Building do think the june 16 version with those other versions go meet use of materials breaking it up etc. , can actually work . As context because width no. I dont think subject i believe the challenges the department choses and the discussions i had denied informal off the record discussions just about architecture with some other people in the Department Just deal with on detail and emphasis which is less than emphatic than what we see you. It does not have to be as aggressive or loud of building as it is. There are good parts about it when you put them into a large of a quantity they become overbearing. He. One last question. Because we have two commissioners that were at the june 1626 it is her building in the city that reminds you of the building i could reference because look at this on these little a. 5 x 11 is hard for me. I really dont like the september version. Is everything we dont want it to be. There is one building, if the building of similar scale. We have no buildings of this size at this height anywhere in downtown on Market Street but [inaudible] did a beautiful building on pacific which we approved and we were all specifically on pacific and jacks. Thats a lovely go get that building is just so strong and its skillfulness and what it does, again to street [inaudible] two different environments would uses on the subject i can only think of that building of been really good example of how to design a modern building and the projects in this particular street of jackson street and stewart jessica do a good job do you think today we get this project through which i would like to, we could send it to as you said the Small Working Group a couple of commissioners the project sponsor mr. Joslyn, director ramp to make it moving more towards what you just said . This one up on pacific . Im using the pacific street as an example with this building should look at good im using as an example of it works. It works. Okay. But i do believe that since this project has already been discussed for three years is that what you said mr. Joslyn [inaudible] [off mic] there may be a little that of a disconnect here between some of the people who are talking to each other. Thats all i can say. I would not bei do not [inaudible] given that i want to move to approve the building. Is there a motion can i ask a question of the motion please commissioner hillis. I heard you say about the water but i do not hear and of the other issues raised by staff. Is that part of your motion . Of the approve the ordinance as proposed. Just with the change. They look at the valuemaybe we could clarify the other recommendations. Commissioners, there are four proposed amendment to the ordinance. Two of which you bespoke it is specifically today. The first being the gray water requirements and the recommendation from staff that waiver be eliminated. From the ordinance. He second being the clarification that 1. 8 million is the correct figure that would be paid in connection with the jobs housing linkage fee. That is the fee that appears in the ordinance despite the actual calculations. We are recommending 1. 8 declare five is the correct figure. The remaining two are more technical but they are important. The first being that the amis unsightly area median incomes for the offsite units be consistent between the two offsite options currently the ordinance is silent on one. We think that the drafting or recipient the final recommendation was that skate excuse me simply that we make the technical adjustments to the ordinance such that the project under either option is indeed required to participate in one of the afford of housing options. Currently, it is not required to. We would urge to adopt all four but of course commissioners, this is your decision. I take the last two that i think the first to get caught up in the issue of whetherwhat the value of that exemption is good because of its 1. 7 million, i think this is weve made a tradeoff with the ordinance with the ordinance is making a tradeoff of some requirements for a more Affordable Housing and offsite alternative. So its hard to look at the specifically and pick off one or two and change them without changing the entire package. So i take the recommendations on the last two and stick with my recommendation to look at the value of the Potable Water exemption. That value isnt that 3. 5 5 million. I figure of the supervisors going back and look at some these other tweaks to recapture that. And make sure that is equivalent to the inclusionary fee or the inclusionary onsite fee. Followup thought that no im thinking i will second the motion commissioner jonathan [inaudible] director rahm if theyve commissioners decide to move ahead become a discussion on the design and recognizing that i think the primary concern is if i could on this issue and the design issue was relationship to the tenderloin more than i think to be fair within the relationship on Market Street. It was the scale of the tenderloin and want to make sure that scale was properly address. So having said that, theres lots we can do it the commission chooses to move ahead to get the design in a form that commissioners will are more comfortable with thank you. Commissioner richards i like to recommend amending the motion to include mr. Jeff joslins suggestion of the entryways. He had i think articulated very well. Okay if it is acceptable. Commissioner jonathan okay, sorry. If it does look like this is good to go back for some sort of subsequent review the decision tonight i would enter into my thoughts that i do think the design as propose which is