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Preliminary in relationgo negative declaration and next at the townsend street conditional use authorization is proposed. Continuance until november 10, 2016, and item 4 for case underscore two for chair wienerier the discretionary review authorization have been withdrawn the Zoning Administrator will consider the variance it remains on the agenda during our recess and infuriating under the consent calendar item 5 for case you 2016 at van ness avenue conditional use authorization weve received a request from members of the public and now from the pertaining to continue to september 29, 2016, and under the discretionary review authorization calendar im pleased to announce that item number 21 at he vermont street discretionary review that has been withdrawn i have no other items proposed for continuance and i have no speaker cards. Any Public Comment on the items proposed for continuance okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. I ask that item 20 and b be turned because of submittal is incomplete for us to properly consider this project for the appellant not following for the commission to look at no photos or buildings sections no property depiction of juan property and the modification of the project this project fails to meet the standards as so forth in the plans submittal guidelines i ask for you to continue. Second. Is that a motion to continue all other items as proposed as well as 20 ab or just 20 ab. Thats 20 ab im obviously supporting the continuance included those as item 25 and asking for adding 20 ab. Second. We will need a date for items 20 ab maybe accepted 29 with the joint meeting with rec and park has been cancelled and opened up that date and thats fine by me. Commissioner johnson. Ill make a motion to inaudible so say proposed continue items 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 ab and 21. As proposed. Thank you 21 is withdrawn. Sorry not 21. Thank you, commissioners on that a motion to continue as proposed commissioner bobby wilson commissioner hillis so no not about 20 ab ill rather hear that item. Commissioner johnson. Commissioner moore. Commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion 4 to one with commissioner hillis voting against commissioners under our cds exceptional or extraordinary all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. You now on have the one item number 6 cu at the beal street conditional use authorization. Okay. Any Public Comment on the items on the consent calendar. Not seeing any, Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Move to approve second. Thank you, commissioners on that motion to approve item 6 under consent commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore. Commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion unanimously 5 to zero and places us under commission matters item 77 consideration of draft minutes for august 4th and 112016 i received one correction from the member of the public that dully noted on there the minutes for august 4th under the discretionary review authorization calendar item 15 for Russel Street the action item number 3 so indicate setback the top floor one and a half innovate not inches. Commissioner moore. You move to approve together with the modifications as read into the record. Second. Thank you, commissioners then on the motion to adapt the minutes for august 4th and 11 as corrected commissioner hillis commissioner johnson. Commissioner moore. Commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. Commissioners that places us in under item 8 excuse me commissioners, comments or questions. Commissioner Vice President richards. A couple of things we were gone 4 weeks a Welcome Break we added the fist thursdays next years id like to have a break if it permits, however, take on the labor day this is in january or december just wanted to say this is my second year on the commission as of this meeting and havent missed that meeting im having too much fun it is 2 years. Two things a hundred things i could have brought up ive read in the chronicle on wednesday august 31st there was an article on high rents in the Alameda Health department and doctor said that hypertension with increased rent associated stress and cost depression and schizophrenia by the Health Department of old weve talked about with that and the stress of not knowing youll have a house to live in next month or leave the city is cowgirls u causing Health Problem and an article in the negotiate time in terms of losing their legacy businesses and loot negotiate stores you can buy in new york theyll going out of business and struggling so happening all over thanks glad to be back. Commissioner moore. Presenter commissioner Vice President richards companionship commenting on ts the extension so appreciate that and looking forward to seeing us change the rules in regards to next year i want to speak about the request that is dawning on me id like to see the Department Work with the commission on compiling a list of small institutions their imp and the gross he projections we tweak small institutions and solicitedettled cases but that particular thought kind of jogsd any mind the cumulative effect of a lot of small things in the ends all amount to a big thing many of the small institutions has 200 plus people gold for a longer than or short tdm and we need to track that relative to the legislation this was introduced by supervisor peskin regarding looking at Student Housing and imp improvements to address the issues i think this came to me did not i was having a quick coffee with commissioner Vice President richards and charged about that and i think this is a perfect opportunity for the department all of us to be prepared to look at the next level of impact im very interested to see what is suggested in supervisor peskin in supervisor peskin legislation to come forward and talked about that has a professional for the imps dont give the department enough the evidence will then show or unnecessary enough Guiding Force to help make them equal amongst each other for the city to deal with the institutions and thats a positive encouraging comment rather than a negative comment otherwise thats my comment for today. Commissioners fuminga few weeks ago drourments. Thank you joansnas and commissioners hope you had a great break he wanted to take a moment to rewelcome someone into the department peter it has come back to work part time as the manager of Transportation Plan most of you know peter well in the city for over 30 years and retired last july laughter but couldnt resist us so just byword of some budged peter worked with mta where he was the prierlg the initiatives program and the liaison from sfmta and the office of Economic Workforce Development prior worked on urban design and related issues with bart and before that with the ta but more importantly and early in his a access peter worked with the Planning Department an architecture assistant in the Transportation Planning group and the preliminary thorough of the then transportation element that was updated at this time so we are very pleased to have peter back a backward in architecture and planning from cal poly and san jose state and got in San Francisco for 3 2 years pleased to have him help us with the Transportation Plan we are managing with our ta and mta and i think that peter will be with us foyer 6 or 7 months to make a transition to 9 months peter welcome back. Would you like to say your 8 nature months away from retirement. Again. It was easy to find my way back to the microphone id like to be back very much a full circle criteria by the way, good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioner the last big project for the Planning Department was the update of the transportation master plan good afternoon common sense and staff the case is an approved the bus school for bus and marketing and technology through france and expand to other parts of shanghai and San Francisco San Francisco program an intended as a study abroad discretionary review any student to study for a period if 10 days up to 10 weeks and it about expose the students to American Culture are the Toolbox Industries and having 6 to 8 sessions between 20 and 80 students parting in each the number of planters is expected to vary within the range and the school didnt own any property and leases 61 square feet of space on the floor within the c3 their entity e inevitable to file a master plan and high hire additional staff and participation is open to any boulder students and to find their lodging during the stay the department has no Public Comment and no action required of our the commission has discretion discretion to hold the imp and this that concludes my presentation. And im available to answer any questions. Okay opening it up for Public Comment Ronald Morris im sorry project manager. Iemzm sorry, im sorry are you with the project sponsor come on up sorry. Commissioner thank you very much for allowing me to speak about the impact of our campus here we set up this campus and started the program in january of 2016 we have had 40 students come for a 10day project and two sessions of 10 weeks just under thirty students and andrew did a fine job founded in 1925 and in london and now here they are what we consider to be satellite campuses and students are getting a International Dimension and a strong focus is come back r came back with practitioners in the Public Sector or in the Public Sector and for students that have emersed session and all i can say that so for the students are absolutely enthusiastic about the experience and leave here and become ambassadors for San Francisco all around europe thank you. Ill city for any questions. Stick around and open up for Public Comment now and calling ron morris im sorry, i got it all laughter . First. Do it again, i was wording r on one hand. Any Public Comment on this item . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. And commissioner moore. Im of those institutions and saw the students having the ability to dive into an International Exposures given the world is one practice and having said that, comment to you my point is reminding the correct that the discussion i asked for is part of a our work list lock conceal at the cumulative number of smaller constitution for a guidance including mr. Albert mentioned earlier thank you au. Thank you. Fumingat this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes. This section is not supposed to exceed 15 minutes i have seller speaker cards. Okay. calling names good afternoon and welcome back from well deserved vacation this testimony pertains to other neighborhoods on initial comments on august from tthe your own guidelines and the 21st 2016 draft promised neighbors a 5month period of neighborhood u d g draft subcontractor and the fundamental to those guidelines is the idea this Good Neighbors make great neighborhood and great neighborhoods make good grades please work from the neighborhoods want our pride month of commentary and Public Outreach and the community and the neighborhood organizations must be con ductduktd planning outreach to involve bio last night engagement between the Decision Makers and the staff and local land use groups additionally theyre going to propose the comments needs to be expended as theres been insufficient time to conduct and incorporate Public Outreach into the n u d c draft brother the Planning Commission, Planning Department target gate of october 80 were asking for the indefinite deferral or extension of final consideration of the u d gs until the 2017 xenld residential guidelines has bn been property and embedded which should occur communicating curling with the perspective unusual guidelines and not happen without the interval corporation the results is the creation of the january 21st u d g executive summary and the guidelines themselves the neighborhoods cant tell whether they are intended to apply to citywide including the n r zones district or in just mixed use or other places as well and whether or not there are intended to replace the existing your own guidelines element thank you very much. Next speaker, please. And folks that have called or have speaker cards if you want to line up on this side make use of 15 minutes. Good afternoon commissioner my name is lisa im the president of the liability Hill Neighborhood Association and speaking as a concerned resident since any board has not taken a position on this matter were concerned that the we only heard about the document draft your own guidelines and by happen stance we were under the envision the commission will revitalize the guidelines roughly around now in the fall and became aware this entirely new document had been drafted and that caused a serious concern for us particularly because we were promised 5 months in the draft document it talks about Public Outreach and review from february to june of this past year and none of which occurred the urban Design Guidelines cantonese language that maybe the over arching review document in all of districts for all buildings and this raise he pretty serious concerns for us in the low, low density liability hill is a Historic District and this really causes some concern so we would ask particularly that you postpone the target date of adoption is october it 22 for the your own Design Guidelines until the Public CommentPublic Outreach and has to be accomplishments together and not one ahead of the other thank you. Common sense and commissioner good afternoon aim matt i a cofounder of the neighborhood counsel and a 34 resident of city last month the noah valley and the Telegraph Hill submit correspondence to you and the planning staff advising of the serious concerns with the roll out for the guidelines and two nights ago we hosted a Community Meeting notifying other organizations to share their concerns they might have one of the things perhaps the most important for the scent that these the adaptation of urban guidelines so be approved the Planning Department pro tems promised the Community Involvement in an external review and the simple fact that has not happened and perhaps the more importantly was the proposed relationship of the urban guidelines and under this proposal it appears that the residential George Washington high school will be marginalized subordinate to the other guidelines and most important tool for the wellbeing scale will be rented omnipotent i point out to the case report we since then were told the guidelines might im quoting more modest projects it assertion was disconcerting the noah valley and the fellow organization replacing urge to move the inner guidelines to next spring that allows for the 5 processed of the external review for the adoption of the urban Design Guidelines and strengthened residential guidelines ultimately leading to more cohesive Public Policy thank you. A couple of items id like to distribute to the commissioners if i could please thank you very, very much im stan the president of the Telegraph Hill twitters and here to talk about the urban guidelines the most important guidelines to come before you october 20th for adoption over a month from now in january, the as you heard the Planning Department skeleton a 5month process and external review, however, here we have with the current draft without any outreach to the communities and organizations im joined. Q by a number of organizations and colleagues from around the city to make sure that outreach occurs that the results are incorporated under the wise draft about you before you consider their adaptation and one of the reasons some of the their talked about in the letter that are distributed a couple of initial reasons not only consultation for the community and neighborhood organizations but second the current craft is not resisting the policies third too many of the examples that are in the guiles of the modern highly your honor, in his design not representative of the character and and i thought of residential neighborhoods throughout the city so not suited for Design Review fourth the design the craft is incomplete and prematurity and not having a full implication with the residential guidelines i understand as much as a year away and fist in the guidelines are written can be there cut by a waiver from the staff so we you, please please, please assure that the outreach and Community Organizations occurs revised and recirculated the draft incorporating the elements and bring it back allowing the time for Public Comment and because that will take longer than october 20th please extend the deadline until it is done i think all of us look forward to working with you on this process to make that very, very important step as discussed we all preserve thank you very much . Good afternoon and welcome back my name is paul wormer a resident of Telegraph Hill dweerlz a delegate for tsthe coalition for San Francisco neighborhood i want to amplify one point and im referring to the narratives of the executive summary if the january 21st meeting of the commission in that executive summary it is afghanistan big as to the raelreal premisecy or lack of premisecy for the existing design element we have as you may know already urban design and urn destine section to the general plan and an existing residential element in the memorandum there is a reference to the new guidelines being sort of preempting what may be part of general plan it just ambiguous so others have requested and ill request the staff tells you specifically where the hierarchy of the general plan those guidelines will fit first of all, are they to be relative to all neighborhoods including our neighborhood capital our neighborhood or only going to be relative to mixed use or transient districts thats an important point and given heart burn to people not sure of the thank you and e cigarette e secondly, where in the hierarchy of elements is this are those guidelines to be are those mark farrell guidelines of the department which are not part of general plan in which case what kind of of a review case to the implementation or the cooperation secondly, if they are to be part of general plan where are they to be in the hierarchy and then feinstein where in the hierarchy have will this plan and the new residential plan be to each other none of that is made clear and those points are important points to be clarified in those hopefully will be clarified soon thank you for your time. Good afternoon, commissioners wellbeing from our hiatus ill request in the sunshine ordinance that one and 50 words have smooths the hierarchy in relation to the