City that exist now over the over pass. The firefighter station we went to were very professional and aware of the policy and they let us in to use the restrooms. We spoke to them about an effort we were planning and carried out to the where we are holding a flyer for the homeless folks. We also attached a dollar bill to each one of the flyers to give them a little incentive to Pay Attention to the information on the flyer. It says that public toilets open everyday from 9 00 a. M. To 10 00 p. M. At the fire stations closest to tent city on mission. We went to 70 tents and we had channel 2 following us as we handed out the flyers. The homeless folks were very much not aware that this policy exist that they can use these toilets. I feel we need to have signage at each fire station, a sign equal in size to a sign that is currently up there about abandoned babies can be dropped off at the fire stations. I think this is necessary because we need to feed two birds with one seed. We need to allow homeless to maintain some dignity. We need to have less poop on the street. I have been sending emails to the chief about my request about signage to be created. Im doing what i can with these little signs, but its not enough. I think the department has enough money and the duty to create simple signs says toilets available. Im going to give some of these flyers to maureen to give to you all to see that its distributed today. Thank you. Thank you very much. You can detach the dollars from those. Next speaker, please. Public speaker yes, i was with michael when we took this tour last week. It really educated me to the fact that the firefighters and emt personnel in the firehouse really are the first line response and they really are the Government Entity that people come to at the most dire need. I would love to give you names, but something that really disturbed me when we went on this visit was to a person. They asked us and made very clear that they were not the ones to discuss policy and they would not go on the record. But i really came away with a greater appreciation for the caring and compassion of the people that are employed by the Fire Department. I think that should be noted, but i also think it should be noted. We are not asking for a new policy or a policy change, we are just asking that the policy that is now exist the Public Access to the Fire Department restrooms on the apparatus floor be just be made known to the people who might need to use it. The letter we got rejecting this, mark gonzalez, that the libraries have other professional cleaners to do their bathroom clean up and that the firefighters do it themselves. I just want to explain to you, im not asking anybody to do something that i have not done myself. In one of the jobs i had when i first moved here 20 years ago as a janitor for a church that had a feeding program. I know it is an un pleasant task. To have people that might use it in this city, does help the homeless and it makes its better for anybody walking down the street. I want to emphasize that when we talked to the individual fire stations, it wasnt that anybody didnt know. Its already working in the individual fire houses. The signage would perhaps give it a way of saying to the people who are already doing the work that this work is appreciated and needed. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the audience that would like to use this time for Public Comment . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Item 3. Approval of minutes from minutes of january 13, 2016. My fellow commissioners i have had a discussion with our Commission Secretary regarding the latest minutes from our last meeting because it was a first televised meeting. So, the minutes are briefer than usual. Moving forward, i think there will be something in between, Something Like our traditional very long minutes and these abbreviated minutes. But i will entertain a motion for acceptance. Second. Okay. You said second. Move to approve. Thank you. All right. So thats commissioner Ken Cleaveland and Michael Hardeman. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . The minutes are approved. Public comment . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. City clerk item 4. Resolution 201601. Item 5, resolution 201602, item 6, resolution 201603, item 7, resolution 201604. Thank you for being prepared. I think we are going to continue the entire slate of resolutions until we have a little bit more information. Thank you very much. Is there any Public Comment on this before . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Can i have commissioner Michael Hardeman . No. I will entertain a motion to hold these items over until the next agenda. Second. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. Item 8. Draft operating budget for fiscal years 2016, 2017, and 20172018. Good afternoon president covington. I would like to ask our chief Financial Officer mark coercer to present this item. Presenter good evening, commissioners, happy to present the next item which is the initial Commission Discussion regarding the departments fiscal year 2016, 2017 and 20172018 budget submissions. Here is an overview of my presentation. I wanted to kind of go over the timelines first off and instructions that we received from the Mayors Office. I dont know if i have actually addressed that formally previously at the commission. I wanted to go over that again. Kind of give the preview of the overview of the last 2 years and give update on the capital as well as the committee on Information Technology what was due january 15th. We discussed at the last Capital Presentation and there was a question about those and i will be happy to talk about those as well. I want to talk about some of the Budget Priorities of the departments and as well as enhancement provision and open for questions and discussions. Back in december, the Mayors Office provided budget instructions to all City Departments. Together with the Mayors Office and the Controllers Office they released their joint report over the health of the city over the next five 5 fiscal years. In terms of this presentation, do you have an overhead presentation, because if you do, it doesnt seem like its showing up for the public. Okay. Im use the overhead here. It seems to work on my computer. Im sorry to interrupt you. Thank you, commissioner nakajo. There we go. As i was mentioning back in is september, the mayor provided the budget instruction to the City Departments and the board of supervisors analyst, they released their joint report which is a fiscal outlook for the next few years of the city and the overall citys health. The report shows that with anticipated growth revenues that will continue to grow over the next few years and surpassing those grains. This is due to pension obligation due to the city regarding mortality and pension rates for the system. The city is projecting a larger than anticipated pension for the outgoing years. Given that imbalances of revenues and expenditures, the city is projecting approximately 100 million deficit for fiscal year 1617 and 240 million deficit for 20172018. Last year the deficit was much smaller and that did not require any reductions. Thats not the case this year. The instructions for the department are to represent a 1. 5 in the first year and 1. 5 in the second year. In general, there has been a reluctance to agree to reductions from both the Committee Meetings we have had and previously at the commission. We can discuss that later. To recap the overall timeframe for the budget. Here is the schedule to be submissions and approval. We are in the middle obviously. The final submissions for approval is anticipated to be sent to the Commission Prior to the meeting on the 10th for possible action. If there is any lingering issues or questions, a special meeting could be called the following week. It happened in the past. That is a possibility in case there are any issues of the advance of the second submissions. Now that the citys budget process is a 2year process, the first 1 fiscal year 20162017 is the first one approved. No major changes from the current year. I want how highlight some items. The main issue on the budget is the annualization in the a lot of issues in the department with regards to mainly positions. Most positions were funded at. 7 and. 5. Those positions are annualized fully for 1617. Originally in the budget we had two fire academies budget for 16, 17 and 18. However given the award last year of the federal safer grant we were able to add an Academy Grant to that. We are going to have three academies, one in june, one in october and one projected for march 17th. I briefly wanted to update the commission on the departments capital submissions. This was discussed at the last Commission Meeting and was submitted on time to the Capital Planning committee on january 15th. It was pretty much exactly as presented to the commission. There were a few minor changes and i wanted to touch on those briefly. One was the change in the amount that we discussed it infrastructure upgrades for the department. There was additional Work Incorporated so that amount increased. That was a minor adjustment. In addition there were two plans working on department wp on which was incorporated on per request. The first was to do a Facilities Needs assessment for departments that are not fire stations. We did work in regards to fire stations as far as the bond program, however the bond program doesnt address the nonFire Departments. There are programs that are not technically Fire Departments but used for training and bureau of