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In 5 thousand square feet will deter formula retail they occupy a variety of spaces blow 5 thousand square feet viable if theres a legal will that they can pursue the success of the hayes valley ncd is embracing merchants that created a Shopping Experience permitting formula retail of any Square Footage would diminish the railway of the ncd lets the retail define itself through the creation and maintenance of the retail spaces and prevent the rashlts from any size to be applicable the few formula retails that have slipped into the ncd have not become a part of neighborhood in part because the managers are transient and remaining in the neighborhood at most two years theres no local management connection plan that benefits the neighborhoods our recent chance store which a b a and a lost at the board of appeals promised to support local artists and other local businesses none the promises have teller listed and manager that 0 opened the store has left the neighborhood gapped nothing please approve the policies ncd without modifications thank you. Next item. Ill call for speaker calling names . Good afternoon, commissioners and staff im adam the director for Whole Foods Market in Northern California over the past many years ive been involved in the process for opening 5 of the whole food locates in San Francisco the currently you conditional use authorization for a formula retail in San Francisco is time consuming costly and exhaustive an important and effective tool to insure that San Francisco this is a the unique character for the distinct neighborhood and desires of this process the process works this concludes the process works and the Staff Reports concludes no evidence that suggests that formula retail is driving out neighborhoods the formula retail not an outside presence and lowering average in San Francisco one of the reasons he love any jobs i get do build on the character and respond to the niece of the neighborhoods we serve that starts with the community and listen to the community and what we learned helps us to shape from the store design to services to the consumers the vast majority codify community has made it clear theyre in favor of that the legislation that creates the formula retail as it serves to include the voice of the Business Owners in the neighborhood please dont support this legislation this is is making process i urge your vote against this and thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon commissioner and staff im rob the president find Whole Foods Market in Northern California whole foods as i understand a lease for the Whole Foods Market this small store will focus on the lower prices and streamlining the selection and bring one hundred jobs to the communities im speaking in opposition to the ban the formula retail in the polk direction the lives legislation serves the goals of this legislation up to and including the authority to deny the development if so it deemed inappropriate in the community and the staff talks about the cu process necessarily includes the opinion of the communities this legislation excludes and denies the community how best to preserve the character off their neighborhoods in this case that will deny the basic needs and affordable healthy Grocery Store and ford 72 percent of the residents in the neighborhood by bending 7 is percent said the neighborhood is in need of a better Grocery Store and percent of those polled on the website expressed support for that store thats an overwhelms majority and additionally the condo associations within one square foot expressed their approval and in short those residents most closely impacted are in favor whats happening to the voices this is clear how they see their future and all im asking is for in their voices to be heard lastly definition were formula retail are strong roots in San Francisco for 20 years weve brought value millions of in communities support and many happy go healthy san franciscans i appreciate supervisor peskin that will grandfather this legislation but ask you to oppose this legislation and an extension made to all aspects of the proposed administrations thank you for your time ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. On impacts on business thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im greg thank you for having me. I oppose this regulation to ban formula retail in my neighborhood i live on jackson which is directly kitty corner to the whole foods on 365 and very important to me and my neighbors we have good wholesome groceries this helps the elderly and people with disabilities and people that depends on Public Transit from our neighborhood and it makes the our neighborhood more liveable and more healthy so im opposed to anything that would ban the option of our neighborhood to choose what kind of retail in the community im supportive of the Small Businesses on polk street i love and support them and support them with my dollars we need formula retail that is responsible in our neighborhood thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. If you leave the doors alone theyll close by themselves and, sir not lien on the push bottom. Good afternoon. Im president of the Pacific Heights Residents Association and im here today on behalf of the hr a association to support supervisor peskin legislation go as proposed banning formula retail in our neighborhood weve watched what happens without a protective ban like this weve watched formula retail and party to formula retail creeping in then marching in and holding siege of fillmore street where street lights is very quiets our streets were safe to walk on before the empty storefronts apologeticed now indeed quiet and dark and we can still luckily enjoy policies and in walking distance to our neighbors we urge you to support supervisor peskin legislation thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisor and commissioners my name is frank i live on sacramento street and a block and a half from polk street the first i sat foot on polk street was on halloween in 1971 i was back and forth from the east coast to the west and settled at the address he give gave in 1998 polk street has changed in the 40 years and since ive lived here flurments the one thing that is remaining constant constants is a commercial corridor with local merchants those merchants that make polk street one of the most interesting commercial corridor in our city brownies hardware was in 1905 and slbltd the 50 anniversary of the jug shop over 50 years now the bell tower has been the chores of the neighborhood for over 20 years and going strong so i know that oyster obvious is on polk street those businesses have about this here through good times and bad not pulling out when the economy goes setting a vested interest in the neighborhood the heart and soul and character of polk street i wasnt going to talk about whole face but since its mentioned and the needs for groceries within 6 blocks of 1900 polk street a trader joes and veggie market a the market you still have real foods despite prior testimony and you have another whole foods of blocks away i urge you to approve supervisor peskin planning code amendments as written mr. Dont dilute it we dont need a polk street to be a generic any streets usa keep it the interesting street it is thank you. Hi im leslie the president on polk street at jackson and polk or in the polk district for over 11 years and been in San Francisco multiple years for over 20 id like to state my opposition in banning formula retail in the amendment that supervisor peskin is proposing we already have Current Postal Service policies in place does that make sense we limit our choice the city has represented a boom and bust city for years people in 2000 and 2007 understand that limiting our choices can limit our ability to navigate that boom and bust cycle were in a boom cycle a lot of concern around housing but were also seeing the technical factor starting to soften in twitter and microsoft and salesforce a variety of stovetops not getting funding we need to keep in mind that an anchor formula retail can anchor that corner and bridge polk street upper and lower polk i strongly oppose any limitations to our choice as a member of the neighborhoods thank you. Hi govern my name is sharon solomon on behalf of my mom who shes out of the country so shows and homeowners in russian hill and been in the neighborhoods for over 40 years shes hoping the San Francisco Planning Commission and San Francisco supervisor peskin will be able to come together on a consensus to allow whole face to be part of communities she feels as it to she wants something in walking distance affordable and there should be more excuse me fresh organic options available to all of us which we believe whole foods can offer us thank you. Okay turning your attention i live on green street like many here i took iuoe off work to be here i strongly oppose the banning on polk street for the better part of 10 years i have small children we live on one income this city is expensive to afford to keep the prices expectative ill start with two personal stories i was double parked with the flashers on and walking kids with a sack full of groceries