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Could you call the roll. . Call avalos, absechblt campos present. Commissioner crews, present. Commissioner lindo, present. Commissioner mar, here. Madam chair, you have a quorum. Thank you. Madam clerk could you call item 2 . Item 2 approval the last minutes from february 20, 2016 regular meeting. Members do we have changing to the minutes or comments . Seeing none, like tois there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I like to take a motion tew prove the minutes. Prove aprunge approval of the minutes. We can approvecould we approve that approve the minutes without objection . Thank you. Thank you so much. Like to make a request to take the items out of order and call item number 4. Item 4 is consideration of approval of the budget for fiscal year 16, 17. Jason fried executive office. You have the budget mmo for next years budget. There is a two step process we do here by state law where we do a proposed budget this month and will come back and do a final budget. There are not many changes from laest yoor. This is sth first year we do a pay as you go instead of the flat rate for Clerk Services so you will see a change and realize the pay as we go process is cheaper than what we anticipated so you see that reflected in the new ujbudget. Because affof that we dont need to request as much money. What we have done in the past is made full request and returned the unneeded portion for a long time we returned the entire amount. Last year is the first year we could ants do that. This year based on savings and Everything Else i believe we should continue to request the 297 amount for our own legal pro protection incase we do need it but think we will only need to accept 40 thousand and return [inaudible] so i recommend we continue to accept the full amount and ininstruct us to return 257, 342 back to the city and county of San Francisco thereby maintaining 40,000 which goes into the money we believe we will have left over from this budget and this budget dozen incorporate into the cca budget. That is a separate baujt budget and doesnt need to go through this process. Do we have questions or comments . Like taopen the item up for Public Comment. No Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion to approve thesorry. Madam chair, i had one quick question. Thank you. To mr. Fried under item 4, legal and Consultant Service there is a slight increase and if outside Consultant Services or Legal Services are not needed then actually i should ask, have we expended all of our legal and Consultant Services for this current year and is there a reason why there is a increase in that area . There iswe havent extended it. Basically that is where we have always put the extramoney in case we need to use consultants. That is more just a line item where we put excess but since we dont spend the entire amount and partly because a lot of my salary comes out of the cca side funding. At some point you will see that line item dramatically decrease when we no longer have a mou with the pec. We never used that full amount. I dont intend the use the full amount t is a place holder for the money if needed. That is why we are requesting 40,000 because we dont need to use the full amount for next year. Okay, thank you. Any other questions for mr. Fried . Is there a motion madam chair. [inaudible] just move approval. Is there a second . Madam clerk could you call the roll sph item number 4, commissioner avalos, aye. Commissioner campos, aye. Commissioner crews, aye. Commissioner mar, aye. There are all ayes. Could you call the next item madam clerk . Would you like me to go to item 3 . Yes, Community Choice aggregation report. Clean power sf and Program Launch and proceedings at California Public utilities commission. We have representative from the puc. You can introduce yourself. Thank you commissioners [inaudible] communication manager for clean power sf. I have a couple updates. I have enrollment statistics and outreach update. A little on Programmatic Development the Net Energy Metering program. A small regulartory and legislative update and think mr. Fried has updates and there are a couple miscellaneous iletms, Energy Providers. Ill jump into it and let me know if you have questions. I requested this to be presented to us, i appreciate your putting that together in the past couple days. No worries. My pleasure. Enrollment stats, we did issue our second opt out enrollment notice on march 1 and as expected we saw little increase in the number of opt outs qu brought the total to about 40 and that is out of about 7800 total services so we are still very much below the 20 percent opt out rate at this point. The [inaudible] is the same as the last report. We have 212 enrollment in the super Green Program now and we are also still seeing increased sun ups early enrollment super green sign ups for the august enrollment and 109 that early enrolled for Service Starting in november and make it the first enrollment notice in august. We are actively out in the Community Engaging with the people enrolling and the people we will enroll later the year. We are on schedule with enrollment notice to date and two coming tupe the future. We are also undertaking merchant corridor walk squz trying to hit every major merchant corridor in district 5, aket and 10 so we walk into the businesses door and ask if they have gotten mailer jz answer questions and we made 180 or 90 personal visits or calls and feel good about that and get good feedback. We have a couple welcome events and will do 1 welcome event and invite merchants to come to a coffee house, send a mailer and say we are here come by and talk and meet the clean power sf and [inaudible] we want to do that in may and june. We have pretty much wrapped up the merchant meetings for this district at this point and have one or two to go but are looking to more exspanseive outreach as we look to the fall. We are engaged with the people we are enrolling today and look towards the future for those we enroll in august. One more item to note, we are also meeting with some larger business jz organizations as we prepare for large enrollments in the future so met with boma, San Francisco chamber of comrbs, San Francisco realsters and San Francisco apartment association. We are getting a lot of good feedback. The tone of the discourse is different from previous years so we are definitely encouraged by that as we move forward. Next i have a bit of a Net Energy Metering update. So, we are actively developing our nem program, Net Energy Metering and well discuss it. Generally a brief overview at the puc meeting next week. What the program involved and how they have done it in marin and sonoma and program objectival jz present to the [inaudible] that is in april and once we present to the rate fairness board we hope to bring the program tariff back to the sfpuc for adoption hope fully april 22. That is good news on that front, we are moving forward and close to launch. And for those who are not familiar with Net Energy Metering can you explain what that is and how is our Program Different from pg e . Net Energy Metering is a program for those that have solar on the roof tops. It kind of outlines how those customers can generate electricity for their onsite use and when they have sur plus electricity it is what the payment is when they put energy back to the grid that woe use and take for the other customers. The Net Energy Metering program stipulates how that works and the tariff and rate and the other cca have their own Net Energy Metering program. Here in San Francisco there is a lot of roof top solar, dont be discorjed by the fog so we want a set Net Energy Metering program as soon as possible and we are close. And then do we expect to have rates that are identity to pg e . Identical to other cca and it is a formality setting up the California Public Utility Commission or do we see there will be nuance and vast differences between our programs . I dont have that level of detail today, but i will report back at the next [inaudible] i dont know how nuance or different our program will be versus pg e or the other ccas but perhaps my colleagues can have insights the one part i can tell you i had several discussions, well have a better rate or return for those that who over produce so if people have a choice between us and pg e if they Pay Attention to the pay back they will go with our program and be a cca customer rather than pg e. Even though in terms of the clean power sf we will have a lower cost per kilo watt than pg e theerate payers still get a better rate to sell back fl to clean power sf. Yes, because we can use that towards the 100 percent Renewable Program so thoest customers pay more so we can sell that back and make a monetary sense for us. Got it. Thank you. Thank you. So, we are move frgward to the nem program. The next step is have a small regulartory and legislative update and know mr. Fried may have items as well. We have held the cpuc, [inaudible] workshop. This is the opportunity to identify the cpuc to discuss the ethudology for setting a pcic. We coordinateed with sonoma clean power and lancaster and [inaudible] took the lead on that initiative. Stakeholders also provided Public Comment that was very helpful. Looking forward for a outcome, we are not too optimistic well see modfiications to the methodology in the near term. The presiding commissioner is planning another working Group Meeting ing and will continue to collaborate with the other programs and formal [inaudible] at the cpuc to talk about the pcia and other charges and so that will be a ongoing effort for the short term and medium term, no doubt about it. Thank you. I want to talk about Energy Providers. I know as we get closer to energy in may people have specific questions show i will break it between product and start with our super green product because it is easy to talk about. Super green if you are a clean power sf customer and signed up for 100 Percent Renewable Energy you get clean renewable bundled renewable tier 1 energy from [inaudible] that is sth Company Providing the energy and they will provide wind power frum the shiloh wind farm in solano county. That is it. If you are super green you get wind power and the Cleanest Energy available in the bay area from the shiloh wind farm in solano. If you are enrolled in the green product there is a couple suppliers and energy mixes for the green enrollees. If i pause on that. The shiloh green farm, what is their overall capacity in mega watts and is that capacity coming to San Francisco or just a portion of that and what is the demand that we will have . What st. The overall demand we expect to have on super green in mega watts and have a difference between had demand is at launch and what is provided . So the shiloh wind project is a large wind farm and there are multiple subproducts and we take power from the shiloh one wind project and that is what [inaudible] owns. I believe it is 100 or 150 mega watts product so we contracted for 25 mega watts. If you are a super green customer that is 1 hin 100 percent of what you get. We use some the power for the green customers as well and so if you are a green customer you will get wind power from the shiloh wind farm. In addition to that, you are also going to get Energy Supply by cal pine corporation, that is the other Energy Supplier and there are two products. One, they are also supplying tier one bundled Renewable Energy product as well and in addition they are supplying more conventional sources of power natural gas and those plants are also in the bay area. We are pleased our Energy Sources for this phase are coming from the bay area. So the cal pine is mixed with the wind powers as well for the mix . Correct, for the green product. You get [inaudible] Renewable Power from the shiloh wind farm and get additional bundleed renewable from cal pine and natural gas product. Okay. I know there was some questions about customer interface. I have gotten a chance to take a look at the back office system, how the Data Exchange works, how in the computer you literally check the box to upgrade someone to super green and as you can expect that is actively happening every day, every week we get a tally which cr read to you earlier and so we have gotten a first hand look how that process works. Now, that we have sent out our enrollment notices and see how the process works, they have a lot of expertise because they have done it for the other ccas and we are starting to formulate the plan how to take that inhouse. The noble contract is 3 Year Contract because the goal is to take those functions of the cca program and bring them inhouse so wree starting to look at that. it is something we want to move on quickly. It is balance between launch thg program and looking toward future capabilities of the program like bringing inhouse so that is something we continually want to talk to [inaudible] and other stakeholders about especially as we get passed the first phase so we can start to develop the plan and that is where we are with that. And then the final item, i know there has been some talk about having a paper sign up form like a alternative to the online sign up form. It is a little more cumbersome, you are in the streets talking to a friend or doing a tabling for various issues so we have a paper form in development now and expect it to be done in a couple weeks and will take all the language on the website that you see when you enroll and put that on a piece of paper, we give it to the Graphics Team to lay it out so it ask easy to read and follow and expect the next couple weeks anyone that wants to volunteer, we ask they take a training from us and then well give them that paper and all the other materials they need to hit the streets. And that is it for my formal update so if you have any questions. Thank you for the presentation. Quick question, with the paper form, is that something that people will be able to mail then or how would that work . You could mail it. You have tothat is the first time i have gotten that question. You could mail but would have to put it into a envelope because it isnt built to self mail. They would have to be a mechanism to mail they would mail back to us the customer that signed it out or they mail it back to the person signing them up. We can take a look at making a self mailer so you just put on a stamp and address to the puc and have instructions how to do that so well take a look at that. That may be difficult to do because there so much legal text and how to see how it looks but well take a look at that. Great, thank you. Commissioner crews. Thank you for the presentation. I just had a couple of questions. What are the effort right now around signing up people for super green who have already opted into clean power as a sign up in the very beginning or they were part of phase 1 . Sure, thank you. Good question. So, there is a number of efforts underway to do precisely that, sign up existing Customer Base we have enrolled that are not members of super green and put them in super green. We have done that with a few customers in the merchant corridor walk, people that are interested and dive into the program and sell them the super green product and had a number of customers just this week in the bayview, 3 customers that expressed interest signing up for super green. We captured names and numbers so wealer are follow up with them to remind them they are interested and see if they need help signing up. We are alsothis is looking forward, we are also meeting with potential customers for our november and august enrollment to see if they will sign up to super green. The corridor merchant walks or enrollment notices, the emails we sent out because we send out different emails to different targeted customers and they all talk about a number of things including super green so when there is a the Customer Contact phone in person, mail, those welcome events, there is always a way to talk about super green and read about super green and so it is always there and that has helped get some the super green sign ups we have today and hopefully it will continue as we go through the next couple months for the existing Customer Base. I like the fact you are doing a paper sign up and i just encourage you to have a preaddressed where you canand also prepostage so there is no extra step, there is no putting a stamp on it recollect you drop it in the mail and have a super green customer. I would also encourage you to do some advertising on the Energy Providers especially the shiloh wind farm. I think that is fantastic and would love to see a bay area power provider being highlighted and in the public eye so they know it isnt losing all this energy in transition. Agreed. We have a couple media items that are cooking on that front and soi was talking to mr. Fried earlier, essentially our power er supply is coming from the bay area so did a press release on that one to two months gow and have items thinl burner now and will continue to talk about that because that is important. This is a local project and we are meeting that goal with local Energy Sources. Thank you. My very last question has to do with the ambassadors for the super Green Program. I know when you presented earlier there was discussion about people in elected office or that are public [inaudible] that could be super green ambassadors and publicize that for you, that face of super green. How is that coming along . So, we did a run with the super visors and pretty much a lot of themi dont have the exact numbers but the wrun we met with committed to doing videos and we asked for a quote from sfgtv and they have give an quote so the ball is in our court and will move it forward to get the supervisors in the video and cut and edit said so we are trying to start the voirl campaign and Ground Campaign in advance to the august enrollment so we are moving on that. We have a little homework on our front but it is part of the plan as we move up to august because we have more time this time opposed to the previous enrollment and we want to make a lot of positive publicity, generate early enrollment before the august deadline because that is the deadline to sign up for the next enrollment. Has to be there august first and well talk and make a lot of noise before that thank you very much. Thank you for the presentation. First want to say thank you on getting to the issue of the paper form. It was a request printed with our staff member and im glad it made it to you. I think it is important having talked to a few people, the issue is equitable access. The reason we brought it up is because people were saying i like the idea but still pay my bills by going to the local cash money place and dont have a computer. This should be a great opportunity to level the Playing Field so hopefully as mentioned, we can get a form that is prestamped and send it someplace because i dont know if it will be logical to have them just fill something out expecting someone else to enroll them. That isnt part the puc or cca program. That is one thing we need a discussion with City Attorney about the best way of following that process. It is definitely automated so it works on line but there may be nuances we havent considered with a paper process or non staff member or volunteer that is doing that and so you know, putting it in paper is easy, we want to make sure we clear any regulatory or legal hurtle before we finalize so well do that. Great. Thank you. You mentioned the marketing campaign, they have been successful, has there been any word or seen anything of campaigns on the negative side . Is there a body or group saying people shoulden sign up for this . No i havent seen that. One of the benefits of having a smaller commercial enrollment is we can more easily track things so it is easy to do the merchant corridor walk squz put a place on the program, we talk to the Business Owner and managers and do phone call squz we are learning a lot and what we are learning is that people know about the program, they get our mailers, we