general plan and in relation to the prop m an unclear and come format needs to bto be examined and relationship to the existing residential guidelines needs to be clarified it is important to get this right those are also included in the article 7 legislation that you will voted on october 13th the waiver provocations to say they dont have to apply begs the question where write them deleted and requests further postponement for all other public members and i submit thank you au. My name is marvin and i appear to ask really the commissioners for some information about the status of gil kelly the person that is leaving as planning director of the commission and the nature of my interest in the status stems if his duties on the Sea Level Rise issues that have been recently the subject of a great deal of of con controversy and interest any interest is that of a private citizen so and i ask basically, i agree that hes taking his job as commissioner in the city of having an cover starting september 15th im assuming his status will terminate sometime after that and are you in a position to tell me who will succeed him as planning director and who the deputy Pricilla Chan director has been and finally the question if as a private simulate im interested in the issue of the Sea Level Rise can i look to in the Planning Department after commissioner planning director loaves and get information about the Sea Level Rise issue. Maybe if i could protocol gill was the director of citywide planning and his last day was friday and i didnt say mean to diminish. But for the Public School record im not leaving the department as of yes, but Maya Angelou Gil cosponsored and his position with the department taerl in the hands of adam but ill give you the information with the Sea Level Rise. Thank you very much. Surely. Edward mason like to submit for our consideration an editorial in the newspaper in the park that discussed the facebook expansion and a regional vision and facebook will build 275 Office Buildings important 9 thousand plus square feet and another hotel for more square feet with the expansion will add 6 thousand 5 hundred employees to the current 7 thousand plus and housing study opportunity by facebook realized that only 18 current facebook employees in bat out of hell heaven and others it conducted that 65 employees will have impact on the lemon Housing Market creating demand for one and 75 units of questioning logic and planners are voig alarm out growth and housing as resulting in upward pressure of low prices and widening gridlock from the campus half of facebook employees drive cars to work and facebook will increase the generation to 4 hundred and 38 in bound commuter vehicles the development will financing benefit the middle eastern low park but worsening the transportation and housing facing the region as Standard Practice of the permitting jurisdiction to extract cash pamphlets without having communities with significant and uncontained impacts now, one is well severed by major proposals sealed through the lens looking at for its own interest and citys what move away if the regional problems i came away with this talking takeaway currently are over thirty commuter buses on 24th street and you additional to 26 and van ness about 55 an hour so you have a bus a minute going through 26 and van ness so with this addition doubling any question is what are we are doing on a regional basis between planning, transportation a there nos to be some resolution to this bonding situation and apple spaceship theyve awakened the 280 to that plan thank you au. Good afternoon, everyone. Commissioners pardon me ill make a general statement is it so relevant to an item on the agendas i cant speak specifically but go to a service a long time finance person and her services in oakland i would suggest that has there are efforts to encourage and make that easier for developers to provide housing for speciality market one of the things they have to be cause about as with work and Business Services in the early days of grepz to sure to make sure that there is no cheating is really tight and i think there is a tendency to fall on good intentions and have to make up up the good intentions and were dealing here in a market environment with every con sizzle creek of the Housing Development has a profitable incentive as you consider efforts to deal with the Housing Needs in various ways to create the proposals ill encourage you to make sure that the city and public has the monitoring in place and the enforcement and the penalties to make sure those good intentions are catered rried out thank you au. Sue hester the city is replacing a director the city as a role to play and more than Sea Level Rise we the whole scheme in the planning code from transit fees and housing fees and housing requirements on this side of aisle and coming from the Planning Commission it came from people giving long a. D. With us testimony on the connection between the expansion of the commercial district and the needs for housing that was in the 70s and be pardon me latest 80s is the Planning Department doesnt intern lists what the connection at the level of the community does we have dropped down in San Francisco to not being a model for the rest of the area there should be Affordable Housing requirement all from San Francisco marin and B Santa Clara and the gentleman spoke about in palo alto was true i talked to someone on the East Palo Alto hes with the state housing and the City Council Amendment what air struggling with trying to get cities menlo park and palo alto to deal with in terms of Housing Construction everyone post prop 13 is looking for taxing and San Francisco absolutely is no different that is driving what were dealing the. Org pardon me district economy every time we have an opportunity to say come on guys put on a housing requirement on the on palo alto and san jose and take the burden if San Francisco all the legal buses in the world they dumb their projects on the mission and comes back to San Francisco that doesnt naturals with with you didnt naturals with the plans so we have all the stresses on housing and a lot of crazy what is the Planning Commission what the the planning director and the mayor doing and the board of supervisors doing to say hey guys build housing in your communities because it is an impact in San Francisco thank you au. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners and welcome back to what is as entertaining fall series i have a question slash comment by the way, the timer didnt seem is to be going regarding the proposed reservation of article 7 i asked him it and will be digging more i nodded it appears to be eliminating the proposal that every two 2 years to be a report on what is going on in the neighborhood commercial district that is an interesting piece of code there is one report on what is going on in the neighborhood commercial districts in the 30 years since the legislation was passed so clearly that requirement was not fundamental but how did the Planning Department understand and how will you understand what are the trends evolving and plays into the decision with conditional use if youre not aware of changes that are going on of the eventually of busy practices in the neighborhood commercial districts as a interferences to everyone leaping on who one direction and suddenly goes out and the disruption that falls on streets the loss of Neighborhood Services that have resulted in part because of the trends, because of assumes that the market will miserablyly solve the problems it but how much disruption youll accept and what is happening with if there is not some regular analysis of what is happened, where the vacancies and what are the trends accompanying are those trends go or bad potentially whether or not are the ramifications where is that analysis come from and who is responsible for that thank you. Any item general Public Comment okay jemd and director rahaim. If the commission would allow me to respond to come up of issues in general Public Comment first of all, with respect to the guidelines we have 20 hearings to update you but we fully intend to expend that Public Comment period and two Public Meeting and skelthd for as question speak to be in touch with the neighborhoods and working with them and continue to work with them on those guidelines and the point is welltaken we need to explain the residential guidelines those are meant to be on ero arching guidelines not replacing them but be a higher level of project guidelines with righthand turn to the regional i was surprised to hear the comments weve talked about our work and i daresay San Francisco is involved in the region ive personally testified easy counsels and may be seated with efficiently folks that are proposing 3500 units of housing on their campus and strongly urge them and working with arockbach and one of the major issues weve monitored in the planned area the need for abag to seriously have the housing on the parks in this region and certainly not just in San Francisco and continue to update you on the regional issues and happy to do so in the future but assure you the department is hooefl involved and will continue to be and critically in the region and city and commissioner Vice President richards. A few things wow. A lot of pentup comments this is interesting a couple of things active more than a couple director rahaim talked about the University Guidelines some type of a historical summary and what they apply to in terms of size in districts and relationship two the two sets of guidelines and which one is the residential guidelines it helps everyone understand what the two are for and love to sit down and have a chat over lunch and the one im surprised and the Regional Planning issue hoping it is interesting to hear that people having want a planning solution it is hard without the control but coordinate and give some level of control that is carryy but how we do that is something well have figure out because were giving up control weve e well have people asking for more control i agree with a lot of the commenters is regional solution is neon the comment how people can cheat on things that we put out there with great stipulations but learn something from the technically community and have bonds and systems we should have a hawk fund to find loopts and regards and close those loopts before we pass the legislation will be a few looptsz and loss of things we have notable intentions but not thinking like the people that want to communitybased though the loopts and last what is interesting i was going through any many, many commissioner Vice President richards im going to interrupt you those issues are not on the agenda but some other time. Can i comment on the neighborhoods okay. I was going through any paperwork over the last 10 or 15 years and came across the nc 20 i look at the date were at nc and talk about the last things in the nc controls in the 80s thank you for reminding me not to go off topic secretary. Director rahaim id like to say flashlights drourments you can add having a meeting and update you guess on current or running issues so the regional issues stay in focus and i appreciate your thorough response to the questions. People hold closer to the dooishs for the shaping of the city and the agency but is future of the city is a positive thing for all involved including the agencies and into this has allowed us to bring hundreds of thousands of people through a traditional workshop format and truly pioneer piece of work undertaken by the your own bank on center it is this is a bright issue for public life and participation throughout the city and highlights the cross relationships for perspectives and a lot of people to the important topics of what the city should look like in the future and with that, im going to turn it over to my partner with the making sure that thing will come off that hitch with all the actresses involved ill introduce katie changing thank you very much. Good afternoon commissioners. Turn that on. Need the computer if you want to use the lower mike. As neil mentioned this is a really important project and an exciting way to test ideas and new processes and were doing it again this year this is a picture of what Market Street was like in hiss its had a day and with Market Street something we can test with the eir bringing back the life to Market Street looking at history to history will repeat itself in the near future talking about the details of this festival we had hundreds of submissions this is from last year but this year many submissions from people from all over the region and a selection of projects we are being fabricated pretty much as we speak on Market Street on display for 3 cases the criteria were generally favored things that create engagement accessibility and exclusion and a prototypes youll see encouragement and engagement on these this is a map showing where the prototypes will be on the website if you want to dig deeper into that we worked with many partners to pull this off with yerba buena arts is our main partner but county pull this out with the public works and theres the Mayors Office of innovation are helping to guide this process as neil mentioned we have lien hooefl on private partners to help us lead the prototypes to Companies Like autodesk and psa to help us to combrsh enrich our we have it rated on the tack in this consideration of the festival and our community includes members from the sro collaborative to the Community Investor program and Market Street use services and gallery and other places we tried to broaden our outreach including people that may not be prototypes themselves but be a part of the progress as well so talk about a little bit more before that later so it is great and fun to do those things but how to measure the success we have an expensive report on our website but doing the same thing this year, the colloquy to measure that and if youre murray your successes in our case Pedestrian Movement and engagement is some prototypes are doing better and measured and do that again, this is a little bit how we have doing the process of evaluation and. So it is prototyping our process with outreach and engagement so this is a shot of the open house we did last year and this year we have the artists present a small portion what is great i love about that im not behind any tables we have Community Members open to the public event coming and talking with people would their own ideas and the conversation are fascinating sort of shifting the ways we engage with each other and talking about the issues and well have a series of images to show you the prototypes of last year a lot of them focused on interaction with people in the streets and great to see them in the financial district and embarcadero and to you know we put it out there and was really able to see what is important to people bringing out joy and interaction is great to see so in addition to the 3day festival we are we have fund raised to the the team from last year to come back and talk about their process and have a phase roll out for those will be insulate in october and a few more shots from last year. And in addition to the theme of joy and engagement this thinking about how we can bring positive activities as night lifetime and the artistic elements introduced to the sidewalks lastly the shallow stale is the prototype i talked about so those communities people got together and lead them through a series of experiences to create their design and design theyre small tail decided on in the central of market and other prototypes in october and then this is just a shot of youth team we have 14 students from around the cities that are involved in the design and architecture internship their fab r fabricating their ideas and will be installing their prototype along with us in the festival as their suhr their ideas are and getting them engaged in city discourteous how they want their streets to be and so festival from october 6th to 8 were excited about and trying to get out the word and having tours well innovative you and get a oneonone tour well invite you to speak with artists. Open up for Public Comment if there is any okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Scombhoer. This sounds fun as we are having our planning Commission Meeting on october 6th we should take a walk we never do practical things but a way to see how is it works. October 6th. Okay. Very good idea. Any other commissioner comments. Commissioner johnson. Yeah. It sounds like really interesting i remembered the last festival is not too to far and yeah excited commissioner moore and i will head out. Director rahaim. Thanks i want to thank cia and neil and the whole team and particularly to the partners at the y b c a and the grant members has been funded through a private foundation forgetting the name google and the national for the yards are the leaders and the park place is the Leaders Foundation that looked at community and grinning e bringing cities together the real success is both in the process how the pieces are create but how to get people to interact on city streets that is positive and existing last year was a Great Success were looking forward to another round and what happens on Market Street as we go forward and happy to get the commissioners out there a group or individually and figure that out for the actual festival. Thank you commissioner moore. We could start 11 and do a walk through as a group and experience it together that will be really, really nice to see a fresh start and leave it up to you to follow up. Tu prhank you commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to on po require a zoning map amendment good afternoon, commissioners aaron starr, manager, legislative affairs. Next item. Will amend the property on potrero the the truth was rescoped as part of the mci to a miblgd residential hits height and bulk was changed the open space was zoned and intended for properties to be used as open space for parks and natural areas this is a developed property that is privately owned and not p as part of the eastern neighborhoods the department believes the height and bulk distinction from 40 to o s was a mistake the project sponsor has requested it be changed and the department is recommending it be changed to 40 x that of those the height zoning and with the proximity of park next door and the department has several letters if the public and those letters were constituent in your packet and one additional letter is here if you want to review it there was a letter if the rec and Park Department included in your