Meeting. Please be advised that the chairman may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. Sell phones set on vibrate cause interference so request they turned off. Motion approval of the minutes from august 16. Motion to approve. Aye item 5, communication director yz have none. Item 6, introduction of new or Unfinished Business mpt i want bring up my favorite topics, elevators we have on the consent calendar a item for improving improvement on the escalators and elevators which provide access to our station. In light of the fact that currently civic center i believe is out right now and i know in the Disability Community there was a littlea lot of concern about the lack of notice and there was some notice but not enough notice and think where people are demanding on escalators and elevator, it is important to overknhunicate communicate so when we do the upgrade to infrastructure over communicate when the outages take place and do everything we can to minimize the impact on the riders. Thats it. Director rib key, i think we did everything to coordinate with bart. Thank you. At our last meeting which was long we had a gentlemen stand up in general Public Comment and he called attention to the stockton street discussions go around and think his call if i remember was to make sure we continue on the public process as we always do and know we will but he waited a long time to make the comment and want today bring it up. We have got a lot of emails about stockton street and look forward to the public process on that. Item 7, directors report. Director riscon, and good afternoon member thofz chair and board and staff. I want to start out my report by recognizing a couple of ow moust outstaning employees. First i like to ask [inaudible] our chief ficial officer who is director of finance and Information Technology division to come forward to recognize one of her employees. It is pleasure to introduce Naomi Steinway who has been with us 35 years. Before i was born she started. She demonstrated deep commitment to womeen owned businesses and as we rely on diligence and making sure we fulfill obligations to the stakeholders mpt she is a go to staff member regarding the db program and vauchbed in a large variety of other areas such as procurement of [inaudible] and third street lightrail extension to make sure we are fulfilling our obligations there to the communities. She is also been instrumental being lias ons with the auditors and said naomi is terrific gathering, analyzing and reporting the participation. She is thoughtful i hard working and has a dry whit that really positively impacts a lot of the unit. She is looking for challenges and way to enhance the community. The last comment i make, she is a big contributor of healthy snacks for our meetings and she a key member of the contract compliance office. Many of her fanerize here. Thank you tr 84 work for throw fiver years, it is a incredible achievement and congratulations. Thank you very much and the commissioners, thank you. I hardly expected this at all. Hoping to quitely retire with caucasian male majority. Hope i can hang on another year. Thank you. On behalf of the board and city thank you for your work, wish you all the best. [applause] next i want to ask john hailey the transit director to come forward and recognize one of his employees. Good afternoon mr. Hailey. Good afternoon mr. Chairman. I just it is my pleasure this afternoon to recognize gentlemen to my left, leroy wilson who is one of our longstanding transit supervisors. You may have noticed recently in the controllers report that over the last 5 years the average driving speed in San Francisco dropped some 25 percent. At the same time our evening rush hour has lengthened as new industries have come to change the commute patterns. One of the things that at the same time we have been able to improve our on time performance incremental but not where we would like us to be, and one of the reasons we are able to do that is because of people like mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson works in the most difficult locations, south of Market Street, during the most difcult times. He has the opportunity to make adjustments to lines like the 27, which are frequently backed up because of bay bridge commute and also in many respects is a very sod after figure at the transbay terminal as operators will go and have issues that mr. Wilson has resolved. He is a outstaning representative for all of us in terms of getting our service and making adjustments to the invariable situations so the supervisor would encounter but also is highly regarded and well respected by our operators. My apologies but i should say to the right is brent jones and [inaudible] in charge of our service management. So, it is my pleasure to introduce you to mr. Wilson for his recognition. [applause] on behalf of the board and whole city thank you for the important work you do and do it so well for so many years. Thank you. Thank you. I just dont know how to responds after mr. Hailey says all that but want to thank god first of all for giving me all the tools that i need and placing me in the department with managers that you have just met and making sure i have everything i need to get the job done. Also, like to thank my wife whos sitting right there. [applause] a lot of this work i take home and she helps me out with it and my phone stays on all the time for my other coworkers out there and she says, honey, we are out to dinner and you are still taking calls. And that is just the dedication i center to my coworkers because without them i could not get that job done. I could not do this job without my coworkers and want to thank all of them even though i dont see any here. My daughter, my niece and ist iser in law who comes over my house and bugs me all the time. My cousin sean who ran for District Supervisor last year and he lost to malia, sorry about that. Again, thank all of you for being here and this isthis caught me by surprise right here. With that being said, i have more work to do. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you mr. Chair. Vision zero update for the month. Mayors executive director on vision zero included we report regularly to boards and commissions and primarily to this board. Two update said today. First one very exciting we broke ground last week on 9th and division. Probably one of the first in the country. This is a area on the High Injury Network and anyone who is troyed to pass through there on a bike or in a car very rarely do people pass on foot but it is a hairy place to try to get through and made a number of improvements on division street in recent years but this particular intersection is one we thought was a good place to try this very innovative design based on a dutch intersection design. Protected bike laneatize is clear, you ride along a curb on one side and protection whether it is parked cars or delineators or barriers on the side but that works while you are in the block but when you get a intersection it is much harder to protect because intersections are open for allow of the flow of vehicles. This design coming from europe puts concrete islands at all 4 of the corners and raises the cros walk s and changes the approach and turn geometry so cars have to slow and so that the visibility between people on bike and foot and people in cars is much better. So, we are really excited to try it out here. We are also coupling with improvements on ajaistant streets on 9th and division, but very exciting to see what will bewe posted when we started this and put photos up when it is done and well evaluate and watching it carefully to see how well it performs and the potential applicable may be else where in the city. Exciting stuff there in the ground for the engineering e on vision zero. On the education e of vision zero, a aspect of the executive directorive is directing us the sfmta to implement a comprehensive vision zero Awareness Campaign within 30 days of the exectev directive. I reported at the last meeting we initiated radio ads in english and spanning to raise awareness of vision zero. We followed windup a second round we laurned yesterday. This is 6 speeds sf and just like the Engineering Work on the education work we use data driven or Research Driven process to conform the work we are doing. In this case we got feedback from focus groups as well as Community Wide Research Polling and interesting results. What we found is that, people do see speeding as a bad thing and in San Francisco we are focusing on speed because it is the leading primary collision factor of serious and fating collisions. Wheel people say it as a problem, people dont necessarily think of it as a problem in San Francisco. They see it as a freeway thing or open road problem. There is a perception to recognize unsafe speed happen in the city and urban virems as well. More interesting, most drivers consider themselves above average ijskill and not at need to adhere to posted speed limits. Like many other things we think the problem isnt with us, it is with other people. It was with that in mind that we developed this adand it is essentially meant to inform people that the speed limit in San Francisco is 25 miles a hour unless otherwise posted and that small increases in speed correspond to less control in stopping, less reaction time in terms of seeing people and that traffic deaths are problem in our city so raising awareness but targeting at the perceptions. I will ask lorie to play the spot so people can hear what people hear on the radio. Playing on drive time and pandora and running english, spanish and chinese then last month. If i drive 10 miles over the speed limit it takes [inaudible] yfs going to fast. [inaudible] i have to live with that. Speeding can lead to traffic deaths on San Francisco streets. The speed limit is 25 for a reason. Stick to the limit. Know more at vision zero sf. Org. If you havent heard those already, you and thousands of others will be hearing it as they make their way to work this week and the rest of the month. Moving on, another campaign addressing another safety issue that is of great importance and this deals with the safety of our employees. As we discussed and heard periodically over time, we have employees be transit operators or parking control officers, inspectors and custodeian and station agents subject to attacks by memberoffs the public. There were 58 reported last year or just on muni operators and that compares to 24 in 2014. So, it is unacceptable thing happening and very disturbing trend including a couple very public incident you may have read about in the past couple weeks. We have been work wg folks internally as well as unions that represent the groups, primarily twu and sciu on a number of things to address the issue and reverse that trend. One aspect of that collaboration is new adcampaign that was launched last week, which is just one part of a comprehensive approach. The theme is keep them safe and these will be in the form of ads placed on buses and featureed throughout the Transportation System and i will ask lorie and sfgovtv go to the screen to show the ads so you can get a sense of what they look like. So, we have these you see from the perspective of the employee and family and others. So, youll be seeing those if you havent already on muni buses. That is one part and this came from our employ ease they thought it st. Important to raise aware ness to the public of the difficult work they do and there are people like the rest of us that want toget home safely like the rest of us. Well continue working on that campaign but happy to see that come forward. Couple of other muni items. On the heals of the news we were announcing recipients of 45 million of state, cap and trade funds toward the lightrail vehicle expabz program. Chair nolan and i traveled to sacramento this last week along with mayor lee, board president london breed and Assembly Member david chiu to visit the sea mans factory. It was great to be able to go there to celebrate the recent news. This is 45 million on top of the 21 million so more than 80 million in support. First vehicle should be here about theened of the year and start seeing them in service in 2017. By the end of 2018 we will have 20 new vehicles hitting the street. That was great news. In the mean time to address crowding and to focus our resources where the demand is the highest, this morning we launched a shuttle that will shuttle cars between coal valley and embarcadero during rush hours. We have basically 4 trains, or 2 trains doing two loops runic between the points which are the inner part of the [inaudible] which anyone who ride at that time of day once you get to that portion the cars are usually full so the folks often cant board the train, so we are inserting capacity during the rush hour to try to insure the folks who want to take the injudah to get to work or to the city it k do so. We started it this morning, worked well. There are logistical issues we worked out when we tested this a few years back and hope to keep this in service and will be the first of such efforts we roll out over the next few years. Meanwhile, down at balboa park, there is a a lot of various construction work going on. One of the more significant aspects is we have largest or oldest railyard there and have been in the process in the last couple years of preplacing all the rails, many switches and overhead wires and infrastructure in that facility. It is generally not public work but very important to get our system in the state of good repair. We have largeby be able to do this work without impacting the public but starting part the project today that takes the part of the revenue loop, the j and k normally travel on out of service to replace those rails. So, as a result, there are different patterns for people to board and offboard for the j and k at balboa park. The k is boarding on ocean avenue. We have done a lout of outreach and trying to make the public aware of where they need togo to catch their train or once they get off the train to get to where they are going safely. We understand it is inconvenient for folks but have done everything we can to minimize the inconvenience but excited to see this work donefelt the entire project should be done mid2017. A very large state of good repair project you provided funding and support for in Previous Capital budgets. The last thing, i mentioned last time the votes for the muni art program were opened till last week and the vote are in and have the 5 winners. You can see on the screenthere is the new multimedia presentation for the directors report. We had 5 winners that werecame from the votes. The top winner is monica and her exhibit is called teens of sf. Followed by Lillian Shan Hann with bit by bit and a 3 way tie for third place which is [inaudible] Counter Point studio which is peter tomen son and lisa luvene for city walks and todd [inaudible] for sight seeing. These will go up. Each of the artists our groups will have their work featureed on muni buses and artist receiving the most votes gelt a 2 thousand cash prize and [inaudible] get 1250 and this is a partnership between sfmta and San Francisco beautiful. A win, win for artist and muni riders. That concludes my report. Just to go back to the 45 million of money we got for more lrv in the future. It is probably confusing we state our need without having identified all the funding and i know we have seen the same with the buses as we have more funding become available we place a order for more buses and i dont find that unusual for large infrastructure purposes or projects. Is that standard we identify the need and know what we want and as the money becomes available we place those orders . In most cases we identified the funding and just not secured the funding. We identified for the lightrail vehicles this as the main source for this part of the expansion. The procurement for lightrail is 151 to replace the ones we have and that is funded with federal and local sales tax and that we identified and secured. There is expansion of the first 24 vehiclechise is something we committed to as part of the Grant Agreement for the federal government for the central subway grant. We wroifed the revenues and secured revenues for those. Then we had exercised an option on the lightrail vehicle for additional 40 car squz for that we identified main source orphfunding being state cap and trade funds and now secured in subsequent years the first pieces of that. Yes, that is typical and most cases we have identified the funds, we just dont have them secured commitment from whatever the funding partner is. Thank you for clearing that up. I think that can be confusing for people that dont understand how the procurement process works. Thank you very much. Congratuless on the end shuttle surfbs. That is great. As you know since you have been in the chair i pestered you about Shuttle Service and sure it wasnt my pestering that did it but glad you and mr. Hailey got around to this one. As we procure lrv and stuff coming on stock you will look at way tooz expand this. I assume the ways to expand this dont just include Shuttle Service but reintroducingi urge the switch back in west portal to acamidate that. For me this is great news and something that is of great policy interest to me, so with the permission of chair nolan and vice chair bringman, i support that wewhen you have the data and you and mr. Hailey are ready, report how the Shuttle Service is working. Maybe also a update how it works comparison with the bus Shuttle Service and other options we throw at that line and plans for expansion for Shuttle Service whether plans for west portal or castro. Happy. I do want to cumind john hailey and staff for putting this together. It may seem simple t is a lot of work that goes into making this happen and they absolutely started thinking about what are the next as the rail fleet grows the most critical needs whether it is shuttles or expanding from one to 2 car or 2 to 3 car trains. How this integrates with the existing system is obviously important. You can have more cars but if they get jammed ativan ness you havent solved the problem. I want to know if the service is causes delays on the interchange or worked through seemlessly. Mr. Chairman you have one person who indicated a iftrust in addressing you and only matters discussed by mr. Riscon. Herben wineer followed by michael putralis. Michael putralis. Mr. Wineer is first. Herben wineerment one question about the new lrvs. I notice there is no railing at the end of the seats or sideways. If there is a sudden stop, if there is no railing a person can just spill over and possible injure themselves or other passengers. I noticed in the picture on the San Francisco examiner so can you clarify about the safety of that because i just noticed it in the picture and something that seems to be missing. The picture in the paper was of the mr. Riscon lets let him finish. The vehicle that we were able to visit in the newspaper was had first production vehicle and not complete so there were many things that will be on the car that were not on the car shown in the picture. What i say generally from ever aspect of operation from accessibility to safety to performance, Energy Efficiency the new cars are significant improvement over what we have today so the rule jz requirements just generally for safety on rail vehicleerize very stringent. What we do is above and beyond and wont put anything to service that puts people at risk. Thank you for the clarification. Michael putrelis. Ime arace bisticalest and concerned during your preezen taig about the vision zero work going on, there was no mention about long standing issue of mine and that is on bicyclist riding on sidewalks. I looked over your materials available on the sfmta website and cant find information about whatever sfmta may be doing to encourage bisicalest to stay off the sidewalks. In particular, im very concerned about the south side of Market Street from van ness to valencia. Bicyclist are frequently riding past that um, union office and riding past quickly by the mu cros key mattress shop and it is really dangerous for pedestrians, for other bisicalests and people in cars. There needs to be a stenciling on sfmts saying it is against the law to ride your bicycle on the sidewalks and if you want to also put carat in front of bisicalest, it should also remind all bicyclist that especially on Market Street, we have bike lanes. Bicyclists need to use the bike lanes. Thank you. Movering on, item h, Advisory Counsel report. I do not see chairman weaver here. Public comment this is a opportunity formaters within the sfmta but not on todays agenda. Well start with eileen boken followed by albert chow. Good afternoon. Eileen boken. District 4 resident. Im here regarding the rapid project which is on the [inaudible] i believe final approval the project is premature. In light of the ongoing issues on Mission Street the consensus and merchants of taraval is move forward with a Pilot Project which involved no structural changesism this is the taraval plan or Community Based plan. This Pilot Project involves the entire taraval corridor and not just the 5 locations included in the proposed mta plan. The community is recommending the tarival project be for at least 6 months. The tarival community is seeking to avoid negative impacts the 14 Mission Rapid project had. The tarival neighborhood sees the Community Based plan as a potential win, win for mta and community at large. Thank you. The next speaker please. Next speaker is albert chow followed by tom lee. Good afternoon mr. Chow. Albert chair from great wall hard weir. We have a great street the way it is now, but you are planning to take away a lot of parking and give a red lane in the left lan and put boarding island and traffic lights and bull bouts and [inaudible] because of the perpendicular parking and this for saving 2 or 3 minutes. Just like that you plan to upset the dynamic of the street and discourage driving in a area where driving is really necessary. Have you tried to run errands in the sun set . People drive and come to the businesses that way. I like to have some flashing lights and painted rowdways in lieu of the boarding island for safety but at the same time keep our parking. I just want to remind you that the Small Businesserize the backbone of the city and create the character of the neighborhood. Target and macey, do they make San Francisco unique . No. They leave as soon as the boom goes bust but we have stayed because we lover our city. Sean [inaudible] told me that if all sides are mad we are doing something right and think this is the wrong approach. Let that go for 6 months and it be a half and half sfmta and Community Based design everyone can be happy with. Thank you very much. Tony lee followed by aaron star and herbert wineer. Good afternoon mr. Lee. Good evening. Good afternoon mr. Chairman and [inaudible] i am a full time [inaudible] 27 years. Mailed me a letter saying that if i dont pay for the 179 for the disputes [inaudible] she will not let me renew my card and i cannot drive the cab so get fired. [inaudible] make a living and pay the bills. 