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Nearest to our home 23 we doesnt know of a place to go to school we learned two important considerations my wife is a writer and creative writing instructor im a freelance affirmative when golden bridges opportunity is pay as you can but a lifeline to our family it radical idea that allowed us to stay and raise my kids in San Francisco i want my kids to have a deep connection to the earth we want to get our kids in nature and golden bridges offers that and throughout the wild spaces of San Francisco thats also why the design of 2 story alleviates over the 2 percent of private land on increase a lot of education on the gardens and visual stewardship as a affirmation for all areas of learning how any kids learn math and experiment on hands on way and its true theyll have the flowers for restaurant to an education space with the stewardship for hundreds of people over time in terms of the community at large golden bridge has a positive impact thank you, sir, your time is up. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is christen im the mother of a kindergartener at golden Bridges School my husband and i met at high school in San Francisco and now were blessed with 3 beautiful children were committed to stay in the city to provided did childhood for our children that supports them the nutrient and education that golden bridges provide for my date and the student body is hard to put to word the creativity and love that she shares has changed our families life my daughter has grown from the taken care of and curriculum she is influence by the teachers in the community on the moral responsibility we share in strengthening and nourishing each other through the activities her physical body has been stronger here heart opened and they are security and her own body flourished this happened in the one year at golden bridges this consciousness and education is not found at an affordable cost at any other school in San Francisco the combination of outdoor ed and experiencing childhood with her hands and hearts and mind is unique and valuable her wonder about Mother Nature is inspiring were growing in relationship to the outdoor world those transformative effects are happening in all families faced on to friends and relatives those teachers are having a continuing effect for many San Francisco generations to experience now more than ever we need children that love nature for the will changing seasons and the love and wonder of the outside that embody the inspired of healing enjoy being the stewards of land spreads cheer and light and mindfulness and patience, went peace and truth and abundance for all thank you. Thank you for the accommodation im ray a 18 year san franciscan and a 5 year Mission Terrace resident this is lucy a lifetime resident who may or may not go to the school were worried about that right now i want to address two things or things youre well aware of this is a temporary zoning and the terrace im a member but acknowledge that in supporting that designation change and everyone involved knew the urban architectural was temporary secondly, this is just a wonderful project the mitigation of stormwater and rainwater the cohesion with the Natural Environment couldnt be a better project as compared to anyone else denser housing whatever it is the highest use that the neighborhood will get for this property and while i simple emphasize with the neighbors that have flooding golden Bridge School shouldnt be held responsible it is ongoing for years and years and years perhaps the spotlight can spur the neighborhoods to add living room and per mangle pavement for everyone trying to resolve that issue but this is a fantastic project for this parcel thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Ford. Good afternoon. Im james i live in glen park a 10 minute walk but with my kids a 20 minute walk i was not pleased to be here im a principal and dont take off work and put a lot of my team members to be here it is important this school a built and my daughter get to attend it im actually turned out to be a pleased to be here a would have chat in opposition but someone that doesnt want this project built it was wonderful to sit next to him thank you for taking that break were neighbors whether you like it or not and continue to be neighbors furthermore, i work with a lot of School Boards and attend a lot its a great learning process to see the way you conduct yourselves it is intelligent questions the intelligent is important and i believe that whatever decision that you make whether to support this or not it is going to be the correct decision so thank you very much overwhelms to head back to work and bless you youll do another hour of. Probably more than that. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im the cofounder and operator of little cigardens you, you can adjust to get the whole sheet in it you want. Were San Francisco commercial farm we grow forces for market and offer no experience educational work days and work onsite 4 to 5 days a week and the gate is open for neighbors to come in freely im here to support 91 my neighbors strong concerns and in the complete review process and spotlight in their preview working farm serves as a model of a low impact and highly celebrated use theres already been established city support for this in 2011 our farm was an example that passed the Zoning Ordinance to allow for more farming in this city in 2013 we passed the statewide legislation to enter long Term Contracts with farmers that is essential for viability and permanentness that law is the uniqueness of this very parcel and the momentum our farm built in will neither here nor there Golden School bought this we wanted to airbnb into are practice and have the highest use of agricultural to those efforts were cut short i building in coter to be held in perpetual i believe the enthusiasm and momentum is out interest i believe in our ability to facilitate this thank you im going to call more names if youre in the overflow room make your way up calling names please line up to that the television side. Please. Good afternoon. Im peter woods a sf resident that worked on various farms in the bay area over little past several years a long term supporter ive been a partner and employee of the little city gardens for the last two years theyve offered me the opportunity to learn and grow in the field of ashen while live and work in San Francisco im here to option the conditional use authorization little city gardens excuse me. Golden Bridges Schools will develop this on the scope that is inappropriate that becomes clear in order to provide the infrastructure to support a working c3 for 200 plus students and teachers after considering the open space for play and ultimately the space for agricultural will be compromiseed and the development will cause greater Environmental Review there are many reasons to illustrate why coter by geometric brimgz school is have not property for the site it is clear that many of the members of the neighborhoods are not in support of development in contrast with the little city gardens theyve gained the trust building lasting relationships with the community and demonstrated a working farm what about viable for occupation and labor for a farming striate an urban scale and more appropriate use of the last remaining state e site for agricultural i urge you to consider a continuance for this proposal. Thank you. Its okay to make a Straight Line instead of bunch up in the corner the people can see the first and second tv next speak ms. Johnson. My name is silvia johnson. And i think we have been building the process our climate that we need some with that development because were going into a very rain on friday hope it is not too you know because theres where a lot of our what we need what you call another element we need to price in our society, of course, the ask the is being you know with our mixed environment which shouldnt be you know on our side but not speaking of you know in clearance to you know develop our prevents for Legal Assistance to opt been our environment which needs you know we more thank you, ms. Johnson. Next speaker, please. Hello, im ca terrain a translator and a writer and an San Francisco nature as uc berkley he value the impact of schools if there is something incredible precious rare a working farm into wroven through the neighborhood open to anyone that want to stop in or volunteer and in the proposed Development Close the space except to private groups i support of the preparedness of this open farm says that the Little Gardens have working hard to transform once you pave over paradise you cant get it back i want to read Small Business words a freelance writer and berkley graduate that lived in San Francisco for a decade and volunteered it is Little Gardens she writes consider what our city will lose if it is developed into something other than a farm the land will not disappear but the city of San Francisco has on this one change to preserve it groundbreaking model of agricultural within the builders spaces for farming is becoming more expensive and scarce if we dont decide to grow that planned into food hundreds of hands have removed rocks and other things prep to grow call and onions and other things and hours man you are has been worked into the soil and countless numbers have stopped as to say hello and pick the berrys shots from restauranteurs visit the farm carrying away food and proud to promote this to. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. My name is Ben Grossmann im a volunteer at the little city gardens i urge you to for a proposal for the continuance. I urge strongly urge for a proposal for the continuance and to please consider and obvious preserving the space of the little city gardens as a farm there are a lot of supporters for urban agricultural i represent a volunteer ive lived in San Francisco for 20 years i discovered the little city gardens ive been going there since then two days a week it changed me greatly so i guess i speak for the potential of it being a public space for people not familiar and respect city the city i live in more brown from being there and hear the neighbors concerns their valid i lived in Bernal Heights and for 20 years i think i will hope the school can find a different place for the farm it is caitlin does there with the soil is eir replaceable and a lot of future for that so i urge you to observe preserving that space and to continue the proposal thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is boey im an urban farmer educator and lifetime resident the San Francisco southern neighborhood and involved in the parcel in a unique role i volunteered at little city gardens for 5 years and worked for 2 years as a garden educator. I grew up in Mission Terrace i know this debated parcel and community intimating yet in any understanding of the future of this parcel is not based the relationships with the individual people or organizations any sentiment on the land use so founded on the principle that all people deserve this mother earthquake i oppose the conditional use authorization because as it currently stands it serves does an educational sacrifice from which is it so paramount in answering huge social questions where does our food come from how do we eat with the decline the farmlands farmland is farmland lost forever as we precede into the 21st century having food would the fossil fuel with the urbanization how to continue to eat little city is we are going those questions my work at little city gardens was the education that allowed me to pilot at golden bridge i speak for the soil and defend the soil not only host the red hawks and the abundance of hawks but the last working farms a creek bed and the farm is assessable resource education im i speak for the trees for the trees have no tongs im asking you to vote for a continuance to consider. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Thank you, ms. Weaver. Next speaker, please. Hi, everyone im as an. Conspiring farmer and want to voice my opposition to the project and strongly urge you to vote on, on a continuance it preserves the land and transformed both into a productive urban agricultural it is underdeveloped for years and years and Important Reasons any developer discoveries this is unsuit for this kind of development for numerous reasons brought up and contrary to the claims of developers those plans dont truly preserve the necessary open space at cot her new construction is new construction papers are papers not a plan for it they claim just a francesca will be a garden it is a private school with private space it is not prudent to destroy the urban farm in the city in order to build another one pardon me the line from the taxi about putting trees in a tree museum it is eliminating a farm and making another school being commercial didnt mean were not have and for this community the work that dedicated farmers do will be eir reservely lost the best way to preserve open space in the city and for the cities vote on a continuance for this ordinance thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is kate i live on coter street two doors from the proposed development and im speaking in opposition to the development and asking you for you to consider a continuance we dont understand the impacts and we received the information on the development pretty critical last night so in the last twentyfour hours i want to say im a mother of three children two teenagers they go to a mix of schools i was raised here and i now work in Public Schools in the east bay and my husband is a educator in sfusd for are nearly 20 years we support schools and we believe in education and in the process of this development the golden bridge have said were not pro children were not Pro Development of this scale at 203 coter puts the homes at risk were not Pro Development excuse me development whos models and promises are on traffic and as someone i see the reality their approaching is Wishful Thinking there are over two dozen Scholars Community schools and serve the families offering garden and small farms they talk about race and social justice we dont need another private school this is will a private skim im imploring you to consider preserving the green space thank you, ms. Loving it and i. I live two doors down from the kids 16, 14 and 2 ive been an educator where im a native for 14 years i was the Deadly Weapon dean at mist i need to work orchestra egress and in case of an emergency im opposing this not because im afraid of flooding im really concerned about the safety of 200 kids going to the school this particular property has one way in and out spent the plans study the plans look at the them carefully a concern for the 200 kids in 1997 i was working at the st. Peters and fortunately with the multiple angles that the Fire Department was able to reach the property none was seriously hurt in this case that is a nightmare as far as an emergency situation most of buildings are you think in 1977, 2004, 11 and 14 those proposed developments of that land were rejected or failed because of egress i mean it is an interesting blot of land so any concern is that the Fire Department has not weighed in that didnt happen until after the planning is approved i implore you to at least continue it is too much at risk to make a decision about this today thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. By e hi ladies and gentlemen, im jesse levitt at parents of a oneyearold and my sister and family you heard from live on coter im concerned about this project so much of the critical information has been realized at the very last minute the neighbors received environmental document one day from the hearing even though we were told that was published in september and at 10 00 a. M. The document was not online we received the Stormwater Management plan less than a week ago weve been asking for it months ago and the San Francisco public works and dpw response to the memo was received yesterday those address the reflexes to the neighborhood and realizing releasing them is not open and transparent i think those types of documents information needs to be considered in a reasonable and deliberate manner and not shoved at the last minute and given to the commission at the last minute i request the Commission Vote on a continuance in this matter. Thank you, sir im going to call more names calling names please line up against the television wall. Hello commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak im in opposition to the conditional use authorization im a volunteer at the little city gardens and extremely happy about the Educational Opportunity it provided for me and many other volunteers the tremendous asset to the community and the city to have this welcome and open space for anyone to have hands on food cultivation and continuation an before this accident to see that local food urban green space i dont believe that the appropriately land use is appropriate for this unique space parks needing to protect one of the last farming parcels its location in the largest water shed making it prone to flooding youve heard many times it will diminish the flowed mitigation that the farms as places burden on the local sewer system more storm run off with we lose a much needed resource in the climate making that more flood vulnerable and the green roofs catch some rainwater and alleviates the runoff situation they dont have nearly the capacity of the farm it is interesting interests a lot of overlap between the aims of the school and that of the environmentally minded gardens like myself i think the schools vision is admirable but i think that is the balance of development and preservation like little city gardens makes this city strife and be liveable ill support a continuance thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Like