he received a one and 10 ticket i purchased formula i saved money but thats a car payment but look at the russian hill nob hill is supportive of local businesses were evidence that is your commissions report released in vandals 93 percent of retails an polk is Small Business compares to formula retail so thats not the problem were banning anyone from an environment to friendly to Small Business we can debate whether or not the majority of businesses has benefited the community and marketed with industry at trader joes and a large rail chain, i know i ordered sandwiches regularly we shouldnt use north beach as a shining example and highend leather good idea not represented with modern id like to offer you my preference to use the current formula retail current process that was passed in proposition gi understand all constituents can participate with from the voter approved legislation gets band like sdmooenz we want to commend ask the ban not extend past the russian hill our few blocks are littered with competition it is unclear why supervisor peskin is offering this when the constituents most of us dont want it thank you. Good afternoon commissioner im emily im the president of the russian hill neighbors one of the older and larger nonprofit Neighborhood Organizations in San Francisco we represent hundreds of households and merchant in russian hill neighborhood which enincumbrance the polk street nct from silver streets were talking about today as mentioned earlier this year we surveyed the names in russian hill to understand the issues that are important and how our Neighborhood Organization might help we found out that families in San Francisco are overwhelmingly considering leave the city the driver is 93 percent of families affordability of daily life is theyre most significant concern stressed daily life interesting 70 percent of parents dont feel that families are a appropriate with the elected officials since whole foods 365 was discussed i conducted a compare active grocery shop including milk and eggs and butter the total price at the local small store called real foods was 75 percent higher than the same basket of good ideas of whole foods 365 brand another example someone mentioned baby formula is 23 percent higher they local mom and pop shop than is walgreens at the corner of polk and broadway you know how expensive baby formula is im asking for this ban and applying to the 365 project specifically well stigmatism competitive businesses be eventual pricing for daily good ideas within walking distances insures that only those with the highest levels with disabilities income can remain in San Francisco i know that is not what we want keeping San Francisco is we need to make it affordable to families what remain here i urge you to oppose this ban on formula retail the reality is that good formula retail meets the conditional use permitting by allowing outline residence and merchants that the Community Weighs in provides the prize that communities can afford thank you. clapping. good afternoon commissioner president fong and fellow commissioners im a visionly perspective person therefore that takes a minute of my speech prior to emily i was the president for 5 out of the past seven years been in the chambers many times and having done the survey i was actually surprised by the number of people over 70 percent who wanted options and according to city mapping over is past 35 years russian hill boundaries all serve the north side down to the bay and from van ness to mason dune to columbus so it is a large portion this is our neighborhood we sent out 8 hundred surveys and it was 4 the ban on formula retail overwhelmingly people dont want a ban we think that conditional use works we work but on it it works everyone has a voice and people seem to like it able to tell you what we want thank you very much. Thank you. Calling a few more names calling names . Good afternoon commissioners thank you for the opportunity to im pamela i live at the corner of broadway and comboflt minds this year 4 short blocks from the proposed site i am opposed he feel strongly im a shopper with the fish the pet store he shop at the local merchants and want the ability to have competitive prices a place to shop a variety of hours in my day job im a broker and spoken in front of you many times i support of formula retail restrictions and the formula retail process i see some flaws in that hayes valley 3 blocks along the rents are rising t at alarming rates not because of formula retail but the merchants on the streets are doing huge volumes and 10 vacancies on union square because a lack of violent mrptsdz that want to stand in the math and the same thing on fillmore street many of the vacancies are taking 8 months to get through the process and not enough local merchants i have worry about polk street is much longer than union street and 20 times longer hayes valley i really oppose the ban and as a local resident id like to see a variety in any neighborhood thank you. Good afternoon im charles im here i was asked by the 1650 jackson homeowners to represent them im representing 62 condominium units as the sponsors ive been trying to work with the local association none of our feedback has gotten to them our ordinances and tenants support 365 and not support in ordinance for a fact between 80 and 90 percent of the people the reasons won their no cost fiscal Grocery Store within walking distance of our units many elderly people number two to go somewhere to buy something that he have to get in their cars for stable items they dont exist on the street if they had their 7 and finally not wanting to live there a 7 year construction project we went through that an pacific street and the rats were unbelievable thank you very much. Good afternoon. My name is stephen im representing the polk district merchant ive been a merchant on polk street for over 40 years my business there are for one hundred and 11 years the Merchants Association strongly wants the legislation the way it is no amendments to that over the years ive seen many ups and downs wherever a down the first businesses to leave are formula retail thai go their leases tend to be a small amount of money and a lot of percentage of the sales so if they leave t youre paying a low rents the worse i ever saw 7 formula Retail Stores leaving on one block from polk within california and vine they go no reason to be doctor i also feel the staff report youve received about this whole thing it misleading whenever when we have had formula retail hearings the boundaries keep on changing that boundary is talking about polk street only we have van ness street, one block away parallel with polk from 6 hundred feet away on my way home yesterdays on the bulls i counted 44 formula retail on van ness most of them quite large and empty places on van ness waiting for it no formula restriction on van ness in the past you know also the other thing wrong with the staff report that says the formula ban the cu process works it didnt work a lot of formula gets in without a hearing a ups store without a hearing the performance bike store no hearing and bens bike store they all come in since the cu system it didnt work people slide through and staff never follows up with that through and in my 40 years as merchant never not one formula business has every joined a murdered association or participated the only time when they want something staff comes in from somewhere in the United States and brings in a lot of money and if theyre not what they want theyre gone formula retail is not good for the neighborhood and the same process didnt work very well thank you. Good afternoon. Henry the president of the council of the Merchant Association the polk street merchant came to the hearing to present this to us and we support this legislation or not we had a robust execution where this applies to after having the evidence brought up about the merchants we felt anything we do those control in that area so we support supervisor peskin legislation that we do ban formula retail for this area as the previous speaker said one thing about Small Businesses that are local and care about theyre still staying there and try to make things work for themselves if you have a Large Company from somewhere else they can go out like mcdonalds didnt exist on geary street i tried to buy lunch theyre not there anywhere if that was so some examples once again from the council merchant we support this legislation thank you. Overhead commissioners im michael ive lived in the area since 1997 id like to offer some data that has not been talked about today thats in detail the storefront in middle polk there are 11 vacant storefronts in broadway to california and there are 10 foot massage and petty from broadway to california now the common conditions their antiquated and single and not modernized we talk about the storefronts need to be read to move in theyre not no back street for deliveries and they have high rents they have poorly maintained rental facades we worry about formula retail what formula retail would want to that afternoon their brand by going into some of those facilities lastly we have noninvolved Property Owner the Property Owners are offshore not around the newest