equipment. Dwp department is planning to do an analysis of those facilities. The proposal would be to also do an in depth study. I know the planning is doing meetings and a full Needs Assessment for what the department of a new division of training what that would look like and what the department would need and what would be incorporated into that plan. The other project proposed essentially would be correlated to the 2016 health bond anticipated to go to voters in june. The goal would be to have a project approved in the budget that if the bond passes, the department would be able to start work immediately on the planning and design part rather than wait for the bond funding to actually drop which would be anticipated later in the year. So at the end of the day that could potentially save from a time perspective 4 months from a project timeline which is great for us and those funds are eligible for reimbursement funds. Also mentioned at the last meeting was a request from the commission for Additional Information on the departments it project. Similar to the capital, the departments it is a track from the budget and those are due january 15th as well. Here is a list before you and included in some of your packet information. I just wanted to run through them briefly. First is intelligence reporting for the department. Replacing and upgraded to current standard to gps status with incident display boards which supply information to crews. Replacement ofmdts and produce manual and papers to recruits and gain some other efficiencies there. Roll out share point implementation. Share point has been a product the department is looking into implementing. It will assist with Collaboration Department wide. Lastly would be installation of modems for vehicles. I wanted to k9 of talk a little bit on various divisions and their overview and Budget Priorities over the next couple years starting with Fire Prevention investigation. I think chief mentioned that last week given the volume that the division is still seeing. That will be mainly for plan check for doing plan review as well as developing their new complaint section. That would require some additional staffing. The other thing we are looking at identifying for planning and space needs. Space is absolutely an issue. We are looking at some alternatives for that. On the arson side, it would be essentially the annualization of the new positions funded and currently filled for the current year increasing the number of vet investigators in the bureau as well as the officer position and lastly training would be both on the Fire Prevention side and there would be a lot to implement. That would be a focus for both of those bureaus. For the airport, the airport is proposing some additional staffing changes completely funded by the airport. The first one the additional h 3 level3 paramedic and one would be on duty per day. In addition their apparatus upgrade from a lieutenant position to captain position completely funded by the airport. It will continue to buildout the planning and recruitment unit functions for the department as well as the number of it projects outside of the Quick Projects but including bringing fiber and wifi to all project facilities for the next couple of years. On the support services side, the no. 1 priority not only for the division but probably for the department is identifying and hammering out a fleet and equipment replacement plan as part of this budget. That is a high priority. Obviously we are not funded to replacement equipment. So its a high priority for sure. There is a lot of work for the easter bonds as well as 2013, 2014, and a health bond program which incorporated station 49 and a larger scale project planning for the two stations that are scheduled to be renovated station 5 and 16, and 14 bond and station 49 and the health bond. For training, there is a need given the activity that will be happening at the division of training for hiring and sufficient staffing at the division. To handle not only the academies coming through but to make sure we have enough for testing probationary firefighters entering the workforce and the need for sufficient staffing for the in Service Training for current employees already and we want to make sure there is sufficient staffing that dot can handle for their missions there. On the operational side, we are going to be seeing a new hires and retirements over the next couple of years. Integrating the new hires and planning for the exit of a lot of Institutional Knowledge is a high priority for the department on the operational side for the next couple of years. In addition not only the staffing totals, but other staffing levels. There is discussion around restoration of battalion 5. Those are going to be analyzed over the next couple of years. There is a lot of ems initiatives that have begun implemented. For example ems six with station 49, those items will be continued over the next couple of years and flushed out. And continued collaboration and monitoring with the department of Emergency Management and local emsa and the status of the citys 911 system. So, in front of you is a list of enhancements that are being discussed for the Mayors Office. This is compiled from members of the division heads, members of the field and the strategic Planning Committee and the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee met over the past month to discuss these needs, most recently yesterday afternoon. The results have been great conversations as well as the list before you. Well have that at the next meeting. I dont think i need to tell you the total cost of that list would be significant. There has been some reoccurring themes and discussions among people and i would say the three main needs are the need for fleet, training and sufficient staffing. I think the goal would be for the department similar to last year is to submit the list of enhancement along with our operating budget and work with the Budget Committee with the mayor during the months of the formation of the mayors budget to be presented to the board june 1st. I have a commitment from the mayors director to discuss the budget to get back with the committee on the departments submissions. I briefly want to go over the list and answer any questions you may have on it. Its been broken into categories and as i mentioned before. I dont want to speak for the chief, but up one is the fleet and equipment replacement plan. And getting that into the budget. There are a number of other categories initiatives being discussed. From administration, expansion of recruitment and revenue for grant writing and security for it and additional staff and radio and ems infrastructure request staffing to support the everyday operations. On the equipment side there is a variety of equipment needs from vehicles to rescue tools to scbas and other equipment thats used and in need of replacement by the department. There is a couple of enhancement desired scope and Additional Resources to support that program. There is additional as i mentioned on the operation side additional staffing request from restoration of battalion 5 to establishing a marine dedicated marine unit. Those have come up in discussions. Fire discussion and prevention and additional Staffing Resources to deal with the level and volume of activity mainly in plan check and also to expand the complaint section. On the support services side, there is generally a need for personnel to assist with facilities. Both we have one stationery engineer and to hire an additional personnel so the department can allocate and prioritize their work and general materials and supply and services to deal with increases this call volume that we have been seen. And training and method to support the Academy Training and ems training. With that im happy to answer any questions and open for discussion. Thank you very much, mr. Korso. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I will go to my fellow commissioners. Beginning with vicepresident cleave land. Thank you very much. Now you can hear me . Good report. Thank you very much. A lot of the enhancements are going to need to have dollars placed to them. That hasnt taken place yet . No it has not. Okay. So that will come up with the other seniors in the department with a priority list for enhancement as with this past budget cycle. I will submit that and we submitted all of our needs because they are all priorities but eventually the committee vetted some of those later on in the process. Some of the things in the list you will have great Public Appeal if you will can be quite inexpensive. We have to not only look at it not only how important it my be but to install that and get it done. Thats a concern. Absolutely. Have you thought about that 1. 5 reduction and where do you think that 866,000 is going to have to be carved out . So we have looked at it. There is a few possibilities we have. We would be anticipating. As i mentioned from the Budget Committee also kind of hesitancy to commit given on the level of need. Thats something to discuss. We have been looking at various alternatives for the reduction. Not necessarily cuts in service. It maybe single revenues. We have been looking at ems revenues and additional revenues counted towards that. Those are in analysis. Im pleased that well have an additional 14,000. That will be very helpful in the reduction in the ordinary and regular budgetary process. Absolutely. We have a need to pass that 14 million. Absolutely. I absolutely agree. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Commissioner nakajo . Thank you, president covington. Thank you very much for your presentation. As the years roll through your presentations and analysis are conceptual with a cost factor attached to it. It gets a real comprehensive look at what the Department Needs are. I appreciate that as a commissioner. Thank you. You answered one of my questions in terms of so many ways of how we in the department are going to handle this 1. 5, is it . 1. 5 , yes. Of the 16, 1718, and i think you answered that as we are having comprehension and im trying to digest that in the budget request we are going to have as well as capital and annual budget request a comprehension of when we are requesting for dollars and yet look at scenarios for cut. Its contradictory to each other if you will. For us, again, i can appreciate the numbers and the needs are driven by us. So your narration of the various Committee Reports and amendments is all appreciated. I wanted to ask you in here, one of the pages that you offered up was an it list or definition of recognition of it needs. These pages arent numbered. So its basically the one that talks about 1617. It projects. There is a lot in here in the comprehension. Are these tasks that were performing now in the department or are these request that we want to get in turns of improving our enhancement . I would say its a mixture of both. There is a common here specifically the mdt replacement replaced the mobile data on the vehicles. That started last fiscal year and it will be a multiyear project and we are requesting additional funding for next year and for the vehicles to allow for connectivity with our crews for patient care reports and they can send their reports directly to the hospitals in route. There is a lot of use out of it but it is a project under way. The other projects, those are all new request the department has not received funding for nor started. Okay, so those work requirements that we are doing presently, who does that work. Is the membership who does this that has the technology to be able to accept this need . In general, this is coordinated with our cio, jesus moore, hes the head of our it. As far as the execution or planning of the project are you referring to. On the execution side we have the project manager for the vehicle modem. His expertise is very much used and we work closely with the department of technology as far as configuration and we work very closely with the Department Management as well as the it side as connecting with the kad system and Public Safety systems. What personnel has the task of operating this field personnel. The mdts are computers in stalled and we are hoping to create additional capabilities such as mapping that the resources as the crews can access and have them available to them. The premise is that the equipment we have is archaic or equipment we have is not existentch also i want to be sure that it improves our service level, but again, i can imagine our personnel would have to go through some training to acute to this responsibility and performance. Absolutely. The duties will still be there. They use these mdt archaic ones. We get the feedback from our users before we purchase and procure or install. Once there is new applications we will do some training. I think this is a real internal priority as well as something that weve been talking about. There is another page here in terms of Division Overview, Budget Priorities. You talked about the plan for integrating of new employees as well as a loss of Institutional Knowledge. In terms of your information about retirement versus new hires and training within that, the department is going to be looking different from traditionally we have looked at. I dont know, again, i dont want to make a generalization of older or wiser men or women who serve in the Fire Department. Im interested in what our demographics are going to look like in terms of age and experience. I would be very interested in what kind of analysis the department comes out with in terms of this. I just wanted to see that piece. Its interesting again that reoccurring themes of retraining and staffing come up over again. I agree again wholeheartedly we need a fleet, vehicle replacement program. You havent applied any dollar cost to this program as of yet . In our meeting with the Mayors Office, there is alternatives for fleet for where we need to be today and on going replacement and there is a number of alternatives from a 3year plan and five and 7year plan that have dollar figures attached to them. They are significant because we havent been able to replace vehicles adequately. Those have been discussed and submitted to the Mayors Office. Are you going to present this for approval by action at the next Commission Meeting . At the next Commission Meeting i intend to have on the enhancement side all the various alternatives and enhancements being requested in addition to the overall operating budget, the detail budget that we normally approve for review. Okay, thank you very much, mr. Korso. Thank you very much, madam president. Thank you, commissioner. Commissioner hardeman . Thank you, madam president. Mr. Korso, you are also remarkable how to make all this massive confusion so brief. You are doing a job that you were born to do. You think like a firefighter. Like the staff, you are always able to pull it together. I just want to congratulate you with your busy life with your two new children that you are so devoted to this department. Thank you. I just wanted to compliment you. I have no specific question and i generally dont question anything you do because you detailed it out so efficiently with staff before hand. So i just appreciate that and your on going efforts. Thank you very much. Thank you. Commissioner cleave land . Thank you, madam chair. I like you too, mark. Actually just one dealing with the fire investigation, you know, the potential for arson and the discussion we had at the last Commission Meeting. I know its part of the budget and i hope we are making it a priority. I think its a priority in a lot of the minds ftd citizens at the city that we have to staff up and beef up our arson investigation and our Investigation Department in general, and, so i just wonder if thats being made a priority. I think it needs to be. Certainly something the public is concerned about currently. Absolutely. I will let the chief answer specific questions about those. We have funded some positions and we have filled all of those. We have nine investigators and we have filled the lieutenant 4 position and captain position. From a staffing level we are much better than we have been in quite a few years. One of the request from the fire marshall here is for coming out of the arson unit is for an Additional Inspector during the day for training and operational support. With the additional staffing, we have been obviously quite a few years with less staff there. So those additional personnel are being new personnel for sure and thats where some of the training comes into play and the staffing level is as good as its been in years. Is that level going to be trained for outreach . Yes. Thats motor of the Fire Prevention side of it than arson investigation side of it. There is a number of items that are incorporated into the Fire Prevention curriculum for outreach and fire safety and some of the items for donations for use of monies for fire alarms and educational materials and outreach materials. Those actions are being under taken. Good, i think those are priorities we need to address. Absolutely. Thank you, mr. Vicepresident. Any other commissioners . Okay. Commissioner nakajo . Thank you, madam president. Just a point of clarification. The 1. 5 reduction request, at all departments across the board or is that particular to our department or can you reinforce that all cs for the 2 years. The percentage is across the board for all departments. The dollar figure will be department specific. Thank you. Thank you, madam president. Thank you. Excuse me, mr. Korso, can you talk a little bit more about the restoration of battalion 5 and what that will entail . Yes, maam. Quite a few years ago there was a division and support specialist for battalions and division reductions to the departments operational budget that essentially closed battalion 5. We had ten battalions and that reduced to nine which is where we stop daily. However given the growth of the city and both from development and personnel perspective, the need for additional battalion, at least from the members perspective and from the operational perspective it has come up as a need. I dont know if the chief wants to talk about that at all. I would just add like mr. Korso said, given the increase in our call volume as well as the growth in the population of our city, we are interested in restoring that position. The firehouse is near station 21 near the panhandle and that was removed from service very rel at reluctantly, but there were other battalions that surrounded that particular area and covered that area. At this point we would like to see a restoration of that battalion to address the growing needs of the city and the call volume for our department. Okay, chief, for the lay person, could you please talk more about what a battalion is comprised of . Certainly, to restore the battalion would be to have battalion chief working 24 7 covering the districts and the battalion would be covering the station. We used to have 10 battalion stations and now we have nine. Thats to over see the battalion district and cover the commander over many incidents given the command by the division chief of which we have two working everyday in the city. So, then the new battalion would add 10 more if i maybe clear on that. Each battalion has a battalion chief head and there is a number of trucks that fall under that battalion. When the department was defunding not the entire battalion department. Just the battalion chief itself was defunded. This is just the battalion chief position. All right, so, one position. Daily, correct. Around that same time there began the defunding now the chief aids and now the support specialist. There was a reduction of 50 . Yes. So, are we requesting any restoration of funding for yes, we are. Its on the list that mr. Korso provided. How many . Originally there were 12 that would cover the 10 battalions for 3 divisions, so 13. And over the time as the battalion time 5 and the division reduced from our budget Incident Support specialist went away. Currently today we have 5. We would be requesting the seven additional for remaining battalions. Okay, thank you. And, how are things going to be meshed in terms of the budget enhancement request and the request from the Mayors Office that we reduce by 1. 