community come in. and one of the ways this we were able to successfully reduce the initial sugar drinks in this city is because we listened to the community. and listened and coupled that with the data and developed interventions that actually spoke to one that needed they other exerts in their community. that's how we were able to succeed. listen and also you know that will inform the numbers of when we know. >> thank you. and i will say, i have been impress exclude help to have supported you in the work you did proposal and doing to this date and the impact you had on communities health and i think that will be informative for your work on this upcoming commission. thank you for your wellingness to serve. >> thank you, doctor . and next up can we have if ms. albright? >> good morning. chair dorsey. vice chair walton. supervisor safai. i'm honored to be here today regarding my nomination to serve the homeless oversight commission inch look forward to serving on this commission to advance the intent of san francisco voters to provide oversight accountability and meaningful opportunity for public engagement and education regarding the work this the department homelessness and supportive housing. i have devoted my career to partnering with others to improve the health and well being of children, families and communities. for the past 16 years i served a ceo of safe and soundism stepped, way from this role a few weeks ago to serve as senior advisor and focus state wide child welfare and family well being reform. previous to safe and sound, i served a department city attorney representing the city and county as well as the san francisco unified school district on matters of civil rights, institutional and municipal law, labor and employment and public safetyism also served on san francisco board of appeals and juvenile probation commission. specific to seat 3, i have expert ease in mental health services with focus onlieding macro level policy service delivery systems and management. revenue mackization and community provider networks. safe and sound served san francisco's community for 50 years. with a mission to prevent and mitigate the impact of child abuse, neglect and trauma. we do this by strengthening families, building communities and advancing heeling, justice and equity. our are behavioral hasn't service include kournsing 24/7 line i have been a trained volunteer for 7 years. individual and peer support, case management. concrete services and linkages to housing, job accomplices and substance use treatment. under my leadership safe and sound named one of 9 best practice in primary child abuse prevention inure country because of outcome based programming, education and policy veteransment. the organization launched local and state initiatives that have improved family out come contribute to a 67% reduction in child abuse and 61% reduction innent res to foster care in our county. over a 15 year period. from this work, i have garnered a deep respect for the mental health providers in our city and luck tow work amongst the best. relationships with department of public comment for behavioral health services and collaborator supporting the department on rhyme improve the work. i developed a positive track record for implementing multifaceted solution to acute and long-term complex matters. i'm effective in cocreating public/private partnerships making strategic data driven decisions. anding nonprofit fund development and financing. i want top serve on this commission for 2 reasons. first i care deeply about san francisco and ensure social justice for our community members. far too many children and families are home and wills individuals living with significant physical and health childrens live nothing vulnerable s. with a dispropotionate impact on black, indigenous and people of color. this is all too often because of structural and systemic racism. second, i believe that homelessness is solvable. we can in our coming together mobilize to make needed shifts and effective change. san francisco has taken on tough issues before and we can do it now. i want to be part of that change. for all of these reasons i believe that i am well qualified serve on the homeless oversight commission and appreciate your full consideration. i'm confident that together we can implement solutions to help people end homelessness and how we as a city approach one of the most challenging and complex issues of our time thank you. thank you ms. albright. i want to express my appreciation to you and value your insights in substance abuse disorders. obviously we have a bit of a crossover during the city attorney's office. a part of my career i appreciate your willingness to serve. vice chair walton yoochl thank you chair dorse and he thank you ms. albright for being electric to serve. what do you think the role of a commissioner can do to make surety department is accountal to address the disparities that is [inaudible]. >> vice chair walton thank you, it it is the same issues that we as you know, experiencing in child welfare. significant disproportionality. we have to understand as a community and implement tools of prevention and focusing early on. specific to your question around accountability. i think there are opportunity for legislative policy and practice changes. including as mention by form are candidate really listen to voice of those of livid experiences and the communities,en sense urg voices of those in the black and african-american community that are so deeply impacted. i think that we can think about data in an upon transformative and transparent way. and think about our role as the commission in ensuring that data is communicated to the public. i believe there are opportunity for equity checks around funds and fund availability and bias train for example ourselves and everyone in the system. and finely i think that having a clear vision around account at always as our primary goal will be essential to the work of the commission. >> thank you. >> thank you. supervisor safai. >> thank you mr. chair. thank you ms. albright for willingness to serve. and also enjoyed the conversation we had to talk about the experiences and work this you have doneful one thick i wanted to highlight arch listen to you speak and something than i think we spoke about in the other folks than i interviewed spoke about is a lot of time this is department and this is one of the charges we are asking to you be a part of. might have ideas this could approximate terrible low be positive. in terms of impact they have. butt implementation falls short. when i'm referring to is, an example would be we did a pilot of -- safe park nothing my district. we did this for a year and a half. the department was earnest after -- prodding from my office for 2 years to do this billed on an explosion of people live nothing vehicles. we got this census and finally showed and the points in time count this it was the largest increases in the entire city. this this is something -- this was a few years ago. so rather than just making it happen over night. we asked them to slow down. put a grouch people together from the community. we listened to the community. we got consensus. we hosted a community meeting. upon and in this meeting i think more people participated in any than i have been a part of and over 2 decades. in the excelsior and outer mission a thousand participates. we asked controltory audit that in the end. it was well received with work with supervisor walton we ruled that out and expanded the bayview.