what were talking about because i think would talk about september and june [inaudible] i think it works well. If you walk along Market Street that night 50 block nine are block right now, the articulation comes the variation in the storefronts have different banners but you take those away it is one of long twothreestory building all the way up to the theater. I think this does a good job writing some articulation providing some interest and what can happen on the street level really depends what you do with the retail spaces. In terms of occupancy and what is there. Unless about the design could i would actually have some restraint on that in those subsequent conversation. Commissioner hillis we often cant talk about what the building looks like but most people experience it to your point commissioner moore, use. City hall on this to get it feels monolithic. Its a great design building if you step back and look at it but theres not a lot on the ground floor whereas if you walk around the Flood Building you dont get that same feeling because its broken up into retail opponents. The ground floor tends to be what the most important of the buildings. Commissioners, theres a motion seconded and im not sure i got the entire motion correctly. So ill let you restate what my understanding is that the motion seconded to who approve the project with conditionswith staff modifications to the planning Code Amendment recommending only the ami for offsite be consistent and to for it to be required in participate in Affordable Housing component and the board look at the value concurrence with the door Potable Water exemption. As proposed by staff . It in the ordinance. When they value that in the ordinance. So he was to look at the value of the graywater components the graywater component commissioners, if i may commissioner hillis did you also want to address the jobs housing linkage fee in that the entire aspect. Just the value of the nonPotable Water exemption is 1. 7 million. I think the board is going to make not make tweaks to the new. Its 3. 5 or 5 million, they are likely to. So we are talking out the ami to be consistent, the graywater issue, and then the Affordable Housing component. As those three recommendations staff modifications and the planning Code Amendment i think with the commissioner is saying that hes not exactly pick up staffs recommendation on the great water. With the job housing linkage. Basically recommending the board should look at the value of those two items considered that in their final [inaudible] right so the Potable Water great water issue youre just recommending the board of supervisors continue looking at it . And value that exemption understood. So commissioners the amendment on the ground floor entryways i was just referring to the planning Code Amendment. As far as the commissioner use authorization the dozen project authorization the droning was because of variances. Were adding the condition that staff and projects on to continue working on the design including stats recommendations regarding the entryways. We want that to be part of the motion not part of the recommendation of the working group. As a condition of approval. Conditions of approval are to continue working on design and conditioning the entryways right. As mr. Joslyn outlined if i may can you clarify that were talking about defining the june 2016 designs we got some direction . We want to conclude this design exercise quickly and not start from scratch i think the motion june 2016 design was a starting point to further refine that was my intent commissioner mcnamara could you clarify one more time is what are not the commission is supporting 20 departments recommendations on those items are there only there are only two that the motion as i understand it are being recommended to be modified the planning Code Amendment. He was anti the evaluation is a recommendation for the board to look at i dont understand why this commission is not capable of taking a stage and were only making a recommendation. The supervisors can themselves figure out as to whether not they need to [inaudible] but i personally find it very unusual that we are deferring the decision when were asked to take a stand. There is nothing of our skin to make a recommendation to support what the department is recommending. Thats not to say to be plenty of time to do the calculation at the board and their legislative aides to come up with a new recommendation indecision which is ultimately made in the board of supervisors but if we cannot even agree on supporting staff then im not quite sure why we are not doing that. I was very clear that i really appreciate the strong benefits package and what supports it brings from the community. On the other hand, the very valid question asking who is really paying for the . I cannot move away from that assessment perhaps does not have the [inaudible] what commissioner hillis is suggested that i believe as a commission we are asked to work with our own department as closely as again and bring something forward which the board has the privilege to reject and modify. Commissioner hillis i share those concerns but again [inaudible] portions of the whole ordinance affect other portions of the ordinance. There are things that are justwere baked into this ordinance to provide more Affordable Housing good i think if you push on one there is a legitimate concern that the project sponsor may have with the community that they should reduce something else. I dont think im prepared to make that choice good idea for Affordable Housing is a priority i think this ordinance prioritizes Affordable Housing by making some exemption to nonAffordable Housing requirement could i just question how dateif we value those good i think the board values him and they dug up it is always out thats great but if they dont it could be an opportunity to get more funding to fill the gap or maybe less. I just dont know the data can we be clear what we are trying to do so when you just that would be in excess perceived value was at 1. 