Of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all commissioner president loftus id like to call roll commissioner president loftus commissioner Vice President turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus is in route commissioner hwang and commissioner melara commissioner president loftus we have quorum we have present with us police chief greg suhr and contracosta alameda thank you sergeant good evening and welcome everybody to the final wednesday, february 17, 2016, Police Commission meeting sergeant, next line item. Item one consent calendar q the police chief forceps 5 new tablets if the gorilentrepreneu sought into the richmond valued at 700. Colleagues you have in your packet this is on this consent calendar im trusting you read it was wonderful this gorilirl t troops are using their money for the richmond that is used by the Community Groups and this troop is incredibly generous excessive anything. We want to thank the troops for giving back a Community Room that is used by many groups the girl scouts use it the most and like to look nicer theyre doing something about that and the first one is at least appears to be 20 years old that is great to see a problem and fix it thank you to the girl scout troops i will welcome a motion on this with the consent calendar and so moved. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes. Sergeant, next line item. Sergeant, next line item. General Public Comment at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when address the commission and not to the occ personnel under Police Commission rules of order Neither Police or occ personnel or commissioners are required to responds but individual commissioners and police and occ personnel shall refrain from discusses during Public Comment please limit our comments to 3 minutes. Good evening well start Public Comment. I see two folks up here. Okay welcome and good evening. Good evening my name is michael i represent government assess project im here about a few items first up on the screen it is a memorandum to the Sunshine Ordinance Task force it is from the office the City Attorney written earlier this month ive highlighted read is the basis of my complaint to the Sunshine Ordinance Task force about your january 6th agenda when a person of average intelligence and education was interested the Police Killing of mario woods and the aftermath be aware aware of that item on the agenda thats enough with the image please come back to me turn off the image turn that off terrific so last night at the Sunshine Ordinance Task force i complained against this commission for the january 6th for failing to agendize mario woods was heard and the committee of the Sunshine Ordinance Task force found the Police Commission in violation of open government laws regarding preparing an advanced agenda what youve been doing up to now in terms of saying the recent activities will be discussed by the Commission President and the exclusively and thats not good enough questiyou have to give u specifics from the memo from the City Attorney the basis of my complainant youve not agendized the mario woods killing in the two months youve had it since the killing yes, of course, the death of mario woods this is a come up but not the same as putting the murder of mario woods on your agenda this is what i want unfortunately did Sunshine Ordinance Task force cant tell you to do that im here to say to you, you need to improve how you handsome your agenda what is on the agenda and include mario woods killing on the agenda now regarding the killing of mario woods i say to mayor ed lee you have got to get out of stepchild youve got to get out out f you bubble and hold town meetings about he killing of moses and listen to the community regarding a lot of demand for Police Accountability and until the mayor gets himself to town hall around the city b about Police Accountability the mayor needs to understand that he shouldnt enjoy lost my train of thought thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening and welcome. Welcome all right. I guess im here for the mario woods just to keep his name in memory but asking for documents if someone will give a signed copy as received. You can hand that to the Police Commission secretary. The question im asking now is a suspect and an officer meets facing when does hand combat and other tools slash weapons come into ballet from hur hand in hand to pepper spray or baton or handcuffs or a knife or beanbag or a ak 47 this is the question im asking im looking for policy and procedures regarding those things and just for the record im not very intelligent but i got questions. Sir there is a page on the Police Commission website which the use of force it includes you all the draft use of force policies. I think im looking for training manuals as well so lets see. Thank you, sir. Next speaker good evening and welcome. Good afternoevening my nam juhaun a lawyer im also one of the lawyers working on the blue rainbow task force investigating whether there is racial or other bias the San Francisco Police Department im here on behalf of myself and my colleague were here to express our gratitude to the Police Commission important its cooperatirdination in investigations as far i know youve been personally extremely cooperative and conduct interviews with you im glaratel and want to thank the commission for disclosing the documents for new materials and let the commission know we anticipate those materials will be helpful to us we endeavor to understand house the commission operates. What the commissioners understand about your role when we join the commission ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much thank you for your time. Thank you, ms. Yee. Next speaker good evening and welcome ms. Brown. Hello, everyone good evening my name is Paulette Brown im here again on this thursday to bring awareness again to my son id like to use the overhead. Aubrey abrakasa what was murdered august 14, 2006, to this today his case is not solved i want to let you all know this year august 14th will be 10 years 10 years. This year. That bothers me but all i know to do what im doing and continue and go consistent at it i cant let any sons memories and his life go down the drain like a lot of the childrens lives have and the mothers are given up im not that motto give up im pretty sure if an animal can take care of are their cubas what can do i have children that are living he hwas my only son not t the age it have more children and changing diapers i want closer ive not going did gotten it i bring the pictures he had a father a mother and a father that raised rhim well, hs father from nigeria were not together because of the death of my son it separated us so he had a good family raised well, i have not qualms no regret for being a parent to my son he had both parents at home but this is what we left with this is what were left with this is what im left with. This is what im left with 10 years where you got our former mayor gavin newsom saying i know who killed her son and the da and the police after that was recorded after the examiner and said this nothing else was done about that so so this was what slap in the face nothing else put it the paper but nothing else like i said, i fight for other mothers and children but my main concern is my son my 17 yearold boy who i miss dealer like i said he had a mother and father who raised him well publicity yo in my shoes i know you see three and four every thursday help me. Thank you ms. Brown for anyone watching other home any information of the Aubrey Abrakasa there is an Anonymous Tip Line 415 5754444. Thank you. 10 years. 10 years. Too long. Good evening, sir and welcome. Good evening good evening not very often does someone tug at ones heart enough to cause me to is it correct step back. You know dual outlet is a bittersweet pill to truly comprehensive the alliance den regarding danas ruling the relations and politicians dan refused the king royal faster choosing vegetation and his involvement in killing animals seized a long time in coming in San Francisco town the information long awaited by my friend a warrior a broke hearted mother Paulette Brown im not putting father a request or demand it is a command put energy and get this thing squared away someone get this information to chief suhr or sus suzy loftus and do it today. Its not about it is about closer and love not race and sfpd youll be expanded to pick up the pace. Denzel washington talks about the cops the chosen people yes chosen to change the whoever we all need to arise together it is a beautiful place this place called the Promised Land 40 days away we watch the Children Play and shut down the animal houses and be kind to all elephant and mouse and mania population of vampires but the person in this country jooeesus christ and cesar chavez their hasten i had a catalythiropract adjustment it is norman yee that pushed the bill to allow the people with California Care to have a chiropractic and also talked about true transparency and thats why he was set up one hundred person from the getgo and a missing warrior in san are to slow down the andy lopez case i hope hes already but the case of the car in pennsylvania they found his car and things that hes been missing auto thank you, sir. Thank you. Sir, i have to give people the same time so thank you. Your time is up. I appreciate it isnt. Hello. Welcome my name is silvia johnson. And i dont care very much about the Police Department and upset i missed one of the Police Officer message they were gone and that we are sometimes you know so aware of all the killings and murders going on that technology that is not being brought up and needs more planni explaining on our exercises that we do everyday and we need practice for our act where were not aware of systems that powers that ive been round and sparing that is not very good. Because i have been trying to maintain all the paperwork its been sleepimy friends have been sleeping over and those things we need to be you know explained to where we practice and be aware have to take away the evils and we have all righreadyg towards to talk away that this is goes to cost money but im going to make sure it will not happen anywhere to well be more aware of what the parents of how we get the things to stop before it happens i think that as me being ill its 0 not been very you know much aware of which im trying to get everything straight and that category comes up having a tumor and especially it eats the brains and so i think that we have things that were not being aware of that is causing a lot of things to happen before we look at the exercise off those things catch it before it hemispheres i have very much experience when i was 14yearold i first announced on the radio that i curd cancer. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening, sir and welcome. Hello. Can i give you those mime Michael Adams thank you for your time and for everything you do. Try to help this Community Last week chief i think you mentioned that shields were not included in the usds policy i think there is some dispute about that id like to show you this article from law and order magazine i dont know if it is a legitimate news but it descriptions ablastemic shields as offense weapons ill encourage you to encourage and include any and all devices the use of force ask our jail staff why they take springs and keys what about used as a defensive weapon you broadened the use of those in training h h those are standard targets what do you knnotice about them in campaign common their mostly all black not hard to understand the ski psychiatristal and things black translate to the street if you do a google eventual youll find a few that are not black caucus b caucasian but a long tilook at hostile face the sense of threat associated with the white the black images are generally passive stable second thing is so think about this i wouldnt casuccessor tho if youre the military the reds and this people as they trained toward black the use of tarz policy has an interesting piece that suggests that avoid shooting in the face the chest area that policy didnt apply to cabins it is very interesting that an officer gun can be allowed to shoot anywhere by the tarz is limited to not the face and other places so i will want you to about that and maybe take all the cabins and give people tarz and only the guns of soundproofed interpreters or on call individual there are many models for conflict resolution the packet not just binary many choices that person has to deal with conflict and the laced thing please reward officers that dont kill people thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome. The first time ive spoken im a little bit nervous i appreciate all you do ive worked with for the Police Department before i know how hard it is thank you for being here and license numbers listening to all of us i want to bring your attendance to judge canceling i cant and helping when the Supreme Court against bill clinton and also a very serious and true id like to you to look at david schoed. Org da vi d, s h u ter e r. Com and talk about the information about judge canceling i cant and very tired of the countertop active system join us for the 2 it full moon and western oak bart well meet there and make some changes thank you thank you. Next speaker okay theres none Public Comment is closed. Sergeant, next line item. Be item 3 reports and announcements 3 a chief report this 0 is to allow the improve chief will give you give an bankruptcy limited will you explain and reo of the Department Structure and presentation regarding the Academy Training regarding the usds and earthquake safety and Emergency Response and easter bond. Good evening chief and director joyce hicks and public ill try to be brief we have presentations quick update we did suffer a double homicide over the weekend on twin peaks early hours of sunday morning and investoigatos had the benefit of very good leads and Good Partnership are the richmond Police Department we made an arrest warrant the individual was charged we believe responsible for the two homicides to very, very sad event but great Regional Cooperation police work and good work ambassador i sdwoodistrict Attorneys Office so that person is not at large as far as milestone my comments last week the department has been working with stakeholder to update the policies and procedures. Limited English Proficiency are coordinated with our jamie and marion from the back destructible in helping us k340e7d from representative from the occ and the assault and do know ding Domestic Violence advocates and the Commission Commissioner melara one 3 department blunder the department is lack of foundation assess serves attire limited english one department of translation and documents to have reports in booking statement documents as evidenced and third the Language Services information that is basically a pocket guide and im sorry thats the card and the quick reference guide for Language Solutions we have a very robust language Online Services the city and two department blood sugar levels are issued one we spoke to the department blunder and training video an Online Survey with regard to the access it was issued today enable that all officers have to sign initially receipt all members shoring and nonshoring will take the survey the video was produced to remind members of the requirements but most importantly of their obligations under general 5. 