tenants hence id like to propose something weve never seen before that is a detailed sign on a space that is for rents can you imagine most of the storefront in any neighborhoods it is paper can you imagine the simply has to state what was there before so that was a coffee shop or a fabric store a sign like this should show how much the Square Footage and leasing agent we have Property Owners not with their properties theyre gone this is contributing to the retail blight and lastly id like to show multiple precedence of formula retail many in my neighborhood in 1997 a walgreens that is still there but a gap store in 1998 santa fe corner of polk and california and a boston chicken at polk and sacramento radio shack left at polk in the 1980 and banana rub had its first experimental store if Banana Republic had a store today theyd have to go through you thank you. My name is mike i am a member of russian hill neighbors and i oppose the full ban on the retail on polk street it is too bad that process that started sometime in february i think it got started with deceit and deception and double talk it was because of whole foods 365 to russian hill neighbors we were told to do Due Diligence with a surveys that was recorded over 70 percent of people want the whole foods why are we are doing a complete ban not clear the conditional use process is in place and is working but the whole foods 365 target was a potential one before that was vetoed out quickly i dont know why we have to change the process someone said it is broken here and id like to see that data driven process notary republic not on opinion driven one i, you know, there are 3 surveys and saying lets hold off on the decision and gather data and move forward with a data based decision thank you. Hi my name is nick a resident the middle polk for over 20 years im here to speak against the proposed ban this has a extinct businesses i dont think any reasonable person walked counsel our street and knows this place is in need of more government restrictions i think this as basic right and says including in supervisor peskin has shown the vast majorities of those living in this area since the proposal effects a Geographic Area those living within that should be given greater decisions making decisions bans business is projects should be approved or denied with Community Input like today while the survey as two the city planning that is also 2 much polk street is not broken and didnt need fixing thank you. calling names . Hi madeline im the founder and director of folks for polk in the position weve tried hard to stitch together the neighborhood groups to come together to create a vital corridor we use the best practices principles id like to quickly go over history and remind people that the initial proposal was for small retail and housing above with wide as for the other than the small groups didnt want the housing but an arithmetics need in the original plan and a target that was proposed and voted down that site target arguably is more cost effect for families and others in the cost salesforce for the basics and north yet not approved i dont know what happened exactly now were talking about a whole different prospective whole foods 365 was envisioned to cut costs not the neighborhoods costs we pressed them on what are some of the cost salesforce we were told 90 percent of prices at whole foods it is funny to think that anyone there is a great faith that whole foods will create competition with their mo to be category killers at which they target areas to knock out their competition in the areas it is documented pub thats what their about im kind of think that is acquaint to p think that anything like that the whole foods will escape the rents from going up and critique more affordability theyre a business plain and simple and as appointed before this year several Stores Including a whole foods nearby that create a huge amount of Traffic Congestion and look forward to more of that if they were to go in better sites on van ness i think that pretty much f it i dont know, there is a great expectation with a favorite brand or a brand people identify with a magic wand not at all therefore im supporting the ban on big retail on chain formula retail until we can refine it and make it more nuance to actual address the two issues that are affordability and the housing prices we have thank you as youre making your way up to one more card. Im rebecca lived two brooks in polk street for 39 years and support supervisor peskin legislation as richmond proposed that is interesting people comparing the prices of some of the items here i pay the same price for cat food another walgreens and i recall in the past looking at kitchen products i checked a couple of chain stores and eventually found it cheaper that was priced out of the neighborhood theyve moved from higher polk and down into the california black but begun they were the store a blanket nobody there the village sense of being on polk street is important and it changed and remember a lot of things i like to go both the cheese store and like up state new york and understand the music is because a certain person is working there i dont go to the bell tower i live alone never owned a caribou my groceries at a lot of places and take the bus it is easy to do my transit score is one hundred i understand that people dont have the time and want places more convenient but a lot of Grocery Shopping available if youre willing to have a clipper card and travel to a safe way or other card. It is really i live on a hill the hill didnt get any lower ive been walking you think that for 39 years not lower and i understand there are people like me some kind of a minor or major disability i h e arthritis i think people realize the amount of traffic theyll not be in favor of that thank you very much. Hello im president of the cathedral Hills Association i want to talk about how we define neighborhoods and communities when the hospital the cpuc c hospital was proposed we started to present all over the van ness corridor and pack heights and russian hill and hayes valley and japantown all the neighborhoods to get people to understand this Major Hospital will effect every neighborhood on van ness and polk because the planning around all of those jeopardy institutional changes on van ness the hospital all the hours, the upgrades around the market hub effect van ness as a major transit corridor and polk as a Small Business corridor van ness will be rained for formula retail and transient and p needs to be remained as a smallest communities ancillary street to van ness full of pedestrians and bicyclists and individual merchants but we have plenty of room on van ness ill be happy to walk any formula retail ton van ness to find a place to operate without effecting polk street and effecting all the hard work that russian hill neighbors and others have done to build the Small Businesses that will be destroyed by a large Big Box Store coming in and destroying the neighborhood character and the complex fabric of all you all those Small Businesses Cathedral Hill will support the banning of the formula retail as written by supervisor peskin thank you. Good afternoon. Commissioners im paul wormer first, the lady had to go move her car and asked me to represent her as by the way, i support supervisor peskin legislation i come speaking from the experience on fillmore street indeed in early negotiations on fillmore street with a couple of formula retail we thought we had really good folks that were wanting to engage in the Community Agreement yes actions no formula retail is not part of community not the Business Model when you when you permit formula retail and it becomes trendy as realtors have discovered theyre commissioned gossip and worth their while to bring in upscale merchant rather than a difference communities with competition and lower prices and better acceleration my wife goes to the 800 blouse that is the price reduction at the fillmore this morning at the gym i go to off fillmore theyve been hit with a 36 rent increase on the new lease term why . Because the landlord is an exception that since fillmore rents are high i should do so my understanding most incremental leases have a fixed annual there and perhaps the cpi adjustment where do you get 36 percent keeping the costs down for Community Members that is an unfortunate reality of the way formula retail goes formula retail is difference depending on what communities youre in if youre in an area that is like fulsome and because of its accessibility to downtown its connections to fishermans wharf, and other tourists attractions that is not going to be neighborhood serving lowcost formula retail if formula retail was really such a beneficiary why not take advantage of the storefront on van ness and on polk my sense is because there is a risk there because it is not prosperous enough yet if you life formula retail open that will rapidly as happened on fillmore all go to formula retail excluding the sole providers thank you. Good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners my name is donna ill lived in the polk area for 19 years we have would in the area it is unique and genuine San Francisco a concerning issues