are not getting Much Negative feedback. Sometimes we do merchant corridor and dont get any negative feedback. We dont see concerted Opposition Campaign and so being this is the first phase and will continue to talk to people and have the welcome event and proceed with the mailers but we have eyes and ears on the ground and dont see anything like you described so that is good news. Okay. Are we meter enrollment goals based on the predetermined bench marks that i probably have forgotten . We are meeting them and exceeding our goals. We modeled 20 percent opt out rate for the first raise and no where near that. That will increase as we snd out the last two enrollment notice jz maybe people look at the bill and havent seen the other enrollment notice but see this but that will increase as it has for all the other ccas but we are comfortable where we are and if we dont incur the amount of opt outs we expected we may have to purchase more energy. My last question s do you see any opportunity to move faster . The fact we are moving is phenomenal. We are excited it is happening but on the inside of it making it happen and perhaps mr. Fried if you can jump in it is there a opportunity to move faster . I think we learned a lot from launching. I think will continue to learn up and past when people get their first bill with clean power sf service. I think youll seewe put out very draft 10ative timelines over the past year on phase 2, phase 3 might look like in the coming years. I think that will get refined and revised based on our experiences here and i dont want to commit to moving faster or slower, that would be something barbara [inaudible] would commit to, but i think having the knowledge of having gone through the first phase and better able to tackle phase 2 and 3 only facilitates the city wide roll out. I have a question thank you. Thank you for your presentation and for bringing this forward to us. Mr. Fried. Sure. To add on thank mr. Sheen for your presentation. [inaudible] there was the pcia wurbshop and paid attention to that. Parts of me seemed there was willingness to have discussion and parts were not sure how well or how far the cpuc will move itself in doing a proper one. I did give comments during that workshop was basically lets not forget dollar thereis a difference between direct access pca and ious and we are responsible to the general public. The program is overseen by elected officials so they want to make sure all sides are treated fairly and the current process doesnt treat all sides fairly. It gives advantage to the bundled customer and we do need to make chaisk tooz the process that are fair and equitable to all sides. If a low Income Customers want tooz go super green or to the Higher Energy thing they get height twice. They pay more for the Greener Energy but center to pay pg e to leave. There were other folks having discussion about environmental juss around how the pcia works. Hopefully well get changes but it is one of the things it could go bad so we need to keep a eye on it as we go through the process. It isnt like one meeting and they are done, it will be a long process over the course of the year so will make sure laf corks o stays engaged and will attend workshops. It will be a long process my hope is how to get this resolved this year but may not be until next year. Also more on the legislative side front, as you remember last year there was a bill ab 1110 presented by [inaudible] which dealt with Green House Gas emissions and how there should be one unified system for the state. It got stopped last year, it is my understanding he is planning to reintroduce as a amendment. I havent seen a amendment, they are not sharing that publicly just yet but i assume that will be coming u7 over the next few weeks. [inaudible] i will continue to take that position until they properly treat the system. One of the biggest issues for me and cca in the interim is that programs that go solar sf are treated Green House Gas and that is a a concern we create a system based on state standard for how Renewable Energy is counted and not the uner delying base energy so ill continue to advocate with that and if anything comes up between now and next meeting ill work with the chair tomake sure we get proper comment put out on that. Finally, lets not forget sign up for clean power sf. Org or green or super green. If you can afford soup were green that is great but if not sign frup the green. There will be a lot of activity going on in april as that is considered earth month. We went from a day to a month which is good and hopefully well get to a entire year. If anyone has time and able to help i know the puc has events. We can use extra bodies and ill be at event talking about clean power sf. One reason we are trying to get the paper copy, we know there will be places where we dont have internet connection. It is a good idea to also have a mail in ops or find a way for people to get it in. That is my report in a nutshell. Great. Thank you for getting things moving to where they are today and excited about the may 1 march i beyond. Public comment. Anyone like to comment . No member come forward well close Public Comment and go on to our next iletm which is item 5. Item 5, executive officers report. Status update of city and county of San Francisco can help to do to increase voter turnout before i get to item a form 700 is due april 1. I understand there is a new person irn charge and have the ability to issue fines to anyone who doesnt turn in the form by april 1. All of youthose that are members of the board and if you fill out the form for anything else you only fill out the form once as long in the process you do click the extra box saying you are on the commission and list lafco. If you didnt do that you need to fill out the form twice t is done on line for you. Please make sure you do so. If once you turned it in if you please give me a heads up because i have to do reporting to the folks who monitor this and need to tell them you did do it so telling me that is helpful to my being able to report positively we are all in by before april 1. That is that part of my report and the other part is we are still continue toog work on the study for voter turnout. Taking a little longer than i anticipated because i have spent more time on the cca enrollment and launch part of it. We do have our grad student helping to continue to move that process forward. Hoping within the next couple weeks we should have a draft document to circulate around to get more Public Feedback and comsqunt come back at a later point with the final report. Great. That is my report. Thank you. Any questions colleagues. Public comment. Anyone wish to comant . Seeing no one well close Public Comment. Next item is item 6, Public Comment. Againeral Public Comment. [inaudible] establish ment of a true foundation. [inaudible] living benefits [inaudible] okay, seeing no other member come forward well close Public Comment and go on to our next item future agenda item, colleagues any furcher issues . Open up Public Comment. Seeing no member well close Public Comment and do quee have any other items . No, that concludes our Business Today we like to thank our clerk alisa samary and sfgtv staff sfr broadcasting and facilitate thg meeting, Jessie Larsson and leo [inaudible] thank you very much. Have a good weekend. [meeting adjourned] [gavel] i would like to welcome everyone to the Small Business Commission Meeting. The meeting is monday, march 14. This is a regular meeting of the Small Business commission. The meeting is being called to order at 5 32 pm. Tonight meeting is being televised live in the Small Business commission thanks Meeting Services and sfgtv for televising and airing the Small Business Commission Meeting. Reviewed on asset 2, 78 or live stream going to sfgtv. Org and watch sfpd. 2. Members of the public these take this opportunity to silence your phones and other electronic devices. Public comment during this meeting is committed to 3 min. Per speaker unless otherwise est. By the providing officer of the meeting. Speakers are requested but not required to state their names, completion of a speaker card while optional will help insure proper spelling of the speakers name. In the written record of the meeting. Please deliver your speaker cards to the duke commission sec. Prior to approaching the lectern. Additionally theres a sign in sheet at the table. If you would like to be added to the commissions mailing list. Sfgtv, if we could have our slide, please . Do we have ado you have our slide sfgov tv . Well president went out you suffice to say, as our new custom would begin each Small Business Commission Meeting with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco and the best place to get answers about doing business the matter what stage youre in in San Francisco. The office of Small Business should be your first stop when you have a question about what to do next. You can visit us in person in city hall open monday and friday 85 pm. Call us on the delta 415 on the delta 41555461304 or visit us online at s of government work. If you need assistance with Small Business mentor matters start here. At the office of Small Business. Thank you sfgtv. Call to order item number one. Will call. Commissioner adams, here. Dooley, here. , dwight, here. Toursarkissian, here. , riley, here. , zouzounis, speed, present. And commissioner surtees is absent. We have a quorum. Waistcoat started. Will move on to item number 2 which is general Public Comment. At this point we open the floor for general Public Comment. Anything not on our agenda today is this a good time to make recommendations for things for future consideration here at the Small Business commission were to raise any points of interest you want to raise ticket to have anybody who would like to offer Public Comment at this point . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item number 2 item number 3 is discussion of possible action to make aggregations to the board of supervisors on file number 160065, during this is the please code paid parental leave for bonding with new child. The ordinance amends the please go to require employers to provide supplemental compensation to employees receiving state paid family leave for the purpose of bonding with a new child. This is a discussion and possible action item. Today, you have the legislative sponsor Supervisor Scott Wiener to present welcome, supervisor. Thank you for having me tonight. To begin i have to leave in about 15 min. Or so, 20 min. But when i leave august hours in my office whose work deeply in this legislation will be able to stay and continue to answer any questions. So, commissioners, this legislation will make San Francisco the first city in the country to guarantee 6 weeks of fully paid parental bonding leave to all workers, including our lowest paid workers in any business with 20 or more employees. It is surprising and frankly, troubling that a significant portion of people in our country and give birth or adopt or foster a child today and be required to go back to work tomorrow. For many, the choice is between bonding with a new child and putting food on the table. That is a choice that people should not have to make. Even though study after study has shown time spent bonding with the child is critical for the health and development of the child, and of the family economic realities, for many, mean that bonding has to take a backseat. The vast majority of the world has recognized the importance of paper rental leave and us, provide mothers and often fathers time off from work to help build the Necessary Foundation for a new family. The United States, on the other hand, shamefully at the back of the line and is one of only 4 countries in the world that does not require paid Maternity Leave. The other 3 countries are swaziland, and papua new guinea. Instead about half of the us employees have the right to take 3 months off, but unpaid , this is unworkable for all too many workers in this country. As we have so many times before, San Francisco should lead the way for our state and for our country to expand access to give parental leave. Nationally, whereas about half of the us workers can take unpaid time off, only 4 have access to paid family leave for their employers. The percentage of employers offering fully paid Maternity Leave has acquired substantially in recent years from 17 in 2005, 29 in 2014. We are moving in the wrong direction. Only half of firsttime mothers take any leave at all. Some large firms that we read in the papers are leading the way for the workers which is great. Among states and california is one of just 3 states along the new jersey and rhode island to offer some form of paid parental bonding leave. In many ways, california leads the us, who were still very far behind the rest of the world even here in california. Californias program is paid for by employees through the state disability fund. Which in turn funds the paid family leave program. It was est. In 2004 and provides workers with 55 of their salary for up to 6 weeks. You can maintain about half of your pay for some workers that work for other workers it doesnt work and they cant make ends meet on 55 . Even with this limited access the state program has translated into concrete benefits. Mother use the program are more likely to initiate breastfeeding and to continue breastfeeding for approximately twice as long as mothers who do not use the program. The Program Average length of leave taken by new mothers from 3 weeksbetween 6 and 7 weeks and the greatest gains are among mothers with lower levels of education, unmarried mothers, bettina mothers and africanamerican mothers. Men who take 2 or more weeks off after the birth of a child are more involved than fathers who take no leave. 83 of workers in lowerlevel jobs who use the Program Return to their previous employers. 83 . Which is a 10 point improvements compared to workers who did not use the program. They leave and productivity improves productivity boil and row. Even with these positive statistics from the California Program theres a lot of room to grow. Many do not participate in the state program because they cant afford that pay cut. The proposal before you today bears the state structure and takes the 55 to 100 . It is completely based on the structure of the state Program Including the income caps at our ordinance would require full wage replacement for 6 weeks. We are honored to have the unanimous support of both the commission and status of women in the youth commission. I want to thank you for considering this legislation and i hope to have your support. I will say that we have made some amendments to the legislation. For example, when we introduced it he added the 90 day requirement that you been there for 90 days. Would you be making tomorrow some additional amendment by way of substitute legislation based on feedback that weve received from the Business Community and we been in close discussion and dialogue with various individual businesses and some of the Business Association, including several large Group Meetings with representatives of various business coalitions. We proactively solicit feedback and we received very thoughtful feedback and weve accepted a number of the amendment that were offered by the Business Community. So, im happy to answer any questions. Commissioner adams on page 4, line 17, the 20 employees. Is that negotiable, the 20 employees . There has been a suggestion i think that the chamber of commerce to increase to 50 employees. The problem is, the sadistic we have and correct me if im wrong, is that about 96 of workers work at a business that is fewer than 50 employees. So, that would exempt the overwhelming majority of workers from the legislation. Even though i understand the motivation behind that request we intend to keep it at 20. What is hard to swallow is, and having getting a lot of feedback from Small Businesses, this is going to be huge burden on a lot of Small Businesses, and thats why i asked that question. I mean, right now with all the other ordinance that we have to deal with in this town are you dont have to deal with it in the state of california, its this may be the straw that makes rakes the camels back. I like what youre doing and everything, but that 20 is really really going to hurt some Small Businesses. I know the pain the difference between 55 and 100 . Am i correct . Beta yes what do you do if your Small Business new hire someone for that 6 weeks to come in and youre paying someone for the other. Thats what im getting at. A couple things. First of all, these employees are entitled to take the 6 weeks. So, were not creating a new thing. Theyre entitled to take the 6 weeks toured the state came up with a program for sites we so that to encourage people to take the lead and are entitled to do that right now today. So, in terms of the logistical issues putting aside the money for the moment, but the logistical issues of an employee taken off in your tobacco and employee, first of all were talking about 6 weeks were not talking about a longterm leave under this legislation but again theyre entitled to do it today. If youre going to have this it should at least be meaningful. The other piece of it i want to just mention is that this is tied to the state legislation. If the state disability percentage goes up, and theres been a push for a wild to try to increase to 80 , if that happens, under this legislation the employer contribution automatically goes down to 20 or whatever the differential is, without any need for additional legislation. So, i hope the state raises it to 80 . We will see. That change would automatically happen. The other thinga couple other points. The issue of parttime workers has been raised. This starts at 8 hours per week which we adopted from the paid sick leave ordinance. Unlike some other ordinance for example the health or security ordinance, if you whether your working 10 hours or 40 hours. Healthcare costs are the same. If youre working 8 or 10 hours a week your benefits in terms of the 45 is dramatically lowered and then someone working 40 . So, in terms of the parttime worker issue, it is purely scalable. Your etiquette at 10 hours a week is going to be 75 lower than a worker working 40 . So i think thats an important thing to note. Its not the same as the Healthcare Security ordinance. Where it cost the same no matter how many hours you are working. The last thing i want to note, maybe mr. Powers can remind me of the number, the number of paid parental disability claims in San Francisco including Public Employees not just private, is 5500 perin a year. 5500 for all all those in favor say, aye including Public Employees. This is not a tidal wave kind of thing. So, i dont think the impact will be in the same universe as some of these other ordinance have been. Commissioner dooley how did you come upon the 90 days minimum requirement . That seems a little bit short to have this kick in. Is that the same as the states . No. We came up with the 90 days and maybe mr. Power can we came up with a 90 days. One of the operating principles that were trying to follow here is to be as consistent with the way the state does things so that we dont introduce totally new paradigm or the local employers, the state when it is looking at how the benefits impacted for the employee, they look at 90 day windows. With the course of the previous year. So they look to see how much employee has made within those 90 days and then they choose basically the window that is the most beneficial for the employee. Because the structure to look at 90 day windows, we introduce that topic. That aspect for all the window considerations for the ordinance. The threshold requirement for how long with the work for the employer and amendment dont be making has to do with how long if they decide to not come back to work voluntarily whether not have to pay [inaudible] it will come up to a 90 day perspective. Try to keep it consistent across the ordinance with the state the other question, with californias benefit in