Shades of green. A lot of the problem here in his world has been uncivilized effort, not things done because of nonresponse and unintelligible . And we dont have to unintelligible because of unintelligible got to do this or that. There is a reason for every purpose that we have unintelligible today. And our unintelligible and food is one of the things of our land that should be more appreciated in our values. Supervisor tang thank you very much. Seeing nor the members of the public who wish to speak Public Comment is closed. gavel at this time we estimate and minimal impact to the cost the government. Supervisor tang thank you it could have a motion to file this item. So moved. Anymore items . None. This meeting is adjourned. gavel all right. Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the to the special rules committee of monday, july 18, 2016, im kairng the chair our vice chair it scombhaifr and to my left is supervisor cowen and clerk eric and sfgovtv thank you jim smith and jesse larson proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Unless board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Call item one one pursuant to the file passes by the board of supervisors this item has been called from committee. We dont need Public Comment next item 2. Item 2 the chird Charter Amendment to require the office of Economic Workforce Development and the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to propose 5 year strategic plans for approval by the board of supervisors an election to be held on november 8, 2016. Supervisor cowen is not able to make it here today and so we have intended to have this duplicated version travel to the full board of supervisors along with the original versions that was called from committee so at this time im not going to be making an amendment to item 2 so unless supervisor cowen has convicting open up for Public Comment so anyone wants to come forward seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And now if we can get a motion as a Committee Report for the july 19th Board Meeting supervisor well take that without objection. Item 3. A motion ord submitted to voter for the conditional use authorization for conversion of division and repair Institutional Community use and use of respective of space under the California Environmental quality act and an election on november 8, 2016. Thank you. I think i see april from supervisor kims offi office. Good afternoon supervisor tang and supervisor cowen april from supervisor kims office this measure is the conditional use and replacement requirement for pdr, arts and institutional Institutional Community use thank you to be here at the rules committee we were asked to consider two items ill present and it was in response to request from many projects in the current planning pipeline and also to that think Small Projects and exempting Small Projects so we have some amendments to that effect as well as some clean up amendments or not clean up amendments but 09 amendments i think were important to some of the stakeholders in reviewing the legislation again and i wanted to just go through those line by line last year lets see here the first one being that on im sorry one of the amendments that we have proposed to have interchallenge ability of the respective continue pdr and Institutional Community and art use but after speaking with stakeholders i think there was a desire to insure the replacement space would be replacement for the loss of the prior use that was pdr for pdr Institutional Community use for Institutional Community use activities. The other amendment actually on page 5 he let me start from the top im sorry starting from page 5 the following controls shall apply in the eastern neighborhoods plan michigan, eastern soma and western selma and as suggested by the City Attorney if adopted accident central soma that was the intent i think that is important to say if adopted central soma as well as there was a clarification or provision to insure that the most prior nontemporary use in the space would be required to replace pdr and Institutional Community use there was a concern that there was temporary uses in a space that was would be considered a new use after speaking with the City Attorneys office it is okay to clarify that the prior use was if a prior use of pdr Institutional Community or arts activity use that was a nontemporary use the concern of temporary activists for a pop up bagel store or Something Like that that was of concern to the community members. United states pop ups would not be required to be respected. Exactly. Lets see so the issue that i was bringing up is listed on my page 7 line one replacement space maybe space for pdr and Institutional Community or arts activity use that would be redacted the replacement would be one for one the loss of prior use the ass as far as the grairlth what we came up with with the grandfathering well move to grandfather projects of the environmental application of june 14th but there is about 10 to 20 list in the pipeline theyre contemplating a pdr replacement in theyre concentrated site but it was important to capture some pdr replacement even in the pipeline replacement the replacement is 40 percent for projects in the pipeline but had not received theyre planning approval by june 14, 2016, so youll be capturing some replacement and lets see here there was a specific case that was raised about a project that had received Affordable Housing credits with the affordable units on south bay marina and want to exempt that particular project. So i think. Im sorry explain why we want to exempt that project. There was a case of investor that provided a commitment to insure there was the 200 i believe thirty unit anothers south bay marina an expiring new Development Use they came before the board and they basically provided that benefit to these south bay marina apartments with the expectation that thatll theyre concentrated future Affordable Housing credit for a future site would be credited towards saving those two hundred. I remember this now sorry. And i believe those captured the majority of the amendments oh, we did consider an amend to the smaller site but after speaking with the stakeholders they were more concerned about not necessarily the future small sites more about a