20 establishes the language consistent with state, federal and local mandate the second blood sugar levullet capture how many english individuals are getting assistance that we spoke of last year hthat will happen and breakdown by the witness and stunt and do realtime uploaded immediately thats the update on the lapd and the news with regards. Can i stop you are you moving on past lapd i want to sass say for everyone were not open this has been a big focus ive been here since 70s working on the language and making sure that folks with limit englishcy that police will help work 6 them and this video was after the result of investigations that were done i believe at occ that led to a recognition that if there are language barriers sometim sometimes, it is hard for the officer to know who is the victim of Domestic Violence and the victims worldclass inadvertently arrested that causes concerns if so important that after the controversy dies do you thing this is the moment we have to say the process we have worked we identified something to do better and constituted it and the fact that the department will do this with the advocates is how you change culture and recognize the department really needs the training to be able to serve people that have an English Proficiency so i want to under score it feels like the solutions smoking gun sometimes this is a loopholeer. I want to acknowledge the secretary shes been instrumental in pulling all the groups together atogether and helped us stay the course. It is cool thank you, sergeant killing shaw. Next, we as we looking at and move forward with the doj review initiate one of the things thats been common the other recommendations that there is a dedicated command level person assigned to the review that person has an organizational structure that meets in this case a hymn took place over the weekend is where he we have a bureau of professional standards and promise policing the deputy chief is deputy chief tony chaplain bring up the explosive chief and chief chaplain the direct liaison and on this commission for the policies and responsible for seeing to it all the recommendations are followed through an and also already the designee that works with bassett on the same issues and also thibe the liaison to the commission honon policies and the use of force policy that are be presented and oversee our work on the 21st Century Police and Task Force President obama and obviously written directive weve can modify change quickly and effectively and efficiently the chief will have written directives under him as well as the behavorial science unit the cit is a critical piece to this as well as the blue encourage and have hostage negotiation theyre sort of the most advanced of those people that duo do crisis intervention and intermediate levels of advanced cit similar to the Specialist Team those groups that are foster into the hostage negotiation and our Youth Engagement unit the priority of this administration over the last 5 years of engaging the young people are opportunity from p d candidates to summon and across the country and on and on and on to try to attack the Violent Crime the city versus trying to get out of situations not the kind of fruit the engagement has with that, ill offer the deputy chief the floor for a moment. Ill be brief good evening, commissioners this is a surprise i look forward to the challenge presented and moss most you have you i look forward to work the new capacity and important work that will be done and needs to be done a great change for the city and county of San Francisco and i look forward to being part that have change. Chief thank you thank you, chief you can stay there dont run away im happy to see you this chief what i think you heard you saying i surveyed others cloufb review recommendations probably out of league of women and philadelphia and took a recommendation that appears to be consistent if there should be Small Business and change the organizational structure; is that right . Yes. We made note the initial meeting with the advanced meeting with the doj and they were very, very welcoming of the fact well have that level position and one with an Organization Structure blow it. When was the last time a new zero was added. Youll have to go immediately after 911 when the security is damaged. It was a significant Statement Like the things are were talking about are issues to address somehow the culture a structural change a critical aspect deputy chief share b a little bit give you a little bit of background and that would be helpful to share a little bit about your career the sfpd. I stated my 27 year in june and worked exclusive the Africanamerican Community by choice the chief kept me in choice positions i spent years are years the Gang Task Force and the attorney villa huge wave the violence started a j. D. Program we did the closing statement enforcement but worked with young men and women and tried to transition them out of Gang Violence and had successes and failures we worked with a lot of the communitybased organizations and c joe marshall we worked wifor the mega sad it is no longer in existence i met a lot of people during that course that i stay in contact with but paramount the career was in gang task we learned about the violence playing the city and the focus of this new position will take many he a chief i know we served on the criminal Justice System Task Force Share about the roll in that group. Absolutely im doing the Data Collection portion so far on the santa fe Police Department and oakland and others pleasolice departments a looking at theyre doing in regards to database but santa fe has a big be Law Enforcement agency and admittedly a little bit of arm twisting but they are by far the lead in the bay area with regards to the Data Collection and right now working in sfmta astanford and doing soe go incredible work and like us to do that that will require a partnership with an outside entity were doing good but the analysis public schowill be whe is done. I see what you see oakland perhaps we can incorporate here and i sat down with oakland assistant chief dr. Paul figure right now he picked a specific officers that officer he started the activities then went to race then to his car stops and how many people of africanamerican ancestry were zip code by that officer and if theyre out of whack with the same officers the same area but also do that with pedestrian stops for the same officers all the officer activity pull that up in his demograph desktop at many given time. Chief we appreciate our leadership chief suhr a tremendous amount of work both occ in partnership with the doj so it is im very happy to see you very happy youre in the roll and thank you for your continued leadership. Dr. Martin. Cant call him 101. Im sorry, i know laura i know i dont get a twist our arm or doing the Mission Impossible im glad you couldnt have given this to a better person and i know youre going to do a good job we need the leadership and move forward with this so you know me whatever you want me to do ill do it so thanks man. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you commissioner mazzucco. Deputy chief chaplain allison park proud of you its been a long time since i watched you work as a prosecutor and were able to solve but explain to people what we were doing and why and the prosecution and you were an ambassador then and you had a future and proud to say i worked back then as a prosecutor and perhaps help us with the faith and confidence in you. Commissioner president fong commissioner wong did i hear you said the cit is under this commission i was supportive of the cit ive heard from the cit Community Members we need constant enrollment from the Police Department does the command to make sure that is reinforced how youll continue the television station of charging the cit as a high priority for all the officers aha a merging earlier today about that i think that chief is he left things out he command the Homicide Division and maybe and to that end became the commander of all the all the investigations and did an unbelievable job whatever hes been asked to do that. Thats an incredible selection to one of the things in washington, d. C. I learned you may have known that the changes were looking and how sort of how different that had been whone of the recommendatio across the country has said youve got to pick officers with the craigslist and the ear of people on the street and Gang Task Force you understand fundamentally how tough the job and your leadership is going to be very important and setting the path forward for officers this not something that is being imposed on them from an outside place but a lot of good reasons something in it a better way that services the community and the officers just an incredible choice and look forward to seeing you more on wednesday night laughter . I do too. I do, too commissioners laughter . Thank you anything further for the deputy chief. No next id like to ask staff to come up and do a presentation on some of the reengineering of the use of force that is underway and other things proposed. Captain yee welcome you were in washington, d. C. For this conversation about use of force i want to go thank you commissioner wong that saw your presentation before the board of supervisors and thought that was very helpful and that this Commission Also will benefit from understanding the ways and the direction and the immediate steps taken so thank you champi captain. Thank you. Good evening commissioners and chief suhr im greg yee count San Francisco Police Department within the Training Division we have the basic recruit academy continuing training for professional and veterans officers and Field Training anyways together the ucsf and training review sorry i went low tech. The paper. The first slide as the chief suhr the department can be the Training Committee and it will be responsible for reviewing the Current Training practices and the ucsf and force options the Commission Open best practices within the region within the nation being look at it and were constantly making change to policies and procedures to improve this committee will revenge in october of 2015 when were reengineering this was october we started to look at the reengineering and use of force within the train within little San Francisco Police Department. Since that time weve made significant changes the first change was our pistol qualifications where we added an entire day of training for qualifications when officers are on the lion they wihave to hear the word threat to fire at their target not an automatic they automatically fire hear the word treat tea not all target have to turn at the same time, they have to see and hear a threat before they discharge their firearm were improving the range were adrc a new toornth system that actually has a three hundred and 60 degree take into account system you can put two targets one at any rate on one side and nonthreat on the other side and depending on the sequence those each office may have a different situation commissioner president loftus youll have the threat and commission all are the no nonthreat and visualize. Id like to comment with only speaker early said our targets are great. You read my mind. Our the fact of the matter a target are great. No fast, no fast, no eyes silhouette their rubber kickoff rubber sill wetsuit their blue that signify not nontarget. Your take the opportunity the giant as opposed to be a person it is rubber with blue. The cards are blue. Got it. So also your foyer qualifications the officers fire no more than two shots within each of the shots there is an assessment period where officers assess the situation. Back up on page with the fire. The stages of fire where officers shot from various distances from 3 from the 4 foot to 25 yards and a stage is at one of those distance lines were there can, two shots from the strong hand or two shots from your im sorry im righthanded so two shots from the weak and two shots from the strong hand or officers are asked to step to the right and assess and a left so there are also other stages of fire where officers use barriers in between them and the threat cover for distances, so not just standing at one line firing different shots but different stages of different distances with different movements and different really different thinking situation captain hoping that you could talk about what that i think that is a core of the shift to create like the National Decision making assess repositioned and reassess if you could i think to you it might be very plan about how changing these this creates that opportunity but speak to that. The Decision Making a how this creates rethinking and reassessing the threats as opposed to firing multiple round 2, 3, 4 former mayor willie brown we last weearned about th Decision Making model it is someo something that officers do but not explain what they did i put on the its called the overhead there is a picture of the model where officers are asked to collect information what kind of situation are they going to assess the information and assess the threat level of the situation a person with a knife or gun a person in crisis is that a Domestic Violence all that information is taken in by the officer the officer assess that information and once they their on the line they have to decide policy you know is this threat is that a shoot or a not shoot decision to make knowing