179 [inaudible] today that i make. This not fair. [inaudible] everybody know a lot of kick backs and [inaudible] you can get it, a lot of rumor and never bring that before you because it isnt my interest but now they are clearly against me like this way so i hope that you are going to lay off your unprofessional and air gnt staff because you will make a lot of drivers lose their jobs. If you are going to fine me for this money, i will do it in a legal way and make you [inaudible] i tell people dont park. Only one car you couldnt get towed, you lost 600 bucks and i find the [inaudible] they move their car and you will lose a Million Dollar for your tow money rev enues as well. I have a right to do that. Aaron star, followed by herbt wineer and edward mason. Good afternoon board. Aaron star and work for the San Francisco Planning Department. By my caurmts are my own and not paid right now. Im here to spress concern over there bike and pedestrian on the Market Street. I have written the board with my concerns and received coms back from staff, however, the responses are inadequate and never addressed my point. The plan proposes painted buffers for bike lane jz upper market. This improvement wilt do nuth toog improve the safety and move the city closer to vision zero goal. I ride my bike on upper market. What i experience on a daily basis are double parked cars and delivery trucks. This forces me and fellow rider tooz move into the bike lane while travelling at 35 to 40 miles a hour. I experience cars drifting into the bike lane. Proposed painted buffers will do nothing to stop the safety risks. This board adopted vision zero which seeks to eliminate traffic death. This is based on the fact we are human and make mistake. The road system needs to keep us moving but also protect at every turn. We know people continue to double park in the bike lanes and continue to drift into had bike lane because they are easily distracted and know people to not use their turn signal or check their shoulder when they cross to the bike lane to make a right hand turn or park. The road needs to be designed to encounter that. I urge you to look into protected bike lanes up to upper market to castro. Herbert wineer followed by edward mason. Parking spaces, bus stops and bus runs braung to the public and taxi medallions belonged to the taxi drivers. The Municipal Transportation Agency contrary to great inconvenience to public interest. It simply declared the medallions its property and took them from taxi drivers charging state fees. This is a public agencythe mta is pirate aijs that regard Parking Spaces as obzeckts and sources of budy and plunder. Despite the parks spaces and bus stops mta has done the right thing. It shows Barbary Coast to advertise and promote muni forward to 1. 5 million over a 3 year period. The barb burry coast harbors pierants and mta conducted itself in the same tradition by fuming resources from the public. A Government Agency designated to represent the public is robbing the public of its resources. The public is walk agplank with removal and consolidation of bus stops. Mta seizure and termination of Parking Spaces and forcing passengers seniors and the disabled to walk a quarter mile to the bus stop. After all, we are walking the plank. Thank you. Edward mason, michael putrelis. Edward mason i like to present a editorial from the almanac which is a newspaper for menlo park. Facebook is expanding by 6500 employees to the current 7500 employees. A housing study revealed 15 live in bell haven. Created dependent for 175 units a finding of questionb logic at best. From a broader regional perspective planner voice concern. Job growth and resulting upward pressure on home prices and wide spread transportation grid lock. All employ ease livering long distances from the campus about half of facebook employees drive cars to work. Facebook is proposing to limit increase in trip generation relating to expansion to 438 inbound commuter vehicles. The development will benefit menlo park but result in worsening of transportation and housing facing the region. It is Standard Practice to abstract mitigation measures including Cash Payments and levering neighborhood communities for sig cnlt and uncompensated impact. No one is well served by major proposals evaluated by a single city looking out forilities own interest. Cities can move away from isolated decision making. The conclusion i came from this is, there will be more corporate commuter buses unless you get together with mtr, a bag and resolve the issue because we already have 35 commuter buses on 24th street. Michael putrelisfollowed by deneez louis and [inaudible] go ahead. Please do. Dont worry. If the folks at sf gv tv it show my. Show that for 20 seconds. This is the bus shelter at 16th stroot and missionism. I made a video of sfmta property that is caked with pigeon poop. You can am back to me, please. I have been filing a number of complaints with sf 311 to have this pigeon poop removed. Im a person with aids and have a compromised immune system and this pigeon poop is unhealthy. It also just not conducive to using Public Transit. There needs to be better contract compliance and monering of the sfmta has. After two weeks of observing this area there is not regular cleaning taking place of the bus shelters and sfmta street signs. This is really not good in any sense, okay. Now, in terms why there is so much pigeon poop on the bus shelters, it is because the overhead electrical cables do not have ant pigeon jell on them. That is pg and e property. However, i think that sfmta needs to look into bird sensitive sound repellent machines. There is latest device to stop Birds Landing on this property and roosting there. Im in touch with Barbara Garcia from department of Public Health to declare this a Public Health emergency. You need to get on regular cleaning of the bus shelters. Denise louis followed by [inaudible] good afternoon. Glad to see mr. Hsu here from the west portal association and want to say i really appreciate muni. It gets me where i want to go. For years i have been saying thank you to the bus drivers and for the past yearo so i have been hearing other people do the same. Im here to ask you about landscaping in san jose at bal bowy park station. The last i heard mt deciding on a mediterranean pallet. Prior to that asked that native plants be planted where possible in dpw project along ocean avenue. Since the area im referring to has not been planted, and dpw is assisting mta with landscaping planning here, and since the landscapers must yield to your desession on the pallet i ask you to reconsider. I ask you to [inaudible] environmental correct and what neighboring stakeholders have asked for. Is there a particular person with mta i can talk to about this . Well make sure to have somebody follow up. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Marry aliza followed by car lumetser and paula katz. Good afternoon. Speaking on behalf of the tar vel. The tarival project [inaudible] delivering 87 comments and ask that you scanned a email to the Board Members along with the statement. 70 of these comments oppose the elimination of tarival stop. The staff will not forward these so like to make sure you get them another way. Before you next meetding we urge you to read the Public Comments and listen to the audio of the public hearing. Other 50 people took time off to attend the hearing that was triple the number usually ateneding. When you read the staff report before you next meeting we urge you to keep in mind the vast majority the written and verbal comments supporting keeping the tarival stops. There are many [inaudible] about the various hardships their family members inclulding elderly parent and parent face if they lose these stops. Many opposed the loss of parking on tarival and proposed transit only lanes and perpendicular parking on san tiaugo. A large number also support what the community calls, the tarival plan which calls for establishment of a 6 Month Pilot Program of early implementation followed by Community Input before approval. The merchant will explain this furlther and want to add and believe this will be a universal cry throughout the merchants of the city. This thereis a real problem and also you also mention it isnt just in the mission. The parking and transportation concerns are keeping people from going San Francisco merchants. Good afternoon. Okay, hi. Carla metsler with save or el tarival stops. Microphone. Thank you. The el tarival project is scheduled for next meetings agenda. Proposal for 9 stops at 6 locations. In the transit effectiveness project final Environmental Impact report that you approved in 2014 states on pages 226 one of the factors to be considered when selecting stop locations removal is valium of boardings and lighting of the transit stop. Excuse me. Now, this okay. The kentucky fried chicken, pub lb library, library, post office and safeway, the stops surrounding 19 lth and tarival which is the busiest stop we are adding a thousand people by closing the stops before and after 19th. A thousand more people every day on 19th and tarival. I think this is dangerous and should be looked at again and it is not what we voted for. We dont want our tax dollars being used to make things more dangerous. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Paula katz followed by tom gill burty and those are the last people. What do i do to get this there it is. Paula katz. I want to make a correction to what carla said t is 226 of the final Environmental Impact report where it states that one of the factors to be considered removing stopicize boarding and lighting at the transit stop. We will give you the average weekly boarding and alignment at tarival for inbound and outbound stops. One thing we hope you can see is this data was collected november 2007 from january 2009 and so the decision to remove stopicize based on data that is 7 to 9 years olds and completely out of date. Sean kennedy agreed the usage probable increased but believes the proportions stay the same. Sfmta has no identity if this is true and told we cant do more head counts until next your and maybe when the new lrvs come in. In the areas whereplore housing is build or stores open usage will increase than other stops. In addition the staff said because the study is so old they cant access it and have no way of finding out when the study was done over what day or hours and doesnt include weekend. When the new lightrail vehicles we can track use r usage we urge you to put them on the tarival line as soon as possible and obtain up to date and accurate findings. This is incorporated as part of the Pilot Program that the merchants propose at part of the plan. I like to give you these documents. Tom gillbirty. Tom gillbirty. I was goingi remarked about the elevator ativan ness and thinking while we were gone that it was going to be the definition of rank. When you Say Something is truly rank was a slang word and thati cant say that now because i used it and it shown the effort of being maintained a little better. I would love to have it steam cleaned and love the carpet to come up and take a look underneath. I hope probably it dirt is holding it together and triing to get rid of that sooner that later because of property changes. I also want to applaud the mechanics on the old buses. I have been very good for long time. The mechanics on the lightrail very very good and i am using my standard of when the doors open there is a floor expansion that comes up. [inaudible] tipping my hat to mechanics. Next we got a number of seats we are losing, the standees we are getting. We are always losey seats with the new cars and looking like we are doing herds into subways and into the early 1950s and 60s of new york city and dont like the way the new lightrail are going. Corridors are now a big word. A couple years ago cumulative was the big word. Cumulative amount of traf ic. Third street in the rails are going to restrict the amount of people we can allow to live there. Your voices have to come up aletal higher on that. We have to slow down for the bridle on uncontenses growth. Last week i call ded [inaudible] for cleaning too. Mr. Chairman that is the last person to address matters in the jurisdiction of mta and not on todays agenda. Move toog consent calendar. All items considered [inaudible] member of had board wishes to have aiteal severered and considered separately. I have not heard you like to have a item severed but the public asked item 10. 3 be severed. Is there a motion on the consent calendar minus 10. 3 . All in favor say aye. 10. 3. Cristina varner followed by edward mason. Good afternoon. My name is cristina vrner. I strongly urge you not to establish a week day morning shuttle done on san jose between valley and 9th street. My family lives on this block and va3 your old son. We already live on one of the dirtiest and busiest streets in San Francisco where we witness accidents involves vehicles, cyclist and pedestrians. The pollution levels are high. The shuttle buses are nysy and enormous and block views. The exhaust creates unbreveth air and trophic congestion. The residentsthe full loan tree that helps create breatheable air for residents on this block will be damaged by the buses pulling to the curb. I understand it is proposed to be trimmed but need the whole tree t. Is a shame that to see that dpw exempted this from Environmental Review because it effects our environment. I want to draw your teengz to page 3 of staff report. The shuttle bus stop takes away the use of 5 to 6, not 4 parking spots which are especially permitted for residents. The city should refund the cost of the parking permit through may 31, 2017 because the point is park in the spots all day and now it is impossible to do so. There is a existing commuter shuttle spot on valencia and 26th street and additional stop doesnt need to be created in front of our house. The worker of companies catered to can walk a few blocks to caf a bus. The plan decreases safety by increasing exhaust and nysand tafic. Please dont [inaudible] by approving san jose avenue. Next speaker, please. Edward mason and mr. Chairman that is the last person. Edward mason. Stop removes the residential parking permitinant which is a form of de facto imminent domain. It is a gift of public space for private use and broken contract with no reimbursement for the people. You have a stop about 2 thousand feet away at valencia and cesar chavez. You eliminate stops by lengthening the walking distances while making these particular stops more veents. Convenient. The stop is unnecessary. This is unnecessarily stop and impacts the environment because for every cycle of a bus you have pollution from the break pads and break dust and upon acceleration you have pollution caused by the engine and also the noise. This is got a Environmental Impact that could beis unnecessarily if you can walk an extra 2 thousand feet. Operation after 10 a. M. For bus operations i have observe buses. There is a bus at 1015 and 1010 and 1035 stopping at the current location. This is going to create unsafe situations if the automobiles are parked after 10 a. M. This will be cause a safety issue with double parking on san jose avenue. In summary, i would recommend that you take a good look at this station as to why these individuals cannot walk a extra 2 thousand feet to the new stopto is a existing stop at the Salvation Army that you approved several months ago. Thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Questions or comments . Mr. Migire you want to talk about this . Good afternoon. Tom mcguire. Joined by [inaudible] who has detailed answers to your questions. Good afternoon. So, the purpose is primarily to place a stop that is at san jose is deloris is that is being removed where they are widening the itisland so this is replacing existing stop where we have 57 vehicles stopping during the a. M. Period and just serving the a. M. Period. Thank you. Thank you mrs. [inaudible] i know when mrs. Pain brought the Commuter Shuttle Program she made a point of saying this is a changeable program and it is a living stop thing and we are moving it around and have seen these stops at all most every meeting we had for the past few months. I will go ahead and support this stop and thank the people who came to give feedback and completely understand how much of a change it for your block face to have a commuter shuttle stop and also want to make request that we take a look at dolores street because i understand dolores street is limited away from it stop. What we have seen in that we hear from the people around dolores park that have a hole in the Shuttle Program where they are walking for 15 minutes to get to a stop. I think we need to take a look at dolores street and see if the weight limit can be restricted and share the pain on the shuttle stops because nobody wants them and we need them. I make a motion to approve them. Second that the residential parking space is only not available in the shuttle hours but available during the other hours. Yes. Thank you mr. Chairman. I just want to thank the public for being engaged in this work t. Is important to achieve the best possible program for us to continue to monitor how things work and accommodate accordingly looking at dolores street or what have you. This is a thing that that we hope will have a positive net effect on the community as a whole and certainly sensitive to the concerns that are brought upism namely, the pollution of diesel or what have you. Those concerns are very real. I appreciate the fact the shuttles do take away a lot of otherwise car traffic t. Is important that we are sensitive but look ought for the entire community so ill support for this measure but i want to thank the public for being vigilant and encourage more individual laens as the project is implemented. Director we are taking people out of cars and increasing transit use even in this private form. Sorry im not familiar with the map out there but is there a commercial space within relative proximity to this area such that we have the stops not in 41 front of a 3 year old home or in front of a business not open and appreciate the fath they bring a lot of people to their block . So this is a primarily residential portion of san jose. We looked at numerous locations, mitchells is there primarily commercial use in that area and we did reach out and spoke with them early in the planning process. Their concerns were around the fact that this would block their driveway used for loading during the a. M. Period. So we shifted the stop a bit to not block their driveway