particular project that was and the impact the grandfathering date so while we considered an exemption for smaller promotions i think that moving forward as long as the roles are clear moving forward the smaller project exemption was not as much as a concern. Okay. Any other amendments or are these the only ones. Ill wait to speak until youre done with the amendments. I think those are most of amendments. So what i have here is interchange ability it will was for the replacements of that use or the same use a clarification that the prior eye if it was temporary for example, that it wouldnt need to be subject to the new requirement grandfathering there is a clause about environmental applications being accepted prior to june 14, 2016, but there will be a 40 percent requirement for pdr space for those projects in the pipeline if they didnt get the approval by june 14th and specifically the south bay project and a small beach exemption not at all; is that correct. And looking at the legislation i think for what we start to go into the replacement requirements so call the roll. The legislation in the areas of july 1st, 2015, the replacement space shall include one square feet of institutional use activities well delete m because of showcase square and castro street and that was the request also from supervisor cohens office. In the areas of july 1st, 2016, are devoted umu and u m u 0 the respect shall be 7. 5 pdrs were till redacting m u g and r for the. 7 requirement that is office and retail and dropping down and adding a section to have the replacement at the want 5 Research Want 75. Okay. Can you repeat one more time the areas youve removed from the requirement. In areas that are removed are m u g and m u r. Okay. If deputy City Attorney mirena burns. If i can clarify one of the amendments that was discussed regarding the temporary uses i believe the intent not if there is a temporary use not to replace that but rather than lets say a site with pdr use it is vacate for a year and a temporary imply pop up the idea then the next permit uses proposed will still have to replace the pdr use if it intends to demolish the building so the temporary use in between wouldnt wipe the slate clean that is the intent as i understand it. Thank you for your clarification. Okay all right. Supervisor cowen thank you very much good afternoon, everyone so last time we heard in committee you heard from me i had several concerns i want to thank the folks for speaking take into consideration i want to talk about the amendments proposed sforp the removal of the m category im in support of as i said, i didnt see a reason m would be included and now weve scaled back the scope of the measure any reference in zoning a requirement so thank you for that and changing dates from july 1st to july 14th im supportive of that as well i think that makes sense to have one be consistent date not that really the changes in this area or properties at that measure impacts so the change is acceptable to me now as a relates to the m u r and others districts a president 5 square feet replacement obligation instead of a one to i support and the change it acceptable we have this lower obligations overall and the removal of the option for the pdrs or constitution of Community Use to insure it didnt compete if pdr have removed you must replace that with pdr and vice versa i support that the change make sense what we have said is that we dont want to fit one of these desiring uses over another and this change will help to make sure that the pdr space is not taken over by Institutional Uses and also vice versa the grandfathering provision i think that is better but i dont think that it goes far enough i think that the grandfathering provision from the final planning approval to the environmental obligation is a step in the right direction and however i do have concerns about the president 4 replacement arrangement weve got projects in the pipeline nearing the Planning Commission approval or weve received theyre concentrated approvals im saucer aware of the feasible this is a question i can pose to you have you guys talked about the obligation with any of the folks. I forwarded to them but none has addressed the feasibility of the. 40 option. How did you arrive. As a policy we are isnt it true those new replacement requirements and trying to insure balance moderating moving forward with the different terse based on the only. 75 and. 5 the idea that while there is currently a pipeline of projects that we didnt want to exempt too far too many of them without requiring a replacement with the discount of. 20 in the project sponsor is committed to pdr thats one of the concerns for the stakeholders and you know the potential replacement requirement would be. 2 so that would be. 4 must. 25. So do you think this makes sense for all of the projects impacted. I know there was projects that have already envisioned a replacement of pdr i think it would take to looking at each project individually to understand you know what potential impact there say, i think because Central Waterfront and potrero are not included there is probably a list i think about 8 there are other projects that are in the central soma plan the conversation with the central soma will be ongoing so i would like to take a closer look at the pipeline to get kind of the finegrain and find all the different projects. Again on appeal you guys think twice about bringing up this to the ballot and really handle this to be able to reach out to all the parties involved particularly those the parties are impacted you know colleagues a week passed between our last hearing and the proposal and i highly doubt that was provided enough time for the Planning Department or the project sponsor to begin to redesign to determine if they meet the requirement and in pcos on this requirement at this point is it so arey im supportive of the change to the provision to apply to the environmental application dates but i dont think weve done our Due Diligence to decide that. 4 is the right requirement thats part of my overall frustration with this measure youve heard me articulate that last week, i feel if so not adequate time for people to review it there is little or no conversation of those that are impacted by it i know this is not the way to make