7, should be considered the capture of . Thats what your intent is . Sure. I think also moly they are trying to have the value of the proposed ordinance equaled the value of the current inclusionary onsite requirements. To the extent theyre not valued equal there should be some recapture of that. That make sense commissioner melgar weve talked about this a lot. Just to chime in because im somewhat familiar with Affordable Housing thing. The land dedication is something weve not used so much whereas inclusionary we have a framework for valuing the difference between market rate and affordable. Theres a framework. With this one its been hit or miss when we used it in my opinion. So i do think that putting a value that does allow us to compare apples to applesi actually liked that idea. I also im a little bit afraid of these one offs things that allow for developers to not meet their full obligation because we have not quite figured it out how to value things. So whereas i do support with the staff was going with this i also think it is especially because we have not really fully baked the framework to allow for these valuing in understanding what were you are getting when we are doing [inaudible] i think your motion is good. Commissioner richards can we rephrase it to what commissioner hillis said is the intent. Anything valued what we currently wouldve got under the existing regulations would recommend it be recaptured somehow. That would be the intent of what we are trying to say. Director rahm or sorry mr. Johns and sorry just want to check in this discussion about june versus september schemes for the civic reason is that part of what i heard in the making of the motion was that it was understood part of that cleaning was an understanding that was the architects preference. Thats not what i think i heard here. We had staff at a very specific set of reasons for pushing it in a different direction and specifically to do that contextual response with acknowledging this site has an obligation [inaudible] tenderloin and market which is a gateway to both as well as having this other esteemed neighbor, the work feels just a graphic relation to. Thats what drove those decisions. Its part of what how we got there together. I guess i would simply suggest that perhaps its worth a quick check in with the design team before locking in a scheme that day as well as we will wait from quite a while ago. Also, given i heard roughly 5050 split on that tendency on the part of the commissioners. If i may come i just went to clarify. We worked hard to get toour preferences the june scheme. Thats what the other is a little heavyhanded. We like the preference of the june scheme gives us. Again to address commissioner richards, and we had a choice to go back it would be great to incorporate more of the june 2016 scheme into the design i agree. Width commissioner richards i guess these commissioner moores point, do you feel you can be skillful in our up to understand the impact of the design in the tenderloin however use some elements of the june design to still make it more skillful and playful but still respect where it is sitting . Does that make sense . Bind it to but combining the two solutions, somehow. Color and texture . Meeting halfway between the two would be tricky. I think the strength of the june concept was that it was a strong concept. It was a very bold statement that we try to make. Chopping it up or trying to introduce other elements its a common device and weve used it before. I think this is an instance where we try to limit that, those devices or try to limit [inaudible] commissioner moore i would refer the commission to listen to the department both mr. Jocelyn who very well summarize the challenges that the department has posed and i consider them to be correct and i do believe that dir. Rahm stance with the department as a starting position and in deposition there are number of things they cant change but to go all the way back to an unsolvable situation which is been tossed awake around for years i think is completely counterproductive and is not the support we 02 the department in this particular battle. If i may commissioners, in order to move this along, perhaps the best thing to do is not referred to either scheme. I dont hear any concern from the commissioners about the mass and the height of this building. I think i would suggest that you leave that open to for further discussion and then i would specifically suggest you include that commissioners, that to commissioners be involved in these discussions so we can resolve this and the subsequent discussion and i would suggest its not critical to refer to either scheme at this point. Do we simply have this discussion as we move toward understand the mass in the bulk of the building will not change agreed. I think thats a great suggestion [inaudible] we cant spend another year doing that. [inaudible] [off mic] right. Because we really believed in passionate about design and architecture think we need to let the architect create Something Interesting. Its a concept that needs to stand. When you look at each city block in each architect has an opportunity to great Something Interesting for it. Otherwise if we cut it up the building into smaller sections in every box looks the same. Each block. We want to create interesting architecture for San Francisco. We want to draw their attention so this is an opportunity for us to be bold to do Something Interesting for the city and that is my plead, please i mean i am comfortable with the motion standing at the start import as the june 2016 scheme. I dont know with the commissions preference is good again, i go back if you look at this rendering, 3. 