came in into the polk neighborhood 11 years we founded cofound the middle Polk Neighborhood Association he chaired this until retiring in january as such i made that my role to understand the neighborhood and the area deeply in middle polk youll see banners up and down inviting people from near and far to visit our unique San Francisco neighborhood is there a way i can turn this. Okay middle polka village in the city not middle it is a village something unique and refreshing and by the way, the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development paid for this. Respectfully i must strongly disagree with the planning modification on supervisor peskins proposal it didnt a modify it the Planning Department executive summary states in part in neighborhoods commercial corridors with an existing character the addition of a Large National chance may defibrillators grade that character and further it says that residents and may i add retailer such corridors had concerns about the loss of established retails providing daily goods and services the executive Committee Talks about their respective of the ncd existing character but old will i says the formula retail will not upset the balance of violently owned this battling of formula retail one by within as i have is not something most in this room would have the time to do having been in front of the this commission for more hours and many days expend much energy this captures the balances and preferences the majority of our residents and our Small Businesses as i feel i also must state the survey that mr. Twine spoke of was the mother leading bias survey im ever come across by whole foods and it was disappoint and concerning thank you very much commissioners good afternoon commissioners my name is 101 im here representing the jog shop the owners and operators and family the jog shop is in the shop of wine and spirits on polk street and owned and operated it employs 25 people it is a landmarking Gathering Spot in the neighborhood commercial district and serves and supports the local community with a clear understanding the fiduciaries responsibility as the members of the neighborhood and ensured this trials and tribulation including did opposing of a spirits and whole foods 6 blocks away were here to support supervisor peskin legislation on banning formula businesses in our neighborhood and in stating so we feel that any further proliferation wants formula Retail Businesses in our neighborhood woke devastating to the jog shop as i stand before you as a former Business Owner in north beach i was the cofounder of the north Beach Chamber of commerce and i witnessed first hand the effect that supervisor peskin legislation on riffling businesses in north beach it preserves family owned businesses and preserved the future businesses and the impact of their families and future generations today north beach is a Thriving Community rich in Business Culture that supports the tourists as well your decision as a result of those meetings will impact many businesses and the culture make up of the pc n d and the stability of those families and businesses who operate today thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Commissioners im lived and corner of jackson and polk street for about 2000 i hope to retire and live the rest of my life in any neighborhood i love the Small Businesses ive been spending too much time at the junk shop im concerned of polk street i walk up and down the street i see many empty storefronts a blight to the neighborhoods any neighborhood needs well kaept storefronts that provides services to marry neighbors and me i believe that banning formula retail no matter how much storm is not unnecessary but contrary to meeting this need you, take this time to rehash many of the points noted in the executive summary to demonstrate formula retail to a neighborhood instead ill speak from my heart choose and dialogue and consideration and community is very important words summaryly banning formula retail on polk street for any time of Square Footage disregards those words i believe that the existing conditional use permit process serves the neighborhood needs and is the appropriate planning control in that that requires formula Retail Businesses to be considered on a case by case basis Community Input is imperative and the nature of San Francisco another important word is gratitude ill glad through the process ive met my neighbors and come together as a community regarding this proposed legislation and grateful that i learned about the existence of my Neighborhood Association and i happy to be a member my neighbors and i look forward to meeting when you concern whole food application thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon commissioners im here to speak for golden gate Neighborhoods Association who earn browned is van ness avenue i personally have shops on polk street and more recent years eaten on polk street more years than ill count we have sent you a letter i as both an individual and director the neighborhood Association Want to express our solidarity with the central polk neighbors and support of original amendment i mean original measure for the amendment and are opposed to formula retail on an area as much as polk between california and green thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Honorable commissioners chris representing the lower polk neighbors we submitted a whatever for your packet thank you for those who respond ill try inform to rehash but make a points lower polk has a number up to a dozen developments if you count the p pa stage we want to work with the developers of the formula retail and i dont want to be defibrillators pressed we want to partner with the developers and work on projects to bring projects to the neighborhood and formula retail were loud and clear with our membership were opposed to it and asking you to listen and want to bring housing and work on those projects and have we heard from the membership that van ness avenue not necessarily more appropriate for formula retail out right and encourage formula retail it is not in the bubble van ness is right next door and vebs is a freeway it is it is a pedestrian street it is vehicular ordinary we believe that is more appropriate polk street is a special street it is to that area ive lived there 13 or 14 years and dont want to see polk street homilies and hope the commission will support that were looking 5 or 10 or 20 years down the road im unpleased to see it whole foods 365 owe the projects have been grandfathered i respect the Planning Commission recommendation i dont agree i think the goal in this case for 365 to have a fair day great the honorable commissioner regarding the polk neighbors say an executive organization with to represent membership that is also im proud to say since the outreach meeting we sent out over 5 hundreds postcards to businesses between geary and california and van ness and hyde street so we value the outreach to neighbors and businesses and we have a real represent membership and i really punishment thank you for your time for all the testimony and with that, i look forward to hearing our deliberations thank you very much. Good afternoon. My name is chris and im a member of middle Polk Association i live in the heart of the polk and sacramento im here to say what drew me to the neighborhoods over 8 years the city we have wonderful unique you know small and family owned businesses like the la boo and so the shops they bring people to polk street if you come to polk street any unite those are designations and without a doubt threatened by formula retail i urge you to support the association and protect the neighborhood thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item. If there are line up on this side of the room over here. Good afternoon commissioners dee dee workmans from the chamber of commerce ive been before you talking about formula retail weve worked formula retail roishgz across the city and i wasnt planning on speaking i thought i would because i would really discourage you from voting to support a foreign ban of formula retail on polk street or anywhere i understand the need to retain Small Businesses and the love we have for Small Businesses and our neighborhood commercial district with individuality and so on but a ban removes the flexibility that our neighborhood commercial indignity need to be thriving you need the mix of Small Businesses and Large Businesses and local businesses and National Businesses for a commercial district to thrive the conditional use process i dangerously disagree with my colleague steve you are allowed to weigh in a ban takes that away from them and you i would actually use hayes valley as an example how i think the ban can be envertically or maybe otherwise a ban leads to gentrification we used to have small serving businesses in the neighborhoods people that also there for a long time with the economic levels it is not that anymore it is extremely high ended you have very expensive boutique shops and Clothing Stores where people that live in the neighborhood cant shop there they dont work there those shops dont provide jobs to folks in the neighborhoods it is really you know hayes valley is very