this particular instance where we dont want to provide it a gap where the state doesnt cover you and the employer has to provide 100 because the employer is going in the gadget i think the state is more lenient. Thats what were trying to ascertain. The state is more lenient. The Commission Wants to provide feedback on that how long you have to work there to qualify, we are happy to take that into consideration. I think that is a flexible area. As mr. Power mentioned, were going to be putting in an amendment to require a return to work afterwards for a period of time because we had heard a concern that people may not return to work and so we wanted to be sensitive to that. Commissioner sarkis you mentionedi have a question. The outset you said you have a number of amendments you were considering. Could you please explain what these amendment are . Sure. One of them is putting the window afterwards. They have to come back to work for at least 90 days in order not to have to give back the benefits. An in other words, there are some clarifyingi have your list here am i believe. This is from the chamber. Excuse me. So, thats one amendment were making. The worker has to come back to work . For 90 days. Yes. Again thats another if the worker does and what happened . The employer can recoup the benefit from the employee. So, presumably and again when talking with the chamber and others, employers are not going to go around suing the workers what is frankly not a massive benefits back, but if there were accrued vacation there being cast out Something Like that they could credit it against that. But that was a request of the Business Community made and so we had to put that in there. Again, we are happy to have a conversation about what the exact homage not sure thats too. Be careful about that. Does the state is very ashamed of what you can claw back from employee. If you want to get something back, you have to go after that very specifically not make a deduction against money owed. So we have to look into the legality of that. Commissioners, the city does have a clawback clause and i put it in your notes and your binder. So, it is innercity charter under appendix a and they do have a sixmonth period i know from taking my permit manufacturers license test that the board is very strict about what you canwhat you can unilaterally deduct from an employee. This exhibit a pertains to noncity employee . It city employees. The city has set a standard. Im just identifying it for you. At 12, at 6 months. The city also please fully paisley for 12 weeks. So the city is much richer benefits. Again were open to discussion. You should look into that and see whether that is all enforceable under the labor law in terms of 90 days and being able to deduct the pay. Sure. As i mentioned, the chamber of commerce and other groups identified this as a request and so weve honored that request. It is reasonable. Totally understand her logistical issues. This actually recouping it. I definitely do not want to represent that the perfect seamless weve all conceded that. No one is going to go afterthe cost of hiring an attorney far outweighs the recoup. All right. Commissioner, are you finished . I have a followup question. There was one where the legislation does allow for requirement team of employees to utilize their Vacation Time first. B cant require that they use paid sick leave first because, under the paid sick leave ordinance that was adopted by the voters and only amended by the voters and does not allow the paid sick leave time to be used for family leave. But can be used Vacation Time doing that was always the intent and we made some clarifying changes to make it very clear. Thats the employees choice, correct . You cannot impose that . Can you employees it on the employee Vacation Time . Yes in the city does that as well. Thats your proposal . Yes. For vacation but not sick time. You cant do that under the voter adopted paid sick leave ordinance. I mentioned the 90 day clawback period. There was a request to require record retention for only 3 years, and not perpetually and weve made that amendment. Then, we change the operative date to january 1, 2017 insert of making it effective 30 days after the mayor signs it. The retention is shortened . Noted i think the original legislation, if i recall there was no specific limit and so we made this consistent with what i believe some other ordinance, City Ordinance i in terms that can record retention for 3 years. These are the 3 [inaudible] theres probably a few other small ones. There are a whole series of small technical and clarifying amendments to make it more understandable that we are making all those amendment could i can go to the mall but its eventually can be amended and brought back. So, was going to be introducing substitute legislation tomorrow pertaining to all the amendment and then its scheduled to go to the Budget Committee next wednesday. So, so 9 days from today will we have a chance to look at it again . No . We are happy come in tomorrow as soon as is done while the City Attorney send it to for you guys to look at it and were happy to receive additional input. But were telling what the amendmentits whats before you today with the amendment weve described perhaps, for the sake of supervisors time, the detailed amendment maybe some of the smaller things may be under a can go through them a little bit later, but for your ability to weigh in after the amendment are made, it sounds like its going to Budget Committee before our next Commission Meeting. Commissioner riley i have a question. You mentioned the employer can question an employee to use their unused vacation prior to the 6 weeks. Does that mean that the employee will be off for 8 weeks if they have 2 weeks unused vacation . No. What it means for within the structure of the 6 weeks that portion thats been paid for, it can bethey can be required to use a patient on an exhaust that before the employer has to pay. So, if the employee has 2 weeks of unused vacation, does that mean employer only has to pay 4 weeks . I dont want to commit with having a calculator but it would be reduced. I think would actually be because the employer is paying 45 its proportional to that. Socio2 weeks of paid Vacation Time model is called 5050 for simplicity, would actually be 4 weeks out of thei wouldnt want to do i would want to get that confirmed but thats my anderson i think that needs to be clarified. Its quite clear in the ordinance and maybe mr. Powers comes up you can walk you through it more. But its very clear and we made a clarifying amendment tomorrow to make Crystal Clear that the employer can require you exhaust Vacation Time for that 45 . Meaning, 2 weeks i believe would really be 4 weeks. Okay. That makes sense. Question commissioner adams i hope in the future the state and maybe one day our nation can find a way to bridge that tension between small Business Owner and the workers so that that one benefit doesnt counter the other. I just wanted to i would love to see better overall social insurance in this country, but unfortunately we have a difficult time in congress and even in the state legislature its been very challenging but thank you. Measures, i apologize for having to run but mr. Power will remain an answer questions. We did thank you, supervisor. Appreciated. Any other commissioner questions . Commissioner toursarkissian so, if you have 20 employees, regardless of where they work and you are in the city and county of San Francisco, then you fall under this ordinance, correct . Yes. Thats an system without sick leave ordinance, also. The question is, if youre not in the city and county of San Francisco and if you have one worker in the city, would you belets say you have 20 employees, 19 of them live and work outside the city and county and one of them comes in and works in the city. With this ordinance cover that employee . Just that single employee. It would not extend the benefits to people who do not will work in San Francisco. Theres basically twopart test. The first test is looking at whether you employ 20 or more employees and that is basically anywhere. The 2nd part test as an individual employee, if you meet the threshold of requirements in terms of the number of hours and sort of the duration of time youve been with that employer, here in San Francisco, those benefits would apply to you but would be you only it means itll only applies only to the employee within the city . Thats correct. We dont have the Legal Authority to extend benefits to people do not work in San Francisco however, if youre an employer in the city and county and you have 19 People Living and working outside the city and county in europe one employee am a that applies to all the other worker . As i mentioned before, theres a twopart threshold. The first step is how many employees you have. It doesnt matter where they are. But say you meet that piece. Then, the question is, do you have any covered employees . The covered employee means they work in San Francisco forso, if you have 20 employees and 19 of themand your employer here in San Francisco, 19 of your employees are in oakland and one of them is here in San Francisco, it only applies to the one in San Francisco. Not to the 19. Beta it doesnt cover the others . Correct. To be a covered employee to work in San Francisco. Any of the questions . Should be open up to Public Comment . We open this up item up to Public Comment. Would any members of the public to comment . Stephen cornell with counsel merger district. One thing to consider is this of course is a lot money to employers in San Francisco putting us into another advantage over people in our bay area or wherever art [inaudible] one thing id love to see in this legislation is a goes into city contracts. In the city decides to buy this microphone or lightbulb or anything else, that it be required their employees from those companies also have the same vote as we have now. Id like to see that. Otherwise it just doesnt work good you would kill San Francisco businesses. Actually, as a lot of people coming into San Francisco and they dont have somebody physically here. I use the example of cocacola company. Im aware of 15 employees that come into San Francisco every day. They dont have any physical presence in the city. The coke machines and all kinds of equipment to make deliveries. How about the handled the candy . Thank you. Thank you. Good evening good jim rogers San Francisco chamber of commerce. We appreciate the opportunity with other Business Organizations to work with the Supervisors Office on this legislation. We suggested as you know on the mom a number of amendment not only from the chamber but from all Business Advocates and other organization could i gather some of them are working process and the City Attorneys office. We look for to seeing the version that is set to be introduced tomorrow at the board of supervisors. From what we understand a number of serious issues they have been resolved and those amendment but i think theres still a number of issues. One goesi know this is a heavy leftbut somehow within the last 10 years we define Small Business is somebody that has for an exemption purposes, less than 20 employees. Thats micro isnt it thats not Small Business. I do not we can get off of that. And gives true Small Business a break from these mandates. It started with the health mandates. With every ordinance, we pick up that 20 threshold and say if you have more than 20 employees youre not small pacific of course you are Small Business. Its just a whole different level of hr aggravation for a Sole Proprietor who is trying to do the books and maintain a legal operation under federal state and local law. I think the number of fulltime vs. Parttime employees, how may i was, again this 8 hour threshold comes out of the Healthcare Security ordinance good so, the size of the employers business, the number of employees in the city, when does this benefit kick in, parttime or fulltime, a lot of the clarifying issues we raised, under state law you can take this benefit in daily doses over the course of 12 months. Which is a good thing. We want to make sure the 6 weeks of that 45 pay is also something is spread out over a period of time and were not talking about an employee having to take a lump some 6 weeks at once. We appreciate the record retention changes. There is some movement in state law now in the legislature to up the 55 benefit under state law. Of course, the issue is that before by being for you. The reason some of these issues dont really apply at the state level it doesnt matter who the employer is. It matters to your recent employers have been to come up with that income average for your weekly equivalent up to 106,000 a year on the annual basis we get that for 6 weeks paid out of a pot of money and insurance account that employees in california have paid into. Now were going to have employers pay that extra 45 here. What happens when the state races that . Do we have to continue this on the books of the state ups this to 75 or 80 . Theres actually a tax benefit under state tax law to the employee. So, theres still a number of issues. We look forward to working with the supervisor, your staff numbers of this commission over the next few weeks as this legislation goes forward to the board of supervisors. Thank you. Scott how we calendar. Let me begin by thanking the supervisor for coming before the Commission Presenting his legislation. I also like to make a clarification. I believe the supervisor said my percent of the businesses were or excuse me, 90 of the employees work for companies with less than 50 employees. Well it may be that 90 of the businesses are, 90 of the employees is way out of whack. In fact the number is about 52 of the people that work the businesses at less than 100. Clearly, there were close to 90 . What i hope the commission does is take this under advisement and prioritize the amendment i think that would be important to do. And would appreciate it. The 2 issues i like to address that i think are really critical is i do think the 20 employees is too low. I think 15 employees make sense because it fits with the family medical leave. So, i think 50 makes a lot more sense and will not impact the businesses with less than 50 and it could be our heavy hit it 2nd thing, i am repeating what mr. Lazarus said that is the 8 hours. The 8 hours does not make any sense at all. I know its an healthcare ordinance, but i think that is way too low. The federal government under the aca says 30 hours. If youre buying Health Insurance can buy it under 20 hours. I think that 8 hours definitely needs to be increased. Thank you. Thank you. Do we have any other members of the public would like to comment . Hi. At first like to thank this of her visor and his office for working with us on this issue. In order to protect small restaurants would like to see if you amendment. First, we like to see the threshold for the number of employees go up to 50 or 100. As others have mentioned, 20 is very small especially for how laborintensive a restaurant is. Additionally come up with a tizzy hours also pushed to at least 20 hours a week since its such an Administrative Burden for Small Businesses may have only 20 or 21 employees. We also like to see the number of days employee must work for an employer moved from 90 to either 6 months or one year. The sounds of very high turnover and 90 days is a very short might time to qualify for this program. Lastly we have concerns about how employers must calculate the percentage of income for the employee because of fluctuating hours. Designers in the legislation, the calculation we would be doing here would be different from how the state would calculate it. I see that also being in a missed read a burden for the smaller business. Thank you. Thank you. Anymore Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners and the other comments . I want to thank the speakers because they said what ive been thinking. 20 is just way too low. I really appreciate what mr. Lazarus said. Under 20 is micro. The businesses that have been saying stuff to me in the last few weeks are the ones for just under 50 employees. If we do approve this to go through, the one amendment x id like to do is at least make the threshold 50 employees and a least 20 hours work week. Yes. From the people ive spoken with the general consensus amongst small amount micro Business Owners, that this city is just aggressively i use that word intentionallymaking it more and more difficult to operate a Small Business in the city and county of San Francisco. I think its important for our legislative body to remember that a vital part of our economy to make sure the Small Businesses dont go out of business or out of the city. Every time that we do these things, whether it is getting ahead of the curve on minimum wage were getting ahead on the curb of any of a myriad of benefits that we have used as our patted ourselves on the back for being a progressive city, we have made it harder and harder and harder for Small Business to operate here to the benefits of small Business Owners who, by the weight happened to be the lowest wage employees in the syndicate were whole are hurting alternately very foundation of these jobs for the workers were trying to benefit. None of us are going to benefit this ecosystem withers and dies because weve suffocated it. So, i think what you will consistently hear from this commission, given our charter is to express an advocate on behalf of small and micro businesses, for our survival, that these types of ordinance do not sit well with our community. Are all for compromise. When not here to be obstructionist, but we also have to be mindful of that leaving many of these burdens upon ourselves. So, i dont know this is a discussion item for possible action tonight. Again, i dont want to come across as obstructionist but think weve heard loud and clear that certainly the limit, 20 employees or something is untenable to our community. 