packet discussing the concerns over any future development on the site that concludes my report. Thank you au. Okay opening up for Public Comment calling names . Is that who you were calling hi, im a 20 plus residents of district 9 a gardener and i know youve received petitions and received the letters not a large number of us were able to be here but a large number of people that are verified if this from the artist colony under threat by this the this colony and garden spice collectively used to be known as the farm ive been in the space 71 and from august in the city and one of the oldest artist communities in the city the commissioner that is not here spoke earlier about the importance of preserving the citys last legacy in the changes in the city and this colony is a huge example of the legacys the culture is changing and those are the kind of spaces we need to preserve and the garden is right into the property is south of the garden we are in the northerly atmosphere without the sun we cant grow if those highrises go through no more dwarnd it is the Second Community garden in the city and many people have been gardening for that 20 or 30 years imgone no point ii go through nor my Cancer Treatment and it is more importantly for me a huge part of my life people bring their children down and teach them of growing plants and things you have good access to in the city i have a neighbor that do not to st. Anthonys it is tremendously important thing you know to raise this hyatt you can build taller buildings all over the citys this this is not an appropriate place for be happening and reiterate from the garden from the community at large like there are a few of us but we are he representing a large opposition to this and yeah thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is carina Community Gardener at the place gardens borders the property site ordinance change id like to just talk about the sites because of the 55 x space in the nation and my objection is on the id like to support of x 40 and refer the commissioners to a presentation to each of you by the garden cooperated and a hard and soft copy if you wanted a reminder and in support of garden a few points to make in relation to the garden and how is it can be threatened by its borders and this is not a correction of and zoning error but from the Planning Department recommended 40 x height and as discussed the Community Garden is an important resource and affordable resource for their families and friends there are currently 40 plus in the gardens but one and 16 active members that relevancy a large ethic diversity and large age exist and an equal stunt for people to come together and garden this is for fresh food and the ideas it promotes healthy eel and respect the environmentalist s and this would take a whole afternoon to impart of the significance to everyone and a part of rec and Park Department award from the unique garden an important city and one of the 17 natural award wishes and in the shadow from 149 two or three he 7 on the edge of the gashd it effects a nuke of property and predicted the building will increase in size this will only get worse and you know gardens such as there are important for zones and particularly at the edge of the freeway and around you know it is important in that respect and if you look at a number of areas around where the garden is not having a garner are fishgsz so the summer in the current height will negatively effect the garden and i appeal to the commissioners to reject the proposal thank you very much. Okay is there any additional Public Comment . Good afternoon commissioner and jim im the representative of the project sponsor and just want to say we support the staffs recommendations to go to a 40 feet height not suggesting to a 55 height we agree with the gentleman that is a the 40foot height is appropriate in the ooermentz plan and studied in the eir a building on the prophet a 2 Story Building that building if a twoStory Building casts a shadow with the building that occupies the property is he we deep respect the shadows on the garden but want to make sure that the commission thinks there is a building at the property a twoStory Building not a project proposed but anything in the future has to go through the showed and garden were really here it was offered to sell the property to rec and park and at the declined is an interest in the property to go to rec and park but were asking for the zoning to be cleaned you and happy to follow staffs recommendation here for questions thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is ivy a 20year residents of San Francisco and a 10year gardener and i have an artist space in the property in question like any friend mentioned earlier this proposal to increase the height limit will threaten the garden as far as the shadows that will be cast by increasing that height limit on proposed construction and it is an Incredible Community asset as both the past speakers mentioned i know that people have lived and worked in this Community Space foreclose to 30 years so in the face of what were experience in San Francisco now with the basic massive change to the landscape of the city this is an Important Institution and remember now just about casting a shadow on the garden but talking about the displacement in the art colony that is located at this space and a question that i dont know what the Environmental Impact statement but this is a flood zone and capping if we were to lose the Community Garden space we have be to cafeteria not to cap let you the space especially in this year area we want to commend advocate for the garden and thank you for your time. Is there any additional Public Comment . Okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Thank you to the public and to mr. Starr for taking this on with a thoughtful consideration of what is going on i appreciate the representative of the appellant b. C. Being a proactive stand in the garden and looking with big eyes at director rahaim we do need open space an urban gardens are more than anybody can spell out and perhaps talk with the president of rec and park or whatever i make a motion we approve with modifications as proposed by staff second. Commissioner hillis. Just a question for staff on ththis because it is odd we see a parcel zoned open space so before eastern neighborhoods what was the zoning. Mci light and industrial. It had a height. 40 x. So thats what the height was i agree with the motion to the folks that testified everybody makes valid points they have is parcels that are zoned to open space and generally, we look to the future development to shape the development knowing there are several to be developed knowing there is open space and taken projects and modified them to minimize the impacts to open space just abag because is it so zoned 40 not the entire lot will be 40 analytical a project being built there are other processes this needs to go through im supportive standardized adjacent to a large site 40 x. Okay. I think thats all jonas okay. Very good. Commissioners that places us on item 14 and i apologize. Theres a motion thats been there is a motion that has been seconded to adapt a recommendation with modifications commissioner hillis commissioner johnson. Commissioner moore. Commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and commissioners now that places us on item 14 Student Housing exemption inclusionary housing requirements a planning Code Amendments. Good afternoon. Im criticism i cant and filling in for any colleague the item before you is. Enough people. Sponsored by supervisor wiener regarding Student Housing requirement this planning Code Amendment will reduce the master lease time requirements if 5 years to 2 years. Today ill be recommending approval for this legislation and my colleague will be joining us to make a comment currently the mandates the secondary institutions are a conceptual agreement with a 5year term the ordinance reduces from 5 years to 2 years and the costs associated with the elementary lease with the educational institutions dont have the ability to Something Like that a long term lease and reduces the Financial Burdens on the education San Francisco Public Utilities commission it allows for an institution to see how the building is run and not tender theyre built to develop their own housing and given that the city is facing a storage of Student Housing this ordinance can encourage production of more Student Housing lastly id like to note that currently Code Enforcement cowboys have exempt if the inclusionary requirements upon exclusion of lease term in the owner choose to convert to Student Housing or Group Housing the proposed legislation mincedaintains this position that concludes my presentation. And we ask you recommend approval the proposed ordinance and the drafted resolution im available to answer any questions and Sophie Hayward is here if the Mayors Office. Sorry to i had to run upstairs but good afternoon, commissioners and common sense im power from supervisor wiener first of all, thank you to Monique Mohan for drafting the report as staff report highlights there are short summary on the order off 40 thousand student beds those 40 thousand students extradite so for the housing a few years ago the supervisor wiener asked for more Student Housing at the same time the general population housing is not permitted Student Housing is generally exempt from the inclusionary requirements is longer the Student Housing remains Student Housing and if the entitlements later decided to convert that at that point the project will cover youll see inclusionary requirements plus interests and this is no way changes this is provided in two ways would be where the educational students build their own housing or another where one of more come together and master lease the building that is built by a third party in the latter six we ask for the lease be a minimum of 5 years and as the staffer report pointed out those 5 years with significant barrier for educational institutions for a variety of reasons the recommendation changes the minimum lease duration from 5 years to 2 and as suggested but be various institutions and lulled committee in the year. It is important i was going to reiterate the point that raised by some out outside of this building didnt alter the requirements and lease 2 years the legislation will require a master lease end and become giving up and due plus interest when we came up with the 5 years we had the decision originally no magic to that on this came up from 5 as weve learned people are building and using Student Housing building that is a barrier for the education of the program so lastly i want to thank California College of the art and the Golden Gate University and the park and the theatre and the Conservatory Museum and manufacturing and the California Institute of studies this is in your packet sorry i ran from upstairs. Okay opening it up for Public Comment doctor peter m calling names hello commissioners aim peters dr. A research we represent the city and county of San Francisco employees but supporting this policy amendment we also have brotherhood supported inclusionary housing in San Francisco for some time im here to call your attention as a new policy to amend the policy section after reading an article on the policy amendment it calling your attention that the California College is modifying the language if inclusionary and secondary education institutions wed like to point out that cca is exempt i have a master plan from april 2015, however, it was submitted and not required for the cca Student Housing projects prior to the start of this Academic Year and the planning code didnt require them to have the requirements for imp but having a volunteery update on this year and the letter was submitted to the Planning Department the reason theyre exempt the Planning Department for all those years even until the moment in our eyes has determined that cca is not a post secondary school and exempt if the imp rules how are you theyre arguing for an exemption theyve take advantage of from the section so it is like cca is tunney advantage from the rules and exemptions from the inclusionary housing and they need us to hold cca to the rules to move forward fast with less public scrutiny and i submit the various documents on this issue thank you for your time. Im waiting for the clock to reset. Ill just im nationally 0 green here on behalf of of the 1021 we represent the cca i want to elaborate this should be of concern we support what peter cohen was saying earlier that the new addition to be enforceable and if someone is not complying with the code and taking advantage of the planning code bans theyre a Vocational School a concern out of the capacity and for cca not a secret im about to reveal theyll close their school and it is in their report to the board of trustees and Public Information but didnt appear as a document that cc as has with the board of supervisors and not in the documents theyve submitted for all the projects in the San Francisco campus and presuming others impacts that will come up in the purview of the campus explosioncondemnation we believe the process should be fully trans period of time and glad theyre supporting some projects on Market Street and good not a substitute for the city code thank you au. Good afternoon. Commissioners my name is j p watching and work for one of the largest Student Housing in the area most recent project on 9 and mission both of osthose are for 5 years and since that project has been a lot of schools interested in housing i believe director rahaim you visited our school and what we founds a lot of positive interest amongst all students organizations in the city and they would love to sign leases with us and but they cant until after 5 years weve heard this is too much physiquely and you know the time period so weve heard under not only weve heard skills that signed the letter but a lot of folks want if interest is a shorter lease term once we have those we can start new construction in the city since were here we very much support the term from 5 years to 2 and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you au. Sue hester i believe you can solve all the problems day or give some direction that helps to resolve them i dont object to the lease to this change but the Planning Department has a big mess on Student Housing the big mess is complicate by the robert who was Zoning Administrator cac and that can be resolved you have a requirement to fill a master plan and the imp should have disclosure of this college being closed and open and you have information that is very good summary in your packet the housing gets built at least and you have the letter if 9 institutions saying help build housing i know the huge expectation that is on the list the second largest institution didnt sign the letter and they run four Profit Housing not owned by institutions but owned by private investors and about to hit you in 2 weeks i suggest that the Planning Department seriously look at the Student Housing issue for hearing 2 weeks from today you have 7 pardon me Residential Hotels 5 Residential Hotels and two other housing before you in 2 weeks in the academy of art the academy of art owns zero housing for Profit Institution doesnt own its own housing the it is controlled for by Profit Institutions so there are 4 prove leases you have to insist on role good information we have an institution that has a 20year exemption from thats a really nonprofit Arts Institution and we have a renegade for property that is mushroomed into the city. You should resolve things i dont have any objection to this protective being approved but the Planning Department has to shape up you have ais an outlined imp ruling from forming Zoning Administrator theres a theres way outofdate it can be corrected administratively and hey cac has to foil an institution and correct it thank you au. Okay. Is there additional 9 yes. Good afternoon. Im paul wormer pr i do want to endorse this proposal legislation i think that is very important that academic sdpugsz u institutions be a vocational or otherwise bring in students from out of town do provide adequate and appropriate Student Housing in particular should be strongly discouraged if taking over Residential Properties and creating Student Housing on properties that can be singlefamily homes or otherwise available to the rental market thank you. Okay is there any additional Public Comment . Okay Public Comment is closed. Exposure. Director rahaim to my recollection not aware of the past ruling what can when i seen the cacs institutional master plan i comments on it being the more thorough plans and if indeed something that needs to be corrected lets bring cac who are in need of a responsible institution into the folds that whatever it linking if the past can be corrected i have a hard time accepting is comments made by the public in the absent ive witnessed for the last 10 years the institution is responsible and doing project which were done ahead and when people were not thinking of building pdr and joint have you ever seen with sfmade, etc. If you could help you in commenting that would be helpful im in supportive of this legislation i had a couple of questions about the, 2year reduction timeframe and raise questions of pintspenalties we dont have a at the Monitoring System that gets to thing that are caused when things have happened and their difficult to rectify i have to make that has a comment we are not deciding on this particular legislation but i hope the board will be able to put additional teeth teeth into this so that indeed the intent of what were trying to support will be executed to the letter of the words were approving thank you. Commissioner hillis. Director rahaim. Actually, i was not aware of that ruling pardon me from sometime ago in the west from the previous Zoning Administrator basically says that cac is a Vocational School not a post school and not to submit a Municipal Transportation Agency plan but two things theyve done so voluntarily in the same manner, and, secondly, if they move their operations or practices from oakland theyll be technically required to submit a plan well get more information but thats my understanding and we have an imp on file from cac like point other institution. Thank you sniffles commissioner bobby wilson. Weve heard a bunch of issues from imps and grappled how theyve worked so well have that discussion eventually and agree with the xhrmths you you know cac kind of seems like an constitution that should file an imp and they didnt file