exciting neighborhood in a lot of ways i think that is also exclusive there are a lot of reasons for the gentrification obviously about but the formula retail ban has contributed and have to be really careful about that sort of thing so we would really encourage you to rethink this not support the ban let of the cu play outs were glad the 365 project has separated 0 out and has its own hearing and survive on his own merits we discourage you for recommending support this ban. Thank you hi, im a Business Owner an polk street and here to express my support important supervisor peskin legislation it is important they keep tare identity for San Francisco to be San Francisco not get swallowed bye bye big businesses and areas where formula retail can be beneficial to the city and keeping them from taking over from the corridors this leads them to explore corridors in the best interest of the city thank you for your time. Good afternoon commissioners my name is kathleen im a member of the Small Business commission and a board member of the north Beach Business Association speaking from the north Beach Business Association forensic were not loading on 365 if you want to support the process for 365 supervisor peskin put that in as an amendment thats a mute point i want to talk about i did a merchant walk in merchant street with supervisor peskin to visit the many long time merchants that are thrown out of their businesses because they jackup their rents to the moon hoping polk street will be more gentrified soon ive spent many years on reaching formula retail and assure p you that once a formula retail goes in well see the republicans go up those empty storefronts are going to ask very high rents we in north beach have a different story to tell we have had it bands for years formula retail amazing businesses were one the most important neighborhoods in San Francisco and people around the world to come to thats because our rents are available because we have band formula retail we have an amazing small individual businesses and i think that polk street deserves the same so i urge you to approve this ban of formula retail and if you want, you can continue with the amendment that will allow 365 to have their day in front of you but dont throw the whole thing out and allow the gold rush to starts on polk street i assure you it is coming. Hi, im ray i have a business on polk street ive had for 11 years now celebrated the 12 year i have nothing to add and want to say that supervisor peskin he support him and the proposal as it is thank you very much. A couple of cards i think people stepped up already calling names thank you. Afternoon im from nob hill market and serving the community for 3 two years now i am in favor of supervisor peskin proposal to ban formula retail on polk street i believe that that prose a threat to defined businesses in the community he wanted to bring to the table thank you. Good afternoon thats the warm up to bryant street thank you, commissioner for your patience im the president of the middle polk Neighborhoods Association he come before you on behalf of our Neighborhoods Association as well as the condo Association Im the president s representing 99 homes in the polk mcd to strongly urge support what does Side Community need to do weve submitted support letters from merchants and others from across San Francisco the council of San Francisco district Merchants Association the authority on Small Business issues for the city has supported this legislation and polk direction Merchant Association has supported many legislation and Telegraph Hill dwellers and north beach businesses and hayes valley Neighborhood Association have come forward and said similar controls are working in their neighborhoods i want to echo laura polk neighbors comments Cathedral Hill and lower polk all associations on van ness we are working hard with all the supervisors and the Mayors Office on how do we build a corridor along van ness and polk that addresses San Franciscos needs with priority number one as we know from following the issues closely with housing how do we create a Creative Space for independent this is the best places for legacy businesses formula you can be on haven van ness and other Zoning District our supervisors is saying lets add our Zoning District where the legislation worked were looking at 12 to 14 new developments we know that new Development Projects atrocious formula retail look at soma and other place lets have local retail and do what hayes valley when Matt Gonzales introduced the ban nobody knew with the future that have that neighborhood it is a thriving neighborhood absolutely trifling and chinatown and north beach is trifling those are the historic polk i walk my son down polk street everyday every morning and walk them home every night and want him to be able to grow up in a city where thats why we pay 3,100 a month to support our capitalized for caregiver. Any other speakers. Im ron with Village Properties were the owner of property and doing business since 1986 i was born and raised in San Francisco and actually lived about 3 blocks from the subject properties for 20 years about two years ago we came up with a plan to do a mixed use with 52 units ever residential after we bid out the project and to determine 0 and rebuild it didnt pencil after the bids came in as apartments due to increased Construction Costs and although weve done a lot of condominiums in San Francisco we are too darn tired of the plaintiffs attorneys we have a great building a 2 Story Building in fantastic shape and target express had interests in the building over a year ago maybe the use is controversial were signing a lease and having them sign it we had them take planning and the neighborhoods temperature the reaction was mixed so here we are with the majority of neighborhoods desire theyll enjoy a grocery everyday ive not seen so many neighbors certificate of occupancy come out for a project with not a conditional use hearing the staffer report says theres no ban for a formula retail and the conditional use process works why fix it the 365 application is a clear example of how the process is working thats why those people are here today why eliminate the choices i commend the staffs thorough analyze and canvassing the polk ncd it effects the formula retail on the retail area were talking about only 7 percent of the shops are formula retail and theres no evidence that is escalating rents with the reality property the a. M. Done focus has taken hold and this formula retail less ended and will continue retails sales are down and rents not raising in neighborhoods especially formula retail are for the most part pare down this legislation is not needed any question for staff and for the commission is that the current polk street process is working and further controls not needed why modify the polk street ncd to require. Thank you, sir, your time is up. Sir. If you want to submit that you can. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Hello my name is pat, i live on jackson street kittycorner from the 365 and ive lived in the neighborhood since 1972 ive seen a lot of changes in the city or in the city and the neighborhoods but im very confused about supervisor peskins he didnt want the 365 to go into the former lombard to preserve the character of portions polk street we want to commend tear down the existing building that has been there for years and years and years and replace that with a new condo complex probably another luxury condominium how does that preserve the character the neighborhood thank you. Okay any other speakers on this item . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And opening to commissioners comments commissioner antonini. Thank you with all due respect for the author this is a solution looking for a problem there was allusion to formula retail by steven cosponsor fell that is below the radar we have to police it but the information we have that only 70 percent of the establishments from within the polk street ncd are formula retail which is 7 percent 70 percent 70 no 7 percent only 7 percent weve only had 3 applications come before us since 2011 for formula retail and two have been approved and one disapproved not a lot of formula retail despite plenty of vacancies in the neighborhood and if there were that to happen with having we have a conditional use process that works well in neighborhoods of the city weve had that concept brought up in neighbors particularly in the mission some years ago and voted it do you think im a glad it didnt occur there there are advantages to formula retail that may not be the case necessarily with every single one but often there are more Jobs Available for people with less education and lower income and formula retail than the case with smaller firms weve had studies that seems to be the case and also excuse me also weve heard about the fact that the cross are costs are higher in the independent stores thats not always the case but some benefit you can buying and selling things at polk so i think that the other example was brought up is polk street where polk golf there is a ban in place and things are very expensive both the rents and the price of items there so those who say that