2, which shows the kind of building that is before us with the articulated to building schemes , i still dont see that kind of responding to the more fine grained 810 different buildings of similar architecture on the other side on the north side of that building should i get the need to articulate i can i get the need to have a strong breakup of the ground floor but im not sure that does with all due respect to the architect and department, does what we think we are intending to do. So ill ultimately been the director sam but start with the june 2016 [inaudible] secondary agree with that . Okay. Commissioner johns and okay. Theres a motion seconded. Shall i call the question . One other thing i would encourage the project sponsor to work with Lgbt Community to make a Historic District realize. Thats all. I think that is an easy one. Thank you okay. There is a motion seconded to adopt a recommendation for approval with modifications to the planning Code Amendment accepting two of the status of recommendations recommended modifications regarding adm and the requirements which is an Affordable Housing component. That is the intent on the other the current inclusionary valuations. Captured. That the Commission Conditional use authorization be approved with conditions that the sponsor continue working with staff on the design with the june 2016 being the starting point. As well as including staffs recommendations regarding the entryways that was expressed at the hearing and that the downtown project authorization be approved with conditions get on a motion commissioner hillis just want to clarify, i think the new the existing regulations that Community Benefits package, the bottom line is proposed exceeds the bottom line the existing would have been that we asked they look at me capturing that. Total Community Benefits with the gray water and Affordable Housing thing. Something may change between now and then should lets leave it open. Very good. For the total Community Benefit valuation. On a motion commissioner hillis aye johns and get koppel aye melgar aye moore nay richards aye fong aye so move. That motion passes 61 with commissioner mcnamara voted against [applause] [gavel] good evening and welcome back to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular hearing for thursday, november 17, 2016 i like to remind members of the public to these silence your mobile devices. Commissioners we left off on a regular calendar. Items 18 a excuse me a through their hotel and 19 a through fc numbers 2010 sunnydale sf master plan project environmental findings. The findings of consistency. General plan of minutes then enCode Amendment Design Standards and guidelines, Development Agreements, and shadow findings. As well as for case number 2010. 0515for the potrero hope sf master plan project general plan amendment, planning Code Amendment design Standard Guidelines Development Agreement, and shadow findings. Youve heard several informational presentations on this matter. Thank you. Good evening present fong numbers of the commission a matt snyder departments that finally here before you for approval of legal as a project with sunnydale and potrero. As you heard you love about exactly 14 approvals before you tonight and i will walk you through each of them. Before i do a money handed over to feel miller director of the whole sf and then we lit thats the office of economic and workforce the moment not be back up. Thank you. Good evening chris. Good evening mr. Pres. And mr. Director good pleasure and privilege woman movies decided have exacted the last few hours i tremendous respect for your interest resilient should all be very brief. The dapper oh because sonny dale sunnydale ever drove in a labor of love do you like to horse of them are speakers im not to comment but thank you very much good just to read through quick points. Ill do this very very briefly. Three things i want to say. Number one on here on half of the mayor of the Mayors Office and most importantly we have about 5000 individuals residence many who were here earlier today park and rec many them were not able to stay and hope sf is this amazing collective Impact Initiative that comprises so many different organizations agencies include of you guys and you had many informational sessions. The second thing i want to say on behalf of mayor jim eight wedding is on his weight is way to pittsburgh who broken Public Housing from is nothing more important to them than this initiative in many ways we are preparing a wrong that is been a blight on our city for decades. So im energized to be a. I know it is late but this incredible incredible moment for this. To want to thank you for your partnership and for your leadership in this. I really wont go over these principles and details. I will be here for any questions. I will just say that our theory with hope sf and we have seen a bear to with Alice Griffith and hunter 0 to 3 transform community, if we transform these disconnected isolated communities of concentrated poverty a mixed