the planning policies inside of San Francisco is feels incredibly undemocratic and unfair and executive im disappointed the small project exemption is that Going Forward i cant tell you introduced that. I dont have any further remarks. Supervisor cowen. Supervisor mar. Thank you to you and move the amendments proposed and say im really pleased youve looked at the concerns raised at the last meeting a couple of days ago any understanding with sfmade communications that addresses the concerns that others have made but for this issue im supportive of the south of market leadership and the Mission District advocates as well as i think this is an important piece of legislation that should move forward so im supportive and appreciative of the efforts to address the concerns that were raised. Thank you supervisor eric mar and thank you for bringing forward this amendment that will make this measure slightly better i concur with commissioner cohen on the grandfather provision so still requiring the 40 percent replacement for those projects in the pipeline i think that again another instance the city changes the rules midway through the permitting or fee process and in terms of the small sites or smaller projects exemption thats something that has i react to that we should have one in there but without the analysis to the new areas that sorry i guess the reduced amount of areas it is covering i dont know what that means i dont know. I, ask the Planning Department staff to come up later wanted clarity around the smaller projects and if it is necessary at this point and thirdly, flipping through this i want to calling your attention the 100 percent Affordable Housing 100 percent may be added as a permitted use if the replacement space includes one square feet of pdrs institutional communities or arts activity for each square feet for conversion so in my mind as im reading not an exemption for 100 percent Affordable Housing it is saying i must provide this space replacement space and i have a problem with that especially given the work at the board trying to promote 100 percent Affordable Housing through the Affordable Housing Bonus Program im really concerned there maybe projects impacted and not move forward given provision i dont know if supervisor kim is open to changing that there is a full exemption for 100 percent Affordable Housing. Im just to address definitely will raise that with her in terms of the 100 percent Affordable Housing requirement exemption i apologize but i totally understand you passed the 100 percent Affordable Housing Bonus Program and it would be this provision would be a requirement only on the specific district of pdr and s e g not a replacement requirement for all 100 percent Affordable Housing projects. Sure i think i want to give the flexibility when issues may arise or projects happen in on the flexibility to figure out what we may want to include in the wvld projects thats my only concern i do so Sophie Hayward i dont know if you want to speak to that. Hello. And deputy City Attorney. The response of that and our supervisor cowens comments regarding pursuing this protectively rather than the ballot you know as we put this forgot one of the things that was important in issuing the finding that relate to both not just the loss of pdr but the nonprofit and art space one of the solutions that has consisting come up in the Northern California grant makers report on the status of nonprofit one of the solutions theyve identified in zoning tool to be able to preserve and retain the existing nonprofit uses in the city and so this is really coming from from best practices and ideas for solutions and so i think that we want to continue to push forward this initiative at the ballot to say either the requirements for those types of use but providing this board and the next board with the flexibility to address issues as they arise on a comprehensive basis so i think that the amendments that you all have put forward that would allow the board to amend this legislation if it adheres with the scope of the this legislation is where i feel we have been able to try to find that flexibility moving forward. I do appreciate that amendment it is critical. Deputy City Attorney. John gibner, deputy City Attorney. For clarity for the committee our office hat has not signed off on the 100 percent proposal that the committee is discussing today were fourthly u figuring out what did board could do to the ordinance that within the scope and factoring the to thirty day rule the proposal your discussing would effectively allow the residential uses in districts not currently allowed that is beyond the scope of concept of the measure introduced we could, of course, worked with the very important or any of the supervisors after this meeting to see what is possible if the committee is interested in discussing further but for today, the committee could not adopt amendments with 100 percent affordable. Can i bring up Sophie Hayward from the Mayors Office im curious to whether mohcd will consider those areas for promotions in the future. Sure tuff Sophie Hayward from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development as i read this i could be wrong the conditional use requirement i think applies to all projects within the mission and eastern neighborhood and western soma on the opening paragraph based on that well ask for exemptions more Affordable Housing projects because of the fact that the density bonus passed were hopeful well not have a automatic fee based on the presence of the pdr use i would say currently the ground zero of wvld affordable buildings include the uses like itself units, Tenant Services manager offices the lobby and, of course, the Community Room that is a requirement for our state financing be included so we if we have to move those to europe floors that is the at cost to the units we want to see the exemption for the projects if this measure would apply to all of those areas within the central soma yes projects we are compensating in those areas. Any in the pipeline right now. Well sure the shot well site within the mission area for example, and sites on fulsome street and other examples. But i maybe misunderstanding the application. Can we get clarity from the City Attorneys office on this. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. Youd like clarity about the application with the promotion amendment. Around the existing provision regarding 100 percent Affordable Housing so the john gibner, deputy City Attorney. Made a comment about where the 100 percent informational will not be allowed in certain types of zoning but if we are reading this correctly i read it the someway as ms. Hayward this applies to the western soma and the central soma it will impact 100 percent project that are in the pipeline. My understanding and this is based on conversations with april ill defer to clarify if im misunderstanding what shes proposing the draft in front of didnt capture the continued as i audiotape it i think that we might need to take a step back the intent i understood and april clarify this is that the proposal would be to allow Affordable Housing projects 100 percent Affordable Housing within the s a i l sally at the deduct theyre not allowed in the district whether or not theyre concentrated affordable or not zoned residential so for the provision that allows Affordable Housing projects in the zones if theyre concentrated projects were doing a pdr Institutional Community and artists replacement if it is a project that because of the conversion theyre doing has to replace the use as an allowed use for the project theyll be allowed to put in one hundred Affordable Housing development as part of that project to replace the pdr uses. I understand that is not acquit the language in front of i understand the amendment that is the intent of the language as mr. Gibner said earlier were working on whether there is something the board can do within the scope of the ordinance as introduced because of a ballot measure we have restrictions on the noticing and requirements allowing housing in a Zoning District where this is currently not allowed maybe beyond the scope of this committee. So that helper. Only the sally 3 g. Were trying to sort this out the cu will be applicable to the eastern soma and western soma and thats what were seeking clarification that will impact the proposal well move another a minimum 4 units at the ground floor if we were to move all the communities spaces and Tenant Services to the second story up to 12 unions in addition subject to a conditional use were not subject now. Can i ask you work with the City Attorney thank you. So again, i do more comments i want to recognize some of the speakers so for Public Comment first and then continue our discussion i have mohammed calling names and anyone else that is here for item 3 please come on up. Good afternoon mohammed for the partner supervisor tang and Councilmember Cole and supervisor mar thank you for having me. I was here last time a remembered 1 plus units open fulsome the corner of 23rd and fulsome one thousand square feet of art gallery and another 3 thousand square feet of art so for a total of 4 thousand art space were thankful and appreciative of the conversations over the loose few bases days but need to be clear with the grandfathering progressions youve project will not be able to go forward we ask that we have the grandfather provisions limited to projects with the environmental application submitted by june 14th we submitted our application october 2014 and so thats almost two years ago our Planning Commission hearing is on the 4 ugly four we have come applied completely with the eastern neighborhoods not asking for anything from the zoning change stand point so everything is as much as it can be imply the book to say a unexpected hit city last minute we want to push if the legislation is going to go forward we focus on the grandfathering before june 14, 2016, for the environmental evaluation thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon madam chair and supervisors im adrian field represent with the carpenters local 22 and i think that supervisor cowen said it best this really is not fair weve spent a lot of time and effort getting candidates from developers with the Carpenters Union local 22 and have a lot of work we have committed to do future work this is going to put people to work and apprentices and apprenticeships and help carpenters stay living in San Francisco and have to redo the rules in the middle of the road is just not acceptable so, please if you can wed ask you exempt the projects grandfather the projects and dont change the rules thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors from reuben, junius rose first thank supervisor cowen for her comments were in agreement primarily to ask you to add a provision to the matter for the replacement projects project a conditional use pursuant to the planning code as part of eastern neighborhoods a number of historic surveys were to identify the Historic Buildings presently Historic Buildings in certain district maybe converted not for the recreation this b and c in support of viability of preserving the buildings that are in Historic District excuse me preserving the buildings of historic pornls with the umu district and this recognizes the cost of rejection of the Historic Building is a higher cost and the ballot measure will contradict the section 803 point do 9 therefore well urge the committee to consider the exemption and i drafted potential language. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. And if any other members are here to speak a card for ace on the case. Good afternoon supervisors im throwing with Access Development group and want to echo a couple of things and make a comment we started on the project nearly 2 years agond purposed the property last argue it was a considerable sum and really impactful and devastating is a strong word but has a strongly impact and potentially compromises the feasibility of our project if those proposed new protections coming up two years a after weve started our project it is unfair and very detrimental to the project and secondarily one of the things we want to point out is that the challenge or problem with an ordinance like this it really is a onesizefitsall approach that didnt fit youll dynamics our project is next to a childrens park an historical pdr slash industrial use on the property but really not appropriate for the current uses around it is the entire block is residential and there than a childrens park on the corner