youre going to get a higher prices assaults of on the job formula thats not the case and those who bring up fillmore street a vibrant street maybe things that are less than ideal but thats an improvement of the time whether i of the in dental school in the san jose it has a lot to offer independently and formula retail there was a question about everything should be on van ness van ness is not polk that ban is talking about polk exclusively and you know, i think that there are some situations where certain formula retail use maybe appropriate and beneficial to the neighborhood and weve heard a lot of people who are in opposition to this legislation and some in support but a huge portion communicated their opposing it and even though the whole foods will be grandfathered supposing in legislation is not necessary in my opinion and there are more important things to work on there are parts of polk particularly as you start moving south that needs a lot of work there is a lot of activities there are less than deliciously i walk from market to vej street and not good things going on in the areas on and around polk those are the things we have to focus on and all the vacancies and i think that at this point ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say but i will probably be in favor of disapproving this at this point and using the conditional use process and taking up whole foods if brought before us individually for consideration. Commissioner wu im supportive of legislation as proposed so following on Public Comment i want to make clear that the site property for 365 has been grandfathered not like were talking about here i think with formula retail you know weve spent a lot of time over the last couple of years on formula retail there are questions around affordability of the rent for the retailer and also the goods and services for the people in the neighborhood and this question of the Property Owners expect for the rent that is really where a lot of the challenges are the polk ncd is the neighborhood commercial district the athlete behind ncds works and weve moved towards perceiving them always neighborhoods van ness; right . One block away rh3 and rh for you with each other that make sense and so and ready to moved on supporting in legislation. Mr. Starr. I wanted to clear a few things e things up the grandfathering is not encouraging in the ordinance so the supervisor state your full name why i said she was planning to amend the ordinance to amend that and calory rc has formula retail and there was confusion. Can you say what the controls are. The rc requires a conditional use to open a formula retail on polk. Almost everywhere requires a conditional use. Outside of downtown unusual you require the conditional use. Commissioner moore. In support of Small Businesses ive taken for years and almost have closely observed the changes on fillmore i believe that the formula retail is limitations as polk is property is beneficial with the caveat the discussion about the pevendz application for the 365 store is part of this i see vacancies occurring on polk tlooift biz businesses for 20 or 25 years theyve told me theyre under the flat of rising rents and cant continue due to the fact of the rents participation being arrested overly by this board becoming aware of formula retail we need to be aware of flooiven eroding the quality of fillmore the fact many formula retail comes in small considerations mostly the ones that sell high ended blouse and blue jeans and a they cant say afford to rents those spaces for at high rents mostly two or three times the rates of small local businesses can do thats for that reason i believe the protection for polk street is necessary and i supported it to the full stent. Ill offer a couple of thoughts one speaker talked about a street to thrive e you need a mix it offers some of the mix with some of the existing retail are walgreens and in situations a little bit of below formula retail is not a good idea but wanted to mention to some degree defense a process this works you really have your favorite project may not be not going the way you want to but the staff and commissioners is a question do the right thing the majority of the time and people are mentioning about the cost of rents and the landlords are expecting part of the difficulty is you see the vacancies it is darn difficult to open a Small Business and try to streamline that it but costly to run a Small Business and in the room people are needing their heads insurance and trying to do a simple remodel ada triggers things those are older were talking about im torn on the ban is the right thing to do but like to make it easier for Small Businesses to open thats a totally different subject not within the Planning Commission but important if we limit the types of businesses lets make it easier for them to work their way in and take a chance and be entrepreneurial so thats our responsibility as a city in the just as the Planning Commission to easy that and make that opportunity available for people. Commissioner hillis. So thank you all for the testimony i agree i think we all want to preserve the character of polk street and in character when i moved here 20 years ago i lived on fillmore and van ness and polk street is kind of one of the grayish neighborhood commercial streets i think that just a good mix in exist as you walk from upper polk to middle and lower polk is an enormous length of street to maintain kind of vibrancy i think that great and it is always been that way even though many of the businesses have changed so im torn again, i see why folks want to ban it we generally have listened to neighbors throughout this cu process were aware of neighbors opposed to a formula retail where we havent been opposed so une upcoming fairly contentious hearings so im not sure ban necessarily works i would say by hayes valley and went to hayes valley a lot it is not affordable for commercial businesses in hayes valley and not a good as a neighborhoods serving it is serving after all San Francisco are the region than polk street so i worry that a ban of blocks we mess up what is great about polk street and continues to be great about polk street i get that people want to strengthen that cu process it is for folks to you can retailers that want to change and have more resources by the way, actually, the cu process is a good defibrillators eternities for formula retailers they seek approval from neighborhood and recognition theyll not get that approval and back off and not goes forward we struggled with something in between the cu and a ban we heard kind of nuggets of that throughout the process which i will be more supportive of than a straight wide ban the staff started to get that over 5 thousand square feet maybe that needs to be 25 hundred square feet there could be bans an certain types of formula retail and cafes people dont like but cus for other things we often see formula retail like the 11 to 24 where they are 11 to 25 Stores People dont want and coffee comes to mind you dont get opposition from phil coffee but starbucks so a larger scale formula retail where where they have 50 to one hundred things to get how polk street can change without the out right ban we cant fault hayes valley i like those neighborhoods the formula retail ban has been successful and kind of guiding those they have their own issues and again, i think that hayes valley as moved away from those great neighborhood commercial streets into a more regional or citywide shopping district this is the argument is a valid one i think ive thought about polk maybe better on van ness than polk street but it gets caught up up in the numbers maybe lower than 2500 polk street might be two fine a grain for whole foods or lombard but well hear about that in the future that will be good to hear about that from other commissioner were not there yet but strengthen what is band and not bands in the cu process to make it easier generally, the cu process works you look at streets layer hate and van ness and even polk that has maintenance great neighborhoods serving the character and lots of bans im torn id like to see a nuance approach and not warrants. Commissioner Vice President richards. Interestingly enough i first came to San Francisco in the mid 80s as as gay person saw more serps on polk street and sat here and watched the presentation i turned to commissioner president fong and said hey that use to be a gay bar he said they all were gay bars it is xhapgdz more gentrified and clean despite the testimony to the oppose that i think ncds in the city are experiencing i guess before we go onramp commissioner johnson will get her wish with a mixed Commission Meeting with the mta id like to have one with the Small Business commission to have that there are issues we got to including was there in the middle between a cu and an out right band with the Small Businesses were definitely in a retail environment congressman mr. Shulman wrote a letter about was it i was president of my Neighborhood Association for math for seven years every time we had a formula retail come in it was geary up for battles it was all of us some folks with children and taking away time from my husband and pick up i didnt and go to the meetings and fighting with the formula retailers that is a the project meeting was not that is a selling stunt on the part of company your supposed to be able to give and take questions and how the Companies Respond and dialogue to that level of having to try to contest some of these we had some successes but were a lot of scares with starbucks, we had a successful walgreens and actually offered space to the communities where before they wouldnt from the reaction from the communities to walgreens was they made more profit on the castro than any other location in the world because of the amount of drugs with people to history and the community so i think that was a lot of besides the changing rents from folks said rents are not go up ill be honest theyre not going down we went to castro a numerous monument and businesses and the 7 exploring and 0. 