and also be partially in front of a house and partially in front of empty garden lot to try to minimize the impact but it is challenging given it is primarily residential. Motion and second to approve. All in favor say aye. Opposed . Ayes have it. Regular agenda mr. Chairman. Item 11, approve parking and traffic modifications along folsom street between hawthorn and embarcadero involved in the folsom street Streetscape Project. Good afternoon director. Greg leaseen and sustainable streets and here to presents the folsom streetscape projeth. Exciting project. Been working on this my 8 year career. The project goes back further than that and touch on the history. The project sponsored by the office of ocii formally known as the Redevelopment Agency. It is there project but im the mta lead and mta and Planning Department are active in the streetscape design of it. Public workicize construction manager and project planjure on behalf of ocii so big team effort. Also have a consultant team, cmg architects and [inaudible] big team and excited to be hoor. Here. 8 years of work so thank you for coming out. Sharing the exassignment with me. This is the project site. It is folsom street downtown, between Second Street and embarcadero. This is a old aerial of the old folsom street under the freeway terminal separator structure. So, Everybody Knows the old embarcadero free bp way torn down after the earthquake. Not everybody remembers the terminal separator which connected to the bay bridge which is the equally structure in the air. I have scoured all over to find more historic photos of structures and i really cant find any. It is like people want to forget it existed. I called the cal Trans Department and had nothing. I did justcouldnt include in the presentation. If you watch the 1958 San Francisco cop drama, the line up, you will seei highly recommend it. The climax at the end takes place on the under construction terminal separator structures so please take a look and get excited about that. There are no other photos i can find accept there is one i like to share. My friend gave me a great book when i moved to San Francisco and a favorite of my kids now. Dont know if you can see this. Leer sat the bottom you can cineld kind of see. There is the old structure and this book remarks san franciscans dispice the monstrosity and it was torn down. Ill talk more about the history in a moment but sorry i dont have more photos of the old folsom street. I do of the new folsom street. This is a rendering and qu walk you through the details. We will convert the street into two way Traffic Operation with one lane each way. There will be big widened sidewalks with corner bull bout which you can see here. The bull bouts have rain gardens and bench seating and looking into having native plants for the rain gardens because they request is made. This photodoes not show the bike lanes there also which ill show in a moment. It is really a long history how we got to this point. Ill walk you through the Cross Section. This is folsom street, new folsom street looking east bound and ill walk you through left to right. On the left on the north side, the existing 10 foot sidewalk remains at 10 feet but the high rise and ground floor retail have a 15 book setback mandated so results in a 25 foot sidewalk on the north side of instreet with double row of trees and one block is already built with phils coffee. There is a 6 foot wide west bound protected bike lane and south of that there is a buffer and south of that there is a parking and loading strip for vehicles to stop where they wont interact with the bikes. Similar design as other protected bike ways we have implemented. South of that thral is the west bound lane and east bound lane and on the south side of the street there is parking and loading and buffer and east bound protected bike lane and sidewalk will be widened to 15 feet. That is the new street, really exciting and this is implemented after the new Transit Center opens in 2018. Ac transit will come out and move into the new elevated bus facility that will enable one lane of traffic each way without impacting ac transit. There is a map of the extents. Important note is between Second Street and spear street is the ocii project which includes the sidewalk widening and all that lovely stuff. Mta we are going to restripe the last block between spear and embarcadero to have protected bike lanes to create the connection between Second Street to the embarcadero and folsom street is the link. We are build agnetwork of protected boo bike ways with this project and enhancing transit and cars by make tg a 2 way street making it better for local circulation. Here is the timeline. This is a abbreviated timeline rel toov the Streetscape Project and parking and traffic changes seeking your approval. The history of this project goes back a long way. I think when the elevated free way was built people called to have it torn down. It is worth noting there is a big effort in the late 70s and early 80s to tear down the embarcadero freways. People wanted to tear that down. The board of supervisors approved it in 1985 and the voters overturned that and that was a huge blow to the freeway removal idea. Two years later there is a earthquake and the embarcadero didnt fall dow it was damaged and so was the terminal structure so at a very contenses vote the board approved 6 to 5 to tear down the freeway in 91. The peoplethe advocates try today tear town other freeways. As soon as the freeway was shut down all the traffic materialized. Terminal separator structure and removed in the mid90s and laid the ground for the rest of my slide which is Redevelopment Agency known as ocii created Redevelopment Area in the zone and the removal of the freeway parcels created new lands sold to developers to fund the Transit Center and fun this project which is 15 million project. It is a long time coming. We are here today with legislation and final approval and then we hope to break ground next year. Should take about a year to build so hopefully enjoy the street and riding our bikes and walking along in 2018. Here is a overview of the design. I will not walk you through this. Again t is from Second Street to the embarcadero so the slide is from second to fremont and the bottom is from fremont to embarcadero. Ill zoom in to a example. This is typical of the design. You seeyou cant see on this screen but one lane of traffic in each way and protected bike lanes and also install transit boarding islands. Muni has a plan to [inaudible] bus route extension at the moment. There is work on there [inaudible] it will happen here so we are building boarding islands so the buses will not conflict with bikes. Thats it. That is my presentation. Excellent presentation. Members the board . Great presentation thank you very much. It was nice to be reminded of the history of that freeway. When i worked at [inaudible] after the earthquake we would walk and have our lunch. Very fun. I love this project and think the widened sidewalks will be great. If anybody has not tried to go downtown in the last 2 years try it. A lot of the sidewalkerize so narrow you cant walk. I think the wide sidewalkerize fabulous. The parking buffered bike lanes is what everyone is look frg as we heard from mr. Star about upper Market Street. There is such a sense of frustration among cyclist. There is a huge sense of frustration so pleased to see these are going because i know a [inaudible] crowded urban environment you cant expect 100 percent separation all the time but if we engineering it so we can prevent the [inaudible] im so excited about the project, it will be a fantastic addition. No questions. Motion to approve. Veckd. Second. The buffer like a raised pavement . A lot of people asked that. This design isnt raised. The design is for a painted buffer. It is similar to jfk drive or bay street. It is important to know the difference from the Second Street which will have raised bike ways. The short answer for why we were not able to consider that is because wree have corner bull bouts with rain gardens and it is designed so the rain water rains into the rain garden so looked how that will work with a raised bike way and it basically wouldnt. We are excited. The corner bull bouts and rain gardens shorten the crossing distance between for pedestrians and also if we do findim hopeful that car drivers will figure it out to not pull all the bay to the curb and putting thought into the striping and painting to make it clear but if we have issues we can ret row fit qu treatments. The things that youthey are like little magnet things you run up against. Not a curb, but it sticks to the ground and you cansomething that is like a lot of times people if they are parking and not paying attention they pull too far and if there is Something Like on the freeway and go to the wrong lane all is a different sound. That type of thing. Well be watching closely how it functions and have it opportunity to install treatments like that. I think in a situation like this because this project the parking is outside the bike lane, correct . That make as huge difference because as lang asia see one or two cars parked correctly most people figure it out they are supposed to park out of the bike lanes so i think in Golden Gate Park you see cars parked correctly and one parks incorrectly. I have high hopes this will be working. One traffic question and trying. Is there a stretch to bridge access . Yes. Yes. We are going from 1 late to 2 lanes accept between second and essex street. That isnt changed. Okay. And sogreat. Northbound traffic on second will make the right and curl up that way and there is lelft turn restriction. Let me cut to the chase, you addressed this and not anticipating this will exacerbate that existed line up . Correct. I think this is very exciting and looking forward to see it played out. The one question is the stretch from spear to embarcadero. Was it determined there was enough [inaudible] the only change is the bike lanes . Yes, it is really just that is the project boundary for the Redevelopment Area so thereat is where ocii can spend the money to widen sidewalks. Mta or public works can come back and do more sidewalk widening on the south side. The good news there is the gap building on the north side so have the 15 foot set back so the 25 foot wide set back is preserved from the embarcadero to essexs street. We can come back later for the bull bouts and widen the sidewalks. Im supportive of the bike lanes. There is minority andimably a vocal minority in the Disability Community that pestered me that they need curb back squz there are protected bike lane jz want safety for cyclist but want to be able to access in our vehicles. The concern is where the buffer basically on jfk as you probably know when you have a blew ue space you can use the buffer to unload and connect to the sidewalk. There are concerns in the community about these going in more and when the buffer is not continuous to the place where you can access the sidewalk. That a complicated thing but wonder if this addresses that or it is a continuous buffer and if we will make a extra to put in blue zones where we can. I dont drive and [inaudible] i know some people in the community are very concerned about the protected bike lanes. We put a lot of thought into ark sesable access work wg mta and public works. All most each block face north and south there will be a newit isnt a white curb zone but there were be fully accessible loading zone there for everybody and we are installing new blue zone Parking Spaces as well. Both accessible loading and parking. Great. Yes, just very quickly. I notice with the jfk parking like the vice chair said, usually the problem starts when one person parks the wrong way and there is a fall though leader sort of mentality of not wanting to disrupt whatever pattern is established. I often wondered if you folks had considered establishing like some kind of signage or stenciling in the buffer that indicates no parking so that people might see pulling up like where to park or not to park and there is a better understanding of how to dpoo do it. I know that it would be labeerous and maybe ugly to see a bunch of no parking signs at every space but maybe the ones at the top of the block face just wondering if you have thought about that and particularly with respect to when you are going install this one if there is think toog that and what led you to not do it. The blue zone spaces we springled the blue zone at the beginning of the street east and west bound because anticipate those being parks with a vehicle. When car is doing it it is obvious for others how to do it. Installing signage in the painted buffer that will be tough because we cant use the street sweeper. Like painted on the [inaudible] you have stencils and imagine a p with no parking or something to that effect. We can go back to the slide and walk you through. So, you cantso, this shows a spot reserving for bike share stations. This is what the wide zone will look like and still a work in praun progrtss what the striping will be. The idea is this will be a white stripes and shown on black on the paper but are white stripes. This is a white passenger zone. I hate saying that. Here are the yellow spaces which are for truck loading and this is the painted buffer. We are planning as of this moment to use our traditional parking ts to make it clear thris is a metered parking space. These are for trucks. Up here where it is a white zone, there is no ts because you dont park there t is just for louding. We have put thought how this work squz we are doing other protected bikeways as we innovate this. The bottom line is we have a idea and watch it very closely and if we need to install rubber curb segments or better signage we havent done the sign plan yet and will be mounted on the street lights just the typical no parking. We need to develop a sign if it says this is floating loading zone, which is brand new. Work in progress. What im implying with this where you have the slash, diagonal white buffer zone, that is what i suggest considering putting in like a stencil that says no parking in there because for whatever reason sometimes some people do park on thaton top of it in Golden Gate Park on the jfk lanes and creates this sort of line of parking that i suppose isit becomes a problem i think because that buffer zone is gone and then it is less safe bike lane. I guess what i suggest is consider how you enforce it or not and see if there are lesson to be learned from maybe putting down a stencil that says no parking in the white diagonal slash because people do it all the time, well not all the timeif is interesting to see if there is a way to get better enforcement there before maybe doing Something Like that here. I do think on jfk there are stencils and say no parking. Maybe we need bigger ones and p where a cross out. Something like that i think will be warranted there. Thank you very much. Excellent presentation. Motion and second . Josey aaron followed by charles defargs. Those are the only people who turned in speaker cards. Good afternoon. Good afternoon directors. Josey aaron and the new neighborhood organizer with walk San Francisco. On behalf of walk sf i would like to express our strong support for this exciting project. I will make the segment more pleasant and safe for everyone. We are excited to see a project that prioritizes pedestrians and includes features like bull bouts which increase pedestrian visibility, decrease the distance to cross and slow turning vehicles, wider sidewalks which act as a barrier between pedestrians and traffic with landscape. The conversion of folsom to two way traffic which calm traffic. A street that connects people to parks and open space. We are thrilled to see the City Building out green connections like folsom with rain garden squz other feature. We love to see the rest of folsom when the Folsom Howard project is implement to be designed comprehensively with green and traffic calming features as this project. We look forward to many more projects like folsom streetscape breaking ground soon. Charles defargs and he is the last person to address you today. Good afternoon. My name is defarj and Campaign Coordinator at the San Francisco bike coalition. This is a project we are excited about specifically the protected bike lanes from second to embarcadero. Souckt of market is one the most heavily bike trafficked areas in San Francisco despite being one the most dangerous. The projects sets to transform folsom into a bikeable street something it is not today. The improvements open up the east end of folsom lowing two way bike traffic and providing important north south connection to howard on main, beel and fremont. The result is more accessible ceblthed and vibrant for people walk{biking. Thank you guys and thank you to greg at mta. This is a great project. We have motion and veckd second . Aye. Item twevlg, discussion whether to conduct a closed session. Motion to conduct a closed session. Second . All in favor say aye. We will go in closed ession. Discuss City Attorney voted to settle the cases. 14, appropriate for motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed motion to not disclose. All favor say aye. We are adjourned. Thank you very much well, good afternoon Everyone Welcome to our city hall i want to say thank you to members of our board of supervisors that are here today and thank you supervisor farrell, supervisor yee supervisor tang supervisor cowen thank you very much for being here to our Department Heads and the controller to our commissioners to many others who are serving the city gridlock here to do something that everyone looks forward to every single year and first of all, in the context just a few years ago we were all struggling with double digit unemployment a half a billion dollars to try to kind of gap the to finance that gap in the budget and talking about layoff off a lot of people im glad we all worked together to make the city stronger im happy to say it is my opinion but particularly finance people that having worked hard on the way we do our budgets and the way we conduct ourselves at city hall financing were in the strongest finest position in the history of the city. clapping. yeah, thats worth clapping for. clapping. and so today, were going to move on that progress weve made by signing in a 9. 6. 23 year budget that is a budget thats been recently approved by the board of supervisors let me say a resist of that ive been talking with a lot of people and going to neighborhood meetings asking the neighborhood leader and nonprofits as well as residents and activists to give us their opinion ive heard it all let me say this is not a surprise the issue of homelessness the issues of Police Relationships and Police Reform and the quality of life in the diverse neighborhoods are all at the first and foremost of what people think are important for the city we have reflected that in this budget homelessness definitely is on my mind and on the minds of a lot of san franciscans is he and thats why this creates a Department Open homelessness in support of housing Whose Mission to make homelessness perhaps once in a lifetime for anyone with the increase and coordination and new investments and clear and singular focus well end homelessness for thousand of people in the near future and as she walks up thank you to the president of the board of supervisors lovnd breed and scott wiener and as were creating this new department it includes a significant increase in funding for homelessness for services for homeless residents and focus on homelessness families this is possible because of a consensus process to move on there in our sales tax come this november on the November Ballot i want to particularlycy thank you not only to all the supervisors but in particular to supervisor farrell and supervisor wiener for your leadership in she saiding the sales tax on the November Ballot with our service to the homeless and so create a 20 fee transportation in effect the budget also reflects investments in violence perspectives and Police Officers reform it includes the combheven reform pajts and 20 Million Investment in the violence prevention programs 2 includes first and foremost as and i i said new training for the Police Department and new commit pike like the body worn cameras and funds an increase in oversight transparency, affordability to is he can rebuild did trust between the communities and the Police Officers that serve them this budget also includes a very good focus on the quality of life in the neighborhoods as you know i created the new neighborhood based fix it i having been a former dpw director all things are not just with dpw you look at things on the street and puc and private entrepreneurs sfmta rec and park and others involved we wanted to make sure we had a team that represented all of that including the pointing so people that exhibit the behavior that leads to the quality of life in the neighborhoods streets that were not just relying on the Police Officers were actually having a Health Care Working to assist and clean up teams teams that have nut equipment to assist them and a clovengs and loan to different agencies not passenger seat the finger when we were trying to get things done and building on successful programs like the pit stop Pilot Programs and i know that supervisors are interested in getting the pit stops up and running in the neighborhoods and vital to our public parks and Public Libraries and they more than libraries and parks they serve as good conversation hubs for the neighborhoods this budget includes over 29 million in capita investment and playground and extend Library Hours across the city this budget also allows us to start investing in the initial engineering of our seawall it also funds critical First Responder equipment and replacement of our Public Safety radios i know this is what the communities wanted as we spoke to a lot of members of the community and got input from a lot of the departments this is what they said and we reflected in our bucketthorax im committed to why we have a strong budget im compromised to great financial policies in place lie two year budgeting. 