to remind the public standing in front of a door or doorway if you are cute up to speak move your way to this. The reason we are standing by the door we cant see the tv set. Feedback. Not appearing to be anyone grovent the television set. Im a volunteer at little city gardens for the past 5 years and speaking against the project and recommended continuance for this case over the years with work hard and dedication and commitment encourage and transformation happened the land has became becoming a tyler farm space where food is grown and flowers bloom for strainers and people of displaced background is a valuable working farm that should be protected make the city proud as a final comment id like to express my deepest grield to city gardens i didnt know 5 years ago it will have a change on any friendship it is an honor to be part of this movement thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is rebecca im a long term resident of San Francisco i am from the fencing ive been a volunteer at little city gardens for over a year im an aspiring student im speaking against the plans on coter street earlier this year i started a Ice Cream Company not only does little city supply my company with ingredients they have supplied the biggest market in the city by right mission pie to name a few San Francisco is one of the americans best food cities if not the world because of the producers and resources urban agricultural is essential for a dynamic food scenes for selfresidence an opportunity for education on farming systems for childrens and adults alike other cities like portland and count i and new york have the right Agricultural Movement little city has demonstrated his success in this Parcel Development on this land is eir receivable we ask you to support the urban agricultural and consider the importance of this space to this neighborhood and city if you guys dont decide today take a field trip and r and see how it is not appropriate for a building plan. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is maggie marks the Program Director at garners for the environment San Franciscos public teaching gardens we teach and cultivate the gardeners have working closely with the little city gardens this is a strong example of organic gardening where our students become inspired we need more locations for new gardeners to cultivate soil in San Francisco as a city that prides itself on its commitment to the environment and a leading city we believe this is a moment to protect this farm one the cultivated and never before Development Plaque we cant go back this is an irreversible decision im also going to read a statement from the Agricultural Alliance a collaboration that represents more 50 groups that promote on behalf of the alliance i ask you to oppose the conditional use authorization from golden Bridges School they very much support linking agricultural with education pebble more value in San Francisco to having a working farm one that hosts School Visits assessable to children across the city than a private school for 2 hundred children we hope the commission will see this has strong support from neighbors and that is also supported for this development. Thank you, ms. Marks. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is donna im a resident of district 11 excelsior district and ive lived there 24 years and volunteer with friends of urban forte so i oppose this project at 203 coter street i agree with many of the speakers that have opposed it before and one of my main reasons for opposing it, it is use for a small group of people instead of a larger group of people i feel it should be such a valuable resource that i feel it should be be able to be enjoyed by a majority and i think that both groups agree that we love this space and unfortunately, i think that is from the school takes it over what we love about the space will not be anymore so thats what i think thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is tracey a resident on trers street and the long term member of the community im asking you user urging you to oppose the conditional use authorization by the golden Bridge School or at least provide a opportunities i want you to consider the scenario 3 00 a. M. You hear the rain pelleting the roof youre not sleeping because your terrified the sandbags youve lugged into place in the low ground locations are not going to keep the water at bay so many times they have not in the worst drought this somewhere has played itself out you and our neighbors suffered through flooding with your family dealing with sewage and 40 percent of americans respond they couldnt come up with an additional 400 not to mention the emotional and mental tool still the city insists it is too costly to replace the pipe this is why you cant sleep at night and adding 200 more topaz o people is unconscionable especially replacing the agricultural space with little city gardens we cant afford this to be subject to development as someone that work in education a strategist in their education studio and now an independent consultant im pro education this is not about the school this is about development thank you. My name is gwen im the Property Owner of 638 cayuga adjacent to the site my family lived here 20s years im opposed to the development and hope the commission gives serious consideration to the multiple of with a population of more than 200 plus into the hourglass sliver of land will have terrible consequences as the map shows the houses on cayuga have tiny backyard over the past few months my family is impacted by the classes held on the other side of my fence literally a few yard from your bedrooms golden bridge held an event with flute playing my members of the family was trying to sleep this is not con rat and a compelling sign of what is to come if this go forward i dont care how many decimals i know for a fact where i live in the middle of the development noise will be a huge issue for any family please read our letters look at our valid objections and consider the neighbors that oppose this and dont approve the conditional use authorization application thank you. Hello good afternoon im speaking for the project im speaking specifically against continuance as a former San Francisco Public School teacher i believe deeply in Quality Satisfaction assessable to all and building in unique educational offers and opportunities awhile some children survive in standard classrooms many are mother successful every child is unique thats why it is important for parents to choose on educational path with the right opportunity for three quarters individual growth as a mom of two kindergarten and preschool i spent a lot of time considering what the best pathway for any children over time and through Much Research he minded them to have an education that fourth deep interaction with nature for social justice and a connection to their imagination as i looked for a school that exemplified those principles i ultimately fell in love are good job bridges i want them to attend them are it is a Community Appearance and teachers are committed to Outdoor Living fosters an assignment where kids get dirty and explore the outdoor and allow themselves to be immersed in nature while this school is the only school in San Francisco based on the Outdoor Educational moderately this is growing in popularity San Francisco is the first place to know what it means to say a Farming School because of interest in the school and its success we cant exist at the location manipulative longer thats why im fighting against the continuance that puts our school in jeopardy. Thank you your time is up. Ill call more names as you make your way up calling names . Go ahead. My name is selma i live on cayuga my husband and i are born and raised in San Francisco and lived on catch22 you go lets see my husband and i were born and raised in San Francisco and live on catch22 you go obviously this is great Educational Opportunity im opposed to the location for this school i think that some parents and employees will walk and bike to school but traffic is my biggest concern ive already been stuck behind double parking i come and go 1e6r789 during the day is as major transit area between the bureau necessarily and alamany we get a lot of traffic im not sure when the other numbers of traffic came from lets see it is a narrow one way that is discussed but also two days of no parking in the morning which will conflict with the start of School Session that impacts again, the traffic there lets see i do have concerns about the anticipated one to two minute drop off through the round about i dont know if youve dropped off students it has more than one or two reasons people take longer than to drop off they remembered to update a parent of something that is for this all equals for back up on coter street for example, i been to the dean school sites on ocean avenue they do have rules against double parking on that street oh, shoot and enforcement measures not in place. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Ill remind the members of the public you are creating a fire hazard line up on the other side of the room. Good afternoon. Im beth clark a resident of glen park my son attends the school and here to speak against the continuance the city gardens is a viable farm they dont pay rent golden Bridges Schools instills an appreciation of our Natural Environment theyre like no other skim from the school is not allowed to build on coter it will be a loss to the city and were going to consider leaving San Francisco and this is reflected 90 percent of School Families live within two my name is miles many walk or bike the green roof will help to capture stormwater and morgan hill 74 percent of is site will be open space in a city like San Francisco every a little bit of space is precious and this is the way that farming will happen on 203 coter street from the school is not built another Sub Development will take its place i reject the ill will i believe their exasperated as sewage floods their homes and they experience living in a city those problems were in existence when the school bought the land and will remain in opted out occupied. Hi, im sarah i lived in so for 8 years. Im a Small Business owner a preschool teacher and a former farmer taught kids will water and things specific to San Francisco in those realms and a friend and customer that buys their produce and inspired by the food and education opportunity over the site im here to oppose the conditional use permit and ill read some of caitlin galleries words published on growing food locally that the farmers bring to any community it is important we protect the farms and find the farmland we dont understand how to take into consideration to build soil sometimes, i look at any feet and see soil it is hosting living things and responds to our treatment and changed temperature and make up micro are communities and bilingual intelligence and collaboration a city parcel full of soil is by and large concerned or considered a negative slate by and waiting to be covered and side seeds nutritious so decomposing and up and running to their source allowing for food and flower production and normal listing this is a valued and respected use of land we consider the context eco system were only a small part that render the soil meaningful there is a huge difference between educational farm setting and this needs to remain a commercial farm thank you. Hi, my name is matt im a resident in the Mission District with my wife and two kids one bart stop away from the jeffrey coter site and my 4yearold son can bicycle im excited to have this close by by the 1k8 promotes generous it and involvement with the outdoor modesty son started at the as kindergartener and can see his appreciation for hiking in glen park think anyone that raised kids in the city agonized over the school process so i think threelegged stool a valuable thing to increase the diversity of the School Options i know some people are against it being a private school but following the development of this i take it that the neighbors in this area have been opposeded to the development it strikes me this land cant be vacant forever and the school has been responsive to neighbor concerns changing the plan to make that a better neighbor and i think this is highly in favor of changing the zoning to promote a school instead of residential use ill appreciate if you approve this so the school can get on to educating the future san franciscans. Thank you. Hi, im vanessa a local resident of the Mission District and have been there for 11 years my son did just start gotten Bridges School but in the last three weeks weve i dont know every time i go to the mooeshgz and see the kids it gives me a warm feeling he feel like when we are i first moved here i heard about how the schools with a lot of people move out of the city once and have children i was hoping i love San Francisco and still love it ill not have to make the decisions and it is just strikes me that there are people opted opposed to building schools in 40 or having years well have a school that has great impact for many more than 200 kids for all those years so im here to voice my support for the proposal and as a parent i cant be more exciting for the school establishing home on the site i think this is important we Start Building as quickly as possible because were running out of room thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is anna a long term resident of the southern edge of the Mission District im also a golden bridge parents and like to speak in favor of the school ive heard voices with valid concerns and feel for all the pro farm people probably have more in common we love urban nature and farming i have a deep sympathy but not heard any convincing argument this school is going to negatively impacting i try to eat local sustainable schools and in favor of vicinity farms, however, have not heard a quickening argument how the farm makes itself sustainable without the city subsidizing it im sympathetic to the development and i see development popping up one inch from my home in the mission the proposed building project is Anti Development persons dream complete with green walls and green roof and open space and really an authentic commitment to the environment so this school which my daughter attends for nearly 4 years keeps our family in San Francisco we know that keeping families in San Francisco is critical and setting aside any personal desire to see my daughter attend the school i believe the most impactful legacy that we can leave for our city to train the next generation of san franciscans with the values the schools upholds thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im in support of development of the seats so for the golden Bridges School just briefly i agree with much that has been said for both sides a hard decision in terms of supporting the school im a psycho therapist but involved in Mental Health and seen the lack of resources for teachers in training and childrens experiences throughout the city to have access to nature i also live in glen park lived in San Francisco over 50 years and lived on a dairy farm i know the value of living outdoor i see the riches for the glen Park High School and see how a school can interface the parents walk in their skids i know that golden bridge will support that back to the services that the School Provides in terms of social justice and also curriculum based program the buildings themselves extols children to an environmentally sound earth and for the kids to have access to a curriculum that will support understanding the land growth, farming everything that everyone has spoken about we kribtd to the curriculum in the city of San Francisco thank you. Gamechanger commissioners im a michelle a fourth generation san franciscan and my husband too our son is a second grader and beginning his third year other golden bridge and part of this community this School Provides an option in San Francisco for a child that may not be suit for traditional education why private or public we choose this school we like their academic approach by their experimental learning to outdoors i believe that the dedication of this school stewardship and Outdoor Education will honor this farm and will keep the farm alive in its legacy in terms of continuing to be part of community and continuing to teach children about outdoor farming and stewards of the land my son is thriving at the school and we need a home and i our leadership is generously working to address the very valid concerns of the neighborhood and in terms of the building and the traffic and the water concerns and i believe that we are planning to build something that the people of 24 neighborhood and community will be proud of and well be Good Neighbors thank you. Hi good afternoon. My name is defense attorney are crawford a parent at golden bridges and a resident of glen park im about an 8 or 13 minute walk i consider this site to be part of my neighborhood im feeling grateful our kids will be attending an urban school and i could be driving one hour in the Public School system i do for any other daughter in other school we are attracted because of the education piece and it truly is unlike any other school my son spent three or four hours outside and can telling me about Planning Department call and piping through the words those are invariability if were trying to raise the next generation of land stewardess secondly, the flexible tuition has made that affordable and unfortunately, the school is retrained in a narrow location from what i understand this land is supported Little Gardens financially i feel if we want to see this land to be continued to be farmed both sides want to have maple the only way to surefire this is farmland to approve this project im here to speak against the continuance and in