their responsibyre res firing orders and responsible for every round needs to be accountable for ever shot and be able to explain and articulate what we did what they did a policy consideration i mean this sounds like a lot but it can happen this thinking this quickly thinking can go fast like riding a beautificycle our but as you get experience with the training and situations the thinking and the process can go a little bit faster the other point is the options wheat are the opens options if so a no threat where are my portion who is the response to the threat that faces me from the person is standing there is the target there with nothing on it but verbal communications as opposed to from the target turned around with a firearm then what is my proportion it will be a highlevel and then after you assess the situation you always reassess after you fire the shot to reaccess is the threat still there. No, no i was going to do say someone mengdz in Public Comment how the continual force how officers have been trained you go up the chain and verbal and can be pepper stray and baton and then up to the gun and part of the vision that set out from the report is this idea of when you were reassessing those various moments not ramping up if youre able to take a motel moment amoment. Can you it cspeak to that. The intentional force it goes forward or up were stressing every situation is different and ever situation is fluid you could go up the use of force or down depending on the situation what information or what threats or nonthreat is facing you so thats part of assessment process if a person puts the knife down youll lower our response where youll go to verbal communication that is stressed at ever level verbal communication and with the subject is key and captain our training to you know its your presentation but train to the current doj so with the the president and stakeholders youre looking at the language is quite different it goes to the code of ethic and sanctity of life it would be great to cover how the aspect of the policies is in there go ahead. Thank you. And, speak to the sanctity of life now. So given the is an activsa life all life matters in our current statements of values you know life is one of the values it is something we need to remind officers and reinforce and bring it forward to see that or is that ever life matters in situations the public is asking for your help 9 Police Department is there to help and the last thing we want to hear is i asked to help any son or daughter but instead, you killed them so the sanity of life is that all life matters and given the opportunities for officers to respond in active situations if given the opportunity were stressing that 9 time to cover before in communications so really deslaescalate the situats given the opportunity to do so. A so as of february 8th some officers are required to take 8 hours of practical train at the range and the classroom destructi instruction we tubed weapon scenarios and put the officers through the as far as they are concerned, at police range weve not going downey done that with proportionality the officers are to qualified with their firing range weapon if theyre certified the pistol qualification two hours of classroom instruction communitybased organization into responding people of crisis the sanity of life and the options and shooting other moving vehicles and ucsf and again time distance cover and slowing down incident if given the opportunity to slow down it is a time we get to receiview orders are office ars and have that discussion if they need clarity or questions about poli policies and procedures. But the position to the range training were looking at the procedural justice and legacy courses in january of this year we sent core members to do oakland Police Department to take the course an 8 house post sound proof course at the end of this month in march sending those to the trainer component they can come back and back to the Police Department and train with trainers and train the department in procedural justice since argumentative 2015 all recruits the San Francisco academy got cit training and sending 4 additional officer to Simulator Training post soundproofed to operate those and those officers to santa fe in april the four officers it is important it provides the officers with those scenarios their shoot dont shoot scenarios and the structuinstrun change the snare by a switch by shoot and dont shoot and make every scenario different and ask the officer why they did what they did it is a Critical Thinking force machine that is i am peripher imperative the we have a course where officers shoot dont shot situation by sidewalks or around barricades and stuff based on the course we added a deesclation to that course the deesclation basically the person with a knife the room the gun control toe goal for the recruit officer to deescalate the situation and back out of the situation contained the set of the the feedback from the recruit officers said that was part of most challenging scenario interceptor not expecting that only shoot shoot shoot we switched but it was challenging and they found out they didnt realize one officer didnt realize sthey could back out that was a good very good Training Exercise we continue to do and with woork with cit to h develop some of those scenarios so we just dont create overseeing scenarios in a vacuum at the academy and there is a line the new department jeopardy orders before you that speaks to the fact that it actually states it is if you decide is back out and not death and injuengage. Thats the actual code. Im sorry commission auto how many probation officer monpeople hav taken this and with the scenarios with the deesclation started in october so you had 3 classes; right . How many. About 40 so one and 20 recruits went through that. But for the new force option every officer will get it at least once this year and a certainly amount of officers get it twice and Going Forward everyone gets it twice a year. That is up this idea as far as an american phenomena not just to San Francisco there are opportunity to back up you can back away and were calling a tack ly reproportionately they call it in other countrys it is retreat apple issue of officers feeling like the public miter think im a punk but the idea the training gives them that opportunity. It is important as as you may know the policy on the officers are not allowed to used ucsf this arrested happening they rush to a scene and do the assessment and back off and stand adopt this is asking them to do this if at all possible and from the perch of theyve already have an edged weapon it might not a dogger bdanger but not an active danger to compemp the same tactic. The Police Academy in their present a 3 today course over and over decultivation skill 23 members are attend and tomorrow is the last day and the Peace Institute is amazing. This was through jan we took up, up, up 0 the over. 0 as far the february is great it is look at touchy fe feelly thai like it and always something to learn as that is about the exorcises of cit and conflict resolution and engaging the Police Department. Did you say 23 how did you select them. I didnt select them. Good answer laughter . So we wanted to get a Cross Section from all departments i believe lieutenant jack heart and others collaborated open that. Long with deputy chief makayla. You know im not familiar with the piece can you talk about when you say it is touchy fe feelly. Actually a friend of mine that i had known from the puc her partner is a member of the jams so a colleague of hers when we were moving into the last year had a lot of conversation about the cit and deesclation had its name a close to mine but done the training at lapd those 23 officers will be capable after this classed to train the rest of the Police Department the same model. What is touchy feelly about it. The officers go through the same training. Part of it it talks about feelings and getting to know each. Touchy feelly that way i thought you meant touching. Part of it getting to know the other person to find a common interest have the confidence once you build the ripper and have someone in common youll work towards i got it thank you. Whether i think the power is with all the officers skills one of the best skills are the verbal skills and does an analysis were seeing our common core we dont train enough people and being a good effective communicator but people in the department that the department values the ability to communicate verbal youll back up it with training. And many of the officers are sergeants and seasoned veterans that are represented known within their commands so as they differ the train this is credibility the presentation who they are. Exactly. You know there is address to the fair and i am partial training depended on science and Bias Research on the bias so the power of the Police Department reached out to us theyre putting on the trainer to trainer for Impartial Policing well be sending members to that the value we send officer to santa fe we send them inform palo alto and oakland and selectively decide what fates San Franciscos needs. The palo alto Police Department is in this training. Yes. The palo alto Police Department. So as far as professional development in june of relationship a2015 we hosted th blue encourage it remind the officers their purposes why they became Police Officers to help someone and take care of yourselves to help others and Inclusive Leadership young sergeant and lieutenant to help 7 habits with stephen very difficult if you havent read it were doing another blue encourage the 18 and 19 of this month and every recruit class they get 4 hours of blue encourage to remind them why they became Police Officers. I wish we were doing it on the weekend. Thats a busy id like to see it on the we understand weekend. Commissioners. Im trying to work it into my schedule i contacted the captain i believe we can attend part of it ill try. I think the the thing of note for blue encourage and the idea is one of the things that does mitigate bias the notation what you started for and why it matters and what you care about there is another strategy to do that and thats really very powerful and thats lieutenant hart has been working on this this is i take another thing th. And i see that executive officer Direction Committee policy committee that was compound and the committee was responsible for research and review and discussing proposing the changes to the departmental policies for the usgf options and chief suhr and this policy committee developed the policies that were submitted to you last week. Almost there. We did have an opportunity to send robert cobell to visit the scott irrational pleaolice. He was already there we didnt send him, i was on vocation in london and offered to go we extend his trip we already there. Im i want to put that out there. He needed our backing to get to the door but able to review the policy and the train that Police Scotland provides their officer it is really a different philanthroosophy the k but the tactics and the communications and a huge training requirement the way they train on deesclation they dont have firearms 2 percent of their Police Department do but their forced the situation they have to deescalate okay. 6 percent. Two more slides. Just a quick comparison of the based on the study of the e reengineering use of force so we put our San Francisco Police Department side by side and mostly all the categories identified by pursue the San Francisco Police Department exceeds the numbers of hours of training for the recruit officers you may note that e. C. W is tasers thats my rapid zero but efshlth we steady the national average. And lastly our percentage wise based upon the perk study for officers we see every other year you know we steady we excel in some areas and other areas we need to increase the baton theyll actually, their zeros those components are the baton train as the pepper spray are incorporated with the defensive tactics the 10 percent and the ucsf scenarios where the officers get the poll to use the tools based on the situation presented to them and thats it. Sxherlg. Im occurs about the concept that ive been thinking about asking a question the whole concept of sanctity of life my only training i could not comprehensible lists but teaching human rights people understand the right we have at ever aspect of our existence but sanctity of life how to teach someone and insure vethey have grasped that concept. Again, i think that the constant threat assessment that the object has stop the threat not to topping take it up the turn away that mutually turning farthest there is so many things the constant reminder throughout the training and policies the statement that the priority is the sanctity of life so i think that this is something they dont a lot in urge united kil in washington, d. C. They added that more into the critical Decision Making model the same thing those 4 things in the critical Decision Making model the root of that at the beginning the captain accurately described we were awkward negative impact continuing to pass through it is seemed it was laborious the way it was explained your fluid the whole time constantly it the repetition and over and over and constantly playing the core values and the sanctity of life proportionality and going around and through every single thing youre doing passing measured according to the core of that Decision Making model. Okay. Thank you i get a. A work in process but commissioner dejesus question one of the reasons people speak to the culture is when we have done firearm training twice a year the same thing and becomes muscle memory we be chang this muscle memory over and over and over and over again until nobody remembers what used to be. Okay and commissioner wong i have a related question had a abo there been a philosophical shift. I cshift like the task force shift our Police Officers inform a guardian model their protectors the community a paper written by sue of the Washington State that talks about changing the academy it is more studiuit that be a protector of the community and sort of the tactical and the things youve actually done in shoot dont shoot a philosophical change in the academy its changed it going back to purchase why were here and what the warriors and the guardian you need both it is like a path to the depending on the situation we want the officers to learn the