in addition a elementary across the street so it is really not suitable for industrial use this ordinance will require bringing back sort of an industrial pdr type of use for a site not appropriate thank you. Next speaker, please. Ace washington everything says who they are their the czar of out emission and the corridor ambassador and social media the king in the media here at city hall i but im here to say ive been here over 25 years thats along the supervisors combined and the clerk thats a good idea that eye is not jaw by and large not talking about grandfather issues we have a lot of grandfathering in the western soma we put that there no accountability im here trying to find out now the special hearings that supervisor cohens who are the supervisors we have servicing are you progressives or moderates or you guys who are i want to know when i found out the interviews a lot of supervisors were elected and Say Something else im a prime example im an africanamerican black ill not name names two supervisors in office right now and i none are accountable to our community about any issues youre talking about youre talking about listen i have a solution to the pollution this called community remorseful and start introducing everyday everywhere i go and by way of i helped to create this ass ask ace washington to go to the board of supervisors and give to michael free man and put the paperwork and thats why you have the w channel i know how to work this system you going to see me on youll selfcommunity talking about my community remorseful we need that my name is ace and im on the case but ill be inspector duffy Fourth Street who are you all. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Kate director of sfmade thank you for the last comments at the last meeting theyre concentrated essential i take the point i think this is far better as a protective process ann and an initiative the case in the back and forth on this for riders and. 3 or whatever Affordable Housing in the pdr zone i think this goes to show not enough computed from folks that have actual real data is taking a look at as we craft this policy with that said to comment on ways have i want to thank supervisor kims office that reached out to me at the last Committee Meeting unfortunately, one meeting is not enough and this is not in our opinion deliver the results we hope for a couple of specific comments 3 is problematic to introduce Affordable Housing through the pdr zones and not in support that have were in support actually supervisor tang in allowed housing for considering the allowance for pdr replacement more Affordable Housing the second is i want to ask that we look twice at the how were wording the like use replaces like use pdr is not a like use arts for example, is a allowed use within pdr i think you want to look at nonprofit office use that is a building term and scoping term and pdr use which includes arts we dont have a problem with arts and other pdrs replying one another we want to make sure that nonprofit and pdr uses including those dont compete with each other and last but not least nothing in our service for that shows that. 4 for grandfathering mapsz were in support of keeping it clean grandfather with you have and move forward with the new policy thank you. Thank you, thank you very much. Anyone wish to comment on item number 3 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. If we can go back to the question regarding the fee requirements regarding when we had first Affordable Housing whoever has the answer. Theyre concentrated encouraging not an exemption for 100 percent Affordable Housing there was a we originally are the Affordable Housing in the pdr and c3 g and so in speaking with Sophie Hayward from the Mayors Office of housing i think we wanted to talk about more about an exemption more Affordable Housing i heard as an exemption not just only in the exemption to the replacement requirements but to the conditional use requirements this legislation currently contemplates that that projects that would have a pdr loss will have to go before the commission to get approvals so i need to get back to the supervisors for consideration. Im glad well continue to discussing that that is credibly important to me did the planning needed to weigh in on the fee requirement i guess josh from planning. Good afternoon, supervisors that was more a clarification of the intent of the ordinance which we remember discussing a couple minutes ago the measure was written the conditional use will be triggered by displacement are conversion regards what the plan area will include the residential dissected but the respective requirement will be on additional layer in the district so a clarification where the continued to capture all the districts with the conditional use. For example, if lets say josh sorry stay up here for example, were we in district 4 and have mcd thats not being covered. Were talking about the area plan in the mission or in the neighborhood commercial on valencia street or Mission Street the fee will urban design triggered but the clarification is thats the intent for the measure. And so mr. Among will you bring that back to supervisor kim. Okay supervisor mar. Yeah. I had a quick question i had to say im in favor of the exempting the fee requirement and ask josh and others i think in the legislation is cites 2005 a 10yearold study on the impacts of pdr on our eastern neighborhoods and i know that mr. Al berry link and any more improvements on the areas on housing and the impacts of pdr as well. Josh with Planning Department staff the most Current Study conducted has been the eastern neighborhoods monitoring report which a draft that was published last week and the most up to date matter not covering the entire city but the eastern neighborhoods but provides the most up to date information so not in the southeast. I know when you met with nick from my office has that report been shared with all the offices. I can make sure it is. Thank you. Thank you. So i will say im okay. Where accept some of the amendments and i think there definitely needs to be more discussion to be followed up on even some of the meantime amendments im of the mindset i expressed that i feel this is really not the way to be addressing this and in fact, could do something