support of golden Bridge School thank you. Ill call a few more speakers as youre working your way up calling names . Hi, my name is bryan a parent at golden Bridges School a founder parents and a resident of Bernal Heights and like to thank you all for the chance youve given us all theres been a lot of effect on the closed captioner i want to second it to our family it is really what keeps us tied to the city weve been here for 5 years and came to San Francisco because of its progressive attitude and reputation to the other arguments i want to focus on the liveability that is important that is important to me that the city views live ability not just about parks but about community and i think one of the great things that golden bridges is doing beyond the education it is educating a community that extends that learning extends beyond our children and our diversities and activities want to take at that time, Broader Community there is a tremendous opportunity before us all today, i understand deeply and emphasize with the challenges those challenges need to be solved we have a tremendous tint u opportunities to come together as neighbors and say how can we uphold this unique mission in the education and how can we come together as a community and build a city as it is liveable im here to support this and move Forward Together ill ask you to think about the great medication and our chance to make San Francisco a greater beacon for progressiveness thank you. Ive lived in San Francisco mostly in Bernal Heights and seen the city go through a lot of changes many for the better and some not ive been through a lot of changes myself so i understand why especially in todays climate people are or not, i cant think a a better way to change man golden bridges is a school on top of academic education and values the social justices and respect for our community as a mom with a 3yearold daughter i want to raise her i think about what it means to raise a kids in the city but challenge how to balance that with a connection to nature and how to know how to get dirt under her fingernail it would be easier to move to the east bay parking is easy but want to stay here im blessed to have found golden bridges who values i agree with my daughter goes to school one what block away and with other families were able to make sure that families who cant afford it are work able to i know there is opposition and the respect how golden bridges takes peoples considerations to heart theyve invested time and money to make sure they do this right they want to help city gardens to find a new 0 home and theyre committed to help with open space theres no doubt that will change from today and change is hard but doing it for the right reasons is hard thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners thank you for thank you for your time to hear the case my name is jill i was born in San Francisco a mother of two obesity that attend the golden brims school and i live a few blocks away in the odds of the 280 and the sunny side glen park area were not in the Mission Terrace we are neighbors of the school and see this as a Neighborhood School a very big part of the reason we choose this school the proximity to our house and the ability to walk to school as someone that cares deeply prosecute about so forth justice and the idea that Child Development nature is so critical to Child Development that was a dream come true i saw this school and add the affordable tuition model a nobrainer to join the school a lot of schools in San Francisco have a Gardening Program but i want to point out those kids spend more than 50 percent of their school outside of School Golden bridges is a growing every year and have a problem were running out of space and desperately need a permanent home it would be devastating to the community if at the left commissioners when our considering as to whether or not the farm school can build classrooms on the land we own and working i ask you to consider the following questions what will be best for the next generations for the future of San Francisco thank you. Hello my name is vivian hooufrns have lived in the noah for that a decade we send our kids to golden bridges three years ago we joined because of social justice and civic mindness values that are important and resonate i think with one even in the room in the spirit of community we made every effort as a parent group to work in harmony with the residents surrounding the land heard and took to heart the concerns raised spending our limited resources many of us are middleincome families trying to stay in San Francisco to assure a plan for the land that integrates golden brings into the it farm and community for viable and respectful and responsible way the agricultural plans are great the traffic and floats have been adequately addressed by professionals what is less clear why every time theyre saying not good enough categorical and absolute there has not been a current proposal or suggestion what kinds of compromise will work by the way, no one else was buying we have been an ulcer asterisk school supporting the little city gardens that is amazing all the volunteers that are here talking about their time on the farm we have been subsidizing that and provide an opportunity for Many Community members to come in and still have this be a farm were Offering Community programming to local schools and afterschool programs we were proposing to develop less than thirty percent of the parcel. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Next speaker. Let me call a few more names calling names . Thank you good afternoon my name is naomi a librarian in San Francisco and a Mission Terrace resident my husband and i and 6 years old a daughter live on catch22 you go the farm is our backyard i think the plans that the skim have are lovely and unless youre one of the hours houses that surrounds the school one of the reasons we live here it is closely proximity to glen eagle park and lovely to have the farm even though i knew the land was sold i lived in so for for 25 years most of the time in the mission and seen the way the city has 1re79d every single dog on parcel of land that is available and i think there is Something Really Nice about being a city that values open space and that really makes the city live able to me otherwise i would have stayed in new york San Francisco is not new york were moving in that direction one of the things i love when i take my daughter to school she comments on the lovely birds in the neighborhood it is quiet and again having a school directly in our backyard for all the best laid plans to deal with traffic so forth is a nightmare for the people that have to live in Mission Terrace especially catch22 you go and the area around it consider the quality of life issues this project really representing for those of us that actually live in the boarder around the school thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners im betsy im speaking in support of golden Bridges School request for conditional use authorization to build a school on its property identification purposes im a practitioner from the church where the school is temporarily located and out grown its space and for identification purposes i serve as the president of the Diamond Heights Community Association i want you and the neighbors of the planned School Location to know that the administrator and others are just a delight to work when they readily help to solve all issues and keep their classrooms and outdoor areas tidy and beautiful and involved in Diamond Heights areas projects including the litter Preservation Campaign the students and teachers pickup trash along the walkway they hiked to the two Neighborhood Parks the school is supportive of neighborhood projects and is an asset to our neighborhood im sure theyll serve in the same capacity for that the coter street location he listened to the compassionate speakers on both sides of the issues in my mind i go back to how actually, i feel it is fortunate for the coter street neighborhood that golden bridge bought the property that can be preserved as a green space a farm space and a school instead of having been purposed by a largescale developer please vote to the schools request so the golden Bridges School can continue as a Good Neighbor an coter street thank you very much. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is art i moved to San Francisco about a year and a half ago whether we got an interview invited to come over to an interview after the interview the first one we looked for that a school thats our number one criteria to come here lived in many beggar cities new york and others to be able to be in the school is fantastic in the sense it makes a better person of my daughter and having this opportunity to connect with her Natural Environment i can talk about i wrote down notes he hear a lot of over lapsing from both sides we simple emphasize with the challenges i have an Architecture Firm i looked at the plans and see theyre dealing with a lot of the problems im of the opinion golden bridges is the period of time partner to develop the land looking at the land use and the sustained in the long term what will we do we want to Work Together with the neighbors to see if we can find the right solutions were not responsible for the bigger irks but want to work out we found a Strong Community with a high value, High Integrity and want to work this out dont want our neighbors to be in trouble and here to work this out together thank you. Hi my name is Department Staff im speaking in support in my child is my third child a second grader at the golden bridges ive been reading a book by an educator that spoke in the appeared called the last child in the woods punk was the the children are an endischarged species and the healing of the earth cant happen watt the connection with children and nature we hold as a value in my family my husband a native 0 san franciscan has made sacrifices were in a signer school and cant afford to send our youngest and golden bridges came along before that we had two children in the Public Schools but like raising childrens in two religions but the cognitive part was there will be no separate discussion of these items crazy when golden bridges took pity on us and enabled us to send our third child were grateful hes thriving there like most parents we struggle to keep our children away from screens at home it is good we can send them to the educators that have the temperament to keep them outside us as parents are not as good an initiative curriculum at the same time and i think that raising children is to be connected with nature and to learn and it is this re holistic manner Movement Drama and farming and academics are all deeply integrated is a wonderful thing for San Francisco thank you. Hi there ive been a mission resident for 15 years and ride my bike with my son to school and in support of project i hope you good news 2 for 4 im reading a letter of support from a Mission Terrace resident since 2009 and a resident of San Francisco since 1969 and in support of this proposal saying the unique School Opportunity would in her opinion a seat attended the objections from neighbors and concerns for flooding have been examined and appreciate the traffic and noise but feels this extraordinary effort by the school and their attempts to design the building with care to minimize the cares addresses those areas we live in a congested city we face those issues and can be resolved many have been presented she also permanent experienced the concept of a Walking School bus children are dropped off in an area to accommodate traffic and this is a daunting process for any planning process shes saddened by the polar listed part of the project she loves the favoritism but this marital is not owned by little city garden this parcel of land and this project can be maintained as a farm experience with the plan that golden bridges has presented and others wanted to build housing and golden bridges did not want to do that, please put her name down for the proposal and mine as well thank you very much. Good afternoon. My name is noah im a san franciscan native speaking in support of permit my son a purchase i want to talk about the by reason interest in the Outdoor Education and how golden bridges will serve the families im a teacher and i started teaching at the school but i found an Outdoor Agency golden arts we met 3 days a week in golden park i started the group and 15 families came on the first day with no problems go simply by word of mouth weve grown to a facebook of over 200 and 50 families with 4 combloupz meeting in 4 locations to follow the vision statement why is that relevant my community is a fraction of the numbers crossing the social economic spectrum is seek with grown o golden bridges offers we as our children reach school age what golden bridges is offering is so unique youve heard this school is simply the only option it macros members of the commission that assessable to my family that cannot afford ii wish i could transport you to the woods the shining wonder on kids faces as they experience mud and leaves and water it is more than 24 spending a lot of time outside has changed us were emerging from the isolation and rediscovering our true belongings to each other and architecture and seeing our community extending far beyond our city and seeing neighbors in the neighborhood and beyond thank you for considering our proposal we dearly hope youll approve this. Good afternoon commissioners my name is amanda and im a local resident of Bernal Heights for 10 years and parents at the school in support of proposal about 4 years ago with the School Lottery booming we almost left the city but learned about golden bridges and a handful of other families we funded one hundred dollars at that time, two years ago we had an option to transfer to twin peaks and attending the open school i peered through the fence and saw a part of head park and my son was down in the bright sunshine learning about the life in the beau and exploring the grasslands i knew i couldnt witch to have any 5yearold in the classroom and spends brief recess on a blanket in a court over the 3 years working and playing on the farm my 7yearold son witnesses the Seasons Change and know how to cook the harvest and turn it into food hes learning fundamental life skills and 7 yearold and yesterday came home and asked to cook soup for diner and he did. The school has grown quickly because many others like us that see the value of this education it fosters a connection to this architecture to san franciscan architecture weve stated the reason weve stated in San Francisco and hope the school will find a permanent home to keep this our permanent home thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is ken im a 53 residents of coter street grew up playing on that lot and im not in favor of the school that will bring traffic and have chaos, the way it is now the sewer system is bad im tired of walking down the street with sandbags the city needs to take care of the sewer i worked for the city and county of San Francisco as a roofing employee ive dealt with green roofs they dont work ive dealt with Green Buildings they dont work please take into consideration not building this project and considering this continuance thank you. Thank you. Before the next speaker comes up we have a lot of speaker cards left i know that is late in the day weve been here but for those who have a run for childcare those who want to lays their hands in support of the project stand up and raise your hands in support of the project have a seat. Great and those opted to the project if you without shouting civil thank you very much okay i see people in the other side. Theyll have a chance to come up and ill ask them. Okay. Next speaker, please. And im freda 10 year resident of catch22 you go next door to the lot which was a i ask you deny it, it is two congested no entrance and exit mature backyard for everyone and the noise is brutal without a school in there and security concerns if their buildings which are prohibited vacant at night this is for the invitation to vandalism and graffiti and worse and finally the school can be anywhere the farm cant thank you. Gamechanger im not a public speaker im ellen a fourthgeneration san franciscan a rare thing not as rare as is farm it is important to maintain i hope you youll had a chance to view it and walk around and it was there you know prior to i mean its been there the 5 years i have another k i live on capistrano and share a fence towards the front of the property so my concern is that im also a gardener in my yard and ive seen San Francisco debar did care snakes an endangered speaker we need a continuum for that to be evaluated when the farm went into that there was no heavy excitement maybe one day with a backhoe basically, they farmed are hand tools thats been the case so he really think that needs to be addressed and i dont think that has been i think we need a continuum thank you. Commissioners that was my lovely wife and i live the capistrano as well when the i was there when the school you know first presented to caitlin what they deal would be which was a very small school like thirty students maybe with a building and letting the farm be it sound a perfect relationship going on we went to another meeting that is after a year or something now it is gone to two hundred students like being in the line at the safeway with 15 items and someone says watch my spaces and comes back with 200 cans of soup it is kind of unfair the water issue dont need to be a ohio droll gift everybody everything is up and the water comes down to that point i think that to study that or fix it deserves a continuum thank you. Hi, im here to read for marine shes up the street from me on behalf of the marine and her 6 family members that live or have