5 . Thats been discussed at the Committee Meetings and previously here. I know former commissioner evans requested not to submit any reductions. Im not sure if thats the commissions decision. There has been a reluctance to submissions reductions. There there will be a number of alternatives regarding directly reductions as to that dollar figure. As mentioned we are working to supplement our budget with needs. So there is an inherent conflict there. The enhancements are well above the 800,000 that we are requesting . Correct. Obviously fleet plan is substantial but with that, multimillion dollars. How did we fair last year . It seems we faired fairly well. Correct. We did not submit anything, on the enhancement side 1215 million and ended up with an allocation of 8 million over the two 2 fiscal years. Okay, lets go one budget cycle previous to that. How did we do on the enhancements, do you remember because that was also a reduction year . Correct. I believe the enhancements were limited to additional staffing for the am ambulance tier as well as the year i believe that fire station 4 came into operation. Thats where our enhancement so to speak defunding for enhancement were allocated to. Great, and i dont know which number this is. Well, im not sure which number it is. But its Division OverviewBudget Priorities of support services and you mentioned that you and everyone else involved in the budget meetings would be identifying a Funding Source. What kind of sources would you be looking for . Im sorry, i dont think i understand the question. On your support services Fleet Equipment continued facility project work, large scale project planning and construction . Yes. You made reference to identifying a Funding Source for those . So funding for those projects are part of the general Obligation Fund on the Easter Program and the public program. The planning cost obviously the Construction Cost and design, schematic and plans are incorporated over the bond project. That would not be over the brand. All right. Any other questions from commissioners . Okay. Thank you very much. We did have Public Comment on this please call the next item. Item 9. Chief of departments report. Report from the chief of department. Report on the current issues, activities and events within the Department Since the fire Commission Meetings of january 13, 2016, including fiscal year 20152016, budget, staffing, changes, academic strategic planning, 150th anniversary update, special Events Communications and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public. Report from the administration divisions, fleet and facilities status, finances, support services. Homeland security and training within the department including update on bayview Hunters Point candle stick station and Treasure IslandTraining Facility replacement good evening. Division three battalion chief acting chief lorie kay love. With regard to the budget, i would like to acknowledge the hard work of our chief Financial Officer who works very diligently on presenting the budget and crunching the numbers. The Budget Committee met january 14th and yesterday which i attended that meeting. Also on january 20th, the chief Financial Officer and i attended a meeting with kate howard, the mayors budget director to talk about the past forward related to budget request well be putting in. I think collectively we have many priorities. Our main priority is funding the fleet plan which the commission has for adopting for the fleet plan. The issue is the funding. We listed our needs and in the fall a specific proposal was made to the mayors budget office. We have not received any guarantees. Its apropos as im speaking the budget, our budget analyst that works for the mayors budget office. In any case, we once again emphasized our need for adequate funding. Im cautiously optimistic that there will be some funding put toward our fleet plan and well continue to follow up on that. I know all of you have a vested interest and are very supportive of our adequate supportive fleet plan. We did receive good news on the health bond for this year 2016. We are slated for 44 million to replace station 49 and 1415 evans street. We were grateful to lock down the 44 million. We received good news friday that we will receive another 14 million in the bond if its passed. Im confident well use the funding to continue the modernization to upgrade all of our fire stations in the county. That is great news. Related to staffing changes, i reported in our last meeting and introduced the new chief of division of training. We have conducted interviews for another vacancy that we received when chief keerns vacated. Im proud to announce that we have conducted another interview process and now we have rudy castalano. I would like him to please rise and tell you about himself and his career with the Fire Department. Good evening, chief and fire commission. I promise talking about myself will be a little bit shorten that are mr. Korsos report. Recently i have been working in battalion seven. I worked with you before on the committee serve rescue program. I spent time at the airport for training for approximately year 1 2 and left 3 weeks shy of the asian aviation disaster. Im proud that the chief was confident in me to over see the airport. We are getting more staffing down there. Its an exciting time to be at the airport to assist and lead the airport into the future with all the things going on down there. Im excited to be joining the staff with my fellow chief and excited to work with the Fire Department and the rest of the command staff. Thank you. Thank you, chief castal ano. With regard to the academy. We had 42 new recruits to the department. Myself and the two deputies went out and joined in welcoming them and letting them know that its a rigorous academy and june 9th, they will be joined by additional 12 members of our department to join the 119 class to be 54 members. We look forward to their progress as they go through academy. I believe chief williams will talk a little bit more about the curriculum as well for the 119 academy. For the 120, we are at a start of june 20th for the start date. We have a number in the chambers that are hopeful for future academies. We have about 140 or so members through going through backgrounds at this time. We will again take a look at the list and begin the process for backgrounds and selection for the 120th academy sometime in the march timeframe. With regards to the strategic Planning Committee, the work continues. There was a meeting january 21st of the committee. And it was a report out of the subcommittees that we have broken ourselves into. That meeting was, we didnt get through all the subCommittee Reports. There is another meeting in the process of being scheduled at this time. Former president of the Commission Andrew evans has been interested in remaining on that committee and so we will continue to work with her in that capacity. With regards to the 150th. Lots of good work being done there. The official kickoff for the 150th anniversary of our department. We became a professional department. The beginning event will be april 17th, nerd drill and followed by april 18th, the typical events that occur april 18th. But we will have special events between april 18th and december 3rd of this year to commemorate and celebrate our rich history and some of the events include commissioning of the fireboat which we intend to have a naming contest for k8 students. A film fest, volunteer day and ems week and Fire Prevention week. Our 150th will be highlighted. We will capitalize on the sunday streets which have been popular about our past present and future. A civic celebration and then a final event on december 3rd to cap off the celebration. We do have commemorative badges that well authorize our active members to purchase and wear for a period of time. That is just getting unveiled this week. And as well as our partnership with the academy of Arts University well be rolling out a media plan. The San Francisco chronicle has agreed to be our print media partner so more to follow on the related events for the 150th. We did have a Committee Meeting on this. Related to special events, on the super bowl, i would like to acknowledge deputy chief francisco and everyone else as well as the Fire Prevention bureau as well as chief because there is a lot of moving parts, a lot of variables related to all the event. Our goal is to support all the event and at the same time maintain the 911 Service Throughout