an update with changes because what weve seen as cac being a pretty good artistctor and taking steps to rebuild and looking at steps from projects that are done and contemplated their cac relatively small or moderate sized institutions in the landscape out there providing for housing for the students i think is great so anything we can do to encourage for institutions to build housing it is stripping they didnt do it in 5 years but theres no harm and should encourage the change to happen as far as the enforcements we should make sure that the students in the projects should be relatively simple to enforce given the Student Housing projects being built i encourage this and recommend approval. Commissioner Vice President richards. Im very supportive of need for Student Housing and taking things out of the way for two questions that come up that struck me as i read this unfortunately, if they lease were not to be renutd the housing became general Public Comment housing what requirement in the percentage or fees are applicable the time the leases started or evident and ms. Hayward a question for you, too. So tail be subject to the inclusionary requirements not exactly sure the time so like no 25 percent requirements we have to report to the feds if we recommend if something happens in the future with the percentage when a which one will apply. It will happen when it no longer is used as Student Housing but at that moment in time. A question for ms. Hayward we heard someone speak and the mortars enforcement is only good as the integrity of the process hidden it can you tell us what that process looks like i saw what was written how would you talk about that. So remind the housing and development mohcd is about responsible for the monitoring i want to make sure there a clear line. Code enforcement with planning. Right. And the Housing Units on an annual basis just the reverse if a project were to convert to i assume marketrate housing or any nonStudent Housing theyll have to report on a monitoring form and theyll initiate the enforcement procure or the fee collection procure and owe the inclusionary fee plus interest and still disclose theyll initiate because there the violation a. We trusting the institutions to see this is no longer the Property Owner is no longer as we do with many cases i mean at the time of approval all Student Housing their notices of special restrictions and their condition of approval calls out any changes regardless of Student Housing requires the floifks ill say curable two projects subject to this monitors if not we certainly will scale as appropriated it will be great do have other institutions to provide Student Housing from 5 years to 2 years doesnt impact our nutrition saw so you still go out and locate the institutions or call and say the Student Housing lease is up. Ill be honest we have two right now is it so easy to pick up but technically if it were a larger portfolio theyll say 0 cotton us and i hope we can be active with it im supportive of this i think that is a good idea. Commissioner johnson. A quick question to understand this this is for if theres a building; right . And then a post secondary institution wants to use that housing tail sign a lease that says there are conditions that says this is for Student Housing and convert to other status. Hold it i dont want to go into the mr. Larkin world but one point of clarification Student Housing has to start as Student Housing not convert from another form of ourselves to Student Housing. Thats a thought all right. So my question is around the 2year t so thank you for clarifying that i thought wait a second i thought it Student Housing where does that number come if if youre a post secondary institution and your part of the Growth Strategy having 5year master plans and pay those costs while you developing the Student Housing so what we know in San Francisco sometimes things take a awhile whats the rational i agree with it but want to know what were recommending. That will be a question to ask the institutions theyll testified at the Land Use Committee for particularly for the mid to smaller institutions that will let you know what their cash situations will be that is challenging for them and having a shorter tomorrow that will be giving them more flexibility as what will happen ill point out for example the master lease for a building Student Housing institution a at the end of the lease term institution b can come in and not like after 2 years theyll have to sequester to Student Housing but basically, the ability to basically plan and have money available to lock up the 5year lease. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner moore. Id like to make a comment that goes back to an exercise month universities and institutions have students stay at the Student Housing for the predicament lengths off their times of studies i want to see as to whether or not this is a tool by which Student Housing what is intend do be gets turned over to an appropriate average study that a student spends the monitoring element as ms. Hayward between the institutions and the housing felt that housing remains available to upcoming students rather than students that choose to study as at least has the benefits of staying in housing for students that are active in studies i think also see that institutions would you mind coming up participate in the monitoring so ultimately the proof of enrollment this creates a timeframe for students have to move on or get out of there would you comment on that. Sophie hayward from the Mayors Office of housing ill point out the lease is with the post secondary institution and not the individual students so it was the onerous is on the school to assure that students are active enrolled not providing housing for people not students thats part of monitoring. We need to find someone that is able to spell it outs to a level we feel the report were giving to the legislation on the other hand, has an objection to operate and whyd conceiving concluding the studies to move on i appreciate that gets brought forward as this moves on 0 the board of supervisors ultimately create the teeth this is legislation needs to have thank you. Thank you. Commissioners, if theres nothing further, well move on to there is a motion that has been seconded to adopt the recommendation for approval sxhiflz commissioner johnson. Commissioner moore. And all appreciate that some of the commissioners comments could be added and forward to the board. Thank you. Commissioner Vice President richards. And commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. Okay jonas the commission will take a break be back in approximately 245id commissioners would left off on the regular calendar. December 2015 009 815. [reading ordinance] good afternoon commissioners. David sanchez with Planning Department staff. Presenting a ordinance initiated june 26 and it goes into man the planning code officer parking code and control. This is chief objective to update these controls to conform to the changes enacted by phase 1 of the planning code with organization project. This project began in 2014 to make the planning code easier to use and resulted in changes to about 30 of the planning code. The propose updating of aussie parking phase is about the best example of running the code from the changes from the organization project. These tables are used to determine parking requirements based on user activity. These tables are currently out of date and when his references that are not found in articles 1 and two. This audio cd discretion. The ordinance also proposes clerical and typographical corrections. These include directing proper essences and the like. Commissioners, this forms the bulk of the changes proposed in the ordinance. However, lastly the ordinance does propose certain minors of two southern changes to the today. These are better to align these fiddles with the cities transit first policy as well as with the general direction the cities are controls taken in recent years. One example would be the bolstering of conditional use findings for requests for parking above recently permitted [inaudible] besides require their quest to demonstrate additional parking does not unnecessarily burden pedestrian or bicycle travel as a result of poorly designed parking facilities. I like to take a moment and provide you with a copy of the signed ordinance. The copy in your packets is not signed by the attorney City Attorney, as a matter of procedure have to provide this to you. That concludes my presentation. Well before that my recommendation is to adopt the ordiances propose. I conclude my presentation im available for questions. Thank you. Thank you. Im open up to Public Comment. Not seen any, Public Comment is closed. Perhaps commissioner stuart mr. Hillis i moved to recommend approval moved and seconded. Get commissioners on emotion than to adopt recommendation for approval, commissioner hillis aye johns and aye moore aye fung aye so moved that motion passes unanimously 40. Commissioners the places also on item items 16 a what about cases 2014 [reading ordinance]. Good afternoon commissioners. By the Planning Department staff. The project before you is about the project authorization and office devoted authorization located at 63 fulton st. Under the downtown project authorization budget request exceptions perception 148, when current section 152. 1 aussie loading requirements of section 270 and 272 would exceed the limitations within 200 identical district. Under the office bauman authorize the project requires authorization of up to 89,000 nine and 79 ft. 2 of office from the annual limit of Office Development. The propose project is located on southeast corner of the intersection of wholesome and hawthorne street within downtown commercial support Zoning District. The 200 height and bulk this. The site is also located within downtown plan area and the filipino Cultural Heritage district. The site is occupied by sevenstory one 74,693 ft. 2 Office Building that contains 1100 ft. 2 the ground floor retail. The project will construct fourstory 92,002 and 44 ft. 2 addition to the existing build. In addition the proposal would read glad the existing facade with eight new metal and glass curtain system we can think of the ground floor to move and expand retail space at construct a new corner lobby entrance. The result will be an 11 story 160 foot Tall Building with two innercity 4000 six or seven to square free of office space and 5000 ft. 2 of ground floor retail space. The department has received correspondence in opposition to the project from both individual residents and Homeowners Associations with two buildings located immediately adjacent 631. Street and 77 dow place. The letter success concerns related to loss of light and air as well as impacts related to construction and increased traffic. It is staffs attention was not a sufficient shadow analysis at the plaza located at 601 fulsome st. In response steps that request a supplemental shadow analysis memo 461 fulsome st. That is revise the finding way to section 147 shading on public open spaces to include an analysis of this open space. And you have been provided with a copy of that. Should the project be approved, commotion would reflect the revision. Points of clarification and a couple of errors in the executive summary. The staff report the addition diagonal to his 190 feet. To clarify, the maximum permitted diagonal is when 90 feet and edition will have a diagonal dimension of 242 feet. Additionally, the Office Allocation is not to 89,000 square feet. Also, the batteries for the central [inaudible] were easily changed and project is no longer within the propose central limit area plan. At the time, the packet was published that had not been addressed yet. After analyzing all aspects of the project, Department Staff recommends approval with conditions. Specifically, aside from the aggressive exceptions budget complies with the applicable requirements the planning code. The project is consistent with the objectives and policies of the general plan including the downtown area plan. The project wouldve reoriented the ground floor to create retail along fulsome street thereby creating a more vibrant pedestrian realm. The project is in a Zoning District thats permits office use. The project will construct 89,900 ft. 2 of office that currently has office uses in this without committing a compact downtown core. The project represents an outpatient approximately 20. 3 of the largecap office space coming available for allocation. This concludes my presentation good im available for any questions. Project sponsor is present and has prepared a presentation. Beatniks thank you. Project sponsor, please. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is when a show with gansler. I will pull up this presentation. You might want to use the other microphone . Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity this afternoon to share this exciting project at 633 fulsome st. Today, i have with me. Weingarten gensler, john kaplan with William Julius and debra blair with swig company the owner of the site. When we came to this project there we gowould begin to this project a couple years ago we had some major project objectives we wanted to try to achieve. This unique opportunity here in 2018 where cmpc who currently occupies the building is fully vacating the project. The building needs major infrastructure upgrades, mechanical seismic and elevator and in this unique opportunity to provide all those upgrades to this existing building. We wanted to revitalize the project and make it more attractive to Current Office tenants within the market. So there was a lot of attention paid to making sure the asset provided that value. We alsoyou know, we are really trying to this a modest project and were really trying to aim high and achieve a high level of sustainability for the project will see some unique features in the facade and infrastructure upgrades for the project as well. The greatest of which is really wheezing and existing buildings and would try to maximize the use of the existing building at 603 fulsome st. In doing so, these projects upgrades we are trying to fit the community and the public realm along fulsome street and hawthorne street with major Pedestrian Movement [inaudible]. I think you are all aware of the site here at the corner of opera and fulsome. Its important to note, this is an important and changing Downtown District of San Francisco. Its got 5 min. Access to major Public Transit in the neighborhood and 10 min. Away from the and transbay terminer. Makes an ideal location for Office Tenants in the neighborhood. When coming to the existing building, its important to understand his acids and attributes. This way company could originally developed this company and 19 six and theyve had a longterm commitment as an owner to the neighborhood and to the quality of the district. You know, when looking at this building in 1968, it had it has its original claimant in terms of infrastructure and were looking to improve all of that. The building is an exterior concrete frame structure, so that creates unique challenges with dark recessed windows the performance of which are sort of substandard by todays highperformance envelope requirements. Create a dark resourcesorry, recessed entry portal along fulsome street. Theres retail that exist in that location in the facade is stepped back many feet that creates a dark recessed portal upon entry into the building. When we can to the project, we really look at how this one provide for the 90,000 ft. 2. Try to add to the building . At important to note we are not doing with a new ground of development that we are really trying to best utilize the asset of the existing building and first and foremost, is the core location is expanding the court to add new elevators required for the highrise. The clemens for the building. And in doing so we need to center the office floor plates of the addition around that mass of the court. In provide usable expands around that space for the Office Tenants. So when looking at a compliant sort of zoning massing, we centered thethat option run this quarter and its important to note that it doesnt fit well in terms of these is the building structure. That structure built in 1968 hazard limitations in terms the amount of load it can carry including the columns and foundations. So, it goes those restrictions drove us primarily to asking for this exception today. Using the assets we have the existing building is beneficial to distribute download in additional weight because of the more horizontally across the site. In doing so, we also are able to reduce the overall height of the building by reducing it to stories from six stories in a combined massing to four stories in the proposed massing. Thus, reducing the height of the building from 192 feet to 160 feet. So, while its the right thing to do with existing building we also think it provides less impact on the neighboring buildings and to size outside of that of providing the shadow impact and wind impact in this proposed massing. You can see here that the proposed massing that we have provides reasonable setbacks from two adjacent properties. Some of which if you look at the blue condo property, the new addition is at its least 45 feet in terms of separation. [inaudible] street itself is 50 feet wide. Were providing an nearly full story city state separation from the conduct of the north sea and 3610 towards the 77th doubt please property as well. Respecting the existing easement and access the link to the parking garage that exist in that location it we are also beginning the 15 foot setback thats required by the planning code against both of those properties as well. Not violating those. I think clubbing noted some of the key dimensions that the diagonal were requesting his 242 feet. And the building length on hawthorne is another exception we are looking for at 222 feet. Again, these both comply with a setbacks required and help us reduce the overall height and mass of the building. That mass at 160 feet high, we really feel fits well into the local urban context in soma. If you look at the netscape of buildings currently exist within the neighborhood, the 160 feet height is within that no one and in terms of building length and building with, this also number buildings in the neighborhood that have more if not equal building length and dimensions. When you look at the future landscape of the neighborhood, you can see significant mass even being put into this neighborhood five. 655 fulsome st. , 684 fulsome a major renovation, is a much bigger building profile and 95 hawthorne, which is directly across the street is proposed to be 320 feet tall. So when you take the futility of his neighbor this is really a modest addition to the existing building. If we start with that as the premise and amassing, but we really wanted to do was approach the project to unify the building. We did not want this to feel like two small buildings attached to each other or round ovation floated onto. We want to stitch together a building that at holistic perspective anesthetic. We started by connecting the new addition and a lower addition on hawthorne street. To create a more unified expression providing moments of relief or multi source expansion at the corners that also helps to minimize perception of mass on both primary facades. Here, you can see what that looks like in its final form. You will also note there are some nice solar elements we have on the building to bring down the building mass and scale which all go into in a minute. Weight we really used a pretty traditional motion intensive solar shading which is to reduce the amount of opening from the facade, but expanded that by providing some of three dimensionality to an architectural element that provides scale and mass. This allows itself, allows solar shading element to really provide more solar shading while allowing for increased transparency in the facade. It great something thats pretty dynamic for the neighborhood while achieving sustainability sustainability goals for the project. 