50 or even 100 is preferred number. So, that alone is a major sticking point. The other points that follow have been stated tonight, and i think theyve already been expressed by the chamber and others for your consideration. Commissioners,commissioner dooley i think we should also bring up the 90 day minimum employment. I mean, especially in the restaurant industry. We have to make that a longer period of time. Whether we want to recommend 6 months or 12 months it definitely has to go higher than 90 days. Commissioner riley i agree with commissioner dooley that 90 days does seem very short period of time. We need to in the city maybe 6 months to a year. Also, i agree with you that the 20 employees is very low that would hit all of the restaurants, i think. Also, one of the speakers i think was mr. Cornell, mentioned a lot of these big corporations that are doing business in San Francisco but they do not have a physical location in San Francisco city vendors yes. Maybe we should recommend some sort of aminorex i would suggest that we can make recommendations of these very specific points. Id also suggest that we are shortly able to have no recommendation. I dont think that it would be if we were to make a positive recommendation, i know well be flying in the face of our constituents we make a negative one were potentially regarded as being obstructionist. I think we should be very firm on the recommendations we are making the changes in the legislation. Some not going to make a motion but i put it to you by fellow commissioners thats a possible course of action. I will make a motion. Im going to make a motion here, but i want the Supervisors Office to really listen to this. Small businesses in this town are under attack. Im not kidding when supervisor wiener was standing up here and im a fan of supervisor wiener, but this is the kind of thing thats about to break the camels back in this town. When you go into our neighborhood in upper market, we see lots of Small Business vacancies and quick turnovers that you have not seen in years. When i talk to the small Business Owners i say why are you leaving . This is another thing the city is coming in on it it were better off moving down to san bruno or to oakland because the city is squeezing them out. They want to stay here. Now, i understand what you want to do with this legislation, and that part i like. My motion would be, first, 6 months at least working at your employment. I like the 20 hours a work per week with the employer within the boundaries of the city. I like the threshold to be raised, at least 250 employees because it is those ones under 51s really worrying me right now that goes along with the security healthcare ordinance. Having an amendment that would require all city vendorsbecause right now city vendors had to meet lgbt and other humanlike rights requirements. Lets make them hunt, but these vendors have this requirement as well. To keep it even keel. If you can listen to us on this, and i would put forward the support these changes, then im okay. I do appreciate you been talking to the Golden Gate Restaurant Association and the chambers because the restaurants are the backbone of the city. San francisco is known for its restaurants. Anywhere you go in the country. But im seeing those starting to close a more and more and starting to get frustrating. Like pres. Dwight said, with a Small Business commission and after we leave these meetings we hear from our from these people. That is my motion. May i suggest that we pick up also on the issues that were raised by the supervisor regarding Vacation Time . Verification regarding Vacation Time. As to the return to work, i think that should be a condition if its enforceable. Since the supervisor is planning on adding that to be amended legislation, should we not at it to your motion . I would agree to that. Okay. Do you have a motion . Yes. The motion iswell is the motion that i recommend these changes. Upon condition of the proposed adoption of these proposed amendments amount which is making that the employee is eligible after 6 months worth of working, works a minimum of 20 hours a week, that threshold is 50 employees or more, applies to businesses with 50 of them employees or more. That this requirement is applied to all city vendors. And, that the additional amendment that the supervisor was making in respect to the Business Communitys request around the clarifying language around allowing the sick i mean Vacation Time, the requirement of utilization of Vacation Time, the record retention for 3 years, the operative date of january 1, 2017, and adding the clawback clause. To the extent that it is enforceable. So, i have those are the proposed amendment. I dont know mr. Lazarus mentioned the were a lot of other issues they were discussing but these are the these are our conditions for approval. Is this motion to approve so, i think we want to be careful that we do not put out there we approve this and requested these conditions c because the director will read we approved it had the conditions. In the conditions are optional. When not adjudicating those good so, they have toi would approve this legislation only if these get put in. I would suggest we have a special session to approve this legislation of these conditions written into the legislation as it is presented before goes to final vote. Correct so, then commissioners appoint of clarification. I will inform the Supervisors Office of the proposed amendments, with no final action on approval or disapproval of the legislation and then schedule a special meeting once weonce the commission once we seei mean schedule a special meeting regardless, actually ; scheduled for you than to take final action. So, for and before next weeks budget and finance committee meeting. Yes. Thats what i want. So, you need to make a motion to propose these amendment be made withoutyour motion is to propose these amendment be maybe not taking final action where are reserving i would change my motion to for the adoption. Changing the motion to make our ultimate decision conditional on adoption of these amendment. And that we will wait in between now and the final legislation. Im just making notes. So, commissioners, do i need to read back through with those proposed amendments are . No. We are good so, with that, with that motion, commissioner adams motion and we have a 2nd. Moved and seconded. Moved and seconded. Mr. Adams aye dooley aye dwight aye toursarkissians ps, commissioners riley aye zouzounis aye. The motion passes 60 to submit the 2 supervisor wiener the proposed amendment in and reschedule the hearing for you. Just thanks for sticking around and also thank you to supervisor for showing up today and thank you to all of you came here for Public Comment. Itd are you intending to have a special hearing afterwhen would that be . Given this is moving forward at the committee i dont know ill have to check with the city hall, the building on when well have an available meeting space. So, i will let you know as soon as i have that determine. Thank you. Item. Commissioners, for item number 4 supervisor tangs office is sick and supervisor tang notified the office and i think each of you, theyre not able to be present. So we do represent is for item number 5. Do you want to switch those or go ahead and hear item number 4 . Item number 42 if any objection to item number 4 . Relative to the Small Business community . Chart read into the record and then we can have some discussion . Yes item number 4 is discussion and possible action to make recognition to the board of supervisors on 160121. This is changing the special tax district the San Francisco sustainable financing accessibility access financing. Its a resolution making changes to the city and county of San Francisco special tax district to amend to authorize financing purposes to include accessibility access financing for persons with disabilities. So, for a point of clarification, we have this special financing district that was initially started to help encourage Property Owners to do solar. That was increased around the stock story and my conversation with patrickhe thought this would be a good application to include it Property Owners to be able to finance their entryway accessibility. The cost. So that especially substantial they would not be either to go for a loan or asking the Business Owner to do it. This is allowing the accessibility, allowing the cost of doing accessibility to your entryway as a means ofyou can do this special tax district. As it is for energy efficiency, water conservation. Its totally volunteer. So, is there any one aware of any impact on Small Business or any objection from Property Owners small Business Owner . Edict i personally see this as an option available to Business Owners. I dont see the negative impact on the contrary. It gives some flexibility therefore on how it could hurt the business shall we open up to Public Comment sous unanimity of 2 stress anything in that regard . So, if i may, we open up for Public Comment on this item. Hello. Im not sure if i dont need to name the rest of them all the time. Im not against this but one of the things my concern right now is use of accessibility. Who is it accessible for . What is happening in San Francisco is there not interpreting the american with disabilities act exactly correctly. They just think its will chairs and canes. There are people that have autism that cannot walk properly. Lou gehrigs is a big one ive had to deal with it recently. One of the cases coming up is one concerning asthma and access to the house because of other issues that are stopping us. If you vote on this i want you to clarify that be for all the disabilities. Its just not for a wheelchair or cane. Because youre looking at somebody that sometimes can walk and sometimes i cant. We are out there, too. I just think theres been a cloning, it has to be for one group. I think its sad for our society. The tango thank you for your comments. Any of the members of the public that would like to comment on the same . Item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, any further discussion . Is there a motion . I would motion to approve and to comply with the americans with disabilities act. I agree with commissioner huizar cassette. Its an option and ive seen it used for the fulsome street. Its really a benefit for Business Owners. This is something i would definitely approve. I think supervisor tang for bringing this up because its another option for the Business Owner. With a motion to approve this item. Moved and seconded. I just want to comment that supervisor tang has been in the forefront of working with disabled people and pushing forward the agenda could ive worked with myself with her for many years on this. I would really like to say how much i appreciate how much work shes doing around this topic. To make it work for everyone. Great. So vocal about will call. Commissioner adams nay, dooley aye, dwight aye, toursarkissian aye riley aye zouzounis aye. The motion passes 60. We will move on to item number 5. Presentation from the lombard Corridor Coalition regarding the lombard street corridor transit project and Chestnut Street projects. So commissioners, the point of clarification with a request for presentation was submitted to the office. The president of the Commission Approved it on the agenda but the timing is such that we do not have time to invite the sfmta to be able to present on the details, but we can, if thats what she would like a future meeting we can invite them to present on the details could this item is on the agenda is a discussion and action item. Its not required but is on the agenda to allow you the full range of options of what you should decide whatever you would like to do. I want this to be a form where we hear these issues in public. And get ahead of them. Whether we could get out of this we will see but certainly i appreciate you coming out tonight to educate us on the issue thanks. Ontario northland up my family has been on the corner of fillmore and lumbar since 1914 believe it or not. We are hereyour comments on the last billboard item number 3 is just perfect segue because there are parts of the plan for lombard street that the sfmta that is planning that is completely antiSmall Business. Theres 2 main things that one is there going to remove 47 parking places along the corridor and the 2nd thing is, the moving bus stops. Currently, there in front of buildings without any private driveways or residences. Therell called caldwell banker offices and the honda repair shop. Theyre moving 10 of these bus stops across the street in front of Small Businesses and private driveways. Its so illogical and so antiSmall Business. There are 10 of us here to get him to be very brief with an introduction that this Business Owners behind me, but i want you to know, we have 650 petition signers who agree with what were going to say. All these petitions were signed in Small Businesses on lombard street. The reader Business Owners. Employees, customers, Property Owners. Literally, 650 people along the corridor were absolutely and directly affected by these changes. So, we knowi was a small Business Owner for 30 years. Thats where my heart is. So we all know that this would be negative impacts the loss of that much parking with moving stops in front of small stores. They deny it but we do not. We know its going to happen. Were some articles we found over the weekend that gives specific examples from berkeley and new york these exact same changes how business is went down 20 , etc. The sfmta, unfortunately, why we do not know to not do one study on the impact of these plans on Small Businesses. Now, how they can get away with that and do it anyway, we just dont understand that. We met with them 4 times with engineers and planners. We have said every single time this is so anti Small Business. Take away all parking and accessibility and putting the bus stops and all the people right in front of the small shops. They just completely ignore the argument could they want to just talk about transit efficiency and pedestrian safety. So, they claim theyve had a outreach. Theyre doing outreach with the community and Business Owners. None of us know anything about this except by wordofmouth and rumor that that information started to trickle in about 6 months ago. These fans have been in the works for 23. They never consulted one that landowner, one Business Owner, but one resident. So these plans were created. They have this high in the sky idea of how this is going to be great for San Francisco could reveal its going to really really really harm Small Businesses youre talking about earlier. What you should know being on here, we are here for lombard street specifically today, but theyre planning to do this on van ness avenue, on post street, on geary,. Theres 24 different major streets in San Francisco are parking is going to be removed and theyre going to put these have the buses stopping in the lane of traffic rather than pulling over to the side. So, here is the real rub, and that is that no one oversees the mta. Appointed by the mayor. We talked to regina and she said, you know, they can kind of doi dont article you but any rate you guys dont have power over the mta and we certainly dont because as a community and group weve met with them 4 separate times and they have not given us and ate them an inch on the changes we wanted which was less loss of parking and not moving those bus stops in front of Small Businesses. So, we would like to work with you at all possible. I was so delighted to hear your presentation how proSmall Business and are worried about that a move to the suburbs. Thats what were trying to tell the mta. If theres no parking of drive to marin and shop. They wont stop on lombard street. So what we would like to work with you from here on out im sorry were coming so late in the game but we do not realize this would have been an option for us. We would like to work with but your commission to insist that mta be more inclusionary, do impact studies, before they make these changes and then after to make sure theyre not negatively impacting Small Businesses. We want transparency. So much of this was done behind closed doors before we even knew about it. Little more honesty would be nice. Because some of the reports are very fact stretching lets just say. So please can form some kind of a liaison with you to work to prevent not just on lombard although thats why we are here, really looked into it because its all throughout the city and friends of ours who live throughout the city are all freaking out in their individual neighborhoods. We are trying to finally get a hold City Coalition going but anyway. We just want you to know this is happening. Thank you. Now some Business Owners from lombard are coming up we may have a couple questions for you. I do. If i understand, there are holdouts at the corners recommended as well as some buildout for bus stops as well. That those dildos all were moving the parking. As i see in the presentation yes. The removing parking on the corner so that pedestriansthere will be parked car visibility issues. So the net result of that is the removal of 47 47 parking space. What is the total number of Parking Spaces presently today . With the effective was the percentage loss . I do not know. Because that wouldnt be an important thing to look at is because 1 , 10 or 30 . I cant open this for Public Comment. If we can answer the they said there are 110 parking meters on lumbar street so be a little over 40 . And thats a proxy for the number of Parking Spaces. Then, you mentioned there intending to put some of the bus stops in front of existing driveways. So they are picking imminent domain on the driveways . Correct. Which means residents are also going to lose the ability to park in front of their own driveways. How do they get . Were losing all the private with the bus stops the private driveways at all how you get in and out of your driveways . Particularly b6 we dont have a bus stop in front of our driveways no because as you all know about street is retarded, 100,000 cards that go up and down lombard. When we come home usually park in the driveway. We wait for the traffic, and then we go around the block and go in the garage. Now were going to no ability to park in the driveway. Were going to have people waiting in the bus stop could i dont mean to be daft but how do you get your card into your garage under the new situation . Theyre going to take up buildout and make a driveway. You still be able to access get into your garage, but it affects the accessibility of it for you correct. Theres a safety issue also. We have studies we could show you that say its unsafe to people waiting in driveways and we brought that they dont care. The other question i have is whether the bus stops as proposed also includes shelters or whether their shelter was stops . I think theyre sheltered. So the be to be a visual obstruction of storefronts as well. Correct. Those were my commission question. Commissioner adams first off, Steve Cornell, you are right. I want to give Steve Cornell a shout out. This is something he brought polk street to our attention years ago and we met with mta and they were going to more communitywe actually had a joint meeting appear with mta and mta says, theres a problem, let us know and we have been letting him know. I agree with you. It does seem like youre falling on deaf ears. This is not just a lombard street issue. Its a polk street. Its gary. I live in upper market and regarding lost hours and i can tell you that its a pain to part. Trying to find parking is not what it used to be and its going into the neighborhoods people in the neighborhood can park. It just becomesso i want to thank you for coming and organizing because thats how we have to do it. We will have to get other places but, steve, you call this a few years ago. This is the start happening on van ness and sure enough, so i have to give you a shout out for that one. Because ive been seen it myself. Its thei know the city has this transit first policy. I get that. However, that transit first policy is not cookie cutter and it doesnt fit all areas. People still live on hills could still have to drive down the hill to shop and i keep hearing people who live up on twin peaks and drive to know we valley anymore because they cant park. What do they do . The drive down to daly city and shop. So, something does have to be done. I dont know, director gourmet who should have a joint meeting with mta. I dont know if that will help, but weve got to get through that. This is starting to become a bigger problem than a few years ago. Speak it is going to be citywide. Theres no doubt about it. Already people are saying its so hard to park in San Francisco. I dont go into the city very much anymore. Lumbar street is a highway. The federal highway. Theres all these cars commuters, taurus, to treat it like any of the street as well as Everything Else is just ridiculous i would not have a problem with the transit lanes if they would let us build parking structures in neighborhoods again. Thats what i suggested. They shot me down on that one this in 1972 ordinance out there when they were to Start Building parking structures in neighborhoods and i believe the last one that was built was in north beach where the Police Station is. That was the last one built. To me, its like that to open up that discussion again. If you want to have these transit lanes, you have gone have to put some parking structures in. Maybe we all get together and just put a Ballot Initiative on there and say but still some parking structures in the city. I know the transit people first wont like that but you know, after a while people do drive. I hateit should be all us together. We try. Believe me, we tried. Theres a lot of businesses on the lombard that have had hospitals will speak next people can bring their dogs on the bus. They have this pollyanna thing well if we take away all the parking and would make the bus is a little quicker everybodys got take the bus. But thats not going to happen. Its unrealistic. I