quicker if we introduced an ordinance at the board of supervisors very soon so and to address particular neighborhoods in the mission there are impacts i know that supervisor mar youre interested about so all of that said to if this makes to the ballot there are certain things we need to change from day for example, ill prepared to accept the amendment to make the clarification that if there was pdr use but vacate and taken offer by another temporary use that didnt wipe the following developer or project sponsor from the replacement requirement on that the grandfathering im okay with hud well accept the environmental application prior to june 14th will be exempted and not see the 40 percent requirement im okay with the 80 south beach requirement they understand that issue before the board and the issue the various areas the leading the m u use because of the nonneed because of shaurdz and potrero hill were removed the change for the. 75 to the 5 and removing the m u g and martin luthern king jr. s u u those are the ones im comfortable with the change ability with the art pdrs use i think id like to see some fine tuning in Public Comment to make sure that again, were not putting the various groups wire trying to help against each other with different uses i want to see more work on that. Supervisor cowen. Thank you foreclosing remarks i want to acknowledge supervisor kims for thats a good question my concerns take into consideration of the legislation i had most severely strongest problems with i that that based on the discussion today that all of those issues are something we can solve legislatively through the intrrmdz or ordinance i will hope youll seriously consider this i think that speaks to wisdom and leadership when to take something in the ballot and not a decade to establish the eastern neighborhood plan and a inspirey committee that has been curriculum vented really im calling foul and highlighting that the focus is not working and circumvented for whatever reason the connotation and public i find that note acceptable particularly representing parts of community that have been historically locked out of the process and feel that the processed that the legislation is brought has that same theme of people outside of community making the decision for you will have an impact but not including with the conversation i think that is mean spirited and hurtful the pdr and land use regulations in the eastern neighborhoods are incredibly implicated and not changed this quickly without a robust analysis and very Strong Community process i think that this is the wrong way to be making change we dont make others planning changes that way and didnt pass the density bonus and condominium conversion we didnt pass shortterm rental legislation this way this is really not ready and the sponsorship please i beg try the legislative route before the ballot i just will finalize my comments on just the acknowledgement none tried the legislative process that was jumping the gun bringing it to the voters thank you. Thank you supervisor cowen i forgot to mention a couple of things maybe before the next rules committee i want to see more analysis on the small sites for projects whether on exemption for the proposed unit size or Square Footage and dont know what that means and impacted but something that i would like to address if necessary if not great well not need it here, and, secondly, there was the issue that was raised during Public Comment about certain areas recognizing the Historic Buildings im wrornd in supervisor kims office could look at that and honor in terms of the 803 section 9 that was raised earlier those are the two things i want to add to my comments earlier so at this time then i dont know how my colleagues feel about the various amendments i know supervisor mar youre ready to take all of them im okay with a few but supervisor cowen im not sure you, you feel. Im prepared to take some of them. Well start with the ones in agreement. In terms of the why not start with the clarification that the prior use with pdr but maybe a temporary space came in and it was a different use not within the scope the slate clean the next project sponsor will be held to the replacement okay shall we motion for that to accept that. Without objection and the other one regarding the south bay marina do we have a motion well take that without objection. The removal of the m use from what was originally the requirements under the sally pg r and loechl the m well take a motion well take that without objection. And the requirement going from. 75 removing the m u r a motion to people that. Well take that without objection. Now going into the interchange ability for the Institutional Community recuse for a like for like replacement do is where he have a motion again, ive asked supervisor kims to work with me on the lunge. Ill second that. As i stated the motion. So it wouldnt be a motion to accept it i dont know supervisor mar you want to accept it or encourage the future evaluation great well not take that amendment grandfathering provision so again as i satdz im okay for this prior to june 2016 without the 40 percent requirement replacement requirement. So moved. Are you okay with that supervisor mar or a roll call. inaudible as a proposed ill allow inaudible . Okay. Great if we can have a motion to that effect well take that without objection. Thank you supervisor mar thats adapted and again further look at small sites and Small Projects and further look at small buildings and the entering change ability of the uses and again, just want to encourage supervisor kim to try to address that through the legislative process deputy City Attorney. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. I wanted to clarify there was two other additional amendment one was several amendments for the findings to add findings regarding the Community Uses and the arts activity use that was one safety net amendments dont believe weve discussed and et seq. Can you please read the changes. Certainly so the draft version i have of them added 9 additional amendments if you like ill read into the record and okay that would be great. The first one a new findings a San Francisco is a unique city and made up of diversity and businesses b as outlined in the general plan it density creates a experience and encounters on every street and you can reach places by foot an urban protection San Francisco is the center and crotch efforts for the quality of life has been done and retailing the tourism and education its rich one and 50 year history gives the diversities to the neighborhoods the residents strive to maintain the welcoming of the people around the world to have a promise of a healthy be city c in the recent years it is threatened by the way, of the high cost of real estate and d the real estate remedy be rates have pushed do office rates one owe 22 percent where they were 10 years and the Real Estate Market is the toughest in the nation and f the businesses important to the city and finds themselves unable to compete in the market nonprofits and spaces for people to work in jobs that didnt require Higher Education find themselves out of the market and g by the say entitled status of nonprofit and space in march of 2016 two out of every nonprofits have to make a decision to move within the next 5 years and h many nonprofit will have to as part of theyre concentrated mission created by the high real estate relocating and i did report identifies the pressure can be addressed at the local government level by using the zoning suitable to turn to public space and Affordable Housing developments and then what of the prior understanding a was amended and proposed for amendment to a new findings j overseeing pressures although stuart have felt in the south of market because of this the eastern neighborhoods planning process began in 20051 and the finding are as overflow room property explicit for the 3 lettering. I dont think we saw that versions that was helpful anything else we missed. Yes. The inclusion of the south of market proposed plan area that is an amendment to the very first sentence to 2 point a the following controls shall apply not eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted Central Eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted centra eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted Central Eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted central i eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted central n eastern neighborhoods mission, eastern soma and western soma and if adopted central soma. Supervisor mar. Id like to move we accept that evaluation of the central soma language and accept those finding as amended. All right. Im okay. Are accepting those Additional Findings at this time you dont why not do that first a motion without objection and the central soma language i mean obviously i dont want this ballot measure but at this time ill do what the sponsor wishes and do that without objection . laughter . No. Okay. Lets do roll call. On the last motion supervisor mar supervisor cowen no supervisor tang we have 2 is with supervisor cowen in december sent. This amendment is adopted anything else thats it okay. So again, i just want to reiterate how much i think that is important to involve all sets of pdr community not just a couple of people from there this is really important we do all support the chair goal it is brought forth by supervisor kim but clearly a lot of folks have been left out of the conversation we want to see a more conclusive process with that, is there any other comments or questions from supervisor kims office we will then make a motion to continue this item to the special rules committee this upcoming thursday a motion. So moved. All right. As amended without objection and mr. Clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . No more itemshour. Good morning, everyone and welcome to the peoples palace and im here this morning to announce yet another milestone in our citys commitment to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour by and people will work this fourth of july weekend we are celebrating our countries birthday but recognizing in the celebration throughout the weekend people like the people had that are standing with me are working whether the restaurants or hotels or Health Care Workers and others and and we all feel for working people that is hard in our expensive city to survive unless you have a december sent wage thats why a couple of years ago i destined or joibd the board of supervisors full board of supervisors to place before the voters an 15 an hour minimum wage and people that work in all those industries we did it together and were celebrating because today it goes from 12. 25 an hour to 13 and up to 15 and after that cpi takes over i want to remind everybody this city was brought together with our labor unions and your working families made up of all the exit are represents our city and got this done in a strong collaboration with everyone and showed not only the cities around the bay area but the state of california if we got together and thought about peoples lives what glosses the challenges every day we can get this done for them i think were happy here to see the wages go up are rehappy yeah, well have more to celebrate in addition to, of course, the bitter of our nation and things we enjoy we picked this date it is a significant move and i also want to say that we know that our workforce all those peoples here they are still an affordability gap so this is going to help people he you go that suggest that a lot of people are working two jobs to support their families we want to celebrate those moms were all ushth together to help them but for also myself and mayor libby schaaf of oakland that recognizes our workforce is more regional than ever do more than benefit the residents that work in our city and so we joined. Today and cities that are committed along with cities like new york and seattle and los angeles and portland and the others also raised their minimum wage we want to the state of california to do the same thing because what could happen i think all the labor advocates know and people that we raised our minimum wage just and ourselves in the city of San Francisco or just in oakland we would probably be golden state talent that belongs to where everybody lives and not as affordable to them as it is to those were helping so mayor libby schaaf and along with the united Health Care Workers started a process and emigrate hundreds of thousands of snatches set the minimum