Much anything to get it right. Agreed. Commissioner moore. I was just considering making a motion but in support of that i think there is evidence that we have worked this out in a manner that creates Quick Solutions and were basically questioning and thats the charge by which this project is continued. Commissioner antonini. But i think we need more direction for the project sponsor just to continue it is not enough first of all, were in agreement well probably need for detail space and, in fact, the garage were moved to harrison perhaps the space where the garage is now located on first street to give us supplemental rob on the slope of the hill that may not be the easiest place theres a restaurants further on first on a sloping area so 3 might be usable that could be worked by the architect then you know if, in fact, we the commission feels i dont see the garage has to think on harrison other commissioner say if the Commission Wants to do that theres not a problem with people but that is something to consider the other things ive heard im not sure what commissioner moore as saying our looking for more separation on jasper. I was not saying anything in particular but brought into the broader context of the evolving of the rincon hill building that includes lansing and everything around that that goes across the intersection. I tend tony heard about a separation im not sure im not clear what that is bus or but were some neighbors on the jasper looking for more of a separation that might be part of that in my opinion i want to see a uniformity of the mason tree on the entire building i think that is a lot more respectful for siemens across the street although thats not a masony my wife asked about glass towers it gives me this more Historic Context and that might answer some of the concerns of two Different Things going on those are in some of my main things i would like to see and i dont know what kind of period for continuance can you do this in a month you on or three weeks Something Like that. Commissioners, if i could jump in i think that first of all, your calendars are full until august i think this project we need to do work on this ill say that work should have been done sooner im not pointing fingers but a miscommunication on this issue we have work to do im sorry to bring that up i hadnt looked this project but we need more work i think im concerned about the assess issues and some of the design issues so ill i realize this is been around a long time i appreciate the patience but the way your calendars looks at it is august would be the fourth. Thats fine i make a motion. I made the motion. Okay you did august 4th i accept that. And if i might im sorry, i want to make sure were capturing the issues the sees issues i totally recognize the harrison problem where the slope so and commissioner president fong im not sure to get a double truckload height thats on unusual thing with that said, i want to explore assess issues we might talk with Municipal Transportation Agency on a cut in first street because of the widening sidewalks we want to have a conversation so the access issues is number one and at amount of retail try to increase the the overall distinction between the upper and lower floors needs to be worked out and the relationship to the jasper building some relieve given there and what. The materials. The materials the jasper the 45 lansing entry looking at the possibility of the entry on harrison. Thank you very much for taking that on commissioner moore. Director rahaim when we took on the reconsideration on harrison and the gentleman was involved and you it is really a powerful discussion anchoring reconsidering the building with the rincon hill plan we shouldnt not omit doing in for openers not take into account this building as a individual solution but a large requirement i have basically all buildings have responded to now this comes as the last seed we are occupying this assembly with a relatively ambiguous history we have to be extra careful were book ending the San Francisco moving on the friday i think that requires a lot of sensitivity and as i say we will be remiss in not pirating u putting that into the discussion. Just to be clear including the project sponsor none questions the size or bulk or scale it is the design considerations we the access issues. Except i think that the gentleman said or commissioner Vice President richards brought it up for the harrison building we reconsidered the height lines to get the project im not sure saying i hope there will be commissioners participating in the broader Workshop Working Group i think were dedicated to make f this happy i leave it up to you and thats the working days. Commissioner antonini. Id like to at that particular time in a working group ive been introduce the rincon hill process i kind of like to make sure that does meet all the expectations so i can be of service. Commissioner Vice President richards. If do you need another person ill be glad to be the thirds man out. There is a motion that has been seconded to continue this matter until august 4th about decision it from the commission. Commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu commissioner Vice President richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 78 to zero. Commissioners that places us under our discretionary review calendar you have one item at 15 after a discretionary review an abbreviated discretionary review. Good evening Planning Commission divine southwest team leader on 15 avenue this is a request for a discretionary review for a permit proposing to construction a one story evacuation the basement level to include a new basement in the rear of horizontal see edition with a encroachment and interior and exterior alteration with the garage not change from this the subject site in the inner sunset and a singlefamily homes two stories in design constructed in 1940 initially in 2014 a variance was filed for this property in order that the that portion