32nd . You can see that modifies itself may see the building facade as it has a deeper dimension as required at the highest elevation of the building defines itself as it goes to the towards the ground. Lets solar shading is required. In terms of the ground floor, the providing a number of lumens on hawthorne street including new street trees and a significant sidewalk widening is part of the project. We are also repositioning the projects lobby towards the corner of hawthorne and fulsome good which we think is a great benefit to the project by removing the dark recess that occurs along that street frontage and by pulling the retail frontage out towards fulsome street to provide a more dynamic street facade. Thank you, sir your time is up with the commissioners may have additional questions. Europe hobbies of the diagram you presented . They are not in a packet. Do you have the height diagram involve the things you just showed us we can give you copies of that. I do not have printed copies of those good copies of those good s to the theater was organized opposite your opportunity to speak with being out of three speakers and you would have 10 min. My name is michael dunner on with hands and bridget and i represent the organized opposition to Homeowners Association San Francisco blue and Hawthorne Place. Im joined here today and if you could, rise by some very concerned homeowners as well as my colleague, melissa and him who we splitting time at the podium today. Given the time limits i will abbreviate my comments that i direct your attention to are very competent civil letter brief that was sent to the commission. This project is life with a number of very strange oddities. The developer wants to plunk down an oversize shear wall fourstory box on top of an existing sevenstory structure. The box does not architecturally correlate to the rest of the building. The existing sevenstory seven normal 10 foot slab to slab separation. But the new four stories are different. They have large windows and 16 foot slab to slab separations, giving rise to about and 1820 foot ceiling on the interior. This is odd because it artificially increases height without providing increased Square Footage. Now, one of the questions that we raised in our brief is whether or not that they are was propped coolly calculate. Theres a possibility that it was not. The project sponsor acknowledges that they are right up to the limit and therefore, an accurate count is fundamentally essential. Planning staff told us just yesterday, they were not entirely sure. By stuart because they had not gotten details of the basement, which may or may not even count toward the sar link. Thats not the only thing that was missing. We pointed out that there was a shadow study that was missing regarding public sidewalks and pogo in the neighborhood and suddenly, just an hour ago, a shadow study appeared. We have not had time to review that. Theres no traffic study regarding impact regarding the back easement and there is almost 16 foot penthouse that appears at the very top of the project, 16 feet, 3000 ft. 2, with two sets of double doors and one schematic with women. One needs to ask, why double doors, a window, 3000 ft. 2 and a 16 foot high penthouse needs to appear . Now, the developer is coming here today to ask you for a favor. Thats a sweet what it boils down to. It says, it wants april exception to have floor plates of 24,000 ft. 2 even though the code only allows 17. That is 28,000 ft. 2 more that its entitled to. It says command exchanges going to give you serious concessions, but lets look at what those are. It has a side setback againstoverhead, please. Aside setback against sf bloop that is required by code. They have to do it. There is another side notch facing fulsome street that they have to have in order to make their sar. Therefore, the only concession they get is a little postage stamp, 300 squarefoot notch in the back. Other than that, they are going full floor plates on the existing structure. I point out, by the way, without the exception, in red here, you will see what they would be allowed to build. Here. He went up an extra story, here. Because it would go from 17,000 ft. 2 to 12,000 ft. 2 given the height. In gray, is what they are proposing to do. The developer cannot build higher. This is something we just learned on the project architect. The reason that the developer cant do itwell, it can but it cost prohibitive given the weight. So, its not a concession to tell the homeowners, gosh, we could build higher but we gave you that one and were not doing that. The homeowners understand that they live in a dense urban environment but with a didnt bargain for was the fact that there will be Office Workers 3545 feet away from their bedroom windows, and that they would be shrouded in darkness all the time. Both Homeowners Associations. There was no wind study at elevation which is critical, especially given the fact that the building has operable windows. And there will be a virtual wind tunnel created at that height. We have several alternative solutions to this problem. Weve reached out to the project developer and weve heard silence in return. I now leave the remaining period of time to my colleague. Melissa [inaudible] hello my name is melissa bank from [sp . ] im also here representing sf blue and Hawthorne Place. I think really the key. Insufficient information to make an approval today. As michael mentioned, there are some details missing to be able to determine sar including both and house the basement and retail the entire 5000 ft. 2 has been eliminated from far even though theres certain types of retail that are restricted. The shadow studies only recently been provided. The window analysis has not been complete the Environmental Review was only provided at the end of last week. Theres many details missing in the application that are needed in order for the commission to make certain findings. Plus, theres also many conflicting figures. In the project sponsors materials. As far as for areas that are important to know what precisely is being built in what is being approved and if its appropriate. We are asking that if you do approved today that you consider that they are asking for some significant concessions, and getting little in return. But we would ask is that those exceptions be reduced get and set a 40 of a reduction in floor area, that we look at a different option of a smaller amount of exception provided. In addition, the slab to slab could be reduced we dont have 16 foot ceilings but 10 foot ceilings and then the project sponsor could get another floor in within that 160 feet. Thereby, getting to the maximum floor area that they can get with pdr which is what they are aiming for. We also asked to be certain conditions of approval placed on any approval which is that the will of the penthouse, and the setback not be used except for maintenance purposes. As michael mentioned, the 27 and squarefoot penthouse is concerning to the neighbors along with the setbacks and office parties would be a problem. The 5000 ft. 2 retail space should be restricted to those particular uses that are allowed to be excluded from far and also to exclude uses that would be seriously conflicting with the nextdoor neighbor retail or residential use. Such as latenight bar activity. We also asked whether the landscaping plan for the roof and the setbacks, so that they are treated appropriately and we listed certain construction conduction conditions in a brief is whether we think would be very helpful could we have a additional speaker. Matt calls. Money was matthew coulter, resident at 631 fulsome. I want to endorse everything in mr. Donners brief and just say on behalf of people who live in the building, we are worried about what life will be doing this construction project if it was approved. Mr. Donner suggests a number of ameliorative conditions, mute of steps that particular construction is going on. Im simply here to ask you on behalf of the People Living in the two buildings are thinking about life during the construction that when and if you approve this at any point, that you make those a mood of suggestions conditions come up upon approval. Thank you. Is there available for questions . Thank you very much. Will open up to Public Comment. [calling Public Comment cards] commissioners, ahmed thompson. I live in Hawthorne Place. Am happy to be here today i know as neighbors we will get heard today. Our attorneys summarize the issues it really well. We want to be Good Neighbors with the developer. Our major concern is that we losing our like an air to go into darkness. Hawthorne place is a residential condo building is 130 feet high. The edition goes up to 170 feet so it towers over us. There is hotel proposed. This is the proposed Office Building. 631 folsom. This is us, 77 dow plaisted hotels are going up right. [inaudible] is 200 feet high. So whats happening this building goes up to 170 feet we are really in the dark. So, [inaudible] not so pleasant. By purchasing transferable developing rights for sale in the marketplace of this buildings value will go up. But theyre asking for exceptions. So, what are we doing this. What is the lawyer same spirit in exchange we want some setbacks. They have not offered any. Our requestthat is us. This concrete this is a shot from our root. 77 dow plaisted this is 633 fulsome. Office building with. Thats the existing elevator and has. This is blue 631. You any setback as you can see the buildings are pretty close. This is not a photoshop. This is a true picture. So, by providing setbacks here on the roof, this opens up the back units of blue looking this way. So, it also provides some that we are asking for 25 setback here for Hawthorne Place in the setback the lawyer asked for the 60 foot back here. This opens up the units looking west. Also, it does on other thing. If you move this new addition back this way, it helps the shadowing that now exists on the public space on the second street. So, commissioners, theres no rush. His two years on the lease. So, i submit to this to your attention. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im ginai love with it as of blue 631 folsom. I endorse everything that mr. Donner has put together on our behalf. I just want to say one of the city planner said to me once you meet people opposed to building towers other people who live in towers. I just want to put a face on some of the people live in our tower. After seven years here at the blue were your 75 owner occupied. We are young professionals. We are retired professionals and ashley young families, two. We live and work and go to school in San Francisco. Our children have play dates with each other. We get together for barbecues. Just like any other San Francisco neighborhood. Each of our 114 household pays its share of San Francisco taxes. We are not asking for special consideration. Which is asking for equal consideration in regards to this project. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is nora hurley. I am also a resident of sf blue. I moved to the original owners whove been in 2009 and i to speak to some of the quality of life issues living in blue during this proposed construction and already a long fulsome street week spirits extreme Traffic Congestion from anywhere midafternoon to early evening. We would like to think its a fiveminute access to the bridge but i think anyone has ever done that commute you know youre sitting on fulsome street on a good day for maybe about 20 min. 40 min. From fulsome and hawthorne to any of the access areas. We are also concerned about access to our garage space on hawthorne during this construction. When you look at the size of the lot and how narrow the sidewalk and streets are around 633, it seems to be nearly impossible that theyre going to be able to carry off this construction without at times and perhaps long exciton blocking our access to our garage. As the retirees in blue by husband and i will be accessing the garage in and out during the day not just during 8 am where 6 pm commuter hours. So id like to thank you for allowing me to express my concern. Thanks. Good afternoon. My name is thomas maddy know that Hawthorne Place. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to be on record that as a resident, for five years at Hawthorne Place, i appreciate the work that our console is unterberg there you did i, too, encouraged the consideration of the appropriate setback for this particular building. In a unit facing directly into where this will be i have experienced floor renovation, but sometimes the renovations have gone until one in the morning and gone down in my pajamas to chat with people. Never a fun think about it very courteous and appropriate in those situations. So i ask that you consider what we might need to do to have the appropriate setback for this particular property and is filed. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. Im also a resident of ligand binding is margarita speak into the microphone, please im sorry im also a resident of blue and i strongly oppose the approval of the development of 633 fulsome in its current form. Im any concerns with regards to the condition of given limited time only going to address three of them. Bulk air quality and sunlight and ive spent an email to the Planning Commission with my concerns. Personally i believe that all assumption exception is unwanted. The close edition [inaudible] of the existing building already billed to the Property Line. If billed as proposed it would be a shiny presence on the street [inaudible] we dont need another [inaudible] please, require the developers to build [inaudible] im second on concern about the air quality in the. Fulsome is a very busy street. Theres a lot of traffic and it got worse in the last few years. In regard to properties cannot make it into the air pollutant exposure zone map was buildings that surround us as well as [inaudible] i mustve been very measuring high 2. 5 numbers in october and should approve the development of those likely to request that you require exhaust measures be put in place during the project construction the safety of future i also require, please, that the project sponsoring ventilation please request project sponsor installing a green roof in scott weiners legislation. Last but not least, the neighbor on concern about the proposed addition would produce in many cases limited access to the direct sunlight for many units in my building. Two thirds of value west directly into 633 fold with you most of light in the afternoon. This edition of 5176 feet from current 91 woodlock was about light. Privacy is also a huge concern as many as only [inaudible] 30 feet separate about. The downtown plan encourages Residential Development. As such of their responsibility to provide [inaudible] for those of us that have downtown homes. That includes access to air, like maintaining our privacy as well as protection from uncomfortable wins. Please require additional setbacks between two buildings as well as required [inaudible] 1020. I strongly urge you to deny the request perceptions and to required the addition [inaudible] downtown area plan. Thank you very much. Hi. I so live at 631. Should sorry i dont know the procedures. I said to all an email. Im the person keeps calculating those angles of elevation. I would not be here today if this plan was already going to fit. Wolves are rules. Our building designers would love to make a building 400 feet tall or whatever. I assume they were denied because thats what zoning and rules are for. I have no problem with them proposing will develop you im sorry about their foundation prompted zero building, i guess. But we are here because were going to go from yearround light, whining, both on the sixth floor was a person prohibited because the timing on the 10th floor. Then from yearround to 68 months out of your no direct sunlight. We are surrounded and are people who designed the building in 2007 were awake whenever they get it they had a fully built out at maximum far plan for this building. If there is no reason to have rules why would we not be taking this into account . Similarly, it seems that the strange trade. This can add 90,000 ft. 2 of office space when were awash in office space could is millions of square feet in the backlog and twitter just put one 80,000 back on the market out of that matters to you guys but to trade for me personally, of course the Vice President of the building is very much that we dont necessarily need 90,000 ft. 2 of extra office space and its not extra. So, personally, the trade of walking home to a nice light filled apartment, its a nice thing. But, i dont see why this demands exceptional circumstances. It is just a pile is two blocks on top of each other. I respect that you got more costly. I dont want them to have to do that, but rules are rules. Thank you. Sue has severe this case is absolutely not ready to move today. This is a downtown plan case. Ultimately. Because downtown plan [inaudible] came out of it. Theres all kinds of manipulations being done to make it not a new project because they get cheaper fees as well. Can they get more money from the entire we build. The lastminute documents are the environmental exception the topic study, the shadow study just updated today and the plans you have very little solid information that people have time to absorb. What i note when i read the traffic surveys was the only traffic analysis done from four6 pm. Anyone who thinks that 46 is a rushhour and second and. Needs to have her head examined were in the Planning Department. That is a bad time span for understanding what goes on on the bainbridge on the everyday monday through friday. Secondarily, the Residential Development was an impetus out of the downtown plan. Theyre trying to makes office space and housing and these people who i never met before today really have issues. The Planning Department doesnt know how to do the analysis. When you do all the documents at the last minute, you dont have a good thought process. The public can have a good thought process. The fact that youre asking for guidance and are not available from you have not had them in your packets should be [inaudible] to the Planning Commissioners. When i went throughnot only went through the downtown plan, but the eastern plan and western plan. There was a unanimity from the committee sat. That said there has to be a twoway bus down fulsome street. We are is that in the reality spewing that was in 20062007 when we are at the height of the eastern neighborhoods. There is no impetus to construct the muni line down there because the developers dont [inaudible] theres not a Pressure Group from this developer Suite Company which is pretty powerful, or anyone else. So, we dont have a good transit system. We dont have real information on andon help shadow effect of residents which [inaudible] and you have manipulation of the office of development allocation. No Office Development should go on a document that is being updated at the hearing. Which is your policy on exemptions. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore this is an interesting discussion. I think its really great to see a building trying to use adaptive reuse techniques to upgrade. Relative to 19 65 billion the question is how do you do it. I think that is where we immediately start to raise questions that those rules which determine how we build buildings and intensified court should really happen the first guided by those rules which are in place rather than trying to make the best use of assets of the existing building by asking for exceptions. That in itself is a serious contradiction particularly when Developers Like hines went on the street is 75 hawthorne, in the event of an entire Tall Building for queen performance with people being in the building and not asking for any exceptions or redo in order to make more money. In order to maintain the building is a class e were a performance for this kind of a nobrainer but i do not believe i can concur at the expense of the other issues which have intensified since 1965. I look on this particular case is what should drive our thinking is the policy of protecting housing and the ability of adjoining housing those people who are in the 90s built the building by which many residents spoke because they were at the frontier. So all of a sudden you come up and would protect assets were increase acids for you that you are asking for exceptions on those rules which i believe are absolutely important to observe when were talking about intensified within instrument and livability for those who arent so close to you. For me, i believe that the request for Additional Information within critical for more objectively what it is you are trying to do and there is indeed a large amount of information missing together with a set [inaudible] which gives a slightly more comrades of description of your project. I have many drawings here that are missing in my package together with information about the shadow study, a landscape plan, the purpose of your penthouse and a number of other things not last and least the shadow start. Im at this moment, and not inclined to look at this project in its current configuration and ask that there be more disclosure and further consideration for the rules recommend this project. Commissioner richards i will open this in the kind. In light of todays vision for the neighborhood replicating the state made in 1968, this year does not make any sense. I think thats what this project is. I agree with commissioner moore. People live in this neighborhood we talked about what wasnt so hot and now experiencing a bait and switch in your creating situation thats not liberal for the residents honestly i believe. I did in tokyo. I been in office those extra residential builds thats not pretty. You can look and see people are doing. Being that far away from people that jones is just completely not appropriate. Would love to of seen in the packet again and we got the standard was actually had to ask for it as youre on the screen was trying to follow and put it. The just so much this project takes so much and gives so little. So this project as his is absolutely unsupportable by me that he needs to come back in a vastly we configured scope. Commissioner johnson thank you very much. I actually is a perfect person who lives in arresting the building across a small street from a Office Building i understood where the residents are coming from. I think commissioner richards made that point. I just focus on a couple questions i have. In the staff report it sayslet me go back to her my note is. Thats granting the exception to the limit would not result in a building with a greater those floor area than what has been permitted if the book limits were met. So, how is that possible . Because this is not a 200 district so the building could be constructed of two 200 feet in height. With a smallerso its basically their trading off floor area. That would have been Higher Elevation that schedule, we heard the project sponsor made communicated it again, its hearsay so i cant say that for sure thats exactly what they said but they did not want to build taller because of the cost. Let me ask the project sponsor that question. The question for the company were thanks. John kaplan on behalf of the project sponsor. Or talk about this now because this is a decision made about two years ago the beginning of this process. When really putting the building configuration into its general shape we have today and as we tinker with it as it goes through the Design Development prospect was really kind of a to part question. One, in which we got an existing building with a large court and trying to fit a vertical addition within the scope limits without court makes for very poor floor plates so very small with a big huge chunk in the middle of it. So it was a combination of that alongside the fact that we knew we were adjacent to two residential buildings and at that height considering the fact we got the best 345 and 75 feet on one side and 75 feet on the other we thought of the more sensitive not to go higher with the height but rather meeting with the existing setback is were included in the case of blue. It was theres a number of considerations that went into the original passing of this building and the decision to go wider rather than talk. Got it. Thank you. So, just a couple of things. That makes sense to me. I think that attitudes have not to say they shifted but they change over time on hype versus lock will when they talk about projects i did not surprise on the discussion you mention here. I think it sounds like there is some energy here to look at the Building Block design and sort of look at it a little bit more closely could just focus on my remaining concerned, which is this project is taking 20 of largecap remaining large cap allocation is that correct . Yes. 20 this about 500,000 ft. 2 right now. We got a 35 and october 20 of what is there now and october it will react with another eight 75,000 thats right. The project has been in the office for a couple years we know its in the queue right we have that table a couple months ago that i thought. I question is this more the staffwhere are we with that are upcoming discussion on the table and with our process around proposition m. But i think it was in may or june i saw the table with the largecap and smallcap office space project. It was my father was going to be some sort of followup in the fall to continue consider talking about like what policy we may or may not want to have about how to consider space i think we were figured we would bring that to you when the two things happened. One is when the new allocation comes in and when essential soma plant comes forward which obviously would authorize a lot of new office visit we want to have that conversation in the context of that and given the projects there. So yes we were to bring that to you rate this file were early next year. Okay. I would just say this but the project its a relatively small amount of space given the cap. Thats why we felt this was a 45000 squarefoot project and the movie and discussion. Because the actual allocation here is 90,000 ft. 2. I see. Okay. So, when i went into this i thought thats the coming out of the largecap allocation was more than that 8090,000 ft. 2. What i was going with this is i thought that special was happening involves essential soma definitely parties able to hearing about it in and proposition m i thought we would have a hearing about that. Where i was going to know about is not in the essential soma plan areas by why should not be part of the same discussion of or talk about 20 of becoming allocation . Is only can the i guess because of the size of the project and because we have 500,000 ft. 2. We went back big a concern about this particular allocation just in terms of that issue of the allocation. Okay. I would like to hear from other commission should i could be supportive of a continuance on this but i will say that personally, im not hearing the direction that we be giving the project sponsor just yet in a little bit lost on it as well could only other commissioners have some better ideas will try to come up with some myself commissioner hillis six could i ask the architect of couple questions if you would come up to the microphone . I think we have some handout i believe from the representative of the Homeowners Association these are not yours . Correct but did you have a slide that shows what you can build without the bulk, because i think for me, getting more information on the bulk exception is come i think critical. I think with the issue im hearing is you are going to be with the bulk exception you are building is good to be closer to the folks in the adjacent buildings and set of higher. Its going to be closer but not as high. And trying to understand that, i think would be helpful in where this would go. Sure. I have that up on the screen. See you can see them on the left side is the compliant massing that is the 160 foot building length and needs is a little less of 190 foot diagonal. Its less than the allowable Square Footage for florida as well. Pardon me. You can see that to get the roughly 90,000 ft. 2 of additional building area we are seeking difficult to sick stories to meet that. So the impact is roughly 30 feet higher in the compliant massing to the neighboring buildings and as john had mentioned, when we look at this analysis initially on the project we got be more sensitive to the neighborhood we stayed low with the building. So, we got a four stories in the proposed massing and that generates to get to the 90,000 ft. 2 it generates a sort of request for the exception exception for building mass. Right. On this, nonbulk exception version, at the closest point to the neighboring buildings on fulsome, how far are you away . Under your proposal, the still maintains a 15 set for that. The distance between the fulsome Street Condominium is the same. The tween both the proposed massing and the compliant massing at the differences theres a setback on fulsome st. , hawthorne street of 12 feet and that so the floor plate is centered around the core but we dont want to have happened is an offset of that floor plan run the core thats existing. Because then youve got speed wingspans that are unusable of 1215 feet. So weve center that up and by doing so were making interesting separation but going higher. How far off are you on hawthorne, for instance . I get lets discuss this without the limitations of the court because i think thats driving some of this but if you didnt get in center that and put it closer to hawthorne and fulsome, how much Additional Space do you get on the as a blue side dispute thats a 48 foot that that were sewing this dimension to give you a sense of scale. So from the existing current edge of existing building to the compliant massing it have an additional 40 feet. Is that yes. It sounds like were going tothis is going to be continued but i think that would be helpful. The proponents of attorneys provided some diagrams and kind of a compromise position with the massing could be under code compliance. You know in showing some additional separation between your proposed addition and sf blue. As well as 77 Hawthorne Place that i think it would be good to understand more and what it could compliant project gets you and how much additional separation that gets so we can better evaluate the tradeoff between height and building separation yet because, i think some people at as a blue may be happy if you end up going farther away but higher but it may bring a couple of additional neighbors wornout upon upper floors who are going to have spear [inaudible] albeit fatherly decision also, it would be hopeful for me to know it seems like the 77 doubt pl. Windows are somewhat secondary. They are on kind of a facade of the building but clearly is not the primary facade but i have some understanding of what is well is kind of the closest portion of the sf blue yukon of get that same concrete structure in the smaller windows there. So having some understanding of what is behind. Im sure theres floor plans at as a blue and 77 doubt pl. That we can understand. But even there, his position kind of alluded to that because they push more of the massing toward 77 doubt than as simply because i think those are secondary windows. Can i make a suggestion zero this point in the conversation . We honestly understand were hearing out of the about project approval, continuance right now. I met with a design that works. Were in a little bit of a difficult position because we can come back here the taller building next time but a shrunk building because were basically restarting environmentally. I was a restarted with a threerun number of the studies scope them have been reviewed by staff. Weve heard before that its an awkward point in the process for the commission to hear the first time because were at the finish line having done all the studies over two years. And now youre seeing it for the first time and i recognize the awkward position that puts you in. They put us in an awkward position, to because weve done all the background on a. I fear just continuing this and coming back without being able to come back with something that he would even be allowed to support because we dont have Environmental Review covered. I just want to put out there, i know we just got through this process. On another project over the summer where we took more intensive look at this. I think the project sponsor may be a bit hesitant to go to all of the environment overview necessary for another design we dont know that we actually have buyin from the community were from the commission. So i would just ask the Commission Consider that and think through what might be useful process hereto get us to the finish line so that were not running in circles in. Doesnt necessarily have to be additional. I think the folks neighboring condo owners put forth a proposal that was somewhat in between. We are taking some additional setbacks in exchange but still seemingly beyond words allowed. He was so made an exception for that. So i dont know. I do want to tail wagging the that. We should come up with a project that works and that the approval process fall where it goes. But, i just think we need that understand can i get the concept. Youre asking for about exception greenock a girl out farther. Were just trying to understand what that impact is to neighbors in the tradeoff. Its hard to do that with the information we have in front of us. It would be useful to you from commissioners if simply, more setback building would be something that would be supportable . I would consider that the actual layout and how we make it with the court is that something you should explore. The diagrams we got albeit not from the architect but from the representative, showed a massing that could work that could compliant thats 10 feet away from the current massing on the sf blue side. Which starts to get you 54 feet from sf blue in the smallest plan that goes up as you get toward fulsome street. So, yes, i am open to any of those options. Commissioner moore i am actually interested in the train of thought that commissioner hillis just developed. The question that lingers with me is that i sense would get a feeling that the increase of 90 thousand square feet is the right you assume we have to grant. There is, indeed adaptive reuse. There is indeed building performance within the existing building. If i understood the neighbors correctly, by your increasing floor to floor height youre losing the ability to gain additional Square Footage that is what im interested in. I can fully understand that you are trying to find, to optimize the asset as a shell within you can use to certain kinds of things are starting to have problems is that you are, by increasing, starting to great problems, which fall into the particular mr. Cabin is very sensitive to that the policies about protecting and maintaining with ability of residential in that densified city. So, my question to you is, how can we both were creatively on floor to floor height, gave a certain amount of Square Footage in im not stuck were support that we point length support your 92,000 square feet but the opportunity to create creatively address staying within the required setback apartments and staying within the envelope gets finding a way to maximize the Square Footage. Those would be the objectives and i believe that commissioner hillis teed off the question by asking for additional creativity within the constraints that i think this commission