the city for those that may not be participating in any super bowl related events. I participated in a policy group last week with other Department Heads including the mayor and chief of staff which went well. I attended a meeting which chief francisco presented to the larger group. Today i did a walk through with several departments including our sheriff, the em director and mayors chief of staff and the city which is being constructed as we speak. I was very impressed. They were very detailed oriented. The host of committee took us around and answered many questions. And they were all able to partner together. The broncos are a team, the panthers are a team and we are one big team who want to keep it safe and hopefully a lot of events in our city. In relation to community, since our last meeting i participated in observing a cone test in supervisor avalos district. Supervisor avalos was present as well as our Fire Prevention. And our members endeavoring to take an engine or truck with cones of proposals where in areas they were looking at traffic calming measures where there is a circle in the middle of the street. We continue to work with mta district by district, project by project and give a realistic viewpoint from our end given whether it will impede or make it difficult for responding to operations. I would like to thank those who participated in that. And i attended a mayors meeting with department of Public Health as well as the two new members from the department that have been selected to participate in the ems six program which is repeating out to the homeless regarding making sure they are getting the proper resources they need. We have seen frequent use of the 911 system when there is a Better Service that could assist these people in our city. So, we are working closely with the department of Public Health and we have two starting this saturday well have a designated person staffing the ability and partnering with the department of Public Health to reach out and make sure that the city is doing the best they can to provide adequate are you sources to resources to the members of the public to serve in a better capacity. I know i expressed an interested with president covington on that program. At the next meeting well have a report from the first week the program has been implemented and answer any questions you might have. That concludes my report. Before answering any questions and asking deputy chief williams to come up, i want to ask you to consider adjourning tonights meeting from our two members of our city. I had the pleasure of knowing both and honored to celebrate their lives on saturday. Both on the same day for their services. One was a member of our department that i met at the first fire station, he put in 40 years at this department. Started in 1951. And retired in 1991. My first station 11 on 26 and church. He had about 39 years in. I had Great Respect for him. He took me under his wing and i was able to learn a lot. I expressed my appreciation yesterday to his wife and he was retired and was some active service. He did a great job for the department. Really, for a man of his age was really forward thinking. He reminded me of jack la lane. The importance of keeping fit and ran and he rode his bike. Always doing good things for the Fire Department. He became a good friend through the years. The other person for consideration is also iconic in the city and also became a friend to me, that is mr. Bill del monte, a connection to the past and the last survivor of the 1906 earthquake. I was grateful to be invited to his 110th birthday. He passed away 11 days away of his 110. His birthday was celebrated on what would have been his 110th birthday. He was a great storyteller and great san franciscan. That concludes my report. Thank you very much, chief hayes white. Any other comments on the chiefs report . Seeing none, i will close Public Comment. I will begin with commissioner nakajo . Thank you, madam president. I only have a question of clarification. You were talking about the 44 million in terms of the ems facility. Could you expand on that a little bit . Certainly, the 44 million that we were hoping would be approved as part of the help law in june is to develop and build a new state of the art facility to house our ems division which is now quarter erred at station 49. It would move the deployment facility where our am ambulance are deployed out of to respond to emergency calls. Out of that 44 million if that bond passes would be set aside for that particular funding for that facility totally . Thats correct. The facility, the location we have in mind is behind station 9 on gerald avenue. I wanted to thank you because that is another question whether you have a location for that. The last question i have is you were talking about for lack of a better subscription, money discovered for easter bond. I was looking for more information. Sure, just to clarify, as you know there were two easter bonds passed one in 2010 and 2011. They were for upgrading our facilities. The 14 million is in addition to the 44 million. We were informed of that last week. My understanding is there was a reallocation of funding. There is a project on the bond that was proposed for animal care and control facility to the tune of 54 million. Those fund were reallocated to the acc project is removed from the bond. 40 million will go towards department of Public Health and the remaining 14 million will be reallocated to San FranciscoFire Department for the project. We are doing a present analysis in terms of how that will be followed into projects . Thats correct. But, our goal is to continue the work of easter bond in terms of modernizing and updating our fire station. Thank you very much, chief. Madam president , thank you. Thank you. Vicepresident cleave land . Thank you, madam chair. First i want to congratulate rudy on your elevation to the airport. I think that is a great position for you and you will do a fine job, congratulations. I have a question about district 11 with the cone test that you had. How did it go . We are still awaiting analysis. I observed the latter half of it. Certainly we want to work with the supervisor and the residents. It will slowdown the traffic and some not so much. We find traffic circles to be challenging. The streets, some of the streets are wide, but its always a challenge for us anytime there is a big circle in the middle of the street. And requires our drivers to have that much more attention. They took specific measurements. I dont know that the results are out yet. Some cones got knocked over, definitely. That doesnt mean its not going to happen. We are going back to the drawing board if needs to be. The circumference, it maybe smaller or somehow modified. All the measurements were taken. I havent seen the final analysis. Are you taking statistics of these cone test so we kind of create a history here. I think every situation in the city is going to be somewhat unique when you do the analysis as to how much you can put into traffic calming or traffic circles or what not. We need to create a document that says, all right, we need so many smaller engines that can serve these areas of the city and at the same time you know maintain our commitment to vision zero. Correct. We are tracking all of the data and we are working closely with the municipal transportation agency. Assistant deputy chief dakozio and lombardy are heading that work this terms of creating a train template. But you are right, there are circumstances and we would like to apply it on a case by case bases. It was a full afternoon. And document each of those instances that you do that. Thats correct. Thank you very much. Commissioner harde man . Thank you, madam president. Thank you for the report, chief. First i would like to congratulate you on the achievement chief castelano at the airport. He was raised right there. It must be great going back home. Your family probably cussed at those airplanes and now probably loving it. Which brings me to the first question i had. The chief is probably as up to date on this. But at the new station at the airport moving along with the modest changes we requested, is that looking good . Yes, my understanding is is we have done on Due Diligence and basically when we brought in the industrial hygienist from the department of Public Health there are questions by members related to noise quality and air quality and our subject matter came in and basically concurred with the third party study that was conducted at the airport. So, the members have been spoken to. The analysis has been done and i believe the project is moving forward. For the members of the public who probably dont know this, three fire stations funding by the airport. Its quite a big charge that the chief castelano has now. The other thing, the background checks for the next h 2 class, is from a group of thousands that have applied. So also the public property doesnt real how difficult it is to pick from that large group thats presented and how last year we changed to a new system nationwide recommended by the system thats been around the country now that makes it easier to access more inclusive for anyone to take a test to become a firefighter. Then you have the tremendous background of education and interest and then the chief tries to pick right now the 42 which is i think our toughest job. So looking forward to last year was such a wonderful year getting the funding for the new class and the mayor and the grants probably would have been great to be on the broadcast live last year with probably a banner year for the Fire Department in its entire history for the wonderful things and all the appropriations made. Congratulations, chief on picking the class and hope you get a new one for june with the same quality that you have been working to bring on new firefighters. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. It is part of my agenda in addition to staffing changes and the introduction of assistant deputy chief castelano. I had announced an assistant coordinator at one of the previous meetings and for various reasons he was not able to fulfill that position. So we have reselected and we have agreement that firefighter keith baraka will be in that new position and i believe he begins next week. That is also something positive. I look forward to working with him and making sure that he also is looped into this process. Thank you. Commissioner nakajo . Thank you, madam president. Chief, i wanted to ask one other question that i forgot about it. It wasnt part of your report per say, but if you recall we had some comment and correspondence from the Mission District in terms of communication and outreach and even suggested. I was wondering if we had any opportunity or planning on reaching out to the Mission Community to continue some of the dialogue that was presented at our last Commission Meeting in terms of whats real and whats going on. Commissioner, although thats not specifically agendaized, i feel it falls within the communication and outreach to the public. Having said that, i have personally reached out to mr. Roberto hernandez and indicated a willingness and desire on our part to reach out in the Mission District to him and his constituents. We have exchanged messages. We dont have anything set up. We plan to after the super bowl plan after thats completed and certainly we will continue to follow up and be happy to go out. My thought would be myself and members of the staff and the fire marshall and his staff to talk about trends and answer any questions he might have. I will follow up on that. Again, i appreciate that very much. I think the commission is interested in continuing that dialogue particularly with mr. Hernandez. Thank you for the interpretation of this subject matter under your auspicious of your report and wanted to congratulate you deputy castelano. Thank you. Anyone else . All right then. Again, welcome chief castelano. Its very good to see you back. Well be seeing much more of you in the coming days. I wanted to know, chief, do you have a break down of the members of the 119th academy . Our Current Academy . I can provide that to you . You dont have it tonight . No. We can pass that along and im assuming that you would like the entire class which is not altogether at this point, but beginning on february. I understand the paramedics will be joining. You would like the entire class . Yes, please. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Now i would like to ask deputy chief ramona lane to provide the Administration Report to the administration. Welcome, chief. Thank you. I happen to have a little scratchy throat on my first report. All right. Good evening, president covington, members of the fire commission. This is my administrative report for the month of january 2016. I will start with the Homeland Security under the supervision of assistant deputy shane francisco. Chief francisco has a heavy work load as he continues to attend meetings and worked tirelessly on the super bowl events. The afg grants have been submitted january 15th. The grants will be used to fund the tools for all trucks, kicks for all engines. The ems 6 vehicle which is a Community Paramedic nontransport vehicle. Our k9 program has passed a certification test this month. The next test will also include compulsory skills and task and we hope to increase the k9unit to three, k9 and handle ers. They continue to do a great job. We participated in the bay ferry for exercise january 20th. It was the largest bay ferry and had four ferries that participated in the drill. We had one participate in the drill. In the Assignment Office under the supervision of acting captain rob, the staff is also preparing for the upcoming over time for staffing the week of super bowl 50. They have just completed the 2016 vacation Selection Process for the 649 members and current working on the vacation Selection Process for the airport personnel which will begin this week. Under isb, under the supervision of acting captain sheila hunter, during this reporting period, the random test were slightly reduced due to the high volume of background testing of candidates of the upcoming recruit academies. During the testing period, there were 29 random test conducted. All results were negative. Under the Training Division with assistant deputy chief jeff columnbini, as the chief mentioned this week began our 119th recruit academy with our 42h 2 firefighters. They will be added at our station 49 medics in 2 weeks. We will continue in the Block Program in the academy which will separate the engine and truck component for 4 weeks and they will switch and train on the other component. During this academy we will have the majority of the training conducted and well have some training moved to folsom street. The majority of the training will be at the Training Facility campus. We continue to have our ems training of our emt and paramedic personnel training. We have just begun some specialized training on Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island. We have utilized our library and two buildings on Yerba Buena Island for two drills. I would like to call deputy chief over because it is a specialized training which mimics our special topography in San Francisco and Building Structures and with our line of duty depth experienced a year ago for line capacity. Good news coming out of Treasure Island. Its not all bad news. Because of the Development Going on, we have some great opportunities to go with the buildings there. In particular, some residential units in ybi, we call below grade homes. We have had some horrendous fires in the city of below grade homes. We have lost 3 firefighters in those fires. We take those very seriously. They are hard to train on. So working with tidea, starting last monday we started doing morning and afternoon evolutions with engines and trucks and battalion chiefs. Bringing them over. Our in service group, they are doing some great things. They are pulling up on scene, we have active smoke, mock fires and how they are going to handle these fires. Right now we are in a situation where its on weekly bases. Tidea has doing it, we do it a week and we can do it for another week. We are very close where tieda is going to lose ownership of that where that developer will take over. We are in conversation with the developer with the cheap of the department to get these properties for a longer period of time, if that does happen, we are going to create an actual entire module where i plan to send our entire Fire Department through this training. A huge benefit to us. Along with those, the naval library on Treasure Island is being given to us for active shooter. Its a great building which we need to work with p. D. To get that active shooter building. Some great things going on with Treasure Island. Thank you. Also, prior to the start of the recruit academy, weve been working with the Training Staff to become accredited academy. During the process, they have been taking certified courses to ensure they might the requirements they need for instructors and requirements for the academy. As the chief mentioned, the Academy Started monday and the anticipated graduation date is may 20, 2016. Under support services with assistant deputy chief ken lombardy. The station pump 1 at the Fire Department headquarters continues. The construction is set to be completed in may of this year. The depot has relocated to 9. The industrial hygienist to dph and the airport station three and also with the department as a whole with health and safety and cal osha compliant. We had 180 request for serves were received during the month of december. Under e cert 10 which is finishing up with projects which is roofs, windows, showers, generators to mention a few, many of these projects or repairs are close to if not completed already. Now we are moving on to e cert 14 which will begin some of these similar repairs throughout the departments mechanical, sidewalks. Basically Fire Department repairs that are needed. As far as the bay views Hunters Points and candle stick station, there are two that are tentatively pointed out as possible locations that they will buildout the stations when they start the development. As far as the fleet status, the department has transitioned to a Renewable Diesel for the entire fleet. And Renewable Diesel is current located at all the fire station facilities except the fireboat and the boe mobile field unit. The rescue squad contract was awarded to ferrara and building has gone to louisiana and should be, i think they completed the preengineering meeting. So now they are moving forward and once that is complete they will have about 330 days to deliver the first rescue squad of the two buildouts. Both rescue squads are orred with the high cord less extraction tools, hydraulic extraction tools. And with rescue one and two with 48 in the 6 months trial test with 2 months at each location. Right now, we have new specifications four engines are being finalized and profiles and features related to specifications and we are hoping we can get a consistent model that we dont have to go back for specifications with each order but well