5 years sftv our reserves and making sure that we deciding strategizing of the things we put before the voters on the ballot like weve done with our bond program and other things to make sure that things are going to be affordable to the long term we have worked together this particular year to close a general Fund Shortfall without Cutting Services and i want to say thank you to supervisor mark farrell for chairing this effort for your leadership in approving the budget and supervisor wiener and supervisor tang for serving offender the and thank you to the rest of the board and the leadership of london breed and making sure that everyone was paying attention to each other that we wanted to make sure the entire board was thanked they acted well most of them acted responsibly to make sure this budget was wellbalanced and i want to thank Ben Rosenfeld for goufs appropriate guidance and making sure when people are out the bound to keep our budget tight this budget balanced budget highlights our San Francisco values our priorities we want to keep the city safe and reliant and compassionate and successful with that, id like to introduce our budget chair supervisor mark farrell. clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee you know, i also love those events were lining up u up for senior prom i wanted to thank everyone for being here the 4 each year an honor to with work any colleagues but more importantly produce a budget that truly represents the values and priorities of. San franciscans in terms of board of supervisors i think we had a few definition distinct priorities through deliberations together first of all, a lot of work onramp railways the homelessness is on the minds of many san franciscans but i think that Public Safety it continues to be on the top of minds strong leaders that are part of effort a large focus on the lgbt we need to continue to support Affordable Housing continues to be a big deal in our city and significant resources towards that as well as improvement the quality of life the mayor mentioned this process is not working without a committee it really tooijz first and foremost supervisor tang and supervisor norman yee we serve on the and supervisor wiener and supervisor jane kim that came in during the budget process it takes really make sure this is a comprehensive process with every single supervisor supervisor president london breed and is supervisor malia cowen that played unconstitutional roles thank you for your efforts all the time i also want to call out a number of people that really make the budget process first of all, mayor ed lee thank you, sir thank you for your leadership in the progress and working together collaboratively and our staff to many others i want to call out Melissa White house of acting budget director this year. clapping. you wouldnt know this is her first year in the Mayors Office by go done an amazing job and congratulations i also want to thank Ben Rosenfeld their Invaluable Partners to all of us. clapping. and i dont know we know how important it is to have ben at the heads of the office for to barbara and everyone thank you to our bye team and. clapping. last but not least to all of the staffs here at the board of supervisors that work hard from any office margo and others but to the staff and every single supervisor that is a collaborative effort and working together with the ceos so thank you all very proud of budget once again it reflects a lot of the priorities in the city it was an honor to lead as your chair and look forward to get to the signing thank you, everyone clapping. and our board president london breed come on up. Board president. Thank you, everyone for being here as supervisor farrell and mayor ed lee have expressed this 9. 6 billion budget is a clear reflection of what our values are here in the city and county of San Francisco record dollar amount for Homeless Support Services and housing hopefully hundreds of formerly Homeless Individuals record dollars investment until our Public Transit and infrastructure and what most people wont point out weve also included money for Public Safety in our Public Housing development in this city we have to make sure that all residents feel that they have a say in city hall, they have a peace of the budget theyre a prioritized in a way to make sure the quality of life for every citizen of San Francisco is enjoyed when we invest in Public Housing and invest no more Affordable Housing when we invest in preserving our existing Affordable Housing stock we make the quality of life better for every san franciscan we have work to do this didnt happen clearly without individuals along with supervisor farrell i agree that we couldnt do this work without Ben Rosenfeld and without the budgetlytics harvey rose and their team, without Melissa White house who stepped in for kate on Maternity Leave and the team worked to bring this process together along with some incredibly dedicated supervisors who are on the Budget Committee working day in and out and supervisor farrell as the leader and supervisor norman yee and supervisor katie tang, conserving and supervisor jane kim link along with their team of legislative teams ultimately we all care about making sure that were making the right investment so as someone who is very you know, i know the value of one dollar this is 9. 6 billion so every single City Department make sure when youre out there spending that money youre thinking about the people lives we need to impact with this money were not wasting money were saving money if possible and making the right investments and right decisions every dollar is going to make a difference in the city and county of San Francisco for this coming budget year i look forward to seeing the fruits of our labor out will will there with new muni bossing buses and housing and new opportunities every single will make that happen thank you everyone for your participation in this process. clapping. all right. Now time to get to work and sign the budget. clapping. go to work dont waste time dont waste moneyprogram. Good morning, everybody. I am sandra are excited to welcome you to the intersunset for the fix it lunch in intersunset really excited to be here just really wanted to first and foremost thank you. The mayor for his leadership in the program fix it is a multi Agency Coordinating the services be neighborhood by neighborhoods wroesh focusing on one neighborhood a month it is the interset residents and their neighborhood so without further ado, again, thank you to the mayor for his envision and leadership mayor ed lee. Thank you. clapping. sandra has a great dilate called the fix it leader of the city thank you to supervisor president london breed for joining us this more than the leaders on board the board president and for the neighborhoods particularly the ones she represents they wants it fixed yesterday but i also want to say thank you to both the captains of taraval value and the park stations for being here as well our homelessness Outreach Teams part of fix it teams thank you. This is a difficult job youre helping to improve lives for everybody formatting we put together a new department to really be dedicated and focused on the outcomes for our people that on the streets i wanted to say thank you to rec and park the dpw, that i used to head and i know that theyre happy because they always said we cant do it by ourselves we need the partners they got the partners the fix it teams as sandra will explain a coordinated Multi Department this has handles things from our Health Department and Mental Health person on the team that is part of Outreach Team their services were needed just this morning was we remember coming down the blocks we saw individuals that needed assistance and given that assistance not necessary by Police Officer but Homeless Outreach our Police Department is here, too because theyre part of this entire effort not just the fix it team this is to also say that through the budget and through the leadership of the board, through activists like andre here to remind us our budget is for the people of San Francisco and i just had the privilege of signing a 9. 6 billion budget this incorporated with the support of board and if the budget we heard our neighbors and they want save and clean neighborhoods they want safe neighborhoods that is reflected were in a hurry to get to the 19 hundred and 71 chapter officers that the people can stop burning my areas through the chief we need nor officers to respond to dedicate what the residents want lets stop that neighborhood crime levels rising and make sure we Pay Attention to car breakins to burglars to the feeling of being safe on the neighborhood street like linking or irving or 9 street this is a major thoroughfare day and night without the outlands everyone visitors and residents and neighborhood shops to feel the customers and residents are feeling safe if you dont feel safe this no, not part of our city . The beginning we starred the safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program in castro and market this the the second i know that supervisor president london breed is sxieftd were taking this to fillmore and divisadero then chinatown and mission and geneva and in the next 3 years cover with sandra leadership and youll see teams lip reads over one hundred neighborhood in the next 3 years to make sure theyre safe and clean to make sure the fix it team are there i saw the fiction teams theyre working on graffiti on the poles, fixing up the parking meters broken lights be holes in the sidewalks so that a chihuahua wont fall into a sidewalk that recently happened to just neighborhood cleans up everything should be fixed and proud of is city it passed a 9. 6 billion budget this is what it means safe and clean neighborhoods is a priority and bringing this to many of the neighborhoods across the city we wanted to demonstrate what a concentrated multi agency kind of coordination can look like after were through youll see this happen all over the place and i know the residents of neighborhood feel this is the kind of thing they wanted out of this and that bucket will reflect all the things we want to do for the residents to make it safer and cleaner and improve the Services Within City Government i wanted to make sure we have this kind of government i worked in 2, 3, 4 government and now approaching thirty years and always been about improving the way we do things and making sure we dont work in the silos sometimes that is not recognized and by the way, the director of 311 we asked people invest in calling in on the things youre calling in i have the privilege to make sure it is respond to by all the different departments that we are working this is truly a team that were all putting together to make fix it and sofa and clean neighborhood really happen all over the city and glad to support the neighborhood businesses ill be having lymph in the department and Malcolm Heinicke did i is on the memo as well as some local ice cream parlor i hope do you get it do i get regards. Honey cream is relatively new i want to say youll see obvious us out in the neighborhood it is where our Budget Priorities and city hall they passed a large budget i want them to feel the budget in the neighborhoods and team members are proud of work and they should get all the credits for connecting up with the neighbors with that, sandy. Thank you, mayor ed lee someone who has been a comment r champion for neighborhood and working hard to fix a lot of things our board president and supervisor london breed. clapping. good morning, everybody. And welcome to the entering sunset ill honored to be here but represent this district thank you to the mayor and the many City Departments that will help make the neighborhoods a Better Community for those to live and tlieft i was a former member of the africanamerican when we made investments into renovating the place and making that beautiful i noticed the difference when someone would drop something on the ground i saw kids picking up trash i saw kids painting the graffiti that was sometimes get placed on the building i saw people from the community Planning Department staff trees and doing whatever we could to make sure that we protected our space we protected our building and protected our community doing this work is an important part of protecting the community and making the Community Better when you have pride in our community all of a sudden you notice a difference thats what it is about making sure the dollars we invest that all the City Departments make it out to the residents all over the city so the quality of life improves it not just about picking up trash it is not just about covering up graffiti it is about making sure we all play a role and the residents of those communities can play a role in helping us to gnat some of the issues they counter and calling 311 you notice there is something or legally or trash when you notice graffiti and want to report something not an emergency call 311 and when there is an emergency when you see a crime happening the car breakins make sure. Call but us the Police Department and report those crimes Work Together communicating and reporting it is what will help change the city for the better im committed to this i know how mayor is committed and our Police Department is committed i want to thank the folks from 311 and the hot team the homelessness Outreach Team especially i call them frequently to get services we know we have challenges in the city but we cant criticize what is not happening we have to focus on solutions and make sure were investing the dollar on what needs to happen in order to get the job done 0 is every single resident can feel the difference that a 9. 6 billion makes more housing and transportation better quality of life, safety we are investing what we are doing the work every single day thank you youll for being here and lets keep on working to make district 5 and the city and county of San Francisco even better in the years to come thank you. clapping. thank you supervisor president london breed. So supervisor president london breed touched on is one of the my favorite piece of this job the relationships i get do build in the community that helps me decide and determine where to focus so andrea is a Community Member i had the pleasure of working with for many years but specifically in the intersunset like to introduce her to you. Hi id like to thank the mayor and the city agencies for coming out and also to stress it is not about today we are a western neighborhood it often doesnt get attention from city hall but we video problems and we feel powerless and frustrated with repeated car breakins and watching People Struggle with Mental Illness and im happy that sandra and the mayor recognize the problems are all connected not dealt with separately the city agencies need to Work Together trash, crime Mental Illness all those things have to be dealt with what were doing is in the past clearly not working or not working in my opinion so im glad to have everybody here the streets all right look way cleaner than yesterday and i hope this will be more than a oneday event but 6 months from now and want to of the efforts in whatever way the city agency needs to make things happen and reporting 311 is important thank you, everyone for coming today really appreciate it. clapping. thank you, ann debris that concludes our lunch of fix it for the intersunset well take a few questions. Meeting. Okay ready this it is regular meeting monday, august 22, 2016, seeing called to order at 203 televised in the Small Business commission and thanks to the selfdoubt services id like to welcome everyone to the Small Business Commission Meeting of august 22, 2016, and the start time is the Small Business commission. Commission thanks to the services and sfgovtv staff Business Commission meeting. The meeting can be viewed on sfgov channel 78 or live streamed by sfgovtv. Org simply go to our website meeting is limited to 3 minutes per speaker unless otherwise established by the presiding officer of the meeting. Plaza spelling of the speakers name for the written record, and please deliver it to the secretary prior to sfgovtv please show our slide we have a reminder that the San Francisco Small Business commission is the only place existing business. Office of Small Business is your first stop when you have a question about what to do next and it is the st. Josephs of the Small Businesses in the county of San Francisco. It is fair to say if you need assistance start here all right. Okay item anniversary smadz commissioner dooley commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner zouzounis absent mr. President , we have quorum. Great before we do item 2 id like to propose for the benefit ever everybody that is here we swap or we move item 5 to swap in front of item 3 so we can hear what everybody has to say and get along with the day all right. Commissions well hear first item 2 and item 5 and then three and four. Item number 2 general Public Comment members of the public may address the commission of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, discretion item. Do we have any members of the public that would like to speak during general Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 5 please. Item 5 applications for replacement on the legacy business and adaptation for the legacy business for the businesses listed Neighborhood Health center and moby dick and the cafe and the Roxie Theatre and the studio and gallery and sf gallery and presenter it richard Program Manager of the Legacy Business Program. Is he here and regaining executive director of the office of the Small Business commission. One procedural needed e note i want to read into the record all applications will be considered tonight theres the staff asks different that will be considered at a future agenda meeting. Public comment. Commissioners, i just sent Richard Aaron starr relay ill start off and hell arrive here we go. Richard we switched items youll start with the presentation so, yeah letting you know. Hello commissioners how are you richard the legacy business Program Manager today, we have power point presentation for sfgovtv the administrative code section 2a dot 242 b says a legacy business means a business that is nominated by a member of the board of supervisors or is mayor and the office of the Small Business commission denominators and meets each the following criteria criterion one the business operated in San Francisco for thirty years or more with month break exceeding two years. Business may have operated in more than one location an exemption for businesses between 20 and thirty years old in the business has a risk of displacement criterion two the business has contributed to the history and or the identity of a particular neighborhood or community and criterion 3 the business is committed to maintaining the future that define the business with craft and culinary or art programs in the office of the Small Business commission includes the registry of a legacy business today, we have 10 business businesses coming before you a located others 3166 buchanan street in district two, four b department of education locate on 2575 Mission Street in district 9, 4 c images conscious on tenth street, and district 6. Four d mission Neighborhood Health center address 4 0 shot street in district 9 and four e moby dick on 18 street and pier cafe in the embarcadero district 3. Four g Roxie Theatre at the 716th street street in district 8 and four h the gallery located at noah street in district 8 four i sf parties on post