nuances and learn they have choices to make critical decisions on how much warrior is needed now as opposed to as guardian monthly guardian to protect those unable to protect themselves to emphasize in the courses and reemphasis it in every aspect of planning e training whether driving or physical sense of tactics or law or ethics have we shifted we really rahave not bu emphasis the guardian visas the warrior but a need for both it is dynamic i think that the root of blue encourage is not fact so blue encourage is ongoing and speaks to the code i dont have it off the top of my head its been a Long Time Coming its on the tip of my tongue but the officers recruit going introduce blue encourage for 4 hours and certainly the conversation well have about the sanctity of life will be the communication work in process. Thank you. I think you imaginatio mentioned there have a was ha shift in the take cancel Decision Making and for the officers having their gun drawn ask a question before drawing their own weep or what is the threats or something along the lines and thats part of the cit training questions as opposed to if you the officer arrives at a scene and sees it we were with a sxhaf drop the other knife drop the knife but the cit training understanding mayor Philip Levine millionaires mentally ill why do you have those the little green people are coming out and im protecting myself thats part of the cit training we try to emphasize not about you about but that person is feeling youll not know that unless you ask the questions. One of the interesting things in the skoolts if you pull the fine. Someone 3 times to drop the knife drop the achieve you have to think of something else. Yes. Jd. Thank you, captain we will continue to monitor the process and have you come back and let us know because as were you know assuming our roles and policymakers it is clear the direction at the academy is your moving and that i have east youre not waiting for us to finalize the piper well have you back. All right. Thank you. Im going to suspend item 3 a temporarily in order to return to this item well go to item 5 ill invite supervisor cowen welcome supervisor cowen. Colleagues item 5 discussion and possible action inform adopt the resolution in support of xhoelgz promoted indicator an amendment to increase the office of citizens complaints to investigate the officerinvolved shooting question. We were briefed by director hicks last week on the cheater amendment that has been offered by supervisor cowen and i put this on the agenda this week for us to discuss whether this commission and body want to weigh in on an important reform right of charter and give the occ Additional Authority to investigate all officerinvolved shooting s so ill innovative supervisor cowen to share. Thank you. This information with us and let us know more. Good evening i speak in the fafternoon so its the evening it is quote in here looking for more action tonight. laughter . Thank you. We like it you like it like that. Its been and the Police Commission has a tough job as it to any colleagues on the board of supervisors we have a tough job and a serious responsibility and this particular time so today ive come before you to ask for your blessing in a measure i am proposing to bring before voters in june it is a simple and clean measure very straightforward it is requires the officers excuse me. The oh, my god office of citizens complaints to have an independent investigation any time a 0 Police Officer fires his firearm you guys know what triggers an occ investigation and this is another the request not a request made in person but what happens is that those officer investigates are only performed with the request is made so as a result there are several officerinvolved shootings that go without an investigation so what id like to do have an opportunity to educate them about the work with the department and again to open up the dialogue around the discussion on many of the items if youve been discussing here today and in a heightened awareness and also the sense of responsibility we shoulder where were commissioners or elected officials are not i imagine you guys are wellversed on the measure it is the large project authorization is also in line with the recommendation president obama Police Officer task force and under the blogging agrees im exist this will come back to the rules committee next thursday on the rules committee it about come to the board of supervisors we go listen and vote on it twice and after that, i hope an unanimous off and running and take it to voter and it becomes a Campaign Issue ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Ill be honored to have your support. Thank you commissioner wong. Thank you to supervisor cohen for bringing this important irk or issue to us i guessed my concern we discussed the Controllers Office set an acceptable timeline for resolving the complainants and with the staffing at the occ theyre having a problem right around that deadline so im concerned with adding an additional function to the occ without providing Additional Support in that the budget what i was joking saying to the press we need to quadruple the occ budget 90 minutes an officer accused of swung wanting to clear his or her name and a citizen making a complaint having the budget so we can take on the job and cut down on the 9 to 10 months that folks have to wait and as you may know when youre bringing things to the ballot aesthetmany moving parts the conversation with director hicks and continue to move forward that is wohy the measur is important it allows us to have the conversation with other members of the board will not i have unanimous support on the board how that translates into mower dollars i dont want to put the cart before the hours but making additional requests. It is our job to advocate for the department and the occ i told director hicks that is absolutely essential to the healthful department and the housekeeping has their budget fully fund and following best practices around the investigation youre doing our job as a commission you i want to say that one of the items ill say attending the officerinvolved shooting town hall that involves the otherwise, i always make that the three the occ will conduct an extinct investigation in this a complainant is filed thats at antiquated reminder that frankly didnt suit the time an absolute desire and need for an except investigation ill let you know you attend but an assumption on behalf of the public this happens ill offer this is an important situation to fight for the resources for occ then while bring that back to mr. Rosen in he her chair. I want to comment that director hicks is successful coming to the supervisor board and i think last year, we did very well and continue to work to champion an increase the particular budget and the other thing i dont want money to be the reason not to have the dialogue it is important we have this conversation. Thank you supervisor. Commissioner dejesus. I want to thank you for your leadership this is very difficult all aspects of that life matters and the obeses a officerinvolved shootings we tell the public that very angry and upset they will the eject will investigate if someone brings the complaint what but the occ will investigate and months later their surprised no action the occ does a great job i believe they go out for you will officerinvolved shootings and start the investigation and where it end up i want to commend you i agree we need to move forward given the temperature of the city we moved quick quickly. Theres a point i wanted to bring as you may know from attending the town hall meeting you get a ray evolution i agree the folks the community it is had a rig hard to receive information they want to share how theyre feeling but in 2014 only 25 percent of the officerinvolved shooting s that are investigated and again. By the eject. Excuse me. Youre right investigated by the eject so thats why im bringing the measure forward. I want to finish that thought when were there we know the department will investigate and the District Attorney and everyone assumes the occ will investigate theyre the most i know that theyre as you said that is necessary this is great the time is great i know that the occ gets a percentage of the departments budget so theyre at least something about that percentage in there anywhere. Well make sure a percentage we know the departments budget is going and it makes sense when w it comes time theyll have the responsibility. Ill you sure to copy and paste those remarks and send them to the budget committee. Commissioner Vice President turman. I think that director joyce hicks. I dont want to preempt gell go ahead respond to the percentage the occ will get a percentage the departments budget a provision in the city chapter that is a the occ will receive one investigator for every one and 50 Police Officers. Thank you. Youre welcome. Commissioner Vice President turman. Yes. I just want to commend mr. Rosen as well for bringing this important issue up i will say that even though in the office of citizens complaints we investigate 25 percent i even in correct. Ill tell you at the beginning of ovever officerinvolved shooting they respond to every single one always on site because of the process begins in which they have to pick up an investigation your proposing a natural continuation of efforts again from the beginning as it responsive as youve been on the issue i want to that the eject he commend you for all the officerinvolved shootings it is a natural thing the public expects the eject will youre right money should not be the reason we do this well be asking for laughter . Try to take up a collection. Commissioner marshall. I wanted to say like everyone good job no seriously this is i use this anything eal youre in a person crisis the last thing to shut the noise out from the ipad and igniguide you through it and coming up with ways to get you there to me a Community Crisis and understandingly maybe weve had all the noise what we need more me to people to come up with things to died guides us through the other side and the chief is proposing will get us there we want to get introduce the crisis on the other side so thank you very much. Commissioners you flatter me i appreciate the in his accolades i dont get a lot of compliments but complaints this measure weve put in also come from a body that is grounded from the community and license and developing some sound strategy theyre responding and the way i see it a compliment to what the mayor and chief has done and this body with making changes to the general orders to maya angel making yourselves available it is a difficult time in terms of transition but i believe that something positive will come out of that the end. Thank you. Thank you. Director hicks. Yes. Commissioner president loftus and members of the board id like to thank supervisor cowen for her vision for the office of citizens complaints for so long with the Police Commission and vision for the officer and the support of occ budget and so we can do the work were mandated to do by the chapter and in recognizing that, yes the eject roles out to officerinvolved shootings and there is an exception from the community that we are going to immediately begin our investigation and while the chief and the commission indicates this is the complaint is received the occ will investigate that is not what the community hears it is very, very r ra raw and emotional 3450eg and well conduct on investigation and in the review that i did of the officerinvolved shootings the last 4 years 35 recorded at the sfpd officerinvolved shooting s yet the office of citizens complaints received 8 complaints in the 35 this is would increase the occ workload im goi im sure that will be addressed that as very important step for the office of citizens complaints i thank you. Thank you. Well, im ready to call the question laura well, first we must take Public Comment so thank you supervisor cowen and i will innovative a motion regarding that resolution. Good evening. Hello mistake again government. Public comment on item number 5 just to be clear. You know you guys were found guilty yesterday excuse me. In violation of the sunshine act tonight, you changed the agenda in the middle of the meeting to accommodate supervisor cowen you should have changed the agenda at the beginning of the meeting youve got to get it together on setting our agendas better youre doing a disservice to the public this is showing up and watching now on the merit matter youre talking about a policy resolution where is it it was not posted on the website can we have a copy a written copy of this resolution it is available . I think so. Well, that was not posted on the website not on this table it is really a problem with this commission not putting things in writing you may take a vote now on a resolution that none of us have seen if youre going to show it to us now it is really another disservice youre doing to the public if you do pass this resolution and supervisor cowen get with the what she wants sounds good more investigation but im not hearing since she made her introduction i havent seen anything that says the names of the officers will be releases are we talking about more investigations conducted behind closed ignores the certificate of appropriateness get protection and their names are confidential are the names the cops be revealed details on the information that was shared with the eject occ those questions have not been youve laughed with chairperson johnssuperviso the facts youve not presented us with the resolution and not addressed those important matters will the names of the officers be disclosed and exactly what kind of information will you share with the public when the investigation is over will the files be transparent or held in confidence youve got to address those questions and i really am thinking youve got to put off the vote until the public has ample time to look at the written resolution thank you. Next speaker. Or any is there any additional Public Comment . I have concerns as well i know how the court if the court sacase they dont ask me they ask me where the money our fee waiver and copies or weather whether wheres the money at and basically consider what type of investigation you do if theres no money you know what you going to do put chisel everything you dont have money for pencil and paper not enough money for an investigator to come out or enough investigators older computer equipment is just like you adding an extra burden on an overly tacked system wheres the money wheres the money he doovl feel that when people work on prevention many times theyll take extra time to make sure that legislation is right it is correct it makes a strange parallel with the others watchdog organizations in San Francisco they decapitate them but not providing the money i know that go ahead with the motion but you need another document for the money and it needs to be hardwired into the occ or the budget i mean, we need it it to be hardwired i mean it is not good enough and not ready they need the proper resources to do their j job. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . On item number 4 . Hearings item 5 is closed so commissioner mazzucco did you have a question. No for the record this is to voice our support but for the pga the will resolution the occ is simple on the record the occ does do an investigation in every officerinvolved shooting there is not ambiguous there is just to be clear the occ responds to every officerinvolved shootings do they continue with the investigation unless there is complaints this is the confidence of public do they continue an investigation of ever officerinvolved shooting is i move to approve supervisor cowens amendment. I move we support supervisor cowens Charter Amendment because again, it is an action item for the commission and an action item for the legislation that will be passed at the board of supervisors and another level for voters it is incredible i move to support supervisor cowens. I second that you i want to clarify that there is a draft resolution we have that in your packet the Commission Staff make that available to the public the reds supporting supervisor cowens proposed charter will amendment to increase the jurisdiction over the officerinvolved shooting whereas the occ jurisdiction to investigate the officerinvolved shooting s when a complaint is filed whereas 20152016 has the Charter Amendment to investigate officerinvolved shootings whereas brown recent this chapter about enable them to begin a officerinvolved shooting investigation and serious or Bodily Injury therefore, be it resolved they support the Charter Amendment to increase the occ jurisdiction to investigate the officerinvolved shooting s that is there is a motion and a second and. Can i make an amendment that the public has not seen the resolution. Can i talk. Can ii was any since the public has not seen the resolution we vote to endorse the expect and th content concept and support an actual resolution to bring it back to the public so would you accept a friendly amendment we endorse the concept that supervisor cowen has put for the that the Police Commission endorses that occ investigated all officerinvolved shootings . Ill turn to the City Attorney. Yeah. S, if you approve the amendment you can go forward. For point of clarification that that the other option if we can get print Copies Available well come back for the vote and do other Public Comment on united items for actions looking to the City Attorney what the best way. For the combines i suggested but it seems like the safer course to say an action item on tonight agenda would be before the commission to go ahead and approve that if you go that requires there is a written recuse resolution so the commission can vote think on a verbal resolution. To add to the record. Right addressed the Commission Secretary draft according to, however, the commission would like to read and draft it according let ultimately put the item back on the agenda for the public to see but the concept is properly appropriating on the agenda for endorsement of that particular matter. So it sounds like the motion before us is whould you accept American People friendly amendment by commissioner Vice President turman i procured the concept sforp the Commission Staff to draft well vote on that and it will be brought back for official adoption and agendized were there will be Public Comment on the actual document. Commissioner mazzucco. I heard from the City Attorney we can actually act on the verbal portion so at this point, i move to move as i did earlier with the verbal description of our support for this i feel confidence and confront with doing that. I second that. Okay. So sergeant, next item. Call the vote please. On the motion to accept the verbal resolution superviso david chius. No commissioner Vice President turman marry no commissioner marshacommissioner marshall what are we voting for so accept the verbal resolution that commissioner president loftus read into the record. Sxhaush how do you vote. Im still. This is pretty straightforward a verbal resolution the public has not seen on a piece of paper commissioner mazzucco didnt want wants to vote on what is read into the record and to approve the concept when everyone can look at it. He didnt want to make the amendment an up and down vote go. Commissioner marshall how do you vote own the motion to accept the verbal will motion from commissioner mazzucco. Ive heard a no vote means what your youre not accepting the verbal motion as read into the record by commissioner president loftus. Its not about the issue. Does that make. Make another motion dr. Marshall. Were the middle of a motion we have to follow procedure dr. Marshalls vote how do you vote. Im sorry was that a no. The original thing we did so i dont know what that means. Vote yes or no dr. Marshall. He needs clarifications are you are you voting yes or no on commissioners vote to accept the verbal resolution that commissioner president loftus roared supporting supervisor cowen to increase the eject to investigate the officerinvolved shooting s. Supporting. Supporting. Yeah. Im aokay. Commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus councilmember brooks commissioner marshall and commissioner wong and commissioner melara. The. Yes. Have it 5 to two that item passes. So this is ironic i added it to the agenda we could support this effort so i fully support it this as i said it is unfortunate that is a tremendous amount of security in any this Commission Following sunshine rules i believe we can do better to make sure the public is aware to clarify it but we will direct the Commission Staff to draft that and please posted it on the website and just for the record i support supervisor cowens legislation as well and voted no for the same reasons that commissioner president loftus. Just for the record the City Attorney said we can adadou want in oral concept. To give the Public School a chance. A. A. So im technique scheme ive been interrupted let me fetish. That was my multiple voices . I had the microphone maybe you should watch it later and see that. So i think the woo it works is one person at that time. Commissioner dejesus we cant preach deesclation to mro Police Officers on the streets and not practice it users if you want to speak there is age button and i say snocommissione dejesus. I made my comment. Thank you supervisor cowen. Thank you. laughter . Sergeant, next line item. Did thshe get what she wante presentation regarding earthquake safety and Emergency Response easter bond. Id like to ask the department of public works one of whom formally was a member of the San Francisco Police Department captain John Goldberg before they start the presentation i want to remind the 3ub the names of officers in officerinvolved shootings haar not kept brief but made public. Good evening. Commissioner president loftus and directs and chief and members of the public john from the department of public works we want to give you a quick overview quick overview on 2014 the bond issue that is worked on the Police Facilities that was in nodding that was for construction of new substation and fire and Emergency Water and fooishth system that substantially completed and easter 2014 that bond measure was passed in january of 2014 with the 79 percent support great support for the Police Department the parts that have bond are one and 65 million for the Traffic Company and sources facility out of 1995 evans and additionally 30 million for yugd and fix some of the problems that the district stations and the range excuse me. Not the range but the stab he liv he lives along with the Police Department dpw did some today is dollars 2 add and 74 million a substantial amount of money is a fraction of what is needed those needs are you know upgrades to the mechanic system and space needs as we move inspectors to the stations weve infer envisioned and some of the stations are one years old as much as some of the repair done the lifetime there were actually thirty years ago and things that needed to be repaired and go be workshops upgradeed there is changes in codes none of the work was seismic and since then the loma prieta and other earthquakes a great amount of knowled knowledge and the wireless internet to move into the future those issues will be addressed in future bonds i want to josh the 200 and 74 million are bans todays dollars every unique repair and improvements costs b will that go up 30 million and people will say heres 30 million towards a 200 and 74 million project and we only need 200 and 44 we need a great amount more and some of the good news the exampwork has is gone First Priority and public works to do to insure stacy for others disabled community from the public rightofway to the calaveres station work is on bayview and mission station some of the work , work is going don and we have here lisa from public works the project manager overseeing the project shell go over what is planned for the stations as we know today could be changes theres work as far as tested on seismic and structural things so if there is big changes we would come back to you and let you know the commission on we know that the plans are in lisa also stated a week extra due on Maternity Leave so shes very dedicated new employee to dpw and doing on excellent job and in a side note ive been working with dpw about 3 years and the dedication to you know the Police Facilities and tentative to the police needs is a wonderful to work with i think the department is getting an excellent product i hope youve seen from the police heralds with that, i am sorry to lisa. Thank you john and under 9 program so as john statistics the eer was passed in the evaluation of 4 million which 30 million are allocated to renovate, upgrade or upgrade the exit Police Facility the Police Facilities under the 20132014 program there is will include federal and state exist facilities of which 9 are district stations and that are related facilities those are Police Academies and the golden gate stab he livles e areas are whether or not theyre big enough to accommodate the Police Station they surveyed the security and accessibility and compliance and also exist Building Conditions that computed mechanic systems and Electrical Systems and Plumbing Systems building envelope matt haney roofs and doors and wall and windows e so the cost along with those assessments a list of recommendations were made to address those proficient sisters the facilities and the cost estimate come back came back to a total combining of 200 and 74 million this is how much well need to meet the current codes and meets the operational needs by the Planning Commission practices so obviously 200 and 74 million versus the 300 million would well audddrs the critical needs of the station and use the citys Capital Improvement plan guidelines to help us prioritize some of the things we need to address immediately and based on the cap guidelines priority one are those improvements necessary to meet the code reminded those are ada accessibility for the general public and priority 2 those for the lives health and safety to the occupants and prevent the loss of access a priority 3 the maintenance and existing infrastructure those will be the emergency generators and the systems repair roofs etc. So, so the next misleslide we w to show examples of the exist buildings that shows efficiency roofs that are leaking with standing water and shows water damage within the workstation there is also you know deteriorated extra walls that are exposing rebars that spell need to be repaired the next slide shows the total overall need across the facilities and also what we have buggdgete for everyone facility so the overall need it 200 and 74 bottom line and the estimated cost over all 24. 