50 per square feet didnt pencil out i mean there are certain margins other than coffee and alcohol so we asked for concessions on rent the landlord said no, we looked at the survey that the benefits why there are so many vacancies in the castro a lot of the buildings are in trust they dont care if their rented or not whatever theyre paying for a residential unit theyre sitting on those issues and theres a problem with rent and hours are vacant and believe i think we need to go something. Interestingly enough on the rents i really love to understand what the rent is in chinatown versus portland and some other ncds hayes valley is in a class by itself honestly the freeway was there and you get so the on our way into the bar and once the freeway came down people said what a great neighborhood and now folks have a hard time affording the goods their marketed duo into my case a of him street when i was in portland and looked at it i believe no formula retail not a ban but looked like hayes street if you want to look at that today go to portland i think that the question i guess the question for staff the vacant rate on in polk ncd i didnt read it cover to cover and didnt pickup on that maybe too much going on in my head. What i counted were three hundred and 76 im sorry 4 hundred and 23 nonresidential establishments and plus 46 vacancies so thats been about 11 percent. Thats higher than average the vacant rate. I believe thats not average maybe an inch above. A couple of more things im struggling with whether or not formula retail is additive or kill Small Business i really am honestly you want to have just enough to bring people into the neighborhoods but not too much it kicks everyone out of business you want to comment. Thats right the report tried to talk about two ncds one anchor and look at the sweet spot for an ncd the sweet spot is in your opinion. Probably important polk street or citywide and citywide and polk street. Citywide 10 percent and i think what the case report tries to say polk street at 7 percent can absorb for establishments without that cu being completely lost i think that each formula retail application is unique and be thats why the reports augusts we should maintain the cu requirements of that community you here can decide if so it is an appropriate application. We agree a lot of data in the reports understanding the difference between certain percentages of formula retail and the rents that would be helpful i know thats not before us but we helped us understand is that formula retail driving rents or Something Else im trying to error on the way of being preempt and caution not saying lets let the market go but how are the people doing with the battles in the neighborhood might end up with the tip points 7 percent is not far from 10 percent thats not before us but the other part of any brain with the economy why not have weve seen more what is going on in polk street is it the people or the mix avenue neighborhood demographics i expect to see more on the climate sounds like some have gone into enforcement action and who mentioned mr. Sanchez if you can help with our prfshg perspective on this one a couple of more thoughts with the expectation or carve out of arbitrator that has an application on file i completely support i dont want to penalize anyone else s we tried this in my neighborhood the castro merchant and Barbary Coast and a Merchant Group that is supportive and the merchant it is sxierld i sat on that side of ailing many, many times on that same issue concerning the formula Retail Investment in the neighborhood i read their gap is closing one hundred and 40 stores their sales are down 40 percent a large retailer subsidy of a retailer in my neighborhood their giving up their lease i talked with the people they said theyre making money but not enough the medical examiner that said hey the Small Business will weather out the storm is probably right you are a stakeholder you need the money there and if not meeting the expectation you through them overboard im erroring on the side of caution and support in legislation with a carve out of any applicant that has an application on file. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. Not many people brought this up the biggest threat to formula retail and individual business is Online Purchases nobody wants to get up and go shopping so thats what youre seeing and why youre seeing vacancies coming in both in formula retail and individuals because it is so hard to compete with online sales and not a looking like it is Getting Better . Selflimiting we dont need legislation at that point that makes it harder for the sales on site to generate the business as opposed to online well limit a formula retail can go into a site it will not work for an individual interiors entrepreneurs will be eliminated there is talk about the merchants extorting or supporting it is clear and some of the Merchant Groups throughout the city but then there were a lot of residents that were speaking against it so it kind of looks like you have got feelings on both sides and sometimes dismiss the merchant i mean it is you know eliminating a source of competition but might not help my feeling id like to make a motion to disapprove if we can do that. Can i make a motion to disapprove we dont need on intent with the idea being we encourage the supervisor and the neighborhood to work on something that is more nuanceed perhaps youll be in formula retail with more than 40 outlets and nationally or worldwide or maybe the larger Square Footage might be part of it i dont know if 5 thousand is the rights number or maybe locally owned formula retail would be go exempted from this and maybe a lot of things that is two broad so i would move to disapprove at this time with the idea we can always come back to that is more nuanced. In the past when the commission cant come to consensus on items the staff takes the item with the recommendation for disapproval with each of the commissioners comments certainly you can move to disagree. Excuse me staff could do the same and form a motion of disapproval i dont hear a second. I think there is some more discussion here before we get to a motion commissioner johnson. Thank you yeah. I think this a definitely too blunt of a tool for some of the problems ive seen and also i definitely situated i dont hear anonymous support im thankful to the Neighborhood Association and the merchants groups that have come together to rise their situation and to provide their recommendations but that obviously were sitting here today dont represent 100 percent of the people that is important for us to take into account before i give a couple of comments it looks like well not be unanimous so well have to take more comments to the supervisors like to say. Couple of things commissioner antonini i had no ideas youre against Online Shopping thats news to me i will i have a baby at home sometimes. Com a way easier than walking down the street laughter okay. So im sorry and commissioner Vice President richards you know dreams come true if you ask for a Small Business commission joint hearing for like a year and a half. I feel go neglected. It might happen i feel that this is not a ton of examples but works of not approving the use for formula retail in the past and for sure not approving the cus in the future given the project prompt to van ness thats why weve seen an area that is a little bit more amenable to larger scale retail formula or not and that what i said is part of what we looked at when we considered the application i understand thank you commissioner Vice President richards for highlighting this i got the same letter i understand sometimes can, a large effort for neighborhoods to orientation around particular applications they dont support but thats why we have a process i think the cu process does on the other side serve as a deterrent to potential companies that wanted to come in and have formula Retail Locations where they dont have the support they may have money and resources but have the example that money and resources dont do anything weve seen that happen and like to continue to use the 0 process that that is working instead of layering on more process that for the valid issues people have a couple of other things i have a question i believe an we are to the question but ill ask staff cus like all the other land uses decisions