of an additional impostures to the side yard with the Northern Property line the dr was filed during that time and multiple letters of opposition too this variance is Zoning Administrator took the variance in advisement when the decision was made the project sponsor substantially withdraw and redesigning it to a code compliant project, however, the dr have remind the dr has remained 15 avenue faces the structure present a first story but counsel sloping that accommodates 2 Story Building at the restore evaluation with a shared and assess is residential Design Guidelines reviewed that following the supplemental and determined the project didnt meet the residential Design Guidelines they were not in support of horizontal addition for the side yard the support is not more the variance the project sponsor advised the project not embolism to require the side generated beyond the review and residential Design Guidelines look at the and determined the project is in the exceptional or extraordinary in the matters raised in the considering file and found the height and depth of the rear addition keeps with the adequate light and air and the alterations of the residents didnt qualify as a obligation the exterior walls to be removed on factor to at a most thirty foot percent allows the changes in excess of 50 percent of the exterior walls the Planning Commission is recommending to not take discretionary review and approve the project based on what was presented in the plans that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. From the commission thank you. Thank you dr requester please. Good evening commissioner president fong and members of the Commission Steve williams on behalf of the alice that lives on 15 after the building directly north of the subject property and obviously because shes directly north she and her family will suffering the impact that is a very large radical alteration taking a building from 15 hundred to more than 4 thousand square feet and the project just changed 10 days ago the evaporates was withdrawn the variance hearing was last june obviously a lot of people opted opposed the project sponsor continued to say theyll not consider withdrawing the variance up to 10 days ago we have a tenfold increase and built to the lot lion it was withdrawn after rdt said you cant have that thats on page 3 they finally withdraw it and may i any conversations with mary couldnt withdraw the variance couldnt build it without a variance and shes rights right this is a demolition a demolition a remodel roving nearly eve recognizable element of the building lets talk about that a little bit later and first talk about something that is staff missed completely in the project what is demolished this building is a naturally affordable 2 unit rentcontrolled units building no mention in our analysis let me hand you the real estate from the printout which shows that was purchased three years ago as a 2 unit building still has two units in that the handout shows the kitchens and states the units on the lower level has a separate assess so that this sold a two unit rendering building for 200 thousand they planned to remove the units and turn it into a three or four Million Dollars singlefamily the tenant opted out this and there is no mention no analysis no mention of the general plan about in no mention of the priority qualities and how their violated are we supposed to be retaining all the unit we have in the city especially the rentcontrolled units from a building from 1920 that is a building built in 1920 thats the first points the second point this is truly a demolition that is one 25 crown terrace all over again, you know i sat up here and pleaded with the commission not to pass that socalled remodel and in this one not only a demolition but theyre counting what building exist can i have the overhead please so included in the packet is this supposed outside foundational element that is being retained and culture towards side calculations that didnt exist that is a low level garden entrance wall that you can see any picture shows it, it is the low level wall theyre calling the exterior the building the actual interior is over here that is confirmed from the sanborn maps this is the sanborn map from 1998 that is not at Exterior Foundation a wall theyre counting all of this and theyre saying this is where we started and so not only have they not told you the this users fraudulent calculations and this is Crystal Clear ive looked at the other shadowing we did our on calculations an architect i didnt have copies but will submit those as well so we urge you to have the whole project reexamined. Thank you, sir, your time is up. Thank you, mr. Williams project sponsor you have 5 minutes. Im sorry speakers if in support of dr requester anyone support of dr requesterf in support of dr requester anyone support of dr request in support of dr requester anyone support of dr requestin support of dr requester anyone support of dr requester please. Im not sure i can talk i dont live at any sisters house. Can i talk. Yes. As a person living in the neighborhood i support the dr requester they are more than 20 neighbors who opposes the 2079 avenue project they have authorization letters to the Zoning Administrator because of the huge expansion and also will be the first building in the neighborhood with four flowers of occupancy we have we live in a quiet singlefamily residential neighborhood not want our lives to be disrupted short term or long terms we want the owners to follow the city rex o rules and regulations and residential Design Guidelines and stick to the plan and keep it a singlefamily units singlefamily residences with one anyone else speaking in favor the dr requester. Project sponsor five minutes. Commissioners for the record Mary Gallagher im speaking for the homeowners for others so this is the house right here ill show you the lower one on a 3 thousand unemploy square feet lot the only one story home in the neighborhood