9 million so we built the 15 percent we serve that comes to 4 or 5 million unexpected issues the future so the next slide shows graphically the overall need at each of station versus what we have budget under the 20132014 program and the next slide is the spreadsheet that shows the details how we are allocating the budget across the different stations and across the areas of improvement so we can see that were you know spend some money on ada upgrades and all of these stations and spend most of the budget on seismical upgrade and the mr. Flanagan mechanic system another graph looking at go where and how we plan to distribute the budget so the firstgraphy is showing were spendinglism thirty percent of our budget on seismic upgrades and the rest is kind of the history of the mechanic, Electrical Systems and the iceland gets a little bit and plumbing a little bit we dont have much budget to renovate, upgrade the sites but we have a small bit of sites upgrades and one of the stations so the next two slides is actually we with this assessments from the professional team and also with the budget weve identified 10 projects that will execute the next 5 years and theres going to be si5 projects and upgrades and grants of the projects will pass a Service Component to it with the system upgrades a so currently 3 projects that are underway of which two or ada upgrades one under construction and the other at the end of the design and about to go out to permit and construction is slate for later this year and so i can maybe we can look at the schedule this is a 5 year look ahead of our plan started in 2015 and mr. Will complete the projects identified by 2020 and there is how we propose to deliver the projects currently shows that we have 3 promotions that are in different stages of final construction and the future well these are our planning documents it maybe change but at this point this is what were doing and our goal to complete by 2020 that concludes my presentation. Any questions. So we just accepted a enlist fromal girl scout troop thats pretty sad looks like a lot of the dollars how is the public being told is it just us i am not i say im not showure high the dairp we have loyal viewsers but the captain to talk to make sure that the folks said the investment and why it is important. Were working closely with each station as we deliver a project at the start of construction weill let the public know this is a project this is what were doing at each stations and as i understand mounted on the building and educate the public about the project and there will be i believe Community Meetings that we can attend if theres questions well answer questi s questions. Thats good there are comments ive gotten comments i dont know if you know there are issues with the heating system at bayview station i bring this up. I lived there so it is the air conditioning works when is cold and the heart only works when it is hot so lisa promises me this had been fixed. Theres different level one of the preliminaimer areas of improvement were looking at it to you know fix as part of projegram that is Different Levels work and each of the station im sure as we look at that aspect of the project well talk to you and the occupants and find out theres complaints and assess the existing increments and make recommendatio recommendations. Well make sure the presentation is on the Department Website as well and i want to thank leah and captain goldberg and captain harris lisa thank you and good luck with the rest of the things youve got going. Thank you commission lemon is that one lisa is out to all stations to find out what their concerns but to make sure that we planned the work around you know their schedule never mind not look at Central Station and not work at mission station during events but work with their schedule additional were there is be disruptions but to the decree possible minimize ait and communi communicate with their groups with the station meeting but the er ether all those are done at doesnt to the the voters to a commitment for e either 10 or 2014 written reports will go or will say on the work and you know honey shot pictures of the new building it looks nice so all the Contact Information for this e they are program advertised possible without spend a lot of bucks on outreach and other opportunity that tend to communicate to the public the best were able to. Can i encourage that to continue if were meeting people where they are this is a great thing to be agenda decided that was a long time ago that greg y suhr was the captain at the station but it is propose pretty extraordinary the that we dont pick one in the southeast sector they can ended up at the end of the line but to factor the concern weve heard i lord to hearing i think there are a number of considerations and thank you for being with us here tonight appreciate it very much. Thank you. Puerto. Saethd. Occ directors report this is agency to allow the eject director to make announcements and reports on activities. Off there she is. On cue. Sorrow to keep you waiting commissioner president loftus and commission of the committee i have no recent activities to report this evening thank you. Sergeant, next line item. Item Commission Reports and discussion and wanting report and use of force the policy working group and commissioners report. Colleagues as we decided last week the Commission Staff has invited a Stakeholder Group to look at the use of force and sergeant what district attornay it is schedule for next tuesday february 23rd at the Public Safety building from 10 to 2. In addition colleagues, i did have i reached but to the United States doj and shared with them our timeline it is again our design that we will be able to provide did draft policies with stakeholders february to the doj and hope theyll return it in time for us to bring it to say public and vote here early in april thats my update over and over the acholic beverage review will be having an information hearing everyone got their email and posting it on our website it is going to be next wednesday sergeant do you have the details of the location. I dont i believe we posted online and over at table. I will. Sorry i do it is right here wednesday february 24th p. M. To 8 00 p. M. And marshall auditorium in San Francisco. And he will share that is it is being described as a listening and first step in the doj process and the goal to listen and hear the community and priority a forum in which the Community Members can express their opinion were dark on the fourth wednesday that provides an opportunity for folks to attend and share their thoughts next wednesday. Colleagues anything commissioner melara. Just a question somewhere i saw the Police Department will not be present i believe that representatives of the p d Police Department will not be present ill wonder if we are seei seen as part of representatives of the police Police Department so im just wondering because when i saw that and wanting to allow the public to freely speak their mind should we stay away as well. So well, i cant speak for everyone prospective were not members of the San Francisco Police Department we are the policymakers that handle discipline weve been insisted i think certainly as policymakers it will be good for us to hear and also the acholic beverage reform is designed to Work Together to addressee their concerns and so i would very much building that to see which commissioners are innovative but i wonder if other have thought. To get paid were on the Police Department project sponsor project sponsor. Im assuming less than 4 respect right maybe 4 issues so just to be clear were given one hundred conflict of interests stipend and get into the building were distinctive a civilian employee badge that is confusing to sass say were on the payroll as s the City Attorney could you have guidance. Im sorry can you repeat question i was busy. Because were saying this meeting will not have Police Presence interest so Small Business people from the Police Department and i was wondering since were part of mr. Johnson where we would be seen as art ever Police Department commissioner president suzy loftus size that you know because were policy marking body were not necessarily part of department and so but that means only three of us can how much not more than 3. Couple of things important that the Commission Sets the policy for the department i dont think that is seen as a separate it is part of the city and county of San Francisco and in terms of the acholic beverage reform effort it is a Community Meeting open to the public and they didnt mines they didnt express not to have a Police Presence so if any individual members of the Commission Time to attend that is in our individual capacity nothing that stops or Public Comment on this item prohibits that but at the same time it is an appearance issue that is which is the purpose i understand the department of justice would like to have those meetings so the public feels save in a different environmentalist obviously the members of the public can come hear here the Commission Goes out to the community but having a different lens in. Different view of that so to answer your question morning of an appearance issue. Also just to be clear the duftsz invited us is a matter of fact, i understand when we have the Community Forums it on officers in uniform this somehow chills the conversation but as commissioners have been invited. We received the invitations from doj and i received the email from the Office Manager for the mentioning whether or not they were invited. Well clarify with the doj to our point maam, Deputy Director City Attorney. Sxhoupg. I had a quick question the question have we had increased Community Participation a working group if you could share with the Community Folks represe representative. Yes. There are and we carved out a specific spot for the jennifer on homelessness not the person taking the spot for the working group a young person that didnt participate so sergeant do you want to. So there are representatives on the stormwater or stakeholder from the alu the district Attorneys Office. Theyve been invite and heard back from some of them and this district Attorneys Office and the department in human right commission and Police Officers association, all the Police Employee groups ahave ben notified the womens as Police Officers association and the asian egg peace Officers Association and latin and the San Francisco bar as superviso david chius said the coalition on homeless unless and the member of the mentally ill outside the scope and 3 members the Police Department including d. C. Chaplain and acting captain. Is there is is 20 agencies. Well 20 people have been invited. Im sorry and the eject. Sorry of course. Directs from the eject my apologies. A couple of quick reports i attended last friday, a conference supports by usf in the entering faith accreditation code Violation Coalition how the Police Officers could be involved and the speak writer for Martin Luther king was a close congressional dependent a close meeting that brought tonight felisa library john that is for the justice of mario woods and blaeks they might be a group they boardwalk out into human rights commissions and it was present at the gathering i think there will be fallout session with the fight leadership to start taking a leadership position on the issues trying to bring together police and communities talk about how to improve Police Community and a organizer was michael from the San Francisco interfaith a member of the Human Rights Coalition last friday the attended the one billion the worldwide event to fight against Domestic Violence and last sunday i attended the chinatown the ymca joint later than you think and the black History Month that is a good function the bayview to bring those communities together and finally time to you building there was an invitation that went out from the peace officer association the parade is coming up this saturday. Saturday night. Saturday night so for the commissioners who from the occ want to march and see the parade i believe there is an open invitation to the entire commission youll do you get to ride or march. You can march laughter . Are there any other items to report from any other commissioners . Sergeant before we move own to the next item i will use my discretion as chair to reopen item number 5 and colleagues, i would like to entertain a motion to resend our prior vote because as both summary and i made clear we support the intent and the spirit behind the reds it would be unfortunate to have f that move forward without a anonymous vote we get into a procedural so i want to correct that as that move forward it is clear to the board of supervisors so ill id like to entertain a motion to recess accepted thascind that v it was confusing while we were voting and dr. Marsh i dont understand if you understand that motion and was voting and he felt the same way i liked it well, i want to put a motion forward we rescind the previous motion and refirst class the motion to make sure that everyone has the ability to vote. And make another. Do we have a second. All in favor, say i. I. Im sorry, i have to take Public Comment any discussion before Public Comment. I want to for point of clarification the chair niefrtd a motion to rescind is that proper. You have a paramounty so ill defer that. Yes. She can thshe cant me a motion beyond why were having a discussion when we left why is assault all of a sudden this motion to rescind let me finish let me finish if we move to rescind anything in place or rescind period. The first part of motion to rescind i have a motion to rescind or not excess e rescind and therefore, post a motion that understanding what theyre voting for and vote for it maybe the sense or similar motion now the motion is on the floor and you can choose to vote the chair can take a vote. Okay commissioner wong. I think that commissioner melara answered any question again by way of discussion although the compliances with such i may not be perfect it sounds like urgency to pass this any kind of effect on the board of supervisors rules committee and so if i understand commissioner melara correctly that we were going to vote again and i agree if we vote again with more language that makes that more comfortable i agree with commissioner president loftus i want this to be anonymous. Commissioner Vice President turman. Im fine when we left i was i think were fine. Okay. So lets pack Public Comment any Public Comment on this item . Okay. The guys what referenced to San Francisco 67 dash 9 your supposed to have these documents before the public so you can see them ambassador the other problem is that okay before you start changing the agenda items your supposed to do that at the beginning the meeting not the middle i mean legislatively youre looking like a bowl of spaghetti from one area to other area and going back and trying to vote and unvote youre looking like a bowl of spaghetti than a legislative body those are roberts rules of order things that some of you are lawyers im surprised you havent figured this in this for a few peoples questions if you want to make a motion make a motion the motion is second than conversations then Public Comment and then after that, you vote on that so thats the process im just it is very perplexing you know. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Public comment is closed. We have a location to rescind the prior vote. So moved and it is seconded sergeant call roll. On the motion to rescind to accept the verbal resolution to support supervisor cowens proposed Charter Amendment to increase the office of citizens complaints jurisdiction to investigate officerinvolved shooting s commissioner president loftus how do you vote. Commissioner Vice President turman how do you vote. Commissioner marshall 70s how do i vote. No. 70s votes no and commissioner mazzucco is i commissioner wong how do you vote. Commissioner melara how do you vote the is are 6 to one. That item passes. Okay. So at this point, i will id like to entertain a motion to support off Charter Amendment consistent with the resolution that we have in our pukts which i read into the record do you recommend maam, City Attorney i read into the record again. I think the motion should be to support supervisor cowens promoted Charter Amendment to increase the office of citizens complaints and direct the Commission Secretary to draft a resolution and you can read the word youd like her to draft that is xhvenltd wiconsistent wh that motion. Ill visinvite that motion support supervisor cowens proposed Charter Amendment to increase the jurisdiction to investigate the officerinvolved shooting s i direct the staff to direct that whereas the occ curiosity jurisdiction to investigate a officerinvolved shooting whereas on wednesday, february 17, 2016, supervisor cowen introduced the mainstream to investigate the officerinvolved shootings and the occ to immediately begin the investigations in youll officerinvolved shootings relatedly in death or seriously bodily injure therefore, be it resolved we support the chartered amendment for the officerinvolved shootings do i have a motion. So moved. Sergeant discussion any discussion amongst the commission all did we just do this we read it entered into a record. I know im happy to clarify if so it still confuse not confusing to in the point i made there was a procedural hiccup other commissioners have explained the reason that commissioner Vice President turman and myself voted no, because of the out of procedurals we could do that better but give him the fatigoc tfa fact that was xhufkts you about that vote we voted to rescind and now a new motion to support this resolution. I was told that was the same motion when you voted and marshall voted for i understand you want everyone to vote with it. Same motion. On the intent to show unanimous support s. I get did now again, i cant speak for commissioner president loftus and sxhaurm their issue whether or not we were move in an appropriate fashioned with the reference to the regulation i think there was clarification and a goal for which community it is a great resolution thats the clarification theyre no vote has nothing to do with with potty legislation only a prouder. One more thing i think we all agree we support it and want intoxicate anonymo to be ntoxit i want to take Public Comment is there any additional Public Comment . Hearing no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Thank you. Can i get a call thank you, sir. Can i hear it. Were going to vote on the motions at this stage call roll. Thank you. On the motion commissioner president loftus how do you vote. Summary how do you vote. Sxhaush how had had vote. Commissioner dejesus how do you vote. Commissioner mazzucco how do you vote. Commissioner wong how do you vote. Sxherl how do you vote. Its a unanimous vote 7 to zero. Thank you thank you. I think this is a much more reflection of where this body is at thank you for the patience and the members of the public to have to see that twice it is more important we get overseeing things right. I appreciate everyone were going to move back into the agenda sergeant, next line item. Item 3d commission and scheduling the item for future meeting agenda. Colleagues items that we havent discussed to be placed on future agenda. Okay. Remembering the public that the commission is dark next week. Thank you well now have Public Comment on items 3 a through 3d. If you want to make Public Comment come up to the front, sir. Good evening and welcome. Thank you i appreciate the opportunity my name is a period of time a president of berkley but virtuosa citizen of the bayview i was Truman Medical Center officer jyee he promoted transmy be seated television station the alameda we got that close and moved and seconded for public funding to get started and you know the jails and the judge everybody from the judges to the scombra jails and two people men that had not allowed me to answer their questions showed you down met for so my life is a long widening road im the director donor the star were thirty years old this year or actually last year and as the big star of Star Alliance the principles to all to share and highest civic ideals we hope it can be tacked support in Public Schools and in rehabilitati rehabilitation and officer train whether i hear youre looking for options i see the issue of training i just wanted to introduce this topic and say from personal experienced okay so i have been assaulted a number of times in any life mostly 64 years old have some kind type of experience he was being throttled i love you stop it and the total strength of this grip was weakened at the mention of love and other time i have an 8 inch achieve at my throat the back of a car i said what you you do i love you guys stop is that Energy Changed from violence to a soft enmaybe sudden and upcoming expelled expression of caring and love and good will is a weapon in defense a he and this needs to be looked by Police Training and into the public the choice between goodwill and ill loophowill the fundamental choice and if in crisis you see that beautiful sympt symbol captures this image this on Elementary School classroom walls all around the world not just in San Francisco and the United States it wouldnt mean so much if not a lot of thought behind it i want to leave it troy of documents for the public. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Doctor king said love our enemies im sorry any future Public Comment hearing and seeing none,. Sergeant, next line item. Item 4 blueribbon task force for the materials provided to newly possibility vote whether to waive the taking a look attc for newly appointed commissioners action. Colleagues you heard early open in Public Comment we have gotten a request from the Blueribbon Panel for many documents we turned over the binder that was given to us we were instructed we were the privileged document so the privilege is held by the commission in order for that Department Document that bloiin to be released we wave that prim were here to discuss and the City Attorney to discuss how we make our decision. Just so reemphasis the Commission Getting got a blueribbon request sorry for all materials to newly exoneratappointed commissioners the new materials are assembly by the City Attorney office and given to the new ly appointed commissioners no other document either from the department or the Commission Staff and so to the extent i want to make sure that that a a case by case brace basis so whatever the City Attorneys office garter the materials it provides the process of attorney giving you advice it is a Attorney Client advise but different to each the commissions at the time our appoint the materials are Attorney Client and rightfully so the commission didnt disclosure that the commission need to take a vote and it had been to say a majority vote to releases overseeing materials as case by case boos in terms of making sure youre fully informed of what materials are in you to releases to the blueribbon task force were not to treat any member of the public different once it is available it is available to everyone what you have front of the it is not available to the public it operationally is still the Attorney Client until the privilege is waved you have a list of material that is come appeal fil pile and provided that information to the blueribbon task force and commissioner mazzucco a couple of questions for the City Attorney and the tnt Attorney Client were all clients of the city collective mynt Attorney Client were all clients of the city collective t Attorney Client were all clients of the city collective Attorney Client were all clients of the city collective myAttorney Client were all clients of the city collective myAttorney Client were all clients of the city collective my concern is. My second question is as the attorney you get nervous and work or worry about waving the privilege are we waving the privilege down the road for other documentation related to our roles commissioners what we do in policies and procedures we ask for the City Attorney like we saw and ask the City Attorney for voids whether on your side of frenence so mime concerned at waving and privilege to get those document and put ours in a position were waving the projepr privilege for all the communication and document maybe commissioner Vice President turman has followup on that. The question was my question is it a commission wide privilege or individual and so for the materials the table of inspection if so for the commission to waive you received a coffer letter that is addressed specifically to you that requires each individual commissioners toy wave youre the holder the privilege what you have before you the materials that on the table of consents covered are are you asking for today what materials we will disclosure the future the City Attorneys office come piles additional materials the laws change maybe thing that are more important as you may know you were postponed before any time with the commission there may be able additional thing i think are important and excluin that if this is a waiver they existed 0 currently is before you to be waved if a future request well have to go to the exercise again to entertain whether or not the Commission Want to waive aboit but only co i the materials to be waved has to do with with thas nothing to with with the letter that the commission would like to waive that within our discretion to do so. Commission so the table of contents what i hear you tell me anything a public documents incorporated indemnity City Attorneys packet to the commission is that the City Attorneys legal impression work product and formula it. The materials before you are coming piled for each commission that reflect when the City Attorney building at that time was important with our discretion within our position to the extent it is a work product and very much so we believe that you should know and should be fully aware of as your entering the job. I understand it is your work product the question why in the City Attorney privilege instead of the commission. The work product i put together in pie files once i turn it over to the client thats you itself its Attorney Client privilege of the Attorney Client privilege not my wor any other questions. Im sorry. Im in number what im looking at the table of consen contents. Before the privilege is waved refer to each individual item just berptd or better to ask the question in the abstract what saying excuse me in an a strange way whatever the materials didnt matter for the purpose of the discussion but until the commission waves that privilege. Thats. 411 absolutely n11 absolu 411 absolutely n11 absolua i dont if ill answer our question irrespective there are materials that are publicly available need gathering the information and all the materials are available you can go to the city charter but specifically is to the thought process and the direct look at this body of law or look at this i dont know if that helps. That helps. Actually im not an interest. Commissioner mazzucco. If we wave the privilege that the public doesnt see is that a waiver for any further request we wave the tnt and the blueribbon want for but we ant object we file the motion and weve waved the privilege i see in my line of work once the waiver flaws i want more clarification i look at those documents and work with the committee and cooperate and that that this commission has not authority but come piles and sometimes they come down to the region we want the documents regarding this you have to be careful the Attorney Client we as the guclients uphold the privilege i want to make sure we have that we discuss with the counsel and the City Attorneys office in our if we wave the privilege it becomes law this is my concern if we cant tonight we should people postpone for other week. The only materials youre being asked to waive is the materialsism if there is a question from the commission that asks about any of the items how it applies to the commission are anything like that had will not be discussed within the perimeter of today waving that prim that is operaseparate only specifically for the materials compiled new further in terms of you wave the privilege forever yes, it is available to everyone those materials at that time, are available to whoever asked them their pubically available. What im saying wave the privilege forever yes, they ask for the documents but come back in weeks from now and saw this is sensitive can we reinsert the privilege for an unrelated document not before us tonight. No, no we will assert the tnt against documents related anything that is not within the four corners of this document we will not we will assert the tnt and bring it back to the commission if you want to waiver each and every document ever document need to be amongst the commission and the commission will look at whether or not to waive the privilege. Commissioner wong. I dont if you heard you right was there a specific request for the table of for all the materials that the City Attorneys office prepared. The request for all materials give him to newly appointed commissioners my understanding no other materials other than overseeing come appealpiled to every commission. I guess i have a question for the hypothetical to maybe the representative the imply rib but answer this whether or not there could be a summary the general categories of the materials as opposed to providing specifics concerns as trying to understand the intent the general description we were to address that and say well those are materials related to how you request such and such a general description to the actual context. You dont have to wait for Public Comment thats a question that the commission has. May i ask that. Did you understand my question. Whether it would if you submit and summary for newly commissions and generally, the teaches materials that are provided to us. Our request is aimed and the primary source document we were interested in keying e seeing what is provided to you commissioners we wont object oto our summary like a requester inform summation we currenterta wouldnt object hour our position we prefer to have the exact documents to examine for ourselves. Were making more of a mystery this is not. That was confusing. No info, no i understand ts publicly assessable document if we tell you those materials are related to you know how the Police Commission works you can find the document in Public Record i understand commissioner mazzucco concerns the concern is about generally waiver as opposed to this not a it up secret document im wondering a different way to satisfactory what youre looking for. Ive stated our position with respect to the documents the City Attorney has clarified the City Attorneys position with respect to the general versus the specific waiver but i will say that we are concerned about the