go with the land one comment for formula retail on van ness not a hearing for those because they essential were cus that have been approved in the past and came in under the office of a former Commission Im not sure how this is formula retail. It would you have been written more locations and not changing locations for supermarket and restaurants that triggers and new cu i dont know the specific situations where none decided but theoretically. The change of use requires. More skeven. Anymore doesnt even okay okay. You when a location changes that prior to i think there is definitely opportunities we may have businesses able to come in under a former approval that potentially may have been in opposition with a new application i totally understand like im very supportive of Small Businesses and going back to commissioner Vice President richards request for a joint hearing with the Small Business commission id like to see what oewd is doing they have tons of programs to support Small Businesses but didnt say anything about easing the process i want to see what we can do to ease the process do we need to have a policy to have vacant storefront or more expedited support for Small Businesses to help support them as they go through the process those are changes that well be requiring legislation rather than trying to wipeout the competition to make it easier for the Small Businesses that remain i understand the end goal but not convinced that is the pathway to get there and then finally weve heard this before about rent expectations going up and down with Property Owners building theyll be able to get in the uses that are allowed and im not sure not sway my decision today that i dont think that a ban is the right tool to get the problems are seeing but you id like to get the substantial we have Property Owners that own their properties and have storefront locations they dont care what happens those are vacant and others saying that is vacant theyre waiting on high rents thai think theyll get and others say no none of overseeing things it is a process and dont want to deal with that so i fear a clflthd narrative i know we have others thank you for your patience and we are glad for all the public today and mr. Starr. Going back to commissioner Vice President richards rents under the neighborhoods the report we did a couple years ago looked at rents as at the relate to formula retail and found the overall Real Estate Market has effects but no change in Retail Real Estate related to the approval of formula retail we dont pass specific rates for the neighborhood thats the general report. Thanks. Commissioner Vice President richards. I guess a question for ms. We could get this to the board today a recommendation whatever would you want us to and give us advise and deliberate and provided information would you rather us to take more time on this or cone it and answer some of the questions or get it there i believe we agree on the carve out but move forward im happy to get it out of here today. The carve outs is go for today and Everything Else well take in advisement at this point, were ready to have the discussion at the board of supervisors so i appreciate your consideration today and. Sure my one pieces of advise i know no benefits district for polk. Not middle polk but for the lower polk we set the boundaries lines. Just to let you think the barry did an economic vitally study ii, send is to you it goes from octavia to castro it makes a large area probably not as large as is polk street but a great thing that the Supervisors Office fund the money we asks the developers to kick in money with a 75 thousand endeavor it informed the folks who are the clients you want to bring in and it was really good study glad to send it to you and supervisor peskin can below market rate draw on money. That would be great and one additional comment werent to the scope of the legislation and what other intentions other issues this is trying to solve we have heard from several businesses that either have been adapted in the polk street ncd and trying to come back or currently trying to open up local Business Owners in the neighborhood that want to open up a best and having an sxooerld difficult times i cant disclose what the exact and or the current status of negotiation but let me tell you thats been extremely difficult and others formula retails that are definitely in competitions and have attorneys and lobbyists and you cant compete i think outside the box that San Francisco rules committee to the difficulty of cu process now the cu process is not an important tool we appreciate the cu process but it is definitely difficult to you know organ if you are a Small Business it didnt have the money to hire a lobbyist or a Campaign Manager or attorneys on your behalf not that add to the comments that were made. I think what was said i want to make a motion to move this to the board of supervisors with no recommendation. Second. And are were going to give ourselves an opportunity to additional advisements. Yes. Please. Commissioner hillis. I mean, im coping out im happy to do that for one i strongly support polk street you know if you came here with cus youll look back on my voting and the other Planning Commissioners weve he generally supported neighbors i think that businesses dont glow the process if they know that lower polk about bring people im nervous it has mixed results i believe there will be unintended consequences so i would strongly consider looking at alternatives i think that planning start at the 5 thousand square feet size thresholds maybe go high maybe down to 25 hundred square feet in that neighborhood think the ratio of the formula retail shouldnt be supportive in response to whole foods trying to do a better project ill support of residential project i think is not appropriate place but try to look at someone between a bathtub process and when the ban kicks in when the could corridor hits 10 percent or the vacancies get lower 35 percent and then even treating Different Levels formula retailers different this is you were right sometimes starbucks turns out a lot of attorneys and things like that but phils if to ban a 25 or more and three or less arrest 50 or Something Like that but ill be nervous about a ban not the answer to rent go to hayes valley the represents are skyrocket and not skid ourselves with the polk corridor its been a great corridor for the last 20 years and rest on that we have a ban and comes down and all good so ill try to do a more nuance approach. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. Im against the ban and argument that formula retail can afford to have go through the cu process is true but Small Businesses dont have to glow the cu process unless they have to for another reason the cu process is intended to get a formula retail and anniversary formula retail dont have to glow it unless other reasons thats not going to change but i dont think that that makes difference whatever they have recommendation but im against the motion. Commissioner moore. Im in support of motion and the reasons are the neighborhood is well anchored between formula retail and small local retail the fact that the strongest local retailers the repeat stores requires neighborhoods are here to speak for themselves and for me a reason to support them theyre the bigger ones speaking for themselves we have to look at this the chief stop theyre speaking for themselves many smaller retailsers not here today there are several on the from the shadows to the polk stores, etc. All tiny Little Stores that have tell me their rents are raised and have to be leaving by the end of this year thats where my concern and support this is indeed being said in light of the fact if supervisors officials give us a clear message this didnt involve the issue of the majority that spoke against it spoke about it today not about 365 on independent store and on its own merit for that very reason the clarity of this particular legislation tries to for i support particularly because oak street is made up of three or four distinct environment it is where the interest and the protection needs to come from i only needs to repeat one example commissioner president fong and i shared a smaller an internal immigrant merchant came to this country and asked for our support and had the so forth of per finally Small Business opened a store and a year after that he got approval a block and a half away for me to receive a letter 8 months later, he went out of business because the price is offered in formula retail not allowing him to stay in the corridor that was a stark reminder working for the maximus and esperanza rental for the Small Businesses and partially the nature of the polk street distinctly different environment why im some support of the legislation as it stands. Im supportive of proposed motion and maybe just do add a few things i would im sure lean heavy on the hard work by the Planning Department staff two years ago and go in depth case study on the bad and evil of that if i recall stop me a fine mix is okay good evening effect the neighborhoods greatly and a 10 percent number came up gordons not be supportive of a total

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