income neighborhoods and poorly, we do it with the residents should we take in intentionality to community building, Community Leadership Resident Services are most important in some ways the housing, the built environment that will transform the lives of the 5000 and transform the lives of folks to come those neighborhoods. This is no longer want to the other side of potrero when the quote swanson sunnydale with these are vibrant and amazing communities, resilient committees already but fiber and committees to come and visitation value picture. Without all handed over to my colleague to go to the details of how to start and emphasize how important this is to the city and mayor ed thank you for your partnership over the years. Good evening commissioners. We will test with the office of economic and workforce development. I first want to express the sports for these projects of supervisor cohen. She introduced most of the legislation before you tonight. She and her aides cannot be here this late but they do want me to reflect their enthusiastic support for these projects. I also as the oh so dumb i want to note the many residents that were here to sport the project and had to speak but on fords lincoln not stay. So we are really grateful they made the effort to come out. I will also attempt to be brief but we are all here much of the city staff is here to answer any questions you may have but the very lengthy documents in front of you. First i want to mention a key partner in this project are the San Francisco Housing Authority is partnered with the city and our developers to achieve this vision. There are currently the land owner. They are the property manager and the federal funding partner for these sites. They are signed to the Development Agreement and through that they will continue their role as the federal funding partners. They will also conduct various types of land dispositions. They will execute longterm ground leases for the affordable buildings that are constructed. They will sell the market rate parcels to thirdparty developers. And they will dedicate you load ways and utilities to the city. These land dispositions are outlined in a separate master Development Agreement which is a companion document to this deal. So the sunnydale start a star with sunnydale first of either a few slides on each project youve seen this before. As you can see the site is extremely isolated from the surrounding community and the Housing Stock is an extreme state of disrepair. Well past its useful life. Sunnydale is located in visitation balloted its the largest Public Housing site in the city at 50 acres could currently it is home to 775 Public Housing residents households. So the master plan for sunnydale will be developed by a partnership of mercy housing and related california in partnership with the city. The master plan includes the finegrained Street Network with new connections to the surrounding neighborhoods. A continuous street wall, the addition for the first time of sidewalks, the trees, bike paths and enhanced muni bus access. In the Northeast Corner of the site in blue, purple, and red you can see the neighborhood of. These houses were will house number of Community Facilities Childcare Centers program open space, retail and health and wellness center. The Development Agreement before you today prioritize the primary Public Benefit of the project which is a oneforone replacement of the 775 households currently living on site with clean safe and new housing. Permanent housing. The neighborhood will ultimately be mixed income. The development excuse me the developers obligated to construct about 200 additional new low Income Housing units on the site. Additionally the project includes opportunities for about 600 market rate units of housing. Also through the Development Agreement the developer will provide significant package of inkind improvements. 3. 6 acres of neighborhood open space. 13 acres of new roadways and utility infrastructure that totaled 60,000 ft. 2 of Community Facilities that i mentioned earlier. In this diagram here i want to highlight the plan to mix up the affordable and market rate parcels across the site. The goal here is to place both types of housing throat the site and create a more integrated community. The affordable buildings that are in red will be owned in manage by mercy and related with the market rate parcels will be sold and developed by third parties. Just finally to touch on the phasing plan. Now that we are here how we actually are going to implement this great project. Project implementation, we are expecting to occur over 1020 years. The Development Agreement includes a phasing plan that is purposely flexible in its timing and order of the development so that the project team can respond to federal and state funding opportunities, maintain existing services to residents who are still living on site waiting for their renovations to hit their homes. Most important, the phasing plan needs to be respectful of those residents currently living on site will be relocated into new housing in phase. You can see all those considerations reflected in the phasing plan at some of the crazy allies you can see here because obviously are working with the site were 775 households currently live. So right now we have the phasing plan broken into three major phases and nine sub phases. I also just want to point out the timeline shows here was made possible with the help of the passage of the 2015 prop but also general obligation on which provided 40 million towards this project and is hoped the city and project