assertion the tnt over the compilation of documents we also have a hearing before the Sunshine Ordinance Task force secondl schedule within the rules that we would have to pursue the event that the documents were not disclosed here to the extent we can reach a resolution on that tonight be appreciative of that. But i do think this is a simple matter of disclose or not disclosing a table of consenten sxhaucommissioner turman f of all, your concern over us what is that concern. Were reviewing we received to shoppers Task Force Letter that outlined the City Attorney and the Commission Response to our compliment that letter said that the reign that the Attorney Client was proper is because the stha as come appealed City Attorney has were determining whether it is proper may have concerns about the privilege well bring to the task force. But what im concerned is that i dont want to make that more than what it is either but the as a matter of fact ive been an attorney since 1992 one of the duties as an attorney to protect the privilege of the Attorney Client and im concerned that prousz this material first of all, as compiled didnt give you a sense of what youre looking for it may appear or emphasis that something that i dont know that is necessarily true and i also believe that the communications that i had with the it dont make any difference City Attorneys office was an intendi Attorney Client communication im not comfortable waving that im comfortable with you pubically assessable documents but the ways their conformed and put together talk they talk a selfma skated duty and trust between myself and i have a problem with the sunshine ordinance but im not confront i dont want to make this more than what it is but this is all those documents i dont want to give you you to be mislead by just the documents as to how i was trained or what i believe of my duties to be i dont think that helps our cause. I think you get much more out of talking to us as the commission we dont have reference what went on between us and the City Attorney just my thoughts of. Do you wanted to respond. Thank you commissioner Vice President turman i dont want to make a mountain out of a molehill but we have really appreciated seeing the source document that commissioner president loftus has permitted pursuit as us and rachel has been combrashs in helping us putting in context we spoken to each of you and would be more happy to revisit our understanding of the tomentsz if we can see them so thats role i appreciate your consideration of the issue and thank you for your time. Thank you. Commissioner melara. Yes. Again making if you and feel like were making is a bigger deal you have missing documents and you can she dont oh, okay. Didnt have the anythings document oh, in that case the issue you can ask for specific documents our interested in local governme looking at rather than us providing you with these documents and was because you have an idea what your looking for i have a feeling in talking to you guys i understood what youre trying to do so i im confused why this is such a big deal. And again, im concerned about my the issue of the my giving up any privilege in this case. Certainly respect commissioner melara we did specifically request the documents that were trying to found were requested the materials to the commission all were trying to learn here is what you learn when you join this role the kinds of roles youre presented with how you understand your role and responsibility and it really is that simple and so this was our intent in requesting oversee documents teemed e keep these in mind this was part avenue broader list of request youve been gracious in providing in our minds one small piece of that larger puzzle. Commissioner dejesus. So i guess my concern the City Attorney advise the commissioners including in terms of asking oanswering our questions we might have and all that part and parcel of those things so it is an Attorney Client i im sorry i was late i have a couple of questions i dont know why you need those and as part of that, of course, our conversations are part ever that so you know why you need it exactly when i interviewed us we told you what we think our role is and our responsibility and some of tus might have explained to us weve given you that and i have concern concerns about the authority asking for the Attorney Client privilege materials and thats concerning we want it does fit well and especially knowing the roles of each individual commission. Sure commissioner dejesus we didnt request any materials abused the Attorney Client privilege we requested all materials provided to new postponed commissioners now the response we received from sergeant killis haw you, we fild a climate what the sunshine ordinance and a letter well be filing overseeing complaints we wonder about the basis. To assertion i suppose it can, said we were surprised because the commission is a public body it is meeting the public and opportunity for Public Comment the all the materials provided to newly appoint commissioners will be privileged it sounds like from our discussion take our pubically order documents it is stranger there was a Attorney Client privilege being asserted so for that reason we filed the complaint and at that point we received the letter back indicated indeed those are the privileged in terms of our conversation with the City Attorney when you joined the commission it is not what we requested we requested the material provided to us so the documents provide to you were not seek any advice about other matters or your individual capacity were seeking the information your given in our binder has a appears with you join the commission but i guess it is like it goes back to the authority your requesting something asked you to sit on the commission go not any different from any other Community Group we want to see what the City Attorney provided you when how came on board i dont understand what makes it commission to be asking asking these types of commission august has nothing to do with with the blueribbon and the sunshine ordinance laws in the city of San Francisco that permits the interested sentences to petition the body for documents were preceding under the laws of the city this is a the authority under w which we sought those documents we dont contend nothing we dont any intending should be overcome by our assertion we requested those documents and grateful. You are missing my point you say we understand the vehicle i understand that but i want to get back to the authority of we as the authority of commission ive not heard an answer. An authority from the blueribbon comes from the laws that permits the City Attorney to have a passive meeting body that body advise the District Attorney thats our role we have been created to be independent of the District Attorney and were all law firms and work pro bono hours to do that so thats what we are again my authority for requesting the documents has nothing to do with with the meeting the body rules. So City Attorney you want to say something. Were treating this as a Public Records request and make in difference to the querequest not allowed ato show you who is asking for the information. Im sorry with only question just one question i hear what youre assessing the issue that you all had was were the client we declined to turnover the blind at the advise of the City Attorney that was Attorney Client privileges it sounds like your question with the City Attorney advising us that the Attorney Client privilege that is the issue you have were skep over a step to resolve it in deciding whether in body wanted to waive the Attorney Client prim but the issue you have is actually with the City Attorneys office; is that correct. We were preceding why un y yes what our proposing mutes that on or about well certainly presenter the consideration. I got did. The northern lawyer in me as figured out it auto. Tell the rest of the lawyers. I am something you, you cant have it. I want to make sure this is a request that came to the Commission One that department and the commission has an obligation to collect all the responsive documents now the question was asked is this material the Attorney Client and the answer is yes, it is okay. So the holder the privilege is the commission. I got it so my questions on my kids im assuming that was done for a reason; right . An Attorney Client privilege that tested that. Well, i dont know if thats a good assumes necessarily. I dont know but just a nonlawyer again, im assuming that was put in there for some reason and youre asking us to do that to undo that im moral confused than ever why we should do this. What im asking you to do to really consider the value of the withholding the information you have in front of you and weigh that against you are request to understand what it is that you do and learn about our role as commission when you join the commission we think as representatives the blue Rainbow Panel and members of the public. That part i see that part i see that part. The value nice words. Nice words but im assume that was put in there for a reason and without me knowing why it is. That is raised in my mind. Privilege is not applied by someone and according to the City Attorney to arises in this instance because of the nature the activities not that someone made an actual decision to apply the privilege the City Attorney is suggesting that it applies here due to the fact you come pile the document put thought process into the documents you compiled. That answers my questions. So colleagues the question how do we want to handle this like when you dont think of American People ice cream sunday you immediately think of one weve created a tremendous amount of interest what is in the blinders and in an era of transparent i think that the spirit of the intent of the blue rainbow to hopefully to provide recommendations and a lot of smart lawyers ive always viewed this is as this will be conducive and help us do a better job this is the spirit in which weve provided documents that our staff as made ourselves available ultimately the question is down to the alllaw we want to handle this unfortunately, one the challenges ive read is in a statutory privilege not new issues but important we have this discussion and whether the Commission Want to wave the ability we could a we can choose to wekeep and assert the privile and if we do choose to insert the privilege not to dealer a summary of what is the materials and obviously you have your rights and responsibility as a citizen sea that could demonstrate we do want to coopera coordinate and be as transparency but ill leave it up to the group to bring a motion if were ready for that. Commissioner dejesus. I certainly appointment the panel to a lot of documents im wondering if some sort of compromise to reach. Public documents really he last week the idea im sorry i like the idea of providing a summary and of the documents and possible you know if it operationally is assemble you can get an idea where to find the documents that would satisfy our needs and your needs. Well, we cant speak to what satisfies her needs over and over is whether you Rainbow Panel i understand what youre saying potentially would be resolution for the immediate time and again, we, provide a summary of what is in under and if this is still unsatisfactory maybe agendize this for a future negro have a briefly from the City Attorney on essential any of the issues that can be plummeted thoroughly colleagues is that the direction are anyone bring a motion to waive the motion. Commissioner dejesus. What a summary violate the Attorney Client. Any individual commission thought of the president tossed take on come piling a summary laughter purs then will be appropriate or staff. The commission oh, boy laughter i coke colleagues whats on the table if not a motion to waive the privilege than any recommendation to that we work with the Commission Staff to provide a summary that is fully taint about the documents given to us and hopefully see the resolve and give the panel what they need. Thats a good first start. Thank you. And thank you so much for being here we know you came last week and didnt know wed inquiry of you but appreciate youre helping us to go e get through that. Thank you youall fewer see appreciate it. Nobody brought a motion. Do we need a motion for a summary. That would be helpful a motion for a summary. Ill move we have Commission Staff provide a summary to the attorney and if it if violate Attorney Client well have the summary. Is there a second. He sktdz we need a roll call vote for that. I think i need to call Public Comment. Any Public Comment . Hearing Public Comment is closed. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Okay. So majority it passes. Okay. Thank you everyone. Sergeant, next item. Item 6 Public Comment on all matters pertaining to closed session including the vote to whether to hold item 8 in closed session. Any Public Comment on these matte matters. When will you release those documents the audio and the notes from the closed session. So this is a Public Comment not a q and a pairperiods. I definitexoovl understand another question so have you ever releases any closed session meetings other side or notes . Again im sorry were governed by rules. I read the rules our allowed to respond. I am allowed to. Im asking have you ever releases any closed session audio or notes. Okay. So 15, 20 years of goals stuck in closed session youve never released it. Ever disclosed. Ever releases anything in closed session like 20 years, thirty years are, 50 are 60 years or one hundred years ago have you ever releases anything. I dont know. You dont know okay. So its almost like you doing is that going into a black hole we never know. Okay. Is there any additional Public Comment . On this matter hearing Public Comment is closed. Sergeant, next line item. Item 7 vote on whether or not to hold item 8 in closed session the administerrative code actio do i have a motion or seconded. Go. Everyone. Were going back if open session item 9 to vote to elect to discuss any or all items if closed session action. Colleagues do you have a motion not to disclose the items in closed session. Second all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes southeast item 10 adjournment action item. Colleagues a motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes were adjourned everyone

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