street district 6 and four j twin peaks auto repair on district 7. Importantly tell drive criterion one have they operated in San Francisco for thirty years with no break in operation sxooed two years and termination for all applicants and criterion two have they contributed in the identity that have a neighborhood or Community Determination is yes and all applicants were recommended by the Historic Preservation commission criterion 3 are the applicant to maintain the futures or altercation that define their businesses with extravagantly or culinary art forms the determination is yes for all tenants and staff recommendation is that the smoefks include all and the registry of the legacy businesses i have copies of all the applications in the packet and Available Online as well. And there are 10 resolutions one for each the legacy business registry. Okay. Great once again that was and thrill to read through all the bios and the pictures there are businesses i know well and discover a few that will encourage memo me to get out thank you for that presentation commissioner and commissioners. Im honored to have moby dick in the castro so this is like an honor very cool and pier 23 thats like got to be one of the best restaurants in the city and that im really, really happy about this just because a Cross Section of tourists and locals i had friends that live all over the city we met at the pier 23 and you know what good for us well, were all great any other comments commissioner open up for Public Comment two minutes per speaker i think we have speaker cards well call them up. We do ill read them 3 at a time first is calling names . Great hello, im kari the owner of docks for the past 8 years in the 1950s we were a bar and a dentist bought the bar all of us at docks are part of Mission Neighborhood we have places for people to come in times of need and celebrations we love to help our neighbors and ready for the if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems to help the firefighters and others our happy hours have benefited many local animal rescues over the past years and the cat and save a bunny and rescues sorry this is a hard topic we have a bargaining night an arts and crafts that bend the groups as well as groups and the art of San Francisco docks was the second bar to be recognized as a Green Business by the city of San Francisco were constantly searching to save energy and water and the previous owners sold them we choose to sell it to me ill continue the vision but were unfortunately my landlords have a different tradition not renewing our lease we have less than one year on the lease and planning to move receiving this in the legacy business officers will help us with the lease and help to cover some of the loss we plan to recreativity create this the important part well be bringing the heart of residents that is part of our staff were honored to reserve this in San Francisco thank you. Thank you. Just to a reminder that first going on for 30 seconds to go and dont mean to be rude but the second one that one youre off the stage all right. Thank you im the executive director of the rocky a resident of city the Roxie Theatre a fixture of the streets in the Film Community like the rocky in the mid a resource by hosting San Francisco premium festivals and under seen hes movies you cant see emotionally we continue to be the host of many San Francisco film festivals with the San Francisco international and docking festive and independent flimdz our audience didnt see Spanish Language and ran are an and showcase for the work while the rocky has its ups and downs we are thriving over 42 movie goes we have a great year but as you may know San Francisco has lost historic and movie ignores we rent our facilities our place in the city not assured last year our landlords tried to double our rent we had a rate higher than the previous rate but lower than than the last that lease only has two more years well have discussions happening with the theatre approval the legacy business registry will greatly assist us in a be long term lease and allow us to be a cultural fixture in San Francisco thank you very much. Thank you commemoration mine a 2w40e8 company you have not visited it with no idea where it is im not sure youll find it weve been in the business since 1980 ill assume you have the details ill tell you what way main problem it is not rents fortunately im my own landlords im sympathetic to the people we have problems of rent if i had to may marketrate in the city ill long be out of the city or out of business heres my business i sell in San Francisco and international and nation wide im operating in the most Expensive Labor market isnt world and paying a high rate of taxed when you live in San Francisco you pay property tax and payroll receipts taxed operating in this environment im basically up against chinese thats what it monuments to we see dock active art and copy wright problems by pricing issues it is difficult to operate a business in San Francisco and face the chinese competition my competitors are utah, vermont and virginia a friendly exert in walnut creek in austin, texas they moved to austin, texas because of the wage situation i wanted to say finally i tell my out of States Friends we live by the Golden Gate Park and park and rules prop j im grateful you commissioners are doing the will of the san franciscans thank you. Next few speakers are nancy, rebecca and fernando and the fourth will be eddy good afternoon commissioner im nancy and my husband and i michael and i have operated this gas station we dont feel a connection, however, weve had the honor of running our business over thirty years and our auto care a rentcontrolled place for neighbors to stop by and the vufrts of city can stop for direction our sign with the twin peaks is a geography california offering maker so unique and visible it is a directional tool twin peaks location incongress is a neighborhood business makes for an oil legacy business over thirty plus years weve recognize as leaders in the business and pioneers for defining owned gas station more than a business to twin peaks is a visual landmark our booing on the foggy nights we have weve got a film and a book called oil on the brain book clubs take pictures of our large sign we have our share of customers a large portion from the neighborhood and have remained over thirty years you people are our customers and neighbors and friends we almost lofty of lost our lease 2 would be an honor to be honored as a legacy business to continue our place in the community for decades to come thank you very much. Thank you. Good afternoon. Im Rebecca Sawyer and here ive been throwing pots at the San Francisco for more than thirty years 2w4 prop j passed our salvation our long term landlords had a new lease in mind that almost doubled our rent over the course of the 10 year period and this was presenting us with a problem the worst problem basically, were very successful business we have people fill up our classes between 3 minutes of online registration a three to four waiting list to get a locker a studio space but we decided to double our fees if our rent suddenly went up fortunately your landlord agreed to offset if we get a grant by the amount of grant over a 10 year period and saves the character of our business that has been very oriented at scott wagner having a wide range of artists to beginers and real Great Community spirit and in the castro since 1967 we moved into that space and establishment her studio there and died and lived there until she died in 1983 a nonprofit in 1987 and since 0 strong so help with the rent will totally save us thank you very much. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is fefrnd im Deputy Director at the Health Center i want to mention even though were a Nonprofit Organization we understand the mruth theyre going through and miss neighborhood has been providing access to medical care primary for low income latino families since second floor 67 and going to be 50 years we own one building and we leased two other building the building we own on shot well street is we have some murals that are date back to the 19 san jose and have one that was just a new mural that was just created around four or five years ago the height legacy is multi faceted with the roof in the 1960s civil rights 340e6789s the center was part of Economic Opportunity and Neighborhood Center as a demonstration project during the Johnson Administration were combfshd by the community for the Community Since our director of public works is the patient of the clinic for generation after generation served as a Training Ground for union people and Health Careers and many of them were pediatric patient and working with us our legacy is the Community Health and our response throughout the decades to the social needs like diabetes and obesity thank you for your consideration to this project thank you. My name is eddy good afternoon, commissioners and thank you very much for your time the restaurant has been serving food into one a. M. For the last 36 years San Francisco is a culinary capital of the United States of america but after 11 oclock you cant get food now we serve in the cal hallow neighborhoods the residents royal on the communities that a small neighborhood no sign restaurant can allow that in San Francisco many of us meet each other at places back east go to somebodys house but San Francisco you go to a bar or restaurant and meet your friends before the evening and the reason is 2 the front poach whatever we want to do but the brazen is that front porch for a very, very long time the brazen is sxhcht and what makes that the fact our employees have been working for us they have a solid place to stay because of that the broornz and the regular are families to the regulars that come in and everyone not to be recognized and know their name the house of hospitality was based on the good food for all the years weve been around and brazen is trying to continue that take into consideration for the line of questioning commission and attorneyclient. Next up calling names . My name is deborah eddys sister and 17 years ago i moved from new york city and i got off the plane at the sfo and asked the taxi driver to take me to the brazen head address he said i know exactly where it is this is a famous restaurant my brother has i went through and didnt have a job my brother gave me a job for a while and then did the book keep and became part of that brazen head family that was so wonderful having a place to be and meet new people especially being so far from new york and the food is great i felt proud to recommend it to any friends i notice that was without the sign everybody knew exactly where it was and begged us not to put a sign because the place they wanted to keep private their own benefit and that didnt work two well and have to share with many others some a great little place and cozy and keynote speaker and intimate and a great place for firsts like first anniversaries, and it will be a sin not to have it there in the future so with your help that will stay for another thirty years thanks. Hi good afternoon dan with sf party i wasnt going to speak but Everything Else is i might as well jump in were a hundredsyearold company they sold doortodoor i see things online that i didnt know existed india head lamps and strange stuff we flashforward a modern company doing the outlined things like toys and parties decorations im a thirdgeneration any dad from u can i my 3 obesity born here a fourth generation washington high got a lot of history and sf is where i grew up the neighborhood as evolved we moved into post street it was very much not the neighborhood now the northern tenderloin it was full of life and all the bad things now amazing who is moving in weve supported that and 17 fulltime employees some have worked for me over 20 years and dedicated to the employees provide 80 percent of medical consider and dental and take care of our people and give them three weeks vacation after 5 years when the minimum wage went up a buck and another buck it wasnt fair to the older employees he raised the minimum wage for everybody to the point it was fair we had last halloween a line outside of the door and you guys are welcome to come forward is that a double beep. Thats the last big one and we delivered 15 thousand balloons. Do we have any other speakers all right. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners comments before a motion sf you can rent popcorn and happy birthday to you machines. For someone that didnt want to speak. Commissioner dooley. It was a pleasure to read the stories of all our businesses some i know well and just makes me so happy we can help the legacy registration going and help to save what is truly San Francisco and just proud of all you guys and you know good job. Commissioners, do we have a motion. Id like to motion to approve these 10 businesses for the booeb. Second. Second. Commissioner for a note of technicality i need you, you to motion to approve the 10 resolutions. Id like to make a motion to approve the resolution of brazen head docks clocks and image and mission Neighborhood Health center and moby dick and pier 23 cafe the Roxie Theatre and the gallery, sf party, and twin peaks auto care for placement in the legacy businesses registry. Second. All right. Retaining wall or all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Okay. That that motion carries 7 to zero and. clapping. thanks everybody. Thank you very much and thanks for all of you for coming out today, i know that is a challenge to get here and appreciate you making it a fun time this afternoon. All right. Item number 3 please. Before we move to number 3 i have a question. Yeah. To richard. I. Each year weve not officially as long as not about the resolution. Okay. Its up to the president. Second. Richard before we go with item 3 a question commission. That is asked often for the registry lets say. Commissioners. Im sorry the registry if someone wants to assess the registry and have information about businesses that have been include in the registry saying that openly on the record how will they do it whats the procedure. If they want to assess all the businesses. If they want to find out. A website we created a necessary web page and they can go to that page all the businesses are listed and included the website for the businesses and the dates they were included on the registry and well probably be adding to that but right now a list but definitely do that. That is assessable for the Small Business commission website. Small Business Commission it is sf o s b. Org and along the navigation on the right now is the Legacy Business Program and they can go to the registry to see. Eventually the description of each business. Like to have a map to click on and business discriminates and bans that a little bit more. Thank you, thank you. All right. Item 3. Item 3 presentation and possible action for article 7 to the planning code reorganization informational proposal to amend the planning code for article 7 and clarify and simplify the code language and others protection riverside the conditional use authorization for the Irving Carnell and commercial district and the controls for the conditional use authorization for medical cannabis dispensary nearing and for the conditional use Authorization Services on the second floor in the carville and n judah neighborhood district liveable streets the candles and discussion and possible action aaron starr at the San Francisco Planning Department. Good afternoon. Im aaron starr aaron starr, manager, legislative affairs. Could i ill talk about the code reorganization project that is phase two of that project the project was initiated in 2013 seems to restructure the planning code so it is easier to understand and use this is accomplished by the consistency to the code and the definitions phase one was adopted by the board of supervisors on go february 10th of 2015 and signed by the mayor on february 20th phase two focuses an article 7 of the Planning Department and fattens an article 8 and initiated after phase two is complete so what is article 7 im not sure familiar with the planning code but added in 1980 thats where all the newly created businesses were and gains the neighborhood like north beach and castro and upper market and the transit, etc. And includes over 40 Zoning District and has its own set of definitions so right now there are 4 places section one a 02 and the first Zoning District to use district reregulate by second story and third floor and above and the first Zoning District with the interim controls a place to go to find out all the Development Requirements for a Zoning District and all the use allowances and what requires conditional use and go to one spot to see it all. Does the ordinance is very, very long and excite simple one is all the lease definitions and the other ordinance makes the changes so it is sort of con did he see sections and new tables into that so updates the article for the article 2 under the phase one approach so again, if you know how to use one section of code youll be able to use all the sections of the code once complete and deletes the section of 770 and uses the consolidates dpivenz to one and two it will be consistent throughout the code a restaurant is a restaurant a gorgeous will be a Grocery Store, etc. Would one definition of the code another substantial thing it creates a 20 day notice for all variances and map amendments and general mapping this is because were deleting section 316 a duplication of section 30 six the substantial difference the zoning or the notification reimbursement in section 3620 days and 306 is 10 days for more public notification and higher date. And the last sort of substantive thing that deletes the neighborhood commercial district entirely from the code it is a defunction code for upper market and Transit District that is expanded from i believe church all over the place to castro but supervisor wiener lives within 5 hundred feet of the two parcels not included were clean power it up and deleting the section of the code. Is that the section i call is zoning to castro and in love i didnt. Its upper market commercial district that is a gas station used to be the outlined arco gas station and a liquor store those two parcels are zoned commercial district yeah. As the maker said several changes to the district i referred to the Sunset Agency our office had been working supervisor tangs and were not making a difference in changes to any commercial district not intending to do that requires for bars and liquor store on the ground floor and the commercial district can he recall their principally permitted as generally for conditional use as liquor store is it so bringing to making consistent with other neighborhood commercial district and under commissioner wu before supervisor tang she made the mcd required cerebral hemorrhage under some definition changes there were intentions took that away and so there was interim controls and so this now makes those interim controls permanent requiring a cu for medical cannabis dispensary and also requires cu on the second story in the commercial district and supervisor tang a was concerned about the nefarious acts permitted as service uses turn out theyre hard to cast and regulate on the 72 hour 0 requiring a conditional use. A little bit about the structure we divided all the uses one and 8 uses in the Planning Department divided them into agricultural and all and others and industrial institutional, residential and sales and residential and nonresidential so each of these use categories is defined in section 102 if you go to section 102 all talks about all these uses a compliment to that etch use definition identifies a category so for instance, a jewel store a Retail Service use and that it goes on for the definition is identifies the category and the category defines use it has and then this is how it will work in the table so if you look at here it says entertainment arts and recreation the asterisks is not listed blow the control for the art and recreation listed blow permitted and below that the entertainment general entertainment and night Life Entertainment those are regular active with other categories they have their own and industrial uses not permitted in the neighborhood commercial so having not to list them only the category thats pretty much it for a long ordnance ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners questions commissioner dooley. Thank you airbnb i knaron s a it is north beach i nodded it some of the changes and definitions for row 3 specialist reminded restaurants are substantive changes from what we had before and i personally think there making it a lot nor confusing for example, we now have the proposal saying that a general Grocery Store may have a limited restaurant or take out use we have the same