see the schedule properly here in the mta presentation, summer of 2016 is so nearterm treatment. I presume that is somethingsomething thats more pavement brains. The reviewing and permitting caltrans and bidding and awarding the bits. Construction is to begin in summer of 2017. So roughly 1516 months before construction is scheduled to begin. So, theres obviously not a lot of time because were looking at summer for reviewing and permits once i get permit its done. The vote unfortunately is tomorrow at 1 pm. The vote on . On where . Bedecked at the sfmta board meeting. I wish we had moved to come here months ago but we didnt. Commissioner toursarkissian i do have a question. You met with him 4 times and you said you had an architect with you. We do not have an architect. We did not. We were just citizens. We met with them 3 times as citizens and then we met once with mark farrells office and his 8. I been reading but the sfmta has in mind, but in my record i dont have what you submitted to them to did you cement anything in writing . I did and i can give you a copy. The tech that is something that each time you met with them you made your request same, anything weve emailed summary comes. We sent him the studies good we 40 studies for all over the country that say, dont put bus stops in driveways. Its dangerous for the people waiting. Its dangerous for the people backing out and they just really dismissed us. I propose you submit whatever you submitted to the sfmta to this body so at least we can gauge and understand what your concerns are. In writing. So we can weigh it with and maybe invite sfmta to tell us why theyre rejecting outright. I see some compelling issues of safety. There are plans parts of the plan theyre really good. Really oriented toward safety and were also those parts. But then they started saying that putting the bus stop in front of the driveway and we went off on that tangent here we found always studies that said it wasnt safe the minute we said it wasnt safe, they said well, its better for transit efficiency. Pick your topic. I think the president said, this is a form for you to be able to put forth all your arguments and what the president meant, this is a place where you may submit for the record everything that you submitted publicly to the sfmta. I have one packet we gave an theres a 2nd one i can get you a copy of. Thats fine. Mr. Dooley i certainly understand what youre doing with since i had this to do with us on columbus avenue. My question is did you actively tell them what you thought would be ways to resolve some of these issues in a more business and neighborhood friendly and they just rejected it . Actually, when we talk about business they just sat there and didnt say anything. They did not react to. If we talk about safety they reacted to that. But they really wouldnt talk about Small Businesses. I had a similar experience on 2nd street where i used to live. That slated for a major major streetscape. It does seem thatthey are there trying to make a basically, a test of bunch of things. Based on what theyve seen in european cities and things like that. So there was verya lot of objections to Business Owners and residents that does feel like when youre in those meetings say to complete and your humoring you to be there listening to you. This isi dont want to be too pejorative on. Were working diligently to try to get all city agencies to be more open to Public Discourse before setting their plans in stone. Whether it be transit orientated things or now the latest issue is Navigation Centers, where to place Navigation Centers for homeless care. These are all things that we understand the sense of urgency but urgency cannot trump Public Discourse. This is fundamental tenants of democracy. There excuses that caltrans in 2018 is going to read paper lombard street. We have to do this all before that happens. This is their push to do things down like a tunnel. There are parts of it they could do and still we paid not necessarily the chances for these businesses to continue to be successful. There is 152 businesses on the corridor and all small. Many small, none of them are really big about of the corner of the space that challenges with the increase of traffic and other issues that. So, we hear you loud and clear. This is a forum where we want these issues to be brought up. This is a place where things go on the public record. I encourage people to bring their comments and read from the script because this is where its getting written in the record where we can then express to other legislative bodies and agencies the concerns of our constituents that appear here. Commissioner toursarkissian i think there is a report. It would be nice to get a rebuttal and your plan and your vision is representing these businesses. Property owners are going to be affected on that corridor. It would be nice to get that together and submit it to have a complete vision or an idea of your vision. And your suggestions. This should be a place where the mta would come and explain what they are doing it and why theyre rejecting your plans some or all of them. It would be nice to do that we have done that and i have a copy of forwarded so, you say the vote is scheduled for tomorrow . Tomorrow at 1 pm i was just one possible option is for us to write a letter to the mta tonight and to let them know that we heard this item to note we would respectfully request to delay their vote pending further discourse. That would be great. I wish then that they would do a study on the impact on Small Businesses. So the business would have some kind of idea what happened out on. A lot of these transit ideas these build outs and these transit things are trending now across the country. They are in latin america and europe but when i asked what American City similar to our situation has done this and show me its worked, they cant. There isnt one. So were going to be like the experiment and its not going to work and what are they going to do . Take out all thoseput the meters back . Will on the concept of hated or obtain it in rather than putting in the curbs, paint the areas because paint can be changed in this idea of proceeding with fixed infrastructure like curbs and whatnot, those never get changed because digging this stuff up is difficult. Paint can be sandblasted and redone and is lots of temporary barriers that replaced. So if that caltrans comes through and pays that corridor, it doesnt mean they cant make virtual build outs and create temperate structures as being done in other places of visit. They even put rocks at the corner of 5th and market to test something out. So there are ways to do it. Boulders, they were. That was a temporary structure in order to basically affect a buildout. So, there are other means adding important thing is one, we do try to continue this push to dialogue earlier. We routinely call on agencies here to come have this discourse so ideally without the mta here today along with you and your presentation that they could give their presentation. We have some dialogue in this forum other than some Community Meeting that frankly isnt going to go unnoticed and unrecorded. Then it sort of, we did outreach. Often time, outreach is not necessarily to the full constituents. Thereve outreach or Neighborhood Association or Business Owner did not show and they done it at a time of day where residents are Business Owners cannot show up. So i think bringing it here puts it on the record. Puts it in front of commissioners who can also work with supervisors and aid in Supervisors Offices in the committees commissions and offices that deal with the issues. We are available. Will leave you our contact information. We do of 650 people behind this. I know theres not more sitting back there will make an appeal if our commission so agrees to the mta to delay their vote to what avail i cant guarantee. We can also continue the discussion after a vote. Just because you voted they cant respew vote what is the vote about . It would be a done deal. Their proposal is online. You can find it online. Its called the lumbar Street Safety project. Its really transit efficiency project. If i may, president , invert them be asking the mta to delay were going to need, if i may suggest, tell them that you have a plan. You have a suggestion and those should be in the record. Objections. We wont necessarily be able to say dont remove these 47 spots. Remove these 47 spots. Its heavy we dont want 47 spots removed. We can do with 10 because we think otto there are valid reasons for moving it even come to the table with a suggestion for how you can meet somewhere, whether in the middle or off to the left or right, and not just say, no, because no one also hear the word out. We have done that. We came at the whole we have conceded to i think, 6 parts of the plan. This is what we told him at the last media look how far weve come. Youve talked us into 6 things we were against in the beginning. They havent come 1 inch. They dont want the bus stops moved. And we dont want to lose all those parking places. Thats the change. Thats how simple it is from our perspective. We are now in agreement that some of the things they want to do really are for pedestrian safety. Okay. I think having a dialogue in a form like this if we can would be useful. That being said, as well, we can certainly put this on the agenda for your presentation of those items so we can for that to the mta for whatever its worth. We need to press on and keep pressing on these issues. Just because a vote happens tomorrow you dont stop pressing on it. Than the status quo becomes we just power through. We vote its done and everyone shuts up. Thats no good. We cant allow that to happen. Thats exactly what we wanted to hear you say. Thank you. More discussion commissioner riley spit i like to hear the Public Comment. We will get to that. Commissioner dooley i was going to add what commissioner dwight said witches mta has been pretty tone deaf for a long time. We have talked to them once but i feel we want to encourage as many neighborhood groups that are being affected to get themselves together because theyre not listening. Also, i know for my area, we should be able to suggest ideas that are less invasive to the neighborhoods. For example, scramble. That is, to me your paving with color treat a scramble is an amazing way to assure safety and i see it all the time on california street, downtown. Everyone crossing at once stops. To me, that is along the lines of painting it. We dont need have huge build outs. We need to start in a way thats more friendly to the neighborhoods needs, especially Small Business and because of that, we need to get together with mta again. All of us. Go over this and say, here we are again. Its a conditioning process. In losing our private driveways, the businesses are street all user private driveways as loading zones they will lose that. Some of the businesses on lombard. Of this was private driveways are takeout food. Delivery of animals. The pet babysitting thing and thattheres businesses here was private driveways not just for the residence. We share. I think for Small Business abide in a parking in my business is over and i would have made it. Good point. I digitally protect the one parking place i have in front of my business as well. So, if theres no further questions, will open this up to Public Comment. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Any members of the public that would like to comment on this item . If you can hold off just a moment like it the timer. Huizar just a reminder Public Comment is limited for 3 min. That is the rule of order here. So, will get out of virtual halt and drag you off the stage. When you hear the first time the means of 30 seconds. We need to the last time please make it so we dont have to drag you off the stage. Here we go im ready now. To answer a couple of questions, we have done what you said and weve had actually had boards up and we taken notes. They sent as emails with what we did and totally ignore everything that weve done. Weve given them what you suggested. What we call charrettes. Outlook debbie does close your eyes and think about union st. , fillmore, up and down, just a street and lombard. We talked about thousands of Small Businesses would talk about how the community lives, the people live in those areas so they can walk to those stores and be part of them. Steve, you were talking about how city is killing them. So, my name is dr. Roger can a veterinarian and owner of the marina pet hospital the 2024 lombard st. Since 1970 the hospital was founded by dr. Carol in 1938 and is one of the oldest businesses in the city. Doing the same thing in the same neighborhood. I only include this bit of history to emphasize my knowledge of the challenges of doing business on lombard the limited parking and evergrowing traffic. Removal of one parking space on lombard is one too many. Let alone 47 that are being recommended by the sfmta. The loss of a parking space not only affects the spaces that clients use, but at same time reduces Space Available to employees. Without the spaces and easy access Small Businesses will lose clients and find it even more difficult to hire people. I employ 12 people a day, 7 days a week. Each of them was find a parking space 3 times in an 8 hour shift. Talk about 912 hours a day for looking for Parking Spaces were nonproductive work. Now, lets assume the average business on lombard have 10 employees and their 200 businesses total. Thats 2000 people. As 2000x3 times a day times 15 min. We are talking about 1500 hrs. Of people looking for Parking Spaces did you take away 47 spaces its a catastrophe. Especially for the employees. There is somewhere between 150200 Small Businesses along with hundred thousand cars from over 10,000 local residents, service providers, tourists, all doing business consuming products and seeking service on lombard daily. But as of today, sfmta has not done one study to evaluate the impact of its decision upon the lombard Small Business. That was your hook. You end up on a high note. Thank you. To have any less would like to comment the 6 welcome. My name is don evans and among the cal Hollow Association board of directors and him head of the traffic and Parking Committee for that august group. I started working with this one but Street Project in july of last year. I just want to mention that at the very first meeting, which was held at a church on union street, i went to this and talk to the engineers and support that i talk to these guys my first comments from you people just tone deaf. I came to that conclusion pretty early. What i would like to say is with respect to some comments on sfmta being concerned about Small Businesses, and residents, when we first got into this we start asking them howwhat their review of the effects of these proposed changes are on the businesses and they said we done a survey. Everything is fine. So i said, well, i been in business for 40 years large and Small Businesses and so forth. What are the results of your survey . We do not publish them. Well, everybody that is a survey for some purpose publishes the results. Well, we didnt. Well, what was the survey . As i drove down and down and down were several meetings over several months i found out that they sent an engineer out to knock on some doors and me business cards when nobody answered. The tactical businesses and that was the complete extent of what they learned from Small Businesses. In their preparation. Secondly, i want to mention that Chestnut Street is about 200 feet away from lumbar street and theres a Chestnut Street safety proposal project going on right now. It also has possible parking, holdouts for buses, build outs for pedestrians and similar proposals that are negative toward Small Businesses. We have asked them time and again to consider the impact on both of these projects because you cant consider one of these projects alone. Theyre not independent. They have not done that. Then, i like to say that ive also worked with a group of at sfmta thats emotional policy, which was approved in november and modified just recently passed by the board of supervisors. I learned from them and asking about clubs because they mention hubs and i wondered all along was scott street didnt get any of this bombardment did i find out theyre planning to Transit Private hubs in on scott street in lombard effective 11 parking spots and negative impact on local businesses. I can name the businesses but my time is up. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Sfgov tv if we could have the overhead. There we go. I just want to point out how much sfmta has just blatantly ignored the Small Businesses. The general manager for when a vista motor on lombard and golf. One day and came up an engineer came up and said were proposing it by stopping your white zone and youre there move your white zone to cross the street did i said okay well lets discuss this. I thought i was beginning a dialogue. He said i told him we cant do that if you going to ruin our business. Anyone has to go 6 box around to get to the white zone. So apparently, i know they did not do any studies. Reagan looked at however impact the business. We been going on since then and they finally realized they can take a white zone away from us just recently i had an email from their manager from lori hunter, shes as well, you can keep your white zone but will keep the buses at the bus stop there. I went, that doesnt give us any satisfaction. We argued with him about the noise of the buses. Theyre the bus that runs in the wee hours of morning in front of our hotel and thats when the major points weve had to deal with gas. If that comments could bring your phones. Tuesday at the hotel. So, the main thing is to for them to validate the value the bus stops there. They just have not done that. They just have gone along with it and finally with email, you can keep your zone but were going to keep the bus stops. Weve given them so many examples of why its not valid to put it there. Number one, they want to put a bus stop on laguna and the mayors. Before that is on fillmore, 3 bucks awake and were saying try to make it more efficient at how does that make you more efficient . Than from laguna they want to make it on g st. Government can make a left turn on dennis. Thats a oneway left turn. Coming into van ness to bombard theres 3 things that make left on. So the one lane that turns up towards northpoint is so congested, its ridiculous to add another line to get we tell them that. Weve also told him when the summer comes along, and the coconut street backup starts a go 3 blocks down and effects that left her. Right now, during peak hours the backup already goes to blocks past. At the beginning of the month as a bus driver that came up to golf weighted for the red light. He took a right turn on golf. Because he got so frustrated. He knew he could not get across. He stopped in front of our place to make after transfers of 3 lanes which is pretty dangerous. Especially the backup. We hear your message. Theyre not listening at all. They not do any studies thank you very much. My name is jonathan meyer. On the order of the childs delight the toy store at the corner of lombard and fillmore. We are extremely concerned about the proposed changes right now, we have 2 metered parking places on lombard right in front of our store. They get regularly used by customers thats going to disappear. I just want to say, in the few minutes i have, you are probably aware that rick and Mortar Retail is under a lot of stress now. Amazon, prime, number ships increased like 22 during the holidays. Theres an issue called show roaming where people come in with their smart phones, scan a barcode in the store and have it delivered by amazon the next day. So we dont need more obstacles and impediments to try to do business. So the monitor if this is lifethreatening, but if you google, effective bus build outs on retail businesses, there are numerous articles online that cold Business Owners saying their business has significantly been impacted by having a bus in front, stopping the fumes. We have young families with small children going in and out of our store all day long. With crowds of bus stop patrons complicating the matter, were very concerned about this is going to impact our business. I think youve heard most of these arguments already, but im just putting in my . 02. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next . Thank so much for doing this. We appreciate all your comments and your concern. Ill be very brief. I want to underscore what jonathan was just talking about a moment ago. There are a numerous articles online talk about the impact of bus build outs on businesses did have 2 things in common that we seen here in San Francisco. One, theres been no advance notification to any of the business. In other words, when they came to us the meeting at the church back in september, it was a done deal. Those were the plans. The result Community Input at all. Then all the National Studies come if you read all them, one of the things they talk about when relocating bus stops to get Community Input. That was not donned. It was done after the plans were already drawn all. Thats one thing. They all say get Community Input from businesses to residence, get the Community Input not done. Lastly, the things the articles are talking about is as jonathan mentioned, theyll say theyve lost business. Thank you. Thank you. Patricia born. This is one of the most absurd cases ive seen in a long time. According to ceqa youre not supposed to piecemeal. First we heard about chestnut. I could say no hearing about lombard. They refused to tell me anything. I can try to call the Planning Department to see if there was an eir. No, we dont have anything. Then they had the first meeting at chestnut. At 120 120 131 business and neighbors voted against the project. If not done accumulative study of running to strips, the exact same way almost, and the ramifications of losing of losingparking placesthey say 47 on lombard what i am saying, without google buses they just added from another department, it is up to 5860. Now, then you have to start thinking about the driveways where deliveries cannot be made. My restaurant is one of them. Is a lady who has severe asthma that needs medical care. Ive never had a case that has upset me as much as this. They basically said, were going to do what we do and we dont care about you. One person said we care about buses. We dont care about people. On lombard, they are tryingim just not the time to take out take away the mallorca stop. Seniors will have to walk 100 feet to the nearest bus once they get off. This is criminal. This goes against the ada. It goes against the federal health goes. It goes against the fair housing act. The owners of the buildings were not notified. They make promises good to refuse to sign any pieces of paper. Please vote and save our Small Businesses. Weve just lost 3 to triple rent. They matter. Thank you. Thank you. We have anyone else would like to make Public Comment . I just want to bring up the transit first study. Cannot redo the whole thing i think everybody forgets about it but the number one item, the first item on transit first is to ensure quality of life and Economic Health in San Francisco. Its never done. They completely eliminate it. Youve heard about the studies. They have never done and Economic Impact study for any business or business area. The idea of what theyre doing is piecemeal. Polk street is happening as bad as. To the same time as lombard and maybe gear he street. Its not a little thing. To give you an idea whats happening on them as they have to move all the sewer lines, all the connections for the sewer lines, all the electrical and water lines has to be moved before they can start doing anything else. That takes a lot of time. It into gather. When lombard street is being worked on van ness is being changed those cars are going. Try golf st. , Troy Franklin street. Its going to be the big squeeze. Everywhere its happening. Nobody is listening. They keep saying were doing all these things for safety. The emt a of courses never put anybody on their from a Small Business were neighborhood on their commission. I got appointed to this cac, Citizens Advisory Commission or committee, did i hear some things. Last week we got a presentation about the zero clan in San Francisco. That is no depth on any city streets. Now going to its 3rd year. The first 2 years, i asked, with the improvement, what is the change . They had zero change. David the same number of desolate before they ever started this. They had 128, 124 projects completed and not one changes happening. Maybe they should change what theyre doing or look at it. I dont have answer but 2 years going into the 3rd year, nothing has changed and they dont plan to change anything along that. I dont think theyre looking at it the right way. We are the ones who are getting hurt here. Thank you. Next. My name is jamie could tell. Our family owns the point of this the motor on lombard and golf. Sfmta, we keep hitting a brick wall with them. They put a bus stopped there and but basically adding ontowhat are general manager mike going back and forth but a list of negative impact of losing the white zone. The white zone is the hub of all traffic in and out of the front door of the hotel. This is where the pickup and dropoff of arriving guests and departing guest takes place. Its a safe waiting zone for gas because in view of our front desk. All luggage is unloaded and loaded along with direct access of our handicapped guests who have a lift to the front desk. The 2nd one is negative impact would be added Noise Pollution it already, a sore point for gas at a hotel. Looking at any of the websites, the advice guests give to other travelers they suggested that from because of all the noise from the traffic. Thats it. Thank you very much. Next up for Public Comment speak works . Good afternoon. Speaking as a concerned citizen. I was just told to mention the fact that a lot of the workers in the neighborhood have to come from tracy and pretty far east and theres no real easy way for them to get there. From that kind of distance. As you know a lot of workers have been pushed out of the city. A lot of people that used to work in the city now to commute in about people who now live in the city commute out. So the commute has gone really haywire. Anyway, i was basically just going to mention one of the areas that we looked at trying to look at a lot of neighborhoods that businesses of been really harmed by the kind of activity thats been going on. We got some information about the castro street redesign. I understand that this number of businesses that have closed since this complete streets project was completed as from new york pizza, the body shop, at least 3 closing stores, and the hero design have all been have all disappeared from the street. We understand that Something Like 60 of the income of some of these companies has gone down it so thats a rather striking figure if you think about it how can they stay in business there. It seems as if theres 37 vacant storefronts in the area now. One of the things that ive noticed because i go to these Planning Commission hearings a lot is that theres this tendency to have all this to activate the sidewalk they want retail. They want a lot of retail moving in. Theres a huge amount of empty retail so doesnt make a lot of guns sense to add retail and theres less retail. His last demand for the retail either they cant afford the rents or whatever it is. The just a way for them to stay in business. So that something we really need to put on the record. We really want to keep looking at as we go forward with this hospice, it was interesting, i also heard that the mission zero has been not very productive in terms of the results. Theres actually been as many deaths as before it got put in. So thank you very much for your time and we so appreciate your efforts to help the Small Businesses stay alive in the city. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any loss would like to make Public Comment on this items the 6 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I think the major take away here is that Community Outreach is essential. One, if the democratically. Also, more poorly, thats into the collective knowledge of residents and Business Owners know intimately the daily rhythms in the seasonal rhythms of their neighborhoods. Whether it be transportation or whether it be pedestrian traffic of people visit the neighborhood and that these daily and seasonal rhythms are vitally important to planning infrastructure projects. Because if you dont know them we can expect the mta to be an expert on every inch of every neighborhood in the city. Thats why we should rely on the collective wisdom of everybody who lives there. So i think we need to continue to impress upon the sfmta is there missing out on one of the biggest assets when it comes to planning these projects and the very people who witness what happens there every single day. Without that information, theyre almost doomed to run into objections from those who see what happens every day. So, we will continue our quest to get them to be moreto be better listeners and to the earlier outreach and we will certainly make an attempt to impress upon them the importance of that in this particular case but also in all future cases. We also hear you on the interaction of projects that go on adjacent to one another that very rarelywe tend to consider these things in isolation it in that there highly interrelated. So thats another thing that we have stressed some of our meetings, to know what else is going on in the neighborhood because we do get the big squeeze plays where projects conflict with one another and sometimes [inaudible] and up with the matter betters of you we appreciate you coming out to get him and allow my commissioners have some other comments then we will move on. Commissioner dooley i just want to say that the best thing that we all can do is to keep in front of all of this. Have our voices heard over and over and over again should that is the only hope we have of getting a Large Organization to start paying attention. The tendency is just the planners could not looking at humans. The not looking at neighborhoods. We have to go over and over again good to folks like you and every neighborhood you to step up to the plate and say, hear us. We insist on being heard. Its not easy. But we are behind you. I cannot express it more the importance of having a strong Neighborhood Association the strong Business Association in every neighborhood. Im in the dogpatch neighborhood. We have both in our neighborhood and we are vigilant and expressing our views and presently were one the fastestgrowing neighborhoods in the city and were under tremendous pressure. Doubling the population of our neighborhood which was once a backwater in the city over the next 24 months. We have literally thousands of people moving into our tiny little neighborhood. So i cannot stress more the importance of organizing ourselves and being meeting regularly in coming out to Public Comments and forums like this. Commissioner toursarkissian in light of your action and testimony, i think you would be practical since were facing a deadline tomorrow that we would this is a proposal. That we would like to write to the sfmta and request that they hear us out. Suggests that prior to making up their mind and reaching a final position, they ought to listen to you and maybe we can attach to the letter but you submitted today, including all the support that you get from your fellow neighbors, who signeddo we have their signatures in support tonight . I can email you. I think thats crucial that be done out in an official fashion and the economic study and impact study be suggested before a final decision is taken. Of course, that is they can still do what they want. But at least you will have had the opportunity to present it one way everything that you have put forth to date. So that is my suggestion i would 2nd that. So, commissioners can to make sure ive noted this clearly, so a letter will be drafted to the sfmta board to get to them in time for tomorrows meeting. With the attached documents requesting that they not take action tomorrow im about to hear both when you say here us, is that the commission and the Business Community . My suggestion, first of all, added to this i would appreciate getting the signature support of all the businesses in the corridor. That is crucial. 2nd, i think the sfmta is silence to nights. I think it would be best for the process to get their view of things. And asked them to postpone their voting, the vote on this issue and allow the process kind of a democratic process is the president suggested maybe to take place in this for him to come and present their side and tell us why all of what has been submitted to date has not been taken into account. Its concerning when we face an issue literally with a 24hour deadline and theres been no presentation by anybody at this meeting before this point. So, i think it certainly is a rational request that we go another cycle, a month, where we can put on the agenda presentation by the sfmta an additional presentation by the Citizen Group here to discuss the plan as proposed, any amendments are then made to the plan if they been made in response to some feedback that had, and to express the feedback from the public on the current plan. I think thats totally rational legitimate request. Notwithstanding, they have scheduled a vote tomorrow. We delayed vote on the top. I think that we will make that request. Do we need a motion for that . We do because that way i cannot speak on behalf of the body. I move that we write the letter according to what commissioner dwight has drafted informally. Requesting delay of the final decision pending a formal presentation of the Small Business commission could so, commissioner dooley has made the motion. Is there a 2nd . Moved and seconded. Commissioner adams aye, dooley aye, the light aye, toursarkissian aye, the riley aye zouzounis aye. 60. I will draft that up and you will submit to me the signatures electronically. We will do our best. Notice a trend up with a gunfight with a knife. But we will do our best and will make our plea and we will see where it goes. Thank you. Thanks for coming up. Thank you for the time to do it and prepare for the meeting tonight. Commissioners lets move on to item number 6. This is discussion and possible action on i was not meant to be a trump is him i thought it was western slogans as were in the western United States. It sounded very early day San Francisco. So, moving on to a survey to Small Businesses regarding the sp 50 outcomes. This is discussion and possible action. In your binder i just want to run through a few things and i know you may not be prepared to take final action but tonight if you want to, i like your review with you some of the questions we have and if you want to provide any feedback and you may want to think about maybe delegating some final authority to the president and Vice President to make a final decision for us to submit. So, i did do a basic introduction that says the city and county of San Francisco is an international city, city where theres interest old national and international events. The Small Business commission believes we all benefit from such events. I do think the city can continue to make improvements to minimize the effects and maximize the economic benefits to Small Businesses. As a smallas the Small Businesssorrycommission the Small Business commission would appreciate your feedback and a survey regarding super bowl l. This will help inform Small Business Commission Award is to advocate on your behalf when the city engages the next big event. Then, the first question is, did the city or Super Bowl Host Committee engage with your business before the super bowl and, if yes, sort of a series wasnt fairly short before the super bowl, 3 months, anywhere to an option of more than 12 months out. Then, how many times did the super bowl city engage with your business. Was your business near the super bowl city again, gauging their response. Then, i took the questions from the south Beach Mission bay merchants, starting on from 411 and those are my did the super bowl l positively or negatively impact your business. If positive, what were the results. If negative what were the result that approximately what percentage specifically the super bowl l businesses that you see in that week to review overstaffed, understaffed, did you overstock, in preparation . Did you turn any business away in preparation . Did you experience cancellations of regular business such as appointments of delivery that had to be rescheduled because of clients of not wanting to come into the area . Than the additional questions ive added are du jour Merchants Association participate in the super city program . If yes, does the merchants in your area economically benefit from purchase participating in the program. If the program did not bring increased business what you think were the reasons it rambled out too close to the super bowl were required more capacity than a Merchants Association have capacity for trying to get at where we might have some areas to be with to make some recommendations. The super bowl customer was not a customer that would spend at my business or neighborhood and another for feedback. You missionaries did not participate in this program what were the reasons. Again, Program Rollout to close, required more capacity, and other feedback. You think the city needs to get more Detailed Analysis of the customer to these events, to understand where the spending will actually occur . Do you think the city needs to develop in its big plans or host agreements a specific neighborhood Small Business engagement plan . If so, what would that consist of. Do you think efforts the city took to inform people about the potential Traffic Congestion in and around super bowl city was a good thing to do . Did the city overshoot and its or underestimate the number of people who do not come into the city to work during that week . Did the city underestimate the economic effects underestimate the economic effect this would have on the surrounding businesses . We could say underestimate or overestimate. For future events work in the city do sort of leave that as an openended question for them to make some recommendations. Should the city allocate some of the revenues created from these events 2, one, develop neighborhood Marketing Programs for future events the 6 help offset summer street street fairs, other recommendations. Trying to figure out if theres a negative impact was there another way to turn the positive into a positive attitude sometimes . Should the Economic Economic analysis report after the event include a microeconomic analysis to understand the Economic Impacts of various parts of the city . So those were some of my who are we sending the survey to . Betook this would be sent to predominantly to the Business Organizations and ask them to send it out to their membership so if we host this on our portal so people would go there were postedtheres not a poor. We hosted by the survey company we host it there and direct traffic there. My plan would be that we would create a survey monkey survey. Some of the yeses and nose and details of that how they answer will be we can work out the survey monkey, is something thats free. We will provide some Analytical Data in response. We tried to get the word out through our existing tree weve been talking about. To all the Merchant Associations, all the chambers of commerce. Any organization where we think we can get them trash. We would also put out a press release to the media i suppose they can announce it if theyre so inclined that we are conducting the survey. So basically as big a call to action as we can pull together with no budget and see what traffic we can drive to the survey. It wont hurt to try, of course. I think we interesting to see