theyre looking for a larger home to accommodate theyre larger family they changed direction and found a house an oddball the smallest houses on the block to enlarge it the dr requester is here and here primary issue has been the changes all the time the second story windows that look at the first story thousand house it dates from a 1920 henry was in high school i worked in the 30s and 40s those are the houses that he built so when we did he took the lots the interior lots and divided them with 31 needed of width and 45 i 25 to 26 wide buildings leaving open four or five foot side yartsdz on the south side so one side so what you have on this block are buildings that have south side windows and some building have north side but fewer look at the side yard up and down the block the same thing the buildings on the south block the view and light to the buildings on the north the same situation this is overlay that shows the building in our passage were turning a first story into a second story to make consistent with the goal and adding one room into the site that is fence level and the second story blocks the dr filers windows the shadow impact study show us it is blocked in the winter and mr. Washington mentioned our original plan to build up from the north line where it is exciting and then take remove some existing construction on the setsdz to make that consistent with the pattern on the block that is required a variance this is a side by bodies of the lot the pattern is only one side our our original planner was Michael Smith in 2014 he recommended in support of variance which why we went forward with the variance jeff horn took over about a year ago and at that point the dr was filed last summer and took it to the rdt the rdt recommend against from the Zoning Administrator actually recommended a modified variance so we have 3 opinions we took 9 possess conservative and we removed the top floor the proerj please 3 feet less the need of a variance we were left with the existing and proposed building on the block faces this is your exhibit e so what were have is that the side yards from the 31 feet blocks us weve pulled back 3 feet the dr requester that is 7 feet one inch separation it will be her windows and our wall that is the largest separation on the entire block in terms of the height it is not the tall itself building on this block it is 0 probably in the low, low probably half some of these buildings have false front like one that is here so some have flat roofs beginning to end this one here and taller our building in summary a small project a first story into second story like all houses and walls similar to the adjacent and rear addition is built is shorter than other annexations and more space on her 31 foot lot. Anyone in support of the sponsor. Good evening my name is and i less i live on 17 after a couple of blocks from the project i have seen a lot of vacant projects in the neighborhood but this is not the worst of them leo and they want to make their home second story like everybody else not taller than ever house on the block the plans shows this and the commissioners approved this project this has held thank you very much. Thank you, ms. Clark. Im disappointed this is not the way to run a city this kind of in response, the packet perfection handed about all the work this project has been through it xoornt what that says we know the dr is a joke this process is fundamentally broken we added years and years to everything someone is adding a three bedroom or two they should be able to pass through permitting based on the rules that by the Planning Department and the law we just sat through you guys talking aboutes terrific how buildings talk to one another people talk to one allocate buildings dont the community made of the people that move here it is not fair to have people saying this is a singlefamily Home Community we want to keep is that way you know there is inclusionary this is keeping people out is this shouldnt be rh1 but taller many more units the and then e reason it didnt because of the poor laws in place in person is following those laws as best they can and im really disappointed you guys waste of time this is i really think we can do this better if we are more efficient you, you guys spent more time learning about projects ahead of them im sorry but i think we all waste of time in this room with questions asked about projects that could have been known ahead of time im sorry. Im a little off topic but time for this to get a lot more efficient thank you. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and my name is don, i live in the 17 avenue and just a couple of blocks from the project site from the leo and renees how they have work hard to make that project work they have put up story posts and shadow studies with the Neighborhood Association and hired survey for the neighbors requests and changed the project survey times several times have similarly to the building which is why the Planning Department recommended approve i think that is a good project go and ask you to approve it today thank you very much. And also the house i live is second story and my neighbor is three story house and attached house so i lived there over 35 years and from my windows i look i live with this they own their lands i own my land i looked at the oceans they look at the ocean but they can look at any house i i cannot see i just had in my opinion leo and renees house the lowest house in the block with first story most of houses is second story but if their house is adapted a vacant place the neighbor always had a better view look at her site now the new owner didnt matter he i think they had a right to the neighbors before they have the same second story house like the neighbor before. Thats what i my point of view. Thank you very much union thank you any other speakers in support of project sponsor. Mr. Johnsms. Johnson. My name is silvia johnson. I know that those i know needs processed and that the