stick to a specific model and reorder as needed. And as far as the Treasure IslandTraining Facility replacement, at this time, they are looking into the need and the specs and the acreage that well need to house a Training Facility. A Training Facility of our caliber we would hope to continue to draw the use and the need from other bay area departments as they currently do. They currently come to us for our burn facility and fire room and we will continue to assume that will be a desire of other bay area fire stations. We wanted to make sure it definitely meets that high caliber. At this time, i believe that end my administrative report. Im open for any questions you may have. Thank you very much. All right. Any Public Comment on the report from administration . None. Okay. Public comment is closed. And i will go to commissioner cleave land . Thank you, madam chair. First off congratulations on your promotion. Thank you. I had a couple of questions. Dealing with the bay ferry exercise, did you have any lessons that you learned from that. I mean, it sounds like it was a pretty good deal. Were there challenges that we identified if you will in that exercise . And i would like to refer that question to assistant deputy chief shane francisco. Good evening, commissioners, with ferry exercises of this magnitude, four ferries, lots of people, each ferry can hold up to 600 people. We had 150 victims. Our crew had to go on board the ship there and do triage of 150 victims and practice and off loading those victims and off the ferry particularly when a ferry is sinking. So you have 600 people to deal with. They deploy a rubber raft. They have to go back and forth. Its one of the skills and it can be difficult on the bay. How do you search for people on the bay over a large area. It takes many exercises and drills to get good at it. We are constantly exercising those skills and we have identified a problem to exercise that shuttle observation. They want to do it again and its a shortcoming across the whole bay region. Will there be a subsequent report that will come out, a summary. There is usually a report. When we get that, i will be happy to send that to you. Well do another in the bay ferry next year. Im sure you were able to do a great job. Every time we get the crew out there, its a valuable time. Thank you. There is one item i did forget an i know its very important to the commissioners. By all means. That is the status of the fireboat. That was my next question. As you are all well aware, chief wanted to see the completion of the fireboat. I contacted him and let him know it was all on schedule and scheduled to be complete no later than june. Would you like to continue . Yes. Thank you, madam chair. The k9 program. Im not that familiar with that. I wanted to know just how many dogs to we have currently. Do we need more and whats their principal use. I think im very interested in knowing more about it. I think the public would be interested as well. Well, for my knowledge and i will have chief francisco assist he here, but from my knowledge, we have members of the department, one member who owns a trained k9 used in the city if needed for search and rescue. They are used for emergency operations. We tentatively hope to increase that by three. To have a total of three k9 handlers. They maybe assigned a k9 for use and they are trained in operation. They work well together. They keep their dog with them at the station when they are on duty. They are kept in a special location so they are not interacting with the crew at all, but they are kept in the station at all times so if that person is dispatched in an emergency, they can just grab their dog and respond to emergencies as needed. This doesnt have a large budget implication in anyway shape or form . No. Budgetary, the rescue team is a fema level. We have one level, captain peter gross, who has a certified dog, its his own dog. Hes deployable to anywhere that teams needs to respond to. The bulk come from the fema budget. We have to send a member to training on occasions. It may cost some details. But so far its been a collateral duty for us and hasnt cost that much. You have firefighters willing to become trainers if you will. Owners of these dogs, correct . Yes, captain gross has been our k9 coordinator at this time. We have one dog certified. We have one that belong though that foundation. Those dogs are currently in training. We receive those dogs in october. January 15th, they passed their first certification test. They have to complete one more certification test where they find victims in a rubble pile. These dogs are trained to five live people, not cadaver dogs. They are hoping to pass the certification in march. If they get it, well have four dogs. Currently as they passed their first test, they are type two certified resource. They are deployable anywhere in the state. They will be type one certified for availability anywhere in the state and then well have four dogs here in the city. Thats great new, thank you very much. Also i want to add that on Treasure Island we have a prop for their training and we put props out there for them to drill as well. Very good. I was very glad to hear we were doing some below training on Yerba Buena Island. I want to certainly thank tidea for allowing us to do that. I wonder if there are any budgetary implications. If we want to get everyone on the department trained on structures. There is no additional charges. We want to start with the companies located throughout the city that have buildings obviously that mimic that and would respond to those types of structures. As the availability increases, we would expand that training to the departments members throughout the city. Last question, has there been any additional conversation with the developer about staying on Treasure Island and keeping that facility on Treasure Island. Very timely question. We met this week with the developer to talk about that very subject, and the facility as is now, there is plans for redevelopment. In about an 810year timeframe. Having said that, we are exploring options perhaps on ybi as well as options on the city as chief said to make sure if we are going to be moving out that we can have a like facility or state of the art facility. That is a naval facility that we modified and it worked really well. As much as we would like to stay there, i believe we can stay there for an 810year period, but beyond that, we need to identify another facility. But we also had very positive conversation. The developer has been very helpful and im very optimistic that when tieda turns over parts of the Treasure Island and ybi, yerba buena developer, that he will allow us to continue to train on their property until they need to work on the development. We have a Great Partnership with them at that point and they understand the importance of that facility to us. Thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Vicepresident. Mr. Commissioner nakajo . Thank you, madam president. Thank you very much, chief, for your report. My fellow colleagues, vicepresident cleave land touched on two questions that i had, one was the issue on training with the department in terms of our internal members. I remember consistently chief over the years how we emphasized training not only in terms of preparation by h 2 and members themselves and i appreciate the reference we always made in terms of the lives we have lost within the last years and a reminder of the importance of that. So equally am very pleased that we have this opportunity which led to the other question that i know that we are going to be there at ti for the 10 years, but again its important for us to have some kind of dialogue of where we are going to be because that day will come very soon. Thank you for both of those. My primary question also part of the report through chief francisco, there was a lot of talk about super bowl and super bowl responsibilities. I specifically would like to hear what is our responsibilities as San FranciscoFire Department in terms of super bowl week and super bowl city. What is our jurisdiction, our responsibilities and what will we be responsible for, chief. I know you have given some information previously, but now that the game is right at hand, i want to be reminded as to what its going to take, what its going to cost and are we equipped for that and there is a dialogue on cost. Our responsibility is to respond to fires and medical facilities in the San Francisco. This happens to be a special event within our jurisdiction. We are on hook to provide fire response there that the city has set up with the nfl. We have extra units assigned to those venues. We try to minimize our 911 system. In addition to that, the staff has been very busy with permitting and they are going to get really busy this week with inspections. So fire safety, evacuations, emergency egress, emergency access, responding to all types of calls for all hazards. Hazardous materials. Well be involved with command post and the San Francisco eoc on Church Street and the San FranciscoDepartment Center and well have representatives is there and santa clara eoc and will coordinate mutual aid and we have air access to deal with air evacuation in and out of San Francisco. Thats kind of our responsibilities. Okay, primarily, chief, taking care of the city business as usually and enhancing the anticipation of a Million People in San Francisco, chief . We are anticipating 1. 