team accelerate the first phases. Onto pretrade appeared perturbed in next similar to study gail was constructed in 1940s. 38 acres currently housing 619 household. Is in a similar state of disrepair is similarly isolated from the surrounding communities could theres no retail and no formal dedicated Public Open Space on either side. The potrero master plan will be developed by Bridge Housing partnership with the city. Again like sunnydale the master plan actually reconnects the site back to the street grid of the surrounding neighborhoods with a continuous street wall various building typologies and again the addition of sidewalks. On potrero this site seemed natural topography has been a bit of a design john. Were flattening that as much as possible and actually the new Neighborhood Center which is shown on the right hand diagram with red highlights and blue is an accessible zone that we have created so that residents with disabilities can actually access all the needed retail services. There will be bus stops to that area so we been really thoughtful but how we can do with the site topography. Similar to sunnydale the Development Agreement bases primary emphasis on the 121 replacement of the 619 existing households. There will be an additional 200 low income afford all units built on the site and the project includes opportunities for about 800 units of new market rate housing. Then the rest of the inkind improvements made to include 3. 5 acres of open space spread across the site, 13. 5 acres of new roadways, utility infrastructure and transit connections. Local serving retail and a 30,000 ft. 2 Community Center with a recreational and Cultural Service outlets. So the potrero project phasing will hopefully be implemented over the course of the next 10 maybe 15 years. Like sunnydale the phasing timeline was able to be accelerated with another 40 million to the same general Obligation Bond passed last year. You can see here that the project phasing will start in both the south and north ends of the site. The fourth and fifth large phases are in the center. That is where the slope fits so it requires us to tackle that all at once. Again the Development Agreement is a phasing plan that is flexible to respond to those topographical challenges and also be responsible and respectable the 619 household currently living on the site. Im going to leave it at that and we are available for questions. I do turn back to matt. Again i want to emphasize the board Public Private partnership nature of this project between the San Francisco Housing Authority, the city and the two nonprofit photo housing developers. All right. So as you know this commission has certified both Environmental Impact reports. The sunnydale eir was certified in july of 2015 and then the potrero was done last december 2015. Also in december for potrero we also adopted ceqa findings in general plan finds. You did that because we were ready to move on one of the blocks which we refer to as block x appeared at the southern excuse me southeastern most portion of the site. Then you approved some for limitary resumes for that project. So for tonight what we are looking for you to do for sunnydale is to the first action be to adopt the ceqa findings. Ceqa findings of course include a statement of overriding considerations in the adoption of the mitigation monitoring reporting for him. He second item for you for the sunnydale project will be the adoption of findings of consistency with the general plan and with planning code section 101. 1 which you do for all your actions of these pastoral general plan finds will be referred to in your subsequent actions and we also confuse these findings brought this project that we can refer back to for things like land that occasions a general plan referrals and the like. For both projects you will be adopting planning code text amendments. The text amendments will create new special use district for each of the projects. They are almost identical in structure. The special use district will provide special requirements for land use and then for some of the major building standard requirements within the districts but would defer much of the actual standards to a separate Design Standards and guidelines document which wire will also talk about in just a minute. I should mention that the planning has now recommending some changes to the text as it was originally introduced by the board of supervisors. That is in your packets. The draft motion or resolution before you does acknowledge those changes and indicates that you are accepting of them. The changes were planning to clarify and make sure that there is consistency between the suv language and Development Agreements and also provided some provisions allow some interim or temporary uses that might be necessary as the project gets billed out. He second item for both of them will be map panning code map amendments which simply list the new special ways use district on the [inaudible] the 40660 height and bulk this. The third action is to approve the Design Guidelines excuse me Design Standards and guidelines document as i mentioned before, these will provide special provisions for building standards that are key to these unique sites. The Design Guidelines also provide provisions for the design of streets and open space and how they all interact together. Finallyi mean not finally we have a couple more. At the fifth action now is to approve the Development Agreements and you heard a lot about that from lee. Then the final one is to adopt findings from planning code section 295, which of course is the