thing for speciality groceries and limited restaurant says serves ready to eat foods before it said eating and drinking use so a new category take out it it seems to me that adding all the abilities to add a limited restaurant virtually every category is muddying the waters i know from my neighborhood will be a real problem for example, we try very hard to try to have a balance between food uses and neighborhood serving uses and this kind of opens up the door for things well consider to be neighborhood uses like a Grocery Store or a speciality grocery and now theyre going to be allowed to basically be part limit restaurant which is dynamically opposed by our neighborhood so you know, i think youve going done a lot of great work but step back clientele and have other ncds weigh in were a proactive ncd but those are points i wanted to make and saying just look a little bit further or the other option are you willing to make exceptions or changes to particular ncds i know youre kind of saying they should be having the same basic categories and in them but you know they dont onesizefitsall everyone has a different story in their ncds what they need might be something Something Else is not applying a step for that ncd im urging you to carve out exceptions and make each ncd if requested for them particularly or kind of review some the definitions those are substantive changes in the definitions thats my request. Do you mind in i respond. Sure. Isnt Grocery Stores and speciality Grocery Stores are allowed to have adele i didnt use thats what youre referring to with the limit restaurant the shot hand we put that in there thats basically, what adelely correspondent ive talked with you and others people i understand your plan to go over this in september to massage the definition our more comfortable and perfectly willing to do that but no a substantive changes Grocery Stores have been able to make sandwiches and whats thats it what a limited restaurant does and only they dont serve alcohol thats basically, what youre allowing take out was in the definition planning code which is still in section one 02 not separate but in fact, a spate use allowed ill talk with the Zoning Administrator and if we need this depiction i personally dont think this is necessary but working with a lot of people in the department to make sure i keep as many or much of the sdrmz as i can and with regards to north beach and you know notice ive agreed to meet with you to make sure were maintaining them to have consistency throughout and the north beach is very unique and probably the most complicated district in the city as the neighborhood commercial district and controls and a special use district that mirrors the boundary of the commercial district exactly so you have to layers of regulations over one area and while that makes it more complicated it provides more opportunity perhaps taylor it for north beach other avenue that we can look at so im bringing up that up to put it out there for the other ncds maybe not as proactive with the code like we are and just to do what weve been doing review the whole thing because it is a big bite to go through all of this and you know, i just want to be sure that everybody reviews this and understands what it will or wont have any fact that might be desirable or undesirable at this time. Commissioner ortizcartagena. Thank you for your presentation i have a question regarding the use categories. Sure. You mentioned that you chained the categories to collapse them into a number of categories; correct . 8 of them. And just out of curiosities it did you use the guide just give us an idea those are sure my method is years ago i looked through the code and found ink definition for a code and then he sort of grouped them xhoontd the commonalities theyre not 3 different from the categories before. What section if you remembered. Article 2 was divided by use but the structure was completely different than article 7 this makes the structures the same and i dont believe that article 7 had eye categories but definition i won example of the use category i get rid of and it was its own separate use and all services theyre basically retail function or like we dont have but a definition like an entertainment kind of recreation so i looked for the land use impact in general and look at the existing controls if you see a pattern with certain uses they kind of go together in that respect so i dont know 40 industrial uses and down to 12 by looking at the pattern how theyre regulated and group them into different subdivisions. So you collapsed them into categories and took a large number of sub uses and put them together and added well, i havent really added uses by like neighborhood commercial directs groupings like general or other entertainment and other entertainment included night clubs and Bowling Alleys and included gave him arcades and what i did i took out night clubs from there it is regulated separately and that allows a neighborhood commercial district to regulate a niagara i night club use separate than a Bowling Alley in some cases it allowed for more commercial district only allows Industrial Districts i collapsed them in general the uses have the similar impact. The final question you mentioned you may have particular application for the certain neighborhoods how do you propose for example, north beach. I dont think i proposed the application im saying north beach has two layers of controls both suspending and the neighborhood commercial district that offer laptop exactly the same with the special use district district it allows for a nuanced approach. With that neighborhood. Yep. Commissioners any other questions. Thank you aaron opening it up for Public Comment any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I believe this is just informational yes. Just informational i agendized an addition item if theres a direction the Commission Wants to provide. Thank you aaron peskin appreciate it move on to item 4. Presentation and possible action for the elements on eating and drinking establishment and informational presentation regarding to amend the commerce and guidelines for specific uses on eating and drinking establishment to rehabilitate the policy statement by removing percentages of eating and drinking establishment for the photo commercial frontages in a single Zoning District the percentage claugdz for eating and drinking will remain unchanged in the planning code discussion and possible action item and the presenter is from the legislative affairs with the San Francisco Planning Department. Hello actually shes the only other person i met with the same name. Ive never heard the name before now. Im a legislative planner thank you for having me. The department is youpt one section of the element of the general plan and just as a reminder the adjoin plan is required by the state of california and sets a vision for San Francisco the general plan is adopted by the Planning Commission and approved by the board not changing the planning code it can only change for a legislative action we think of it as a provision and the Planning Department and code is how we implement that vision and the general plan is made up of the Housing Element and one is the industrial element. The commerce element is the c n i is the expensive died for the public and private sector in making decisions that impacts the Economic Activities divided two industrial and maritime and commerce and health and Educational Services this amendment to the general plan will impact the neighborhoods the element can be found on the website an experience ill present a specific language in the c and i element currently this has a percentage of over compensation the balance maybe threatened with the they occupy mora commercial they include the more likely percentage of larger concentration for restaurants in the neighborhood the planning code section 303 a conditional use also regulations eating and drinking use the concentration of eating and drinking should not exceed the 24 percent of the footage within an immediate area of the site an immediate area is all Properties Within three hundred feet in the same zones what did it mean it have two regulations beyond the computations they dont result in more data the conditional use results in a more precise information the general plan looks at the whole district and the general plan is a vision statement and others code should be the implementing tool in this case the calculations is the intent of the general plan so to provide clarity im giving two example of the neighborhood district in the sunset lets take an example of a proposed restaurant that either is in the carville ncd n judah is with only one half mile and 20 percent is different for a Zoning District in carville compared to two 20 percent over compensation in carville may not have a man and woman versus the 20 percent over concentrations like n judah however, the calculation of three hundred linear feet from the subject property not changing provides a more specific and concrete calculation to determine the concentration of eating and drinking restaurants in the area these two calculations is done by planners you, however, the calculations of three hundred feet a Planning Commission and the public considers because it meets the intent of the general plan the proposed changes will roach new medic xhamths and replaces them with the general plans, however, the xhamths limits for eating and drinking will remain in the planning code a planner will make before the Planning Commission needs to make the calculations in a cu and still need to make the finding in the general plan, however, no longer to do the calculations in the entire district so the next steps the department initiated this planning Code Amendment on june 30th and scheduled on october 6th and met with the golden gate folks and they were supportive and presented to the coalition of San Francisco neighborhoods in july and no comments on the property change ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioner ortizcartagena. Did you have a question you are left over on the list i cant cancel laughter . I have a question with the changes will the Planning Commission be required to apply those limits when theyre looking at say a cu. Yeah. Nothing changes in the cu a planner will have to do the calculations required in the conditional use and a planner will still have to give to the Planning Commission any of the finding in the general plan still have to talk about the new proposed establishment not providing an over concentration to the district the finding does not change the participate is doing one versus two. The Planning Commission is n. E. Ly required to abide. Theyre not necessarily required i read a case in terryville the restaurant was over concentration 50 percent but enough support for the Planning Commission to approve it the commission has to consider it but the neighborhoods have to support it. Commissioners any other questions or comments . Okay. All right. Thank you very much do we have any members of the public that want to comment on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Action on this or and its the same. I want to say this was a good job thank you. Thanks for coming out. And then note when the planning after the Planning Department officially introduces the legislation like to come before you this was a Good Opportunity to get a more thorough presentation on this. Thank you very much. All right. Were on to item number 6. Number 6 discussion and possible action to make recommendations for proposed rules and regulations to administrative code the legacy business assistants accountant discussion and possible action. All right. Commissioners im going to move to the diet i mean the platform. Okay. So commissioners before you have a copy of a power point presentation and then in your briernd your copies of the proposed of the proposed application a list of the rolls and application regulations and also a list of things that before we get to finalizing the application rules and regulations and process the items that you need to take action for us to complete what the rules and regulations are. Okay. So alright for a quick review for the public this is application for the legacy business assistants accountant were you will calling a legacy Business Grant as part of Historic Preservation that was established by Jackson Playground in 2015 those eligible are on the leg legacy and the grants application filing period is july one to september 31st as stipulated in the prop j the grant amount is up to 5 hundred per fulltime employee up to one employees per business the funds are paid to the business based on a fiscal year calendar and businesses need to annually reapply eligibility requirements as noted earlier they must be on the legacy business registry no amounts owed to the city as the way of penalties theyre good on all the no labor issues outstanding and meet all the requirements as established by the Small Business commission and so those requirements are what you are going to be hopeful approving today application timeline so one there is a number of fulltime employees businesses need to certify their fulltime employees as of the immediate procedures up to june 30th and between july one and june 30th is used to complaut the grant allocation to that business fulltime equals a business to add the hours of each employee if july one and divide and routinely up to the in the matter employee thats the specific definition state in prop j and were going to be asking as part of verification they provide payroll documentation peace officer ably from a Payroll Service the grant filling off period as prop j is july one to september 30th so but for the fiscal year 20162017 because of detailed start with the registry before i we are staff is asking you to approve we extend the filing deadline to december 15th so the businesses that have submitted their applications in the first round youll be hearing at the last two meetings have the ability to apply for the preservation grant the grant allocation noted earlier is up to 5 hundred fulltime equivalent employees i have a chart for you to kind of so that you and the public fairly clear on what the Business Assistance grant allocations mean for a business to fully fund it for fulltime employees if the business has two fulltime employees 5 hundred a year and 5 employees 25 hundred and 9 applies 4 thousand nine hundred and 50 and then so on up to one hundred fulltime employee is 50,000 a year just to make sure were clear on just the amount we will be a business is eligible for. Also when the grants sorry the next thing if the account is fully funded the grant filing period is the july one through september 30th that is specific filing period we know exactly what the amount of the number of businesses banks fulltime employees that fund request will be so then based the Budget Allocation that will be approved through the budget through the budget process then well be able to take what the allocated for the Business Assistance Grant Program and divide that by the number of fulltime employees and times you know then allot that we note and it states in prop j if there is not enough funds in the business assistants account the offense is able to prorate the anonymous of funding to each business based on whatnot prorate but if the if the requests explodes the amount of appropriation divide that but ftes and define it so businesses can be receiving under 500 per fulltime employee theres not enough funds staff is recommending that businesses be allowed to apply for funding for a set period of time and again, if in prop j no 7, 8, 9 limits that a business can apply for the grants and staff is recommending this so as businesses come on to the registry and if we keep on adding and adding and 5 the amount of funds will be smaller and smaller for businesses to have the funding have a particular meaning staff is recommend we put time limits on which a business can apply for the funding well go through a little bit later i sent some examples to you and well go through what that may look like funding wise over a different period of years what we will need to have in the the business assistants get if we fully fund the projected number of businesses. So thats one of the items well be taking our direction and asking you to take action it is time limits so ive gone through the filing period and needing our approval to stoned through this current year 20162017 in the filing period to extend it to december 15th then verification this is application the use of funds for that businesses need to state what the funds will be used for inevitable fund must support of continuation of the legacy business and that the commission approve the eligible uses in the binder in the application so theres the rent increase the employee salaries increased grandchildren the Consumer Price index and staff hired not to extend 40 hours per week and the improvement ada improvements, Capital Improvements and recognize experiences and site marketing and or promotion, special Services Like Business Consultant and other items to support of continuation of legacy business were asking you to look at the list and if you can add subtract or firmer you think this is an appropriate list of for Eligible Fund use were asking the commission to verify and take action think establishing ill eligible used for the Grant Funding and those uses are rent increases less than the Consumer Price arbitration and the employee experiences and salary experience less than the Consumer Price index. And then i want to note that businesses need to reapply every year and at the reapplication theyd theyll need need to resubmit the documentation to extend their grant fund towards what they said theyll be doing and at this point we dont have a stipulation you know every year it could be Something Different their replying for based on the eligibility use not theyre making a commitment we havent made that stimulation making a commitment for whatever the time amount is that will be one particular item for that period of years to be determined but if this is something you want to discuss were happy to have that discussion with you. So also in the application were going to be asking the applicant to provide some Business Information what we call a Business Assessment and that is to help us get a general understanding the Financial Health and wellbeing to see other Supportive Services that are helpful the business to help them stay in business and or other programs that we could develop under the Legacy Business Program which is something that is stipulated in the administrative code as the section under the legacy business registry. Other requirements is that the business to lift other Funding Sources it receives if the city that will help us track our comprehensive programming and support we have for businesses in the overall effect we are asking businesses to become a city vendor that will help in the easy of paying them but if the not able to be a city vend well be working with a noted vendor to the Commission Action for the legacy Business Assistance program and application one needing to get approval for the grant filing deadline extension of that eligibility uses ineligible uses, time limits for the grants for participation and the approval of the Business Assistance program before we go into each individual item i want to take the opportunity we may have to use the overhead i have in your binder projections outlays before we get into that any just general questions you have. I have a question. Commissioner ortizcartagena. What is asked so we can have well have a time limit for legacy businesses to receive funds their eligible whatever that is and second we lived with those regulations determine the use of those funds whether they under the category that you listed so i have questions if it is the right time to ask them. Sure maybe what we should do take into account maybe dealing with the eligibility use first so then i can or because id like to run through the projection felt financial charts. Please do. So we can talk about the eligibility uses first if you want. You run the show. I think one of the challenges over time will be you know we have this balancing act where if there are a lot of interest in these funds those grants then we will bump up against over subscribing them so the notion of time limits will allow some kind of a renewal here so the idea that the grants are limited not only in dollars but in time suggests a grant needs to go towards the use that will put the business on a better footing in the future not a crutch not something that the business should come to rely on in perpetuity but get through a bump from the road maybe a temporary situation that needs a temporary cash flow extra money or an investment in something that will either improve our efficiency or give you a new k3w5b89 that will allow you to make more revenue or some economy of scale so our business proposition improves in a way that once the grant goes away your you can carry on without the grant is theres definitely the notion there needs is to be leverage associated with giving the grant now, one of the challenges going to be is that if we say well, i want to use my grant to sub time my rent the changes of our rent going down is not there you have to ask yourselves a question supplement my rent i need the grants forever unless over the period ill have the grant ill do something to improve any business and when the grants goes away the fact im paying nor rent will not sing me; right . Because were just providing a crutch so this is going to be really interesting to see how this plays out i think most you know what were hearing and heard today was people challenged by really think one of two things their rent is increasing but also the cost of the employing people minimum wage or benefits that are mandatory by the state and the government so raises the rents those are things that dont change; right . So usually go up so the question is going to be whether grants towards mitigating rent increases or mitigating classes of employment are really grant worthy in this scenario will be the business be able to survive without the grant without the crutch i put that before us the question ill ask about the elements and i want to be more specific that so basically, were saying you can use the grant for eligible uses and are we saying if that if you rent your rent is less than 2. 