5 to 2 Million People. This saturday we expect to be extra impactful to the city. There is many concerts going on and events. So the time in terms of our activities starts as early as the 29th 30th . They have already started. We have nfl coverage. We have people on place there. This saturday well have full crews dedicated at each venue. It will be pretty much 1214hour operations for the next 9 days. The operation is next saturday . Yes. Where is it located. It will be located in command 1 by Market Street and the plaza area. The nfl experience will be at masconi south. Where will you be . I will be all over. We have briefings and credentials to hand out and well have other locations and briefings. I will be kind of putting out fires and filling holes and making sure everybody gets where they are going and if there are any changes in dealing with that. Thank you, chief. We are well staffed and going to be equipped for this . Yes. Thank you, madam president. Thank you chief. Thank you, commissioner, nakajo. Commissioner harde man . Thank you, commissioner. That great smile goes a long way. Can you go a little bit into the new fire stations that are expecting down in the southeast corridor, anything on that or is that just something thats going to happen and not that far along . Right. Its two fire stations in that area. We have not got a definite location. They have placed markers but they have said thats not even definite. We dont want to say this is exactly where its going to be. We know there will be two in those areas. Okay. Thank you. The other thing through your report on dogs, i know there was a Pilot Program a few years ago. Im so happy to see it expanding. We just love the idea of dogs. Im so happy and hopefully as generations go on, the dogs will be and hopefully we dont drop down in number. Its great to have four and great that fema is responsible primarily. Chief francisco, you have the real tough job. You have a tremendous task in front of you. Lets hope everything comes off perfectly and everybody is happy to have the super bowl in town. It makes a lot of money for the city. Hopefully what everybody is worried about happening, to me significant 5 million which was insignificant for the 10 million for americas cup. I got drawn into that like all the san franciscans in the whole world and the 10 million we made was fantastic. Hopefully the super bowl gets the same results. [inaudible]. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, anyone else . I would like to say that im really happy with the bay ferry exercise went well. This is really exciting to our rank and file that they have these opportunities for training. And to that subject, im wondering with our k9unit and the fact that the whole area, we are always looking to sharpen our skills and regarding the navel library, that might be a place for the people of san mateo and all of those places to come up to train. I did go down to i think it was south San Francisco, i cant remember. It was a couple years ago now. I did go down to observe the k9 training. It was very fascinating and they did say they would love it if they could have large buildings because they do have access to a number of volunteers who are, you know, incapacitated for the exercises and the dogs do a fabulous job. So, have you had any discussions about that . Well, i can look into the availability of that facility and follow up with you and see if its something that they maybe available to utilize. We can work with them. And some of our large buildings. Im sorry, could you please approach. The k 9s have been using our facilities. They have been using a lot of land and they have used a lot of custom props and they have scaled off what they learned off ventura county. Do you think the naval library will be appropriate . Im not sure what their needs are but there are other buildings out there that will be available. There are so many vacant buildings right now that looks like it maybe coming our way. Chief francisco . Thats on my to do list with chief to see if we can make that a viable training spot. We have to ensure that the abatement is done and asbestos done. We have to get through that process and as they are tearing down there is a rubble pile that we can use for training as well. Its about a football length size and these k9 find people in 2 minutes. Its amazing. I know they are always looking for new sites so the k9 dont get too familiar with one site. I had a question for you regarding the below grade homes. Yes. And can you tell us a little bit about the unique challenges that are presented by below grade homes . Yes, our biggest challenge is changing the mindset in our members of our we fight fires. Nine times out of ten when we go to a fire, our first rescuer on the scene wants to go to the front door to put a fire out. With below grade homes, say the level you come up on the road is really, instead of the ground floor, its the top floor. What happens if the fire is in the floors below, and we dont know that, we are going into a chimney effect. That stairwell is very very dangerous to us. We have to do it in different ways. We have to identify straight off what we are dealing with. Communicate that to the chief in transit and all the other firefighters on the scene and know the safest way to fight that fire. And another way to get below it. In a lot of houses in San Francisco where houses are attached to each other unfortunately we are going to have to go through your neighbors house and get through a wall to get in. We have to do what we have to do. We have to be a little creative. This set up there is making people more creative. Its not your typical go through the front door an find it. Decisions have to be made very quickly and correctly or people will get hurt. Its working great. Very good. Thank you for that additional explanation. Madam president , i just want to add that our specialized training that weve had as of late, the members have been so enthusiastic about it. They have embraced it and come back for more and repeated, performed and come back. They have told me personally this is the best training they have had in their career. That speaks volumes to the Training Staff over seen by then captain column biney and now chief column biney. Wonderful work. The members of our department are always eager to test their skills, sharpen their skills and learn new skills. Thats what makes our Department One of the top two in the country. So, that means a lot. Second. New york, sorry. Dont tell them that because we might have to visit them at some point. But its great for people when they are presented with these opportunities to have things that are the same, but a little bit different. A little twist on it so you know that there might be surprises waiting you. The more you train for that, the more you are sharpened and also a little more cautious which is what chief column biney and you have been emphasizing. Im glad to hear about that. I think that was all of the questions i had at this point. So thank you very much. A very good presentation. Thank you. All right. Madam secretary . Item 10. Agenda for next fire Commission Meeting for february 10, 2016. Public comment on the agenda . Okay. Public comment is closed. And i will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner nakajo . I believe we are going to have the budget adopted at the next Commission Meeting and i believe the resolutions we had in front of us this evening are going to be at the next Commission Meeting. I will like to submit that. Thank you. Commissioner cleave land . I would like to echo my fellow commissioner nakajos sentiment. If we are getting into the budget at the next meeting, that is going to dominate the next meeting. We want to get into great detail. So i dont think we want to add much more to the agenda quite frankly. All right. I think that is a good thought to keep. However i will see if commissioner harde man has anything to add . No, madam president. Madam secretary, can you please read off some of the items from the last go around of the Agenda Setting idea. Ems 6, code enforcement, nert, i think weve covered four of them in todays. Retrofitting sros with sprinklers. And i think a Vision Zero Task force update with mta and i scott. Okay, thank you for that reading. With that information, are there any additions . Okay. So great, so the budget and the resolutions are for the next meeting. Last call . All right. Thank you for that. And weve come to the end of our meeting for this evening, and we have two in memoriams. There is one former member of our department and one of our beloved citizens who passed away since our last meeting. I would like to adjourn this meeting in honor of firefighter rocko papa petro who was a 40year veteran of the San FranciscoFire Department. He retired february 1, 1991, assigned to engines 32, 2, 1, 37, 15 and 11. Also, recently passing mr. Bill del monty, the last known earthquake survivor. He was 3 months old when this earthquake occurred. He passed away at 109 years of age. Just 10 days shy of his birthday. He was a friend of the department. We loved seeing him the morning of the commemoration of the 1904 earthquake and fire. This meeting is now adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] [gavel] good evening. Welcome to the january good evening. Welcome to the january 20, 2016 meeting of these San Francisco board of appears. The presiding officer this evening is and lazarus and she joined tonight by commissioner frank fong commissioner swig and bobby wilson could expect bobby honda to be here any minute. At the controls is garythe board legal assistant Cynthia Goldstein the executive director. Russell joined by represents of the City Department that of cases before the board this month