delivery had been proceedings as responsible and that this is has to be done by the putdown open there to be on any kind of delivery in this process of building and i have you know measurements that would be you know included in the new foundations which i am working everyday trying to get the City Department involved to receiving that we started 7 oclock in the morning that is late i have to pack a lunch to get down there so you know im trying to get the first procedures you know right on those buildings projects and also with the context and also i have already turned in literature of what i want to do on things and with the task force and the environments whoever wants to to prepare for any kind of gardens you know might have to do that but im because task force and Police Department has a lot of work to do i have Health Problems and these priorities do not need mlb me messed up in the organizations so we can you know do as responsible and not precede in other different kind of ways which will help the delivery in our housing to proceed in making the context and housing. Thank you, maam, your time is up. Any other speakers in support of project sponsor. Seeing none, mr. Wilz on above the dr requester you are 2 minute rebuttal. Thank you commissioner Vice President richards and Steve Williams again yeah, he said it is a one 25 crown terrace situation and have this infancy of those one hundredyearold stucco walls with a new floor on top of i assume theyll undertaken them and put the top on their removing eir wall and how they retain the ceilings and floors once you removal the walls the impacts this is not about views it is not views windows in their kitchen and windows in theyre eating area and here are the windows the view out of them is directly to the building next door a magnitude view this is wolfed about light always has been so in particular theres been no sort setbacks or design considerations given all the light that is blocked if this building is built as proposed no setback on upper floor they call a second story but it is 4 stories because the steep hill we spent a lot of time fighting time areas that is we never got to talk about the design considerations how about a setback at the rear so these windows that are also located at the rear the neighboring building might get for directly sunlight or lightwell will someone explain what y we are a 3 foot setback with walls if you look at the plans undescribed walls they keep pushing out to the Property Line i mean never understood why those thank you, sir, your time is up. Mr. Williams thank you, mr. Williams. Ms. Gallagher you have 2 minutes to rebut. So 5 hours we get an email from Steve Williams with an n s r for one units and now wants to retain two units even for steve hes a newland world record i think really we want to commend mention the theme of steves letter it is 11 pages it talks about how the plans are inaccurate, misrepresentational gamesmanship and misleading and consistent misrepresentation, smoke screen like the tax dodge incorrect and deceptive i worked for him for 10 years and reviewed the promotions as a planner john would never do anything inaccurate or misrepresentation all i found that inflame try we maybe are a dottingism steve said we changed the plans many times weve changed there them 6 times to comply with the dr requester wants i dont know what else to do weve been waiting for this hearing for 9 months those are not developers small small Property Owners i hope you vote for them tonight and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. John is here as well. Before i i call on the commissioner i have a question for mr. Weve got a long ways to go actually for you about the plan i apologize weve heard about the walls on the does the separation on the existing structure for the proposed structure does anything change. Yeah. So sieving is showing the plan on in the existing side yard there is existing noncomplying structure that gets to stay were adding a second level and moving that 3 feet away from the Property Line that is the cement wall. No, this is just another smoke screen there is a small wall leading occupy the property in the front well take that down steve is misrepresented we counted that is as a demolition we counted the right walls were not we havent done anything you know to that space were not building a space actually, the best way to say that. Okay. Thank you a question for mr. Womens before i call an commissioner antonini. Can you mr. Williams what exactly are you looking for. Well, i think that first of all, the two units should be looked at this was something we didnt writ up in the brief this is something the department if look at by existing policy to say rentcontrolled unit thats two of them on the west side you know and you know, i get 5 minutes before im personally attacked but all weve looked for consideration for those windows and the people that live next door and have for 20 years all the talk this is their home theyve never lived there they own a house elsewhere and the plans speaks for itself i mean it show that this is corner im talking about is shown of the existing foundation i looked at the i see an open entry and an door they should it as the foundation of the building in the demo calculations so i dont know what to say i get attacks but no explanation being why this is not true what im seeing no foundation yet their plans show the existing foundation. Okay. Anything else. Thats it. Two questions for staff the demo population and Foundation Walls versus the interior wall mr. Horn said whatever wall theyre in the threshold. Thats correct the constructions to confirm. One other question i see the picture in the real estate listing of a kitchen net there is no. No cooking facilities on the property. At some point in time an unauthorized units shall have no room without the benefit of the Building Permit with the sleeping space and a half and commissioner antonini. Yeah. I visit this, as i see theres