feels quite unanimously and strongly about. That would be my interpretation of what he just said. Commissioner richards commissioner moore what would that look like . What you just said . Is a reexamination the existing building with the provision that it be reimagined for an effective use of a redesigned court were adjusted core with not necessarily increasing the ceiling heights but maximizing Available Office space within the volume could oh come back with some analysis on this could be given to various limitations. And discuss with the commission and the neighbors to understand what its going to how we would impact them. What would tempe do . What with 45 feet do you in the one picture was very telling as he looked out his window. I imagine what that must look like these big buildings looking right at him. We did that creatively on 91st st. And while there were minor changes [inaudible] make a more neighborly friendly building. Thats what we are looking for this to donna, giovanni comments on where were going with sp1 . This . [inaudible] can you talk into the microphone, please the overhead, if you might, please. I believe commissioner hillis as the architect for some information on what it might look like if there was no exception, which, by the weight was plantings, ppas response comments. They do not want that. That sort of went right over. This document, which are believe weve given you a copy of, provides you with a schematic showing what it would look like if there was no exception. You can see that there is a considerable setback and this particular box here would be the additional floor that would be treated, of course, a smaller Square Footage. Commissioner moore put her finger right on it. Which was the fundamental question why do need 20 foot ceilings on the fourth floor additions. Why do you need a 16 foot slab to slab separation, which doesnt really do anything for you. In other words, if you brought it up to standard 10 foot slab to slab, you get yourself another floor. Ive never heard of a developer who voluntarily waives the right to make money with an extra floor just because he wanted larger ceilings. So that is one item that we can address through this process in order to reduce the height. Figure director rahaim on clarify one hearing. First, i dont believe the ceiling height of 20 feet. Could somebody clarify with us tonight are by latency is not as much lower than any other office. Office buildings are typically 1214 feet in ceiling height with you clear fight with the suicides are spewing bedecked with 16 foot floor to floor will sit still easy between 1011 feet because will you speak louder . Fix was to ignite 1011 feet so your ceiling height this is for floor to floor deck to deck you were including structural slab steel structure, ducks and the lighting in the drop ceiling. Roughly 56 Foot Assembly you will end up with 1011 feet for too soon. With the current building . B dicks sorry i dont have that on the top of my head here. Thats fine. We believe it is 12 feet. Silly of ceiling height in the range of normal front office to get him into, just clarify, there was an issue raised by the mechanical word about the penthouse. Is the mechanical penthouse . Is a mechanical pen us. Its fully built to house the stairs of later and mechanical equipment then, what was my last question . I think the staff as we could be doing a pca letter we sent with the code requirements are and then theres a lot more detail could i mean, i think what it hear from the commissioners and just another point i want to make was simply that the existing building does notis not built to the maximum floor area and height permitted in the code. I mean we all know that i just want to confirm that for the record. Neither the commissioners say is fundamentally setback father from the two residential buildings. So the question that i would just put to the commissioners, that of your able to answer us today, would you consider additional height in order to allow for that . Because the building does not meet the current height limits. If we could see that trade. Sure. Sure what im hearing is a trainer. As mr. Kleven said what does that mean in terms of the environment to review and will have to have that discussion. None of us can answer that question sitting that here today. Okay. I want to be clear about that. Because the higher it might reopen some of the environmental studies. We just have to figure that out of move to continue the item indefinitely waiting for this to come out it really does mean a different environment to review how much time do you think stephanies . Staff needs no. Jonas helvey audit. Maybe the calendar will answer the question force the earliest they would be september 29. September 29 i dont think we can be ready by then, guys sorry. October 20, jonas . Are full through november but if you like to squeeze in on the 20th week certainly could. Thats mr. Weingartner to make comments im principle with gansler and oversee this project. I guess, i just want to make the comment is been a lot of description made about the project. Theres been some sketchers are. I think the validity of the sketches its hard to determine the right get we spent two years looking at all the complexities associate with putting in addition to putting the project altogether including four, seismic mechanical. Its not just a matter of the footprint of the addition. I think we all respect the wisdom and judgment of those present theres more to it than that. So, and i really appreciate commissioner johnsons request to be a little bit more definitive as you send this back to come with further refinement. Given our study, and believe me, we went into this one to be sensitive as we possibly could. Especially to the housing next door. Again we thought that going with a lower project would be better than building a taller project could be more sensitive to the building that exists now in the community. So, if we were to look at things like reducing some of the floor to floor height, maybe incrementally adding some additional setback but to a degree that is informed by our study of the project, would that be acceptable as refinement as opposed to going in with an entirely new project . I like to see alternatives. Not just a floor to ceiling height but different setbacks and what else can be done im just trying to narrow the scope i think the commissioners are saying my sense is they say more setback from the adjacent residential building are needed. Whether it needs to have no boat exception i dont think theyre necessarily saying that but i think they want to look at what the tradeoffs are. My sense and i can speak for the Environmental Review 70 we could avoid going higher you can probably avoid the opening departmental review. But that means fundamentally less Square Footage. The classic was 75 howard when they came up to us and said with a master exception. Heres what we are allowed to do initial 45 various different options was really really really clear to us even though we were renting them exceptions this was the better part. Thats not what im seeing here. But stuff up on the screen. I squinted to try to see with the project wasnt. Thats all i have to go on. If you want to pick up in my opinion just by one opinion 75 howard look what they submitted and see we helped us. Thats improving about one of the work on the design because we knew what we were tradeoffs were even though the design was complete. I understand. Thank you. So i moved to continue to the 20th jonas, what are you thinking your . There was a suggestion for october 20. Lets set it for the 20th. October 20. Motion to continue to october 20. Moved and seconded. Commissioner moore this building would occur on a vacant site. There be a different set of rules is that correct . No not the current of rules. I mean the addition of the downtown whirls rules woul start at the bottom of the top aye which govern downtown Office Buildings. In the absence of that, i can only see us take a modulated position on the building being designed to be completely compliant or explore alternatives by which it supposed to be added berries as it goes up. That might result in fewer Square Footage but i do not want to start this exercise would basically saying that 92,244 ft. 2 has to be delivered to this commission. I want to see better building and what the consequences of that are are not numerical but in the quality of [inaudible]. Commissioner hillis i mean it may not be very as he goes up. In maybe berries as it goes back. I think we want to respond to the adjacent Property Owners. You got a generous 75 foot setback in the front of the building but as sf blue steps towards that Service Alley you get closer. That may be okay in places whats in there as well as it doesnt seem like the impact is as much on gal on the dell place building because they seem like secondary but i think thats what we want to just understand more. If theres nothing further and commissioners theres a motion thats been seconded to continue this matter october 20 with the direction from the commission on a motion commissioner hillis aye jan johnson aye moore aye richards got follansbee i so moved that motion passes unanimously 50. Commissioners that places us on items 17 per case number 201500904c [reading ordinance] conditional use authorization. Pres. Fung members of the commission, and staff, todd kennedy the San Francisco Planning Department staff here to discuss this item in the item before you is a request for conditional water use authorization to correct a violation and legally establish a 3788 ft. 2 Real Estate Office located on the ground floor of the existing building. The use has been operating at the site since 2014 without the issuance of a conditional use authorization. Under the zoning code a conditional use authorization is required this used to operate at this location. A zoning violation case was opened in the project sponsor applied in response. The subject site is also under review for a Building Permit and variance to demolish and reconstruct the site into a new residential building. But that is separate from this case. To date the department has received six letters of support for this project, four of those letters received by staff after the staff report was turned in. That may provide you a copy of those. The Department Records disapproval of this request and believes the project is unnecessary and or undesirable for the following reasons. But it has been operating without a conditional use authorization since 2014 and brought to staffs attention by zoning violation. The use is not recognized as a neighborhood serving use in a form of the detail was proposed at this location 2011 per case number 2011 point 1. 0 4c but this approved by commission. The subject site is under review for the demolition reconstruction of a new project. That concludes my presentation it on here happy to answer questions you may have today. Project sponsor, please good afternoon the president fung on commission did Alexis Pelosi plessy on behalf of the Property Owner. As paul kennedy mentioned were seeking a conditional use authorization to utilize the existing busy service on the property that the is only temporary as the Property Owner donald [inaudible], San Francisco resident and vietnam veteran is completing for 14 unit building bottom of that entitlement is been in the works of two years. Originally hoped the new developments would be processed quickly by the unfortunate that is not been the case has now been two years since applications were first filed. Project has been heard by Zoning Administrator Building Permits have been submitted and were now anticipating final approval by the end of the year and so construction starts early next year. Because of how long its taken for the project to move forward don decided to rent the existing building activism significant vacancy graffiti and windows among the site. Because the pending development and shortterm nature of the lease were fugitives interested. As a result done budgeted to guitar real estate local firm and masons sublease space to five other small local businesses including two nonprofits. The time don entered tivoli seems unaware that tenant requires a conditional use authorization. Once was notified one was required he entered the process and we immediately began work with Planning Department staff to hear it. Initially with the entitlement for the new building would be granted immediately or imminently taking the violation moved but obviously that has not happened. Now unfortunately when this clear position of being. The violation to her about the entitlement to be completed and the issue of how we do that and the impact it has to the building at the tenets of the neighborhood. Is what is the forget planning is recommended denial of the spell of the client on to evict all five tenants including two nonprofits. We are recommending long without castro persons associated capital upper market cbd to see you be approved throughout the existing uses to continue until construction starts on the new project. Construction is likely to start in early 2017 and all the local Small Businesses on site including the nonprofits know this and date with her occupancy and planning the relocation efforts around it. If visio is not granted existing users need to vacate the space will sit empty for the next 56 month. Theres no way to get another tenant in the for construction of the new building stock. The term leases too short and you cannot attack we took tenant two years ago theres certainly no way hell attract one that it was were done with income sensibly waiting permit issuance and resolution of dr five. The jars scheduled to be heard before this body on november 10. The building is vacant very concerned out vandalism graffiti like crying vacancy, etc. Those issues putting vacant storefronts up and down marketing an exact reason why don entered into the lease with conservatives do we understand the need for active use aftermarket entity the existing businesses do cater to local residents they do generate some traffic and provide activity on site what these longterm use is been on the division of the upper market entity on a temporary basis such as what we are proposing they work. In closing we join the thank todd kennedy auto clinic is staffed all their hard work on this project. We been trying to resolve this issue with the violation for quite some time and we appreciate the time to work with them to try to get the other project approved so we do not have to come before you today see you but at this point we are in a position where we cannot have the variance issued under the violation is cured as were doing this dance try to figure out the bath past path. Grading the cu you help ensure the existing tenants which are local Small Businesses and nonprofits they in the building and the three corner is active in so to reduce crime and vagrancy and graffiti if you have any questions these let me know thank you. Open up to Public Comment. Good afternoon. My name is lori the stack in im Business Owner of guitar out real estate. Im here today to express to you trying to say in the state stay in the state composer they can clarify this up. In the community if i could just go over some notes of what we witnessed in the past. I originally purchased approach don in regards to occupying the space because ive seen the space empty for several years and the dilapidation and graffiti was all over the place. But as a small Business Owner i thought it might be a great opportunity for our company to start. She allowed us to occupy the plate space clean it up provide a service to the community. We provide not only seminars and educational seminars, but festivals and involve the community in regards to really providing a service to those that occupy the neighborhood and surrounding areas. Anyway, the daily task of being at 2201 market st. , theres a tremendous amount of Homeless Individuals that occupy almost a daily. We are constantly working with the Police Department and with surrounding merchants to keep them away from the premises with drug infested and graffiti going on constantly. We feel its the pros outweigh the negatives in regards to handling these types of situations and by having this business thats going thats ongoing in the community, and being there when certain things arrives prevents more detriment to the neighborhood. So, i hope youll consider this and if you have any questions or be happy to answer them. Thank you any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Open up to commission could i do a one question for staff. That is, is there such a thing as a temporary see you or see you that is this type of use forever as it might change. Commissioner president fong through you let me take a shot at that since ive been that with the city ive not heard of this, however, a temporary use authorization but i think with this my colleague should answer that question. Divine if so commission feels compelled to have a condition of such have a return for reevaluation. Okay. Is that amenable to the project sponsors okay. City attorney. Shes not sitting there. Youll have to city hall revoke the conditional use authorization so that will be essential be another you contact for reauthorization of review and revoke in a year times or 9 months. Whatever dates the attorneys. Clarity thank you. Were you able to hear that walked question. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. Sorry in the back of hearing room repeat. A authorizing temporary conditional use permitted or one that sunsets on a particular date and general were advised not youll need to say have another process to revoke the issue but you certainly could issue the continental with the condition it be reviewed and in a year or 2 years, 3 years maybe the project that is currently proposed not move forward. A year would be good. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner johnson. Thank you very much i understand the project sponsor theres a pickle you guys are in but ask a different question in terms of im not a little bit concerned about having the fees that are issued with the intent theyll be reviewed by a future commission intending the future commissioner commission low take another action to revoke or retract the fee in place for some amount of time im not sure im comfortable with that with the so my question is is that possible to revise the cu but delay the action for 6 months laughter i know it needs a variance i understand but i feel like that is easier than tying the hands of a future commission to go back and take commissioner that be would challenging because it is a conquest in the enforcement so for your first point you could certainly make a vblt that basically sends a message to the further commission if we approve this this is in place for a sincerity period of time and you can send that message to a future commission. Let me tell you what will happen 2 years from now, 1 year from now well, it is actually until there is a poimentd it will come back to us and then have someone in the public for whatever reason telling me us the discussion we had a year ago ive sxernd hearings the intent that a future commission will followup in the fortune and it didnt happen but if so it the easiest thats why i asked the question for january 2017 a scombhoer. It is ultimately the last name it issue there is a pending proposal for the sites by the project use for the current building and the current utilization of the site could, basically be superseded by a new application that is for housing that the ground floor use will not be able to be used as a States Office this is counter to the ideas of upper market ncd and having said that, there is a possibility to basically support the cu based on the current utilization of the site but not have the use basically automatically of the repeatable new building. New more tennis building. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. That approval will completely super hed what is on the sites my understanding the proposed project preps that may come before you in the future may depiction. Thats if im correct the use is to the side even if the site infinitives the ground floor use will be not with the new building. Divine clarify the project commissioners, on that motion before the commission. The project is not a conditional use it is actually a straight Building Permit it is the discretionary review file and variance will have to come before the commission. Im not even certain there is enough ground level commercial on the building there maybe residential im sorry i dont have that information but this use is essentially once this building is demolished and the new building. Can we get clarity. Project sponsor any clarity. Yes. To clarify empowering retail and weve think working with the d t n a 0 specifically breaking it up with one large space or a number of smaller spaces and it is a variance this is required for backyard or rear yard thats not been issued because of the enforcement action so the Building Permit at 312 went out and thats what is coming back before you. So does not come to the commission as a conditional use but well see it because of the dr. Im unclear about our ability to not have a Reality Office in the state that shows describing as intended to be dividendable and the Real Estate Office location will be highly inappropriate and it is retail use so if there were on those it needs an entirely new building. Deputy City Attorney mirena burns. Thats correct whatever entitlements for the prior construction okay. Commissioner Vice President richards. I move to approve unfortunately commissioner Vice President richards motion in front of you is for denial. The motion and a continuance to september 29th maybe not need that long. We could put this on the consent calendar so maybe september 22nd the 22 would be au commissioner johnson. Thank you so i appreciate the clarification it is my understanding theyre going to a Building Permit a cu saying Office Buildinguse is available and look at that and okay. You can put office use in the project and youll never see that. Right if we approve the cu and they vote for the project and now projects. Okay. So doesnt run with the land it runs with the building. Thats what im hearing in the in the building. But a below market rate building a fresh start reset. On the same land okay. Can we communitybased from the 15. Do you have i was suggesting the 22. Of september. September okay. That way the packets the staff has a week to prepare. That would be great. Thats my motion. Agreeable to the seconder. None seconded it. On that motion hi oh, laughter okay. I saw another name on that motion toto the motion of intent and continue to september 22nd consent calendar commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and commissioners item 18 was a variance Zoning Administrator was going to consider separately during recess, however, a noticing problem the parties have been notified commissioners that places you in our discretionary review calendar for grand avenue and if there is anyone that is interested in items 20 ab those matters are being continued this is the last item today. Good evening Planning Commission divine southwest team leader the the subject property is on brand view avenue the proposal is inclusive vertically to an existing residents that includes a basement level two roof decks on the top level without alterations with one thousand plus square feet to an existing 2000 plus square feet the subject property is located on the east side of grand avenue between marina in the rh2 Zoning District and two family Story Building occupies the property that slopes from the front to the rear with the rakers is abutting property facing into the street discretionary review is filed by a neighbor two residents north of the the subject property the residents rtd reviewed it and determined the proposal meets the standards of residential guidelines this proposal is appropriately scaled and the third floor addition is one story taller than the context and setback 15 feet and not alternatively the two scales consistent with the expansion at the rear is pulled feet from the side Property Line and the property is on a disregard sloping lot and the massing is shaped to respond to the size project it didnt contain or create anything that be exceptional or extraordinary and the Planning Department shouldnt take the discretionary review p i want to bring one issue to the commission attention demolition concerns were raised by another resident not the dr filer but they wish they could take discretionary review and to gaud against the possibility of demolition with the commission they feel this is an better option they can choose to do that and craft the department crafts it one to provide regular updates with the Planning Department via email for the broken state to the subject planner and any revisions to the application covering the calculations should be recorded to the planner and this is overthecounter that concludes my presentation. Dr requester you have a 5minute presentation. Hello my name is cynthia weaver i submitted the discretionary review application but it was on behalf of the neighborhood not just myself i live on grand view avenue live and own there and want to say before i get into the details i want to thank the commissioners for staying awake this paushgs. This is not late it is early. Thats what ive heard i thought it i was told it could go later thank you to the commissioner and the staff for their you assistance and coaching me and letting e let me know how to maneuver a lot of the neighborhoods go lined up behind me and pdsaid figure it out thank to everyone the problem as statistics the scale of the proposed development an grandview avenue im going to go through 3 it is out of scale with proportion to everything that is in the neighborhood. Implications of this is that because it is so significantly larger than other singlefamily homes that a couple of things happen. One is that the hillside had the mazed approached as opposed to a stairstep approach. The top floor has a visual design of the art deco style homes so this would be like a the last of the painted ladies in a row with the stories higher than the painted ladies. [timer dings] maam, maam your time is up but you do have a twominute rebuttal and the commissioners will ask you questions. You have five minutes. Is anyone here in support of the dr. Not you, but the general public . No, they no, theyare working. Let me start off with the mapping of the building. We feel this was appropriate with the staff report. This building, the front of it is existentially no different than the other buildings on the street including at the mapping of the front of the building. If you look at the photograph, it is no different than any of the other buildings. It has a step down. So it has a vertical plane when you are looking up at it. You have two adjacent neighbors as well as a neighbor in the back. They do not approach the project including the [inaudible]. Are other request was to make this a historical restore. This is the most commonly designed home in the city. There is nothing in particular that is historic about this building except for the design and the structure[inaudible] and this was attached to the case report and she agreed with the boards decision which i feel is correct. The size of the building is referred to as this building being very big and the existing building being lovable. Im aware the fact that the mission is concerned with the fact that this is in fact a minority to district. When design was introduced to the neighborhood it was a multiunit building. But, the neighborhood once a unit buildingin the home. If the Commission Wants to make this into a double unit building that is fine but currently it is a Single Family home at their request. And, i just asked the chew it in support of us. Thank you miss berkeley. Any supportfor the project sponsor . Good afternoon commissioners, in the interest of time it doesnt seem like there is a whole lot to talk about here. In the interest of time, the second unit would be a two bedroom one bath unit if the commission desired we could also set the front deck back 5 feet for additional privacy for people in the front if that was a concern. I have some interesting photos if you feel that view is an issue. I dont think that view is an issue but if you read the application, you could be an issue. We verify that our roofline is still below everybodys top floor from their top floor the views will be pure. Thank you. Thank you. Any Additional Support one part of the project sponsor . Okay, you have a twominute rebuttal. Two minutes. Thank you. Speak into the microphone please. Sorry, it is taller than i am. In the implication section of this the decision that you are making in this area does set a precedence and it will allow the second story to be available for the homes in the area if People Choose to do that. And, it would be more difficult for people to deny that Going Forward because they would already have an additional floor. Other considerations, just because the code says that you can build to a certain height does not mean you get approved for that certain height. We also want to consider the historic implications for the neighborhoods. If we make this change from an Affordable Neighborhood to a nonAffordable Neighborhood that will have lasting implications in that neighborhoods minds. One final statement is that your decision has major impact on the community and do not approve this just because you can approve this. Thank you very much and i will be open for any questions also. Thank you. Project sponsor, you have two minutes for a rebuttal. I just want to show than this photograph is also in the commissions and you will see that this is a prettydojo style home and this would be at the request now as her house. Thank you, this portion of the hearing is closed. Commissioner more. I appreciate the of people thinking about this project and i the think that the change in any building has particular implications in this particular case,i believe this project has done what it was designed to do. In an rh2 encouraged to increase units with an addition that is an extensive as this one. With the plan we would like to see a unit that is equitable to the project. Not just a basementunit. That is not acceptable we are not willing to entertain that. I think the idea is that while bringing up is the positive comment that i embrace that you said the front tier on the back floor and the front streets do not have tiers at the street side and taking into the architecture is a smart mode. I am in favor in support of the project and i would like to see what you are suggesting in types of units, and the style units and where it is. So youre suggesting dr . Correct. That would be the proper direction of the commissionright now. This is essentially what was presented originally to what the neighborhood. Can you pull the mic down really quick . There is a lot of feedback. This was what was presented to the commission initially and the commission wanted two units most certainly and the type of units that it lodges and what is presented we can most certainly instruct staff to come up with two units that what you would call a more equal and that is to say that we could have the ground floor be part of the second floor and then have two top floors. Similarly, the design of the step which the building is already set back and that is the kind of design we normally have any way. Can you go into detail what kind of units you will be using for the second units . Just a rough idea. Basically, if you look at the proportions, one of the bedrooms in the rear could be incorporated into[inaudible] so we can incorporate that into it. Can you give us like 1000 ft. 2 what were trying to avoid 900 ft. 2 and 1600 ft. 2. What we are presenting is 850 ft. 2. 850 ft. 2 . 850 ft. 2, yeah. I am just trying to give you a comparison of what it is which is a very standard twobedroom size. If we are talking about it would be more affordable than larger units. But if we are talking about and the commission would like to see than most certainly we can incorporate at least another let me comment that 800 ft. 2 is basically so minimal that i am not really comfortablewith sitting here without a drawing to look at the qualities of what we are getting. This is the reason that i was saying that we would be incorporating portions of the ground floor into it so become more like 1100 ft. 2 or 1200 ft. 2. So you are telling me that the new second unit would be larger than 900 ft. 2. That is correct. Okay. I hear you but i am a visual person. I like to see things. And, it will be in two floors. I am curiouswhat other commissioners have to say because i dont like to talk architecture and building plans withoutactually seeing them. Commissioner . I am in agreement i like the second unit. It does not trouble me in this case that the second unit is smaller than the first unit in the home. My mother has one and thats how we have her unit. This lays out and steps down to a hill which lays out something in the lower unit. A piece in the upper unit i think would be awkward here. I think you still have a fairly modest 850 ft. 2 above and 1200 ft. 2 home below. Kind of as far as diverse housing types go and if they work, i think this one works. Commissioner, one of these units would be providing a fourbedroom unit which is very hard to find in the city. I dont think that taking a unit from the first floor and adding it to the basement unit is not necessary. I am comfortable with what you have presented in a smaller you are right. I mean granted we have seen smaller singlefamily homes. We could move to take dr with the modification shown with a unit on the ground floor and stepping back that top deck in the front. Yeah, on the top. By 5 feet was it . Yeah. Commissioner . That was my motion second im good. Commissioner . Thank you that is something that the commissioner asked for in previous projects. I want to make things easy so i am in support of the motion but i would like to say that i would be in support of suspending the basement unit into the second floor. It looks like f you go above the proposed basement floor plan there is space in the proposed First Floor Plan and an extra room or bedroom or something. But, if we are okay with the unit as is, i will be okay with it as well. The only thing that i will ask is that oh nevermind, the back deck is only 700 ft. 2. Nevermind, i am good. If nothing further commissioners, there has been a motion and a second to approve this matter with this modification of adding an additional 5 feet and that second unit. With that we can take the roll. [roll call vote] so moved commissioners the motion passes 5 0. Commissioners that leaves us with general Public Comment and i have the general Public Comment speaker cards. Anyone for general Public Comment . . Not seeing any so the meeting is adjourned p. [gavel]. It seems like everyone in San Francisco is talking about housing San Francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone Million Dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the 207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher its more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in San Francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an alltime 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, its grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the citys history and its not only San Francisco it is greek the bay area has 2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403. 9 Million People unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing thats been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we dont pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents San Francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout San Francisco those plans developed by years of Community Planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and nonbuilt Affordability Housing that majority of housing in San Francisco as well as throughout the Country Market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1 3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is 70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than 7,150 to be affordable San Francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the Inclusive Program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you cant afford a million will home youre not alone in response San Francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now emails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the San Francisco Ethics Commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels were working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. Chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions were commented for Housing Needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway [gavel] good morning and welcome to a special meeting of the government audit and Oversight Committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. I am the ch

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