shadow ordinance. We were before the park and Rec Commission this morning. They passed a motion excuse me and resolution that recommends or finds that there is no adverse to mitigate impacts of the project on potrero rec center for potrero and for origins of the clearing part specifically glenn eagle golf course and hurts playground for the sunnydale project recommending you make the same findings. I think that is it. I am here to answer any questions you have. Members of most oewd the Housing Authority, project sponsors, and William Pollock who is a master architect and the authors of the Design Standards and guidelines are also here in case you have questions for them as well. Thank you. This concludes my presentation at thank you. a project sponsor. This to project sponsor. The project sponsor for sunnydale hi. My name is rainy darren project developer for mercy housing california and related california for the sunnydale hope is that development. We are so excited to be here today. As you know weve been working on this for i think eight years. So we are really appreciate you allowing us to reach this point. The sunnydale master plan reflects the golden ideas of the residence and our neighbors and as you heard, we did have a group bank of your day to speak but unfortunately they could not stay. But the residents are very excited about having this point in the developed and are just trying to figure out how can we move quickly. I want to give a shout out to the Planning Department for its partnership over the years. The figure planning to carmen has been working on this as long as we have almost. Do the ceqa process the ceqa hearing to sunnydale. Working on that Design Standards and guidelines. Working on how we can create processes that are streamlined but yet colder Developers Accountable as we try to implement the master plan over the next 1015 years. We very much look forward good evening we are the master developer for potrero. We started our day at 9 am this morning. At the park and Rec Commission it was an inspiring meeting actually to hear. Both residents spoke of their desire for this change and transformation and hear the reaction of the commissioners and the that meeting with the unanimous support from this park and Rec Commission. Part of what was said by residents and neighbors at that Commission Hearing and if you would hear if they were here tonight you would hear them say its time. Its time to move this project forward. After eight years of Community Organizing participatory meetings outreach engagement focus groups, it is time to move this project forward. We have Bridge Housing are honored to be part of this initiative and very very excited to be taking this next step with you as the Planning Commission with our city agency partners. With our funders and lenders and most importantly with our resident partners at potrero [inaudible]. Im here to answer the questions you may have and thank you for your consideration thanks. Opening up to Public Comment if theres anyone here last . [calling Public Comment cards]width good evening commissioners. And director rahaim. This is thrilling for the Housing Authority and for me. Actually ive been with this process for the past eight years. Its been a dream of the Housing Authority and the residence to actually rebuild these sites that new housing for residents. When we started eight years ago it was right off the bat a collaboration between the city our developer partners, the community and most importantly our sunnydale and potrero residents. Everyone has worked very hard to get to this point and we are really excited and welcome your approval of all the actions that you have to take tonight. This will truly transform the severely distressed and dilapidated Public Housing sites into two vibrant mixed income communities that will have new housing for residents and other of for the Housing Market rate Housing Community amenities, open space, and is just really exciting for us. I think you for hearing these items and hope that you will approve them. Thank you. Thank you. Again corey smith on behalf of the San Francisco Housing Action coalition and kudos to everyone involved for eight years. We are in sport thank you. Any additional speakers on this item . I forgot why i came. I think we did, to [laughing] my name is fran martin associate with the visitation valley greenway and visitation valley planning a letter we been supportive of new housing at sunnydale since 1999 when our community rated the planning to address when you sent transportation issues and visitation valley beginning with [inaudible]. Historically our neighborhood has been systematically barred by the powers that be. Sunnydale is a blight and on reputation of us city and a poster child for social injustice. [inaudible] longoverdue new housing will help remedy that situation. This photo shows children from sunnydale boys and girls club that we work with their Outdoor Education program. They represent those who need to protect nurture and give new homes are focused social values one of the wealthiest cities in the world. We support new development at sunnydale do not want to hinder it going forward. At the same time we hope will be more attention paid to integrating it and surviving war permeability with mclaren park and [inaudible] as a project it spelled out in greater phases of construction. That can be easily accommodated when the time, spirit i urge you to support this project. Its been far too long for our neighbors to live and horrible substandard conditions. Thank you. Thank you. Any additional speakers on