5 percent you cant use that grant for the rent but other uses so are we also kind of questions and answers and thought are we saying youre going to have to pick one reason one use out of the many uses because you can for example, for the sake of argument use part of funds towards your rents and part towards our employees are we basically saying if you get into the program to this program and you just cant use part of this money unless it is above a certain increase and have to go to other categories so is that the what were thinking about. Well get to that liability uses and decide if you can use it for rent and others are dealt with separately a rent provision which is separate from if i understand a general use so if you apply foreclosure and approve for rent it goes torrent if you apply for other use theyre not able to use it for rent those two are separate then we get to the clarification of other uses well get to were not debating it yet. Sfgov excuse me sfgovtv. Excuse me commissioner dooley did you and my list is not updated so commissioner ortizcartagena. Im not sure this is the appropriate time but ask first when we eventually decide this and district those funds are were going to post how much we gave to per grantee or not. That will be a concern of mine. Has to be a part of Public Record were granting taxpayer funds and i believe that provision will be yes this is a matter of Public Record. Perfect the other clarification a concern maybe i when i saw this i was reading this i hate to say this nonprofits dont have more employees and theyre better organized and meet their deadlines they have bigger staff will they and they have grant writers. Thats what im seeing. Month companies dont have grant writers so 50 employees do they get to consume most of grant funded whats the major do we want to say 5 or 10 businesses or one nonprofit consumes everything. That is going to be a matter of our discretionary as we see what the population of applicants looks like and also the number of applicants if it is over subscribed we will either make a decision that were nothing not going to permitted overprescription were taking away from those from theirs full share because well let more people through the gate than we have seats for, if you will, that and so well office building, that with time i dont know what kind of appetite for those once people release well see what is available and what are the available uses and regina is going to take us through the proposed uses that one might apply for and maybe acknowledge that someone will bring up a use weve not gotten to. The rent increase my question is arent we are dealing with that by provision when you become a legacy business that kind of allows you to negotiate with our landlord. Thats another thing that mark farrell being on the registry is giving people negotiation i dont understand the leverage as a landlord you say great youre a legacy business good on you im raising your rent but what the legacy business then has the opportunity to say okay. If you raise my rent ill apply for some mitigation through the legacy business rent relief fund and will you the landlords take into consideration really this gets into you know the soft side of rent negotiation are you really going to take it to the market or allow you know allow for the fact ive been here a long term and some kind of calculation for a new tenants improvement. I think the dating once our a legacy business you can approach your landlord yeah from the city that is 4. 75 a secret it is a minister grant on top of what we have here. Right. I think the rent increases im seeing in the market personally and the renegotiation of my own lease and others are seeing incredible increases in rent this fund is not imnot funded to deal with many of the rent increases were seeing this is small you know incremental vachlt in the rent increases and have a psychological effect well see expectation out there this is somehow going to be a Silver Bullet for a lot of legacy businesses not enough funds if we deploy it the funds run out as currently funded. Just before i move on to the projections i want to make sure i address a couple of points so in terms of the we whats not before you and will be before you the next commission that meeting is the rents stabilization grant that one is to offset the rent going to the Property Owner so commissioner commissioner ortizcartagena in terms of eligibility uses i think you know that is an interesting question and we if you wanted to provide directions direction that the Commission Says we want you know the business to be able to staff but and the business to be able to use it more multiple funds especially a business that might get a higher amount of grants thats direction you you can provide us and commissioner ortizcartagena parts of what well do after this Grant Application time you know we get through the Grant Application as new businesses come into the registry well reach out and get an understanding of the ftes and applying for their interest in applying for the next grant cycle for the Business Assistance grant to get an indication of the amount of businesses and when i say businesses that is the total itself before for profit and nonprofit so we can present this to the mayor and the board of supervisors to let them know kind of what is coming ahead and what is the interest. If that makes sense of applying for this grant so what will be the demand i dont think so that our again with the registry under our direction we want to make the grant pretty as simple as possible but want to understand there is an obligation of sort of tracking the expenditures of the taxpayers dollars and report out on it and being able to look it over time what areas help a business and what areas may not so we can you know have more reporting requirement or more information to report on to provide to you so again, some of those things again are their subject to our administrative approval if we need to modify or change them over time we can let me get spot financial elements if i can have the other microphone now. So sfgovtv if i ask have the power point i mean the projector. I dont know though easy this is for the public to see the first projection ive provided you is based on if we have an average number of one and 50 businesses applying for the grant on a every year so the first column gives side fiscal year the projected number of businesses so for 20162017 based on just the number of applications well there are no get through the grant filing deadline were to be safe 64 businesses will apply for the grants program which will then be an equivalent of 5 hundred and 76 ftes so that to fully fund that needs 2,088,000. 200 and 88 thousand thank you for that correction and move on to the next year 20172018 if you add one and 50 businesses to that well have a total of twohundred 64 businesses participating thats 20006 hundred plus fulltime employees jumped up to over one Million Dollars to fund the program so without going into great detail down the sheet every year adds one and 50 businesses so the column to the left of dark line the amount well need to fund the program should the businesses never roll off the program then to the right of that dark line if we have 3 a 3 year be participation then starting in fiscal year 2019, 20 businesses will roll off so that will be the fir first year the l off if we didnt is a role off 20,013,000,000 a 3 year participation then that granted period will be 200 million plus and if we had a 5 year roll off we didnt have the roll off the amount 3 million plus and then and so on it goes for year 7 and year 10 if you want me to review those numbers. So whats the current appropriation for this reminds me the annual appropriation. So commissioners weve not come back with a budget well do at the next meeting of what were right now the grants what was funded in the program was just a lump sum into the Legacy Business Program and so we have the ability to announce some whats that amount. Currently i think were somewhat project by project around 4 hundred thousand for the first year with the opted lower number. Sorry i mean, im not asking a question annually how much money is set aside the entire program is 1. 2, one Million Dollars plus. So not 2 million to allocate to theres 1. 2 million total plus the Administration Fees but plus or minus the 2 million not money available for grants we also have others budgetary items like the materials for the booeb registry if we said bear bones is 200,000 a year and one Million Dollars a year so put it in perspective were talking about numbers 2, 3, 4, 7 million in a program that is currently funded annually with so many dollars. Correct based on some of the direction you want to provide it lets the mayor and the board of supervisors know in terms of your tintsdz interest in having it funded but again, we reside provide the information theyll deal with the final it is important we got to keep letting people know there is not that much money. You know everybody that got nominated they assumed theyll quality and like i said, the nonprofit alone in the neighborhood thats my concern and the public comes back and thinks were not handling the program right at the least we have to keep you cant give out too many 50,000 grants if youll be judicious and spread around one million bucks we want to have to be careful we either wanted to show a few very successful executions so we can go say look this is great we need to fund this thing to the tune of 10 or 80 million a year not that weve shown by giving a small number of grant within the limit of one Million Dollars we have we can produce good relies that will be not in our best interests to say look lets spread it ousted across all the application we want to you know honor everybodys application so all 64 well give you money ill be more cliebd to say you know what in the applications we saw 10 that we thought role showed some promise that in two or three years time theyll get ahead of the power curve and in except or whatever weve not heard the stories but some compelling stories in 3 years time weve seen the grant expired. Im going to your point how do we come up with the exact criteria and then thats another problem the public preserves were like who do those people think they are this is a good one and this is not. Ill give you an example a perpetual problem this is a one time thing youre a Small Business and those are eligibility requirements by my concern you say what is the criterion well base this on. You can imagine enters or emergencies a boiler blew up i have to replace if i dont have 50,000 a lot of businesses cant i mean like people you get a catastrophic illness our bankrupt this is not an emergency funding were in a weird place someone comes with that request were not like you know not here like waiting okay. The Emergency Assistance fund desk come to us with our emergencies we here to make more deliberate decisions again look this is a great investment if i had this much money ill side this rather than if i dont get this money bad things will happen it is challenging and interesting to see what comes up. The legacy business there is the rent stabilization weve discuss next week but for you to clarify this millions o Million Dollars two covers the rent funding as well; correct . Yeah. So the assessment that we made to the money being available for business is not accurate because well be using the fund to paying better or give incentives to owners of real estate to provide better leases to legacy businesses so in fact, that also had been to take into account that one million plus that was my reason to ask to this aspect how things the businesses resolve the financial competency why would we have rent component as to whether 2. 6 percent increases higher or lower if welt be helping a business or maybe no renewable and that issue is not an issue and not in terms of theyll not be double dip on other side giving money to the tenant the business and at the same time reward the landlords that will give us a better deal a than the market. Right thank you so in a few of the earlier discussions before Jackson Playground discussion around what would be the appropriate allocation and take a look at the Grant Program ted egan did come back with an analysis that kind of gave some direction in terms of how rents are increasing and price per square feet so supervisor campos i think was a little bit uncomfortable saying the whole preservation grant will go to the Property Owner kind of took that dollar amount and divided it in half not equivalent not all businesses are getting an equivalent half but look at okay well do some funding but not a complete increase amount to the Property Owner but be able to subsidies some of that working with that perspective in a business is trying to offset some of the increase than thats an appropriate use of funds based on what the initial conversation was with the supervisor prior to the ballot being introduced a couple of other things for you to think about awhile right now the one the 2. 5 million that over two year budget cycle in the last budget cycle i think what i want to encourage you to think about for the Business Assistance a long time it it could change based on what is described as a need and thats put before the board of supervisors and the mayor you could take a look at that Business Assistance grant and is okay. Based on what a business is able to receive we think a 3 year timeframe or a 5 year timeframe provides a meaningful grant assistance for those businesses and therefore then we in fact, can go and present that to the mayor and the board of supervisors in terms of what your recommended intent is and, of course, if it didnt get fully fund we predicament the funds the best we can. I dont think that the time limit is as were going to evaluate requests for grants based on what we on the effect will be if someone says i want one time grant with x dollars to do something okay. Thats not a one year grant a one time grant if someone says i want x amount of dollars per year we have to consider that a rent assistance that that kind of thing i want x amount of dollars perpetually to help to offset any rents okay and so, yeah we may have to decide that rent entrants for that a certain amount of but about the problem with that okay at the end of 3, 2, 4, 6 years all of a sudden the legacy business what will happen people will come saying ovj youre pulling the rug anti from under me i depend on on the grants. We said it is on this two or three grant and now im back i want the grant reup reup so again, it is going to were going to have challenges we very clearly all know the stories spend all the money and one hundred times the money on rent assistance because there are businesses facing not thousand of dollars 10 and hundreds of thousand dollars of rents increases per year so this you know to the question you dont the other thing not over subscribe so next week i know i gave you a 3 year grant but only this year i gave. Bunch of other fujdz thats the definition of ponzi and suddenly you cant pay off it blows up so well have to say at some point unless more funding rent assistance is done we cant over subscribe and take away from those. My understanding that is a one time grant every time they apply one year and funding again for next year they have to reapply. Correct but if every single business did that if you look at the 3 is that the adding 200 businesses or three hundred businesses a year i didnt do for you what that numbers looks like if theyll start rolling off the number of businesses that will be applying just remember in terms of how prop j is written and unless we put something in the grant regulations in terms of you have an x number of years that you can apply for that grants then that means every year any business on the registry can apply. If a one year sorry but a one year rented assistants grant a ; right . You cant youll not say i want to one year assistance grant. Are we talking about the rent assistance were talking about general funding application and when they apply we can evaluate whether or not we can fund them based on the resources whether or not we have the money or based on they still quality. Based on prop j is it whatever in the fund account and the number of basically number of fulltime employees youll be dividing that by the number of fulltime employees if the business has 10 fulltime employees they get that pro rated amount so that is why as richard and i have been looking at this were looking were providing an goiblth you know some of the uses and could a have that conversation when is appropriate and not appropriate the budgeting purposes regardless of used for is budgeting purposes to be able to have something more concrete especially to be able to tell the future businesses that come on the registry then i think looking at a time year limit to participate then lets us know sort of what is the maximum amount if we fully fund that particular program so and that isable were able to i think better agriculture in terms of what dollar amount in the program looking at it be from what is noted and naturals to this not how it is needed not stipulated in prop j. To commissioner yeeriley the next year the notion those three hundred companies i want my grant we are have a seat those three hundred and other three hundred and only have a seat the same three hundred except for attrition ms. Rapidly out of control we cant do three hundred this year and 6 hundred and 9 hundred the negotiation to look at the list we have it is more and more apparent using some of the money for rent increase is unrealistic the total legacy funding it spent on things as a limits on them like ada improvements or other improvements things like that and thats something we can get a handle on and we would perhaps someone will say i need one more you know grant to finish any ada. One time executives that represent some kind of on improvement. A business concretely to say give to every single business can use help with their rents all rents are going up it is not realistic like a bandaid and i feel like the other types of things on the list are hero realistic you can say well, if i do this Capital Improvement ill be making more money for that. Right. Right thats the direction we need to be going. The perspective in the media this will save you rent. I think this is a great perception the answer to eviction; right . The anti eviction Silver Bullet for legacy businesses but. Thats a challenging preservation. To make a deal with the landlord give me 10 for years were till having in place something that deals with rent. Uhhuh. Yes the rent assistance side of this whole swaegs well allocate some of the funds i guess i agriculture well still not have enough money is it so interesting to see what applications we get are were going to get other than applications for rent you know rent challenges i imagine we will get some for people that want to suggest a facade improvements or ada improvement will benefit them so it will be interesting. Im sorry one thing that should be clear that the law didnt allow us to say first, you have an advantage on the others in terms of you cant limit the fund to those who have applied first you could in my opinion you could say stay in the fund for awhile say two or three years but not say those who are coming like