lived with her on the street i strongly urge you not to vote not to delay the zoning my husband and i live on coter street for 35 years not enough thought has been put to the Mission Terrace neighborhood and more specifically coter street besides damage we this project is not fully considered powdering us with Parking Solutions there are times with kids on the farm near the fence for hours i was able to hear them im half up the block imagination what it will be like when 33 neighbors fences border in project i dont feel it is important to accommodate this school we enjoy the space dont feel the outdoor support should be committed to fast a track this development thank you and hope for a continuance thank you. Let me call a few more names calling names . Hi, my name is donna turner my daughter a fifth generation san franciscan ive lived in Mission Terrace for 35 years my daughter and i used to walk our dogs before the farm was here im familiar with the area and love the fact open space in the middle of the neighborhood not against the school but the development of the property meets backyard is towards the end of cayuga that floods the city cant afford to fix the system drains but the area flooded in 2014 and flooded in 19940 so this a frequent observance than a one hundred year storm im concerned once the property is developed in the flooding starts is to be every year or every other years well not get the value of the land back and the city will not be able to afford if the flood is recurrent im very much against any i kind of development on this lands i hope it can stay an open area and the farm condition as is thank you. Thank you. I figure people are allowed to have their children. I figure if people could a bring their children up here he can bring my 90yearold mother photos my name is allen im 65 one year retires and lived on coter streets for 55 years and shaw saw Many Development and older couples with multi families and two way streets speeding downhill can you give us speed bumps easy parking is turned into a struggle street cleaning and heard nothing on the other side of street sclaen two hours on mondays and wednesday and whatever proposal i dont completely understand how it will deal with the street cleaning not well addressed the so many of the things not changed the sense of Community Neighbors being cosponsor i cant tell and several attempts made on the properties to develop it many have failed because of the Emergency Response and ability to get to the areas and also the flooding when 2 it rains the place is devastated and seeing chunks of feces and kneedeep waste an old 20 or thirtyyearold neighbor you canned console imagine youre up to your waste in water in our basement welcome to coter street thats what the its a flood plan and natural storm water asset someone that lived there their whole life consider the sandbags theyre there all the time apparently. Sir. Sir. The sir, your time is up. Very good thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is john im a board member at the city college and im vinyl activist im come to speak in favor of this proposal because i have no connection with the school but schools in San Francisco and hopefully elsewhere are diverse not just isnt make up of the ask the body but in the types of schools we have we have Small Schools and big schools schools that are language immersion and schools that are tech and schools that are science and the reasons are bog because we have so many backgrounds of families and students and religions and races and Society Needs this diversity of schools that will be a loss to not have this school this school is unique the kids spent a lot of time outside of and learn the actives between soil and dirt not the same things and they learn not to be faired of things and the connection with nature is very, very valuable i fear the most two things one this school will be relocated to another place and the second thing well be here starbuck this prophet but talking about a luxury housing sediments development how high 2 should be and how close to the fence it should be and how many Parking Spaces the garage will have thank you very much i urge you to go forward with that project. Hello commissioner my name is bryan ive been a residence of the city since 1980 im a supporter of farmland tribes and said they can use their information i hope youll take into consideration before you pass our vote every minute an acre American Farmlands is lost to develop remember that im concerned about the city image think of the city being the only one with kicked the last farm out of city developing it and the last issue id like to mention it is a sad situation where you have to send your children to school to learn how to feel the soil you should be doing that in our backyard it is a perm thing not something that is taught in schools thats right where you learn it with your family time not something that is learned just remember American Farmland trust i wouldnt want them to make an issue of that with their city they let the large project farm be developed to the city can make money off of it thank you. Hi, my name is lauren im a Kindergarten Teacher at golden Bridge School and a fourth and fifth generation farming is part of a my family father and gather and so on this is near and dear to my heart im in awe of what garden city has done and all the teachers that work at golden Bridges School what i would like to point out as a are not the of a country mouse that moved to a big city the complaints of noise and traffic and congestion and development they seem to be part of a resident of San Francisco and that we have to take responsibility for choosing to live here thats going to be a factor in our daily life id like to echo some of the sentiments by supporter of to project so that its been said the greatest legacy we can leave San Francisco with and humanity is the causeandeffect our children who will be the next caitlin goggling way and the next farmers if we dont educate children about urban farming and develop and deep connection and responsibilities for the earth thank you for your time. Thank you. Hi, thank you furiously for listening to us for so long this is my fourth year working at a Kindergarten Teacher and at golden bridges i working closely with this school since the birth and helping the children is at the center and always done and condition to side were helping the urban children to reconnect with the earth ive seen the effects and ripple out the positive effects on San Francisco and the architecture at large is great in the potential of those childrens futures were in the need of a home and feel passionate ive lived here my whole life and spent years living in the excelsior identify witnessed 40 years of change in San Francisco i love San Francisco i call it home and golden bridge philosophy embodies the thing that made San Francisco special but on the brink of competently intention please consider thank you thank you. Hi, im alison a parent at golden bridge i live a 5 minute walk to the groelg golden Bridges Property if you vote for a continuance it is sending a message to the organizations those businesses get do so down the road the use is not suitable last month any husband said will you add penalties to the grocery list and he said you dont have to buy those since then everyday hes been here hes brought us seeds in his backpack and slowly phil our jar and contributing and hes learned experimental were artists live and work were working hard to make ends meet we got assigned in the marina not feasible for working artists we join golden bridges temporarily and applied for kindergarten we put down 20 schools and didnt get any were sticking with golden bridges and we feel that if people other families are watching them leave theyre leaving for better School Opportunity if you want us to stay here the artists lets families we need a reason people say it is not familyfriendly we wouldnt have a space at golden bridges if not for their approach theyre taking what we can pay when i hear save the farm it is inray hart for San Francisco open government is it Eminent Domain will the it is ridiculous an urban farm is a terrific idea the land didnt belong to them and thank you, maam, your time is up. Thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. Hi wow. Are you guys still paying attention this is amazing ill try to be quick im jennifer in support of this School Building in the community and this is the only thing keeping us in the community the storage shortage of land is putting pressure on all of us were in a millennial epic battle overland unfortunately as populations a rising globally you this will not be the last time and part of well be witnessing this part of conversation whether the poor or elderly or children we need to provide support and care and unfortunately most people dont want it in their backyard the reason we joined. This school because of values and the integrity of