a clear connection between the downstairs area and the main floor, which even uer abelers legislation that did two comments to make it a separate unit that you cant remove if you want to do need to see you but one of the requirements just have a Side Entrance and the camino connection between the main units and their separate unit. There is in the kitchen you could anyway, there is a clear connection the connection is honestly been there probably for as long as the house was that. You can also see this wall in question and you should question of all is in place. I dont really see any basis also i went out to the back of beautiful sunny day, and the project sponsor wants to go out about 4 feet to the rear which will line it up with the rear wall of the dr requester. Which doesnt really make any difference because the dr requester still has this beautiful view to the south and to the southto the western somewhat to the south also. Which we will no longer have as looking over oneStory Building one story above grade building which is just bringing it into conformity with Everything Else on the block. Then, the addition on the bottom the hill slopes very sweetly down toward the use event and theres a garage that comes off the easement. It difficult. Theyre making a additional down to that bottom level which would be two levels below where the first level is now and it barely goes out into the yard, small distance but give them a little more Square Footage brings her house closer to the garage. So, it makes a lot of sense because its hardly a livable building right now for a family to china reminds me of the place i lived in when i was in dental school that they only went to dental service because this kind of bizarro place that a little downstairs area of family would not want but for dental students would be happy to have it because at a garage. We could use as a lap. Anyway, it doesnt make any sense and i dont see any reason why the dr doesnt have any facts. Theres a setback on the upper floor thats being added to my 7 foot to 1 inch, which is more than anybody else has between their second floors above grade on the whole street. So, the impact on the dr requester is negligible and as far as any light and air it only affects the view in one particular direction which last time i checked is protected so im going to move to not take dr and approve the project move and second. Mr. Moore i would agree with commissioner antonini assessment. I dont see this as extraordinary. I believe that the project applicant has made a good hesitation with a minimal impact of the project. You are waivers in the boundaries did of course we have to look at. I found the responses to all the side yard, etc. Consideration be very sensitively resolve. They bought, the size of the project and i think its solidly done it very well presented right mr. Galan sure and like to make one comment, and that is, i personally do not appreciate animosity between applicant project representative to be played out in mail i received. It actually does not help the description i find it actually unbecoming to be caught in between. I also would like to say the comparison which i personally spend a lot of time is actually grasping for the stars and inappropriate analogue for what is happening here. I think it distorts the credibility of the dr requester to even use that as an example. Thank you. Commissioners if theres nothing further theres a motion thats been seconded to not take dr approval [roll call vote] so moved the motion passes unanimouslyzero. Commissioners, that pets quizzes on general public, and for which i dont speak regards. Any general public, and . Ward the meeting is adjourned. [gavel]. It seems like everyone in San Francisco is talking about housing San Francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone Million Dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the 207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher its more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in San Francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an alltime 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, its grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the citys history and its not only San Francisco it is greek the bay area has 2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403. 9 Million People unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing thats been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we dont pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents San Francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout San Francisco those plans developed by years of Community Planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and nonbuilt Affordability Housing that majority of housing in San Francisco as well as throughout the Country Market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1 3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is 70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than 7,150 to be affordable San Francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the Inclusive Program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you cant afford a million will home youre not alone in response San Francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now emails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the San Francisco Ethics Commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels were working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. Chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions were commented for Housing Needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway. This is a regular meeting of the Small Business Commission Held on monday, april 25, 2016. This meeting is being called to order at 2. 07pm tonights meeting is being televietzd live and the Small Business commission thanks Media Services and stgov staff for televising and airing t

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