subsequent years not coming in there are others that are before you. We can say not to delay anyone we want if we decide not a let anyone else in to loop the fund to the detriment of those who are participating than that is entirely our discretion to make that note a first come, first serve your discretion to see in the available applicant whether theyll benefit and the taxpayers will get what they thought theyll get out of this. Well verify whether or not we can do that i think the way for us to be able to do that through time limits and but for us to use sort of individual discretion maybe a little bit risker. What does the legislation say about the grant theyre not they say a business to continue to receive the grant. Right. They have to reapply. An annual application. An annual reapplication. Youre at risk youre not reapproved. Thats what i was trying to pout other funding. Yes. We have no control over how much money well get from hud every year we so to see who qualities and you may get funding this year but not next year you need a change when you no longer qualify so unless you have multi year candidates otherwise. Every year well be subject to the increasing number of businesses added to the registry and have some dollar control that you know be able to know exactly the amount of money why were proposing the limits the reapplication in terms of how prop j states it i am not there are qualifications you need to reverify employee and employees need to be in Good Standing and adding the requirement to provide the documentation of how you even expend our Previous Years fund and restate how youll be expending our next years grant. They cany apply not not guaranteed. And be forewarned commissioners this is exactly how this kind of thing gets politicalized well get a whole group of people applying and asked to make decisions about those who are already in the policy and want to reup their grant and the new grant a lot of pressure about whoever is applying a new whether well be saying hoping hey we made obligations to other people or cut those people off and make in the grants to others that will be challenging. Were not obligated. The way prop j is worded is there eligible to apply thats why were proposing some eligibility requirements and then if they meet whatever the Grant Application requirements are then that whatever the allocation will determine how much the business gets in terms of so you know unless the commission is going to say this year it is all grants for this and next year is grants for that it will be hard to say youre not eligible unless theyre not good with their standing with the city or have other things are for some reason the staff determines how they expended their funds the Previous Year didnt meet with the grant previous grant was. Be able eligible i am not i dont have a problem with establishing the equity criteria make a general statement what is eligible use and then some specific examples we cant anticipate whatever request this is cant be the only request someone will say come forward with something their eligible for an opportunity to evaluate new requests to rule on the eligibility of a request which we didnt anticipate here and now and. And other items of support. Thats fine if any of the commissioners want to read the list and Say Something should not be there or adam this is through a process of people making contribution to the list i think that and then i feel like we have to go just. See what happens. See what happens. Make that clear that there are not unlimited funds. Correct. Its something maybe a pr thing for us but out there were not being mean and not discriminating between businesses just a Financial Realty and, of course, the parts of that money that goes for the giving the landlord a break if they sign up they renew the list this should be a one time thing that is 10 years we have to figure out how much year will go and well talk about that next week. On the participation and time limit motion now on number 4 and then on the final motion legacy businesses may receive Business Grants up to so many years those should be around 3 years and no longer. Coming back to the issue it is clear we cant limit the fund to our specific number of eligible im sorry just a second if we have the first year one legible businesses and legacy businesses we have three hundred of them then whatever funds we have that year is going to be divided according to the law in a prorate basis no way in my opinion reading of the law that should be invested with the City Attorneys office and in fact, we can say to the first businesses youll not continue with the same amount thats impossible the law is that it stipulates how many grants to give; right . Up to three hundred or theres no number. We multiple voices . 3 applications a year. Reapply every year. That limits it right there. It increases and cant take the first graduation of businesses and then say alu youre going to get the money to the detriment of new ones and the second in their opinion we ought to clear of equity this an our issue if you dont want politics involved you have to have clear standards to come in as a business as a legacy business second as a ceqa fund so we cant just be so vague as to say well well decide. Were not being vague a list im saying there has to be one item one line item in the year that allows for a eligible use we have not considered today because we will gunshot one and cant say below you off in our infinite wisdom a year ago we distanced what can get funded is on this list. Its okay if youre not excluding businesses with a restriction. Well have not been. Im not saying we are im stating we should be doing. So, i mean. I dont think. We cant make multi year grants only suggest we can two things say we will not renew not consider migrant more than 3 times in a row for exactly the same grant we cant have to make ever grant assessing youre only getting this year if you want to next year youll have to come back and reapply we kind of had a fiduciary responsibility to the companies not to make a grant that requires 3 more installments because you know we cant guarantee that installment will be on a prorate. Unless the participation time will limits ever business on the registry will employ and meet the eligibility requirements then we then just take whatever in that budget of the Business Assistance and divide it across the board. As the law is written. That specifically yep thats how it is written thats why i think from our staff prospective we are saying not granted a grant for 3 years you can apply for a grant for 3 years from the first time you apply that way we have is rolling those coming in later have a greater chance of applying forgive a grants and be able to get a grantee full amount. It prevents us from getting congested by rephil grants filling up the danced cards knowing next year well see the same companies theyve had it for 1, 2, 3 years or in perpetuity putting a limit on it you know in the end we can relax that limit because of limitation this is ridiculous none will apply and only a couple of people we can say we can keep on giving you money because we have that. That will make a business eligible for 3 years but not depend on that if theyre in the system have to get a prorate of what you you can set it your obstacle not more than 3 years and remain obstacle for 3 years and then cut off. And just because you show up next year didnt mean well give you that grant we have others that come after the fact that will produce the results we look for. Not the way ill put that becoming scenario we have standards you going to have to adopt them equally and then theyre in limit the time not take the new crop of applicants you cant come in because weve changed the eligibility requirements in my opinion so you can limit the time and you say you can remain eligible providing your replying you need the money and once theyre in they share equally with the others. I have no objection to putting a limit on it the limit comes from this body if we want to change the limit if we feel not serving the intent of the law we can change it. Thank you if thats the way the law is written we need a limit multiple voices . What were discussing not arguing but discussing the thing that will happen if it San Francisco balls what will happen the limit frankly in year 4 with a request for something; right . Were saying the limit is on the grant not per say the organization requesting the grant oh, i want to grant for Something Different. Staff is proposing we are limiting the number of years the business can participate in the Grant Program. In the Grant Program to assure that future legacy businesses Grant Program has meaning. Can you come back after a supervisor and sit out and come back again. I think we could revisit that but our recommendation. But for now adopt. Adopt it as is and see if the Grant Program is being opportunity at higher and i think that years is a good time. We can expand. 3 is less than a mayoral term. Rick would like to Say Something. If i could just make an argument and more than 3 years but the 5 years the reason the long term goal we want to look around the year 2020, 4 years from. Well not discuss divided funding. Okay. Great. Those other things in the purview im sorry. I was thinking that is give us more time. Well it is up to the commissioners so i would like to have the commissioner decide 3 years is a reasonable or 5 years a reasonable number i feel starting out a smaller number is probably better we dont know what the demand will be ill be happy to expand if were overwhelmed we need a limit or well not serve 0 all the people we want to commend serve and well be criticized. I agree lets be conservator and then tweak it. So the business of today so approve this with any modifications and by plugging in that one number. There is 4 things before we get both approving the final program and if any other considerations that you want us to add to the proposed rules and regulations and grants application so the first item is to approve to extend the Business Assistance grant filing period from in the year 20162017 this fiscal year to december 15th. Yes. So that would be great. Are we motioning on each of those. Do we have a motion. Public comment. Why not Public Comment let me reiterate your request for the commission and Public Comment on the entire and fact motion on each the actions so the public is clear to reiterate were asking the commission to extend the grant filing period to december 15, 2016, for 20162017 that the Commission Approves an eligibility list okay. Eligibility use list with what staff proposed or any modifications you want to make to it and approve the inEligible Fund list as staff proposes or modifications to it can time limit to participate in the Grant Program for business to be able to apply for the grants, and then if theres any other considerations you want us to have otherwise after those 4 items are motions you take action on well take action on is final Business Assistance grant rules and regulations and complaisance awnings a that have the clarification if we decide on this today what is is the process for amending this or changing it is it having a just a second other things that disrupt the meeting are prohibited. Change and voting on it. The first so the entire structure we submit to the board of supervisors they have thirty days to amend or allow as is after that the commission has the authorizations to unless legislated we need leg latsd changes then if not under our purview to pravk reconsider. For example, if the Commission Decides that today to set a 3 year term and a month from anyhow decides it after if we set the limit at 3 signed off by the supervisors and then 6 months from now we decided we want to make that 4 do we make that here at the commission by vote and then to the supervisors again or do we think mark farrell make that change here and it becomes a change ratified by without the needs for the boards approval. Ill need to reverify that based on any understanding of prop j we present the proposed rules and regulations to the board of supervisors once they have responded to it then it is up to you to be able to make those amendments as you see them. All right. All right. Im trying to assess the risk of making a decision today and going home there will be definite flexibility once they legislate it. Youve now made that part of record. And we can have Public Comment on this any Public Comment on item this proposal. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners are there any there any administrations you want to make to any one of those 4 items including the use of number 3 in the two places where the number of years is specified. I want to say this is perfect i like the eligibility fund use, i like the others uses to support of continuation the businesses as a legacy business from the Small Business commission that opens the door there and Eligible Fund use whoever put this together were not here for debt relief and you have the right increases with the Consumer Price index and the your covered and i like the 3 years. Commissioner toursarkissian a our residents attorney do you have any changes id like to recommend to this as is you. I think considering the limited fund we have at this point and the fact we have to spread the money we ought to consider a reasonable fund you know since were discussing it i find the years to be reasonable time provided, however, that the business has each time to apply and get funding the 3 years is not an entitlement but out limits. Is there any commissioner that would like to see anything other than 3 years seeing none, that item is closed any commissioner have an issue theyve not seen. A question was posed about the eligible list the only question the item number 4 item number 2 that says employee salaries increased grandchildren the Consumer Price index just the clarification on the record i think that is necessary to set these standards but what does that really mean. Is salary an Employee Salary something that we consider an inevitable use paying on employee. So can i come and ask for a grants heres on easy one one fulltime employees comboobl for a 50,000 grants i can hire one more person and want to hire 101 employees. Will that make our business more successful. The only thing increases in salaries of the city bumps the living wages a volunteery act you increase the salaries because you want to or because you want to keep i dont understand the thank you. The retention the blow retention thing thank you. From our assumption meantime the minimum wage goes up thats the masking the business will have to demonstrate based on their Previous Year the salary payment and then the reason why that what theyre planning on doing and the reason their Salary Increases through salaries or expenses in terms of their annual increases on behalf of the Consumer Price percentage. This calculation is 500 per fte well, i want to give you a fulltime employee a 0. 50 raise and the only element that needs clarification is this employee i actually dont think you can make a grants it is 0. 25 an hour if you said i want a grant you can only get a grant of 500 and want that 500 to give any dish washer a raise if theyre working fulltime 0. 25 an hour ill not give that grant oh, okay. Thats makes all the difference in the world to sustain our business. Having but one question a clarification that the first year they get the grant a legacy business can come for rents and the next year a certification or recognition expenses not have to be the same funding or need. Right. It can be the eligibility can migrate. As proposed it is; correct unless you want to do it for an x number of years. And that brings up whether we want to say it is fine to ask for the exact use of money all 3 times whether we want to impose any kind of limits so attention Deficit Disorder ada or whatever is that appropriate or is that more appropriate for them to ask for a different item. Yeah. I dont know. I think what we could do we could stipulate in the application under eligible uses that you can use the same use for each year or can change the use based on your need and in your Grant Application ill the Business Needs to justifies what theyre going to be using it for and why they want to use it we can stipulate that we have the option of on and on okay. If i get this full funding for 3 years this x dollars what am i going to do 40 with that and plan or say every year ill see what my need is. This is why i asked staff to give us examples look it didnt make a Rocket Scientist to look at the numbers if i look at the first three or four items additional employees 500 for each ftes may be one company with one hundred employees can hire 5 hundreds bucks people you divide that before i 15 an hour 33. 3 hours less than an hour a week that you can increase someones time inconsequential and the Salary Increase 0. 25 an hour unconsequential the salaries will increase the point here is that you see this an, an eligible use but it is pro produce that the taxpayers had save r they saved that business they gave sometime 45 minutes of work that week and a company the guest to hire one more person in my mind are not i wouldnt feel good being held to think i gave uaw three hundred grand and sthrp in those categories. Are you suggesting we eliminate that. Im suggesting that the the Eligible Fund uses signals to what people should come and ask for. Put those on the list; right . It seems weird to me. Theyre not good obligations of the funds and rent theres not come to this side of this education with a rent request well talk about that next week thats a separate part of this i am not i guess id like to see those first four items struck number one because rent dealt with separately lets not have rent on this side dont come and ask for rents but the other things well talk about next week those next ones are about employee wages i dont think this fund is well, one written in a way that numerators it around a meaningful wage increase to anyone and so i feel like taking those off the list were in good conscious make those choices. I agree when you have those on the list few people say oh, well thats really not going to benefit it sounds like like you know a sweet deal for the business. And it really isnt. I dont want to set people up to. Hire multiple voices . Oh, my god now i realize what i asked for we say 0. 25 an hour what. I think that to make sure the board of supervisors understands those are sexy topics and not adding people to the staff we need to make sure they understand from a Small Business appreciative. Its a practical matter weve been asked to make combrantsz that preserve legacy businesses give them a change for preservation and ill argue those 3 items youll had one were saying were dealing with rent in a separate but the other 3 those alegitimate to preservea legacy business. All the other things mixed in. Yeah. Theyre kind of stuff you have to do and it is a one time hit i dont plan on that. And move in the 3. I think the funds the rent increase crowds out the this portion of the funds. Yeah. Available. I think youre right. And should be dealt with at the level of former rent stabilization this is a in my opinion kind of leaps out as a necessity and shouldnt be kickoff remove the needs that the businesses may otherwise have but a portion of this fund and well discuss next week. So just to get it off the table anyone object to not numbered the first eligibility the rent increase. I say go forward. Anyone object. One contaminate and well be needing to provide written record if there are additional justifications for removing them you know it is good to have it so we can officially write it in terms of the commissions. I suggest we remove the number one, if you will, the rent increase because were dealing with rent in the rents Stabilization Fund and this portion of the funding is not rent related. Great. Is there a republican for creating the rent Stabilization Fund segregate and have an offer laptop not detriment of many, many niece of businesses legacy businesses may have. And give a chance to the other needs to show that there are a workable tool. To graduate. And the eligible use to provide you with a smarg borrowing of what to consider we finally lists this youve given full consideration of every possible potential landscape of what sort of fitsdz within the larger discussion of legacy business without their and or what is a in the administrative code in prop j. Yes. By having that list we should number things by having this list of usage were signaling to the constituents of that legislation this is what they should apply for we should remove that part and leave it in the rent stabilization we have a rent provision by remove it from this list of Eligible Fund uses doesnt anybody object a second. Were editing. Now the next 3 items would

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