wage higher of 15 an hour tour the state of california in uniting all the cities with the labor unions and workforces and people good minded across the region we got the governors attendance and the state of california attendance such that a few months ago governor jerry brown signed the legislation to raise the states entire minimum wage for everyone for 15 an hour over a period of time those movements wouldnt happen unless we place the needs of workingclass families that work hard to build that consensus im here to join in the celebration and here to say that im going to be working this weekend as well as in addition the celebrating but also acknowledge the people that always serve us at the hotels and restaurants and people that are working the janitorial and Building Maintenance and all working class in the city were there to be of help this will be consistent raising the minimum wage to attack affordability challenges is part of solution paid parental leave is part of the solution making sure that we work so that no one is a theft of their wages thats why your head of the department the labor enforcement is joining us with the advocates of people that earn those wages im saying they earn every single penny they deserve to make sure they get it in their hands thats why we announce these and make sure that everybody is prepared adequately ahead of time to make sure those wages are paid and wage theft we have to make sure that our workforce that speaks many languages dont get capture and been take advantage of this is how we really in city year ago we have a benefit and make sure that everybody obtains that benefit i want to say at that moment im proud of the working folks in San Francisco but the intensify region and proud of state of california and your legislation for working with the governor to a raise the minimum wage that adds to the celebration of the fourth of july and makes that more meaningful and then we hope that the entire nation does this as well question hear a lot of stories from a lot of places across the country that the liveability is under challenged or were taking care of business in the city and state and lets go on the National Level and support of the prosperous country to make sure they get a december sent wage wsip think we have paula to speak for her experience and what that means to her paula clapping. good morning. I want to again thank the mayor mayor ed lee for being the vera person that was instrumental in making in milestone occur and happen my name is paula im a home care worker and worked in the city there are challenges with the rising cost of rental rates and even though im covered by rent control im still monthly yearly challenged and with different increases that i have incurred in the last few months and years this new legacy life act 15 minimum wage will surely ongoingly help me through my endeavors thank you. clapping. good morning. Im naomi kelly the city administrator i should tell you that paula was ininstrumental in working with m and mayor schaaf she helped to organize snatches for the measure. Thank you paula for all your hard work i want to introduce antonio a Health Care Worker an organizing member of unit health care woeft west and worked to race erase the minimum wage and allowing home care workers to apply for overflow room he speeded there was something wrong with his mother it was alzheimers i want to introduce juan antonio. clapping. buenas dias. speaking foreign language. so good morning. Thank you for inviting me to prestige events for people i feel blessed. speaking foreign language. my name is juan antonio and in 2015 specifically he which is a Health Care Worker for my mom. speaking foreign language. i just want to be very clear even San Francisco home care workers work very hard we do that because the standards of living inform San Francisco was very high we work very hard to meet those needs. speaking foreign language. so the job was basically like this door by door house by hours snatch by snatch people refused to sign this will make that worse we said no join hands and Work Together and talk to the leaders theyll help us there was a Great Success this doesnt he said here the initial is very important we need to keep on working so the situation gets better for all of us. speaking foreign language. you cant say that as good but thank you to everybody especially mayor ed lee during that time when the Campaign Began until today to fight for this measure to come through we want to thank them from every member in the United Health care west and give them this im not sure what you call that laughter . Well, thank you. speaking foreign language. ed lee. This is especially made for you ed lee our mayor thank you. Okay. This is a beautiful portrait up next, we have the director of Office Standards and enforcements mr. Pat mulligan working with these men and women in the Office Enforcement who are here behind us in the audience and ones that are the advocates of minimum wage paid sick leave and parental leave and Health Care Accountability act not only fierce advocates by our enforcement and making sure that our businesses and contractors with the city, our all of people are getting a fair wage and benefits so my honor to introduce pat mulligan. clapping. thank you, naomi it is the mission of Office Standards and enforcement to provide enforcements of all local labor laws and approximate protection for all workers and an honor to serve those who support of aggressive and Labor Protections in the United States and do through the hard work of all the staff there the office of labor improvement id like to remind the employers indicating the increased minimum wage throughout San Francisco id like to add that is also particularly fitting we are celebrating this announced of an increase in minimum wage throughout San Francisco as we lead into the fourth of july depicts day weekends for many workers and modest increase or any increase in their earns represents real and a very well defined dependence have a great weekend thank you. clapping. and okay. And this ended our press conference i have to say the growth and strength of our local economy will prosper so all right. On 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log

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