the faculty and people part of it every parents and faculty member in the Community Shares this being good citizens and stewards of the architecture wear teaching this and modeling to our action that commitment is the Greater Community and helping us as neighbors means well be uniting in a shared goal of making that has wonderful as we can thank you good afternoon. My name is Catherine Rene second grade teacher at the golden bridge i live a mile away on mission in is a studio apartment with my partner an outdoor educator. Across the street from our studio apartment is an unmarked dispensary im not get into the gonzales that we see outside our window the 14 bus runs 24 7 in front of our apartment and street sclaen on mission 5 00 a. M. Everyday and cleaning on florescence twice a week im familiar with the noises of San Francisco i would love to be home one day the opportunity to feel confront living in this city though i know that is potentially not going to happen id like to hear the noise from my apartment window be the noise of the children on a farm the sinking in the morning and the flutes i teach the children how to play the singing games the digging in the dirt this afternoon i left the children open the farm they remember admiring a cat pillar and decided to have a bug o elective and see what bugs can swim the farther in the buckets of water necessary filled this is a school that is so touches me deeply because it is a wall did care school given the opportunities for parents to bring their children to this wall education is highly valued and giving them the opportunity thank you, maam, your time is up. Hello, hello i have two children at golden bridges i urge you to support the school i was born and raised 1970 and always envisioned raising my own children what he considered the best city in the world my daughter attends an sfusd Early Education preschool program and started transitional kindergarten at the local Elementary School just down the road where i grew up but within a month became very uncharacteristically anxious and started conveying on her clothes and sleeves had a wonderful teacher she was a fabulous teacher we knew the school was not the right place and explored your options including moving to the east bay that is something a native san franciscan wouldnt have considered before having children we learned about golden bridges and its flexible Tuition Program and lucky to be offered a spot my daughter didnt finish her time in the kindergarten but within two weeks spending her days outside and the kaimg environment the school creates she was her bright self house and senate vegetations to mix soup with they are class i couldnt have imagined the positive impacts the school has on any family a welcoming community that i ever been a part of my two children are thriving golden Bridges School and our rentcontrolled apartment thank you are the only reasons weve not left the city please support our urban school thank you. Hello my name is timmy live on teresa street one block over from coter where the schools proposed to be built the school and its hiring guns by that their consultants would have us believe no noise no traffic and on the ohio hydrology the reason were talking about a continuance to give us the opportunity to evaluate this categorical exemption by the puc for the school to not file permanent an Environmental Impact that seems reckless and stunning thats the reason for the continuances im opposed to the zoning our neighborhood is residential singlefamily homes and the School Philosophy i think the location given the impact in this quiet neighborhood of what is essentially a commercial development a huge building extending, however, deep into the lot the existing lot obviously impacting the People Living around that that is significant that the people that are in fact, the neighbors ive heard the word neighbor thrown around by people youre not my neighbors in glen park and bruno youre not my neighbors not living in the flood zone with the parallel parking is impacting our ability to get in and out of your driveway youre not a neighbor so to sum up i hope you reject this proposal and i hope we can get a continuance to do some work on the Science Behind this continuance thank you. Call a few more names calling names . Hi, my name is matt i live on cap center lane i lived there my entire life i am the fourth native san franciscan and my nephews and envelope are fifth native san franciscans and nobody brought up the fact that many, many years ago before the development of the neighborhoods there was a creek catch22 you go creek that ran through that is one big concern if we believe it went up all the way down cayuga to towards i believe 280 thats a big concern i am i have a lot of burning disabilities so im totally for and partly for having the school here in San Francisco islander this but not this location it is not right and this location with all these Flooding Issues so i just want to say okay. So thank you may is please the commission my name is john jones and worked at at Farm Committee and two days ago a negative declaration designed to apprise of you environmental factors it cant be a serious attempt to inform you or the public to give it to us two days beforehand i for one not able to get into the wheeze of Environmental Impact report or the negative declaration but on two days notice i cant look up machine a decimals from the facility or what the probable traffic i dont have access to those books or reference sources but id like studio is a negative declaration process is a process designed to streamline the property use approvals but is scooted you just dont use took to get out of a tough job what the Planning Department have i believe you have 200 students thirty employees on a one way streets with flooding problems and thats not going to a negative impact reasonable minds find that remarkable. Ive read the report obviously ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. About my observations of the socalled negative declaration on which you asked to rely very well i request a continuance i think that is mandatory i dont think i have the administrator record to make a decision today thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is rob to charles and here as a educator and resident of the mission and a parents of a golden bridges kindergartener Golden School is the reason our family is staying in San Francisco as a child that grew up in next to a cemented river a former teacher a private company it is subsidized by the city to provide Environmental Education in Public Schools in San Francisco, a and as a parent owe feel drooep grateful the school exists im grateful our sun plays and heaviest and laughs and breathes outdoor multiple days a week this is my dream for him this is also my dream for all children growing up in San Francisco that might not have access to native or outdoor otherwise one of the things i value about golden brejz is the candidate goal of unoccupied buildings a school for justice i see that is a tuition system i see this in the work in partnership with the San Francisco coalition that is essential for Something Like schools so consciously have an anti racist school and the commitment to preserving the lands on coter street as a educational farm that will serve generations of Young Children in the city i feel a lot of a great deal of empathy for caitlin i see two divisions of the site but a shared love of the land and to preserving green spaces in urban area he volunteered to canvas the neighborhood and met neighbors vocal for having a school built in their neighborhood i believe that an urban farm school is the. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Commissioners my name is a jay haynes my wife and i have a home own capistrano our backyard backs up to the proposed project id like to go on record of saying wed like you to have a continuance on this as we think youre moving too fast t the scope is much larger than the initial thought and the impact we feel will be negative or may have negative connotations not seriously looked at so, please were not against the school were not against learning but we are against irish something that could negatively impacting the neighborhood and we ask that you seriously take into consideration a continuance thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners neighbor in the immediate area ive worked in the neighborhood for 12 years not here to speak at a parent of two children im not here to speak at all against the School Everything theyve talked about sounds like a phenomenal sexual and not here to speak on behalf of the a school that is a Land Use Decision on your part when you are dealing with a neighborhood that has experienced the type of that is hard for people to understand every time it rains these families are worried about feces and waste and sewer flooding into their homes

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