woodcarvers spots we get. I do think we should carefully consider these questions and make sure we get keep it as simple as possible because i know when i did a survey and say this should take no longer than 20 min. I dont have 20 mins. You really want something that somebody can get through quickly and where the answers can be very straightforward at the end we will place for who really want to expound on her thoughts to do so. Because those are the good place to collect that information. Thats good. I mean if you think the direction of the information we are trying to get atyoure in agreement with his . Is there anything additional, information you would like to glean in terms of making a final recommendation . Then, submit that to me. I can work to clean this up and work with the president and Vice President if youre comfortable with that. Of course send out the final survey we can create a survey and that we can take it ourselves and do some people to test take it and see with their feedback is. If everyone was her eyes that have so long that we know were not get a big response. Peoplethe below things like i got to the famous super city and nasty weather was good or bad and i never even heard of it. Then youre like one question is did you hear about this and if you did, was it good or bad. So, i have surveys where ive been asked to answer a question that i did not know the thing existed in the answer wouldve been effectively does not apply. But more important, i want to know whether you heard about it or not. Not whether you dont want to answer the question anyway, we can wring out some of those things likely i taken a survey amongst ourselves and giving it a proofread before we go until everybody it exists. You might want to consider checkboxes instead of answering the question the more checkboxes the less typing the better. We can get the heads of the Merchant Association to find someone from each Merchant Association to take the test and see what they think of it. Take the survey and see what they think about and make any recommendations. I think the first survey to ring out the bugs and then a 2nd one if necessary we will get it out there. Not in the search of perfection but of covering any obvious impediments to people taking the survey. This is a great start. Thank you. So what if the decision we have to make . One decision, and this doesnt necessarily require a motion or voting action is one request i have from the is take a look at this. Think about it and lets say within the next week if theresi know theres a refinement in terms of the yes, no, but any questions that you think maybe are missing we have curiosity than thats not really included then submit it to me. Then, i will work with if we could do that in the next week and then i went i would like to do is just have the commissions permission to then sort of finalize the survey with the president and Vice President. Then, send it alli cant have you made recommendations of approval him up just for your information. I like to affirm the importance of this survey and this effort and also firm your efforts Going Forward to refine it. Im happy to work with commissioner [inaudible] to make any final make specific comments even if to say this most awesome thing ive ever seen jenny go with it. But read it thoroughly. Make even minor changes. Actually i stand corrected i do need to have you take action as to even given permission. Just of the survey can officially go out underneath your name. If it goes out before the next Commission Meeting. So, i do need i stand corrected i do need official action you need a motion . Approving this we do need to do Public Comment as well before we do anything i would like to request Public Comment on this item rsp 50 survey proposed . I think this is a great idea. From someone who does surveys from an organization that isnt run a group of 5, its our merchants to give them a deadline. But when they need it to be back. Because otherwise those sit on it as long as they can. Can we put you on the list as reviewers yes. Because very good. Please make sure we know your email. We want to know best practices. Thats even seasoned survey taken. Make sure that our director has your email address and contact information. So we can solicit your input. All rights, so is there any mouse would like to make Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, do we have a motion . Or any other discussion . I move. I will 2nd be dick moved and seconded. We have a motion for the director to finalize the survey and publish it. Im sorry. Commissioner dooley motion. Yes okay. So, commissioner adams aye, dooley aye, dwight aye, toursarkissian aye, riley, [aye, and speak soon us aye. That motion passes 60. Finally something we agree on. I will move on to item number 7 witches directors reports. We are creeping close to 8 pm so ill be brief with our reports but i do want to let you know that this week we will begin interviews for the commissions position this letter we have 3 interviews lined up. So that is this friday. Also, the Small Business Advisory Team position the mayor had put into the budget for helping assist restaurants in their opening permitting process, were also interviewing for that position this week as well. What does it mean . It all depends on having certain things are if youre in or out of the city in terms of employment. You know in terms of their already employed by the city were not employed by the city. So, then it also depends on hr and their process. So, i would not anticipate anything sooner than a month and i would be happy if we had the position filled. The good news is that we are interviewing. Yes. So, next week at the budget and finance committee meeting, along with supervisor wieners item will be supervisors tangs ada legislation. Your that last year. Were finally moving it forward and having its heard so we can get on and get it enacted if that budget and finance we would think but it will be impacting both dvi, i merely dbi because only some additional staffing to implement the program. Also, because of hiring in preparation for hiring for the legacy business, we have the Small Business of Elements Center which needs to add staff. Angel cardoza and i have been trying to figure out what that best we can do to deal with office space. We are outgrown and so we have very severe limitations of being able to expand in the tax and treasurers office. So, we met with the dept. Of real estate. Theres actually a space that we areits not a done deal, but i want you to know we are exploring. That 1650 mission. Its the ground floor was the cafe. They put out rfp numerous times have not been able to get the interest for a cafe there. So, it is zoned for business and professional services as well. So, we are exploring that space. Not only i think it will work for the Small Business commission but i like the idea of having our office some retail component and also being very close to the building and dbi. And the Planning Departments. So, we hope this is an opportunity were going to be able to engage and be able to take advantage of. I want to just keep you and to a prized will be a buildup or preparation of the space . There is an were in discussion with the dept. Of real estate about exactly how that would be taken care of and managed, but they seem to be very interested in being a cooperative partner in this. Angel and i are working out the budget and details right now on our ends and also with them. Then, i think lastly, i just want to circle around a couple years ago. We talked about doing a logo for the office and so we are revisiting this. Thank you to commissioner dwight whos agreed to work with staff on moving this along and then we will bring forward to the Commission Final recommendations for your approval. I think those are some of the key things i want to just bring to your attention tonight. Perfect. Unless theres other question shall we move on to item number 8 . Yes, please visit on the first Public Comment is there any Public Comment on directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item number 8 is president s report. I dont think of anything to present this time. I dont get done anything since we last met. I got reappointed. That something. I apologize for the late hour. We may go back to item number 7 even though it goes out i did want to congratulate commissioner dwight and commissioner riley and commissioner ortizcartegnea whos not here, congratulate on your appointment my report, what she said. Im done. Item vps report. Tomorrow morning ill be attending the working Solutions Breakfast with pres. Dwight and directorand a quick shout out were open apart castrol Farmers Market this wednesday evening at 4 clock p. M. The midweek evening Farmers Market. Awesome. Same location good between giver and market street. Is this annual . Annual runs daily save [inaudible] grades. Item number 10 commissioners reports. I have a quick report. I been working a lot summon in north beach about whos trying to open a Small Business. A bakery, not a restaurant or bakery. I found the amount of confusion that is still out there is astounding between what is required and what isnt. I want to make a comment which is on our portal, i think we might want to consider adding something to it that says as part of your checklist for opening a new business would be to contact the main neighborhood residents and Business Organization first so that they can weigh in and give you some free information. Before you move forward with a permitting because i certainly have seen lately in the north beach area folks who want to open a business that may or may not be permitted and ive been able now to work with a few of those people and say that this space instead and i think this is something as part of our group made to encourage that. It sort of in the spirit of public outreach. Admonishing the government organizations do outreach and i have found my own neighborhood given i live in the neighborhood with very strong Neighborhood Associations especially, when im thinking about something ugly to the Neighborhood Association and say i just want to run this up the flagpole. The people that live there far longer than i have and know why certain things are the way they are. So, it always is good to make sure your neighbor is not going to object or at least know what the objection is before you proceed. I think thats a great addition to our checklist. Come to us first, but one of the first things you should do when youre starting a new businesses inquire with the people, the residence and the fellow Business Owners in the neighborhood that you want to open your business. That is a fantastic piece of advice. Theres a lot of institutional wisdom. Yes. Perhaps in addition to the checklist we could add that as part of the under location, to the location circle when you click on a page. If we could even item possible, have a contact list. It would be great. The castro and give the website or whatever. Some starting point. Did that fantastic idea. Ill double check but i think at one point we had that under the resource list. That was under the resource list. I think we need to bring that forward again as part of that to make everyones lives easier. We want your as far as our last mayors meeting, steve mayer took on the task of getting the names and contacts of all of the business related organizations in the city and gave them a list he had and working from that but all the chambers of commerce is all the Merchant Associations, and i think adding to that the Neighborhood Associations is a great idea. So, that is in the works and it would be easy to add to that the Neighborhood Associations and once steve has all that information having him give a presentation here why it was done and what was done and where its going to live is a great idea. Then you can also periodically chow to each of those. We can ping them and have you had a change of leadership any changes we should know about and any new associations that you know about bush the adding to the list . I found some these new businesses when they talk to our merchant organizations they were so grateful to not have to face people saying, no, if spending might get a lot of the organizations know whats coming up for rent should you can get a lot of good information for sure. I also had something i wanted to bring up to everyone. With a mandate of, maybe we can start thinking about having that sector Industry Based information session soon on can be meeting with some constituents in regards to a health code pertaining to Tobacco Sales the recently passed folks are starting to ask when its gone to be implemented those kinds of questions. So, i want to remind everybody that it is something we want to do if youd like to organize the first one have added. Maybe i can Start Talking to folks about a timeline. You can figure out how was what the first one is just as having the sfmta, and make a presentation know that we can have the department of Public Health, and make a presentation on the rules, regulations, and how they implement how the outreach is going. So that is a place my think again, we have the opportunity of having our meetings televised, so business it businesses can come or watch it, they can only stream it to be able to get that information. So happy to work with you on dph on scheduling a presentation. Thank you. I have so tended the courtly meetings with the mayors but the last one was different. It was a planning session. We have facilitator come in and identify all of those issues and prioritize it and i think theyre looking for people to participate in those areas. I think one of the big things is mta, no outreach and late to the party. They were angry i think theres another side of the mta thing that relates to this. I know i brought up to regina at one point, but taxi drivers are also considered small Business Owners. Theres sting operations were not left and right people getting caught with 5000 tickets. I think it would be good informational session with mta. Sounds good. Any other director reports . Commissioner reports . Seeing none, commissioner reports are closed item number 11 is general Public Comment. Do we have any general Public Comment for the end of the meeting here . I took a survey a few years ago and its pretty accurate but not exactly on the number of restaurants but the marina between union and lombard and chestnut at 5845 restaurant and bar seats. Seats. They. We have 700 businesses and about 300 businesses that are have their 2nd and 3rd store. Those Business People do not realize our psychologist, psychiatrist, its a wonderful street for social services. People just do not know about this. We have 1309 Parking Spaces. This says it all. Okay. Because what are you talking about what streets . Betook lumbar, chestnut and union and the side streets. We are doing a restudy on this now. Awesome. This is the place to give your study results. Be very interesting to me. Either list of several russian associations that are not affiliated with it chamber of commerce. Not affiliated with henry. Let us know will put that in. Like to see a list. Speed were looking to find out from every corner. Also new to you. The 3rd thing, really fast, were in transition. Record of 2501 c4, and we are footing marina merchants in one group and the neighbors and another group mainly for accounting issues. Were very neighbors and the merchants usually agree 90 of the time. There is a reason for that. Very good. Thank you very much. All right. And heather Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. So, sfgov tv, if we can have excuse me, item number 12 is new business. Visit any new business . Anyone wants to propose. As weve all resort of. Net. New business heating to start our industryspecific or sector to sit specific forums and possibly with 2 groups that commissioner zouzounis has pointed out. Those affected by tobacco laws and those affected by transportation issues. Namely the small individual proprietors and the missing and taxis. Did i get that right . Okay. Was there Something Else . Gasoline and adding to the portal the listthe suggestion that people reach out to their local Neighborhood Association and Business Association when theyre considering opening a business and to add to our portal that information as we get it. They look up for both neighborhood and business related associations. I think we have it. So, sfgov tv, if we could have our slide again, please as is our new customer we begin and end each is Small Business Commission Meeting with the reminder that the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business and San Francisco and the best place to get answers by doing business in San Francisco. The office of Small Business should be your first stop when you have a question about what to do next. It is also the place, the official forum, to voice your concerns regarding policies and projects and issues that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Business in the city and county of San Francisco. So, if you need assistance, with Small Business matters, and were one to comment on something that is affecting Small Business, start here. Thank you. Bt. Thank you. We move on to item number 13 adjournment. I motion to adjourn. 2nd beat it all in favor [chorus of ayes] [gavel] [adjournment]. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco from coast to coast, cops are cracking down. On seat belt violations. Buckle up, dand night, or expect a ticket. It doesnt matter who you are or where you live, theyll be on the lookout. Cops write tickets to save lives. seat belt clicks click it or ticket. I want to welcome everyone here today and today, we are signing this very important piece of legislation and let me begin by thanking supervisor wiener so far his instead of leadership the sponsoring the legislation that will raise the minimum angle for anyone purchasing Tobacco Products and e cigarettes to the average 24 and that will take effect on july 1st of this year i know that supervisor wiener along with his cosponsors supervisor mar and supervisor cowen and supervisor farrell and ultimately the entire board had a adopted this and this i know that the supervisors with working closely with our duty 0 who has been documenting why it is showing so important to continue our efforts as a city if not as a state to continue be rooiktd the access to cigarettes particularly at journeying or younger ages that is advocated by the groups like the Tobacco Free Coalition i want to thank them theyre not just here in San Francisco but the entire region and all over the country working with the Health Department making sure that supervisor wiener and not only Pay Attention it the science and data it is going on but that we do our best to end the suffering that is brought by by longterm smoking that obviously is the cause of cancer and asthma and Heart Disease we do our best to educate the public in doing so if not the industry that sells overseeing products and ultimate our kids are your family when in their 18 and 19 is shown that the coalition has shown over and over youre putting that some 95 percent of long term smokers had begun smoking at the age of 18 perhaps younger and as certain under the age of 21 those habit are so hard to end voluntarily so thats why we have to go to many other front to try to do this and thats why i think that the supervisor wiener has found a person cause and Public Health health cause if the violation kriebs the department of health to make sure that we do what we can to end our these diseases as much as we can to make sure that we also reflect as the mayor of the city if we can save a lot of money if we are able the medical systems we have to have in place it treat cancer and asthma with smoking is an incredible experience to the Public Safety the cleaner air with the Coalition Work on families that Secondhand Smoke impacts this has another critical reason why we want to do as much as we can and i think were on the overview we know that supervisor wiener is already in contact with the Governors Office as we are and with his the 1184 particularly senator leno and senator henrys to insure that the state which maybe hopefully in our minds the second to join hawaii to end the sales of Tobacco Products and less people under 9 age of 21 it doesnt make it right because your 21 you buy Tobacco Products wild to end it. Everyone hopefully with the adult level of age 21 that people make Better Health decision tore themselves and their family so i take this opportunity to thank the coalition i know that in looking at the data as they have done in working with us this year was a strong sense interest the data it the smoking rates are higher amongst people of closer and amongst the let the record reflect community and other xhucht we rank it with a hard impact sales work that is done by Tobacco Industry the may or may not Lgbt Community thats where we really have good data to show that the more we do to educate your communities be about this the better off well be so with all that background i want to say to supervisor wiener you have again showing the good leadership im going to give the pen avenue we sign this your accumulate more pens than anyone but thank you for your leadership and also working with such important groups like the Tobacco Free Coalition supervisor wiener id like to invite you up here to say a few words thank you, mayor ed lee ill give that pen to the advocates and the district for theyre really horroric work tutor sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; 24 legislation in a way that highlights this critically important issue San Francisco for many years has been on the cuttingedge of Public Safety whether around hiv or led pant and sugar sweetened beverage whatever the case weave been from the forefront and once again we are in the fire hydrant of what i hope will be a tile waive of proving Health Legislation that eliminates tobacco use in this country this is a huge problem weve been involved in a 50year struggle but with the tobacco city that produces a product with no benefit whatsoever that kills a half a Million People every year 34 is a serious issue and serious punting kiss im proud we live in a city where we can be on the cuttingedge where the politics of this city allows us at city hall to make good progressive policy i also want to say we know were up against a very well financed component the tobacco destroy for decades has fought ever effort to try to control tobacco use and enemy linkage between their pursuit and the health we know that hillsborough tried to do that they have spent their legislation after an expensive lawsuit by the Tobacco Industry we in San Francisco are willing to fight that fight that is amount about our city thank you to the department of Public Health we sometimes dont roles e releases how lucky with the best putting department that supports our efforts to make good laws that vascular critical exercise an Amazing Agency and our advocates for give us the political spouse space to to be able to do this and as the mayor adu u. You allowed we passed that legislation a week and a half good and the law jam the state assembly broke we that republicans willing to raise the tobacco age to 21 to pass senator lenos forwardlooking bill to make sure that cigarettes are tobacco are still a way to get addicted to nicotine and will you the tobacco tax it is a huge step forward i hope goes to the governors desk thank you, everyone clapping. so are we ready to safe so far lives ill add one mount reason not in my notes or the legislation but it is about my history about 10 years ago a mayor asked me to pick up cigarette butts as a public works decorator i say to all the public works staff that work hard if there was less settings thats another reason to sign on the legislation; right . Yes all right. clapping. laughter . Todays date is 16. Thats it all right. Patrick. Welcome to another episode of stay safe i saw us prepare our crawl space on this episode well saw the sheer wall youll see the finished product hi, im patrick and welcome to another episode of stay safe . The second part were retrofitting the triple wall as you can see weve installed one of the sheer ply wall on the First Episode we provided blocking to secure the ply wed and bolted and provided the connection with the floor im joined by thor madison. Thor Structural Engineers and thor knows more about sheer walls than anybody ive met in my life. It provides the stable ability that would rock before and after during around earthquake the nails along the edge of the plywood will reduce the chance of the building falling down. What else should we consider in getting ready. One thing about plywood a natural material that absorbs moisture and the panels can swell depending on the moisture if they swell theyll bulk out it is important probation officer leave a gap between the panels so before we install the next panel well drive in a couple of nails used to as temporary spares. What are the nails. 16 penny singers a good saying that and we dont need to be concerned with the exact nail size only the gap the next panel will be held with the existing panel well pull those down. We have peter from the construction why not go outside and cut our second panel so, now weve got the plywood lets go ahead and get it put up see if we can get it in place. By looking at that a perfect fit why not get peter in here to nail it down. So peter did a great job with the nailing but important to know this work requires a permit in the department of building inspection whether youre doing the work or a left hand contractor make sure you have the proper permit and additional to the nailing anything you want to talk about thinking about the plywood. The more plywood to install the better and make sure that the nails along each edge of each panel so you cant forget and hedge and had it perform the same thing. Another example of little money you can substantially rusz reduce thewelcome welcome to the welcome to the peoples palace city hall for this wonderful event i want to welcome you all here today as we swear in some 28 citizens of San Francisco well be serving on over 18 body and committees for our city and i want to begin by saying a big thank you to every single one of you because those are important bodies of government that we share robot and making sure that not only are those departments that youll see run appropriating but you do your best to make sure the public is heard all the public u public is heeshd thats not simple an easy task these days there are lots of views how government should be doing things and how we are interacting with the public but one of the most important things as citizens to open up our government to make sure that all the people are heard and they have a way in which to tell us what the needs are what with we can do about it and share the responsibility this is an important 7, 8, 9 not only for our city but for our country that is why we want to vest invest in every single one of you to make sure our government is open and effective and always listening and responding to the communities needs these 28 bodies of government let me run through them ill find reflected in them the diversity that we have our Arts Commission i have 3 members being appointed there today j. D. And roberta and simon you thank you very much our Environment Commission we have 3 members being postponed to this commission emily jackie o i think she has friends jackie because josh wanted to narrow i profound her last name correctly o ma holiday that says im on holiday okay jackie im on holiday and lisa thank you thank you very much to our Film Commission welcome in jim who is part of International Association of theatre employees local 16 thank you, jim for serving on there our groed body . An important body is sounds bureaucratic but the body that makes sure our with grondz are spent correctly and jennifer and others thank you for thank you for agreeing to serve cecil chronically thank you, again four coming aborted and hemisphere o helping this is this so important our Health Commission and especially those living on our streets they get the Health Treatment they need and lindell on the hours authority thank you for stepping up on our Housing Authority as we reshape and to susan on the Human Rights Commission susan thank you, again, for not only being a great commissioner but helping us with the bias training in our city thank you making sure we Pay Attention to that to james ma crepe thank you, again for your past and to help us again with all all the people that need our help not only on the streets but on the edge and needs the services our city needs thank you very much for serving often the Human Rights Commission rebecca woods to our jury trial probation rebecca thank you for your service more and more were finding answers to help the youth and need our help maneuvering that connection is there thank you, rebecca can to our local entries elliott thank you for being a great really diplomat 23u78 u, if you will, to our Small Businesses our Long Term Care jeremy and berry detective and chip thank you very much being on the Long Term Care were having great conversations about the dignities fund and how we need to Pay Attention to the seniors and long term skewer is an incredible part and to the affirm before the hugger to the 4 commissioners, thank you very much for being here youve got a lot of friends here today family and friends clapping. thank you for september 11th up to be on the Port Commission youll help us with the body we have and rebecca lee thank you very much for being on the Public Utilities commission your Advisory Committee the Public Utilities commission is doing a lot of work as the rain shows we have theres more work to do for the community to leslie to for the reentry that is so important as we want to make sure those that are reentering our society are not only treated with went they find success in our or their lives as well to one of the most 0 important bodies i call that on to make sure the Property Owners and tenants are talking with each other and mar they settle thats our residential rent stabilization board thank you for stepping up you and to the shelter monitoring comet thank you for stepping up again, i repeat that that we have a tremendous amount of work to do as we forge a new department thank you very much for stepping up there and we have the Veterans Affairs commission thank you, ann for your work i know you do great work with the salesforce 15i789 we need that innovation on the Veterans Affairs commission so thank you, ann for coming back again and they only to our memorial Board Trustees thank you very well have for your wonderful work and support to thomas horn thank you, again, for coming back and being part of this wonderful body and to the newest member former just for being part of this wonderful body i wanted to go through those names each of these bodies of government are so important to the city i know today not only are the members here to be sworn if in but a number i want to make sure i mention in stepping up to these government bodies people are here are creating a great sacrifice i want to say thank you to those running the government in different ways to kevin Housing Authority youre helping me make sure we built the Affordable Housing the city and stepping up on the bond oversight local 6 thank you, again. And to jim and i said earlier you know were going to get a lot more films the city thanks to our leadership the Film Industry is process perry and exciting to see i made my own called to make sure that the films stay the city lecture i want to make sure you have is an active mayor to help with the Film Industry and ambassador youve got a lot of friends today here i want to make sure that i mentioned them because they came from all over our city to in prediction for that this appointment i know that were going to have i know hes here already hisism in essence the metropolitan bishop of the Greek Orthodox church in San Francisco your awesome if hes here thank you. Being here and judges is here to show her appreciation and former jena thank you very much jena well continue having our peninsula dinners together to talk through what we should be doing as region and thank you to andrew the founder of urge america thank you for being here and roberta economies yes, the chair of the sister city and the sister city in egress ill plan to, at the next hopefully within this summaries year mark is march here thank you, mark for showing up the president find our rec and Park Commission and the member of the retirement board the former president thank you victor for being here as well i also want to stay thank you to the Environment Commission el me a representative the secretary of labor wonderful and in helping us make sure we create the conditions for more jobs in the entire region thank you for stepping up to the Environment Commission conviction clapping. and i want to say a special thank you to leader pelosi, to the International Union and to friend of mine former art that rode in on behalf of our ambassador for her appointment thank you for your contributions and awe lane thank you for her and her which were for coming out and judges i want to note i know your retired but it is continues to be a part of our history the city that you were the preceding justin judges over the trail of versus perry and found in our judgment to the benefit that proposition 8 was unconstitutional thank you, again, for that decision clapping. are we all ready . Okay. Well, i know all of you came from a wet weather we want to say thank you, again. And thank you to all the Department Heads that are here and the other commissioners that have joined here i think they take pride if i may ask all of the appointees new and returning to please stand and as i say i practical state each one of your names and the commission or body your postponed to say it allowed and proud because this is a your time to state your pride in going on those bodies and then well go through the swearing in please raise your right hand i. Do solemnly swear. Okay. Go through this one by one i janey. I commissioner the environment i susan human right commission i cecelia Health Commission and dave crow rent board and war memorial day i Port Commission and i van memorial war board. I thomas war memorial board ambassador i lisa commission on the environment. I kevin Housing Authority gentle Oversight Committee. I simon Arts Commission. I rebecca lee Public Utilities Commission Advisory committee. I rebecca one side juvenile Probation Commission i ann Veterans Affairs commission i jennifer grond Oversight Committee i jeremy Long Term Care coordinating council. Idealogical Business Enterprise 55. I chip long term coordinating council. I berry detective long term council i ken rent board. I Arts Commission i jacqueline Holiday Commission on the environment. I james Human Services as. I gary San Francisco Fire Department monitoring. I Housing Authority commission by i leslie reentry council. That i will support and defend. repeated. the constitution of the United States. Davids. repeated. against all enemies. repeated. and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. United states. repeated. and to the constitution of the state of california. repeated. that i take this oath freely. repeated. without any mental reservation. repeated. repeated. or purpose of evasion. repeated. that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. repeated. and during such time as i hold office of multiple voices for the city and county of San Francisco congratulations, clapping. i think we have more companies anywhere in the United States its at the amazing statement were not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. The most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think hes a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think were not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. I thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are Great Stories for on opera. I was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. A friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. Why isnt it are that i have the support now we can do that. I realized that was something that wasnt being done in San Francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in San Francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision thats the final product felt opera. I was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. So much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work theres great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs weve worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. I had a model they have a professionally music yes, maam assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor id be able to work with them and its helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. Thats part of the opera lab i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so thats why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. There were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and its different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and thats part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. So one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. Thats what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know, really great you have to have both some people dont like it and some people do were concerned about that. Its about thirty something out there thats risky. You know, disliked by someone torn apart and thats the whole point of what were drying to do you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. This coffee memory i remember having coffee with any grappled. In the old days myelogram ma get together i was six or seven i made a faces a good face. When i was younger i know it did something to my body. Ive been Drinking Coffee since i was 17 really the only thing im good at i was trying to find out what i was good at i got a job at the coffee shop i decided to do that the rest of my life. I like the process of the coffee and what are those beans where do they come from oh, they come from a fruit. The coffee stays with me since i was a kid i grew up and opened coffee shops everybody. In the 8 i visited over 11 hundred coffee shops maybe more to see why people go to coffee shops were searched the beans all over the world from east afghan and tokyo. When i wanted to do was get into aspect of the personal coffee and the processing and Everything Else there was multiple steps in making coffee and we did have a lighter roost because of the qualities of the keep once you roost it it home gisz the coffee. One thing about the coffee they were special blends and i spent seven years on one blend so thats my pleasure. Each bean they were all chosen and blended with each with different cultural and beans is like people and those people give me a reputation i cant buy. People love you my clients love me they take me to the moves movies. Fell in love with coffee and went to the coffee shops the Community Aspect i really enjoyed. I think its important to have a place for people to show up and talk to their neighbors and recorrect. Your surrounded with all those behalf communicated i communities i love my city San Francisco has a good name my has every cultural in this planet living in San Francisco its a small city 7 by 7 but its huge. I really like the idea of staying in the neighborhood and living in the mission ive lived here the whole time and the community really stick to it people talk about seattle and portland now they talk about seattle and San Francisco. Or portland and San Francisco but San Francisco is definitely on the cuttingedge of the coffee scene in the entire nation. Theres so many romance in coffee is surrounds the sourcing of that and thinking about where it came from and how and coffee is wonderful. I know for a fact i was born to make coffee. I have a notice from the dad let the life i live speak for me and lets have a cup of coffee and talk about it

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