this, these items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] commissioner moore this project has been so strong for so long practically no change in the staff. Layering the information. Informing us all along. Theres not even a single question i have because everything has been said. Editing has been laid out. Everything is as solid as it possibly it could be and its a project which obviously no question with support from anybody anyway. I can only be delighted we are here. Another good holiday present. Im very supportive of it and hope we will approve all the various aspects which are in front of us. The only one question i would like to ask him and this would be to the person representing the Housing Authority, this is a question ive asked ms. Hartley on another project just about an hour ago. Are you for seeing any possible changes in direction from our newly constituted pending reformation reconfiguration in washington dc which would affect what were trying to do here . Actually were very optimistic. We are to have our disposition applications into hud pick worldly to have them approved very quickly. We been working with hud and that will actually give us the connection we need to all of the subsidies for the affordable units. Would that be before january . Thats what we are expecting, yes [inaudible] kate, you may want toour partners from ocd since we have been working closer with the mayor on this. Kate hartley. So just like were very concerned. Hud staffs is very concerned, too. The key to this project is something called section 18 approvals. The Housing Authority and sponsors submitted their applications and i heard from hud staff that they are trying to push them forward very quickly. Usually they take much longer time and he did give me a twoweek time frame. He said dont hold me to that and dont tell anyone. So for the record [laughing] for the record were hoping to get back in two weeks. Where is the camera . No. [laughing] they support the project. Theres great stuff behind us. They want this to succeed. We may see a diminishment of federal resource. [inaudible] are especially at risk in this section a program which will be the key to this program is the strongest program. It houses millions and millions of people, banks all over the country rely on its. So we think that is something that will continue on well. And that would be the key to this project. Thank you. I hope we can approve that in the next 5 min. Commissioner johnson i can get off with a motion i would just say them excited to see this. I am also excited. We had that pier 70 project come to us a couple weeks ago and i was heartened to hear the looks of some options for temporary housing on the project site. I know that was a major issue where are the people going to live what were doing all the phasing. So im going to look commissioner hillis did you want me to do a motion . All right. Lets get it. Do we need to do sunnydale and potrero separately . Its entirely as you wish. If there are provable as is you can approve all them together. Altogether. They were both called together id like to make a motion to approve all of the necessary approvals. Do i need to say them . I got it. Okay second. One question. Member of the public wrote us about potrero project and ill ask ms. Hartley were project sponsor and the concern they had was in the advent of moving forward with driverless cars, ride sharing bus services connecting to the rest of the city why the need for one for one parking get just a question. I support the project but why do we have one to one parking moving into the future . Doug just said dont screw it up. Im been a try to not screw it up im going to vote, yes so answer honestly so the zoning consisted of the citizens provide the maximum ones one parking. We have notwe do not anticipate what one apartment in fact we work with sfmta eight under Transportation Demand Management Plan which of those goals which are far lower than once one parking but there are requirements both for the Affordable Housing development and more poorly for the Market Rate Developers to reduce parking supplied there were to be the root quadrants of that plan. So weve added address that great. You do not screw it up commissioner hillis i want to congratulate everyone involved your weve seen many largescale projects even a small deck set up more controversy than this. Obviously its in a complex environment where you have residents and urine existing neighborhoods and building within them. So its a testament to you all and all the works that gone into this. That we are here today and for us its an easy job to approve this but thank you all for your work thank you. Director rahaim visit to our knees were the biggest projects to be approving in a very long time have no opposition. They have this great sport so i think thats pretty incredible. If i could besides thanking everyone involved would do a shout out to matt snyder is been involved for years and years and done an incredible [applause] incredible attention to detail on this link obviously many many people in this room have a lot to do is that i want to recognize all the residents were here earlier were not able to say that were here to tell them how much they want to make this happen, they supported this. I would make sure we have a shout out to them as well. They do all. Commissioner johnson director rahaim set up for me but least one commissioner people sitting outside residents come for the park and Rec Commission try to waited out as we struggle to the last item

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